#cass cries
cassyapper · 2 months
what makes me go so fucking crazy about sdc is that everyone undoes their learning in the end. like we SAW them starting to develop positively, and then tragedy and they all went back so fast. avdol, after learning to be honest about his emotions with the gang and being able to goof off with them and not just be calm and collected and safely distant, died after trying to put on a non-emotional front. kakyoin, after learning how to love people more than his pride and how to connect with people intentionally, died alone. polnareff, after learning he’s not alone and acting like he’s living on borrowed bloody time just hurt those he loved and wasnt actually respecting the dead, was once again the sole survivor. jotaro, after learning how to trust others and rely on them and love them, had to finish things alone (both at the end of part 3 and woth later dio nonsense after pol went missing). LIKE. CHRIST. it makes my lungs give out
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cassyapper · 1 year
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also what friends. where is he reading this from? what is he reading? is that jotaro’s journal? does he refer to himself as jojo in it? where did he get this information. and again what friends
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cassyapper · 10 months
fucking love when dogs have the fucking dots. on their eyebrows.  ugh it’s so good
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cassyapper · 5 months
bitches love pretending jotaro doesnt love josuke like dude that's literally his uncle he adores that kid. he thinks he's awesome. he punched him in the face. he spent a summer solving a murder mystery with him and his friends. he called josuke's power "the kindest in the world." he loves that kid. this is also one of the reasons why he'd never bang rohan (known josuke hater) ftr
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cassyapper · 7 months
jolyne shouldve kicked jotaro right in the crotch honestly she deserved it it’s a shame the world didnt stop ending long enough for her to cash in her due beatdown. in fix it stocean aus she needs to beat the shit out of that 40 yo before they try to mend their relationship i truly dont think theyd be able to move forward at all if she didnt smack him
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cassyapper · 5 months
dio and pucci are so crazy cause it's like they're grandfather and grandson, they're abuser and abuse victim, theyre the closest friend either of them had, they're both kinda scared of each other but i don't think they realize it. like god dude
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cassyapper · 4 months
rb and put in the tags what color you think the person u rb'd this from is
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cassyapper · 4 months
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this absolutely has to have been made before but i couldnt find it when i looked it up so here. big boss's phone
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cassyapper · 2 years
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Jonathan, Jotaro, and Jolyne parallels in Sono Chi no Sadame, Sono Chi no Kioku (END OF THE WORLD), and Heaven’s Falling Down
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cassyapper · 1 month
found this on Google earlier when looking for jotaro p4 outfit references and promptly cried
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look at his soft smile
fun fact this image is from an old gacha game (stardust shooters) and the ability this card gives you is called "a man who knows loneliness and friendship"
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cassyapper · 5 months
put your pussy on the phone thursday
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cassyapper · 2 months
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cassyapper · 2 months
can i share with you all the name of one of the minerals i need to learn the chemical formula of for my mineralogy and petrology class.
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cassyapper · 1 year
i think those engagement bait “which jojo had it worse?” questions are ultimately arbitrary and redundant because 1) theyre different people and went through different things under different circumstances at different times the variables are way too scattered to ever have a drawable comparison and 2) disregarding one’s pain in favor of another is doing an injustice to the story and how at least the first six parts of jojo are about the tragedy of a family, how every piece of the story we see is part of a greater whole, it’s not about who had it worse it’s about how each piece contributes to each other’s pain it’s about the curse of the joestar family you can’t narrow down on one without losing track of the whole theme anyway it’s jolyne
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cassyapper · 19 days
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cassyapper · 1 year
like literally how the fuck am i supposed to cope with this. this is literally his worst nightmare. it’s his own previously established trauma (dio and his knives, timestop, jotaro’s probable-aichmophobia, not enough time, he can’t save everyone) and the thing he feared the most happening (his loved ones in danger the same way he was, his fucking babygirl in life-threatening danger right before his eyes, and he’s not close enough to save her, he’s not strong enough to save her, he can’t SAVE HER BECAUSE HE ISN’T THERE HE IS TOO FAR AWAY just like he was too far away when avdol died, when iggy died, when kakyoin died, when polnareff died, when joseph died) like i know he had nightmares that blended this i know he woke up in a sweat-soaked, tremor-filled fervor because he had exact images of jolyne being stabbed, jolyne being killed the way he shouldve been killed, the way joseph died, the way kakyoin died, the way avdol died, the way iggy died, and him being too far away he can’t save her he COULD have but he was too far away and she was used against him like. THIS IS LITERALLY HIS EXACT NIGHTMARE AND IT CAME TO LIFE. despite all his precautions, despite all the measures he took, despite running away from her so it wouldnt cross an enemy’s mind to user her against him, despite ruining their relationship over a “MAYBE it will keep her safe,” it still came true. his worst fear. his scream. his panic. the gasp as he looks over to her and sees. the shakiness in his voice when he gasps out “knife- knives suspended-”. it’s literally his worst fear. he was so scared. fuck
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