#celeb rp
vintageceleb · 1 month
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Sophia Loren
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simpforfandom231 · 2 months
Throwing shit PT1
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Just y/n and Reneé throwing stuff at each other but it ends well in pt2, i promise
The apartment crackled with tension, the air thick with unresolved frustration. Reneé Rapp, the renowned singer, stood facing her girlfriend, Y/N, their voices rising in a tumultuous crescendo. Y/N's accusation hung heavy in the air like a discordant note in an otherwise perfect melody.
"I can't believe you're defending him again!" Y/N's voice cut through the room, her eyes ablaze with anger.
Reneé's own frustration boiled over. "I've told you a million times, there's nothing going on between me and my guitarist!"
Y/N scoffed, disbelief etched on her face. "Oh, please! I'm not blind, Reneé. I see the way he looks at you during your performances."
Reneé shook her head, her hands balling into fists at her sides. "That's ridiculous! He's just my guitarist, nothing more."
The tension thickened, suffocating the room with its intensity. Then, in a moment of rage, Y/N grabbed a glass from the countertop and hurled it at Reneé.
The glass shattered against the wall, the sound echoing through the apartment like a gunshot. Reneé recoiled, her eyes widening in shock as she dodged the projectile.
"You're insane!" Reneé yelled, her voice trembling with anger.
Fueled by adrenaline and fury, Reneé retaliated, grabbing a nearby plate and hurling it back at Y/N with equal force. The plate crashed against the floor, scattering ceramic shrapnel across the room.
Y/N's eyes flashed with fury as she lunged forward, her voice rising to a deafening scream. "How dare you!"
Reneé matched her intensity, her own voice a fierce counterpoint. "How dare I? How dare you!"
The apartment reverberated with their heated argument, the walls practically vibrating with their conflicting emotions. Insults flew like arrows in a battlefield of words, each one striking its mark with deadly accuracy.
In the midst of the chaos, Y/N finally reached her breaking point. "I'm done! I'm going to bed, and you can sleep on the couch for all I care!"
Reneé's jaw clenched, her fists still trembling with anger. "Fine! Maybe I will!"
With that final declaration, Y/N stormed off, leaving Reneé standing alone in the wreckage of their fight.
The next morning dawned with a heavy weight lingering in the air, a palpable tension that seemed to seep into every corner of the apartment. Reneé awoke with a sense of dread knotting in her stomach, the events of the previous night replaying in her mind like a broken record.
As she stumbled off the sofa, her muscles aching from the restless sleep on the couch, Reneé found herself confronted once again by the aftermath of their explosive argument. Broken glass glinted on the floor, a stark reminder of the violence that had erupted between them.
Y/N emerged from the bedroom, her expression still etched with resentment as she cast a cold glance in Reneé's direction. "You're still here?"
Reneé bristled at the accusation, her own anger reigniting at the sight of Y/N's dismissive demeanor. "Where else would I be?"
Y/N scoffed, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, I don't know, maybe off cozying up to your precious guitarist!"
Reneé's temper flared at the implication, her fists clenching at her sides. "For the last time, there's nothing going on between me and him!"
The familiar refrain of their argument echoed through the apartment, each accusation and denial adding fuel to the fire of their conflict. Before either of them could stop it, the tension escalated once again into a full-blown shouting match.
Insults flew like arrows, each one sharper and more cutting than the last. Reneé's voice rose to a fever pitch as she hurled verbal barbs at Y/N, each word laced with venomous intent. Y/N, equally incensed, launched her own barrage of insults in return, their voices melding together in a cacophony of anger and resentment.
In a moment of blind rage, Reneé seized the nearest object—a decorative vase—and hurled it across the room with all her might. The vase shattered against the wall, sending shards of porcelain cascading to the floor in a symphony of destruction.
Y/N's eyes widened in shock at the display of aggression, her own fury reaching a boiling point. With a primal scream, she retaliated, grabbing a throw pillow from the couch and launching it back at Reneé with surprising force.
The pillow collided with Reneé's chest, momentarily knocking the wind out of her sails. But instead of backing down, Reneé's resolve only strengthened, her determination to win this battle of wills burning fiercely within her.
The apartment became a battleground, each room a theater of war as Reneé and Y/N waged their verbal warfare with unrelenting ferocity. Furniture toppled, dishes shattered, and tempers flared hotter than the flames of their passion.
