#comments explaining and just aaaaaaaa
anonprotagging · 1 year
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oh yeah I made this last stream after having multiple streams in a row where I’d try to watch some interesting horror video essay and then out of nowhere get hit with stolen myths dskjfskjdhf
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lovingseventeen · 11 months
Hiii hope you're well 🫶🏼
I really really loved the svt doing your make up 🥺 honestly getting make up done is so relaxing and it can be so intimate (me when lol)
I have a suggestion for a svt reaction bec you see I have a thing for hands, like the hands are one of the first thing I notice about a person so I wonder how svt would react to their s/o randomly grabbing their had and kissing it 🥹
randomly kissing svt’s hands 🫶🏽
a/n: HI ANON i LOVE this request omggg. i have so many things queued but i HAD to write this rn rn
edit: i’m literally biting my lip as i write this bc FAWK this is such a cute idea i need all of these men’s hands in marriage rn
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❥ he loves holding hands so he doesn’t question when you grab his hand
❥ he’s about to lace his fingers with yours when he feels you bringing his hand up to your face to kiss it
❥ but he does malfunction a little bit because his brain is thinking: wait i’m supposed to do that to you
❥ you can hear his typical “ayy” as he watches you
❥ he won’t admit that he’s a little flustered
❥ you only find out that he is when he tucks his hair behind his ear and you notice that the tips of his ears are pink
❥ watches you with the most endearing smile
❥ lets you do you what you want but still leans in close to your face and asks, “what’s this for pretty baby, hm?” AAAAAAAA
❥ so so confused but he doesn’t pull his hand from you (because he never would)
❥ “what’s this?” he asks as you’re bringing his hand up
❥ “mm, nothing babe” you hum, placing a light kiss to the back of his hand
❥ “oh, okay?” he replies, pink dusting his cheeks
❥ blushing so bad but he isn’t even embarrassed
❥ goes “oo” as your lips make contact with his skin
❥ “does this mean you have a crush on me?” he jokes, making you drop his hand and smack his arm
❥ but ofc he catches your wrist and pulls you into him so he can properly kiss you
❥ you could do anything to him and he’d go with it
❥ smiles as you kiss his knuckles
❥ he might not comment on it but he’ll give you a few extra kisses that day
❥ you were chilling with him in the studio as he was going over his work
❥ without thinking about it too much, you took his hand to give it a little kiss which grabs his attention
❥ he hums in surprise and he’s so flustered that he’s immediately asking “am i not giving you enough attention today? i’m sorry baby give me a minute-” as he’s already starting to close some tabs on his desktop
❥ “oh, no! jihoon, i just felt like doing it!” you quickly explained, but he’s still closing off his things
❥ “i’ve done enough work today anyways” he decides, assuring you
❥ so so giggly as the slight foreign feeling of your lips brushing against his hand
❥ so smiley even as he’s asking “what’s this? you don’t usually do this”
❥ hair ruffle right after you do it
❥ you tease him a little as you run your thumb over his knuckles
❥ he’s wondering what you’re doing but it’s also not entirely new
❥ it’s when you’re lifting his hand that he’s already blushing because there’s no way you’re about to do what he’s thinking
❥ “what’re you doing? baby, what’s this?” right as you hold eye contact and kiss his hand
❥ for a pretty big and buff man, he feels like putty in your touch, he’s covering his face with his free hand because he can’t even look at you with how pink he’s getting
❥ “so i can’t even kiss my boyfriend’s hand?” you tease
❥ “not when it makes me like this!” he whines (definitely do this to him again)
❥ you couldn’t help but kiss his hands god they’re so pretty AAAAAA
❥ for seokmin, you took both of his hands in yours, making him raise his eyebrows, “oh?”
❥ casually, you place on kiss to his left, then one to his right and his eyes follow your ministrations
❥ best believe his heart is hammering and he’s blushing madly
❥ “do you have any idea what you do to me?” he asks, swearing that he’s falling even harder when you coyly shake your head no
❥ you kind of adored him when he was in a state of rambling about his day, even when he was tutting about the member teasing him but especially when you could tell that he felt like he did well. you were watching him from your couch as he paced your living room
❥ but there’s a moment when his eyebrows are furrowed because he’s talking about this dance move that he’s supposed to do on top of singing something quite difficult
❥ “it’s supposed to go something like this..” he murmurs slowly walking you through the dance steps, quirking his head as he wonders how he’ll do it
❥ he plops down onto the couch next to you when he’s finished walking you (and himself) through the whole chorus, leaning his head back. “i just don’t know how-”
❥ you take his hand because he’s so clearly stressed and place a kiss to it. his words stop as his face heats up from the sudden gesture
❥ “why all of a sudden?” he murmurs, looking away from you because you caught his so off guard
❥ “because my baby’s so stressed and i know you want to avoid getting wrinkles” you chuckle
❥ also so chill with it — would also probably let you do anything to him
❥ a small smile as you randomly kiss his hand
❥ “this is new” he observes, smiling wider when you giggle
❥ “just felt like it, why, is it weird?”
❥ he shakes his head, “no, not at all”
❥ “w-what, what is this?” he’s mumbling as you unexpectedly take his hand and kiss it
❥ “just wanted to give you a kiss” you reply simply
❥ he’s so pink but he’s trying to quickly think of a way to recover
❥ “well, why don’t you give me a real one” he decides, surprising you by pulling you into him by your waist
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kairiscorner · 9 months
i been rewatching adventure time because like the new fiona and cake spin off show is making me AUAUAU and marshal lees new redesign is so AAAAAAAA
HI LOVELYYYYY OH MY GOD, YES?????? i was an adventure time kid ever since i was like ... 5-7? THIS SHIT WAS MY JAM AS A KID, I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY ABOUT THE NEW SHOW, I HAVEN'T WATCHED IT YET THOUGH BUT I PLAN TO ... that scene in the original show really is so hobie x reader core omg, I LOVE ITTTT also i'm sorry but the 'puki' got me cackling – (imma explain in the comments if y'all want)
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
he's such a bad little boy. – hobie brown x fem!reader
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"good little girl... always picking a fight with me."
he was pretty much the most annoying asshole you've ever met–he never took anything about you seriously, pestered you a lot for your height, your grumpy face, your sour mood, your little huffs and puffs in response to his provocation... it was all too cute to him when you'd pick fights with him and be all angry and aggressive as usual. he loved the little banter you two shared, the sleepless nights you two would spend together just running your mouths off at each to sleep–and being pampered yet teased by him all the same. he was the best, worst friend you ever had in the history of ever... and you didn't want to lose him, no matter how annoying he was.
"you know that i'm bad... but you're spending the night with me."
"back so soon?" you ask him as he climbs into your window with his spider suit still on, only taking the mask off once you let him in your room and slumps in your bean bag, smirking all the while. "your room's pretty comfy, like how... good little girls keep their rooms as." he teased, making you pout and puff your cheeks up. "is that supposed to mean something, hobart?" you asked with extra emphasis on his name, making him smirk and shrug. "hey, now, it's up for interpretation." he said with a chuckle, making you groan loudly. "well, at least let me play your guitar. maybe... smash a few simpletons' heads in with this." you murmured as hobie gently took your hands in his, correcting your finger positions on his electric guitar.
"what do you want from my world? you're a good little girl..." he asks you, with slight rhetoric, knowing you were never one to disobey the rules and let alone wish to play loud, 'obstructive' music that would bother the neighbors. you sighed and followed hobie's lead, strumming and playing the right chords he taught you.
"bad little boy... that's what you're acting like."
"can't i choose to have fun, hobart?" you asked him with sarcasm in your tone, making him laugh. "of course, you can have everything you want–that's what good little girls like you deserve, right?" he said as he gently let go of your hands and let you figure out how to play a melody you came up with on the spot on your own. "it's just that... i never thought you'd be rebellious. never did, never will." he joked as you gave him a flat, fake laugh, knowing full well he was serious about what he said. "like, i can be the intimidating-like, 'rebellious' bloke or whatever for the two of us, at least outwardly. i'll take the trouble for you, that's enough, innit?"
