msmysticfail · 2 days
astrology notes
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Generational planets such as Pluto, Uranus and Neptune in the 1st house can indicate great fame, since these planets have to do with large crowds of people, causing the native to attract or exert great influence.
Mercury in Aquarius/11th house be careful not to become what you most fear becoming: dogmatic. No matter how formed your opinion is, don't let it become fixed to the point of being your greatest truth.
The 3rd house is very elastic, the one who will define its energy most precisely is the sign in it.
Moon/Venus/Mars in Scorpio/8th house, go practice the Law of Attraction, you have a very powerful aura, you are wasting time if you don't use all this magnitude to get what you want.
You know that Mercury in Scorpio/8th house person you teased? Good luck trying to hide anything from them, in love or hate they will discover your secrets and, if hurt, they will use it against you.
12th house placements, please stay more in touch with the people you love, they miss you. If the distance you maintain is self-imposed, don't forget that the people in your life love you, that they want to have a little more of your physical presence.
My dear Leo, be careful with who you spend your affection with, you give so generously, be careful not to give it to the wrong people, the ones who are secretly jealous of you, who talk about you behind your back. Your heart of gold can "rust" in the wrong hands.
Aquarius placements, get ready, because the definitive entry of Pluto in Aquarius on November 19th of this year until 2044 will be the craziest years of your life. Get ready, there are a lot of big profound changes coming.
Mars in Pisces would do very well if they worked with their mediumship, whether in tarot or astrology or in art.
10th house placements always attract 2nd house placements people, it's incredible. They generally get along very well, they understand each other, they can be very good friends. The 2nd house supports the ambition of the 10th house, the 10th house values ​​and pampers the 2nd house.
Taurus, stop crying for that man/woman, you are so beautiful, independent, attractive, don't let him have that power over your heart, woman. You deserve more. Let go, even if it hurts, something better won't take long to appear, don't lower your level, raise it.
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heardatmedschool · 2 days
“When no one knows the mechanism, we always blame cytokines.”
About the pro-thrombotic tendencies of most neoplasms.
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inajda · 3 days
Misread placements in astrology
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Saturn in the 1st house
I always see this placement represented as someone being serious, mature for their age, and introverted, although some of it is true, it does not limit what Saturn can do in the 1st house. If you combine this position with an extroverted ascendant (Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius), the introversion will not be shown at first sight. These people can be extremely outgoing, extroverted, and fun but also incredibly closed when revealing their own emotions. They can be the kind of people that talk about everything BUT their real selves. Saturn in the 1st can also manifest in a medical condition that can affect how we look, since this house talks about appearance, and Saturn represents sickness. 
Uranus/Aquarius influence and rulership
As a traditional astrologer, I follow the traditional rulership: Mars for Scorpio, Saturn for Aquarius, and Jupiter for Pisces. 
Although I believe in the outer planets influence, Aquarius is not as Uranian people think they are. One of the main characteristics of Uranus is rapid/radical changes, or the drastic changes of events. Aquarius is still a fixed sign air sign, and as much as they like to pretend, they’re not as flexible as they think. To change is to be willing to change, to be thrown out of nowhere, and to give up the sense of control. This is much more characteristic of Pisces than it is of Aquarius. The Saturn influence makes them rigid when it comes to letting go of ideals/ideas, this being their most prized possessions. 
Lilith in the 1st
The most common description of Lilih in the 1st house is that this is a bombshell placement. They’re often described as physically alluring people or some type of seductress. We tend to forget that Lilith is the mirror of projections, she appears as a fear of the unconscious collective because she expresses herself and her desires, and she’s punished by the dominance of others. Lilith is the first female liberation figure who was punished for showing control of her desires. When Lilith enters the 1st house, you don’t become a seductress, you become unapologetic, someone who’s in charge of your own shadow and light, you don’t submit, and the answer for this is people trying to dominate you.
Cancer placements
No matter how much cancer placements are portrayed as big emotional babies, I think people couldn't be more wrong about this take. Cancer, be the sun, rising, moon, etc., are closed-off people. They’re the first water sign with a cardinal quality, their fundamental characteristics are: retentive, dependent, emotionally aware, and moody. They do better in a closed environment with few people of their selection. Feelings are not often shown unless the chart has a more extroverted sign (Aries, Aquarius, or Sag) on emphasis. If you think of a crab, the animal representation of cancer, when threatened they go into their shell, isolating themselves and staying away from danger. For a cancer placement to open up, they have to be sure the person they're opening up to is not going use their vulnerability as a weapon against themselves. They don’t cry often, they ruminate emotions and keep them in a safe place in their minds and hearts, they never forget and they do hold grudges. 
