#dam this gonna be an interesting cup of coffee
goon-in-gotham · 1 year
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 9 months
Me having coffee with a friend and chilling.
My friend: So.... I read your work
Me instantly, my attention is Lazer focused on them
My friend: it's good, some of it is like dorky trash but somehow even that's good?
Me knowing exactly which stories their referring to without name drops or plot points. Sips coffee not rising to the bait.... cause, honestly, they're right, but I felt kinda like dorky trash when writing it, so the shoe fit.
My friend: so, when are you gonna rewrite your old stuff from highschool and post that?
Me spitting out my coffee and dying at the table. I don't know if it's true for all writers or even all fanfic writers. But if I stop a work mid way, it means I've lost interest and have no desire to pick that story up again let alone rewrite it.
My friend pouting
Me trying to tell the barrista I'm fine, and no, it wasn't the coffees fault all while glaring at said friend in the "Look what you made me do" stare.
Me being a reasonable person: Which story in particular are you implying?
My friend smirking
Me suddenly aware of said story, and it's like a freaking dam exploding where I'm sudden back in that fandom. And I'm sinking with that fandom all over again: you don't mean
My friend: I do
Me: I can not being to count the ways I hate you right now in this moment.
My friend:I'll buy you another coffee... in the extra large cup
Me:... for a single chapter rewrite.... right?
My friend:we both know you won't stop at one
Me internally screaming: make that 2 extra large cups
I made a deal with a devil... Gosh freaking dammit I might not be as active on here. I begin an over hall of a work I thought I would never allow to see the light of day again.
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chubbology · 3 years
The Munchies
prompt: a stoner feedee's girlfriend uses him to test out new edibles and deals with his munchies
Remmy returned home from visiting relatives on the last day of December, and he was very glad to be back. They’d fed him well and his pants were tight, but all the small talk and bad vibes had been as much of a drag as usual.
He opened the door to his apartment and breathed in a familiar, potent scent.
“Baby!” Brianna ran from the kitchen and tackled him.
“Happy almost New Year! Wanna hear my resolution? Baking and getting baked. Check it out.”
She brought him over to the counter, where she was almost done filling up three containers of what Remmy had no doubt were various edibles. He ignored the kitchen mess.
“I’m liking what I see,” Remmy laughed.
She preened and then pinched his love handle. “I bet you do."
"These aren’t your typical brownies, though," she said. "This is gourmet.” She kissed her fingertips in a muah.
The first container was full of moist shortbread, the second with a kind of apple crumble dish that looked divine. Last but not least, the third had a jumble of what like peanut butter cups.
“Try something!” Brianna gushed. She seemed to be a little floaty already. “You’re gonna be my new taste tester. I think I could really be good at this. Make some cash, too.”
So Remmy tried one of the peanut butter cups. His eyes widened, and he smiled. “Bri, these are incredible.” He ate another.
“Take it easy. Two should get you stoned. So says the recipe anyway.” Brianna rubbed his pudgy forearm as he eyed the rest in the container, biting the inside of his lip. “Hey. If you’re just hungry, I can fix that. You wanna eat?”
“I’m starving,” Remmy said. A lie, since he’d had a big lunch before driving back. But he could eat.
“Okay, I’ll get you something! Pay day was Monday. Let’s splurge. What do you want?”
McDonalds, Remmy’s mind supplied easily, in an almost salacious tone. His relatives thought they were too good for McDonalds, and now his body thrummed with the desire to just get a truckload of those greasy combos and revel in the guilt and satisfaction of eating every last unhealthy bite.
Then again. Brianna probably wasn’t okay to drive right now, he didn’t feel like getting back in the car, and the scale told him he’d hit 240 recently, “Let’s just order in.”
“Sounds good to me.”
That night, as they ignored the idiots on television bringing in the New Year, the two of them picked at the apple crumble - which tasted as brilliant as Remmy had suspected - and lounged around, enjoying their high. Brianna barely touched her Chinese takeout, and Remmy ate all of his. Then hers. Then he started grazing the kitchen for more food.
Over the course of the next week, the two of them finished off the rest of what she made, plus some more recipes that turned out delicious. Brianna got a pleasant high every time, and Remmy enjoyed the edibles, too, although his experience was slightly different. It was just—
He just—
He got hungry. Munchies but on unholy overdrive. Cranked to eleven and a half. With every high, Remmy became a little more overwhelmed by the sheer amount of food he felt compelled to pack away, savory and sweet. Takeout and fast food and quarts of ice cream. Nuts and fruits, too. Jar of peanut butter here. Tub of icing there. He’d never been very active, so it came as no surprise when his clothes began stretching over his chest and belly and thighs and ass. He popped a button getting dressed one morning and couldn’t stop thinking about it the rest of the day. He hadn’t realized it would happen so quickly, his body converting all the calories into flab. Flab that padded him out chubbier than he already was, and then more on top of that. In the mirror, he started to look big.
Brianna seemed unfazed by her boyfriend’s growing girth. She took to her baking resolution with as much gusto as she did anything that interested her, and even into March, April, and May, she was selling the edibles well and raked in money that almost made her day job obsolete. Remmy was constantly praised for being “the bestest taste tester ever” and enjoyed a steady stream of free highs to balance out the lows of spending most of his time working his IT job from home.
Working, gaming, watching old movies. Remmy already stayed sitting most of the day, but as he gained weight, gained a lot, filling out his desk chair to its limits, crumbs becoming his constant companion, he felt even less like standing up. His weight climbed to 280, 290, 300.
June, July, and August passed uneventfully, and pretty happily, too. Brianna stopped asking him what food he wanted from the grocery store and just bought him things. Bought him things she knew he’d eat when he got high, things that made his ass spread wider on the couch, his arms round out like sausages, his pudgy chest start to really droop. The scale said 320, 330, 340.
Remmy gave up trying to gain control of the new appetite Brianna’s heavenly edibles seemed to install in him irrevocably. When he craved, he ate, and he ate. And like a dam breaking, his body surged with so much excess fat he began spilling out of even his newest clothes.
He was a little ashamed, sure. But quite a few of his relatives were fat, so they couldn't talk, and it felt like sweet revenge to embarrass his irritating parents by becoming so overweight. As for everyday life, well, he just moved around from room to room slower, wore the same stretchy clothes a lot, and that was it. Remmy did mention his weight in passing sometimes to gauge Brianna’s feelings about it, but Brianna only ever giggled, called him cute, and passed him her venti sugary monstrosity of a coffee concoction, which he thoughtlessly sucked down to the dregs, ingesting a thousand-plus calories just like that. This made her eyes sparkle, huge and utterly endeared.
“Like a piggy,” she said, thumbing his fat cheek. “Always willing to eat.”
In bed, she made it clear she liked him the way he was, and was becoming. And it wasn’t long before Remmy realized he was into how big he was becoming, too.
They continued like this. Getting high together and watching movies and making out and snacking. Well, Brianna snacked. Remmy feasted. Gorged himself, to put it precisely, with Brianna’s enthusiastic help. “You look good soft,” she’d tell him, playing with belly fat that his stretchiest t-shirts couldn’t cover anymore.
Remmy would swallow another bite of a snickers and spread his huge thighs a little, with effort. “You call it soft, but I’m the one who gets tired moving from the office to the kitchen.” I’m so heavy, he wanted to say. God, I’m so heavy.
“Just move your computer to the kitchen then,” she said. “Duh.”
It was a seed planted that came to fruition a month later - when Remmy’s food cravings became unmanageable and his weight climbed past 360 - that he felt he would simply be more productive during his day job if his breaks to get food from the kitchen were shorter.
By November, whether he was high or not, Remmy was grazing all day, everyday. What Brianna got from the store became insufficient, and he started a habit of ordering take out most days. In big portions. His scale creaked at 375. When Brianna wasn’t home, he sometimes ate takeout on the scale to see if the number would rise.
On Remmy’s birthday in early December, Brianna made a fresh batch of his favorites again: the peanut butter cup edibles. After ordering pizza for delivery, she got in the shower, and Remmy scarfed down three of the big cups as soon as they cooled. Then he waited, leaning against the counter, scrolling on his phone, belly hanging, feet hurting. He didn’t want to go to the effort of sitting on the couch and getting back up again when he could just stay in the kitchen, where he knew he’d end up anyway.
He scratched his supple underbelly. Found a pack of Twizzlers and started eating those.
Soon enough, his breathing slowed as he felt the high slowly come over him. And, as expected, his whole body immediately began to tingle for satiation. Fattening food sung to him from the pantry and fridge and freezer all at once, and it was all going to make him so huge and heavy he wouldn’t be able to stand on his own wide feet, but he wanted it anyway.
He didn’t care if he was pushing 390 now. He’d blown up, yeah. Inflated from a thick guy to obese and waddling. At this point, he was so pumped so big with blubber that he couldn’t twitch without jiggling, but so what? He was hungry. Being high made him want to consume, and so he did. He couldn’t stop. Didn’t want to.
Remmy opened the fridge and took out his birthday cake, which Brianna must have stuck in there after getting home from work. He couldn’t wait to eat it properly. There was no way he could wait until after the pizza came. Besides, it was his birthday. Remmy took off the plastic lid of the round, triple chocolate cake and felt his nerves light up with anticipation. He was going to eat it all, and there was no stopping him.
He found a knife and cut himself a slice three times the size any reasonable person would take. Desperate to get the goodness into his mouth without delay, he skipped a fork and bit right into the gooey, dense cake and mouse and fudge. God, Brianna was so perfect for getting him the unhealthiest cake imaginable. She knew he didn’t care if he was ten pounds heavier tomorrow, if his fat ass ripped his sweatpants open, if he ate so much he couldn’t haul himself to bed—she knew he needed this.
He ate slice after slice, and it was mostly gone when Brianna got out of the shower, looking sexier than usual in her matching purple lingerie. She’d gotten chubbier with so much junk food in the apartment, and fat clung to her in all the right places. But her pudge was a far cry from his angry-red stretch marks and neck rolls. Hell, his moobs had grown bigger than her tits.
She found him in the kitchen, eating and holding his drooping belly, and she rubbed his back, cooing at him when he apologized.
“It’s okay. I figured you wouldn’t be able to wait all night. How are you feeling?”
“Good,” Remmy said, but all he could think about was getting his next bite. As she watched him, he tried to hold out. Tried to prove he could stop eating for two seconds. Three seconds, four - his resolve broke and he crammed the rest of a slice into his mouth and chewed, choking back a moan.
“You get the munchies so bad, don’t you?” Brianna grinned and leaned against his belly, patting and cupping his weighty breasts in the way she knew pleased him. “Let’s get you sat down. I’ll bring you what you need. Just sit and relax and watch whatever you want.” They moved to the couch and Remmy sat, the cushions wheezing, his thighs and belly quivering. Brianna tucked the remainder of the cake into his pudgy hands. “Don’t worry about a mess. It’s your birthday. And there’s more where that came from.” She winked. “I just needed to keep this cake refrigerated because it’s fancy. There’s a whole sheet cake on top of the fridge that’s cheap and huge. Covered in icing. Perfect for munchies.”
Remmy could only feel a wave of relief at this news. There would be more cake. And after that, there’d still be more junk in the cabinets. There was pizza coming. His high was just right. Brianna turned on the television to his favorite show and he settled further back into the cushions, feeling his second chin swell out and engulf his first. Everything was just right. He was lucky to have Brianna and food. So much food.
A year later, around the same time, Remmy skipped his usual trip to see his relatives for the holidays. At 520 pounds, it was simply too much effort to move.
Thank you to the reader who commissioned this work!
