#choi beomgyu smut
hwangyu · 20 days
brand new, full throttle!
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beomgyu finds out you're the perfect way to get under his stepfathers skin.
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pairing(s); stepbrother!beomgyu x fem reader
warnings; STEPCEST, fingering, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (dont be silly wrap the willy!!!), creampie, reader is a virgin and kind of naive, reader calls her father daddy, beomgyu calls reader sis, beomgyu is a little manipulative, lowercase intended, ... bad writing (esp at the end bcus i can't write conflict to save my life). proofread in the sense i skimmed through it (so not really). lmk if i forgot anything! MDNI 18+
wc; 5.2k
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beomgyu fucking hated his stepfather, everyone in the house knew that. you knew it, his mom knew it and your father most definitely knew it, too. beomgyu would purposefully get on his nerves whenever he could, whether it be by playing his guitar or music at times of night which he knew your father would be sleeping or intentionally bumping into him in the hallway.
over the many years, though, your father got used to beomgyu's bothersome antics—which had only pissed him off, feeling as if annoying his stepfather was the only control he really had—your father living peacefully, unbothered, was like an itch he couldn't scratch. that was until one night he had heard your father yelling at you for trying to bring a boy home.
that's when beomgyu had realized that you were the key to not just getting under his skin but the key to getting him so angry that his head would probably explode. his precious and innocent little daughter who could do no wrong, and would never do anything as dirty as even kissing someone. you were daddy's little girl and your father loved to baby you all too much.
ever since then, beomgyu's wondered how he would react if he heard you getting your brains fucked out and how he would react if he knew it was by his own stepson.
it had been about three weeks since your father had gotten angry with you for trying to bring a boy over—even after you had insisted that it really was just to hangout, that you've never even liked a boy like that, that a boy had never even liked you like that, he told you no. which wasn't the issue, but you felt humiliated he got so upset with you, and you really don't even know what you did wrong.
beomgyu consoled you that night. came into your room and rubbed soothingly at your back as you let out your tears. you've always been thankful for beomgyu, he was always accepting of you, as you were of him, even if your father seemed to disapprove of his appearance and hobbies.
despite the fact your father and stepbrother couldn't get along for the life of them, you and beomgyu's relationship was pretty good. you two hung out occasionally, mostly in his room but sometimes in yours, too. he'd invite you to watch a movie or play a game sometimes and you've met a couple of his friends. you liked him and he liked you, surprisingly enough—considering your families blended in both of your early teens.
so, when beomgyu had asked you if he could spend the night in your room for a movie-game night, you happily accepted.
you always brought out your best pillows and comfiest blankets when you two hung out in your room. usually you'd have brought a bunch of snacks in from the kitchen, but beomgyu had told you not to worry about it this time, that he had it handled.
you turned on your console and took your game controllers out of their charging docks, making sure both of the controllers were actuually charged and your dock hadn't failed it like it has in the past—you let out a sigh of relief when you saw that they were both fully charged, smiling to yourself as you started to navigate towards netflix.
it was 10:00pm when beomgyu had gently knocked on your door and your smile grew, excited to spend time with the boy. "come in!" you shouted, although your voice was still rather quiet. thankfully he heard you and the doorknob slowly turned. beomgyu smiled at you as he walked in and even while he quietly shut the door behind him.
he was wearing a black graphic tee with grey sweatpants, which contrasted the lighter colors you were wearing—white pajama shorts with a loose pink crop top. beomgyu always thought it was amusing that you two dressed totally opposite to one another. even in your room, beomgyu stuck out like a sore thumb, usually being dressed in dark, edgy clothes while your room was covered in cutesy stuffed animals and photos.
you'd always tell him that's why you two complimented each other so well, why you got along.
beomgyu hadn't said anything yet, only looking you up and down. if you were any smarter, you'd think he was checking you out. but you weren't and the only thing you noticed was that he had come in empty-handed. tilting your head, you pouted. "where are the snacks?"
"huh?" beomgyu blinked, his eyes shifting from your thighs to your face. "oh," he forced out a chuckle. "there…wasn't any. sorry. i'll get extra next time to compensate."
you hummed, somewhat disappointed. "that's okay…don't worry about it. i wasn't all that hungry, anyway." you told him, hoping that he wouldn't feel as bad. you sat yourself down on the pink beanbag in front of your tv, patting the white one right next to it.
"come on, sit down! let's find a movie to watch before it gets too late."
beomgyu dragged his feet over to the beanbag, sitting himself down with a sigh, watching as you reached out to grab your controller so you guys could look for a movie. "what kind of movie are you in the mood for?" you asked him while keeping your eyes on the screen, "like…something animated or…scary?" you started to list the options—turning your head to face him as you waited for an answer.
you flinched a little to see beomgyu was already looking at you and you briefly wonder if he had been the entire time you were scrolling through the movie selections. he seemed to notice your surprise and he chuckled.
"let's watch catching fire, i know you like that one." he told you—hoping that you would agree and wouldn't try to argue with him and get him to choose a movie that he wanted to watch instead.
luckily, it seems you didn't feel like arguing tonight. in fact, you smiled, "okay! that's a good one." you agreed with a nod, looking back towards the tv to turn the movie on. this time, beomgyu managed to tear his eyes off you.
things grew rather silent from then, besides your guys' comments about the character's choices or asking a question that wasn't entirely relevant to the plot at hand. it was only about forty minutes in when beomgyu leaned in towards you and asked you a question that wasn't regarding the movie at all.
"is your dad here tonight?"
you turned to look at him, absentmindedly reaching for the remote on the floor so you could turn the volume down a little. "y-yeah, he's got work early tomorrow so he's probably already asleep."
the boy placed his hand on your thigh as he nodded with a hum and he noticed you didn't seem to mind the touch by the way you had only offered his hand a glance. "my mom's spending the night at my aunt's, has to watch her dog for the night or somethin'."
you opened your mouth to speak, likely something in regards to the fact you would've volunteered to watch his aunt's puppy instead, but beomgyu managed to speak before you.
"is it true you were just going to hangout?" he suddenly asked and beomgyu noticed the immediate confusion in your face. "with that guy you wanted to bring over a few weeks ago."
truth be told, he felt bad when he saw you frown but seeing your face turn red from the embarrassment that you still felt from the situation was cute. "you of all people know i'm not gonna bring a boy over for anything else…" you mumbled, "i— i don't even do stuff like that." you quietly admitted.
"i know, i know, i'm sorry." beomgyu sighed, "it's just that…you know, guys are kind of sneaky. he probably just told you that he wanted to hangout at your place but who knows what he would've tried with you when he had you alone in here."
you squirmed in your beanbag, uncomfortable with the thought that your friend was possibly trying to sleep with you, even if you still didn't really believe such a thing. not to mention it's kind of embarrassing to talk about this sort of thing with your stepbrother. "i don't know if that's true…i don't think anyone has even had a crush on me before."
beomgyu knows that is certainly not the truth but he can't find it in him to tell you that. "what i'm trying to say is that your first time should be with someone you really trust. someone you know isn't gonna hurt you…someone like me."
your face heated up and you couldn't stop the immediate visual of beomgyu laying you down in your bed and being oh-so gentle with you. you tried to ignore it, because you don't think you should be thinking of him like that—besides, that can't be what he means.
"what are you trying to say?"
he squeezes your thigh like he's trying to reassure you or maybe calm you down, maybe he can tell how fast your heart is beating. "i mean, you're definitely curious, aren't you? if your first time is going to be with anyone, it should be me, since you can trust me, right?" he said—beginning to run his hand up your thigh and up your stomach to find the hem of your crop top, playing at it with his fingers.
beomgyu wasn't wrong, you're curious. you've touched yourself many of times before, but you don't even have any toys, and you've never been brave enough to use anything other than your fingers. you might be kind of naive, but you still want to know what the real thing feels like.
"we don't have to, if you don't want." beomgyu adds, though he doesn't stop playing with the hem of your shirt and you realize that his fingers are playing a little too close to your breasts, but you don't say anything. "n-no, i…i don't know. i'm just thinking."
"what is it that has you nervous, sis?"
you gulp, rubbing your knees together. "are you really sure we should do something like that? you and i?" you ask and beomgyu has to hold back a smile because he knows you're leaning towards letting him have his way with you. "why shouldn't we? like i said, we trust each other and it's not like we're doing anything bad. plenty of stepsiblings do this sort of thing, there are even stepsiblings who date each other."
"oh…well, if that's true…then it's probably okay, right?" you ask him with a hint of hope in your voice and this time, beomgyu allows himself to smile. "of course it's okay. i'll go real slow, so don't worry too much, you just tell me if you want me to stop?"
you nodded, though beomgyu could tell you were still nervous. "h-how are we supposed to start?" you ask him as he leaned in closer and he ran his fingers down your side, "people usually start with kissing, are you okay with that?"
you give yourself a minute to think, wondering if you think you'll end up getting too nervous after a kiss or two. but you do really trust beomgyu, you trust him with your life, so you think you'll be okay. "yeah, that's fine…"
beomgyu was quick to bring his other hand up to cup your face, bringing you closer to him as he pressed his chapped lips against your soft ones—he was gentle with you as to not freak you out too much. the hand on your face travels down to your neck while his other hand remains on your side. unfortunately, you pull away to take a breath.
he watches your face as you lick your lips, looking for any signs of discomfort and he doesn't see any, so he smiles. "was that good?"
a smile breaks out on your face and you let out a giggle, "it was really good. you're a good kisser…i think." you tell him—biting your lip. beomgyu laughs at your cute behavior and leans in to press another kiss to your lips.
"come here," he whispers, standing up from the beanbag and grabbing your hands to stand you up with him. you almost asked him what he was doing, but decided to trust him. the boy picked you up, earning a squeal from you.
your bed, covered in a white blanket with pink flowers—which is fitting for you, he thinks—squeaks a little as beomgyu lays you down, he digs his fingers into the hem of your shorts, but he speaks before he takes them off. "can i take these off?"
your face heats up, growing shy from the realization that he's going to see you naked, but you're too turned on to back out, and you wonder why he's asking when it feels like he was already going to. "y-yeah." you stammer and immediately after your go ahead, he takes them off, throwing them to the floor and being met with your lacy panties.
he noticed the wet patch in the middle, smiling to himself, proud to have gotten you like this. he presses two of his fingers to your clothed cunt and you gasp, squeezing your eyes shut. while beomgyu rubs your pussy in small circles and up and down, he leans down to press kisses to your neck and along your collarbone.
with his free hand, he rides it up your stomach and into your shirt. you feel him grin against your skin when he feels you have no bra on, "you're wearing this with no bra? jeez, were you wanting to flash me tonight?" he asks you with a laugh and you only whine in response.
he ghosts his thumb over your hardened nipple and you gasp. when you feel his lips leave your skin, you open your eyes to look at him and you see him smiling down at you. "i'm gonna take your panties off now, okay?" beomgyu tells you and he waits a short second in case you wanted to say no, but you nod, "just…be nice."
"of course, sis." he says before pulling your panties down, revealing your pretty pussy—he feels his cock straining against his sweatpants. struck with an idea, beomgyu grins. once he throws your panties to the floor, he grabs your wrist and presses your hand to his cock, watching the way your eyes go wide, "beomgyu!"
"see? you're so pretty, you've got me all worked up, too." he reassures you, "can't wait to feel your pretty cunt around me." beomgyu admits. "i've dreamt of this, you know."
"what?" you ask him in disbelief, "have you really…?"
"how couldn't i when you're just so cute?" beomgyu chuckles, bringing his fingers up to your mouth. "lick my fingers for me so i can stuff you with them." he says, his words are embarrassing and they fluster you, but you obey him anyway—keeping your eyes on him as you hesitantly take them into your mouth.
beomgyu's thoughts wonder as he feels your tongue swirling around his fingers. he thinks about how your tongue would feel on his cock and he starts to wonder if maybe he's not entirely doing this just to piss off your dad anymore. maybe he's partially doing this for himself.
he pulls his fingers out of your mouth, "good girl." he praises you and the way you smile makes it clear that you like it. pressing his fingers to your entrance, he pushes them in slowly, watching your face carefully, he notices your brows furrowing. "it's not too much, is it?"
you shake your head, "no…it's okay, just more than what i'm used to. y-your fingers are longer than mine." you sigh, letting out quiet moans as he continues pushing his fingers deeper inside of you. "your moans are so cute." beomgyu tells you with a soft laugh and it earns an embarrassed whine from you. he means it, too.
beomgyu curls his fingers and you sigh deeply, "that's good." you whispered as he slowly pumps his fingers. "just getting you ready for me."
"w-what do you mean?" you stammer, a moan escaping your throat right after. you try to hold back your moans but his fingers feel so much better than yours and the butterflies in your stomach are going crazy, so you just can't.
"means i don't want to hurt you." beomgyu explained, he thinks that going into detail would've scared you and selfishly, he doesn't really want you backing out now. he worries a little when he notices you frown, "gyu…your fingers feel good but i— i really want you to, uhm, you know…"
his heart soars at your confession, plus the fact you're too shy to tell him that you want him to fuck you and he smiles, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your lips. "you'll get to feel my cock real soon, i promise."
you reply with a barely audible 'okay', allowing yourself to focus more on the feeling of his fingers stuffed inside of you—you're a little afraid that you may never be able to feel as good as you do right now with your own fingers.
with his free hand, beomgyu lifts your crop top, exposing your breasts. you want to cover yourself but you can't find it in you to move your hands as he eyes your tits. he takes your nipple between his thumb and index finger, squeezing it gently before letting go. "such pretty tits, too. you really are the cutest."
butterflies continue to explode in your stomach, no one has ever complimented your body—especially not like this, and you think something about hearing it from your stepbrother is making it ten times better and a part of you wonders if you should feel wrong for that.
beomgyu finally pulls his fingers out of you. slowly, but he does. you watch him as he lifts his hand up and spreads his fingers apart to see your arousal. you hear him let out a curse under his breath before he licks his fingers clean, "shit. i'd love to taste you someday." he says and beomgyu thinks about it for a minute, being in between your thighs, your hand gripping at his hair while you squirm and tell him it's too much.
"maybe next time we can taste each other." beomgyu offers. next time, you think. a next time sounds nice. "you'll…have to teach me." you know he knows that, but you told him in case for some reason he thought otherwise.
"i don't mind." beomgyu assured you with a smile. "you think you're ready for me?"
you gulped, glancing down at the obvious tent in his sweatpants. you squirm and you're incredibly nervous. "is it gonna hurt?" you ask, looking back up at him and meeting his gaze.
"we'll go slow." he said before pulling down his sweatpants, letting his cock spring free. spitting in his hand, he stroked his dick before lining it up with your entrance and he slowly starts pushing the tip of his cock in.
"wait, wait!" you suddenly exclaim and his movements stop immediately, his head snapping up to look at you. "aren't we supposed to be using something? like— like a condom?"
fuck. beomgyu thinks. "it's okay, we don't need one. it'll be fine, you trust me, don't you?"
"of course i do, gyu, but i thought—"
"then it'll be fine, sis, don't worry."
his words don't totally calm you down but you don't want to stop now, so you push your worries down. "o-okay. okay…if it'll be fine."
beomgyu lets out a breath of relief and he hopes you don't notice. continuing to slowly push his cock into your cunt, he goes in between watching the way your pussy swallows him and your face, which contorts from the stretch. "you feeling okay?"
"yes, yes…keep going, please." you reassure him and he hopes you're not just pushing through any sort of discomfort. either way, beomgyu kept going until his pelvis was flush with yours, and you dragged out a moan when you felt his cock buried inside of you.
beomgyu grabbed your hands, intertwining your fingers with his and placing both of your hands by your head. he squeezed your small hands, offering you a lazy smile. "okay?"
"okay." you said with an eager nod, "feels so…full."
as much as beomgyu knew he should wait a moment, let you adjust, he couldn't wait any longer. "i'm gonna move now." he warned you—waiting until you gave him a nod before he started pulling out slowly, letting just the head of his cock rest inside of you, before pushing himself back in.
you couldn't hold back the moans from escaping your throat and your noises had beomgyu grinning, not to mention the low groans that left his throat, too.
beomgyu squeezed your hands again, finding himself starting to go a little faster than he maybe should be. "your cunt feels so good around my cock, sis."
your bed started to creak as beomgyu's pace fastened and the head of your bedframe began to hit against the wall lightly, all while your moans grew in volume. suddenly, you remembered the fact that your dad was still right across the hall from you—that he had work tomorrow and that he definitely wasn't the world's deepest sleeper.
"o-oh, gyu! too loud, we're gonna—"
"shh, no, no. it's fine, your daddy won't hear anything." beomgyu insists. he's lying to you but you don't know that. "don't think about that, just focus on how i'm making you feel. it's just you and i right now."
you want to believe that no one can hear you two but you have your doubts, yet the way he's fucking into you is starting to feel so good, and the way the speed of his pace keeps increasing, you can't find it in you to really care.
beomgyu pulled one of his hands out from yours, earning you a frown, but it was quick to fade and your mouth fell open when he pressed the pad of his thumb to your clit—rubbing it in small circles, a whine left you as your back arched slightly off the bed. "fuck! s-so good, gyu!"
he grins hearing you swear, it's something you don't usually do, and it's definitely not something you do in front of your father. but even disregarding your father, knowing he's making you feel so good that he got such a reaction out of you, it inflates his ego. it makes him feel good.
your bed continues to creak and thump against the wall, along with the sound of skin slapping, as beomgyu fucks you—it's still not as hard as he's really wanting to but he still doesn't want to hurt you. besides, he thinks it'll be good as another excuse to fuck you again sometime, anyway.
"i'm gonna cum, gyu." you squeak out.
beomgyu can feel the excitement in his stomach, eager to feel you cum around his cock. "so soon, baby?" he teases you with a laugh and you whine in embarrassment. "i-i'm sorry…!"
leaning down, he places a kiss on your cheek. "it's okay, i know it feels really good. i'll cum with you, okay?" beomgyu says before his thrusts start to grow sloppy, rubbing faster circles around your clit and he's fucking you harder than he was just a moment ago. he's a little worried you won't be able to take it, but from your moans and whines, you seem to be taking it well.
"kiss me, kiss me, please." you manage to get out and this time, you squeeze beomgyu's hand. "i want you to kiss me."
beomgyu's quick to smash his lips against yours and you don't know it, but the same butterflies that were in your stomach are in his, too. you're thankful he doesn't pull away from your lips as you come undone around his cock and clenching around him, moaning into his mouth—moans he happily swallows.
it feels good as beomgyu fucks you through your high, and his lips are still attached to yours, but the stimulation eventually becomes too much, between him rubbing your clit and continuing to fuck into you, desperately chasing his own orgasm—squeezing in hand and humming against his lips in some attempt to get him to stop but he doesn't, and you're squirming against the bed.
he's so close, though, that he doesn't stop, regardless of your whimpering and squirming, the way your leg twitches from the overstimulation, too.
just as you think beomgyu might have you cumming again, he pulls his hand away and his thrusts come to a halt. he keeps his cock buried in your pussy as he cums. pulling away from your lips, a hoarse groan leaves his throat—his chest heaving.
"you came inside." you spoke up with a pout. beomgyu blinks, like he was out of it for a moment and trying to come back, which he likely was. "sorry, sis. you just felt so good, i think you're the best i've ever had." he tells you with a lazy smile, "it'll be fine."
you nod hesitantly. you trust him but you're still a little worried. you're also worried that you'll never be able to get off on your own again now that you've felt both beomgyu's fingers and his cock.
"what are you thinking about?" beomgyu asks you, his voice is soft and he still hasn't pulled himself out of you yet, but it's somewhat comforting.
it's embarrassing to answer his question but you don't want to ignore it either. "how good you felt." you admit quietly. "and if i'll ever be able to…feel good on my own again."
beomgyu chuckles at your worries. it's kind of…cute, he thinks. "if you ever need my help, you know where my bedroom is."
you fall silent as you process his words. does he want to do this again with you? is it wrong for you to hope he does?
he finally pulls himself out of you and you whine quietly at the loss. "you'll feel me again sometime, don't worry." he reassures you as he pulls his sweatpants back up.
you lick your lips and find the courage in yourself to ask. "do… i mean— you want to do it? again?"
beomgyu smiles at you again, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips. "i still have a lot to teach you, don't i?"
beomgyu fell asleep in your bed that night, arms wrapped around you as you both dozed off. despite your activities, the two of you still fell asleep relatively early, but the sound of doors and cabinets slamming was enough to wake you both.
you hum in complaint from the noise while beomgyu yawns and starts to wipe his eyes. reaching out, he grabbed your phone off your nightstand to check the time. 6:03am.
