#corazon lives au
sakura-rose12 · 22 hours
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Law is getting better at seeking out Cora after he has night terrors about Flevance and Minion Island.
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lawsimp2024 · 2 months
Cora Lives AU but:
-he’s temporarily lost some of his memories
-he spends his days on an island as a farmer
-chronic pain, retired marine
-as law goes on to form the heart pirates and set sail in the polar tang, years later, they anchor at the very island that cora lives on, the memories flooding back to him as law calls out to cora-san
-they all catch up, cora proud of law for finding a sense of home and found family, happy that he’s alive and well,
-cora sets sail with the group and becomes a heart pirate, he’s still clumsy as hell and everyone watches out for his well being, i.e. setting himself on fire, other clumsy shenanigans
-the crew has one more beloved member and law’s home is a little more lovely
- the end :)
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make-it-one-piece · 1 month
Imagine a short fic that goes about Corazon actually telling Law about his status as a marine, but promising that they would be protected, and Law wouldn't be punished for anything.
Law understands and stays with Cora at a marine base. There, he sees Cora without his usual attire for the first time, but doesn't recognise him. He doesn't remember ever seeing Cora's face w/o makeup, what he does remember is Cora telling him to call for him if he ever saw another marine aproaching.
So he does just that, just runs away while yelling "Cora-san!". And Cora doesn't know if he should feel proud or ashamed.
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fanaticsnail · 2 months
Cora dies and reader lives: Angsty, tragic, a wonderful exploration of grief and missed opportunities
Cora lives and reader dies: An interesting writing challenge to have what is usually the perspective character to be gone, still a nice way to explore the themes mentioned above
Cora dies and reader dies: Ough. "The longing, the yearning, "I'll love you in every universe life", "till death do we part", "wherever you go, I go", turn up the angst meter.
All of these would be cool angsty fics. BUT:
Cora lives and reader lives: Fucking hilarious. Like obviously there's the trauma, but afterwards, you just know those two would be the most embarrassing coolest, most supportive parents to Law, especially in his pirate career. The absolute epitome of "You're doing amazing sweetie".
(Plus imagine the comedy of a new crew member bursting into Law's office and being like "There's intruders, I saw them in the kitchen" and Law's just like "......you mean....my parents?")
Okay okay okay okay.
Yes, though. All of those are an absolute yes 😭😭😭 Art link
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The way I have a need to write each of those scenarios. I obviously have a preference (happily ever after, of course). I have semi-written a plot with my "Donquixote Rosinante's Journey with Modern Slang" dialogue for my preference of the "how".
It would be amazing to explore this with a "they both died" becoming a "they both live" and are now tasked with 'parenting' an adult son that's the same age (or older) than them. Could you imagine how hilarious that would be?
Them both trying so, so hard to relate to their boy while giving him space enough to be his own man.
Rosi: "Oh, Honey! I'm so proud of you. Look how big you've grown, Law! You're just a precious little guy. You've got a beard! Look at how strong you are! And you've still got that hat- holy SHIT IS THAT A BEAR??"
You: "Give our boy some space! Let him breathe, mi Corazon. Admire him from afar- OH FUCK IT IS A BEAR!!"
Bepo: "Uhh... Hi Mister Rosinante, and- uhh... Hi, um-."
Law: "-My mother. She's my mother. They're back. They're both back."
I have a need 🤌. This is a proper, feral need.
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mitwie · 1 month
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Bad dream
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deadnamedblog · 2 months
Hello all, if you don't know it yet, I'd like to bring to your attention :
Somewhere To Be Safe by OswaldThatEndswald
It is a Cora-san Lives AU of the Trafalgar Law novel. And it's better than the novel!
It's not finished yet, but it is well worth the read. It follows the novel's events with the difference that Cora lives and they stay in a house with him instead.
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kyoto-does-things · 1 year
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ooooh ya love it when tumblr eats the quality
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bekkomi · 3 months
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I should start hyper linking these comics tomorrow
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xrnoodle · 3 months
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something something tall blonde beauty
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vibrantshoyo · 7 months
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Heart Pirates!Cora and Baby 5
Now with Part 2 and Part 3
Cora taking Baby 5 with him and Law when they leave the Family is very inspired by this fic (which fair warning: Cora’s canon fate is unchanged)
Anyway, something I love about the fic I linked above is that Baby 5 names herself Rosie. And in this AU they both call themselves Trafalgar (Law has a heart to heart with them and offers his last name. This is prior to meeting the other boys)
I’ve taken this 26 yr old man and given him 5 children. I’m fond of the idea that he’s a sniper (minimizes the chances of him tripping and slamming his face somewhere).
