#cute anime head bonk
pithyorangecurd · 2 years
Guy who knows next to nothing about desserts voice: ummmm. Girl HELP lol.
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asteroidtroglodyte · 10 months
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Page 2.28
Bit of a slower page today, not a lot happening, just the boys resting after their very strenuous activity and exchanging a few sweet words.
And if you’re wondering, no, they will not be going again. They’re old, let the poor guys rest they deserve it.
They’re just cuddling together and it’s all super cute until you notice the bite marks all over them XD. What can I say they got excited.
I’m going to be frank, this isn’t one of my favorite pages, it only exists for the last panel, because it came into my head, I thought it was funny, and wanted to keep it at all costs.
Still, even though it’s not the most interesting page, I still hope you like it lads.
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windmill-ghost · 8 months
Oops, I didn’t keep up with Cringetober.
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kuwagotheowl · 9 months
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Animated Emotes set for a client from last year! Also posted on my Twitter.
Where to Order Carrd | VGen
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peonypaint · 2 months
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yes the mirror monsters the riders have contracts with would devour them in an instant but im never immune to the idea of them just being cute little animal friends. based off talking with friends in a server about this concept. one sketch on the second page is based off a behind the scenes picture of shinjis actor
[ ID: three digital sketch drawings of kamen rider ryuki. the first drawing is a comic with three panels of shinji and ren. panel one shows shinji and ren holding toy versions of their contract monsters, playing with them. shinji says "woosh, go dragreder!!" and rens speech bubble has three dots as he looks over at shinji with a neutral expression. the second panel shows a close up of ren using his toy to hit shinjis, with text that reads "bonk" next to his hand as he says "hes dead." there is a small drawing of rens face next to the speech bubble. the third panel shows shinji throwing his head back to whine, saying, "reeen no faaair!" while ren looks at the viewer with a smirk. there is small text next to ren that says "heh." the second drawing shows three sketches on the page, two of shinji and one of ren. on the left shinji is shown drinking from a cup while holding a dragreder toy and looking off to the right. next to him is text that reads "slurp". on the top right, shinji is holding a small dragreder who is curled up in his hands as he happily says, "awww my cute lil dragon who might eat me" with a heart drawn at the end of the text. below this is a sketch of ren with a small darkwing perching on his shoulder, he looks down at it with a tender expression and lifts a hand to pet it. the third drawing shows two sketches of tezuka, kitaoka, and gorou. on the left, tezuka is drawn from chest up with a content expression as evildiver flops onto his head. on the right, kitaoka and gorou are walking together with magnugiga in a stroller. there is text next to them that reads "family on a walk". /END ID]
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am-i-interrupting · 1 year
Omgsh could I ask for
Rocket x Fem!Reader
With this prompt: "You're so cute when you're nervous." Said by Rocket pls 🙏 ❤️ and thank you!
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Tags: 583 words, fennec fox!reader, fidgeting, fluff
Rocket didn’t understand people. He didn't understand how they saw things but he understood that he didn’t see all the colors they did. He couldn’t see every shade and maybe that’s why he couldn’t get the appeal of so many things others did.
He’d never understood attraction until he met you. It took time. It wasn’t instantaneous. When he met you though, he knew you’d be different. He’d never met anyone so. . . cute.
He hated to use the word. He knew how it felt to be seen as nothing more than a cute animal or a disgusting one depending on the person. It was all he could think of to describe you though. It didn’t matter the situation, he found you adorable.
It took getting to know you for that fondness of your cuteness to turn into being attracted to your personality. He wouldn’t admit it, though. He couldn’t allow himself.
He didn’t know why. He just couldn’t but he also couldn’t do nothing. Teasing you became a favorite thing of his.
You were fidgeting with something he’d made for you some months ago. He said he did it so he wouldn’t have to find fur everywhere. You had a habit of over grooming when you were anxious. He really did it because he was worried about the growing bald spots in your coat as a result.
He should make you another one. You’d used it so much that the gears were beginning to wear and it wasn’t working like it should. He was going to make you another one. He just needed to finish this first.
What exactly was he doing? Right. Repairs. He just needed another screw.
He looked around his set up for a moment. Hands patted the ground and picked up his tools and he found one. It was the wrong size. He placed it back in it’s case. Then he stood.
The rest of the screws were in a box over your shoulder where you leaned against one of the cabinets. He looked at you for a moment. Your gaze was off as your hands moved feverishly. Your ears twitched at every sound that even he couldn’t hear. Something was on your mind. He didn’t have a clue as to what.
