#calle 13
welele · 10 months
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Latinoamérica (Calle 13)
Aquí se comparte, lo mío es tuyo/Este pueblo no se ahoga con marullos/Y si se derrumba, yo lo reconstruyo/Tampoco pestañeo cuando te miro/Para que te recuerde' de mi apellido/La Operación Cóndor invadiendo mi nido/Perdono, pero nunca olvido, ¡oye!/(Vamos caminando) Aquí se respira lucha
"This song is in spanish, so I don't know if it'll get in (I sent in a video with english subtitles, if it helps), but it's probably the only song that makes me cry literally EVERY TIME I listen to it. This text is a very long and corny, I'm sorry. Feel free to ignore. I'm latin american, and the thing is, you grow up hearing of all of the problems that happen in your country and neighbouring countries. From our history as former colonies (and all of the issues this still causes in our current societies), to corruption, to the massive exploitation we still go through from first world countries. When you're young you struggle with how you see yourself and your people, because media (ESPECIALLY foreign media) talks about us as if we are worth less, and that sentiment is doubled if they're talking about immigrants. As you grow up, it's easier to see the nuance in this sentiment, and to acknowledge that THERE ARE good things about our countries, even if a foreign someone doesn't see it. Even with all of these issues, I LOVE my country. I love latinamerican people. I love our culture, I love our traditions, I love how we are always trying to turn our situation around, how we try to improve and support each other, how we continue walking foward even if that is difficult. This song, from Calle 13, is a celebration to Latin America. It points out our painful history and some of the issues we go through now, but it focuses on how we persevere. About being proud of your roots. AGUANTE LATINOAMÉRICA!"
In The Hall Of The Mountain King (Edvard Grieg)
"It's like, THE OG fuck-you-up song. Starts off calm and ramps up to be fucking insane. Anxiety incarnate. Imagine being one of the first people to listen to this back in the 1800s, I would've had a heart attack"
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sigelfire · 1 year
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Diego, Gael and Rene, 2012
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viejospellejos · 2 years
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la-china-blue · 1 year
No tengo todo calculado, Ni mi vida resuelta
Solo tengo una sonrisa y espero una de vuelta
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ichabelongi · 2 months
Haii, im isabella, but u can call me isa
Proud 🐱 lover 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
Here u can follow me on my other socials🩷
Ig: chabelouni
Feel free to dm me 🩷 im acc nice
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delisocks · 3 months
English translation under the cut:
Residente is ASHAMED of verse in “Atrévete-te-te”: this is the reason
René Pérez Joglar, a Puerto Rican rapper, mentioned that a phrase is cancelled in his concerts. Here, we’ll give you the details.
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Visibly affected and sad, the Puerto Rican rapper Residente shared a video on his Instagram account this Tuesday, December 12, in which he informed his followers that the launch of his new CD and some videos would be postponed, owing to the “genocide” suffered in Palestine.
In the more than three-minute clip, René listed the reasons that led him to make this decision. Likewise, he mentioned that when he launched that first Calle 13 album, which would put him onto popularity charts and be a great success, he wasn’t informed of what was happening in Israel and Palestine, which is the reason he wrote one of the best-remembered phrases from his song Atrévete-te-te.
Residente regrets Atrévete-te-te
In a moment of the video, René talked about the song that to this date is one of the most-chanted of his career. He said he felt very ashamed for writing a verse that made reference to bombs and Palestine. 
“When I wrote Atrévete, I didn’t have any idea of what was happening in the Middle East. I put out this line, which is now cancelled in my concerts, ‘que va a explotar como palestino’ (that is going to explode like a Palestinian). I feel a bitching shame to have written it,” he admitted.
Rooting from this, the musician didn’t stand by with crossed arms, and decided to investigate further, going to the country to see with his own eyes what was happening. Some time after, he recorded the video of his song Multi Viral in Palestine, and today he urges all his colleagues to throw aside the fear of being cancelled and raise their voices.
Video Transcript
I’m telling everyone that is interested in my music, that since October I have decided to postpone the release of my CD along with many videos that were supposed to come out this year, because it is impossible for me to release them in the face of the macabre genocide that is tragically destroying Palestine. I don’t feel good, it hurts me too much, I think about my son every day, I can’t be indifferent to this. 
And I ask myself: When was the day that we dehumanized Palestinians to such a level that we can see the heads of little boys and girls exploding in front of us and we don’t say anything?
Why doesn’t everything stop like in the pandemic? I hope that everything will stop so we can all focus on Gaza like that. Instead of putting up a story modeling clothes, or showing the plate of food that you are eating or a night full of parties where you got drunk… stop yourself for a moment, look up information about Palestine and denounce the genocide that Israel is committing with the support of the United States against the civilian population of Palestine. 
I don’t do this from the side of reproach but from the side of disappointment. As an artist, I was saddened to see that during all of the Grammys ceremony, nobody said anything about this genocide. 
I understand that there are people that don’t say anything because they don’t understand the conflict… But tell me. What is there to understand that is so complicated?
You don’t have to be a historian to put yourself in the shoes of every family massacred in Palestine. It’s simple, this is about having empathy, of putting yourself in the place of others, of thinking how that child who was just killed could be your child or your brother, and how that woman under the rubble could be your mother. 
Don’t be afraid of getting cancelled for supporting Palestine, you’re on the right side of history. 
If you haven’t done it yet, follow the young Palestinian photographers and journalists that have sacrificed their lives to show us on their pages everything that the mainstream media hides. 
