#cass apoc au
liketheletter-l · 11 months
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it feels fitting that @somerandomdudelmao's most recent update inspired me to draw my First Successful Mikey Ever
srry i havent posted in a while i've been Really busy but hopefully will have more time to draw/write soon >:]
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tmntaucompetition · 1 year
Confirmed AU's/Iterations/Canon Divergents for the main bracket (P1)
I will not be @/ting the creators until the final bracket is made.
Cupcakes!Separated AU
Snapdragon AU
Two Souls
Mutant Chompy
Shell Shocked
The Eldest Brother
Dagger From The Mirror
The Night
Mystic Forest
The Great Skittle Heist of 2105
Addams!Rottmnt AU
Cass Apoc Series
Life Mission: Save My Brothers
Never Better
A Tale Of Spirits
Portal Chaos
Sep!Leo AU
Ghost In The Shell
Rotten Reflections
Extended Family AU
Celestial AU
Battle Scars
Empathy is Learned
Even More Disaster Twins / EMD
Nothing Left To Lose
How Did We All End Up Here
The Blood in my Veins
EZ’s Turtles
Falling From Dawn
The Higher You Are The Further You Fall
Programmed Obsolescence
Call Me Here (I Will Appear)
The Last Ronin Becomes A Discord Admin
Cupcakes!Feral Leo AU
Shards AU
I May Be Invisible But I Still Look Good
Where Did The Years Go?
Full Lair
Unraveled AU
Rise of the Parallel
Ordered from most voted to least (aka twice)
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robins--corner · 6 months
sum fanart 4 my three fav rottmnt aus
just as a disclaimer; i was and still am super exhausted and overwhelmed while drawing these, so im v sorry if they're wonky @ all
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first! @somerandomdudelmao's leo from cass apoc. hes silly. hes not my fav but he was the easiest to draw in the moment
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second up, @kathaynesart's omega from replica! ily omega youre so silly
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last but most definitely not least, @tangledinink's gemini twins! i attempted his wicked eyelash thingie but my hand was disagreeing. woops ;;
aaand thats all 4 today. sorry for the length of this post im not here rn - also also, on my knees and sobbing im sorry 2 kat for doing such a low effort omega. i did him last and could not for the LIFE OF ME figure out how she managed to fit that stupid forehead in that mini flatscreen TV. ly tho
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arriathedragon · 1 year
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@cupcakeslushie​ DUDE LOOK ITS YOU!! Your CANON in the Cass Apoc. AU!!!! Congrats!!!
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onejellyfishplease · 8 months
*climbs out of hole, gasping*
i finally finished it, im freeeee
(just got back from rereading all of Cass' apoc au)
... anyways how are you guys?
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blue-star-doodles · 1 year
I decided to make a short comic of one of my favorite moments from the latest chapter of Stranger in the Mirror, because when I saw it I was freaking out.
Spoilers for the chapter, so if you haven't read it ye be warned..
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also, if you don't mind, please take a moment to go vote on this poll and support Dagger from the Mirror- created by @nostalgiaruinedme- because it's awesome!
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you breached because cass (yes cass apoc au) reblogged one of your posts bestie!!!! CONGRATULATIONS YOU WON
I mean,,, Cass has been following me for a while. We are, however in wildly different time zones so thus far i have remained under the radar. This is the first time she's reblogged any of my posts I was so confused for like, an hour. I had no idea where y'all were coming from.
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remedyturtles · 6 months
4, 7, 9, and 23 please!
4. What piece of media inspired you the most?
i mean, rise obviously. but special shout out to cass apoc au as that definitely cemented my actual fall into the fandom, along with the 'nothing' animatic tapa made, as i have watched that six hundred times and still gives me butterflies to this day
23. Share the final version of a sentence or paragraph you struggled with. What about it was challenging? Are you happy with how it turned out?
hmm that's hard. i don't edit much bc i can't stand to read my own writing. one i can think is that the first conversation between leo and sensei, trying to figure out the balance of how much animosity between them, how much information each party would give away, and i ended up cutting a bunch and i think it made the scene go a lot better. haha
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5mind · 3 months
post-apoc au where fivemind's efforts when it comes to heroing are less fighting evil and more search-and-rescue + rebuilding. while out scavenging for supplies or/and seaching for missing persons, one of the units come across a run down shelter? research facility??? either way its equipped with its own AI who's on the entirely opposite end of the lawful-chaotic scale (that is, theyre a stickler for pre-programmed directives) honestly i just think it would be fun for Five to meet my other AI oc , CASS-13
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misteria247 · 1 year
Checked the stats for the Universal Collision and Cass Apoc Series and oof fam we're dying out there shsgsgsgsgsg.
Oh well, Cass Apoc is super good and it deserves all the votes it gets! We're probably not gonna win this one folks but I just want to say that it's been an honor gentlemen, and I'm glad that I got to be apart of something like this if only briefly. It was honestly fun and I'd love to be involved with something like this again sometime!
