#crowley's flat
tsilvy · 8 months
"Crowley doesn't have Gabriel. Where would he put him?" says Aziraphale talking to Shax.
Where would he put him?
He knows. HE KNOWS. He knows that Crowley doesn't have a house anymore. That he's living in his car. But he hasn't said anything because he hasn't yet fathomed why Crowley wouldn't say anything. And he's trying to change that, too.
"You like waiting inside." Subtle, subtlest way to tell him that he knows, he understands, has noticed the telling signs. And he's saying it's very much okay for Crowley to keep staying in, whenever he wants, to consider the bookshop his place even when Aziraphale is not around.
The whole "our car", "our bookshop", "we both got plenty of use out of it". Look, I know what the common speculation about the plenty of use is, but realistically? He's heavily implying that Crowley, too, needs the bookshop. Not likes, needs. Let's spell out the analogy: I need your (our) car because I don't have my own car, the same as you need my (our) bookshop, which is my house, because you don't have your own house.
He's been dropping hints right and left that he already knows anyway, and that it's okay to ask, he'd totally say yes. And even if Crowley doesn't ask, it's still okay. He's saying yes already.
And I marvel continuously at the complexity of the character that is Aziraphale, because he can be the most infuriatingly callous bitch in the world, and then in the same breath he can be this sensitive, gentle, emotionally intelligent person who really, really loves Crowley more than he could ever put into words.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 3 months
Another memento in Crowley's flat? 👀😊
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I noticed that the wooden cobra in magic shop seems kind of familiar! :) I mean, it is there in the modern times as well so Crowley couldn't steal/buy it, but he could have miracled the same one as another memento from 1941 (together with getting the eagle statue? :))
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erraticopeninghours · 10 months
Crowley and Beelzebub Talk
Thoughts on 1.13: Crowley and Beelzebub talk
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I feel so badly for Crowley that his “precious, peaceful, fragile existence” cannot be.  It’s interesting to contrast Heaven and Hell’s approaches to Aziraphale and Crowley, both as workers and later as retired/traitors.
Heaven treats Aziraphale’s bookshop with the same apathy that they do other earthly possessions (and beings.)  First, in the 1800 deleted scene, they almost take it away from Aziraphale, and even when they decide not to, it is never treated as an important matter.  Second, though Shadwell definitely plays a role in it, the bookshop fire would have been preventable if not for Heaven / Metatron insisting on leaving the portal open.  Following the fire, the bookshop is returned to Aziraphale (this time by Adam / earthly intervention), and what Aziraphale temporarily lost is never addressed as important.  
Both of these incidents dovetail nicely with Heaven’s approach of killing Job’s three children, then expecting gratitude after they “make it better” by giving him seven new children.  Heaven is careless with what Aziraphale values most and dismisses the importance that he chooses to place on things and people, but generally does not seek to destroy things for the purpose of tormenting Aziraphale.  Instead, they’re cruel through callousness. 
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On the other hand, we see Hell actively work to violate Crowley’s boundaries and intentionally (mis)use his possessions to hurt him.  In Season 1, there’s the orders from Satan; Hastur and Ligur’s invasion of his flat; and Hastur’s appearance in the Bentley and removal of Crowley’s sunglasses.  In Season 2, we learn that Hell has continued this pattern into Crowley’s “retirement.”  Despite Crowley being “persona non grata,” Hell repossesses his flat, and Beelzebub begins their conversation by appearing in the Bentley.  
For me, just the presence of another demon in the Bentley was very unsettling and felt much more dangerous than Crowley’s earlier talks with Shax in the park and on the street.  I also feel like it was a definite power play by Beelzebub – them making a point – given that they clearly have the ability to “call” Crowley to Hell.  The fly that flew inside of Crowley’s mouth also felt like an invasion, especially since one of Crowley’s main strategies for staying safe is through quick-talking. 
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Lastly, there were several phrases that Beelzebub used which I really enjoyed. 
(1) “What if I said Hell was willing to forget everything you did, that we were willing to accept you back, no questions asked with a hefty promotion?” is fantastic! Partly because it demonstrates Hell/demons’ knowledge that having past misbehavior “forgotten” is generally worth more than any token “forgiveness.”  It also completely avoids the word “forgiveness,” while clearly offering more absolution than Heaven tends to offer (at least to demons. Consider: “Unforgivable, that’s what I am.”)  And thirdly, this is what Metatron offers Aziraphale at the end of the season, except that Aziraphale - for whatever reason(s) - accepts the offer!  
(2) “[Y]ou find Gabriel for me and you can have whatever your nasty little heart desires” is also a great line because during my first watch, my instinctive reaction was that Beelzebub can no longer offer Crowley anything that he really wants.  His heart only desires a certain angel and perhaps select Earthly pleasures.  On rewatch, however, the line was even better because while Beelzebub can’t give Crowley whatever his nasty little heart desires, Crowley theoretically could have given Beelzebub whatever their nasty little heart desires - Gabriel! 