If you have any doubts or requests, inbox me, and thank you for the reading <3
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obliqueblade · 1 day
Hello everyone 💛
As many of you are aware today should have been Technoblades 25th Birthday. His dad asked us for our way of remembering him on this day.
I discovered Techno’s channel back in 2019, and for the experiences I got to have as apart of the community I can never be more thankful for. Techno was and always will be an inspiration.
I’ve talked about this is certain places before, but I was diagnosed with a form of Lung Cancer a few weeks before Techno released his first video about his diagnosis. I was worried, but I was also comforted because while I was undergoing Chemo, surgeries, and drug trials; the person I looked up to the most was undergoing the same thing.
Realistically, I thought Techno would outlive me.
When the news broke, I was devastated, and I largely gave up on trying to get better. I cannot put into words just how badly it affected me, and then a few short weeks later I lost another friend to leukemia.
But, I survived this time too. I realized that when I died, all the memories I got to make as a part of this amazing fan base would disappear- and I didn’t want that.
However, I knew it wouldn’t last forever. For those of you who have seen my tumblr, my health has been steadily declining the past few months.
I don’t want it to come to a surprise when I don’t live through this summer.
I’m not upset by this, in fact, I’m amazed I’ve gotten nearly four years after being diagnosed. I’m grateful to everyone for being apart of my memories.
I’m grateful for this community- for remembering Techno.
I’m grateful to Technodad for making sure his son’s memory is used for good, despite the grief it brings him.
I’ve recommended to my mom and dad his videos and posts about how he’s been getting through his grief, and I hope that when the time comes it can help them as much as it’s helped me.
I’m not saddened to go. I’ve had a good run.
Happy Birthday Alex.
For my Tumblr peeps, don’t worry about the story. I’ve written how each chapter shall go, and while I most likely won’t be the one writing it after this coming chapter it will be in the hands of someone I trust. While the words won’t be mine, I know they’ll follow the way I wanted the story to go.
I’m not sure if it will be me updating again, and when it might be if so.
Thank you guys so much for all your support with this fic. I cannot express how much it means to me that there are people out there who have enjoyed it.
Take care 💛
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astrosouldivinity · 3 days
Evolved / Unevolved Water Signs 💦💧
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~The Evolved Cancer exhibits traits such as empathy, intuition, nurturing ability, compassion, protectiveness, and emotional intelligence.
~Ex. (Mary Poppins from “Mary Poppins” would be evolved Cancer energy)
~The Unevolved Cancer exhibits traits of moodiness, emotional manipulation, hypersensitivity, clinginess, self-pity, and passive-aggressiveness.
~Ex. (Lex Luthor from “Smallville” would be unevolved Cancer energy)
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~The Evolved Scorpio embodies characteristics of passion, transformation, loyalty, resilience, emotional depth, intuition, vulnerability, and protectiveness.
~Ex. (Lizbeth Salander from “The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo would be evolved Scorpio energy)
~The Unevolved Scorpio embodies characteristics of vindictiveness, destructiveness, jealousy, obsessiveness, possessiveness, secrecy, and manipulativeness.
~Ex. (Patrick Bateman from “American Psycho” would be unevolved Scorpio energy)
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~The Evolved Pisces embodies traits such as empathy, altruism, imagination, intuition, compassion, strong boundaries, unconditional love, and forgiveness.
~Ex. (Eleven from “Stranger Things” would be evolved Pisces energy)
~The Unevolved Pisces embodies traits such as weak boundaries, a victim mentality, tendencies toward martyrdom, escapism, moodiness, and self-deprecation.
~Ex. (Love Quinn from “You” would be unevolved Pisces energy)
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Unevolved / Evolved Fire
Unevolved / Evolved Earth
Unevolved / Evolved Air
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reyboris · 3 days
astro notes may 30
i have the theory that when moon changes to another sign in night, we feel more quickly the energy of the sign. In the other hand, when moon changes to another sign in day, the new sign feels not inmediatly, even until the last grades (plus to 20). But just a theory.
Fire signs are like shows. Aries is a sport show, Leo is a TED TALK (also AA speechs, lol) , and sag is a live music (or dance).
