mondstalgia · 3 months
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okay but, what about my sanity?
623 notes · View notes
laurenkmyers · 8 months
this show is tearing me apart, fuck
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sparklyeyedhimbo · 8 months
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heretherebedork · 7 months
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The matching body pillows! The way they're snuggled and building a future together? The way they have their once forgotten birthday gifts touching? They will never be without each other again, not even for a second, because they know now.
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mistbornthief · 7 months
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images that are gonna live in my mind forever and always
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khaotunq · 7 months
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bitacrytic · 8 months
He really raised his hand to punch Chenyi and then paused, giving Chenyi enough time to brace so that Chenyi could catch his hand.
Ai Di, you are not sleek. We see right through your bullshit.
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mysterygrl20 · 8 months
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You asked for it yourself. I'm done playing with you. Bye!
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halliescomut · 8 months
Kiseki Ep 9
So I don't have proof, but Ai Di was planning to leave. He used the 'orders' from Boss man as an excuse, but I think even if he hadn't seen that text he would have just up and disappeared. I think he took that conversation with Zong Yi in ep 7 to heart and thought that it would be possible for him to leave and not see Chen Yi, and that if he was gone long enough his feelings would die.
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I do want to know what Chen Yi is thinking though. Because after we pop back to the present and he brings Ai Di home...it feels like he's trying to get Ai Di to admit he has feelings for him and that's why he took advantage. And if he gets that confession it means that he can confess too, because I think he remembers that night and has now had his feelings for Ai Di change, or perhaps they've simply become clearer. For all the brother stuff, Chen Yi not wanting to see Ai Di being potentially romantically involved with anyone feels a lot to me like jealousy more than a brotherly interest in keeping your freshly 18 'brother' from sowing his oats. I don't know. I do 1000% think that despite all of the depression drinking and Chen Yi still answering to Bossman, I don't think he has the same level of adoration anymore. I think Bossman using Zong Yi and then sending Ai Di into the prison AND promising Ai Di that he could be free of the gang broke ALL of that.
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The Ai Di stuff didn't make me cry, but it was so close. Because that 'love scene'...that was clearly Ai Di knowing he was making a choice he wouldn't be able to come back from and thinking that even if all he has is a memory that will be enough.
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And Zong Yi... that's what made me cry. Seeing him reunited with his family, but it's never going to go back to how it was even though his dad is okay and now they have each other. It was so sweet and so sad. Like, the poor sister blaming herself, and dad blaming himself, and Zong Yi blaming himself, it's so fucking sad.
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The Jhe Ruei stuff was rough to see. Knowing what we do about how Jhe Ruei came to the Fan family and what he gave up, and the lengths he was going to hide his true self, and failing in some aspects. Seeing the 'Old man' (who I don't know if he's Jhe Ruei's father or grandfather tbh) talk about how they can't trust him fully because he's different after suffering MASSIVE BRAIN TRAUMA AND LOSING HIS MEMORY made me want to knock some sense into him. Like how the fuck????
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But also what was the point of the Fan family wanting to take Zong Yi out when he was already in jail?? Like what was the purpose...is he just an old-fashioned homophobe, or is he worried Jhe Ruei will remember and leave the family for Zong Yi? Because, dude you barely want him there, so what do you really care?? And it can't really be about 'appearances' when he's an illegitimate heir and isn't going to be given any sort of position of power. I really don't know what's going through the old man's head.
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I'm confused, I'm worried, I'm a little sad. So I guess we'll see what happens next week.
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Also if you weren't aware there is a 'bonus episode' like episode 8.5 that's up. I watched it on bili, but it gives a bit more insight into the whole Teng and Dragon Gang debacle. It's not really SUPER necessary to follow the general story, but it does give more info. But if you watch MODC, then you may have a bit of a PTSD reaction to watching it...as a warning.
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morathicain · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 奇蹟 | Kiseki: Dear to Me (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ai Di | Eddie/Chen Yi (Kiseki: Dear To Me) Characters: Ai Di | Eddie, Chen Yi (Kiseki: Dear To Me) Additional Tags: canon divergence after ep 10, Medical Inaccuracies, close to death, Angst, Regret, Protection, they're insane your honour, and i love them, switching POVs, Getting Together, their communication skills are medium rare at best, they still manage to make it work, Insecurities, Hurt/Comfort, taking care, no beta we die like Thana, inappropriate kissing and making out, while being hurt, Sorry if I forgot any tags Series: Part 1 of Kiseki - Dear to my burning heart Summary:
“Find someone who’ll die for you.”
