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Clipped (TV Mini Series) S1/E2 'A Blessing and a Curse' (2024) - Ed O'Neill
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reitagovert · 4 days
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Do I have reporters from the The Daily Beast and The Sun reading my blog? Because I just found two articles from them about Randy Andy's weight gain after I posted about it days later.
Probably not as even the blind could see the size of Andrew's ass these days.
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Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to work something out to these pics. 🍆💦😁
DISCLAIMER: For the record, I do not approve of what the disgraced royal was accused of and I think he should be punished accordingly. And by punished, I mean he should become a sex worker. Having sex with men for money. And I’d like to be his pimp? Agent? Pimp/Agent?
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facialhairy · 1 year
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Smiles all round.
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whatsnotbutters · 2 years
butters i need to tell you that i find it infinitely funny that you tag your posts as "reblog" cause i know its just for organizational purposes but i cant help imagining you going "kind of a milf. reblog" on everything u rb
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nabaidhean-neonach · 2 years
@draggeddowntothedark from here
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“We didn’t go out looking for him. Maybe shoulda,” he considered with a hum. His parents would hate the idea, hah. Maybe he’d go back on his own someday. See what was out there.
“No shit, where in Pennsylvania?” He’d never heard of it, although maybe that didn’t mean much. Philly and Delco were, like... lowkey more Jersey than Pennsylvania, honestly.
Robin laughed and scratched his temple. “Not sexy, but it sounds relatable though. Wish I could hide out like that."
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Lance Barber American Film Actor
I have to admit, Lance has the kind of face that'll look great on my cock.
Although, he might disagree.
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fluentisonus · 1 year
cilf (city I'd like to fuck)
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sprout-fics · 6 months
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NSFW Captain MacTavish Headcanons
Tags: F! Reader, Power imbalances, Secret affair, Semi-Public sex, Fluff, CILF (Captain I'd like to fuck)
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Captain MacTavish, John, as you know him in private, is a very serious, forthright type of man
(Though he prefers ‘sir’ when you’re in his bed, or over his desk for that matter)
You can tell he used to be much more reckless than he is now, used to taunt danger and escape the jaws of death just for the adrenaline of it. He’s one of the few soldiers that survived such a reckless approach to his work, and the grim reality of the risks he took, and how he fatefully defied them has settled in a severe glint of his eyes that speaks of his experience, the men he’s lost in the course of it all
Yet, to you, John is the type of man that still flirts with danger, and smiles in the face of consequences
You shouldn’t even be doing this to begin with- this secret affair of pretending to be his closest hand, his trusted intelligence officer when in reality all he’s doing is using it as an excuse to fuck you behind closed doors
“Swamped with reports.” He tells you when you offer him a cuppa one morning, not even looking up from the small mountain of paperwork on his desk. “I’ll be needing your help this evening.”
‘Help’ is defined as you riding his cock until your thighs burn once the rest of the base has gone to bed, and nobody in the surrounding offices is there to hear your breathless chants of his name
It’s almost shameful how much you get away with under the guise of being his trusted subordinate, a fact he fully exploits and plays to as often as he can
He opens doors for you, stands up for you in front of his fellow officers, lauds recommendations and praises of your work, takes you out to lunch under the excuse of mentorship, declares you as his protege that’s destined to follow in his footsteps
Your fellow intelligence officers tell you how lucky you are, having a captain who is so decent and handsome. A true gentleman, one who shows care and concern for your career development, who ensures you get recognition for the hours you put in, always having to work overtime but getting to work alongside the Captain MacTavish 
“You’re his work wife.” Roach texts you, and when you show John he barks a laugh so loud you jump
If only they knew.
They don’t know about the way he’ll have you cockwarm him, fingers idly rubbing your clit with one hand while holding a phone with the other, talking to one of his agents in the field as he uses his knees to spread you out on his lap
Nor do they know about him catching you in the hallway and corralling you into a supply closet just to kneel and have you grind against his face until you have to muffle the sound of your climax, using one of the extra paper towels to wipe most of his jaw clean after.
He sends you on your merry way, gives you a smack on the ass for your trouble
They don’t know how he’ll insist you work through your lunch break, when in reality he’s eating you out slow and greedy with you perched atop the reports he’s yet to read, and warns you to not dribble wetness onto the files
They don’t know about the time he found you just before drills and left a load deep inside you, then stood under the rope wall to catch a glance and see if there was a wet spot in your pants that spoke of him
And he smugly ignored your reply to another soldier about why you were walking a little odd, telling him instead that you slept the wrong way
They don’t know about how you’ll visit him after a long, tiresome day just to have him crowd you into his bed, whisper filthy praises and pet names into your ear until you beg to tap out from the overstimulation
He calls you ‘Bonnie’ ‘Sweetheart’ ‘Little one’ ‘Darling’ ‘Angel’ ‘His.’
