#captain rex imagine
ddejavvu · 1 month
For your Rex requests.
How about being Rex's barrack bunny. Not realising that he's basically staked claim on you. But that's ok, he takes all your attention and time that it's pretty hard to even think about anyone else.
happy may the 4th! send me star wars requests/headcanons and we'll have a party <3
this post is 18+, minors dni.
Rex wishes that being captain of the 501st meant that he got his own room in their Coruscant barracks. Instead, he gets his own set of bunks, which proves absolutely useless when he wants the second person in his own bed, and not the one above him. The metal bedframe is also incredibly sparse, and does nothing to cover the expanse of your nude body, writhing and sweat-beaded on his mattress.
Rex grunts against the column of your neck, warm and littered with hickies of his own design, "Leg up, mesh'la."
Your thigh trembles as you lift it into his waiting palm, and he hikes it over his hip to drive his cock into your cunt at an even sharper angle. It elicits a cry from your throat, still raw from where you'd kneeled on the concrete and sucked Rex dry, and he mashes a hand over your mouth to silence you.
"Easy. Night shift is sleepin'." He grunts.
"Not anymore." A gruff but familiar voice drawls from a set of bunk beds a few meters to the left, "After this round, can we have a couple turns, Captain?"
"Ne'johaa, Fives," Rex snarls, shifting to cover your bare skin with his broad chest, "Don't listen to them, cyar'ika. Nobody but me gets to put their hands on you."
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Where We're Meant To Be
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Prompt - The five times you hugged Captain Rex plus the one time he hugs you
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The first time it happened Rex wasn’t expecting it. His attention hadn’t even been on you at the time, which was rare in itself because his eyes always seemed to find you. Now though he was focused on the scene ahead, the memory of battle droids coming from all over, too many to count and even less time to think playing in his mind. The only thing that mattered was his blaster and the droids. 
When the fight was over and the battle won Rex walked away, there were too many of his brothers lying motionless on the floor. Battles were hard, war was hard and sometimes he just needed a moment. 
He didn’t know for sure how long he’d been gone for before he heard footsteps behind him. He didn’t turn to look at whoever had approached him either. He just stared ahead. 
You smiled sadly at Rex, lately the battles had been worse than ever, more and more of the 501st were dying and you knew it was taking a toll on the Captain. You didn’t need the Force to feel his sadness, it was written across his face plain as day. 
Rex stayed silent, not even glancing over at you and you weren’t sure he was even fully aware you were there, lost in his own thoughts, drowning in loss and pain. 
You wrapped your arms around him, it was the only thing you could do, there were no words to make any of this better, as much as you wished they could there were no words that could bring his brothers back, no words that would end the war. 
The only thing you could do was remind him he wasn’t alone. 
The first sign Rex gave of finally noticing you were the was by tensing in your arms, his whole body stiff as a board at the contact. You stayed where you were though, head against the plastic on his chest and arms around his waist. 
“What are you doing?” He finally managed to ask, his voice low as he tried his best to keep his composure even as the feeling of you around him made him want to break. 
“Hugging you.” You answered quietly, feeling the confusion coming from him and your heart ached for the Captain. 
“Why?” He asked again, swallowing around the lump in his throat and hating the stinging of tears he felt. 
“Because I’m sorry. Because you’re not alone, because this war is exhausting.” You sighed and felt him take a shuddering breath, hesitating a moment before bringing his arms to wrap around you. 
The touch was unsure, like he hadn’t actually ever hugged anybody before and with what little information you’d managed to piece together about Kamino and the Kaminoans you wouldn’t have been too surprised if that was the case after all. 
Rex stayed like that for a little longer, somehow the feel of your arms around him made things seem a little better, made it a little easier to breathe. 
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The next time it happened neither of you had been expecting it. It had been months since you had last hugged Rex though since then you had thought about it plenty. 
Rex and you had been commanded to lead half of the 501st to one side of the base whilst Anakin led the other half to the other side. 
That should have been the easy part and yet when an explosion sounded from Anakin’s side your stomach dropped before suddenly there was a full battalion of battle droids in front of you. 
You lost track of who was where, lost in the midst of battle droids, deflecting blaster shots as quickly as you could but even you were struggling to keep up as the battle droids drew closer. 
At some point you managed to get it under control, ending up back to back with Jesse as you took down as many droids as you could. 
It felt like the battle went on for hours, by the end of it you were bruised and sore but still alive. You looked around the battlefield, trying to find Rex among the crowd and gasped when you saw him on the ground, members of the 501st surrounding him. 
You pushed through the small crowd and knelt down next to him, carefully pulling off his helmet to see a cut above his forehead bleeding heavily down his face. 
“Help me get him to Kix.” You said to Fives and Echo, both of them nodding and carefully picking Rex up between them. 
You had wanted to wait with Rex until he was awake but the Council had insisted on having both you and Anakin present as you gave accounts of what had happened. You had tried to argue with Anakin, watching as he threw a worried look his Captain’s way but told you it was the Council’s orders. 
Kix had been the one to assure you that Rex would be alright, that he just needed some rest and then he’d be up like nothing had happened. You had gotten him to promise to send someone to get you if Rex so much as winced in pain and he sent you away with an amusement smile. 
“You’ve got a good one there, Captain.” Kix murmured to the sleeping man once you were out of ear shot. 
You barely heard anything during the meeting, both Obi-Wan and Master Windu had to call for your attention several times and when it came time for you to recount what had happened on your side you rushed through it, hoping to get back to Rex’s side before he woke up. 
“Is everything alright, Y/N?” Obi-Wan asked you softly, his concern clear across his face.
“Rex got injured during the attack.” Anakin answered for you and Obi-Wan’s look of concern shifted to one of knowing, not that you were sure what it was he knew. 
“We shouldn’t be too long now, Y/N. You can check on your Captain soon enough.” Master Windu shot Obi-Wan a small glare but you didn’t care enough to read into it, just smiled gratefully at Obi-Wan and prayed to the Force that it really wouldn’t take much longer. 
By the time the meeting finally ended you were practically bouncing on your heels to get back to Rex. When the holo shut off you turned to see Anakin looking at you with a mix of fondness and amusement. 
“Go on then, go see your Captain.” Anakin smirked, copying Obi-Wan’s words from earlier. 
You didn’t even stop to roll your eyes at him, instead you practically ran from the tent and back over to where the med bay had been set up. You paused when you saw Rex walking out, a frown on his face as he rubbed at his temple carefully. 
You immediately made your way over to him, throwing your arms around his waist to hug him tightly. Without the plastic armour in the way you could hear his heart beating quickly in his chest. 
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” You murmured into his chest, closing your eyes and focusing on that heartbeat. 
Just like last time Rex went stiff in your hold but it didn’t last long, the Captain let himself relax in your arms, bringing his own arms up to wrap around you, letting you ground him now that the battle was done. 
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Rex was tired. It was hard to know what day it was whilst they travelled through hyperspace, the cycles all merging into one another. 
He hasn’t slept in days, after the latest mission that had left everyone sore and drained, he had avoided his room and focused on his holopad, making sure everything was up to date. 
He frowned to himself as he wrote down the names of all who had been lost in the battle, letting anger and rage wash over him before shaking his head. There was nothing he could do for them now, he could only protect what was left of his brothers. 
He pushed himself away from the table, unable to carry on and walked out of the room, making his way through the corridors of the ship with no real destination in mind and feeling some of the tension leave his shoulders when he saw you talking to Echo and Fives. 
You were the first to notice him, your whole face lighting up with a smile when you saw him and Rex felt his heart speed up. That was something he had started noticing more and more, whenever he saw you his heart raced wildly. He knew he liked you, from the moment he met you his first thought was that you were so beautiful but he never dreamed of acting on his thoughts.
There was too much risk involved for both of you and besides what would somebody like you ever want with him? Rex was just another Clone, sure he might have the title of Captain but at the end of the day when somebody looked at him all they saw was a Clone.
“Rex!” You beamed as he approached the three of you, watching as Echo and Fives grinned at each other after looking between Rex and you.
“General.” He smiled back, his smile widening as you rolled your eyes at him.
For months now you had insisted he call you by your name and for months he had held onto your title. 
“We were just going.” Fives said, giving Echo a pointed look and Echo chuckled as he agreed, the two of them waving goodbye whilst snickering to each other.
“I don’t even want to know what they’re up to.” You laughed softly before turning your attention back to Rex, smile dimming slightly when you saw the tiredness that seemed to radiate from him. “You okay?”
“No need to worry about me.” Rex told you in lieu of a real answer causing your eyebrows to knit together. 
Rex knew you wouldn’t let the topic drop, he knew once you got it into your head that he wasn’t ok you wouldn’t just leave him be. If it had been anyone else it would have bothered him, he hadn’t asked for help so he didn’t need it. But somehow it was different when it was you, somehow when it was you he didn’t mind. 
In fact it sent a warm feeling through him, one that he usually tried not to think too hard about. Recently though he hadn’t been able to ignore it, it had been months since that first time you had hugged him and yet that small bit of contact seemed to have awoken something inside him. 
Rex shouldn’t have been as surprised as he was to feel your arms around him, now that you’d done it once and he hadn’t pushed you away you seemed to have taken that as acceptance even if he himself had never initiated a hug yet. 
“It’s been a long mission, huh?” You murmured into his chest, your hand rubbing a comforting rhythm into his back and he felt himself begin to relax with each brush. 
The hugs seemed to break down any walls he had, sending them crumbling like they were nothing more than a house of cards. Each time you hugged him he felt the embarrassing sting of tears that were unbecoming of a Captain, if any of his men could see him now.
But they couldn’t. 
The hallways were clear and he had a feeling Echo and Fives would see to it that they stayed that way if their matching grins meant anything. He laughed in your hold, the sound coming out weak and more sob-like and he was faster to wrap his arms around you this time, letting his head rest on top of yours to hide his watery eyes.
“Yeah,” He breathed out, “yeah General it has.” 
There wasn’t much more to be said, nothing changed the fact that you were in the middle of a war. Your soft whispered words of reassurance made him feel better, but nothing helped as much as your arms holding him tight, reminding him that no matter how much he lost, he still had you.
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The next time you hugged Rex was different compared to all the other times. It happened on a night where the 501st were grounded in Coruscant and the men had all planned a much, much needed night at 79’s.
Rex hadn’t been the one to ask you to join them, Jesse had beat him to it but when you protested, claiming that this should be time they spent together and away from their General’s Rex had laughed and insisted you were welcome, that they’d be more than happy for you to come with them.
“Are you sure you guys don’t mind me coming along?” You asked and Rex had given up counting how many times you’d ask the same question since he arrived to pick you up at the Jedi Temple.
The moment he first saw you he felt his eyes widen and he cursed his stupid heart as it began its predictable quickening pace that it had developed around you. You looked beautiful though, gone were the Jedi robes and in their place was a short dress that had Rex swallowing around a sudden lump in his throat.
“General, I swear to you we’re all happy you’re joining us tonight.” Rex told you with a warm laugh that had you smiling over at him, feeling your own heart begin to match the speed of the Captain’s.
You had never been to 79’s before and you couldn’t help but smile as you walked into the cantina, you recognised troopers from all different battalions, the place was warm and you couldn’t help the sudden intake of breath when you felt Rex’s hand on your lower back, the most amount of contact he had initiated with you outside of the battlefield.
You let Rex guide you over to a booth at the back, overly aware of his hand the whole time and savouring the feel of him against you before he let go to gesture for you to enter the booth first. You smiled at the cheery welcome the pair of you got from those who were already there, recognising both members of the 501st and the 212th.  
Rex took the holopad from Cody with a smile, starting a conversation with the Commander as he ordered the two of you drinks. Your smile widened when you realised you didn’t have to tell him your drink of choice, watching as he ordered your usual without needing to ask. 
One drink turned into two, two into four and before you knew it you were leaning into Rex’s side, cheeks flushed from the alcohol and laughing loudly along with the others at something Fives had said. 
If asked Rex wouldn’t have been able to repeat what Fives had said, he was too busy looking at you. You were beautiful all the time but this was a side to you he didn’t get to see often, one he wanted to see much more, usually everything was shrouded with a bone deep exhaustion from the war but here it was easy to forget what was happening, here he could sit back and watch you laugh.
In here it was easy to forget the rules, forget that you were his General and he could be sent back to Kamino if he dared give into his feelings for you. In here it was easy to forget that both Jedi and Clones were forbidden from such thoughts, easy to forget everything when he could feel your head on his shoulder as you leaned against him, your whole body pressed against his.
It was hard to remember why he couldn’t just wrap his arm around your shoulder and pull you closer, hard to remember why he couldn’t pull you onto his lap and pepper kisses along your neck.
He was seconds away from reaching out to touch you when he glanced across the table and saw Cody, a knowing, sad look on his face and Rex could only shake his head, not letting the harsh reminder that he couldn’t have you ruin his night.
You stayed where you were for hours, pressed against Rex and laughing into his chest as you drank more drinks. It wasn’t long from sunrise when you turned further into Rex’s chest, eyes growing tired and you let the fall closed, wrapping an arm across Rex’s waist and feeling him relax in your hold.
Rex didn’t want to move you, here you were cuddling him but he knew he couldn’t let you. Just a small taste was enough to ruin him. So with a heavy heart he shook you gently, watching as you frowned and tried to bury yourself further into him. He couldn’t help but chuckle as he watched you pry your eyes open to glare at him.
“Let me take you back to the Temple.” Rex said softly, leaning down slightly so only you could hear him.
“You don’t have to.” You tried to insist but Rex wasn’t having it, Jedi or not there was no way he was letting you make your way back to the Temple alone.
“Come on, General.” He grinned at you, sliding out of the booth and holding a hand out for you. “Let’s get you home.”
You laughed softly as you slipped your hand into Rex’s, ignoring the loud cheers coming from behind you and waving goodbye to the other’s still left drinking.
The cold air hit you as soon as you stepped out of the cantina, a nice breeze cooling you down from the warmth of 79’s. You watched as Rex got the two of you a taxi and slid in next to him once more, not hesitating to plaster yourself against him considering this could be your only chance to be so close to him, knowing that you could both just blame it on the alcohol.
Rex spent most of the drive resisting the urge to wrap you in his arms, you made it look so easy each time you did it and Rex was growing annoyed with himself and his inability to just pull you closer.
By the time you pulled up to the Temple you weren’t ready to say goodnight to Rex but you knew there was nothing else you could do to stay in his company.
“I’m glad you came tonight…Y/N.” You couldn’t stop yourself from grinning ear to ear as Rex finally used your name, dismissing any titles and ranks between you. 
“I’m glad too.” You told him softly, taking a step towards him and wrapping your arms around his waist. “Thank you for making sure I did, I had a great time.”
Rex wrapped his arms around you easier than any other time, only hesitating for half a second before did, his chin resting on your head as he savoured the feeling of you against him whilst also cursing how easy you had made it seem to close the distance between the two of you. 
“I’ll see you soon, yeah?” Rex asked once the two of you finally pulled away from each other and you nodded, smiling softly at him. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Rex.” You murmured, turning to the entrance of the Temple and only looking back before you entered, smiling as you saw Rex watching after you, making sure you were in safely before he left. 
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“She’ll be back before you know it.” Fives assured him, nudging Rex’s shoulder as he sat down next to his brother.
“I should be with her.” Rex told him, tenser than he had been in a long time outside of a battle. 
It had been days since you’d left, Obi-Wan had asked for your assistance in an undercover mission and you had agreed. When you told Rex he felt his heart just about stop, a complete opposite reaction to what it usually had around you.
He hated that you were leaving the 501st, he hated that you were leaving him. Out on missions it was you and him, he watched you back and you watched his, if he wasn’t there anything could happen to you.
“She’ll be fine, you know Cody won’t let anything happen to your girl.” Echo said and both him and Fives took great delight in watching Rex’s head shoot up to look at him with wide eyes.
“She isn’t my girl.” Rex grumbled after a minute had passed and Echo and Fives scoffed causing Rex to glare at the pair.
“She’s as good as.” Fives smirked. “What’s stopping you from making a move?”
“I can’t.” Rex sighed, he wanted to, he really did. It was all he could think about some days, whenever you were close to him, whenever you wrapped your arms around him, whenever the two of you stayed up late talking about everything and nothing. All he wanted was you. “You know the rules.”
“Is she worth the risk to break them?” Echo asked him softly, the amusement leaving his eyes as he looked at Rex’s seriously.
“Of course she is.” Rex answered without a moment’s hesitation. “I’m just not sure I’m worth the risk.”
Neither Echo nor Fives said anything more on the topic, quickly changing the subject in an attempt to get that sad, broken look off Rex’s face. It didn’t matter that they both knew you were head over heels for Rex, it didn’t matter that they knew you’d risk everything in a heartbeat for him. It was something Rex needed to figure out for himself.
“She was supposed to be back two weeks ago, General Skywalker says it’s been complete radio silence and I can’t contact Cody.” Rex groaned, pacing the floor of the grounded ship.
“It’s an undercover mission, you know how unpredictable they are.” Jesse tried to reason with him but Rex was beyond that.
He was a mess, he hadn’t slept in days, all his dreams were haunted by images of what could have happened to you and he cursed General Kenobi for taking you from him, if something had happened to you he would never forgive himself. 
“The General’s back!” Fives shouted as he ran into the room, grinning at Rex who stopped in his tracks and practically broke his neck with how fast he turned to look at his brother. “Her, Kenobi and the 212th are outside.” 
Rex didn’t need to hear anymore, he was brushing past Fives, ignoring the laughter that faded as he headed towards the ship's exit, practically running off the ship in a desperate need to make sure you were alright.
Even though he was looking for you, you found him first, grinning from your place with Obi-Wan, Anakin and Cody over at Rex and breaking away from the group without a word. They all watched you make your way over to Rex, the man pausing once he saw you, his eyes scanning you up and down but you didn’t give him much of a chance to look as you wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tightly.
Rex felt like he could breathe for the first time in days and didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around you, drawing you impossibly closer and assuring himself you were safe.
“Are you okay?” Rex murmured into your hair, “You were supposed to be back weeks ago, I was worried.”
“I’m fine.” You told him with a soft laugh, pulling away only far enough so you could look up at him, smiling brightly at him as you watched him take in your features and see for himself that you really were fine. “We ran into a few problems but everything’s fine, we got the information we needed.”
“I’m just glad you’re okay.” Rex told you honestly and you smiled softly up at him, Rex smiling back down at you and both of you couldn’t help but think how easy it would be to close the gap between you.
For now though it didn’t matter, you were both content with this, simply holding each other, knowing that you had each other. 
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Rex could see it happen. 
It was like a scene playing out before his eyes, he was just a bystander that couldn’t interfere. He tried to, stars had he tried. He ran until his sides ached and kept running but it was too late.
You were gone. The Separatist leader had taken you and Rex hadn’t been able to stop it. The only thing Rex knew was that he was made to protect you, not because you were his General, not because of his loyalties to the Republic but because he loved you.
He loved you and he never told you and now you were gone. 
General Skywalker was furious. The 501st were devastated but no one more than Rex felt your loss. 
He was heartbroken, he had to get you back and yet all the Council wanted to do was talk. Rex was ready to leave, he would find you on his own. There was no time for meetings behind closed doors, not when with each second that passed you got further and further away from him.
Days had passed with no action and Rex had had enough. The ship was grounded and he had no trouble sneaking away, ready to steal a smaller ship and head off to find you, though he had no real destination in mind, he would search the whole galaxy just to find you.
“Rex.” Anakin called just as he was about to climb into a ship.
Rex froze, torn between facing his General and carrying on ahead. He was about to take another step forward when Anakin spoke again.
“I’m coming with you.” At that Rex did turn around, seeing Anakin with a determined look on his face, lightsaber clutched in his hand as he walked over to the ship. “The Council has no immediate plans to help, we’re on our own.”
“We’ll find her, Sir.” Rex said firmly because there was no other option.