I'd love to write more. Check me out <3 etsy.com/shop/Chubbology
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sugurus-slxt · 3 years
are you tired of this? - Iwaizumi
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Type: angst (happy ending)
Warnings: cursing, mentions of mental illness
Note: Y’all are married in this story and um I’m not so if I mess up well I sincerely apologize
Hope you guys enjoy the story
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thursday [11:15 p.m.]
“I just came home a little late what’s the fucking problem?” He shouted at you for the second time tonight. “I didn’t say there was a problem Haji. I just wanted to know what came up,” you spoke softly trying to keep a calm composure. The truth was your insides were shaking, every possible bad thought that you could think of hurtled at you over and over. You were just worried something had happened to him, your anxiety had calmed since he came home but it seems you had made one wrong move and here you were. “And I already told you the boss needed me to do some extra paperwork to take in some new trainees,” he spoke harshly but a bit calmer than before. He pinched his nose bridge between his fingers. “I’m not having an argument with you right now, forget it. I’m going to shower,” he turned to walk away from you but you grabbed his hand.
He turned to face you, “What!” He exclaimed loudly making you nearly jump out of your skin. “The dinner i-its getting cold… umm do you want me to heat it up?” You asked hoping he’d calm down, but it seems tonight was different he just got even angrier. He grabbed your wrist tightly, “What the fuck do you think? Dammit all you do is worry and cry! Now you don’t even have common sense. Sometimes I wonder why …” he stopped, words dying in his throat. Tear welled in your eyes; it didn’t take a genius to figure out what he was going to say. Forgetting the pain of him squeezing your wrist, you shouted at him for the first time tonight, “Say it! Say it Hajime!” He stood mouth hanging open, not one word. You couldn’t hold back the tears that streamed down your face. There wasn’t one emotion but instead too many, everything you’ve bottled tonight had busted like a dam.
You tore away from his grip, every inch of anxiety, depression, panic, all the emotions were pouring out of you in tears, sobs and every word you cried out next. “What! You don’t know why you married me? Huh? Is that it Iwaizumi? Well I’m so sorry I worry about my husband ok? I’m sorry that I can’t control when I get depressed. I’m sorry that every day I pray for you to return home safe. Tell what else you wonder about me! Tell me!” You pushed him as hard as you could. “Do you really wanna know what I think because I don’t think you can handle it,” he asked in a scarily calm tone. You knew you weren’t prepared for what came next but your emotions clouded your judgement. Neither of you meant anything you said, you knew that. Well you hoped because you know you hadn’t meant any of it. Every fiber in your body loved this man but tonight you weren’t backing down even if it meant you’d get hurt. “Go ahead!” You shouted pushing him again.
“Dammit stop pushing me! I’ll tell you but don’t blame me because you asked for it,” he never backed down. He knew that would be best right now but he didn’t care today was hard and he was just mad that you couldn’t get that. “You cry too much. You worry much. You get things wrong all the damn time. Something as simple as cleaning the house can end up in a disaster. I am always fixing you fucking messes. Not to mention you are so childish. For fucks sake grow up. Sometimes I wonder why I married you yeah ok because I’m so sick of this,” he stopped, he wasn’t shouting but his tone was angry as he belted out everything he though was wrong. “Haji- I,” you didn’t know what to say. Everything had gone numb. You thought that he didn’t mean it, but he seems so serious so calm. It was scary, it was as if he knew he wanted to say this for a while. May he was tired of you, tired of this, was he going to leave you. He continued but his voice softened, “Sometimes I just want to scream. I get off all of my steam hitting that punching bag till it breaks but nothing helps like letting it out but I’m not mad. I really am not. I'm frustrated and I’m tired. So tired angel. So fucking tired” He hung is head looking at the ground and you looked at him but you just couldn’t see him clearly, the tears blurring your vision as you asked the scariest question of them all, “Are you tired of this? Tired of us?”
He just gave out a sad chuckle and you caught it somehow, in the moment you caught it, the tear that fell on the ground. You’ve never seen him cry. This was different for Iwa and you just looked at him as he sat leaned against the wall. You tried drying your tears and went and sat cross-legged next to him on the floor, looking at the ground as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. The silence was deafening but it didn’t stay like that for long.  “Tired of this? Yes Tired of us? Never,” he said softly. Your head shot up, “So you’re not leaving?” He turned and wiped the remaining tears from your cheek and smiled with his tear stained face,” I could never leave you” He smiled it was warm and genuine.  
“I wouldn’t rather do any of this with anyone else. Even if we are fighting. It's ok to make mistakes. It's ok to cry. It's ok to be sad, to be worried or to feel to not do anything. I know this isn’t easy for you. In fact I wasn’t even mad at you tonight, I was never mad at you to begin with. It’s just… ” He says cupping your check and stroking it with his thumb. Your wide eyes held anticipation, “T-thank y-you for saying that. And thank you for b-being honest with me. Even if you said it didn’t make you mad, I- I still want to try for you but Haji I know there’s more so p-please tell me,” you pleaded stuttering in between.
He moved his hand from your cheek and rested them on his knees as he turned to look straight ahead. “I was mad at myself because I always seem to mess up. I –I promised to make you happy, keep you safe and healthy but it seems like I always cause your despair or make your bad days worse. I make you cry, I don’t spend enough time with you. Babe you’re a trophy wife but I don’t think I’m you’re trophy husband. Hah maybe I should have let shittykawa have you all those years ago. I’m sure he’d always make you smile. Gosh… that beautiful smile. B-baby I-I’m so… so …sorry,” he broke down sobbing into his hands. You couldn’t believe it, all this time you thought that you were hurting him and always messing up but he was thinking the same. You huddled closer to him placing the words together on you head.
“Now you listen to me and let me finish o-ok H-haji,” he raised his head to look at you, tears still spilling out of his eyes, you bent forward and kissed them away and he smiled just a bit. “I love you. Only you are ok. Sure I cry, sure I worry and yes it’s about you but it’s because I love you. I’m going to do that no matter how the day turns out. God dammit you could be with me and I still worry because I never want to lose you. My depression and anxiety are always going to affect me but I always rest happily at night because you wrap me in your strong arms and tell me just what I need to hear. You make me feel like the most special girl in the world. Not a day goes by that there isn’t at least one happy moment for me and that is because of you Haji. And never give me to Oikawa. I will kill you myself if you do,” both of you giggle a bit, “You are the only one for me. The only one can make me happy. You are perfect for me in every way possible. I love you so much,” your cheeks are flushed and eyes puffy but you smile not because he needs it but because even now you’re happy with him. He bends over pulling you into a tight hug, “Thank you. Thank you. Gosh I love you so much. I’m supposed to be making you feel better but still thank you,” he buries his face in your nape. You whisper, “You already did.”
You both sat there for a bit just enjoying each other’s warm embrace. He finally rises up and lifts you along with him. “Let’s go take a warm shower together. We can eat dinner and maybe watch a movie. Maybe cuddle too. No definitely cuddle I think we need that. Ok with you baby?” He looks down at you for a response, “Of course I’d never say no to cuddles but don’t you have work tomorrow?” You ask heart-warmed by his gestures. “Nope. Not anymore. I’m taking a day off. I’m spending it with you. I’m gonna make you smile all day and we can talk about everything but tonight just enjoy each other,” he said kissing your forehead. “If you’re sure. I’m so lucky to have you. I love you so so much,” you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. His lips molded against yours perfectly, moving in sync. You break the kiss, hiding your red cheeks in his chest. “Hmmm. Six years and years with me and you still get flustered. How cute?” he chuckles to himself. “Hey it’s not my fault my husband is practically a Greek god.” He sets you down and pulls you into a hug, “And yes I’m sure. I’m just as lucky to have you, I love you my goddess.” You both spend the night just bathing in each other’s company and love.  
You guys can leave me suggestions or request. I hope you enjoyed it. :)
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blankdblank · 4 years
Next Caller Pt 3
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“Gloin, I need a favor.” The grit of his rumbled tone made his cousin shift in his seat wondering what the issue could be from his cousin who rarely had need to come to him unless things were exceptionally dire.
Anxiously he asked in return, “Cousin, what’s wrong?”
“You still have that list of apartments that need to be filled?”
Haltingly he answered, “Yes, however,” he wet his lips, “What does this have to do with things concerning you? Is your apartment with Frerin not up to par anymore?”
Thorin smoothed his hand over his forehead knowing there was a chance you could take this very badly at his not having spoken to you about it first, “I’m going to send a friend your way I need you to help settle into a decent place. Apparently their family has blacklisted them and they’re not able to rent or get hired in decent jobs due to being flagged in background checks.”
Gloin felt himself smirking, “This have anything to do with that Mafioso of yours?”
“Not mine, and yes, Miss Pear.”
Gloin replies, “Just because you’re sweet on her-,”
“She’s smaller than Ori and she lives in Beryl.”
That made Gloin’s face drop and his body go rigid, “Beryl?! No one lives in Beryl!”
Thorin growled back, “That’s what I told her! But apparently no one will rent to her and she got her two jobs under the table and by temping from a Hobbit agency that didn’t dig hard enough to find her clan through her name change paperwork. She says she can afford to eat twice a day and one cup of coffee or tea! I can’t just-!”
Gloin, “Thorin, you just send her my way. When do you see her again?”
“Tomorrow at noon before her 12 plus hour shift.”
Gloin sighed, “Well, hopefully with a twelve hour shift for one job she makes a fair amount to afford a nice place. Beryl is quite expensive. Hopefully with the difference we could maybe get her into a two bed, I won’t let her down. We’ll get he Lass out of that place.”
“Thank you.”
“Should have told me sooner. Could have gotten her settled by now.”
“I only found out today.”
Back to his couch he went after his pacing path around his living room eyeing the spacious four bedroom condo him and Frerin split with the boys that even in its ample size could be bigger to give them more space to share. But it was perfect for now, and all the more painful to be in alone while he wondered what hole in the wall you had rode the train back an hour to crawl into. It was not even a week and he could tell you worked yourself to the bone to keep yourself above water and he just couldn’t turn away for whatever reason, be it some bubbling interest to possibly date you in the future or to just have his mini social influencer to help put his shop. He just couldn’t look the either way.
All night he was in and out of sleep. And even replaying the same show from the day prior to re-fall in love with it all over again his mind kept wandering to you until you had come bouncing in your usual pleasantly semi rested way through the doors just leaving him the unpleasant task of sharing the news with you.
“Is there something on my face?” You asked when you reached the counter at his awkward stare through your approach.
Clearing his throat he replied, “No. I’ll make your drink, then, I have to talk to you.”
With a narrowing of your eyes you replied, “Are you going to send me to my room again Mug Dealer?”
Again he cleared his throat, “No.” accepting the cash from you he watched you take your seat at the tall table again and pulled together a pomegranate based tea. Carrying it over he set it down and eased the seat across from you back he eased onto settling his arms on the table, “Do you work today?”
Haltingly you replied, “Yes..” snapping a picture of the drink you raised for a sip asking, “Why?”
Adjusting his weight on the seat he answered, “Well, I made a call, when is your next day off?” His eyes scanned over your face, “Please tell me you have a day off.”
“I have tomorrow afternoon off after my shift tonight and all Saturday off. Why?”
Out from under his palm he flashed you another business card he set down in front of you, “My cousin is a realtor and agreed to help you get into one of the apartments he has. No deep background check.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Because I want to, you work hard and deserve more than to be wasting a chunk of your weeks on trains back and forth to Beryl.”
“So it’s where I live then..”
