#come home Lyney
Dating Lyney
Day #1 of writing for my beloved in an attempt to coerce him into showing up early. Come home, my little magician, I need you!
Please feel free to send me requests for what you want to see next!
Fandom: Genshin Impact Character: Lyney Warnings: Fluff, magic. Some mild spoilers for the Fontaine archon quest. Note: Some people consider Lyney to be a minor, so keep in mind that he's 18+ in this, even though there's no NSFW.
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So you wanna date the rizzler huh? You'd better be prepared, because he's the world's biggest flirt. It literally never stops, no matter if you've been together five weeks or five years. He's always going to have something suave to say, always going to keep surprising you with little magic tricks. It's just how he is, especially when he's passionate about something - or someone. You'd best be ready to hear him say he loves you twenty times a day, and you'd better say it back, too, or else he'll get that adorable pout on his face and hit you with the puppy dog eyes. Sometimes you wonder if the man has a serious bone in his entire body or if Lynette inherited them all, but you know him better than that.
Lyney is such a gentleman. He's ridiculously charismatic, but he's also so, so sweet. He'll do anything and everything for you. He pulls out chairs for you, holds your hand while walking - you'll definitely have to stop him from draping his cape across puddles for you like they do in the movies. It's a little cheesy, sure, but it's so endearing with that sweet, lovesick smile on his face, and you can't help but love him more for it.
He's a very observant person. It just comes with the territory. He's trained himself to pick up on the subtlest little details, and while this primarily applies to magic and his work, but it also applies very heavily to you. He notices everything about you, from what you order at restaurants you go to on dates to what color clothing you prefer to wear to the way your tone and expression naturally shift as you talk about different topics. He memorizes you, so much so that he'll surprise you with things you've mentioned once in his presence, or perhaps not at all - he's quite good at putting pieces together and figuring out things behind the scenes, after all. You once asked him if he had the ability to read your mind after he pulled a slice of your favorite cake out of his hat, and he merely laughed and replied, "a magician never reveals his secrets, my dear~"
Speaking of which, his laugh is one of your favorite sounds in the whole world. The little chuckles and laughs peppered throughout his speech are lovely, of course, but you know they're mostly part of the show he plays for the audience. Your true favorite is the way he laughs when you're alone with him, when you say or do something funny or catch him off guard. There's something so magical about it, like you're getting a private glimpse of his beautiful soul. One of your favorite memories is when you got him to laugh so hard he could barely breathe, a genuine smile stretched across his face and a delightful sparkle in his eyes.
During the early part of your relationship, he's very guarded and secretive, despite his open and outgoing persona. Depending on your thoughts about the organization, he might attempt to hide being a Fatuus from you, just because he's terrified of your reaction. He puts a lot of effort into appearing absolutely perfect, because he believes you deserve nothing less than perfection. Even if he is honest about his work, he holds back his innermost feelings and desires for quite some time, continuing to play the part that is required of him. He cares dearly about you, and he's not about to let you go because of a careless misstep on his part.
It takes him some time before he learns to be vulnerable with you. He's so convinced that he always has to be perfect, that he has to be strong for his siblings and for you, and he doesn't allow himself to show any of the negative emotions that haunt him day after day. Slowly but surely, however, you will break that wall down - brick by brick, if you must. He begins to lower his guard when you are alone, to let the mask slip and show his true feelings, even if they aren't glamorous, even if he hates them. Once he trusts you enough to show you the truth that he hides from even his siblings, your relationship grows even closer.
Writing Masterlist 🐝 Requests Open! Tag List 🐝 @mossmosis
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currently-haunted · 10 months
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I think they can be so silly
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akagi0021 · 2 months
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honestly, i like the sketch(no colors) better☹️☹️
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amosprinz · 1 month
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with and without blood bc i love a threatening woman :3
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neyjimi · 9 months
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Lyney why won’t you come home-
Edit : he is home ☝🏻
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rainswept · 7 months
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mc-park · 9 months
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kitty-thinks-stuff · 1 month
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my first lost 50/50 in genshin AUGHHHHHH
howeverrrrr i do use tighnari in my main team so having his con doesnt hurt, PLUS NOW IM GUARENTEED FOR SCARAMOUCHE<33333
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ownedbythescribe · 11 months
Teyvat — Overture Teaser (Fontaine)
🌱 This is a bit late post, but I’m just really happy and quite overwhelmed to get a teaser from Hoyo for Fontaine! It is so surreal how last year, we just got Sumeru, and it possessed quality stories most particularly the Archon Quests. They improved with their writing considering that Inazuma was not expounded properly.
The side quests such as the Aranara, Golden Slumber, Dirge of Bilqis, and Khavarena of Good and Evil were also notable. Although not voiced, for lore enthusiasts, the stories enlightened missing portions of lore read only through books or articles scattered around the region. I particularly like the Aranara Quest despite its lengthy missions.