Earth signs are like jobs. Taurus is agriculture, virgo is a merchant , and capricorn is office job.
Air signs are like books. Gemini is poetry, Libra is a novel, Aquarius is an essay.
Water signs are like drugs. Cancer is alcohol (because people that drink, sometimes cry), Scorpio is cocaine (energy), and Pisces is LSD (confussion and sensibility)
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astroeleanor · 16 hours
🔮✨🪄🕯Zodiac Placements of Witches & Occultists (Spellwork Abilities in Astrology)🕯🪄✨🔮
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1H Pluto, Mercury, Neptune, Lilith, or Moon
• PLUTO: Pluto rules transformation, power, and the underworld. With 1H Pluto, you possess a natural understanding of the cycles of death & rebirth, making you naturally skilled at transformative magick & rituals that involve significant inner work.
• MERCURY: Mercury's influence is linked to the ability to communicate with spirits, receive messages from the spiritual realm, decipher omens, understand the language of the stars (astrology) & manipulate energy.
• NEPTUNE: Neptune in the 1H, can symbolize highly intuitive individuals who have a strong connection to the spiritual realm. With this placement, you are likely to be drawn to practices that involve altered states of consciousness, such as meditation, divination, mediumship, astral projection, and developing your psychic abilities.
• BLACK MOON LILITH: Black Moon Lilith in the 1H represents someone who embraces their darker, more primal instincts. If you have this placement, you may be drawn to witchcraft that involves reclaiming your personal power & working with shadow aspects of yourself.
• MOON: The Moon’s in the 1H enhances your emotional sensitivity & intuition. Having this placement means that you might be deeply connected to your inner self & the cycles of nature. You are likely to be skilled in practices that involve emotional healing, nurturing & working with lunar cycles.
SCORPIO, Cancer, Pisces in the Big 3
• SCORPIO: Scorpio is one of the most witchy Zodiac Archetypes. If you have this sign in your Big 3, you may be naturally drawn to the occult & have a deep-seated need to explore the mysteries of life & death. Plus, Scorpio’s archetype of the alchemist & sorcerer embodies the ability to transform and transmute energies, which is an important skill in witchcraft.
• CANCER: Cancer, ruled by the Moon, is deeply connected to the cycles of nature & the rhythms of life. Cancer is the Moon Child & Hearth Keeper. With this sign in your Big 3, you may have a strong connection to the Moon, which enhances your ability to work with lunar cycles and perform rituals that align with the ebb & flow of nature. The Cancerian archetype is also centered around nurturing, protection & home-based magic–add onto that Cancer's natural intuitive abilities. All of these characteristics make you skilled at rituals that involve healing & protection.
• PISCES: Pisces is another sign closely associated with witchcraft. The Piscean archetype symbolizes those who are natural empaths. have a strong connection to the spiritual realms & psychic sensitivity. These gifts come in handy with practices such as divination, dream work, and spellcasting. The Piscean archetype is also that of the mystic, marked by a fluid approach to magic, often drawing upon a deep sense of compassion to heal and guide others.
8H or 12H Placements
• 8H: The eighth house governs themes of death, rebirth, and the occult. If you have personal planets in this house, it can indicate a natural interest in and aptitude for witchcraft or other esoteric practices. Having 8H placements can symbolize a deep understanding of the cycles of life, being skilled at transformative magic, shadow work and working with the energies of the unseen realms––embodying the archetype of the occultist or alchemist.
12H: If you have twelfth house placements you may be naturally attuned to the hidden aspects of life, spirituality or the esoteric. This area of the birth chart represents the unconscious mind & hidden knowledge, so if you have any personal planets here you might be skilled in practices that involve accessing spiritual insights, such as meditation, dream work, astral projection & mediumship.
Pluto/Neptune aspects to Sun, Moon or Chart Ruler
PLUTO ASPECTS: Pluto aspects to the Sun, Moon, or Chart Ruler can indicate being drawn to practices that involve significant inner work and transformation, such as shadow work, energy manipulation, and other forms of intense, transformative magic.
NEPTUNE ASPECTS: As a planet, Neptune can enhance your psychic abilities, intuition & connection to the spiritual realm. With Neptune aspects in your chart, you may be highly sensitive to the energies around you or develop a natural talent for practices that involve altered states of consciousness.
