#cow aloy
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Got inspired by @boobaloof’s plushie art and decided to make a Hawk and Highland cow version. Like I’ve said before, I need a whole AU where it’s Horizon but they’re these animals. Anyway hope you like it and go support the artist that inspired me to do this piece. Also I decided to give plushie Mooloy some horns because she looks cute with them. Hawk Talanah was an idea that came from @finrays
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saucyzoo · 6 months
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Cowprint Aloy!
“I uncovered this ancient fertility rite outfit, I can’t believe it fits me!”
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yotd2009 · 2 months
y'know w those two eva plushies from yesterday i was thinking the entire time that they were kinda ugly (although in an endearing enough way and a reasonable enough price for me to take them home anyways) in a specific nostalgic kinda way but i was looking them up on mfc to add to my collection and to figure out how to get the asuka and rei (they had asuka at the con but were sold out of rei, i figured that in that case i'd get the boys now and the girls later bc i didn't want them to be lonely + two massive plushies is all i had cash for and didn't want to use my card) and i looked at their manufacturer . and it was great eastern entertainment . and everything made sense
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anawkwardlady · 1 year
I've been thinking about Ciel and Sebastian going around Alois' lands to have informations about him and because he got some prior infos about Noble people who had bad interactions with he expects people to say awful stuff but actually everyone is like
"The current Lord Trancy ? Oh he is so young I was surprised ! My child was really sick and he sent the best doctors to help !"
"The past Lord was never caring for his own people, this one has a good heart..."
"He gave us food and played with my kids"
"He is a bit... weird but well meaning !"
"He is very nice with the orphans"
"Sometimes he says hi to my cows :)"
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mostmagical · 2 months
nicole my love will you rank your top three or top five or top ten video games… whichever number you wish to gush about… i love you…
hi sunny..... oughh I have a tough time picking favorites.... I looked at this question like a homework assignment.. I did a top 10 and I put reasoning even though you did not ask for that but I'm putting it under this read more in case you want it... you don't have to read more though... but you can... i love you...
Top 10
Kingdom Hearts - Obviously of course. I don’t always even rank KH1 as my favorite KH game but basically this was my “oh games can be like that?” game. Until I played this, I mostly played simulator games and movie tie-ins and Barbie games, and I loved those but this one had a STORY I could bury myself in. I forced the friend I played this game with to sit and wait while I read through every journal entry and character file looking for MORE, because I was so immediately hooked on everything.
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories - This one always ranks high not just because of the story, which I love, but because this was the first game I ever beat entirely by myself. A lot of people skip or can’t stand this game so I’m extra proud of myself tbh. But this is the game where one of my favorite characters became one of my favorite characters, so it’ll always have a special place.
Ōkami - I love this game so much… It’s so visually stunning, I love the unique game play, and Amaterasu is such an amazing protagonist despite the fact that she does talk outside of barking and howling and also she is literally a dog. But she’s so good. There’s a dedicated bark button, which is important. AND THERE’S FISHING!
Final Fantasy X - I’ve literally never sobbed more over a piece of media in my entire life. The game wasn’t even over yet. I had to fight a boss with tears in my eyes. This was my first FF game and oh my god. Oh my god. I can say no more.
Horizon Zero Dawn - I got so sucked into this game. It was all I could think about for months. I love the environmental storytelling and the world-building and Aloy is a female protagonist WITHOUT a love interest in this game and it’s so huge to me and ugh. UGH.,
Hades - This game is so fun… I usually don’t like games that make me feel like I’m struggling but they somehow made it such a joy to die over and over again and see what’s up in the house. The sheer amount of unique dialogue makes it impossible to get annoyed. And it’s just FUN. Full of complicated family dynamics and Greek mythology… Collectibles… WOO (also has fishing)
Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life - This is a really sentimental add, but it’s genuinely one of my favorites. I have so many memories of me and my childhood best friend staying up until the wee hours of the morning playing this game, only to go to bed and set an alarm to get up and play it again. AWL has some of the best NPCs of all HM/SOS games, and also the cutest cows. Ever.
Final Fantasy XV - FISHING. And also stories about bonds we build… friendship… ough.. I love sitting in the back of the car and letting Ignis drive and feeling like we’re all on a friendship road trip together. Random stops for pictures and bathroom breaks included. Luna deserved better but the hours I spent fishing made up for that.
Persona 5 Strikers - It probably seems silly to put this here and not Persona 5, but I really loved Strikers so much. It had such satisfying gameplay, completely different from the source material, yet still somehow felt like such an homage to the classic movesets. It was a really good adaptation to a new genre. I loved the story and the new characters, who MADE ME CRY! and I think it’s such a shame, because a lot of Persona players skipped this one!!! Ryuji gets to say fuck. Come on, people.
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles - I love the characters in this game so much… I miss them… I love the original AA trilogy, but this one was so much fun for me. I love Herlock Sholmes… I love him so much I forgot that his real name is not Herlock Sholmes. All the characters are so dynamic and the cases are so fun… That was a game I wished never had to end.
Special mention to Animal Crossing: Wild World, Barbie Horse Adventures Mystery Ride, Secret Agent Barbie, Ni No Kuni, God of War (2018), Gris... I love video games. Damn.
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therealmofamorus · 1 month
My Mood
Original Male Stud AU: Horror AU: Werewolf AU, Law and Crime AU: Under Cop AU, CEO AU: Worker AU, Fantasy World AU: Monster Hunter AU, Monster Girl AU, Post Apocalyptic AU, Stolen Hearts AU, Childhood Friend AU, Clone AU, Smol AU: Shortjack AU, Slavery AU: Slave Catcher AU
Alpha Male Stud AU: RWBY AU: Grimmborn AU, Breeding Stud AU, Barbarian AU: Barbarian King AU, Slavery AU: Gladiator Slave & Breeding Slave AU, Office AU: CEO AU, Gym AU, Mercenary AU, Medieval AU - Cleric AU: Dark Faith AU, Prehistoric Age AU: Stone Age AU, Clone AU, Free Use AU
General Moods: Open to All
Muses: Fallout Franchise, Akame ga Kill!, Inuyasha, Rick and Morty, Dragon's Crown, Bloodrayne, RWBY, Horizon Series, Tomb Raider, Borderland, World of Warcraft, Helltaker, Doom Series, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, The Testament of Sister New Devil, Highschool DxD, Dragon Ball Series, Harry Potter Series, Mass Effect, Mortal Kombat, Goblin Slayer, God of War
Main Male Muses: M!The Sole Survivor, Issei Hyoudu, Anduin Wrynn, M!Aloy, M!Rayne, James Ironwood, Doomslayer, Inuyasha, Krieg, Helltaker, Shallot, James Potter I, M!Commander Shepard, Johnny Cage, Goblin Slayer, Morty Smith, Kratos (Greek/Norse)
Main Female Female: Nezuko Kamado, Mio Naruse, Lara Craft, Leone, Piper Wright, Fem!Doomslayer, Sango, Mad Moxxi, Modeus the Lustful Demon, Android 21, Lily Potter, Miranda Lawson, Kitana, Cow Girl, Jessica, The Sorceress, Freya, Aloy, Winter Schnee
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mewly · 1 year
"Her stubbornness and drive rivals Aloy’s which isn’t something she’s really faced with a companion before" ikrie and talanah are laughing somewhere
I don’t even personally ship Seyloy if that’s what you’re mad about 😂
Anyway you’ve missed the point of what I said there entirely. So allow me explain!
Tl;dr: Seyka’s stubbornness and drive is harsh like Aloy’s, Talanah’s isn’t (and Ikrie isn’t a companion so she didn’t have the same impact), they are different, and I thought narratively that Seyka’s would have had a bigger impact than it did.
This is what I said in literally the next line: “Aloy got to see what it’s like to be on the receiving end of that instead of the perpetrator.”
I said at first I thought Seyka’s character was created to act as a mirror of Aloy, (with the similar personality traits, both mission driven, finding a focus and younger sister rescue) so that Aloy could experience firsthand how she has previously acted towards others with her own drive and stubbornness making her leave them behind and letting her know how that felt from an outside perspective. Let’s be honest, Aloy can he harsh at times because of her mission and weight of it and that comes across in her drive, we’ve seen companions like Varl and Erend comment on this before. Seyka was written to be the same way. She’s quite mean and rude at times towards Aloy, whereas no other companion has been to that extent before. She’s not afraid to snap at Aloy. I believed as the dlc went on that Aloy would have an epiphany moment - since Varl isn’t there to explain these things to her anymore - like “oh damn this is how they all felt”, further pushing Aloy towards letting people in and changing her mentality to be more open, and in turn helping Seyka open up too. It was her whole character arc in HFW so I assumed it would continue into the dlc. BUT, that isn’t what happened sadly. It was romance coded.
As the DLC went on, I clicked that Seyka was written to be our first love interest, and not her own character like all the other companions. And I’ll stand by that conclusion. People can all argue until the cows come home that Seyka’s her own character, but this is my opinion and I don’t think she is right now, 90% of her character is Aloy recycled and just not as good. Which is why the character mirror theme would’ve made more sense to me. (It’s also why I can’t ship it, I think they’d clash long term. Too similar. Anyway, I’m off topic.)
Aloy is pushed into the supporting role at times with Seyka, which is jarring to us as the players. (That might also account for why I felt like a major third wheel the entire main plot of the dlc lol, but I digress).
In regards to Talanah and Ikrie, Talanah is a huge positive force from the get go in HZD, and willingly helps Aloy and there’s no real pushback in HFW after a brief conversation (eg. Talanah agrees to go back when she’s hurt, whereas Aloy tries to push onward until she’s physically forced to stop by her wounds after the Hades proving lab), Talanah’s stubbornness and drive is admirable but it is different from Aloy’s and that’s just fact. Ikrie is a DLC side character (not a companion ergo she won’t have the same impact on the story) that I genuinely don’t remember much of so I can’t comment there, but I know even she didn’t act like Seyka does towards Aloy, (which as I said before, comes across a little mean at times).
I genuinely hope that clears things up for you about what I meant from that line.
I was trying to be positive in my wording in that review, so that anons, such as yourself, didn’t jump down my throat for “not liking Seyka or Seyloy” since discourse was rampant then. But as always people find something to be mad at! 😂
But a word of advice if I may? Clearly you prefer Talanah and Ikrie for Aloy, or as characters in general, which is fine. Ships ahoy! But ships aren’t the be all and end all of fandoms nor should they be, and this game is so much more than ship discourse and I’d hate to see it reduced to such now that romance has been confirmed in whatever extent that may be, it’s a phenomenal game series and I could write about the themes and narrative behind it (or potential themes lol) until my fingers bleed. I didn’t like Seyloy because it didn’t make sense to me narratively, not because “omg a new girl kissed Aloy and my ship is now dead nooo wahhh”. Some people like Seyka and/or Seyloy, some people don’t, and I’m indifferent to it all mostly. And that is ALL okay (as long as you’re not like, one of those homophobes who tanked the reviews of course because of it).
Anyways all the best nonny.
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After the cut is the final list of characters that will be in the poll, aside from any new characters that are introduced in chapter 199.
Agni / Arshad Satyendra Iyer
Alan Humphries
Aleister Chamber / Viscount of Druitt
Alexis Leon Midford
Alois Trancy / Jim Macken
Angela Blanc
Angelina Dalles / Madam Red / Aunt An
Anne Drewanz
the archeologist (Season 2 character)
Arihito Genpou
Aristocrat of Evil with the scarred face
Arnold Trancy
Arthur Conan Doyle
Arthur Randall
Ash Landers
Aurora Society member (first one O!Ciel and Seb meet)
Aurora Society purified water seller
Azzurro Vanel
Baldroy / Bard / Baldo
Baldroy Jr.
