#cosq hazbin art
cosqf · 2 months
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the besties all dressed up ✨
dialogue from this wonderful fanfic, definitively check it out!
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cosqf · 2 months
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i like to think one of the first things Alastor did after coming back was visiting Rosie right away <3 gotta see the bestie
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cosqf · 2 months
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It tore your heart out Oh, when you didn't understand Why you wanted what you wanted
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cosqf · 7 days
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cosqf · 2 months
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no bitches? 💀
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cosqf · 2 months
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See the Dead men hang like a telephone
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cosqf · 25 days
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Confess I loved you Just thinking of you I know I've loved you from the start ✨
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cosqf · 2 months
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cosqf · 1 month
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they should fight
and the sketches! honestly i shouldve just left it here. soooo much work couldve been avoided
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i also did the 2nd page first and added the 1st for context, thats fun i think
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cosqf · 2 months
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The Price of Redemption
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cosqf · 3 months
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Sing, sing, sing!!
if season 2 doesnt have alastor pulling out a swing number im rioting
plus some closeups bc i worked very hard
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cosqf · 23 days
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cosqf · 3 months
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some als
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cosqf · 2 months
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An Alastor redesign!!
alright i have many thoughts abt this funny fella. keep reading for the design process + lots of ideas
ok so. i think he has too many "themes" going on - deer, radio, voodoo, shadow powers, tentacles, deal making, the list goes on. To have a balanced character one must make their "deal" clear and stick to only a few themes! So, based on that i chose to focus on the radio and deer aspect and then sprinkle some of the rest here and there.
To start, i wanted to make the main themes - radio and deer - crystal clear from his appearance. So i gave him some bulky headphones, similar to the ones radio hosts would use when broadcasting (and he's always broadcasting! more on that later) and painted his skin in deer-like patterns (freckles like deer spots!!! cute). i also gave him antenna/radio towers for his deer antlers.
Secondly, i got rid of his hairstyle and ears. but those are his main thing! i know but look it just doesnt fit much. Alastor is a mixed polite gentleman radio host in the 30's, and his hairstyle should if not directly reflect his past life, at the very least it should hint at it, and that bob cut is way too modern. what about the ears then? personal biased choice, really.
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i played around with multiple ideas, throwing shit at the wall and seeing what stuck. i liked the idea of his hair having some curls like an old telephone wire and tried to mix that somehow with popular hairstyles for men in the 30's. don't mind the quality of the sketches
Next, his outfit! (the picture has the outdated hairstyle, which i changed cause i thought it didn't fit his gentleman vibe, despite really liking how it looked)
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most of the changes i did were either because of personal opinion or because i had an interesting idea. i also wanted to keep the red suit going so that i did.
i gave his little mic little antlers and also a little "screen" that shows the radio waves it's recording, cause i think that's a neat look. some stripped pants cause it seems it was popular in his time, and his buttons are actually radio dials! i also kept the bowtie.
Alright, for the fun part now! when compared to Vox, who's the tv demon and quite literally a tv, Alastor sure didn't enough radio elements in his own body. so i had this idea, what if he had a radio built into his chest? instead of his voice (or whatever sounds he wants) coming out of his mouth, it would emanate from this radio, still with that old-timey effect he has. i also gave him a radio frequency dial that would change on it's own, maybe depending on his mood or when he's using his powers in a certain way, i havent fully decided yet.
Now, about his powers. most of them would work the same way, with a few tweaks. Since he's mouth-mute and is broadcasting his voice through the radio, i think it'd be cool if he made his voice echo from all nearby speakers - phones, tvs, whatever, he'd hijack them to ensure he's properly heard and grab everyone's attention, using the power his mic grants him. he could also be able to eavesdrop on audio transmitted through radio waves, so no phone calls or tv signals would be safe or private near him. when he wants to reach more people or crank up the volume his antlers would grow, extending the signal's range. with this, when he's angry or wants to look threatening, his antlers would shoot up, feeling like he's shouting at you from every direction. he'd fill the air with static, making your hair (literally) stand on end, and distort the sound around him to make sure only his voice is heard if he wants it to. these moments are when i imagine his frequency tune dial and button-dials spinning erratically on his body.
now onto his shadow and tentacle powers. i felt they didn't quite match his overall vibe BUT since they're such a core part of him i couldn't get rid of them. so i figured they could be like extra power granted to him after he struck the deal for his soul, very convenient and powerful but not entirely his own. breaking the deal would also mean losing that power which could be interesting for him considering how power-hungry he usually is and how truly desperate he would have to be to break the deal anyways. And so, since his shadow puppets (the ones he uses to fight adam and have the wall fixed) wouldn't be his this way, i changed it so they'd look like deer instead! and its part of his own power set. when the souls he owns and he "teared apart" aren't screaming on the broadcast he could summon them in and they'd help his fights out, just like normal.
heres some more sketches!
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as some final notes, after his battle with adam some fun things would happen. with his mic broke and his wound fucking up the radio he has on his chest he'd have no way to broadcast his voice out, which would mean our beloved radio host would be unable to speak until he either fixed his mic or managed to heal up completely. fun stuff :)
thank you if u read all of this or just scrolled for the pictures, im grateful anyway. i want to make it clear i didnt make this redesign to "be better" than the original but rather as a fun creative assignment i gave myself, to enhance what i like about Alastor and smooth out the hard edges. i also wanna say i took inspiration from many things in the community - other redesigns, theories, rambles, they all helped me come up with this one. shoutouts to u all too
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cosqf · 15 days
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some sketches of alastor having a good time
im almost done with the uni tests... wish me luck yall. crazy to think the school year is almost over
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cosqf · 1 month
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wip !!!
i think alastor could be arrogant enough to think he can take on the king of hell by himself (in a FIGHT) and get his ass completely humbled afterwards. maybe if the fight with adam hadn't happened (he already got humbled once, twice would be too much for his poor heart) and if something happened to lucifer that would weaken him somehow, alastor could assume the odds to be on his side. wrong, very likely. personally id kill to see a fair fight between them
also if it the order of things look confusing dw, color and text will fix that. mayhaps.
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