"why's he being so loud?" you ask, muffled as your face was nuzzled into neck. you knew it was your dad making all the ruckus because who else could it be?
beomgyu was pretty sure he could answer your question, but he wasn't going to tell you that it was certainly because your father heard him fucking you last night. "i'll go make sure he's okay." he says before pulling away from you, starting to slide out of your bed.
if you weren't so tired, you'd question his intentions because you know the two don't get along at all, but all you wanted was to fall back asleep, so you hum in acknowledgement and let him. "don't be gone too long." you mumbled.
he doesn't say anything but he smiles at the thought that you still wanted to cuddle as he leaves your room, quietly shutting your door as he made his way downstairs. your father was still making a ton of noise, dishes clashing in the sink and more cabinets slamming.
beomgyu walks into the kitchen to see the one and only and he can't seem to wipe the smirk off his face even as your father turns to look at him. he wasn't just pissed, he was seething.
your father was quick to approach beomgyu, grabbing at the collar of his shirt. his brows were furrowed and his teeth were clenched, "you're lucky i don't kill you here right now, you piece of shit."
he laughs at his reaction. this is exactly what he wanted. "guess you shouldn't shelter your daughter so much next time." beomgyu tells him with a shrug before he's roughly let go. he stumbles a little but he doesn't fall.
your father scoffs and he places his hands on his hips. it's like he's so angry he doesn't know what to do with himself. "you're fucking crazy if you don't think i'll tell your mother, beomgyu. that her son's a disgusting, lowlife piece of shit."
the idea of him telling his mom does worry him a little, but beomgyu tries not to let it show. "i mean, you can try. i really don't think she'll believe you." he told your father. "we'll try to keep it down next time, though."
beomgyu thinks he might just earn a punch to the face from the way he notices your father balling up his fists. hell, he might just get beat entirely—even if he does, he'd still fuck you again in a heartbeat. whether it was to piss your father off or not.
"what's going on?" your soft voice suddenly interjects and if your father was about to beat the life out of beomgyu, you've just saved him. they both look at you, beomgyu looks careless while your father looks angry. beomgyu wonders what made you decide to come down, if you realized that it wasn't like him to make sure your father was okay, or maybe you just had a gut feeling.
you're all staring at one another and everything's silent. beomgyu has nothing to say, you're clueless as to what's happening and your father is trying to decide whether or not he wants to confront you about what he heard last night.
"daddy?" you question with a tilt to your head, you're waiting for him to say something but he doesn't. he only sighs and shakes his head, grabbing his keys off the kitchen counter and bumping into beomgyu as he walked out of the kitchen and eventually out of the house, slamming the door shut.
beomgyu wonders why he didn't say anything, but he figures that your father couldn't handle the reality that his little girl really let her stepbrother fuck him. he probably thought he raised you better.
you were pouting, though, turning your head to beomgyu. "he usually says bye to me. did i do something wrong? did he tell you?"
beomgyu shook his head, bringing his hand up to pat your head. "probably just had a rough morning." he reassures you. he certainly had a rough time sleeping last night.
"say, you're free today, aren't you?" beomgyu asks you with a smile and your pout starts to disappear as you nod. "yeah, why?"
"i'll take you for a ride in my car. my treat."
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a/n; i dont rly care for how this came out but i think its a little better than the first one i wrote TT also this is probably my second time ever writing conflict so i hope it's not too bad :') </3
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huexuri · 1 month
⚠︎ be patient ⋆ c.yj // c.bg
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—– your boyfriend yeonjun had brought you to tag along to a hang out with his friends. what he didn't know was that once you were in beomgyu's plane of sight, his gaze would be on you for the entire time you were here. so, you and your boyfriend saw this as a opportunity to let him in on the fun.
warnings: fem!reader, established relationship, cuckolding, exhibitionism kink, voyeurism kink, threesome, bf!yeonjun, dom!yeonjun, sub!gyu, sub!reader, they're sharing you(?), finger sucking, choking, slight nipple play, degradation, praise, size kink, overstim, cum denial, face fucking, fingering, creampie, cum eating, not implied that reader takes the pill (but they do!), no protection (wear protection guys), mentions of ot5
wc: 5.2k please bare with me
note: this is FINALLY DONE YALLLLL. thank u anons for such great ideas!! but this also had no reason to be so smut packed.. i hide my face in shame. this was also not proofread so like
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ever since yeonjun told his friends about you, they've been so awfully up in his face about you, asking when they can finally see you, how you look, etc…
so when another one of their little hangouts were relevant again, yeonjun and his friends took this as an opportunity for him to bring you along, and them to meet you.
you never wanted to attend this party, but yeonjun kept begging you to come with him. he was eager for you to meet his friends, who went by beomgyu, soobin, kai and taehyun.
"please, just go with me? it's only kai, beomgyu, they all. they've been dying to meet you! they always ask if i actually have a girlfriend, especially beomgyu, for some reason. juuuust do me this favor, please? i've shown you pictures before!" yeonjun pleaded, his eyes wide and innocent, lips the poutiest you've ever seen.
reluctantly, you agreed, unable to resist that look. "fine, i'll go. just don't be all freaky in front of them," you sighed, and yeonjun's face lit up in ecstasy.
throwing on some cargos and a graphic tee, the both of you head to kai's house to meet up with the rest of them.
as you and yeonjun arrived at kai's house, you were struck by its grandeur and spaciousness. yeonjun seems to come here more than the others do — he knows this place like the back of his hand, because immediately he's ramming through halls and knows exactly where everyone else is.
the both of you walk into the living room and you're met by all four of jun's friends. all of them were relatively attractive. they were quite friendly too. well… kai and taehyun wave at you, soobin smiles at you and yeonjun, but beomgyu's gaze.. no words or smiles escaping his mouth, just his lazy eyes following you sternly as yeonjun led you to sit on one of the cushions, right next to him who was next to taehyun. even though you felt slightly awkward with beomgyu's gaze, you still said hi to all of them. you felt out of place in some sort, like you're not supposed to be here.
“this your girl?” taehyun nudged yeonjun playfully as he sat down, and you followed suit. yeonjun is giggly with him, telling him to stop teasing him.
taehyun's eyes diverted to you and he'd wave, introducing himself, then the others.
“hi! i'm taehyun. um,” he points to the other guy beside him. “this is kai, and the two across that's soobin and that's beomgyu.” kai nods at you and soobin also waves. you wave back at everyone including beomgyu who was silent since you stepped in.
“uh, hi guys. i'm y/n, it's great to see y'all.” you awkwardly said with a smile, looking up at yeonjun beside you every two seconds for reassurance.
“we know, he talks about you like everyday.” beomgyu finally decides to speak up, with a bit of cockiness in his voice too. his voice seems to be more relaxed and deeper than the others.
“ah, haha. that's great..!” you look at jun with an embarrassed smile and he scoffs playfully, pecking you on the crown of your head as your head drops onto his shoulder.
“get me the console,” yeonjun asks kai and he gives it to him.
the next hour it was basically them playing videogames that you knew nothing about. you wanted nothing more than to do something interesting since you were basically on your phone the entire time, and at one point you went and sat on your boyfriend's lap for comfort.
once in a while, you'd catch beomgyu staring at you as he loses focus on the game. he'd immediately look back up when he gets caught. you don't know what this beomgyu guy has against you, but it doesn't seem good.
“jjunie,” you ask him mid game, and he puts down the console.
“yeah, baby?”
“can you bring me to the toilet?”
“yeah,” yeonjun stands up, informs everyone that he's bringing you to the washroom and as expected, beomgyu's gaze subtly follows as you walk to wherever yeonjun brought you.
when you reach the bathroom, you drag him in with you.
“yes? why am i here? what's wrong? do you wanna leave or… are you okay?” yeonjun immediately bombards you with concern and you brush it off.
“no, no. listen. i don't know what's up with that beomgyu guy? he's been looking at us everywhere we go. i caught him looking at me and you like a few times mid game. i didn't see him smile once today. am i bothering him?” you ramble on, and jun's eyebrows furrow.
“huh.. he doesn't seem to have a problem with us tho.” your boyfriend states, and you sigh.
“could you try figure out what's wrong? i'm not weirded out or uncomfortable or anything, i just don't want him to hate me. i don't know who he is until today.”
“yeah, i will for you baby.” yeonjun reassures you and cups your cheek to kiss you. “wanna go back now?”
“yeah, let's go.” you insisted, and the both of you walked out, and towards the living room where everyone was.
you could see beomgyu acting goofy and giggling his heart out before you came into his view. once you did though, you noticed that his smile died down so quickly when his gaze latched onto yours. you sigh, not knowing what kind of stupid beef he has with you. but deciding to ignore thst for the meantime, you sit back on yeonjun's lap.
at this point it's been over an hour of them just playing games and you've grown seriously bored, but too scared to speak up.
beomgyu puts down the console as the others were also starting to become quiet since the mood would start to die down. it felt like everyone else were also tired of playing.
beomgyu notices your expression, lazily lying against yeonjun's shoulder as you browse on instagram for the 10th time now. he's also noticed you've become quiet.
“hey guys, do we still wanna play? i feel like it's getting boring,” beomgyu suddenly speaks up, and everyone's heads snap at him in interest. even your head perks up from your phone at that suggestion, and beomgyu's eyes are on you again, a smirk growing on his face when he's got your attention.
“honestly? yeah, let's do something else.” taehyun puts the console down, then the others follow suit, some picking up a glass of soju.
“let's play truth or dare!” beomgyu immediately suggests, sitting up from his original position to fix his posture.
your eyes light up as you put down your device, finally having something else but your phone to occupy you.
you thought that beomgyu suggested doing something else because he saw how bored you were. but it didn't make shit sense to you how one moment he's looking at you like he doesn't want you to be there, but the other he's helping you feel comfortable.
“sounds interesting!” you claimed.
yeonjun sees your interested expression and immediately agrees, so the rest start nodding in agreement.
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all of you gather on the fluffy rug at the center of the living room, with an empty soju bottle in the middle.
“the flat end is the one who asks, the head is the victim. whoever doesn't do the question has to take a shot!” beomgyu looks at everyone for agreement.
as everyone nodded and cheered, he spun the bottle, the flat end landing on your boyfriend and the head landing on beomgyu.
yeonjun's eyes flickered at you knowingly before asking beomgyu.
“truth or dare?” yeonjun asked.
“truth,” beomgyu replied almost in an instant.
“why have you been so quiet since we came in today?” yeonjun points at you, then back at himself.
“have i?” gyu's gaze shoots straight at yours, he gulps, then laughs it off awkwardly. “i don't know, i just didn't expect..” beomgyu looks at you again. “HER to be your girlfriend. i mean, she's really pretty and seems nice, i hope you treat her well.” he continues.
“are you saying she's out of my league?” yeonjun playfully scolds him. “of course i treat her well!” jun looks at you again, and you feel awkward.
“haha, guys, why's everyone looking at me? let's move on,” you desperately tried to move on. and with a few glances to each other, soobin reaches for the bottle to spin it.
it's been a few hours of the game. kai, soobin and taehyun would agree to go to the convenience store, then run some more errands after one last round, but when the both of you insisted to stay and wait, beomgyu also agreed to stay.
so, last round, taehyun spins the bottle.
the bottle spins, the flat end lands on taehyun, the head lands on you.
“truth or dare?” taehyun asks.
“dare!” you enthusiastically respond, trying to brush off some of the awkwardness lingering around the room.
the room fills with oooooo's and smirks all painted over each other's faces.
taehyun's eyebrows raise in slight amusement.
“i dare you to kiss your boyfriend in front of all of us!” he responded.
everyone's nudging yeonjun, smiling, pushing around and all eyes are on the both of you. but then, there's beomgyu, the odd one out, face completely nonchalant and unexpressive, gaze drilling right into yeonjun's.
you reach in closer to your boyfriend who's beside you, palm on his clothed pecs as you subtly feel him up and down. yeonjun's hand lightly tugs at the back of your head and grabs a light fistful of your hair. and like usual, the both of you lean in for a kiss.
his other hand travels up and down your back, caressing it. you embrace him as your lips are fighting against his, his plush lips so irresistible you just… it's impossible not to ruin them once you've gotten ahold of them.
beomgyu's gaze lingered on you and yeonjun throughout the kiss, and you swore you could hear him scoff in the midst of it.
“okay, okay. no need to get so into it, we're all still single here.” beomgyu cuts the both of you off, and you awkwardly leave yeonjun's embrace, lips detaching from his, ruining your gloss. but besides that, you're also embarrassed to find yourself.. very sat on his lap. as you try to get off, yeonjun lightly slams your hips back onto his lap and throws his arms around you from the back.
you shift a little on his lap for comfort, but that's when you notice yeonjun's hard-on growing beneath you. pretentiously, you pretend to shift again, and you could hear yeonjun suck in a breath through his teeth, glaring down at you as his cheeks grow hotter and redder than before.
“look at jun's lips, they're all swollen and ruined.” kai remarks as he giggles hysterically.
everyone's smiling at the both of you like little kids in awe. obviously, except the fish out the water; beomgyu, who glares at the both of you with a tinge of pettiness and jealousy.
“right, we're going to the convenience store 7, then do a bunch of other stuff, then come back. do y'all want anything?” soobin asks.
“want anything?” you look up at yeonjun as you “shift” in his lap again, and he stammers.
“r-right, uh … prawn crackers. our favorite.” yeonjun hastily says, and soobin nods.
the three of them prepare to head out the door and yeonjun excuses himself to the guest bedroom, claiming that there's a bathroom inside it.
but once he stands up, trying to hide his boner, he tugs at your wrist and drags you there as well — leaving beomgyu greeting the others all by himself.
but as the both of you left, beomgyu never took his eyes off of you.
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yeonjun barely closes the door behind him.
“the fuck are you doing?—” you whisper, but you're silenced once he forcefully nudges you onto the bed, his dark eyes with a gaze that pierces through yours like a dagger.
“aren't you done teasing me?” yeonjun replies, running a finger up your useless baggy shirt. “we won't need this,” with a mischievous glint in his eyes, yeonjun bunched your shirt up to your neck, revealing your bra that's not even properly covering your breasts anymore.
as you feel his cold hands palm your warm breasts, pads of his fingers drawing little circles around your buds, you couldn't help but let out a few moans, goosebumps also flowing all over you as his hands felt freezing cold.
“my dirty girl. so fucking impatient..” yeonjun whispers. “you wanted this, didn't you?” he tugs at the waistband of your pants as he made his way down to your abdomen, hot breath fanning over your clothed core.
he pulls your cargos down to your feet then pushes it off the mattress, then he proceeds to push your panties towards one side, exposing your already soaking cunt.
“i-i don't think… we should do it here…” you remarked, but he immediately shushes you.
“why'd you grind against me when you noticed i was hard then?” yeonjun shoves a finger up you, and you suck in a breath you've tried to regulate, almost squirming under him.
“huh? answer me,” he taunts.
“it felt good..” you reply. “y-you felt good.” you mutter, and he shoves another up your cunt.
he takes his fingers out of you, dripping with your slick. “my god.. you're so fucking soaked.” he almost growls, eyes rolling to the back of his head at the sight of his two fingers coated in a layer of your wetness.
he quickly pulls down his sweats along with his boxers, and you're met with his girthy cock, springing out of his boxers like it's been begging to explode.
he lubricates his tip with your slick collected on his finger and his head is thrown back at the pleasure.
“fuuuuck..” he grunts, stroking his cock up and down as his eyes gazed at your pretty features.
still palming his cock, he fingers you with his other hand, thrusting in and out of you, curling up and prodding at your spongy spot as he milks a reaction out of you.
“fuck, jjunie. it's like you got bigger..” you moan at the sight of him fisting his length while his fingers disappear inside you whole.
while all this time, beomgyu is very aware of what's happening, hiding behind the slightly opened door as he listens to your business with yeonjun. he'd noticed that the both of you were taking a concerning lot of time, and he was bored out of his mind with nobody to talk to. that's when he hears moans and grunts the closer he is to approaching the guest bedroom, hands clasped over his mouth as he chimes in quietly to listen. hesitant to peek but he does anyway, standing so carefully behind the doorframe and grabbing it for support, just enough so he could see what was happening and that he wouldn't be visible.
“open,” yeonjun commands as he pulls his fingers out and hovers them dripping over your mouth.
you obey, sticking out your tongue to collect the droplets and you close your mouth in on his fingers, sucking them clean.
“fuck,, that's it, just like that. you take my fingers so fuckin’ well, princess…” he continues to prod at your tongue as he quickens his pace at fisting his cock. nothing arouses him more than the way you take his fingers down your throat like a good girl.
my god, that's hot. beomgyu's thoughts ring in his brain as he gets ahold of his clothed boner, attempting to stroke it through the fabric. lips so swollen cause his teeth haven't stopped digging into them the moment he'd seen you two touching each other.
“y'know, about the thing you said in the bathroom?" yeonjun mentions out of the blue. "i think beomgyu's jealous of us.” he pulls his fingers out of your mouth with a pop.
“huh?” you say, still catching your breath.
“don't think i didn't notice how his eyes are all over you this entire day, especially on your boobs, you know.” yeonjun explains.
“that's why?” you mutter.
“that's why,” he pants as he lightly slaps your cunt with his tip. it took you so off guard.
“hh-mmf!—” you squirm, but yeonjun immediately stops you with a thumb over your lips.
“as i was saying, that's why, he's probably desperate to fuck your cunt like i am right now. i bet he's so awfully jealous that i've got you and your slutty pussy,” he slowly thrusts his tip in you, letting you bite on his thumb to restrain a moan. “—and he doesn't.” yeonjun finally thrusts his full length into you with a heavy sigh. your walls are stretching to fit his girth as he tries to thrust again.
“fuck—agh, t-too big,” you squeeze your eyes shut as your gummy walls barely manage to mould into the shape of his length, despite all the times he's fucked you. he picks up his pace, sloppily fucking into you with a rhythm, probably loud enough that beomgyu can hear.
“huh? you're mine, aren't you?” his hips are at work, making your breasts bounce with each meeting of your hips.
“y-yours,” you mutter as you suck on his thumb, probably wrinkled by how much you're basically latched on to it.
beomgyu had overheard the entire conversation, eyes wide open and he couldn't deny any of it. it was true that you were his exact type. slightly timid but admirable, with the looks every man would wish for. so imagine the jealousy that bubbles within him when his own best friend is dating a woman as perfect as you. why wasn't it him, on that bed, ruining that pretty pussy?
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it was like in a blink of an eye that your ass was all up in yeonjun's face as he slams into you from behind, almost ripping you open due to his size, hands caressing you up and down your back to soothe you.
“so fucking dirty, couldn't even wait till we had privacy,” yeonjun snarled. “did you wanna be fucked in a bedroom that isn't ours? needed my cock so bad no matter where we were?” his voice so soft, yet so deep and condescending, it feels humiliating.
“mmmh,” you shake your head as you mumble with your panties stuffed in your mouth, drool seeping through the cotton, but yeonjun isn't satisfied with your answer.
“don't lie, y/n. didn't you tell me not to be freaky? what now?” he gives you a light slap on your thighs as he drills into you once more, each thrust feeling like a fire spark inside you.
“y-yes, jjun!” you barely manage to cry out — and you're grateful you're not being any louder. your cheek is pressed against the pillow so hard, you struggle to look up at him, even worse with your vision blurred out by those pathetic beads of tears that threaten to flow.
“that's it, that's my girl…” yeonjun rams his hips so deep into you, feeling it all the way up at your tummy when it's only begging to bust through your cervix.
his praise melts you inside, the praise you felt more than deserving of; but you might love his degrading words even more.
beomgyu hasn't stopped taking his eyes off of the both of you, from the start of the scene till' now. from you grinding against his lap ever so subtly in front of everybody to the present where yeonjun's ruining you from inside out. beomgyu desperately fists his clothed cock, upper teeth digging so deep into his lower lip at the sight of you arched all for yeonjun's access and the sound of those pretty broken moans and whines that you try your best to contain.
“huh? doesn't it turn you on to know that someone could be watching you like this, ass all up in my face like a slut?” yeonjun barely whispers.
“fuck, i wish.” you mutter loudly enough just so he could hear.
his lips turn up into a knowing grin as he looks straight back through the gap of the door. and there, his eyes meet beomgyu's.
“oh shit, fuck—” beomgyu mutters so softly it's impossible to not miss.
his eyes squeezed shut and his heart dropped. shame instantly washes over him and he hides the erection he was once palming, immediately turning away from the slightly opened door as his back hits the cold wall, chest rising up and down because he's terrified to look back in fear of the sight of yeonjun staring back at him, catching him in the act.
fuck, he knows.
“why don't we ask him to join us?” yeonjun smirks.
“w-wait, what?—” you reply, confused, face buried in your hands.
“beomgyu-ah! don't think i can't see you!~” yeonjun shouts out towards the direction of the door as he pounds you.
beomgyu's eyes slowly open as he turns back towards the door frame, and slowly, the door creaks open, and you're met with a flustered and ashamed beomgyu, hands all up in his cock and lips swollen so badly.
beomgyu gulps. “i‘m s-sorry,..”
your eyes widen as you see him standing at the doorway, but before you can even react, yeonjun calms you down by rubbing the small of your back.
“come in,” yeonjun orders, and beomgyu timidly steps in walking towards the both of you without a word spoken.“do you allow him to touch you?” yeonjun rubs your back comfortingly, as he looks at you with assurance.
it's a long silence before you decide to respond, but the both of them were completely patient with you. well, except that beomgyu looked pathetically clueless and guilty, trying his best not to glance at your dangling boobs.
“mhm,” you mumbled, nodding your head. how did yeonjun know this was one of your main turn ons? the excitement of someone potentially watching you so slutty makes you feel a rush of adrenaline flow all over you, and how you'd always wished there were more than one pair of hands working around your vulnerable body… it used to be ugly fantasies, but now there's beomgyu that's palming his cock in front of you and your boyfriend, looking as if he's deprived, no, starved of touch.
beomgyu reaches over to get his hands on one of your breasts, but that's interrupted by yeonjun, slapping his hands off.