“This same cousin says they’re planning to start evicting and demolishing the city to start from scratch. Within the month!” Your lips parted and your eyes sank, “What?”
“That’s why they put the notice the leases were month to month now I guess.”
“See, we have to get you a safe place to live. Give Gloin a call, meet with him tomorrow we could help you move by the end of the week.”
You shook your head, “I can’t afford-,”
He shook his head and a hand tilted upwards, “No need to pay us or for the truck. We’ve had dozens of people coming in asking for those drinks you’ve tried. It’s an even trade, we’ll get the truck and supply the guys, another cousin rents trucks all the time we can borrow as we like.”
After a sigh you said, “Fine. But don’t expect me to be able to afford anything spectacular on my budget.”
“Gloin will work that all out. Trust me, you’ll be safe and your family won’t be an issue. Not everyone comes from spotless clans, some just need a hand planting their feet from time to time.” You took another sip and his head turned seeing Dwalin raising the phone from his ear calling him away, “Back in a bit.” Patting the table between you and sliding off the seat to answer the call lasting way longer than he had planned making him miss your exit to get to work on time. Lowly he groaned and messaged Gloin that he had told you and you were off tomorrow afternoon. The reply he got made him smirk reading that Gloin had pulled some nice options in various price ranges that would be suitable for a friend of the family, with a few more if there were pets or special needs that a friend discount could be applied to if need be.
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Aimlessly through your third room you bundled the soiled sheets and dropped them in the basket on your cart grabbing the new set to replace them with you flawlessly added without even seeming to take notice of where your hands were. It was all second nature and muscle memory now and after a voicemail left for Gloin with your name and number so you wouldn’t be complete strangers. All the way to clock out the other maids around you while you retied your shoes after changing from your uniform back to your jeans and sweater made you flinch in asking, “Pear?” When your eyes met the Dam’s she said, “Sorry, but, are you ok?”
“Um, not really, they’re gonna tear down my apartment building.”
Jaws dropped around the room and the one behind her she asked, “Do you have anywhere to go?”
“I got the number of a realtor I’m meeting later today after my next shift. A friend of a friend, supposed to help move me easier.”
“Well that’s good. No wonder you’ve been out of it.”
Another asked, “Have you known long?”
You shook your head, “Found out yesterday before work.”
“Oh that sucks.” The clock was glanced at and they all dispersed while you took the chance to wish them a good day and head out to catch your train.
From the women you worked with to the strangers you usually rode with in the small herd of those also commuting also in silent contemplation as for what you would all do at least with them you found comfort in not being alone in the shock of it all. You felt like a downright idiot for not realizing it sooner, people leaving in droves and all those notices and the haste of all that paperwork you had taken as the first signs your landlord had found out about your family and was trying to boot you and you alone. All the same you wondered how you would break it to the guys and hoped your big grump would be able to work some magic for you.
An hour and seventeen flights of stairs later you were up at the top floor of apartments dropping your bag by your now locked door looking around your tiny place. With a sigh you walked to the spiral staircase to find the conversing birds waiting for your return in the greenhouse turned stargazing attic housing all of your plants. Between the nesting flock of shimmering galaxy hummingbirds and your giant owl chick, now three feet tall, four feet shorter than his full height he would reach sat balakavallatagh, or Belly, as you called the zebra striped raven. Now standing at a foot and a half, bragging on how he found a full three silver coins to go towards his rent this month to sate his own agreement when you had rescued him from a black market salesman still in his egg bent on eating him. One of the rarest breeds of ravens in existence. The lot of them turned and you said, “Hey guys,”
Proudly Belly puffed up sliding the coins closer to you with his beak, “My rent!”
Giggling softly you thanked him accepting the coins you added to the coin filled jar beside his home you had built for him the year prior listening to his tale of where he had found the coins. “That’s wonderful.”
Your owl however asked, “Did we miss signs of a storm? You seem ready for storm blue.”
You shook your head, “No storm. But I do have to tell you something.” They shifted to settle on the back of the bench you sat on the other end of the table they were standing on, “You know those notices about the apartment, the ones I said I thought meant my father’s friends had found me again?” They nodded, “Well apparently someone is buying up land in the city and the whole city is to be passed over to another country’s control, meaning everyone is losing their homes.” That made their feathers puff up and you said, “Now, I told you about my new friend in the tea shop, well he has a relative who is going to help me find us a new place to live. But I just wanted to let you know we’ll be moving soon.”
Belly moves closer tapping your cheek with his beak in a pat of his foot on the back of your hand, “No matter where we go we will nest together. Our things are portable and may take time to move but we will help you.”
With a weak giggle you said, “My friend said he has a group that would be able to help. But later today I’m going to meet the realtor and hopefully I can find us a decent sized place with at least a garden or a roof open for our planters. I don’t know what will be in my price range but I’ll make it work for all of us.” They nodded and you said, “But for now, I’m going to go eat and lay down.”
Some left over lasagna and you were on your bed in and out of sleep while the hummingbirds above tried to condense their things as much as they imagined possible, which really wasn’t much to someone your size but completely exhausting and a remarkable feat to someone of theirs. Still an alarm sounded and from bed you climbed avoiding the bottom of the spiral staircase and walked to pull on your shoes and grab your phone and bag to head out once again for the radio station. After which you would walk to the tea shop where Gloin agreed to give you a lift to his office just a few minutes away.
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“I’ll handle it,” Gloin murmured then followed the gaze of the trio of Durins watching your boldly colored self strolling through the door easing your fingers through the ends of your long messy braid zigzagging it’s way down your chest. “You were not kidding, a waif even for Hobbit standards.”
Dwalin rumbled, “Exactly.”
Across your lips a grin eased and you accepted the hand of the unfamiliar Dwarf offered to you, “Miss Pear, lovely to meet you in person. You may call me Gloin.”
Weakly chuckling you said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you too. I do hope they haven’t stirred up too much of a fuss for you in all this.”
Gloin shook his head and Thorin said in motioning his hand to the side saying, “Have your drink ready for you already.”
Your eyes shifted to Gloin who said, “Brought my laptop so we can get started on the information to start and find what we can look for you so you can enjoy your usual break.”
You nodded and in the emptying shop as people filed out still talking about the latest show with ample more scandalous details than the one before it you took a seat at the booth in the corner. “So first, I thought we could work on what sort of place you have now and build on that.”
A subtly snapped picture of the drink later and you silenced your phone curled in your palm saying, “Well, it’s a loft. Hard to explain, it’s all one room, not counting the water closet. And it has a sort of attic,” Gloin nodded with his eyes slightly narrowed trying to picture it, “But it’s wrapped in stargazing glass so I have it as a sort of greenhouse.”
“Ah, I believe I know just what you mean. About how many square feet?” He asked opening the right program on his laptop he opened and signed into moments prior.
“Roughly twenty by twenty, one of the walls is cut off and the corner opposite that is jut in for the vent in the stairwell.” Making his brow twitch in a glance at you hearing how small your place is.
“How long have you lived there?”
“Roughly, 285 years, give or take a few months. Moved in right after New Years.”
He nodded and asked, “I assume you’re on a grandfathered rent rate then,” as you took a sip of the oddly bitter but creamy tea with a sudden tartness after a moment post swallow. “What do you pay monthly?”
A dropped tray from behind the counter came from Dwalin listening in who had to go to the back from screaming at how you were being gouged. “With utilities?” Gloin asked with a squeak at the end to keep his tone calm.
“No, I pay for water, gas and lights on top of the recycling and cleaning charges. That’s another grand usually seasonally until they do the street sweeping fundraisers we all are contracted to donate 100 to twice a year.”
Gloin inhaled sharply as you took a deep swig of your drink, “And, so, what are your needs for this new place, one bed, two bed? Laundry private for you is a common feature already in Dwarf real estate. Paid utilities or even a pool.” His beard kept puffing up and had drawn your eye in his building irritation until he huffed and smoothed his hand over it and shifted to face you a bit more. “It would be remiss of me not to inform you, but for that amount of money I do have a great selection of homes for rent to own if you would consider that, unless you would prefer apartments instead.”
“I could afford a house?”
Wryly he chuckled under his exhale and replied, “You could afford a lovely home in that range, I will try to keep it within that budget if you are still able to afford that amount. Even saving on commute could help to make up the difference if it was the same price.”
“That, would, be amazing. Thank you. I never thought I could get a house.”
His lips parted a moment then he nodded typing in the price range around what you had now, “I forgot to ask, do you have any pets?”
“Well, I wouldn’t call them pets,” his eyes shifted to land on you again, “I have a group of Shimmering Galaxy Hummingbirds, they’re closer to pets. Then I have an owl, technically he’s more of a roommate of the owl persuasion, Kuu, and then there’s Balakavallatagh,” the name parting his lips again and turning the heads of Thorin and Dwalin at the Raven term you pronounced perfectly.
“You have a Raven?”
You nodded, “Got him off the black market away from a man who wanted to eat him in his egg. Insists on paying rent, usually a silver coin or two, found three yesterday.” Making him chuckle, “Kuu doesn’t pay rent, per se, but he does tend to help keep the cats away from my hummingbirds from the loose panes of glass in the attic between songs he composes. True artists are above rent it seems.” Making the Dwarf chuckle as you took another sip.
Gloin, “Well I have some lovely choices, if you’re ready to head over to my office now?”
You nodded and finished off your drink Thorin came to claim rumbling with a hopeful grin, “Happy hunting.”
“Try not to go saving the whole city and forget your brews there Mug Dealer.” Making him smirk then sniff turning at the scent of something boiling over causing him to hurry back to the pot he had left simmering he removed from it. And stole another glance your way only to see that you were gone already deflating his grinning stance to one of worrying again at not being able to be there with you in hunting.
Into the silver car parked out front you climbed and settled into the passenger seat with your bag on your lap watching Gloin hurry around the car to climb in his own side after putting his bag in the seat behind him. Grinning at you he said, “Just a short few blocks over and we can get to the preview tours.”
“How obvious was it that the whole town was being turned out?”
Gloin flashed you a weak smirk, “To one in the industry the signs are clear when you notice them, normally in cases like this they lead up with month to month leases then out of nowhere you get a slip on the door. Usually aren’t any fees for moving out and not renewing your lease.” In a stolen glance your way he asked, “It does have a lift?”
“It only goes to the 15th, I’m on the 17th floor.”
“That’s absurd.”
“Well it didn’t have a lift at all when I moved in, then by the time they tried for it someone bought up two of the flats and refused to shift around for the shaft to keep going two more floors.”
“No less absurd. If you don’t mind my asking, your shift you just got off of, what do you do?”
“Oh, you know the Findis Hotel not far from here?”
“You work for the Findis clan? How long?”
“Just shy of 12 years. You stay there before?”
Gloin chuckled, “My cousin married into their clan couple centuries back. Whole family gets rooms when we need them. No doubt even with the worst sort of clan to come from if you’ve held your own there that reputation and trust is well earned.”
“Just because they’re family?”
He chuckled again, “Because I’ve met badgers easier to earn the respect of. No doubt you’ve seen how hard their training courses are.”
It was your turn to giggle to yourself, “Barely thought I’d make it through. Kept getting second and third glances.”
Gloin, “Your other job?”
“Just fetching and cleaning up at the Misty Mountain Station. Hours have been cut down lately but it won’t affect my income, I’ll make sure to keep it up.”
Gloin chuckled and shook his head, “I am sure of that.” Parking in the lot for his office he joined you in getting out and shouldering your bags to make the walk inside where he smirked seeing you look around at the open offices with folding glass doors if needed with comfy couches and chairs in each office with slightly bulky desks near odd circular dips in the ground. Four offices you passed had people speaking to the curious Dwarves in each who stole glances your way behind Gloin, each seeming to recognize at least something about who you must be by following the fiery haired Dwarf leading you to the last office on the left. “If you don’t mind my aid can help to start get your information down by copying your id for the file?”