He stood with a sigh and dusted off his paws. He could distract you though. Maybe not as much as you often distracted him but he could try to distract you just for a moment with truths he wouldn’t admit were true.
He walked over to you, intentionally invaded your space so you’d be forced to look at him. He smiled at you.
“If you wouldn’t mind, I need something behind you, sweetheart,” he said, placing a hand on the other side of your body so you couldn’t move.
“Rocket, I—“
He reached with his other hand for the box. He looked at you with your ears folded back, paws drawn to your chest as you clutched the fidget, eyes wide, mouth slightly opened. Adorable. Fucking adorable.
He grabbed the box and leaned forward. “You’re so cute when you’re nervous,” he said into your ear.
He took a chance. He meant to only tease you by bonking his head against yours. He was surprised (and you seemed to be as well) when you leaned against him for a moment. He froze and as did you. Then he nuzzled against your face and moved away, back to his work. Flustered and doing a horrible job at hiding it.
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cinderella-ish · 2 months
Kyo, Momiji, and the beach trip that changed everything (part 4 of 5)
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So, the beach arc is one of the best parts of the beautiful story that is Fruits Basket. Functionally, it's the midpoint, occurring from chapters 54-65 (out of 136) of the manga, and episodes 31-35 (out of 63) of the anime.
What is the midpoint in story structure? From author K.M. Weiland's site Helping Writers Become Authors:
As the centerpiece of the story, the Midpoint in many ways encapsulates the entire point of the story. Plot, character arc, and theme all coincide here (more obviously even than usual) to provide the protagonist with at least the opportunity to see the world in a different and potentially more functional way than previously. Depending on what the character realizes and accepts at the Midpoint, he should be able to use this new knowledge to move onward more effectively toward the plot goal.
In the article I linked above, Weiland talks about the two halves of the story's midpoint: first is the plot revelation, where something key about the external plot is revealed to the protagonist; and second is the moment of truth, where the protagonist uses that new information to change their perspective on the story.
For Tohru, the main protagonist, the plot revelation is when Akito reveals that the cursed Sohmas will all return to her and Kyo will be confined after graduation. The moment of truth is when she decides she wants to break the curse.
For Yuki, second protagonist, the plot revelation is that Tohru was the little girl he saved all those years ago, and the moment of truth is that it's time for him to "open the lid" and accept his feelings for what they are.
Even Hiro experiences his own midpoint shift. His plot revelation is that Tohru, like him, has her own feelings hidden deep in her heart, and that she covers up her pain with a smile. His moment of truth is that he wants to stop taking out his frustration on Tohru.
So, let's look at the beach arc as it pertains to Momiji and Kyo and their character arcs.
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First, we have this cute little moment where Momiji comes to let Kyo know about the trip.
Momiji: Kyo! Hey, Kyo. You sick? Kyo: I'm tired. I don't have the energy to talk to you. Get out. Momiji: Got it. *inhales* We're going to the vacation house tomorrow, so get packed! Kyo: (angrily) You don't get it! (calmly) Wait, tomorrow? To the vacation house? Momiji: Yep! Kyo: Don't 'Yep' me! Momiji: Wah! Kyo hit me! But you'll come, right? You won't say no, right? Right? Kyo: Stop bugging me. Momiji: Tohru will be sad if you don't come. We'll play together! We'll swim together! Kyo: I said to stop bugging me! I never said I wouldn't go. Sheesh. I'm so tired. Momiji: You've gotten nicer. Kyo: Huh? Momiji: Nothing! Oh yeah, I'm gonna catch stag beetles! And Hercules beetles! Kyo: You're being serious?
I love that Momiji is consistently the one to invite Kyo to do things. While Yuki is helping Tohru finish her homework, Momiji tells Kyo about the trip in the most obnoxious way possible. Kyo gets annoyed, naturally, and gives Momiji a bonk on the head. Momiji pretends to cry (as usual), but then asks Kyo if he'll come.
Momiji seems genuinely worried that Kyo won't come, and goes right for Kyo's weak spot to manipulate him, saying, "Tohru will be sad if you don't come."
I also love the soft look on Momiji's face when he says to Kyo, "You've gotten nicer." Cuuuuuute.