Baldroy's cow
the bear
beggar boy that Soma gives a necklace to, mother, and baby brother
Bitter Rabbit
bizarre dolls
bizarre doll horses
Blavat Sky
Bloodbath Johnny
the cat from the live action movie
the cats Sebastian rescues from the rain
Cedric Brandel
Cedric K. Ros
CGI horses / driver
Charles Bennett Sato
Charles Grey
Charles Phipps
Charles Phipps's chicken
Chef Lach
Chef Rickman
Chef Tarpin
Chef Wollest
Chris Heathfield
Chris Heathfield's Chris Heathfield's maids
Ciel Phantomhive bizarre doll / Real Ciel / R!Ciel
Ciel Phantomhive child / R!Ciel child
"Ciel" Phantomhive / Our Ciel / O!Ciel
Ciel's horse
Claude Faustus
Claude's birds
Cloudia Phantomhive
Countess Trancy and her baby
the cultists
demon Ciel
demon Crow
demon "pet" (the xenomorph)
Derrick Arden
Doll / Freckles
Drossel Keinz
Drossel's dolls
Edgar Redmond
Edward Abberline
Edward Midford
Edward V
Elizabeth Midford / Lizzy
Ellery Nixon
Eric Slingby
Finnian / Finny
Finny's hat
FOL Orphanage staff
Francis Midford
Fred Abberline
Funtom Corporation's unicorn suit
Georg von Siemens
German countryman
Green House dorm master
Gregory Violet
Grelle Sutcliff
Grelle's chainsaw
Grete Hilbard
Grimsby Keane
Haku's henchman
Hanae Wakatsuki
Hannah Annafellows
Harold West Jeb
Henry Barrymore
Herman Greenhill
Hilde Dickhaut
the iceberg
Irene Diaz
Jackknife Haywood
Japanese man with a katana
Japanese woman with a lunchbox
Jay the Undertaker
Jeremy Rathbone
Joanne Harcourt
Johann Agares
John Brown
John Brown's horse
Julius Pitt
Karl Woodley
kenpo master
King's Bear prostitutes
Lau's girls
Lawrence Anderson / Pops
Lawrence Bluewer
Lawrence Bluewer's sisters
Lord Ackroyd
Lord Ackroyd's son
Lorraine McDowell
Luka Macken
the Mad Dog of Venice
Margaret Connor
Margaret Connor's father
Margaret Turner
Mathilda Simmons
Maurice Cole
Mrs. Mayell
Munemitsu Aoki
Nina Hopkins
Nina's assistants
O!Ciel's land renters
the orphan that called Sebastian an old guy
the other children in the lab Finny was kept in
Paul Jones
the Panzer
Patrick Phelps
Patrick the Grey Wizard
Phantomhive family ring
priest (from Season 2)
Prince Albert
Prince Albert puppet
Professor Sullivan / village crone
Purple House dorm master
Purple House prefect from Vincent's year
Queen Victoria
Queen Victoria (Season 1)
Rachel Phantomhive
Reaper managers
Reaper trainees
Red House dorm master
Red House prefect from Vincent's year
Rian Stoker
Ronald Knox
Ronald's lawnmower
the Rowdy Count
Sam / Old Man Sam
Sam's grandson
Saneatsu Nekoma
Scotland Yard officers
Sebastian Michaelis
the Sebastian Roomba
Sebastian the dog
Sebastian's silverware
Sharpe Hanks
Shiori Genpou
Sieglinde Sullivan
Sieglinde Sullivan's father
Snake's unnamed snakes
Soma Asman Kadar
Soma's elephant
Sophie Smith
Sphere Music Hall staff
Stella Rose
Susannah Connor
Thomas Wallis
the timetable guy
the train kidnapper
Trancy / Former Head Trancy
the turnspit dog
Undertaker's death scythe
Undertaker's mourning lockets
Vicar Rathbone
Vincent Phantomhive
Vincent Phantomhive's staff
walking stick shopkeeper
the "werewolves"
William T. Spears
William's death scythe
William's pigeons
Wolfram Gelzer
Yana Toboso
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*Snoopy and Woodstock inspired*:
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Spa day by the Sunhawk, or just doing flower hair styles:
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Burrowers wish they weren’t eye level with Aloy’s secret weapon:
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Hope you enjoy these silly hawk and highland cow doodles that popped into my brain! Once again credits to @finrays for making Hawk Talanah.
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owlswatch · 1 year
I left Aloy just before the attack on the Nora and may play more just to wander around in the world. I do not want to do story. I want to visit Brin and look at the light move over the backs of cow robots
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Hate to love you ~ Alois x Reader
Status: Completed
She was his maid. He was her master. Beautiful and smart, yet mistreated, abused and often punished by him for no apparent reason but his amusement. She was his play doll, his slave, his property. Yet she dares to fall for him more and more.
Meanwhile Alois turned 18, an age, where most people around his age got engaged already, searches for a woman willing to marry him upon request of his Butler Claude.
Will contain: NSFW content. You have been warned.
Chapter 1: Make a wish
Chapter Text
"Yes your highness," I spoke, my eyes were closed and I was kneeling down.
These three damn words, they made me so angry. I had to sadly repeat them a lot.
I stood back up and turned around to leave, only to be yelled at from that brat Alois Trancy, whom I was his maid.
After mom and dad's death there was no place left for me. I was working in a shady alley in the middle of London for less money as a dancer. I had hated this job. But I hated this one more.
Someday, it was around 10 PM, a blonde earl had entered the door with a tall black haired male, in fact it was his Butler and looked around with his sky blue eyes in wonder. His eyes had fixed me immediately, not letting go of me for the whole evening as I danced like every night.
"Claude, I want her! She shall be my new maid!" he said cheerfully, pointing at me while jumping up and down like a little kid.
Then everything went fast. The owner of the place sold me for a few thousand shillings like a cow ready to get slaughtered in the slaughter house.
Ever since that night I'm living and working at the Trancy Manor. Don't get me wrong, I was very thankful first to be taken away from that awful place, but after a little time, that Trancy boy had fun hurting me in many ways.
"(Y/n) you incapable piece of shit!! Move your butt back here! I'm not done yet!" he screamed at the top of his lungs.
I bit my lips, not trying to get angrier as I already was. My feet made it to his spot and stopped right in front of him.
"Look at me, (y/n)!" he demanded with a harsh tone in his voice, harsher than at any other time that he screamed at me. I did as he told me. His usually playful and happy shimmering eyes had a spark of a dangerous aura in it. His bipolar behavior grew stronger around that time.
"I told you that I like my tea a little less colder than hot, I burned my tongue now thanks to you, you stupid waste of space!"
He suddenly spilled the hot tea over my head and my (f/c) maid dress, I screeched in surprise and pain and put my hands over my head, tears starting to burn in my eyes.
He quickly grabbed my chin and slapped my face as hard as he could. Out of shock I fell down on the floor, still in heavy pain from the hot water.
"Now get out of my sight!" he demanded.
I stood up, turned around and run out of this building, crying silently.
I opened the door of a stable, where I had the only one on the entire planet who was always there for me no matter what. He always listened to my problems. He was a gift from my parents when they were still alive. My dear horse Pegasus.
I opened his stable door and smiled again, just as if Alois didn't spill the tea all over me.
"Hello there Pegasus!" I happily hummed.
Pegasus looked at me and nodded lightly. I caressed his beautiful hair and gave him an apple which I found outside.
"What would I do without you? You are the only man in my life~" I said as I chuckled.
"You know? That Alois boy treated me like shit today. I got punished for a little thing again, like almost every day. Ever since Hannah left the manor, I'm the only woman in this house hold and it scares me. Men are so strange and cold, I will never understand them. Whenever I get punished, Claude and the triplets just watch silently. If someone would get punished in front of my eyes, I would help them, no matter what."
I patted his head and looked behind me, Claude was suddenly standing there. I almost fell down out of surprise and screamed lightly, but Claude held me and put me back into position.
"Can you at least make yourself notice-able before you suddenly appear like a ghost behind me?! Goddammit Claude every time!" I shouted, Pegasus making nervous gestures as I petted him again to calm him down.
"Shhh Pegasus...All good..." I pacified him.
"Excuse me my sudden appearance miss (l/n), I just wanted to inform you that our highness wishes to be dressed and put to bed by you this time," he said as always with his emotionless face.
"W-w-w-what?! O-okay, understood," I shuddered and went outside of the stable, closing the door. I dried my tears quickly with my hands and shivered in the cold evening wind.
We went back into the manor and there were crazy thoughts circulating in my mind. Why me?! Is he gonna punish me again?
Claude had some chores to do as I walked up the stairs alone. Every step closer to Alois' room made me realize that he's going to punish me again. Believe me, I tried to escape many times from here. But every time Claude or the triplets would catch me and Alois had punished me badly, leaving me injured for weeks sometimes.
I think this time he thought I would try to escape again. Maybe he saw me running out of the house.
I opened the door to his room and closed it again behind me, Alois was completely naked, standing in front of a mirror, looking at himself.
"Your highness, you wished to have me dress you to bring you to bed?" I asked as good as I could without to stutter or to gain a too red face color, avoiding to look at his bare ass.
"Isn't it pityfull, (y/n)? Society nowadays made us people feel ashamed to look at each others bare bodies, because apparently it's 'nasty', so they say. How can a simple human body, without it's clothes, be nasty?"
He turned around and I looked right into his eyes, trying to avoid to look lower.
"It's natural. After all, we weren't born with clothes on, right?"
"Y-yes your highness," I replied as he slowly stepped closer, stopping in front of my left ear. I felt his hot breath on me as I clung my dress.
"How about you start dressing me to bed now, or do you want to be punished for looking at your lord while he's bare naked?"
His devilish yet girly like voice made me shiver when he did that. He knew I hated it when he came this close to me. Sometimes I had the urge to punch him in the face so bad. But I guess that would make him punish me more.
I dressed him and put him to bed on his king sized bed as he requested. As I finished, he grinned, lowered his underwear and pushed his nightgown up to his bust, just to make me look at his uncut cock and testicles, surrounded by his blonde pubes.
I pushed his underwear up again and left, wanting to kill him in my head.
In that night I tossed and turned, having one nightmare after another. I couldn't sleep anymore at 4 AM so I stood up and looked outside of the window which was located next to my bed. I rested my head on my arms and watched the stars and the moon peacefully. The night was the only time I had my peace from this bastard.
The stars were shinning extra strong that night. I wondered why.
"Dad always told me that if you see a long lasting shooting star, the chances are higher to make that wish coming true..." I whispered while still staring at the sky.
"...complete bullshit..." I spat-whispered while chuckling.
A few seconds later, a shooting star appeared and disappeared about 8 seconds later.
"Oh well, doesn't hurt to try..."
I closed my eyes.
Please, make my pain stop. I don't care how. I don't care why. I just want to be free. I want to be happy again. And I want to meet a special person who can heal all my pain.
Chapter 2: New friendship
Chapter Text
~~3rd person POV~~
Alois sat bored in his chair as he drunk his afternoon tea. He was working on some paperworks which were long due. The young earl was often very lazy to do them, but it was his duty to do them after all.
"Ahh!!" he suddenly screamed and threw the papers all over the floor. He rubbed his temples with an extremely pissed face.
"Too much paperwork!!" he shouted while closing his eyes.