You shook your head and passed the young redhead nearly identical to Gloin your id you pulled from your pouch wallet then you glanced at Gloin saying, “I have three pay stubs from the hotel, but personnel was out at the station so I just have the one from a month back, if that’s alright.”
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He grinned at you saying, “That will do nicely, my wee lad Gimli,”
Gimli blushed saying, “Adad!”
Gloin nodded with his lips pursed a moment, “My aid, Gimli,” you bit back your smirk at the teen’s try to be professional in working with his dad, “Will copy them for your file.”
You nodded and passed him the folded slips and asked, “I hate to pause, but, is there a bathroom?”
Gloin nodded, “Of course, the blue door we passed two doors down.”
“Thank you.” You softly said and turned to head back and pop into the bathroom to exhale slowly behind the closed door of the private toilet to calm yourself down hoping that this would work out for you.
A couple steps later and Gloin peered over Gimli’s shoulder in his scanning the files into the system at the bulky desk mentally rehearsing your name and called up Vili on his cell phone. “Vili, Gloin here-.”
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“I thought you were meant to be helping Thorin’s Mafioso.” He chuckled through the line leaning back in his chair in his office.
“I am, she excused herself, I only have a moment possibly, wanted to ask if you could pull up her employment record.”
Vili’s brows inched up, “She works here?”
“12 years thereabouts she said. Jaqiearae Pearisiyiae,” he spelled it out for his cousin in law and shifted on his feet hearing the impressed exhale, “You found it?”
Vili, “You remember that actor Dominic’s fumble one of our maids helped to patch up?”
“That’s her?!”
Vili chuckled out, “One in the same, saved him millions and his career most likely and made us loads in all the press he did for us out of gratitude. Been on our top floors for over a decade now. Up for review again, top marks as always, late a handful of times always with train slips and races to catch up and get ahead for the next shift for us. Never sick or complains and always certain to alert to any faults discovered. You give her a great deal and if she needs a vouching she’s got several in her file I can send over.”
Gimli smirked, “Thanks cousin. Got to get back now, I’ll let you go.” Hanging up in Vili’s cheerful send off before crossing the hall to tell his sisters about just who Thorin’s Mafioso was greatly easing their worries on the character and work ethic of the woman who had caught his eye.
A few minutes later you exited the bath and made your way back to the office with a grin and Gimli said, “Now I’ve got thirty homes in your price range, Miss Pear, is there a certain style of home you had an interest in?”
“I always did have an interest in the Hobbit Hole style homes, if-,”
Gloin grinned and said, “I have five of those, none fully under a hill, however in lovely mini caves with stargazing glass in some of the rooms all with ample lighting and fireplaces and private greenhouses and small patches of land to them. Cozy Dwobbit dwellings in a great neighborhood, three with virtual tours available.” His hand motioned to the circular dip in the floor he stepped back and down into it, “If you’ll just step down here.”
Outstretching a hand you laid yours into and entered the dip to walk with him to the center and turn wide eyed a moment seeing projectors setting off against the unfolded glass doors Gimli had closed a view of the front circular door. “This one is one of the smallest,” the door opened and you passed through the front hall seeing the more simplistic shell of a Hobbit Hole with borderless shelves and tons of glass features dangling around.
“Um, they, certainly liked white..”
Gimli chuckled as did Gloin, the latter who said, “This would be the least on the scale of Hobbitish homes, though I thought we could start here to show you the basic lighting aspects.” Through each room he pointed out the sunroof and high windows with the atrium having most of the ceiling open for star viewing complete with a night time picture leading to his guiding you to the greenhouse. “Just past the mudroom is the greenhouse, most with bare planter designs simple to adjust. No doubt ample space for your birds and plants. Most are at least the same size of your current loft.”
You nodded, “They would love it. I could hang some perches and tunnel feeders along the beams.” Widening his smirk.
“I think we should start on the four bedroom on the other side of the row.” You nodded and curiously through the house only to find tiny things that would make the house a danger if you were tired you could slam into and injure yourself, or worse your birds would. The next one had an odd looking set of pillars in each doorway carved as half naked people swooning making Gloin snort trying to muffle his laugh, “Sorry, forgot about those. Owner’s having it remodeled to help with sales out of his own taste. Must have forgotten to flag it for off the sales list sorry.” The projectors cut off and you looked at him making him grin again, “If you have time we could pop by to check on a few that don’t have virtual tours yet, or even look at the final one in person if you’d prefer?”
With a nod you replied, “I think it’d be best to see it.”
“Not a problem,” Gimli grabbed the key ring and binder on the desk following his dad guiding you back out to the car, “Barely a half hour drive, so a much shorter commute for you in the train. This last one, I don’t really like showing it on screen, it doesn’t have the same effect as in person.”
“Just as long as it doesn’t have any of those floating shelves. Belly really underestimates his weight sometimes.” Making him chuckle again.
“You rescue birds often? It is rare to find owls for purchase in Dwarf territories due to their sacred nature.”
“An old neighbor wanted to pluck and eat him when he got big enough but I told him the chick was venomous,” Gloin chortled at the thought, “He wasn’t very smart, part troll, made lovely ukuleles just wasn’t that bright on what animals to not eat. So what’s so different about this one?” You asked once in the car again with Gimli sitting down behind you.
“It’s a bit taller than normal, a tall Dwarf used to live there with his family, who’ve all grown up now settling on their own so him and his spouse are off to a smaller place near their little ‘uns in the Blue Mountains by the Shire.”
Gimli, “This one has a guest garden out front on top of the greenhouse and patch of fenced in land.”
Pt 4
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​, @aspiringtranslator​, @sweeticedtea​, @ggbbhehe4455​, @thegreyberet​, @patanghill17​, @jesgisborne​, @curvestrology​, @alishlieb​, @jogregor​, @armitageadoration​, @fizzyxcustard​, @here2have-fun​, @lilith15000​, @marvels-ghost​, @catthefearless​, @imjusthereforthereads​, @c-s-stars​, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​, @mariannetora​, @shesakillerkween
Hobbit/LotR – @abiwim​, @jotink78​, @pastelhexmaniac
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hollandsmushroom · 5 years
Can You Love Me?
Calum Hood x Reader
Word Count: 1401
Request: I thought maybe Reader and Cal bond over their mutual disdain for love and whatnot, so they’re like best friends but they totally act like a couple lol Reader realized first that she’s in love with him and tells him and he freaks out, maybe one of the boys talks him down and realizes he loves her too, thanks so much @flucashemmings 
Also sorry that this is bad
Summary: You and Cal met at a party and bonded over your disdain for love, but will you be the ones that change each others minds on it
Warnings: none
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Red solo cup in hand you sat on the couch in a house you didn’t know, your friend had dragged you out of your little cocoon of an apartment that you had been hiding in ever since you walked in on your supposedly devoted boyfriend fucking some random girl into oblivion, since that day you had sworn off love and really people in general. Having been hiding out in your home and not leaving aside from work, this was your first outing in a while and it was not going to well. You were jammed into the corner of the couch by some drunk idiots wrestling next to you, that was, until a tall tan man in a blue blazer, holding a cup exactly the same as yours came along
“Mate, move it,” he hollered at one of the guys  on the couch, a demand to which the guy quickly complied to, making room for this prince charming esc man who was taking a seat on the couch next to you. He sat forward and spread his knees, taking a sip of his drink. He looked at you from the corner of his eye, you already having tried to avert your gaze from him.
“I’m Calum,” he extended a hand to you which you happily took, shaking it in yours firmly.
“I’m Y/n,” you responded 
“And what brings you here?” he inquired, his words slow and a thick drawl that you would later come to find he only had when he was hammered.
“My friend forced me to come,” you stated begrudgingly
“Why’d she have to force you?” He enquired, seeming genuinely interested
“Because I have been hiding out in my apartment for 2 weeks,” raising his eyebrows as he took another sip of his drink
“And why’s that?” He asked with the same interest as before
“Because, two weeks ago I walked in on my boyfriend, well now ex boyfriend, in bed with another girl so I am in the process of swearing off love, ” he hummed in response “Sorry, that was a lot, ”
“No, no, it’s fine, I was just gonna say, Welcome to the club, love sucks,” you giggled at his drunken words, feeling happier then you had in a while,. “Hey, you wanna get out of here?” He asked
Your eyebrows shot up “Look, I don’t know if you thought you were gonna chat me up but I am not interested, ” you bit back, you thought you had found someone with your current distain for affection, you started to make your way off the couch to go find your friend to tell her that you were going to head out. Just as you were about to walk away you felt a hand on your shoulder, you turned around meeting the gaze of the man that you
“Thats not what I meant, I meant like you want to go get coffee,”
“Oh, oh, I am sorry,” you blushed feeling stupid at your assumption
“No, its totally fine, I get the assumption, so you want to go get Coffee?” 
“You mean right now?” 
“Yea, why not?”
“Why not, cause its like 1 a.m.”
“So what, it means we will be awake longer so we can talk,”
“Seems like you have this all planned out,”
“I guess I do, no come on,” 
And here you are, 2 years later after that night that you and Cal spent talking about anything and everything and now here you are sitting on the couch in your best friends house, his dog laying at your feet.
The door opened and in stepped Calum, he looked over to you as he shrugged off his jacket
“Hey, you ready for movie night and cuddles?” he spoke, breaking the silence that had been filling your ears since you let yourself in with the key he had given you. You nodded your head in response, being oddly quiet, you were usually loud and outgoing when with Cal.
“Okay, here we go then,” he plopped down onto the seat beside you, throwing and arm around your shoulders and pulling you in close. He flicked on the TV and put on a movie, the two of you sat there watching the movie in silence, you cringing slightly when he hand ran up and down your side. Your hands were fidgeting in your lap as you watched. 
“I am going to go get some more popcorn,” Cal said kissing you on your temple 
“Mmm’k,” you mumbled, pretending to be entranced by the movie when really you were lost in you thoughts, soon you were brought out of them by the buzzing of Cals phone on the couch next to you. Without much thought you looked at the screen to see what was being said
Ashton US:
“How are you and your lover?”
It was all the text read and it was enough to make the dam inside you break, you reached out and grabbed the remote, turning off the T.V. and sitting cross legged on the couch
“What happened to the movie?” Cal asked when he made his way back in to the room 
“Cal, can we talk?” his eyes widened with slight fright at what you said
“What about?” he tried to get you to look him in the eyes, but you were intent on examining the details of your fingernails 
“Hey, it’s okay, you and me platonically against the world,” it was a joke the two of you had made ages ago on one of your late night contemplating love talks, but this time a tear slipped down your cheek at his words
“Cal, I love you,” 
“Aww, I love you too,”
“No, Cal you don’t get it, I love you,”
“Y/n, I ca-,” he interrupted 
“No, Cal let me finish, I love you in the way that we both swore off, I love you the way that when I see you my heart kind of skips and when you touch me I feel like I am glowing, I love you in the way that you will never love me,” and when he didn’t respond you ran away, with those words and the tears running down your cheeks you, out of his house leaving Cal flustered on his couch pooling in regret, trying to process the fact that the person that he loved just ran out the door after admitting reciprocating the feeling. He didn’t know in words that he loved you, he knew that he felt right when he was with you, that you made him smile, he needed to call Ashton, picking up the phone and pressing the call icon on Ashton’s contact. The ringing seemed to last forever until finally his bandmate answered
“Mate, its fucking late, why are you calling?”