“don't be so greedy,” he cleared his throat. “don't you think he has to earn it? right babe?” yeonjun tugs at your hair, gazing lovingly at your drool-covered lips and glossy eyes.
“mm,” you reply, inaudible. you can barely process what's happening, let alone talk with your panties still stuffed in your mouth as you collapse back onto the mattress, face squished in the pillow.
“you're gonna have to watch first.” yeonjun mocks as beomgyu steps back, gulping as he pulls his cock out of his boxers to fist it.
yeonjun thrusts into you again and your back arches even harder in response. yeonjun's hands are all over the back of your throat holding you lightly in place, making your choker dig into your skin as he continues to drill into you from behind.
“fuck, she feels so good.” yeonjun looks at beomgyu, smirking. gyu's touching himself all over, head thrown back at his best friend's comment as the pace of his stroking increases.
“d-don't say that,,” beomgyu sighs, voice slightly cracking as his hips start to jitter.
yeonjun slows down his pace to start fucking you with more care, drilling into you so intolerably slowly and roughly clashing your hips against his at the last second. as he drills into you, his tip very precisely rubs against your sweet spot at an angle, making goosebumps go crazy all over your body.
“oh my god, i'm actually going to c-cum,” you mumble as your crumpled up panties start to hang out of your mouth.
“what was that, sweetheart?” yeonjun teases, as if he can't hear you.
“i’m gonna cum…!” you raise your voice as he continues to slowly fuck you to help you reach your high. “ff…fuck!!” you fight a whine, panties falling out of your mouth as you bite down on your lips. you release all over his cock, dirtying the bedsheets that aren't yours.
“good, baby. turn over.” yeonjun pulls his cock out of you with a pop, and lazily, you obey him, drained of your energy and cum.
“what do you say it's beomgyu's turn?” yeonjun snaps his fingers at beomgyu, who's lips are all wet and mouth slightly open as he pants, fist leaving his cock.
“b-but, i just finished..!” you protest, but you're immediately cut off by yeonjun.
“what about poor beomgyu who's been patiently waiting? surely you can take one more, like the whore you are?” yeonjun pouts, the tone of his voice full of mockery.
“please,” beomgyu silently begs as he steps closer to you, hard cock dangling out of his boxers as he pulls his waistband down to his knees.
“go ahead.” yeonjun orders, barely considering your current state as beomgyu crawls onto the bed.
at this point, your body is quivering and your cunt feels so wasted and raw and stretched open, barely ready for another round but you already feel beomgyu tapping his cockhead against the rim of your entrance.
“y/n, ‘m sorry..” beomgyu mutters, then he shoves his length into you with barely any warning.
“fuck!!—” you yelp, pussy so swollen but beomgyu's ramming in and out of you like a dog in heat, his nails digging into your plush thighs as he kneads them. you can't stop him, it's like he's gone feral.
“fucking…ngh—needed this godsend of a pussy.. ugh..so w-warm,, 'm sorry, just feels so good, s-so sorry,” beomgyu whines and apologizes as he looks at yeonjun, as he sits at the foot of the bed looking at another man fuck his girlfriend.
meanwhile, you’re so fucking overstimulated you feel dizzy, ears ringing as you struggle more and more to acknowledge your surroundings because your eyes are clouded with tears. you want to cum so badly, your pussy is throbbing so badly, but yeonjun already milked you off your juices. you're seeing stars as beomgyu continues to fuck you at unimaginable speeds, using you as a pure fucktoy to get off. at this point, his pathetic apologies mean nothing.
and even if you're basically ruined, you still can't help but feel overwhelming pleasure and moans won't stop rolling off your tongue. your feet are curling up and your back is arching away from the mattress and your face is so fucked out unlike anything yeonjun's seen.
“fuck, i c-can't take this anymore, t-too good,, please, pleasepleaseplease—” you whine inaudibly, but you're immediately shut up when yeonjun shoves his cock into your gaping mouth without your notice.
your eyes widen and you almost bite down onto him, but obviously you came to your senses.
yeonjun's groaning, fucking your mouth with a grip on your scalp so strong you thought he was going to rip your hair out.
beomgyu on the other hand, he's fucking you nonsensically at this point, oblivious to everything but your warm pussy walls that take him so perfectly.
“so good, so fucking good, t-take it,” beomgyu moans, his eyes rolling back as he slams in and out of you.
“i'm gonna cum again, shit,” you mumble with your mouth still stuffed with jjun's cock as you clench on beomgyu, ready to cum.
“me too.. please, y-yeonjun?” beomgyu whines as he looks at yeonjun for approval. but instead, like you and beomgyu had hoped…
“you can't cum until i say so. the both of you.” yeonjun nonchalantly responds, and beomgyu's eyes clasp shut, trying everything in him not to bust inside of you, but you're also tearing up, trying your best not to release all over his cock.
but yeonjun just continues to use your mouth like a fleshlight, a smirk growing on his face watching the two of you under his control.
beomgyu slows down his pace in hopes to not explode inside you; it seemed to help a bit. you're also trying not to gag all over your boyfriend's cock as his best friend is stuffing you with his own.
beomgyu's eyes are dazed, so fucked out and his mouth is slightly agape as he starts to lose strength to chase his high. he's a head full of sweat and his long hair droops over his face as he watches you take yeonjun in your mouth.
that almost sends him over the edge because the sight had him sighing and groaning, greedy to fuck every part of you.
“yeonjun, please!!” beomgyu starts to beg for his permission, all he wants is nothing but to cum inside your pretty pussy as he watches his cum ooze out of you.
yeonjun is silent for a bit before he finally replies.
beomgyu immediately picks up his pace, moaning as his thumb start to flick your clit up and down to make you cum on him as well.
“holy fuck, beomgyu!! i'm gonna—!” you mumble as yeonjun thrusts in and out of your mouth at a faster pace this time, also seeming like he's about to cum. for that, you stick your tongue out to make sure you swallow him clean.
“shit. finally, finally, a-aah, ffffuck—” beomgyu slams into you one final time, then you can feel him fill you up with his semen, hot and thick. you see white for a second, then you finally release on his cock.
immediately after you feel hot spurts of yeonjun's cum shooting right down your throat and all over your tongue.
"swallow," yeonjun demands as he lays loving strokes on your throat.
“oh god.” you finally let go of a breath you didn't know you held, chest rising up and down as the both of them took their filthy cocks off of your body.
“fuck, it's literally dripping out of you.” it's like beomgyu's irises turn into little hearts when he sees his own cum trickle down your gaping hole so dirty and so messily. he bends down to collect the mess around your pussy with his fingers, then he thrusts his fingers back inside you, enjoying how the liquids look leaking out the sides of your entrance.
“hey, talk to me. you okay?” yeonjun chimes in, caressing your head lovingly, wiping the tears at the edge of your eyes away as he strokes his thumb down your jawline.
“uh…” you smile awkwardly at both of them. “can't say i didn't enjoy it.”
“i’ll never disturb you guys again, promise..” beomgyu chuckles awkwardly, with nothing else to say.
yeonjun covers his face, looking at the chaos he created.
“i think they'll be back soon,” yeonjun says. “go get cleaned up, the both of you, i'll redo these poor bedsheets.”
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“here's y'all's prawn crackers.” soobin and kai walks towards you, yeonjun and gyu who's now resting on the sofa watching tv. meanwhile, taehyun's putting the groceries in the pantry.
“what'd y'all do when we were gone?” taehyun chimes in.
“um, play more games.” you quickly cleared your throat.
“yeah, we played games.” beomgyu backs you up as he looked at you and yeonjun, turning his head to nod at the three.
all of a sudden, kai's voice rings from across the hallway, catching the five of you off guard.
“dude, since when were these bedsheets grey??”
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732 notes · View notes
naomiarai · 6 months
» please fuck me. — cbg.
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» synopsis : going against your boyfriend while he was on a trip couldn't end so bad right?
» pairing : beomgyu × afab!reader
» wc : 1.7k
» warnings : dom!gyu, sub!reader, daddy kink, degradation, praise, name calling (whore, slut, angel, princess, sweet girl), oral (f.rec), use of toys (dildo), creampie, cum eating, slight breeding kink, multiple orgasms, ass slapping, manhandling. [ lmk if i should add anything else]
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god, you're so horny. you've been holding back for quite sometime now, wanting to feed your craving with your boyfriend's dick. he's gone on a trip, about two weeks just to let out some stress. of course, being the good girlfriend you are, kissed him goodbye asking him to have a good time.
but now you really needed him. waking up all warm and sweaty, mind clouded with dirty thoughts of him. you would have relieved yourself of this sexual distress, if beomgyu would allow you to touch yourself when he wasn't around. it was frustrating having to ignore the dull ache between your legs.
you come out of your thoughts with a sigh, deciding to call him. atleast that'll satiate your mind. you press the green call button, bring the buzzing phone to your ear. you hear a faint “hello” alerting you. “hi beomie~” you say in a sing-song voice, making him giggle.
“finally woke up huh? did you eat?” he asks, “not yet, i miss you” you say with with a dull voice. can't he come home already? “hm, i miss you too angel, just two more days I promise”. two more days and you think you'll burst. “i need you~ 'm so wet” you say rubbing your thighs together, you needed some kind of friction.
“i'll take care of you as soon as i get back, so don't you dare touch yourself okay?” he says with a stern voice. you mentally rolled your eyes, can't he atleast guide you?. “okay okay, i love you” you say with a laugh, “i love you too” he replies back before you cut the call.
you give out another sigh, before deciding to take shower. the physical urge to finger yourself in the shower was quite high. beomgyu wouldn't notice if you did right? by the time you came to that conclusion you were done, hopping out with droplets of water dripping.
you decide that perhaps going out would help take your mind off beomgyu. you can handle two more days can't you?
1 day later »
god you couldn't help it, your fingers slipping in and out of your drenched cunt emitting such lewd and wet noises. you can't recall how many times you've cum already, a sticky mess of white made between your legs. it's okay you think to yourself, beomgyu's not even here anyway.
but what if he notices? what if he notices how not wet you are when he touches you? your mind can't hold on to that thought long enough as you cum for the nth time. but that still didn't satiate you. you're really horny aren't you? your fingers had helped but not to the full extent. at all.
your hand reached over to the cabinet by your bedside, swiftly opening it and pulling out a dildo, something only beomgyu would use on you. you didn't care right now, the urge to use it was full. you slip it inside you, moaning at the stretch, “god–mhmph!” you whine, pulling it in and out again and again.
just the thought of beomgyu finding out sent shivers down your spine. but he'll come tomorrow, he'll never know. right?
you jolt in your spot, the creaking sound of the door slipping open increasing your heartbeat in seconds. had he come home early? why? maybe to surprise you? but you didn't want that surprise. atleast not now. it is him. your eyes go wide, your voice stuck in your throat. “surprise!..” he yells before his voice dies down at the end.
his face morphs into amusement as he takes in the sight, scoffing out loud. “beom–.. i'm-” you try to speak, as you get up getting closer to him. “tsk, fucking whore. couldn't wait till i got home? and look at the mess you made” he says while looking at cum covered dildo. “and you used this too? you're really desperate aren't you” he says pointing at the dildo.
“beomie- i- i'm sorry i couldn't help it-” you stutter as you try to tell him. it was true though, he was gone for way too long. “all you wanted to do was cum huh? couldn't go a mere two weeks without covering your cunt in cum?” you scoffed inside your head.
beomgyu would act exactly how you did if you were gone for less than a week. but you really shouldn't say that right now. you weren't gonna lie, you get turned on when he gets like this, which was not good at your part, not when he's eyeing you like that.
his eyes wander over your figure, “on your fours”
he's got you full naked now, on the same cum covered sheets, no he didn't bother changing it or cleaning it up. he was behind you, on his knees as he spread your ass cheeks apart, pressing his tongue against your pussy.
you expected him to punish you, edge you or anything nearing that. why was he giving you what you wanted? you weren't complaining, if anything you should keep your mouth shut. any angrier he gets, you're in for it.
his tongue lapped at your cunt, licking up the leftover cum from your previous orgasm. “mmh- hnng!” you whimper as you push your ass into his face. he doesn't say anything, simply pushing his tongue deeper inside your cunt, sliding it in and out. he could feel you were close, tightening his grip on your thighs as he buried his face into your cunt.
“shit— 'm gonna cum! hng” you moan as cum all over, squirting on his face. but he doesn't stop, still eating you out, swallowing the remaining cum. “beomie- i-i just came” you try to say as you try to pull away. he grips your hips, keeping you in place, “didn't you want to cum so bad? i'll make you do it again and again, just watch” , you can't see his face but your know there's a shit eating grin on it.
“ah-! too much! can't take it, please” you beg as your thighs shake at the overstimulation. beomgyu seems to be mindless about it as he continues eating you out like a starved man. “gyu- please m' cumming! fucking hell” you scream as your orgasm takes over your you, head dropping into the sheets as your breathing gets heavy.
beomgyu pulls away from your cunt, staring with delight at the mess he made of you. but he's not stopping there, oh no. he picks you up gently, climbing onto the bed as he places you on his lap straddling him. “such a slut, maybe this is what you're made for? only good at moaning n' cumming” he degrades as he slaps your ass. you whimper at his action, face resting against his chest.
you feel him reach over for something, the dildo you had used without his permission earlier. he sticks it at your entrance, rubbing it against your folds. “please-! can't take it- ts' too much” you whine as he pushes it all the way in. you jolt up, thighs starting to shake again as he ruts it inside you. “you can take it, tsk, you're such a cumslut. cumsluts like you can fucking take it” he says into your ear, you feel like crying at way you clench around the toy.
“ah- please wan' your cock instead- can't-” you say pleading. he laughs at your request, slapping your ass, “weren't you just begging me to stop? you're like a bitch in heat always cock hungry” he says as you cum again, all over his thighs.
he lays you down, propping your legs over his shoulders as he removes his boxers, dick hard and red~ he rubs it against your cum, coating it in white. without warning he enters you, pounding into your aching pussy. “ah, ah-! hnng! fuck! right there! s-so big” you babble as he presses the bulge in your tummy, making you roll your eyes back.
“shit- angel, such a tight pussy, all mine” he groans as you clench around him.
his hand goes down to rub at your clit, only thrusting in faster. god if beomgyu was going to fuck you like this everytime you act out, you'll do it again and again. you feel his dick twitch inside of you, alerting that he was about to cum.
“daddy! fuck wan' you to cum inside please-mm!” you beg. daddy? now that was new. but seemingly enough to fill you up to the brim. “princess, gonna make you say that again” he groans as he flips you on your stomach, ass up in the air. he enters your throbbing pussy again, slamming his hips to yours the sounds of skin slapping against skin clouding your head. “sweet girl- fuck, your cunt's sucking my cock in so good” he grunts as pulls you back to kiss you.
you moan into the kiss as he enters his tongue inside our mouth, hand gripping your jaw as he deepens it. you pull back, a tight coil forming inside your stomach. “daddy! ah- harder! please! mmh!” you spurt out as he does exactly that. “yeah? shit— harder? wan' daddy to fuck you harder, fill you up?” he asks, slapping your ass for a response.
“yes! wan' you to fill me up again! fuck- right there gyu-” that does it for him, you creaming all over his cock while his filled you up, warm cum leaking down your legs.
“shit– did i go too hard princess?” he asks out of breath, you simply shake your head, whispering a ‘i loved it’. he pulls out, smiling at the mess made of the sheets. you turn around to kiss him, “i'm sorry i was horny” you mutter against his lips, he chuckles at you, “it's okay, don't do that again unless you don't wanna walk for a week” he whispers as you playfully hit him on the chest.
he picks you up in bridal style, walking towards the bathroom, you'll need to shower and definitely change the sheets. thinking of how often you'll need to change them now that beomgyu's home. you're just happy he's back now, you'll get to wake up next to him now.
a good day spent. in your opinion atleast.
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fairyofshampgyu · 2 months
☆ Lost !
genre: smut, fairy au
pairing: sub fairy ! gyu x dom human ! reader
synopsis: in essence, eating out the mischievous and immensely pretty fairy beomgyu as a bargain when you find yourself lost in the forest.
warnings: boy pussy gyu !!! sub! gyu, dom! reader, beomgyu’s kinda a brat, degrading, squirting, overstim, eating out, fingering, hair pulling, pussy slapping, dacryphilia
word count: 1.5k
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You wandered aimlessly through the forest at wits end. You’d been here for hours trying to find your way back out but the forest was much like an ever changing maze. As soon as you thought you’d found a way out, the trees and plants would shift and morph into completely different pathways, rendering you hopeless and frustrated.
It was only getting darker as well, much to your distress. And you didn’t want to stick around to know what the place would be like at night. You knew of the stories.
Just when despair threatened to overwhelm you, you stumbled upon a small clearing bathed in soft light, the ground carpeted with lush moss, and delicate flowers blooming in vibrant hues, mushrooms clustered around the perimeter.
In the centre, sat a figure amidst a bed of wildflowers, weaving intricate crowns with his hands—a fairy. He was the prettiest boy you’d ever seen. Flower crown sitting on his long, silky, soft hair cascaded across his ethereally sculpted face. Face and body all glittery and shimmery and his cheeks were so naturally pink and blushed like the pink tulips that sat around him. You were quite in awe honestly.
His gaze lingers on you with a mix of curiosity and amusement, eyes sparkling with mischief and an impish grin playing upon his lips as he regarded you with some sort of knowing gaze, still continuing to make his flower crowns.
“Lost, are we?” He raises a brow, seemingly finding your predicament humorous.
“Yes.” You stand tall, trying to appear more confident to the fairy. You also didn’t think it was funny at all. When he doesn’t say anything but chuckle in response and directs his attention to his flower crowns again, you speak up, irritated with his behaviour. “You’re a fairy aren’t you? You’d know the way out?”
“…Yes” He looks up at you again, still smiling annoyingly.
“So…Show me then?.”
“Hmm…” He faux ponders, finger to his lips and grinning, “I don’t think i will.”
Your eyebrows furrow, patience wearing thin. “Why not?”
“Because it’s funny seeing humans so helpless.” The fairy’s laughter fills the air as he shakes his head, eyes dancing with amusement.
You just stand in disbelief. The sun had already set now! Fear and desperation already starting to kick in that you find yourself begging and pleading the fairy instead of blowing up in pure anger at him. “Just show me the way. Please! I’d do anything.”
His ears perk at that. “Kiss me.”
“If you kiss me good enough, I’ll help you.” He sits back back, lips curled in a grin and trying to stifle his laugh. You really want to slap it off his face.
You scoff incredulously.
“What? Don’t want to kiss me?” Brow raised as if testing you. Like he didn’t think you actually would. It pissed you off even more. You’d heard fairies loved to make stupid deals for absolutely no reason with humans and other creatures. This must be one.
He still stares up at you, completely delighted, waiting. You roll your eyes, reluctantly approaching him on the ground of moss, grabbing a fistful of his shirt rather roughly and tugging him closer to you. He seems to like it though, getting excited.
Looking down at his lips, you can’t even deny how enticing they looked. Pretty and plump and round and glossy. You’d heard of the fairies being pretty seducing. You can’t say you’re not completely entranced by the pretty boy right now.
You’ll just put him in his place.
So you smash your lips with his, making out with him fervently, both your mouths moving and smacking against each other and the pretty boy is so into it, already getting worked up by how aggressively you kiss him and with no regard. You bite at his bottom lip and he gasps, you continuing to suck harshly and bite at them.
It practically feels like you’re melting kissing the fairy boy, you don’t what it is but his lips were so soft and…everything.
You begin the attack on his pretty neck instead, trailing rough kisses down and leaving purple and pink marks in return, hand entangling in the strands of his long hair, tugging and pulling that makes him whine into your mouth even louder, pulling on his hair roughly and leaving hickeys on his sensitive neck. You don’t even know how long it goes on for.
Suddenly, your pulling away and it makes him pout and huff, eyes dazed but frows burrowing and trying to pull you back into him but you hold onto his dainty wrists and stop him, shoving him down on the ground again.
Instead, you move down on the grass and grip his pretty little thighs concerningly tight, spreading his legs, met with his panties that don’t do much to cover anything what with the wet patch on them now. You chuckle and he tries to close his legs in embarrassment but you open them wider, lightly tracing your fingers on his clothed pussy that makes him positively squirm and squeal. So sensitive…
You continue to tease him, lightly brushing and thumbing over his panties until he’s fully drenched and whimpering over the light contact. He can’t take it anymore.
“Take them off… actually touch mee” Beomgyu whines brattily, groaning and panting.
“Beg for it. Then I’ll see.”
It shuts him up instantly, pouting and furrowing his brows again, as if contemplating whether it was worth it, “Don’t want to.”
“Brat.” You stop all contact and he’s quick to blurt his pleads out instantly in distress. It’s entertaining seeing the fairy like this now.
Roughly tugging his cute panties to the side, you stop in your tracks momentarily. It’s the prettiest pussy you’ve ever seen in your life, puffy and pink and glistening, so wet already, practically dripping onto the ground it’s insane. It’s making you so insane.
You don’t waste any time, licking a long stripe of his pussy from his clit to his hole and it has him taking a sharp intake of breath, you can feel his thighs shake in your grip just from that and his eyes close shut, positively squealing and squirmy.
You bury your face in him after that, scent so sweet and you begin to practically make out with his pussy, flicking your tongue over his clit then wrapping your entire lips around them, sucking harshly and he’s shivering immensely, prettiest choked up moans coming out of him, head reeling back and mouth agape.