SAGITTARIUS, Virgo, Gemini or Capricorn Placements
• SAGITTARIUS: Sagittarius can be defined as the Seeker and the Shaman. Ruled by Jupiter, the Sagittarius Archetype symbolizes the quest for higher knowledge or occult insights. The concept of traveling & mentors is also associated with both Jupiter & Sagittarius–in this case it can involve traveling to other realms (astral projection) and working with spirit guides.
• VIRGO: Virgo, ruled by Mercury, embodies the archetype of the herbalist and healer. Virgos’ detailed nature (Mercury) & connection to the earth element, can symbolize the ability to efficiently work with herbs, plants & natural remedies. Virgos thrive in earth-based practices, healing rituals or creating potions and elixirs.
• GEMINI: The symbol of Gemini, the Twins, represents duality & balance–which can symbolize Gemini's ability to balance the material & the spiritual, the light & the dark. This understanding of duality is beneficial in magic, where equilibrium is necessary to achieve desired outcomes. Plus, Mercury's rulership over Gemini contributes to their aptitude for spellwork/witchcraft.
• CAPRICORN: The Archetype of Capricorn can symbolize having a deep respect for tradition. This characteristic can translate as excelling in practices that involve ancient wisdom & rituals passed down through generations. The rulership of Saturn over Capricorn also suggests a profound understanding of the natural & supernatural laws (Saturn=structure) governing the universe, plus the patience & discipline necessary to master complex magical rituals and practices.
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Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Your curiosity & engagement mean the world to me. I hope you not only found it enjoyable but also enriching for your astrological knowledge. Your support & interest inspire me to continue sharing insights & information with you. I appreciate you immensely. • 🕸️ JOIN MY PATREON for exquisite & in-depth astrology content. You’ll also receive a free mini reading upon joining. :) • 🗡️ BOOK A READING with me to navigate your life with more clarity & awareness.
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sagittariusmars2 · 17 hours
Whats your reputation (PAC)
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Pile 1
I see that you have a reputation of having nice teeth or a nice smile, I see that you could be known for the pictures or things you post online. You have a reputation of making people mad but not caring about it, you’re known to have a lot of admirers and haters or the people hating on you like you or have feelings for you. You have a reputation of being picky about the people you spend time with, you have a reputation of turning down alot of love offers or not taking your love life too serious but people know that you’re loyal. Signs- Pisces/cancer, initials- C, H, R
Pile 2
I see that you have a reputation of being strong physically and emotionally, you have a reputation of having balanced feminine and masculine energy. You could change your style a lot and depending on the look you come across super feminine or super masculine, you have a reputation of being independent and a good cook/baker. You have a reputation of being abundant or getting gifts from others and keeping it secret, you’re reputation is that you have a lot of sex appeal and you went through a lot of changes/transformations. Signs- Sagittarius/ Aquarius. Initials- X, Z, K, Q
Pile 3
I see that you have a reputation of being helpful and caring, you have a reputation of standing up for others and fighting for what’s right. You have a reputation of being smart and liking books or research, you’re known for having a nice face and body. People especially like your butt, lips, smile/teeth. You have a reputation for being pessimistic or doubtful sometimes, you have a reputation of caring a lot about your health and other peoples health. You’re known to be very opinionated or a little judgmental. Signs- Taurus/pisces. Initials- Y, O, G
Personal readings always available
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the signs as places sims can woohoo
ARIES: Dumpster TAURUS: Resort building GEMINI: Time machine CANCER: Hot air balloon LEO: Photo booth VIRGO: Shower LIBRA: Vibromatic Heart Bed SCORPIO: Sarcophagus SAGITTARIUS: Party bush CAPRICORN: Money vault AQUARIUS: Anywhere, as bats PISCES: Underwater cave
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msmysticfail · 2 days
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Because they are governed by the Water element, they feel deeply the energies around them, they absorb the environment. Their gaze is intense, sharp,  they pay attention to things that no one else notices. Their presence is strong, as they are ruled by Pluto, their magnetism is accentuated. They are generally quieter, they are not very receptive, they like to analyze people first and then start introducing themselves. Distrust is a strong characteristic of this Ascendant, who does not feel safe until they have completely read the environment and the people around them. They usually intrigue people because they are mysterious in a certain way. While people are trying to find out more about them, the Scorpio ascendant has already read people to their soul, analyzing their gestures, their posture and, above all, listening to their intuition. They like to change their appearance. They live life with intensity, giving themselves fully to experiences.