“Y/n told me they loved me,” he let out as if he had been holding it in for years
“Woah, did you say it back?” he could hear the excitement in Ash’s voice
“No, I froze and they ran out,”
“Are you fucking stupid?” his friend hollered in his ear
“Well what if…”
“Cal, no, you love them, no matter how much you have tried not to, you are head over heals for them and if you don’t tell them you are going to regret it for the rest of your life,” without responding Cal grabbed his keys and headed out
You arrived at home and sat on your couch, grabbing a blanket and rolling yourself up, crying as you remembered the look of shock and the deafening silence that had filled your ears after admitting your love for Calum.
You didn’t know how much time had passed hidden in your blanket cocoon like you had been 2 years ago after you walked in on your then boyfriend, you were remembering the night you first met Calum when you heard a knock on the door. You ignore it but the knock was persistent, dragging yourself off the couch opening the door, there stood a slightly puffy eyed Calum
“Cal what ar-” your words were cut off as Cal pressed his lips to yours, pushing you through the door way and closing the door behind you
“I knew the night that I met you that you would be the one to change my mind on love, fuck, I love you, Y/n, so much,” he stared into your eyes
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missjanjie · 5 years
Branjie Fic - Hold Me Closer, Tiny Dancer - (1/?)
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the-canary · 6 years
Starlight - B.B (2/6)
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Summary: Mysterious, but life changing things always happen if you just let life take its course – you decided to try it for once. (Modern AU!Reader/Bucky Barnes).
Prompt: Emily Dickinson: XXI
Part 1 
A/N: This is for @abovethesmokestacks ‘s Summer Writing Challenge.  
Feedback is always welcomed.
  Steve and Bucky are sitting not to far away from his apartment building in a diner that they have been visiting since they were kids, but it’s not the same -- it has never been the same since Bucky came back. However, it isn’t about that today. For one, Bucky keeps talking about a young woman he had meet in the little stargazing meetings he liked to go to when he was having a good day. Steve couldn’t help but grin behind his coffee cup as his old friend went on over someone so excited about the stars just as him.
“That’s great, Buck,” Steve nods, while taking a bit of his breakfast, “Think you’ll see her again?”
“Maybe, I’m not sure,” Bucky shrugs before taking a sip of his coffee, as he tries to forget those bright eyes and a cheeky smile for what actually he came to talk with Steve about, as he pushes the documents he brought over to the blonde’s side of the table.  
For now, Steve moves from teasing Bucky about this mysterious office worker to looking through all the documents that Bucky was showing him -- of an extended trip, a stargazing one. He wrings his hands together in anxiety as Steve’s blue eyes flicker from him to the pamphlets.
“Buck, if ya really wanna do this, I’m all for it,” Steve grins, as Bucky lets out a shaky laugh of relief. Bucky had worked hard towards his recovery since coming back from his tours. It had been a long road of all forms of therapy and trying to gain some semblance of what he once had -- sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. There are things he clung to --old movies, journaling, astrology-- and while it wasn’t always the best, he was getting there each day. He wanted to do something in order to celebrate, map it out and document it in his own way.
Star Gazing Journey.  
That’s what he had planned.        
“Just make sure to send a postcard, punk,” Steve smiles, tight but caring because Bucky knows that deep down Steve worries too much, but he can’t cage up a grown man, especially when he’s trying to do something he loves.
“You know I will, jerk,” Bucky laughs, easy and carefree for once.
 You go to small bookstore the next day, trying your hardest to gain all the knowledge that had been denied to you when you were younger. So, you can find something to talk about with the mysterious star man you met instead of just having him do all the talking, which he seemed to struggled with at times. All the books are soon filled with notes as you take to writing about all your favorite stories in a small notebook. Your heart is filled with stars and at times you dream about sparkling blues as well.
You’re running on coffee and excitement when the 2nd April meeting comes around in Inwood Park.
“Good luck,” Wanda, your cubicle buddy, smiles as you grab your bag and begin to head out. While, you weren’t completely close, she had seen the rapid change of your cubicle from being completely empty to filled with little sky trinkets and glancing over at what you read during lunch.     
“Thank you,” you smile brightly, which catches her off guard for a moment since you were usually so demure, before heading out. She can’t help but smile to herself a little as well.  
You don’t see Bucky the 2nd time you go to Inwood Park, after a whole night spent talking about the stars and what exactly they are made of alongside the stories that have caught your attention -- you had wanted to show how much you had learned in such a short amount of time. He had pointed them out and you would excitedly recall a story you could barely remembered -- you didn’t get that this time around.
They tell you that people come and go all the time and while you try to push forward and go a 3rd time in the beginning of May, but it just isn’t the same -- maybe, one person was enough to connect you to the stars again because you found yourself looking up books and articles whenever you had the time. However, without him there, it wasn’t enough, but without any means of contacting him, of never knowing who “Bucky” really is, you try your hardest to move forward with what little he left you. Then, it hits you -- those dark city tours that Mr. Kent always talked about. You didn’t have to take the whole trip, just areas that interested you and you had enough compt time to move around here and there.
“Yes, that’s what I’ll do,” you grin, tapping the pamphlet lightly before letting go of Inwood Park, though it has left quite the impression on you already.   
Clayton State Park, NM
Bucky had been on an adventure since leaving New York, traveling down the East Coast, hitting all the places along the way that had a good view of the stars, even getting a tour of the Kennedy Space Center when he was down in Florida. However, what he had enjoyed the most so far was watching the clear night sky as he traveled through the wide open space that was the center of the United States. All the light population in New York hadn’t prepared him for this and he was too preoccupied during his tours (along with the constant bombings and just trying to stay alive and fight back) to look at the sky above for a moment, so this...this was something else, and he loved it.
“All right, people this will be our stop for the night,” the tour guide explains as the bus comes to a stop near the state park’s central campsite. While, Bucky was used to traveling alone, it was easier for him in many ways, he had taken Greyhound through Texas and stopped to take a star guide tour into New Mexico, the Clayton State Park was their most recent stop, though he kept to himself most of the time.
“We’ll be meeting with the 2nd half of our tour group and set up for the night,” the tour guide keeps explaining, as the rest of the group starts exiting the bus. Since Bucky is all the way in the back, he glances out the window for a moment, watching all the other members of their party coming out from a 2nd bus and he swears his heart stops when he sees a familiar face.
“It’s can’t be,” Bucky murmurs to himself, as he gets up and finally makes his way out of the bus. However, once he gets off, he stops unsure of what to do next as he watches her talk to the tour guide with an excited smile, before going to talk to two other people. Her face scrunched up as she laughs at a comment that the redhead next to her made, which causes Bucky turn away and rub the back of his neck.
“One, two,” Bucky calms himself down before he’ll do anything he might regret later, because just because she was here didn’t mean anything might be connected to him. Maybe, she had just come to enjoy the stargazing or needed a long trip out of the city -- Bucky was sure he didn’t make an impression on her or anything.    
With that thought, Bucky sighs and heads towards where his own tent area is suppose to be, to gaze up at his constant companions for awhile and not keep staring at the woman that seems as captivating as them.
 Your 3-day, 2-night journey into Clayton State Park had been quite the dozy since you had almost missed your flight, had no sleep whatsoever, but meet a cute newlywed couple by the name of Natasha and Clint doing the cross country road trip for their honeymoon. Now, you were spending your morning going through the dinosaur tracks that were prevalent all over the park,  as the couple had taken the other route to swim and near the dam. You smile at the thought of them, while glancing at the other members of your party -- families and couples sharing in the experience together (by taking pictures or just talking) and while you didn’t feel lonely, being with someone else would be a nice thought.
And maybe, your grandmother was right about the universe hearing your thoughts when need be, as you nearly trip on a branch only for a strong arm to encircle itself across your lower back and a solid body to mold into yours, as you look to meet burning blues.
“Ah, sorry,” your words die out for a moment, as the man ( that man ) gives you a sheepish smile before letting go of you, “Bucky? What are you doing here?”
“I could be asking you the same question, doll,” he shrugs, as you try not to show that you miss his warmth. He runs a hand through his hair, but instead of moving away from him (like he thought you would) you just end up closer, arm brushing against arm in the early summer heat.
“They started promoting these Star Tours back home,” you explain as he looks straight ahead trying his hardest not to memorize the giggle, carefree and easygoing, that leaves your lips at the end, “I just felt like I had to go, ya know?”  
And deep down in his bones, underneath the pain and remorse, Bucky knows that feeling all too well.
“Yeah,” he lets out, as you look at him expectantly waiting for some type of explanation as why you hadn’t seen again, “I’ve traveling for awhile now too.”  
“Oh really?” you grin, as you spend the rest of the morning and early afternoon talking to the man about his travels and all he had seen so far, alongside dinosaur facts he seems to bring up here and there, while you add in the little stories you have read up on and there isn’t a moment where the talk seems to halt awkwardly between the two of you -- just like you had wanted all those months back.
“Okay, but you’re gonna have to save your Big Bear stories for later tonight,” Bucky laughs, as you reach the camping site with the rest of the group. You nod and smile, as he had mention that the Star Point Observatory had the greatest view of the constellation this time of year. You wave at him before going to your side of the camping ground with a big goofy smile.
“Oh, I know that look,” Natasha, wearing jeans shorts and tank top, smiles as she sees you come up ahead. You stop at her statement, giving her a questioning look.
“What do you mean?” you ask, as her smile gets bigger as her new husband comes from behind and gives her a quick peck on her cheek.
“That’s the same look Clint had when we meet,” she laughs, as you lose the ability to speak for a moment before heading into your tent without another word. Natasha laughing, as the blond shakes his head.
 The walk from the campsite to the small blue metal building that houses the telescope isn’t hard, but it is better to do it before it gets too dark as you and most of the tour go down the beaten path. Natasha and Clint are snuggled together in a blanket not too far from you, while you work a simple bomber jacket with two shirts underneath for the cooler night weather. A book and journal in hand, though you were unsure where Bucky was since the afternoon, which made you frown a little.
“I heard there’s a star party tonight,” someone explains behind you, as you turn around to Bucky giving you a small smile. A heavy jacket and flannel shirt are his chosen attire for tonight, and it reminds you of ---
“Like back at the park,” you smile, clearly catching the meaning of his words. He comes up closer to you, a small polaroid camera around his neck. The two of you walk in silence for awhile, simply taking in the night sky and endless plains of grass. You take a deep breath of the fresh air and wonder if this is what your grandmother meant -- to be one with the world around you, and listen to what it is trying to tell you.  
Eventually you do end up the observatory, but with only one telescope it will be a awhile before you have a go at it. So, you end up staring at the dark blue sky, as this man who you have only meet twice tells you all he can about the two Dippers in a trip you took on in the last minute, you can’t help but smile -- you’re trying your best, and maybe the universe is helping out in its own way.
“That one’s Regulus,” he points out to a star sort of below the North Star that makes up the handle the Big Dipper, you nod as he smiles seeing those wide eyes talking in all the information he has to offer.
“The mighty king,” you explain, as he catches the meaning. You stand there for a long while, waiting for your turn with the telescope as people cheer and talk around you, but to you it’s calming compared to the endless sounds and light of back home. You look to see Bucky staring at the endless dark canopy above, and in that moment you wish you had brought a camera like he had -- to keep this moment living when he wasn’t there anymore, but you were okay with this for now.
“Excuse me, could you take out picture,” Bucky questions, somehow answering your prayers as a certain blond comes in and gives you a smile, more subtle than his wife but still loving to tease you. Blue eyes look at you with a silent question and you nod and outstretch your arm so he can take it. Lightly wrapped together you smile at the camera, one and then twice.
