#dad steve rogers
sweetsbfreex · 2 years
drunk and obsessed
Summary: a little something about a drunk steve. in the mafia steve universe
Pairing: drunk!mafia! steve rogers x reader
Warning: none rlly
“Baby, baby,” you giggle, a bit tipsy, as you try your hardest to fit the key into the door's lock. “I can’t open the door with you all over me.”
You laugh once more when Steve begins kissing your neck once again. His trimmed beard tickles your neck. 
On the other hand, Steve had a bit too much to drink. And that's all your doing. 
You know he feels he can never have too much to drink at these events, especially with you there. The events are filled with some of the most inimical people worldwide. So he always wants to be on his A-game for you. But that’s what body guards are for, you had argued. Pushing for him to have the time of his life with some of his friends.
Now here he was: drunk and his body cradling yours, as the two of you struggle to get in the house. 
“I just love you, baby,” his words slur as he kisses your cheek. 
“I love you too,” You tell him, so close to getting the fucking key to fit. 
“I can’t wait to get you inside,” his voice rich and husky as he seals his promise. 
“Baby, I don’t even think you could get it up right now.”
“Woah, woah, woah,” Steve removes himself as your shell, both arms up in defense while he takes a few steps back.  
When your senses finally catch up that he’s no longer hovering over you. You quickly turn, just stopping him before he tumbles down the step. 
You hold both his hands, then let one go to grab the side of this face, “Honey, your drunk off your ass right now—“
“I am not! You just called my game weak,”
“That’s not what I said, but I need you to stand silently so I can open the door, okay?”
“Okay, pretty” he answers, landing a soft peck on your lips.
You smile as you finally open the door, reaching behind you to clasp Steve’s hand so you can pull him in. 
You close the door behind him, toeing your shoes off, giggling when he has trouble with his. But five ‘fucks’ later, he finally gets it done. 
“Woooo!!” Steve shoots his hand up in a v, as if his team just won the super bowl. 
You’re quick to drop his arms back down to his sides, “Shhh, baby. You’re screaming.”
“I am?! I’m sorry,” his hands cup your cheeks as he pulls you for yet another kiss. 
“Honey,” you laugh into his sloppy kiss. “Let’s go to bed, hm? And get some water into you.”
“I don’t wanna do bed,” he whines. “I wanna do you,” he smirks, moving one hand to grip your hip.
“Tomorrow, okay? I’m really tired.” You feign a dramatic yawn. 
“You are? Okay, that’s okay, okay?” he kisses your nose this time. 
Drunk sex isn’t something that hasn’t been checked off your and Steve’s list. But Steve is sloshed and can barely walk straight, so sex would not be on the menu for tonight. 
“Let’s head up.” You wrap his arm over your shoulder, walking up the steps carefully. 
He’s sitting at the end of the bed, his coat beside him, as you unbutton his dress shirt. You would’ve let him do it himself, but he was struggling with his lack of hand-eye coordination. Playfully slapping your hand every time your hands got close to his shirt. Giggling and joking that there would be no sexy times. That was until he had made you oath you’d keep your hands innocent. 
Ever your affectionate, drunk lover. 
“Are you sure you feel alright? Don't need to throw up or anything?” You ask Steve once again. 
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” he tells you then takes another swig of water.
It only takes ten minutes until he’s in his sweatpants, with no boxers (under his request). You’re changed and ready for bed, tired out from an eventful day. Steve’s favorite movie playing in the background. 
Steve cuddles up close, half his brawny body on yours, his leg splayed over yours, and his head nestled on your chest. 
Your fingers run through his hair soothingly. 
You hum a response.
“Thank you for taking care of me, I love you too,” 
“I love you too.” you laugh breathily at his mistake. 
A comfortable pause ensues. 
“Y/n?” His hand shimmies under your t-shirt, to caress your soft skin. 
“Yes, honey,” you can’t help but laugh at the way he calls for your attention. You don’t think you’ve heard your actual name from his mouth so consistently. 
“I think I wanna— I know I want to start trying soon. I wanna be a dad, a good dad.”
Your hand stills.
“What?” Your voice is quiet and relayed with shock. Your heart no longer in your chest. 
He wants to try. The two of you tied the knot two months ago. However, talk of whether you guys wanted to start a family or not was shut down by Steve every time. You never wanted to push, but you also wanted to know what to expect. 
Either way, He was adamant that he wasn’t ready. There was no way he could raise a baby to be half a decent human being with his trauma lingering in the shadows, among other things
He sits up abruptly, “I know, I know. I’m not sober, but I’m not lying either. I’m ready, honey… if you are.” He grabs your hand and kisses your knuckles.
“Okay,” you smile, “If you remember, we’ll continue this conversation tomorrow?”
“Okay.” He kisses your cheek before cuddling into you once again. “I wanna be the perfect dad, y/n. The best.”
“You will be.” 
You tell him sweetly, your eyes stinging as you run your fingers through his hair once more. 
a/n: srry it's been so long, college keeps me busy 24/7! here's this as i try and finish binky fairy pt. 2
if you enjoyed pls don’t forget to reblog or give feedback if ur up to it <3
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moiravim · 1 year
Sam and Bucky taking in Steve's child/teen
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Platonic Bucky x gn!yn
Platonic Sam x gn!yn
Summary: Bucky and Sam Being loving, overprotective father figures for Steve's child.
You were heartbroken when Steve didn't come back after returning the infinity stones. You were also betrayed that he talked to Bucky about it but not you.
Sam saw how uncomfortable you were around Bucky and immediately took you in. You stayed with him and started healing from the pain your father left you with.
When you cry over your dad, Sam pulls you into a hug and holds you tightly. He rubs your back in hopes of comforting you.
Eventually you start to miss Bucky so Sam starts to get in contact with him. Both are extremely overprotective of you and treat you like your their own child.
You are closer to Sam because of the time spent with him after loosing your dad, so Bucky gets jealous and tries to win you over.
They joke a lot about who you like more. If John Walker messes with you, he'll have to deal with two pissed off dads. Let's just say he won't be near you again.
Bucky tells you stories about your dad and what he was like before Captain America. Sometimes the two of you cry while thinking of happy memories with Steve.
Bucky and Sam love you more than life itself and are willing to do anything to keep you happy.
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my-status-single · 1 month
The One Where Peter Parker Has a Baby Chapter 2
He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s with Happy. They won’t let him run to him. He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s with Happy. He can’t go to him. He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s safe with Happy. He’s safe. His name is Ben. He’s four. He’s Peter’s.
She had been pregnant.  It had been early.  So early that it had been months before she even realised. Half of the universe disappeared, Peter included. And months later she had given birth to their son. Their son. Ben.
Fic Summary: Mostly canon compliant fic that centres around the relationship of Tony Stark's daughter and Peter Parker.
Fic Summary: Mostly canon compliant fic that centres around the relationship of Tony Stark's daughter and Peter Parker.
Notes: This is a Peter Parker/Reader fic. It jumps back and forth between the "present" (after the blip is reversed) and the past (pre blip reversal). The main focus is Peter and our girl Y/N, but there will be exploration into other relationships as well. These include but are not limited to Tony/Steve Peter/Harley Harley/Harry Peter/Harley/Harry Steve/Bucky Tony/Stephen.
Each chapter will have content warnings listed that are specific to the chapter just for added security, there will also be a summary of the chapter if the content is something you don't want to engage with but would like to continue to the next chapter. There will also be a comprehensive list of warnings. The severity of these topics varies from very intense to simply implied. Be sure to check the individual chapters for more detailed descriptions of how these themes are used.
Fic Content Warning: Underage sex, unplanned pregnancy, teen pregnancy, polyamoury, child abuse/neglect, parental death, suicide, self harm, Tony Stark in Endgame
Please, if there is ever something in this or any of my fics that you feel needs a content warning, feel free to message me and I will make sure to add it.
I want this to be a safe place for everyone.
From the author: Taglist is OPEN, just leave a comment or send me a dm xxx
Chapter Notes: First major canon divergence. Tony and Steve meet in early 2001 as Tony had taken over for Howard in SHIELD after his death. Let’s not think about it too hard. By the end of 2001 they are established in a relationship. And early 2002 they find out about the pregnancy. Reader is born in August of 2002.
It might be a bit annoying to have the reader be so flushed out as that can distract and make it harder to insert yourself into the story but…the timeline bro.
