#creative cartography
project-platina · 2 months
Coming Soon, Project Platina
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Platina is a world of extremes. Around its equator, blistering temperatures abound, and blinding sunlight pierces through the dense clouds. Volcanoes erupt almost every rotation, choking the sky with ash for miles. The poles are frozen wastelands, covered with ice and snow. Earthquakes are a common occurrence, and the tides are extreme and highly variable.
And yet, despite its extremity, Platina's environment has given rise to countless forms of life, evolving and diversifying at a blistering pace. Despite Platina's relatively short existence, it is host to highly evolved lifeforms, driven to adapt by its unforgiving conditions.
This project will dive into Platina's past, present, and future. It will explore life on Platina, as well as some of the phenomena that make Platina such a unique world. I welcome criticism and advice, and I hope you enjoy learning more about the world of Platina.
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devenrue · 16 days
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Authors, how interested would you be in using images like this for book covers? I have a friend asking me if I'd do some for their first novel & I love the idea. If others are interested, I can post them on my site or something.
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the-ellia-west · 10 months
Map-Making For Dummies
In this post, I will explain How I make maps, the first of two methods. I will be making a full world of my book ma
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Currently, this Map is the close-up of my map of locations which the story takes place on. This Post is on how to make a map like that one if you're interested.
Step 1: Make a few random shapes, and for islands, draw any in spaces that look a little too empty. (I suggest using bigger paper for fully zoomed-out maps like this one)
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Step 2: Edit them however you wish so that they fit the plot if that's what you need. If you're like me you'll need to shrink the shapes to get a good distance between them.
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Step 3: Now for the Fun part! Erase the lines and squiggle-ify them. I'll only do the far bottom left one to show you what I mean. Squiggles are very important
Before Image:
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Erase lightly so you can still see the vague outline of the shape:
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Now do this for all of your shapes
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Step 4: smaller islands! Try and make it look like small pieces broke off of your continents and big islands. Add some smaller shapes all around, tiny dots work too. Just shove them randomly splattered around the oceans and outside of the continents. These make your map look a lot more polished.
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(Optional) Step 5: Squiggle-ify the big islands MORE - Create bays, penninsulas, ect.
And you're done! Mostly. If you want me to show how to do rivers, lakes, and borders. I will.
I will also do some hacks on naming Kingdoms, continents, Islands, mountain ranges, landforms, cultures, ect.
If you're going to try it, please show me the finished result~ Thank you and Happy map-making!
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dduane · 2 years
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lyrinami · 2 months
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The Astronomer
Checkpoints: Stable Cascade InvictusRedmond-v1.1 playground-v2.5-1024px-aesthetic ThinkDiffusionXL
NegEmbedding: unaestheticXL | Negative TI_Alb2
web-ui: stable-diffusion-webui (AUTOMATIC1111) stable-diffusion-webui-forge (lllyasviel) stable-cascade-one-click-installer ComfyUI
Other: Photoshop
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dragonfodder · 10 months
Map for Blood of Dragons
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writingbyricochet · 2 years
Megan Makes Maps
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I've finally started on the revamp of my map of Avantine. Today I made the rough outline for the lands and added in a few of Velitova's features, including the Clouded Forest, the Idylwild, and the Glass Mountains. Looks a bit rough and I definitely want to make it a lot more detailed, but already better than the original map I made. It's geographically also pretty different from that first attempt so...that's probably going to mean some revisions.
For those wondering, I'm using Inkarnate to create this map!