(3) “So, if you hear anything, come to me first, yeah?” is a fun line because we know that Crowley will not come to Beelzebub first.  Even though Crowley has just argued with Aziraphale over helping Jim/Gabriel and stormed out of the bookshop, we as the audience have no doubt that Crowley will go to Aziraphale first with any important information. (At least, until he doesn’t…)  Despite the accompanying frustration, Crowley is committed to their side, and that commitment is obvious to both the audience and to Crowley himself.
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camkablam · 10 months
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just spent about four hours straight fixating on building crowley's flat in the sims to use as a reference for an animatic
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ao3cassandraic · 11 months
I just thought of a thing while making notes toward finishing an unfinished fic, and now I am sad.
Crowley the Acts of Service Demon has had his flat stripped from him by Hell. This is the flat he offered Aziraphale as a haven, post-Apocanopes.
He doesn't have that haven to offer any more. Or any haven. The Bentley won't do; Aziraphale is frightened of it (or the way Crowley drives it, but in Crowley's head I'm sure it's the Bentley's fault).
No wonder he won't move into the bookshop. It must feel terribly unbalanced to him -- he is the one supposed to be doing favors!
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greenthena · 6 months
Something's afoot!
I've been wanting to write something extensive on this, but haven't gotten around to it. (I'll probably do it eventually, but for the time being...) Kids, goat and human, I would like to share with you the thing that has me convinced there's something amiss with S2, or at least how we perceive it. Look at this.
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Do you see it? Do you see the problem. Let me zoom in here....
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Is that a spot? Yah, that's what I thought!
I believe the leaf in question is on a chinese evergreen, which you can see right here in a healthy state. No spots. A certain demon would be proud.
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I know some people may think this is an oversight, but really? Really? That is a significant blemish on a leaf that's pressed right into Aziraphale's collar. It's pretty hard to miss. Crowley would never!
And it's not like the production team was against using fake greenery, at least in S1. To my eye at least some of the plants in Crowley's flat look to be artificial. Just something about the texture of the banana(?) leaves seems a little plastic.
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So if we have a brown spot on a leaf, and one placed so prominently, I think we can assume we're meant to see it. What's going on, Crowley? Is this character development or something else?
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enelica · 2 years
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Crowley reveals the truth! Aziraphale will soon have some realizations :O
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the-ineffable-dance · 3 months
I swear, I see Good Omens everywhere I go...
So, I have been watching Bridgerton to pass the time (no judgement, please LOL)... and someone mentions that the town homes of the different families are in Mayfair.
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This was literally me thinking, "That's where Crowley's flat is."
And of course, one thing led to another, and I'm now in another GO rewatch... which to be honest, is fine by me!
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azfellschild · 7 months
Good and Evil wrestling, with Evil triumphing
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bit different from my latest work but something in me told me i needed to draw this
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 11 months
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It seems that is Crowley's parking spot... HE LITERALLY MOVED ACROSS THE STREET OF AZIRAPHALE! :D❤
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I love all the acting choices David and Micheal made for their characters but one I'm especially obsessed with (and frankly I don't see it being talked about enough) is the body language/posture.
David took one look at Crowley and decided this boy is Bouncy™. He has cooked spaghetti for bones. Ninety percent of his walking is done by his shoulders actually. He might be man-shaped but he's actually a liquid constantly changing form to fully fill the container (chair) he's in.
Meanwhile Michael went - We'll he's an angel, of course he's prim and proper and carefully put-together. He has the posture and grace of a classically trained dancer. There is also One Million Bees under his skin at any given moment.
And they were so right.
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mrghostrat · 5 months
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Though he’d promised Aziraphale his attention, his head was turned towards a screen on his right, and the angle of his camera suggested the phone was tucked at the base of his keyboard and monitor. Aziraphale was actually grateful for it; Crowley’s momentary distractedness gave him the time to recover from the sight of him dressed up so professionally. “I, er— yes. I need your help though.” Crowley turned to him suddenly, leaning in close and grinning like a shared secret. Big Name Feelings • 3. Speeding Up
i am so at peace. 5 hrs totally zenned out on these colours. i'm gonna see his face in my dreams 🥰
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bunnykyu · 10 months
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ineffableteeth · 8 months
So In S2E5 Nina says and I quote “Im going home, I’m gonna drink myself senseless and have a good cry, in an empty flat.”
Especially in the context, really makes it seem like foreshadowing
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Crowley’s flat is riddled with statues, from different time periods, from different corners of life and society.
The Wrestlers is one of my favorite angelic-demonic inspirations for the one he keeps on one end of his flat.
Wrestling in general, especially demonstrated in other statues, goes beyond the sport of wrestling. It makes the material appear soft even though it might be stone; it makes the action look soft and meditated instead of violent and brutal. And it is not limited to statues, but found immensely in art itself.
Part of this is canonically inspired and the rest is more meta-esque, but still tied with everything else.
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resentful-reads · 10 months
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Good Omens by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman
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