#can you imagine that
the-gayest-sky-kid · 6 months
god i love my friends. shout out to people who love their friends. this is a post for friend lovers
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spaciebabie · 6 months
im so bored save me
hi so bored save me im spacie :)
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cloudcountry · 1 year
the feminine urge to write something with an mc thats just as (vaguely in jade's case) threatening as the leech twins
like jade saying the "are you nervous? i'll brew you some relaxing tea. then i guarantee you'll be able to sleep soundly." line from his ceremonial robes and mc is just like "oh, your concern is so sweet! would you like some treats to go with the tea? i'm certain you'll find them relaxing as well."
floyd threatening to squeeze them and mc is just like "oh? you think that's a good idea?" with a cheerful smile on their face but a super dark aura and azul is just like "fuck there's another one."
thats another wip added to my list sighs
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posidonfrahorus · 2 years
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i lived a lie my whole life
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lt-kaollumn · 10 months
as sad of a show as voyager is, what with this entire crew being stranded from everything they ever knew and loved for potentially the rest of their lives, with clinging to eachother for hope in a flying tin-can through space as the only thing they can really do, with the horrible, abysmal, lonely hopeless feeling the show invokes in it’s best episodes, it’s still so much less lonely than we real humans are i think!
cause these people arent *alone* in the delta quadrant, not really! there are so many planets brimming with life- post and pre-warp. how lucky they are to keep their passions alight with so many alien diplomatic struggles and technological innovations! i’ve always loved how star trek has this bottom line- sure, they’re lost in space and tired and alone, but they’re never *really* alone. Sure, they’re pushed to the edge more times than they can count, facing death more times than they thought possible, but they still have their spirit. they still have their respect for other living things, and the uniquely human skill of haphazardly shuffling things around until it all works out.
It’s nice to watch star trek and live in a universe where we aren’t trapped on our tiny planet, gnawing off our societal and economical limbs like a caged wild animal. To think that the smartest and most capable of us spend all their time shouting into the stars “Hello? Is anyone there?” is so sweet and sad it makes me cry. It must be a universal experience as humans to look up into sky and try to find the stars peeking through the light pollution and to wonder if there’s more.
Really, the thought that if we as a species were just a little bit smarter, a little bit kinder, and a little bit luckier, we could be romping through the stars with our curiosity unrestrained and our knack for making unlikely friends in full-force is just a kind enough thought that lets me sleep at night.
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cressida-jayoungr · 2 years
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One Dress a Day Challenge
Not-a-Dress November
Mary Poppins Returns / Emily Blunt as Mary Poppins
Although this movie is set in the 1930s, the fantasy bathing sequence has the characters in Victorian-style swimwear. They're all cute, but I especially like Mary's outfit. The bold zigzag designs shape the edges of the skirt and sleeves, and then there are bloomers underneath. The red bow and shoes really stand out. And the flying fish on her hat is so cute!
I notice the exhibit photo shows a red shoulderbag with the outfit, which wasn't used in the film.
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jokerownsmysoul · 9 months
I wish Arthur could read all the poems we write or dedicate to him and all the paintings and all the songs so that he could be aware of the myriads of all-encompassing and deep emotions he manages to stir in our hearts
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madwheelerz · 1 year
A year of negative progression with the Wheelers...
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loverofhimbos · 2 years
I’d bet that Remus Lupin wished more than anything that Sirius Black met the same fate as each of their friends. At least then he would be able to admit he still loved him proudly without having wished they had never met at all.
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pocket-size-cthulhu · 2 months
I'm a cryptid in Stardew valley. I live on the outskirts of town. I disappear for days on end, purchasing daily one-way tickets to the calico desert. Nobody knows where I go while I'm there. Can occasionally be found fishing at random spots throughout town. I am never not running on at least one triple shot espresso. I take the abandoned minecarts to get around and am frequently seen disappearing into the sewers. I carry a sword for some reason. Once every week or two I will stride into your bedroom to deliver you your favorite meal. I'm a self-made millionaire. I attend all the town events and will go to your concert in the next town over. I have donated approximately 2583 items to the local museum and singlehandedly revitalized the town community center. There are rumors I can talk to junimos. I'm friends with the local wizard
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thunderon · 3 months
so my roommate is completely straight edge like no drugs no alcohol etc and so im sure y’all can imagine my surprise when i saw she brought home this sign
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so i immediately inquired
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and now you may ask. what the fuck did my roommate think that sign meant? well
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anyways i moved the sign so it’s now front and center in our living room and ive been laughing every time i pass it
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 8 months
oh my god rokuzou would've been born in 2007
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retquits · 3 months
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1.6 is coming—see you march 19th!!! 🥹🌱
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firephoenix23 · 4 months
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Like I literally have second hand embarrassment for Vox after seeing what Alastor ACTUALLY is like in a rivalry.
Like homie wishes he could be that close to Alastor 😂😂
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I just. I just… i have discovered something. And I have laughed too much. I have laughed every time I have tried to explain it to someone. I cannot get through this.
Look. Okay.
There are two things you need to know, here.
First: There’s a style of Greek pottery that was popular during the Hellenic period, for which most of the surviving examples are from southern Italy. We call them ‘fish plates’ because, well, they’re plates, and they’re decorated with fish (and other marine life).
Like this one, currently in the Met:
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Or this one, currently in the Cleveland Museum of Art:
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They’re very cool. We’re not 100% sure what they were for, because most of the surviving ones were found as grave goods, but that’s a different post.
The second thing you need to know is that when we (Classics/archaeology/whatever as a discipline) have a collection of artefacts, like vases, sculptures, paintings, etc. and we do not know the name of the artist, but we’re pretty sure one artist made X, Y and Z artefacts, we come up with a name for that artist. There are a whole bunch of things that could be the source for the name, e.g. where we found most of their work (The Dipylon Master) or the potter with whom they worked (the Amasis Painter), a favourite theme (The Athena Painter), the Museum that ended up with the most famous thing they did (The Berlin Painter) or a notable aspect of their style. Like, say, The Eyebrow Painter.
Guess what kind of pottery the Eyebrow Painter made?
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ato-dato · 8 months
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Go on, burst every one of his bubbles why don’t you
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