The moment passes, but you stay with Bucky for the rest of the night until you have to walk back and gather your things to head back home, while he keeps heading on with his journey -- still a stranger, but closer to your heart than before. He waits to when it’s too close to departure to hand you the 2nd photo, the North Star shining brightly in the background-- with a soft touch of his hand on your knuckles.
“Keep it,” is all he says with a soft smile and red cheeks, as your heart thumps a little faster than usual. He lets you hug him before you head inside to the bus. His warmth doesn’t leave your for hours, as you keep the small picture of you and him tucked safely in your journal and his is taped to his little notebook.
On the way home, you wonder what the stars are trying to do to you, though you aren’t as apprehensive as you were before, especially if it meant seeing Bucky again.  
Part 3
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lokiandbuckyaremine · 6 years
I’ll Do It For You (Bucky x Fem!Reader)
Prompt: Can I get #4,#10,and #12 with Bucky please☺️💗 ~ Requested by @xxbearcubxx
4. She always pushes me away. Why is this hard?
10. You had me at hello.
12. So where we going?
Warnings: Swearing, ANGSTY, fluffy ending
Summary: You and Bucky have been together for a year, but you still have some secrets you haven’t told him. Will your relationship continue or could this be the end?
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(Don’t own this gif)
If there was anything that kept you together, it was Bucky. After everything you have been through, Bucky seemed to be your guiding light...and you were his. You two had met at a cafe in New York, where you worked. You noticed a man sitting alone in the corner, flipping aimlessly through a newspaper. 
You approached him slowly, with the best smile you could put on after dealing with a rough customer. “Hello, my name is y/n. Is there anything I can get for you today?” When he looked up at you from his newspaper, you thought your heart was going to jump right out of your chest. He was beautiful. His soft brown locks draped on his shoulder and his eyes were the perfect shade of blue.
He gave you a small smile. “Uh, I just settle for a small cup of coffee.” You nodded and went to grab him a fresh pot of coffee. You returned in no time. “Here you go, sir.” He chuckled lightly and received his mug. “Please, call me Bucky.” You blushed and flashed him a smile. “Ok then, Bucky, would you like some cream or sugar?” 
He began to pour some coffee in a mug. “Sure, just one cream and a few sugars please.” You began to turn away, but he caught your arm. “Wait, I didn’t catch your name.” Damn, he was slick. “Y/N...Y/F/N Y/L/N. Why you wanna know?” He gave you a smile. “You had me at hello.” You thought your heart was going to explode, so you just giggled. “Well, y/n, would you like to join me for this cup of delicious coffee?” You looked at your watch. It was almost your break time. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll be right over.” He gave you a small wink, and you were on your way back to the counter.
That was a year ago...now you two were sharing a room at the Avengers’ facility and spending every moment with one another. “Doll, you mind helping me set this up? I don’t even know where to begin on this dam thing.” Your boyfriend sat hopeless on the couch trying to figure out his new phone. “Buck, you’re aging yourself. Old people the same age as you, are more advanced than this.” 
He snorted. “Ya know, not all us old people are as smart as you.” You bounced on the couch next to him and placed a kiss on his cheek. Grabbing his phone you walked him through the set-up process. He leaned his cheek on your shoulder, watching your every move. “Set up lock screen wallpaper. What the hell does that mean?” 
You giggled and gave him his phone back. “It means you can set a picture for your phone, so that whenever you turn your screen on you’ll see something on the background.” He sat there, thinking. “Could we take a selfie?” You smiled and grabbed the phone from him. “Of course babe. How would you like to pose?” 
He wrapped both of his arms around your waist. “Take the pic.” You opened up the camera and were about to take the picture, when he kissed you. You giggled. “Buck, I wasn’t prepared.” He chuckled and gave you another kiss before looking at the picture. It was perfect. It was a simple picture of you and him with your eyes closed, kissing. 
“See? I know what I’m doing.” He smirked and you smacked him. “Dork.” You leaned against him as he set up his new lock screen wallpaper. Your phone vibrated in your pocket and you pulled it out. There was a simple text that read: He’s all yours. 
You closed the screen and got up from the couch. Bucky looked at you, confused. “Where’re you going, doll?” You tried to cover some tears and began walking away. “I need to...just, I need to make a phone call.”  You ran out of the room and headed for the balcony. Staring at your phone, you wanted to scream. The text was from your ex-husband. You decided to call him, despite hating his guts. 
“Y/N? Interesting to hear from you.” Your ex sneered on the other end of the phone. 
“That’s funny coming from you. So, not friends with the judges huh?” 
“Ha ha, funny. My lawyer sucked at his job, so the judge ruled me guilty.” 
“How are you calling me then?
“Judge gave me 2 days to get Ben’s stuff together so I can hand him over to you. They have me on watch.”
“Tim, you can’t just drop this on me. I live on the complete opposite side of the United States. I have to explain this to Bucky and--”
“Wait a second. Who the hell is this Bucky? Is there someone else that I should know about? How do I know this guy is good for my son?”
“He’ll be a better father than you’ll ever were! At least he doesn’t go home wasted or stoned!” The balcony door opened and Bucky stepped out quietly. “Doll, I heard you yelling. Everything ok?” You waved him away. “Not now Bucky!”
“Oh, Bucky’s there with you?! Put that little shit on the phone. I’ll have a talk with him.”
You resumed talking on your phone. “TIM! SHUT UP!” Bucky was about to comfort you, until he stepped back. “Tim? Who the hell is Tim? Y/N, what’s going on here?” You pushed Bucky away. “THIS IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS BUCKY! GET OUT OF HERE!” 
The look in Bucky’s eyes were a mixture of hurt and anger. He started to walk away and then turned to you. “You know what...screw you.” You began to sob.
“Oh he sounds like a Prince Charming.” Your ex started chuckling on the other side of the phone. 
“Tim, shut the fuck up. I erased you from my life. Don’t try to butt back in.”
He scoffed into the phone. “I’m not gonna waste anymore time with you. This is the deal. DCF is going to drop Ben off at whatever location you’re at. Unless you don’t want full custody, the adoption agencies are open.”
“I can’t believe you would even bring that up. Ben is MY son. You know damn well I will make his life better than it ever was with you.” 
“Ok. So I am going to hang up, cause I don’t feel like dealing with you screaming at me. Ben is yours. I have him all packed up. Anything else you want me to do?”
You were a sobbing mess. “I think you’ve done enough. I need to settle things out with Bucky.”
Tim chuckled. “Oh yea, him. You enjoy him. Hope he’s giving it to you as good as I did.”
Your blood was boiling. “ROT IN JAIL, TIM!” And with that, you hung up on him and screamed out into the sky. You stormed back into the tower, slamming the door behind you. You stopped your tracks when you herd voices coming from the living room.
“I don’t know man. She always pushes me away. Why is this so hard?” It was Bucky’s voice. You walked in and found Bucky sitting with Steve on the couch. They both looked at you. Bucky was glaring at you until he saw how upset you were, so his expression softened. 
Steve got up. “I’ll give you two some privacy.” He walked past you and gave you a sad smile. Bucky was the next to get and walked over to you, crossing his arms. “So...is there a reason why you push me away every time I try to comfort you?”
You just stood there, feeling the tears sting again. “Buck, I am SO sorry. Just, let me explain.” He grabbed your hand. “Let’s go someplace more private.” Bucky brought you to your shared bedroom. You sat hesitantly on the bed. He sighed and ran his fingers through his long locks. 
You tried to hold back the tears, but they kept streaming down. Bucky was the first to speak. “Is there someone else I should know about?” All you could do was shake your head. “No, nothing like that. Tim is my ex-husband.” 
“You had a husband? You were married? Why didn’t you ever tell me?” The look of hurt in his eyes was starting to eat away at you. “Babe, I’m so sorry that I never did. I didn’t tell you because I removed that ass hat from my life. He abused me and was never a husband to me. When I found you, all of my problems were washed away. I found someone who I can tell my problems to.”
Bucky looked at you and his eyes narrowed. “So that’s all I am to you? A crutch?” He was getting defensive and his lips tightened. You placed a hand on his lap. “If you think that, then my love has meant nothing to you. The countless hours I spent calming you from nightmares, the numerous times I patched you up from wounds...shall I go on?” 
He hung his head and shook it in a ‘no’ matter. “The reason why Tim called is because I’m getting full custody of my son.” Bucky perked up and grew tense. “Yes Bucky, I have a son. His name is Ben and he’s 10 years old. Ben is the best kid on the world. When Tim and I divorced, I left him with Tim in hopes that he would straighten out. I was wrong in doing so. Tim got laid off from his job and began selling stuff on the streets and was a regular at local bars. Cops found out, DCF got involved and that was the end of that.”
Bucky stared at the wall and showed no sign of emotion. “So, he informed me that the judge is giving Ben to me.” Bucky changed his focus to you. “This means that Ben is staying with me. I can’t give him up for adoption, Buck. Ben has gone through too much and I need to be back in his life. I was a terrible mother leaving him with a drunk of a father.” You began to sniffle and sob. “I understand if you don’t want to help me with this. This is a lot asking you, and I know we’ve only been together for a year, and--” You were at loss for words.
Bucky sighed and looked at you, sadly. “Oh, doll. Don't beat yourself up. Come here.” He picked you up and cradled you in his arms. He placed small kisses on your head. “I am going to do this for you. I don’t know anything about being a dad, but I am willing to learn if it means that I am going to make you and Ben happy. I love you too much to see you walk alone.”
You raised your head from his shoulder and wiped your cheeks. “Really? You really want to do this?” He smiled and rubbed your cheek. “Anything for you, love.” You squealed and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Thank you, babe. I love you SO much.” He chuckled into your hair. “I love you too, Doll.”
You jumped up and pulled his arm. “C’mon, we have to get ready!” He grabbed your shoulders. “Why? Where are we going?” You smiled at him and rubbed his stubbled face. “We’re going to pick up our son.”
Bucky never thought he would here those words, but now it made him excited because he was making his girl happy.
A/N: So I have no idea where this was going...but I kind of got emotional writing it. HOPE YOU LIKE! I hate writing angst but this time I decided it was perfect with this request. PLEASE LIKE, REBLOG, AND LEAVE SOME COMMENTS! I love hearing what you guys have to say. :) 
@jobean12-blog @littlenerdgirl16 @jokesonjess @jewels2876 @mashtons-dirtbag @hernameiswhatt @ballyhoobarnes @lauxeyson @thiddlestoff @thatbitchsaidhi @marvelous-heroimagines @iamwarrenspeace @violentlybarnes @moondancewrites @xxbearcubxx @toddneilanderperry @mizz-kraziii @lovelybones81 @thinemineours @godohammers @buckywhoops
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killmongerthirst · 6 years
Request: “Hey! I don't know if you do requests but it would be amazing to read a t'challa x reader imagine where he falls in love for the reader (who he meets outside Wakanda) and bucky (already being there) tries to steal his girl lol so t'challa gets really jealous and does v fluffy stuff to prove bucky that she's not his girl hahaha idk I thought it could be interesting. Thank you <3″
Pairing: T’challa x reader, Bucky x reader (slightly)
Warnings: jealousy, language, fluff 
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You had to meet T’challa and Bucky in the CIA headquarters. You were working beside Ross, normally doing assistant obs like bland paperwork, organizing emails, phone calls and getting him coffee, just normal mundane stuff, but Ross was kind and the pay was ridiculously good so you stayed. Whilst Bucky was being brainwashed by the 'Doctor' you had been downstairs with Natasha and Tony, fetching them paperwork on the accords, making them acknowledge their leadership and so on, but you had been violently interrupted by the huge sack of human muscle that attacked you all. Just before the super soldier stalked towards you, T'challa had pushed you out of the way, fighting the soldier whilst you lay on the floor, panicking.
