spitdrunken · 8 months
I’ve been thinking about winter king a lot… all of this is essentially an excuse to ramble about some thoughts ive had about him, so don’t think too hard about how reader/you ended up in his universe, there's no reason haha notes: manipulative behaviour, unhealthy relationship.
A person can only withstand so much time with only the company of creatures they made themselves. Winter King is no different. He hadn't noticed it at first, the fact that every word out of his subjects' mouths is predictable, and that their one personality traits was dedication. Back then, he'd been caught up in the thrill of a life without madness, too lost in the mind that could hold coherent thoughts. (The price that had been paid for that change had not been his to pay.)
But, with time, a loneliness- Well, not a loneliness. No, that is a pathetic word, that belongs with the pathetic past self of his that he's shed by now. Let's call it a boredom that settled over him. One that made him allow Candy Queen to kidnap him over and over again, despite the fact he could easily defeat her. At least around her, there was unpredictability, and a semblance of a conversation to be had. As incoherent as it was, it was close to a human conversation. An odd thing it is, for that word to pop into his mind now. She has never been human, and he has long ceased to be one.
What use is it being this charming, this handsome, when there's nobody around with enough brain cells to admire it? He'd never been popular as the Ice King, understandably so, he'll admit, but nothing has changed since. Not even now that he is the ruler of a prosperous kingdom of his own, one that he has spent countless years meticulously perfecting. It really is a pity. With the Winter Kingdom avoided by everyone except by its inhabitants, he might as well just start kissing himself at this point. By the time that thought starts to seem viable, he is lucky enough that a change does occur.
Imagine his surprise, his utter delight, when someone new wanders into his kingdom! Entirely unfamiliar with him or his story, even this world, and oh-so completely lost. It's perfect! Whatever he tells you, you'll just have to believe, with nothing else to compare it to. You're so clearly human, too. It's been forever since he last saw one up close. ...Well, an adult, at least. He can't deny the fact that the scientist inside him is curious about how in God's name you'd ended up here, but that is of lesser importance to him. He's gotten exactly what he wanted: a companion! He'll put his charms to the test, and ensure that the thought of leaving his Winter Kingdom never crosses your mind again. How could your home ever be better than his?
With the promise of trying to find you a way home, he offers you a place to stay. The world out there is dangerous, you know! But even if he had genuinely wanted to help you out, crossing dimensions is, as of now, outside the realm of his abilities. Winter King quickly comes to the conclusion that you're just plain cute. It's delightful how easily impressed you are, and it's clear that whatever world you're from, magic is not a part of it. Things that, to him, are as simple as breathing, pull a response from you.
The first time he showed his powers in front of you, creating ice by freezing the moisture in the air, and moulding it together into a chair for you to sit on, you'd responded with awe. He couldn't possibly keep himself from laughing at that! Ah, sorry, dear, he really means no harm- But why did you think he was called the Winter King, hm? He loves it, though, really. You are perhaps stroking his ego a bit too much through all of this. It makes him stand just a bit straighter, puff his chest out a bit more, and thinks: yes, taking you in really was no mistake at all.
He puts the charm on thick. Now that has the opportunity, he wants to try his best to really swoop someone off of their feet. He'll compliment your personality and appearance any chance he gets, and especially enjoys it if you are easily flustered. (Though if you aren't, a part of him would enjoy more of a challenge as well.) As soon as he knows you're embarrassed, he'd put his hands on your cheeks to help you 'cool off.' ("Ha, ha! Oh, dear, you're going to melt my hands off at this rate!)
He'll order his servants to obey your every desire. As long as it doesn't conflict with his own, that is. There's a lot of things to get used to in the Winter Kingdom, and he'll even linger around you as you get the hang out of skating around the palace. With a snap of his fingers, he'll create ridges and bumps on the floors, only to catch you as you inevitably fall. Winter King is not above some... Well, lying sounds a lot worse than it is. Twisting of the truth? In his attempts to woo you. As long as you don't find out, there'd be no harm in it.