Word count: 1114
Chapter Content Warnings: Child neglect-Mentions of Howard Stark who is a bad dad. Reader's mother is very uninterested in the reader after the birth homophobia-Steve talks about being with a man in the 40s and it is lightly implied that it was not safe pregnancy-Tony gets a woman pregnant alcohol-Steve and Tony drink beer Stony-Steve and Tony are a couple
Chapter Summary: This chapter establishes the relationship between Tony and Steve and explains how the reader came to be. Reader is the product of a one night stand from Tony prior to becoming exclusive with Steve. Reader’s mother, Katherine, is a scientist working to recreate the super serum. She is described as cold and unattached.
Chapter 1
Tony really tried to hate Steve when they first met. Truly. For reasons he found completely justified.
His dad was an ass.
And as far as he was concerned, that was Steve’s fault.
It ended up being impossible to hate him though. Because he was just so damn nice.
Which made Tony irrationally angry.
Steve wasn’t all that impressed by Tony. He hadn’t been all that impressed with Howard either though.
He didn’t really have any particularly strong thoughts or emotions about Tony.
He was mostly baffled Howard had had a kid.
He never seemed like the type.
They both had a strange pull toward the other.
Like the other was a connection to something long past.
Steve is someone who knew Tony’s father, who he had grown up hearing about.
Tony was Howard’s son. And though he was rarely on the same page as him, he had still been a friend. And Tony was the closest thing to something from home.
They somehow ended up as something akin to friends.
Neither were great at the whole sleeping, or self care in general, thing, so there were lots of late nights, lots of long talks, lots of secrets shared. They spoke of Tony’s dating life, Steve wanted to know just how similar Tony was to his father. And during one of those talks, after some light teasing about what Steve must have gotten up to back in the day, Steve admitted that he and Bucky had been in a relationship.
Tony wasn’t exactly surprised.
“So, you’re gay then?” He asks him. They are sat on the floor of Tony’s lab, a half eaten box of pizza between them, and beers in their hands.
“I’m not sure I’ve ever really needed to label it.” Steve admits. “I just knew Bucky was my person.” He shrugs.
Tony understands this at some level. The not needing a label, not the other thing.
“You don’t have to label it.” He says, possibly trying to put Steve at ease. “I never have. I just like…the people I like.” He says. “I’ve never committed myself to someone the way you have though.
Steve nods slowly and sips his drink. “Don’t you get lonely?”
This causes Tony to pause. 
He’s never really alone. He never really allows himself to be. Like he needs a buffer between him and his head. There are plenty of people, both in and outside of his bed. He’s popular. He’s desired, wanted, sought after. He’s never lacking in people who want to give him their time.
He finishes off his drink.
“Yeah.” He says finally.
Things change between them after that night. Like there was a newfound understanding between them. Both were tired of being lonely.
It starts out as just sex. Which was new ground for Steve, and he struggled with it for a while. Until he realised that his struggles weren’t from it being casual sex, but that he was developing feelings for Tony and didn’t want it to be casual sex.
Steve had always been pretty straightforward, but he still struggled a lot with the thought of confessing. He wanted to keep Tony in his life and was worried he’d run at the mention of commitment.
But its been over a year since they met. And months since they started sleeping together.
So he just…tells him one night.
He lacked some elegance in it if he was honest with himself.
Blurting out “I want you to be my boyfriend” while you’re balls deep in someone isn’t exactly tactful.
But it worked out okay for him in the end.
The universe is a bit fucked up though.
Because just months later Tony comes to him with life altering news that neither of them had been prepared for.
And with that news Tony brought an out.
“You didn’t sign up for this.” Tony says quietly.
“No, but neither did you.” Steve responds. He’s never seen Tony so…sullen. So conflicted.
“I knew the risks of fucking someone without a condom.” Tony says bluntly. “This was always a possibility.” He lets out a breath. “I…I’m gonna step up. I’m gonna be this baby’s dad. But you don’t have to be.” He says quietly. “I’ll understand if you go.”
Steve lets out a breath and takes both of Tony’s hands. “I was in love with a man in the 40s. Tony, I gave up on the idea of having children before I was even old enough to consider them in the first place. They were never an option.” Tony goes a bit pale. “But that doesn’t mean I didn’t want them.” He continues. “I knew who I was getting involved with, Tony. And if having you means having this baby then I guess we’re going to be parents.”
And it’s as simple as that.
In August of that year their daughter was born.
Their daughter’s mother was someone Steve had never met, prior to going to the hospital when she went into labour. But he knew her name. He’d learned her name, read about her. Read about a lot of people like her when he had looked himself up. He learned that there were a distressing number of people trying to recreate Erskine’s original serum. This woman, Katherine, was one of them.
She was a tall, slender woman. Stereotypically beautiful but almost hollow looking. Like there was something missing inside of her.
He doesn’t remember her ever holding the baby. She hardly looked at her. Something told him she had no interest in being a mother but somehow went through with the pregnancy anyway.
But he didn’t dwell on it. He didn’t care.
Because if this precious, tiny, perfect baby girl wasn’t reason enough…the way Tony looked when he held his baby was enough to make him ignore the slight concern he felt over the way Katherine was responding to motherhood.
Tony was built to be a father.
He was so perfect with her. And Steve had never been so fond of another person.
All his outward, arrogant facade broke down the second he was with their girl. She had him wrapped around his finger.
And Steve was no better.
He knew he was in trouble the first time they’d ever made eye contact.
How could he ever say no to this tiny girl?
Katherine was clearly not interested in being a mother to her daughter. She made no fuss when Tony asked if the baby could live with him. She wasn’t breastfeeding, and the baby was clearly more attached to Tony. But despite their request, she wouldn’t sign over her parental rights. Therefore, physical custody was shared between Katherine and Tony.
Taglist: @bitchy-bi-trash
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elshi0n07 · 1 year
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❤💙O U R S U P E R F A M I L Y 🕷🔥
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askstevella · 5 months
Introducing The Strange-Rogers Family
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Let’s meet the players
Chris Evans as Steven Grant Rogers (Steve)
Anne Hathaway as Estella Romano Strange (Stella)
Darren Criss as Bradley James Crawford (BJ)
Austin Butler as Kendall Ryan G. Brown (Ken)
…and another remaining member coming soon! Daddy’s little girl anyone?
You are more than welcome to ask this family question possible!
Tell me what do you think? Also keep the chain going with the family trees!
Tags: Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @mallowbee4 @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @sherloquestea @rooster-84 and etc
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zaraomarrogers · 9 months
Always And Forever - 16
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem! reader
Warning: Angst, little bit fluff
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“Careful bubba! We don’t want to get a boo boo.” Steve was fishing for the keys in his jean jacket pocket while also keeping an eye on Malcolm who was trying to climb up the fence of the front yard.
“C’mon, let’s go in.” He hollered picking the Walmart bag up from the doorstep containing ice cream and Malcolm’s puzzle games. Malcolm ran straight into the house laughing and saying I win I win making Steve smile brightly towards his little firecracker.
“Daddy, I wana eat ice cweam.”
“Yes, we’re gonna have ice cream, but, first we eat dinner.” Steve put him down on the kitchen floor after washing his hands in the sink.
“Nooooo, I wana eat ice cweam now.” Malcolm whined.
“Bubba, mama made noodles and meat balls for us. You love meat balls.” Steve reasoned, putting the food container in microwave to reheat it. Y/n packed food for both of them.
“But I wana eat ice cweam.” Malcolm pouted, wrapping his small arms around Steve’s thigh.
“Yeah, after dinner you can eat ice cream. I just told you that.” Steve ruffled Malcolm’s dark blond silky hair.
“Up.” Malcolm raised his arms upwards towards Steve. He immediately picked him up, welcoming the warmth from his son’s hug.
“When mama be back?” Malcolm nuzzled his face in Steve’s neck and yawned.
“She’ll be back very soon… and going to be very happy when she’d see that you finished all your dinner…” Steve gently rubbed his back. He knew that Malcolm had started to miss Y/n. He brought him to his house yesterday afternoon knowing that Y/n had a date with Andy the other day.
“Bubba, you wana talk to Grandma? Tell her about your day?” Steve tried to distract him.
Malcolm nodded and Steve dialed Sarah’s number placing the phone on dining table against the vase and sitting Malcolm on the chair.
“Honey?” Sarah answered the video call.
“Hi Gwandma!” Malcolm said shyly. He looked towards Steve who came to sit beside him after placing the plates and fork on the table.
“My love! Mal, how are you?” Sarah exclaimed with joy.
“Good. Daddy and I went to ‘ewseum… and… and gwandma, I pwayed with wooden toys…” Malcolm paused for a moment, trying to remember the things he saw at the Boston’s Children Museum.