It had been three weeks since you’d been taken and Rex was losing his mind. 
Anakin ignored calls from the Council, only answering them if they came from Obi-Wan who provided as much information as he could about possible locations you could be but other than that there was nothing.
Each place they’d searched ended with Rex breaking more and more, if they didn’t find you soon there would be nothing left of him to break. He slept very little and ate even less, his mind on a constant loop of all the terrible things that could be happening to you.
It was Obi-Wan who had suggested visiting Mevara, a planet on the outer rim known for its Separatist activity. Rex couldn’t set himself up for another failure and yet he still felt a small glimmer of hope that he knew would surely be crushed.
They had searched for hours before Anakin froze, Rex just narrowly avoided going into the back of him as he stared at the General in confusion. 
“Sir?” He finally asked after Anakin had been still for nearly a minute, a frown on his face before he snapped back to himself.
“She’s here.” Anakin told him and Rex felt his heart stop as Anakin turned to face him.
“You’re sure, Sir?” Rex whispered, wide, hope filled eyes staring into Anakin’s.
“She’s here, Rex.” Anakin repeated and that was all Rex needed. 
He let Anakin lead the way, the pair of them sneaking into one of the many Separatist bases on the planet and Anakin used the Force to find you, though their search was interrupted by battle droids.
Anakin called over to Rex where you were and Rex didn’t hesitate to fight his way through the droids, not feeling bad as he left Anakin behind to deal with the worst of them. He ran as fast as he could and came to the room Anakin had said, holding his breath before opening the door.
You were being held up by a containment field and after a quick scan of the room Rex ran over and made quick work of getting you down. He caught you by your arms and you let out a sob as you looked up at him. 
“You came.” You whispered, the words catching in your throat from screaming and lack of water.
Rex couldn’t stop himself, for the first time since he’d met you he was the first to pull you into his arms.
You were exhausted, completely drained and your whole body ached in a way that words couldn’t even begin to describe. So when Rex pulled you into a tight hug, his fingertips buried in your sides and his head pressed into your hair, you should have cried out in pain, should have winced and pushed him away. 
Instead when he wrapped you up tightly in his arms you couldn’t move for a second, frozen at the contact because it had been so long since somebody’s touch had been kind and then you let out a shuddering breath, tears finally coming to your eyes and flooding down your face uncontrollably. It was only then you moved, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and burying your face in his neck, soaking his skin with your tears but Rex didn’t care. 
Rex held you close, hearing Anakin come to a stop in the doorway but he didn’t care, he had finally gotten you back and nothing was going to stop him from holding you, no amount of rules or consequences were enough to drag him from you.
He held you tightly, grounding and comforting you like you’d done with him so many times and you melted against him, the aches and sores easier to ignore in Rex’s arms and it was so easy to let yourself fall apart in them. 
“You’re okay, you’re okay mesh’la, I got you, you're alright.” Rex kept murmuring into your hair, the words washing over you, soothing you completely as you let yourself be held. “You’re alright, love, that’s it, I’ve got you.”
“Thank you for coming.” You whispered into his neck and Rex felt his heart break.
“I’ll always come for you, cyar’ika, always.” Rex promised as he placed a kiss to the top of your hair, the two of you finally back in each other’s arms, exactly where you were meant to be.
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Captain Rex Taglist (Click the link in my bio to add yourself!) - 
@punkpirate82, @top1bbgloak, @lillianacristina, @ughhhhfoff, @ur6annevasion, @callsign-jinx
Thank you so much for reading!❤️
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kyber-kisses · 1 year
Here In The Dark
Captain Rex x Jedi!Reader
Summary: while on a scouting mission the Reader and Rex are forced to find shelter when an unexpected blizzard hits.
Warnings: minor injuries, mutual pining😈, Rex being his socially awkward self-
A/N: this is purely self indulgent and it’s probably crap but enjoy!
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“Yep it’s decided. I’m gonna kill him. I’m gonna kill Anakin.”
“Little dramatic dont you think?”
Shifting in the knee deep snow, you turned to give Rex and icy stare that rivaled the weather around you. “No. All I think is that when we make it back to base camp I’m gonna force throw him into the nearest sun.”
It was supposed to be a simple scouting mission across the northern ridge line. Blue skies and warm weather the whole time. Nothing to worry about.
At least that’s what Anakin had told you.
And what a fool you were to think he was right.
Because now the sun had long since set and a horrific blizzard was bearing down and you and the captain as the both of you struggled through the almost waist deep snow. Your comma had long since lost contact with base camp now leaving you and Rex completely alone on the darkened mountain side as sheets of heavy snow slammed into you with even stronger winds.
The only positive was that at least you were with Rex. If you were with anyone else you probably would have buried them in the snow somewhere. For example: Anakin.
If Anakin were here you would have buried him the the powder a good few miles back.
“You know stomping around all bitterly isn’t gonna help the situation.” Rexs voice cut through the wind slightly as he trudged besides you.
“Says the one with the helmet on that protects his face from the wind and the cold.” You grumbled, feeling snowflakes stick to your eyelashes as you blinked. “Can you hand me your nightscope?”
“Sure thing.” Once the device had been procured to halted in your tracks, ignoring the way the wind and snow whipped your hair around your face as you looked through the night vision scope.
You had hoped for better quality but with the heavy falling snow and winds the screen was a mess of fuzz for the most part. You were still practically stumbling around blind.
“Let me have a try.” Extending his hand once more, you dropped the scope back into Rexs possession watching through squinted eyes as he surveyed the land with the scope.
“Two clicks to the east.” The captain spoke, pointing his finger into the dark before passing the scope back to you.
It wasn’t much but it was something. Through the fuzzy landscape you could just barely make out a dark blotch against the side of the ridge. “Cave maybe?”
“Here’s to hoping. We don’t really have any other options.” Rex shrugged, clipping the scope back onto his belt before moving forward with you in tow.
You and Rex stuck as close to eachother as you could in fear of losing one another in the white-out conditions. Cold bit at every inch of your body wether it was exposed or not, it seeped into the cradles of your boots and made its way in the fabric of your gloves. No part of you was safe.
“Commander, here.” At the sound of Rexs out of breath voice you picked your eyes up from where they had been focusing on the ground, only to find he had stopped, extending his hand to help you up the steeper incline. You took it graciously, allowing him to keep the two of you tethered the remainder of the way.
The two of you were practically in the cave before you knew you had even reached it. One moment you were at the mouth and the next you were sliding through it. The cave led ever so slightly downward a few feet before flattening out completely, Rex assisting you down as the two of you moved away from the howling winds and ice pellets that battered the mountain side.
Before you could even reach for your own flashlight, Rex was clicking his on, a bright beam of cold white light cutting through the darkness as he scanned the inside of the cave, his hand hovering over his blaster.
“No one’s here Rex. I can feel it.”
All you could feel in the force was you and Rex, along with the dull vibrations of the rock and dirt beneath you. There were no other life forms. As the beam danced across the cave walls you made sure to make note of everything. It was small, the cave ceiling on three or four feet above your head and it’s entire size couldn’t have been bigger than your quarters aboard the Resolute.
Shrugging off the survival pack that had been on your back you dropped it to the floor, fingers still too cold to do anything that mattered.
“I’ll get a fire going.” Digging into the bag himself, the captain pulled out a cinder kit.
“I can help.”
Kneeling down on the cave floor next to Rex, you helped set up the small device. Normally all it would take was one small click of the button but of course said button was broken.
“You’re lucky you got stuck out here with a Jedi with my abilities.” Musing lightly you cupped your hands and brought them to your lips, warming them up in whatever way you could before rubbing them together. When you finally got a small spark you let out a sigh of relief before sharply snapping your fingers together to produce a small flame. “Aha still got it!”
“When we’re you gonna tell me you could do that?” Besides you, Rex watched the tiny flame dance across the top of your finger tip in wonder.
Shrugging slightly, you brought the flame down to the cinder box and a moment later a much larger flame leapt forth, brightening the cavern exponentially. “Right now.”
“Can all Jedi do that?”
“No unfortunately. It’s a skill only a handful of us possess.”
“Well nice work Commander.”
A small smile tugged on your lips. “Thank you.”
If someone had told you this morning that you would be spending the night holed up in a cavern on the side of some mountain int he middle of a blizzard with Rex you would have laughed. . . Yet here you were.
And honestly there were worse places you could be.
“You doing alright commander?” Standing up from where he had been knelt on the floor, Rex wiped off his gloves before giving you a concerned look.
“I’m fine all things considered. You?”
“Never better.”
As the heat of the fire filled the cavern you peeled off your boots, your socks following suit as you laid them out next to the dancing flame. The fire would do l it take to help you if you were sitting around in soaking wet clothes.
And at that thought you began peeling of the layers of your Jedi robes, oblivious to the fact that Rex had flushed a deep red before averting his gaze from you. When you were done all the remained on your body was the solid black undergarment you wore. It was once peace and didn’t have any sleeves but it went down to your mid thighs in a way that made it look sort of like a unitard. It was the only dry piece of clothing you had left.
You were half way through pulling out both of the therma-blankets from the pack when you realized Rexs back was turned to you, his hand awkwardly on his hip as he face the mouth of the cave.
“Rex? Are you alright?”
His posture straightened ever so slightly at his name. “Of course commander! Just wanted- just wanted to give you some privacy that’s all.”
His words hit you suddenly as you looked down at your much more exposed body, now understanding. “Oh.”
You hadn’t even thought about how Rex might react to that. You had been friends with him for so long you didn’t even think twice.
Wrapping one of the reflective therma blankets around your shoulders, you padded across the floor of the cave, reaching out to gently grab his shoulder. “You don’t need to worry about that. I don’t mind. Just be glad I’m not walking around full on nude.” You joked lightly, once more unaware of the deepening red creeping up Rex’s face.
When he didn’t say anything you felt a slight frown slip across your features. He was acting weird. Very weird.
“You should get out of that armor. This type wasn’t meant for the cold climates such as this.” You waved your hands, gesturing to the weather beyond the mouth of the cave. “Add that to the list of reasons on why I’m gonna kill Anakin when we get back. He should of had us prepare better.”
At that you got a light chuckle out of Rex, the clone captain turning slightly to look over his shoulder at you.
“I’ll be fine commander.”
You sent him a warning stare. “As both your superior and friend I’m telling you if you don’t get out of that armor right now I will start peeling it off you. You need to stay warm and this?” You knocked your hand against the plastoid armor, your teeth chattering slightly as you spoke, giving away the fact that you were still cold. “This isn’t gonna help you.”
At your words the captain let a heavy sigh before raising his hands to undo the clasps of his chest plate which you took gently from him before sitting it against the wall next to the pack. You repeated the action several more times until all his armor was stacked neatly to the side.
“See? I bet you’re warmer already?” You mused, looking up at him with a small smile as you gently rested your hand against his chest momentarily.
Beneath your touch Rex shivered, the feeling foreign to him enough to elicit a physical response. If you had felt it you didn’t say anything.
In truth, you had Rex wrapped around your finger. (Not that you knew). From the moment you joined the 501st as its other Jedi- commander you had Rexs complete loyalty and respect. You came walking on the bridge with your kinda smile and even kinder eyes and Rex swore he melted.
And now here he was in some cave with a half naked you.
Force, he had a way of always ending up in weird and awkward situations.
“You hungry? I know there’s like a weeks worth of ration bars int he front ouch of the pack?”
“I’m alright commander, but thank you.” Moving past you, Rex lowered himself to the ground in front of the fire, leaning back against the cave wall behind him with a heavy sigh.
Beneath his gloves he squeezed his fingers into a fist, repeating the action several times before it caught your attention.
“Your hands are cold aren’t they?”
“Nothing I can’t deal with commander. I’ve been through worse.”
At his words you rolled your eyes before sitting down in front of him and tucking your knees to your chest. “Why must you clones all be so stubborn?”
“I am not stubb—“
Rexs words felt flat as he suddenly felt your hands gently taking his. Turning his head he watched once more with a sudden blush on his cheeks as you carefully removed his gloves and tossed them to the floor.
Your fingers danced over the calloused skin of his palms as if memorizing every bump and scar before you cupped his hands and brought them to your lips before breathing a gentle plume of hot air into them. Curious brown eyes watched you as you placed a gentle kiss to his finger tips before shifting to grip his hands fully in your own.
“And it’s Y/N by the way.”
Rexs brain seemed to have short circuited because he had no clue as to what you were talking about. “. . . What?”
“Back on base it’s Commander this and Commander that. Here? I’m just Y/N. No need for the formalities. I call you Rex don’t I?”
“I mean, yeah I guess?”
You nodded slowly, dropping Rex’s hands as you moved to adjust the blanket around your shoulders when a shiver ran through your body.
“Still cold?”
“A bit. These therma- blankets only do so much.” You explained, look down at the reflective material that you currently had wrapped around you.
“ I can agree with you on that.” Rex sent you a small grin as he paused. “We should stay close together though. It will help contain our body heat.”
It took everything in the poor captain to not stumble over his words at the thought of staying so close to each other.
“Good call.” You nodded before standing back up and walking across the cave floor to grab the other therma-blanket at the two compact bed rolls that you had also carried with you.
The only problem was you couldn’t get the damn packaging opening. Though your own hands had warmed exponentially your fingers were still shaky as you tried to break to wrapping on the sleeping pads. After a moment you let out a string of curses.
“Kriffing hell, who in the force packed these damn th-“
“Here, let me try.” An arm suddenly reached over your shoulder, taking the package from your hands.
Letting out a defeated sigh you nodded as you turned. “Thank you, Re-“
If there were any other words you were supposed to say they no longer existed as you came face to face with Rex’s bare chest. The clone pausing in his action when he saw you had turned, almost instantly the red returned to his cheeks.
“My Uh- my shirt was still wet. Thought it would be best to let it dry with everything else—“ he stuttered slightly, apparently oblivious to the pink that had now graced your cheeks as well.
Another shiver went up your body along with a small choked sound departing your lips.
At that Rex frowned, suddenly kneeling down to grab the other therma-blanket and wrap it snuggly around you. “Still cold?”
Oh. Oh your sweet, awkward, oblivious captain thought the shiver was from you being cold. Kriff, he was gonna be the end of you.
You went sure if it was how tired you were or whatever was happening in front of you but out of nowhere your knees buckled and you went down. . . Or you would have if Rex hadn’t reached out and caught you, warm study arms securing you safely to his chest as he lowered you softly to the ground.
“Comman- Y/N? Are you alright?”
“Just a little case of jelly legs.” You laughed awkwardly, Rex looking at you with a concerned gaze.
“Stay here.”
Humming a response you settled onto your butt ont he floor of the cave, watching as Rex peeled the sleeping pads out of their packaging, the pads instantly beginning to inflate.
You didn’t even get a chance to move once they were full before Rex was suddenly picking you up yet again and settling you down on one and securely tucking the therma-blankets around you.
“That better?”
You hummed a response, watching Rex with a new type of wonder as you did.
“Get some sleep. I’ll take watch tonight and we can head out at first light once the storm has moved passed.” He explained, standing up to move away.
You could see goosebumps prickling his skin as he moved away and before he could get any further you had gotten up from your sleeping pad and quickly gone after him. He had barely turned around before you were wrapping him in a hug, the warmth of his skin flush against your own as you did.
At this point Rex had lost track of the amount of times you had gotten him to blush, the sudden contact of you against his body making his goosebumps more apparent.
“You need to stay warm too.” You spoke softly, pulling off one of the blankets as you did before moving to wrap it snugly around his broad shoulders. Once that was done you grabbed his hand once more and tugged him back across the cavern, onto pausing once to nudge the two sleeping pads together with your foot.
“What are you-“
Collapsing onto the first one, you parted at the vacant spot next to you. “C’mon. Don’t worry about keeping watch tonight. Nothings out here. . . Except us.”
Rex gave a concerned glance towards the mouth of the cave. He didn’t like the idea of no one standing guard. . . But at the same time he was cold and tired and he wanted nothing more than to fall onto that sleeping mat next to you.
The captain let out a sigh of defeat as he did just that, a sort of shy smile crossing his lips as he did. With his back resting against the smooth stone of the cave wall, he settled onto the sleeping mat, inhaling deeply when you moved closer to him to the point in which the skin of your arms were flush against eachother.
“You’re like a walking furnace you know that?” Letting out a relaxed sigh, you rested your head against Rex’s shoulder, curling up closer to him as you did.
“Heh, I don’t really feel like it.”
Everything in Rexs body wanted to shiver at the contact of your skin against his, but he belt fast. Instead trying to focus his attention on the firelight dancing across the caves walls.
There was a few good minutes of long silence which allowed Rex to believe you had fallen asleep, but after another moment you spoke up.
“Can I ask you a weird question?”
“You ask me weird questions all the time.”
You let out a tired laugh, picking up your head to look at him. “Have you ever been kissed before?”
At that Rex fell silent, glancing awkwardly around the room. “No offense but that not what I was expecting.”
Sitting up properly you fiddled with your fingers. You could face down Sith Lords and swarms of droids and remain unfazed. . . But this? This was the thing that was making you awkward. Funny how the universe worked.
“I just, I really wanna kiss you l. I know we’ve been friends for years but how could I not get feelings for you because your so kind and patient and caring and loyal and I just- you’re brilliant in every way imaginable and here we are in this cave in the middle of nowhere and I don’t know if I’ll get a chance lie or his again and I think maybe you feel the same about me and I-“ you paused, look over at the bewildered look on Rexs face. “I’m rambling aren’t I?”
“I- Uh. . . Yeah maybe a little-“Rex spoke slowly, clearly showing he was trying to wrap his head around everything that had just come out of your mouth.
“See, and now I’ve made everything awkward!” You wailed, your face falling into your hands as you did.
“No! No-“ sitting up besides you, the captain reached towards you, pulling your hands away from your face before awkwardly reaching up to scratch the back of his neck. “I just- I’ve never really kissed anyone. I don’t want to do it wrong or anything-“
This time both of your were blushing, red cheeks inches from each-other as you looked at Rex with wide eyes.
“That doesn’t matter to me. You’re just so brilliant and amazing and the force feels warmer when I’m around you and-“
Neither of you had realized how you had both slowly begun navigating towards each-other, your nose Alamo touching as you looked at each-other, eyes wide and curious.
“Y/N.” Rexs voice was soft. Softer than you had ever heard it, but it captured you all the same.
You didn’t know how he did it, but Rex had reached into a place deep inside you and brought something forth you had yet to think about. A realization in a way.
“I have so many names now that I think about it.” You whispered, almost as if he had put you in a trance. “Padawan, Knight, commander Y/L/N, Y/N— but here?” You voice grew quieter. “Here in the dark, with you? I have no name. I am just me. Entirely me.”
Both set of eyes flickered downwards and you and Rex closed the gap between you as equals. It was a shy kiss but when Rex slowly deepened it you couldn’t help the small gasp of surprise that escaped you before you melted further into him. His hands were warm now and they cradled your face so delicately and beneath your palm his chest radiated heat. He was like being wrapped in pure sunlight.
He pulled back slowly after a moment, looking downward somewhat shyly. “Was that ok?”
“Everything you do is always more than ok-“ it was as if you had been put into a dazed state by his lips, your body settling against his as you sunk lower onto your mat, your head against Rex’s chest. Beneath your ear his heartbeat thumped rhythmically and for the first time that night you both felt warm.
Maybe you wouldn’t kill Anakin when you got back to base.
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clu-ven · 1 year
"I'm so tired..." Prompt with Captain Rex
word count: 3.2k
summary: Rex needs some goddamn sleep
-> mainly SFW with vague indications to anything spicier <-
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You get used to the late nights and early mornings, everyone does. 
When you spend a lot of time going from planet to planet, it gets hard to differentiate between what’s supposed to be night and day, each rotation merging together. No matter the time, space always looks the same and with the different time zones you frequent, it’s no surprise that you’re still wide awake in what’s supposed to be the middle of the night.