The Triplets, who were in the same room all the time, obviouslywitnessed his mini tantrum. They whispered to each other as Alois glared at them.
"What are you waiting for?! Pick these up! Now!"
They didn't hesitate and bowed, said in a choir "Yes your highness", as they finished bowing, they began to pick up the papers in silence. Next to (y/n), the Trancy Triplets were also often doomed to do most of his stuff. Cleaning any mess he had done and more. Even a certain mess a few times a week, in form of a sticky stain on the bed sheets by the earl yours truly...
Someone suddenly knocked on the door while the Triplets were still at it.
Alois grunted while he had his head on his arms.
"Come in."
"Your highness," Claude started, "I have something important to discuss about with you. May it be possible to meet me in the dinning room in 15 minutes?"
"Ugh...Okay alright, meet you there then Claude," Alois said bored, his head still on his shoulders while his voice was slightly muffled.
As the door got closed and the Triplets were done picking up the paperwork Alois had thrown around in full ecstasy and energy just about one minute ago, he spoke up.
"You are dismissed for now, go clean something in the kitchen or whatever," he said harshly without to share a glare to them.
They bowed and went outside. Just as the door got closed, they whisper-talked to each other again while walking towards the kitchen.
"The master has clearly lost his mind," Timber started.
"Throwing tantrums like a little kid. He may never grow up," Canterbury stated.
"I feel sorry for (y/n) after all, she has to take up the most crap from him ever since Hannah doesn't work here anymore. I miss Hannah. But at least (y/n) is similar stacked as Hannah and even friendlier than her, even if she doesn't talk much to us," Thompson commented.
"Maybe we should make her feel more welcome here, she's the only woman here left after all and we surely don't want the last woman of this mansion leaving," Canterbury said.
"Yeah true," the two others said at the same time while nodding.
As they were about to go downstairs, they crossed (y/n) out of coincidence. They noticed her immediately. Her beautiful (h/l) (h/c) hair wearing her (f/c) maid dress as always. She looked exhausted and held many dirty plates. Even when she was exhausted she was beautiful. She looked rather like she needed some pair of helping hands at that moment. To be specific, three pairs of helping hands.
"Hello miss (y/n)," Canterbury, Thompson and Timber said in unison.
She greeted them with a weak smile, trying to keep her balance. The plates were heavy after all.
"Oh hello there!" she said while struggling a little more and suddenly slipping, almost breaking all of the plates, as the Triplets helped her catching all of the plates mid-air in no time. One of the Triplets caught her and held her bridal style, before she could fall down on the hard floor.
"Oh thank you so much! Without you they would have broke and Alois would have punished me again..." she said while standing up again.
"No worries," Timber started.
"All good," Thompson continued.
"We are here for you," Canterbury said.
And then something strange and unusual happened. On their usually un-emotional demon faces formed cute smiles full of love. It was almost surreal. (Y/n) was shocked but happy at the same time, these were the cutest faces she had ever seen.
They walked together into the kitchen and helped her cleaning the plates. Luckily, Claude wasn't around so they could have a chat together for the first time. They talked a little together and (y/n)'s laughter filled the kitchen while they were working. In the Trancy Manor, this was rare. Happiness was never spread here. Rather misery, depression and anger. Mainly from one single person. Steps were heard from said person.
"The Master is coming back," Canterbury looked up from the plates and sighed, "We have to quiet down again, it was an order from the master," Timber looked up from the plates as well and Thompson added "Sorry miss (y/n), we will talk again soon for sure."
She simply just nodded and smiled at them while whispering a "thank you". She continued to clean the plates, finally feeling better after such a long time.
The steps came closer and closer as they soon or later reached the living room next to it. The Triplets explained her that this way they could hear Alois' problems and feel better about themselves. It also gave them lots of new materials to gossip about. They were some true gossipers at heart.
Meanwhile Alois sat down on one of the probably over ten chairs on the long dinning table and looked up to Claude.
"So, what is it that you wanted me to talk about with you, Claude?"
"I hope I may not go into your privacy too deep, but is your highness aware that most people around your age are already married?"
"So...?" Alois asked, wanting to hear where this is going, even if he didn't really care. But he had some clues already where this could head to.
"It would be a shame for the Trancy Manor to be reputed as a "lonely mansion", don't you think? Think about the reputation of the Manor, your high-" Claude got interrupted by Alois.
"In other words, you want me to find a woman to get married to, right?"
"Yes your highness, it would be best for you to do so as soon as possible."
Alois sighed. A woman? Not many women were interested in him. More like, absolutely no woman, so he thought. He would attract them, he had no idea, with his extreme beauty. But as soon as they saw his childish, bipolar and sadistic behavior, they would run. Run as fast as possible and as far as possible from him and his manor. Women mostly loved mature, manly, charming gentlemen. Alois was however, the exact opposite of it.
Alois stood up in light anger, stomping his feet on the floor.
"Claude goddammit! You're telling me this every year!"
"Of course your highness, imagine some children next spring running around the Manor, it would be far more lively in here don't you thi-"
He got interrupted again.
"N-n-not so fast there Claude!! I'm not thinking about this yet at all! Oh well, maybe you're right about getting a woman. So what do you suggest me to do to find that woman? Help me think Claude!" he asked, having absolutely no clue nor any real experience on how to do that.
"I suggest to organize a ball. Earls, women and men getting invited from all over the country. Sending out letters, mentioning in them that Alois Trancy is looking for a woman to spend his future with."
Alois arched an eyebrow at him as Claude finished his speech.
"Ew Claude you sound like you want to find a woman yourself, I'm not even that interested, but since this year I got no real plans for the summer, I'm okay with this."
"Excellent choice. Let me and the other servants do the decorations, you may worry for the paperwork," Claude said with a little bit too much joy in his voice as he then left the room to go upstairs.
Alois sighed again and sat down on the chair, his head plopping on the wooden table. He lightly turned his head around so his cheek was now on the wooden table. He closed his eyes.
"Will I finally find someone who loves me the way I am? Ha! These sluts for sure only would want me for the money..." he whispered to himself.
"Pff as if he will ever find someone, that stupid brat," (y/n) almost spat while whispering. Luckily Alois didn't hear that.
In the kitchen the Trancy Triplets whispered to each other a whole lot than ever before, it seemed to have been a heated discussion between them. (Y/n)'s eyes went between the Triplets and Alois multiple times. Luckily Alois was too distracted by his own little pity party so he couldn't see her lightly peeking out of the kitchen in curiosity.
She felt not even sorry for him, she hated him for everything he had done to her. But one thing confused her. Since she heard his whispering, she wondered, why was he rather distant to wanting to find a woman, but yet still demanded love in a way? Especially the way he tried to be near Claude all the time confused her the most.
~~Time skip, night time, your POV~~
I felt like I was missing out on something. Maybe it was time for me to find out more about this brat, eh, I mean my master. I was living long enough in this fucked up mansion anyways, so I deserved to know the truth. Everything.
As I finished putting Alois to bed, this time luckily without any complications or genital flashes from him, I met the Triplets on my way to my room totally unexpected.
"Oh hello there boys!" I said cheerfully. Ever since that afternoon, I became quickly good friends with the Triplets. It was like a wonder. I finally had people who understood me, me and my pain and my helpless self. I didn't know they could be so fun after all. And they were truly such gentlemen. They were also apparently pretty good at keeping people entertained.
"Good evening miss (y/n)," they said in unison.
"Good evening indeed! Do you guys mind me asking a question?" I asked carefully, not sure if hesitating to ask that question would be a better idea instead.
They nodded all together.
"I always wondered, what's about Alois past? Did something happen that he's so attached to Claude and behaves like the sadist that he is? There's something fishy about him which makes me think a lot about it," I explained.
"Well..." Canterbury started.
"Miss (y/n), if we may come to your room for a few minutes?" Timber asked with a bit of worry in his voice.
"It's a...quite long story to be honest," Thompson finished.
I agreed rather confused but they were sort of my friends now so I didn't see a problem with it.
After one hour of explaining me his entire past, I started to break out in tears. How? And why? Did Alois really go through all of this? No one deserves that! I started to feel something I haven't felt before. I coughed while crying and noticed my bust stinging. His past must've been so depressing to hear for me that I literally started to feel his pain in my heart. No wonder he was such an asshole to everyone, excluding Claude, he went through so much.
They hugged me and tried to calm me down but there was no use.
"No need to be sad for such a sadist miss (y/n), you are far better than him," Timber said with a soothing voice.
Meanwhile Thompson rubbed my back, speaking with the same soothing voice, "You are the only one deserving pity in this house. He doesn't deserves any of it."
"The master will end up lonely, miserable and unloved until the end of his days, that's for sure. But you deserve someone special who takes much care of you," Canterbury said, also with a soothing voice.
They hugged me as tight as they could.
They then left but I couldn't sleep for the first hour. I stood up, my face still soaked with tears and went out of my room.
I started to think in a completely different way. Maybe Alois deserved to be treated better. With love. I mean: Everyone deserves to be loved, right? I was sure that if someone, no matter who, shoved him love, even just a bit, he would change for the better. Maybe not completely, but a part of him would change. I was rooting for him from that day on and I wanted to show him that someone out there understands him 100 %, no matter what it takes.
~~Alois POV~~
Strange. I heard strange sobs for an entire hour. What the hell is going on?! I just wanted to sleep already! As I almost dozed off to sleep, I heard steps coming closer, until they opened my room door. I sat up immediately. I saw a dark figure walking towards me. I couldn't see anything, all the candles were off.
"Who are you?! Don't kill me please!! Dying hurts and I'm not ready to die yet!"
It came more and more near, until it hugged me. Tightly.
"I'm...so...sorry..." I heard that person say. Were they crying?! I then instantly recognized their voice.
"(Y/n)!! Is this a dumb jokes?! Get off me you stupid tart!"
Between the breaks she was crying and trying to gasp for air.
"What?! Get off me NOW!! I will punish you if you don't do immediately as I say! Do you hear me?!" I said full of anger. She finally let go and run while violently crying out of the door and slammed it.
What...was that? Why would she do this to me? To her master?! And what did she talk about? I sighed and fell back into my bed. I thought about it for a bit, but soon or later I would finally doze off to sleep. What a weird night.
Chapter 3: Punishment of another kind
Chapter Text
One night after I found out about Alois Trancy's past, I felt totally different. The whole atmosphere changed for me. Trying to find the answer to 'why'. Why did this happen to him? Why would a living being go through such a thing and still act so...strong in a way? My past wasn't the best either, but I was weakened by having nobody who could understand my feelings of being unwanted and alone. But Alois, he was so different, he acted all cheerful, energetic and sort of mature. It's like he moved on so fast. But I could see his fragile side often. Now it also made sense to me, why he was so overly attached to Claude Faustus. But Claude never gave back the feelings Alois has for him. I prayed for Alois that someone would give him all the love he deserved.
While I was in deep thoughts, I dusted the living room. It was pretty big like the entire mansion and had a fire place. Oh how many times I wished that someone would take me away from this depressing mansion. Like a prince on a white horse, who would take me away from this misery. I smiled at those thoughts. I hadn't seen the triplets all day long, they were probably busy preparing things for the ball.
"(Y/n)!" I suddenly heard an annoyed high pitched voice behind me and shuddered at the sudden loud sound. I turned around slowly, knowing to who this familiar voice belongs to. Alois.
He stepped forward and pushed me against the fire place.
"Would you mind dusting a bit faster?! I need you for the preparations of the ball, I need someone to dress me to see which clothes I will wear for it! I need to look PERFECT do you hear me?!" he demanded, turned around and crossed his arms, "You're as useless as your parents are right now. Oh wait haha, they are dead, so they ARE pretty useless. You're such a shame for your family, I really pity your relatives who had to put up with a dumb girl like you!"