Ai Di had always known that he might end up being the one but somehow, it still came as a surprise when it really happened.
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laurenkmyers · 3 months
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Ai Di’s jealousy manifests itself in many ways, sometimes he’ll yell and scream and tear his way through it, sometimes he’ll fuck Chen Yi rough and raw, making him come several times in one night, torturing them both with overstimulation and restraint, and sometimes, simply, he’ll make someone bleed. or, 3 times Ai Di comes face to face with people who have had Chen Yi in the past, and the 1 time he stakes his claim and makes sure there's no one else. ao3
Chen Yi is unbelievably good with his mouth. 
That shouldn’t piss Ai Di off the way it does, and yet here he is, simmering with pent up horny rage as Chen Yi swallows around his cock.  
It makes Ai Di buck up, forcing himself even deeper into Chen Yi’s throat. But when Chen Yi gargles a little, breathes in and out, and then just takes it? It makes Ai Di want to fucking scream. Which he does, around an elongated moan of ‘fuck’ and ‘you’ and some iteration of Chen Yi’s name. 
Ai Di doesn’t bring it up. But he wants to. He wants to cause a scene and find the little fucks who let Chen Yi put his mouth all over them. Wants to rip the hair from their stupid fucking head and pull out their tongues for ever daring to touch what doesn’t belong to them. 
But he doesn’t. Because he’s got it under control. He secretly rages and fucks Chen Yi’s mouth to make up for it. And when Chen Yi does the tongue thing that absolutely sets him on fire, he tugs Chen Yi’s hair to pull him away and comes all over his face. When Chen Yi dips his traitorous tongue out of his mouth to taste him, it settles something within him and he’s good again. Because Chen Yi belongs to him. 
Ai Di’s jealousy manifests itself in many ways, sometimes he’ll yell and scream and tear his way through it, sometimes he’ll fuck Chen Yi rough and raw, making him come several times in one night, torturing them both with overstimulation and restraint, and sometimes, simply, he’ll make someone bleed. 
This encounter is very quickly turning into the latter as Ai Di clenches his jaw and grinds his teeth.
The way the man in front of them is so blatantly staring at Chen Yi’s hands and mouth as he speaks shows a kind of familiarity that only Ai Di should know. 
It’s obvious, not only in the way the man acts around Chen Yi, but in the way Chen Yi is acting around the man. The way he fidgets in his seat. The way he keeps glancing back and forth between him and Ai Di, and most importantly, in the way he grips Ai Di under the table in warning. 
It all paints the picture incredibly clear. This man has been with Chen Yi, knows him intimately, and craves more. But little does this fucker know, that being with Chen Yi signed his own death certificate. Ai Di already smells the blood, delights in the way it curdles as it oozes from the man’s head. 
It doesn’t take him long to track down the unimportant man as Ai Di slips into his home unseen, like a ghost. He takes pleasure in watching the man beg for his life.
“Please…please don’t hurt me. I didn’t know h-he was taken. He n-never mentioned you...please.” He pleads.
The sentiment only makes Ai Di angrier as he steps down harder on the man’s balls until one of them pops beneath his boot with an ear-piercing scream. 
“That’s okay. He didn’t know he was mine back then either.” Ai Di slaps the man in the face to get him to focus once more, “Chen Yi always had a quick tongue, but the way he takes my cock down his throat without gagging is something he learnt before he was mine.” Ai Di sighs, almost in defeat, “I suppose I should thank you really.”
The man whimpers in pain, “He n-never, we d-didn’t- I just let him fuck me.” 
Ai Di seethes at the implications that there is someone else out there who has had Chen Yi’s mouth on them. Just how many people did Chen Yi fuck when he was rotting away in his prison cell? The thought makes him insane and he does the only thing he knows how, aims his gun at the quivering man’s head and pulls the trigger. 
One down…
By the time Ai Di returns home, the blood splattered across his face has dried, his fingers have finally unclenched, and he feels lighter. 
Chen Yi takes one look at him and sighs, “Where’s the body?” 
Ai Di shrugs, but Chen Yi raises his eyebrow and stares until eventually Ai Di rattles off an address that Xiao Jie and the boys immediately head to for cleanup. 
