#connor kenway
mandhos · 3 days
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sulfies · 2 days
Bear Hug
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Its Connor’s trun to hold a trembling Desmond lol
It could be Desmond having migranes or visions
It could be Connor just refusing to share Desmond w others and Desmond hiding his laugh
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ramshackledtrickster · 13 hours
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Some modern au Leonardo doodles ! (In the second pic Connor gave him permission to draw him while he rests don’t worry)
For this au, he has a full name (Leonardo Vincenti), and he’s into renaissance art history so that explains why he’s ,, like that.
He’s primarily focused in on biomechanical engineering, but does art on the side both for himself and for clients and commissioners. Probably would be into owning some bugs as pets. And he’s got carpal tunnel
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teecupangel · 2 days
The assassin's including haytham and Shay as witches or warlocks?
Considering how I wrote about Desmond as his ancestors’ patron god a while back, I like the idea of making Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton warlocks under an unknown patron god.
This is doubly funny for Altaïr who actually believes that what people consider as gods are simply beings more powerful than them that can be surpassed once their full capability is studied.
So Altaïr would actually be more a wizard, using knowledge to further his magical research, with a healthy dose of alchemy at the side. (He would also be the one to further advance the development of magical forgery but his way is intricately connected to alchemy since magical forgery regularly need materials created via alchemy, making it easier to augment magical properties into the materials itself that will remain during the forging process).
Then he got the Apple and learned that he now has a Patron God.
He is absolutely not happy about this, especially as his Patron God is only known as “The Reader”. He grows fond of his patron though because his patron never demanded anything but kept giving him whatever he needed to further his research.
The Reader becomes well known as Altaïr’s patron god but no one knows his real identity.
The only time the Reader demanded something from Altaïr was when an eagle made of gold and white light (his patron’s preferred way to send him things) left him a rolled up piece of paper that could fit in his palm.
‘Investigate Abbas Sofian and deliver judgment.’
Ezio, on the other hand, never thought of becoming a warlock or a witch. The Auditores weren’t magic users. They weren’t even combatants. The most they had was the required swordsmanship for their own safety and defense.
And then…
They tried to arrest his family and…
He heard it.
A sound he could not describe. A sound he had never heard before.
An eagle made of light appeared before him and delivered him a box.
A change of clothes that was more durable than his current outfit. A sword with wings for a crossguard and an eagle head for a pommel. Some kind of gauntlet with a blade hidden on its underside.
And a letter.
From his patron.
The Reader.
It was thanks to his patron that he was able to save his family and that they were able to leave Firenze without being ambushed, the light of the eagle becoming their guide.
The Reader was known as Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad’s patron. An unknown god who was as capricious as Altaïr himself, only appearing at whim and acting more like a distant supporter than an actual deity demanding loyalty and worship.
But it was during Ezio Auditore’s time that the Reader became a patron god of the Brotherhood. The unknown god did not bless everyone. Only Ezio. But that was enough. Because Ezio worship him as both his god and his family’s savior. As Ezio became more legendary as time passes by, so too did his patron god.
The Reader.
The Patron God of Freewill and Choice.
The Kenways were complicated (as usual).
Edward Kenway was a swashbuckling rogue, there was no denying that.
He had always been a rogue and, as far as he knows, he will always be a rogue.
Even when he started getting in the middle of this Brotherhood versus Order mess, he was still a rogue.
And then…
When he died, he saw the golden eagle.
Just watching.
It was always watching.
And all Edward could think about was how he needed to save Jenny and make sure Haytham and Tessa were safe.
Haytham still becomes a Templar. He studies witchcraft and developed his skills to combat the stealthiness of the Assassins and any and every magical devices and spells they may have.
His witchcraft is one focused on canceling other magic. His main weapon is still the sword and the hidden blade he took off from one of the people he killed.
Ratonhnhaké:ton is born to be a warrior. His grandmother taught him a few spells and rituals here and there. A few concoction to strengthen and heal his body.
One day, he saw an eagle made of light and followed it.
His village burned that day.
But he was able to save his mother.
But his mother was captured by the men who burned his village and he tried to follow them until his legs gave out.
The eagle appeared before him once more and guide him.
To Achilles Davenport.
Ratonhnhaké:ton’s patron was the Reader. His eagle appeared with gifts and short letters of suggestions. Achilles calls him bless.
Ratonhnhaké:ton thinks of the Reader as someone with an agenda of his own.
Every time Ratonhnhaké:ton feels the desire to go out in the world to find his mother, the Reader would send him a letter that always says the same thing. It’s not yet time. You must grow stronger still. Patience.
And Ratonhnhaké:ton realized why when he first met Haytham Kenway and his many magical devices and potions to keep Assassins away.
The only thing that can combat him and take down Haytham’s Order was…
The blessings that his patron god had given him that he had nurtured all these years.
