#completely unintentional and i love it.
clown-prince-of-gay · 3 months
This is done...
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I made some fanart for @cloudy-dreams. I thought her Sona was really pretty and adored how tall she drew her.
I'd also just decided to make my sona (Star) pretty small and pocket sized. I thought they'd make a pretty funny pair if I put em' together in the same artpeice. (plus, cloudy is. quite fun to draw and I had a wonderful time adding some little details like some very pretty eyeshadow)
Regaurdless, this was super fun, and I really hope you enjoy!
As always, reblogs and likes appreciated! Do not repost!
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oyeicher · 1 year
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And this person really can't take a hint.
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gorandomshesaid · 2 months
this has definitely been done before but
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skitskatdacat63 · 2 months
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2024 Chinese Grand Prix - Fernando Alonso
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mukuberry · 5 months
I will never not be over how Rika Kim is genuinely one of the best written characters I've ever seen and a perfect example of how hostile the world is towards abuse survivors, but the people who wrote her somehow did it entirely by accident?
Rika was horrifically abused by her family growing up, and only managed to protect herself after so many years by using the anger she felt to threaten her abusers into leaving her tf alone. They told her time and time again she was nothing but a devil, and she learned to played into that to keep her and her dog safe. But despite that, she truly wanted to be a kind and safe person to the people around her, and only showed her anger when she felt she had to protect herself.
So when she's finally in a safe place, when she finally has access to therapy, what does her therapist tell her? That she has to put her anger aside and forgive the people who abused her. Cheritz loves pushing the idea that people need to forgive their abusers to heal, that not forgiving them will make you an abuser as well, they've shown this time and time again (zen's route, v's ae, saeran's ae). But for Rika, her anger has been the only thing that protected her. So obviously she's going to reject that idea! And she should! No one is obligated to forgive anyone who hurts them and anger isn't an inherently evil thing to feel. It's no wonder she immediately drops therapy after hearing that... but this rejection is shown as a flaw of hers, rather than a completely understandable response to being told something so stupid.
Holding onto anger for too long can certainly be dangerous and damaging, but I believe if the people around her hadn't told her that her anger was inherently evil and something she had to hide and fix, she would've eventually processed her emotions and trauma in a healthy. But she never got that chance! And after being told that the only thing that protected her is actually wrong and makes her just as bad as the people who hurt her, it's no wonder that she instead chose to let her emotions consume her and rejected the world and the concept of healing entirely;; if she can't rely on her anger, who can she? V? She's constantly afraid he's going to abandon her for the very thing she's being demonised for. If she can't rely on her 'devil', she's completely defenseless in the world. And if the world is going to object this 'devil', she has no choice but to object the world back.
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I just found out Fyodor's cello piece from the 3rd season is called "Bird of death" and I find that interesting for a few reasons.
First of all, is it connected to Nikolai? They work together and -shipping aside - if they're actually friends, it would make sense for Fyodor to write a piece either for him or simply inspired by him. Not only are birds associated with Nikolai, but death as well since he was supposed to die by being cut in half. He also kills people, so if we combine all those things, they kind of make him a symbolic bird of death.
Secondly, it would make the cello scene have a slightly different atmosphere as Fyodor would be playing a piece he associates with his friend who's going to die after commiting a series of murders while a different murder is taking place. Also the situation would be even weirder for Katsura because it would mean he was kidnapped by a guy who didn't just play cello for him, but play a piece he associates with his friend. Of course Katsura would have no way of knowing, but still.
Thirdly, does that make Fyodor a bird of death? Because if it's not connected with Nikolai whatsoever, then it's most likely connected with Fyodor himself. It would make sense because he kills people as well, but would also accidentally make both Fyodor and Nikolai be associated with both birds and death (#matchingimagery).
Lastly, how much does studio Bones know?? I checked the dates of manga volume releases and Sunday tragedy chapters did come out back in 2017, so the team working on the anime would have enough time to integrate this title as an easter egg if they wanted to do that (as the 3rd season began in April 2019), but then again it seems like a random idea to allude to a character from a future arc that they weren't animating at the time. Either a member of the team was/is a fan of bsd or they're getting extra info on future events. Bones also seems to be making surprising decisions when adapting the material (such as putting Fyodor in Untold Origins), so I think it's possible they know something we don't.
But it's also possible that Bird of Death has a different meaning that I'm not aware of or it's all just a coincidence haha
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kaizokucujoh · 9 months
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ritsu sakuma icons • like/reblog if you save or use
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whumpy-wyrms · 6 months
me outlining tllr: i call it my “to-do to Dew list”
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nightfayre · 11 months
oof i’m really excited about posting chapter 5 this week :’)
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raayllum · 1 year
Gosh yes, your tags on that last post. Like, I don’t blame people for liking Viren, for enjoying his character, for finding him sympathetic (or attractive, even if I personally don’t). He’s a compellingly written character! But don’t be offended if people hate him or find him evil… he’s the villain, that’s literally his role in the story
"How dare this villainous character do villainous things" / "how dare the protagonist get narratively rewarded for making good choices" like do y'all even hear yourselves sometimes, y'know?
especially when - and i cannot stress this enough - tdp is for children and will ultimately have a happy ending. this isn't a grown up drama or tragedy or even a grimdark fantasy by any means. it's a hopepunk high fantasy story. people who further retaliation and violence and push people into inherently defensive positions are the 'bad guys'
like i love viren! i think he's very well written and interesting. he's a great examination of how we can lie to and martyr ourselves in a search for security that is also about status & wanting to feel special, about the harm done when trying to win a rigged system rather than solidarity in tearing a system down and making a new one. i appreciate his dry/deadpan sense of humour. he's also one of two primary antagonists in the first 3 seasons. and like, all that can coexist? it's multifaceted character writing? we all presumably passed grade 10 english class?