He tells you how good you look in his bed, glassy eyed and needy, how much he loves hearing you, teases you when you can’t bear the incessant filthy rambling and smack weakly at his shoulder, head flopping to the side as your chest heaves for breath
All the while he takes his time stretching you out over his fingers, greedily enjoying the sensation of you clenching down on him and wanting more
He fucks you slow and greedy, using his full weight and strength to bend you as he pleases, punch keening little sounds out of you and groaning in turn when you dig your nails sharp into the curve of his spine
He wears them proudly on the sparring mats, and through some miracle nobody suspects it’s you that put them there
He presses his forehead to yours as he’s buried deep inside you, reminds you again that you’re his, in a plea that sounds almost desperate with want.
He’s allowed to have you, he tells himself. He’s allowed this for all the things he’s done to better the world, even if it means bathing himself in cardinal sin
He makes sure to earn it too
Your longer sessions, those uninterrupted by duty or the gravity of your illicit affair, are often your favorite
They always end with you warm and sated, curled on his hairy chest and skimming your nails through the coarse carpet of hair that traps the earthy, musky smell of him familiar to your senses
He peppers you with kisses, reminds you of how much a good lass you are, of how much he adores you, how beautiful you are, how smart, how clever and bonnie you are
He asks you what he did to deserve a precious, sweet thing like you, and can’t help but wonder the same about him
He cares about you, that much is clear
As fun as this little secret of yours is, you know John didn’t walk into this idly. Nothing he ever does is without purpose. He spent his younger years fooling about, and now he’s settled into a man who knows exactly what he wants
And that’s you, soft and sweet and ready for him, sated and sleepy in his bed when he comes back from missions still stinking of smoke, hauling you to his exhausted form and falling asleep with you safe in his arms
He braces his chin over your shoulder as you stand in front of the sink the next morning, humming and rocking back and forth, trying to catch as many moments with you in his hold as he can
Later, he settles a heavy, calloused hand over your nap and drags you back so he can plant a kiss on the crown of your head when the others can’t see, a good luck parting before he boards for the next mission
In the rare days off, he keeps you in his bed until late morning, sunlight streaming through the blinds and onto your drowsy, dreamy expression
He tells you how he can’t be in the service forever, how he thinks he’ll head back to Scotland once he gets enough close calls. He tells you he wants you to come with him, how he knows the perfect place for you both
“And maybe a few bairns.” He adds, grinning at the thought. “As many as I can carry.”
You tell him you’ve watched him carry men larger than he is off the field, if that’s any indication
He considers this seriously too, nodding to himself in thought.
“We’ll need a bigger house.” He offers at last, and then bends to kiss your giggling smile one more
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rawmeknockout · 1 month
Give me more CILF (Creator I'd like to fuck) writing! Please, I beg of you!
an assortment!
Rodimus is the young, hot, eager- to-please Captain that wants to spark you up soooo bad. There's just something so hot about the way you care so fiercely for your sparkling, it really gets his engine revving. He knows he's younger than you, but that doesn't make him any less of a mech! In fact, he's got all the energy and stamina a sire could need to look after any (potential) future sparklings you might have together. He's always looking to impress you, almost tripping over himself to prove he's the mech for you. Drift has heard enough of his delulu daydreams about how much he'd like to give you another. He's always been attracted to older mechs (hard not to be when your entire population is as long-lived as Cybertronians. He may be your boss, a headstrong and over-confident sort of guy, but he could be gentle if you wanted him to be! Let him show you!
Megatron is much quieter in his appreciation of you. It's not that the thought hasn't crossed his mind that you would look SO good carrying his sparkling, it's just that he's well aware how awful a decision that would be. Doesn't stop him from cranking his shaft to the idea. He's perfectly happy to look after the sparkling you already have when you need a break. Some might say he's the very last mech that should be in charge of looking after a sparkling, but he believes that some Autobots are far too self-sacrificing. Sure, he's now committed to the Autobots, but he still holds his personal belief that Cybertronians have value far greater than any self-perceived benefit to others. He will teach your sparkling that they exist first for themselves and for no other to take advantage of: be it a system or an individual. It just sort of helps that looking after your sparkling and ingratiating himself to them also puts him in closer proximity to you.