Shay was trained to be an Assassin. It was only when he studied under Haytham Kenway that he learned witchcraft. Shay had never really been interested in it. When he was still an Assassins, Hope had been the one to always push him into trying out witchcraft. Even giving him potions to heal him or to invigorate him. Which was funny because Hope was ‘hopeless’ in the arts of being a witch. Liam was the best witch in the Brotherhood and Hope’s potions had been made by Liam.
Liam had fun telling Shay about that.
When Shay became a Templar, he learned witchcraft because it was the best way to counter the Brotherhood.
Then he got his familiar.
It was a wolfhound with light gray fur.
Liam had a wolfhound familiar as well.
It looked exactly like Liam’s familiar. But that was impossible. Shay had been the one to throw the potion that burned Liam’s familiar to ashes.
Arno only knew a bit of witchcraft. Ones that Élise taught him. It’s only when he started training to be an Assassin that he learned he was taught the very same witchcraft that Haytham Kenway developed and modified to combat the Brotherhood. That Élise was teaching him the ways of the Templars. He makes it his own though and used what he knows to combat the Templars’ own witchcraft.
By this point, the Brotherhood makes use of both witchcraft and spells. Traditionalists focus on spells that are said to have been used by those blessed by the patron god. They’re not warlocks though since they were not graced by the patronage of their god. They’re more akin to wizards.
Arno, himself, combines both and learns a bit of alchemy to make his own tools which is a requirement to all Assassins since they would never always have the money or be safe enough to buy more tools out in the field.
Jacob and Evie are… complicated. Jacob was trained to be an Assassin so he’s like Evie, knowing both witchcraft and a few spells. He also doesn’t use them, pretending to be just a rogue as a way to get back to their dead father. People actually assume he’s like an Arcane Trickster or something similar. Evie, on the other hand, is a master of both. She prefers spells though. The pressed flowers she gives Jayadeep in canon? She used them to create potions for him instead that will help him. He never uses them though because he sees them as too precious to be used.
Ah, Desmond.
Desmond knows a lot about witchcraft and spells but he has no patron of his own.
They actually thought he would be blessed by the same patron as Altaïr and Ezio but that god never even looked at him.
But he has access to the spells only a warlock has.
People believe it’s because of the Bleeding Effect.
But Desmond knows that’s not true.
The patron god of his ancestors never looked at him but his Bleeds were too… real. There was something divine about them.
Something that tells him that he has made a pact with them that goes beyond life and death.
Bayek and Aya have been warlocks before they founded the Brotherhood but their patron god had not been Amun at first. They both renounced their god after Kemu’s death and Amun took them in. Amun, however, is not the patron god of the Hidden Ones. The Hidden Ones though would sometimes have patrons because, during that time, the gods were much more fascinated by humans (or have plans). This would continue on until the Hidden Ones become the Brotherhood and the Brotherhood (especially the one under Al Mualim) would rather be Rogues than be spellcasters.
Basim knows a bit of witchcraft because of Nehal but he only started actually training for witchcraft and spells when he got to Alamut. It’s there that he shows he actually has access to the spells granted to him by a patron god but it’s not one of the gods that usually bless the Brotherhood. He only realizes it later on when he receives Loki’s memories but the spells he can use are the very same spells that his wife, Sigyn, uses. He never acknowledged it though and his patron never contacts him.
When he reunites with Aletheia though, his patron god gives her very first order.
“Destroy what remains of the woman you love”
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100% agree with Desmond, it's milliseconds for me sometimes 👏
Ezio to the rescue
(I hope some people get the reference, I found it funniest to be Altaïr & Desmond in that situation)
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ionjuno · 8 months
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Little more than shadows WIP
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servethelight · 6 months
Maybe the assassins would beat the templars for once if they stopped serving the light and started serving cunt.
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yenyenyen19 · 9 months
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Come get ya food, Kenway nation
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amefuyuu · 1 month
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darkandstormyart · 2 months
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run, boy, run
(this world is not made for you)
run, boy, run
(they're trying to catch you)
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sealbatross · 5 months
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friend got me into AC and ohno i'm broken and healed
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mandhos · 4 months
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sulfies · 3 days
Desmond bleeding cocky Altaïr and just being so un-cooparitive w others Connor just locks him in a hug till he exhousts himself fighting to get out of the most comfy prison.
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ramshackledtrickster · 2 months
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A bit belated, but happy birthday to Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor.
My favorite character in all of assassin’s creed from the first game I played, and a character that inspires me to keep holding on.
Despite everything he has gone through, and how the world tried to beat its own cruelty into him ever since he was a child, he still keeps hope and fought tooth and nail for a future worth living in. This could probably be said for multiple assassins, but Ratonhnhaké:ton’s story just felt… so much more rooted and real to me. It’s tragic, but the way he perseveres for those he love will never cease to inspire me.
There is nothing naive or weak about kindness and fighting for what’s right.
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volpestarks · 6 months
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took some extra time with this one
AC3 throwback
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dallot · 7 months
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Some portraits again 🌚👌
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