It’s not just you that suffers from this, though the clones usually have their hands full with their shifts, too busy to notice their odd sleep schedules. 
So sitting at one of the desks in a quieter part of the ship, working away on some overdue paperwork while Captain Rex fills out a mission report across the room isn’t too unusual. If anything, the only thing that's unusual is how quiet it is.
Normally there’s more clones roaming around, all working on their own  reports at the individual desks scattered around the room but tonight, it’s almost empty, with just you and the Captain present.
When Rex first entered, he greeted you with a weary smile before hunkering down with his work. It’s a rare occurrence to have some alone time with the Captain, even if neither of you are doing much talking. Thankfully, the silence that hangs in the room is a comfortable one, soothing compared to the loud blasts of the battlefield or constant chatter of the mesh hall. 
Every once in a while, your eyes leave the reports you're filling out and trail over to Rex, a smile lingering on your lips as you watch him, deep in thought. 
Like always, he’s still fully suited, his helmet placed casually on the side of the desk. It must be uncomfortable to sit there for so long in his armour, though you doubt Rex cares. He’s a man who’s always ready for action, hating the idea of wasting precious time on putting his armour on. He sits hunched over his work, completely engrossed by it with one of his arms propping up his head, hand leaning against his forehead.
Rex is like a statue with his eyes glued to the holopad in front of him. His brow is creased, deep lines running across his face as he puts all of his attention into his work. 
Damn, you need to concentrate on your work too but that’s easier said than done.
It’s a difficult task to get back into work mode but you keep your head down and at least try to fill out a few more sections of paperwork. The good thing about doing some administration so late at night is that it’s sure to make you sleepy… eventually. The mundane task is bound to make anyone want to fall asleep or it’ll at least make anyone rethink every life choice that has led them to this moment. 
Even Rex must find it boring. You’re tempted to call out to him, say some witty line about how this makes cleaning the gunships look fun but you stop yourself, not wanting to intrude or interrupt his train of thought. You don’t even look up, knowing that if you glance his way again then you’ll get no work done, your mind wandering to other places.
Kriff, even without seeing Rex and just knowing he’s nearby is enough to distract you. You blink a few times in the hopes of pushing these thoughts out of your head and focus solely on the work in front of you. But it’s no use, you’ve lost all motivation to even finish the last sentence you’ve begun. You can’t bring yourself to do it, your brain completely shutting down at the thoughts of writing a single word more. Honestly, you’re too drained to deal with it now anyways and it can always wait until tomorrow.
Shutting down your holopad and clearing up your paperwork, an unfamiliar sound comes from the other side of the room. For a moment, you freeze, trying to process what the hell the sound could be. 
Was it a snort? Well, definitely not one from laughter, it was too quiet. Maybe it was a hum from the ship… though you think you would have recognised the sound if it was. 
An array of different possibilities flood your mind and just as you look up, opening your mouth to ask Rex if he heard it too, you realise what… or who the source of the sound was. 
With his hand still pressed against his forehead, keeping his head from smacking against the desk, Rex snores again. You can’t believe it. Is he actually asleep? 
Slowly pushing out from your chair, you stand to get a better look at him. His holopad is still on, showing a half filled out mission report. You don’t try to hide the soft smile that tugs at your lips, it’s not like he’s going to see it. Peering over at him, you realise Rex is undeniably asleep, even letting out another snore to confirm it. 
Being as quiet as possible, you tip-toe closer to him until you're beside his sleeping frame. Keeping your voice a mere whisper, you stoop down beside him “Rex?”. He doesn’t respond besides a small twitch of his nose. 
A part of you doesn’t want to wake him. For the most part, Rex looks peaceful when he sleeps except for the occasional crease of his brow, as though he’s still thinking about the work in front of him.
If it was the best option then you’d probably leave him here, perhaps turn off the light and find somewhere else to do your own work, giving Rex as much peace and quiet to rest as possible. But looking at the position he’s in and the way his armour seems to dig into him, you conclude the best course of action is to wake Rex and get him into a proper bed for the night…. Or for the next few hours until the morning briefing.
Placing your hand gently on his shoulder, you try again. “Rex” you drawl out, this time a little bit louder as you nudge him. His eyes screw closed for a second before he wakes with a start, immediately sitting up right as if he got caught sleeping on the battlefield. 
“Wha- what’s happening?” He blurts out, scanning the room with urgency.
“It’s ok, it’s ok,” you assure him, keeping your hand on his shoulder “you just fell asleep, that’s all”. Realising it’s just the two of you, Rex relaxes under your touch. 
Breathing easily, he slumps back in his chair, thankful you’re the one who caught him sleeping. “I’m sorry,” he apologises, rubbing one of his eyes as he mutters more to himself than to you “I’m so tired…”.
It’s as if you can feel him tugging at your heartstrings. The Captain always has so much to do, report after report, constantly trying to keep the others in check. You doubt Rex ever has enough time to get a proper night’s sleep. 
“C’mon Captain,” you stand “time for bed”.
Still groggy from sleep, it takes a second for Rex to process your words “Hm? No, no I can’t. Just uh, just let me finish this report” he tries his best to sound authoritative and fully in control but the yawn he finishes his sentence with says otherwise. 
“Captain” you sigh, a sympathetic but stern look crossing your face.
Rex tilts his head as he looks at you, still rooted in his seat. “Don’t give me that look,” he groans “I’ll be done with this report in no time”. You don’t change your expression, knowing that not even Rex himself believes he’ll finish this report anytime soon.
It only takes a few more moments for Rex to crack, averting his gaze as he mumbles “Fine, I guess I can finish it in the morning”. Putting both of his hands flat on the table, he stands with a huff.
He doesn’t protest when you pick up his helmet and lead him out of the room, guiding him through the quiet corridors and passing the various sleeping quarters until you get to his.
Reaching the door to his quarters, it takes Rex a very drawn out minute to punch in the code. He grumbles under his breath as he does, blinking hard in an attempt to keep his eyes open and focused on the keypad. You stay quiet, not wanting to distract him and instead you let Rex take on the dreaded keypad on his own. 
With the keypad’s beep of approval, Rex sighs in relief when the door begins to move.
The heavy metal door effortlessly glides to the side, revealing Rex’s compact room. It’s not exactly what you were expecting, the room being pretty cramped even though there’s hardly any furniture inside. Sure, there’s a sink and mirror so Rex doesn’t have to shave with the others, a small trunk presumably for his extra set of blacks as well as a bed that’s built into one of the walls and spanning the width of the confined room. Yet it doesn’t seem like enough.
Slowly wandering into the room, Rex glances behind him to make sure you follow him inside. Rex deserves a much bigger room than this, kriff, most of the clones do but you always thought his quarters would be bigger since he’s the Captain. But you don’t turn your nose up at the room, finding it quaint and liking its closeness. As you put Rex’s helmet on top of the trunk, he sits down on his bed. 
“Thank you… for well, for forcing me to get some sleep” he chuckles softly, his eyes crinkling.
“Anytime Captain, I’ll see you in the morning” with the bow of your head you turn to leave his quarters. You nearly make it out of his room when a thud sound causes you to stop and look back. With his eyes already shut, Rex has flopped down onto his bed, his legs dangling off the side and his armour still on. 
You sigh to yourself and turn back around to face him, making your way back over to the drowsy captain. “Rex,” you say softly, nudging him yet again “you know you shouldn’t sleep in your armour”.
While your main goal is to get Rex to sleep for a few hours, you didn’t mean in his armour. You’ve heard enough complaints from the likes of Hardcase and Jesse to know that even napping in full armour can cause a few sore muscles and lingering knots. 
Rex opens one of his eyes, gazing up at you but making no attempt to move. “Am I dreaming?” He asks, mouth half muffled by his pillow. Putting both hands on his torso, you try to gently pull him back up to a seated position. 
“You never know,” you tease “maybe this is a nightmare”.
Rex smiles to himself as you hoist him upright, knowing that couldn’t be the case. “But this can’t be a nightmare if you’re here” he shrugs, stating it as if it’s fact.
You’re taken aback by his words but you try not to show it. Rex could have meant a million different things by that or he mightn’t have meant anything at all, simply the incoherent ramblings of someone on the verge of sheer exhaustion. But deep down, no matter how much you try to deny it to yourself, you wish it means something. 
“Well, luckily for you it’s neither,” you force a smile, pushing those emerging emotions and desires deep down “you’re just tired beyond belief”.
Rex hums in relief as you work on getting his pauldron off. He savours your touch as your fingers brush against his blacks, fiddling with the ties of the armour.
This isn’t a situation Rex has ever found himself in. No one has ever taken off his armour for him with such care. He wants to watch you but Rex opts to keep his head down, instead focusing on the sensation alone as you remove his pauldron and start on his chestplate next.
Breaking the silence, you tease him again “I swear Captain, you better stay here and get some rest or else you’ll have an incident report to fill out”.
“Is that a threat?” He questions, though you can tell he’s not serious by his tone. You scoff, shaking your head but your smile remains bright “No, it’s a promise, Captain”.
Rex chuckles, shaking his head slightly. He’s thankful for you, someone who doesn’t treat him like he’s just a number and willing to joke around with him from time to time, not always falling into the professional role of the GAR. 
You treat him like a friend and sometimes, Rex wonders if that’s how you see him. Not as a colleague or a Captain, but as a friend you could turn to in times of need, that you could always rely on to make you smile or listen to your problems. Maybe that’s why Rex’s chest always seems to grow tight when you’re around or why he always scans an area to see if you're near, hoping to spot you in the crowd. He nods to himself, determining that’s why.
“You ok, Rex?” You ask, dropping more pieces of his armour to the side of his bed.
He looks utterly exhausted and you’re sure you can hear his brain clocking into overtime. With tired eyes, Rex is quick to assure you “I’m alright, just have a lot on my mind”.
“Is it that mission report?” your voice is so soothing to him. Even at the mention of the half complete mission report, Rex doesn’t feel an ounce of stress, too busy relishing in your voice. He shrugs his shoulders, mumbling “I guess”.
“Don’t worry about it, it’ll get done, they always do” you try to reassure him “and I’m sure General Skywalker won’t mind if you hand it in a little later than usual”. As much as Rex wants to worry about the report, he finds it hard to concentrate long enough to stress about it. 
With the top half of his armour off, you pause. Technically, the next piece of armour you should be getting off is his codpiece but you don’t think that would… *ahem* be in line with GAR policy. “You think you can handle it from here or should I keep going?” you ask, a touch of playfulness in your voice. Rex meets your gaze, his lips twitching upwards into that little lopsided smile he does every now and again.
It’s as if electricity surges through his body at your suggestive remark, his brain suddenly jolting awake as he tries to quickly decipher what you could be insinuating -if anything, that is. “Oh I- well, uh,” he stumbles over his words, clearing his throat before trying again “Y-yes, I’m sure I can take it from here, thank you for your uh, for your help”. 
He hates how he can’t get a sentence out properly, becoming more undone by the second. Usually Rex can easily keep his head in times of intense stress but with you? You always know how to seamlessly get under his skin, making him get flustered even with a mere glance in his direction.
You bow your head, taking a step back from Rex. “It’s no problem, Captain” you reply, giving him one last smile before you turn to leave yet again.
This time you nearly make it out of the room, the durasteel door sliding open before you hear Rex call your name. With one foot out the door, you stop and turn to look at him, waiting for him to say more. 
Rex opens his mouth though no words come out. He doesn't know why he called out to you, well, he does deep down but he’s not ready to face those emotions just yet. He can feel his face getting warm and he prays you don’t notice his cheeks turning a light shade of red. 
“I-” he doesn’t want you to leave, not now. Can’t you stay just another few minutes? Or until he falls asleep? The bed may look uncomfortable… which it admittedly is but there’s enough room for you too. 
But he knows he can’t, that if any superior found out then you’d both be reprimanded. Or what if you reject him? How is he supposed to look you in the eye after the embarrassment of blurting out something so impulsive yet vulnerable just to be rebuffed by you?
Becoming increasingly aware of you waiting for him to speak, Rex forces the words out “Don’t stay up too late”. Maker, he wants to kick himself.
“Oh,” you weren’t quite sure what you were expecting Rex to say but for some reason that wasn’t it. Though you stay professional and nod to him “I’ll try not to, Captain”. You step out into the hallway, holding his wishful gaze until the door swiftly shuts between you both. A breath you didn’t know you holding, shakily leaves your lungs.
You try to shake the feeling that maybe Rex wanted to say something else, doing your best to shrug the feeling off as being nothing more than your own fantasy. 
The sound of your name snaps you out of your thoughts and you whip your head to the side, noticing a surprised Echo standing only a few feet away. “Did you just…” he trails off, not fully believing his eyes before slowly continuing “leave the Captain’s quarters?”.  A knowing smirk quickly forms on his face and Echo folds his arms.
Panic hits you as your eyes go comically wide. “What? N-no, it’s not like that, Echo!” you hurriedly profess.
The smirk doesn’t leave Echo’s face. “Woah, like what?” he asks, innocently “I’m just saying what I’m seeing”. You roll your eyes, too tired for his teasing.
“Echo...” you warn.
“Hey, your secret’s safe with me!” he chuckles, his smirk changing into a comforting smile “just be glad it wasn’t Fives who caught you, the whole battalion would know by morning if he found out about this”.
“There’s no secret to keep safe! Nor is there anything going on for Fives or you or any other trooper to ‘find out’ about” you try to clarify, a silence hanging in the air before you quietly add “but thank you… I would appreciate it if you kept this between us”.
With a wink, Echo continues on his patrol “You know I will”.
You sigh in relief. The last thing you or Rex need right now is a rumour. Running your hand down your face, you try to wake yourself up as you turn to head back the way you came. You know you can trust Echo but you also know how perceptive Fives is and how easily he can detect whenever Echo is keeping something from him.
But right now that isn’t something for you to think about, knowing you’ll stress yourself into oblivion if you do. Instead, you try to focus on one thing only; finishing off Rex's mission report by morning.
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triptuckers · 11 months
undercover - captain rex
Request: nope Pairing:  captain rex x reader (reader has long hair) Summary:  you're sent undercover to get an important data stick from a separatist leader Warnings:  mentions of blood, injuries Word count:  1.8K A/N: give me PINING rex he needs to be YEARNING. love me a pixel man. enjoy reading!
it's an easy mission. a very important one, but it seemed rather easy. anakin's briefing was short as well.
one of the separatist leaders had a data stick with important information about a few new secret bases. they thought it was so important, that the separatist kept the data stick on him at all times.
which is where you came in.
there was a popular summer festival coming up on the separatist's home planet. your job was to go there, have fun, talk with the separatist and steal the data stick.
to avoid attracting too much attention, only anakin and captain rex accompanied you. the three of you arrived via public shuttle, dressed in civilian clothes.
you had traveled to the festival and separated once you got closer.
and now anakin and rex are hiding on the edge of a mountain ridge, looking out over the festival terrain, waiting for you to show up.
rex is glad he's not wearing his full armour for once, because the planet is extremely hot.
'general.' says rex after a while. 'isn't she going to stand out? they're going to notice a jedi general attending a festival.'
while they'd all worn civilian clothes while traveling, your clothes had still resembled jedi robes a little. you claimed you felt more comfortable that way. and if rex could recognise them as "kind of jedi robes", then surely the festival crowd could recognise it as well?
'well, then it's a good thing she won't look like a jedi general.' says anakin.
as if on cue, you enter the festival. rex looks at you through his scope, and anakin was right. you don't look like a jedi general. you look like a girl who is excited to have a good time at a festival. and you had changed your outfit.
you're now wearing a blue skirt that reaches your calves, and it's fluttering in the hot summer breeze. a tight fitting black top and a pair of comfortable shoes finish up your outfit. no jedi robes, no armour. but what catches rex off guard is your hair.
normally, you wear it tied up in several buns or braids, saying it was annoying if it got in your face all the time. after all, you're moving around a lot during battle. but you wouldn't cut if off, you loved your long hair.
now it flows freely down your shoulders and back, and it moves in the wind and shines in the sunlight.
rex knows you're off limits. you're a general, he's a captain. you could be thrown out of the order, he could be removed from duty - or worse.
so he's kept his mouth shut all this time.
but seeing you like this, no armour or weapons or a concentrated frown on your face. your hair and skirt moving in the wind. rex has never had to hold himself back so much. to stop himself from staring at you so many times.
meanwhile, more and more people have joined the festival terrain and the music has gotten louder.
anakin and rex keep an eye on you as you dance and laugh and have a good time in the valley below. they watch you as you approach the separatist leader and laugh this jokes and touch his arm, pulling him to the dance floor.
it sparks a flame of jealousy in rex's chest. that separatist leader with his girl.
no, not his girl.
a respected general of the GAR. one of his superior officers. who is now on an important undercover mission.
still, rex doesn't like watching you and the separatist leader.
after a while, the separatist leader has had enough of the dancing, and orders a few drinks. you sit with him and talk, leaning in close as you're listening to him.
because rex had been watching you so closely, he notices the exact moment when you swipe the data stick from him.
but you don't leave immediately, that would have been suspicious. a couple more minutes pass before you get up and head back to the dance floor. without the separatist this time.
just as rex is looking at you slowly making your way to the exit, the separatist yells out that someone has stolen something from him. anakin and rex hear how he shouts for a girl in a blue skirt.
given that your cover is blown, you give up trying to blend in with the crowd. you run away from the festival as fast as you can, heading towards the meeting point anakin told you to go to if things went wrong.
it's still hot, and within minutes you're sweaty and out of breath as you make your way up to the mountain ridge. but you won't tell yourself to slow down til you've put enough distance between yourself and the festival.
you're running uphill and just as you round the corner of a large boulder, you smack into something solid. before you can defend yourself, a pair of hands grabs your shoulders to stop you.
you look up into anakin's familiar eyes.
'got it.' you say, still out of breath, handing him the data stick. 'let's get out of here.'
you start to move past anakin, but you're stopped again. this time, by rex.
'general, your leg.' he says.
you look down and see your blue skirt is stained with red. you frown. in the crowd and while you were running away, you hadn't noticed you got hit by something. so it probably wasn't too bad.
'I'm fine.' you say. 'I hardly feel it, let's just get out of here quickly while we still have a head start .'
anakin eyes the amount of blood on your skirt, then looks behind you at the festival.
'no, you'll lose more blood and slow us down.' he says. 'rex, bind her leg. quickly.'
'yes, sir.' says rex.
'it's fine.' you say.
'rex, bind her leg. that's an order.' says anakin, with a slightly playful look in his eyes. you all know rex won't refuse a direct order from his general.
rex looks at you. 'sorry general. general's orders.' he says.
'what if I outrank anakin?' you say.
'do you?' says rex.
'rex.' says anakin, a little more firmly this time.
rex clears his throat and steps closer to you, then crouches down. he pulls out a knife and looks up at you.
'I'll need to cut a piece of your skirt so I can use it to bind your leg.' he says.
'yeah, go ahead.' you say.
rex carefully cuts a strip of fabric from the bottom of your skirt, then puts his knife away. he briefly looks up at you and silently asks permission before he slides your skirt upwards, til it reaches just above the cut on your thigh.
'hold it there, please.' he says.
you take a hold of your skirt and your other hand comes down to rest on rex's shoulder for balance as you take the weight off of your injured leg.
as you feel rex's gloved fingers on your thigh, you clench your teeth to keep yourself from looking down at him. you're fully aware anakin is standing right next to you, keeping an eye on the path in case separatists would show up. you wished anakin wasn't here.
you feel how rex wraps the piece of fabric around your thigh.
'this is going to hurt.' rex warns.
'I can-'
you're cut off by rex pulling the knot tight and a sharp pain shoots through your leg.
on instinct, you groan rex's name, your fingers digging into his shoulder. rex tries to ignore you saying his name like that, and focuses on securing the piece of fabric in place.
rex gives the knot a small tug, and when it stays in place, he stands again. your hand falls from his shoulder and you drop your skirt, which is now knee length instead of reaching your calves.