Still sucking on his pretty clit, you bring two of your other fingers to his hole, not giving him a second of reprieve, and shoving them inside his warm and tight pussy, fingering him at the same speed you suck on him, hammering them into him, his head lolled back and his eyes almost cross eyed, dumbly drooling.
It’s not long before you can feel him clamp down on your fingers so tight, and he’s cumming, legs and thighs shaking like a leaf, seeing starts he doesn’t even know what to do, prettiest most mellifluous sounds eliciting from his lips.
It was a sight to see, whole body completely flushed, hair all tousled and messed up and damp from the sweat, eyebrows creased and eyes closing open and shut, eyelashes fluttering sexily kissing the tops of his red cheeks, plump lips parted and jaw slack. He looked so slutty.
But you don’t break away, instead you grip on the sides of his hips probabaly bruising them and pulling him onto your face even further, tongue flat on his clit as he merely mewls and cries, way too sensitive. It hurts but it also feels too good, he shakes his head nonetheless, squeezing his eyes shut and whimpering.
“T-too muchhh” The fairy sniffles, trying so hard to shut his trembling legs.
“Slut. Stay still.” You forcefully keep his legs open, gripping even tighter onto the flesh of his thighs. You reach your hand up and lightly slap his abused cunt, he yelps almost instantly.
“Say it. Tell me how much of a slut you are.”
He can’t get the words out, can’t even think to get the words out of his mouth as you continuously slap his now even more swollen, absolutely pink puffy pussy.
“hah-! fffuu, m’ just a slut!” He cries and wails. “Just your slut.” There’s tears streaming down his face now, sobbing, doe eyed and glassy, so so, so, so pretty.
He trembles and shakes even more if it were possible, legs thrashing and thighs clenching when you feel his juices gush out and squirting, screaming and squirming, not expecting to squirt, eyes rolling straight to the back of his head.
You lap up all his juices and press a final little kiss to his pussy before you completely stop.
The pretty fairy boy goes limp, laying in the bed of flowers, panting and gasping heavily, so embarrassed from squirting, he attempts to hide face in his hands, face so incredibly pink and flushed. But you’re taking his hand away so you can cup his hot cheeks and coo at him, kissing at his forehead instead.
When he’s finally recovered, his mouth curls into a playful grin gazing at you as you both lay next to each other in the flowers, his eyes sparkling with mischief again.
“Good enough for you?” You sarcastically ask him, knowing how absolutely disheveled he looked right now, the sweat only making his glittery face and body even more shiny and ethereal.
He chuckles, still breathless and nods. “Too good even, I might not want to let you go. Kinda want to keep you forever…”
Please actually reblog !!!!!! and leave comments !!!! guys 😭 if you like the fic. It’s really appreciated and so nice tysm !<3🙏💕🌷🌷! It’s incredibly discouraging and irriating when fics have such little reblogs ☹️. At least send an anon in the inbox if you don’t want to rb, don’t just like. Feedback is always appreciated it make writers want to actually write :)
A/n: just don’t ask…this is super messy and makes no sense I’m sorry 🤞 just wanted to experiment with boypussy gyu though I know it’s not many’s cup of tea !
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jjunberry · 15 days
cockwarming with mean dom gamer!beomgyu that ends with him putting the reader in her place🤭
❝ a little thing called patience ❞
choi beomgyu x fem!reader
warnings: mean dom gyu, sub reader, degradation, dacryphilia, unprotected sex, creampie, choking if you squint, pussy slapping….. he’s a mean dom y’all 🤭
wc: 900
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you let out a sigh as you eyed your boyfriend, headphones on as his eyes focused on whatever game he was playing. it wasn’t fair all his attention was on that stupid game. “beomie,” you whined. “can we do something else?” your question remained unanswered as he clicked away.
your feet carried you over to his chair. he paid you no mind as your hands rubbed his shoulders, fingers trailing down his arms. “beomie, can we do something else?” you whined by his ear. the boy stiffened in his seat, “baby i’m almost done, now go wait on the bed and be a good girl.” his voice was stern. you listened sitting on the bed, however that didn’t last long.
all you could focus on was his long slender fingers, tapping away at the keyboard. images of those same fingers working your pussy had you clenching your thighs, desperate for any kind of friction. “beomie?” you whined. “what baby?” he asked, his eyes looking at you briefly. you did nothing to hide how desperate you were.
“i need you.” you whined. “and i told you when i was done. now be good or else.” he turned back to his game. the sharp tone of his voice had you clenching around nothing. a few minutes felt like a few hours. you needed him, so you took matters into your own hands.
acting quickly you removed your clothes leaving you only in a pair of pink panties, his favorite pair to be exact. before you could talk yourself out of anything you walked over and threw your leg over his legs, planting yourself on his lap.
beomgyu’s tapping ceased and his eyebrows furrowed. you watched as he muted his mic, “what are you doing?” he asked lowly his eyes scanning your naked body. he sucked in a breath seeing your panties.
you rocked your hips against his and whined feeling him. your thin panties and his sweatpants leaving little to the imagination. his hands were quick to grab your hips, stopping your movements. “w-why’d you stop beomie,” you whined.
“i told you to behave and wait, and what did you do?” he asked. you were quiet, his large palm came down on your ass. “i-i didn’t wait,” you yelped. he smirked before holding you and standing. “you’re in a lot of trouble,” beomgyu tossed you onto the bed. your back hit the soft sheets, your eyes trailed up to beomgyu. he stood above you, his hands pulling his shirt off.
“beomie,” you whined, bucking your hips. “be patient.” he said smacking your clothed pussy. beomgyu noticed the wet spot on your panties and scoffed. “you’re such a little slut aren’t you?” you nodded at his words, “aren’t you?” he asked again.
“y-yes,” you whined.
his fingers teased your clit through your soaked panties. gathering the slick, “so wet and i barely touched you.” his fingers traced your panties again making your hips buck up. beomgyu tisked, pulling away from you.
“what did i say about patience, slut?” his brows furrowed. tears welled in your eyes, your body ached for him. “aww poor little girl going to cry? that’s right cry for this cock.” with one hand he freed himself from his sweats, his cock already hard.
his tip grace your soaking entrance, “i’m going to fuck this pussy full, i’m going to use you until i’m done,” he rubbed his tip along your folds. “and maybe if you’re good i’ll think about letting you cum.” with force he buried himself completely in your eager pussy.
“fuck,” he grunted slamming his hips into yours. “b-beomgyu.” you wrapped your legs around him, pulling him closer. beomgyu freed himself from your hold, pinning your arms still. “behave.” he said snapping his hips harshly, his tip hitting the spongy part deep inside you.
“m-more, i need more.” you whined wiggling beneath him. “i’m so close,” the tight feeling becomes too much to bare. “i’m gonna cum.” beomgyu’s movement stops completely, “you’ll cum when i say you can, now stop being a brat.” he smacked your clit, jolting your body.
sweat covered your body, as your legs shook. beomgyu focused on how your pussy swallowed his cock whole. his eyes watched as he entered and left your aching hole. “fuck look at that? you like me using you huh?” he grunted. his movements were staggering.
“b-beomie can i please cum?” you begged, tears falling down your cheeks. beomgyu tsked, “so now you remember your manners? only good girls get to cum, sluts like you get nothing.”
beomgyu moved his hips faster, his hands gripping your hips sure to leave marks. “gonna fill you up,” his hips snapped in one more time before his hot sticky load filled you up. beomgyu’s head was thrown back, stomach muscles clenching as the last of his load spilled.
your orgasm still there, the hurt from holding it replaced with the warmth of beomgyu’s cum. “fuck,” he breathed out pulling out seeing the pearly white flow out. his fingers scooping it and pushing it back in.
your body shook at the feeling. beomgyu pushed his now softening cock back inside. “hope you’ve learned your lesson baby, now maybe if you're patient with my cock tonight,” he gripped your throat and kissed you deeply.
“then maybe i’ll reward you in the morning.” he pulled you closer, his cock still buried deep in your ruined cunt.
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author’s note: y’all… i was giggling and kicking my feet while writing this. tysm for the request anon <3
tag list: @304files @jjunieworld
🗒️:like what you’ve read? send me a request! see guidelines here.
love, echo ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪
© jjunberry - all rights reserved. please do not repost on any social media sites, translate, or modify any of my works.
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hyewka · 11 months
can i suggest a fic where beomgyu is helping take the reader’s mind off a bad breakup…. by fucking the living SHIT out of her NDJDNDJDJDJ
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while i fuck you straight | c.bg
warnings; hard dom best friend!gyu, sub!reader, unprotected + pullout method, breeding kink, a spank or two, praise + degradation (mostly praise), slut shaming, rough marking, a tinge of possessiveness, friends w/ benefits, no romantic feelings involved (or are there?), ruined orgasm, princess pet name, beomgyus an insatiable manwhore lol, needy perv gyu with a lot of spit play, fingering, titty sucking hehe, literal messy filth and also barely proofread on my end
a/n; have to thank jazmine with all my heart for proof reading and giving suggestions, i love you so much 😭 @heart2beom this shouldn’t be a big deal as it is, but it is my first time writing full on dom beomgyu so it is this mini celebration for me and all the dom!gyu enthusiasts (i hope) 😇 reblogs are appreciated, keeps me going
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You held your phone above your face, scrolling mindlessly through your socials, though subconsciously, you were really just awaiting a call from your boyfriend. Well, now ex-boyfriend. It's already been a week since you got dumped but no matter what went down that day, you couldn't get over him.
It was pitiful every time you jumped up from your bed at a notification just to find it was in fact not your ex asking to take you back and ...just a random spam email.
Beomgyu had his back against your bed, legs sprawled on the floor, also on his phone. You guys had run out of things to talk about when every conversation spun its way back to your ex- Seen that new avengers movie? You wanted to watch it with your boyfriend. That professor just got fired! You remember your boyfriend used to complain about that class. Gosh, you don’t think you’ll ever get over him.
"You're miserable." Beomgyu suddenly brings up.
You groan, as you repeatedly refresh your feed. "Gee, thanks Beomgyu. That definitely doesn't make me ten times more miserable."
He lets his head fall back on your bed, looking up at you through an upside down lens, abandoning his phone. “No, like truly miserable. I’ve never seen you so up and dry and…sober. Be young, live a little.”
You narrow your eyes at him, looking past your phone for the past time in a while. “…You talk like you’re 80 years old, about to retire and wallow in self pity, having experienced all there is to life. Thanks Gyu but no thanks.”
“I’m an old soul Y/N.” He says patting his chest, and you roll your eyes. Not necessarily refuting it, it’s his entire personality. “Where’s the chick I used to know anyway. The old Y/N would’ve been over this in a day with a quick hookup rebound.”
You finally put your phone down, staring up your ceiling. He was totally right. Who else would be right about you if not Beomgyu? But you don’t want to think about your old self, or you’d start sobbing again. Not like you were a totally great person, but that person wouldn’t be so stuck on someone. Anything but being the lovesick, doting person you would’ve made fun of just a year ago. God, he really changed you hadn’t he?
You kick your feet, whining, falling into the abyss of treasured memories. “You don’t understand, he was different, he—he was the one, you know?”
He ponders for a bit, room silent, staring at you through his soft lashes, and you think that maybe he’ll give it you; sympathize and understand that grieving was the entire process of a first love. The silence is suffocating when finally, he lets out a light scoff, cutting through it. “No, no I don’t know. Bet you just got soft.”
“God, fuck you Beomgyu.”
He grins his stupid grin that the situation definitely doesn’t call for, “You wish.”
You think if he wasn’t with you through thick and thin for the past four years, you would’ve definitely developed some sort of hatred.
You could visibly notice a lightbulb spark above his head with the way he immediately sits up straight. “Hey, hey wait.”
You tentatively watch as he turns his back away from you, laying both his arms on the soft cushion of your mattress. “I think I might’ve just had the best idea ever. Of the century. The idea of the century.”
“I highly doubt that.” You say, blindly feeling the surface for your phone already.
“Just hear me out,” he whines noticing your eagerness to dismiss him. “But also don’t freak out or anything. Promise me.”
You stare at him, hesitant before you give in to his doe eyes. Sighing, you say: “Okay. I promise I won’t ‘freak’ out. What’s your groundbreaking idea?”
“We should like… fuck.”
Your brows are slow to raise, the rapidness of your blinking at what you think you just heard—no, not think, know. Beomgyu’s voice, loud and clear with his diction, your eyes widen at the final click of it all. Before you know it, you’re reaching for the pillow behind you, flinging it at him with all strength.
It’s like he predicted it prior, dodging one… and then another as you throw all remaining pillows on your bed. Instead of missing with your last one, you decide to hold on to it, and attack him with it. His smug demeanor of successfully dodging everything just a second ago, dissipates as he takes cover for protection. “Are you fucking—are you crazy?!” you yell exapserated, more than awake with your wide eyes.
“Ya! You—you promised you wouldn’t freak out!” When that doesn’t stop your mania with the damn pillow, he decides to lay it all out with as much speed as he can’t seem to escape your wrath. “You want to forget him don’t you? I mean, you should! He dumped you, it’s over! Sulking over him is—Ow! So out of character for you—fuck—I promise a one time fuck would get your mind off him.”
Your pillow is mid air, and Beomgyu opens an eye to peek, hands still in protection mode—you sigh, landing a weak hit on his head before loosening your grip. You do want to forget. You’d do anything to get rid of what you’re feeling. But…
“It—it wouldn’t change anything for me. If that’s a worry. You know that no matter what, you’re my best friend.” He finds his footing, collecting himself, looking at you with intensity you could date back to just a few times over the course of your very long friendship. “Someone I care about. I can’t stand seeing you hurt and not being able to do anything. You know that.”
You bite down on your lip, staring at the familiar boy with his familiar brown bed of hair, and his familiar eyes, lips…How fast did he get you to actually give this a thought? Probably a minute or two. Beomgyu had a way with convincing you to do …anything. “I…know. But what if, what if I’m still head over heels in love with him? What if it doesn’t change anything for me?”
A grin gradually takes over his face, one that is once again, not fitting for the situation. “Why—why are you smiling like an idiot? This is—”
“It’ll change.”
You knit your brows together. “What?”
You don’t notice the way Beomgyu’s hand slowly inched to yours but suddenly, his palm was over your hand, squeezing it just a bit. “Having sex with me is a once in a life time opportunity. You’ll forget him. I promise.”
If you weren’t so lost in his eyes, as cliché as it sounds, you would’ve been completely taken out—probably a joke on his sheer confidence because who just says that? But he’s so …hypnotizing as you don’t even take notice of the ‘okay’ that leaves your lips.
“Yeah.” You exhale, “Okay. We’re adults. This won’t matter in a few weeks. Let’s do it.”
Beomgyu doesn’t hesitate for more than a few seconds before he was on your bed, crashing his lips on yours, a brief taste of strawberry lip balm, knocking a breath out of you until he slows down, testing the waters, then he stops, noses brushing against each other as he searches for something in your eyes, breathing already heavy, “Is this weird? Was that weird?”
You gulp looking down on his already glistening lips, and you nod. “The—the situation, not …the kiss. Fucking your best friend is an odd situation. The kiss…the kiss was good.” You ramble, your voice barely a whisper but he catches it anyway as you take notice of a small smile before he’s kissing you again, hands once cupping your cheeks already moving down to your tits, ministrating gently—every bit of his action seemed careful, too careful for what you know of the things your friends had told you in heated rants and swoons.
Half of the dictionary could be used to describe Beomgyu, and promiscuous was not an exclusion. You could probably say you already fucked him with the headache inducing details about what being with him in bed was like. Which is why you’re nervous as hell right now. From what you know, Beomgyu was… a lot. More than you could handle now, after an entire year of keeping yourself to one man.
“Jaehyun was worried about you. Was worried about what you’d do to me.” You blurt out randomly when Beomgyus’ moved to peppering feathery kisses along your jawline. He hums against your skin, then stops for a second to whisper, “He was?”
You could feel the smirk on his lips, opening his mouth a tiny amount to slightly suck on your neck at the process of your words—of course Beomgyu would get an ego boost from this. “Why?”
Beomgyu is practically suffocating with how little space he’s giving you, body flush against flush, your chest heaving the rougher he increasingly gets with his marking, his sly hand down to rub between your thighs, right at your core.
“Said you only wanted to get into my pants—h-ha shit, slow down, slow down Gyu.” You were getting teary eyed by his increased speed, friction against your sweats getting you wetter by the second whenever the pad of his finger teased your slit. “You know he—he asked me to stop hanging around you b-because—”
None of this was new to Beomgyu, your past boyfriends have always been worried about him for the exact reason—that he’d convince you to let him fuck you, because apparently women can’t have male best friends without it being more than platonic. But …you guess you aren’t really proving them any wrong now with the way you were letting him have his way, marking messy purple splotches all over, in hungry predatory manner, getting rougher and rougher by the second. You gasp when he abuses the same spot he just visited a few seconds ago, “Beomgyu!”
He presses on your aching core, pending you with the question. He didn’t seem as happy as he was with his smugness prior. “Because he thinks you’re a sleaze.”
An incredulous— mean chuckle from the back of his throat and suddenly his hand was down your panties, abandoning the long game of teasing in matter of seconds. He doesn’t touch you though, which only proves to make you more insane. “That’s dumb. Do you think I’m a sleaze?” You shiver, his deep voice so close to your ears, breath fanning against your cool skin—your eyes could go sore from how hard you’re shutting them closed.
You refuse to give it all to him, it makes you feel embarrassed and small. A new, foreign feeling you never thought you’d experience with Beomgyu of all people. “I-in some ways, yes.”
Not a satisfying response from you, he clicks his tongue like you were a misbehaving child, “You’re really annoying, you know that?”
You don’t get a chance to retort before you feel the pad of his finger prodding your pussy, then moving to gather your wetness.
Suddenly, he freezes his movement, pulling back from your neck, looking at you with an amused glint to his dark eyes. “Shit, you’re fucking drenched. And I barely did anything—”
You think he’s making fun of you so your cheeks quickly flush red, already putting up walls of defence but then he kisses you in the heat of the moment, wiping your frown away and you’re finding yourself reciprocating without a second thought—the kiss so sloppy and messy, string of saliva connecting your lips when he pulls away out of breath. “Fuck, that’s so hot princess. You’re so hot.” He breathes in awe of the spit—he truly is the biggest perv.
“Spread your legs for me.” he groans, trying to get better access to your pussy. You obey, admittedly a little slow, but who can blame you? It feels embarrassing regardless of who, but it’s ten folds with your best friend. “Moreee.” he whines, and god you wish you could slap him—can he not see that you’re trying?
Your voice gets cut off, gasping when he takes it upon himself to pull down your sweatpants with a quick swift motion, taking it off completely, revealing your patterned underwear—and god, now you’re hiding your face…everything was so embarrassing. He takes a second to examine the wet dark spot right in the middle, proof to what he felt earlier, but then you kick your feet. “Stop staring freak!” you shriek.
You can see through the cracks of your fingers the smirk he has on, looking at you with so much intensity you think you’d melt. He reaches out to grab your hand and put it down, even through your resistance, you couldn’t match his strength to your dismay. “I wanna see your face. Have to let me see you fall apart on my fingers like a little slut.”
You’re scandalized at his wording, your cheeks once again quickly heating up. But you let him part your timid legs anyway, big hands gripping the softness of your thighs, spreading your legs as much as he possibly could, to the point you felt yourself cramp up. But even with whines of protest he doesn’t ease up—bunching your panties to the side, impatient when finally he inserts a digit—experimental with his movement before you hear him groan out a curse. “You’re so tight holy shit, did he even fuck you?”
“Actually, don’t answer that. I don’t wanna know.”
Your senses are already overflowing, you could feel his hard on, his erection pressed on your bare skin, you’re hyper aware of the finger inside you—slender and slow with expertise as he pushes in and out, talking to you as if you could respond with anything more than restrained mewls. “Maybe dating him was good, then you had to be monogamous and not whore around with every guy you laid eyes on like you used to.”
“I-I never whored around—shit.” He suddenly speeds up, a merciless grin spread on his face—did he find messing with you funny?
“Yes you did. It was a new guy every…it was weekly, wasn’t it?”
You shake your head at his accusations, tears brimming when his mouth finds it use, suckling harshly on your nipples through your flimsy top—your body extra sensitive with the way you spasm on a singular finger. He pumps in two without warning and you yelp, hand reaching out to grab at his hair. You swear you could cum just from the stretch. “Stop denying it, you’d do anything for dick. I’m surprised you stayed so long with that bitch. Was he any good?”
One thing you won’t do is tell Beomgyu details of your sex life with your ex. You refuse. But Beomgyu is stubborn, and he isn’t one to give up so easily. Especially if he feels like you’re withholding information from him. “Tell me.”
“I’m not telling you anything.”
He raises his eyebrows in mocking shock, “No way. He never made you cum?”
Your nostrils flair from pure embarrassment and shock. How’d he know? You quickly try to control your expressions, masking it to not give him a hint that his guess was right, but he knew you too well. You hate that. Especially now.
“Can’t believe you’re hung up on a man—fuck, baby are you close? Hung up on a man that never made you orgasm—shit,” He breathes, rubbing his clothed dick on your thigh, getting off at the sight of your face. You really are falling apart. “Don’t worry princess, I’ll take care of you.”
