#chainsaw man spoilers
sibblank · 1 day
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poop-benedict · 1 day
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Denji getting the sexual gratification that he thought he wanted, being denied the love that he desperately needed and subsequently feeling broken and used for the gazillionth time.
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Yoru commits awful acts based on some faint feelings, and needs, like a soldier drunk on power leaving a trail of destruction and pain behind forever scarring the ones still alive
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Denji is completely broken down, Yoru won't be the one piecing all the broken parts together, no, Denji is the one who will have to deal with that, same with Asa
Asa not only completely hates Yoru, and rightfully so, but she is also grieving a thing that could have been so good, so peaceful, and Asa now is destroyed, hating herself, and mourning, angry, she is aware that she will be the one dealing with the consequences
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she is and will be the one suffering, and the only way she can hurt Yoru back is through hurting herself even more
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numbmontezuma · 1 day
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ex35life · 1 day
Chainsaw man manga spoilers ahead! Chapter 168
The reaction of both Denji and Asa to what happened in 167 were so honest and real that I honestly didn't see it coming. It was such a raw and normal response, it wasn't on my CSM Bingo Card. No semen swords, no freak outs, no exuberant celebration, and frankly I'm relieved. It was just the way a heavy topic like what was covered in 167 needed.
Denji felt rejected and exhausted and confused. Maybe even embarrassed and shy and used. He still looks depressed and empty. He doesn't know why, because he's a kid and he doesn't understand.
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Asa turned to "beating herself up". She is traumatized by the scenario and is slut shaming herself. Even though her words are directed at Yuro, it's clear in her expression and body language that she's internalizing some of this shame. As a woman who grew up in a purity culture scenario, where girls were supposed to be "sex repulsed", this panel resonated with me.
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She's yelling at Yuro, that she's a slut. But that's the face of a girl who is broken. Who can't put a name on the brokenness. Because she's a kid.
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digitalzombie · 1 day
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Ch. 168 | Chainsaw Man | Tatsuki Fujimoto
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kafukaselect-blog · 2 days
How Asa will react next chapter
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This chapters cliffhanger puts heavy emphasis on Asa's reaction to the events, which makes sense considering that she did not consent to anything that happened. Combine that with her stated disgust towards sex and it seems like Asa is going to have a massively negative reaction next chapter.
More specifically I think that Asa's reaction next chapter will be to vomit.
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Fujimoto has often used vomiting in Chainsaw Man, it’s a motif that he seems to be very fond of. Yoru's main goal in Part 2 is tied directly to vomiting,  Fujimoto even makes a point of showing that Nayuta's power is able to make people vomit (Which is clearly setup for Nayuta being the one to make Pochita vomit up nuclear weapons, but I digress).
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Of course I'm not just relying on random instances of characters vomiting to predict her reaction, there are two specific instances that connect very directly into the current events. First is Asa vomiting in response to crushing Bucky, this not only sets up that she vomits when disgusted, but also ties into her dream of the birds in the alley.
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The series has already drawn a comparison between Denji and the birds Asa steps on, with the birds obviously being inspired by Bucky (Bucky is also notably not actually Asa's fault but was caused by a third party, similar to how Yoru is responsible for this chapters events). This connection means it make sense that her reaction to unwillingly sexually assaulting Denji in an alley would mirror her reaction to crushing Bucky.
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The second instance of vomiting that this would tie into is Denji's vomit kiss, more specifically, the ensuing conversation with Makima it spurs on about first tastes. This situation in the alley is easily the biggest example of a "first taste" for Denji since his first kiss, another first taste that has been potentially ruined for him. And if Asa's reaction in the next chapter is to vomit, then that provides a natural segue for Denji to think back about his first kiss, and tie this chapters events back to the concept of "first tastes".
The motif of vomit in Chainsaw Man has been something I've been noticing for a while now, and I am super interested to see where Fujimoto is going with it.
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therealslimshady · 19 hours
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Much to think about
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deadaliengoddess · 1 day
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Their faces say it all.
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thelreads · 1 day
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Not ominous at all I'd say
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neptune432 · 1 day
tw chainsaw man chapter 168 spoilers//
I'm not sure whether that chainsaw man chapter left me disappointed or just confused at fujimoto's goals. both denji and asa are left in shock after what happened and it definitely feels like denji's been traumatized. with asa, she only acknowledges the kiss and talks about "looking like a slut," but is also in a state of shock afterwards. she's clearly bothered but either doesn't recognize or doesn't want to recognize the trauma she just went through.
I saw someone mention that worrying about looking like a slut after sa (which I've heard of before) isn't uncommon and I'd like to believe fujimoto is doing all this intentionally. I'm not sure what to think because I still can't 100% be certain of what fujimoto is thinking. I guess I'll keep reading and hope everything will be fine
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ma-e-by · 1 day
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multiple personalities gf
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im-all-out-of-ideas · 23 hours
yeah that chapter went about how i expected it to.
not to say i predicted it, but denji feeling used and asa freaking the fuck out and yoru continuing to be a massive b-hole is definitely in line, but the full extent of what just happened clearly isn't gonna be explored until dozens of chapters down the line, same as denji's self-realization about his hypersexuality.
due to how short these chapters have been lately, i don't actually have much to say, but specifically asa and yoru REALLY impressed me this week. yoru being the one to deal with denji's mess made the fallout a little cleaner than i would have expected, but her KISSING HIM AGAIN??? AND TELLING HIM TO HIS FACE SHE DOESN'T LIKE HIM??? YOU FUCKING WHORE
not to mention asa displaying internalized misogyny in the midst of a, let's be honest, pretty funny slapstick gag, is an added touch i hoped to see and thankfully got. fujimoto has a LOT to work with in terms of our two human protagonists and i'm still anxiously excited for every new release.
all in all, people blew the cum on hand thing way outta proportion y'all are just weak and will not survive the winter
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oooh we're making it outta the contract with this one boys ‼️
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wings-liker · 1 day
Denji's misery level is increasing
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Denji's misery level is increasing
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Denji's misery level is increasing
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Denji's misery level is increasing
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