And yet, beneath the surface of their tumultuous conflict, a spark of something else simmered—a flicker of longing, of desire, of the love that still bound them together despite the chaos that threatened to tear them apart.
As the sun rose higher in the sky, casting its warm golden glow through the windows, Reneé and Y/N found themselves locked in a silent standoff, their breaths heavy and labored, their eyes locked in a silent battle
Reneé and Y/N stood amidst the wreckage of their argument, a sudden knock echoed through the apartment, breaking the heavy silence like a discordant note in an otherwise somber melody. Both women turned towards the door, their expressions a mixture of surprise and annoyance.
Reneé hesitated, her hand hovering uncertainly over the doorknob. "Who could that be?"
Y/N rolled her eyes, her frustration palpable. "Probably just the neighbors, complaining about the noise again."
With a resigned sigh, Reneé opened the door to reveal their neighbors standing in the hallway, their faces drawn into expressions of thinly veiled annoyance.
"We couldn't help but notice the, uh, passionate discussion you two were having," one of the neighbors said, their tone dripping with sarcasm. "We were just wondering if you could keep it down a bit. We're trying to watch TV, you know."
Y/N's jaw dropped in disbelief at the audacity of their neighbors. "Are you kidding me right now?"
The neighbors merely shrugged, their indifference infuriating in its arrogance. "Just a friendly request, that's all. Thank you very much."
As the neighbors retreated back into their own apartment, Reneé and Y/N exchanged incredulous glances, both equally appalled by the encounter. But before they could dwell on it any further, the reality of their situation came crashing back down upon them.
With a heavy sigh, Reneé turned back towards the apartment, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "Well, I guess we should start cleaning up this mess."
Y/N nodded in agreement, her own frustration still simmering beneath the surface. As they began to pick up the pieces of their shattered argument, the tension between them remained palpable, a silent barrier that seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment.
"It's always the same," Reneé muttered under her breath, her voice heavy with resignation.
Y/N heard the words, her own anger flaring once again. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Reneé glanced up, her expression guarded. "It means that no matter how many times we fight, nothing ever seems to change."
Y/N's eyes narrowed, her voice tinged with bitterness. "Maybe if you understood how it felt, you'd do something about it."
Reneé bristled at the accusation, her own frustration boiling over. "Oh, and what exactly am I supposed to do?"
Before Y/N could respond, Reneé dropped a bombshell that sent shockwaves rippling through the room. "I invited Evan over to have dinner with us tonight."
Y/N's mouth fell open in shock, her anger giving way to disbelief. "You did what?"
Reneé met her gaze evenly, her resolve unwavering. "You heard me. Evan's coming over, whether you like it or not."
With that final declaration, Y/N stormed off towards the bedroom, her footsteps echoing loudly against the hardwood floors. Slamming the door shut behind her, she left Reneé standing alone in the aftermath of their latest confrontation, her heart heavy with regret and uncertainty.
The day dragged on with an oppressive weight, each passing hour stretching into eternity as Y/N remained holed up in the bedroom, her anger simmering beneath the surface like a dormant volcano waiting to erupt. Meanwhile, Reneé tried in vain to carry on with her day, the tension between her and Y/N hanging heavy in the air like a thick fogge
As evening approached, Reneé knew that she couldn't avoid the inevitable any longer. With a heavy sigh, she approached the closed bedroom door, steeling herself for what lay beyond.
"Y/N," Reneé called out, her voice tentative. "We need to get ready for dinner."
There was no response, only the sound of silence echoing back at her like a mocking reminder of their strained relationship.
With a resigned shake of her head, Reneé pushed open the door to find Y/N sitting on the bed, her expression stony and unreadable.
Reneé tried to mask her disappointment as she crossed the room to the closet, her fingers trailing over the fabric of her dresses as she searched for the perfect outfit.
Y/N remained silent as Reneé changed into a cute dress, her eyes fixed on some distant point beyond the confines of the bedroom walls.
Once they were both dressed and ready, Reneé made her way to the kitchen where she had already prepared dinner, the savory aroma of her cooking filling the apartment with a tantalizing scent.
As Reneé set the table with meticulous care, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach. She knew that Evan's arrival would only serve to further exacerbate the tension between her and Y/N, but she had made a commitment and she intended to see it through.
Just as Reneé finished setting the table, there came a knock at the front door, the sound echoing through the apartment like a harbinger of impending doom.
Reneé shot Y/N a warning glance as she made her way to the door, silently urging her to behave herself in front of their guest.