Oh there it was again. My hate for him. In all glory. I clenched my fists at his hurtful words as a single tear ran down my cheek.
"Shut up about my parents! They gave me everything before they died and they were good people! You are nothing but an ungrateful bitchy brat!" I shouted at him, letting go of the duster as it fell on the floor with a loud noise. He could call me a waste of space, a bitch, whatever he wanted. But as he dragged my family in, enough was enough, that was for sure.
He turned around quickly with rage in his face, a dangerous crimson color all over his face.
"Oh angered about the truth, aren't we? I knew your parents, they luckily died when that village burned down to ashes together with all the useless people. I'm already forgiving your weird behavior from last night, so don't make me punish you right now alright?!" he screamed, his voice echoing in the big mansion.
More tears started to burn in my eyes, threatening to escape as I took a broom next to the fire place, Alois slowly walked back to the direction he came from before terrorizing me as I moved the broom back and forth on the floor violently after placing a tons of coal and dust on the floor, causing a huge cloud of coal to float over to Alois and filling at least more than one quarter of the big living room. He coughed a lot and tried to make his way through the cloud to probably attempt to murder me. I didn't mind though, it was funny to see him struggle through it.
"What the fuck are you doing?! Give me that!!" he said as his hand grabbed the broom and set an end to my mini-tantrum.
He slapped my face as hard as he could and I fell on the hard floor.
"Now now, you still have the guts to be this cocky! Ew now I'm dirty thanks to YOU DIRTBAG! You will immediately clean this mess and then you come up to my work room, are we clear?! I will punish the shit out of you!"
He said as he walked upstairs into his room to probably cry like a baby that he was. I started to clean as I heard again some familiar voices behind me.
"That was brilliant, especially his tomato face."
"Comedy at it's finest, you are our role model now."
"Let's hope he won't punish you too hard for this, he seemed upset like never before," Timber, Thompson and Canterbury said.
I smiled at them as they helped me standing up.
"He deserved it. No one shall attack my family while getting away with it. He took it too far this time," I replied with tears in my eyes, I eyed the floor.
"I wonder how he will find a woman willing to marry him with that attitude," Canterbury said while looking at his brothers.
"Believe me, our highness is so desperate, he will force a woman to marry him," Timber replied to Canterbury.
"True no one would be willing to marry him for love, that's just a jack ass thing to do," Thompson added.
I continued to clean the mess that I've done just before as they interrupted my cleaning.
"Let us do that for you. You deserve a break," Timber said.
"We've got nothing to do and you were working all day without a rest," Thompson said.
"Indeed you need a rest before you go meet the master," Canterbury added.
I thanked them and went outside into the garden as I sat down on a chair in the gazebo. Despite his hateful behavior, I understood him now. He didn't do it for fun, it was to ease his own pain which he had in his small and fragile body for a long time. But the things he said about my parents, that was too much. It crossed the line. He was lucky enough I didn't have a gun near me or he would be another dead earl now. I sighed as I stood up to go attend my punishment.
Around 1 PM I entered his work room. It was silent, too silent to be honest. I was scared for the first time in forever. But why? I clung to my maid dress as I walked my first steps into his office. What would he do to me? Would he punish me harder this time? Would I end up like Hannah, losing one eye or possibly two? Or even a leg or an arm?
I was shaking all over my body as I stopped walking. I couldn't spot him at all. Did he forget about it? My hope got destroyed as I heard a familiar voice giggle behind me.
"Well well if that isn't (F/n) (L/n). I've been waiting for you."
I couldn't dare to turn around to face him, I was scared to hell and back, as he probably had acknowledged already.
"Frightened aren't we? Turn around so I can begin to punish you rightfully. You won't enjoy it, but I will. That's all it matters."
He chuckled evilly and I could feel his smirk on my back, it was too creepy to be true. Finally I turned around to face him. In his right hand was a whip. He motioned me to come over. I gulped as I saw him siting there on his desk with his usual outfit, minus the purple coat. I looked down on the floor after eyeing him hastily.
"Look at me, "(y/n)!"
I did as he told me. He suddenly stood right in front of me, I didn't realize that he came closer in this for me it seemed short amount of time. His whip hit my face just under my eye and I fell down on the floor. It was so fast, I couldn't believe it myself. From one second to another I got yanked by my hair to the desk by the brat yours truly. My face faced his wooden desk and I felt how he pushed my dress up slowly while lightly massaging my thighs.
One hit. Two hits. Three hits. Four hits. Five hits on my butt. I screamed with each one he gave me and ended up falling back to the floor, whining a little in pain.
"Stand up now you stupid tart!! This wasn't it just yet!" he pulled me up hurtfully by my arm and pinned me with my back this time to his desk. I didn't notice that he had his booty shorts down to his knees. He jumped on the desk and stood right in front of me. His lustful eyes wandering all over me as I shivered under him.
"Take off my boots. NOW," he demanded harshly and I took them off as he demanded. As they were off his legs I heard ruffling and his maniac laughter. That wasn't a good sign...
I looked up to the ceiling and remained as calm as I could when Alois suddenly yanked me forward by my hair to his now erect member. His green top was fold up until before his chest.
"Suck it!! Please your master with that big mouth of yours!" he demanded even harshly. I did as I was told and grabbed his cock with my dominant hand and started to rub it a little up and down, causing his foreskin to do the same movement. I then bend a little bit more forward and took his member in my mouth, slowly bobbing my head up and down. I earned a few loud moans and a hiss from him as he jerked his head back.
"Oh yess!! Don't stop do you hear me! Ahh! If you do I will punish you more! Ngh! Bloody hell! Shit!"
How much more could he punish me anyways...? This was already humiliating as hell, I thought.
I felt a light sensation in my womanhood when I heard him saying these words. What could that be? This was weird.
I sucked it more while jerking him off, not giving too much pressure to his fragile four to probably five inch member but still enough to make him hopefully climax as soon as possible to end this. I didn't want to break his dick after all even if at that moment I would've loved to do so.
I had gagged a few times before he finally released his seed in my mouth while he forced the last few trusts by his hand, grabbing my hair and pushing it further down my throat, a bit of his liquid was tripping down my chin. I had dried tears on my cheeks and I stood back up to spit out what I had in my mouth.
As I arrived in the staff room I spit it out and washed my face with water three times. Luckily he didn't force me to swallow it.
Many people would've been sad and devastated after such an incident. But I actually felt more sorry for him than for me. Using people like that seemed to be the only thing left to escape his sadness. I wanted to endure it, because I still didn't have lost hope that my prince on a horse might come soon to save me from here.
~~Alois POV~~
I went back into my bedroom after my maid had finished pleasing me. It was just wonderful. Good thing I got rid of Hannah, she was so useless. But ever since that night where(Y/n) cried in my arms and mumbled these confusing things to me, something was off. Something smelt fishy and I had to find out what it is. I also saw her talking more often to the Triplets, they seemed to have got a liking for her. That made her more suspicious to me. I didn't want her to plot anything against me, the Early Trancy, the Queens spider.
I had called Claude to help me find out why she was acting this way. I had a very specific plan. I would simply dress up as a woman and pretend that I'm a new maid at my own manor to spy on her and befriend her. Maybe (Y/n) would finally tell me more so I have a reason to punish her some more and probably imprison her if she plans to get rid of me...
"Do you understand Claude? Do not tell anybody about my good plan!" I yelled at my Butler.
"Certainly your highness," he bluntly stated. I looked annoyed to the side.
"But I will need a maid outfit and a blonde wig, preferably with two long pigtails in my hair color. Also make (Y/n) work on some ball preparations meanwhile, just tell everyone of the servants that I'm out for business."
He kneeled down and put his hand on his bust while closing his eyes.
"Yes your highness, as a Trancy Butler I'm determined to make any wish of yours come true."
"But where the bloody hell can I get a maid dress this quickly?!" I said sadly but looked down to think for a second. I went to the staff room while Claude got that wig I ordered him to get and opened one of the drawers located there. I faced Hannah's Maid outfit.I grinned evilly.
"Perfect I may say!" I cooed.
Chapter 4: The new mysterious maid
Chapter Text
~Third person POV~
Tears. One after another, streaming down her face. Arms over her face, hiding her tears in shame. (Y/n) wouldn't allow herself to cry in front of her master, so she was hiding in the staff's room for an entire hour on that day. She also didn't want to worry anyone. But in this mansion, no one was really worried for her, so she thought.
The Trancy Triplets were looking for her as she was supposed to make her chores and they found her in there siting on the floor two hours after her punishment. A knock was heard on the door. They entered.
She sniffed and immediately dried her tears, standing up and facing them as if nothing happened. A smile was plastered on her face, obviously a fake one.
"Hello boys! How's it going?" she said as if nothing had happened, but the Triplets knew better. They were demons after all and could sense sadness.
"No need to hide your sorrow from us, miss (Y/n)", Thompson started.
"Yes we certainly know your pain", Timber added.
"Besides, tears don't belong on a beautiful face like this. We are here to cheer you up now and letting you forget about the master's punishment", Canterbury lastly said.
She looked down on their feet and the smile faded away, a few strands of hair hiding her face slightly. A tear started to run down her cheek.
"I-i'm not sad nor upset for the punishment to be honest. The master...he..."
She suddenly trailed off and started to sob silently, turning around to face the sink, holding onto it as she cries harder. The Triplets came all around her. Each of them hugging her. She calmed down after a few minutes and then sat on a wooden chair, in her dominant hand a glass of water which the Triplets offered her. She slowly started to tell them the real reason why she was crying. It was of a different reason, absolutely not what they've been expecting.
"The master told me to not attend on the ball which is going to be held in a week. You should know, I've never been on a ball and I had hopes that on that ball, perhaps, if I have luck...A charming prince would be there to take me away from this mansion. I know it sounds silly, but I dreamed about it just a few days ago when the master declared that there will be a ball held in our mansion. The dream was so real, when I woke up I had a few minutes to realize that it was just a dream and I got sad. Also before my mother passed away she sew me a wonderful dress, made out of (f/c) silk and glitter. It was too big for me back then since I was a child but it would fit perfectly now, I'm certain of that and I wanted to wear it on that ball but the master forbid me."
They all nodded in unison as she continued to talk after a mini break of sipping on her glass of water. She sighed lightly before going on.
"In my dream, I met a prince, his face was unrecognizable, but when I saw him, I knew it was him. The one and only who's going to heal all my pain, the one that I've wished for to come and make my life better at once. The one whom I'm going to start to have a family with and live a long and great life. I really don't want to leave you guys alone, but...I'm simply not happy here. I'm miserable. And my sorrow grows bigger the longer I'm here. In case I may meet him someday I will go with him. I hope you boys understand."
She looked at them with hope in her eyes. Maybe, only maybe, they would understand her wish and accept it.
"We do understand you miss (Y/n), but however, you are the only reason why we didn't burn down this mansion yet", Timber declared.
"And Hannah was a reason to not destroy this manor to us too, but she unfortunately left as you've witnessed already", Thompson added to his brother's words.
Canterbury ended it with his own statement, "Please don't leave us soon too. We really don't want to lose yet another innocent and loveable soul in this mansion."
They looked at her with their cute yet handsome faces, sometimes people were not sure if they were love-children of Sebastian Michaelis and Claude Faustus as their looks were pretty similiar to theirs.
She looked at them and took each of their hands in her own hands.
