#dark!lee bodecker
shadeysprings · 7 months
The Tears on Ivory
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—Priest!Lee Bodecker x Church Pianist!F!Reader
Summary — The new priest of your church asks you to sing for him.
Warnings — noncon, public sex, face shot, religious references, and other dark themes. There may be more that I forgot so I ask that you read with caution.
A/N — Kindly blame @vellicore and @flordeamatista for such sexy sinful ideas. But I mean, who could even resist this belly daddy? Not me. No beta so may be sloppy.
As always, your feedback is highly appreciated and your reblogs would be amazing. And of course, I hope y'all enjoy! ❤️
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A sense of unease washes over you when you see Father Bodecker standing by the royal doors, bidding the last child and his parents goodbye. Choir practice just ended and you collect your music sheets from the stand of the piano, yet you do it with haste, not wanting to be alone with him in the great hall. But the sound of the wooden doors closing is just as loud as your beating heart.
“Leavin’ so soon, Sweetheart?” His voice echoes through the night air and you turn to face him, watching as he slowly walks up to you.
“It’s gettin’ late, Father.” You tell him with a smile, doing your best to hide the fear that begins to bloom in your core. “My daddy wouldn’t want me stayin’ out too long. Says it ain’t safe for a lady bein’ alone in the night.” You explain, hoping that the mention of your daddy would keep him at bay.
“But you’re in the house of God with your priest. Ain’t nowhere safer than here, right?” He’s closer now, intense blue eyes trained on you and the smirk he sends your way brings a chill up your spine. You look away, not wanting him to see your dread, and focus on the white tab tucked underneath the collar of his black shirt.
“I hear you singin’ with ‘em kids—such a lovely voice you have.” You take his compliment but keep your guard up as you cradle your purse in your arms, keeping the bench between the two of you. “I want to hear it again. One of ‘em hymns for tomorrow’s mass.”
“I’d love to, Father, but—”
“You know, disobeying the will of the priest is equivalent to disobeying the will of God.” Your hand trembles with how he says those words, swallowing thickly as you try to calm your nerves. “You wouldn’t want that, do you? To disobey the Lord?”
You shake your head.
“Good girl.” The praise makes you feel nothing but disgust. “Now, why don’t you get back in that chair and start playing?”
And just like that, you do as you are told; setting down your purse on the side of the piano and taking your seat once more. Your spine tenses and your hands shake upon setting them over the keys when he goes to stand behind you, feeling the excess of his stomach brushing against your arm.
Just play, you tell yourself, and you hope then when you do, when you’ve done what is being asked of you, that he will leave you alone.
Ever since Father Bodecker - Lee as he likes to be addressed - arrived in your quaint town as the new priest, things for you have never been the same. The sense of trepidation never once came across your mind when you were first within his presence, but it soon blossomed, quite strongly, in your opinion, when you saw the way he looked at you each time you stayed behind to practice the songs for the mass. 
How his hands would mindlessly touch you, innocently from the outside looking in, but you know to yourself that they’re beyond appropriate especially for a woman as yourself and even more for the man of God. His lips utter words of vulgarity, ones you know someone of his profession should never say.
But what had you fearing his presence was once, before Sunday mass, while you were practicing the psalms on the podium, you saw him enter from your periphery and stood behind you, too close for your liking. You thought he was simply curious about what you were reading but such thoughts ultimately vanished when he pressed his hands on the wooden surface of the stand and you felt something hard dig into your backside. 
You’d only ever escaped when one of the parish volunteers arrived earlier than expected and you heard the growl of disappointment that he emitted. Yet you know deep down that won’t be his last attempt, especially after seeing the determination in his sapphire eyes, a promise of a next time. 
As you reach the end of the song, you startled upon feeling his hands rest on your shoulders, his thumbs massaging your muscles and his warm breath scattering against your cheek.
“You play so beautifully, Sweetheart. Singin’ those praises like an angel.” He’s so close and you feel your heart pounding wildly against your chest, panic completely setting into your bones. “Why don’t you sing another praise—for me this time.”
“I’d love to, Father, but it is already getting late.” You tell him as you move to stand from your seat but his hands keep you firmly still and you gasp in shock when he leans you forward, pushing you against the keys that cry upon being pressed. “Father—what are you doing?” You ask frantically, eyes wide in fear as you struggle against his hold.
“I just want to hear that sweet voice of yours.” His voice is laced with darkness and your knees almost buckle when he pushes away the bench from underneath you, hand lifting the skirt of your dress. “I wonder what other sounds you can make, huh? I’m dyin’ to hear.”
You claw your fingers against the piano when you hear the sound of his zipper being undone, struggling much more to set yourself free. But you’re rendered helpless against a man his size, his feet pushing your own apart and a gasp wretches from your throat when in one swift move, he’s inside you—your walls stretching in pain from his girth.
Tears spill from your eyes as he moves his lips in a sadistic pace, each of his thrust sending you shivers of agony, making every second of his assault unbearable. His groans mix with the sound of ivory and your pleas for him to stop, Father Bodecker panting and mumbling a slew of curses when he continues to plunge, harder and faster, unrelenting of his sinful intent. 
You beg once more, your nails digging into your skin as you try to push him back, but such a gesture is futile—benefiting him further as it allows him to slide deeper into your core that begins to grow damp with each torturous second. 
He calls out your name in the flurry of notes, his hips moving erratically that you feel something foreign, something new, something forbidden pull at you from within. You grit your teeth and shut your eyes as you endure the sins he brandishes on your soul.
But all at once, he’s gone and you’re empty, the walls of your abused cunt clenching around nothing. A grunt is then pulled from your lips when you're effortlessly pushed onto your knees and you stare up at him in horror when he grabs the back of your head, keeping you in place.
That’s when you truly see the devil he truly is. He’s no man of God but a spawn of the underworld.
He groans once more, his cock stiff and throbbing in his hand as he strokes it once, twice, seeing his eyes shut tight with his face twisting in bliss and you’re shocked to your core when streaks of hot, white essence paint your face.  
Disbelief engulfs you, along with anger and shame—that he would do this to you and in the house of the Lord.
A dark laugh escapes him as he looks down on you, his hand cupping your cheek as he smears his seed on your face then tapping the tip of his cock against your lips.
“Blessed are you among women,” He quotes. “And blessed is the one who has shared the seed.”
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Second Best 3
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Lee Bodecker
Summary: The newly-single sheriff sets his eye on an unexpected match.
Part of the Backwoods AU
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
Your shift comes to an end and you heave a sigh of relief as you leave the hotel. You’re tired and slightly irritated. That guest Thor mentioned wasn’t friendly when you dropped of fresh towels. Not even a thank you.
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Oh well, you’re free now. To do… absolutely nothing. Your agitation grows. Usually you’d call up Greta and waste time together but you’re not doing that anymore.
So what do you do? Go home and sew? Watch some soap operas with your mom? Maybe you could go for a nice walk…
Sure. Your feet are sore from your shift, you wouldn’t make it very far. You huff and roll your eyes. You’ll just hang out in your room or whatever. It’s par for the course in Hammer Ford.
You come to the bottom of Thunder Lane and turn onto one of the longer country roads. Your parents’ house isn’t terribly far, not when the weather is nice. You grip the strap of your slouch bag and yawn. A nap is tempting but with you’re luck, you’ll oversleep and end up awake all night.