Y/N rolled her eyes in response, her expression a mask of indifference as she reluctantly followed Reneé to the living room.
With a deep breath, Reneé opened the door to reveal Evan standing on the threshold, his smile charming and disarming in equal measure.
"Hey, Reneé! Thanks for inviting me over," Evan said, his eyes lingering on Reneé in a way that made Y/N's blood boil.
Reneé returned his smile, though her own unease was apparent in the tightness of her expression. "Of course, Evan. Come on in."
As Evan entered the apartment, Y/N forced herself to plaster on a fake smile, her teeth gritted in a silent display of restraint.
Reneé led Evan to the dining table, where he took his seat with a flourish, his eyes never leaving Reneé's form as she bustled about the kitchen, fetching plates and serving dishes with practiced ease.
Y/N busied herself with pouring wine, her hands trembling slightly as she struggled to maintain her composure in the face of Evan's unwavering gaze.
Throughout the meal, Evan's attention remained firmly fixed on Reneé, his compliments bordering on the excessive as he praised her cooking and commented on how good she looked in her dress.
Y/N seethed with silent rage, her nails digging into the flesh of her palms as she fought to keep her temper in check.
Reneé, for her part, seemed oblivious to the tension that hung thick in the air, her own anger towards Y/N overshadowed by her discomfort at Evan's overt flirtations.
As the evening wore on, Y/N found herself growing more and more agitated, her patience wearing thin as Evan continued to push the boundaries of propriety with his incessant touching and suggestive comments.
Finally, unable to contain her frustration any longer, Y/N rose abruptly from the table, her chair scraping loudly against the hardwood floor as she stormed off towards the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind her with a resounding thud.
Reneé and Evan exchanged awkward glances across the table, the silence that followed deafening in its intensity.
With a heavy sigh, Reneé pushed her plate away, her appetite ruined by the palpable tension that now filled the room.
As she met Evan's gaze, a flicker of uncertainty passed between them, both keenly aware of the rift that had formed between Reneé and Y/N—and the role that Evan had unwittingly played in widening that divide.
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livroleplays · 6 months
This is a PUBLIC COMMISSION containing 500 gifs of Brittany O'Grady in The Consultant Season 1. Brittany was born in 1996 and is African-American/Creole/White, so please cast accordingly. All gifs were made by me. Please do not repost in gif hunts/gif packs, edit them, or claim them as your own. Gifs can be found by clicking the source link or by clicking right here. Please like/reblog if you plan on using them. Interested in commissioning me? Check out all my information here. Or if you just like my work and would like to send me a tip, check out my ko-fi! TW: Smoking, drinking, blood
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gifsbyharley · 2 months
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#37 gifs of singer/actress, 𝐬𝐚𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫, in her "espresso" behind the scenes video have been added to her gif page, bringing the total to #151. you can access these gifs by clicking the source link. all gifs were made from scratch by me, so please DO NOT redistribute or claim as your own, edit in any way, turn them into gif icons, or use them in other gif hunts! please like/reblog if you found these useful in any way! 
these gifs are mainly to help those struggling in the celeb rpc, but feel free to use them however you wish. all i ask is for you to NOT use them to portray minors, use them in taboo rps, incest rps, to fetishize the LGBTQ+ community, to race bend, etc. commissions and free requests are currently closed, but if you enjoy my work, feel free to leave me a tip on ko-fi! 
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chaoticbananatrash · 2 months
The 50+ most beautiful women in the world
In a world that celebrates diversity and uniqueness, the concept of beauty transcends borders and cultures. Beauty is subjective, and its definition varies from person to person. However, certain individuals captivate hearts and minds with their extraordinary charm, grace, and charisma, earning them a place among the most beautiful women in the world.
➔Find It Here
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beldamgifs · 4 months
━━ * ⊹    in this gif pack are 150 gifs of LAURA HARRIER in various interviews and youtube videos. they are sized at 268 x 170 px and were made by me from scratch. if you like these gifs then please feel free to buy me a kofi, while this is not required, it is highly appreciated. i hope you enjoy ♡
DO NOT: edit, steal, repost or add these to gif hunts. if you wish to use these gifs in graphics, crackships etc then please ask for permission first. also do not use them to write as/with minors or within a plot that is deemed problematic, whether it be groups, indie or 1x1.
