namelessdumbass · 2 days
🏳️‍🌈Happy Pride Month🏳️‍🌈
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niceandcozycave · 2 days
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Ch. 2 - Contract
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Guess what…. MORE COPIA YIPPEE!!! 💜✨🐀
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preqvelle · 10 hours
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mephistopheles2022 · 2 days
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Happy 6th to Prequelle
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delulluart · 14 hours
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For M, who requested a Copia Beach Selfie based on that last sketch (the sun is very bright)
Click here for more Beach fun
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formyhyperfixation · 2 days
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Moodboard - Flowers Papas (+ Cardinal)
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cowbellghuleh · 1 day
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Lessons in the Garden
Featuring a young Primo and Copia.
I was trying to do another drawing but kept messing up the proportions. Hopefully it'll see the light of day eventually, but I did 3 different versions and something about all of them looked really off...
So I decided to sketch Primo /Papa I, instead. This was supposed to just be a quick practice sketch and it turned into this! Drawn in about 2.5 hours...
I don't know if I'll colour this!
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cumulo-ghoulll · 3 days
Beach Day HC 🏖️
Copia likes to treat his ghouls and ghoulettes to a little vacation every now and again. During the summer, the pack always begs for a beach day.
Dew spends as little time as physically possible in the sun as he complains that he needs to keep his skin as pale as possible. Once he's been chased down by Aether and soaked in suncream, he usually caves and spends the rest of the day sunning on the warmest rock he can find. By the end of the day, he's usually taken off his swim shorts and, once again, has to be chased down by Aether and wrapped in a towel.
Rain spends almost the whole day in the sea. He is a freshwater ghoul so he can't breathe under the sea as long as he usually can in the lake at the ministry. If the beach is empty he'll partially unglamour and swim quite far out. He loves hunting big fish in the deeper parts of the sea and bringing back his catches for Copia. The fish he brings back is normally cooked by Swiss for everyone to eat but Rain prefers to eat his raw.
Mountain likes to collect shells and seaweed and decorate his antlers with his finds. Copia brings a bag for Mount to put his pebbles and shells in. The best thing he ever got from the beach was a pearl Rain had brought back from the seabed. He does go for a little paddle in the sea for a few minutes but only of Rain is there too as Mountain is actually quite scared of the sea and drowning in particular.
Swiss is in charge of the barbeque and he loves it. He brings a ridiculous amount of hotdogs and burgers and ends up cooking Rain's fish too. When he's not cooking, he likes to soak up the sun, not as much as Dew but he likes it none the less. If Copia brings any floats, he gets Rain to drag him around on it as Rain is ridiculously fast in the water. Swiss usually ends up flying off whatever float he's being dragged around on. He also loves recreating "I've lost my diamond earring!!" with Phantom.
Aether is like the dad of the group and that definitely doesn't change at the beach. When he's not being buried by the ghoulettes or sleeping under an umbrella, he helps Phantom learn to swim. Aether's a great swimmer so he doesn't mind teaching Phantom. He does spend a ridiculous amount of time reinflating Phantom's armbands as the bug loves to deflate them. Aether takes the orders for ice cream as well and makes sure everyone gets the ice cream they want.
Phantom prefers to spend most of his time at the beach with the ghoulettes. He absolutely loves making massive and extravagant sand palaces and then jumping into them after. If he's not swimming with Aether, he likes to run around on the shore and more shallow areas of the sea. Phantom prefers to run on all fours still as he's still not completely used to walking upright because of how short of a time he's been Topside compared to everyone else. If Swiss and Copia are in the sea, he loves getting thrown between them (with Aether there to grab him if he doesn't make it all the way)
Cirrus and Cumulus are attached at the hip anyway and that doesn't change at the beach. Cirrus is almost constantly rubbing more sun lotion on Cumulus as she burns incredibly easily. They love playing with the bat and ball Copia brings but have to shout for Rain when the ball goes too far out. Cirrus loves tanning and literally times how long she's on one side for. Meanwhile, Cumulus sits at the edge of the shade with a parasol next to her. Cumulus is usually chugging a coke as well as she gets super dehydrated out in the sun and she has to force Cirrus to drink anything at all.
Aurora and Sunnie tend to hang around with Phantom. Sunnie helps him build his sand palace and Aurora is chief decorator (she has to collect shells to stick on the sides). All three of them usually sneak up to the freezer box while Aether is sleeping and take as many ice creams they can carry. Aurora likes to look around the rock pools and get Sunnie to tell her what the different creatures are.
Copia is usually asleep on his deckchair with his hat covering his face. Occasionally, he can be convinced to be buried in the sand by the ghouls but only if Aether is on standby to dig him out. As much as he loves taking his pack out to the beach, he gets a constant barrage of, "Papa, look!" "Copia! Look what I've got!" "Papa! Tell him to give me that back!" "Papa! You're not watching!!" "PAPA THERE'S SEA WATER IN MY EYES!!" "Copia? Have you seen my sunglasses?" "PAPA THAT CRAB JUST PINCHED MY BUTT!!" "PAPA I JUST GOT STUNG BY A JELLYFISH!! IM GOING TO DIE!!" "C? What's this?" "Copia there's sand in my mouth..." "Papa I just stepped on something sharp." "Papa I left my hat in the car!" "PAPA!! LOOK AT THIS FISH AHAHAHA I CAUGHT IT ALL BY MYSELF!!" "PAPA TAKE A PICTURE OF ME!!" "Copia? I've lost my goggles in the sea." "PAPA I JUST DROPPED MY ICE CREAM!! CAN I HAVE ANOTHER? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE'S NONE LEFT??" "PAPA!! DEW JUST SAID HE HOPES I GET EATEN BY A SHARK." "papa. jaws isn't real, right?" Copia usually leaves with a headache, a sunburn, and a bag of rocks and shells.
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damagedghoulette · 2 days
Mountain, relaxing outside after working: I love bumblebees so much
Cumulus: Oh yes.. Tiny little fuzzy guys, I love them too
Papa, dazed and sleepy: Eh.. reminds me of.. eh.. Dewdrop.. little fuzzy guy
Phantom, only hearing what Mountain said: I don’t like their poison sword butts
Mountain, baffled: ..poison sw- Baby bat what the..?
Cumulus, trying not to laugh: He got stung by one this morning Mount, Blew up like a balloon
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copiasslut · 3 days
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Sometimes I think of the most disgustingly slutty caption to post under a Copia pic but then I get a lil bit shy and think u guys will think I’m weird and don’t post it hehe 🥹
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breanna777 · 1 day
I love how they appear out of no where
I had this saved in my video but don’t know who it belongs to! If any of you know, please lmk!!💜
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niceandcozycave · 2 days
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Part 1
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ghouliebabies-art · 2 days
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Old Mary spread 💜♥️✨
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preqvelle · 10 hours
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x source
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krak3ndeeznuts · 9 hours
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