'thanks.' you say.
rex nods. 'you're welcome.'
'we need to move.' says anakin. 'they would have heard that if they were close.'
you nod and the three of you start your way back to the shuttle bay. rex occasionally helps you climb over rocks, to make sure you don't put more pressure on your injured leg.
when you get to the shuttle, you quickly board it and take a seat near the back of the craft. anakin takes off his jacket so you can wrap it around your waist, hiding the biggest part of your blood stained skirt.
the way back to anakin's flagship isn't that long, but you start to get tired nonetheless. it's probably due to the blood loss, you think. you know if you close your eyes, it's a bad sign, so you stay awake by focusing on rex's presence next to you. you can feel his shoulder against yours.
when you get to anakin's ship, he goes to inform the other jedi masters the mission was a success while rex escorts you to medbay.
one of your arms is over his shoulder while his other arm is around your waist, given that your energy has drained since running away from the festival.
'thanks.' you say, as you and rex walk though the halls of the ship.
'for what?' says rex.
'being a literal shoulder to lean on.'
'you would have done the same for me, general.'
'you know I prefer it if you call me by my name, rex.'
'and you know I call superior officers by their rank, general.'
maybe it's the blood loss. or the dizziness. or the fact rex is so close. whatever the case, you get a sudden burst of courage.
'is that all I am to you? a superior officer?' you say.
you feel rex briefly stiffen besides you.
'for the sake of my rank, yes.' he says.
you feel anxiety and regret growing in your stomach and think of something to say to change the subject, but rex speaks again. softer, this time.
'for the sake of who I am without this armour and the rank of captain, you're more than just a superior officer, y/n.' he says.
you smile as rex walks you through the doors of medbay.
'I'm glad to hear that.' you say.
rex gently places you on a bed and calls over the chief medical officer. he smiles at you.
'sorry your skirt got ruined.' he says. 'I... liked it.'
'of course you do, it's the color of the 501st.' you say.
rex raises his eyebrows. 'is that why you picked blue?'
you shrug. 'I figured it would look great next to the blue of your armour.'
before rex can answer, the chief medical officer arrives at your bed.
'we'll talk about the mission later, captain.' you say to him, with a quick wink, as the medical officer examines your leg.
rex smiles briefly and nods at you. 'certainly, general.'
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rulesHere’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Max/Marit
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fakegingerrights · 1 year
Breathe, Rest.
[Rex x Civvie!reader, set post Zygerria. Established relationship, just some good ol' hurt/comfort. TW for scars, I guess and partial undressing in a non sexual way.]
The 79's were crowded. The 212th and the 501st were both back on Coruscant for two weeks after their jedi were told to rest after a particularly dangerous mission rescuing an entire colony of togruta people from slavery.
Predictably, it had ended up all over the holonet. You sat at the bar, waiting for a certain Captain to come sweep you off your feet like he had promised last time he had commed before he set out to Kiros. You saw some of his men milling about the bar, Fives and Kix wave at you as you catch their eye, but no captain until-
"And who's a pretty lady like you waiting all alone like this for?" A familiar voice says behind you. You smile and take a sip of the drink you've been nursing as Rex's familiar presence settles in next to you.
"Oh, no one. Just hoping a certain handsome captain makes it home to sweep me off my feet." You shoot back.
"A handsome captain, huh? Do I fit the bill?" You turn to face him as he rakes a hand over freshly cut hair. In one place you can still see where the clippers had cut tracks through it. His cheekbones are prominent through his skin and his eyes are sunken and bruised underneath from poor sleep and even worse nutrition if you knew anything. Adding in the pale skin and chapped lips and you knew something was up.
"When you're running on more than fumes, Rex. What happened?" You ask. He's still in his armor, his blasters are still on his hips. Its absent of carbon scoring or patches in the plastoid, but it also doesn't smell like ozone like it normally does after deployment, and he definitely hasn't detailed it since he left, you can still see pink in the scratches of the top of his breastplate where you had left a lipstick mark as a joke. Rex sighs heavily, turning to face the crowd and leaning back against the bar.
"What do you say we get out of here, back to your place?" It's phrased casually, but you see the heavy look in Rex's eyes. You don't comment on how he avoided your question, opting to instead grab your purse and lean over to press a kiss against his cheek, startling him slightly.
"Lets." You answer. He offers a wan smile in return, following you through the crowd to the catwalk that lead to your apartment complex.
Rex lets out a long sigh as you two make it into your apartment, crouching doing to undo the seals that kept his armored boots in place before kicking them off. He works from the bottom up, and you move to help him get the clasps on his back and shoulders as plate by plate his armor comes off and is stacked neatly by his boots. You notice he's moving stiffly around the shoulders and he doesn't bend down, choosing to sit down fully on the floor to remove his shin guards and work his way upwards.
"You're hurt." You note softly as you pull his back plate apart from his breast plate so he doesn't have to move his shoulders as much. He grunts slightly in responce.
"Kix cleared me, it's beyond the help of bacta, apparently. Skin is fine, just some tenderness and scaring as the muscles heal." His voice is equally quiet.
"What happened, Rex?" You help him to his feet, wanting to move in to hug him but hesitating. He makes the decision for you, pulling you in close and wrapping his arms around you, like he could soak up your warmth if he tried hard enough. You return the hug, your fingers instantly finding and tracing unfamiliar lines of presumably scar tissue. It covered his whole back. He hisses slightly and you pull your hands quickly away.
"Kavado happened. I was sent with the jedi to find the Togruta, went with Kenobi." Realization hits you like a thunderbolt.
"You... You were on Kavado? The whole time Kenobi was... These are whip marks?" You pull back to look him in the face. "Your armor hasn't even been worn... Kriffin hell, Rex!" You're more mindful of your hands this time, burying your face in his chest as your throat constricts painfully.
"I'm alright now, Mesh'la. Just have to wait for the inflammation to go down and there'll hardly be a mark." He murmurs in your ear. "I'll be fine."
"I got you some sleepwear. If you want to go change out of your blacks. The left side of the dresser is officially yours. Just some sweats and loose shirts for now, once I have more wiggle room in my savings we can get some more every day clothes so you don't have to wear those itchy uniforms." Your voice is a murmur as you pull back and stand up on your toes a bit to kiss him properly.
"You don't have to do that. I'm fine wearing my greys." A gloved hand comes up to press against your cheek, the cool material of the neoprene smooth on your skin. You lean into the touch.
"I want you to have a place to go when the war is over. Here is as good as any. Have you eaten yet? I can get started on a late dinner while you go shower and change."
"Real food would be nice after a month of stale bread and water." He agreed. "I... yeah, that would be nice." He disappeared into your bedroom as you started to prep a light meal of plain pasta and hamburger meat. As you strain the water from the noodles you hear your name called softly from your room. Setting the pot on the stove and turning off the heat you peak into the room to see Rex standing in a pair of black joggers and the top half of his blacks, a crimson tinge to his ears.
"I... Can you get the seam on the sides of my blacks? I don't think I can pull it over my head like usual."
You step in close to him instantly, finding the cling-seal on the side of his blacks behind his shoulder and carefully separating them all the way down, exposing tan skin crisscrossed by raised pink lines as you guide his shoulders free of the thin material.
"You'd think they'd be easier to get out of than in to, with all the injuries that happen on the battlefield." You joke, trying not to stare at the mess of scars.
"We usually cut them off when they can't get out." He rolls his shoulders carefully, sighing.
"If you don't want to put a shirt on again you don't have to. It's just us here." You comment.
"You just like seeing me without it." Rex accused playfully, a bit of his usual gleam returning to his eyes.
"Guilty. And... are you sure you can't put any bacta on this? These look nasty and if they're hurting this badly..."
"There's no broken skin, topical bacta wouldn't do much... and I was a little hurried in getting out of the medbay. I had someone waiting for me." He turns and presses a kiss to your temple.
"You shouldn't skip medical attention just to see your girlfriend! I could have waited a few more minutes." You wag a finger at him, going to the dresser and scanning through the various lotions and perfumes littered on the top of your side before you found the numbing one you used when you were sore after a long day of work. "Pasta is still too hot, sit down." You motion over your shoulder to the bed. You hear the springs on your bed creak slightly as he sits down, staring at the floor between his feet as he places his forearms on his knees, hunkered over. It was almost comical if he didn't look so lost, such a large man curled up like that. You squeeze some of the lotion into your hand, feeling the instant pleasant tingling sensation at the contact with your skin.
Rex flinches away from you slightly as you sit down before relaxing. You press a kiss to his shoulder, avoiding the raised marks.
"You're safe here, Love." You whisper as you start rubbing the lotion into the scars across his back. He tenses up slightly at the contact before sighing in relief as the lotion takes effect.
"I know. This stuff is magic, where'd you get it?" He hunches shoulders forward so you have better access, groaning slightly with the movement.
"Over the counter at a local pharmacy. It's a muscle relaxant and numbing agent. Do you want me to send a bottle with you when you leave again?" You asked, carefully beginning to work on the muscles beneath the scars, releasing tight knots and watching Rex's reaction closely.
"You're already given me so much." He whispered. "I can never pay you back. You know this and give me more."
"You do pay me back, Rex. You're fighting for my safety every day, and you come home and sit by my side and bring me so much happiness. It's me who can never repay you."
He's silent for a moment, thinking about this before he finally speaks.
"I love you."
You answer without hesitation.
"I know."
Rex sighs as you pull away, catching and pressing a kiss to the outside of your wrist, careful to not get any lotion on his lips. "Thank you, Mesh'la." His golden eyes are so earnest it hurts. You crook a finger and tilt his chin up for a proper kiss, then pulling apart enough to press your forehead to his.
"I love you too, Rex. Always." You promise into the space between the two of you.
"Always." He echoes back.
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emzalot · 2 years
Thank You for Your Service
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Chapter 1
Author’s Note: This is purely self indulgent. I haven’t written anything in well over a year and I know my writing isn’t the best since I’m out of practice, but this fic still makes me happy. I hope someone appreciates it. I just really think the clone troopers deserve all the love and appreciation the galaxy can offer; especially Captain Rex. 
Editing Notice: If you missed my ‘Heads Up!’ post, I am turning Little!Y/n into an OC. From now on Little!Y/n will be known as Makéa Valo. I have edited chapter 1 and chapter 2 because of this. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to pm me or send me an ask!
Pairings: Captain Rex x OC Warnings: None
Next Chapter
It was an exciting morning for the 501st. The local school near the GAR base had invited their students to make a card and prepare a gift for the clone troopers. Each class was assigned a battalion and the children got to choose their trooper they wanted to give back to. All the cards and gifts have just arrived on base and the men are overwhelmed with anticipation. 
Captain Rex watches as his brothers CT numbers are called, receiving their packages from the delivery man, and enjoying their smiling faces. Rex couldn’t help the excitement rising in his chest. He patiently waits for his turn to be called up. Rex watches as the cart quickly empties and that’s when he realizes his CT number wasn’t going to be called. He didn’t get a gift.
Rex stood by General Skywalker and Commander Tano outside the ship. They were about to leave for their next mission and were waiting for the last few troopers to board so they could leave. Anakin and Ahsoka were discussing the mission with great anticipation, but Rex wasn’t really listening to them. He lets out a sigh, watching is brothers rush around the main hanger, talking about the gifts they received as they make last minute preparations before boarding.
Rex thought back to this morning, remembering how Fives nearly cried when he read the note attached to his gift. He was given a little action figure for good luck and to keep him safe. Echo sat on his bunk reading his letter over and over, cuddling the big pink stuffed bunny a little girl sent him to help him sleep at night. Hardcase was over the moon about the package full of snacks he was sent. 
The captain snaps to attention, finding Ahsoka eyeing him.
“Yes, sir” he answers.
“Are you okay?” she asks.
“I’m perfectly fine, sir,” he reassures her.
Ahsoka frowns a little, but accepts his answer. “Should we get going?”
“Not quite yet!” a familiar voice calls.
The three of them turn and find Senator Amidala approaching with one of her attendee's and a little girl.
Rex frowns, wondering what this was about and why the senator brought a child into the hangar.
“Good morning Senator,” Skywalker greets with a smile. “Come to with us luck on our mission?”
“Not quite,” She smiles at Anakin and continues, “We’re here to see your captain.”
Rex removes his helmet, glancing at Anakin. 
“May we have a moment?” Padme asks.
“Of course,” Anakin nods, before ushering Ahsoka onto the ship.
“I apologize for holding you from your duties Captain, but we had to catch you before your battalion departed,” Padme says.
“It’s not a problem, ma’am,” He assures, glancing at the little girl holding onto Padme’s skirt. “What can I do for you?”
“This is Makéa,” Padme rests her hand on the little girl’s shoulder, gently guiding her forward. “She’s part of the class that made gifts for your men and she insisted on giving you your gift in person.”
“My gift?” Rex asks.
“Of course. You didn’t think we’d forget you did you?” Padme says.
Rex blinks at Padme before quickly shifting his gaze to the little girl before him. Rex’s heart tightens in his chest, looking at the adorable blue dress she’s wearing, the blue shoes, and the little blue bows holding her hair out of his face. She’s wearing his battalion’s color. She dressed up just to see him. 
“Hi,” She says, smiling sweetly up at him. 
Rex couldn’t help mirroring her smile, “Hello Makéa.”
Padme waves over her attendee who hands Makéa the colorful bag.
The bag was half the size of little Makéa. Rex was already overwhelmed by her coming to see him in person, but the size of the gift bag was making him anxious. He kneels down in front of her, setting his helmet on the ground as she sets it down in front of her.
“You didn’t have to do all this,” Rex says, glancing up at Padme.
“But I wanted to meet you,” Makéa says.
His heart squeezes in his chest again. He didn’t know what was wrong with him, but he couldn’t get over how intentional this little girl is being. Why would she want to meet him? Why didn’t she send her gift in with the other students? He’s just one clone out of thousands. He didn’t deserve this kind of special treatment.
“You’re not going to get in trouble for this are you?” She asks.
“Don’t worry about me,” He says.
“Go on, show the captain what you brought him,” Padme says, encouraging Makéa to proceed. 
Makéa smiles brightly and reaches into the gift bag. “I brought you my favorite blanky-” she pulls out a folded white blanket with little teddy bears all over it and hands it to him. “-when you get scared or sad just wrap blanky around you and he’ll make you feel better.’ 
Rex stares at Makéa with wide eyes as he gently takes the soft blanket. He didn’t know what to say.
“Blanky's special that way, so if you take care of him, he’ll take care of you.”
“Y-yes ma’am,” he manages.
Makéa smiles and reaches back into the bag. She pulls out a small brown box and hands it to him. “I made you a bracelet.”
Rex takes the box, noticing the nervousness in her voice. He opens it, finding a white and blue beaded bracelet and lifts it out of the box. He carefully turns it over in his hands, finding words spelled out with the small beads in Aurebesh. One side of the bracelet read, ‘BE SAFE’ and the opposite side, ‘I LOVE YOU’.
Rex’s eyebrows knit together in confusion. “Makéa can I ask you why you added ‘I LOVE YOU’?”
“Because I love you,” she says softly.
“Why?” Rex asks without thinking.
“Because! Because- You- You’re out there in space every day fighting scary droids and bad guys to keep me and so many other people safe from all the bad people! I get to go play with friends, and- and have ice cream, and go to school, and go to bed comfy at night and not be scared something’s going to get me because you- you’re out there fighting! You’re a hero and I love you.”
Rex stares at the little girl before him, who’s twisting the bow on the front of her dress. He’s completely mystified. He never would’ve imagined that him and his brothers would come to means something to people. But to be thought of as heroes? He almost doesn’t want to believe her. It’s too much. She gave him such precious gifts; her favorite blanket to keep him steady, and a bracelet she made for him with two heartfelt messages on it. He’s absolutely blown away.
“Do you not like it?” Makéa asks, her voice a nervous little chirp.
Rex reaches forward, gently gripping her shoulder. “This is the greatest gift I’ve ever been given, ad’ika.” 
Makéa meets his gaze and smiles brightly, “Really?”
Rex smiles back, “Really.” 
“Do you think it’ll fit?” she asks.
“Let’s find out.” 
Rex slips the bracelet onto his wrist. It sits comfortably between the plastoid armor fitted to the back of his gloved hand and his forearm. He flexes his wrist to make sure it doesn’t pinch between the armor or restrict his movement and surprisingly, it doesn’t.
“It fits perfectly,” he says.
“Will you wear it?”
Rex smiles softly at her, “Always.”
Makéa rushes forward and wraps her arms around the captain’s neck, hugging him tightly. Rex tenses, hesitating as his heart pounds in his chest before wrapping his arms around the little girl. He pulls her small form flush against his armored chest and cradles the back of her head. He’s never felt so appreciated by anyone in his life.
“Thank you for your service Mister Rex,” Makéa whispers and kisses his cheek.
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Push & Pull
Pairing: Captain Rex x Jedi! Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Genre: Angst (i’m sorry)
Warnings: there’s a bit of a makeout scene in the beginning, the rest I can’t give away without spoiling the story so be warned
A/N: It really was supposed to be fluffy at first but... it was too tempting. I based the Title off a KARD song. Also if the consensus demands it I’ll write the part two I’ve been planning for this. Feedback is really appreciated for this! I worked hard on it and I’m actually quite proud of it!
Summary: What happens when the reality of your secret relationship comes crashing in, and the fear peaks out from amongst the rubble.
AKA You push him away and he tries to pull you back in.
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You could taste the desire littered across his tongue as you both consumed each other. His hands grabbed at the nape of your neck desperate to pull you closer to him than what was physically possible. You were clinging on to each breath as your mouths moved as one, refusing to let the other go. He was your safety net, the one thing you felt too selfish to ever let go of, even if it meant taking him down with you. Not that the galaxy would ever let you two find peace. It was tumultuous and violent, and there was no escape, not for any single inhabitant. But for the two of you, there was no hope. Your little secret was doomed to explode from the start. 
He was a soldier and you a Jedi. There were countless things wrong with whatever this was, yet you could never seem to get enough, until now. If attachment and love were forbidden, then how was it so easy to fall into this in the first place? Especially when the man in front of you looked to be carved by the stars himself. Was this supposed to be what temptation was like? Painful and gut-wrenching but deliciously so. And how were you supposed to let him go?
“Mesh’la,” he breathes out. Effortlessly, like everything else he does. “I think I lost you back there. I only noticed because it’s kind of hard to make out with a durasteel wall.” You chuckled, looking into the warm irises of the man you’ve grown to love. It broke you, seeing that look of pure adoration in his eyes because you knew that in a matter of time, all you would see is misery within them. You tried to keep every bit of fear you had inside, instead choosing to relish in the unbridled happiness Rex brought you, but there is only so much a person can take before the dam breaks, and it finally did. A lone tear sinks down your cheek accompanied by a sniffle, the only signs you’re willing to let peak through, but it’s plenty enough to worry your beloved Captain. His calloused hands moved to hold your face and wipe the evidence of your turmoil.
“Cyare, talk to me. What’s going on inside that pretty little head of yours?” He moved to press a chaste kiss to your temple, and you couldn’t hold it in anymore. A cascade of sobs echoed across your quarters accompanied by soft hushes and words of encouragement, as he held you tight to his chest, rubbing circles into your hip bone.
“I’m sorry,” was all you could muster out in between your sobs, trying desperately to regulate your breathing.
“For what?” He asked, his gaze continuing to bore holes in yours, the concern ebbing off him in waves.
“For loving you,” you choke out. You were sure he wasn’t able to make any of it out between heaving, sobs, and snot-filled sniffles. But judging by the silence and lack of movement in the room, he was a bit shocked by your confession.
The silence that passed was agony as you watched those gears turn in his head as he was trying to make sense of it all. You watched as the facade of this hardened man started to crack and crumble above you. He was slowly starting to understand the connotation of your words and where this conversation was headed.
“Why?” He asked finally letting out that agonizing breath you had assumed he had been holding in.