"Don't worry, I'll never leave you guys alone this quickly. You boys are the reason why I haven't murdered this brat yet", she chuckled at her murderous statement.
As she was about to say something more, someone knocked on the door.
The Triplets stood at the door and it got forcefully opened, hitting Timber lightly, revealing the devil in disguise.
"You! What are you doing here?! You should be doing chores not siting around having a tea party! Get to work! There's still plenty to do for the ball!"
The Triplets bowed immediately and went out of the door. (Y/n) bowed as well and tried to walk past the master without to look at him but she got stopped by him. Today wasn't her day.
"Remember what I've told you, don't you dare going to the ball next week, or else you'll be punished harder than I've ever punished anyone in this mansion", he threatened her. She bowed slightly and walked away quickly.
~Time skip next morning, 8 AM~
It was early in the morning when Alois and Claude talked about today's plan. There were only five days left until the ball. But another thing would come first. Alois' investigation over his own maid (Y/n).
"Claude, did you get that wig for me?" he asked him, already in Hannah's old working uniform, her maid dress.
"Yes your highness, I assembled the wig as you requested", his Butler assured him and handed him the wig with a bow. Alois jumped up and down like a kid and having the goofiest smile ever as he walked over to the mirror, putting it on hastily like a child with no patience over getting his new toy. He eyed himself in the mirror and glared at his Butler.
"Claude, this wig has only two small twin tails and lose hair behind, why is that?! I wanted one with twin tails and no lose hair behind!! Ah never mind...At least you got the hair color right and it looks realistic."
The last thing he had to do is putting on the headband and he was ready to pursue his plan. No one other than him and Claude knew about his plan. It was a brilliant one. He looked into the mirror and smiled at himself while faking a higher voice than his own. He clapped in his hands twice.
~(Y/n) POV~
It was much earlier than expected when the master ordered us to be down the halls. I yawned and looked at my three friends the Triplets. They looked at me and nodded to greet me and so did I. Strangely a few seconds later, Claude stepped into the halls with a blonde woman, she wore Hannah's old maid outfit and had long hair, on her sides she had twin tails. She looked so pretty. But where was the master? Perhaps problems getting rid of his morning wood on that morning? What a pity. Luckily I didn't have to help him.
Claude started to talk as he stood in front of us.
"Morning everyone. The master apologizes as he is too busy so he won't attend today's breakfast here in the dining hall. He wished to have his food given to me so I can go and give him breakfast in bed instead. Also, today we have a new maid in our manor. She's going to work here from now on. Her name is Héloise. Treat her with respect and introduce her to her chores as well as to the manor itself."
We all bowed and said in unison, "Welcome to the Trancy estate!"
We all looked back up and I smiled nicely at her. She quickly eyed all of us and noticed me smiling. She smiled back with the friendliest smile you could have ever seen. I was sure whoever she was, for sure a person with a pure heart. I had to warn her from that devil Trancy, seeing such a beautiful woman with one eye lesser...no...I didn't want to think about that horrid thing!
Not so long later we all did our chores. The Triplets introduced her into her new chores and I had to show her around in the manor before she would attend them. We did just arrive at the staff room.
"Aaaand this~ Is the staff room! Where we have our little piece of freedom from that brat err I mean...the master!"
"Oh really~?" the new maid cooed a bit angrily, as if I was talking about her. I looked over to her and smiled worriedly.
She smiled back and came quickly closer to me. There were only me and her in that room now. From up close she was even more pretty. I wished I had her beauty...
"So, tell me more about our master. He seems to be an interesting person of much respect don't you think?" she asked as her smile intensified.
"No absolutely not, no one can stand him, not even his relatives who come to visit sometimes. Unless his cousin but he's too naive to see that Alois is basically Satan's son..."
"Oh really", she stated bluntly as she turned around quickly, "May I ask if you could handle me a glass of water my dear?"
I nodded upon her request and handed her the water. She took a sip and spit it into my face. I was so shocked, I couldn't move at all. What the hell was that for?
"Oh I'm terribly sorry! That water has an awful taste, I thought I would choke on it", she stated with a rather cheerful grin in her face as if she was satisfied over her actions, she put a hand over her mouth as she giggled. My facial expression softened as I giggled with her. This surprised her so she stopped giggling.
"Yes you're right, this manor is absolutely awful. Not trying to make you leave again, but please. Behold of Alois Trancy, also known as our master. As a fellow coworker I'm simply worried and want to warn you. If you do one minor mistake, he will punish you hard, no matter who you are. Unless you are Claude his favorite Butler, then he will only punish you lightly. He left me injured for weeks once and-"
"I will be careful don't worry about that", she interrupted me suddenly. It irritated me a little but I moved on.
"Alright then! So now that I introduced you to every single room in this endless manor and the triplets already introduced you to your chores, you can start them now. I wish you good luck and if you need anything my dear, please don't hesitate to come to me."
She smiled at my statement and wished me a good day as she went out of the room. The Triplets came in right afterward and I was in deep thoughts, siting on a wooden chair.
"There you are", Canterbury stated.
"Yes here I am!" I cheered.
"Oh my there's someone cheerful today. Is it because of the new maid? Exciting to have another woman here don't you think?" Thompson teased.
Timber looked down on himself and added, "She might be a bit of a flat chest though but she's hot. I must say her face is very pretty, probably prettier than Hannah's."
"No one will ever replace Hannah..." I stated while gazing on the floor.
"We know how much you treasured her", Timber commented.
"True she was like a big sister to me, even if we've only talked briefly together. The master would never let us talk alone often nor do much chores together. I wanted to know more about her, now it's too late. I hope wherever she is that she's happy and in a better place, I only wish her the best", I softly spoke while closing my eyes.
Thompson looked over to the side, "True she had a hard time here. The hardest out of all of us."
"I wonder why the master despised her so much anyways", Canterbury finished.
Soon or later the master came in and without to say any words he forcefully dragged me by my hair into his bedroom. As I was down on all four I looked up to him, wondering what I allegedly did wrong this time.
He had his hands and arms behind his back and spoke to me.
"I figured out you like to talk a lot in that staff room. Don't I give you enough work to do or what?! I will definitely keep you busy on the ball night so you won't take any breaks during your work time. Now, I figured I need to punish you useless thing for wasting your work time like this to chit chat with others."
I had already tears forming in my eyes as I sternly talked back at him.
"Your highness, may I ask you something personally?" I said between breaks to remain as calm as possible.
He obviously didn't expect me to say that, so he turned around and nodded while frowning unsure.
"Why do you hate me so much? What is your problem?" I sobbed softly. He opened his mouth when I interrupted him with yet more questions.
"What in the heck did I ever do to you that you treat me like the worst garbage of this planet? What is your damn problem? Tell me please."
My words trailed off at the end and I saw his shocked facial expressions. Hate was heard in my voice pretty clearly. The reason why he might have been this shocked was because I was never crying in front of him neither did any of the other servants. I would also never speak or reacting against his actions towards him, but my patience was slowly at the end by then. My real feelings for him just blurted out of me. I didn't care about the consequences though.
Before he could say anything else I ran out of his bedroom into the now empty staff room to cry my eyes out. He was so shameless and evil.
A half hour passed and I was still crying loudly in the corner of the room on the floor. It appeared that everyone was too busy to hear my cry of internal pain, which is why they probably didn't check up on me at all. I was glad, so I could cry all I want until I was too tired to cry more. But I was wrong.
Someone knocked on the door and by the way they knocked, I was pretty sure it was my master. Surprisingly and fortunately, it wasn't him this time. Héloise the new maid entered. She looked kinda worried and sad.
"What do you want?" I asked in between my sobs. She kneeled down and looked deep into my eyes. Her gaze calmed me down immediately. She suddenly came closer and licked away my tears and kissed my cheeks softly. I blushed immensely. Yet, it was effective. I stopped crying the moment her tongue moved over my (s/c) skin.
"If you continue to cry I will lick them all away again. I hate to see you cry. It hurts me. Please don't cry anymore. Do you promise me that?"
I nodded and tried to stand up but I was too weak from my violent crying before. She helped me up without to hesitate as she noticed me struggling and I thanked her with a sudden hug. She seemed to enjoy the hug as she didn't seem to want to let me go at all.
But after a long time we parted our bodies.
"That was a nice hug...So warm and soft", she commented and I got more serious again.
"I never got hugged in my entire life by anyone, you know", she said and it appeared that she was quite flustered too as she blushed all over her face.
"Oh is that so? I'm sorry to hear that. You seem like a wonderful person and you deserve all the hugs and love from this earth", I stated happily as if I hadn't cried minutes ago.
She simply smiled and I swore I saw a tear ran down her cheek but I was probably just imagining. No one would cry for a simple compliment like that.
"Anyways thank you for that cheer up, I was about to harm myself if you wouldn't have come."
"No please don't!!" she suddenly screamed and continued, "Please don't hurt yourself. I will cheer you up as much as I can but please don't hurt yourself. You are a wonderful person as well."
She hugged me tightly and I closed my eyes. The hug felt like forever and I was glad to have yet found another friend in this manor.
I was sure that from now on everything would turn out fine, but I was deadly wrong.
Chapter 5: So close yet so far
Chapter Text
Day by day passed as the ball came closer and in reach. I became more and more desperate to meet my future prince on that ball. It was two days left before it took place. I had a plan how I could go on it without to be recognized by Alois. I had finished all of my chores in the morning so I was be able to get a ball dress from the city in the afternoon and go to the ball in the evening. The plan was just perfect.
Me and Héloise were closer than ever as well. She was like a sister to me, would always listen to my problems and cheer me up. I even told her how I'm going to attend the ball without Alois' notice. She only deeply chuckled at my words and I think she mumbled something along the lines like "we will see about that", but I think I was just imagining things. She's the nicest person I met so far in my life, next to my parents of course and the Trancy demon Triplets.
But something didn't add up. The master hasn't showed up very often since Héloise worked here. It was like he was...too busy to deal with the ball preparations. It seemed like I underestimated his plan to find a perfect wife for life. Apparently he took this thing more serious than I thought and spent a lot of dancing lessons with Claude. Kinda scary. That poor woman who was supposed marry him. I pitied her. I had it exactly pictures how he would treat her. Abusing her for fun. Making her give birth to too many babies on purpose to see her suffer each time. He was sadistic after all. No doubt he would really do that I thought. If she was smart enough, she would realize how cruel he is and leave him.
"Pleaseeee, you can't leave me. I need you and you need me! We are married after all. You can NEVER leave me! Until death do us apart, remember? You promised!" would be his pleading words to her while clinging to her leg when she would find out how maniac he really is. No one could possibly deal with a bipolar husband. No way that anyone could have a positive impact on him to finally change his behavior. I swear, I would bow down to that person who would ever be able to change his sadistic, hateful and depressed behavior. I have had no idea that I knew that person who would archive that in the end.
I chuckled at these thoughts of him trying desperately to keep his wife by his side as I made my way to Alois' room where all the other servants would help him finding the right outfit before the ball in two days. I wanted my future husband and prince on a white horse to fall in love for me immediately when he would see me on the ball. Asking me to dance. I would happily accept and dance the night away. Then sometime leave this manor with him forever living my happily ever after. That was my only dream.
As I opened the door to his highness' room he already gestured the Triplets to get out of the room. The new maid wasn't there strangely. It seemed like whenever he would be around, she would be somewhere else doing chores or such. (dumb naive Reader-chan LMAO)
As they were all out of the room, I gulped loud enough for him to hear. He noticed it and turned his head from the big mirror to me and gazed darkly at me. Why did he want me for himself anyways?