After they arrive, there are a few cute moments in the first day or so at the beach. When Momiji points out Tohru's swimming and Kyo goes to rescue her (because he knows she's holding her breath), he asks Momiji to teach her how to breathe while swimming. Here, Kyo demonstrates a great deal of trust in Momiji. Tohru's safety is the most important thing to him, and he's trusting Momiji to look out for her safety, too.
I also love Momiji's comment when Yuki baits Kyo into staying in the water to race. "They should just swim like normal people. How childish." Yeah, okay Momiji.
Later (and this may be a change for the anime, as I couldn't find it in the manga), when they're all looking at the beetles, Momiji says Kyo is the person who taught him the sugar water trick.
But soon, Akito arrives, and everything changes.
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This is a great scene for understanding how Akito operates as an abuser, but to keep the focus on Kyo, it's when Akito brings up Tohru that Kyo's entire demeanor changes. He'd been crying, begging Akito to stop, at his lowest point both literally and figuratively, when Akito shifts the conversation from Kyo's mother (and, in his mind, Kyoko) to Tohru, and her reaction to his True Form.
He immediately shifts from self-pity to fear and then anger, yelling back at Akito, defending Tohru from Akito's accusations, even when Akito is yelling at him to shut up. Suddenly, he falls quiet, and we hear his internal monologue:
She knew that if she let go of my hand, I would never return. That I might never return to anybody. She didn't take up all my pain. She didn't fill in all the brokenness. But those... those weren't important. The most important thing was that she stayed with me. Finding joy in the smallest things, being happy and smiling so cheerfully... Why? She should think of herself more. Why? Doesn't she think she's getting the short end of the stick? She thinks that she's stupid, or that there's nothing good about her.
And then we see Momiji and hear his voice.
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It's a waste of time to think about loss or life getting harder. The traveler never thought about that stuff. Even if other people think that makes her an idiot, I just don't. That's all. Yuki, Kyo, What about you? What do you think when you close your eyes?
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We then see Kyo with his hands over his eyes, interspersed with images of Tohru and the sound of her saying his name, as he lowers his hands and looks directly at the camera, articulating exactly how he feels about Tohru.
I love you. I love you so much. Just as you are.
It's a great callback to The Foolish Traveler, and the way Momiji closed his eyes when he was reflecting on how he interpreted the story, opening them when he realized he saw it differently than his classmates.
The sequence where Kyo finally realizes his feelings for Tohru is beautiful, possibly one of the best-done sequences in the anime. It's painful and moving and both Yuma Uchida and Jerry Jewell deliver gorgeous performances as Kyo. This is Kyo's plot revelation.
But most importantly (for the purposes of this series of posts, at least), it's Momiji whose voice Kyo hears at this crucial moment. It's Momiji whose words lead Kyo to realize he's in love with Tohru.
There's a lot that happens between Kyo's revelation that he loves Tohru and when he finds her on the beach that evening, but it's less important to the relationship between Kyo and Momiji, so I won't include it in this post.
What is important, though, is Kyo's moment of truth. The thing he decides is to spend as much time with Tohru as possible while he's still free.
I love you. I don't want to take anything else from you. I don't want to trample you ever again. At some point, I hoped we could always be together somewhere far off, but I won't hope that anymore. I won't hope that I could make you my own anymore. I won't hope that, so please, at least... at least be by my side for the time I have left. I want to be with you. Until we're separated far apart.. until the last moment.
I wonder who put that idea in his head?
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In the next episode, we get this conversation between Kyo and Momiji.
Momiji: Kyo, Akito didn't call you in tomorrow, right? Kyo: Nope. Momiji: Really? If I thought, 'Good for you,' would you get mad? Kyo: I wondered why you all abandoned Tohru as you were told like good little kids. But I see. If you prioritized Tohru over Akito, Akito would get mad, huh? That would just make Tohru look bad. You guys, including Yuki, were protecting Tohru from Akito, huh? Momiji: You make it sound like we were doing such a good thing. But that's not it. We've- I've been doing it all wrong. I'm selfish for wanting to make memories with Tohru, despite everything. I'm selfish for loving Tohru so much. Kyo: I'm selfish, too. Momiji: Hmm? Kyo: Never mind. Anyway, weren't you going on about watching something on TV earlier? Tohru: Momiji-kun! Kyo-kun! Momiji: I was so scared! Kyo was trying to mug me! Tohru: What? Kyo: Seriously, you think I'm some delinquent?!