Steve put the Rubbermaid food containers on the table and started serving the noodles and meat balls on their plates.
“Bubba, you also need to eat. It smells delicious.” Steve cut the meatball in half for Malcolm and poked it on the fork for him as well, while the little boy animatedly continued telling Sarah about his fun experience at the museum.
“He’s just like Y/n.” Sarah cooed, going all heart eyes for his grandson. Steve faked a frown and leaned in to look a closer look at his son, “Nah ah! I don’t think so.” He said with a mouth full of salad.
“He got his looks from you but everything else is Y/n.”
“No wonder I love that woman so much.” he said cockily.
“Oh hush, you boy! you are lucky to have ‘em both.” 
“That I am.” Steve whispered, smiling.
“I finish my pwate, daddy. Now, ice cweam time.” Malcolm exclaimed with excitement. Sarah and Steve shared a laugh as he got up to bring the ice cream tub and bowls for them.
“Gwandma, I’m tuwning fouw in two weeks.” Malcom excitedly told Sarah by showing his four small fingers and counting them. “Mama said, I cewebwate my biwthday in daddy’s house…” Steve came to sit beside him on his chair, putting a bowl of ice cream in front of Malcom. “Yayyy ice cweam, ice cweam…” Malcolm took a spoon full in his mouth.
“Slow down, Mal.” Steve cleaned the sides of his mouth and nose with the napkin.
Sarah awed looking at Malcolm, “Mal, honey, have you decided what cake do you want for your birthday?”
“Buzz Wightyeaw… Mama says Gwandma’s going to make the cake.”
“Wait what? When did that happen? Why did I not know about that?” Steve was surprised to get the information from his son. Malcolm just shrugged his shoulders and indulged himself in his ice cream.
“Y/n called me the other day and told me about her plan. I can’t wait to make it happen.” Sarah told him with a smile.
“She’s very sneaky, damn.” Steve muttered, earning hey from his Ma.
“Gwandma, ‘m gonna be in kindew’gawten when I turn fouw. Mama said she’s buy me new spide’man bagpack… and a wunch bag…”
“My love’s gonna be a big boy, I’m so happy Mal. I’m so proud of you.” Sarah was going gaga over her grandson, barely containing the happy tears.
“Y’now gwandma, I can wwite my name too.”
“Oh wow! That’s wonderful! Your teacher taught you how to write your name?”
“Nope! Mama did.” Malcolm said, now bouncing on Steve’s lap.
“Oh hun, your mama is the best.”
“Daddy’s too.”
Steve’s chest swelled with love and adoration for his son, “How about we get ready for the bed, bubba?” he ruffled his hair lightly.
Malcolm shook his head, “Not tired, daddy.”
“Okay, five more minutes buddy. I’m so tired.” Steve faked a yawn. “Grandma’s tired too. We’re gonna go, get some sleep.”
“… but I wana talk to Gwandma.” Malcolm pouted.
“You can talk to her in the morning.”
“But daddy…” Malcolm looked at him with those eyes of his and Steve found his resolve shaking.
“Okay bubba.” He kissed him on the forehead and got up to put away the dinner dishes in the sink. While he rinsed the dishes and loaded the dishwasher, Malcolm kept exchanging stories with Sarah, who was telling him Steve’s childhood stories and happily answering Malcolm’s questions. Half an hour had passed and when Malcolm was completely satisfied that Sarah would be there on his birthday with her baked delights, he finally let Steve help him with changing clothes and brushing his teeth.
“I wove Gwandma.” Malcolm said, snuggling into Steve’s chest as they lay down on Malcolm’s bed. Steve gently rubbed his back.
“I love her too.” Steve smiled.
It took Steve another forty-five minutes to finally put him to sleep. He stayed there with Malcolm still lying on his chest, checking his phone for any text from Y/n. It was unusual for her not to check in on Malcolm. Steve shook the thoughts away, trying to keep his focus on making his son’s birthday memorable for him. He gently moved himself away from Malcolm, placing pillows on the side of bed. As he got up and stretched, checking his phone again he walked to his bedroom which was adjacent to Malcolm’s room and changed into his old college sweatshirt and gym shorts, he took his laptop and came downstairs in the living room to work on some finance reports. Before getting comfy on the couch, he turned off the all the lights except for the floor lamp in the corner of the room. He peaked out from the windows before closing off the shutters, it was raining so hard that for a moment his hand involuntarily reached into his pocket for his phone, to dial Y/n’s number and ask if she was okay, but he rejected the thought immediately.
He came to sit on the couch and started working on the file while also taking a sip of his beer, totally indulging himself in work. A loud knock on the door startled him, with a frown he checked the time on his phone, it was quarter after 9. He wasn’t expecting to see Y/n all soaked in rain, shivering fervently as she had her arms wrapped around herself to keep herself from shaking. Her face flushed, red swollen eyes and tears were mixed with rain drops.
“Shit! Y/n!” Steve opened the door wide for her. But as she took a shaky step inside, her feet gave away her weight and before she'd land on the floor on her face, she felt herself in a warm embrace, protected by two strong arms on either side of her.
“St-e-e- Steve…” A sob escaped her lips, barely audible.
“Y/n? what happened?”
 “You’re scaring me, sweetheart.”
 “Did he do something?”
 “That son of a bitch!”
 “Please tell me.”
 “You’re safe. I’ve got you, sweetheart.”
 “Please Y/n! I’ve got you. I swear I will make him regret everything.”
Steve was trying to calm her down, but it was as if whatever he was saying had fallen on deaf ears. She was still vehemently sobbing in his chest, her weeping caused her whole body to shake, and Steve tightened his arms around her still damp form. Another few minutes had passed, Steve tried to get her to talk but when she still didn’t stop crying, Steve gathered her up in bridal style and climbed up the stairs towards his ensuite bathroom. Gently making her sit on the edge of the bathtub, he looked at her face and his heart clenched.
“Y/n, I’m drawing a hot bath for you. I need you to strip down your wet clothes.” His voice was gentle, full of love and Y/n looked up to see him with tears still brimming in her eyes. She nodded and took Steve’s hand that he was holding out for her. When he was sure that Y/n held herself firmly on her feet, he moved to run the hot water in the tub, putting a lime, cedar wood and lavender bath bomb in the tub he turned around to see her undressing herself. He averted his longing gaze down on the tiled floor of the bathroom.
“I’ll give you some time to relax.” He told her, his back still towards her, “I’ll be right outside.”
“Please don’t leave…” He heard her hoarse voice.
“Y/n…” He softly said, trying to find suitable words that wouldn’t make them awkward around each other.
“Please Steve…” The slight tremor in her voice made him turn around to see her standing in front of him completely naked. He couldn’t keep his eyes from roaming her beautiful body that had gone through changes in a prepossessing way. She was more alluring now. As his eyes finally investigated her red puffy ones, he started working on his clothes. He felt her widened gaze on his naked tattooed chest as he stripped down to complete bareness. He lifted his right foot to move to sit in a tub, now filled with hot water, he held his hand out for her which she took immediately. He settled in hot water, letting her sit between his legs. She was still cold; her skin was still cold enough to send a shiver through him. Her back was against his chest, and he wrapped his arms around her protectively, letting the hot water relax her a bit.
“I’m here for you, you know that right? Whenever you’re ready… I’ll be here… I love you… so so much.”
She didn’t know if it was his sweet whispering in her ear, or the skin to skin that had calmed her nerves but sitting in hot water wrapped protectively in the arms of the man she had always loved with all her being, it was a revelation that how a simple touch of this man had made her feel guarded. His love had preserved her in so many ways that she could fathom. She finally let her eyes close, leaning her head on Steve’s shoulder. They sat there until the water started to get cold and he got them both up, dried them with a towel and as he handed one of his sweatshirts and sweat pant to her to put on, she whispered in a timid voice.
“She’s back.”
She didn’t like how her mother’s presence had affected her, turned her into an old version of herself, the version she had come to despise. She wasn’t frail anymore, she was self – made, independent woman and a mother, there was no way she could be feeble and enervated. She didn’t like how scared she was when she saw her. She hated the fact that she didn’t call her out when she was manipulating her using her old tactics.
“Pardon me?” Steve pulled up his gym shorts again, now fully focused on her.
“I said my mother is here… in Boston. She came to warn me.” Y/n straightened up, looking into his eyes holding a fieriness in her gaze.
“Wait? What does that mean?” Steve frowned taking a step toward her.
“Apparently, she is on a mission… mission take-you-back-to-New York….” She spat.