They don’t talk about it.
But he does let Chen Yi fuck him in the shower that evening. And then up against the window just in time for the boys’ return. Ai Di’s smirking face is pressed up against the fogged up glass as Xiao Jie and the boys look on. It’s only when Chen Yi notices that they’re all watching that he manhandles Ai Di away from the window, somehow still inside him, bends him over the edge of the bed and fucks him hard into the mattress.
“You’ve been such a brat today. Do you think you deserve my cock?” Chen Yi asks seriously. 
“It’s mine!” Ai Di hisses, deepening his arched back and forcing himself deeper on Chen Yi’s cock. 
Chen Yi chuckles darkly and pulls out right to the tip, teasing Ai Di’s hole as it clenches around nothing, and the hand resting on his back holds Ai Di in place so he can’t push back. The whine that comes from Ai Di’s throat is raw and unhinged. 
“It is yours, baby, but do you deserve it?” 
Chen Yi teases him further by rubbing the head over Ai Di’s slick rim, flicking it up and down, but not quite entering. The rumbling reply bursts from Ai Di like a bullet, ricocheting around the room in a desperate attempt to find a target, and when it lands, it hits with a devastating crack, “I don’t deserve it, but I need it, Chen Yi. Need you. Only ever needed you…please.”
Chen Yi’s body visibly stutters at Ai Di’s confession, and the thought makes Ai Di want to cry, that Chen Yi will never know the true extent of his yearning, but what Ai Di does know is that Chen Yi has the power to give him everything. 
He also has the power to take it all away. 
So when Chen Yi slips back into him, holds his shaking body, and coos in his ear that he’s a good boy who does deserve it, Ai Di lets himself cry and shudder through the orgasm that shatters him completely, and then he smiles up at Chen Yi as he coaxes him back to life, weaving him back together, piece by piece. 
The second boy Ai Di discovers has been intimate with Chen Yi can’t be much older than he is, and it halts him in his place. Ai Di always stupidly assumed that he was the anomaly. Chen Yi just preferred older men? Considering his long-term, ridiculous crush on their old Boss it made sense. And then the most recent discovery… the man Ai Di killed . He was also older, broader, and much more masculine than Ai Di ever would be. 
So to see this fucking twink, who looks eerily like himself but with a body that curves in all the right places, put his hands on Chen Yi’s abs- in broad fucking daylight - like he owns the fucking right, makes Ai Di want to set the world on fire. 
They’re at the gym, working out their latest aggressions, fucking out their emotions isn’t always the healthiest way to work out their mafia-related issues, so they go to the gym and work it out on the treadmill, or the punching bag, or sometimes Ai Di likes to swim. 
But today, Ai Di thinks violence might be his best form of release. 
As much as Chen Yi tries to steer the boy away, the little bitch doesn’t seem to understand that Chen Yi doesn’t want his fucking touch, so Ai Di launches himself across the rowing machine, grabs the boys fingers and snaps them back so hard the satisfying crunch of bone will sing him to sleep for a solid week. 
The boy crumbles like the twig he is, screeching in pain as he begs Ai Di to let go. 
“Maybe next time you’ll think before touching what doesn’t belong to you..hmm?” Ai Di sneers, spitting in the boy's face as he goes to throw a solid punch to his scrawny little nose. 
But before his fist makes contact he’s being hauled back into the very sweaty body of his boyfriend and is being coaxed to calm down with a harsh hand in his hair and a steady palm around his throat. 
“Ai Di, baby, you don’t have to do this. We’re good.” Chen Yi says.
Ai Di laughs maniacally, “Good? You fucked that? Some cheap imitation of me?”
The boy starts giggling, before standing to his much-too-long-to-be-Ai Di’s fucking legs and spits out the blood gathered behind his teeth. 
“He paid me too, for the blowjob lessons and the bleach job. Did he tell you that, kitten?” He continues giggling and rubbing at his hard cock, like the violence is getting him off. Ai Di is disgusted, but weirdly impressed at the twinks lack of self-preservation, “If I knew he was into collaring his boys I’d have begged him to fuck me free of charge, but your man only wanted to learn to suck cock. He didn’t actually get good until I made him gag all over mine. Shame you missed it, two bleached twinks for the price of one.”