"i really don't buy... that you're that kind of guy."
"nah. besides... that kind of hobie everyone else sees isn't the hobie i know." you said as you tuned his electric guitar. he raised an eyebrow at you in intrigue. "go on, dear." "well... you may be a little brash, loud, and you love telling assholes in authority to kiss your ass... but you aren't a total blockhead. you have a heart, you care, and you... you aren't as mean and scary as everyone thinks you are."
"and if you are... why do you want to hang out with me?" you asked him in a partly rhetorical way of your own this time–making hobie pause for a minute to look at you, and soon, burst into a sweet smile on his face. he gently pecked your cheek and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, bringing you closer to him with a satisfied sigh. "i just love to be around my good little girl... can't that be enough?" "then you're lucky i like being around my bad little boy..." you said with a sly smirk as hobie grinned and kissed your lips gently.
you truly were his bad little goody two shoes, and he loved you dearly for it.
tags !! @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @solecitoszn @toneystank-3000 @arachnoia @popeheywardssecretgf @euphovlq @rohansdisciple @conitagray
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jamminvroomvroom · 24 days
omg explain the lando/magui situation to me too
uhhhh okay let’s see lmao
(the purpose of this is to inform! pls don’t hate me lmfao)
the timeline, according to the internet:
- he shows up in her likes
- everyone goes “oh no lando don’t do this” bc apparently she’s a notorious cheater but idk how true that is. there’s def sus things happening.
- magui just so happens to be at the same modelling agency as her bestie kika (gaslys gf), and tragically, luisa (lando’s ex, my personal goat)
- they get spotted together multiple times in monaco, driving around, having dinner, at the tennis
- however, around this time she also gets spotted with her ex (joao felix)
- alarm bells start ringing
- they get spotted going for dinner with his sister and her bf
- she leaves a comment under the f1 ig accounts “lando won!!!!” post
- some accounts leak that she’s been? stalking? lando fan pages (the ones with no mention of her) but yeah, make of that what you will
- she gets tagged in pietra’s (fewts gf) ig story even tho she’s not even in the picture, and people start going… hmmmm???
- and then, she posts from a hotel in surrey, which is where the MTC is, and that’s where lando is
- meanwhile luisa, who keeps getting dragged into the narrative, posts on her broadcast ig chat thingy that she is essentially unbothered, thriving, and is not involved.
- luisa aka my goat, aka mother, posts a pic of her in papaya (aaaaaaaa) swimwear captioned “not bitter, just better”. 2 dead, me: injured.
so yeah. interesting. anyways.
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kaonarvna · 5 months
I can't quite explain, but——I feel warm here (tumblr). I feel appreciated and human here, in a way I haven't felt on other social media platforms before.
Maybe it's the different algorithm, maybe it's the more intentionally mixed-media nature of the site, maybe it's the borderline anarchistic queerness (I mean this in the most positive way possible——tumblr helped me find the vocab I needed to explain how I fit into the world a long time ago), the open neurodiversity and visible disabilities, the shamelessness in fixations and fandom, but regardless——
It's warm.
I like the way people reblog things. The little comments, unrestrained enthusiasm and sympathetic anger. Adding my work to their personalised collection of gay art and disabled screaming.
Things feel slower here. A normal pace of "slower". They're not wildly sped up and demanding 24/7 content, and refreshing and refreshing and refreshing. It's not crawling with twenty second videos that lead to infinite pages of more twenty second videos. I'm not punished for keeping my face and body hidden, or for not posting every single day. I don't feel like my attention is being manipulated and milked for ad time. I don't feel like I'm being aggressively influenced. I don't feel like I'd have to pay money if I ever wanted to be seen; the tags just work and people like to share.
And it's nice. It's so nice. Why did it take me so long to come back? Why did it take me five years to come back, just to realise that this is The Good Site for me?
It feels intuitive now, as though I should have known. As though, I was silly for not knowing.
And I'm probably missing something. I'm probably not using this site the best I could, or failing to understand some mechanics. But that's fine. That's absolutely fine.
Anyway, thank you.
Thank you for the feral excitement, the info dumps, the headcanons, the keysmashes, the AAAAAAAA, the praise, and the "is there more?" of it all buried in my post reblogs, replies, and dms. Thank you. Really, I mean it. Thank you.
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wing-ed-thing · 9 months
The metaphor with the insects, and the end of Reader picking just ONE flower of the bouquet!! I don't know how to explain it but that part is just perfect
Truly love your writing so much, both Erwin and Levi are so in character to me, you captured them so well
I want to comment more about it but my English is not that good so I'll just leave it here! Thanks for sharing your fics, hope to see more, they're masterpieces 💗
I was literally bursting at the seams hoping that someone would enjoy so your comment has literally made the work worth writing!!! And I really appreciate the compliment on my characterizations! I really take pride in them
Thank you again Anon!!!
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trikanoid · 1 year
My thoughts during the final palace and after finishing the final palace in Persona 5 Royal
Be warned, there are spoilers ahead
i cant believe the supposed “bad” or not true ending of persona 5 royal is not actually the correct ending
it seems so happy and perfect with how it looks, most games would consider that the true ending but ig coz the games theme is rebelling against an unjust society and the sorts, it wouldnt be right for marukis world to be real, they even voice acted it and put so much effort into an ending that would usually be avoided if u wanted to finish the game, god damn p5r is written pretty well
and once i beat the final palace, i pre much have 100% achievements and moving onto p3p 🤔 and then probs after playing thru p3p twice to get 100% achievements, ill be replaying p4g
even crazier is that jokers teammates dont actually notice anything about the world they were given, only joker and akechi notice or know about it but joker is just praying that the ending chosen was a good ending
and then i can kinda understand marukis ending coz like a world where no one gets hurt. in marukis palace theres a part where u answer a questionnaire or multiple and one question where it had something to do with ur goals with the answers being “continue trying to reach ur goal”, “do whatever it takes to reach ur goal” or “give up and move onto a new goal/dream” actually made me realise that i usually take the easy way out in most things 😢 its kinda sad, id go for the final option and usually give up and move onto another dream/goal, which also explains why i never get addicted to have anything im rly passionate about since ill just give up when i hit a slump or just cannot progress aaaaaaaa p5r is so good
but the biggest problem with marukis ending is that ur happiness is just given to u, u dont think at all, uve got one singular path laid out for u to follow and while i find that decent and nice, its also rly fun and nice to struggle and come out on top, tho for me i usually only do those things for simpler activities such as coding, im fine with struggling with figuring out how to code something coz at the end its just so satisfying to figure it out and make it work, but at the same time, i wouldnt mind a path laid out for me since im the type of person to go with the flow and follow alongside others, but im also pretty neutral so while idm it, id also not like it and would like a path that makes me want to struggle and want me to reach my goals/dreams 🤔 aaaaaa theres so much to think about
tbh never thought a game would make me wanna type this much about it but after reading the comments of the “bad” ending, it got me wanting to share my own opinions but didnt wanna do it in the yt comments
like no cap if marukis reality were real, it would be great coz it means ur friends who suicided would come back, cats and dogs would live longer, etc and then i could have my best friend who suicided come back to life and while thats great and all itll also mean the struggles of coping with his death would disappear, it would mean id spend less time trying to catch up with ppl, thanking ppl for talking with me, letting ppl know i cared and id go back to the person whod disappear every once in a while, never thanking anyone for games, never thanking anyone for anything and making people question whether i rly found it fun to hang out with them or whether i cared about them much, so much to think about 💀 but i can genuinely understand where maruki is coming from where he doesnt want anyone to be hurt since id like the same 😢
he truly is the goodest bad guy
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pinkuberii · 2 years
fInaLllYYY A GOOD WRITER WHOS REQS ARE OPEN AAAAAAAA can i pls have uh diluc and reader being pushed into a closet together cuz kaeya did it lol and i had this idea for so dayum long and i need somebody to write it forme cuz i am rlly dum -w- -mio tysm :DD
- Jam-Packed -
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Tw: None (small spaces perhaps?)