The noise of an engine and mulching tires approaches. You don’t look back as you sidle over on the apron. There’s more than enough room for them to pass, you always make sure of that. Yet, you notice how the vehicle slows and the bumper pokes out just along your peripheral. As you walk on, the car keeps a snailish pace with you.
You glance over and withhold a cringe. Just what you need. The sheriff rolls down his window as he taps on the gas. He hooks his elbow through the door as he keeps his other hand on the wheel.
“Hey, darlin’, need a ride?” He drawls.
“No thanks, sheriff,” you turn your head straight and pick up your pace.
“You ain’t live far, I can drop ya off no problem.”
“Like you said, it’s not too far,” you agree, adjusting your grip on your bag.
He snickers as the gravel grits beneath the tracks of his tires, “I see,” he keeps his slow crawl, “you one of those ladies who don’t need no man, huh?”
“I… guess,” you shrug, keeping your eyes ahead of you.
“How’s that? Don’t you live with your daddy?”
You wince. That’s a low blow, even if it is true.
“Sure do,” you answer dully.
“I’m not sayin’ it to embarrass you, I’m just wonderin’,” he coaxes, “don’t mean nothing at all.”
“Thank you, sheriff.”
“You gonna look at me, huh?”
You peek over again. You don’t say a word as you keep walking. He watches you as you watch him. His gaze makes your blood run cold.
“Come on, get in,” he says.
You frown, “I said, I’m fine.”
“You sure are stubborn,” he clucks, “I thought an old man like yours would teach ya some respect.”
You face the horizon again, keeping one foot in front of the other, “I haven’t been disrespectful, sir.”
He huffs and doesn’t respond. You press on as he pulls ahead. You watch him drive off, picking up speed as he rolls away. You exhale and bite your cheek. That was weird.
You watch him stop just down the way and reverse. He veers his back bumper around and swerves back to face you. He must’ve got a call. You don’t think too much of it. He slams on the gas, revving back in your direction.
He gets closer and closer. You expect him to drive past but you realise, he isn’t following the lines. He’s driving right at you!
You stagger and jump to the side. You hurdle yourself off the apron across the ditch and hit the grass on your knees. Your bag swings up over your shoulder and weighs you down. You twist onto your ass and pant at him as he stops just short of the divet in the ground.
He laughs through the open window as he flicks his lights on and his siren whoops, sending your heart to lurch again. You scramble back on your hands and stand up shakily. He backs up again and steers the car straight.
“Better be careful on the backroads,” he idles just across the ditch from you, “lotta careless drivers around here.”
You gape at him. He didn’t just try to kill you. He wouldn’t. He’s the sheriff. And for what? Because you didn’t want to go with him and Greta? Or because you didn’t want a ride?
“See ya round, darlin’,” he taunts and spins the wheel, speeding off in the other direction. His tires kick up rocks and send a cloud of dust into the air behind him.
You reach down to wipe off your pants and try to shake off the adrenaline. You still can’t believe what just happened. It just doesn’t make sense.
You sniff and look around. It’s just you, out in the middle of nowhere. He did all that but he could have done more. You’re lucky he didn’t.
You stay on the far side of the ditch, edging close to the trees as you set back towards home. You’ll cut through the forest, just to be sure. You’d almost rather face a black bear than chance another run-in with the sheriff.
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itiswormtimebaby · 11 months
Pairing: Lee Bodecker x Fem!Reader  CW: Dark Lee, dark themes, gaslighting, dub!con, cum eating, parental abuse, parental death, implied age gap, daddy kink, manipulation, references to Lee hitting reader, religious themes, sex, breeding, non-graphic murder, Reader doesn’t see it this way but UNHEALTHY RELATONSHIPS. A lot is left vague but still, please take warnings into consideration. 
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“Y’know, Honey, some people were born just so they could be buried, but not you, you were born just to be mine.” 
He’d said it the first time with his pants undone, limp cock still sticky with cum hanging lewdly from the open fly of his uniform pants. He’d said it as he forcefully guided your head down, insistent upon you cleaning up your mess, because it was your mess, you’re the one who didn’t place the pepsi cup right. Even though the cold congealed globs of semen made you gag, settling heavily in your stomach like paste, you knew it was something you had to do. Taking responsibility was a lesson you’d learned early in life at the end of your Daddy’s belt. Ever since he’d died, shortly before Mrs. Bodecker, Lee took over for him, reinforcing it at every opportunity,  he was just looking out for your best interest. 
Besides, and you shuddered to say it, afraid it teetered too close to speaking ill of the dead,  Lee was a much better Daddy. He only slapped you in the wake of truly serious offenses, like shirking a wifely duty or meeting up with friends without permission, and most of his spankings were intended to instill pleasure, not pain. Most special of all he gave you a purpose, you didn’t think you had one of those, but he made it clear you did, you were born just to be his. It was a tragedy about his wife, a freak accident, but you liked to think it was all part of the Good Lord’s plan, how could it not be when her and your father’s deaths served to bring you and Lee together. As awful as it was, as much as you worried over damnation for even thinking it, it was the truth. Through their deaths you had been reborn, given a purpose, or rather shown your purpose as it was always meant to be- you were his. 
“You were born just to be mine.”  Sometimes it was a growl as he fucked you from behind, fingers locked around the back of your neck, pressing you face first in the mattress as he took what he wanted. 
“You were born just to be mine.”  Sometimes it was a sweet whisper as he kissed and licked his way up your neck, sucking reminders into your skin, sweet bruises to mark his claim and his desire. 
“You were born just to be mine.”  Sometimes it was almost desperate, pleading, like when he fucked his cum back into you and spoke about how you’d make him a Daddy for real. 
“You were born just to be mine.” No matter how he said it you knew it was true. 
“Some people were born just so they could be buried,” Lee thinks as he pulls the trigger on your Daddy. 
“Some people were born just so they could be buried,” Lee thinks as he cuts the break-line of his wife’s car. 
“Some people were born just so they could be buried,” Lee thinks, often, all the time, about damn near everyone, but not about you, never you. No, you were born just to be his. 
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boxofbonesfic · 2 years
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Title: Blender
Pairing: Dark!Lee Bodecker x Reader
Summary: Lee has a rather creative solution for his new pet’s disobedience. 
Warnings: Noncon, Kidnapping, Implied Obsessive Behavior, Human Trafficking, Smut, Public Sex, Breeding, Dead Dove: Do not eat, Minors DNI!
A/N: so remember when I asked you all who was on the other side of the blindfold? well, here’s the result. 😈 please mind the warnings and tags, and enjoy! divider by @firefly-graphics​
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You’re blindfolded. You’ve been that way for hours, harsh ropes biting into the bruised flesh around your wrists. Your saliva soaks into the rag in your mouth, thick enough to hold your jaw open uncomfortably. The sound of a door opening makes you snap to attention, and though you can’t see through the ratty cloth over your eyes, the light from the hallway filters through the fabric, blinding you further.
 Heavy footsteps creak across the old floor, and you hear the creak of leather soles as their owner stops in front of you. 
 “She’s a pretty thing, isn’t she?” He drawls, and you flinch as he grabs your chin, tilting your head this way and that. “I think thirty is a fine price.” Rough fingers tug at the knotted cloth at the back of your skull, and you whine, wincing at the sudden brightness. The speaker is no more than a hazy figure hidden by floating spots as your eyes adjust to the buzzing florescent lighting flooding in from the hallway. “Pretty eyes, too, don’t you think?” He says over his shoulder. “Can’t wait to make you cry.”