“Y/n… What’re you sayin’, I don’t understand.” Steve was clearly confused. Y/n heaved a deep sigh and walked out the bathroom, Steve following her.
“Mind if I join you guys?” A feminine voice Y/n would recognise anywhere, a voice that had been the reason of her nightmares.
“Hello Eleanor!” Andy rose from his seat, shaking Eleanor’s hand. “Y/n, this is Eleanor, she’s...”
Oh boy, she didn’t listen what Andy was saying. She was glued in her seat unable to move and too scared to turn around and see her mother. Her heart hammered against her ribcage, a thunderous beat that reverberated through her body matching the rhythm of her escalated panic. She clutched at her chest, fingers trembling, as if trying to keep her racing heart from leaping out of her body.
Her blood ran cold when Eleanor put a hand on her shoulder to get her attention.
“Aren’t you going to hug me, honey?”
When Y/n hadn’t budged, Eleanor came forward and gave her a hug. Andy didn’t miss the way Y/n flinched from her mother’s touch. Seeing her pale face, Andy tried to excuse them away, but Eleanor was brisk to ask Andy if he could leave ‘mother- daughter’ alone to catch up. Begrudgingly, Andy had left them but deep down he wasn’t sure if he had made the right decision, especially Y/n’s response after seeing Eleanor had him second guess her presence.
“I’m not here for small talk, Y/n. I don’t have time for that.” Eleanor said as they sat on a bar stool. They’d moved from the previous spot where Andy and Y/n had been sitting. Eleanor ordered herself a vodka soda.
“You’ve held Steve here by making him believe that he’s the father of your god damn child. How utterly delusional of you, Y/n!”
Even in her shell-shocked state, she registered what her mother had said, and her blood boiled with anger. But it didn’t last long. It changed into fear.
“Everything was perfect before Steve decided to stay in Boston because he found his one lost love and oh, that too with a package. What do you think Y/n? I wouldn’t find out. You’ve been doing just fine even before Steve then why’d you feel the need to ruin your sister’s life. Steve and Peggy were supposed to get married this summer…” She took a sip from her drink and continued, “… they were so happy, Steve had forgotten that you existed, and look what you did? You hijacked their happiness…”
Y/n eyes were filled with tears at her mother’s brutality, tears that she didn’t want to shed. She watched her as she told her lies about the last four happy years that Steve had spent with Peggy. She knew they were nothing but fabrications. She would never comprehend how would a mother so incapable of being kind towards her own child. Guess, she’d never had an answer to that because Eleanor really was incapacitated to basic human decency, let alone kindness or any other human emotion.
“….. but I’m here now, I’m going to fix this mess and things will go back to normal. Oh honey, what’re you gonna do without me.” Eleanor rolled her eyes. “Steve will come back to New York; he will fix his relationship with Peggy, and they’ll get married soon after. And this time if you try to mess things up Y/n, I swear I will make you regret. You need to get over a fact that Steve and you were a thing once upon a time, no one would be interested to know that you were his high school sweetheart. All they’d get to know that you had whored yourself to him that resulted in a pregnancy, and now you are blackmailing him with your child. People will only believe what I’d make them see, they won’t ask for your side of the story. Trust me Y/n, you’re nobody, with Steve’s eminent profile, you’d be known as just another woman who’d warmed his bed.”
Y/n gulped hard. The bile she tried to swallow and failed. She knew her mother was a corrupt woman. She also knew she wasn’t just threatening, she was able to do what she was saying and it could be nothing but worse. For a moment she thought if she really was no body, if she really was just another woman… but no, time had always proven her thoughts wrong. Whenever she thought that she was any less, she’d been given the best gifts of life. She had had Malcolm when she was at the lowest point in her life and her little ray of hope had been nothing but a blessing for her in so many ways. She wiped her tears and stood up gathering her purse.
“If you’re done with your bullshit, I need to go back home to my son… where he’s been taken care off by his father.” She said with newly found courage.
“I see, you’ve got tongue in that mouth of yours.” Eleanor spat. “But you’re still forgetting who’s in charge…”
“In charge of what? My life? Or my son’s life? Oh, do you mean Steve’s life?”
“Okay, listen to me you brat…” Eleanor stood up, clutching Y/n’s forearm in her painfully tight grip, “You will send Steve back to New York, because apparently he’s still under some kind of spell, or else I will make your life a living hell and your little son will be just a collateral damage… and you will have no one to blame but yourself.”
Eleanor left Y/n with a feeling of dread, panic, anxiety, and terror. She clutched at her chest, fingers trembling, as if trying to keep her racing heart from leaping out of her chest. Her limbs turned to jelly, knees buckling beneath her, as fear coursed through her veins, weakening her resolve with every passing second. Everything after that was in a mist, she couldn’t remember how her legs had carried her to Steve’s house.
Y/n sat on the edge of Steve’s king-sized bed, with her hands in her lap – fiddling. Steve was pacing the length of his room, in utter frustration.
“Fucking bitch!” he muttered under his breath.
He came to sit beside Y/n when he heard a silent whimper. “Hey, look at me sweetheart… please.” He softly took a hold of her hand and turned her to face him.
“She’s lying… don’t… please…” He didn’t know what to say to her as if he was unable to form sentences. He pulled her closer, rubbing her back in slow motion.
“I’m not worried about what she said about me… my only concern is Mal.” she said in a low voice, looking sadly into Steve’s eyes. “She won’t hesitate in dragging him in the middle of our mess.”
“This is my mess. I dragged you and Mal into this and I’m so sorry for that.” Steve gulped hard. “But I promise you I won’t let anything happen to you and Mal. I promise you, Y/n.”
“Steve… may be… maybe you should g- “
“Please don’t finish the sentence. Please don’t!” Steve pleaded. He knew what she was about to ask him to do. “Please don’t ask me to leave. Please.” His bottom lip trembled as he closed his eyes to take a deep breath. “I’d leave, if that’s what you’d want from me I’d do it but… please Y/n, I don’t want to leave you and Mal… I can’t live without you guys… especially Mal, I won’t be able to survive Y/n… please.” He begged, breaking her heart more. She gently cupped his cheek, “Steve… Mal, I just want to protect him.”
“I know – I know, sweetheart. Just give me this one chance… to make it right. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean this to happen. I-I didn’t know Eleanor would come down here… this is still a game for her… I’m sorry, it’s all because of me. If I wasn’t so blind… if I hadn’t agreed to go through with the engage – oh god! I’m such a disappointment… Ma and Buck told me, they warned me that all my decisions would come back and bite me in the ass and they were right, I just didn’t see it. Damn it! How could I be so careless, so dumb that I put my two most precious things in danger. Fuck!”
“Steve, now is not the time to blame yourself….” She wiped the few tears away from his cheeks. He’d been carrying this burden of guilt for way too long now, and it made her concerned for his well- being as well.
“Y/n, just let me handle all of this. I swear I will not let anything bad happen to our son. I promise you I will make everything okay for all of us. Please, trust me, I will.” His voice was laced with conviction.
“I trust you Stevie, it’s just my mother… I know what she is capable of…” she mumbled the latter part, earning a confused frown from Steve. “… I’m just scared of what she could do…” Her dad’s words kept ringing in her ears ever since she had come back from the dinner.
“Y/n…” Steve let out a sigh, “You’re very important to me and nothing will ever change that. I know this is tough, but you’re tougher than that. You’re not alone – I’m always here for you. And I will go hell and back to make sure that you and Malcolm are safe and happy.” He gently held her hand that was still on his cheek bringing it to his lips. He placed several feather light kisses on the palm of her hand.
“You will have me by your side Steve – let’s face whatever has yet to come together.” She whispered; Steve nodded with a sad smile. She leaned in and placed her forehead on his. Taking comfort in each other’s warmth, they stayed like that for several minutes.
“I’m sorry… for asking you to go back. I don’t know what I was thinking.” Y/n whispered, pulling away from him.
“Sshh! It’s okay. How about you get some rest, and we’ll think about everything else in the morning.”
Y/n nodded, lightly pressing her throbbing temples. She leaned into Steve again, placing her head on his shoulder. He moved to grab a bottle of Tylenol from his nightstand and handed her a tablet with a glass of water. With no protest she swallowed the red-film tablet and sighed.
“Do you wana have something to eat? I can make you some eggs.”
“No, I’m good. Thanks though.”
“C’mon, let’s get you to bed. You need a good rest.” Steve gently laid her down on his bed, tucking her underneath the covers. He climbed down beside her and pulled her closer to him.