Wc: 859
Summary: Diluc and Reader get pushed into a closet by Kaeya.
Genre: Fluff
A/N: Wow this took so long to answer life hasn't been the best atm. Thank you for your patience, mio! I hope you like it <3 // No Beta Read // Very rushed!
Masterlist -> <3
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All of it happened in a blink of an eye, you and Diluc in a tiny little wooden closet that could barely fit two people in. The lack of space made it even more difficult to be in a comfortable position which explained why your limbs were practically tangled. Hell, you could even feel the man’s rushing heart and warm breath against your back.
Kaeya what have u done??? :(
“Now, this is awkward,” you managed to mumble between your lips, your heart beating with the same rhythm as Diluc’s while shifting left and right.
He had to swallow the lump in his throat before bringing out a reply, uttering a faint ‘it is’ as a response.
Poor man, he’s quite annoyed and nervous,,,
Not annoyed at you though <3
You’re just so so close to him that he’s afraid he’ll make you uncomfortable in some way
Sending my prayers to Kaeya once he finds a way out of the closet
After many failed attempts to escape you both soughed tiredly, sweat covering both of your foreheads because of the gradually increasing warmth in such a narrow space.
“It’s quite warm,” he commented, noticing the glistening drops on your forehead thanks to the slight bit of light that peeked through the closet’s doors. Sluggishly, he slipped his hand in his pants’ pocket, rummaging through it before sliding a rather fancy handkerchief out. “Here. You’re sweating, use this.”
Suddenly, your lips feebly curled upwards while gladly thanking him. Grabbing the piece out of his hands, you put it on your damp forehead right away.
He cARES 🥺
Poor thing he’s actually sweating himself…
Look Diluc is dressed like a Victorian maiden he is transpiring in bUCKETS
But on another note, he doesn’t mind being this close to you…
And the same thing applies to you as well… ;)
All of a sudden your eyes noticed the glistening spots on the crimson-eyed male’s cheeks, carefully you placed your fingertips on his sweaty face, your lips forming a small ‘o’ shape upon noticing how warm it was.
“You’re too warm… And your face—” without a second thought, you removed the handkerchief from your own face and put it on his right off, wiping the droplets away with such gentle movements.
Thank god it’s dark in the closet because Diluc is blushing-
The man in front of you muttered a soft ‘oh’ before thanking you, lips forming an unnoticeable small smile because of the kind gesture. He clearly felt his smooth locks being pushed away by you whilst the droplets of sweat were being cleansed.
Not saying he loves this, but he loves this
Especially the way your fingertips brush so frailly against his face makes him wEAK
As you were keeping yourself occupied by removing the drops on his face, Diluc’s hands lazily went to his black tie. Carefully, he loosened it whilst exhaling deeply on account of relief. “I don’t think Kaeya will let us out of here soon,” he enunciated.
With a soft nod you agreed with him, the atmosphere increasing in warmth every passing minute.
“We should do something to pass the time,” you suggested as you let your fingers run through your hair, “maybe we can talk?”
Oh no
Oh no talking-
Diluc dislikes small talk in my opinion
So do I-
Esu Diluc kinnie??? /j
“Small talk would be kind of boring and it quickly would lead to silence. I’ve read an interesting novel recently where ‘love’ itself had played a major part in it and I can’t help but wonder,” you inquired, facing him before asking your question, “what do you think love is?”
Before answering, he took his sweet time to come up with a thoroughly thought response, his face expressing impressiveness yet shyness upon such a deep question. You certainly weren’t an ordinary individual in his eyes.
“First of all, I think people have different views on what ‘love’ is. So, I’ll just be telling you my personal opinion briefly. I think love is something where you gradually become fragile and give your lover the power the destroy you, yet you trust them with your whole heart not to.”
Wow so simple yet so tender- <3
“That’s a lovely way to view it,” you muttered between your lips that were curling upward, your shoulders brushing against his as you were gazing into one another’s eyes tenderly.
He’d ask you something philosophical back-
And this would continue until the two of you were practically getting blinded by a sudden light
“Man what a conversation you two had… And I thought something exciting would happen in the closet,” the navy blue-haired man scoffed whilst looking downward with a disappointed gaze, sighing deeply before leaving the room directly.
He’s aware that Diluc would whoop his ass
“You can find me in the tavern the most evenings,” the man informed you as he was standing up, extending a hand towards you while smiling very clemently, “I must say that the conversation we just had was rather interesting. I’d appreciate it if we could talk again in a more… appropriate area.”
Now, who were you to say no?
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itadorisgf · 3 years
AAAAAAAA! CONGRATS ON THE MILESTONE I’M SO PROUD OF YOU AND YOU DESERVE EVERY BIT BECAUSE YOUR WRITING IS WONDERFUL! ✨💛 for a tulip/date night(?) I was thinking about a road trip date with Gojo Satoru? Like, it might be unrealistic since 1. He’s probably really busy, huh? 2. I don’t know if he can even swap places to drive because blindfold, and even his sunglasses were wack (Gege said something about ‘em somewhere). But the of dorking out during sightseeing and blasting tunes in the car with the fun-loving teacher is just very appealing to me. Also congrats again!! qwq
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— gojo satoru + road trip
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⤷ anonymous asked: AAAAAAAA! CONGRATS ON THE MILESTONE I’M SO PROUD OF YOU AND YOU DESERVE EVERY BIT BECAUSE YOUR WRITING IS WONDERFUL! ✨💛 for a tulip/date night(?) I was thinking about a road trip date with Gojo Satoru? Like, it might be unrealistic since 1. He’s probably really busy, huh? 2. I don’t know if he can even swap places to drive because blindfold, and even his sunglasses were wack (Gege said something about ‘em somewhere). But the of dorking out during sightseeing and blasting tunes in the car with the fun-loving teacher is just very appealing to me. Also congrats again!! qwq
note: thank you so so much for the kind words!
ft. gojo satoru
warning: gn!reader, fluff, gojo being gojo (aka an insufferable but loveable menace)
⤷ the flower shop
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It’s incredibly rare for Gojo to get any time off from work. He’s always needed here or there —for “difficult” missions, which really aren’t all that difficult, or boring obligatory clan meetings — that he doesn’t have much free time. But Gojo somehow manages to weasel his way out of some commitments, which might earn him a lecture from some higher-ups later, and proudly proclaims that you’re going on a road trip together.
It’s not that you’re not excited at the prospect of spending time with Gojo, but a little heads up would have been appreciated. But Gojo is Gojo and he exits your shared bedroom with a grin and informs you that you have an hour to gather all the stuff you need before closing the door shut behind him. The dumbass barely gives you any details of where you are going so you tear through your room, searching for whatever you think you’ll need for a day trip.
It actually doesn’t take you too much time to pack everything you think you’ll need, but you still scowl at Gojo when you exit your shared bedroom to see him lounging with his legs spread out across the couch. He jumps up the moment he sees you with the complaint of you taking too long on his tongue. You just elbow him in the chest and roll your eyes when it doesn’t connect since Gojo turned on his infinity before you could actually hit him.
Gojo takes the bag you’ve packed from your hand and you’re quick to snatch the car keys off the counter before the two of you exit your home. You may love Gojo immensely, but you’d be damned if you let him drive. You’re not even sure if he has a proper license. With the way he drives, speeding and swerving, you wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t.
Gojo pouts when he realizes you’re going to be the one driving, but gets in the passenger seat regardless. Once you’re all buckled up, you flip your palm up for Gojo to entwine your fingers together. Sometimes he likes to fiddle with your fingers or to compare your hand sizes instead of actually holding your hand.