Also to those who reblogged the post with the polls and who tagged me in it rooting for Universal Collision......
Thank you so much. To be honest I was surprised seeing so many people cheering for my au and it lowkey made me stupidly sappy and super touched that people like my fic so much. Honestly I'll never get over it and I'll always be grateful and flattered that you all enjoy Universal Collision. So thank you!!!! I love you guys sm fr fr!!!!
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christophe76460 · 4 years
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«Je me retournai pour connaître quelle était la voix qui me parlait. Et, après m'être retourné, je vis sept chandeliers d'or, et, au milieu des sept chandeliers, quelqu'un qui ressemblait à un fils d'homme, vêtu d'une longue robe, et ayant une ceinture d'or sur la poitrine...» Apocalypse 1:12-20
Son vêtement et sa ceinture d'or sont les insignes de la royauté. Yeshoua Mashiah est Roi des rois et Seigneur des seigneurs.
Ses yeux sont comme une flamme de feu : Un regard qui pénètre au fond des cœurs et sonde les pensées et les sentiments : Nulle créature n’est cachée devant lui, mais tout est à nu et à découvert aux yeux de celui à qui nous devons rendre compte. Hébreux 4:13
Ses pieds sont comme de l’airain ardent : Dans la Bible l'airain embrasé est le symbole du jugement divin. Un feu qui brûle les scories contenues dans le métal pour le purifier.
Le fait que ses pieds sont comme de l'airain embrasé signifie qu'il marche au milieu des 7 églises pour en ôter les scories, les sanctifier.
Sa voix est majestueuse et impressionnante : Elle implique le respect et l’obéissance, comme le dit le psalmiste :
«La voix de YHWH résonne avec puissance, la voix de YHWH résonne avec majesté. La voix de YHWH casse les cèdres, YHWH brise les cèdres du Liban...Dans son palais tout s'écrie : Gloire ! Psaume 29
Son visage reflète la gloire d’Elohîm et ses cheveux blancs comme de la neige sont la marque de son éternité. Il est celui qui vit éternellement, le vivant, l’être immuable. Ni la mort, ni le temps, ni les circonstances n’ont de pouvoir sur lui. Il est l’être invariable et éternel.
Yohanan(Jean) en est tellement impressionné qu'Il ne peut supporter la vision.
Il a besoin d’être fortifié surnaturellement pour se tenir debout et discerner chaque aspect du Seigneur !
Il prend conscience que le fils de l'homme qu'il a connu sur la terre est maintenant revêtu de toute sa gloire. Il réalise que Yeshoua(Jésus) est YHWH, le Tout-puissant.
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tmntaucompetition · 1 year
Official Scheduling for Round 5!
all rounds start at 12 PM EST! Tumblr lags so they may come a few minutes after the stated time.
5/28 - Round 5: - Mutant Chompy / Two Souls / Never Better VS Bloodbath / Life Mission - Cass Apoc Series VS Mutant Manhunt / Cupcake's Sep AU VS Replica / Feral Leo
Yes, one matchup is going to be a three-way vote!
6/1 - Final Round begins.
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tmntaucompetition · 1 year
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Mutant Manhunt - baskeigh-ball
Cupcake's Sep!AU - cupcakeslushie / @cupcakeslushie
Replica - kathaynesart
Feral Leo - cupcakeslushie / @cupcakeslushie
Cass' Apoc Series - somerandomdudelmao
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tmntaucompetition · 1 year
Official Scheduling for Round 3 Polls!
p.s: all rounds start at ~ 12 PM EST. Tumblr lags so they come a few minutes after the scheduled time.
5/7 - round 3 starts off with: - Mutant Chompy/Two Souls vs Celestials - Never Better vs Sep!Leo - Bloodbath vs Nothing Left to Lose - Life Mission vs Odd Man Out
5/10 - round 3 part 2: - Cass Apoc Series vs Ghost in the Shell - Redline/TM(N)T vs Battle Scars - Two Arms Left/IMBI vs The Eldest Brother - Mutant Manhunt/Cupcakes Sep!AU vs Coin Toss
5/13 - round 3 part 3: - Extended Fam/Colorcoded vs Replica - MNMC/The Little Prince vs Feral Leo
5/14-5/17 - intermission! you guys get a break.
5/20 - round 4 begins.
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tmntaucompetition · 1 year
Official Scheduling for Round 4!
all rounds start at 12 PM EST! Tumblr lags so they may come a few minutes after the stated time.
5/20 - Round 4 starts with: - Mutant Chompy/Two Souls vs Never Better - Life Mission: Save My Brothers vs Bloodbath
5/24 - Round 4 Part 2 - Cass Apoc Series vs Redline/TM(N)T - Two Arms Left/IMBI vs Mutant Manhunt/Cupcakes' Sep AU - Replica vs Feral Leo
5/24-5/27 - breaktime!
5/28 - round 5 begins.
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