They both display a vulnerability and honesty here that they've really only shown before to Tohru. Kyo's reflecting on his anger at Yuki, and Momiji's being much more straightforward than he usually is, stating his realizations as they're coming to him, rather than using them to manipulate. I also love the detail of Momiji correcting from "We've" to "I've." It really shows the change in his maturity that occurred during this arc.
I see this as Momiji's plot revelation, that fun isn't the most important thing when you love someone.
This is also the first time Kyo verbalizes his feelings for Tohru out loud, if obliquely. When he smiles to himself and says, "I'm selfish, too," he's referencing what Momiji just said, that he's selfish for loving Tohru so much. It's notable that the first time he does this is in front of Momiji, even if he doesn't repeat it when it's clear Momiji didn't hear what he said.
I think, from this point on, Momiji and Kyo are trusted confidants for each other. This will come up more in part 5, but I really just love the way their relationship matures here.
And then, Akito returns.
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This is one of the most harrowing sequences in the anime. We know Akito's already in a bad mood, we know she blames Tohru for taking away her Zodiac, and we've seen exactly how she abuses those she serves as god.
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Momiji: Akito. What are you doing here so late? Akito: I came to see Honda Tohru-san. I have to return home suddenly, you see. But I haven't seen Honda Tohru-san yet. Momiji: Right now? But Tohru's most likely sleeping. Akito: Wake her. Momiji: No. Akito, you're mad right now, right? You'll take out your anger on her, huh? Akito, what's wrong? Why are you so mad? Did something happen? Akito: Something happen? What? Why do you need to know? You want to get to know me? To understand me? Why? [Akito punches Momiji] Akito: You make me sick! Understand? Understand me? You just want to belittle me! You just want to define me by your twisted logic, to paint me as a villain! Tohru: Stop, please! Momiji: T- Tohru: Sto- stop, please! Akito: Stop? You're giving me an order. Terrible. Terrible. You're not a very nice person. Momiji: Akito! Akito: But Tohru. Honda Tohru, I was kind enough to come see you. I don't care how disrespectful you are to me. There's... there's something I came to tell you. Don't be so full of it, scum. You might think you saved Yuki and Kyo. Better take that arrogance down a notch right now. Let me tell you something. I'll tell you. Kyo, you see, after high school, will be confined. Just like the previous cat, confined for life.
It's here that we see Momiji is no longer there. In the manga, we see Momiji run away. Akito and Tohru's conflict continues, but I want to focus on Momiji's actions here.
When he understands the situation, he starts gently, reasoning that Tohru is probably sleeping. When that doesn't work, he moves to defy his god in order to protect her.
When Tohru shows up and puts herself between Momiji and Akito, Momiji is clearly upset. He'd only wanted to keep her from getting hurt, and now she's trying to protect him. He feels like he's failed, but the danger is still happening. When Akito takes Tohru by the head and starts telling her about Kyo's impending confinement, he runs for help.
Momiji likely blames himself for Tohru getting hurt. It was his idea to go to the beach house, and he angered Akito before Tohru arrived. His moment of truth is that he needs to focus on protecting Tohru and consider her safety in the future.
I wonder where he got that idea.
It's worth noting that this scene happens the same night as his hallway conversation with Kyo. While Kyo was beginning to understand that fighting isn't the only way to protect someone, and that sometimes you need to keep your head down and play the role in which you've been cast in order to protect someone, Momiji was learning the opposite lesson, that sometimes, you need to acknowledge the hard truths about a situation, that fun and pleasure don't erase pain, and that some things are worth fighting for.
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Akito and Tohru's conflict ends when Kureno arrives and takes Akito back to the estate. Next, Shigure and Hatori arrive, and when Tohru asks why they're there, Shigure reveals where Momiji ran off to.
Shigure: Momicchi ran to me in terror. I didn't know what was wrong. Tohru: Is Momiji-kun hurt!? Where's Momiji-kun!? Hatori: Don't worry. He's right there. Tohru: Momiji-kun! Momiji-kun, are you all right?
Momiji tries to smile, but he can't, and he breaks down instead.
We've seen Momiji fake cry dozens of times before now. We've seen real tears from him only twice: once when he told Tohru about his mother (and even then, it was only after he transformed that he let himself cry), and once on Kisa's behalf, when he was telling the others about her bullying, and that he imagined how he'd feel if people laughed every time he spoke.
But this is the first time we've seen him break down.
Again, Momiji is blaming himself for what happened. He sees the mark on Tohru's face, and he knows she got hurt even worse after he left. He's upset that she ended up protecting him instead. He believes he's failed in every way. It's a feeling Kyo's incredibly familiar with.