He always pretends to be astonished that his hand is bigger than yours despite doing the same thing every single time he rides in the passenger seat. You just roll your eyes in fond amusement.
You let Gojo control the music you listen to. He queues up a lot of upbeat pop songs and throwbacks that the two of you can belt out together. He’ll turn up the volume obnoxiously loud and sing as loudly as he can, so his voice won’t be drowned out by the music. His voice is actually not bad, so sometimes you’ll stop singing along to the lyrics just so you can devote your attention to listening to him, eyes darting to the side every so often to get a glimpse of him from the corner of your eyes. When he feels your eyes on him, Gojo makes a whole performance out of his singing, going so far as to use your hand as a pretend microphone before littering kisses all over the back of it.
Although Gojo didn’t give you any details of where you’re going before getting in the car, he takes charge and directs you when to switch lanes and when to turn as you drive. Sometimes, though you believe he’s doing it purposefully, he’ll give you a direction a second too late, forcing you to find your way back to where you were before so you can resume the path Gojo has laid out in his mind.
You haven’t been driving for too long when Gojo tells you to exit the freeway and park in a lot that he points out to you. Looking around when you exit the vehicle, you’re unfamiliar with your surroundings. When your eyes land on Gojo, it takes all of your restraint to not facepalm.
“Ta-da!” His aggressive jazz hands would be much more embarrassing if there were more people around to witness it. He gives you a dazzling smile, tilting his head down slightly to look at you over his sunglasses. “Let’s go explore!”
With that comment, Gojo grabs your hand, barely giving you enough time to make sure your car is locked and drags you off in the direction he’s chosen. You guys aimlessly wander around, pulling one another into random shops that catch your interest. Of course, Gojo is pulling you into bakeries and shops that are selling sweets, insistent that he needs to try them. He has you taste-test them with him, buying all the treats that you both enjoy.
You pull him in the direction of some shops that sell cute touristy things, thinking that it would be nice to bring something back for his students. Gojo beams when you suggest that, swooping down to plant a kiss on your lips, and agrees that as a great sensei, it was his duty to get his cute little students something. So you guys peruse around until you find something that you both think his students would appreciate.
After walking around for so long, you’ve worked up an appetite. Gojo too, since right when you’re about to open your mouth to suggest that you find someplace to eat, he complains out loud that he’s hungry. You guys choose to eat at a cafe you spotted a while back. Once seated, you’re both quick to order your meal. While waiting, Gojo passes the time by playing footsie with you, despite the fact you’re full-grown adults. Thanks to his stupidly long limbs, he wins, much to his glee and much to your disappointment.
When your order arrives, you both dig in. Gojo swipes some food off of your plate when he thinks you’re not paying attention. You’re not that unaware so when you catch him red-handed, he lets you taste some of his food as well. Gojo pays for the bill and throws his arm around your frame when you exit the cafe.
You’re much more subdued than you were previously, stuffed full of delicious food. A little sleepy now, you give in and hand the keys over to Gojo so he can drive. You curl up in the passenger seat, leaning over the console to get closer to Gojo. He lowers the volume of the music and entwines your fingers together as you doze off for a bit.
The ride is much more smooth than it normally is. Gojo tries his best to be extra cautious when driving since he doesn’t want to jostle you around too much when you’re resting.
When you open your eyes again, the sun is much lower in the sky and when you look out the window, you realize you’re far out from the city.
“Good morning, sleepyhead.” You snuggle back into the seat, squeezing Gojo’s hand that’s in yours.
“Where are we going, Satoru?” You’re still blinking the grogginess away as you turn your head to look at Gojo. He’s always been unfairly gorgeous, but in this light, Gojo looks positively ethereal. You don’t say it out loud, though. You’re not trying to give the man a bigger head than he already has. But by the grin he shoots your way, you have a feeling he already has an idea of what you’re thinking about.
“Somewhere.” You roll your eyes at your boyfriend’s purposeful vagueness.
“Mhm, okay. Wake me up when we get there.” You close your eyes once more, a faint smile on your lips when you feel Gojo press his lips to the back of your hand.
You’re roused from your nap by Gojo gently shaking your shoulder. The car is parked now, your car door ajar with Gojo standing over your still seated body. “Hey, Sleeping Beauty.” He laughs much too loud when you sleepily pout at him.
“Aw, does my baby want me to carry them?” Gojo teases. He’s surprised when you actually nod your head and lift your arms up. You must have been sleepier than he thought. His grin widens as he swoops down to scoop you up in his arms, openly cooing when you snuggle your head against his chest.
You don’t know how long Gojo’s been walking for when he pretends to drop you, causing you to yelp. “Lost my grip,” he explains with a disingenuous smile when you crane your head to look up at him. Before you can huff and complain that he’s such a shithead sometimes, he happily exclaims: “We’re here now!”
He helps you ease down onto your feet, wrapping his arms around you from behind and tucking his head into your neck as you look around to figure out where exactly “here” is. You quietly gasp, eyes widening in awe, as you soak in your surroundings. You’re far away from the city in someplace along the coast. The sunset beautifully illuminates the waves crashing below you, setting the sky ablaze with a melody of warm and vibrant colors.
When you tilt your head to look at Gojo, he’s already observing your profile. His sunglasses rest low on the bridge of his nose, granting you a clear view of his crystal blue eyes. His smile is not as wide as it usually is, it’s a bit softer, a bit more genuine.
“You like it?” He squeezes his arms tighter around your middle, nuzzling his cheek against yours.
“I love it, Satoru. It’s beautiful,” you assure him, awkwardly tilting your head so you can press a kiss to his skin. You place your hands over his own, tangling your fingers together. You stand like that for a while, enjoying the view until the sun inevitably dips below the horizon.
As you’re driving home, you sneak a glance at your boyfriend. His long limbs are bent at awkward angles as it’s now his turn to rest his eyes as you drive the two of you home. Your lip curves up into a fond smile. You won’t lie and say that it isn’t difficult dating a man like Gojo Satoru, but moments like these make it all worth it.
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veenxys · 3 years
i think tomura would be really funny but like- unintentionally funny? its so hard to explain and im not funny so i have no examples but he says the weirdest shit w a monotone voice and is sarcastic but its funny and idk he just seems like he’d b funny w out trying to
AAAAAAAA YES!!!!!!! like, sometimes he says something that pops into his head and he just realizes he said it out loud when you laugh or make some funny comment; he doesn't even laugh at what he said, he just smiles a little embarrassed that he made you laugh.
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askgianthopespeak · 3 years
It was early in the morning, everyone had been called to the dining hall where monokuma was making an announcement, but then he mentioned something about a new motive, everyone didn't like where this was going, afterall, they were still dumbfounded by the past events, fuyuhiko had just sliced his stomach open and fully recovered, Gundham and Kazuichi started getting along, they had even visited the Yakuza everyday while he recovered, the three had gotten very close with each other, Fuyuhiko showed more of his soft side towards the other two, Gundham started opening up more, and Kazuichi became a lot more (obssessed)protective of the two. They all just realized how stupidly well they got along.
Monokuma then started blabbling on about their new motive "And so with this injection, i can make half of you about the size of a human hand!!!" he explained, he took out multiple (tw!!) n33dles, and injected some the students with the odd pinkish liquid, those students being; Kazuichi, Fuyuhiko, Hajime, Ibuki, hiyoko, akane, and sonia. Kazuichi was absolutely loosing his shit while Fuyuhiko was extremely upset at the fact that he was shorter than before, not to mention that the pinkette was panicking, he went over and smacked Kazuichi's head, grr maybe that'll make him snap out of it, and it somewhat did? Kazuichi shakily looked towards Fuyuhiko.
    "t-the hell was that for!?" he hissed, narrowing his eyes, giving a small glare towards the Yakuza.  
"you were being a fucking crybaby, thats why" he scolded, giving the glare back, crossing his arms.