You tighten your hold on his hair, feeling yourself get close as you grind down on his fingers, chasing your high, choosing for your sanity to ignore all his sweet talkings.
“Gyu, gyu I-I’m gonna—No—no-why? God, fuck you, you’re such a—such a dickhead!”
Beomgyu just ruined your orgasm by completely taking out his fingers, you could practically cry out of frustration and yet he didn’t seem the least bit sorry. Instead, he makes a show of licking his fingers, the ones he just had in you, swirling his tongue and sucking them clean while making direct eye contact. You cower a little but still keep your eyes on him. Now you aren’t sure if you could stay as bitter.
You blink rapidly to collect yourself, because holy shit, you’re getting weak for…Beomgyu. “Why’d you do that? I was close Gyu.” you say exasperated.
He unbuckles his jeans, “I said I’d take care of you, just trust me.” Zipping down his pants, he’s quick to drop it down to his knees before completely abandoning them on the floor.
He flings his cock out of the restrictions of his boxers and you’re practically drooling at the pretty sight. He isn’t the biggest you’ve seen but he definitely has the girth—his tip leaking pre cum down his length, hands trying to lube it with his spit. “Beomgyu, condom.”
“I don’t have one.” He breathes, already on you as he lays wet kisses down your collarbones before he gets irritated with your shirt and takes it off, revealing your bare tits. “God, you’re so sexy.” He drawls, sucking hickeys all over your chest in hunger.
You wish you didn’t have to, but you resist his touch and in turn he lets out an annoyed whine, his voice vibrating against your exposed skin. “Beomgyu, we can’t—we need a condom.”
He sticks out his bottom lip in a pout, the cutest you’ve seen him this entire day. “I’ll pull out, I promise. Please, I need you right now.”
In that moment of weakness, his tone so needy, as if he really did need you made you feel some sort of power—like you were the hottest, sexiest woman in the world. And so you bite your tongue, and trust Beomgyu to not ruin your life. You’ve done that quite a few times.
“Swear you’ll pull out.”
“You don’t trust me?”
“I do.” You say with conviction. “I do, obviously. It’s just-”
“I know. Take a breather for me. Said I’ll take care of you, didn’t I?”
You could feel him lining up to your entrance, his tip prodding your hole, and you’re already getting desperate. “I did, didn’t I?”
“Yes.” you breathe.
“Stick your tongue out.”
You do, not sure what to expect until Beomgyu spits, letting his saliva slowly fall down in your mouth. “Swallow.” he demands, his low voice making you shiver—dark eyes watching every twitch of your face intensely.
You gulp his saliva down your throat, obeying and suddenly his expression morphs into lust you’ve never been met with before. You don’t even get to process it for longer, bask in the attention you’re getting before he’s pressing your thighs to your body, pushing into you with a deep groan—filling you up to the brim, your cunt not prepared for the aching stretch. You can feel each vein against your walls, you can feel his slight twitching, you can feel everything. “Fuck, fuck you’re made for me. You’re perfect—shit, you’re perfect princess.”
“Gyu—” you cry out, gripping the sheets under you. It was too much, too much for him to already start slamming his hips. “Gyu what—” you’re cut off by your own moan the moment he hits your g-spot, your face scrunched up, hot as you let out lewd sounds with no control of your own, throat strained already. It's not a surprise he manages to find it on his first try, despite it catching you off guard with the sudden wave of pleasure.
“Should’ve fucked you sooner. Get your little pussy molded just for my dick. You would’ve liked that, right princess?” He breathes out in a long winded babble, his hips unrelenting with each thrust, already quickly building up to be in erratic speed. Through your blurry vision you could see his eyes focusing down on the jiggle of your breasts lewdly, drool trickling down the edge of his lips, the brutal slapping sounds of them from his roughness getting his head light with ecstasy. You’re more than aware of what he wanted to do when he lets your legs rest from the ache of angling them so high. Dirty pervert.
You can’t handle him playing with your tits again, you were too sensitive for anything more than you’re getting but you can’t find it in your throat to say anything before Beomgyu gives in to his lust, leaning down to attach his mouth to your sore nipple. Abusing it as he suckles harshly, muffled moans against your breasts.
His pace getting quicker, clearly getting off from sucking your nipples like a dumb baby. It was getting you embarrassingly close, your pussy clenching around his dick. “Princess. My princess is so—mmf—so perfect.”
“Stop calling me that.” You manage to squeak out. Hes been using that nickname the entire time, and though it was easy to ignore everything else, the nickname was affecting you more than you’d like to admit.
He detaches from your tits, slowing his movement, looking up at you with furrowed eyebrows. “Huh? Princess? Why?”
“He—he used to.”
He blinks a few times before his lips draw into a sneer, clearly irritated and you’re about to backtrack, but it’s too late. Your eyes fly wide open, breath stricken when he, with no mercy, picks up his speed again, drilling his dick so far into you, you think there’s probably a bulge showing through your stomach—its when you let the tears stream down, let yourself go as he fucks you dumb with each sharp thrust serving as a punishment. But for what exactly? For mentioning your ex? Did he hate him that much?
“You can replace your memories of him with me princess. I know you can do that, I’ll make sure you do. You’re my princess, and I’m the only one who can call you that. Remember that, yea?”
You nod up and down, and he leans down to give your lips a peck, one then two then three until he loses it and it starts getting heated, tongue messily intertwining, spit exchanged in desperate action. Drilling his dick in and out your sopping pussy, squelching pornographic like sounds filling the room—you think you’re screaming at this point, mind too clouded to be fully present. You’ll definitely hear a word or two from your neighbors.
“Fuck princess, are you close?” he hisses, “I’m close too, so close. Tell me when you get there baby, okay?”
You manage to nod, pressure quickly building up
Suddenly you feel him force in a finger in your pussy, stretching you out to unimaginable degrees. “B-beomgyu—I’m cumming, I’m—” your panicked hands at the intense feeling reach out to grab at his chest, crumbling his shirt’s fabric, using the last bit of your strained voice to moan his name, your orgasm so overwhelming you genuinely start seeing white, body shaking as you try to calm yourself down. “F-fuck.” you breathe out.
The way you still clutch onto his arms pushes Beomgyu to his high too, quick to pull out of your gushing pussy before a mistake happened. It takes only two strokes before he’s spurting his seed all over your tummy, biting down a groan, obsessively taking in each inch of your body’s ruined state.
He did this. He ruined you.
The only thing filling the room being the heavy breaths of you both, Beomgyu’s hair plastered onto his forehead from sweat, yours disheveled, a complete mess. Suddenly, a notification ding goes off, and your attention’s snapped to your side. “It’s my phone.” You awkwardly point out, noticing the light before reaching your arm to get it to you.
He doesn’t move from his position, still practically hovering over you. But you try not to focus too much on it, instead taking a quick look at your notification.
Your brows twitch in surprise at seeing the message on your lock screen. Fuck, it’s your ex! Did he want you back? So miraculously? After fucking your best friend?
Without any thought, you unlock your phone, trying to skim where the ellipses left off. It was a long message and—
“We just fucked. Can’t you wait a few minutes before going on your phone— Are you texting Jaehyun?” His warm smile turning to utter rage gets you stuttering.
“No I—well—yes, but—” you fumble on your words, not knowing how to explain—not knowing why you feel like you should explain, but Beomgyu isn’t one to play around clearly, as he snatches your phone from your hand and throws it to god knows where before your body’s turned around like it was nothing to Beomgyu, like you were some ragdoll. Pushing your hips up to have your ass up in the air with your face pushed into the sheets. “B-beomgyu wha..—”
Slap. Your whole body jerks at the impact of his hand, feeling yourself get teary eyed again. “Beomgyu what the hell?” You shriek, trying to squirm from your position, your ass burning. Then you get another slap, and your legs start to shake, bottom lip wobbling at the painful feeling of his rings.
“I promised you I’d make you forget him. Clearly one fuck wasn’t enough to get your mind off that asshole.”
Your panic only lasts a millisecond at feeling his tip for a second time before you’re abusing your throat again at the oversensitivity of having Beomgyu’s dick slam into your pussy, fucking your juices back in. He’s rougher now, ten times rougher. Maybe this was what all your girlfriends were describing to you, the feeling of having Beomgyu’s dick rut into you like wild feverish dog, fucking you like all you are is a pair of limbs, just for him to hound.
You can’t think straight, not a single word coming out of your mouth is intelligible, all slurred together dumbly as he ruthlessly digs his fingers in your hips, helping you find rhythm, your body reacting on its own as it syncs with his thrusts, moving your hips enough for him to let a hand go to the back of your head, further pushing you into the mattress, drool messy staining your white sheets, loud muffled wails filling the room.
“Fuck, you like this don’t you? Getting fucked like a bitch?” your hear him growl. You don’t know what comes out of your mouth, you don’t know anything right now, because you are being fucked like a bitch while thinking like one too, your nose running with your tongue uselessly out like something out of a porno. “Should I breed you like a bitch too? Huh? Will that make your pretty little head forget?”
At that, you cum again, and he sneers, a mean laugh at noticing your orgasm, “You want me to breed you princess? Make you round with my seed?” he drawls each vowel mockingly like you were a dumb kitten and he had to explain a really simple concept—still ramming your cunt, not giving you a fair chance of responding.
That’s how it goes for you’re not sure how long, Beomgyu switching positions to have your leg draped over his shoulder as he fucks you to oblivion, making you orgasm over and over again, before you really feel like you had blacken out at some point only to find yourself waking up to him still going at it—your entire body sore, down to every inch, your nipples especially swollen from all his sucking. He never cums inside you, instead emptying his load all over your body, making you basically a show of his dried semen.
You trust him, even when his tendency to go far never died down no matter how much he got older. “You awake?”
You flutter your eyes open, a dark room, and Beomgyu. His face is abnormally close to yours. “What happened?” your voice comes out very strained, your throat hard to use. Great, you entirely lost your voice.
“Think I might’ve had my balls in…too deep.”
Even a chuckle hurts every bone in your body, holy shit, how were you going to go to work tomorrow?! “Hey, don’t move around too much, I already cleaned you up. Just try to go back to sleep.”
“I don’t feel sleepy. I can’t.”
Beomgyu suddenly giggles, you could make out the cute small thing he does with his lips when he does. “What?” you ask.
“Your voice sounds funny.”
You groan, rolling your eyes. Of course he’d find it funny. Maybe next time you should peg his ass and see how he’d like to not speak for an entire week.
You feel his all too familiar hand laying on your cheek, and you subtly gulp. You don’t know if he heard. He probably did with how close you guys are, noses practically brushing against each other, his breathing all your hearing can pick up. “You know I’m always here for you, right?”
You nod, until you realize he might not be able to see you properly. “Yes.”
He takes his hand off your cheek, then turns on his back, folding his arms over his chest, staring up the ceiling. So the room won’t fall into an awkward silence, you say: “I have a question.”
He shuffles a little on the bed, letting out a hum in acknowledgment. “What was the I’m perfect for you thing about? We’re definitely not like, compatible or anything.”
He laughs before he turns his head to you in disbelief. “Are you serious? Is that a serious question?”
You nod, “Do I not sound serious?”
“No, you sound like you just had the best fuck of your life.” You roll your eyes in good nature, though exasperated, you were exposed to too much of his ego in one day. If you had the strength and will to come up with something to level his ego down, you would. “It’s called dirty talk if you must know the term fair maiden.”
“God, you’re so silly, I’m going to sleep.” You withstand your pain to turn your back to him, groaning with each movement. But you can’t escape his wrath it seems, because he almost immediately snakes his arm around your waist, chin resting on your shoulder, his heartbeat all you can here against your back. “Can’t I find you perfect? You know, like…my dream girl. My princess.”
You rapidly blink a few times trying to process—past the deep rasp of his tired voice that you found yourself incredibly attracted to— his words and how it brewed big unfamiliar emotions, knowing now you won’t be able to get a blink of sleep after this.
“Can I keep calling you that by the way? It really sticks.”
Oh god, the last thing you’re going to do is self sabotage yourself even more and get yourself in a stickier situation than you already put yourself in. “No, that’s definitely staying in the bedroom.”
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a/n: i have no idea how this reads, its basically bare of any editing so if the flow is a little choppy i sincerely apologize, i write at the golden time of 10pm-2am 😭
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imrllytootiredforthis · 9 months
Just Friends
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pairing: beomgyu x reader
summary: Just friends, just friends. That's all there is, all there's ever been but have you really ever been just friends?
warnings: gn reader, dom reader, sub beomgyu, thigh riding, handjob, lots of groping, car sex, mentions of masturbation, possibly more that i forgot
word count: 2.2k
a/n: writer's block is so real, i literal pulled this out of a sleep-deprived haze at 4 in the morning so feedback would be appreciated<3
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Just friends. He tells himself over and over again.
Just friends. You tell yourself over and over again.
But friends don't do things like this on rainy nights in the back of your car. With your windows fogging up and the only light coming from a lone streetlight from the corner of the parking lot.
Friends don't clutch his hips, grinding him down against your thigh. Friends don't pant heavily at the feeling of his fingernails digging deep into the skin of your shoulders almost hard enough to draw blood.
At least they shouldn't.
But maybe you and Beomgyu have never really been 'just friends'.
"God," but it's never gone this far before. "Don't stop, please, don't stop!"
Sure there's been teasing touches and lingering looks, meaningful conversations that maybe meant more than either of you had wanted to admit.
But you hadn't expected it to go this far.
To have him clinging to you. To have his lips all over your neck and your hands all in his hair.
To have his pants discarded somewhere in the back along with his boxers in your haste...
To have his dick rubbing against the rough material of your jeans. To have him sobbing into your ear to not stop, to never stop, that he'll die without your touch.
You suppose your best friend has always been a touch dramatic.
If you could even call him that anymore-your best friend.
"Don't worry baby," every nerve ending in his body feels like it's on fire. His ears feel like they're ringing, replaying your words over and over like a broken record. "I won't."
It feels so good, it hurts so bad.
Tears stream down his face from both-from everything. From you calling him baby like he's yours. With so much affection and adoration, like he's the most important thing in the world to you right now.
Like he isn't shaking against you, crying out like some kind of wounded animal (in heat), thinking or maybe even muttering how he can't get enough, how it'll never be enough, how he wants you so bad, how he'll die before he lets you go.
Your hand guides his lips to yours, soft and sweet and hungry. Devouring every one of his whines up and replying with your own want for more, kissing him like your life depends on it. You'd always thought that he'd sound pretty, but not this pretty, not this pathetic or needy.
"Fuck, Beomgyu."
Your mouth clashes against his over and over, saliva dripping down his chin as he tries and fails in trying not to drool. You're too preoccupied in nipping at his lips that you're faintly aware of his hands slipping under your shirt until they're on your chest, squeezing and exploring everything he's only fantasized of.
He hasn't felt this good before. Ever. Not from past partners or from his own hand. Toys feel like nothing compared to this, the unforgiving bite of denim somehow lightyears better than vibrators and dildos and whatever else he's used to replicate your touch.
The friction makes him feel like he's burning but his hips just rut faster. He wishes it was your skin, soft and comfortable and you-but he doesn't think he can be patient enough. Doesn't think he can find it in himself to let go of you long enough for you to take your pants off. He has his nose in your hair and the taste of you on his tongue, and he can't stop now.
He can't stop. Not when he's wanted this for so, so long.
Okay, so maybe you've never truly been 'just friends'.
Well, maybe before that first time you were out at a party together and a friend of a friend approached Beomgyu, trying to talk him up while you stood right next to him.
Before you'd watched, something ugly simmering in the pit of your stomach that you couldn't fully decipher-that you weren't sure you wanted to decipher.
It was only until Beomgyu shot you a pleading look that you were able to keep your cool and then you'd very kindly told that friend of a friend to back the fuck off and leave the two of you alone.
And maybe, just maybe Beomgyu had gone home that night and let his hand wander past his waistband to wrap around his aching cock.
Jesus christ.
With each stroke of his hand he conjured your image in his mind. It was you looking at him, watching him-touching him. Talking to him in that same cold, mean voice you had talked to that friend of a friend.
Hating him and loving him all in one, rough and cruel but soft and caring. He wanted all of it, all of you.
And then afterwards it was basking in an afterglow of remembering the way that your eyes softened once again when they landed on him and your hand touched his shoulder and you asked if he was okay.
Friends do this...right? He'd thought, not ready yet to admit that maybe it was something more.
Just friends that brought you to his apartment a few weeks later, slightly ashamed and very drunk and looking for some kind of comfort after you'd been out drinking for better part of the night.
Just friends that had your hands all over his body and your lips all over his throat, sloppy wet kisses making his head spin and his body heat up. That'd had you shoving him down onto the couch and climbing on top of him, pushing your knee between his legs as your cold hands slithered up his shirt in search of warm, smooth skin to lay claim on as yours.
Just friends with the way that you promptly passed out on top of him and conveniently remembered nothing of the night before. Of groping your best friend, of telling him how pretty he was, of whispering that he was a good boy.
'I want you.'
'You're so pretty.'
'My good boy.'
Friends don't know the way his moans sound. Or the way his skin feels against yours.
Like tonight,
A movie. That was all it was supposed to be.
Platonic. Friends. Just going to see a movie together, get dinner after. Nothing more.
"Touch me! G-od, please touch me!" His hand flies up, fingers dig into your wrist as he pulls it down between his legs, his dick throbbing and needy.
It feels so much better-your hand-your skin, your fingers loosely wrapping around him, teasingly rubbing at the tip. "And why should I baby? Have you been good? Have you been a good boy?"
He doesn't know.
He doesn't knowHe doesn't knowHe doesn't know.
All he knows is you.
Just friends shouldn't let things get to this point.
...Oh well.
A movie. A quiet theatre. Darkness and eyes all too often glancing at the profile of the other.
A tension palpable in the air as fingers brushed against each other to grab popcorn. Hands aching, itching to hold each other. An agonizing one hundred and twenty minutes.
Nothing though.
Only getting into the car afterwards and driving off.
"What do you want to eat?" He only shrugs in reply and you roll your eyes. "Helpful."
"Well I dunno," he thinks, "the usual? I can place an order to your place and we should get back before it gets there."
You hum in reply. "It's late though, you planning to stay over for the night?"
Hesitation. He can only think of the last time you stayed the night. So long ago now, he'd avoided either of you spending the night at the others ever since. From fear? From preservation? Or from hoping that your frustration would break the dam first.
'I want you.'
Words that flash through his mind unbridled. Sounds and touches that flood his brain
'My good boy.'
He swallows, trying to keep his eyes on the screen of the phone. Trying to hope the darkness blankets how red his face has turned.
"Hey could you pull over here?"
"Sure?" You'd glanced over at him and the question on your face evident.
He didn't elaborate though and you didn't ask.
You'd pulled into a mostly empty parking lot. Only a few cars left in front of a grey, drab building. Parked beside a flickering streetlight that continued for a few minutes before doing out completely. Certainly the furthest thing from being romantic by any means.
Nothing specific broke the tension, the unspoken rules.
But the next thing the either of you know is he's on your lap clawing at you aimlessly, pure desire fuelling him to do such pathetic things. Like telling you how horny he is and how bad he needs you.
You don't seem to have any problem with his confession though.
Responding in turn rather appropriately you'd think. And then your lips are against his and you're tugging at his clothes and touching his body like he's your last lifeline.
And then you're in the backseat of the car, his pants and boxers discarded into the back, your lips curled into a smirk against his skin.
And then you're here.
Doing things that friends certainly should not be doing.
"M' a good boy, promise! Please, I'll be your good boy!"
You'd imagined how his face would look all fucked out all but a million times in the dead of night, thinking about things you certainly should not have been thinking about.
But you'd never know that your imagination would do absolutely no justice to the real thing.
To his lips slick with your spit and his skin glowing with a sheen of sweat. Eyes fluttering like he's fighting to merely keep them open with every sensation he's feeling.
"Pretty~" you mutter.
Bite marks and hickeys all over his neck and collarbone-good thing it's nearly scarf season. Or bad thing, you're not sure you want him to hide these or if you want him to parade them around, show off your claim to him to everyone.
"So fucking pretty it's not fair-" a high, needy whine climbs up his throat and he lets it, because you don't even have to say it, he knows how much you love hearing how good you make him feel.
His eyebrows tug together as if in concentration. Concentration to stay sane while you let him fuck into your hand.
You trail a finger over his cheekbone, collecting a tear while everything within him tries not to let this end, because it can't be over yet, he doesn't want it to be over yet and he's not sure he can go again until later-if there is a later.
You lick the tear off your finger and his eyes nearly roll into the back of his head. "Not fucking fair to make me wait this long. Such a tease, such a whore."
Fingers press against his lips and he opens with zero hesitation. This is what you want, this is what he wants-more than anything.
You pull them out all too soon and replace your fingers with your tongue, letting him suck it into his mouth with a moan.
Your grip tightens, your hand moves faster and faster and his toes curl. Too much, too much-he can't...it can't, he doesn't want this to be over-
His head falls into your neck with a strangled scream as he cums into your hand, staining your jeans and his shirt. You stroke him still to prolong the pleasure, milking him dry of everything he has before he lets out the first whine of protest and you stop.
His breath comes out in rushed pants, his head a jumbled mess of "more, please more-" followed by incoherent babbles and then, finally, "I can go again, wanna...wanna go again. Just...use me, use me however you want." as his hips work still, even if it only works against what he really wants, releasing pained whimpers all the while from the self-inflicted overstimulation.