Ai Di roars, wrenching himself out of Chen Yi’s grip and smashing his fist into the smug boy's face, the bones in his nose snap and blood gushes out as his head flings back. But Ai Di keeps going, unable to stop now that he’s started. The boy cackles each time a punch lands and it makes Ai Di’s gut twist so he hits the boy harder. He gets a few good punches in before strong arms are hauling him away again and a soft but firm voice whispers ‘enough’ in his ear. 
The pounding in his head subsides and the sweat dripping down his neck turns cold as he opens his eyes to look at the damaged boy's face, completely unrecognisable now. Good. His once bleached blonde hair dyed blood red, too. Another bonus. 
“Got yourself a truly feral one there, Chen,” the boy gurgles out, “can see why you love him.” 
Ai Di makes one last ditch effort to pounce, and lands his final blow with a swift kick upwards, knocking the boy clean out as his blood splatters across the rest of the room. 
Ai Di turns from the mess to see Chen Yi with his hands on his hips. 
“What?” Ai Di bellows, “Not my fault he kept running his fucking mouth.” 
The moment they get home, Chen Yi tries to talk about it. 
But Ai Di isn’t in the fucking mood to talk. Kinda wants to choke Chen Yi with his dick, actually. 
“Ai Di, please? Let me explain.” Chen Yi begs.
Ai Di huffs, “What’s there to explain? You wanted my dick and you couldn’t get it, so you paid some whore to play dress up and teach you how to deepthroat so that when I got out of jail you’d be able to take mine like a good boy.” 
Ai Di watches Chen Yi fluster around the truth until finally he settles, nodding his head and admitting, “That’s pretty much the gist of it, yeah.” 
Ai Di smirks, stalking towards him like a panther waiting to pounce, “Good, glad we got that cleared up. Now, you gonna show me how well you can take my dick, or what? Wouldn’t want all those lessons to go to waste…” 
Chen Yi’s legs visibly shake as Ai Di approaches. “You’re not mad?” He asks tentatively. 
Ai Di cackles, “Oh, I’m mad.” he strikes, springing forward and launching himself onto Chen Yi, who fumbles and lands with a thump on their bed. “I’m mad that you thought a cheap bleach job would make that ugly fucking twink look anything like me. God, you’re embarrassing. It’s a good job I love you. Now shut up and open your mouth.” 
Chen Yi takes him like the good boy he is. Swallows every last drop. 
The third and final nail in the coffin of Ai D’s jealous heart comes in the form of a lonely gangster’s wife. Ai Di almost feels bad when he sees the way she hangs off Chen Yi as they make their way over. 
It makes sense that Chen Yi would try and fuck the pain of his absence away by sleeping with a woman. Because he now understands that Chen Yi was in pain. Ai Di’s exit from his life was always meant to be swift and cutting. And he made sure their brief reunion was exactly that, brief and one-off.
 Ai Di may have been the one locked up, but he wasn’t alone, he had Bai Zongyi. Chen Yi, however, was alone. For four years. Alone and wallowing in whatever fucked up reality he assumed Ai Di had left him for, and that, combined with the Boss’ consistent but silent rejection must have driven him to madness. 
Not that sleeping with a woman is mad. Ai Di likes women. He just doesn’t like the idea of fucking women. They’re soft and sweet and willing and he’s had a few show interest over the years, but they never interested him sexually. 
It doesn’t exactly surprise him that Chen Yi wanted to try. He understands Chen Yi better than Chen Yi understands himself. The flame he always held for Chen Dong Yang didn’t just steal Chen Yi’s attention from Ai Di, it stole him from every horny teenager who had a working pair of eyes and the desire to fuck pretty boys. It was never just Ai Di looking at Chen Yi growing up, girls and boys alike wanted him. So he gets it, he understands. Ai Di would be curious too. 
But that understanding doesn’t make it any easier to witness firsthand. The woman making herself comfortable rubbing up against his man is gorgeous; long, lithe body sculpted to perfection. Too bad her beauty doesn’t stop the swirling thoughts of murder as her perfect tits purposefully crushed against Chen Yi’s bicep make him want to tear her pretty hair from her pretty head. 
Her laugh, high and tinny, turns his insides to molten lava. When he clocks eyes with Chen Yi, who simply raises his brow, shakes his head and refuses to move away. Ai Di feels the oncoming eruption bubble over and falls headfirst into old habits, hiding his emotions with an act of violence. This one comes in the form of a steak knife being hurled in the direction of a pretty woman’s jugular. 