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lessrafm · 7 months
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in the SOURCE link below you will find a download link #40 gifs of English actor Tom Blyth in various interviews during The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes press tour! Tom is white and is currently 28 y/o, so please cast / portray him accordingly. please check my rules to see how you may use these gifs and like / reblog this post if you find these useful! PLEASE NOTE: requests will be closed for the time being as i’m currently swamped with work. i will be posting gif packs more sporadically. thank you!
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annhows-blog · 2 months
I am writing to share some distressing news about a beloved member of my family, Catherine. She is my cousin , and she is currently facing a challenging health battle.
Catherine has been admitted to PIH Health Downey Hospital due to Flu(influenza). As you can imagine, this has been an incredibly difficult time for our family. However, we are doing everything in our power to support Catherine through this ordeal.
In times like these, we are reminded of the importance of community and the kindness of those around us. That's why I am reaching out to you today. We are in need of financial assistance to help cover the medical expenses associated with Catherine's treatment.
Every donation, no matter how small, will make a meaningful difference in Catherine's journey towards recovery. Your generosity will not only alleviate the financial burden on our family but also provide much-needed hope and support during this challenging time.
If you are able to contribute, please do well to chat me privately for the payments process.
Thank you for considering our request. Your kindness and compassion mean the world to us, and we are truly grateful for any support you can provide.
With heartfelt thanks,
Ann Howell ❤️🙏
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anniewritcs · 3 months
hey but listen - a celeb friends to lovers plot on discord. we create a server, have some of their besties on there as well (via tupper) and play out how their friends have always known that they would end up together. give me slow burn, give me jealousy - like this and i'll hit you up!
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ava-max167 · 24 days
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And that’s the way the wind blows
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vintageceleb · 1 month
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Jaime Pressly
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presleyrp · 7 months
looking for people to rp with !
i'm looking for longterm rp partners who love elvis and have a female oc they feel like would go well with elvis presley. i'm a lit writer and i love long paragraphs. please be 18 years or older, as i like to write smut as well as angst, etc etc. i'm open to rp as elvis himself but also use him for a vampire oc i have- we can make our own server and discuss the details on discord. i use tupper !
m x f, oc or existing muses (tv shows, movies and/or celebs, whatever you like), can be set in modern time too. using the real elvis not austin butler or anyone else who tried portraying him. not interested in rping with a priscilla muse.
if you're interested, please leave a comment or dm me ur discord user !
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livroleplays · 4 months
By clicking here or on the source link, you will find 154 gifs of Jacob Elordi from Saturday Night Live. Jacob was born in 1997 and is of Australian descent, so please cast accordingly. All gifs were made by me. Please do not repost in gif hunts/gif packs or claim them as your own. Please like/reblog if you like them or plan on using them. If you enjoy my work, consider sending me a tip on ko-fi!
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gifsbyharley · 29 days
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#148 gifs of singer/actress, 𝐬𝐚𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫, in various videos, have been added to her gif page, bringing the total to #356. you can access these gifs by clicking the source link. all gifs were made from scratch by me, so please DO NOT redistribute or claim as your own, edit in any way, turn them into gif icons, or use them in other gif hunts! please like/reblog if you found these useful in any way! 
these gifs are mainly to help those struggling in the celeb rpc, but feel free to use them however you wish. all i ask is for you to NOT use them to portray minors, use them in taboo rps, incest rps, to fetishize the LGBTQ+ community, to race bend, etc. commissions and free requests are currently closed, but if you enjoy my work, feel free to leave me a tip on ko-fi! 
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famekils · 28 days
i saw a cute edit of sabrina carpenter and barry and now i need to write about a new, happy, bubbly relationship after a very public breakup. i'm watching a selena gomez documentary so throw some of that in there for the past relationship. can be canon celebs or ocs. i thiiink i'd prefer discord, but we can write on here as well. reach out if you're interested?
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beldamgifs · 4 months
━━ * ⊹    in this gif pack are 140 gifs of VINNIE HACKER in various interviews and youtube videos. they are sized at 268 x 170 px and were made by me from scratch. if you like these gifs then please feel free to buy me a kofi, while this is not required, it is highly appreciated. i hope you enjoy ♡ trigger warning: shaky camera
DO NOT: edit, steal, repost or add these to gif hunts. if you wish to use these gifs in graphics, crackships etc then please ask for permission first. also do not use them to write as/with minors or within a plot that is deemed problematic, whether it be groups, indie or 1x1.
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