You smile and he can practically hear it before he's flipped into his back, spread out and pinned against the slightly uncomfortable seats of your car as you press apart his legs, eyes roving over him before beginning to undo your pants.
"Use you, huh baby?"
However you want. Use him however you want. That's all he wants. All he's wanted for so long.
The pads of your fingers press against his thigh, too close and he squirms with oversensitivity.
"We'll still be friends after this though right?"
He lets out a noise between a cry and an affirmation, eyes sliding shut as your body presses against his.
"Friends!" He gasps.
Your fingers lace together. You smile.
"But not just friends now are we...?"
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a/n: y'all please forgive me if this is absolute bullshit. i feel like i haven't written anything for real in forever and i feel like rusty now lol. but lmk what you think (to possibly give me inspo to write more lol😭)
my taglist is here if you wanna be added: @hobihearteu, @lemonhongjoong, @laylasbunbunny, @xcookiemonsteer, @hahagay, @maru-matt, @d7dream, @amidstnamjin-and-binchanlix,
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dearlyjun · 11 months
— study date 𖤐 choi beomgyu
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summary: you and your boyfriend have a homework date to spend time together, but he can’t keep his hands to himself.
pairing: nonidol!/collegeboyfriend!beomgyu x afab!reader
genre: college students au, smut (18+ readers only pls!!)
word count: 1.5k
warnings: beomgyu is very sweet, use of pet names, lots of touching, whimpering, whining, fingering, clitoral stimulation, unprotected sex (umm don’t do this), beomgyu is kind of a menace, swearing, beomgyu hits it from the back lolll, cumshot lol, some kissing but not much surprisingly? oh and glasses beomgyu!!! think that is all.
authors note: I have been having insufferable beomgyu brain rot and I blacked out and wrote this. not proofread because I’m lazy so if you see a mistake no you don’t. I made the reader a stem girly because well, if I do anything it’s gonna be representing my fellow stem girls!! blueprints are kind of boring…
quick links: taglist | masterlist
“are you comfortable?” beomgyu sweetly asked you, whilst typing on his computer.
“Mhm.” You hummed, glancing at the time in the bottom right corner of his screen. 10:40pm. “I’m almost finished.”
Both of you were doing homework. Beomgyu typing an essay on his computer, while you were studying blueprints. You were sitting on his lap to keep him company, and you just wanted to be near him. Sometimes with your busy school schedules this was the only time you got to be together; both enjoying each others company while working on assignments.
He reached down, giving your bare thigh a squeeze. It slightly startled you. You placed your hand over his, making him smirk to himself before adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose.
“Gyu it’s getting late.” You hoped you could get him to save his file and be done. “Don’t you have an early class tomorrow?”
“No, remember sweetheart?” His voice was right in your ear, making you shift in his lap. “My professor is on vacation. So my class isn’t mandatory tomorrow. I might not even go.”
Beomgyu reached for something on his desk, putting his arm around your waist; his palm landing near your rib cage. His hand placement made you very aware that underneath your loose t shirt, you weren’t wearing a bra.
You looked down at your homework, twirling your pencil and your mind now wandering. Thinking about all of the things that Beomgyu would be doing with his mouth and tongue against your skin. His keyboard clicks were white noise until he cleared his throat, pulling you from your trance.
“Something on your mind?” Beomgyu sweetly kissed you by your ear, shifting in his chair slightly.
“No, just doing math in my head.” You joked, trying to play it off that you actually were doing that.
“Math?” Beomgyu laughed, one of his hands finding purchase on your inner thigh. He knew what he was doing. Damn him. “What kind of math?”
You didn’t really have an answer for him. “Trying to figure out how much time I have left to study for this test.”
“When is it?” Beomgyu asked as his other hand slipped the slightest bit underneath your shirt.
“Next week. Like Wednesday I think?” You desperately tried to ignore him.
There was a moment of silence before Beomgyu leaned close to you, brushing your hair away from your face.
“How long is it going to take for you to tell me what’s really on your mind, hm?”
If it wasn’t for Beomgyu’s hold on you, you swore you could have fallen onto the floor.
“Beomgyu.” Your voice came out whinier than you wanted it to.
“That’s a start.” Beomgyu chuckled to himself, smirking as he kissed behind your ear a few times. “Go on.”
You leaned into him; your back against his chest. “I want you to touch me. Fuck me. Do whatever you want to me.”
You felt Beomgyu suck in a harsh breath. “Such nasty things coming from your mouth. Take your pants off.”
He was referring to your black sweatshorts, which you gladly let fall to the ground.
You were back in his lap, back against his chest like before. Beomgyu quickly saved his paper on his computer, then clicked out of it. He leaned back in his chair, then changed your position on his lap so your legs were open.
You knew you were almost embarrassingly wet for absolutely no reason at all, feeling your arousal close to your inner thighs.
Beomgyu reached down, brushing over your clit through your cotton panties. Your body shuddered. You had no idea you would be this sensitive already.
“So sensitive for me and I haven’t done anything yet.” Beomgyu spoke, his voice low and deep. “Needy for me. I like it.”
He slipped his hand into your panties, dipping his fingertips into your folds. You were soaked; you could hear it already.
You leaned your head back against Beomgyu, letting out a quiet whine.
“Fuuuuuck.” Beomgyu swore, drawing out the words. “You’re soaked. Oh my god.”
“Please. Please. Please.” You reached one of your hands behind his neck, pulling him closer to kiss him.
Your pleading went straight to his ego, as if it needed a boost.
“Please?” Beomgyu didn’t break eye contact with you. He removed his hand from inside your panties, pulling the fabric away and making you feel a rush of cool air along with hearing what could only be the elastic ripping. “My smart girl can’t form a full sentence?”
You knew what he was doing. He would always give into you, but you had to work for it first.
His fingers circled your clit slowly, then he gave a few firm taps. You squeezed your eyes shut, whining again.
“Hey, hey look at me.” Beomgyu’s voice had a sweetness to it, and you looked at him.
“Don’t tease me, please.” You were surprised that you were able to get the words out. “God, I’m gonna cry.”
Beomgyu smirked, kissing you on the neck near your jaw as his fingers circled your clit again. “I’ll make you feel good, baby. Don’t worry.”
Finally, Beomgyu slipped his middle and ring finger past your folds and into your cunt, pressing your walls hard.
You let out a rather loud moan, grabbing onto his arm as well as the desk chair you were both in.
“Yeah. Feels good doesn’t it?” Beomgyu mumbled, slipping a third finger inside of you. You wanted to scream. Of course it felt good.
“Yes. Fuck. Oh god, yes.” You finished the sentence with a whimper, biting down onto your lip. Your walls were clenching his fingers already and he has just started.
“Fuck. My girl is clenching my fingers already.” Beomgyu swore, smirking. He quickly pulled his fingers out, sloppily rubbing your clit a few times before fucking them into you again. “Can I make you cum just from this?”
Stupid question, because as much as you wanted to prove him wrong, you were so close.
You nodded, tears forming in the corners of your eyes.
Beomgyu was so ready to make you cum on his fingers, until he changed his mind.
“Nah. Changed my mind. You’re gonna cum on my cock instead. Get up.”
Beomgyu pulled away from you, helping you to your feet in front of him. He removed his cardigan sweater, and quickly took his glasses off.
“Bend over the desk for me.” Beomgyu instructed you, pushing away his chair to give him more room before lowering his sweatpants and underwear.
You did as he said, moving your homework out of the way and leaned over the desk. You felt Beomgyu’s fingers move the fabric of your underwear out of the way again.
Then, you felt him align the head of his cock with your entrance, making you suck in a breath.
“Shit, you’re so wet.” Beomgyu gripped your waist with one of his hands, while he used his other hand to guide himself inside of you.
He bottomed out in the first thrust, letting out a sigh of pleasure. Beomgyu barely gave you time to adjust before he formed a rhythm.
“Fuck.” He spoke through gritted teeth. “You’re so fucking–“ he couldn’t even finish his sentence.
“Fuck me, gyu.” You whined, knowing he liked to hear his nickname. “Your cocks so big. Feels so good.”
“Yeah, you like it?” Beomgyu started fucking you harder, making you whimper. “Tell me how much.”
He kicked one of your feet for you to put them apart further. You knew you weren’t going to last much longer.
“Fuck.” You sounded like you were about to cry, practically laying on top of his desk. “It’s so good. You fuck so good.”
Beomgyu leaned down to you, now hitting deeper with his cock. Your walls clenched him as your legs started to shake.
“My girl’s gonna cum isn’t she?” He brushed away your hair to see your face, practically in tears.
Beomgyu snaked his hand around to play with your clit, and then it was over.
“Fuck, gyu.” You sobbed, practically trembling beneath him as he continued fucking you through your orgasm; chasing his own.
“Tell me, baby.” Beomgyu’s hips stuttered as your core clenched him as you rode your high. “Gonna cum in your sweet pussy if that’s okay.”
You always said yes, but you found it sweet how Beomgyu always asked for permission first.
“Please, please.” You rutted into him, desperate for it. “Wanna feel you, please.”
Beomgyu combed back his sweaty bangs with one of his hands. “Fuck, I’ll give it to you.”
He let out the hottest moan you’ve ever heard as you felt him finish inside of you; making you bite down onto your bottom lip.
Beomgyu was panting before he pulled away, admiring the mess he’d made of you. He fixed your panties, before turning you around to kiss you sweetly.
“I think we should get back to studying.” Beomgyu said with a smile on his face. “I think someone has some homework she has to finish.”
tags: @dearlyjoonie @tyunsrkive @mhasimp666
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heartchoi · 1 year
gamer bf!beomgyu who lets you cockwarm him while he plays his games. he's laser focused on the screen, watching his character run around collecting items and killing players from the opponent team. you shift slightly on his lap, making beomgyu release a loud hiss.
"stay still." he grits, holding his mouse tightly. you apologize quickly, grabbing your phone to distract yourself from the heat resting comfortably inside you. and it works, a little. you watch tiktoks absentmindedly for a while, but the neediness you pushed to the back of your mind occasionally surfaced, globs of slick dripping out of you and sliding down beomgyu's length and dripping on his chair. you pray beomgyu is too engrossed in his game to notice the way your walls tightened occasionally, and how the space in between his legs on the gaming chair became wet.
unfortunately for you, beomgyu does notice.
"you're dripping." he murmurs in your ear, eyes still trained on the screen. he does a triple kill, his fingers quickly moving on the keyboard. the round finishes just then, a short intermission appearing on the screen. beomgyu lets the hand on his keyboard move to hold your jaw softly, leaning it upwards so he can softly press kisses behind your ear. you squeeze his dick, sighing. the moment doesnt last long when his character appears on the screen again, this time in a different map.
the boy places his hand back on the keyboard, lips leaving your skin. "'m sorry, honey. i'll help you properly after this round."
you gulp when beomgyu bounces his leg, the tip of his dick softly prodding at your sweet spot.
"don't get my chair dirty when you cum." he casually comments, smirking.
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choiyawnzjun · 5 months
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୨୧ pairing ; boyfriendsbestfriend!beomgyu x afab!reader
୨୧ genre ; smut
୨୧ wc ; 2345
୨୧ warnings ; cheating, semi-public?, unprotected sex, degradation, masturbation, fingering, orgasm denial ( only once ), creampie
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“gyu, please i wanna cum.”
“no, you fucking hold it otherwise i’ll tell your good-for-nothing boyfriend.”
let’s see what happened before this moment.
your boyfriend, soobin, invited you to a sleepover he was having with a few friends. the invitation was a bit last minute. you were texting him and told him you were really bored but you didn’t know he was with his friends right now. after inviting you, you felt a little bad but got over it after remembering that beomgyu would be there.
yeah, so you and beomgyu had been fucking before soobin asked you out. but, you and beomgyu weren’t ‘exclusive’ you were just fuck buddies until he decided to start ghosting you. you were upset by it but moved on after soobin asked you out. you still talk with beomgyu sometimes but they are just minor encounters, for example, when he’s forced to talk to you when you’re both with the group.
however, to your surprise, beomgyu had brought a girl over too. obviously you were surprised because beomgyu had never brought you over to hang out with his friends. sure, you’re dating one of his friends but that was only because you and soobin met since you guys had a few of the same classes you don’t really know what had gotten into you but a tinge of jealousy washed over you when you saw how touchy he was being with her.
“baby, have you eaten?” soobin snapped you out of your trance, waiting ever so patiently for your response.
“oh, no, not yet.” you smiled, following soobin into his kitchen and nodding when he said he’d prepare you something to eat. you lied. you just wanted to get away from stupid beomgyu, his stupid face, his stupid little ‘girlfriend.’ you had never really been jealous during the time when you and beomgyu used to fuck even though you had the suspicion he was fucking other girls.
maybe you were never jealous because you hadn’t actually seen him with those girls you thought he was messing around with but now that you’re seeing him with one, it makes your blood boil. it frustrates you really. but, you have soobin. your angelic boyfriend who never raised his voice at you, always making sure if you’re okay or if you’re comfortable. he was what people would call a ‘perfect’ boyfriend.
so, why were you so concerned with beomgyu and his new girlfriend? sure, soobin had never given you as good an orgasm as beomgyu but he was truly in love with you. so what was your issue?
“___. here, it’s a little hot so just let it cool down for a bit.” soobin pointed at the bowl that was steaming hot on the counter. you decided to try and forget about that other dumb guy and you hugged and pecked your sweet boyfriend, thanking him for making you a meal.
“soobin! come on, let’s watch this new horror movie!” taehyun shouted from the living room, you could hear yeonjun and kai arguing about whatever they’re always arguing about.
you and soobin both went into the living room to watch the horror movie, completely forgetting about the food he made specially for you. it’s okay, you can always eat it later.
you couldn’t even focus on the movie since you were sitting opposite the touchy couple, making you slightly wince in disgust. every now and then, you glanced over at them and they were being so handsy, her giggles were so loud that it somehow only managed to annoy you, the others were too immersed into whatever the movie was.
you looked back at beomgyu, your eyebrows furrowed while you were nibbling the peeling skin on your lips. suddenly, he made direct eye contact with you, looking straight at you out of nowhere. he knew you were irritated, he knew you were mad, he knew you were absolutely jealous of how he was acting with this naive girl he brought.
he smirked back at you as he continued to be touchy, maintaining eye contact with you while the whore he brought over continued to giggle.
you know what? you decided to play his childish game.
first, you led soobin’s hand to your bare thigh, his large hand caressing it while you laid your head on his broad shoulder. beomgyu’s smirk had fallen a little. you’d done the bare minimum with your dear boyfriend and he was already jealous?
after a while, you decided to lie down, tapping your boyfriend to lay down with you on the sofa. he warmly accepted your offer and rested his head on your chest, his hand finding its way to your waist, slightly massaging it.
even from the opposite side, you could see beomgyu’s clenched jaw. he had stopped his physical touch act with his girlfriend, his hand gripping the arm of the part of the sofa he was on tightly, watching you and soobin cuddle. he had to continue watching you both for the rest of the movie, his anger rising every single second.
everyone was starting to get tired so everyone decided to go to fall asleep. you followed soobin into his room and eventually, he fell asleep. but, you couldn’t. you couldn’t stop thinking about how angry beomgyu looked when you started to get a little touchy with your boyfriend. whenever he was mad, he’d call you to fuck his frustrations into you and those times were always so good. you used to purposely make him mad so you’d get a good fuck out of it.
you rubbed your thighs together, the uncomfortable feeling making it even harder to sleep but you got wetter the more you thought about it. you decided to get up and get a glass of water to refresh and relax yourself. you got up and successfully managed to not wake up your boyfriend, tip toed and closed his bedroom door behind you.
as you were getting a glass, you heard someone speak up in a low voice behind you and you knew exactly whose voice it was.
“what the fuck was that? are you tryna get me riled up enough to stuff you with my dick again?” he whisper-shouted, trapping you with his hands, placing them on either side of the counter.
“what are you talking about?” you innocently smiled back at beomgyu, pretending to accidentally graze your knee against his imdick, his jaw clenching as his eyes were filled with nothing but jealous and a slight hint of lust.
“don’t be a bitchy brat.” he scoffed.
“yeah and what? there’s nothing you can do about it now, can you?” you displayed an annoyed expression but you secretly wanted to get a really good fuck out of this, you enjoyed it as much as beomgyu did. but, what about soobin? your perfect, poor boyfriend who was just sleeping peacefully down the hall in his warm covers, naive to what you were about to do with one of his best friends.
beomgyu smashed his lips onto yours, his hands finding their way to your waist, gripping onto them tightly and not wanting to let go. yours and his lips moulded perfectly together, his lips were so soft and plump yet he liked to be rough.
his hands finally made their way to your ass, squeezing the covered flesh, making you gasp which gave him the chance to explore your mouth. your hands travelled to wrap around his neck but he parted your lips, his chest heaving up and down.
“bad girls don’t get to fucking touch me, remember?” you nodded, slightly rubbing your legs together again as he sucked hickeys onto your neck, massaging your tits underneath your shirt.
“shit, you’re soaked.” he laughed, beomgyu had kneeled down and spread your legs apart, being greeted with a wet patch on your shorts. you really wanted to close your legs back again and get a bit of friction somehow.
“gyu, please, i wanna feel you.” you pleaded, trying to keep your tone down to not wake the others up.
“i’ve barely even done anything to you and you’re this desperate?” he laughed once again, tugging your shorts down to reveal your soaked red underwear, rubbing slow circles on the fabric which made you relieved to be receiving some touch.
he stopped which made you turn your head down to look at him, confused. he took you by your arm and led you to the empty living room, plopping himself down and manspreading while you stood there in front of him.
“touch yourself for me and maybe i’ll consider giving you my cock, yeah?” he gestured to the coffee table in front of him, indirectly telling you to please yourself on your own boyfriend’s table.
you were too horny to even care and immediately stripped off your panties and top and rubbed circles onto your clit, hovering your fingers over your hole, teasing yourself to rile you up.
“look at me while you finger yourself.” beomgyu ordered, he was palming his hard on over his shorts, looking you dead in the eyes as you finally slid two fingers into your leaking hole, using your other hand to rub figure eights on your sensitive clit.
“hah, still a fucking slut for your dear boyfriends friend.” he scoffed, watching you squirm under your own touch, you were trying not to shut your eyes at the sensations you were feeling.
“i’m so close, gyu.” you cried softly, looking up at him while he looked back with his dark eyes, his hair was kind of covering them but you could still see it. you could also see that he had pulled his shorts down and was now palming himself over his underwear.
you shut your eyes as the tight knot felt like it was going to snap until..
beomgyu stood up and forcefully pulled your arms away from yourself, pressing your hands together as he pulled them up over your head.
“gyu, why?!” you complained, slightly bucking your hips into the air, looking up at him with watery eyes.
“bad girls don’t get to cum. i thought you knew that.” he stood you up and bent you over the arm of the sofa. you were clueless until he rubbed the tip of his cock over your folds and lined himself up to your hole, finally plunging inside you and bottoming out. you screamed before covering your mouth to muffle any sounds that came out.
“aw, you want soobin to wake up and see you getting your brains fucked out first thing?” he thrusted roughly into you, knowing where your favourite spot is as always, making it hard for you to stay quiet. you clenched at the thought of soobin finding out, you felt guilty but you liked the idea.
“of course you’d want that, you slut. how about i call everyone out here and let them see how well i fuck you?” he suggested, he could see you shaking your head but you clenched even harder at the thought of that. just something about it made you excited.
“i really wanna cum, gyu.” you whined, moving your hips back to meet his rough thrusts.
“nuh uh, whores like you aren’t allowed to cum.” you couldn’t really hear what he said as you felt that familiar knot tightening again but before it could even snap, beomgyu had already pulled out which made you so frustrated that you were already crying.
“gyu! please, i won’t make you angry ever again.” you begged, pulling at your hair to show your frustration while beomgyu just laughed behind you.
“this is the last time i’m ever fucking you.” you called out, you used to say this to him all the time when you were getting angry at him since he knew you were starting to like him but still decided to string you along.
“oh, darling, we both know that’s a lie.” he forcefully thrusted into you again, smoothly gliding in due to how wet you were, making you moan out loud. your eyes rolling to the back and your head falling forwards.
“i do like soobin but we both know he’s not good at making you fall apart on his dick as i do.” his thrusts were getting sharper and faster by the minute, making it harder for you to control the loudness of your sounds.
“no matter how many times you say that.. you always come. back. to. me.” the last three words were in sync with his thrusts.
“isn’t that right, my slut?” he pulled you back by your hair, making your back lean against his chest.
“i don’t think-.. i can take it.. anymore..” you struggled to speak, the pleasure being too overwhelming for you, tears still running down your face as you bit the bottom of your lips to restrict your moans.
“yes you can. now take whatever i give you.” beomgyu’s eyes were furrowed as he chased his high, wanting to fill you up already and make you go back to your sleeping boyfriend while his seed was stuffed inside you.
his thrusts had started to get sloppier which indicated that he was very close, his hands going to your waist and gripping it as tight as he could.
“m’ gonna cum. m’ gonna cum inside you, yeah? make you round with my baby instead of soobin’s, mkay?” you were too fucked out to even care, beomgyu’s hips stilled, warm ropes of his cum spilling into you while you whined underneath him.
“gyu, please i wanna cum.”
