#marc spector
ivystoryweaver · 2 days
Hello Ivy! Could I please get some headcanons for marital bliss with the Moon Knight system? Congratulations on 1000! 🌹
Moon Boys Marital Bliss
.✧ ˚ Being married is getting to hang out with your best friend all the time˚ · .✧
Heyyy, thank you so much, I love this prompt!
fluff, domestic life, romance, slightly suggestive, gn Word Count: 625
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Steven loves having someone to come home to - someone who made vows to him. It's very grounding for him after a quite confusing existence previously.
Sometimes he gets distracted during his work day just imagining you walking in the door - your scent drifting down the hallway, the timbre of your voice - the allure of your eyes
The cool weight of his wedding band anchors him when he is apart from you and often so easily dismissed by others.
He’ll smile to himself and rub his thumb across it, imagining the way your eyes will sparkle with excitement to see him.
He can’t wait for chance to pull you into his arms and bury his nose in the spot just behind your ear. “Missed you, love.”
Steven is your menu-planning, vegan-shopping, bumping-elbows-while-washing dishes buddy. Dinner is always an adventure (and a mess) with this one.
You’ve never flirted so much while doing chores.
Steven makes life interesting, like an exploration. He's always seeking something - wanting to know more about the world around him, the history before him, and everything that makes you tick, that makes you happy, that makes you fall apart in his bed.
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Marc is so so neat. His past taught him to blend in, fade away, disappear into the background
You hear a groan if your jacket hits the chair when you get home. You gladly pick it up because you hate cleaning the bathroom and Marc keeps it spotless
Showers with Marc are sweet or spicy. He always washes your back, caresses your skin and kisses you senseless. It's your favorite place to have his undivided attention.
You love bumping shoulders with him while you brush your teeth. He is a nonverbal communicator, so you relish the chance to watch him the mirror. Those smoldering brown eyes will rake over your form, whether you're in an oversized t-shirt or your best outfit. (or nothing at all)
It's lovely having someone organized and clean - it takes some pressure off, and it's a relief to not have to pick up after someone sloppy.
Marc is intense and devoted - you're the center of his universe and you know it. You could go an entire day without him speaking a word, and you still know. Long fingers brush your arm, heated kisses fall on your neck, longing gazes set you on fire.
And nothing shows you his intensity and devotion more than when you spend all night in his arms.
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Ever since you moved into a house with a garage, Jake is in his own little heaven.
You never took your husband for a "man cave" kind of guy, but he loves to tinker with his car, have a drink, watch baseball and get into all sorts of projects
Sometimes you catch him with grease smudged on his forehead - somehow Jake makes any look sexy
He teaches you how to take care of your car - change a tire, stuff like that
Sometimes you bring him a beer and hang on to him. He secretly waits for you to do this - for you to seek him out, to cling to him, to need him
And you do need him. Jake loves to take care of you but he fully understands you can take care of yourself. The trust you give him means everything to him. No one has ever trusted him before now, or even really known him.
He loves the privacy the garage affords him - it helps him recharge his personal battery. But before too long, he'll always conveniently want to show you a thing or two - before he does a thing or two to you in the back seat of his car
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1000 Follower/Holiday Celebration Masterlist
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potatowilde · 1 day
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Pride Month is HERE!🫶🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌙✨
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moonyflesh · 23 hours
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i would quite literally commit felonies to own Marc Spector/Steven Grant’s closet ((and overall aesthetic))
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nkp1981 · 1 day
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Who Wants To Sit On The Sofa Next To Oscar?
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You know what would be an absolute power move?
Season two Moon Knight. The whole season we just get Marc and Steven doing stuff, fighting bad guys, getting into trouble, resolving issues, ect. Just those two.
Then the LAST episode is Jake waking up, getting dressed and getting in his car, then fixing all the shit and trouble the two caused and got into. Then calmly going back home abd to bed. It ends with Marc and Steven waking up going "man that was almost a real problem. Good thing it wasn't."
I would not be mad at that. I would respect the hell out of that.
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kamisama-kissx · 15 hours
2 years and no moon knight content…
2 years with no confirmation of season 2….
what do i do with my life….
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*ok, but what is Jake's stragle?*
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dumb-djarin · 8 months
so what if I sucked his dick. his knuckles were split and bloody from defending my safety and my honour what else was I supposed to do
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oh-tobeafrog · 6 months
ok… imagine a moon knight and daredevil crossover where dd has no issues fighting the invisible jackals because the dude cant see shit anyway. moon knight is like “you can see them??” and matt, not wanting to reveal his blindness but having no idea theyre invisible, is just like “yeah i can see of course i can see”
moon knight then assumes dd is an avatar of an egyptian god. bc what else? so, naturally, moon knight asks “what god do you serve?”
“im catholic?”
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aphrcdites · 1 year
“not all men”
you’re right, my favorite fictional character would never.
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eyelessfaces · 4 months
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hell yeah
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potatowilde · 3 days
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Anybody else having a busy workin’ week?
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murc0ck · 1 year
i know he's fictional but i would love nothing but to devour that man
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tinymintywolf · 26 days
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my contribution to @moon-knight-zine ! 🌙
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