🌱 Moving on to Fontaine, we get a glimpse of the characters who will play major roles in the quest.
💧Freminet — Cryo Claymore — Automaton
Hoyo introduced this character first, and we see that he’s a diver of some sort based on his appearance. Lyney also mentioned that he is his older brother. Whether it would be by blood or not, we will know in the future.
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💧 Lynette — Anemo Sword — Felis Alba
Next we see are the twins, Lyney and Lynette. Lynette appeared to be more robotic in a sense, and on the drip marketing, she was mentioned as Lyney’s assistant who seemed to prefer keeping to herself. She preferred Lyney to do the talking than anything else. For what reason? Still unknown to many.
It’s interesting really because Lyney seemed to care for his siblings a lot, and others may have already known but they were from the House of the Hearth headed by Arlecchino “The Knave”.
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💧 Lyney — Pyro Bow — Felis Fuscus
As for Lyney, he was the narrator for the teaser, and he has been hinting about the current situation in Fontaine. I’m really excited to see how things will go from here on out especially since Sumeru was a blast!
Other notable characters we see in the trailer are:
💧Navia — Geo ???
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💧 Charlotte — Cryo ???
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💧 Sigewinne — ??? And Wriothesley — ???
By the way, they look so cute here! Wrio looks like he’s teasing her with choosing the tea instead of the other drink! It’s still unsure what their relationship is, but they look like siblings huhuhu
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💧 Clorinde — Electro ???
As I’m looking at her, I’m also desperate for Hoyo to have a gun shooting character. Like a gun weapon type, but I’m not sure if they’ll ever introduce another weapon type because Mika has cross-bow, and not even a new type. A big sigh of disappointment leaves my lips.
She’s so cool though! Aaah! I’m so excited to see what’s her relationship or occupation in the Court of Fontaine!
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🌱 Arlecchino — The Knave
Then we got Arlecchino looking so hot and ominous at the same time! The way she talked about Lyney and Lynette as well as the traits of a good actor makes me wonder if she’s treating the situation in Fontaine as nothing more but a trivial play.
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🌱 Last but not the least, we get Furina and Neuvilette.
💧 Furina — ???
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💧 Neuvillette — ???
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If others may have remembered, we already heard of Neuvillette from Nahida’s drip marketing. He’s the Chief Justice in Fontaine and the one to head any cases in the court. He also mentioned once how he admired the Dendro Archon unlike his, but I think he has some sense of respect to his archon.
He also has some theories already speculated by the mass such as him being a Khaenri’ahn because of the eyes while others think he’s an oceanid in human form. Whatever he may be, we’ll know soon. I’m definitely pulling for this daddy man 😋
As for Furina, one thing that comes to mind is she’s definitely the Hydro Archon. This is not coming from leaks or whatsoever, but from pure reasoning alone. Nahida mentioned that the Hydro Archon loved to immerse herself in the feeling of the courtroom but not engaging in it. So it means that she’s usually seen just hanging around the court and never interacting with anyone. In the trailer, she’s seeking a surprise to finally come her way. This makes me think that maybe that surprise she’s looking for will involve the Fatui and Traveler. Whatever conflict it may be, Furina wanted to find delight in that.
🌱 Anyways, that’s all! I just really want to talk about it. I may not be making sense at some parts, but I try. One more patch, and we’re finally seeing our fifth region. I’m so excited!
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Considering adding Lyney to my fic "A rumor spreads" Question for other fans,
ok he does sincerely come off as someone who, I don't wanna say sleeps around, but someone whose comfortable with casual sex. Especially considering he's a celebrity and fatui. It would make sense that he would go for casual no strings attached relationships. It would feel safer. And I feel like all that shameless confidence has to come from somewhere.
but on the other hand, it could all be part of the mask he wears. This man could be like "oh oui my princesse my trésor here's another banquet of roses for you💕💓💗💕" and then when you go in to kiss him on the cheek he's red face up to his ears stuttering at your affection.
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enden-k · 1 month
idk if you do requests from fandoms you're not into (couldn't see anything regarding that on your request info) but could I request a doodle of Enforcer from Arknights?
(if I misread your request info then just ignore this. I may be stupid so)
should prob put this in pinned, sorry! im currently not doing requests on this blog
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(if nothing changes ill be off work next week but idk yet if i will doodle stuff again bc ive got other things to draw for other blog)
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feliscus · 1 month
“All you need to be deserving of the throne is conviction, and the necessary strength to act on it.” “…Protecting my family at all costs— that’s my conviction.”
   * ignis purgatorius chapter spoilers.
Morning dawns.
Lynette and Freminet slumber, snug on either side of him, but sleep eluded the magician like some grand magic trick, slipping from his grasp every time it seemed to be almost within reach. He’d neither twisted nor turned for fear of waking them, laid flat on his back staring up at the ceiling as the memory of red seared itself behind his eyelids.