"Come closer and help me already, what are you waiting for?!" he screamed all of the sudden, the room echoing his high pitched voice.
I came closer and started to dress him the way he wanted, but nothing seemed to please him.
"That's all shit!! Ew! I need to look perfect for the ball! I will probably meet my future wife! And I will make her faint from my looks that I tell you", he sang.
"Now go get me these shoes over there will you!" he pointed to a pair of small black shoes with heels, "Oh and these pants would just do nicely with them!" he pointed to some black pants, "Oi and get me this waistcoat over there! Come on hurry!"
Every time he told me to get something for him, I wasn't even entirely done bringing him the last thing that he demanded from me. That would become a long ass day I thought. And I turned out to be right this time. This continued for the entire afternoon until the evening. I was slowly more and more tired of his shit. The only thing that did keep me from going on was Héloise. I thought of her the entire time. It almost seemed like I was...falling for her.
At the end of the day he still couldn't make up his mind. All of his questions to me contained things like "Does this suit me well?" "Do women like this?" "Do I look fat in these pants?" and more. At the end of the day my head hurt and I went immediately after to sleep, I didn't even bother putting on a nightgown in bed.
~Time skip two days later, 1 hour before the ball, dinning room~
Me and Héloise talked in the early morning before attending our chores. It was a peaceful, sunny morning and the sun shone into the manor. The rain in the past days had made my mood so gloomy, but then my mood blossomed on that day full of sunshine. I took it as a sign for it to become a good day. After all, it was finally the day that I've been waiting for so long. The day I would meet my hero, my prince from my dreams. In the past few days I had dreamed of him dancing with me.
I smiled cheerfully and hummed a happy song as I did my chores. I suddenly heard foot taping coming closer and I turned around to see Alois. He stepped closer to me and smiled. That one specific smile. A smile he would only give to someone to ruin their day. It was...not a very good one.
"It was brought to my attention that you will do everything to attend the ball even if I told you not to. I will tell you one last time: Do not try to do that. If I have to I will order Claude to make you stay away from it. It is MY evening, not yours. Don't even think about it."
Who did tell on me? The Triplets? No way! They would never do that. Héloise? Nope, she's the sweetest girl ever. Maybe...Claude had turned himself into his spider form and lurked from a cobweb on the ceiling when I had talked to the Triplets or Héloise?
That sly dog, eh I mean, spider.
"B-but your highness, I-"
"Do not 'but' me!! Name me a good reason to make you attend the ball, I'll wait", he demanded and crossed his arms with a satisfied grin.
I thought for a bit with my head down and then spoke up.
"I had finished all of my chores earlier today so I'm basically not having anything to do anymore for tonight! Also, you will have the Triplets and miss Héloise serving the guests right?"
"Ah so is that? No work you say? Well think again then..." he suddenly took two baskets next to the fire place, one contained flower seeds and the other contained corn seeds. He suddenly mixed them both together and laughed maniacally while doing so. I watched in horror as I put a hand to my mouth.
"If I don't give you enough work then do tell me silly~ Sort them out, the flower seeds in one basket and in the other the corn seeds. This will keep you occupied for the entire night and I want you to be done by the time I'll be back. Have fun!" he handed me them and danced away playfully.
I sighed and put both baskets on the floor and kneeled down to start sorting them. The door got closed by Alois and his giggle was the last thing I heard from the distance before someone opened the door again. I assumed it was him, forgetting to yet give me another thing to do to make sure he got me really occupied tonight.
I didn't turn around and I suddenly had my eyes covered by a pair of pale hands.
"Okay, who's this?" I asked annoyed.
I turned around and saw Timber, Thompson and Canterbury.
"Oh it's you guys!!"
I hugged each of them and kneeled back on the floor.
"Hello miss (Y/n)", Timber greeted, his crimson eyes literally staring into my soul as he greeted me.
"What is such a beautiful girl doing on the floor with two baskets full of seeds?" Thompson asked tilting his head like an adorable puppy.
"The master ordered me to sort them out, he mixed them together on purpose to keep em busy for tonight so I can't attend the ball. I have to finish sorting them out before he comes back from it.I have no choice."
I looked down on the floor and I got suddenly pulled up by Canterbury and he started to playfully hold a strand of my (h/c) hair in his index and middle finger and curled it.
"No need for you to do that miss (Y/n), leave this to us", he cooed in my ear and made me shudder a little.
I stepped back and watched them sort the seeds in each basket in an inhuman speed. They were so fast, my eyes couldn't follow and I started to feel dizzy after a short while. About 20 seconds later they finished and stood back to me, Timber and Canterbury handing me the baskets.
I had tears in my eyes out of happiness and they spilled all the way down my cheeks and onto the cold floor. I took the baskets and they all dried my tears with their thumbs. My smile faded away as I noticed one thing that I forgot to get. One very important thing.
"B-but, I don't have a dress...I got so stressed that I couldn't get one."
Timber ran off and came back with a silk (f/c) ball dress, just like mother would have made it for me. I was so happy I fell around his neck and placed kisses all over him, then I did the same to Thompson and Canterbury.
"You guys truly are the best! I have no idea how to thank you!"
I stepped back and had the dress pressed against my body gently as if I was wearing it, I pretended how I would dance with it on the ball by dancing all by myself while the Triplets watched me.
There was just one more problem that I totally forgot about.
I stopped dancing and turned back to them, "He will recognize me at the ball. How can I make him not recognize me?"
Thompson reached out to me, as it appeared he held a veil in the same color as my dress just in pastel.
"This should do. He won't be able to recognize you at all but you can gaze through it."
"You guys really thought of everything! Thank you from all my heart. I mean it." I happily sighed while taking the veil from Thompson's hand.
I hugged them again and they all kneeled down on one knee, Thompson holding one hand and Timber and Canterbury holding my other one, they gently placed little kisses on them.
And then Canterbury commented, "You are our precious friend, so don't you worry, we have your back, no matter what."
They all looked up after another, Timber first.
"Now go and have fun."
Then Thompson.
"You deserve it all."
And last but not least, Canterbury.
"Just make sure to stay away from the master and go find your prince charming, he will be among them we are very certain of that."
"I will do I promise!" I smiled and they went to do their chores for tonight which was preparing dinner, welcoming the guests and offering them drinks. I had not much time to get dressed so I immediately made my way to the staff room to change from my working clothes into my wonderful handmade (f/c) silk ball dress.
This would be an unforgettable night, I already sensed it.
Chapter 6: The ball adventure
Chapter Text
~Third person POV~
Ruffling of her dress could be heard through the corridors of the Trancy Manor. Every step were heard, made by the heels of her (f/c) shoes. Wearing her magnificent (f/c) silk dress and a veil over her face which she fixed on the sides of her hair, she made her way to her destiny.
"Everything will be fine from now on", she thought to herself with a smile on her face. No more humiliation, no more chores, no more abuse. Just pure freedom. With every step she could sense that this night will change her life forever.
In the ball room were already all the guests, unless two special guests. They were on the guest list as well. Especially a certain someone who would rather not want to be on that ball. Let's say, that he and Trancy weren't exactly the best buddies.
A knock on the door could be heard and reached Claude Faustus' ears. He turned around from his master and went to open the door to greet the last guests. As he guessed it was him and his escort behind the heavy manor door. The young earl Ciel Phantomhive and his Butler Sebastian Michaelis.
"Welcome to the Trancy estate. Please do come in and enjoy the ball, it has already begun", said Claude emotionless as he lead them to the ball room. When they almost arrived and passed by Claude, he glared at Michaelis and he gave a glare back as well. Both Butlers weren't exactly great friends as well.
The bluenette turned his head to his Butler, not noticing he and Claude glared at each other and asked curious as he always is, "I wonder what kind of women are seriously interested in marrying Trancy. After all no one knows how sadistic he is, unless us and some family members of his. This is alarming. I hope he's not planning anything bad. Although I don't think many women attended anyways."
"Yes indeed, but I suppose that ball is a great opportunity to get away from all the paperwork my lord. You were in dire need to take a break from your duties. Even a hardworking earl like you needs some off time sometime."
Sebastian smiled at his master after finishing his commentary. His master only stared emotionless back and replied, "Sebastian, make sure that Alois isn't plotting anything evil. If you find out anything suspicious, do tell me immediately. This is an order."
"Yes my lord", Sebastian nodded his head at his master.
They walked into the ball room, the room was filled with beautiful classic music, probably Bethoven or something similar. Violins, flutes and harps were played by a couple of men on a podium, a few feet away from the dancing crowd. The first thing Ciel and Sebastian noticed were the large amount of women who were present. Let's say, around 100 of them at least. Ciel gasped and his jaw dropped at the sight.
"Oh my, there are still many women interested in him after all. What a surprise. Seems like you were wrong my lord", Sebastian chuckled while putting his index finger on his lips.
"Shut up", Ciel replied pretty much pissed off by his Butler's rather rude but direct remark.
Meanwhile the person of interest on that night sat on a for him designed sort of a throne like a king. A throne made matching his nickname, which Claude and Alois' servants often repeat, "Your Highness". He was waiting for his Butler to return to him, and so he did. With slow and delicate steps the Butler Claude Faustus neared his master without anyone's notice. Just like a spider slowly creeping up the wall, trying to stay unnoticed by anyone, just minding it's own business. He came to a stop when he reached him and bent down to reach his master's eye level with his golden eyes.
"Your Highness, the last guest just arrived. We can begin the introduction of the interested women in an instant if that's to your liking."
Alois thought for awhile, his right hand rested on his cheek as he gazed through the dancing women and men with half lidded eyes. He was just handsome looking, wearing a white waistcoat under a white shirt. A silver ribbon was tied around his neck. On the bottom he wore white pants and white shoes. A perfect combination of the pure white color and the rather royal and off showing color silver.
"Alright then", he replied bored as he stood up, but looking at his Butler one more time.
"Claude, I still think that this is a not so great idea. I feel too young to get married at this age, you know that!" he whined, feeling his Butler's glare on his body.
"Your Highness, I promise you, after that night you will change your mind about that. It is for the best. Think of the reputation that it would give the Trancy manor if you would remain unmarried for a few more years."
"If you say so Claude..."
Alois nodded to himself, giving him courage to speak up to the large crowd and looked towards the dancing guests, the Triplets were handing out drinks to the guests or standing around gazing over the ball room. Alois inhaled deeply and sighed before taking an empty glass and a fork, carefully making alerting sounds with it to signalize his guests to give their attention to his Highness.
"Ladies and gents. May I have your attention please. I hope you enjoy the ball so far. I'm Alois Trancy your ball host. Now that our last guests on our guest list arrived, we would like to start the introduction of you lovely ladies before I will be attending the dance as well to get to know you closer. We will do the introduction in alphabetic order."
As he finished speaking, the women introduced themselves for about one hour. At the very last ones Alois had a massive headache from hearing so many names. He looked like a king on his throne, trying to find the one who will be his queen at the end. But he was uncertain and rather not so interested by the women, who were from rich families as well as himself. In his mind he was skeptical since the beginning about this plan. In order to attempt professional, he tried his best to not make his insecurity show by overplaying it with nervous chuckling, back of the head scratching and constant glares to his Butler. Indirect signs that the Trancy boy was highly uncomfortable having to chose his future wife this way and not on a flower field full of bluebells like he always dreamed it in his dream. Sadly, that dream was far from reality.
Claude Faustus was the first to speak up after the introduction.
"Good evening, my name is Claude Faustus. I'm the Butler of this estate. I'm pleased to announce that Alois Trancy will now join you lovely ladies for a dance. He may chose who to dance with."