I also figured that the makeup and feathery uh jacket? that he wears are both a comfort to him and a reminder of a lot of negative shit. So! He keeps a similar style but it’s like a fresh start.
Rosie (which yes she named herself after Rocinante) would be First Mate I think. She’s like Law’s right hand man during surgeries and a weapons expert. She dumped the name Baby 5 because she’ feels like a person now thanks to leaving the Family.
Lollipops are everywhere on the Polar Tang bc Cora is gonna kick that nicotine addiction of Law has anything to say about it. And Rosie definitely eats them for moral support and no other reason (a lie)
Bepo, Shachi and Penguin also get unofficially adopted by Cora. (His hat was a birthday gift from Shachi and Penguin so that they could all match)
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attyattlaw · 1 year
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i wish my patience was at least half as long as law or cora’s limbs are bc theyre so hard to draw inside panels
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sakura-rose12 · 7 hours
You think Cora knew Bell-mère since they were both Marines? I wonder if he'd tell nami stories about her if he got the chance
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By my calculations, Nami was 7 when Cora ‘died’, so before Cora went undercover, Belle-mère would send letters to old friends from her marine days about her life and her two lovely daughters. I imagine Cora and Belle-mère met as trainees and would go on missions together too if they were in the same location.
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sereinreality · 5 months
law as a kid sometimes had bad days so corazon would ask him a random question about the body (how do you move your arms? how does blood go around? what controls what? etc) and watched law’s eyes light up as he rambled about everything he knows
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make-it-one-piece · 1 month
In the alterative universe where cora lived, I think he would've been the only person that law hugged back.
He isn't against hugs, it's just that they are special to him, he wouldn't hug just anyone.
And Cora had the privilege to get hugged by none other than Law.
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fanaticsnail · 4 days
snsjsjw I'm literally in love with you 💕. The law comment makes me wanna add lore to this universe lol. Like I made some background comments about how Sanji and Zoro were exes in this universe but it would be so fun to add more.
Feel like if we were to add a 3rd in this relationship, it would be Ace, but under specific circumstances. Because like I said about the "vibes", these two are absolutely the hot couple in the corner of the bar eyeing up every other hot person they see.
Finally a business proposal:
I'm normal about this plot (lying). (This is a joke btw, absolutely no pressure)
-♡♡ lots of love
Ace as the third with a Sanji Poly (after hunting at Zoro with the training kendo stick), I'm on my knees. Ace has that flirty rizz, it'd be almost impossible for Sanji to keep up without a hand to hold through it all 💀.
Law is so unhinged, and I adore him. But his daddy...
Oh my gosh, your business proposal is perfectly acceptable. However, I have a counter offer:
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I am not normal about the au. I have written so many starts for it, but I don't know truly how angsty to lean into it.
Whether it starts:
In the snow, alone and Rosinante heavily bleeding out while you're being dragged by your hair by Doflamingo away from the man you love (I have written this, and it hurts). Imprisoned for 10 years, remaining blissfully ignorant that the snow slowed Rosi's heart and aids picked him up. You are also a marine. (Established relationship)
Lying beside him and actively attempting to stop the bleeding while Doflamingo continues to unload his clip into you as punishment for betraying him. You didn't know Rosinante was a marine, you're feeling just as betrayed as Doflamingo is, but you care for Rosinante regardless. Doflamingo finds your love as weakness, and chooses to cull that from his crew. (No established relationship)
Have it be a hasty snap awake from presumably death, waking and seeing your "son" as a grown man. You were not a marine, but you were made aware when you caught Rosinante once. He traded you compassion and friendship for your silence. (Established friendship and raising the teenage Law together. Mutual pining)
The themes I want to include:
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It's gonna hurt, you know. It's not gonna be happy the whole time. What way are you leaning? Either way, it's gonna rip my heart out in the first bit before we get to the "idiots in love" and "the heart pirates ship these two idiots in love".
Gif source: Pocahontas 1995, Sinbad 2003.
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mitwie · 12 days
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«That night, Law, your eyes shone brighter than any star»
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