“Start your rest Y/n. I promise you; everything will be alright.” He whispered, gently brushing his fingers in her hair. A soothing technique he knew would put her to sleep. It might be Steve’s rhythmic heartbeat, or she was just mentally and physically drained that she let sleep take over her sooner than she’d thought.
Steve remained restless throughout the night. His brain was again in overdrive, thinking through every aspect of Eleanor’s threat, ways he could protect Malcolm and Y/n not just from any harm but also from the media’s gaslighting. He knew that much that Eleanor’s go-to tactic was tampering with the private information and selling it to media. She had a habit of sensationalizing their personal lives. He looked down to see a sleeping Y/n, softly kissing her on forehead he picked his phone up from the nightstand and started typing a message. He quickly sent it to the recipient and slowly moved away trying his best not to wake Y/n up. She stirred a bit murmuring Steve but fell back to sleep when he kissed her forehead again. His phone started vibrating in his shorts pocket and without checking the ID he answered the incoming call.
“Nat, I need your help.” he said in a hushed voice as he left the bedroom and came down the stairs to take his usual spot on the living room couch.
“Wassup?! You knock someone up?” Natasha’s tone was full of humor.
“Nat, I need a favor! I can’t explain it on the phone. Would you please come down to Boston? I need to see you in person.” By Steve’s pleading tone, Nat immediately knew it was a serious matter. She had never heard him talk like that. She had known him for last four years and in all those years they’d had interactions, Steve was sharp, straightforward and an arrogant jerk, but it didn’t take her long to dig him through all the layers he had masked on for the world and to her surprise, he was the kindest person she had ever met in her entire career as a corporate lawyer for Stark Industries.
“You damn well know that I’m on my honeymoon, right?” Nat joked, “Don’t tell me you did knock her up? What was her name? Vivian? Kate?”
“This is serious Nat, this is Y/n and Malcolm. Please.” He said in an irritated voice.
“Oops!! What’s going on Steve?” she asked in her business tone.
Steve told Natasha what Y/n had told him and how they both were worried for their son. “What should I do, Nat? where should I start?” he sighed.
“How about you start with getting some sleep and I’ll work on the stuff I need to prepare. Give me two days max…” she said checking on her calendar, “I’ll see you on Tuesday, I need to get some facts checked before that. Sounds good?”
“Nat, two days… can you please make it quick?”
“Rogers! You need to relax. I know you’re worried but I can’t officially start before Monday.”
“Yeah! I know – I know… I’m sorry I’m pulling you out from your honeymoon.”
“Nope! you’re not! We’re coming back tomorrow afternoon and I’m back in office the day after, which is also happened to be Monday.”
“Thanks Nat. I really appre-“
“Ah uh! Thank me later, Rogers. I haven’t done anything yet. Just take it easy, okay. Try to have a normal, chilling Sunday with your family. Eleanor is my problem now.”
“I will try…”
“Oh, why are you so dramatic? I wonder how Y/n had been keeping up with you for this long?”
“I got lucky…” Steve rolled his eyes, finally relaxing a bit.
“Yeah, you did! BTW I’d love to see her hot boyfriend. I’ve heard good things about him.” she teased.
“Thanks for the help, Nat. bye.”
“I can smell jealousy. Oh boy, it looks good on you.” she laughed.
“Say hi to Bruce. I’ll see you on Tuesday Nat.”
“Sure, you will. Bye Steve…. And oh, go cuddle up with her while she’s there.” Steve smiled lightly at Nat’s friendly jabs lighten up his mood. She was one of the people he made friends with when he first started at Stark Industries. She’d been with the company long before he joined, technically his senior but they were almost the same age. She was adept, highly skilled, clever, and a driven lawyer. She had had a successful career. But what made Steve open to her was her quick-witted, caring, and passionate nature. He needed a friend after what had happened with Y/n and Nat became his confidant and friend as well as his lawyer.
He walked back up to his room and seeing Y/n curled up into his bed, hogging his pillow, a sudden wave of warmth spread into his whole being, made him smile softly. He quickly snuck into Malcolm’s room to check on him and came back to his bed, snuggling up with Y/n, he breathed into her scent as he closed his eyes and wait for the much needed slumber.
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sarahowritesostucky · 5 months
Future scene in The Commander's Omega Series:
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Alpha!Dad Steve when he catches their 14 yr old alpha son watching exploitative omega p*rn in his room.
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Omega!Mom Bucky looking on from the doorway like, "Good luck with this, kid. You know how your father is."
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itsagentromanoff · 9 months
Peter: How did you guys do it?
Steve: Well, buddy, I... I'm not gonna be any help here. From the minute I met Tony, there was no choice. He was smart. He was strong. He resented his father just enough to go for a guy like me. He... He gave my life balance, and now I can't imagine it without him. Also, he's... he's crazy hot.
Peter: Mr. Stark?
Tony: Well, first of all, um, I'm a sucker for guys who say things like that. Steve is the nicest, most positive person I know, and he always helps me find the fun in life. And, uh, he is still real easy on the peepers.
Steve: Aww. We really are lucky.
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greekgeek24 · 2 years
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Artist: @michicant123
Writer: @greekgeek24k
Beta: @lunarbuck
For the: @capreversebb
Rating: G
Relationship: James "Bucky" Barnes / Steve Rogers
Wordcount: 11,006 words
Summary: Steve had almost fallen asleep when he heard something strange. Fumbling in the dark, the last thing he ever expected to find was Bucky awkwardly holding a screaming baby, practically dangling it out in front of himself. “I-I saw a picture of you holding one at the museum,” Bucky said, looking at Steve desperately. Hesitantly, Steve took the baby from Bucky. When he was selling war bonds, mothers had often asked him to hold their babies. Steve had been inexperienced at first, but it soon became one of his favorite parts of being Captain America. The baby looked at him with wide eyes just like Bucky’s.
Read here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39873201/chapters/99835671
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granatkoroleva · 2 years
𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝
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While Navigating fatherhood along his angst a teenage son and balancing a career, Steve Rogers finds himself in the crosshairs of one James Barnes, a protective single father of his own.
Chapter 1 : Vexed
Chapter 2 : Unforeseen
Chapter 3 : Formidable
Chapter 4 : Steady
Chapter 5 : Revelation
Chapter 6 : Cardinal
Chapter 7 : Fortuitous
Chapter 8 : Consternation
Chapter 9 : Felicity
Chapter 10 : Disquietude
Chapter 11 : Shield
Chapter 12 : Inconspicuous
Chapter 13 : Nascent
Chapter 14 : Exposed
Chapter 15 : Open
Chapter 16 : Safeguard
Chapter 17 : Cupids Chokehold
Chapter 18 : Naked
Chapter 19 : Treasure
Chapter 20 : Locked
Chapter 21 : Candid
Chapter 22 : Slumber
Chapter 23 : Allies
Chapter 24 : Confidential
Chapter 25 : Found
Chapter 26 : Disturbance
Chapter 27 : Acumen
Chapter 28 : Coup
Chapter 29 : Dexterous
Chapter 30 : Antagonist
Chapter 31 : Firecracker
Chapter 32 : Vicissitude
Chapter 33 : Retribution
Chapter 34 : Dynamic
Chapter 35: Mudita
Chapter 36 :
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↳ Events in Expect The Unexpected, From the point of view of Teddy.
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elshi0n07 · 1 year
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sorry for the inactivity
Steve was the number 1 shield agent, until he had to retire after getting pregnant so he had to retire to become a great single dad.
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askstevella · 4 months
See you again event bonus scene / Earth 65
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A couple of hours after Steve return home with Thiego, he gave himself some time to breathe. To let Thiego hang out with his little sister, as you can hear some laughter, a light sense of sobbing and chatter coming from down the hallway. Hell he could hear Natasha and the girls rolling into a little conversation with his wife, Liane even mentioned she is gonna paint her nails a pretty teal color.
Yes it sounds horrible to some that he didn’t see his own wife right away the moment he returned but he wanted to freshen up properly before he did. Which meant he took a quick trip to the flower shop downtown and the farmers market, then came home to have a nice little shower. As he showered, all he could think about was the memories that the other version of Stella placed to the forefront of his mind as he smiled softly at the mere thought. He forgot about the tiny yet memorable moments he shared with his wife.
The day they met in 2010 to him asking her out on a date as she gladly said yes, to their soft dating period where he kept that secret time away from the team. He didn’t bother to tell his teammates about dating the SHIELD nurse yet for 2 years, it never came up until 2012 when the battle of New York came Natasha noticed how he kept his gaze every once in a while on a few agents and nurses on the Helicarrier. She smirked but didn’t say a word until after the battle was over and jokingly teased Steve, along with Tony and Bruce about who it was that he liked.