“I just-” You took a breath, it coming out far shakier than you would’ve liked, “I can’t do this to you. Not anymore. I have been incredibly selfish with your feelings, knowing of the consequences that are destined for us. You deserve so much more than that.”
He was still frozen in his place, so you just decided to continue. “I’m sorry Rex. There’s not much hope for either of us with the lives we have led. I love you.” You stared at the stars countless nights, wondering, dreaming of this moment. The moment you finally put it all on the line and told him you loved him. But the last option to ever grace your thoughts was that you told him while you were doing this. You expected the moment to be filled with kisses and warm hugs and the only feeling that could be felt was love. Not this. “But that’s not enough. That will never be enough when this, us, is bound to break and shatter in all the worst ways possible.”
“And how is that guaranteed in your eyes? With the way you are talking, it sounds like we have no choice but to surrender to it. To run away and cower in fear. But how do we know for sure things are going to blow up in our faces? Shouldn’t we be allowed to be happy?” You were angry. Not at him, but at all this destruction, death, and violence that promises no reprieve, and yet he still chooses to hold on to the hope that one day it will. That one day this war will be over. When you know that there’s no way the galaxy could ever find peace.
“Because Rex” You screamed, your heart pouring itself out through your voice. “You are a Captain in the Grand Army of the Republic and I am a Knight of the Jedi Order. Someone catches one whiff of us and you’re court-martialed and I’m removed from the order. I could possibly live with that, but the punishment for you is not something I could live with. Rex, they would kill you.” 
“You don’t know that,” he sighed.
“But I do, which is why I know we can’t do this anymore. Not with a cost this high,” you let out one last shaky sigh before you moved to the door. Finalizing your decision in ending your happiness and going back to the shell you once were, by command of the Jedi.
“You can’t leave,” he gritted out through barred teeth, “You made me a promise when you first came to our command. That we are a team.” He shot up from his position on shaky legs, all of his emotions evident in his stance, “And that we get through things together. You can’t make this decision on your own. You promised.” It was hard to catch that last bit, it was barely a whisper. 
“This is the only decision to make, can’t you see Rex? We have no other choice.” You saw it. For the first time ever, your hardened but warm and loving Captain finally broke. Relinquishing the control he’s tried desperately to cling to since his inception, a tear falls down his cheeks. Something you’ve never seen before and it breaks your heart even more.
“What I see is you being selfish!” Those words hit you like a gut punch because he was right. You were being selfish. But it was all you could do to keep the one thing that makes you feel human, safe. You were taught nearly your whole life to avoid emotions and attachments, and because of it you nearly functioned like a droid. Your only focus was to do what they told you to. Then Rex came along and gave you a reason to fight, to feel, to exist. And the idea of losing him in this endless battle of torment was something you couldn’t stomach.
“I’m not a droid, Cyare. I make my own decisions, you can’t make them for me.” He was yelling now, even though his volume wasn’t ridiculously loud, avoiding unnecessary attention. It was still his choice of words and how he said them that made your knees buckle. There was an overwhelming feeling to fall to the ground and melt but you needed to be strong and get out of this, for both your sakes.
“I have never once compared you to that of a droid. You are fully capable, but I can’t play games with your life, Rex. You are the most important thing in my life.” You let out a sob, one of many since this debacle began, but one that fully conveyed just what you were feeling at that moment.
“Please, just stay. We can talk this through, what you’re feeling. We don’t have to leave it like this.” He put your face in his hands again, kissing you while he still shook in fear. One that was a silent beg, to not let go. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, tears falling down your cheeks, “I don’t know how.” You opened the door knowing that once you take this step there was no coming back, and took one last look at the man who meant everything to you.
“Please,” he cried. And with that, you left. Abandoning the only bit of freedom you ever had.
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toomanybandstocare · 11 months
Congrats on your account anniversary! You’re an awesome person and friend! ✨💕
I’m submitting the .𖥔 ݁ ˖☾𖤓.𖥔 ݁ ˖ Sneaking Around request…
with Captain Rex x Reader!
Perhaps something fluffy and sweet? 💓
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖☾𖤓.𖥔 ݁ ˖ - Sneaking Around
Drabble for character x reader. @starrylothcat requested something fluffy and sweet with our resident Captain with puppy dog eyes. I hope you enjoy it!! Thank you for celebrating with me, an dI so enjoyed chatting and getting to know you, friend <3
Pairing: Captain Rex x GN! reader
Genre: Fluff
Length: 800w
Warnings: Mention of alcohol, Barely proof read
Counselor Note: So sorry this is shorter! I really wanted to write this for you and just share a piece of sunshine fluff with our boi.
-> Celebration Announcement Post <- -> Celebration Masterlist <- -> Camp Resolute Masterlist <-
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A warm sea breeze lazily drifts over the beach club as sun beams lightly kiss the skin of vacationers and employees. Cheers and shouts from the shoreline harmonize with the ocean’s rolling waves as children splash around in the crystal blue waters. Parents sit under umbrellas with blankets and coolers of snacks while they keep a careful eye on their kids as they enjoy a moment of relaxation. Other patrons chat excitedly as they wander around the cabanas and different restaurants on the property.
Arching your back with a satisfied hum, you sink further into your lounge chair. Although your movement is limited with the weight of your lover’s body resting on your chest. Rex’s sleeping expression pinches at your movement, and his arms tighten around your waist. 
“Where do you think you’re going,” he asks. His voice thick with sleep now rumbles against your skin with its low vibrato that sends shivers through you.
You peer down at him over your sunnies with an amused expression. “No where, I promise. I was, however, trying to get more comfortable, but it seems like someone’s more concerned about their afternoon nap,” you lightly tease. Rex presses his face into the crook of your neck and groans, which pulls a melodious laugh from you.
The two of you were granted an extended leave after the most recent battle. Without a second thought, Rex started to pack both your bags as he muttered under his breath about everything his commanding officers and brothers put him through with the latest so called plan. As he flew across your room looking for your favorite outfits, you quickly reserved a private cabana for the two of you to hide away and enjoy from prying eyes. Neither of you want to lift a single finger, and both of you made a secret promise to make sure the other didn’t as well.
Rex has never thought too much of what his future would be. The sensitive heart that makes it home in his chest shies away from false hope. After losing so many brothers and close friends, Rex isn’t sure he could survive even one more crack in his tattered heart. Yet when he pulls away from your soft skin, he melts when he meets your adoring expression. Late afternoon sunlight frames you in a breathtaking glow that makes Rex fall in love with you all over again. Only this time it feels like the air is knocked out of him, and Rex falls harder for you. “What would you like to do, hm?” Rex asks as one of his arms slips from your waist and cups your cheek.
Even with the summer heat, you alway find comfort in Rex’s warmth. Leaning into his palm, your eyes flutter shut for a moment as you hum in thought. “How about dinner and drinks? Been here all morning, and we forgot to bring a cooler and our beach bag today,” you muse out loud and look at him once more. Your mind finally slows into a languid peaceful bliss after half a month disconnected from the rest of the galaxy. Never in a rush to get from place to place as you focus on enjoying the taste of normalcy with your riduur.
“Then dinner and drinks, we will find,” Rex agrees with a groan as he pulls away from you. Slipping off the lounge chair, Rex stretches his arms above his head. When he opens his eyes to catch you unabashedly checking him out, Rex’s cheeks blush a deeper red from the already existing sun kiss to his cheeks. “Alright, enough of that. There’ll be plenty of time for whatever daydream you’ve come up with later,” Rex rushes to try and tame the butterflies soaring in a flurry within his stomach. He dips down and loops on arm under your knees as the other rests on your lower back. 
As Rex pulls you up to his chest, your chest sears with excited nerves as laughter falls from your lips. “Rex,” you cry out in giddy disbelief. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you rest your head on his shoulder while he begins to walk towards your favorite of the club restaurants. “Please, don’t drop me,” you breathe out. You trust Rex implicitly, but the lingering nerves make you press closer to him.
Rex glances down at you with a soft expression. “I will never drop you, cyar’ika. I’m always going to be there to catch you,” he promises you. Something squeezes at his lungs when you look up at him in utter adoration, and Rex swears to himself that he will always try to keep that expression on your face. Wholly devoted to your wellbeing and happiness, Rex has never felt more at home than he has in this moment.
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mh073099 · 3 months
“I’ll Find You” - Captain Rex x Reader Fic Part 3
TRIGGER WARNINGS - Sexual Harassment- a bit. Themes of Torture, Terrorism, Murder, our girl is a separatist spy okay she's not the good guy yet. Age Gap- 18/19 to a 24/25. Don't Worry not for long, I am a fan of age gaps.
Author Note- SOOOOOoooo It has been a really Long time since I posted anything for this and almost abandoned it but I reread it earlier and got some inspiration again, to anyone that cares reading this. Also, pay attention to the time stamps.. they will be important in the future.
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Gif rights to creator
Part 3
Paris, France 05/21/2067 01:45
As we sat down in the café, I suddenly felt awkward. Here I was, sitting down with the first person in ages that really noticed me, regardless of if it was real or not. I felt naked. Laid bare under his gaze. 
“Relax, princess. I’m not going to bite.” He smiles at me. Never in my life has someone smiled at me this much. 
“Not even if I ask nicely?” I snark back, leaning forward onto the table with my hands. Rex just looks at me, smirk on his face, not taking the bate. 
“You know what’s scary?” I ask him. I’m unable to help myself.
“Knowing that you could destroy everything I’ve ever known, and yet I think I’d let you.” What the fuck am I saying? And that thought must be showing on my face because he starts to speak again.
He regards me carefully. “Maybe that’s what you need,” comes out slow and soft.
“I don’t need saving.” I look him square in the eyes.
“I’m not taking about saving you. I’m taking about freeing you.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” I feel we are dancing around the obvious.
“Hmmm. Tell me something about yourself. Something honest, real.” He asks while sipping his hot chocolate. He looks so normal, so calm and at peace. While we sit here and dance around elephants in the room. 
“Oh, well I don’t know. Um… I speak 6 languages.” I offer up. Kinda at a loss to answer, for Am I really that much of a person? I do what I’m told. I am the makeup of ash and ember that has been molded by pain, over and over again. My whole life is a lie. A secret. Something I cannot share, for the so called greater good. Honest? Something Real? Am I even real? These thoughts aren’t ones I should be having. Conversations like this lead down a dark road.
“Wow, that is impressive.” He really does look impressed by that fact. “What Languages? Even though that’s not what I meant by my question, obviously. But I have to ask.”
“Maybe I am Deflecting.”
“You are most definitely deflecting.” Then he looks at me expectantly.
“Well, English obviously,” earns me the low chuckle that I am growing to adore. “As well as French, Spanish, Geonosian, Huttese, and Kittat.”
His head snaps up from where he was drinking his coffee. “Kittat? That’s a dead language, used by- “
“Yes, The Old Empire. My mother is a historian. Translated a few things for the republic. Taught me as she was teaching herself.” The lie falls easy and quick from my mouth. The dead language isn’t as dead as everyone thinks. It’s what the separatists use to pass information along. An Illegal language has its benefits.
Which of course he brings up. “Mhhmm. And Isn’t it an illegal language?” He cocks his head; his eyes harden the slightest bit.
"Technically yes but Historians like my mother have permits and clearances for such things. Teaching me? Now that wasn’t necessarily legal but what kind of government prohibits a whole language? Its just words.”
“Dangerous words” he counters carefully.
“As if words in any other language can’t be dangerous?” I lean back. “It was William Douglas said ‘The most important aspect of freedom of speech is freedom to learn. All education is a continuous dialogue- questions and answers that pursue every problem on the horizon.’ Without the freedom to criticize, question and challenge the dominant narrative, societies cannot make progress.” I finish with a huff.
Rex leans back, with a smile on is lips, and something bright gleaming in his eyes. “You’re very passionate about this.”
“There is only passion.”
Rex pauses, licks his lips and smiles. “Of course, you’re 100% right about freedom of speech. But progress is slow. We must learn from the past. Not repeat it.”
“And isn’t that what’s happening?”
“I don’t think so. I work for a great senator, Her efforts and even the quiet efforts of her husband have shown that they actually care for their people. And truly want to make the world a better place. The right way.”
“What’s your job title exactly?” I bait him.
“What’s yours?” 
I sigh. He had me there. “Hmm.” The right way. Is there really such a thing as right and wrong? Or did it come down to Just you and them? Two sides of the same coin? I look down at my hands, unable to look him in the eye anymore. “Still feel like you’re following me.”
“Maybe it’s not you I am following.” His response makes me freeze, and then surprisingly relax. That is a loaded response…but maybe. Just maybe.
He reaches his hand down across the table, pinky touching mine and interrupting my thoughts.
I loop my pinky with his. Looking down at our entwined fingers. His pinky finger is calloused but warm. I hope he couldn’t tell how sweaty my hand was while being hooked on my pinky.
“Where do you see yourself five years from now?” I asked, still staring at our pinkies.
His inhale makes me look up, and I can’t make the expression on his face. “You don’t ask easy questions.”
“You’re one to talk.” I fire back.
We both dissolve into giggles. I just feel giddy, and his smile in intoxicating. For the first time, I feel clean. Like I don’t have to hide. 
“In five years? A promotion, with better pay and better hours. My schedule now is nowhere near stable, but a set work schedule would be nice. And hopefully, a relationship. I’m a little young to think about starting a family, but I want that someday, and in 5 years, I hope to have that person by my side.” He answers, taking hold of my whole hand as he finishes.
“Hmm. That sounds nice.” I say absent mindedly, imaging what a family would even feel like.
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
“Where do you see yourself in five years?” He squeezes my hand in reassurance.
Dead. For a cause that I am not even sure I believe in.
“Honestly? I don’t know. Right now, my work keeps me busy, as well as in the moment. Success is seen in immediate results. Long term is not something I am looking at yet” I try to keep it vague.
“You haven’t thought about it?” He pushes.
But pushing starts to irritate me, and I snap back with, “I’m young, what’s there to worry about? Who cares for future.” I say in a huff. A dark look overtakes my face and I pull my hand away. Hands in my lap, looking at him in all his handsome goodness. Curse life for dangling him in my face. His eyes are filled with sympathy as if he could possibly understand what it was like to not know what happens tomorrow. To have your fate completely out of your own hands.
“Princess, you asked the question.” He pauses then leans a little more forward. He looks so open. “I don’t know what you’re caught up in. But I have friends. People that could help-“
“Woah let me stop you right there. I do not need saving. I am perfectly fine thank you very much. I don’t know what you think you know, But I can tell you, You are wrong. I have a well paying job that provides for me, I get to travel, I-“ I loose track of where I was going with this. How do you try and stand up for living a life you don’t want? “Rex,” I sigh. “I’m fine. You will just come to find that I tend to be pessimistic at times.” I offer up.
He just looks at me, taking in the sight of me. I wonder what he sees?
Then he reads my mind and goes, “When I look at you, I see a strong, beautiful ruthless young woman with her whole life ahead of her. But you have this look in your eye. You’re not happy. Not even close.”
“How do you know?” I shake my head.
“I recognize that look because I used to stare at it in the mirror every day. Until I found a way to stop living like that.” He offers. Rex cocks his head at me, looking concerned and sympathetic. I hate it. I can’t understand why he cares.
“Sounds easy.”
The silence seems comforting. I don’t feel as alone as I normally do.
“I’d gladly let you ruin me if you asked.” Left my mouth unbidden.
First, I see surprise flash across his face. Determination settles in its place.
He pulls out a card, and slides it across the table. I don’t look at it, just slip it in my pocket.
Rex goes to say something, But at that moment, the door to the 24-7 café we’re in opens.
When I connect with his eyes, all I feel is dread. The anger is rolling off him in waves. The card heavy in my pocket.
Rex must notice the color drain from my face because he turns slightly and catches sight of Maul.
“I’m so sorry.” I whisper to Rex, as Maul approaches with long strides. He arrives at our little table in just a few steps.
“Let’s go.” Is not question. “I’ve been requested to make sure you arrive home safe. Your mother was worried.” His deep voice oozes with thinly veiled venom and misplaced passiveness.
“Is everything all right?” I hear, Rex’s tone firm, calm and dangerous. I look over at him, and the look he is shooting at Maul rocks me off balance. He looks positively murderous. Never could I image his face set in stone like this.
“I wasn’t talking to you.” Maul sneers, slowly moving his gaze to Rex. The heat in their stare was almost Nuclear. As if at any moment, they would collide and explode on each other, leaving devastation in their wake.
"Everything is fine John,” I quickly say making sure not to give his real name out, hand reaching out to his and I go to stand up.
His gaze shifts to me and his eyes soften. “It was nice talking to you princess. Stay Safe out there.”
I softly smile and look to Maul. His eyes burn me, promising trouble that he will enjoy, and that I certainly will not. “Well? Let’s go then.” I bark out bitterly.
We turn and leave.
It took everything in me not to look back.
 Paris, France 05/21/2067 02:15
The whole drive was silent on the way back to the manor, but the smugness was rolling off Maul in waves. I didn’t know what lied ahead of me. But I did know one thing. Rex knew I was trouble. This could go one of two ways. I could give rex up, milk him for what he knows and dispose of him. The thought twisted painfully in my chest, and it became hard to breath. Or I could toss Rex a bone. Slowly bring down the cause. I’d be betraying everything I had known. But what was a cause that killed and stole for their own gains? An Ideal that the Republic is the oppressor while simultaneously oppressing not only those they deem an enemy to the cause, but to their very supporters as well. That idea made the weight on my heart ease a bit.
Oh God, what have I gotten myself into?
When we arrived at the manor, I was hesitant. The place held a blanket of doom that did little to keep the cold out. Maul stalked forwards while I meekly followed behind. I was scared. Maul was excited.
We entered the haunted manor and made our way to the main parlor. In the room stood the Count, my Mother, and Him. The Chancellor of the separatist movement. Everything about him was absolutely Sidious. My mother’s face was blank. Just an empty shell with her face. The Count looked bored. Maul looked like a dog, drooling for a bone.
“Hello, my darling girl.” His voice was like poison. It took everything in me not to flinch. “I have a job for you.”
Here. We. Go.
  Paris, France 05/21/2067 04:00
I lied there, in my own blood and vomit. Left alone to pick myself up.
The Humiliation of this night will forever be burned into my spine. All for what?
To test my strength, He said. To assure everyone but more importantly to assure myself, that I have the will to continue this path. To kill doubt that lingers within myself and within our circle about my abilities. After all, I was just a young girl. They needed proof of my loyalty. My undying loyalty. To remind myself that Peace is a lie. To become what I pretend to be, he said. To prove I am enough for this job, that I will see it through. No matter the pain, the costs.
“Tell me, do you have anything to say for yourself? To prove yourself worthy?” In all his Sidious might, he stood over me. Brand still glowing, the smell of burning flesh overtaken my senses. I looked over at my mother. She looked at me as if I was nothing. I didn’t recognize her anymore. 
Turn back to him, Looking him in the eye. “There is no peace, only passion.”
 His smile is wicked, and he continues.
  Paris, France 05/24/2067 13:47
I lay in bed, just staring at the wall. Ace by my side. I have to keep him from trying to lick my wounds.
I need to get up. I need a plan out of this. This…this isn’t me, right?
“Peace is a lie, there is only passion.”
I sit up, pushing myself through the pain.
“Through Passion, I gain Strength.”
Standing up was hard. My legs gave out, and I had to learn heavily on the bed until I could get my feet underneath me.
“Through Strength, I gain Power.”
I slowly make my way over the mirror.
“Through Power, I gain Victory”
The Woman looking back at me is unrecognizable.
“Through Victory, My chains are broken.”
A lie. All I see are chains.
“Through Victory, My chains are broken.” I repeat.
Tears cloud my vision, and I am filled with rage.
“Through Victory, My chains are broken.”  I whisper, before I slam My fist into the full-length mirror.