This aspect of him becomes most obvious in the way he handles the subject of the Candy Queen. She becomes merely another actress on the stage for him to use in the process of courting you. He'll warn you, of course, that there is an utterly mad woman, a nuisance, who is completely obsessed with him. As she's constantly following him around, she'll likely find out about your presence soon, too. And, against his will, he knows her well enough at this point to know that she won't be happy, ha! You'd best stay close to him, so he can keep you safe. With the type of special relationship the two of you have, she is bound to get jealous, dear! He doesn’t mind if he were to kidnap him, it has happened before, but if she were to hurt you, oh…!
He really thinks that was a wonderful performance of this. Oh, of course there were grains of truth in there! If you'd actually gotten hurt, if you were actually taken away from him, he doesn't know what he'd do- But he knows Candy Queen's whims and shenanigans well enough to know to avoid such a thing. He will keep you safe, he promised, but what better way to heighten your opinion of him even further, than through saving you from the clutches of danger? So, yes, he will let you get kidnapped once or twice by her on purpose, knowing full and well that Candy Queen was only doing so in order to draw him out. In achieving that goal, it would always be successful. As long as he always ensures he gets you back safe and sound, where's the harm in it? When you inevitably fall for him, and you can spend a happy life together, was anything he's done truly bad?
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spitdrunken · 7 months
im fascinated to know more of your thoughts on the winter king! Your first post and ideas were fantastic. If its okay I’d like to know about any kinks, suggestive, or overall possibly dark concepts you may have on his views/relationship with the reader! Like a continuation of some sorts of your first post! (Could be male reader or gn)
I will just write down some general thoughts here :')!! I'm glad to know you would like to know more of my ideas. I'll just start of with some NSFW headcanons I definitely have for him. These are just the main ones tho, I also have some somewhat extended petplay thoughts for him that I didn't put here.
notes: public / exhibitionism, CNC mention.
After being under the crown's influence for so long, Winter highly values the feeling of being in control. Especially in an intimate act such as sex, he'd want to at least feel like he's the one leading, at least the first couple of times. If he really, truly trusts you, he would be more willing to let you dom him. Based on some of the things Ice King says in canon, I do personally think he has a submissive side- An inclination for it, even, which is a remnant of Simon. His own experiences have shaped him to suppress any of such desires, though!
Winter does not shut up during sex. He's very, very talkative, constantly praising or teasing you, and describing how he's feeling! It's going to take a lot of pleasure to try and get him to shut up! Even when he's going cross-eyed with bliss, he's still babbling his needy little worlds. It melts his brain quicker if you're human, though. Your natural body heat would enhance the experience incredibly for him.
He's an exhibitionist in every sense of the word. Winter would get a lot of satisfaction of getting himself off in front of you, making a show out of it, but not allowing you to touch! He wants to see you squirm and shake with need for him so, so badly. In general, he'd try to have sex in, like, every corner of his palace. He assures you that his subjects, if they happened to walk by, wouldn't even be able to comprehend what they were seeing, much less talk about it! And if you'd let him, he'd absolutely just fuck you silly while having an audience in his throne room.
Oh, he just loves all kinds of roleplay! And if you indulge him, he will truly go all the way, with preparing costumes and lines of dialogue. It all sounds straight out of a cheesy porn, sure, but he's having the time of his life. He'd favour scenarios with darker undertones, and would be very interested in CNC if you wanted to try it out alongside him. Though he tries to ascribe any and all desires of the Ice King to the past, away from himself, he really wants to act out a kind of scenario where he's kidnapped you, his prince(ss)...! It gets him all kinds of giddy. Or anything else where he has an excuse to make you call him 'my grace / liege / King'.
As for any darker thoughts! Feel free to disregard these from the above if you aren't into it, btw. warning: emotional manipulation, dubious consent / noncon, depending on interpretation
He will try to guilt trip you into sex, if he wants to fuck you. Winter hasn't had sex in nearly a century, (....he doesn't count the times he's had encounters with Candy, the few times that has happened. He would label those moments as mistakes.) and a part of him is selfish enough that he just feels like he deserves it. He's put so much time and effort into trying to sweep you off your feet, got you food and a place to stay, plus everything else that you could desire! His hints will turn more and more thinly veiled, his touches lingering more and more. Dear, hasn't he done so much for you? Won't you be willing to indulge him, just this once? He's certain you'll enjoy yourself with him, he'll make sure of it! It's horrible, really, but Winter is simply not a very good person.