He was even shown his period from 2013–2015, where SHIELD and The Avengers members worked alongside one another to do good. His time in Washington DC for 2 years living with her as Stella and his friend down the hallway who pretended to be a nurse was actually a agent called Sharon Carter. Finding out about SHIELD being compromised with Sam Wilson, Natasha, Fury and Maria. Bucky being alive and searching for him.
They took a lot of hits but everything turned around as Sam and Steve found Bucky, able to coax the man into coming to get some real help after a couple of visits to his apartment. Bucky said yes, coming to live at Avengers Tower with the others, meeting Elle and after a long while starting to date Sam.
Steve remember the whole Ultron thing with Elle, 2015 was a great year having been together for 6 years at that point as the idea of marriage and kids started to roll around in their heads. Especially after the whole Clint Barton farm visit, talking with Laura and meeting his beautiful family. Bucky was teased by Sam about having little monsters running around the compound.
And they did talk about it, as 2016 he got down on one knee in front of everyone during a dinner party, giving a sweet speech and asking who to be his girl til the day he died, as she said yes. Bucky, Natasha and Tony were the first ones to think of a engagement party, as all the girls and guys gushed. It was also the year of the accident for Elle, as she was pretty banged up and went in and out of surgery, as he stood by her and did everything he could to nurse her back to health. In which she did, getting a dose of magic added to her system. Months later the two were married having a little celebration at the compound.
Years later, The Accords happened (nothing bad since the avengers were able to fool and outsmart the government. Hell Black Panther was on their side along with The X-Men), Thanos never really came in full force as he was a huge one and done, but Ultron did make a few returns across the years. Yet the series of heroes and anti-heroes, young and old were able to defend their world every time.
As of now in the—
Steve was in the kitchen in his thoughts already, creating a simple meal and organized a special bouquet of flowers when he heard the small voice. He looked over his shoulder to see a pair of brown eyes and rich light blonde curls meeting him halfway. Her cute little dress and wearing indoor shoes, as she held up her notebook.
Sarah Theodora Rogers. She was a spit image of his mother from the first name to her short blonde curls. However her eyes and nose were all Elle’s and her facial expressions were a clever mix of both parents. Her middle name was inspired by Thiego Strange, her uncle.
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He smiled, placing her on the kitchen counter pushing the curls away from her faces.
“What are you doing here? I thought you and Pietro were spending the day together.” He asked with a smile, looking at the sandwich that was being grilled in the frying pan.
She shrugged with a smile, “Oh I was! But then we got sidetracked at the park after he realized he had to guy groceries and then he met a pretty girl…”
“And then he went a date with her?”
“No, he asked her where he could buy some donuts, so he can give them to Ji-Hoon.”
“Ah okay, what about afterwards?”
“Then he dropped me off at Wanda and Ethan who were watching Sitcoms. Uh, I got bored and found you.”
“And found me you did. I’m making lunch, you hungry?”
She nodded with a grin as he went to work making her a grilled cheese and ham sandwich. He would have mad something more grand but he knew she would have liked something more simple today. Besides she adored his sandwiches more than anything!
Sarah noticed the two sets of flowers. She pointed out the daisies and tulips, asking, “Who are those for?”
“The daisies are for you. The tulips are for mama. You like ‘em?” He asked, placing two plates next to the frying pan ready to put the sandwiches on them.
“Very! I um..uh daddy, I have a question. Is momma gonna be okay? Like get better?”
He put the sandwiches on 2 different plates and paused. He couldn’t lie to her in a sense, he was smart enough to notice and braver than he could believe, being very proud of her for it.
He tried to find the words and nodded, “..okay. Uh, honestly sweetie, i don’t know the true answer to that. I like to believe she will get better and push through it, especially with how much love and support we all give her..there are days where she doing better than most, there are days where she weaker than others..but she will get better.”
“And if she doesn’t? I know about life and death, Grandpa Stephen says that he sees it a lot in the hospital..auntie Nat says it is part of life..” Sarah repiled with a curious look on her face, as if trying to make sense of it all.
“Well, remember that birdie you and Theigo found one day after school?”
“And how she was hurt really badly so you tried to take care of her? Then afterwards she was doing fine and once the world made it clear, she flew away into another life..”
“Yeah it was sad but she looked calm when she died.”
“Mhm exactly, she wasn’t scared. Remember what happened a few days later?”
Sarah smiled this time and nodded, “My teacher got us a class bird! Her name Ruby, even though she is blue. It was like she was meant for our class, or least that’s what my teacher said.”
Steve chuckled, “Exactly. What happened with your birdie, is that she moved on but her spirt stayed to bring joy. So her next life, she must’ve became that bird to watch over your class, like a mascot.”
“So what I’m hearing is that Mommy is gonna turn into a bird?”
“Hahaha, maybe. Depends on what life has in store for her but I know for certain that she will be watching over us and let us know she’s still around in her own way.”
“How do you know so much, Daddy?”
“I just do. Just like I know your grandma Sarah, who you’re named after, is doing the same thing right now.”
Sarah smiled brightly and hugged her father, as Steve wrapped his arms around her tightly showering her face with kisses as she giggled. Once the father-daughter duo pulled away, Sarah brought the flowers to her room then came back following her father into the living room as he requested of she can bring the tulips to her mom for him as he carried the sandwiches.
In the living room, sat Elle on the couch with a blanket over her legs to keep her warm as she flipped across channels looking for something entertaining enough to watch. She looked very much less pale than when he left as she got a lot of color back, she laughed like herself again at the movie silly slapstick humor and her hair looked to be in a low ponytail.
She was playing with a old colorful fan in her hand, waving her around making silly flirtatious eyes as the paired walked into the room.
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It made Steve’s smile grow at the sight. She was doing a lot better today and he thanked the universe for that gift. He winked at her doing so.
Sarah was the first to reach the couch, holding the flowers up to her mother giggling as she curled into her arms. Elle wrapped her arms around her daughter kissing her cheeks and thanked her for the bouquet, giving the fan over to her to play with. She knew how much Sarah loved that fan as she stayed twirling it around, resting her head on her shoulder.
Steve sat down on the other side of his wife, pressing a kiss to her cheek and handed her the plate. She thanked him, watching Sarah take her own plate and started to dig in, looking up at the silly film as she did so. Elle took a bite of her sandwich, humming at the delicious food in front of her and rested her head on her husband’s shoulder.
Midway through eating, Elle stopped and looked at her husband. Steve glanced over as he locked eyes with her alert, asking, “Are you okay? You need anything?”
She scoffed chuckling, “Relax! I’m fine..I feel better today.”
“You look better. You’re cheeks are rosy and your not as pale.”
“I noticed. A little tired but I’m fine. I know what you did earlier.”
He raised an eyebrow as he click onto what she meant and sighed, “Elle, doll, I’m sorry it’s just…”
“I know..” She simply replied, with a half hearted smile, “I overheard Thiego and Bruce talking with Nat down the hall when Liane was painting my nails. They weren’t subtle enough about it..you are insane, you know that?”
“I had a plan! Make the plan, execute the plan and expect the plan to not go off the rails. Yes, I was a little extreme the last 48 hours..”
“A little?”
“A lot. I broke a few short grids, bruised a rib or two..then made a mistake to take ones life over another..not my best move. I was not thinking straight, baby..and ran past a few stop signs as well to buy myself some time.”
“You broke into another Earth’s SHIELD headquarters and tricked a few people to get to another version of me..meanwhile Thiego was searching across the fields of earths causing some damage to strike a deal. You two could’ve been arrested for that.”
“I know. I know! I made that version of Cap to look like public enemy to SHIELD by causing that damage..I’m sorry, I messed up but it was because I was afraid..”
“..of losing me? Instead of staying with me and enjoying whatever time the universe is giving us..”
“Well if you say like that, I sound even worse.”
This time Elle snorted and chuckled shaking her head at his comment. She didn’t blame him for it, she knew the people in her life would do anything to make things right, find another way to fix things. Even if it meant getting hurt or something.
Steve rested his forehead against hers, a simple yet gentle move he does plenty of time before during moments like this. She leaned into his touch. He sighed and smiled, letting out a chuckle.
After a moment tears came to the blink of her eyes as he spoke, “I got your note today..it was lovely. Bittersweet like a poem, almost like a song. You’re my first love, Elle. I don’t want to see you gone yet..but when it comes I won’t be as scared or furious as I think I would be..”
She smiled had her eyes wet and asked, “Why’s that?”