 He’s tall, and a little stocky. Older, but not unattractive, with short dark hair and slate blue eyes. The mid-country drawl is as unfamiliar as your surroundings, but you know better than to ask who he is, where you are—your face still smarts from the last question you asked. The man licks his plump lips as he stares at you, his grin lewd, like he can see the shape of your body through the oversized button up someone had thrown at you to wear. 
 Behind him, the blond man in the hallway snorts. “Pretty? A pretty big handful, if you ask me.” He steps into the room, smoothing his fingers over his thick mustache. “Just so we’re clear, you know I’m not finished with her, right? She’s not trained.” 
 “Yeah, Hansen, I got you.” He draws his thumb over your bottom lip. “If I wanted you to break her, I would’ve waited six months.” He leans forward to pull the gag out of your mouth. You shudder, listening to them speak about you like an animal. Not even an animal—a thing. His eyes focus on yours. “You feel like gettin’ out of here, honey?”
 Out there is better than in here—in here with the other man, with Hansen. You’re not soon likely to forget the way he’s treated you. The days have been uncountable, but it wasn’t that long ago that you were living a different life. One where you weren’t forced to silently endure your captor’s fingers slipping where they shouldn’t during every humiliating sponge-bath. Slowly, you nod. 
 “Good.” He looks over his shoulder impatiently. “Key, Lloyd.” 
 “Money firs, Lee.” 
 Lee scowls. He stands, unzipping the front of his thick leather jacket. There’s a bullet proof vest underneath it. He reaches into an inner pocket, and produces a bound stack of bills. Lee turns, and tosses it to Lloyd who catches it easily. 
 “Count it. S’all there.” Lloyd squints at Lee, and then the money. 
 “I’m going to take it on good faith this time—mainly because I’ve got somewhere to be.” More like someone else to sell. You’ve heard the crying through the walls—the screaming too. You know you’re not the only one Lloyd’s dragged in off the street for this. He grins saucily, and it makes your stomach turn. “You two kids have fun.” Lloyd rummages around in his pockets, and then makes a triumphant noise low in his throat as he produces a single key on a flimsy looking ring from his pockets. He flings it at Lee, who catches it with a snort. 
 Lloyd turns sharply on his heel and disappears beyond the doorway while Lee squats back down with a grunt, and reaches for the chain around your ankle. He tugs you up to your feet, and you feel your cheeks warm as his eyes rove down over your thighs. The ratty plaid button up on your shoulders is the only item of clothing you own now.
 He looks you over, clucking his tongue with a distinctly pleased air. “Lloyd always does do good work, I hafta say.” You shy away as he reaches for the collar of your shirt, and he frowns. “None of that, now. We’re gettin’ to know one another properly.” He draws his thumb over the swollen bruise still marring your right cheek. Lee inspects you, walking in a full circle around you, still holding the bit of rope wound tightly around your wrists.
 When it seems he’s satisfied, he hums, wrapping the rope around his hand a few times for security. You’ve walked these hallways many times, but the sight of them is still new to you as you stumble behind Lee. The house is large but also largely empty, and you wonder where the other girls are, if they have people coming for them too. 
 Outside, the sun is almost blindingly bright, and you realize it’s been weeks since you’ve seen it—maybe months. Gravel crunches under the soles of Lee’s shoes as he leads you towards the parked police cruiser in the under-maintained driveway. All at once, you dig your heels in, pulling backward on the rope and catching him by surprise. He grunts as the rope slips through his fingers, hanging in the air between the two of you for a moment before you yank back on it again. You ignore the pain of the loose stones biting into your bare feet as you turn, looking for a way out. The long, tree lined drive is too open, but if you can make it into the dense undergrowth—
 You run. 
 Your step is unsteady, your thighs already burning from disuse. Lee is cursing behind you, and you can hear the thunderous sound of his footfall closing in—
 The breath goes out of you as he slams into you, and you finally cry out in pain as he forces you to the ground. Your cheek presses painfully into the gravel as Lee pants above you. He lets out a raspy laugh. 
 “You are a little fuckin’ handful, aren’t ya, Honey?” He fists a hand in your hair, forcing your face harder into the dirt. “I wanna treat ya like a lady, Sugar, but you’re gonna hafta earn it.” He gets up off of you, pulling you up with him. You yelp at the pain as he pulls you back toward the cruiser. He yanks open the back door and tosses you in like a rag doll. 
 “N-no, I-I don’t—” Words of protest form on your lips and die as Lee wrestles you underneath him. You’re smaller than he is, underfed and exhausted too, it doesn’t take much for him to best you. He shushes your shrill complaints with that low, disgustingly patient drawl. 
 “See Honey, this is why I didn’t want Lloyd goin’ to work on ya,” he grunts as he forces himself between your thighs. The door behind your head is locked, but you pull frantically at the handle anyway. Lee chuckles dryly, wrapping the rope still tied around your wrists about the headrest, forcing your arms above your head. You gasp as he cups your bare cunt.
 “Don’t need him to get you to behave.” Your stomach rolls as he spreads your lips apart, circling your clit with the pad of his finger. “Got my own way of makin’ sure you get the picture.” You squirm, trying to buck him off of you, but it’s like trying to lift the car for all the good it does you. Lee clucks his tongue at you. 
 “We coulda’ waited and done this in a bed, but this is a lesson you need ta learn, Honey.” You buck, trying to work him off of you, and Lee grunts, frowning. “Come on, now. Bein’ difficult ain’t gonna help nothin’.” He circles your hopefully swelling clit with shocking gentleness. “Lloyd told me all about you, Honey,” he draws out the words while he strokes you. “And you were so lonely, baby. Parents didn’t give a fuck about you, did they?” His voice is both piteous and taunting. 
 It was true that your family kept at a distance, unsatisfied with your choice to pursue an education rather than a husband. Lee raises his fingers up to his lips, sucking them clean of you. 
 “Sweet.” He presses his face into your cunt, suckling your clit as his fingers prod at your entrance. You wail, thighs tightening uselessly around his head as he whips you up into a frenzy. You don’t want to claim the firestorm of heady pleasure building up in your belly, but you don’t have a choice as it claims you. Lee hums with pleasure as you convulse, tears streaming from the corners of your eyes as you stare blindly up at the roof of the squad car. 
 “Ooh, that was good, wasn’t it?” He licks at you again, and you squeal, your oversensitive cunt throbbing. “I think you can gimme another one, can’t you Honey?” 
 “N-no, no—” You huff through your teeth, whining as he pulls another orgasm from your struggling frame. Your toes curl as white hot pleasure unfurls in your belly. You lay there, panting and sweaty, watching as Lee leans up out of the car, standing up to his full height. Your lower lip trembles as he undoes his belt, fingers making quick work of the buttons and zipper. 
 “N-not here, p-please,” you plead, fresh tears bubbling up over your eyelids and streaming freely down your cheeks and chin. 
 “Aht, aht, Honey. You stop them crocodile tears, now.” He admonishes you as he pulls the thick, veiny length of his cock from his pants. “Only makes me harder.” Lee palms his cock in his hand, pumping his fist up and down the shaft with a groan. There’s a sticky bead of precum at the tip, and he smears it across the reddened head of his cock with the pad of his thumb. You try to scoot up and away from him across the back-seat as he ducks back into the car. You can’t get far, though, the door is locked on the other side, and your hands are still bound to the headrest above you. 