If you continue to deny him for long, he might create a mindless, stupid ice clone version of you, that's basically just a cocksleeve for him. A version of you that cannot deny him, and is always happy to be stuffed full of his cum. In all honesty, it lacks in comparison to what he believes the true experience to be like... It only makes him needier for you, in turn.
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spitdrunken · 7 months
Winter King really oughta kidnap a bitch and force them to marry him Ice King style. Could even go wild and pull out the ice shackles and explicit threat of hypothermia-induced limb loss if they try to escape even.
Unrelated - how do you feel about Simoncest? Or even Simon/WK/Reader?
I'm very sleepy, hope this makes sense and doesn't sound too unhinged LOL
notes: kidnapping / abuse implied, emotional manipulation, selfcest mention
Firstly, to answer your question: I'm genuinely quite a big fan of Simoncest/Winterkov, and I have actually written some ideas of like. Some angsty messy relationship with both Winter, Simon, and a Reader HAHA I like the idea of a poly with them, I just don't think it would go very well in practice, lol. (Not that I'm complaining lol <3) I've also written some very short bits and pieces about Freezer!Simon as well.
I think you would be able to see that side of him, if you push him really far. I don't know if you've read Cream and Ice, I'm assuming you have, but the scene right after he attacks Candy is kind of what it would be close to. I can only imagine him going full crown-madness on you if you somehow find a way home to your own dimension, or make a very genuine escape attempt.
Winter is... Very, very lonely, and now that he's finally been in the company of someone he enjoys spending time with, he's very against letting you go again. It's the exact same selfishness that allows him to keep Candy in madness' grasp. He'd try to tell you, with sharpened teeth poking past his lips, that he's done sooo much for you. And this is how you repay him? To let him to spend the rest of his eternity, all alone. You're the cruel one here, you're the evil one, for making him fall for you, only to pull the rug from underneath him-- Oh, don't look at him with such eyes! You know he's right. No, you were asking for this, now. You know exactly what you did.
I wonder if, with his powers that seem to be faaar more versatile than just ice powers (he gave Fionna's phone an internet connection, after all), he might be able to do some memory altering as well?
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spitdrunken · 7 months
I've been constantly thinking of a fully transitioned transmasc reader who adores science and architecture and stumbles across the winter kingdom as well as how the winter king would react to him walking about while marveling at the structures and such, if he'd feel flattered and take him in for however long.
If the relationship would delve deeper, would winter king be the first to propose something? Would he make vague comments and wait for a similar response, and then wisk them away? Or would he outright take what he wants, after a mental fight with himself over the matter? The reader could have made compliments in passing about how he looks, how he cares deeply for them, and over time the compliments were stored until one final compliment makes him snap. Would he wait until the bedroom, or take them in the throne room? He does like having attention on him, andhe loves to put on a show, whose to say he doesn't like such a thing for his beloved too? Maybe not as much attention or maybe just as much.
He would be very flattered indeed, I believe! His only company has been ice constructs for so long, who do indeed praise him, but praising them is all he can do. To have someone around who doesn't literally live to serve him, and to have that person praise his creations, he would simply be delighted!
I personally imagine Winter to be absolutely shameless when it comes to sex! So, while I imagine he'd simply try to heavily flirt with you and see where it goes from there, he would outright proposition you if that method didn't go anywhere. He'd at least try to make the first time a more intimate affair, but he wouldn't be below just fucking somewhere in plain sight, either. His subjects cannot talk about it, even if they saw- If they even have the awareness to fully comprehend what they're seeing, anyway.
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spitdrunken · 8 months
hmmmm i doubt this is a common look at his character but to me winter king seems like someone who has a part of him that would be very lonely. which really is the point of my last post. just the way he instantly tries to charm fionna, the utter dramatics of his song, and pulling the whole group of them along to play outside, to show off his kingdom... it all feels a little too desperate, y'know? anyway. sighs longingly
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