But even though Momiji thinks he's responsible for Tohru getting hurt, everyone acknowledges he did something very difficult and brave.
Shigure: Well, Momicchi really hung in there. Compared to him, look at the other young folk. Hatori: Compared to him, look at us... right?
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It's then revealed that Yuki, Kyo, and Haru were watching from just inside, and Haru was physically holding Kyo back from intervening.
Haru: See, Akito left. I told you Momiji would get the older ones. Kyo: I'm so pathetic I could puke.
Kyo is ashamed that he didn't act, even though he knows it wouldn't have helped, and might have gotten Tohru hurt worse.
Momiji and Kyo both feel responsible, but by thinking themselves responsible, they belie the fact that they don't hold the other person responsible. Kyo sees that Momiji actually did something, that he stood up to Akito, while he stood back and let Tohru get hurt. Momiji isn't upset that no one else stood up to Akito beside him. He's not even sure that was the right thing to have done.
But they're both wrong, of course. The only person who's actually responsible for Tohru getting hurt is Akito.
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Thankfully, the arc ends with a nice moment of everyone enjoying fireworks together. They've all changed, but some things will always be the same.
Momiji: Let's do some sparklers together! Tohru: Okay! Momiji: Kyo! Come do them with us, Kyo! Kyo: So annoying. Just do them without me!
Yuki then baits Kyo into joining them, and the four sit together and do fireworks.
Even after everything that's happened, Momiji's still the one who invites Kyo to join in the fun.
Momiji and Kyo: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5
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xoxoemynn · 7 months
OKAY this is my most unhinged idea I will probably never write because it is just VIBES IN MY HEAD BASED ON NOTHING EXCEPT THINGS THAT WOULD BE AMUSING TO ME PERSONALLY BUT.
Poor Steak Knife is caught in a time loop where he just keeps dying of random, ridiculous things. Obviously what we see in 2x07. Getting bonked on the head with a flower pot. Eating fish that's gone bad. Tripping and falling into quicksand. Going to pet some animal that is super cute and cuddly but actually incredibly venomous. This gigantic man of pure muscle just keeps dying of THE most inane, ridiculous shit.
Until ONE DEATH he only loses consciousness and when he comes to, it's Roach caring for him. And as Roach nurses him back to health, they bond over their love of knives. They fall in love and together open the world's first hospital/restaurant. Because together, they understand more than anyone: knives are knives. Meat's meat.
Send me asks about my WIPs!
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starlitmark · 2 months
𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑
Summary: just more content of the Dreamies as ghost hunters Pairing: non Genre: humor Rating: PG Warnings: mentions of paranormal beings, mentions of death, language, dreamie appropriate petplay (as always) Word Count: N/A Note: here's your bi-annual @raibebe and starlitmark ghost hunter dreamie content
Part 1 || Part 2
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“The REM pod is all about penetration”
Constantly making dick jokes with Jaemin
Weird noises into the cells trying to lure specific spirits
“Damn I thought that might work” (after doing the most stupid thing Renjun has ever seen)
Tries to box the ghosts even though they’re noncorporeal
Verbally assaults the ghosts (he was scared)
Matches the ghosts’ energy 
Will jump Haechan for trying to provoke demons
Brings flowers for ghosts with tragic deaths
Particularly scared of the children ghosts for some reason
Has conversations with the Boo Buddy
“I didn’t even see this cute picture of some kitties! Look at those Kitties!”
More invested in the puzzles of the escape room than in investigating
Still eating the food for the seance
Gets bullied into barking to communicate with dog ghosts
lullaby playing on a music box “This is a fucking banger.”
Tried to make out with a ghost a few times
“Are you trying to rizz me right now?” (both at Renjun and a ghost)
Purposely hides the walkie-talkie in the darkest, furthest corner of the location for the next investigator to suffer
Mocks Renjun and Jisung’s reactions to things when he doesn’t hear what they’re hearing
Always playing with the children ghosts still
Ovilus says ‘window’ and ‘show’ so he dances in the window for the team to see
Renjun: “OMG DID YOU HEAR THAT?” // Jaemin: “Oh, that was me talking to the pigeons.” 