Sadly, Chen Yi’s reflexes have always been quick. He pushes the woman away and grabs the knife handle first and glares at Ai Di as everyone around them screams. 
Ai Di catches Chen Yi’s eyes again and can’t help but laugh out a quick, “what?” followed by an eye roll. 
It’s only when the woman’s husband finally deigns to show his fucking face to grunt out a stiff, “You better keep your whore on his leash, Chen Yi.” that Ai Di turns back into the feral kitten his reputation perceives him to be. 
Ai Di has always been fast, he whips his head and his leg around at the same time, and kicks the man’s chair out from under him, toppling them both as Ai Di strangles the man with his own tie.
 “The fuck did you just call me?” 
The man sputters and chokes, turning blue quicker than anyone can comprehend as his eyes practically pop from his skull. 
The thrill of watching the life drain from terrible men never dulls. But Ai Di’s excitement is short lived as Chen Yi once again ruins all the fun by hauling his ass away. 
But not before hissing at the woman as they pass, “You may have had a taste, but you don’t get to touch what’s mine ever again.”
And finally, yelling at the top of his lungs, Ai Di turns his attention back to the half-dead man on the ground, “and if you ever recover, you might wanna think about treating your wife better so she stops putting her hands and her perfect tits all over mine.” 
Chen Yi bows politely, apologising for the disturbance as he drags Ai Di’s crazy ass from the restaurant.
The moment they’re outside Chen Yi throws him into the back of the awaiting limo and slides in next to him. 
“Drive!” Chen Yi yells sternly. The man in the driver's seat starts the ignition, puts the partition up, and pulls out of the establishment.
Chen Yi turns to him in a rage, “what the fuck was that Ai Di? You can’t just go around throwing knives at a gangster’s wife.” 
Ai Di scoffs in his face, “But it’s okay for you to fuck them?” 
“I didn-”
“ Don’t lie to me, Chen Yi.” 
Chen Yi takes a deep breath in, and lets out a long sigh. It feels like a lifetime passes between them before Chen Yi speaks again. 
“I couldn’t go through with it.” He admits, finally. 
Ai Di stays silent, knowing that Chen Yi will open up when he’s ready. 
He doesn’t have to wait long for him to continue. 
“I missed you, Ai Di- and it broke me.” He shudders at the memory, “Not being able to see you or even hear your voice messed me up. I thought if I fucked her I’d be able to get you out of my head for a bit. I thought it would help. Her being a woman. But the moment she touched me I knew it wasn’t right. So I dosed her and bolted.” 
“So she only thinks you fucked her because she was high?” 
“Ai Di!” 
“What? It makes me feel better about the situation.” 
“Well, it makes me feel like a piece of shit.” 
Ai D removes his seat belt and slides across the leather seats, straddling Chen Yi’s lap, and grabbing his face with two hands. 
“You’re not a piece of shit.” He says seriously, and then because he’s Ai Di and he’s the real piece of shit, he says, “ you didn’t sleep with her. I didn’t kill her, so I’d say that’s a win-win all round.” 
It makes Chen Yi laugh, so he guesses he’s not that much of a piece of shit after all. 
They step into the hotel room and fall into one another, as they always seem to do after emotions run high. 
But tonight feels different.
Tonight the emotions aren’t totally drenched in anger and jealousy, they’re sprinkled with longing and understanding. 
Ai Di wishes he wasn’t such an impatient fuck sometimes, because as much as he loves savouring the moment, all he wants to do is pull off of Chen Yi, flip their positions, and ride Chen Yi to completion. But he knows that’s not what Chen Yi needs right now. Chen Yi needs reassurance, closeness, and love. 
Chen Yi takes his time, fucking into him slowly, leisurely, and it feels so fucking good. But it also terrifies the shit out of him. To feel so much for one person, and to have that person feel everything back. It was always a dream Ai Di never expected he’d get, and yet here he is, with Chen Yi between his legs and settled in his heart. 
A stray tear makes its way down Ai Di’s cheek, sliding down his neck, and catches on Chen Yi’s eyelash, who blinks up at the intrusion and chokes back his own tears at the emotions that must be shining like a beacon on Ai Di’s face. He never was very good at hiding. 
“You okay, baby?” Chen Yi asks, settling himself deeper inside Ai Di to force them closer. 