Gundham was baffled by the situation, he had noticed that Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko had been affected by the odd effect of the motive, he went over to them and crouched down in front of them, looking down at the two, he quietly stared as he heard the two argue for a bit until it somewhat turned to laughter, though, it was only low giggles, he decided to speak up after they had stopped, which made Kazuichi scream his lungs out when he realized Gundham had been watching them.
"Worry not small mortals, i shall shield you both from any sort of jeopardy!" he spoke loudly, which was basically b o o m i n g for the two smalls.
  "geez- could you keep it down at least? you're way too loud" Fuyuhiko commented, slightly covering his ears, as he went back to crossing his arms.
Gundham went quiet and had gone ahead and carefully scooped up the tiny boys into his hands, he exited the dining room and made his way to the outside, in which he settled down on the beach, taking a seat, making sure his two (dark princes) friends were safe, he held them carefully in his hands, looking down at both of them "i apologize for such sudden movements, it was not my intention if i have hurt either of you” The darklord spoke softly.
"its fine Gun- just- coulda loved a lil warning before you did it" The mechanic chuckled awkwardly, something about just being able to see the giant breeder's face made his stomach flutter with butterflies. Of course, the pinkette was still absolutely terrified about all of this, but knowing that he was at least with two of his friends made him feel way better, and- a small pinch of safety. Fuyuhiko was just keeping quiet, he hadn’t spoke for a bit, he was just- thinking- was he.....gonna die? oh god he hoped not- this was gonna be terrible if he did- or it would be even worse if Gundham or Kazuichi did- i mean- he COULDN’T lose them- that’d absolutely suck, he cursed himself for going soft on two dumbasses and actually caring for them.
“...Let’s just hope me and Kaz get back to our normal sizes- i fucking hate this!” the yakuza complained, groaning in annoyance.
“i’m sure it can’t be that bad! besides....We’ve got Gundham! I’m sure Gundham wouldn’t do anything-” he paused and leaned towards Fuyuhiko “besides....hes kind of a dork” Kazuichi whispered.
The blonde laughed “you’re one to talk, dumbass! but.....i guess you’re right....”he huffed, he just hoped nothing would happen to the two....
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floralseokjin · 2 years
I just caught up on ch 7 and 8 and oh my god.
i've never been so giddy about a couple before the way ch 7 had me all emotional and wrapped up in y/n's headspace and understanding her motives and her feelings and her urge to kick sera into a wall so hard there's a cartoon outline of her body left in it to the bitter ending of it that left me hollow
then going straight into ch 8 where my heart soared knowing y/n is growing as a better person and accepting her faults and sera is GONE (for now and hopefully forever) AND THEN WHEN SHE RUSHED TO JIN AAAAAAAA bro i cannot explain how i was giggling and kicking my feet in the air when they kissed I AM SO HAPPY FOR THEM and stop the part with Jin at the end had me giggling
swear on my LIFE this couple is gonna be the end of me they're so cute and mature and just everything that is a good relationship, they fall apart but come back together and talk about things and I just LOVE it
thank you for making such incredible stories and always indulge me with your amazing couples every time!!!
“there's a cartoon outline of her body left in it” hsjsk that should have happened!
I’m so happy you enjoyed both chapters! I feel like they probably could’ve been very emotional to read together because of everything that went on 🤧 thank you for all the 9mtfil couple love, they really are very special to me and they just work so well together even when things are still so fresh and confusing 😭 my babies!
Thank you so much for your lovely comments, I really appreciate them 💖
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Yui?! Yuiyuiyuiyuiyuiyuiyuiyuiyuiyuiyuiyui!!!!!! Love her so much omg and I love your writing aaaaaa my oh my my aaaaa omg I am floored I am excitedly awaiting aaaaaaaa thank you for the good news I was having such a shitty!
I'm so happy to hear you're excited anon! Of the two fics involving Yui, one is still in the planning stages but I have already started to write the other, and let me tell you, I personally am very excited for it. I'll explain more about it when I'm actually ready to post the first part of it (which will likely be after the second instalment in my Siren!Shin series and my first love triangle route ask), but I thought I might share a small snippet from the first draft in the hopes of brightening your day a little more. I hope you enjoy it!
“You’re… a third year student right? You have classes with Ruki-kun and Kou-kun?”
Much to your shame, you had thus far tried and failed to remember the names of a large number of your classmates. Ruki and Kou Mukami however, were two you did know, the former because in class he’d showed himself to be extremely proficient in English—enough so that you'd considered attempting to befriend him until you’d caught one look at his cold grey eyes and thought better of it—while the latter was hard to miss with the large number of girls who seemed to flock around him before and after class.
“Yes, I am. Do you know them?”
“Oh yes, I’m er… staying with them at the moment.”
You didn’t really have a response to that, and from the expression on the blonde girl’s face, it didn’t seem like she wanted to elaborate on the matter.
“What about you? What year are you in?” You asked.
“I’m a second year student, Komori Yui,” she introduced herself. “It’s nice to meet you.”
You responded in kind, forgetting whether introducing oneself required any sort of bow and settling on an awkward nod of the head.
Kindly, Yui didn’t comment on it, instead saying, “If you don’t mind me asking, where are you from?”
Just like that, the rest of the walk was passed with idle, but pleasant conversation. Yui was a good listener, you realised quickly, she seemed interested to hear about your home country, your struggles when you’d first arrived in Japan and how you’d found your first two weeks at Ryoutei Academy. As it turned out, Yui herself had transferred there only a couple of months earlier, and she shared how she’d initially found it hard to adjust to attending a night school.
By the time the two of you came to the warehouse, you found yourself in the best mood you'd been in since starting at the school—this was the closest you’d come to making a friend and you were in the middle of wondering if the other girl would be up for exchanging numbers when you heard a voice that made your heart stop dead in your chest.
“Heh, did you finally manage to give your little vampire minders the slip?”
Shin Tsukinami was walking down the corridor towards you, his body posture seemingly relaxed, a mocking smile on his face. It took you a solid minute to register that he wasn’t directing that look at you, but at the small blonde beside you. Gone was the friendly smile Yui had been wearing a moment earlier, replaced with worry and thinly veiled fear.
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chaotic-catra · 3 years
The Leyend of Korra reaction post: Book 1 [*S1 SPOILERS*]
Leyend of Korra is so much DARKER than ATLA, I just love how they decided to explore something totally different even if it didn't convince me much at first. It took me a bit to get used to the whole city atmosphere beacuse ATLA's weird ancient ( ¿? ) tech-free world was AMAZING.
The problems and villains in LOK really get to scare you, which is something that ATLA couldn't totally achieve. This time you even get to empathize more with their goals, despite being evil, and you understand why so many people join them.
I know that in order to have Korra Aang has to pass away, but everytime I remember he's gone I get really sad. Is like no one cares about anything that happened on ATLA (which is the natural course of life but I DON'T CARE, I MISS MY GOOFY CHILD) I REALLY need him to show up at least once like Roku did about mmm a fucking million times.
I can't begin to explain how much I love Bolin, he's the ultimate himbo
It is so cool to see Korra master 3 elements perfectly, she's aN UNSTOPPABLE MACHINE
ASAMI IS SO NICE AAAAAAAA SHE'S THE SWEETEST. I feel so sorry for her, she seems so clueless about her dad:/
Also she knows how to get people to like her
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I can't believe how many people said that Korra was annoying on season one ¿? she's a fucking teenager how do u want her to act?? I think people had HUGE expectations on her because she is Aang's predecessor but if you look at any other Avatar they were all just as messy and dumb as she is SO LEAVE MY BABY ALONE.
This exact moment was Korra's gay awakening
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I love how even after knowing about Mako's real feelings for Korra, Asami NEVER blames it on her. She never makes bitchy comments against her, never gets angry at her or tries to sabotage her. Mako has feelings for another girl? that's his problem. She never sees Korra as "the enemy".