Ruled by Pluto, these people are deep, with the Sun in Scorpio nothing just is what it is, everything is intense, bigger, deep. They are reserved people, who generally have some drama in their history, some tra1ma, some pa1n. They understand well that life is not beautiful, they can see the “ugly” that permeates it, which is why they are dense people, with depth, they understand life like no one else. They undergo transformations in their personality, generally caused by some personal crisis. Like it or not, they are attracted to power, they like the feeling of security it can bring, they tend to have a strong personality, they rarely give in in order to please or obey someone. Because they are ruled by Pluto, they do things driven by passion, they either love what they do or they don't care at all about it. They are extreme people, with complete surrender on one side and total indifference on the other.
Things are felt with all their intensity and, generally, people with this Moon cannot control the intensity of their feelings. Emotions bubble to the surface, sometimes stirring the native of this placement. There is nowhere to run, the emotions are everywhere, and they are very intense. Because they know their emotional world well, these people are capable of having great magnetic power, since Pluto, the ruler of this Moon, teaches the depth of understanding their own pains and loves, giving power to the conscious mind. When they feel something, it stays with them for a long time, whether the feeling is good or bad. They do things with all their soul, because only then they can feel satisfaction/fulfillment. Either loving or hating, emotions keep flowing under the deep waters of their feelings.
They are more of the quiet type, but their mind is running deep. Generally people only discover what is happening in their lives when things have already happened or are ending. This is the Mercury that is obsessed, when they like something, be it a song, an artist, a person, they will want to find out everything about it, they love to know more and more, there is no limit to how much they can absorb when the the subject is the things they like/love. They are intelligent people, they generally know extremely well about a topic, as they have studied it deeply. They are great at giving advice, however their advice is the very truth that people are not always willing to listen to. They love music, they usually have a favorite genre, music moves them a lot, it makes them feel more intensely about themselves, messing with their mind and interior.
This is one of the most powerful Venus in the zodiac. Here Pluto, its ruler, gives physical and psychic magnetism and a powerful aura. The search for power, whether physical or psychological, is great. This Venus slowly permeates the objects of their affection, they may seem indifferent, but it's only because they are working on their magnetism to attract what they want and they usually get it, their vibration is slow and deep, their charm is irresistible. Their love life is intense and rich, they like to have control over their loved ones, to know their secrets, their emotional intimacies. Love is felt intensely, when something or someone becomes theirs it will be theirs forever, even if no longer physically.
Powerful people. Ruled by Mars and Pluto, these people analyze, intuit, observe very well before acting on what they want. This is the most powerful and silent Mars in the zodiac, their actions are done in silence, in the “shadows”, and that is why most of their plans work out, this Mars doesn't go around saying what they plan on doing. They put together an extremely well planned plan and put it into action, the results speak for themselves. Controlling. This Mars likes to have things and people under their control, as they love the security and predictability that power brings, they rarely let other people take their power over, especially if they fought to conquer it. Very quiet and cunning, this Mars is the high octave of Mars in Aries, and here it acts at its full power, they can concentrate all their strength and resources to get what they want, and, no matter how difficult it is, they will persist concentratedly until they obtain the object of their affection, be it a goal, a person or a dream. Because they are people with a strong personality and even stronger actions, they generally have many enemies, but this Mars knows, however, who they all are.
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roane72 · 2 days
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My new tattoo! (Apologies if you follow me elsewhere cause now you've probably seen it 50 times.)
This is my "I survived cancer, motherfucker" tattoo. Lilacs are one of my favorite flowers and they're tough and resilient. The peach ribbon is for endometrial cancer awareness.
Obligatory note: if you have a uterus and you're having abnormal bleeding--especially if you're over 40--don't automatically chalk it up to premenopause! Get checked out!
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lovertm · 17 hours
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cake stickers for the zodiac signs by ArtByElowyn
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ralfmaximus · 2 days
More than half of patients (60%) diagnosed with advanced forms of lung cancer who took lorlatinib were still alive five years later with no progression in their disease, data presented at the world’s largest cancer conference showed. The rate was 8% in patients treated with a standard drug, the trial found. The results are the longest progression-free survival (PFS) outcomes ever recorded in patients with non-small cell lung cancer, the world’s most common form of the disease. 
Unprecedented good results from a new cancer drug.
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saturn women and their baby girl (lunar or venusian man)
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