“no, you fucking hold it otherwise i’ll tell your good-for-nothing boyfriend.” he was trying to calm down from his high, thrusting into you to keep his seed inside you. you whined, your pussy throbbing from not being able to cum.
beomgyu finally pulled out and found your underwear to give to you, wanting you to put them on to stop his cum from dripping down your thighs.
“___? what are you doing?” you heard your boyfriend’s footsteps from down the hall, rubbing his eyes to see you properly.
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huexuri · 2 months
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drabble - nsfw, mdni
guys pussy drunk gyu brainrot.. sorry for the lazy layout i js had to get this out
you and ot5 are hanging out at your place and y'all get a bit tipsy so y'all start talking about some unhinged shitlol
bsf!yeonjun would go on to say that gyu's the least likely to pull bitches, so bsf!beomgyu would add on to the joke, saying that he's probably better at eating pussy out of everyone here.
but he looks at you while saying it, n you don't know why you clenched around nothing, ur thighs clasped together as you made eye contact with him..
but he continues to joke around as if he wasn't looking at you, n everyone starts laughing as usual, yet u still can't get ur mind off of his words, so desperate to prove that he's right.
fast forward to when everyone left the house except gyu as he had a project w you.
u decide to ask him about it, subtly.
"have u ever gave someone oral before, tho?? i don't believe you,," you suddenly bring up, and beomgyu's eyes darken.
"you don't believe me?" he says, and you nod.
who would've thought that now, you're arching against the poor mattress on the floor as your hips jitter, he's in between your legs slurping your slick up like there's no tomorrow. your folds are moist with his saliva and you don't think he's seen the light of day since he started eating you out, eyes clamped shut and you haven't felt him breathe against you but his tongue is still moving as his nails dig into your plush thighs, running it up your stomach.
he presses a few fingers down lightly onto your core and you gasp, since when did he learn about this trick? you feel your clit shudder and his tongue is still cleaning you up in all the right places, him whining against you because pussy so good he's so so sssso drunk and if he wasn't high enough before, he's probably seeing stars by now. your moans sound like music to his ears and you taste so good on his tongue, he can't get enough, it's like a drug.
the way he sucks on your clit and kisses it before tensing his tongue up to shove it in and out of your tight gummy walls... his nose lightly rubbing on the perfect spot as he caresses your thighs to open bigger.
"fuck, that's it.... like that." you sigh.
he's got technique, it works so well, n you don't even know how he's getting you so hypnotized with nothing but his tongue.
as you whisper to him you're so close, he only gives you more hickeys on your clit as he paints your pussy with his saliva, flicking up and down with that tongue of his before you eventually make a mess all over his face. he slurps your mess so diligently and makes sure to kiss it all over before he finally lifts his face up to you, panting as if he hasn't taken a breath since he laid his mouth onto you. his hair droops over his face all sweaty and his cheeks r hot n swollen. his eyes so dazed and his eyelids almost threaten to fall.
his words are barely distinguishable. you can barely tell what he says in between breaths, but his tongue is out like a dog in heat as he looks up at you expectantly.
"d-do you believe me now?"
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naomiarai · 4 months
beomgyu — things he would say during sex
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— “feels good huh? too bad you’re not cumming tonight”
— “can i fuck your tits? please?”
— “soobin can’t fuck you like this, can he?”
— “i don’t know any whore who gets cock”
— “no cock in your pussy tonight, i’ll consider mouth if you behave”
— “go on, tell me how you want it tonight”
— “deeper? fuck, don’t whine when you can’t take it”
— “i’ll make it better than last night, baby”
— “don’t fucking do that, i’ll cum on spot”
— “come on now, spread those legs, i’ll get that cunt wet in no time”
— “ride me, ride me harder, make a fucking mess”
— “got a pretty little dream last night, should i tell you or show you?”
— “too much? gonna tell me to stop yet? no you fucking won’t”
— “you wanna take control today? let’s see you fucking try”
— “nothing underneath? naughty girl”
— “daddy wants you to squirt in his mouth, yeah?”
— “you like it when i get rough with you don’t you? that’s my cockslut”
— “holy shit, i’m not stopping until you’re fucking shaking”
— “ass up, on the bed, right now”
— “you don’t even know half the shit i’d do to you right now”
— “if you bite down one more fucking time, i’m ripping those clothes off”
— “eyes on me princess, whose pussy am i eating out of?”
— “you taste so fucking good, i could do this forever”
— “gosh i’ve never been this hard, what are you doing to me?”
— “tell me, how hard do you wanna be fucked tonight?”
— “i could get drunk off your scent”
— “you’ve got a very talented mouth don’t you? put it to use”
— “i fucking love these tits”
— “i really need to shut that pretty mouth of yours don’t i?”
— “should’ve taken you raw long ago, you feel so good”
— “be a good girl and strip for me, will ya?”
— “you’re making it real hard for me to take it slow”
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fairyofshampgyu · 10 months
Just a Taste
Genre: smut, vampire au, crack, established relationship
Pairing: sub! vampire gyu x gn dom! reader (afab when comes to smut)
Warnings: blood !!!, begging, beomgyu is so whiney, neck biting, dry humping, riding, dacryphilia, face slapping, hair pulling, beomgyu cums literally just from biting their neck lmfao, spit kink, pussy eating, degrading
word count: 2k
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Beomgyu lets out a contented hum as he lays down, face buried in your chest whilst you stroke his soft hair, beomgyu totally encompassing and holding your waist tightly in his arms.
Both of you had been cuddling for hours on your bed as beomgyu practically demanded it when he had finally come back, throwing you onto the bed and flopping on top of you despite you nearly being suffocated by his weight and refusing to let you go at all. It’s times like this you question whether your sweet and silly boyfriend was really a vampire. He seemed far from it sometimes.
He suddenly shifts his head to your neck instead, nuzzling and then burying his nose into it as he sighs and takes in a whiff of your scent, “Ah you smell soo good, y/n.” He muffles into you.
“You’re so weird.”
“Can I…can I feed from you? hehe…” He looks up at you mischievously, trying to bat his eyelashes in innocence.
“What? You already had so much!” You raise your brow, looking at him incredulously.
“But-but you taste so good! You’re literally so delicious. You’re like, the best blood I’ve ever tasted in my entire life! How could I not be addicted?” He pouts at you, still attempting to bat his lashes and look up at you cutely so you’ll give in. You usually do if he does it but you don’t seem that relenting at the moment.
You playfully swat at him, "Don't make it sound like I'm your personal blood bank or something.
Beomgyu pouts, "But you are my personal blood bank." He buries his face completely into your neck again.
"I'm not sure if that's a compliment or an insult." You laugh and roll your eyes.
Beomgyu grins and wraps his arms tighter around your waist, "Definitely a compliment."
“I’m starting to think you just like me for my blood…” You mutter jokingly, still stroking and playing with his hair.”
“Aw come onn,” he furrows his brows a little and stares at you, bringing his hand up to your face and grabbing your chin, moving it so you look directly into his eyes, “You know I love you, baby. Your blood…is just an added bonus. A very good bonus~”
He grins, making a little ‘:>’ face as he attempts to hold in his laughter. That earns him another playful slap as he giggles, “Ow ow! Sorry, sorry!”
“You’re so annoying.”
And he begins his dramatics again. “I might diee! I’ll dieeee pleaseee you don’t want your vampire boyfriend to like, disintegrate to dust or something do you?” He laces his hands with yours and squeezes them tightly, bringing them up to your face as he gives you puppy dog eyes, raised brow awaiting an answer.
“Think I’m gonna pass…” You say and he releases a little bratty ‘mmph’ at that, but goes on to nuzzle his face further into your neck.
He brushes his nose and lips repeatedly against the soft skin, closing his eyes and trying to make you change your mind, beginning to pepper little kisses.
He then gets harsher with his kisses, sucking onto your neck, leaving little bruises until he licks a stripe of your neck with his tongue and then marks up your neck more. “Gyu!”
“What? I’m not doing anything…” He grins with faux innocence.
That’s when you’ve had enough, you pull him up, changing positions and straddling his lap. He smirks, thinking he’s finally going to get what he wants as you lean in to press his lips against yours, making out with him intensely, lips moving and smacking against each other. You pull his body closer to you, grinding onto him and lets out a little gasp but his smirk only widens, gripping your waist even tighter and trying to roll your body on his for more friction.
“Hmm~ gonna let me taste you?” He asks, smiling smugly against your mouth, looking at you with half lidded eyes as you continued to grind your body against his clothed cock.
“No.” That makes him stop his movements, smug smile faltering and face falling.
“Please…please.” His fangs had begun to show now, glimmering under the moonlight reflecting from the window, looking at you with his dazed eyes and fluttering his eyelashes so sexily, brows furrowed. Him with his fangs was always a sight to see. He looked even more attractive like that.
“Such a pretty vampire.” You coo at him, caressing and stroking his cheek as he leans into it despite his sulking.
“Y/nnn…” Beomgyu whines out your name.
You pull your hair back, baring your neck and leaning down to him, his eyes widen and sparkle and he opens his mouth, fangs peeking out more as he gets ready to feed from you excitedly.
Then, as soon as he leans forward, you pull your neck quickly away and giggle. He furrows his brows even deeper, whining so annoyingly loud in frustration as you still laugh, clearly very amused at his reaction.
You do it again just to see if he’ll be dumb enough to fall for it and he does, leaning forwards fast again only for you to pull away from his mouth, teasing him.
“You’re so mean.” He pouts and whines so incredibly much at you, bottom lip jutting out and acting like a brat. You tease him again, but this time he tries to desperately and pathetically pull your neck back to his mouth.
“You’re such a fucking spoilt brat.” You slap his cheek loud and hard. Beomgyu gasps and holds his reddened cheek, face turned to the side in the pillow, hair messily covering his eyes as he blinks hazily, mouth agape.
“A-again…” Beomgyu hiccups, teary, starry eyed, and shocked. He doesn’t know why but his fangs tingle at that despite aching this entire time.
You hesitantly slap his cheek again and then do it again and again, softly rubbing and caressing the area of his cheek before striking it each time, still grinding and humping against his bulge as he whimpered and whined with every slap, hissing and scrunching his face up into the pillow. Still continuous pleas leaving his mouth of tasting your blood as tears began to roll down his red cheeks every now and then.
You coo at him sarcastically, “Aww poor baby not getting what he wants?” He sniffles and nods his head, sounding like a broken record as he begged for your blood.
“P-please…need it! Just a taste…please….”
“Awww.” You wipe at his tears as they continuously fall down. His bottom lip wobbles and trembles as he looks up at your eyes purely devastated, mouth heavily downturned.
You decide to finally give in and he practically leaps forward to your neck, eyes crazed, not wasting any time and sinking his sharp fangs deep into your neck, puncturing and piercing your skin with two holes.
He drinks your blood feverishly and ferociously, eyes fluttering open and closed as he clings onto you so tightly, letting out a long moan of pure ecstasy as you do the same.
“Tastes so good…ah…mmh.” He groans muffled against your neck.
You begin to feel lightheaded despite the pleasure as beomgyu doesn’t seem to stop, drinking and on the verge draining your blood, sucking, slurping, and licking deeply as the blood seeped and gushed out all over your neck.
Beomgyu’s eyes roll back as he loudly moans and shudders, feeling an overwhelming pleasure course through his body and he cums completely in his pants on the spot. You feel the sticky and wet patch on his sweats against you as his face flushes in shock and embarrassment and he whimpers. He’s never cum just from biting your neck before.
He finally pulls away, panting heavily and eyes glazed over, ‘thank you’s escaping his mouth repeatedly as he still clung onto you with a death grip, hiding his face into your neck and body shaking.
You grab his chin and make him look up at you, using your thumb to wipe and smear the blood that dribbled and dripped down his puffy lips. His pretty fangs were all bloodied too and he gazed up at you so pathetically, so, so pretty. You pull his chin further up and part his lips, spitting into his mouth and he takes it pliantly, your spit mixing with the blood already in his mouth and he swallows, still looking up at you with his round eyes.
Sometimes you fail to remember he’s supposed to be a feared monster but you’re not scared, he hangs onto (mostly) your every beck and call, your own personal, pretty vampire boy that does (somewhat) absolutely everything you say, let’s you do everything and anything you want to him, he’s so obsessed with you. Or maybe it’s the other way round.
You smash your lips with his, making out with him so incredibly messy, your blood and both your saliva mixing. You can feels his fangs graze your lips and you lick at them as he smiles and softly bites at your lips.
He suddenly moves down your body and his head is already instantly between your legs, gripping on your thighs, not even asking before he’s ruthlessly sucking and practically making out with your pussy, fangs lightly grazing against your pussy and your clit making you shiver immensely.
One thing you know beomgyu is definitely good at is going down on you. He eats you so incredibly fucking well, better than anyone has, always so eager and puppy dog eyes sending you over the edge every time.
Beomgyu bites at your thigh softly and presses a few kisses and sucks a few hickeys before burying his face between them again, lips wrapping around your clit and sucking on it intensely. You pull and tug on his hair and he moans so fucking loudly as if he was the one in pleasure, tongue fucking you so desperately.
You try to pull his face away from your pussy but he whines, “I want you to cum though…need to make you cumm” he says wanting to eat you out as full gratitude, as a trade for your blood.
“Yeah, on your cock” he goes wide eyed at that and as much as he loves eating your pussy, he can’t complain at all at the moment, he’s been wanting you to fuck him so bad. His sweatpants still all soiled in his cum, cock aching and throbbing so badly this entire time, wanting to cum actually inside you.
You move to be on top of him again, straddling his waist and pulling his sticky dick out of his sweats, placing it to your entrance and sinking down on it completely as you both groan at the feeling. Beomgyu holds onto your waist shakily, watching you as he bites his lip and throws his head back.
You begin to fuck him at an unrelenting pace immediately, bouncing on his cock up and down that your pussy smacks with his balls every time you sink back down, stickiness and skin slapping noises so lewd around the room. Beomgyu can’t contain his moans at all, never one to anyway, but his mouth hangs open continuously as the strings and series of loud and high pitched whines and moans leave his mouth one after the other, seemingly getting louder every second.
Forearm thrown over his face as you lace his other hand with yours, grasping his hand tightly as you ride him even faster and harder. He begins to thrust up as well, rutting up into you as he whines he’s close, breathing becoming ragged and heavy.
You feel him squeeze your laced hand and grip onto it hard one last time as his body shudders and writhes and with a drawled, high pitched, pretty cry of your name, beomgyu releases thick ropes of his hot sticky cum deep inside you.
Your pace not slowing down as you continued fucking him to reach your own high, pushing his hips back down on the bed and keeping them there and beomgyu didn’t even seem capable of moving or doing anything other than laying beneath you and taking it, whining quietly as he squirmed underneath you until your own eyes roll back.
“How come you always end up getting your way?” You pant, slumping on top of beomgyu’s body.
He giggles, though still trying to catch his breath, “Because you can’t resist your handsome vampire bf and you love mee. Although you were so mean, teasing me like that.” Beomgyu pouts playfully, looking down at you.
“You liked it though. You’re such a whore for stuff like that.”
“I did~” He grins and kisses your forehead. Please actually reblog !!!!!! and leave comments !!!! guys 😭 if you like the fic. It’s really appreciated and so nice tysm !<3🙏💕🌷🌷! It’s incredibly discouraging and sad when fics have such little reblogs ☹️ Feedback is always appreciated it makes writers want to actually write :) !
A/n: I’m deranged w no sleep so if it makes no sense and is shit that is why����. Also it is unedited
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jjunberry · 1 month
txt! and the pink ribbons
pairing! txt x reader
genre! fluff, hints of smut, some humor
synopsis! you ask your boyfriend if you could tie a pink ribbon on him
wc! 400
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soobin! giggled as you put the ribbon around his wrist. you grinned taking the two pieces and tying them into a bow. his eyes followed your actions. when you finished he lifted his hand up the ribbon making a makeshift bracelet. “cute baby, but why my wrist?” he asked. you smiled taking his hand into yours. “because your hands are a gift.” you laughed when he blushed. “i didn’t know you enjoyed them that much.”
yeonjun! smirked when you brought up the idea. he agreed which prompted a squeal of happiness from you. you cut a piece of ribbon for around his arm. “baby that’s not long enough.” you furrowed your eyebrows when he cut a longer piece and wrapped it around his waist. “go on and tie it.” he smirked. your cheeks felt warm but you obeyed tying the pink ribbon around his waist into a bow.
beomgyu! laid back and watched you at work. you had come running into the room with a piece of pink ribbon. quick to grab his hand. he watched as you took his middle and ring finger and tied the pink ribbon around them with a bow. “babe if you wanted me to finger you all you had to do was ask..” he held his fingers up and winked. you smacked his chest but couldn’t hide how flustered he made you.
taehyun! has honestly been waiting for this. he rolled his sleeve up the moment you walked in holding a piece of ribbon. you grinned and straddled his lap. tying the ribbon was difficult. “hyunie stop flexing.” you groaned when the ribbon unfolded. “i’m not.” he giggled. you sighed tying the ribbon again just slightly tighter. “ouch baby no need to get rough.” he laughed.
hueningkai! was expecting you to use his arm or hand. he was surprised when you took ribbon and wrapped it around his upper body. his arms were to his sides as you finished the bow. “awe my sweet boy! all wrapped up like the gift he is.” he couldn’t help the blush. “okay, okay now let me go.” you giggled and freed him from the ribbon.
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tag list! @304files @jjunieworld
author’s note! okay but i’m obsessed with coquette boys
love, echo ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪
© jjunberry
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toruro · 7 months
chasing that feeling
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pairing: beomgyu x f reader
tags: smut (18+), toxic relationship hehe 😿, semi public sex, pet names (baby, angel)
w/c: 770+
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all of your friends hate your trashy boyfriend beomgyu.
you can't really blame them though ... he kinda sucks. canceled on you last minute two weeks ago; soobin was the unfortunate soul who had to console you over the phone, watching you as your eyes watered up in your pretty pink dress, fat tears rolled down your blush painted cheeks.
beomgyu tried to make it up with you with flowers the next day, 'cept he forgot that your favorites are daisies and got you roses instead. you keep telling yourself that it's the thought that counts.
taehyun's always asking you why you keep goin' back ... you don't have the heart to tell him the real reason.
you don't have the goddamn dignity to admit that it's because after everything—all the tears, all the shut doors, all the "gyu, i'm done's"—you always manage to end up in the same position—
"oh fuck, angel," beomgyu grunts from behind you, pelvis slamming into the softness of your ass. "this cunt's s'tight—shit, angel you're suckin' me in," he murmurs, sinking his fat cock in so deep you gasp loudly, lurching over the bathroom sink.
you don't even wanna think about how you got here; you were standing in front of the pub for almost half an hour, waiting for beomgyu who promised he'd be there fifteen minutes earlier, and right when you made the decision to take the high road and head home in defeat, he was running down the street with sweat beading down his forehead.
maybe you shouted at him a little. cried a little. tried to walk away. told him to go home aline. told him you don't deserve this.
beomgyu thought different, of course, and a hand on your wrist soon turned into a tug and suddenly you find yourself pressed against the counter in the tiny bathroom of the pub, skirt pushed over your ass and panties shoved to the side.
"love this pussy so fuckin' much," he groans, pulling his hips back so his cock slips out halfway before sloppily shoving it back in. one of his hands holds a steady grip on your hip, the other trailing up your back and finding purchase on your neck, just below jaw so that his index and middle fingers can hook upwards and into your mouth.
unconsciously, your lips wrap around them, tongue swiping over the pads of his fingers as you try not to lose yourself in the feeling of all the pretty veins and curves of his cock pressing up against your hot, tight walls.
"beo-beomgyu we can't—oh," you moan quietly, closing your lips around the rough pads of his fingers once more in hopes to keep your noise level down when he jams his cock further inside of you, grinding into you so that his balls rub against your clit. "can't be loud," you manage to gasp out when he gives you a second of peace, stilling inside of you once he's bottomed out.
"'nd why's that baby?" beomgyu mutters, fingers around your hips digging in further when he gifts you another powerful thrust. "seems like we're both havin' fun ... aren't we?" his voice is low and raspy, and you're trying—you're trying so fucking hard not to get lost but it only takes you a few seconds to give in and relent.
beomgyu's ramming into you now; fingers slipped out of your mouth a few moments ago so he could situate both hands on your waist and pull your warm, dripping back into him so the tip of his dick kisses your cervix with every messy thrust.
there's a mix of both your arousal every where now, but as your eyes begin to roll to the back of your head and beomgyu begins moaning your name in small huffs—telling you that you're the "best fuckin' angel alive ..,,, prettiest thing in the world when you're being fucked with his cock ...,," that he "can't get enough of you" ....
you don't even know why you bother trying to fight it anymore. no matter how many tears, no matter how many long nights of arguments where you tell yourself it'll be the last, no matter how many hours you waste waiting for him ... you'll always chase the feeling of his hot breath fanning down on your neck when he finally leans over, murmuring 'bout how he's "gonna cum baby, cum w'me please ..."
and of course you do, because beomgyu might be a trashy boyfriend, but he's your boyfriend, and you have no plans on letting him go.
