#terry pratchett
pend4ri · 3 days
"We're having a ball ☺️ !"
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Pfewww... My studies are finally over !
I've just got my diploma, after a well-executed oral exam. It's been a long time since I felt so relaxed.
I've never felt so much the need to draw for myself :)
So... I'm back to Tumblr with my old habits hehe, I really missed drawing our ineffable lovers.
Happy birthday to the Good Omens Series who just turned 5 🎂
And big hello to everyone 👋🏻
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thesmilingfish · 11 hours
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I had quite the haul at my locally owned indie bookshop today. I'd gotten a call that my order for the hardcover boxed set of The Little Endless Storybooks had come in, which had me very excited but then I got there and found A Stroke of the Pen in hardcover as well as an adorable Moomin notebook (with a magnetic clasp!) and a very cute Amelia Bedelia ceramic coaster. I'm so pleased with my finds!
We're at the beginning of several days of an excessive heat warning but I'm all set to curl up, stay inside and read.
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gothmuppetenthusiast · 24 hours
Discovering that Moist Von Lipwig was originally meant to be named Moist Von Hedwig after Hedwig of Angry inch fame but was changed because of copyright fears about H*rry P*tter makes me feel like I've just watched my spectacular aunt who I just united with be shot before I could rediscover our family connection
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rybkart · 2 days
Self repost? It's more likely that you think.
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shortace · 2 days
Some fandoms are like, "You're only discovering this thing NOW? Newbie. Lame. It was made, like, a year ago. You're so fake for trying to join the fandom now."
The Discworld fandom is like, "The first book was published 40 years ago, and I'm so glad you're discovering it, you're in for such a treat, I love this for you!"
(The Artemis Fowl fandom is like "Yeah, we know it's kinda past its prime, but we're desperate, we love to see new content, pleeeeaaaaase?!?!)
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cirr0stratus · 1 day
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You fear tomorrow, and you've made your fear your god.
heavily inspired by THIS post
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bobellafofella · 3 days
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angua von uberwald i love u <33
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jellymish-art · 3 days
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I've dreamed of doing this for years and now that I've finally gained the Secret Knowledge of Foam Armour, I can finally go for it!
Jokes aside, I asked a couple of cosplay pros for advice at the last con and they were all super nice & answered every single one of my questions, in detail!
So far the breastplate, backplate and badge are done and I'm super happy. Detailed process under the cut!
How it went:
First, the pattern! Shoutout to the guys at cosplay-atelier for the recommendation. They pointed me to kamuicosplay, because they sell downloadable patterns for all sorts of things, including armour. Which is how I got to this:
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Downloaded two of their breastplate patterns, smooshed them together and altered them to fit my body and the look I wanted. I did all of that with thick paper. Then I took it apart again and traced the bits onto 5mm EVA foam that I ordered from a cosplay store.
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Then I numbered and cut all the pieces and glued them together! I used hot glue, cause it's more accessible and less intimidating for me than other types of glue. It isn't as strong as other recommended glues, but works fine for me. (used many pointers from this tutorial.)
However, safety point: I've seen it recommended to wear breathing protection when heating up foam in any way whatsoever, and that includes hot glue, heat shaping and heat sealing. Use a respirator or other breathing protection that is made specifically for chemical fumes & work outside or in a well ventilated area (i.e. open ALL the windows)! Ask at your local hardware store if you're unsure.
PSA over. Now to the painting stage!
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The scratches I made with my fingernails and the tip of a pair of scissors. XD Then I covered everything in 2 layers of black flexipaint (which is a water-based flexible paint/primer that works really well on foam). After that, I worked with regular artist's acrylic paint. Above you can see the first layer being applied with dry-brushing.
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Then I went over it with a dark brown wash to make it look dirty (mix black & brown acrylic paint with water & apply liberally)
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Then I went over it again with bronze by applying the paint with my fingers, wearing a plastic glove. (Same tutorial as before.) making sure I don't get any paint in the scratches. And then finally, another dark brown wash to make it all look nicely weathered. I did accidentally remove some paint by going over it too often with the wash, but it wasn't too hard to fix.
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And this is the costume test, after adding velcro! It's really easy to put on and take off. I'm a bit worried about the velcro on the sides, but I can always add straps on the outside if it doesn't hold up.
Next was the badge:
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I referenced a pin badge that came out as a collectible a few years ago (sadly out of stock), cause I love the design! Carved in the letters and lines by drawing on it with a ballpoint pen and applying a lot of pressure. Then painted it with the same process as the breastplate, just with copper instead of bronze.
And just for funsies: here's the back of the breastplate in all its glorious mess XD
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On the right side you can see how I attached the badge: By cutting a slit through the breastplate and making a velcro attachment. That way I can remove the badge and add, say, a sprig of lilac, should my fancy take me there. Reason being that our biggest con is in May.
If you know, you know.
Annnnd here it is; the finished breastplate with badge:
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I'm honestly having the time of my life. It's a super fun project and I am very excited to see how it turns out! I'm already working on the cape with a good friend of mine (I despise sewing, she loves it XD) and have materials on the way to make some bits of chainmail.
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pratchettquotes · 1 day
William coughed politely. "And the big wave threw up a lot of sunken vessels full o' trrrreasure," he said. "We stopped off for a wee pillage."
The Nac Mac Feegle held up wonderful jewels and big gold coins.
"But that's just dream treasure, surely?" said Tiffany. "Fairy gold! It'll turn into rubbish in the morning!"
"Aye?" said Rob Anybody. He glanced at the horizon. "Okay, ye heard the kelda, lads! We got mebbe half an hour to sell it to someone! Permission to go offski?" he added to Tiffany.
"Er...oh, yes. Fine. Thank you--"
They were gone, in a split-second blur of blue and red.
Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men
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So the “are you sure they are wrestling” statue that David signed is now up for sale. Maybe someone here can get it so that Michael can sign the other cheek.
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various-official · 2 days
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When my boyfriend says we can't go to the ball in Versailles because it's 1. Way too expensive 2. In Paris and 3. Right during our exams:
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goodomensaction · 2 days
Updated and (hopefully) final timeline!
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leoreadss · 3 days
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Another (not uncomfortable) question:
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just thought about crowley using the tartan thermos as a regular drink bottle after using the holy water
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aeshnacyanea2000 · 1 day
‘Even tyrants have to obey the law.’ He paused, looking thoughtful, and continued: ‘No, I tell a lie, tyrants do not have to obey the law, obviously, but they do have to observe the niceties. At least, I do.’
-- Terry Pratchett - Making Money
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