 As you where lying on the cold floor, your wrist aching as you landed on it, you selfishly admired the muscles on both the men, watching them exchange punches and pushed, but overall, Bucky had managed to land a heavy blow to T'challas cheat, making him fall back and next to you on the floor.
You both shared intense eye contact with each other, your eyes wide and full of concern, almost mimicking his as he had a slight tint of mischieve in them. He smirked at you before crawling up again, racing after the soldier as the began to fight again of the staircase before he disappeared. T'challa looked around once more before rushing to your side, hoisting you up onto the nearest table, standing between your legs as he looked you over. A small cut had formed on the side of your face from your impact, and you had sprained your wrist. It wasn't anything major or important, but he acted as if you had broken your neck. You found his concern delightfully charming as you laughed, moving your hand to his face as you brushed your fingers over his own cut.
"You ok darling?" He asked, his eyes searching yours and his lips pouted slightly; he brought his hand up to cup your face as you smile sweetly, both of you giggling slightly as you felt the sparks fly between your skin.
"I'm fine, your highness," You whispered almost, your breath faltering as you unintentionally squeezed your thighs against his thick build. You heard him grunt as he wrapped you in his arms, lifting you up from the table so you could stand, your body flush against his as you looked up into his deep dark eyes, watching them shine as you stared at each other. You felt giddy, you had only met this man and you felt like you where already fall head over heels; like you had some silly high school crush all over again, and it was with the fucking king.
You pulled back abruptly as you heard a sly cough, looking over to see one of his guards 'Ayo' as you knew her She was looking you up and down like a disaster piece, making you step back a great deal more form the king, casting your gaze down to the floor. She walked over and whispered in his ear, not being able to hear their conversation as you detected it was in an unknown language and you couldn't hear them that well anyway.
"Of course Ayo, I'm bringing a guest," He replied, obviously louder than her crude whispered. You looked up at him, surprised and confused as he was just staring right back at you, smirking as he shooed Ayo away, holding his hand out for you. You gently took it in his as he leads you back to his designated office. You walked through multiple hallways and stairs, gaining looks of all sorts from the officers, walking past Agent Ross as he raised his eyebrows at you, yourself shrugging in return as he waved you on, being slightly dragged by T'challas mighty grip.
"Your majesty, where are we going?" You asked, stuttering almost as you ran to try and keep up with his giant steps.
"Please darling, call me T'challa or King, either way, I'm gonna get excited," He laughed, quickly winking at you as he now stepped faster, walking with a purpose. You approached a door, watching him violently opening it and just as quickly shutting it as yous tumbled in, your back turned against the edge of the large wooden desk, his body sauntering towards yours. He looked so damn delicious in that tight black top, your hands reached up to place your hands on his upper chest, his hands landing on yours as they intertwined, lifting each hand beside your bodies, as you watched him lean in slowly, teasing you as his smirk plastered his face. You rolled your eyes as you pushed forward, catching your body in his as your lips clashed against each other, moving in a dramatic fight as you both teased and played with one another. You were both dramatic, frantic and desperate to get more from each other, to feel more of the electricity that flowed through you. 
"Come away with me, princess," He sighed, his eyes closed as you both breathed heavily, your chests heaving up and down as you laughed.
"Anything, my King,"
Weeks had passed, and you had been copped up in T'challas quarters by his order; most days he would walk in and out, keeping you company most of the time, but in the last few days he had been more focused on work and extra. You had already been accepted by his little sister, becoming best friends within the first hour you arrived at the wonderful city, his mother took convincing to welcome an outsider in her own home, however, her heart warmed when she listened to her son talk fondly over you. other than that, not many people spoke to you, going on about their lives, ignoring that one weird girl that stayed in the Kings bedroom all day every day.
However, Shuri had convinced you to start coming out with her down to the border side to meet Sergent Barnes; helping her look after him and tend to him when she couldn't. You enjoyed having the company of another 'outsider', it made you feel less lonely, you and Barnes got on fine, his old antics made you giggle furiously as you spent most of your new acquainted time teaching him modern day stuff, like the cultures, politics, and stuff, whilst Shuri taught him about all the technology and his new prosthetics. You found yourself sending more time with Bucky than T'challa, you knew it wasn't his fault, as he had worked as King, and with the new Wakandan Outer Reach Centre, everyone was busy, accept you and Barnes. 
"So, hows you and the King?" Bucky asked, the two of you sitting on the lakeside, watching all the birds settle on the tops of the water, the sun glowing a low orange across the sky, the trees, and nature lining the lakeside perfectly. You two often came here together to get away from all the hustle of the inner city, plus Bucky enjoyed staying near the kids, who were deeply fascinated by him, and vice versa. You let out a deep sigh as you twiddled the single blade of grass in between your fingers, your feet swaying in the cool water beneath you. 
"We're fine, when I see him anyway," You said, a small sincere smile forming on your lips as you continued to look at the ground, "He spends most of his time with the Council, and when he gets back home is flat out like a light, just crashed on the bed, an when I wake he's gone again," You looked up to Bucky, who was looking out into the water, his eyes full of sorrow and worry. Your relationship with T'challa was confusing, more complicated than anyother you had; he had brought you to Wakanda with a promise to show you the world, treat you like a queen and love you unconditinatly, and you knew it was extreme, dropping everything for a man you had met for a few days, but there was just something about T'challa that made your heart flutter and your soul sing, he was the most precious and caring person you had ever meet, and youd be dammed if you ever let him go for the sake of your selfish needs. 
"I get you doll, I really do. But I mean he's running a whole country as well as helping others, it's not easy," He said, now cupping his hand on top of yours as he ran his thumb up and down, carving smooth patterns along his wake. You sat in silence, feeling more comfortable as you rested your head on his shoulder, just watching the sunset as the setting sun reflected off the smooth surface of the crystal water. You truly felt like you were in a dreamland, it was so beautiful, and you had the best company; you always contemplated if you were really in a coma from the events at the CIA office, but all your love felt too true to be a dream.
"I know he cares for you," Bucky spoke, more quiet than usual as his arm wrapped around you, digging your head further into his shoulder as you closed your eyes, more than ready to fall asleep right then and there. You're where so wrapped up in your own thoughts that you didnt hear your beloved stalk up behind you, watching in rage as the soldier's arms wrapped around you like you where his.
"Whats going on here?" He growled, making you quickly latch off of Bucky and stand to your feet, almost slipping from the wetness of your feet. You almost ran into T'challas arms, but the angered face he had stopped you from doing so, you noticed the slight tiredness and rage in his eyes, his hands clenched into tight fists as his stance was forward, looking ready to pounce.
"T'challa? You alright?" You asked, your voice wavering slightly as you reached your arm out to touch him, but he pulled back, making your heart sink right to the fucking floor. Your mouth fell open as you let out a small 'oh' and looked down, almost ashamed. 
"Look, man, I don't know what you think this is, but nothing was happening hones-" Bucky spoke before T'challa lunged at him, pinning him beneath his figure. Bucky did nothing to stop the attack, not wanting to do any more damage than he had to the both of you. T'challa didnt throw any punches or cuts as he just stood over Bucky, growling in his face as he looked like an animal, wild and possessive. Your arms wrapped around T'challas waist, holding tight as you leaned up to his side, whispering sweet nothings into his ear, feeling his muscles relax slightly as he began to regain his composure.
"Baby, I promise," You said, all of you now standing in a circle as you held out your pinky finger, watching as both T'challa and Bucky looked down at it in confusion. You rolled your eyes and forcefully wrapped your pinky around T'challas, watching his eyes light up as your skin touched, sending bolts of fire throughout your entire body. At that current moment, you felt the need for T'challa, to have him close, near you always; it was a selfish need and you didnt want anything less.
Suddenly, T'challas strong arms were wrapped around you so tight, your body flushed against his as he smashed your lips together. It felt just as magical as the first time you lip-locked, fireworks and sparks lighting all around you as a shiver went down your spine. Feeling his own warmth against yours made you blissfully happy as you smiled into the kiss, both of you giggling slightly as you continued to make out in front of the stunned soldier. You had almost forgotten he was still standing there, looking at you both in shock. Your hands traveled to the front of T'challa chest, resting on his hard abs as you traced the outlines of all his muscles, making him groan slightly into the kiss; you pulled back quickly, need to catch your breath and regain your sanity.
"Damn I guess I'll just go then," Bucky said, holding his hands in the air, chuckling at the two of you, embracing each other like a wedded couple. The moment was beyond perfect, the sky lit up by pink and purple light, the hue glowing off of T'challas face, making him look like a god compared to every man you had ever meet.
The next couple of days were better than the passing weeks, T'challa had gone out of his way to show you his country, spending more time with you during the day and tending to you gently every night. He had moved Bucky inside the palace, he said it was so the doctors and guards could keep a closer eye on him, but it was really so he could show off your relationship in front of him. Making you scream and beg every night loud enough so Bucky could hear it; kissing you every time he walked past you together, and pulling you away from him whenever you here looking after him. You knew it was irritating Bucky slightly, but you couldn't help but laugh every time, watching as Buckys mood changed as soon as T'challa touched you in front of him. 
Whenever you confronted T'challa about it, he would always act as if he was innocent, just 'sharing the love', but you knew the hint of mischief in his eyes everytime he would see Bucky. You would always roll your eyes at his behaviour, but you liked his neediness, watching him get possessive over you everytime a man would even look at you; it made you feel like a princess, proper and loved. 
"T'challa?" You hummed, both of you just laying on the bed together, placing your book on the countertop next to you, turning on your side to admire the King beside you. 
"Yes, my princess," He replied, looking up at you as his eyes twinkled, your cheeks blushing as you both just stared at each other.
"I love you," You whispered, you head coming down to rest on his chest, tracing small patterns onto his sides as you cradled him almost. You were so happy and content, you wanted to stay like this forever, just you and him against the world.
"I love you too, my darling," 
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soldierstark · 7 years
Chemistry | Part 2 | COLE SPROUSE X READER
Description: While waiting for their flight to leave, Cole and the reader share a moment during an Instagram livestream. The next day, a question received by a fan during a panel interview brings new feelings to light that worry the reader.
Word Count: 2213
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4
“Ready?” Lili asked.
I nodded my head with a yawn. “Yep let’s get this show on the road.”
Lili tapped the button on her Instagram page that started a live stream. The number in the top right corner started increasing rapidly.  “Hey what’s up guys? I’m here with my dear friend (Y/N) this morning and we are at the airport waiting for our plane to board.”
“It’s raging yo,” I added waving a peace sign.
“No guys but seriously this airport couldn’t be more dead. It is,” Lilli stopped talking and checked her watch. “6:07 am and our flight is scheduled to take off at 6:45. So we figured why not answer some questions while we sit and wait for the rest of the cast to show up.”
I nodded my head in agreement. “Yea so send us any questions you have for us and we’ll try to answer them. Also, why are there over a thousand people watching this right now? Go to bed guys there’s no need to be up this early on a Saturday.”
Lili laughed beside and me and read the first question. “Alright so Grace Corbet wants know our favorite food. Well mine is chicken, doesn’t matter how it’s cooked.”
“Don’t hate on me but my favorite food is hands down, unfrosted strawberry poptarts. They are so good and I actually ate them this morning while Lili was driving us here.”