My knees hit the floor, digging into glass. I relish the pain.
“I am set Free.”
I reach for the Card.
Paris, France 05/24/2067 13:59
He picks up after the first ring. “Hello?” His voice deep, and rumbles through me. I take a deep breath.
“Did you know?” I ask, voice hoarse and sore, but full of force. No room for argument. 
“Princess, is that you?” I ignore the butterflies in my stomach at the nickname.
“Rex. Did you know when we first met? Back in D.C.?” I ask again. There’s no way he didn’t know now. Not with the way our late-night conversation went.
He sighs. “No. I didn’t know back then.” 
“You Promise?”
“I promise.”
“When did you find out?” My voice breaks.
His voice is soft when he replies, “I didn’t find out until after seeing you that afternoon at the cafe. I went back to the embassy after that and... well.”
I took a deep breath. He was honest with no hesitation. I don’t know how I knew that, but I did. I believed it deep in my bones. 
“You let me walk away.” My vision starts to get blurry.
“I knew you’d make the right choice in the end. I believe in you.”
“That doesn’t make any fucking sense,” I whisper.
“Princess, are you ok? The other night you-
I choke out a laugh. “Yeah. I’m fine. Tell you’re bosses I’ll help. That’s what their expecting right?” 
I let out a sniffle. God, I’m really doing this.
“Look, Let’s talk about th-”
“No. No talking. One condition. You’re the person I talk to. No one else.”
A sigh. “I wish you would stop interrupting me.” His voice holds 1000s emotions, and I can’t place any of them. 
“Get used to it. Good-bye Rex. I’ll keep in touch.”
I hung up the phone. 
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kaminokatie · 3 months
Order 66 Part Two || Captain Rex
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Synopsis - You can't hold back your feelings for Rex anymore, regardless of what happened on the Jedi Cruiser during Order 66.
Warnings - NSFW.
Word Count - 1.4k.
{Part One Here}
{Caffeinate Me}
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What had happened to you on the Jedi Cruiser hadn’t been spoken about; neither you nor Rex could bear to bring it up. Rex felt incredibly guilty despite your reassurance and you, well, it wasn’t something you wanted to exactly re-live.  
Ahsoka had gone her own way while Rex had vowed to save more of his brothers. You knew you probably should have gone with Ahsoka, but your heart belonged to Rex… You couldn’t leave him. You were currently hiding out in an abandoned house in the middle of a forest while Rex made a plan, an extremely detailed and thorough plan.  
You looked around the dilapidating home until your eyes fixated on Rex who was, as usual, looking distressed. You stood up and made your way to his side. “Rex,” you whispered, placing your hand on his armoured shoulder. “Are you okay?” 
His helmet rested on the table in front of him, leaving his face uncovered for you to see the emotion hiding beneath his eyes. Yet despite this, he still tried to lie to you. “I’m fine,” was all he said. 
“You’re not fine,” you mumbled, wedging yourself between him and the table to gain his full undivided attention. 
Rex let out a big sigh and looked into your eyes. “I’m sorry.” 
You smiled at him, clearly confused. “What’re you sorry for?” 
“You know exactly what I’m sorry for,” he sighed again. 
You furrowed your eyebrows at him and bit your bottom lip. “Rex…” You mumbled. You pulled him into a bone crushing hug, your cheek pressed up against his plastoid armour plating. 
“Don’t do that,” Rex growled lightly. 
“Don’t do what?” You asked, pulling away from him assuming he meant the hug. 
“Don’t pretend that what happened was okay,” his reply was shaky. “I hurt you Y/N, in a way I should protect you from!” 
You could see he was getting frustrated, anger in his eyes as he thought back to what he had done. “I assume very few clones were immune to order 66,” you tried to comfort him, but weren’t exactly sure how. 
“That doesn’t make what I did any better Y/N, and you know it.” You shook your head and stood on your tiptoes, trying your best to press your forehead against his comfortingly. “What are you doing?” 
“What I should have done when we left that stupid cruiser,” you mumbled before pressing your lips to his softly. After a few seconds you pulled away, nervous to see the Clone Captain’s reaction, however you didn’t get a good look at his face as he pulled you back, kissing you passionately. Rex’s hands settled on your hips, nails digging into the fabric of your Jedi robes as he deepened the kiss. Without hesitation you kissed back, biting down on his bottom lip as you jumped up, sitting on the table behind you. You opened your legs, letting Rex settle between them as the kiss intensified. “Oh Rex,” you mumbled between his lips, hand reaching down to remove his codpiece, feeling his hardening cock against his blacks. 
“Y/N…” He whispered, pulling away from your lips and looking down at you whilst breathing heavily. “I don’t think I can do this.” 
“Why not?” You asked, tilting your head to the side. 
“I can’t forget what I did,” Rex whispered, his eyes purposefully looking away from you. Your hands skillfully removed the rest of his armour as Rex breathed deeply, hitching slightly as you pulled down his blacks to his knees and finally freeing his cock. His tip was swollen and red, pre-cum dripping from his slit but still Rex didn’t look at you. You jumped off the table and got to your knees, sitting up and taking the head of his cock into your mouth, tasting the saltiness of his pre-cum on your tongue. Rex shivered, eyes finally casting down to you as a hand made its way to your hair, pushing your face further onto him. His cock hit the back of your throat, causing you to gag slightly and Rex immediately pulled you off of him. “I’m sorry,” he said quickly. 
You couldn’t help but chuckle, “don’t be,” you said before finding his cock once more with your mouth. You licked the underside of his shaft, before taking him in again fully. You gagged again, but expertly continued your movements as you bobbed your head along his length, tongue poking out to wrap around his head. Another one of Rex’s hands fell to your hair, both of them now placed on the back of your head, somewhat guiding your movements.
After a few more moments of you essentially deepthroating him, Rex pulled out of your mouth with a silent pop and looked at you with wide eyes. “I was so close,” he mumbled before looking away, slight embarrassment on his face. 
“That’s okay,” you smiled, wiping the drool from the corners of your mouth. You stood up slowly, peeling your Jedi robes off and getting completely naked for your Captain. When your clothes were in a pile by your feet, you jumped back onto the table and lay down so you were flat on your back. Spreading your legs, you exposed your dripping cunt to Rex who’s eyes were now trained on you with a hunger you hadn’t seen since that day. “Please Rex,” you begged, voice clearly pleading. You cupped your breasts and played with your puckering nipples before trailing a hand down to your clit. Your fingers strummed at the sensitive bundle of nerves before Rex viciously pulled your hand away. 
You looked up at him confused until you felt his tip poking at your entrance. You nodded and Rex nodded back to you before slowly slipping inside of you. You both moaned loudly and Rex let his body collapse onto yours. His arms wrapped around your waist as his hips began to snap against yours gently, lovingly. Rex kissed your bare neck, breathing heavily against the crook as he tried to pace himself. He almost forgot how good you had felt. You wrapped your legs around Rex’s waist, forcing his cock inside of you at a deeper angle making you squirm slightly. 
He pulled your body closer against his as his pace sped up, hips driving desperately into you. “Kriff,” he hissed, biting at the soft skin of your flesh on your neck to quieten the intensity of his moans. 
Your back arched lightly as he hit that spongy spot inside, drilling into you now at a pace you didn’t even think was possible. “Rex!” You cried out, nails dragging down his back. “I’m gonna cum!” 
“Cum for me baby,” Rex growled, teeth pulling at your neck and sending you over the edge. Your entire body lit up with pleasure as your legs went slack around his waist. Your clit was throbbing from the sheer force of your orgasm and beads of sweat were dripping down your temple. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” Rex spluttered as his hips stuttered against yours. Thick ropes of cum erupted from his slit and deep inside of you as he continued to fuck into you. “Take it all baby. Please,” he begged, his hips finally stilling against you. You nodded, breathing heavily. “I love you. I love you so much,” he blurted out. 
Your eyes widened and your breath caught in your throat at his confession, but you were quick to reciprocate the feeling. “I love you too Rex.” He pulled away from your neck to press a chaste kiss to your lips, cock sliding out of you slowly. “I always have.” 
“Same here,” he whispered against your lips. Rex’s hands slid from around your waist and came to cup your face. “You should get some rest. I still have a lot of planning to do.” 
“I don’t want to sleep without you,” you grumbled, watching as Rex stood up and pulled his blacks back up his toned body. 
“How about I cuddle you until you fall asleep?” Rex suggested. Your eyes lit up and you smiled wildly, nodding excitedly. “Come on then,” he chuckled. 
“Let me get dressed first,” you smiled, picking your clothes up off the floor and quickly dressing yourself.
You followed Rex into the bedroom and climbed into the abandoned bed together. He was quick to place your head on his chest. The sound of his heartbeat was quick to lull you into a restful slumber, being in his arms just felt so right. “Goodnight, my sweet Jedi,” Rex whispered as he pressed a kiss on the top of your head.
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buffysimonriley · 1 year
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[ comfort officer ] • captain rex
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synopsis - you're a comfort officer for the 501st but your sights are set on one person.
pairing - captain rex/reader.
warnings - nsfw.
fancy helping me pay for my wedding? | commissions. | ao3. | wattpad.
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being a comfort officer for the 501st had been a rollercoaster of a ride, but one you had enjoyed so far. the members of the 501st had all fallen for you, but there was somebody in particular who caught your attention: captain rex. 
currently, rex's cock was in your mouth as he squirmed underneath you. his cock was so far in the back of your throat that you were gagging for air, however rex's delicious moans kept you from coming up. rex was completely at your mercy and you were loving every second of it. you see, rex was the only submissive member of the 501st in the bedroom. the captain would submit to you completely and without question. rex's love for you was pure and unfiltered and he told you that every time he saw you. but that was for another time. right now, you bobbed your head along rex's cock and revealed in the sounds he made. "oh maker, y/n," he groaned grasping your hair in his hands. "can't take it anymore, need to be inside of you." 
you pulled off his cock with a 'pop' sound and nodded, a smirk gracing your lips. you loved it when he begged for you and he was so close to begging. you turned around and shimmied your pants down your legs until they pooled at your ankles, shaking your arse at him teasingly. rex could let out a slow moan as he reached for the plush of your arse. taking each cheek in either hand, he squeezed tightly as he admired the way you filled his palms. his cock was so hard, it was hot to the touch and beads of pre cum were now dripping down his shaft. you turned around again to look at rex, still smiling. "poor baby, do you need me?" you asked teasingly. rex's throat was dry and all's he could do was nod as he swallowed. you obliged, pushing him down onto your bed and crawling on top of him. you teased him by grinding your pussy against his thigh, coating it with your wetness that had accumulated just from sucking him off. 
rex sighed and grasped your hips. "please," he begged. 
you cocked an eyebrow at him. "you know better than 'please'," you smiled, still grinding against him. 
"y/n, baby, i'm begging you," he pleaded. "i need you to ride me. i need it." 
"good boy," you whispered before making your way up to his cock. you aligned it perfectly with your cunt and slowly lowered yourself down on top of him. you were being so slow, rex was desperate to thrust himself up into you to bottom out, but he knew better than that. the last time he did you had tied him to your bed post for hours and made him watch as you brought yourself to orgasm again and again. "maker, rex, you're throbbing."
"i wonder why," rex groaned as he rolled his eyes at you. you slapped him slightly, causing the captain to look at you with wide eyes. 
"don't give me sass," you growled, before plonking yourself down on his last inch quickly. 
"holy fuck," rex moaned out, throwing his head back. 
you let out a chuckle and began to move your hips up and down, your pace agonisingly slow. "you like that pretty boy?" you whispered, bending down to give his lips a quick peck. rex nodded, eyes glossy and wide as he looked up at you. his eyes trailed down to your breasts, watching as they bounced with each bounce you did. it didn't take you long before you were quickening your pace, already bringing rex to orgasm. his eyes told you exactly what you wanted to know. "gonna cum rexy?" you asked cockily. 
"y-yeah," he whimpered, fists grasping the sheets beneath him. you laughed and continued bouncing up and down, eager to make the clone captain cum in less than a minute. you made a few more movements with your hips before rex was a stuttering, moaning mess beneath you. "cumming y/n-" he screamed out, letting the others in his squad know you were fucking him senseless. 
"my my," you whispered, slowing down as he came inside of you. "you made a mess pretty boy."
"'m sorry," he whimpered. rex's eyes were glued to where you were joined, watching as you lifted yourself up off his cock, his cum dribbling out of you. 
"my eyes are up here," you snapped. rex's eyes shot up so he was looking at you directly in the eye. you were smiling sweetly at him now, watching as his face softened. 
"sorry love," he mumbled. you bent down, eye-level with his cock and put it in your mouth once more. "w-what are - ah - you doing?"
"sensitive?" you choked, mouthful of his cock. he nodded in response. "oh i'm not done with you yet, captain," you purred. 
boy, was rex in for a long night. 
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copyright © { 2023 } by buffysimonriley. do not modify.
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kyber-kisses · 1 year
It’s You
Captain Rex x Jedi!reader
Summary: you run into Rex in what could only be the most awkward moment of your life.
Warnings: none just severe fluff
A/N: I came up with this while I was in the shower so please enjoy!
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Nothing could ever go easy for you could it? You swore every day it was just one thing after another of unfortunate events.
Like today for instance. You woke up twenty minutes late for a mission debrief, then afterwords all the caf in the mess hall was cold , the the mission on Sereno went sideways and you and Ahsoka had to go pull Anakins ass out of the fire, and then your beloved Delta-7 interceptor got damaged and was now currently in the hangar with its insides all over the place as the mechanics tried to fix it.
And now for some lovely reason the refreshers on the level of the Resolute where the Jedi quarters were were malfunctioning.
All you had wanted was a hot shower.
You smelled bad and your muscles ached and you were tired beyond all get out.
And so that’s how you found yourself here. in a bold spur of the moment decision you had thrown your usual hygiene items into a small pack, snuck yourself down several floors and into the empty barracks of 501sts Torrent Company. The refreshers beyond their bunks were vacant and would be for another hour.
More than enough time to wash the filth of the day of your body and be gone before anyone came back. The lingering smell of cleaning chemicals clung to your nose as you entered, the motion sensor lights flickering on as you did.
At least it was clean.
Then again why wouldn’t it be? Rex kept his brothers more organized than most. The captain of the 501st wouldn’t dare let their living spaces fall into disarray. Plus tack on the fact that Fives pulled some idiotic move about once a week that landed him with cleaning duty and bam! They were sure to have a clean area for a majority of the time.
You just had to make sure you were quick. And it wasn’t that you were afraid to be seen naked in their barracks. . . More like- how would they react if they saw their naked general in their barracks, you know?
In other words you weren’t up for the awkwardness that could come from this all.
You just had to get clean and get out before they all got back from the mess hall.
Easiest mission ever.
Choosing a random stall, you started the water before shedding the many layers of your robes, folding them neatly on the bench that ran the length of the room as you did. Steam slowly crawled up the mirrors, turning the atmosphere humid as you finally ventured under the warm spray of water.
The water came hot and ample, running in rivulets down your bare skin before disappearing down the drain. The pressure of it wrapped around your body, massaging it just right as you allows yourself to relax.
Yes. This was what you had needed. Peace and quiet and—
You were halfway through scrubbing shampoo into your scalp when the silence in the large room was broken by the sound of quickly approaching footsteps accompanied by a rather foul string of curses.
Quickly smoothing your hands over your head to press any remaining soap out of the way, you wiped the water from your eyes before peeking your head out of the curtain for your stall.
Even in your motionless stance you nearly slipped at the sight of Rex entering the room, the captain busy trying to scrub something off the collar of his blacks with a rag as he did.
You had been hoping no one would enter while you were here. . . But if it had to be someone at least it was Rex.
“I didn’t know you knew such a wide array of curse words.”
At that you had never seen the captain move so fast. He tripped slightly, hanging reaching out to catch himself on a sink as his other went to his chest.
And then it only grew more amusing when he found your eyes. Almost insanely you watched as a deep red crawled up his face.
“Sorry, wasn’t my intention to scare you.”
Seeming to notice how his own cheeks had turned red, Rex spun quickly, hand going to the side of his face to act as a divider to give you privacy. “Just wasn’t expecting to see you here General. Though if it’s not too much to ask; why are you here exactly?”
“Some idiot broke a water pipe on my level, and seeing as I smell like garbage I thought I could sneak down here before I went insane.” You explained, Tilting your head slightly as you spoke. “Sorry for intruding on your space.”
“Understood. And no apology needed.” Rex shuffled awkwardly. “I’ll give you some privacy.”
But before he could venture more than a step toy stopped him. “And what happened to you?”
Turning his body slightly in your direction, Rex looked at you before looking down at his armor and blacks. “Oh ah, Fives got a little too enthusiastic with one of his stories tonight, spilled spotchka all over me.”
“Whered he get that?”
At that Rex let out light huff of amusement. “I don’t even wanna know.”
You were silent for a moment a toy watched him. Despite having seen what he was capable on the battlefield— he was adorable. One minute he could be barking commands and planning battle strategies and the next he would be the most endearing, socially awkward person you had ever met.
He made your heart melt.
“Well if you need to rinse off you’re welcome to join the party .”
At your words you watched Rexs eyes widen slightly, the pink returning to his cheeks and with that you realized how that might of sounded.
“I, I meant that in the most non-creepy way possible!” You quickly added, “and I did not mean that to sound like an invite to join me in here- i was just trying to say don’t let my presence stop you from showering yourself—“The sudden rambling made you wince and before you could say anything else stupid you pulled your head back behind the curtain.
Ok. Well that was definitely not part of your plan.
And that was a whole other level of embarrassing. Kriff you almost preferred the option of a bunch of clone troopers seeing you buck ass nude.
Cursing under your breath you turned to face the water, resisting the urge to hit your head repeatedly against the tile wall.
What the hell was that you idiot?
In that moment you wanted nothing more than to melt into the drain and disappear. Things like that didn’t normally happen. You weren’t known for stuttering or feeling embarrassed. You approached every situation head strong and with a smile.
. . But when it came to Rex? Oh boy when it came to Rex there were moments when that blonde captain turned you into a gooey puddle. He was so kind and brave and caring and a thousand other things you could only hope to be.
A few stalls down the sound of another fresher turning on made you turn your head, though the second you saw Rexs bare shoulders you turned back towards the wall.
Just focus on getting clean.
And that what you did, occupying yourself with scrubbing down every inch of your body in an attempt to keep your mind off the captain several feet away from you.
It was only when you were done that you came across your first problem; your towel was still folded on the bench. . . In the middle of the room.
Letting out a string of curses as you peaked your head out of shower you attempted to calculate the distance, because like hell were you going to scamper your naked butt out there with Rex in the room.
Maybe if you just—
Wrapping the shower curtains lightly around you and praying to the force that Rex wasn’t watching you, you leaned out of your stall, stretching out your arm as much as you could.
Kriff, still not close enough.
Letting out a huff of annoyance you leaned further out, balancing on one leg as you stretched even farther.
So close, if you could just move a little more—
The sound of Rexs shower turning off pulled you out of focus, and in a sudden rushed movement you slipped. One moment you were fine and the next your bare foot was sliding across the wet floor and you went hurtling towards the tiled floor. With fingers still gripping the curtain a series of rapid pops echoed through the room as you pulled it down with you, getting tangled in the fabric as you fell with a shout. As your body hit the floor your head made contact with the bench before you finally came to rest on the wet tile.
“General! Are you alright?” A sudden figure moved into over you, kneeling next to you with nothing but a towel around their waist.
Oh kriff. Let the force take you now.
“Got a little tangled up did you?” He mused, a whisper of a grin on his face as he helped you sit up slowly.
“Not my proudest moment.” Clutching the shower curtain to your chest your free hand wandered to your temple, wincing upon the contact.
“I’ll go grab a bacta patch for that.” Rex breathed, pausing to reach behind you and the grab the towel you had tried so hard to get yourself. “This might do a little better than the shower curtain.” As he spoke a pink hue returned to his cheeks before he rose to his feet. “I’ll- I’ll be right back.”