Ratchet won't ever admit it but the prospect of having a sparkling has always been so tempting for him. Of course, he was never in any position to have a sparkling of his own, first with his practice in Dead End and then the war, and now that he's quite a bit older the chances of that have gone down tremendously. In fact, he sees it as almost bordering on negligent to conceive one. But when he sees you with your sparkling his fantasies and daydreams of a domestic life come surging to the forefront of his processor. It's hard not to feel envy towards you, even if you're forced to care for your sparkling alone, but he tries to stamp out those feelings. You're not deserving of his resentment because he chose not to have bitlets. When he gets to know you better he feels all the worse for having been envious of you, and incredibly grateful that you would let him look after your sparkling. Even if the bitlet isn't his, Ratchet is attached to your offspring like no other and is always fussing after their (and your) care. If Drift notices a difference in Ratchet's demeanor, a certain wistfulness about him, he doesn't bring it up. He knows Ratchet would simply be reluctant to give himself what he wants, although Ratchet carrying the sparkling isn't the only option...
Whirl thinks it's hot. Okay, sure he thinks a lot of things are sexy that aren't supposed to be (that one time Brainstorm's optic was hanging from the socket, for example) but this one of normal! He insists. It's not everyday you meet a Cybertronian who has carried their own offspring. It's sort of an uncommon practice and definitely the most dangerous given the alternatives, but that's part of what makes it so sexy. Rung has informed him that is, actually, a little fucked up (not his words). Whirl would like to know what you looked like carrying. Not every carrier's frame will change drastically, in fact many don't if their armor is bulky enough, but maybe yours did. The fact your frame is so... powerful in a sense, resilient, and durable is kind of a turn on for him. But then again, Whirl gets heated if there's a gun pointed at him, so maybe it is fucked up. Your frame went through all the taxing processes of creating another Cybertronian, and you didn't die! What he wouldn't give to put your frame through it's paces again... Ultra Magnus has gently tried to convince you to get a restraining order against Whirl.
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bk-4-trash-fire · 1 year
Hello yes I'm here to post at Fucking 12am
So let me feed you freaks
make sure to not spam my account please I don't want to block you
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OK so we know the size of the barbatos statue in mondstadt city?
OK so that will be scale were are working with
So the reader wakes up in a cave or to others it would be a cave to you it's the size of a college dorm
With no exit the reader decides to break the roof to escape only to be hit in the face with water
Because turns out the reader was in a underground cave under the fucking ocean
Swimming to the surface to the site of mondstadt in the distance
Swimming to the land the reader begins to notice that the world around them is abnormally small, with some cilfs barely taller than them
Walking to the city the grasps of how big they were beginning to sit in, noticing the tiny building and ant sized people walking around
And with...AGH this bird had been squaking at them for 10 minutes straight
Wait that isn't a bird...
It's venti.
Trying to get the readers attention.
Anyway this will be the post for today:)
Part 2 here
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hearty-an0n · 14 days
cilf (cup i’d like to fuck)
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howlingday · 1 year
Jaune: You know what, I'm not gonna lie; that Eve Taurus is kinda doin' it for me.
Blake: Huh?
Jaune: Uh, w-why don't you guys go, uh, do something. I'd, uh, like to have a few words with Eve. Alone.
Nora: Oh? And why is that, Jaune~?
Nora: You coming down with that Mad Cow disease? Lookin' to get into that cowussy? Betcha think she's a real CILF, huh?
Weiss: A what?
Nora: A "Cow I'd Like to Friendship with!"
Yang: Look, we came here to find out what the White Fang are up to. We can't be distracted.
Nora: What? I'm just trying to help out the team! Maybe Jaune could help us find Eve and then he can interrogate her. Alone. With Eve.
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spydrrr · 2 months
He's my new hazbin oc! I actually like him this once so I might actually use him lol
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I'm working on his story atm but here's what info I have about him so far!
- he's in hell because he dabbled in drugs and was manipulative during his life (he was also kinda just a lowlife asshole tbh LMAO)
- he doesn't have a mouth but he can summon one!
- he likes rock and metal music
- gives off emo teenager vibes
- he will wreck your car for no reason
- he used to be a lumberjack as a part time job in his life and got killed during that time and got murdered on the job
- he wants to be an overlord to prove his superiority (he sucks)
- his like... body has a sort of endoskeleton of sorts! He feels like a plasticy metal. His teeth are made of metal razors and such ^^
- he's a bit taller than Charlie! Not too tall tho
- he's friends with Vaggie, Charlie and familiar with Husk
- more info to come soon!!
If anyone says he looks like denji I will throw this at you
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The Sea Is All I Know (2011) - Peter Gerety 
Damn Peter is looking all hot with that gray stubble.
[photoset #2 of 2]
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