In the end, Lyney had not slept at all, arms numb from where they’d stayed curled around his siblings throughout the night.
Gently, not wishing to rouse them, he tugs himself free, slips from beneath the covers to pad silently across hardwood floors. There are bandages set atop a drawer, some food and some salves. But it is upon the triplet bottled flames sitting there that his attention catches, gleaming their molten temptation.
Does Father know how he hums and haws over it now, fingers curling around the vial’s neck? Does she expect this flicker of doubt in her heir, this moment of hesitation, of weakness? Had this, too, been foreplanned by her?
Lyney knows he will never burn as brilliantly as Father. He is not strong enough, not smart enough to be named her heir. If he had been, Clervie would have been gone long before it ever had to come to this. If he had been, Lynette and Freminet would have never been hurt.
No illusion he conjures will ever fool her all-seeing gaze. No spell he casts over an audience will ever capture her attention. His steps do not fit into the path she wishes for him, too, to tread as she once had.
Because to be her successor, to become king… One day…
It would be so easy to let the flames swallow up his memories— and everything that made up ‘Lyney’ alongside it. Flush away the past that ever nips at his heels, the title of the Fatui, the burden of the heir and all its troubles.
But there is nowhere he and Lynette have gone that they have not gone together. He will not ask his sister to follow him to death too or ask Freminet to watch his siblings turn into a husks of themselves that cannot even recall his name. They both wish to stay, and Lyney will not cloud their judgement on the matter with his own doubts.
He pockets the vial and goes noiselessly from the room.
“Um… Lyney?”
A half-step from the door, he halts, twisting to meet Heloir’s gaze with a smile. Lips part to respond as he swallows around the lump in his throat, and only then, as it drags and burns all the way down, does he realize how dry his throat is. “Good morning, Heloir.”
“Oh.” He hears it, the realization in her voice that he is still himself, but she says nothing else, just continues to eye him warily. If she notices the rasp to his voice, there is no other response than to weigh the two potion vials in her hand, then hand him the one filled with clear liquid. A pause. “It’s water.”
Lyney exhales. “…Thank you. Did you need something?”
She shrinks, her voice alongside it. Normally so loud and proud, it’s strange to see her so small. “The bottled flames…did you need help administering them? I—I’m sure I have some medicine or potion to make it hurt less, but—”
But who’s going to watch over them if he leaves? Who will rock the younger kids to sleep or make sure Heloir doesn’t try any of her potions or teach Freminet to improve his sleight of hand? Or put on small magic shows by the hearth, with every trick practiced to perfection and even the ones less so able to call forth their smiles and laughter?
“Lyney? Should I go get something for you?”
Well…someone else will be able to do it. Father can find another heir.
But the yes sticks to the tip of his tongue as he reaches for the vial in his pocket. Because there will likely be a dozen other children like him— as smart, as ambitious, as clever— that Father can pick from, but Lyney will never find another home like this.
For a long time, the only home he had known was Lynette. But the House of the Hearth is his home now too. He doesn’t know much about how a family should really work or what a home should look like, and the thought of leading them is terrifying. Yet the thought of leaving them is infinitely more so.
If Lyney was predisposed to easy solutions, he’d have died long ago.
Anger makes you impulsive. Sorrow causes you to waver. But Lyney was forged by neither, and the flames caught in the orb of his Vision had not been born from rage. His ambition is as it has always been: he will protect his family, no matter what.
Even from Father. Even if it means death.
He clears his throat, producing the vial with a snap of his fingers. “Actually, I was hoping that you would keep this for me. After all, Father entrusted them to you for safekeeping.”
And there is the sparkle in her eyes. The smile. The vial is snatched— too eagerly, perhaps— from his hand. “Oh! Yes, sure!”
Lyney has no desire to be king. He has no ambition for strength other than for the ability it gives him to protect those dear to him. And, most times, he doesn’t know what home or family should mean.
But he never could have left. He wonders if Father had known that from the start. Wonders if this is the answer she had been looking for, if he will ever be able to tell her what family means to him.
Regardless, Lyney will know what she thinks of it soon enough.
Night falls.
As he always has, Lyney opens the door to Hotel Bouffes d’ete at the end of a long day and calls out, “I’m home!”
And the chorus of voices that calls back, “Welcome back!” is the beginning of his answer.
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silentborage · 1 month
Honestly i cannot tell from the demo what are her actual attack animations and whats fun special effects but the music fucked and so did Arlecchino so 10/10
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akagi0021 · 2 months
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not even planning to pull on arlecchino but like holy shit im a hoarder💀
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throwaway-yandere · 10 months
Just finished the AQ and Neuvillette isctruly testing my loyalty for Dainsleif huh.
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kitty-thinks-stuff · 1 month
i dont wanna skip arlecchino/lyneys banners to save for scaramouche!.... BUT THE PARASITES IN ME WANT-
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