IT WARMS MY HEART TO SEE HOW AIRBENDING IS A NORMAL THING AGAIN 😭😭😭 a little detail you may not know is that in spanish ATLA is not called "The last airbender" but "The leyend of Aang" and I always felt like the first name was so much more powerful. To think about the genocide of the airbenders always gives me goose bumps, and to think about how lonely Aang must have felt being the last proof that the world he once knew, along with all his teachers and friends, existed, is something that always seemed terribly tragic to me.
One of my favourite things about both TLOK and ATLA is how they show the avatar not as a hero who always knows what to do but as kids who are trying to figure things out and sometimes things are too much for them
And I love how Korra's journey is so different from Aang's like the way she doesn't have an special ability to connect with the spirit world
The last episode blew my mind. I loved how Amon literally showed that he was a water bender BY HIMSELF. Loved how his brother blew up the boat to put an end to their story. LOVED HOW WHEN KORRA IS CRYING SHE SAYS PLEASE TENZIN LEAVE ME ALONE AND IT IS AANG 😭
Something I LOVE about bending is how being a good bender it's not only about how physically strong you are but about how ingenious you are with what you have, this is something that is shown many times in both atla and tlok but it never ceases to amaze me. I love to see someone who is at a disadvantage in terms of power but turns things around by being smart and looking "beyond"
I understand that at first they planned the series to have a single season, and although it was INCREDIBLE, even more knowing the expectations that it had to exceed, it hurts me to think that it could've been the last. I'm so so so happy they renewed it. This show deserves all the best.
Additional content: me not being able to handle the last episode
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hamsterrivals · 4 years
ok, so.
I made a youtube video, of me narrating Ashita no Joe episode 4.
I was wondering for awhile if it would be ok to upload a video that’s just directly an anime episode of Ashita no Joe.
I thought partly, maybe it would be ok, since that anime came out like before 1970 or something so maybe it’s free domain,
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but nah. It is blocked. I can’t find the video at all.
but, that isn’t going to stop me..
I will do the impossible, (even though I am depressed, about someone I know. irl)
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and narrate Ashita no Joe episode 4.
I made a whole video of me narrating it with my voice. but it’s blocked aaaa. I refuse to let it go, though.
giga..drill...breakeriswhat I’d say but I am too depressed about someone I know irl.
Ok so anyways, this was gonna be a YouTube video, especially cuz-- [had to delete the explanation] anyways here:
[deleted stuff.....] ...
anyways here:
oh shizzat its 4am I’m fluffin’ tired. so I’m just gonna skim the episode and post screenshots argh my foot is pulsating as I type that as if my entire body is thinking “wow I know you re-watched Ashita no Joe episodes again yesterday but you should watch the whole episode again its godly” I’m sorry ewotjwte its just almost 4am and I had to wake up at 10am yesterday.
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the opening plays. and then:
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that one guy that is like my dad reads about my stuff
Jebus freakin’ RICE I’m tired. But I need to do something productive today cuz after I woke up at 10am for my social worker I was tired and drained all day from hearing the voices of the people upstairs and the noise in the wall.
my dad I mean Danpai keeps reading the newspaper (like how in -- gah nevermind [deleted cuz I’m paranoid about what [NEVERMIND deleted the explanation]] and
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my freakin’ dad I mean Danpai gets mad at Joe just like
I DELETED [can’t say] like 8 years ago cuz of that time when I [=/ Can’t say the details]
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GOSH DARN IT this is just like something irl and I can’t even say what it is because I’m too paranoid about people [deleted explanation here]
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ok so basically Joe is super successful and doing good things in this world but no one believes him cuz his stupid azz danpai adopted dad figure is a dumb bummie, and then
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and then I wanna explain 99 lines but we’re not even 2 minutes into the episode, so I guess I have to skip some parts; I mean it is 4am after all
and then
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ok so there’s this snobby lady (at the time ? perhaps she changes at the very very very very end but I won’t give any spoilers about how the very final episode goes itjewiot btw I literally watched this anime starting from the very last episode cuz someone said this series has best ending in anime/manga of all time, and then I started back at early episodes after that, when I first watched this however years ago,)
and then
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yes we printed this article cuz .. you’re trustworthy and popular but Joe is just an unpopular guy who helps out orphans and gives his money away to help out orphans
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ya know how when I watched the first 11 episode with [won’t say but the guy that begins with Sau and ends with ce that I was friends with for 15 years and he kept making fun of it multiple times in the chat saying “More like a shit a joe.”] well these guys are like wow Joe is a delinquent cuz he is helping out orphans
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wow Yabuki Joe used an alt account or some shiz and made a complete lie to try to help society for the better like making a peaceful game and then I mean boxing I mean waterver and then
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no one believes ni the main character Joe who is LITERALLY helping out local orphans; and they’re basically like just jealous of him and twisting the truth to make him look bad is what these snobby popular people are doing t hat actually have friends unlike the wondering loner Joe Yabuki,
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this very popular snobby lady who actually has friends unlike ab- Yabuki Joe doesn’t care that Joe is actually being helpful and wants to make projects that will bring peace to this world, she will not give him a chance because she cares more about appearances and keeping up her reputation.
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....She takes on the full pressure and responsibilty. But can she handle it?
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they’re basically like “uhhh do you have [deleted in case it comes off as offensive, since I know some others that make fun of that stuff >=\ which I don’t like either cuz I get made fun of [the deleted thing] too . It shouldn’t even have to be deleted >=\ but I was in a [DELETED] and they made fun of [the deleted thing] so I guess it has to be [deleted] which is so sad for this world ??] and so
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the really cool person who *doesn’t reveal spoilers of the end of the series aa* says please leave Train- Yabuki Joe to me !!
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i have faith in him he totally will not somehow break this faith that I vaguely have in him and am kinda too shy to publicly admit..
I wonder what Joe is feeling like right now and doing:
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s o anyways Joe keeps laughing 99 times in this episode, and, cuz he knows he’s right and just helping out orphans and people that aren’t popular and too afraid to join the b- never mind.
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some of his followers don’t respond to his long rants and are like maybe he is going too far and should back down fro mthe very popular snobby lady
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Yabuki Joe laughs again
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he says What’s the matter with you!? Stop siding with the very popular lady that actually has friends and a good reputation who is a stuck up and like do what is right instead of what . will make people think better of you even if you know in your hear that maybe it might be wrong.
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The snobby lady posted on Twit- I mean irl the anime known as Ashita no Joe the they posted a screenshot of me saying “I have family.....” and they mocked him saying “Um.... I have family too....?” as her followers mocked Yabuki Joe on twitter in the 1970s anime or something,
but family isn’t what matters, everyone has family,
what matters is that you all still have a poor reputation because you have no friends which I think is 100% ok but the stuck-up lady who hates Joe for some reason atm just cares about how they’re rich in [deleted snarky remarks] reputation.
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stop caring about the dislikes and haters and appreciate the supporters that you do have;;.
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yabuki Joe says F THE HATERS THIS IS Just the beginning of [would say but I wanna here but X_X; [deleted the reason why I won’t] because of [deleted] because of [deleted]]
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,y gpa; s 1 million followers cuz then they at least know what is right
in this world.
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and then joe is like
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and then;
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then he’s like yea in my heart I know its good to have that many followers cuz I know the true true truth about Yabuki Joe the anime and manga character from Ashita no Joe, he just wants that many followers to program an indie game about- I mean anyways
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they say
[OK WHAT THEH ECK I SERIOUSLY DID RECORD A VIDEO OF ME JUST NARRATING THIS ENTIRE EPISODE AND I uploaded it yesterday on a video sharing site but it is blocked cuz of copyrighted content aaa even though this was from before  1970 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa now I gotta explain in text instead of voice like I already did last night AAAAAAAAAAaa]
they say But what would you do with that much power, that many internet I mean irl followers in 197o in Ashita no Joe the anime/manga series?
and then Yabuki Joe says teh
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then he’s like What the gosh darn shiz in yoshville mans,
and then
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and they’re like Look Yabuki Joe lives in a Terrible place with Terrible living conditions wher e brick dust keeps falling down and then
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and like Joe has no problems like getting kawaii innocent ppl to follow him, but the others are a bit suspicious.. of Joe and his behavior..