Speaks in a baby voice to the demonic entities
Loves trying to find animal ghosts
Chenle: *lounging on the furniture and speaking dramatically with hand motions* // Renjun: “Someone killed themselves in that chair.” // Chenle: JUMPS off of the chair
Tries to bribe the ghosts with anything he can think of
Willingly showing his grippers on camera to test if the ghosts will really tickle his feet
Actively encourages the ghosts to be more active with Renjun and Jisung in particular
Constantly trying to pull pranks on the believing investigators with Haechan
“I hate this fucking bear” (in reference to the Boo Buddy)
Accidentally setting off attractions and traps in more modern locations
Really hates doing solo investigations still and having to hunt for the walkie
Always bonks his head on narrow doorways with the headcam on and scares himself
Subject to all the stupid things Chenle and Haechan want him to do on solos
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COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK & RAIBEBE 2024© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted. 
Networks: @kwritersworld @k-vanity
Tag List: @jaehunnyy @ericssmile @anyamaris
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violentlydefending · 1 year
i miss when kirby games had those little level intros they were so cute 😭 kirby relaxing by the sea with sunglasses and getting bonked by his own daydream... kirby building a snowman with the animal friends and gooey... kirby getting fucking exploded by a bomb...
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[id: a series of images from kirby: nightmare in dreamland's level 3 intro depicting kirby with a bomb on his head that detonates, exploding him. /end id]
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the-courtsjester · 5 months
Greetings ladies and gentlemen... and things, life if hard and trying to actually make a story with my own characters that's being mixed in with a show's own lore and balancing life is draining, I have two other stories I'm trying to work on in Tumbler so hopefully soon enough I can get one of them out. But anyway now enjoy these headcanons
Stelle x Male Reader headcanons
Stelle is basically a dog let's say that she'll follow you everywhere even break open the door to the bathroom to just... watch you, her brain dosen't even register your pants are down or that you're naked if you're showering, she just stares into your eyes not blinking until you pat her.
Stelle is easily gets bored why do you think she jumps in trash all the time? But if a conversation doesn't directly require her but you don't need to go through the process of cleaning her later, she has her own built in leash on the back of her jacket, and as pouty as she gets your stare of disappoint is super affective against her.
You ever see someone in a cartoon or show sleep in the weirdest position? Well when you don't get in bed with her fast enough and she falls asleep she'll manage to get in some weird positions, like half her body hanging off the bed, you fix this obviously but in the morning she'll somehow look like she's trying to hit a dance move while sleeping.
She definitely doesn't spend money wisely, I mean she knows how to not spend all of it and have some in reserve, but if she has some extra money and sees something stupid she knows you'll enjoy she'll buy it so long as she has enough money, one time she once bought you a large plushie that now takes over a corner of your room but hey it's to see your smile so worth it.
Oh you some super hyper fixation on something? Well don't keep it from her she wants to know so you both can share a brain cell and enjoy it together while snuggling on a couch or something, in short term it's now our hyper fixation.
Stelle definitely stares off into space thinking of you in many different scenarios, when she's eventually brought back into the conversation she'll look at you before covering her face in embarrassment from what she just imagined.
That baseball bat of hers is really good for bonking her and stopping her from taking a trashcan from the worlds you visit, only once have you let her bring one onto the Express after decontaminating it several times over, she sits in it like a cat in a cup it's cute.
When you have to leave the Express for awhile she'll be much more bored then usual, which means it's the perfect time to join March on some mischief, one time they set up the Express to be full of traps like Home Alone... Dan Heng was not happy to be their victim.
Your late night talks get weird, like talking about what animal you could one v one with just fists, how much food you could consume in an hour, how amazing it would be to rest your head on Himeko's chest for even a second, you both agreed it would be one of the top things you'd kill someone for.
She's kinda in the middle when it comes to be jealous, she'll definitely feel like you could be paying attention to her more if it's someone you both don't know that much, but if it someone you at least know she doesn't particularly care as much thanks to you being a great boyfriend that shows all the love in the world for your weird dog raccoon girlfriend.
Ah finally I've finished something hopefully my lovely audience enjoyed the show, again I'll try and focus on finishing the stories but no promises but I hope you all have a great rest of your night or day
And scene...
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kuwagotheowl · 9 months
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Animated and Static Emotes set for a client from last year! Also posted on my Twitter.