 Lee’s eyes are unfathomably dark and hungry as he drinks in the sight of you, a low whistle of appreciation leaving his lips. Your breath catches uncomfortably in your chest as he slaps his cock against your clit wetly, and your body jerks from the sharpness of the sensation.
 “L-Lee,” you mumble his name, your lips salty with tears. “Please.” 
 “Look atcha, Honey,” he praises, ignoring your murmured plea as he begins to press inside. Lee hisses with pleasure as the head of his cock slips into your pussy with an audible, wet pop. “Manners are already gettin’ better.” You gurgle unintelligibly, eyes wide as he stretches you open. You want to focus on your rage, on your humiliation, your fear, but your body doesn’t let you, fresh slick leaking out to coat his invading length. Lee’s head lolls back, his eyes rolling shut as he sinks in slow, like he’s savoring every single inch. 
 As Lee finishes sheathing his cock into the throbbing, sticky mess of your cunt, you wonder dimly how there’s even space for all of it inside you. Your pussy sucks at him without your permission as he begins to pull out, a pathetic mewling noise leaking out of you at the sensation of his retreat. Dimly, you’re aware of the car rocking and squeaking beneath you as Lee lays into you. 
 It’s not supposed to feel good, Lee using your body like it belongs to him, like he owns it. Maybe he does, you think dizzily, pleasure eating away at the edges of your convictions. 
 “You gonna cum for me again?” His voice is like black honey in your ears. You shake your head desperately, whining as he fills you. Lee chuckles. “S’alright, Sweetheart,” he coos. “You can be a good girl n’ cum for Daddy.” You gurgle as he reaches down to pinch and pull at your nipples, rolling them between calloused fingers. Gritting your teeth against the tide of pleasure, your thighs tighten around Lee’s hips as it comes crashing down over you. 
 It washes away every conscious thought as Lee drags you over the edge and into bliss, your nails digging into the headrest as you wail. Lee’s praising you, telling you how good you’ll be when he’s done with you, how sweet and perfect your cunt is—but you’re not hearing it, not really. Not over the rush of blood buzzing in your ears, or through the pleasurable fog that’s settled over your thoughts. 
 “Shit, Honey,” Lee pants, his thick fingers digging into your bare hip. “If I woulda known you’d feel this good on my cock, I’d have had Hansen get you sooner.” You don’t really have the bandwidth to consider his words before he’s driving into you full force, his cock spearing you open. He grits his teeth, baring them with a growl. 
 “M’gonna keep this pretty pussy nice and full,” he rasps as he ruts against you. His heavy thrusts punch the air from your lungs, and set your already dizzy head spinning further. “Want you drippin’ with me.”  You sob and mewl as you come apart on his cock, your walls milking at him until his hips still. Lee holds you tightly against him, and you can feel each deep pulse as he spills into you with a long, low groan. He stays like that for a while, his cock lodged inside of you as his cum begins to trickle out around his shaft.
 You know you’re a mess when he pulls away, licking his lips appreciatively. Lee tucks himself back into his pants with a sigh. You watch, your lip trembling as you try to hold back the fresh wave of tears that threatens to fall. 
 The sound of applause makes you cringe, trying unsuccessfully to curl in on yourself as Lee chuckles, his gaze resting on someone behind the car, someone you can’t see. 
 “And here I thought she’d give you trouble,” Lloyd replies, ducking his head under the frame of the car’s back door. He grins at you lasciviously, and you squirm, trying to cover yourself with the tattered remains of your shirt. 
 “No trouble.” Lee answers, removing the leather jacket from his shoulders and draping it over your body. He shoots you a crooked grin that sends ice straight into your veins.  
“We got us an understandin’. Don’t we, Honey?” 
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Hello friends! I no longer maintain a taglist, so please follow @box-of-bones-library​​ for updates and new work, thank you!
Likes and comments are amazing, but reblogs are golden! Please consider sharing my work so that others can see it too!
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thebunnyslibrary · 7 months
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To Someone From a Warmer Climate
summary. On Halloween night, a storm rages on outside your door. But when the sheriff of the nearby town arrives and reveals his true nature to you, you will be caught in your own storm in desire and fear.
characters. Witch!Reader x Demon!Lee Bodecker
wc. 4.8k
warnings. Non/Dub!Con, Forced Mating/Marriage, Housewife Kink, Threats and Mentions of Violence, Blood.
an. Happy Halloween! Thank you for joining me for my first Halloween Collection.
BunBun’s Spoop-tober Collection Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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It was the Samhain, All Hallow’s Eve…Halloween. A storm raged on outside, but you could still feel the moon’s power from behind the clouds. The storm itself actually made you feel calm, content, knowing you were safe for the night in your cozy cabin. You’d put out an extra place setting on your table and even dribbled some candy across it just for fun. You were planning a mute supper of the delicious smelling stew bubbling away in your crockpot (much more convenient than a cauldron, in your opinion).
Cooking was your specialty in magic, infusing spells and potions into food to help absorb them faster, and strengthening the effect. Tonight, you were testing a new potion to infuse with the stew; made to keep you warm and give you strength through the cold winter months. After dinner, you planned to cozy up to by the warm fire and tuck in with a collection of scary stories with some Nina Simone records.
 Suddenly, a loud banging noise outside the door made you jump. At first, you thought it was just the storm, but you heard someone hollering, you rushed and threw open the door, fearing it was some poor lost soul. Instead, there stood a mountain of a man.
Tall and stocky with a wide brim hat doing its best to keep rain off his face where dark blue eyes peered at down at you. Soft pink lips pursed in a thin line were framed by 5 o clock shadow. He wore a black windbreaker with a shiny gold star pinned to his chest. You knew him; Lee Bodecker, the sheriff of the local mortal town just outside the wood.
                “Evening ma’am, may I come in?” Wiping your hands on your sweater and crossing your arms over your chest, you eyed him suspiciously. However, you couldn’t sense anything too malicious about him. You stepped back, letting him enter and watching as he easily crossed your threshold. You knew your dwelling was protected from negative forces. You’d made well and sure of that.
                 “Is there something I can help you with?” you asked as you shut the door, not wanting any trouble and trying to be polite. You knew sometimes the teenagers of the town came into the woods to drink or fuck, especially on Halloween night. You’d hoped the storm would keep them away, but if the sheriff was here, maybe something had happened.
                “Wellness check, ma’am. I got a call from some little old lady that said she knew there was a woman living in the woods. She wanted to make sure you hadn’t been flooded out.” He explained. A smile spread across your lips as you breathed a silent sigh of relief.
 There was a woman whose farm backed up almost into the woods. Since her husband died a year ago, a few times a week you would go and help her with some of the chores; and she would give you milk, eggs, and fruits and veggies from the farm. You would also bring her soup and healing herbs when she was sick. She wasn’t aware of your powers, but always thanked you when she remarkably felt better the next day. Of course she called it in; knowing where your house was after you’d brought her there for tea one afternoon.
                “Well, I appreciate you coming all this way Sheriff-”
                “Lee, please” He interrupted. Your skin bristled a little at the interruption, but you nodded gently at him, knowing mortal men could be a little brash sometimes.
                “Lee.” You continued. “But I really am alright. Can I offer you some tea or something for your trouble? I did just mix up some stew.” You’d heard stories about the sheriff, the town hero, who seemed to always be in the right place at the right time. But you were always suspicious of things that were too good to be true. It was your nature as a witch.