i also cannot emphasize the importance of being able to separate audience reaction or response from what a piece of art is actually doing or saying enough. "this story is bad because it was personally upsetting to me" without examples given or analyzed it is not well, analysis, it's just a currently very unfounded opinion. and sometimes stories are supposed to be personally upsetting, so like. you also gotta know your lanes
it's why subjective analysis is very useful but learning structural (objective) analysis is arguably more important. something can be structurally pretty weak but very enjoyable (frozen). something can be abysmal enjoyment wise but very structurally solid (1984, which i'd argue isn't meant to be enjoyed, either). and it's important to know the difference if you want to write actual analysis rather than opinion based stuff. analysis isn't necessarily better than opinion based pieces but analysis is more expansive because it can cover the subjectivity and the objectivity and more. which is precisely why i can read "the iliad" and think "wow that was good" but if i wanted to write an essay on it i'd have to do a lot more thinking because i'm demanding something greater of that artistic experience by virtue of wanting to expand on it
a lot of people take "art for art's sake" as a statement regarding the fact that art - which is inherently symbolic in its construction, even in what meaning we construe to words themselves - doesn't have to mean anything and fighting back claims that art should mean something. but i think of "art for art's sake" is more worthwhile to examine under the lens of "this art doesn't exist for the sake of capitalist consumption, but amid it, or sometimes precisely in spite of it" and like. very few things artistically have zero meaning precisely because meaning is also "what was the reasoning behind this" and if there is none (think a tattoo you got "just because") that's typically a subjective reflection of the creator and still indicative of their personality. sometimes the meaning is meaninglessness (nihilism is still a creation in response to us searching for meaning, after all)
i'm getting into the weeds now but the point is that there's definitely been an upswing in recent years of people thinking opinions = analysis and while that often is the case (particularly if that opinion is expanded upon enough to be grounded in the text and the text's context) it absolutely is not as often actual analysis as people think it is
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dreadfutures · 1 year
I just need to say that as a DA virgin playing a clueless Lavellan with no prior knowledge of the game, the whole deal about a) the Dalish elves' ancestors having been previously enslaved and oppressed by humans, and dealing with prejudice in the modern day and b) the horror of becoming a prophet/religious figure for the very human religion that was used to justify your extermination
was incredibly apparent 🙃 so like. idk. it's there man. maybe you want more from an already massive and detailed game and that's fine, but it's there.
and there are lots of people who talk about it!!! in detail!!!!
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cuntstable · 1 year
I wanna hear the part 6 Kakyoin thoughts
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its just like an addition to the jotakak take i have but i think itd be so funny if like in some Happy Ending version of p6 where nobody dies (which i mean its already a kakyoin survived au so whatever) kakyoin and jotaro reconnect and almost get together but then kakyoin and pucci meet and reconnect over shared times in the evil vamp house as teens and they have so much more in common that jotaro has to get divorced again because kakyoin leaves him for a catholic priest of all things. just the biggest L imaginable. also with the possible addition of later jotawes this makes the family reunions very good i think
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seddair · 3 months
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littleragondin · 4 months
12 and 13 for bl tropes
Thank you for asking! ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
12. Forced Proximity
This one is turning harder than I thought when I received it. It is on the less restrictive side of the definition, I think, but I will pick Onoe and Kaburagi from Ameiro Paradox who had to work together against their will and ended falling in love. The show had ambitions a little too grand for itself, but despite that I really, really liked it and I still have a soft spot for those two idiots.
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I will cheat a bit for this one because now that I put it down, I think it's only fair to bring up another "forced to work together and you'll never guess what happened to us" couple: Phumjai and Yang from Love in Translation. In a show that I think was better, and with a really good execution of the trope.
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13. Grumpy/Sunshine
After some quite long debate, I think for this one I will have to pick Ji Wonyoung and Yoon Taejoon from Unintentional Love Story. Grumpy, serious and somber Taejoon slowly opening his heart again to the absolute sunshine that is Wonyoung? Absolutely lovely. This show was a very classic romance but with every step extremely well executed and I cherish it so, so much.
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(also obligatory mention of the managers in BL Drama no Shuen ni Narimashita: Crank Up Hen because they fit the bill to a T and I love them dearly)
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spring-lxcked · 1 year
okay but literally actually need to discuss the fact that if michael had been bullying someone other than william's other son, william wouldn't have given A Fuck. including if it escalated to death.
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chippuyon · 1 year
Saw your art of Rei digging two graves and just realized he is paralleling Kazuki. But his tragedy is doubled
He has long hair (Kazuki doesn’t cut it for him anymore) and he is wearing Kazuki’s jacket. A man who lost his partner and child (that he did get to know) He has her hair clip close to his heart.
But Kazuki has no relatives he knows of, no one to try to compensate. He is so alone, he got to know the happiness of forming a family just to lose it completely. And he can understand Kazuki’s grief, but with no escape. He doesn’t have anyone else to care for, or to be cared for. All thanks to his biological “father”
Also his long untied hair makes him look like Kazuki :,v
tbh i just did the long hair cause it looked good ovo
That is an awesome interpretation tho!!!! I love love love long interpretations of my art you just made my day frfr. That is why I put Miri's clip on his pocket so cool that you caught that!! It's on the outside because he touches it absentmindedly a lot, and makes it the second constant visible reminder of his failure(first being Kaz's coat).
Yes you got it! Where Kazuki had Rei to care for after Yuzuko's death, Rei has absolutely no one, definitely the worse out of the two endings. In Kazuki's ending he still has Miri(plus I never confirmed if Rei dies in that piece only that he gets shot protecting Kaz).
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