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Joe is like i’m gonna build a huge online hamster game soon.
and then someone tells Abu in tumblr messages I mean they tell
Someone tells Yabuki Joe as you can see if you flippin’ watch the episode yourself (I don’t blame you. I hope someone will check this series out, though. It’s my favorite anime series, to be honest.) anyways and then someone from his fandom of - anyways someone says
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He’s so full of himself.
I guess you suffer from delusions of grandeur?
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the bully who is even in the same exact fandom as ab- Yabuki Joe of being an orphan says that, and because they’re so big inside, people blindly listen to them.
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the true actual innocent follower that knows trainerab- Yabuki Joe is actually honest and truthful is like, wow shut the fak up brah, and then:
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Then the “Are you sure you don’t suffer from delusions of grandeur?” doubtful follower who is keeping an eye on Ab-Yabuki Joe I mean and watching over him to try to keep the orphanage safe falsely then says “This is a clown. See this clown? Abu is hiring th I mean Yabuki Joe had this younger person defend him” Wow and then
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one of the only innocent ppl in this show besides Yabuki Joe and a bunch of later characters in this series in later episodes that happen soon, know Joe really is telling the truth and that he really is honest and she’s pizzed awf at that hater troll person trying to Provoke joe and such on [deleted] anime & manga series Ashita no Joe the anime/manga series, and then
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then they’re like, uh oh maybe Joe does have some loyal followers who know the real truth and we should hold our distance and see what he does and what he is truly like, first, and then
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so, then
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so then Yabuki Joe shows them their steam profile and the gam I mean the BY- I mean
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Joe is like ok I played retro games my whole life and watched cool cartoons like the Rugrats and I play cool games and twisted trolls like the snobby girl try to make it look like I “change my interests to appease others” but come into my YouTube channel office and c the truth that I really DID play a lot of SNES games and then
I mean Yabuki Joe says this is my office and this is where I live,
I live in a factory that rains brick dust,
and then,
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I mean I flippin’ already narrated this entire episode and commented on it etc. and made a cool video of it but YouTube blocked it AAAAAAAA even tho it was an anime made in
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1970 I thought it would be free domain by now and o.k. to upload a video of it to YouTube with audio commentary GOSH AAAaaaa GOSH I WANNA NARRATE THE WHOLE EPISODE
AS I SAID IN THE youtube video that is blocked on YouTube I think it is a requirement cuz like it really pejeroyjoirjyorejijioe
ok have a nice night.
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bladekindeyewear · 5 years
Boots reads Homestuck Epilogue(s) Part 5 - Meat Page 7
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Okay, time for Rose and Dirk to talk delicious politics or something.
Heh, customary show-end riots.
Rose, stop causing all of us undue alarm.
Ascending? Is she going to fade out into a concept or something???
Oh shit, Dirk’s doing something similar.  Some sort of inevitability once God-Tier is reached or some such.
Dirk has a solution to the problem in the works.  That’s... well, Rose already cautioned that that could be ominous.  I hope it doesn’t involve decapitation.  Or robot bodies, or turning her into an omniscient cueball or something.
Okay, stage play time.  I can see a weird-seeming text color choice for Caliborn down below, hm.  Time to read down to there...
Ah, the classic finale-callback thumbs down.  Nice.
...yeah, reinforcing the point he was trying to make a little less explicitly with his earlier finale of Homestuck that Lord English had really just, sort of, trapped them in this narrative that their ultimate reward would be to escape, realizing it never really mattered too much compared to their own long lives and happiness or something.
Epilogue TWO??????  D:
Okay now it’s, like, Andrew commenting isn’t it.
Oh shit, it DOES suck them up and trap them? Huh. That explains how Jade was dealt with, I’d forgotten. Also because it was one of the huge goddamn unanswered fucking hugepoints that made it seem like a slap in the face when we were told it didn’t matter and-- yeah okay let me just keep reading.
Huh, broken glasses.
And, phew; the ages it takes is from an OUTSIDE perspective.  Let’s see what it is from an inside perspective...
Jaaaane!!! :D
Okay let’s read about Janey.
Mhmm, that’s not that surprising... Dirk knew that Karkat was going to run against Jane, but Jane didn’t, even though Dirk was ostensibly “working” for her.  There’s definitely a plan here.  Maybe it involves Jane and Karkat smooching publicly at the end.  ...No, that’s just my wishful imagination talking, isn’t it.
Oh my god she’s screaming into a pillow at hearing she has competition.  That’s adorable.
YES, JANE.  UNDERESTIMATE KARKAT.  YOU WILL FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM LIKE EVERYONE ELSE (though probably platonically).  It does upset me that they’ve taken this long to really get acquainted, though; I’ve argued for years that their personalities are naturally compatible as the straight men for all their friends’ bullshit.
In fact, Jane is pretty sure that Karkat Vantas would probably literally burst into flame if too many people happened to look at him at the same time, like a vampire walking out into the sun.
Yes, but he’d get over it.  And be a flaming president or something.
In fact, Jane cannot remember a single conversation she’s ever had with him that wasn’t about the economy. She thinks back to one time at John’s eighteenth birthday when Dave engaged her in a rigorous and rather one-sided debate about deregulation and the failure of “neoliberal austerity measures” until Karkat had to come over and put his hands over his roommate’s mouth to make him stop talking.
Oh my FUCKING god, it’s true.  Dave’s appropriately liberal in the modern, Krugman-esque, statistically grounded way.  Karkat has my vote already.
She’d be happy to accept a graceful, temporary defeat and let Karkat play president for a couple of years. After all, unlike her, he was not immortal.
Hey fuck you.  Also, why the FUCK haven’t they used one of the myriad likely ways to extend Karkat’s lifespan basically indefinitely yet???  Heck, JANE could probably do it with Life powers if she crawled back out of her own butt!  We already know the Condesce could extend other trolls’ lifespans with weird troll powers so Life powers are almost certainly enough to suffice.  >:(
Ohhh, so maybe Jane is just, like... slightly traumatized by trolls? And thus a little tiny bit predisposed against trusting them cause of the Condesce? :(
Interesting how she views her past reliance on / pursuance of Jake as something that made her “weak” specifically.
Okay, I’m getting a slightly uncomfortable vibe that Jane is willing to almost play at seduction with Jake falsely to get his endorsement on--
And she’s willing to do more than that, too.
Okay FUCK, JANE.  GET YOURSELF UNDER CONTROL.  I’m starting to believe the shittalking the others have given about you!  You’d better shape up by the end of this epilogue or what have you.
Okay, trapped John can hear the other three through the walls of their prison or something.
Conversation and musings, conversation and musings.....
Wait, Jade LIVES with Dave and Karkat in that SAME HOUSE and they didn’t even mention it??!??  What is even up with their thing.
Heh, John’s thinking he really could have used a nice kismesis riling him up to better himself.  That’s what they’re for, really.
There there, John.
Oh my fucking GOD, Jane rolls with supply side economics???  TAKE.  HER.  DOWN.
And Jade is just... here?  Huh.
Yeah they DEFS weren’t listening.
JADE: especially when JADE: there are much better things we could all be doing with our mouths.....
Her tail swishes from side to side
Wasn’t that something that the ask-responses from Andrew said she canonically DIDN’T have or what the fuck
Since I guess it wasn’t confirmed IN CANON he just decided he liked it enough to offer it here or???? I DON’T KNOW????
Wow why am I all worked up by this all of a sudden.  It’s just transferring from her earlier line isn’t it.
three of her bras
Okay no nevermind Andrew’s just fucking with us.