“Because I know you won’t be alone. None of us will. You gave me the greatest gifts I could ever ask for. I could not thank you enough for being my wife and friend from the day I woke up in this century. You gave me a beautiful little girl who laughs like you and has my mother’s name.”
“And Thiego likes to brag about her being his mini me.”
“This is about me, not him.”
Both of them laughed, snorting at the joke. She knew he was joking. Steve was being humorous with that last comment, of course he was happy that his brother in law got a wonderful gift as well.
She smirked, waved for him to continue his lovely speech, “Go on, Mr Rogers. I like where this is headed.”
“Don’t get cheeky with me now, Elle.” He replied with a smile and winked, “If you do, I might have to take you to bed later. In all seriousness, you are always gonna be my light in dark. Despite the problems we have had over the years, we always find a way to make it home to one another.”
“You are my home. My family.”
“And you’re mine. I know when the time comes I will see you again any form. Even if we’re both two little birds flying in the park.”
Elle paused for a second to understand what he meant by the birds reference, noticing his gaze fell to Sarah who was minding her own business watching the movie, as it clicked what he meant. She smiled at that, knowing that no matter who it is that goes first to fly around in heaven their daughter will be safe and sound.
She nodded at her husband and chuckled, “Yeah, two beautiful birds. I love Mr. Rogers.”
“I love more Mrs. Rogers.” He replied, leaning forward to cup her face with a hand and press a long awaited kiss onto her lips.
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She leaned into his touch placing a hand to the back of his cheek as she returned kiss in full force.
They stayed there for a couple of moments, locking lips with one another whispering sweet nothings, resting their foreheads together out of old habits. Steve lazily wrapping an around her body, bringing her in closer using the other hand to reach over to tickle Sarah’s side grabbing her attention as she giggled trying to wiggle away from her parents.
Elle opened her arm, wiggling her fingers to tickle their daughter as tried to crawl away but Elle gently reached forwarded lifting Sarah into an embrace. The little girl giggled and smiled, curling into her mother’s arms in glee stealing a bite of the sandwich her mom didn’t finished, then placed the sandwich in front of her father who took bite himself humming.
Elle mock gasped, “Hey that was mine!”
Steve finished chewing and chuckled, “You didn’t finish it! And I’m hungry.”
“You’re always hungry.”
“Are not.”
Sarah giggled, “Yes you are, daddy! You and uncle Thor and uncle Bucky always are hungry.”
Steve gasped and tickled her, “Who’s side are you on, young lady?”
“Mommy’s side!”
The small family laughed smiling, deciding to enjoy the film that was placed on the TV.
Thank you so much for reading! Hope you enjoyed it! Tell me what you think about?
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @mallowbee4 @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @rooster-84 @sherloquestea and etc
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zaraomarrogers · 1 year
Always and Forever
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
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iamthewillow29 · 2 years
I might have a thing for Dad!Steve 😩😩😩
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sweetsbfreex · 2 years
𝐦𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞
summary: y/n has an event to get to last minute, so steve has to take care of his daughter at work. in the universe of this one shot (read before)
pairings: dad!mafia/gang!steve rogers x wife!reader
warning: none just fluff!
Today has just been a day. You have no excuse except  for the fact that it slipped your mind and when your calendar notified you, an hour and a half before the event started your mind began to scramble. 
Steve’s parents can’t watch Elysia because they have a date night. They offered to cancel, but you couldn’t ask them to do that. Natasha was out of town. You had even asked the babysitter, but it was too last minute for her. So, there’s one last option.
“Hey doll, you girls alright?” Steve smiles into his phone, happy to hear your voice. 
“Hi, baby” you beamed, brushing on highlighter while keeping a careful eye on your daughter. Elysia was chilled out on your bed, entranced in an episode of Paw Patrol.
 “Look, I’m really sorry, it slipped my mind, but I have an event to get to in a few. And there’s no one to keep an eye on Elsie. Can I drop her off to you?”
“Yeah, of course. I've been missing her a little extra today anyway.” 
You sigh in relief, “I love you, you’re the best” you tell him, sending a kiss through the phone. 
It’s at least twenty-five minutes later until your heels are clicking against the lobby’s marble floor. Elysia’s designer baby bag is slung over your shoulder and your two-year-old is sitting on your hip as the two of you walk to Steve’s office. 
You knock on the door twice, before you pull it open. As you enter, Steve’s head shoots up, then an affectionate smile graces his face at the sight of his favorite girls. 
“Daddy!” Elysia cheers with grabby hands towards her father. 
Steve walks over to greet the two of you; kissing Elysia’s cheek and neck, chuckling as she squirms because his facial hair is ‘ticklish’, before he brings her into his hold. 
And before you know it, Steve brings his lips down onto yours. All while removing the baby bag from your shoulders. When he pulls away, he’s whistling with ardor as he spins you to give himself a 360 of what’s his. 
Your body is flawlessly dressed in a customized cream suit with gold buttons. The coat wraps  around you to accentuate your waist and breast, your pants hug your ass perfectly. As the pants flare out as they go down your leg. He loves how the diamond necklace and earrings he bought as one of your push gifts make your eyes twinkle.  
Your cheeks heat up at the way he fawns over you. Many years later and you’d never get used to it. 
When he stops you, his hand tugs your body to his, “You look..exquisite” he husks, squeezing your hand. “Mommy looks exquisite, doesn't she?” he asks Elysia who responds with an exaggerated nod. 
“Look Quiz-it!” she garbles the tough word out
“Thank you, you two. But I have to head out if I want to make it on time.”
“Where are you headed anyway?”
“Maggie is throwing something for her launch,” you answer while fixing a boggle in Lys’ hair that held one of her space buns. “I promised I’d be there. I like this tie, it matches your eyes perfectly” 
Your hand runs over the patterned blue tie. You didn’t get to see him this morning, as you usually do. He slipped out before the sun even came out, with just a kiss to your cheek as his ‘see you later’ so he wouldn’t disturb your sleep. 
“Thank you. Drive safe and be safe, Joseph will be right behind you.”
You groan. He lavished the trait of overprotectiveness. There was one instance where you had begged and begged to roam free without anyone on your tail. It didn’t end well. 
“Non-negotiable, text me when you arrive safely” he reminds you, grasping your chin for a kiss. 
“Bye baby, I'll see you soon. Be good” you kiss her before pinching her chubby cheeks. 
As the door shuts softly behind you, Steve and Elysia are stood in his expansive offices hands up in a wave. “Looks like it’s just me and you, baby doll, are you hungry?”
“No” she responds.
“Okay, would you mind if daddy worked for a little bit more?”
“It’s okay” she lisps. 
Elysia is settled on her father’s lap, Steve’s phone in her tiny hands as she watches ‘The Princess and the Frog’. Occasionally her big eyes roam over the big screens on her father’s desk. 
With his little girl present, Steve isn’t able to complete any of his gruesome tasks, just the light stuff with no pictures or videos.
“Daddy?” Elysia calls for him, her head tucked back. 
“Babydoll?,” he answers, looking down. 
“I’m thirsty, do you ‘ave apple juice?” 
“Do I have apple juice? Do I-- are you kidding, how could you ask that.” while he throws his whole spiel, loving the wide smile on her face. His hand discreetly opens the mini fridge under his desk. It’s always packed with what she enjoys. He pulls out a juice box, and presents it to her like a magic trick. 
“Yay!” she giggles, clapping her hand in glee before she grasps the juice box in both hands eagerly, in turn dropping her father’s phone to the ground. “Oops” she murmurs at the sound of the clatter. 
“It’s alright, just remember to be careful next time” he responds, picking up the newest model. 
Some time passes before Elysia grows bored and begins to squirm and whine. 
He picks her up, placing each foot on his thigh. 
“What’s up, why are you so crabby?,” he coos, running his forefinger down the slope of her warmed up nose while the other hand holds her up by her waist. 
“Wanna play” she bounces her legs, pointing behind her. 
He sighs, checking his watch: 6:03pm. Under twenty minutes until his meeting. So, they play to her heart's desire. He has a few of her favorite things stashed away so he pulls those out after shrugging off his coat. 
Now, he’s sat criss-cross applesauce getting berated by his toddler and thankfully y/n has texted that she’s arrived safely. 
“No, daddy! I’m the chef.”
“Okay, okay. Can I order an orange juice and sandwich, please” he orders through the small window of her Little Tikes play kitchen. 
“Seven thousand dollars,” she tells him, hand out. 
“Prices are a little steep, don't you think?” he jokes, but forgets it’s his two-year-old he’s talking to. “Tough crowd,” he continues, before dropping the fake, blue credit card into her hands. 
