donelywell · 1 day
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Tails meeting Amy for the first time.
Sonic traveled all the way to Neverlake Town to show Tails Little Planet but he ran short on money for food, so he has to leave Tails alone for a little bit to do some odd jobs. Luckily he remembered Amy lives there and works at a daycare, so the hedgehog doesn't need to worry about leaving a 3 year old alone in a van unsupervised.
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j3llyf1shdust · 4 months
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some random au I had a dream about? it was funnier in my head
it ended up being really cute.
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0vergrowngraveyard · 4 months
Can we get some more baby-fied Tails? I'm addicted to the little gremlin 🥹
pathetic little creature (affectionate)
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very-uncorrect · 3 months
Can't stop thinking about Sonic getting sad because he misses all the cute little things Tails used to do when he was little that he's grown out of
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fireyartccoon · 2 months
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For Wednesday, you get some Boxtrolls AU Dadnic
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ceemi · 9 days
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some dadnic for this friday
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000marie198 · 2 months
Literally blame @myymi for this /pos. Your Unbreakable Bond story did something to my brain chemistry
What is Love
Love is confusing, hard to define
So many versions, so many kinds
You don't know what it is but you hold it deep inside,
Greater and truer than the one seen passing by
Love is keeping up even if you tire n your body aches,
Love is stopping even if you crave speed and high stakes
Love is the faith you place in each other
Growing stronger as time passes further
It's in the thumbs ups and smiles,
The fist bumps and high fives
Its's the little things you share,
And the way that you care
Love is campfire meals and sleeping under stars
Love is funny stories, banters and late night talks
Love is falling asleep with no need to stay alert
Love is safety and shelter and deep rooted trust
Love is who you run to when storm gets loud
When sky flashes white and lights go out
It's in reassurance, the murmurs that make fear subside
It's in your presence, the comfort you always provide
Love is in soothing lullabies played on a guitar
Love is in the cheers that make you feel like a star
Love is when you jump off and don't fear the fall
Knowing you'll be caught, no need for a call
Love is waking up in bed, all tucked in
Your last memory a desk and tools tinkerin'
Love is a pounce attack to force you to nap
Getting you to sleep n rest, a never failing trap
Love is the hope in your eyes,
The pride in your voice
Love is the warmth in your hugs
The sweetness in mint tea mugs
Love is your protection, an armour, a shield
Love is your support, a sword that you wield
Love is what your heart screams when your voice fails
Love is what your soul knows when your mind derails
Love is when you glance up and see home, father and mother
Love is when you look down and find a child, a friend, a brother
Don't tag this as a ship or I will feed you to the piranhas :)
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rosemaryjello · 3 months
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happy Wholesome Sonic and Tails Wednesday!! some Dadnic to counteract the sheer amount of Sonic and Tails angst I've seen lately </3
Eternally torn between "Tails was nonverbal until he was like 7" and "Tails learned at least 10 words when he was about 2 so he can tell his family he loves them"
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 3 months
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when your baby flies on top of the fridge and you know how he got there and you know you can get him down but you're just confused as to why he's up there in the first place
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qkora · 2 years
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My complete comic collection as to how Dadnic (Dad-Sonic) found baby tails ❤️✨
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blueslittleorange · 1 month
I'm a little surprised that it seems like you and the others didn't get into a fight over that villager talking about Chase and Shadow like that.
I mean if you did do you have video of it?
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donelywell · 21 days
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May 12 2024
Happy Mother's Day!
A week later, Tails realizes that familial roles change title depending on the persons gender. But he decides that he doesn't need to worry about that because why only limit them to just the role of dad or uncle? They're the entire package deal.
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j3llyf1shdust · 3 months
More random Shadow and Sonic co-parenting Baby tails because I am unnaturally obsessed with dadnik and having both of them just makes it so much better
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dont have many doodles of them, but heres shadow and tails vibing
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ashleyameanie · 7 hours
Went to the aquarium the other day and saw lots of cool tiny creatures .
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Then it hit me , what if sonic and tails had an out day at the aquarium, it would be the best and cutest thing everrrrr.
Tails telling sonic all about the cute fish facts and running up to closures and just completely in awe and sonic ' I don't like water ' the hedgehog, being completely scared of the water like is this shit gonna break and we all gonna die.
I think tails would notice that sonic is not having fun and afterwards make it up with some chili dogs.
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Also this fish was not having an shit , like I did not kill ur parents homie.