...Even though this can probably still be considered canon.  Which only makes how he’s fucking with us work even better, really.  I mean, why WOULDN’T he lob this at us on the ten year anniversary and watch us squirm, really.  There’s no incentive not to.
--oh wait wait never mind reading further these are just bras from different days she threw over the couch.  PHEW.  I thought for a second that we were dealing with dog anatomy stuff that would REQUIRE multiple bras on her.  Jesus.  I wonder if Andrew intentionally phrased things so some people would think that for a minute.
JADE: also you know trolls dont actually have two dicks dave thats an offensive stereotype
Wait, is it that Dave and Karkat’s relationship isn’t quite full-hearts sexual and Jade is incessantly shipping them?? :O
because that’d be hilarious too??  --*reads*
The thing about Jade Harley is that she’s not as good at personal things as she is at other things. Like science, or mastering fraymotifs, or kissing, the last of which she has definitely put a lot of levels into over the past few years because, well, what else are you supposed to do with immortal godhood once you hit the age where the dog hormones start kicking into overdrive? 
f uck
dog hormones
i’m wheezing
Alright, Jade’s springing a thorough relationship talk on them.  That’s cool.  Also she’s throwing statistics in there and I LOVE that now that Jade is older we’re reinforcing just how scary science smart she is, I can’t wait to see other people roleplaying her properly because of it too.
...Yeah Jade would definitely date a chess couple
Jade sighs and crawls closer. She takes one of Karkat’s hands in hers.
JADE: i think wed all work good together
Jade being
literally the thirstiest person in this ENTIRE CAST OF CHARACTERS
to the point that everyone’s calling her out on it
in something that’s virtually goddamn canon
holy fucking shit I love everything.  I love life.  Living in a universe where this hilarious shit happens is fun.
Ooh, dueling god-tier powers for petty reasons.
...yeah her hair would get everywhere, wouldn’t it.
yes make fun of ship names some more
What Jade leaves in her wake is not quite the emotional scorched-earth situation that she was going for, but a few of her needles have definitely gotten under some skin. Dave and Karkat both stare after her, silently caught in their own private rationalization spirals.
So this whole time Jade’s been all “JUST KISS ALREADY” and they’ve been all “what no” and now she’s just laid it all out in the open and left them to it.  Yeah that sounds about like what would’ve happened.
Aaaand of course, since this is Dave and Karkat, they just choose to stall some more and play video games.  Jade really DOES complete this relationship with her pushing them to accept reality and stop downplaying their own feelings and self-esteem and all.  But that’s what I thought would happen BEFORE I even read any epilogue stuff so I’m biased.
Pff, Vriska time.
You’ve now got two bitches of either gender at your side
Vriska, shame!  Don’t use that kind of language!!
Yep, this version of her didn’t learn her lesson and is still pretty much completely delusional.
Alright, Real Terezi™ is still flying out in the abyss trying to scoop Vriska out of this jam, cool, cool.
Flailing and spinning, screaming, not being able to see the final event or whatever-- someone save her already we know it’s gonna happen!
JOHN: Emerge from the juju.
Oh.  Well, that’s uncomfortably in line with earlier presumably-discredited theories.  About John saving Vriska from the black hole the Green Sun left in its wake and all.  :|
Yawns too wide and snaps in half?  The moment he was dreaming about?
Oh hai Jake.  This really IS the perfect time to get to see some attempted-exploitative discomfort between Jane and you.  I mean that!  The narrative timing is pretty hilarious.
The sunset has turned the head offices of Crockercorp into a shimmering glass monolith—a beacon, if you will, of the future, visible for miles in every direction.
Jane probably likes to think about it that way at least.
Wow, Jane REALLY sounds like she needs to be knocked down a peg or seven.
The whole place is candlelit, and Jane is reclining on her desk, sprawled out like a lounge singer on a grand piano.
Thank you, Jake, for coming through and tanking this.
This is not really the kind of conversation you initiate if you’re looking to extract a sexual deal out of someone. It is, however, the kind of conversation that you might have with a childhood friend who has become somewhat emotionally estranged from you.
THANK FUCKING GOD.  Jane has been saved from herself for the moment.
Okay I see a whole bunch of paragraphs of black text down below just as these two are likely coming together for a kiss.  Uh oh.
...Yep, kiss there.  And, uh...
Okay whew, most of it is Jake privately soliloquy-ing to the narrative about the circumstances leading up to this. I can deal with that.
...Oh my god he keeps thinking of Dirk while getting in close to Jane.  This is gonna blow up in his face isn’t it.
Reading on....
--Ah, yeah, he just realizes he’s more into Dirk I guess.  Ouch.  Ouch, Jane.
DIRK: Were you nice to him? JANE: Well, I... DIRK: I told you, you can’t be nice to Jake. JANE: ...
DIRK: Why don’t you leave Jake to me?
Now ain’t that telling?
Ooh, getting down to plot business with Rose.
Back to John.  I see a bit that says “Listen” there, is he going to hear Vriska screaming? Or is Terezi going to pick her up? Since, like, I mean she has the jetpack and has been searching for her longer and stuff.
Yep, big ol’ LE tantrum.  Though alt!Calliope seems at least as much at fault for the end of the universe as him, if not moreso.
Ah, right, Andrew wanted us to THINK he’d hear Vriska screaming just so he could troll us like that.  Makes more sense, anyway.
Huh, the Juju just pops away.
OW.  Down a spare Rose, just like that, huh?  Probably part of why main Rose knew what the plan was supposed to be for all this.
Ah right, can’t use your Green Sun powers here, Jade.
OW.  Another quasi-doomed side-character death.
Yep, you have to make a tough, leaderly decision and let go.  :C  --Oh crap, you saved her body.  Are you gonna put the ring there or what, I’m not sure where that’s going plotways.
Pff, the whole fight going south just due to John losing his glasses... that’s pretty funny from a perspective.
Oh huh, real ghost Tavros gets nuked.
Oh shit, Meenah’s going in!  Don’t die, I actually care about this version of you!!
--Ah, thrown out and fate unclear, that’s a bit better than clear death.
Hm, Davepeta vs English round two?  I wonder what the purpose of all of this really is, anyway, beyond just a sense that some only implied-wrapped-up things are being actually wrapped up?  This whole Meat arc?  Is Candy going to be ultimately more important to everyone, as was part of the point, or?  Huhhm.
Final Round!!
Hammer buffet!
Slight obligatory feelings allusion via hammer!
Oh no! VORE!!! D:
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < wrow you almost got vored to death
Phew, avoided
Ow, another decapitation.  There’s a killing blow and being trapped forever in a black hole for LE to look forward to, though.  Weren’t there theories about him being trapped forever at the center of that black hole or whatever?  Huh.  I mean there WAS the garbage disposal that his metaphorical Jigsaw-head gets stuck in early in the comic after all.
Alright, Davepeta sticks him in there?  Cool.
Yeah, you just had to remind us that he’s going to be plunging into his dead sister’s gaping hole, didn’t you? >:|
Davepeta. How they were so unfettered and brave. How they sacrificed themselves by flying right into the black hole like...
Like a fucking piece of garbage, you can almost hear Dave saying. May God rest his soul.
Yup.  Closing another callback.  Why is it silent, though?  Did the black hole stop sucking now that it’s gotten almost everything but John, or is it just his blackout?  I mean, is the end of everything just a thing that “happens” (which is still pretty fine, Paradox Space had a pretty good run), or did it just stop, or is it yet to be resolved or re-John-creates-Paradox-Space’s-beginning-because-hes-the-only-thing-left-constituted if he inexplicably doesn’t die from his heroic wounds or?  And Terezi definitely didn’t go flying around Paradox Space’s dying remains just to get sucked in too, right?  I definitely haven’t seen the whole picture yet I guess.
Alright, back to Rose... actually this post’s getting long so I’ll cut here and keep going in another post.
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