“Hmm.” she hums while she thinks, “No monies. No food” she tells him this reproachfully, her eyebrows knit together as she drops the card in his hands. 
“What?” he gawks, “You’re gonna let daddy starve?” 
She sighs before dropping a banana into his palm, “Thank you, babydoll” he smiles, kissing her cheek through the screen as she giggles, her hard chef mask breaking through. 
“Daddy, I don’t wanna play any more.”
“Yea? What do you want to do?”
“Stickers! Stickers! Stickers!” she chants to a tune, walking around to her father. 
Against his will, Steve is still sitting on the floor and his toddler stands before him. One of her tiny fists holds a sheet of glittery Lisa Frank stickers while the other places them on his face.
“Cat or tiger?” she asks, bending her head down. 
She beams, placing it on the middle of his forehead, then kisses it for good measure. 
There’s an incessant buzz in the air. His phone against his presidential, dark wood desk. He goes to it immediately to see it’s a call from Bucky, therefore noticing the time. He’s ten minutes late. Steve Rogers is never late. 
“Shit.” he mutters, ignoring the call to begin peeling off the stickers in a haste. 
“Bad word, daddy!”
“Sorry, baby, sorry” he responds in a haste, when he’s sure his face is bare. He pockets his phone, shrugs on his coat, grabs his binder, and picks up Elysia as he dashes to the elevator. 
“Hi uncle bucky! Hi uncle sam!” Elysia bounces at the sight of her god fathers, waving at the two as she walks by on her father’s hip. 
Steve walks in stoically, there was no way in hell he’d let his men enjoy him coming in flustered and out of sorts. Everyone was in attendance, and sat in their respective seats. When he begins to settle down and start the meeting there’s laughter in the air. 
“The fu--” he stops himself, taking a deep breath. “Would anyone mind letting me in on what’s so hysterical?”
‘The fuck are you clowns laughing at’ is what he really wanted to say. 
“You gotta..” Bucky stops to gather himself, a smirk on his face. “Got a little something there,” he points at his own jaw as a mirror. 
Steve sighs, attempting to find the bright, pink, glittery sticker on his face when his little one speaks up, “I’ve got it, daddy” she peels it off easily and places it on her own cheek. 
“Thank you, babydoll,” he kisses her hand before taking a seat at the head of the expansive table. Placing her on his lap and passing her a small bag of goldfish with her water bottle. Elys has pinky promised to be on her best behavior and Steve had promised that he’d make sure the meeting wouldn’t go as long as they usually do. 
“Okay. As you can see we have a special lady with sensitive ears joining us today. Please keep your language clean and appropriate, however hard that may be.” Steve dictates, taking a glance at every man in this room to not take his words lightly. 
The meeting drags on, they don’t have much of a choice to discuss some matters at hand. But these men are smart and know how to improvise…
“Uh, sunshine (Lloyd) was last seen at a recital (strip club) selling kool aid (drugs) to any of the girls that would take it. We assume it’s his way to sabotage the opening by… you know.” Tony flairs his hand around as a jester. 
Before Steve is able to respond, a smaller voice gets to it, “Daddy, I love kool-aid. Alot alot alot!” 
Steve chuckles at her cuteness. 
Throughout the meeting everyone is meant to talk over and ignore the children's songs emitting from Steve’s phone. And the light, cute voice that sings along to some of them. 
A pack of goldfish later with half a bottle of Elysia’s water. Steve keeps his promise to keep the meeting short, concise, and kid-friendly. Well-sorta, there was one slip up but Steve was quick to cover Elysia’s precious ears and stare down the incompetent imbecile.
He’s packing his things up, putting his notes and papers in order while his little girl giggles at her uncle Sam’s magic tricks: pulling a silver coin from her ear. 
It’s her favorite and will get a laugh from her every time. 
In no time, it’s just him and Ly descending via elevator. Steve has decided they both have had a long day, and going home early for once wouldn’t kill him. It was seven in the afternoon anyway, close to her bedtime. 
He knows she’s had a long day when one of her small arms is wrapped over his neck as her head is tucked against the side of his neck. 
He can’t lie that the thought of sleep sounds good to him. He knows you won’t be home till a little later. But he can’t until you’re home so he can cuddle into you as you both drift off. 
“We’ll be home pretty soon,” he kisses her forehead just as the elevator dings! 
“Okay,” Steve sighs as he enters through the familiar emerald doors, placing the baby bag onto the coat rack. His dress shoes are toed off with speed and just as quick he pulls off his baby’s shoes. 
He sets her down in the living room taking a seat on the couch.
“Daddy, I’m hungry,” she squeaks, walking over to the remote to bring to her father who understands her demand. 
“Does a PB and J sound alright?”
“Mmmm” she drones on, her hands rubbing against her clothed stomach. 
The sandwich is assembled at her request. Crust off the toasted bread and a little bit of honey drizzled on top of the peanut butter. 
Elysia sits on Steve’s lap as she nibbles on her sandwich. Steve is dressed down in just his slacks and wife beater; braiding Elysia’s hair in two as she watches ‘Little Bear’ and eats her sandwich.
He struggles to do so at first, until y/n’s voice swims through his head. Reminding him what he needs to do. 
As Lys chews and her father braids, she holds up half her sandwich in offer behind her. He smiles as he takes a small bite, smiling and moaning about how yummy it is and how thankful he is for her sharing. Then he kisses her cheeks, nipping in jest. 
Once he’s finished braiding Elysia‘s hair and Elysia is done eating her food. She scrambles up until she’s latching onto her father. Her arms are thrown around his neck while her legs clamber to wrap around him. 
Her cuddles are like sleeping sand to the mob boss. He rubs her back as he leans down parallel to the couch, his sock feet hanging off the arm of the couch. 
“I love you baby doll. Best thing to happen to me and your momma.” he whispers, placing three kisses to her forehead. 
“Love you” she slurs while her soft hand lands onto his cheek. 
Without even knowing, his eyes are shut as his breath evens out and his arm circles around his angel’s body to keep her from rolling off of him. 
It was a great time. You were happy you got to support Maggie on her big day, but you missed your husband and the rambunctious little girl you were graced to raise. 
You remove your heels, hissing as your sore feet hit the hardwood floor. The house is quiet as you toe into the house. You can see the living room light is on. You assume Steve has kept it on for you just as you do for him and it makes your heart sing. 
As you walk in, to shut off the warm lamp, your heart really does sing at the picture perfect image: The father-daughter duo are knit together as they step in dream land together. 
His brawny arm is wrapped around her body and his mouth is dropped open in a way you think is adorable. It makes the intimidating man everyone else sees morph into the wonderful, sensitive man you’ve married. 
They’re still dressed in their day clothes, but nothing could ruin the cuteness overload. 
You tiptoe towards the two, leaning over them as your hand runs through Steve’s hair, the other down his free arm. 
He startles awake and his grip tightens on Elysia a little bit, but his body relaxes once he sees it’s you and smiles. 
“Hey, seems like you two had a good day,” you whisper, your hand running over the braids Elysia adorned, those were not there before. 
“We did,” he puckers his lips, and you lean down to peck him. “How was your night, have fun?” 
His hoarse voice is like music to your ears.
“It was great. Missed you two a lot though. Thought of you and that sexy tie all night.”
He smirks at your shallow attempt, a glass box if you will. 
“Yeah? I’ll finish getting her to bed and then we can discuss my sexy  tie.”
“Perfect. Can’t wait,” you giggle warmly, kissing him one more time before you stroll to your shared bedroom. 
He watches the way you saunter away, and if it weren’t for his baby in his arms he’d probably tackle you right then and there. But with much restraint he’s up and on his way to Elysia’s bedroom. 
if you enjoyed pls don’t forget to reblog or give feedback <3
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ladysif8 · 8 months
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Hey guys!
Below is a complete list of all my fics and where you can read them. If you have any one-shot requests message me!
I will separate Bucky, Steve, and One-shot requests.
Read my fics on Ao3 or Wattpad!
You can also follow me for updates on Instagram!
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New Age Red
Gummy Worms {One-Shot}
Never Be the Same
A Single Saturday Night
Bless the Broken Road
Sweet Heat {part one}
A Slow Burn {part two}
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Steve Rogers
Under a Montana Sky
A Hicky Situation
A Sunday Kind Of Love
Trouble Man
The Lucky One
Edge of Seventeen
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Gift Fics
Between Books and Shields: A Librarian's Encounter with Captain America
This is a gift fic for @cptscarlett
In Between the Sheets
This is a gift fic for @talia-rumlow
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