Where to Order Carrd | VGen
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noteriii · 2 years
8:24 am (shxtou x reader)
i actually have no idea what i’m doing but here’s a little blurb because- brain is empty.. just shoto. i still don’t know how tumblr works? what is this spacing???? i’m so lost..
you wake up in the surprisingly empty bed, tucked into the dark fluffy sheets tightly. you hear a small thump in the room next to you, causing you to sit up more. “shou? are you okay?” you called out tiredly, assuming your boyfriend was the source of the cause. you hear another thud before he sticks his head into the room, giving you a cute smile. “did i wake you up? ‘m sorry, love, i just dropped a few things setting up.” he explains softly. you stretch your arms out to him, doing little ‘grabby hands’ in his direction. “no i woke up a bit ago,” you explained to him as he walked over and lays down on top of you gently, cuddling into you. “you okay? didn’t hit anything?” you ask, hugging him tightly as if he were a stuffed animal. “i’m fine, babe. honor bright.” he promises, causing a small giggle out of you as you lightly bonk his head “shut up, nerd.” you tell him off gently, earning a laugh from him as well. “you’re the one that made me read that story!!” he tells you with a slight pout. you let out a dramatic sigh, running your fingers through his messy, dark purple locks. “you wanted to read it on stream after i mentioned that i read it in highschool.” you remind him, holding back your amusement. shouto huffed and looks at you, leaning up to place a quick and soft kiss on your nose. “you wanna join the stream in a bit?” he asked you softly, gazing into your eyes. you scrunch your face up and shake your head. “i wasn’t originally gonna be.. so it wouldn't be properly announced.” you reason with him. “so what? ‘s just mysta watching me play mortuary assistant.” he says as his hand moves to take yours, rubbing it gently. “you don’t need two people watching you play, shou.” you giggled as he started squeezing your hand. “just wanna spend time with you..” he mumbled before rolling off of you and getting up. “i gotta finish setting up though.” he sighs, placing a soft kiss to the top of your head. “try going back to sleep, yeah?” he says before leaving the room. you rolled your eyes at his antics before tucking yourself back into the sheets, now with your phone. boredly, you scroll on the device through socials and whatever else you deemed important as you hear the rolling of shoto’s desk chair and occasional thumps of what you assumed was your boyfriend hitting his head against his microphone (something that’s happened a lot recently, for some unknown reason.)
tiredly, you get out of bed and stretch your arms up high in attempts to wake you up more. though it was only around eight in the morning, you still yearned for the warmth of sleep. neatly making his bed, you let out a small yawn before attempting to brush through your hair. it was undoubtedly going to be a lazy day for you. shuffling your way downstairs, and noticing the absence of his parents, you begin to prep a makeshift breakfast for you boyfriend before he begins work. you open the fridge and smiled to yourself, seeing a small takeout box from the night before. it was dessert from your dinner last night. retrieving the small container, you pluck a plastic fork from the drawer before starting the electric kettle.
poking at the slice of cake in front of you, you let out a small sigh when the water soon came to a boil. you quickly stopped the kettle and found your mugs. a matching set of a cute kitten and puppy. with quick muscle memorized actions, you made two instant coffees. from the kitchen, you could hear a voice echoing from the closed room. smiling to yourself, you balanced the drinks and sweet dessert in your hands before nudging the door open with your hip. the sound of the door opening immediately caused the attention of the only person in the room to gaze in your direction. he quickly rushed from his seat and took a cup and plate from your hands. “goodmorning again,” he says to you softly, placing a soft kiss to your temple. “‘m gonna start soon. mysta’s getting ready.” your boyfriend explained. you nodded and looked over to his screen, seeing that his stream was halfway set up. “can i sit here until you start?” you asked him tiredly. shoto nods and smiles at you, immediately taking your cup of coffee and placing it on his desk. “of course you can, babe.” he replies to you as you pull up your own gaming chair from your desk and pulling up next to his. with a roll of his eyes, he tugs you gently towards him and sits you both down on his chair with you on his lap. you let out a small laugh but melt into his touch regardless, smiling at him. “you’re so clingy in the morning.” you tell him, running your hands through his hair. he hums, not arguing against you. “so are you,” he says, closing his eyes. you kiss the top of his head and wrap your arms over his shoulders, draping yourself over him as he keeps his arms wrapped around your torso. you hear a few clicks and taps before his free hand goes to run through your hair. “cake for breakfast?” he asks you lightly, receiving only a small nod in response, feeling yourself grow tired in your boyfriend’s hold. “i’ll make you real food in a bit… it’s just a snack.” you tell him quietly, your words slurring together in a muttery sleep. he continues playing with your hair absentmindedly and stealing small sips from his mug as he sets up his stream, his grasp never fully letting you go. you sat in his warmth for as long as he’d let you, tired but enjoying his presence. when he finished setting up the stream, you could hear his friend through the headset telling your beloved vtuber boyfriend that he was ready to start. after a few more keyboard clicks, he pulls away from you a bit, tapping your thigh in attempt to wake you. “baby, the stream’s gonna start soon ‘m sorry.” he tells you gently. sitting up, you rub your eyes sleepily as you nodded. “mkay shou” you tell him, getting off his lap. before you could leave his immediate hold, he tugs at your hand. you looked at him, a bit confused, before he uses his other hand pointing to his lips as if demanding. you let out a small giggle and placed a soft kiss onto his lips, mumbling a quiet “i love you” to each other. you can hear mysta saying something through the call before you leave,
“can you at least go on mute when you’re being disgustingly adorable with y/n?”
