#cotl leshycat
arinfunky · 2 days
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Leshy cat be upon thee!
A Very rushed leshycat thingy hehe
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holasignores · 2 days
Trowing here a Leshycat piece with a new experimental artstyle and a shitty Heket sketch for aquabluequartz
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mewniemoon · 8 days
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@ghosts-and-glory Sibling support
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tow-bees · 2 months
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snapple knees
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skyartworkzzz · 4 months
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On the run for more screencaps like this rn this is my new hobby-
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azureblooet · 2 months
I think that Leshycat is exponentially funnier if it happens before Narilamb. Like Leshy pulling up and in like 2 weeks getting a partner is so fucking funny to me.
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awful-little-goose · 4 months
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Please heLP I cannot stop thinking about them!!!
Not only has Leshycat invaded my brain, but now I cannot stop drawing the bishops!!!
Headcanon that Shamura and Kallamar used to bond over their respective love for weapons, Kallamar loving fancy, jewel covered weapons above all, while Shamura preferred sharp, to the point and light weapons
Also Heket totally eats her followers sometimes, and has somehow twisted this into being a ritual of the highest honor. Oh and she croaks!!!
Very little of Nari here alas, just that I realized I forgot to draw how I imagined him looking under his robes! Very- skeleton like
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lazylemonarts · 18 days
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hypnodigitalis · 23 days
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Little Leshy x Yellow Cat love
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fleurdelait · 12 days
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Everyone’s favorite bishop with ‘youngest-sibling-syndrome’ 💥
(and his cat :3)
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grapefood · 7 months
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Psst psst psst… come here… dont be afraid! I have food…. Yes come feast my lovelies… yes Yes YES
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autistic-zukoao3 · 27 days
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Knock, Leshy! He is naked!
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mewniemoon · 1 month
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Leshycat doodles for the soul <3
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paintpaintpaintman · 2 months
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They make a lil itty bitty musics
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They fuck it up
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laly-481 · 4 months
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Hey would you look at this it's officialy Valentine's Day in my timezone so i can show this comic that i drew to cope with my celibacy ! Might draw a narilamb one too.
PoV your friend decided to keep you company because the Lamb said to tend to the bar but they got a bit too drunk
Text for those who can't read my handwriting :
Leshy (thoughts) : Never doing this bartender shit again
Leshy : Hey Auriel don't you want to go to sleep it's getting lat-
Auriel : ashfrughshr..
Leshy : Ok (let me out pls)
Auriel : YAAAAY !
Leshy : Okay I get you to bed then I freak out
About Shamura : They just wanted a drink (They were at the back)
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Leshycatpril Week 3: Nightmares
Oneshot fic for my Nightmares entry. Plus this is set in an au where leshy is the follower and enzo/yellow cat is the revived chaos god,because i can. Also @aniflowers i meant roleswap when i asked about using aus in the ask,i worded it wrong lol. Enzo is yellow cat btw.
Enzo wakes up in the middle of darkwood,seeming to have teleported there despite him not having his crown's powers anymore. He then walks across the area and then he ends up finding some camellias.
'Camellias.. Leshy loves these heh.' the yellow cat thought to himself,and he pushes the thought aside to keep walking in order to find a way back to the cult.
Enzo walks and walks for what seems to be hours until his legs gets tired from traveling for such a long time so he sits against a tree to rest for a bit. He notices it's dark out by then.
"Ugh it's night time. How will i get back to the cult and my beloved worm now?. And i'm too tired to keep traveling by foot." enzo complains,not talking to anyone in particular,just saying his thoughts out loud.
The scenery suddenly starts to become darker and darker as if shadows begun to envelope the forest. Then the yellow cat heard a voice yelling "He's over here!" to unknown associates. And before he knew it enzo got all his limbs tied up.
"Where are you taking me?!." enzo hissed at his captors. The big boar man carrying him then looked at him and opened his mouth to speak. "Don't you remember?,we were your old sacrifices when you were still the bishop of chaos. You had us hanged drawn and quartered,had us burnt at the stake,made sure that we had the most painful deaths possible. So we are going to make you go through the horrible demise to make you pay for doing so." the boar says to the yellow cat,with the other two former sacrifices which are a dog and a fox respectively listening to the two's conversation.
"But that's impossible! You're all dead! I made sure of it!." enzo says to the trio. "And the lamb resurrected us after finding our corpses at the outside of darkwood. Looks like we're gonna have our revenge boys." the boar says to his associates and then they all keep walking to a remote area in darkwood,which has a cauldron boiling at the center.
Enzo then realizes what's going to happen to him and then he starts crying. "Please! Please don't do this!. I have a boyfriend to go to!. Mercy! Mercy please for the love of the old faith!." enzo pleads to the trio tearfully.
"Did YOU listen to our pleas when we were getting sacrificed for you to selfishly gain more power?." the fox says to enzo who shakes his head in disagreement.
The yellow cat is then placed into the cauldron and the former sacrifices put more oil into the fire to make it stronger. Enzo can feel himself starting to burn and his skin rapidly starts peeling and blood gushes out from his now furless skin as he screams and cries for his captors to take him out but he burns and burns until he eventually dies.
Then enzo wakes up crying beside leshy in their tent together,with the cat realizing that it was just a dream.
The cat whimpers and cries softly as he hugs himself to soothe his own terrible nightmare as he doesn't want to wake up leshy with something so embarrassing for the former god of chaos,something that made him become so helpless and powerless. 𝘗𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘤 as his inner voice chastises.
Leshy then wakes up from hearing enzo's quiet sniffling via his strong hearing. "Hey. What's wrong zozo?." the worm asks enzo who's still crying.
"It's nothing. I'm fine." enzo says to his beloved as his voice breaks even more. The worm hugs enzo and then he kisses the latter on the forehead.
"You don't look fine kitty. You know you can tell me anything right?." leshy says to enzo softly who blushes in response. "I know. But it's kinda silly." enzo says then he laughs sheepishly while leshy wipes off his tears.
"Silly is okay with me. Now what or who made you cry?." leshy asks enzo. "I had a nightmare about my sacrificed followers getting resurrected and then they cooked me alive as revenge for the painful deaths i gave them. It was so scary. I thought it was real." the yellow cat says to leshy and then he cries even more.
"Oh kitty.." leshy says to enzo and then he hugs him a bit tighter,giving him kisses on the head. "It wasn't real. It was just a bad dream. You're safe with me now." leshy says to enzo and then he kisses him softly on the lips,the cat then kisses back and pulls away.
"Thank you lesh. I love you." enzo says to leshy. "I love you too. Also before we go back to sleep,what made you think that the bad dream was silly?." leshy asks. He then keeps hugging enzo.
"Well it's because i felt so helpless and pathetic in it. Because it's so humiliating for a former chaos god to feel that way... I hate being a powerless mortal." enzo explains to his boyfriend and then he frowns.
"Oh. Well at least this powerless mortal is loved by his awesome boyfriend right?." leshy teases enzo and then he wraps his arm around enzo's back. "I guess so. That's one good thing about being mortal." enzo says and then he yawns.
"Good night leshy." enzo says to leshy. "Good night zozo." leshy says to enzo and then he lies down along with enzo,spooning him from behind and hugging him tightly so that he won't have bad dreams anymore.
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