However, the man HAD come all the way into the woods in a storm just for one little old lady’s request.  He must have something resembling a heart, you reasoned. You decided to give him some nice warm, strong, stew and slip a little forgetfulness potion into his coffee; then send him on his way, never to remember this place. You could return to your cozy evening.  No harm done.
                “Coffee would be appreciated if you have it.” Lee requested. “And that stew sure does smell good.”
“Have a seat.” You gestured to the chair at your small round table, only fit to hold 3 chairs, 2 of which already had a place set. Lee sat down at the one without, setting his hat down on the table.
“Can I take your coat?” you offered.
“Thank you kindly.” He took his coat off, handing it to you before setting his hat on the table and sitting across from the set place as you hung his coat by the fire. Going back to the kitchen cupboard and grabbing a mug and a bowl. You shook some grounds into a filter, infusing your forgetfulness spell.
Filling the coffee machine with water, you pressed the buttons and let it brew.  You ladled a healthy serving of stew into the bowl and carefully placed it in front of him. He dug in as you sat across from him and tried to think of anything to say. You never had mortal company, only the nice lady who liked to knit and read, just like you; But Sheriff Bodecker didn’t seem the type to knit. Finally, he cleared his throat and asked you.
                “You uh…live alone out here? You had another place set.” He gestured to the table. “Your husband leave you all alone out here?”
                “Of course not.” You answered and he seemed taken aback. “Well, I mean… I don’t have a husband. But I’m not alone. The animals live out here too. And the plants. And my books.” The burbling of the machine caught your attention. “Do you take anything in your coffee? You asked him as you went to pour it into the mug.
“No thank you, ma’am.” He answered. “This stew is absolutely delicious.”
“Thank you, kindly.” You beamed as you set the mug down in front of him. “And I must admit the place setting is more of…personal thing. It’s a Halloween tradition to set a place for those who you have lost in the past.”
                “That’s mighty sentimental of you. Though I’ve never heard of that one. Where’d you learn that?” Lee asked.
“Oh I uhm. I read about in a book.” You said, technically not lying. You just didn’t mention it was a magic book.
“I see.” Lee looked around the room. “You sure do have a lot of books.”
                “Yes, well, sometimes I find the company of the books better than that of people.” You joked, looking to the coffee and hoping Lee would take a sip soon. You looked back at him but his body suddenly seemed a lot closer, his leg resting between yours, leaning against your right knee.
                “Ah c’mon people aren’t too bad. Look at me for example, I wanted to make sure you were okay.” Look at him you did. He was decently handsome. Strong arms and a well-built frame. He was heavier set than other men, but you kind of liked that. You knew food was a comfort and you would rather people knew too much than not enough. Even the face you’d been suspicious of when he arrived had a more homely charm as he slurped up the last of his stew. He took a swig of coffee, then turned to face you fully.
“Mmmmm…damn…That’s the best cup of coffee I’ve ever had. And I just love the taste of the forgetfulness potion you added.”  Your heart dropped into your stomach.
                “What did you say?” He didn’t answer, only leaning back in his chair. He blinked and where crystal blue eyes had seemed to make him handsome and rakish; now were two inky black pits. He blinked again and his eyes were human again, but now his irises were crimson red.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. You’d dealt with a few lower-level demons in your travels, but never someone who you could walk through your house’s defenses so easily. Usually, any malevolent force was neutralized before it even touched your house. But he…he was something darker.
“I’d heard about a pretty witch living out here in the woods.” Lee continued. “Thought it was just another one of them dippy mortals wearing peace signs. But then that little old lady came in, bringing some brownies she said you’d made. And when I tasted them, I knew for sure. There was a real little witch somewhere in town.
“Though it took me a while to find ya, darling. All them wards and runes…you’ve kept yourself pretty well hidden. But when that same sweet little old lady called in, worried about her friend in the woods, I knew I’d found you and here you are. Hidden away from the world, cooking up spells your nose buried in a mountain of books. All that defensive magic and you opened the front door for me and invited me in. Silly girl.” His eyes raked over your body, studying you.
“Damn, you are something pretty. You got a name, sweetheart?” But your lips tightened. You didn’t want to say another word to him, fearing what else he might be hiding. “Oh, come now, darling. I won’t bite.” But his wolfish grin spoke otherwise.
 You told him your name in the strongest voice you could muster, trying to think of a plan to drive him out. As if reading your mind, Lee gently shook his head.
“Now let’s not do anything foolish sweetheart. I don’t want to get too nasty with you.” He warned.
“What-what DO you want then?” you asked. Lee paused for a moment, reaching across the table to grab a piece of candy, unwrapping it slowly and staring into your eyes as he placed the candy in his mouth, licking his lips as he chewed and swallowed.
“Quite frankly, darling…you. You’re clearly pretty good with the magic, and you’d be even more so with a little training. I’ll have all the power I need. See, I’ve been living like a king for years, feeding off the darkness of the souls in this town.”
“Darkness…?” The woman from the farm was always talking about how wonderful the town was, how safe it was…all because of him.
“Oh yes, sweetheart. There is a darkness in this here town. Seems half the people are born just so they can be buried. And I’ve managed to feed off of it for years. You’d be surprised how many people will give truly anything to get what they want. Sometimes they surprise me, just wanting basic mortal shit they could get if they tried a little harder. But some of them want to watch the world burn. They offer their souls and what happens? The town sheriff stops their crimes before they’ve even started. I look like got damn hero and never have to lift a finger.” He grinned wide. “All the praise of the good people feeding my pride. All the sin of the others feeding my powers.”
“But why…why do you need me?” You asked, meekly. His smile faded and his jaw clenched. His steely gaze and making you shiver and squirm in your chair.
“The good people have started to question me. Why I haven’t settled down with a wife...  And if the good people are questioning me, I can’t clean up the filth in the town. See, I’m thinking about a run for state senator, maybe even governor. And the higher up the ladder you climb, the darker people will get. I can’t do that without a little lady with me to keep me in their good graces.” He stood up now, his hand on the table, leaning in close to you, but you managed to shove the chair away and rushed to the sink, grabbing the sharpest knife you had and pointing it at him. But Lee only shook his head and smiled.
“Now what are you gunna do with that, huh? You certainly don’t have it in you to use it” He mocked, stepping closer to you. He let out a low groan. “And that’s exactly why I want you. Your innocence, and your kind heart are exactly what I need. Someone to look good for the town, show off at all the little local town events, and keep my bed warm at night.” He licked his lips. “So, here’s the deal. You keep my bed warm and my stomach full, and I'll keep the town safe; keep being the hero.” He was standing in front of you now; still holding the knife in your trembling hands as you shook your head. Lee reached up, grabbing the knife like it was nothing, and throwing it somewhere.
Blood ran down his hand but he made no move to wipe it off. Instead, he grabbed your wrists and pinned them to the cabinets behind you, his lips thundering down upon yours in a harsh and punishing kiss. He bit your lip, making you gasp, giving him a chance to force his tongue into your mouth. Your eyes widening as you swore the end of it was forked. When he pulled away, you were gasping for air. He leaned in close to your ear, his breath hot on your cheek and neck.
 “Maybe you didn’t understand me clearly in that dumb little brain of yours, but I could ruin this town. Your poor little old lady friend? Out on the street. Your library? Closed. I could stand back and make you watch this town suffer. Or you can be my good little housewife.” He leaned back to look at you, his eyes soulless black pits.