And with that he departed the room, leaving you in a stunned silence on the still wet floor. Once his figure had disappeared you shed the curtain, moving swiftly to wrap the towel around you instead before moving yourself to the bench.
Damp hair clung to the side of your face as your fingers once more moved to the welt on your temple.
Force, that did not feel good.
“How you feeling?”
As Rex returned, you watched as he crossed the room, now in nothing but his blacks. Goodness was he pretty.
“Like I wiped out on the floor of the freshers.”
A light smile tugged on the captain lips as he knelt down in front of you, peeling the wrapper off the bacta patch. “Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone.”
At that a small laugh left you, your body staying eerily still as he applied the patch to your temple. There was a moment of silence that followed before you spoke.
“Sorry for intruding on your barracks captain. I thought I could be in and out before anyone got back from the mess.”
“Eh I don’t mind.just be glad it was me and not Fives or Jesse that walked in here-“
At that you couldn’t help but raise a playful eyebrow, watching as Rex realized how his words had sounded. “Oh?”
“I- I mean just be glad it wasn’t them because they never would have let you live it down. You know how they like to tease.” He rambled, sitting back on his heels as he rubbed the back of his neck.
Force he was gonna be the death of you.
Curling your fingers around the edge of the bench , you looked at the captain in front of you. “If I’m being honest I’m glad it was you. You make me feel safe, you respect me.”
“We all respect you General-“
“Oh I know, I know. It’s just. . . I guess I trust you the most out of everyone on this ship. I know you won’t tell anyone about this. . . Rather awkward meeting.” You admitted slowly, watching as Rexs face softened.
Another band of silence settled between you and after a moment you looked down at your feet.
“I should. . . I should probably get dressed.”
It was almost as if Rex had forgotten you were in nothing but a towel because suddenly his face went rosey and he quickly shot to his feet. “Right! Right, forgive me. I’ll Uh— I’ll go make sure no one else walks in.” Giving a rather awkward salute he turned and walked away, but not before you heard him cursing himself and his awkwardness as he punched the bridge of his nose.
With that you got dressed quickly, trading out your wet towel for a pair of sleep clothes and then draping your Jedi cloak over your shoulders.
With the rest of your belongings tucked safely in your pack, you threw it over your shoulders and head for the door, finding Rex standing guard just beyond the threshold just like he said he would.
“Thank you again, Captain.” Sending him a smile you watched as he jumped slightly, startled by how you had snuck up on him.
“Anytime General.”
“You know you don’t always have to call me that right? We are friends. You can call me by my name. I call you by yours all the time.”
Rex smiled at your words as he nodded. “I can do that.”
Somewhere beyond the barracks the two of you could hear the loud sounds of Torrent Company returning from dinner in the mess, Fives boisterous laugh echoing as they approached.
“I should get going before we are swarmed by your teasing brothers.”
“Might be for the best.”
With his arms folded neatly behind his back, Rex watched you walk away, only for you to stop and rush back to him before placing a kiss to his cheek.
“And just so you know, you’re my favorite of the bunch.” You whispered, placing another kiss to his flushed face as you did, this time lingering a moment longer. “Goodnight Rex.”
And with that you were gone, leaving the Captain do the 501st in a stunned silence as his face continued to heat up.
Force, you were going to be the death of him.
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spilledkauffie · 2 years
🤍 Nurse of the 501st — Suit Up
Pairing: Captain Rex x FemaleNurse!Reader (ft. the 501st) Word Count: 6.0k T/W: fluffy (a little steamy?)☁️✨ mentions of battle scars A/N: this is the part of the series where Kauffie indulges in the "one-bed" trope. Not super confident about this one, but I'm very excited for the next!!
For a stealthy mission, you’re required to suit up with the 501st, until you're in the safe house. Arriving, you and Rex find there's only one bed to share for the night.
Preface / Injured / 79's / Orphanage / Suit Up / Taken (pt.1)
↳ m a i n m a s t e r l i s t
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The briefing went smoothly, or as smoothly as it could go between General Skywalker and Master Mundi. Given that they frequently varied in strategical opinions, especially when the mission was sensitive as this one was, the meeting quickly turned into a strategy debate. With the two Jedi taking their time to actually come to a conclusion, the 501st, including yourself, laid back and relaxed a bit; whispering amongst themselves while some tried to conceal smiles as they observed the Jedi going back and forth. 
You and Rex had come in at the same time, you reporting from the hospital wing and him coming straight from the barracks, so you opted to sit together, near the back. Having placed your medic bag between you and Rex on the wide bench, you leaned your weight back against the hand you’d placed behind the bag. Rex had remained in his usual to-attention position until he recognized the Jedi beginning to ignore the clones in the room and truly debate amongst themselves, then he relaxed. You shook your head, smile on your lips, as General Skywalker placed a hand on his hips while addressing Master Mundi. It wasn’t long before you felt Rex gently touch the top of your hand behind the bag, his fingers outlining the shape of your hand as he settled it softly underneath yours, in a way letting you rest against him now; another smile came to your lips.
“How are you feeling?” Rex subtly shifted closer to whisper.
Turning your head, you met his eyes, pausing for a moment to admire the beautiful golden colour before answering with a soft voice and timid smile, “I’m okay, why?”
He flustered a little, making you tilt your head, “I was just wondering…on our last mission, I never got the chance to ask you, in the aftermath of- and with all the-”
“Ask me what?” you smiled a little wider at his nervousness, you always felt like the nervous one, seeing him a little flustered gave you an odd comfort and confidence that this was most certainly a two-way street. Rex paused, pursing his lips together, looking away as if he didn’t know how to word it perfectly.
With a deep sigh, Rex began, “about using the force again. How did it…feel?” He ventures, not entirely understanding how the force worked, but since it took a pretty heavy toll on you, he wanted to know. He wanted any information on it, so he could know how to respond better should it happen again. In truth, Rex found himself getting more and more protective of you, even if you’d just been bruised a bit, he wanted to be the one to help, even when Kix was already on it. There was always a tinge when he asked if he could help and you answered, ‘no, Kix will know,’ or ‘Kix is on his way.’ But he knew the incident with the force was something you wanted to keep undercover from most people and now he was testing to see if that included him.
“It felt,” you tilt your head again this time in the opposite direction from Rex, giving him a view of your profile, shrugging your shoulder up as you thought, “odd. It felt like I was just a small piece in a puzzle, but yet it felt so close and so personal,” dropping your shoulders you pressed your lips together, avoiding Rex’s eyes for a moment more, “I felt…you.”
Rex blinked, uncertain of what exactly you meant, well aware that he was not force sensitive, “m-me?”
“Mhmm,” you hummed, meeting his eyes this time, “I felt your force, your heartbeat, your emotions. It was so…strong.”
Rex half smirked, trying to relax a little bit, “I’m gonna take that as a compliment.”
You softly giggled, “you should.”
Turning your hand over to hold his you were a moment too late AS Master Mundi’s voice suddenly boomed through the room with a “Captain?” As both the Jedi scoured the room for Rex.
You and Rex separated faster than Younglings being scolded for talking during meditation.
“S-sir?” Rex answered, gaining his straight posture and grabbing his helmet tightly to his side.
“We’re ready to head out,” Anakin continued, “I wanted to talk you through it a little more personally if you’d come to the front; everyone else: dismissed.”
Rex sighed, relieved. You stood, already looking around for Kix, identifying him easily by the red medic symbol painted on his shoulder you waved, to which Fives frantically waved back before Echo nudged him explaining that you were not looking for them. As Kix approached, with Fives trailing him, and Echo trailing Fives, you turned back to Rex with a smile, “I’ll see you in the hangar, R- Captain.”
With a smirk, Rex gave a nod, watching you hoist your medic bag over your head and side hug Kix, before Rex made his way to the front of the room, joining the Jedi.
The hangar bay was fairly calm, only a few other platoons were being dispatched here and there and of course, mechanics were hard at work with repairs and ship maintenance. You and Kix had spent the majority of the day making sure the ship was well supplied as well as your mobile bags and equipment packed properly and efficiently. When the two of you came to the hangar for departure the general was already lining everyone up, so you fell in line too. The ship was smaller than your usual departing vessel, but then again had you paid attention in the briefing you would have known it was a stealth mission. Rex waited atop the ramp’s opening, making sure he saw every single troop who boarded. You patiently waited for the line to move, adjusting your bag’s strap as your name was called.
“Hang on there, A.,” General Skywalker gently reached out a hand for your shoulder just as you had taken no more than two steps onto the ship’s boarding ramp, “there’s something we need to talk about.”
“Sir?” You and Anakin turned your heads to the uneasy voice, a rare sound coming from Rex, who had spoken up, “she’s been cleared, by medical and by-“
“I know that Rex,” Anakin answered with a chuckle at how defensive his captain was being, and while he wanted to laugh more obviously, knowing the feeling all too well, he quickly turned back to his duty of being a general, which sometimes meant reminding his troops of his position, “but I would like a word with one of my medics.” 
Anakin tilted his head kindly as if to say ‘I’m not a threat here,’ which made Rex flush under his helmet, realising just how protective he’d come across. 
Bristling for a moment in a state of fluster, Rex staggered for words, looking between you and his general, before deciding on a simple, “Sir, yes, sir.” 
As Rex made his way on board, your attention was drawn back to Anakin’s hand on your shoulder, you looked down in thought and then back up again, “have I done something wrong, General?”
“Contrary to Rex’s belief, no,” Anakin had to break a smile, amused that just because he wanted a word alone everyone thought it was negative. Removing his hand from you, he took his signature pose, “this mission is meant to be very very routine, nothing new or out of the ordinary, we’re going into a safe house,” Anakin paused seeing you nod in response, “all our contact knows is that myself, Ahsoka, and troops are headed in, as we always do when we stop. We’re on thin ice with the Thisspiasians as is, and I don’t want anyone to stand out.”
You dropped your shoulders dejected, assuming that meant you were off the mission considering you stood out like a Bantha trying to hide in a desert compared to the rest of the 501st.
“So, I managed to get you some modifications,” Anakin started again, crossing his arms, “visit storage barrack nine and then report back, and don’t worry, we’ll wait for you.”
“Sir?” You perked an eyebrow utterly confused. 
“Just trust me,” Anakin said over his shoulder already taking confident steps up the ramp. He stood next to Rex, sensing his mild anxiety, Anakin felt the need to explain himself at least a little, “I’ve just sent her to get some specific gear for this mission, we’ll be waiting for her.”
Clearing his throat and placing his hands behind his back, Rex nodded still trying to make up for his hastiness earlier, “Sir.”
“Com me when she’s on board, I’m headed to the cockpit to join Ahsoka,” General Skywalker explained, receiving another ‘yes’ in the form of ‘sir’ from Rex. Anakin had to smirk, he could still sense Rex was mildly embarrassed, and he remembered feeling that way when he had swiftly promised Padmé he’d find whoever was trying to assassinate her right in front of Obi-Wan.
Rex looked down, waiting, not wanting to give away his emotions to his troops. At times he wondered how Anakin ever managed to care so deeply for someone in situations like this, but he reminded himself it was only rarely and usually by her own will that Padmé was in the direct line of fire; you, on the other hand, Rex had to bring you into every mission and battle the 501st engaged in. It was hard not to show just how much he cared, beyond just having you under his watch as another soldier, you had managed to make your way to his heart.
“Wait- is that- is she?” Fives suddenly stood up from his seat, a wide smile on his face as he hung against one of the support rails descending from the top of the carrier.
“No way, I didn’t think I’d ever see this,” Kix began to smile, reaching for his datapad.
The commotion was becoming bigger and stronger as several others of the 501st joined in. Rex was soon to see exactly what his troopers were all getting out of their seats for. You were walking up the ramp in your very own fitted clone armour, a helmet identical to theirs under your arm, the medic logo on your shoulder; the only thing still signature of yours was the medic bag you always carried, swung across your body. You timidly stepped aboard to be met with jaws dropped and stares. From the moment you saw the uniform laid out on the barrack, you knew it was going to draw attention, which made you wonder what General Skywalker was thinking, but if anything, you’d learned to trust him.
“She’s a real shiny now, isn’t she?” Echo nudged your shoulder with his arm playfully, hoping to bring about some comments from the others, he could tell you were a little nervous and needed the encouragement.
“She’s got to be the cutest little trooper I’ve ever seen,” Fives added.
“Yeah, cause the rest of us just look like you,” Hardcase shoved him teasingly.
“Well, maybe I look like you,” Fives came back, and you were glad the attention was off you.
“Alright, alright,” Rex intervened, and the group parted, Echo giving you a wink as he stepped aside.
Rex stood looking down at you, with the helmet on you could hardly read his emotion and you weren’t sure what to do, so you just tried a smile, eyebrows furrowing. You observed Rex’s chest rise and fall once, before he lifted the comlink to his helmet, “all aboard, General.”
“Thank you, Rex,” Anakin replied, an obvious smile coming through in his tone, “everyone hold on.”
You looked up to Rex one more time, hoping he’d say something, anything.
“You’d better find your seat,” he answered, turning to return to his own.
You joined Kix, a little discouraged.
“Where- How did you get this?” Kix asked, still amazed.
“General Skywalker! He said no one is supposed to stand out, so I guess he got me this,” you shrugged, wide eyes; it was quite the surprise for you too. Entering barrack nine and finding the armour completely shocked you. Both excitement and anxiety ran through your mind; you were going to feel even closer to the troops you worked alongside, but you weren’t sure how Rex would take it. Would it be a disgrace to the armour since you weren’t a clone? You’d wished he’d said something, anything. You two were finally on mutual ground regarding your feelings for each other, or so it seemed, but now you weren’t sure.
Rex swallowed harshly, grateful for the helmet because despite keeping his head forward his gaze was glued on you. The uniform did well at hiding your appearance, obviously, but it failed to make up the difference in your height compared to them. Rex could still see the subtleties that exposed your figure. Your curves couldn’t be entirely suppressed, after all the armour was meant to fit you perfectly and it did. You looked like a shorter, female, version of them, particularly when you put the helmet on. It was amazing how well it suited you, but Rex couldn’t help wondering what you looked like in just the black bodysuit underneath. Shaking his head he tried to focus on the plan General Skywalker had gone over with him.
“Wait,” you pressed a hand to Echo’s arm, “you’re telling me that you guys can communicate on different signals, without anyone else hearing you?”
Echo had to laugh at your jaw, which was practically gaping, when Fives answered with a ‘yes,’ before he added, “here try channel 8, that’s just me and Fives.”
You set the helmet over your head as if it was a sacred ritual that you were being allowed to participate in. Once it was on, the domino twins explained how you could change channels, using Kix’s medic channel as a test run. They also let you in on a little secret that there was a way to talk inside the helmet without anyone outside of it hearing, instantly a million thoughts and ideas came to mind, but you only had time enough to acquaint yourself with the basic working before General Skywalker’s voice came over the carrier’s com telling everyone to prepare for a departure.
“Alright, listen up,” Rex took on his commanding voice, standing at the front of the carrier, drawing everyone to attention without any trouble, “the General doesn’t want anything to be out of line, that means not even a footstep, understood?”
“Yes, sir!” The clones resounded around you in response, and you did likewise, sounding signature out of key from them.
Pulling up a holomap, Rex continued, “the base isn’t far from our landing, we’ve been there before, you know it, but we need to be cautious, the separatists know this planet too; the General will be leading us single file along an outer ridge, once we’re in the safe house, bunks will be provided as the Generals work out supply negotiations with the Queen,” Rex explained thoroughly, but you felt he was specifically talking to you, that’s certainly how it felt with him staring your direction so much, thus when he finished you made sure to nod obviously for him.
There was a brief moment of pause before Anakin and Ahsoka came to the hull and sectioned the platoon into two, you gave a sigh of relief when your name was called to go with Rex, Echo, and Fives. It was a little hard to part with Kix, as they sent him with Ahsoka, that way each Jedi had a medic. It was the first time since the orphanage incident that you’d parted from him on a mission, but he gave a nod and said “I’ll see you at the rendezvous.”
As the ship’s ramp fell to the planet’s surface, you noted how dark it was. You didn’t think you’d be landing at night, how were you possibly supposed to see? Usually, you’d be able to use your flashlight, but now with the helmet on it was even darker and they hadn’t given the okay to any lights. As you worried, Rex and Anakin were walking up to the front, making sure everything was as usual. When they came to you, Anakin chuckled and then turned to his captain, “you want to help her with that, Rex?”
“Yes, sir,” Rex responded.
“Did- did I do something wrong?” you asked in a quiet voice, coming through the helmet it had a slight hum that you weren’t used to, and neither was Rex.
“No,” Rex answered voice staggering for a moment, before putting his hands on either side of your helmet softly and clicking a familiar button, “you just needed your night vision on.”
“Wow,” you mused, as everything became clearer and Rex’s Jaig eyes came into view, but it didn’t take long before you felt silly, “thanks,” you shrugged up your shoulders, and Rex could picture the exact expression you were making underneath the helmet, he’d seen it a million times. He’d seen it every time he helped you off a transport, or you nearly slipped, or he had to explain something one more time for you. It was an expression that made him smile, even if you couldn’t see it.
“Everyone, let’s move,” General Skywalker called out, not in a yell, but in a soft commanding voice as he waved his right hand forward.
You fell in line with the others, Echo right behind you and Rex directly in front. It wasn’t long before you were all halting, waiting, and then moving again and repeating the cycle. Anakin was in constant communication with Ahsoka and waited for her response before moving, this needed to be at perfect timing or the safe house would become suspicious. So you waited.
“How you doing?” you suddenly heard Fives in your head, making you startle, nearly nudging Rex.
“Um, getting used to it, they’re a lot heavier than I thought,” you admitted, “is this channel…”
“Eight? Yep, I’m here too,” Echo joined in, tipping his chin when you turned back to look over your shoulder at him.
“And no one-”
“Nope, no one else can hear us,” Fives was smiling in his response.
“This is so incredible,” you said, “well, while it’s just us, I wanted to thank you guys for being so kind, and for catching me up to speed. I know I’m not a clone-”
“You’re not a clone, but you are family,” Echo stated and Fives agreed.
Rex’s voice came in over the general channel in everyone’s helmet, “General is scouting ahead, we move on my command.”
You immediately snapped to attention, you didn’t want to get distracted, so you tried to switch your channel to the open and generic one. Moving only when Rex gave the sign, you got pretty good at mimicking the clones and were feeling confident. At the next stop, you felt Echo place his hand on your shoulder from behind, you assumed it was intended to be a chain reaction and wanted to continue it in an attempt to appear as normal as possible. Given your height, you opted to place your hand to the small of Rex’s back, just where there was a break between the armour plates. Rex straightened, not used to the sensation. Still, he tried to act normal, which was considerably harder than he thought it would be, the feeling of your hand softly, but firmly pressing against the small of his back was one of the worst distractions he’d come up against.
With the wait for the next move appearing to go on forever, you tried to remember Rex’s channel. You wanted to try something, something bold. Swallowing harshly you gave it a go, “I gotta say, it’s a nice view from back here, Rex,” you still partially whispered, despite being on a private channel within the helmet.
“That’s just me, ma’am,” Echo came through your channel.
“Oh!” you looked over your shoulder, and tilted your head apologetically, “sorry, Echo.”
“S’alright,” he chuckled, shaking his head, letting you know there was no need for an apology, before clearing his throat and pointing to the inside of your wrist with the channel numbers they’d given you since you weren’t accustomed to them whatsoever, “Captain is channel 10.”
“Just…Rex, right?” you asked, mildly embarrassed, but happy that Echo was the one helping you, knowing he had such a soft heart.
Another chuckle came through before a confident, “Yes, just Rex.” Echo emphasized the middle of his sentence for you just to be as clear as possible.