“She speaks the truth guys though I’ve had them before and they don’t taste that great. Next question is outfit of the day? Here hold my phone (Y/N),” Lili said handing me her phone. I turned on the back camera as Lili stood up and did a twirl.
She was wearing black skinny jeans with a blue and white striped blouse and nude ballet flats. “Pants are from American Eagle, shirt is from Urban as well as the shoes,” she answered. She sat back down and took the phone from me.
“Your turn.” I stood up with a groan and walked in front of the camera. I did a mock runway walk and struck a pose which elected a laugh from Lili. “These jeans are from American Eagle and this hoodie is from the men’s clearance rack at Walmart,” I answered with a wink. “Somebody call Vogue.”
Lili’s eyes looked away from me and focused on something behind me. “Oh look who it is guys! The other half of (Ship/Name),” she announced.
My hair flew around behind me as I whipped my head around with a smile graced upon my lips. My eyes fell upon Cole who was grinning despite the obvious fatigue he was feeling.
“Good morning ladies,” he greeted as he approached us. “(Y/N) you are looking ravishing as always.” He said holding out Starbucks cup.
I gasped. “For me?” I asked looking between Cole and the hot cup of coffee.
He nodded his head. “Just the way you like it, black with a splash of unsweetened almond milk.”
I took the coffee from his hands and took long drawn out sip with a smile. “Cole Mitchell Sprouse I love you so dam much.”
Cole’s cheeks erupted with a tinge of pink as he looked away from me, all of a sudden very shy.
“Aw he’s blushing!” Lili cooed from behind us.
I turned around and looked at the camera. “Alright enough of that. Next question.”
Lili opened her mouth to speak but at that very moment my phone rang. I muttered an apology as I reached into my back pocket and pulled out my phone.
“It’s Camila,” I announced wiggling my eyebrows. I slide the accept button over with my thumb. “What’s up?” I asked.
“Hey so KJ and I have been walking in circles around the airport for like 10 minutes we are so lost. Can you help us figure out where to go?” Camila’s frustrated voice rang out into my right ear.
I looked over at Lili. “Here, I’m gonna hand you over to Lili because I followed her to the gate this morning. Alright?”
“Okay thanks,” Camila replied sounding relieved. Lili stood up and took my phone while I took hers to continue the stream.
“Alright looks like it’s just Cole and I now,” I said switching the camera back to the front view. Cole and I sat down the chairs Lili and I were in previously and read through comments.
“What was the hardest scene for you to shoot this season?” Cole asked pointing to a comment on the screen.
I turned my head and looked at him. “Well for me it was definitely that scene in the finale where we almost kissed.”
Cole laughed and nodded his head in agreement. “Yea you guys didn’t see what happened after the director yelled cut. (Y/N) almost died of laughter.”
“Uh huh. So next question is when are you two going to admit that you’re dating and love each other.” I raised an eyebrow at the camera. “Way to sugarcoat it guys.”
“We will admit that we are dating and in love when we are in fact, dating and in love. Until then,” Cole paused and put and arm around me, pulling me closer to him with a smile. “why lie?”
How is it that a person could look so darn attractive without even trying? Cole’s dark hair fell into his face as he looked over at me, his eyes moving back and forth between mine. Neither of us moved or said anything for who knows how long until Lili showed up breaking us out of our reverie.
“Okay that’s handled,” she said sitting down next to me, taking her phone back while giving me mine. She gave Cole and I a weird look, probably sensing some tension. “What? Was I interrupting something?”
“No,” Cole and I answered quickly in unison.
Lili looked at us skeptically then back at her phone. “Everyone is commenting and saying that I interrupted you two almost kissing.”
Cole’s cheeks went pink and I covered my face with my hands groaning. “We weren’t about to kiss oh my god we were just looking at each other!”
“Flight 572 to San Francisco is now boarding. Flight 572 to San Francisco is now boarding,” an automated voice said over the airport intercom.
“That’s us,” Lili said standing up.
I waved goodbye at the camera standing up as well. “Bye guys.”
“We’ll see some of you tomorrow at WonderCon,” Cole added.
“Peace,” Lili said then ended the stream.
“Everybody give a warm welcome to the cast of the hit CW show, Riverdale!”
One by one we all walked onto the stage waving and smiling like the queen of England. We all sat down in our respective seats at the panel as the applause from the audience died down.
The panel moderator started explaining the rules and regulations of how things were going to be run while I bounced my leg up and down nervously. I’ve never done one of these before and Cole must’ve been able to sense my tenseness.
He leaned closer to me away from his microphone. “You good?” he asked concerned.
I nodded my head. “Yea I’m fine, just a little nervous is all. I’ve never done one of these before,” I answered in a quiet voice. “What if they don’t like me? Most people don’t agree with my sense of humor Cole.”
“Just be yourself (Y/N) you’ll be fine,” he assured me, his crystal blue eyes boring into mine. “I mean we got along the minute we first met it’ll be the same way here. I promise.”
I smiled at him and tried to ignore the increasing speed of my heartbeat. The sound of snickering drew my attention away from our conversation and I suddenly remembered that my every moved was being watched by hundreds of people.
Cole and I leaned away from each other and sat up straight in our chairs. The giggling in the crowd increased as well as the laughs from our fellow cast members.
“Oh shut it you guys we were just talking,” I said rolling my eyes.
“Whatever,” Camila replied in a sing-song voice causing the crowd to once again erupt in laughter.
“Alright let’s start taking questions,” the moderator said trying to get us back on track. He waved a fan on over and she came up to the microphone.
“My question is for everyone. If you could meet one celebrity who would it be?” she asked then sat down
“Leo DiCaprio, 100 percent,” Lili answered without a moment’s hesitation. Everyone went down the line and answered until it was Cole’s turn. “Well I’d want to meet Jennifer Aniston though technically I already have. To be fair I was like 8 so I don’t think it counts,” he said with a slight laugh. “(Y/N)?” he asked passing the question.
I leaned forward closer to the mic casually. “Oh I know exactly who I would meet,” I started glancing over at Cole who was taking a sip from his water bottle. “Definitely Dylan Sprouse.”
Cole started coughing on his water causing the room to erupt in laughter. Once he regained his composure he looked over at me in shock. “Why?” he asked sounding confused.
I smiled mischievously. “Honestly? I just think he’s really cute,” I said with a wink.
Cole looked away from me with a blush and covered his face with his hands. I leaned back in my chair grinning, proud of the reaction I got.
The other cast members and I answered a number of questions over the next hour. Most of which we had answered in previous interviews so it wasn’t that interesting. I’ll cut to the last question we answered which was directed at Cole and I.
A pretty teenage girl came up to the microphone and looked over at us. “My question is for Cole and (Y/N). The characters you two play in the show are, well, soulmates. Yet they still aren’t together romantically even though they’ve known each other for years and have crushes on each other for months.  What’s holding them back?”
Cole and I looked at each other then back at the girl. “That’s a very good question,” I said with a slight laugh. “Um part of the reason I believe is because (Character/Name) is such a pessimist. Her parents died at a young age and she’s never lived in a completely stable home before. The upbringing she had, well I think it made her believe that happy endings don’t exist.”
“I agree and Jughead is so similar to her in that sense which makes the whole thing more tragic. They both love each other so much but don’t want to risk the one constant thing they have in their lives, not including Archie and Betty,” Cole added.
“Exactly. They have such a good thing going on between them and neither of them want to risk that going away. And since (Character/Name) doesn’t believe in happy endings, she thinks the whole of their relationship would implode if they took things to next level because she’s never been around a relationship that lasted the test of time,” I explained twiddling my thumbs. “If they got together and it didn’t work out, well not only would they lose their significant other, they’d lose their best friend.”
My eyes wondered over to Cole who was already looking at me. “They’ll eventually realize that the possible reward outweighs the risks. But until then we’ll just have to wait on a catalyst to jump start that part of their relationship,” Cole finished not looking away from me.
The air between us shifted in a way that was new. It cackled with electricity and I found myself not wanting to look away from Cole for even a second. He must’ve felt it too because his eyes glistened with a new intensity, never before seen by me.
“That was beautiful,” Lili fake sobbed, effectively grabbing my attention.
I laughed and flipped my hair over my shoulder trying to seem nonchalant. “I don’t mean to brag or anything but I slayed literary analysis essays in high school.”
We walked off the stage shortly thereafter and my mind was still reeling from that moment Cole and I shared after the last question. I realized that though I answered that girls question on the behalf of the character I played, her situation was similar to mine.
Cole and I are best friends and these new feelings I was starting to get for him, well needed to go away. Things could get messy if we dated, especially if we ended up breaking up which statistically is very probable. My career as an actress would be affected because we worked together.
However, if all that stuff we said about our characters was true, who’s to say the rest isn’t applicable to us as well?
Does the possible reward outweigh the risk? What if Cole and I are soulmates? What if we are destined to be together but are waiting on a catalyst to jumpstart things between us? What if that catalyst never comes and things stay the same for eternity?
What I didn’t know was that the season finale viewing party was the catalyst for Cole and I’s relationship, and the reaction was well underway.
Tagged: @jj-trickster
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etfreviews · 7 years
Review- Baby Driver
Preface: I know I’m a little late on the bandwagon, but I’ll be dammed if the only theaters near me charge like 20$ to reserve my seats, and do so like a day in advance. Might as well wait until I can just see something for 4.00$
Things Done Well:
The Introduction- The introduction was fucking great! not only was the shooting of the scenes a good pace, but the coffee scene that includes little street messages with the lyrics of the song was creative and really interesting to look for like little Easter eggs. It got me super excited for the movie
The Music- What really got me was how they worked with the audio when he would only have one earbud in, which is to say, they would only play it out of one side of the theater speakers  The first time this happened I actually thought the peoples phone next to me was going off so I kept looking over there until I figured out what was going on!! 
The Soundtrack- The soundtrack was on point, and it left me wanting way more. (Also I’m a big fan of Simon and Garfunkel’s tracks so I was looking forward to hearing the song that the movie takes its title from.)
The Protagonist- Baby (or Miles, whatever) was a very likable character from the get-go, so much so that you were really invested in what was gonna happen to him. Throughout the progression of the story, I’m also glad he kept his ideals by not senselessly killing people. Also can I just say, I was really glad that we got a hard of hearing character? And some ASL? and it didn't feel like it was thrown in there just because, but it made sense with the character and the story. 
The Tone- It was fun! The non-stylized action genre isn’t really my cup of tea (don’t get me wrong a Tarantino done right is my jam) but this movie didn’t feel overly jumpy.
Things That Could Have Been Done Better
Jamie Foxx’s Character- I feel like as far as the tone of the movie, Foxx’s character kind of threw things off... after the second time he was introduced? His acting was really great but I didn’t feel like his sporadic character fit with the mood of everyone else. Had they changed him to be more professional with the same values, and the conflict he had with Baby and his concern that he wasn’t focused enough on the job, I would have been cool with it. It didn’t take away my enjoyment of the film but it was discordant.
The Second Act- In general, I feel the second act was a bit hectic and not with the same tone that was set in the first act. Like, why was there suddenly a sense of mutual respect between Baby and the man who essentially blackmailed into doing it? Why is he suddenly willing to help them both escape when what we’ve seen up to that point was him only looking out for himself? Stuff like that. The end scenes however, I felt were pretty fitting and realistic. Still, I didn’t enjoy the movie any less.
Rating: 8.4/10
Would I Recommend?:Yes/No/Maybe/Specific People- I payed like 4.00 for that movie experience so hell yeah I would go see it. Absolutely enjoyable.
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