Between Heaven and Earth tag list (ask for +/-):
@leave-her-a-tome @canofpeaches @houndmouthed @elysianhymns @ariadnaes @thelaughingstag @jacquesfindswritingandadvice @wip-nook @whimsyqueen @authorminamoroz @athenswrites @josephinegerardywriter @jacquesfindswritingandadvice @wildswrites @harinawa @writeblrsupport
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percreates · 3 months
Some sketches of an OC I made for a friend's minecraft smp- Benni, it/they, it comes with Lore (so so much lore)
There's SO many things I want to draw from the server and adventures that have been had, but I'm still figuring out how I plan to draw certain mobs and also fighting executive dysfunction so. Incoming eventually
Some earlier sketches before I actually had the idea to create Benni and just wanted to fuck around with armor concepts (hence the little notes), and then my detail list to refer to when actually drawing it
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My first actual drawing of Benni, still my favorite even though the design in my head has changed a little
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First (and only so far) attempt at finding a color scheme, definitely not sticking with this lol, I don't like the pants even though this is the closest I could get to my actual minecraft skin. I also just don't like how the pants look even though they look like the reference 🤣
Basically everything in this image gets changed afsfdgdggd
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Another sketch figuring out an armor design, based on a moment in game
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And then my most recent sketches, trying to figure out exactly how buggy to make them, because it's enderman-adjacent (it's a lengthy explanation. Like I said, Lore), and this is my concept for the endermen. Based vaguely on bullet ants, because I'll also use those as inspiration for my endermite and enderdragon designs
For some reason, despite being a very capable warrior and colonizer adventurer, Benni is perpetually confused in my sketches. I'm still getting the hang of drawing mandibles, and I thought that last enderman looked judgmental so I gave it a thought bubble afsfsgdg
Bug-like creature warning below the readmore
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floofgryph · 5 months
Imhotep for @ask-liam-and-co
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The friendly son of a succubus and lamia who shall forever passionately roam the skies and lands. His globetrotting adventures took him to numerous places, strengthening his love for existence and hatred towards the unjust. He's made plentiful friends along his mental and physical journey, and he desires to find kind-hearted romance.
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feher-farkas · 11 months
Summary of 'The Pirate King' (working title only)
Alesa's ship, the Eridanus is destroyed by a hurricane off the shore of Gaea. The crew, by some miracle, survives, but they're in need of a new ship. They sign aboard a merchant ship, the Arethusa, bound to Nedrari, and halfway through the voyage, they mutiny and take control of the ship. They let the original crew go in Nedrari's capital, Chansa, and sail home to the infamous pirate island, Okomar, where the pirate king, Captain James Maury waits for them with a new task at hand: steal a map from an ancient temple, before a rival pirate named Jorek gets there first, then use the map to locate the sea goddess, Nethys' sword, which can grant its owner control over the seas of Althaea.
okay so that would be the summary of my novel lol... I know it's a bit clumsy and an info-dump, I haven't had the time yet to edit it so I just decided to throw it out there. What do ya'll think? Anything I should change? Also, here's a map of Althaea as a bonus:
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project-platina · 2 months
The Proof You Wanted
Look, I know it's blurry, but that thing in the picture? It's one of the tamer things we've found on Platina. I've attached a scan of some of the lab results we got testing one of these things. There's more platinum in that creature's shell than you'd find in tens of thousands of kilograms of Earth's crust.
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This is the proof you wanted, right? That report about Aurum's surface composition wasn't just hot air, it's all true. I can get you more, but I'm going to need assurances. They've already tracked the leaked survey of Aurum to this department, and if I'm caught making scans of more lab results, it won't be hard for them to put two and two together.
If you can guarantee that I won't be hung out to dry for this, I can even get you the geographical survey results for Platina that are compiled so far. There are a lot of eyes on Platina right now, with that archive project launching soon, and it's only a matter of time until people find out that the ISIAL wants to sit on a literal gold mine and do nothing with it.
That won't stand for long, and everyone's going to want a piece of the action. What I'm offering you is a leg up on the competition. I can get you the info you need so that on day one, you and your bosses can claim the best mining locations, collect samples of the most important wildlife, and steer clear of the locals, too.
I just need to know that I'll have somewhere to go and a job waiting for me if ISIAL gives me the boot.
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devenrue · 2 months
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Starting this month, we'll have new map making prompts on our Discord! Come create something with me and share yours with others! Open to all members and just for fun!
New map prompts will be posted on the first Friday of every month in my Discord to give you plenty of time to create something! Show off your cartography skills, ask questions, learn about new resources & tools, and tons more!
Join my Discord here: https://discord.gg/deven-rue
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mightbebobbie · 5 months
I've been thinking more abt one piece college au, thanks to @maybe-a-bi-witch for opening my eyes to the thousand sunny being a bar/cafe... here r my thoughts so far (I'm definetely gonna draw this at some point..)