Alois stood up from his throne, whispering to his Butler, "But Claude, there are so many! I don't know who to pick?! Ah whatever, I will just take a random one..."
He sighed and walked through the crowd of the interested women, all his eyes were on him while he walked through them with his eyes closed and his hand reached out. The Triplets were in the back now, looking at them and whispering to one another. The women around Alois whispered as well, loud enough for his ears to hear their comments.
"Oh my who is he gonna pick?" "He's so young and handsome! Like he came out of a fairy tale..." "I want to touch his soft skin..." "Oh I hope he picks me!"
These sentences and more made him very much more uncomfortable. Unfortunately, he had to continue as if he didn't hear that.
A woman in a blue dress and black hair down to her waist was almost picked as he stepped over to her with his eyes still closed. But then, all of the sudden, a thick tall woman with a yellow dress, large breasts and brown hair stepped forward and took his hand, harshly dragging him to the dance floor and away from the disappointed women. Confused grunts and sad complaints were heard from the women surrounding them as poor little Alois was in the grip of that woman, being forced to dance with her. Hopefully not for long, so his thoughts. His eyes now open, he danced with her with a nervous smile, gazing to his Butler with a "Help me Claude" expression on his face.
After 20 minutes of trying to lead that woman, he gave up and danced with another one. Same scenario here, just with the difference that she stepped on his feet every 20 seconds. He gave up after 10 minutes with her, his feet were aching to hell and back. After the seventh woman he finally gave in and went back to his throne, breathing heavily as if he had run two marathons in a row.
"Claude...Please...make this torture...stop...I'm so done Ahh!" he whispered to his Butler, sinking into his throne in exhaustion.
Right at this moment, the big doors to the ball room were opened. Was there one more guest which they forgot about? A young woman entered the room with a beautiful (f/c) silk dress, her face hidden behind a pale (f/c) veil. Her (h/l) (h/c) were put into a high bun. Some of her front hair were hanging down. The men who played their instruments stopped and stared at her. All the guests were looking in her direction and gasping. That girl was (Y/n). And she was looking just like a beautiful princess from a fairy tail.
She slowly made her path to the dance floor, her hips swaying and she had everyone in shook. Everyone around her commented her magnificent appearance.
"Who is she? She's so beautiful", said a random woman.
"That dress is like a princess'!" said another one.
But also some meaner comments were heard, by women mostly.
"That dress makes her look fat to be honest", snickered one.
"Who does she think she is? A royal? She's so extra", spat another woman.
"I bet she's hiding a huge nose behind her veil haha!" giggled another one.
Even the Triplets were looking over to her and whispered to each others ears.
"That is her. Our beloved (Y/n). Isn't she beautiful?", said Timber.
"Oh yes she is. And her bust looks just great in that dress!", Thompson commented.
"Her butt moves with the dress, that's awesome", Canterbury replied to his brothers remarks. They all wiped an imaginary tear from their eyes.
Even the young Earl and the young Lord's attentions got caught, as well as their Butler's. Ciel widened his eyes and Alois had his jaw dropping. Now THIS was a lady to him.
Ciel whispered to his Butler, "Who is she?! I have never seen her before. And why is her face hidden? This is suspicious...If she's a demon she's dangerous. This may be one of Alois' tricks."
"Let's wait and see what happens my Lord. She only just arrived. No need to jump to conclusion too quick."
"Pff I'm not!" Ciel harshly whispered at his Butler, "I'm just concerned. Not for Alois though, but for everyone else here."
She looked around and her eyes immediately fixed Alois Trancy's and she eyed him through her "mask" of thin silk material. She fell in a deep trance as their gazes met.
"No way in the hell, is that Alois Trancy over there??", she thought. He looked different yet it was still him.
"Can't be...he looks so elegant, adorable and...handsome. Like a prince", her thoughts went on.
He looked over to the podium and gestured for the musicians to continue their play.
"What the bloody hell are you waiting for?! Play the damn music again!"
On his command they began to play their instruments once again just like before. Everyone else danced, still often glancing over to the for them unknown beauty. She was alone in the middle of the dance floor, looking awkwardly around. A perfect opportunity for a certain someone to make a move.
"Go on your Highness", Claude told his master, saying what Alois' brain told him, as if he could read his master's mind. Yet his feet were sort of glued to the floor at that moment.
Alois slowly made his way to (Y/n), took her hand carefully and kissed it, sending shivers through her body.
"M-my lady, may I have this dance with you?" he asked carefully, trying to take a closer look at her unrevealed face as she took a tiny step back. He also stuttered a bit, which was quite unusual for someone like him.
(Y/n) took awhile to know what kind of actions she could do. Should she kick him? Scream at him and slap him? Or just run off to look for another dancing partner without to make a big fuss? No, all that wasn't her at all. Even if he had abused her for so long, she had the guts to stay polite, even if her mind told her to not do so.
She didn't know what to do at first, she was afflicted. But eventually gave in to his polite gesture and took his hand unwillingly. He lead her to the dance floor.
"Only one dance. Five minutes. Not one second longer", so she thought.
Everyone watched in awe as they stepped on the dance floor. He lead her as his hand rested on her hips, the other one took her hand. Her hand was on his back.
"What am I even doing?! I should try to find my prince, not dancing with this stupid abusive brat!!"
"My lady, may I ask, what is your name?", he asked with curiosity, obviously wanting to know more about her.
"Oh I have a name, but only people worthy of shall know it", she spoke softly, almost whispering to hide her real voice.
"Burn", so she thought. "Now he will let go of me and leave me alone for sure! Ha!"
Instead of going after her wish, he kept dancing with her, smiling at her like he saw a miracle. He asked one question after another. He wouldn't let go of her hand and she didn't want to cause a scene, so she continued to dance with him for more than a hour against her will. After awhile though, the tense atmosphere relaxed a bit and she smiled back at him shyly. Yet she didn't have much time left to find her prince tonight, the ball would end in a matter of minutes, so she needed a plan to escape his grip.
"Please my lady, tell me more about you", he pleaded after awhile, pouting a little.
"My my, hasty aren't we?" she chuckled, dodging his question like all the others he asked her that night.
"Can I at least kiss you? So I know how your lips taste like..."
She didn't answer to that as he leaned in, lifting her veil just above her lips. For some weird reason, she couldn't stop him. She didn't want to stop him. Their kiss lasted for about ten seconds, then he parted from her, her veil falling down after he let go of it. They soon continued to dance.
"May I ask you a question back, my lord. Why is it that you want to know all these things about me?"
"Because I want to know more about you obviously, silly!"
"Does that mean...that..."
"I fell in love", he interrupted her, "I think I found my betrothed. She's standing right in front of me", he stated proudly.
They stopped dancing for a bit. She looked down on the floor, deep in thoughts. Then she looked back up at him with a stern facial expression, which he of course couldn't see through her veil.
"But did you ask her if she wants to be your fiancé, lord Trancy?"
"Well, if you wouldn't want to be mine, you wouldn't be here, right?"
She turned around so he would face her back.
"Maybe I don't want to be your fiancé after all!"
Her harsh words pierced through his heart immediately. He frowned in confusion. For a bit silence fell between them. Then he spoke up.
"Why wouldn't you want to be mine?! I don't get it!" he growled angrily, his voice had a mixture of insecurity, anger and fear in it.
"I must go, it is already late. I'm sorry my lord, I'm definitely not the right one for you. Farewell."
He had no time to react. She ran through the crowd of dancing people and made everyone in the room stare at her again, immediately stopping them from what they were doing. The musicians also stopped playing. Alois, more shocked than angered, screamed through the entire ball room.
The Triplets were on the door and opened for her to exit it as she walked towards it.
"Thank you", she quickly whispered to them while quickly walking out of the ball room.
She run and run, faster and after a bit even faster. Awhile later when she arrived outside, her steps became more sloppier and her sides started to hurt. She breathed violently and suddenly she tripped and fell down on the hard cold floor, losing one of her (f/c) high heeled shoes right when she was on the stairs. She rolled down the entire staircase and stood up again at the end, not being in too big pain to run more further.
But, what about her shoe?
Noticing her right foot hit the cold floor after standing up, she turned around, about to head over to her shoe. But it was too far from her.
Seeing him run down the stairs from all above, she decided without any second thoughts to just ignore her lost shoe and took off the other to run faster. Her shoe was the last problem she had at that moment.She run into the deep dark forest, the moon shinning upon her and climbed up a big tree. She waited on a branch, surrounded by big leaves that were pretty much in handy to hide from him and she got lost in her thoughts again. Only now she felt a sharp pain on her ankles and upper body after her muscles relaxed from the intense running. As she waited for a bit, she gazed down, whispering to herself.
"He...kissed me...and it felt so good."
She removed her veil, placed it on the branch and touched her lips with her index finger.
"Maybe it wasn't so bad after all. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all. No, wait! What am I thinking!! He's my abusive master! The one and only reason why I'm unhappy here! I couldn't possibly have fallen for him, didn't I?"
Steps were nearing. The person had a woman shoe in his hand and became more visible to her eyes as she stared down still, the noises of breaking twigs interrupted her in her wild unsorted thoughts.
"Alois. He still got my shoe!"
More panic raised in her. He found her shoe on the staircase where she had lost it.
"Please where are you?! I need you! Come back! Please..."
His last words were trailing off as tears started to run down his pretty and pale face.
"Why is it always me? Why is everyone leaving me? I don't want to be alone...", he whispered sadly. She started to feel bad, like REALLY bad. She was about to shout something down to him, as another person came running through the forest in an inhuman speed.
"Your Highness!" Claude's lightly concerned voice was heard from behind him.
"Do come back to the manor. Your guests are wondering where you went. It's cold outside and you could catch a cold."
"But Claude!! She run away from me! Like everyone else! I want her! I...want to see her! To feel her warm and soft lips against mine again! Marry her! Make her happy! Everything but make her run from me!" he cried even louder with many breaks between his sentences.
"She's gone, there's nothing you can do about. Now please, do come back to the manor your Highness."
Alois agreed to his Butler's request and they went back. After awhile when she stopped hearing their voices and Alois' cries, she decided to go down the tree to head back to the manor.
But one second of being careless and she slipped down, her vision going all black.
Chapter 7: You are not alone, not anymore
Chapter Text
~Your POV~
Darkness. It surrounded me so fast, I had no chance to scream or shout. Was I dead? It felt so soft. Like some cloth wrapped all around me. When I fell down from that tree I had my eyes closed. I still had them closed right after out of fear, but then I finally opened my eyes to see darkness. Plain darkness and nothing else.
Before I did so I thought, what if I would open them, what would I see? Hell? Heaven? Nothing at all? Or perhaps my deceased parents? I wanted to be reunited with them so bad. I missed them so much. I haven't seen them in a very long time. I forgot how they smelt like. How they talked. It was so long ago. Too long ago. But one thing I knew I would never forget for sure: The good memories I had with them. They taught me a lot after all.
Suddenly a young sounding voice screeched out.
"Sebastian! Did you catch her?"
I was confused, this sounded more like a voice from hell to me. Then, a velvet but deep sounding voice crawled into my ears slowly, siting on my ear shell and making me shiver at it's sound.
"Yes my Lord, she didn't get hurt at all, have no worries."
That for me sounded rather like heaven. But what were these voices exactly talking about? And who were they? My soft surroundings got removed from my body slowly and I was on the ground apparently. It was a black coat that had caused my temporary darkness.
I stood up slowly, still shaking from the fall before. In front of me, two men. Or more like, one and a half men.