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very-uncorrect · 3 months
When they first started travelling together Tails would run off and hide somewhere whenever he was scared since he still didn't trust anyone to fully protect him and was still scared that Sonic's kindness may be temporary and that he'd abandon him at some point.
One day, after enough time has passed since Sonic took him in, he finally fully realises that Sonic has fully intended to be his guardian since about 2 seconds after they first met
Not long after a super violent thunderstorm rolls in and Tails runs to Sonic for protection, snuggling into him, hiding his face in the other's chest, whilst Sonic is trying not to vibrate in excitement because holy shit his kid finally trusts him to protect him after so long
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Hey, a while ago, I asked about the sonics reaction to dad sonic(boom, modern and x) and said I'd like a follow-up with the Amy's and tails of these sonics too eventually and I'll be honest out of all of the Amy's while boom would be the most calm I'd also think she'd be the first to faint with dad sonic and boom tails freaking out a little about it the others I'm not sure.
I remember that!!
I’m trying to stay away from shipping as much as I can on my page. Not that I don’t ship anyone, or don’t like it, but I want everyone to be able to enjoy my content without being bombarded with a ship they don’t really like.
That being said, from now on, if I do happen to outright mention a ship, or heavily reference one in a post, I will put a warning like the one below in RED writing.
Amy feels pleasantly surprised. The thought of marrying Sonic is a wonderful dream, and she’s stoked but also sad to see another her living that dream. She herself personally, she still very much loves Sonic, but she’s accepted that the chances of anything romantic happening between them is slim. Tails being their son in another universe is what shocks her. She doesn’t see Tails as her son, and she’s was under the impression that Sonic probably doesn’t want kids in his future. Amy doesn’t mind the other universe tho! As long as Tails is happy, safe, and has someone taking care of him, she’s happy.
Tails has some thoughts. First off, he’s shocked that somewhere somehow Amy actually managed to put a ring on Sonic. He’s not even completely sure himself about his Sonic’s romantic feelings for anyone, or if he even has any romantic feelings for anyone, because he never talks about it. He’s happy for them, though! He’s also happy that he can tease his Sonic about it later. Hearing that Sonic and Amy are his parents in that universe doesn’t get any reaction from him other than a “huh.” Amy isn’t really a mother figure to him, he sees her more as a big sister. Sonic being his dad actually makes sense to him! Even if he doesn’t see Sonic as a fatherly figure, Sonic did raise him. In fact, Sonic is Tails’ entire family unit. So this is cool! Ultimately he’s grateful that Sonic and Amy took him in in that universe.
Amy’s calm. Collected. Ok, Sonic is her husband, and Tails is her son. Ok. Yea that’s great! Super! Then she goes home and freaks out cause HOLY SHIT SHE AND SONIC ARE MARRIED SOMEWHERE AND HAVE A WHOLE CHILD. Sure she and Sonic go out together sometimes, but MAN. AND THE DAD SONIC HAS MET HER SONIC AND TOLD HIM THAT HE AND HIS AMY ARE SPOUSES AND OOH SHIT OH FUCK- she’s happy. And Tails? Her son? Yknow what, sometimes she does see him like a son. She’s the mom friend, it’s only natural.
Tails laughs. Sonic actually did it. Granted, not his Sonic, but THE FUCKER ACTUALLY DID IT! He’s gonna bother his Sonic about this for sure. Sonic and Amy being his parents is actually something he thinks about quite often. They take care of him, sooooo mama y papa!
Amy’s soul has left her body and has ascended beyond this mortal realm. Fucking FINALLY!!! She is so excited she could explode. The others, especially Sonic, are giving Dad!Sonic a look of “what have you done?” Dad!Sonic realizes his fault when Amy practically throws herself on her Sonic, hugging him, kissing him, all while he’s not looking very thrilled about it, and while he isn’t saying anything, he’s still uncomfortable and trying to move away. Amy proposes to him on the spot and he’s like “marriage?? No way!” And now she’s sad. She didn’t even hear the part about Tails being her son, but if she did, she’d think it’s weird.
Tails is concerned. He asks this new Sonic if he’s ok, and is perplexed when he insists he is. Tails isn’t a fan of how Amy treats Sonic here, so the thought of them actually getting married somewhere and having a healthy fulfilling relationship is so foreign and weird to him. Hearing that other him got adopted by Sonic and Amy gets a nervous chuckle out of him. They’re just his friends! Sonic is a brother at most.
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