 “Or maybe I'll take you out to the town square. And show them what you really are. Some mortals around here get scared, they start getting jumpy…and pretty scary themselves.” Your breath hitched; you knew some mortals, even as time moved forward, who still got too scared of what they didn’t understand and could get violent quickly. It was one reason you kept yourself hidden. “So, what’s it gunna be, little witch?” You stared back at him, your breathing shallow.
 In a flash of quick thinking, you thought to the holy water in your cabinet, and it manifested in your hand. You managed to dump it on his hands, and he roared in pain, letting you escape. If you could make it to the bedroom, your sacred room, you might be able to ward him out, or at least escape to somewhere else.
You were steps away from the threshold when you were suddenly wrenched back and slammed against the wall. Your hands were pinned above your head and your legs were spread wide. You heard Lee down the hall; his heavy footsteps getting closer and closer until he stood directly in front of you.
                “Tsk tsk tsk. Just couldn’t make it easy could you? But that’s okay, Nothing worth having ever is.”
                “But…how…no other magic works in my space…” you stammered. But he only chuckled, relishing in your fear as you struggled against the bond, studying you like a work of art.
“Seems to me you’re in MY space now.” As you fought to free yourself, you realized he was right; nothing in the house, none of your powers were working. “Now Let’s try that again shall we, sweetheart?” 
                “Please…” you begged. “Please don’t do this.”
                “Oh, come now. It ain’t all bad... A powerful demon husband, access to magics you wouldn’t believe, I can make this so good for you.” He forced his hands up your sweater to run them down over your breasts, one hand stopping to fondle your nipple with his thumb while the other slid into your pajama pants, between your legs and cupping your pussy over your panties and rubbing his ring and middle fingers back and forth.
“Well well, for such a good little witch, you sure are dripping wet for me. I’m must say I’m flattered.” He kissed you with a fire that stirred something dark and twisted within your heart and soul.  Something you ignored as a witch who tried to do only good to others.
“God…please...” Your voice was soft, but Lee heard you growled, his hand going from your breast to grab your hair and force your head back. His voice was soft but dangerous in your ear.
“Trust me sweetheart, Even if he gave a shit about you, there’s not a damned thing he could to stop me. You worship me now. Go on, say my name.”
                “Lee…” you breathed heavily. Your resolve was slowly crumbling as you realized there was no way out of this. And that fear, that resolve, was being replaced with desire. The way Lee looked at you seemed like he wanted to devour you whole should’ve terrified you, but you couldn’t deny how wet you were. You didn’t want to want him, but your whimper gave you away.
                “Yeah, baby? You want something? Go on…beg for it…” he ordered; his fingers moving faster as he kissed down your neck, biting gently in just the right spot to make your toes curl. You let out a low moan. Your breathing was heavy as you spoke.
                “You…you promise you won’t hurt the good people?” You asked, tears forming in the corners of your eyes. Lee scoffed with a smirk, staring down at you.  
                “Good people, oh if only you knew…but you’ll learn.” Without another word Lee pulled his fingers from your shorts, making your whine in loss and feeling yourself clench around nothing. Lee snapped his fingers and your clothes were gone.
 Before you could react, he grabbed you, lifted you over his shoulder, smacking your ass then storming into your bedroom, slamming the door behind you two and locking it. He tossed you unceremoniously onto your bed, hardly giving you a moment to breathe before he was on top of you. He leaned over you and his black soleless eyes bore deep into yours.
                “The people in this town are bathed in sin. Just you wait and see.” His gaze softened, his eyes returning to their crimson form. He ran one hand down your cheek, using his thumb to hold your chin and force you to look at him. “But you know what, I think you want something darker… I saw some of those books on your shelves. I think you wanna be a little damsel in distress. And I’m more than happy to oblige.” His hand wrapped around your throat; then he leaned down so his lips were just ghosting against your trembling ones.
“How long have you wanted the touch of a strong man?” Your whimper in response only made him grin wider. “You’re adorable and you reek of loneliness. He kissed you deeply before leaning back to rake his eyes fully over your naked form. “So fucking purty…” he growled. “And you taste sweeter than any mortal sin.” He stood up, but you were still unable to move. Your arms crossed over your head and your legs were forced wide.
Wasting no time, he stripped out of his own clothes; Finally he pulled his boxers down to expose his cock which bobbed against his stomach. Your eyes widened in shock at the size.  It had been some time since you’d been with a man, but his thick cock was bigger than you’d ever had. You tried to shy away from him a bit but he stroked it up and down a few times, laughing at the more than apparent shock on your face
“Never had a cock this big before, have you?” he slowly climbed on the bed, kneeling between your legs. “Well not to worry, little witch. I’m here now and I’m gunna take good care of you. Starting by fucking you like the little bitch in heat that you are and making you cum.” He stroked his cock while gently running his fingers up and down your slit.  You wanted to struggle, scream, fight back. But when Lee pressed his thumb down on your clit, you let out a moan and seemed to almost grind against his hand. It was wrong, but it felt so good. He brought the fingers he’d been rubbing you with up to your lips.
                “Suck on em, slut.” Pushing his fingers in your mouth, rather than be repulsed, your tongue laved over his fingers; thoughts clouding your mind of kneeling before him and sucking his cock. “Oh don’t worry, little witch. You’ll be doing that soon enough.” Lee promised. “Tell me you want this cock. Tell me how bad you wanna be my little whore.”
                “Want…want your cock in my pussy Lee…want to be your slut..” you begged.
                “You gunna be my good wife? Give me whatever I want?” You could feel the head of his cock brush against the inside of your thigh.
                “Open your mouth.” He ordered. You did as he said and he squeezed your cheeks, making sure your mouth stayed open as he leaned over and snarled something in Latin before spitting in your mouth. Your eyes widened as you realized what he was doing but he covered your nose and mouth with his hands. “Swallow it, slut. Swallow it if you wanna breathe again.”  You had no choice but to swallow. Your veins came alive like fire travelling through you as you were now soul bonded together. He let go of you but replaced his hand with his lips in another hard kiss.
You felt the last of your resolve crumbling. You hated yourself, but you wanted him…and he knew it. He snapped his fingers again and now your arms were free to move, but they didn’t fight him, instead they sought to hold him close to you. You wanted to feel him against you, he was so warm compared to the chilly night air. Like a blanket wrapping around you on winter’s first night.
                “Well now, we certainly have changed our mind, haven’t we?” You didn’t answer, turning away, and trying to not meet his leering gaze. But he gripped your chin and forced you to look at him.
                “When I ask you a question, you answer, understand? I’m being real nice here, but I can go back to being mean if you want.” He threatened. But you shook your head softly.
                “No please…I’ll be good…” you whimpered and he smiled.
“I know you will.” He kissed you, taking the chance to push his cock inside you making you moan into the kiss.  His hands were on either side of your head and you dug your nails into his shoulder to try and pull him closer to you.
You pressed your knees tight against his sides as he set a torturous pace. Dragging his cock out slowly so you could feel the head rubbing the walls of your pussy, making you keen and moan. Then pushing back in hard so you felt like you were going to be split in two. 
“Lee…please.” You wanted to beg him to stop but it came out as a plea for more.
                “Such a powerful little witchling, reduced to my wanton whore…” His hands grabbed your breasts, tweaking and rolling your nipples between his calloused fingers. “Gunna be so pretty on my arm. And if you be a good little wife, I’ll buy you all the books you want, and I’ll fuck you to sleep every night on my cock.” He took one hand away from your breasts to smack your clit…hard. Your vision went white with pleasure as you screwed your eyes shut; your pussy clenching hard around his cock.