"May you need assistance to stand on your legs my lady? You seem to be shaking a lot", the tall man with raven hair, red eyes and a black elegant suit asked me politely. So that velvet and heavenly sounding voice belonged to him.
"No thank you, I'm fine..." I replied and blushed a bit, that man was handsome as hell.
"Wait a minute..." I called out, eying both of them, "You are two of the ball guests! I saw you standing around and talking to some of the guests! Why did you follow me here?"
"Well," The tall handsome man began, "My master, the Earl Ciel Phantomhive ordered me to, your sudden leaving was quite unexpected may I say and we thought it was suspicious."
The blue haired boy, apparently named "Ciel" continued after his Butler finished.
"Correct. Sebastian had taken me to this point of the woods here where we had lastly seen you running. We hid in the bushes until Trancy and his Butler were gone. Then we heard a branch cracking and a girl falling down. That girl was you. Now..." he walked around me, I watched his every move carefully as I didn't trust strangers, but apparently he was no threat to me, "Do tell me, who are you and why did you run away from him? Did he harass you? Tried to inappropriately touch you? We can help you...You are not alone. Not anymore."
I thought for awhile, turned around and smiled forcefully.
"I don't think you can help me. The situation that I'm in is way too complicated, and it keeps getting more and more complicated. He didn't do anything wrong to me tonight. You must know that I'm his maid. I wasn't allowed to attend the ball and was doomed to do some extra chores while the ball was going on. Some of my coworkers decided to help me still to be able to attend the ball by doing my chores for me which was very nice of them. That's how I got to the ball, in disguise behind a veil to make him not recognizing me."
I finished the sentence and started to shiver due to the cold weather, the tall man called "Sebastian" noticed and took off his coat. He wrapped it around my shoulders like a blanket. I got surprised but enjoyed the nice gesture, he was a real gentleman, just like...The Triplets. Something on him reminded me of them. Perhaps the eyes, I don't know. They were of a nice color red that reflected with the night sky. Ciel came from behind me and touched my shoulder while Sebastian stood next to him in silence.
"How about we take this discussion to a different place? It's too cold here and we don't want you to catch a cold in this thin layered dress."
I nodded in silence and so we walked back to the Manor and took a back entrance where only staff members could enter with a key. I had it around my neck with me luckily in case I needed it which I indeed did.
We sneaked into my bedroom and I changed my clothing, back into my maid outfit in case Alois would walk in into the room at any hour. The ball was coming to an end after all. I told them to turn around until I was done changing my dress and they did so.
I sat on the bed in between them and told them the real reason why I was working here and the reason I attended the ball and that, may I say it like that, it didn't turn out to be as I imagined.
"I'm afraid I...fell in love with Earl Trancy unexpectedly tonight."
"WHAT?!" Ciel shouted in a disgusted tone, "You fell in love with HIM?! But he abused you! How could you? What the devil is wrong with you?!"
Sebastian cleared his throat at his master's rude remarks and added, "Pardon my master's direct wording, but what he really meant to ask a bit more politely was, why so?"
His red eyes pierced through my soul, I could feel it. What a strange man. But how handsome he was!
"W-well, I can't explain it. I heard of his tragic back story and...I got some sympathy for him due to that. Tonight I wanted to find a man to run away from here, but Alois Trancy spotted me looking at him, luckily without to recognize me through my veil and danced with me and...I had, for the first time in my life in a long time...genuine fun. A-and besides I'm not sure if it's real love or just a hopefully short phase. This time however, it feels different. I have fallen in love before, but not like this."
"Well," Ciel didn't hesitate to give me an answer, "Then you should come live with us in my Manor. We will pay you enough money as a maid, treat you good and we know the Queen personally, which is a great honor."
I looked down on my feet and crossed my arms. Should I? Should I leave this Manor for good? It would be a step in a better future. A future of freedom.
Or maybe this Ciel boy was abusive as well? Well, he didn't make that impression to me at least. He rather seemed like a person who liked to help people in need, like me. I sighed loudly before giving my answer to him.
"...I have to decline, I'm sorry Lord Phantomhive."
"What the...?? You just told me you were abused by him!! Humiliated! Injured! I'm offering you a good home and enough food and you dare to refuse and to still live with this sadistic bastard? He must have BRAINWASHED you!!"
He was right. What has gotten into me? Why am I suddenly so attached to this manor? Is it because of the Triplets? Héloise? Or maybe...Could Alois possibly be the reason why I wanted to stay here so bad even after what happened?
Sebastian coughed once more and continued before that Ciel boy could throw a temper tantrum like a kid. Well, he WAS a kid after all.
"Perhaps there is a specific reason to it, may you tell us why you would not like to come with us Miss...uhm...Pardon me we didn't catch your name yet as it appears."
"...(Y/n). It's (F/n) (L/n)."
"Miss (Y/n), right. Pardon me."
He bowed lightly before I gave my answer while slowly looking back and forth at them, "These past few weeks, they didn't feel so horrible and suffocating anymore. I think it's because we got a new servant, a maid...She's so nice to me and always cheers me up. I think she would be as miserable as I was before she started to work at our manor if I would suddenly take my leave from here. So due to her sake, I want to stay. It became my mission to make her feel good here. I'm sorry, due to that I have to decline your generous offer Early Phantomhive."
Ciel seemed to have calmed down while I spoke and probably even earned some understanding for my reasoning, but he and his Butler exchanged worried looks before he stated, "Alright. If this is your decision then we can't force you to come with us. But, in case you still need our help...Contact me as quick as possible please."
He gave me his business card. He seemed to own a company. At this age it was pretty uncommon to own a company I thought.
"Okay thanks! I really appreciate how helpful you have been to me tonight. But I must ask you to go now. Master Trancy would be furious to see anybody up here without his permission. I must also attempt my chores. Goodbye for now, Lord Phantomhive and Mister Michaelis. It was an honor to get to know you."
I bowed and they left shortly after. I hid the business card under my pillow and hurried down to where me and the Triplets were shortly before the ball began.
I took the two baskets with the seeds and corn and pretended to see if I sorted them out right. Two minutes later I heard steps behind me and a loud sobbing.
"Claaaaaaude!! Why would she just run from me like that!! I didn't do anything wrong! TELL ME CLAUDE!!"
Claude just glared at him with his emotionless face and tried his best to comfort him even if it seemed hopeless.
"Master, you mustn't be upset for that. There are plenty of women in England who may be interested to marry you. Another ball next month perhaps would-"
"NO!! NO NO NO!! NO MORE BALLS! I'm honestly done for now...It was a bad idea Claude! I met the love of my life and the next minute she exits my life again! What the bloody hell did I do wrong tell me Claude?!"
I continued with my pretending and found pleasure in his whining. It was kind of amusing seeing him annoy the hell out of Claude. But Claude of course, pretended he wasn't annoyed at all. It was like a running gag in this manor.
But in another way, I understood how he felt. It was like giving a lollipop to a toddler just to rip it off his hands again. Not fair. But I had to do it. He wasn't the right one for me. Or was he?
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ishouldgay · 2 years
I hope at some point Aloy finds the Artemis program and gets to start a little farm. She deserves a dog and I want to see her pet a cow.
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anawkwardlady · 2 years
everytime Claude and Alois are visiting the lands, Claude loses Alois somewhere and he is always found cuddling some farmer's cows and lambs
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monday49 · 5 years
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One more for Fanart Friday, as I was surprisingly productive. Plus, it's been a while since I've added/updated this series. Wasn't sure if I wanted to include body/legs, so you can see some remnants of the pencils there. Also, didn't realize how dirty my scanner was : \ Sorry.
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
Pt.2 : Modern Acting AU hcs
Modern AU where Genshin Impact is a popular TV series with a game adaptation based on the actors and actresses and visions exist? Yes.
Diluc has a high alcohol tolerance and HE DEFINITELY DRINKS THE WINE PROPS ON SET. Whenever he has to do a bartending act, he secretly takes a couple of sips.
There are youtube compilation videos of Diluc sipping alcohol props on set (not too much, it's more of a joke for his fanbase to enjoy).
Childe probably auditioned for the head of the Kamisato clan first as a hydro user. He obviously didn't get the role so the rumored antagonism with Ayato is kind of true.
Zhongli who perfectly embodies the grandpa role because he doesn't know how to play Genshin despite being one of the main characters. Like, he's really trying and all the younger kids on set are helping him. He finished his archon quest during a break, Xiao and Hutao probably had to do it for him though.
Angel's Share was probably only a temporary kind of setup until all the adult actors started lingering on the set that they might as well make a working tavern set in the studio; it doubles as their resting spot.
As mentioned previously, Zhongli is an incredibly famous actor who caters to both men and women (always the male lead, whether it's an action film or romantic drama), but he's relatively new to the video game acting industry.
Yae Miko initially had a fox tail but she kept tripping on it so the director decided to take it out. It works better for her character anyway.
Yun Jin being an actual opera performer; she's used to theater skits so it was a surprise when she was offered a role for a video game series!
Imagine Klee celebrating her birthday on set with the whole cast! Just, all the adults bringing her gifts and she's so excited because everyone's together!
I like to think that Klee doesn't exactly understand her career and that her parents got her into acting as a childhood hobby thing and she somehow skyrocketed to popularity?
She's clueless about what she's doing, her job is just to play while cameras follow her and it works out in the end.
She probably thought Albedo was her real brother when the directors started telling her that they're siblings
Aloy who has experience with acting for game adaptations so she's kind of the pro here when it comes to the film genre.
Thoma probably had to learn housekeeping before taking up his role but he actually ends up enjoying it a lot?? Thoma cleans up after every fight scene, he doesn't mind
Thoma's the type to help the props manager and staff with arrangements, etc. A very down to earth actor.
Kaeya and Diluc walking home from set together (or to a bar for the night)
Found Family lovers follow their twitter accs because it's the only place they can relish in a brotherly reconciliation (unlike in-game)
Ushi came from one of those animals-for-rent kind of farms and Itto just ends up adopting him because he got attached.
Ushi the cow on red carpet events with Itto.
Kokomi being a really skilled swimmer, she's on the swim team of her college and she dyed her hair pink.
Scaramouche has a love-hate relationship with his hat. He thinks the prop is ridiculous but also finds it unique.
Back with Xiao being an incredibly kind and soft-spoken person who can immediately switch his face from cold and intimidating to softie e-boy. Everyone finds it cool.
Xiao and Kazuha practice their plunge attacks together. They're all strapped to the ceiling and they use their anemo to help each other.
What if super unlikely Genshin ships were actually true...
Or popular Genshin ships in general.
Lumine and Xiao/Childe leaving set together after a long day.
Or Aether and Ayaka hiding under baseball caps and face masks but the paparazzi takes their picture anyway and it goes viral online
Imagine Zhongli and Childe being in multiple movies together; whether it's a period drama or a war story, they've acted together a lot.
Imagine the Oscars with the Genshin Impact cast?? They're winning all the "best xxx" of the year. Them on the red carpet, catching everyone's attention.
Ayaka and Ayato aren't siblings but they cutely partnered up for the red carpet.
Also additional HCs from a reblog I've read because?? oml these are amazing
(@peachis-afruit) Eyepatch gang probably has people to hold their hand when they go places
IMO Diluc or Rosaria are usually the ones to lead Kaeya around the set. Bennett and Razor for Fischl. Ningguang and Kazuha for Beidou. They have all these signals with each other during acting whenever a cue was made on their blindspot.
Crepus as a popular model/actor in his younger years so when Genshin Impact invited him for a minor role, his (now middle-aged and above) fanbase went crazy.
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