“I’m okay.” Ai Di reassures, “S’just a lot, sometimes. Being with you. I never thought we’d actually get here.” 
Chen Yi sighs and dips his head in Ai Di’s neck, “I’m sorry I was such an idiot for so long.” He kisses his apologies into Ai Di’s skin. 
Ai Di chuckles softly, “I’d apologise for being a possessive asshole, but I’m actually not. Because you’re mine and I won’t give you up for anyone.”
Chen Yi fucks into him with a little more force and it makes Ai Di audibly whine.
“Yeah, baby, I’m all yours. But you’re mine too.”  
Ai Di sees the opportunity for what it is, and lets himself slip into his vulnerabilities, “I’ve always been yours.” 
Despite everything they’ve been through recently, Ai Di knows he’s being irrational. 
But Ai Di has never claimed to be a rational thinker. 
He knows the man flirting with Chen Yi is an important leader of a foreign Mafia clan and that Chen Yi is only sweet talking him into one of the biggest deals of their lives. 
But the familiar tang of jealousy burns through him like wildfire, spreading ashes and remains. 
Once upon a time, a person only had to look at Chen Yi in the wrong way and it was game over. Because Ai Di was completely unhinged over the very real thought of people trying to kill Chen Yi that he’s not prepared in the slightest for the way people are now trying to fuck Chen Yi. But like most things in this life, Chen Yi handles it all with a graceful ease.
Ai Di finds it hard to separate the two versions of their life, before and after Chen Yi became Boss. Because the one good thing about Chen Yi’s old feelings for Chen Dong Yang is that Ai Di always knew where his eyes were. But now he feels like he’s going in blind. Chen Yi’s eyes are everywhere, because they have to be, the curse of being on top. 
“His eyes have always been on you, Ai Di. You just never saw it.” Bai Zongi interrupts his spiralling thoughts.
But Ai Di’s gone deaf as well as blind because he refuses to hear, his focus is on Chen Yi’s dimple popping through his cheek creating a black hole so deep Ai Di feels like he’s drowning. The older man Chen Yi sits with now leans in and whispers something in Chen Yi’s ear and the dimple darkens further. 
Only the soft hand on his shoulder stops Ai Di from vibrating out of his skull and launching himself across the bar.
“Calm down, Ai Di.” Zherui says, “It’s just business.” 
Ai Di huffs, clenching and unclenching his jaw and picking at his pinky. He knows it’s just business. He knows Chen Yi has to smile and flirt and manipulate his way into people’s good graces. But does he have to do it so bluntly in front of Ai Di? 
When Chen Yi returns to their table, a little tipsy and loose lipped, Ai Di grabs him by the collar and forces himself into Chen Yi’s lap. He ignores the grunts and embarrassed groans from their friends and laps at Chen Yi’s tongue like a starved man. Not even the obnoxious hollers from Xiao Jie can make him stop his attack on Chen Yi’s lips, especially after he notices the way the man from earlier stares openly at the two of them. It only fuels Ai Di on as he makes a show of grinding down on Chen Yi’s obviously interested cock. 
“What’s gotten into you?” Chen Yi asks, clearly affected as he tightens his already bruising grip on Ai Di’s hips. 
Ai Di chuckles, eyes the man at the bar once more before turning back to Chen Yi and says, “you hopefully.” 
Ai Di gasps as Chen Yi immediately stands, and Ai Di’s legs tighten around him as they head towards the door, but Ai Di has other plans, nodding his head over to a dark corner at the back of the bar. 
He pulls Chen Yi’s hair and licks his way up his neck towards his ear and whispers, “I want you now .” 
Chen Yi makes a noise at the back of his throat and turns, slamming Ai Di into the nearest, partially concealed wall which knocks the wind out of them both, but somehow Ai Di still manages to bare his neck to Chen Yi’s desperate mouth. 
“We shouldn’t be doing this here.” Chen Yi attempts to protest, despite the fact he’s currently nipping hungrily at Ai Di’s collarbone and grinding him into the cold concrete. “What if someone sees?”
Ai Di reaches down between them to unzip Chen Yi, forcing his pants halfway down his thighs as he pulls him out. Wasting no time, he swipes his thumb over Chen Yi’s leaking tip, bites his bottom lip between his teeth, and leans back, hooded eyes scour the room until they land on the very man Ai Di hoped would be watching. He lifts his wet thumb up to his mouth and sucks it clean. “Let them watch,” he says with a grin. 