                “Fuck and a pain slut to boot. You’re gunna be lots of fun, little witch. I want you to cum. Cum for your new husband.” His thrusts increased to a punishing pace and he used his thumb to rub your clit. “And when you cum on my cock, I own you. Heart, body, and soul. You understand?”
                “Ye-Yes I understand…Lee…” His eyes flickered to black as he pinched your nipple hard and ordered you in a voice much lower and darker than his usual tone.
“Then cum.” The sound of it making your eyes was the final straw as your eyes rolled back in your head and you felt every muscle in your body clench as you came harder than you ever had before. Lee had made your body feel like it was on fire but your orgasm was like a cooling only water could bring. You called out his name as you bucked your hips up, like you were trying to draw him in more.
He kept fucking you through the waves of pleasure crashing down on you, chasing his own release. “Look at you, all fucked out and all mine. Can’t wait to get you home, gunna bend you over and spank this ass hard before I fuck it…”  His words made your breath hitch and you clenched his cock one final time before he stilled above you, growling and snarling.
You could feel his hot cum filling you as he pumped his cock into you a few more times. For a few moments, only the sound of your combined breathing’s filled the space. You lay there with your eyes closed as your feelings washed over you; shame, embarrassment, but at the base of it all, satisfaction and power. Power stronger than anything you’d felt before. Lee chuckled above you as you opened your eyes to meet his, now back to crimson.
                “You can feel it, can’t you? All that new power from being my mate flowing through you?” You nodded weekly. “Good but just remember. I’m the one in control now, you’re bound to me so if you even think about hurting me or doing something stupid, I’ll strip them away and leave you for dead. We clear?”
                “Yes, Lee.” You sighed, accepting your fate. His eyes flashed once more to black before turning back to the blue that had drawn you in so easily. You bit your lip, staring up at his rugged looks and acknowledging there were worse options to be bound to for all eternity.
“Fuck, I hope you never lose that doe eyed look. I just wrecked your pussy and you still look like the shy little bookworm you are.” He pulled his cock from you slowly, the first gentle action of the night. “Do you need some stew now, little witchling?” He asked, teasing you and tickling your side, forcing a smile onto your face that didn’t last. Lee let out a small sigh.
“Listen, you might look cute when you cry on my cock, but you’ve got one hell of a smile, darling. I’d like to see it for real.” His words struck a chord, all night he’d teased and degraded you, but now he seemed gentile, almost trying to be charming. He brushed a strand of hair back from your face. “You have to remember sweetheart, I may be strong and powerful, but I have to lure in my pray first.”
Lee gently pounced on you, placing hot, open mouth kisses to your neck, nipping and kissing until you were squealing and laughing in pleasure, forgetting for just a moment the rude and brash way he’d taken you, sexually and literally. When Lee stopped, he pulled back to press a kiss to your forehead.
“I told you sweetheart, if you’re good for me, I can be so good for you.” Despite everything you’ve ever known about demons, you decided to trust him; hoping that as his wife, maybe you could do some good and help the people of the town on a wider scale.
“Can I ask for one thing, please?” you asked, reaching for his hand and squeezing it.
“Well, I am feeling awfully generous.” He said, smiling coyly.
“Please let me keep this place. I promise I’ll come home to you every night but…a witch needs her sacred space.” You asked, batting your eyelashes just a little.
“Hmmmm, I suppose that can be arranged.” Lee conceded. “But I have complete and unfettered access, understood?” You nodded, knowing the road ahead as his wife would be rough, but seeing who he was and hoping you could smooth down the rougher edges gave you a sense of relief.
He lay on his side, wrapping his arms around you and holding you against him. You were almost shocked how comfortable you felt in his embrace. But it happened easily, his leg feeling so natural wrapped around yours in your bed.  
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I love all your Lee fics so for kinktober what about: Lee/food play/🕸️ "Every part, no matter how you feel, belongs to me."
Yes 😌
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Sweet Treat
Warnings: Daddy kink, implied kidnapping, noncon, food play, unsafe candy use (please for the love of God don't do this), implied smoking (Lee), handcuff restraints, oral sex
Relationship: Dark!Lee Bodecker x Fem!Reader
"I told ya, honey. I told ya, and ya didn't listen, so now I gotta remind ya." Lee grunted, rubbing his cock into the crease between your thigh and stomach. He pulled another candy from the paper sack. He put the wrapper in his teeth and untwisted it. He spat the wrapper across the bed.
"Please, no Daddy, was-wasn't runnin'-"
"Then why'da get out this big ole bed? Huh?" He demanded, fingers gripping the hard candy so hard you thought it might crack.
His hand disappeared between your bodies. Lee put the candy in your pussy. That was the third piece, or was it the fourth? Your sobs did nothing to make him stop. He worked his fingers as deep as he could, pushing the candy up further inside you. Your eyes squeezed shut as you shuddered. This shouldn't feel good, you didn't want it to feel good. You tried to focus on the something, the ache in your wrists from the handcuffs or the smell of cigarettes on his breath.
It didn't stop your body from responding. As Lee's fingers worked the candy inside of you, he purposefully rubbed over that traitorous spot inside you, the one that made your legs shake and your tummy flutter. You whimpered as he withdrew his fingers and sucked your arousal off them.
"Now to make up for givin' me a scare, you're gonna feed Daddy his favourite candies."
He moved down your body and planted his hands on your thighs, spreading painfully wide. Lee looked up at you with hunger in his eyes, wild and deranged and so unlike the sheriff you thought you knew. Your breath caught in your throat as he licked his lips.
"Every part, no matter how you feel, belongs to me."
He waited for you, looked at you with uncontrolled blue eyes as you tried to come up with the right words. Sometimes the simplest answer is best.
"Yes, Daddy."
His mouth latched onto your pussy and sucked. The chains of your handcuffed rattled as your back arched off the off bed. Lee thrust his tongue into you, deep and searching. His nose bumped against your clit with every movement he made. The shuddering, fluttering feeling returned to your body. You whined, wanting more and wanting him off of you at the same time.
"Daddy," you begged, squeezing your eyes shut.
Lee moaned against your pussy, an obscene slurping sound that made your body heat with humiliation. You fought it, the wave trying to crash over your mind. You moved, tried to run away from the pleasure but he dug in harder. He spread your legs wider, burying his face between your lips like he was trying to get inside of you.
Your mouth dropped open and your vision turned white as your orgasm shook your body. There was no stopping it, your mind had lost the battle wills like it always did with Lee. He looked up at you, slick dripping down his chin and his cheek flushed pink like the candies.
"That's one, baby "
589 notes · View notes
springdandelixn · 1 year
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Summary: Sheriff Bodecker is always there to save you even when you think he isn't.
Warnings: non-consensual touching, allusions to noncon, gun violence, abuse of power & verbal abuse.
Characters: SoftDark!Lee Bodecker x F!Reader, Dark!Bucky Barnes
A/N: This is written for @the-slumberparty's Warm-Up: One Word Drabble and the word I got was 'Harass'. And of course, my mind immediately went to these two for some reason and I rode along with it. I hope I did it justice though but oh well.
As always, a drabble this may be, your feedback is highly encouraged, and reblogs would be appreciated. Enjoy! ❤️
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It was only supposed to be a quick trip to Martha’s farm, picking up the strawberries she picked for your grandmother in hopes to turn them into one of her famous pies. You should have brought your bike, you thought as you made your way back, to make the journey back and forth quicker. It would have saved you some time, and most of all, it would have saved you from James who now has you pinned against the trunk of a tree at the side of the dirt road. 