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lokislytherin · 1 year
daniel & friends
i just wanna explore the different friendship dynamics daniel has with lookism characters in terms of friendship vibes and / or personal experience? i’m kind of projecting all over them so these are not necessarily things they’d do in canon but things i can envision them doing as normal teenagers
daniel is the common theme so i kinda refer to him as “you” so ig you could also envision this as lookism character & reader sans daniel
daniel & jay ;
if you had to pick a friend to date, it would be them
you’re a little bit in love with each other because that’s real friendship 
your friends probably call you a married couple and you always deny it but get flustered every time they’re physically affectionate with you
sitting together on the morning school bus in comfortable silence, watching everyone around you doze off and feeling comfortable enough with them to be on the verge of dozing off yourself
being gently bonked because you’re a little slow on the uptake, but not being mad about it because you're friends and they don’t really mean it
daniel & zack ;
pain in the ass friends (affectionate), chaos bros
slapping them in the back a little too hard and laughing when they stumble, both laughing when they smack you back just as hard
sending each other dumb memes in the middle of the night and trying hard not to laugh because you don’t want to wake the neighbors
chasing them because they slapped your ass with 0 context in the hallway
head empty you two share a brain cell but who has the brain cell right now? it might not be either one of you actually uh oh
daniel & vasco ;
that special friend dynamic of younger sibling and older sibling
cooing over puppies in the pet shop together and crying internally when the shopkeeper asks you if you’ll buy any pets but you don’t have the money/permission/space/time for one even if they’re so cute
social media feed merging because both of you love cute animals and soon you’re sending each other the same posts at the same time, completely unplanned
sharing a bag of chips and being absolutely entranced by a horror movie, screaming and dropping everything when both of you get jumpscared by the film but also each other screaming
being given obscure advice which sounds really wise when you first hear it, but when you think about it a little longer you have no idea what it means actually. and they will not elaborate bc they don’t know what they’re talking about either
daniel & zoe ;
the best opposite-sex friend you’ll probably ever have
going window shopping together and picking out the best and worst fit combinations for each other to try on, getting kicked out of the fitting rooms for laughing so hard you trip over and break the curtains
“get in loser we’re going shopping” “hey who are you calling a loser!”
the first person to get into a relationship that actually works out well has to buy the other person boba tea, it’s an ongoing bet, it doesn’t actually matter who it is because you’ll be crying happy tears either way
they call you “girl” every time they get excited about things but it’s a gender neutral term to them now it’s like the way you call them “bro” when you get hyped up
they would totally set you up with people they think would be good for you 
feel free to give me requests or add things too! asks or comments or reblogs work! if you want to challenge me or make me cry feel free to request gundaniel friendship (if they count as friends, that is)
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dracocheesecake · 5 months
Had a dream last night that there was a small promo- like a TV spot or something- fully animated, of Kai with three little calves. The claves each had different color fur (one black, one brown, one black and white) and looked to be dressed sort of shabby (implying they were orphans), but they kept following Kai around, chasing him across the black screen while Kai looked mildly annoyed. In the next one, though, Kai came charging through and hit a rhino with his horns, knocking him off-screen. Kai got up on two legs again, looking satisfied, and turned to look over his shoulder expectantly. The three little calves then came charging into view, one bonking their little head into Kai's leg before falling over and tripping up the others. Kai looked down at the pile of calves, then up at the camera shrugging as if saying "what can you do?" And then picked up them all up and walked off screen again. It was so, so, so cute!
Imagine my rage when I then woke up and realized it was a dream.😭
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