Before you managed to actually talk to Rex, you were on the move again and approaching the safe house, so you closed the channel. Little did you know, Rex was holding his breath when he heard a tin click indicating that someone had joined the private channel, he had hoped it was you. Meeting Ahsoka, Anakin, Kix and the others at the front door, the Jedi met with the guard and the large grey bunker-like doors opened with heavy groans as they drug across the rocky surface. Everyone began entering single file in two rows past the Thisspiasian guards, who watched very carefully. You nearly ran into the back of Rex when passing them, for some reason they scared you just a little bit. Perhaps it was because they tracked you so much, or because they questioned the Generals repeatedly. You didn’t want to ruin the plan, but everything inside of you felt like they knew you were the odd one out.
Regardless of your suspicions, they ushered you deeper into the barracks with the rest, and you gladly followed. Rex moved to the side of the open room as everyone began filing in to investigate the barracks. It was just as you were tilting your head back to look up at the ceiling when Rex grabbed your wrist gently and pulled you to his side seamlessly. 
“I usually keep Kix by my side so he can spot any injuries on the way in, but your medic badge should be enough to appease the Thisspiasians for consistency’s sake,” he explained.
You nodded, understandingly and fiddled with your medic bag, occasionally looking up to him. Whenever the Thisspiasians began to stare in your direction, Rex moved himself in front of you a little bit, blocking their perfect view of you. Glancing at your wrist briefly, but not so subtly, you clicked into channel 10.
“Rex, can I ask you something?” your voice came through the helmet com.
“Hmm?” he responded, watching the barracks get filled and awaiting further instruction, standing with his hands behind his back, giving his posture a beautiful curve as he rested his weight on one leg.
“Does it bother you that I was allowed to wear the armour since I’m…not a clone?” You hated saying “clone” since you knew them all by name and winced when you said it, but Rex knew exactly what you were getting at.
He chuckled a little, and you looked over to him immediately, taking a moment before answering you heard the click of the com in your helmet, “on the contrary, I’ve never seen the uniform look so good. I don’t know how I got the boys through with such a distraction out there; shame I was leading, I’m sure it was a great view from behind.”
Blushing like a Tattooine sunset under your helmet, you couldn’t believe that Rex would risk saying something while others were around, even if the channels were completely private and inaudible to anyone outside of them; you began to wonder if Rex had heard what you said, “distraction- I didn’t, I wasn’t-” you began, but heard Rex chuckle again before looking down to you at his side.
“I meant it as a compliment,” Rex stated confidently.
You stared up for a good while, wishing you could see his eyes. They always looked brighter when he was being flirty and you adores the smile he gave, lips pressed together, only the slightest hint of it in the corner of his mouth, but you could always tell what he meant by his eyes.
“We’ve arranged everything in accordance to the usual order of you troopers, with your Captain being provided a private quarter,” a Thisspiasian explained slowly as they pressed their fingertips together, all four hands smushing, “but…” they looked beyond Anakin to you; Rex caught their glare from the corner of his eyes and casually took a step forward, blocking you more from their vision, “there seems to be…an extra?”
Anakin bristled at the tone, his eyebrows came together tightly as he was beginning to feel protective to the degree of anger, that is before Ahsoka jumped in, “Oh, you’ve noticed the cadet,” she commented cheerfully.
“The…cadet?” the Thisspiasian questioned.
Ahsoka quickly looked up to her master, begging him to come up with something more.
“Yes, that’s right,” Anakin crossed his arms, holding his head up confidently, “they’re- they’re on a special training mission to- to shadow a Captain of the army for a while to get some experience, and Rex volunteered to be observed.”
The Thisspiasian tilted its head, “ah, well then, they will share I see, all provisions are in the cabinet inside…we will regroup in the morning with you, Jedi. Until then the doors are sealed and guarded.”
The Jedi gave a bow and said thank you in unison, before exhaling and glancing at each other after the Thisspiasians were just out of earshot. 
“You wanna tell them or me?” Ahsoka smirked nudging her head towards you and Rex while mimicking her master in positioning her arms across her chest.
“Tell them what?” Anakin shrugged.
“Didn’t you hear them? ‘They will share’... they get to bunk together,” Ahsoka perked an eyebrow.
Anakin almost blushed at the idea, but opted for maturity, clearing his throat, he nodded, “I’ll break it to them.”
Approaching Rex, Anakin had to repress a smile. You were still at his side, hands wrapped around your medical bag’s strap. Something was satisfying to Anakin about seeing you next to Rex, Padmé was right, you two looked good together, he just wondered when you would both realise it and how in the galaxy he was going to manage you two once you did.
“Rex,” Anakin called out, braking his captain away from whatever secret conversation he was having with you, “I have some news.”
“Sir,” Rex responded, “awaiting orders.” Anakin tried to approach the situation with his usual overconfidence that it’d all work out just fine, even if a wrench had been thrown into the hyperdrive, “you and Angel are going to be sharing a barrack tonight.”
That caught not only Rex’s attention, but yours as well; you leaned over to see around Rex, with the helmet on Anakin couldn’t see your blushing shock, but he could sure feel it through the force.
“And may I ask why sir?” Rex tried his best to tread lightly, he never wanted to come across as questioning his General’s tactics, but this felt more personal.
“Well, because,” Anakin stuttered, looking everywhere but at the two of you, “we may have explained her presence here by claiming she was a…cadet, who’s shadowing you for training.”
“A cadet?” Rex broke his stoic position, to lean closer to his general.
“Yeah, we had to think of something,” Anakin tried, but Rex still gave a sigh as he leaned back, “just make it work,” Anakin said in a finalizing manner, beginning to stride off, pausing to turn back with one more comment, “or shall I say make it count, Captain?”
Anakin’s smirk was clearly visible, as you and Rex immediately tensed and glanced to each other, both very grateful for the helmets once again.
It wasn’t long before everyone was settled, except you and Rex. You two stood in the open barrack, a private space, behind closed doors from anyone and everyone else. Helmets off, you stared towards an object at the side of the room, you swallowed: one bed.
“Ah?” Rex began, tightening his gloved hand into a nervous fist, unsure of what to say in the moment, but when he looked to you for an answer, all he met was your gaze doing the exact same thing, waiting for an answer from your captain, “how about you just take the quarters, I’m sure there’s room in the-“
“Or we both could?” You blurted out the suggestion faster and louder than you intended. Shrugging up your shoulders when Rex paused to stare at you, until you diverted your gaze to the floor, rubbing your hand up and down your opposite arm, “it’d be following the General’s orders, and…I just- I think I’d feel a lot safer if you were. . .here.”
Lifting your gaze, his golden-brown eyes met yours, a soft smile playing on his lips as he turned to face you again, helmet still under his arm. 
“Alright,” Rex agreed, “if that’s what you-“ he had to chuckle at how fast you began to nod, “then that’s what shall be.”
It didn’t take long for you to acquaint yourself with the room; Rex was quick to remove his armour, leaving him in just the bottom half of the black bodysuit, the top half rolled and tied neatly together at his waist. Soon he found the cabinet with extra supplies and began making a makeshift bed on the floor next to the bed, while you struggled to get your own armour off. You’d decided to face the wall, giving him any privacy he should need, but now you were a little stuck. The armour was certainly easier to put on than it was to remove and you were struggling to reach the back pieces, wondering how you actually managed to get it on in the first place.
“Need some help over there?” you heard Rex ask from behind you, clearly he was still facing the opposite direction, but you were too twisted at the moment to turn around, so you accepted defeat. 
“Yes, please, sorry,” you winced, “I only learned how to take it off of soldiers, not myself.”
Rex chuckled to himself, lifting a piece off of you, “I remember; and you’re fast too.”
“You were injured, I needed to move quickly,” you recounted, remembering the exact situation. He was your first in-action patient. 
“Wasn’t complaining,” you noticed that his voice got deeper and softer. 
As you began getting pieces off together, Rex thought you’d finished once you were down to the black undershirt, but when you reached for the hem of the shirt, he clenched his jaw, not sure where this was going. You lifted off the black shirt to reveal a white tank top, ‘of course the general let her keep that part of her uniform,’ he thought to himself before commenting, “you know that offer is still on the table.”
Your eyes widened remembering. ‘If you ever need more practice’ he had said with a wink, regarding removing armour. 
“Well,” you began feeling more confident, preparing a good comeback, before turning on your heel to face him, “oh-” you paused, observing the proximity. 
Only inches apart, you were nearly chest to chest with Rex. For a moment you admire his physique, finally seeing him without an emergency wound. Not wanting to stare at his chest for too long, you looked up but found that to be no easier. His golden eyes had a softness, a tenderness, a longing, you’d never seen before, it made you feel calm, yet your heart was racing. Rex just stared down at you in complete adoration. Feeling your lips part, you quickly looked down to the wound you’d tended the last time you saw him in this position.
“I see that’s healed up nicely,” you swallowed harshly, hearing Rex take a deep breath.
“Are we going to talk about this?” Rex asked, softly reaching a hand to brush against yours.
“About…what?” you said, staring at the wound’s scar until Rex hooked a finger under your chin and tilted your gaze to meet his, you parted your lips again, looking up through your eyelashes.
“Us,” Rex finally said.
There it was, finally out in the open. You wanted to completely give him your emotions, you wanted to give him your heart, but you stopped to think. 
“I- we- I-,” you stuttered, feeling his thumb stroke your bottom lip smoothly in a back and forth gesture, “what will people say? If I’m…with…a Captain.”
“I know what people will say, and I don’t care,” Rex said, voice growing quieter, “the people who know you will know you’ve gotten here on pure talent. That’s not how this army is run, and I certainly won’t let anyone think less than you deserve.”
You smiled, closing your eyes, a million thoughts rushing through your mind, you tried to hear yourself think over the sound of your heartbeat pounding in your ears. Taking a bit longer than expected, you felt Rex’s hand fall away as he stepped back, and you opened your eyes.
“Nothing you don’t wish,” he said, giving you a respectful nod you’d seen him do a million times to fellow soldiers.
Your heart sank, did you miss your one moment? Squeezing your eyes shut, you looked down, now you wanted to do nothing more than cry.
“We’d better try and get some rest,” Rex remarked, avoiding your eyes as he made his way over to the edge of the bed. 
You came over to the other side, but instead of seeing him join you in the bed, he sank down to the floor. Realizing he’d found supplied, you felt a letdown and knew it was all your fault. Settling in, Rex waited for you to click the light off, but you hesitated thinking things over. This was your chance, and you weren’t going to miss it.
“Hey…Rex?” you spoke timidly.
Rex turned just enough to look up at the edge of the bed, where he found you, peeking over. 
“Yes?” He tried not to laugh at how timid you were.
“You…you can sleep up here,” you furrowed your brows, almost pleading for him to say yes.
“Alright,” he nodded, getting up as you moved over to your side of the bed once again. 
He joined you, staying very clearly on his side when you clicked off the light. There was still a flush of dim light coming in from a high window, but it was largely blocked by rocks, leaving the room streaked with moonlight. Rex took a deep breath, running through how he possibly could have read your signs and hints wrong. He was just beginning to feel stupid over even imaging you had feelings for him when he felt you shift and then shift again until eventually, your body came into contact with his. You’d pressed yourself against him, your chest touching his back, your forehead pressed softly between his shoulder blades. Rex smiled to himself, feeling the shape of your frame in comparison to his, but he tried to convince himself it was only because you wanted to feel safe. That mindset soon shifted when he felt you press your lips to his shoulder blade, your hand sliding up along his side, feeling every battle scar he had from his ribs to his chest.
Softly, and gently, he turned over to face you. Keeping your hand against his side, you tried not to separate too far away from him. Your heart was beating faster than ever before as you met his gaze, you could see his dilated pupils from the darkness and the emotion so strongly running between the two of you. You were near shaking with anticipation for what he was going to say when he dipped to kiss you. Relaxing completely, you closed your eyes and melted into his touch. Rex caresses your jawline with one hand. You didn’t want to part, and only at the last minute did you break apart. Chest heaving, you felt a smile come to your lips as you caught your breath, Rex pressing his forehead to yours.
“Good thing we have a medic,” Rex sighed, catching his breath.
“That’s a terrible line,” you giggled as he pressed his lips to yours again, his arms coming around to support you; you wrapped your arms around his neck as he turned you onto your back, sheets slipping down to your waists.
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Hello!! I recently discovered your page and I love all your fics!! I'm in a Star Wars frame of mind right now and I was wondering if you could maybe write a Clone Wars-era fic where Rex comes home from a long, off-world mission to find his civvie girlfriend dancing around the kitchen and singing into a broom? It's definitely okay if you don't want to. Have a great day/night!! Thank you so much :)
(Clone Wars) Rex x Reader: Welcome Home
Author's Note: Awww this is such a sweet request!! Enjoy!
Word Count: 694
Warnings: Fluff
Rex ran a hand over his chin, checking for bristles for the millionth time as he left the base.  After returning from an extended campaign, he took his time shaving and freshening up.  He wanted to get himself together before seeing you.
He took a transport outside of the city.  It was a quiet ride with only a few civilians occupying the nearby seats. He was glad to not see any of his brothers.  Many of them had their own lives outside the GAR, their own secrets, so it wasn’t uncommon for soldiers to pass by each other awkwardly with a quick greeting.  Even so, Rex would rather just avoid the brief exchanges altogether.
Rex exited the transport when he reached the stop and continued the rest of the way on foot, as usual.  His chest swelled as he laid eyes on the place where you dwelled.  It was a familiar sight that had come to be a home to him too.  He picked up his pace as he neared the building, buzzing himself in with the code he had sealed into his mind like his birth number.
Suddenly, he wondered if he should’ve commed first.  Rex was a practical man.  He wasn’t usually one for out-of-the-blue visits such as this one, but he’d once heard Fives tell the story of surprising his civvie girlfriend with a visit and how happy she’d been.  Since then, he kept picturing the look on your face when you opened the door to see him.
Upon nearing the apartment, he heard muffled sounds coming from inside.  Curious, Rex approached the door and leaned forward to listen.  It was your voice, rising and falling very loudly.  His hand instinctively rested on the grip of one of his blasters, mind focusing and senses becoming alert.  His other hand reached over to punch in the code, but then something dawned on him as he listened carefully.
It was a song.  You were singing your heart out in there.  He exhaled in relief, so very glad that you were happy and not hurt or in any danger.  Rex removed his hand from the blaster and chuckled to himself, shaking his head.  He knocked, but there was no answer.  You were too absorbed to hear.  So, he took another breath, bracing for the moment that was coming, and punched in the code to unlock your apartment door.
Your voice rang out clearer from the next room over.  The door slid shut behind him, and Rex walked forward, waiting for you to discover him.  You finally came into view, dancing backwards from the hall with a broom in your hand.  You were still adorably oblivious to his presence, busting a move and singing into the end of the broom as if it were a microphone.
Rex fought a smile, keeping his lips sealed to prevent a chuckle from escaping.
The next thing he knew, you turned around to reveal a plethora of emotions playing across your face.  Initial alarm at there being someone in your apartment unexpectedly gave way to surprise at who it was, which became unbridled delight as you dropped the broom and hurried into his arms.
“Rex! I can’t believe it’s you!”
“Hey, darling,” he greeted, pulling you close and pressing his cheek against you.
“Why didn’t you comm me?”  You sniffled as the happy tears started to flow.  “I could’ve had lunch ready for you.”
“I wanted it to be a surprise.”
“Well.”  You laughed, though it sounded like a half-sob.  “Consider me surprised!”
“You have no idea how glad I am to see you.  I missed you.”  His tired eyes shone with a sincerity that made you melt.
“I missed you too, Rex.”  You pulled away to wipe the tears from your face before leaning up to press a kiss to his lips.  He cupped your cheek, slowly and tenderly deepening the kiss.  You sighed into it, sinking even further into his embrace as he made up for lost time.
“By the way,” he whispered against your lips, his nose brushing yours.  “Loved the concert.”
You lowered your gazet, playfully nudging him.  “Hey now.”
“What?  I’m being entirely serious.”
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darthtaoshay · 1 year
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾Bad Day
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Captain Rex/GN!Reader
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾Warning(s): Pre-Established Relationship, Anxiety, Crying, Comfort, Mentions of Battle of Abregado, and Reader is a Personnel Administration Specialist in the GAR
Notes: This is fully a self indulging fic. The situation actually happened at work the other day and I just decided that I would write it with one of my favs.
While this fic is not NSFW or 18+, this blog is still an 18+ blog. Profiles without their age or who are minors that follow me will be blocked.
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“I completely understand your concern, General, and I promise I am keeping a close eye on them. I have continued my one-on-ones with each troop and I have not noticed a fall back with one of them. However, should it bring you peace of mind, I will request another evaluation before you and the 104 head out.”
“That would be greatly appreciated.” General Plo bows his head at you.
“I will send the request now. Thank you for stopping in with me, General.” You smile up at the Jedi as he stands to leave.
The smile drops the moment the door closes behind Jedi General Plo. The General had come to you to discuss his concerns about his battalion's mental health but mainly Wolffe, Boost, and Sinker. While the 104th battalion was rebuilt, it is still hard on the only three clones who survived the Battle of Abregado. You admire the Jedi’s care and love for his men but you often have him in your office talking about his troops and you have to give him the same answer every time.
You check the time and sigh as you realize that you still have a few hours left. As the war rages on, you feel more and more tense at your job. Helping Clone troopers develop their positions within the GAR and providing personal support is something you love to do, but lately it has been wearing you down. Some days are worse than others for you. Like today, there has been the constant feeling of something being wrong and, like there is a hole in your chest that is filled with worry. Hiding it has been easy, but the more you talk with Generals and troopers, the more you feel it eating at you.
A knock at your office door startles you out of your moment of peace. You stare at the door as your eyes burn with frustrated tears, wishing you could simply be alone for the rest of the day. The person knocks again and you close your eyes to will away the tears as you take a deep sigh. 
“Come in.” You adjust yourself and force a small smile. The door slides open to reveal Captain Rex on the other side. “Captain. How may I help you?”
Rex says nothing as the door slides shut behind him. Once the door is in place, he walks towards your desk and smiles down at you. The sight of him after the day you had instantly brought more tears to your eyes. It feels as though you can finally breathe after being under water. Hoping to hide the tears, you look down to your datapad as if to check a message, but it was useless as Rex caught one tear sliding down. 
“Hey hey, what’s wrong?” He is quick to come to your side, crouching down as he turns your chair towards him.
More tears come as you swallow a sob, shaking your head as you struggle to talk. Rex moves closer and brings his hand up to cup your cheek while the other rests on your knee. He is gentle as he wipes away the tears on the left side of your face, the thumb of his other hand is rubbing soothingly on your knee. 
“What’s going on, Cyar'ika? I need to know so I can help.”
Taking a shaking breath, you shrug your shoulders. “I don’t know. Just all day, I’ve felt like something is wrong and I don’t know what it could be. I’ve felt like my chest is hollow and it has just,” you take a deep breath as a new wave of tears come. “It has been a bad day.”
“I can tell,” Rex says teasingly.
You give a wet laugh as you look down at your lap, trying to stop the tears. Both of you sit in silence for a moment as you keep trying to stop the tears and Rex is comforting you. You feel like a weight has been lifted from you after being able to vent what you are feeling, but that hole is still in your chest and your thoughts start to race once more for a reason. As your face turns blank, Rex knows what is happening and is quick to react. 
“Why don’t we take a break for a bit. When was the last time you’ve been out of the office?”
You blink out of the trance you were in to look up at him. “Probably around lunch.”
“That was over 3 hours again,” he gives you a disappointing look and it makes you look down once more. “Let’s see if some fresh Coruscant air will do some good.” 
“That is the biggest oxymoron I’ve ever heard,” you say as you use his hand to help you stand from your chair.
“True but it is still fresher than the stuffy air in these offices.”
You snort as you walk out of your office holding his hand, squeezing softly to say thank you. Rex says nothing besides looking over at you with a smile and squeezing back. Both of you know you don’t feel completely better, but you are better than you were moments ago, and that is okay.
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