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hyewka · 1 year
boyfriend | c.bg
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summary; choi beomgyu is a name that means different things to different people. to you, he's the pest that you can't quite get rid of. he's always around to bother you, embarrass you, all of the above. unfortunately his hatred for you ends up ruining your chances with his best friend, choi soobin. and now all the years of effort you've spent tolerating him dissipates.
you've had enough of his bitchy attitude.
warnings; sub!beomgyu, harddom!reader, degradation like this is mean (as i can get with beomgyu) lol, slight mommy kink, overstim, dacryphilia, nipple play (m receiving), titty sucking, bed humping, attention whore gyu + praise kink, dumbification ?
w.c; 4.3k
a/n; the god of titles..am i right (note sarcasm) this originally had more plot but it took too long to edit so i kept this simple, straight to the action 😭
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When you were on your way to the address Soobin had suggested to hangout at, you felt giddy all over. You met the boy a few weeks ago yet you’ve grown attached to him rather quickly—he was a gentleman if you ever knew one.
Though, he did end up ghosting you for a few days. But hey, he just invited you over to his flat! Maybe all those days of him going completely ghost had just been a tactic to keep you on your toes, in which case, he succeeded. Or maybe he was just busy. At least with that thought process, you wouldn’t feel like an idiot for getting so clingy over him. 
And this time, it isn’t under the pretense of a stupid school project either, but an actual, official, one on one hang with Soobin.
The smile on your face as you knock on the door couldn't be any larger even as you internally scold yourself, attempting to fight the way your body naturally responds to the thought of the guy who's been plaguing your thoughts for weeks now. 
He was just too darn cute, everything about him to you was pure, and you couldn’t help but want to bask in the shine he radiates. It really couldn't be helped—the wait on Soobin opening his door being spent on quickly looking over your reflection for the umpteenth time through your phone screen, in hopes of tidying yourself even more.
When it opens though, your smile is with no sort of extraneous effort, wiped, faster than a lightning bolt as you narrow your eyes, a million questions popping in your head.
Before you could say something, the boy in front of you is the one who scoffs, just as surprised at seeing you at his doorstep. "Why are you here?"
You blink twice, then thrice, trying to understand why the hell he— Beomgyu was here. It doesn’t make sense—well, until it did. 
Beomgyu was Soobin’s other half, best friend they call it. It was like the gods purposefully wanted to torture you—they didn’t even make sense together!
Unfortunately for you, you’ve known Beomgyu for an estimate of at least two years so you’ve grown to know what he was like. Beomgyu was this annoying brat who had nothing good to say, Soobin…the complete opposite. He was a romantic, a sweetheart—
This—this was supposed to be a date! 
“I should be asking you that…” through the sharpness of your tone, it was obvious you detested the boy—but you still stood there, with no sign of hatred, your face completely neutral. Which you know pisses him off as his upper lip twitches—he hates you don’t give him the satisfaction of a frown and you know it. 
That’s off your mind rather quickly due to your quick disinterest in his response, trying to get a glimpse of the apartment with the little crack Beomgyu's body had given you access to, your neck craning to look for the boy you came here for in the first place. Unfortunately, Beomgyu obstructs your view, catching onto what you were doing, arms pressing on the doorframe as he clicks his tongue at you, as if to mockingly disapprove of your actions. 
See? He was such a little bitch! He even had the audacity to wear a large grin, as if he just succeeded in his master evil plan.
Still, you push your annoyance down, already exasperated that you had to exchange two interactions with him. “Where’s Soobin?”
“Where’re your pants?” he retorts—a little too proud of his comeback. Your eyes quickly look down at your outfit, which, god how embarrassing. If this wasn’t the date you thought it was going to be, the dress you’re wearing would look absolutely ridiculous.
“Can you—ugh, can you just tell me if Soobin’s here?”
Beomgyu opens his mouth to say something until the person you’ve been meaning to see shows up behind him. Soobin. Again, it’s like you’re under a spell as your eyes turn into one with sparkles in them as if you’ve just been graced by an angel.
You wave your hand at him meekly, your mood taking a complete one eighty. Beomgyu catches that, his smirk faltering, immediately turning behind. You guess he didn’t notice the older boy’s presence.
Soobin’s smile widened at the recognition of you, the darned dimples you loved so much making show. "You made it!"
He ushers Beomgyu to make way for you—the boy rolling his eyes before practically stomping off inside the flat. Beomgyu had issues, and you weren’t going to be the one to unpack them.
You focus on slipping your shoes off until Soobin’s honey-like voice halts your movement temporarily, your smile freezing. “I thought we could game, you know, to get closer as friends. Beomgyu already set it up and everything!” 
His excitement is evident in his tone and god, you want to facepalm yourself—of course. This wasn't a date. He said ‘as friends’, as friends! You weren’t going to huddle up in his bed watching movies, no, you were going to game. You sigh, looking up to give him a smile as if you approve. 
But you don’t. It’s not even one of those moments where you’d realize spending time with someone you like is what ‘truly matters’. 
Because it’s a lot worse than you imagined. First, Beomgyu didn’t only set up the game for you and Soobin, he was joining you and Soobin. Which, great, can it get any less romantic? Second, Beomgyu situated himself conveniently between you and Soobin—so, yes, it can get a lot less romantic. Third, the majority of the time, you sat trying to tug down your short dress, truly a less than fitting dress for an occasion like…this. Due to that, your already lacking gaming skills are affected, which then creates the perfect opportunity for Beomgyu to berate you. How fun.
Under the stress of the game, you reacted pretty negatively to his yelling, your anger bubbling up. Finally, Beomgyu snapped, demanding you to get off the game. You’d agree under normal circumstances but he was pissing you off, so you’re stubborn, not exiting the lobby. 
“Y/N, come on, please?” You almost gasp, looking at Soobin with offense but he doesn’t budge, urging you with his eyes to quit. He’s supposed to be on your side! 
You couldn’t stand this any longer. You throw the controller, which earns another yell from Beomgyu but you don’t care to process it as you pick up your purse, heading out. 
What a bust.
“Baby—Y/N, what’s up with you?” Soobin’s voice is exasperated, hand on your wrist in an attempt to stop you from reaching out to the door knob. You turn around to face him. Fuck, you couldn’t believe him! He can’t be this oblivious can he? “What’s up with me? What’s up with me?” 
“What’s up with you? You ghosted me for four days straight. No calls, no texts. You ignore all my attempts at communication, practically telling me that you don’t want to talk to me anymore then suddenly, lo and behold, you invite me over to your apartment?”
He gulps, eyes fluttering down to the floor. “I-it’s not—”
You interrupt him. “But, what, as friends? I don't get it. Do you not like me or something?" You aren’t typically the type to cry over getting rejected, but it sure as hell felt like you would break at any moment right now—even if he just hesitates for a few seconds. You feel stupid, for liking him so much.
Soobin looks up at you with wide eyes, shaking his head. "No—no it's not that!"
It’s like a switch, how your heart soars from the floor that it metaphorically dropped to. He didn’t not like you. You don't even think to ask more questions on his reasons for treating you like shit and completely dodging your calls after you finished the project—love is blind they say. "Do you like me?" Your voice is small, eyes glinting with a tinge of hope as you study his movement.
Fortunately, it’s not hard to gauge what he means when he nods. 
It was enough for you to smile, pulling him into your body, your back hitting the wall of the narrow hallway, reaching to pull him in a kiss by his nape. You liked this about Soobin, you didn't have to question anything about him because he seemed too innocent. He immediately reciprocated, lips as soft as you imagined, a strawberry lip balm you hadn’t noticed he put on leaving a sweet taste.
Before it could turn into anything more, Soobin subtly pulls away from you, and you can’t control the way your eyes flutter open in the confusion when you pick up on what he’s muttering. “We can’t…fuck, I can’t do this.”
You raise a brow, and suddenly he’s completely detached from your hold, large empty space between the two of you. “Y/N, I…I can’t do this to him—” Your confusion gets worse as you try to keep up—who was him? Unfortunately, you don’t get questions in as Soobin rambles to no end.
“I like you, I really really do but…he’s my best friend! And—and I just can’t go behind his back like this. You’re his girl and…and I should—I’m gonna go…” 
“Soobin…wait—huh?” You try to gather your thoughts as fast as you can to respond but Soobin slips on his shoes, dismissive of you and is already out the door—you couldn’t even ask where the hell he was going, he just leaves.
“You’re still here?” you turn your head at the voice, seeing Beomgyu with the controller in his hand. “Where’s Soobin?” 
You narrow your eyes at the lanky boy, his hair messy, cheap clip-on piercings on his ear..your brain working wires and…it clicks. Soobin’s best friend? Beomgyu. His girl? You weren’t dating anyone, most people knew you were fucking around with Soobin—so, someone lied to him. Lied to him about you dating Beomgyu… of all people.
You sneer, not believing the conclusion you’re about to get to. You walk towards him in strides and he looks at you with wide eyes, stumbling back a little. Accusatorily, your finger pokes at his chest with your first claim. “Are you fucking insane?” 
He’s quick to swat your hand off him, brows furrowed. “The hell? Are you?” 
You can’t help but scoff. Normally, you’d never jump to conclusions in respect to letting the alleged guilty plead their case, but with Beomgyu? You knew how he was—he’d do anything to make you miserable. This wasn’t too far out of his alley. You thought his fixation on annoying the shit out of you was silly at first and you could’ve cared less to respond back, but now? To hell with that!
You poke at his chest again, his feet going backwards the more you push. “Beomgyu, you know what you did.” you seethe, “You told Soobin that we’re fucking… dating? Dating!” A thud sound is the only thing you hear, the controller he was holding dropping on the floor.
His face pales almost comically, eyes widening as his lips parted like he couldn’t believe you found out. Could he be any more obvious? You push him again with your finger pointed at his shoulder, with a lot more force. “What? Did you think your stupid lie wouldn’t find its way back to me?”
“I—I didn’t do that. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You were already fuming, but with his weak denial, you’re sure smoke was cartoonishly seeping out of your ears.
You scoff, turning your head away from the boy for a second to keep your cool. “Don’t piss me off.” your voice low had Beomgyu pathetically cowering rather quickly—it felt like any minute and he’d cry. You take a deep breath in, dropping your hand to your side. “I’ve done absolutely nothing to you Beomgyu. Nothing, nothing! So what’s your reason, huh? For hating me so much?”
His eyes widened once more. “I don’t!” he sputters. “I don’t hate …you. I don’t hate you.”
You furrow your eyebrows, was he fucking with you again? 
“That doesn’t make sense!” you yell, and he flinches, “Are you even hearing yourself? Why else would you spend so much time making fun of me, annoying the fuck out of me, and–and…” The crease of your forehead flatten out slowly as you realize what was happening.
No way. There’s no way.
You corner him, his back hitting a door, eyes down as he feels yours pierce him. "Do you… like me?” it’s the second time you have asked the question today, yet they couldn’t be any more of a difference in tone.
You feel your stomach churn when he doesn’t say anything—not denying anything, still unable to hold eye contact.
“You’re—you’re such a fucking loser!” you yell, throwing your hands up. His face falters, hurt evident on his face. You just want to rip his hair out, he had no right to feel hurt! He was a manchild, still believing that pulling on a girl's ponytail showed that he liked her. "So what? You planned to tell every guy approaching me that you were my boyfriend? Because you were too much of a pussy to make a move?"
Heat rushed to his cheeks, adamantly shaking his head. “No! No I wouldn’t! Even if I made a move you…you would’ve ignored me and, and I—”
“How long have you liked me?" you interrupt his ramble, saying it softly, barely hearable, though the tone of your voice is one of disgust, humiliating to the boy.
"F-for a while! You would've noticed if you weren't so… dumb." he mumbles the last part, still not being man enough to look you in the eye. You’re intrigued that he could still muster up an insult hurled towards you. Fucking bitch.
Suddenly an ugly feeling erupts in your chest—revenge. Make him feel the humiliation you suppressed every time he played a prank on you, talked down on you…
You look down at the boy’s crotch and he noticeably gets flustered, hands going discreetly over his clothed dick. “What are you l-looking at?!” 
Your lips curl before you close the small distance between the two of you, your breasts purposefully pressed against him as you whisper in his ear. “Bet you jerk off this stupid dick of yours thinking about me, fucking whore.”
“N-no…” he says unconvincingly. 
You could feel his breath on your neck—hot and heavy, which spurs you on, slowly moving his hand out of the way for you, after slight resistance, he pathetically lets you. You promptly grab his dick through the restraints of fabric, and he gasps, a whimper following shortly after when you start to slowly palm him. The moment you feel the bulge growing his pants, you halt your movement, removing your hand from his crotch all together. He lets out a strained whimper, hand blindly looking for yours to put it on his clothed dick again, but you cut it short with another whisper, “Show me.”
“H-huh?” he breathes out, still lost on the brief handjob he got from you. You pull your head away from the side of his, facing him, “Show me how you fuck yourself thinking of me."
Beomgyu’s eyes shoot open, processing what you just asked of him.
You reach for the doorknob to the side of Beomgyu and push open the door, to your luck, it was a bedroom. You casually go inside, leaving a frozen Beomgyu in the hallway before he finally follows behind. 
“I’m—I’m not going to do that.” 
You plop down on the singular cushion chair in front of the bed, “Sure you are.” 
“You like me so much don’t you? Or was that just a front?”
It’s funny how quick he is to shake his head, denying your claim. “I do like you!”
You cross your leg over the other, signaling your hand to the bed in front of you. “Go on then, prove it to me.” you can’t help but sneer. Though you would never admit it, your excitement was over the roof.
You like this, you like seeing him so small under your gaze, walking over to his bed with his head down—fringe going over his eyes. It was a sight to see, the boy who’s been nothing but a nuisance to you following your every order like a dog under the mercy of his owner.
“I don’t have all day Beomgyu. I have an exam to study for tonight.”
He’s been sitting on the bed, very hesitant to do anything and it was ruining your mood. “Soobin would’ve been faster.” you mutter, and he catches that, immediately standing up to pull his sweats down to his knees, his boner outlined on his boxers. You’re satisfied, his face already red.
You watch intently, every move, as his poor dick is finally pulled out from the restriction of his underwear. You don’t even get a good look until Beomgyu’s laying on his tummy, raising his hips slightly until it falls again—then again, his pace fastening as he feverishly rutted onto the bed, his cute muffled whimpers against the sheets filling the room.
“Oh my god,”  you clasp a hand over your mouth in an attempt to hide your amusement, “You hump your bed?”
“S-shut up…” he barely says it over his cries, teeth biting down on his lips.
You pout mockingly. “What if I don’t wanna?”
He looks at you through his tear-stained lashes, hips still moving against his bed, “G-gonna fuck you—” your expression turns grim waiting for him to finish his sentence, “Like a bitch.” 
The audacity of the trembling grin on his face is enough reason for you to reach for your phone from your purse. “What are you doing?” 
You don’t care to respond, pressing the red button—three, two, one, and record. What? You weren’t going to do anything with it, you just wanted to tease him a little bit, get him to feel a little too much shame to bite back.
He seems to catch on to what you were doing pretty quickly, it’s not like you were discreet about it— holding your phone horizontally in front of your face. “Beomie, don’t you feel disgusting for liking your best friend’s crush?” you narrate loud enough for the recording, and he only whimpers, burying his face into the sheets of the bed.
You're surprised he responds. “I l-liked you first—hnng–” his voice is muffled, barely understood through his moans.
“Oh really? Too bad I only fuck good boys like Soobin and not misbehaving ones like Beomie…” you taunt.
“No, no, no!” he cries out, shaking his head uncontrollably, tears staining his cheeks, “Am gonna be a good boy, gonna be a good boy I—” he chokes momentarily on his incoherent sob, hiccuping as hips don’t relent, moving on their own, “I promise, I promise.”
 You stand up from the chair, slowly nearing his feverish figure. 
You’re grateful you decided to get closer, everything was in a lot more detail, his restrained moans magnified to your ears. “Is the little pup crying?” you mock again, making sure to push your phone’s camera in front of his teary face. Which gets the waterfall to run down even faster, he was so so humiliated. 
You grab his hair with one hand and he cries out when you forcefully pull his head back—at least to get a better view. “Pup is drooling so much, aw…” 
He was—light trickles of saliva were seeping from the corner of his lips down to under his cheek. “God, you get like this when thinking of my pussy? Guess I’d have to give it to you huh…"
You almost laugh when he moves his head on his own, nodding profusely like a dumb bitch. “Pathetic.” You let go of his sweaty hair almost in disgust, his head falling onto the mattress with a final exasperated whine, his hips slowing—finally crashing down. 
You tilt your head curiously, before rolling your eyes and taking it upon yourself to turn over his limp body, getting his fucked-out face on camera, and another treat—his dick. White semen was spurting out the poor swollen cock of his, staining his shirt. It was a cute sight, almost too cute you decided that you might actually look over this video back at your dorm.
You gently raise his shirt up to his chest, which was rising then falling, trying to catch his breath. You almost coo at the reveal of his pink nubs, pouting. “Aw, look. Beomie’s nipples are sensitive.” You rub one nipple with your fingertip, getting the boy to flutter his wet lashes open, letting out a sigh of pleasure, his body getting worked up once more. 
It’s a shame you have to turn off your phone, tossing it to the side of the bed, but it was restraining you, the loss of capturing Beomgyu’s moans for a longer period doesn’t linger.
“You like this?” you say, pinching his nipples and he gasps, mouth hanging open, throwing his arms over his forehead as he nods. “Yeah? Wanna see your face.” He shakes his head, and you twist. A shriek comes from him this time, hand still covering half his face.
You click your tongue, disapproval of his noncompliance, and shove your thumb in his watering mouth. Pressing down on his tongue, you meant for it to be a punishment, but like a pervert, he starts sucking on it. You’d never say this to anyone aloud, you’d never admit how you felt your panties uncomfortably sticking to your pussy at the sight of him drooling over your thumb, sucking so earnestly. 
Fortunately, the thumb gets his arms off his face, as his hand reach down. Your eyes trail, and widen seeing that he was jerking off. 
“You're such a whore. Acting all high and mighty but you get off from sucking a thumb?” you mutter lowly, hand still playing with his bud. He shakes his head dumbly, his words muffled and slurred as he tries to rebut. You don’t let him, pressing down his throat, making him gag, tears gathering up in his eyes again.
You pull your thumb out which is now wet with his spit. Your upper lip quirks up at the warmth. “Ugh, disgusting.” you whine, wiping your thumb on the boy's face. It was his spit anyway.
He squirms, still rapidly going up and down on his length as his glossy eyes fixed on yours. His lips tremble before he stutters out, “Am I—am I doing good for y-you?"
Beomgyu was adorable when he chased after your approval, so you couldn’t help but throw him a bone to feed off of. You part his hair, the ones sticking to forehead because of sweat, giving him a small nod. “Doing so good Beomie,” you purr.
That sets him off, his pace quickening. “C-cumming, cumming—” he blabbers, mind hazed as strained moans pour out his mouth, his dick slapping his tummy, coating it with his cum.
You take a quick second to rake your eyes over the boy's state until you conclude the end— the fun is over. Awe. You couldn’t even get yourself off. You reach for your phone, before getting up to the chair you left your purse on. “Clean yourself up. You don't want Soobin finding you like this.” you comment absentmindedly— turning to look at him again is a mistake.
Beomgyu was jerking off his softened dick, for whatever reason. Your eyes widen, panic seeping in your tone. “Beomgyu, what the hell? Stop it! You’re overstimulating yourself!”
He shakes his head, "Want you to call me Beomie." You peer at him, the boy frantically going up and down on his shaft until finally getting his dick hard again, tip swollen red. Poor boy.
His hand rakes up to flick at his nipples, holding eye contact, and you furrow your eyebrows. What was he doing exactly?
It doesn’t take long for you to find out. “W-want you to fuck me, wanna make you feel good.” he slurs, barely breathing through his moans, mouth hung open dumbly.
You could refuse and berate him, you could make fun of him…but truth be told, your pussy sucked into nothingness at the sight of Beomgyu looking like such a mess. “Want me to fuck you?” you ask. Beomgyu is shameless enough to nod profusely. You now know you had to work on your self control because in no time, your panties drop down to the floor, as you waste no time to walk over to Beomgyu and climb on top of him swiftly. Whatever, you could excuse this by saying you were just giving him what he wanted.
Before sinking down on his dick, you spit a few times on your palm, impatiently palming his shaft, coating it with your saliva, earning you a groan from the boy under you. 
You were right about Beomgyu overstimulating himself a little too much because his eyes roll to the back of his head the moment your flush of skin connects. "Can't talk now can you?" you breathe out, fucking yourself with his dick. 
"Hm, you're so pretty like this, using your mouth to shut up," you pull out your breast quickly out of the neckline of your dress, stuffing Beomgyu’s mouth with your nipple. He immediately starts sucking, even as you’re sure he was completely out, "...And suck my tits like a stupid baby."
You gasp when he bites down on your sensitive nipple, and his hips buck forward, your pace getting faster on his dick. Suddenly, you feel his cock pulsate, and warmth shoots up inside of you. 
Well, shit. “Fuck! You stupid pervert, did you just cum inside me? Fuck, so disgusting…” you groan, slapping his bare chest as you yourself attempt to reach your own orgasm, your pussy contracting around his dick.
Finally it crashes down, your chest heaving trying to catch your own breath. You’re a damn second before berating Beomgyu for cumming inside you but he had his eyes half open, mouth separating from your nipple before he gave you a shaky smile—and then just like that, he was out cold.
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2nd a/n: lowkey thinking of a part 2 where mc ends up dating soobin but still fucks around with beomgyu from time to time lol just humiliating the fuck out of him bcs hes desperate for some pussy
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