Thousand Sunny: Bar, Cafe and apartment complex
Going Merry: University
Grand Line: the city they live in (East blue, red line etc are different areas of the city!)
everyone stays the same, I don't wanna change any of the characters so chopper is still a human reindeer and jinbe is still a Fishman etc, all that changes is the setting, which is very much the same as our world.
- garp is a police officer who wants luffy to become one too, gave him "study money" to attend university
- luffy spent the money on a deposit in the thousand sunny apartment complex, where he met usopp and zoro, his new roommates. he got a job as a "waiter" at the thousand sunny bar/cafe
-usopp studies creative writing, zoro studies anatomy and myology, and does kendo as a part of his program
-across the hall lives sanji, the culinary arts student, and chopper, the young prodigy who studies medicine.
- nami lives on the floor above the boys, alone. she studies cartography and takes meteorology on the side, and is extremely good with money
- Franky and Robin live together on the ground floor, the apartment behind the Thousand Sunny Bar and Cafe, which Franky owns and operates.
- Robin is a subsistute history teacher at the Going Merry University, but she is originally an archeologist
- brook is the main form of entertainment and is responsible for the live music in the thousand sunny. He lives across the hall from nami.
- jinbe is a marine biologist, and lives on the top floor.
Luffy likes to bring his massive friend group around town to search for the One Piece, an urban legend in their city.... they visit abandoned places, forests and lots of strange people !
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kotatko-v-kosicku · 3 months
minecraft builds are a very unique art form, because the game was not made with in mind with it. in order to compromise the very limiting constraints of the minecraft engine (big ass blocks, no curves, etc) people invented so many cleaver little "hacks" to make certain everyday objects. its all so creative. unless you scale something really really big you can never make something look realistic in this game, but people are able to look at these textures and see something that was never planned. its abstract in that way. i watched this one building video about building that made me think of this
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on first glance this kinda looks like a random asortment of blocks, but then then when u understand this is supposed to be a bed. it is a bed. its a big and fluffy one too!
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or these cartography tables being used to represent a messy kitchen table
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or the fluffy carpet made from corral!
its all so lovely. i love how it forces the viewer themself to engage their creativity and see the world through new eyes. i think this elevates its estetical value for me. makes the viewer think about the decisions that were made
heres the link to the vid its really good
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blog-of-gourd · 5 months
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well, here we are. finally finished the refs for these guys. no idea why i wanted to do that in the first place
text from the images is under the cut
Gordon Vindår
20 years old, he/him, 166cm tall, mountain bike enthusiast, star circle [crossed out], no connection [hand-written], trail and endurance rider, raised bilingual (jorvegian/french), brown eyes, irises catch light (new), lives with his family in Jorvik City, right-handed
likes cartography, hates raisins, sensitive to light, studying forest ecology, takes 1st aid classes, goes with the flow but stresses about it, staying in Cape West to shred the mountain trails
listens to: shoegaze, emotions: repressed, relationshup with horses: strained
Gordon's horse, 6 years old, he/him, gelding, no circle connection, 160cm/15.7 hands tall, some kind of sport horse?, likes raising, dates, and gingerbread
has horse amnesia, doesn't like people, hates saddles, hates bridles, hates bits, HATES Eiríkr, likes Gordon
[text pointing to a silhouette of Gordon] Gordon for scale
Eiríkr Haraldurson
right handed, apprentice farrier, he/him, 27 years old, 187cm tall, ex-druid & ex-keeper, moon circle, missing for three months, combined driving driver, recently moved out of Valedale
[text poiting to an image of his face] complete heterochromia, passport photo
crashing at Helgi's, admires Helgi for their determined attitude, does NOT get along with Rocky, raised bilingual (icelandic/jorvegian), rides/drives a hafliner mare, used to go out with Helgi
Helgi Dalsgaard
they/them, 25 years old, 158cm tall, ship mechanic, lightning circle, left-handed, lives in Cape West Village, drowned and was resuscitated as a child, bilingual (faroese/jorvegian)
guitarist in a noise-rock band, dating the band's drummer, can also play the bass, rides a chincoteague pony, has creative ideas on how to handle environmental pollution, they're the social glue that holds their friend group together, can't stop won't stop psycho-analyzing others
[hand-written text poiting to a picture of their face] no makeup, no piercings
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