@motaz_azaiza, @wizard_bisan1, @byplestia, @ismail.jood among others. We need everyone to unite and call for an immediate ceasefire. Every child murdered today in Gaza would be alive if Israel had stopped bombing today. Freedom for Palestine. 🇵🇸🇵🇷 
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laseriedadeslomio · 1 year
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biracy · 4 months
8 and 19 and maybe for the ask thing :3 (also flirting <3)
8: song that reminds you of me (the person asking it)
Ouhhh Geeks in Love Lemon Demon maybe? All Lemon Demon songs tbh. Also I'll Never Be Lonely Again (Ludo)
19: non love song you would still play at a wedding
I wouldn't classify it as a love song even tho it is Technically about weddings but Tango del Pecado (Calle 13), mostly bc its music video is very wedding-heavy. That's a song about being a nasty sicko man dragging your wife willingly into sin at the outrage of her family via devil music though so you can decide whether or not that's a love song
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Freak Flag (Shrek the Musical)
We've got magic/We've got power/Who are they to say we're wrong?/All the things that make us special/Are the things that make us strong
"This show has ZERO business being as good as it is. like these lyrics are so empowering and for what????"
Latinoamérica (Calle 13)
Aquí se comparte, lo mío es tuyo/Este pueblo no se ahoga con marullos/Y si se derrumba, yo lo reconstruyo/Tampoco pestañeo cuando te miro/Para que te recuerde' de mi apellido/La Operación Cóndor invadiendo mi nido/Perdono, pero nunca olvido, ¡oye!/(Vamos caminando) Aquí se respira lucha
"This song is in spanish, so I don't know if it'll get in (I sent in a video with english subtitles, if it helps), but it's probably the only song that makes me cry literally EVERY TIME I listen to it. This text is a very long and corny, I'm sorry. Feel free to ignore. I'm latin american, and the thing is, you grow up hearing of all of the problems that happen in your country and neighbouring countries. From our history as former colonies (and all of the issues this still causes in our current societies), to corruption, to the massive exploitation we still go through from first world countries. When you're young you struggle with how you see yourself and your people, because media (ESPECIALLY foreign media) talks about us as if we are worth less, and that sentiment is doubled if they're talking about immigrants. As you grow up, it's easier to see the nuance in this sentiment, and to acknowledge that THERE ARE good things about our countries, even if a foreign someone doesn't see it. Even with all of these issues, I LOVE my country. I love latinamerican people. I love our culture, I love our traditions, I love how we are always trying to turn our situation around, how we try to improve and support each other, how we continue walking foward even if that is difficult. This song, from Calle 13, is a celebration to Latin America. It points out our painful history and some of the issues we go through now, but it focuses on how we persevere. About being proud of your roots. AGUANTE LATINOAMÉRICA!"
Freak Flag submitted by @come-see-our-show
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angel-callado · 1 year
Perdono pero nunca olvido.
— Latinoamerica
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viovivii · 5 months
Nobody does it better than ours 🤣🤣 my aunt dancing to this was gold
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la-china-blue · 1 year
Yo confió en el destino y en la marejada
Yo no creo en la iglesia, pero creo en tu mirada
Tú eres el sol en mi cara cuando me levanta
Yo soy la vida que ya tengo, tu eres la vida que me falta
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bieltadeu · 1 year
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No me regalen más libros Porque no los leo Lo que he aprendido Es porque lo veo
Mientras más pasan los años Me contradigo cuando pienso El tiempo no me mueve Yo me muevo con el tiempo
Soy las ganas de vivir Las ganas de cruzar Las ganas de conocer Lo que hay después del mar
Yo espero que mi boca nunca se calle También espero que las turbinas de este avión nunca me fallen No tengo todo calculado ni mi vida resuelta Solo tengo una sonrisa, y espero una de vuelta
Yo confío en el destino y en la marejada Yo no creo en la iglesia, pero creo en tu mirada Tú eres el Sol en mi cara cuando me levanta Yo soy la vida que ya tengo, tú eres la vida que me falta
Así que agarra tu maleta El bulto, los motetes El equipaje, tu valija La mochila con todos tus juguetes y
Dame la mano Y vamos a darle la vuelta al mundo Darle la vuelta al mundo Darle la vuelta al mundo
Dame la mano Y vamos a darle la vuelta al mundo Darle la vuelta al mundo Darle la vuelta al mundo
La renta, el sueldo El trabajo en la oficina Lo cambié por las estrellas Y por huertos de harina
Me escapé de la rutina Para pilotear mi viaje Porque el cubo en el que vivía Se convirtió en paisaje
Yo era un objeto, esperando a ser ceniza Un día, decidí hacerle caso a la brisa A irme resbalando detrás de tu camisa No me convenció nadie, me convenció tu sonrisa
Y me fui tras de ti, persiguiendo mi instinto Si quieres cambio verdadero, pues camina distinto Voy a escaparme hasta la constelación más cercana La suerte es mi oxígeno, tus ojos son mi ventana
Quiero correr por siete lagos En un mismo día Sentir encima de mis muslos El clima de tus nalgas frías
Llegar al tope de la sierra Abrazarme con las nubes Sumergirme bajo el agua Y ver cómo las burbujas suben, y
Dame la mano Y vamos a darle la vuelta al mundo Darle la vuelta al mundo Darle la vuelta al mundo
Dame la mano Y vamos a darle la vuelta al mundo Darle la vuelta al mundo Darle la vuelta al mundo
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Yo quiero caminar por encima de tu pelo
Hasta llegar al ombligo de tu oreja
Y recitarte un poquito de cosquillas
Y regalarte una sabana de almejas
Darte un beso de desayuno
Para irnos volando hasta Neptuno.
Calle 13 - Darte un beso de desayuno
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shakira-fan-page · 1 year
New video of Shakira, Bizarrap and Residente at Nobu restaurant in New York City last night. (Mar 10, 2023) 🎥: 247papsofficial
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