It takes less than a minute for Chen Yi to rid him of his pants and boxers and then he’s hauling Ai Di back up his body and slamming him back into the wall. Thankfully, Ai Di is still slick and open from their earlier fuck because Chen Yi is lifting him even higher, (Ai Di swoons a little at just how strong Chen Yi is to be able to haul him around with such ease) lining himself up, and driving himself into Ai Di’s greedy little body. 
It feels so fucking good to have Chen Yi filling him up again that he barely registers that most of the patrons in the bar have taken note of them in their secluded corner and that all eyes are watching, but the one man at the bar moves closer still, hoping for a better look. It isn’t until his eyes pop open on a particularly brutal thrust that Ai Di feels the envious burn of want rake over their joined bodies. The eyes of the man Ai Di was hoping to catch pierce their way into Ai Di’s core, before descending down Chen Yi’s muscular back and linger on his exposed ass. 
The hot swell of dark possession washes over him as he wraps himself even further around Chen Yi to try and divert the man’s attention. Ai Di yanks at Chen Yi’s hair and forces their mouths together. 
“Tell me you’re mine.” He rasps into Chen Yi’s mouth. 
Chen Yi whines into the kiss, but obeys immediately, “M’yours, Ai Di.” 
But it’s still not enough.
Ai Di moans obnoxiously loud, forcing anyone who was trying to ignore their coupling to grind to a halt. Ai Di doesn’t care how many people are watching, he only wants the attention of one man, the one who looked at Chen Yi and thought he could have him, the one who is still looking at Chen Yi, with his cock buried deep in Ai Di’s ass, and thinks he has a chance. Ai Di wants him to know that Chen Yi is out of fucking bounds , so he smirks around his next demand, “tell them who you belong to.” He nods towards the men and women whose eyes can't look away.
Chen Yi is normally so well put together in public, the perfect leader, and yet the fact that he’s currently babbling nothing but Ai Di’s name, over and over again, in perfect harmony with the slapping sounds of skin against skin as he greedily fucks himself into Ai Di’s body in front of everyone they know does something visceral to Ai Di’s insides. The open claim sits pretty in his gut and lights him up from the inside out. 
“Come inside me, Boss.” Ai Di croons, holding eye contact with the foreign man, as mere moments after his command, Chen Yi topples over the edge and slumps them both into the rough, body warmed wall behind them. 
Ai Di drops his gaze and gracefully unwraps himself from Chen Yi, sliding on wobbly legs to the ground. He tucks Chen Yi back into his pants and pulls him back in for one more kiss before tugging up his own clothes and turning back to their audience.
“Xiao Jie!” Ai Di yells, and the man in question, whose jaw seems to have made a permanent home on the floor of the bar, jumps back into some sort of formal stance. “Make sure our guests are well looked after tonight. The Boss and I have some unfinished business to attend to.” 
With one final glance at the guest in question, Ai Di grabs Chen Yi by the hand and guides him away from curious, lust-filled eyes. 
And if the way Chen Yi smiles all dimply up at him as they’re driven away makes him flutter and swoon? 
That’s no one’s fucking business but his. 
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sparklyeyedhimbo · 7 months
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two times chen yi had to manhandle ai di to his car and one time ai di happily skipped to chen yis car
bonus: ai di getting chen yi out of chen yi's car with a little help from zerui
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everyone say thank you to @colourme-feral for giving me this idea
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heretherebedork · 9 months
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Ai Di will not be a replacement for anyone else. He will not be a way to satiate Chen Yi or prove anything. He will not be kissed when the man he loves is thinking so someone else.
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The sudden explosion of space between them and the way Ai Di takes up a place far away from Chen Yi and where he can't protect him even if he wanted to... Oh, Ai Di. I love you and your love and your feral nature.
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scarefox · 7 months
actors confirm that Ai Di x Chen Yi switch
Kai asking the important questions 😅 (at 1:25)
a more clown version of the question (at 0:23)
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mistbornthief · 7 months
GOD but chen yi got shot right outside of zongyi's place, so he definitely heard the gunshot.....i (probably) get more group content i so desperately crave but at what cost...
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vacationguidesblog · 1 year
LIMITED OFFERS Budapest: Sz�chenyi Spa Full Day with Optional P�linka Tour
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