You clutch the basket of berries tight against your chest, staring down at the red skin and leafy tops of the fruits if only to avoid those oceanic eyes his. As handsome as they may seem, they hide something darker underneath, and just the thought of him showing you that side makes your body shiver in fear.
Beads of sweat form at the side of your neck and forehead as his hot breath fans against your skin along with the stolid summer air. He’s so closer, closer than he’s ever been for the months he’s been bothering and harassing you wherever you went, even to the point of bringing along his buddy, Steve, just to get a hold of you. 
You do your best to fend him off, keeping to the square where anyone can be a witness to his misdeeds. But at times he’d catch you alone, you make it a point to run as fast as you can, shouting for help when you reach your street or making your way to the steps of the police station where Sheriff Bodecker readily threatens him away and being kind enough to give you a ride home just to keep you safe.
But now, there’s nowhere to run and no one to save you. And with the way James grins dangerously down at you, you know he’s got you right where he wanted.
“It’s just one kiss, doll.” James drawls as he keeps his eyes on you, visibly flinching when he places a hand on your hip. “That’s all I’m asking.”
“Please—” You whimper, hugging the basket tighter and pressing yourself further against the trunk when he leans closer. “Leave me alone.”
“How can I do that when you look so delicious?” There’s a smirk on his lips when he takes a berry from the container, wrapping his lips around the fruit before taking a bite and making lewd noises as he chews. “I wonder if you taste just as luscious as that berry.” He whispers, a tear escaping your eyes when he lowers his hand and slips it underneath the skirt of your dress, his fingers tickling your bare thigh. “Or maybe you taste sweet—”
The beep of a siren cuts him off and your body goes rigid when James growls from the interruption. He turns away from you, his hand slipping from your dress as he faces the unexpected visitor. 
Dirt and rock crunch underneath the wheels of the patrol car and you release a huff of relief when you see Sheriff Bodecker step out of the vehicle as soon as it parks. You try to escape as James’ attention is taken away but a yelp of surprise leaves your lips when you feel a hand grab your wrist and tug you back against the tree, your basket of berries dropping to the ground and scattering on the dirt. 
“What are you doing out here, Barnes?” Sheriff Bodecker calls as soon as he steps out of the vehicle, his arms resting against the open door and his head tilting to the side when his eyes land on you. “But most importantly, what are you doing out here with her?”
“None of your business, pig!” James spits.
“Is that how you speak to a law enforcer?” There’s amusement in the sheriff’s voice.
“It’s how I talk to assholes that put their noses where it doesn’t belong!”
“You okay there, sweetheart?” Sheriff Bodecker asks you, ignoring James who is fuming. “This boy bothering you?”
“You shut your fucking mouth!” James snarls at you and you make yourself smaller as fear completely takes over your entire being.
“Now now. Let’s all calm down.” Sheriff Bodecker says as he steps away from the vehicle, his hand parting his jacket to reveal the pistol stowed into his holster. “You let the girl go and no one gets hurt.” 
“Fuck off!” A yelp leaves your lips when James tugs you away from the tree, panic surging through your veins when he walks away and drags you with him. 
You try to tug your hand away, digging your soles into the dirt to stop him. But he’s too strong, pulling you like you weigh nothing and you try to look back at the sheriff to beg him to help you. But before you can set your sights on him, a loud bang echoes through the barren fields and you fall on your ass when James suddenly releases you.
A groan of pain fills your ears as you cry and curl yourself small against the dirt, a measly attempt to protect yourself. You then startle and look up when you feel a hand rest against your shoulder, your eyes meeting the sapphires of Sheriff Bodecker when he crouches down, his hands moving against your arms as if checking you for any injuries. 
“You alright, girl?” He asks and you nod silently, taking his offered hand as you try to pull yourself up. But your knees buckle, and your body shook with how things unfolded so quickly. And before you meet the ground once more, Sheriff Bodecker lifts you in his arms, grabbing onto his uniform to steady yourself.
“You fucking shot me!” James shouts on the ground as he clutches his thigh, blood staining his jeans and hands. “I’m going to tell—”
“Who? Your father?” The sheriff mocks. “The Rogers? They know better than to believe some stupid kid's lies and your buddy Steve won’t even be able to convince his old man to believe you.” Sheriff Bodecker nears him and you hide your face when you see the way James looks up at you, anger painted on his face. “You clean up your act boy or that won’t be the only thing you get from me.” 
Before James could even retort, Sheriff Bodecker turns away and walks back to his cruiser. He settles you down gently on the passenger’s seat and buckles you in, his hand resting on your upper arm before giving it a squeeze. 
“Let’s get you home. Your granny must be worried sick.”
James hasn’t shown his face ever since Sheriff Bodecker shot him. You know it was wrong for a law enforcer to harm a civilian but deep down, you’re thankful that he did. That he arrived just in time to save you from whatever misdeed James had in mind. 
Sheriff Bodecker came by that next morning with a basket full of berries, your grandmother expressing her gratitude to the officer by letting him in and packing him a bag of her freshly baked cookies. You told him he didn’t need to replace what you lost but the smile on his face and the way he pats your cheek makes you retract your words, agreeing to him instead and promising him a strawberry pie when he visits next. 
But one visit becomes two then three and you notice that the officer makes his presence known almost every single day; his cruiser rolling into the driveway and that distinguishable knock he does when he climbs the steps of your porch. 
You ask him why he keeps coming over, not to be rude, but simply out of curiosity. 
He looks up at you after taking a bite of the pie you made. “Well, I want to make sure you’re safe, sweetheart.” His grin widens, wiping his lips clean from the filling before he continues.
“With me around, no one will harm you again.”
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sashaisready · 6 months
Your Heart Belongs to Me - Part Two
Sheriff Lee Bodecker x Female Reader (The Devil All The Time)
In late-1960s Knockemstiff, your husband Lee has been neglecting you for so long that you're starved of affection. Trapped in your domestic prison, could the young handyman working on your house be your ticket to freedom?
Warnings: smut/sexual references (light), angst, extramarital affairs, alcohol and drug use, alcoholism, some rough handling of female character by male character. Lee is quite dark in this story so please use caution.
Story Masterlist
Part 1
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You sighed as Lee asked you again who H might be. You weren’t going to keep up the pretence any longer.
“You already know. He just had a little crush, Lee. It was nothing. I didn’t tell you because I knew you’d act like this” you told him defiantly, your exasperated tone masking the fear you felt underneath.
“Is that so?” asked Lee as he inspected the paper.
“Yes” you replied sourly, drying the plates and putting them back in the cupboard.
“Then why’d you keep the note?” he asked coyly. “Why did you hide it in your dresser? Imagine my surprise when I was tryin’ to find my cufflinks and stumbled across a love note to my wife from another man”.
“Like you give a shit” you spat.
His hand gripped your wrist and he span you around to face him. “Look at me” he growled.
Your heart was pounding when you saw his face, his eyes were ablaze with anger and his jaw tight. His nostrils were flared as his chest rose and fell. He was incensed.
But so were you now. You’d had enough.
“You’re hurting me” you replied calmly.
“When did you fuck him?” he muttered through gritted teeth.
You were frightened of him, but you also had nothing left to give. Your energy reserves were depleted. Finally, you’d had enough.
You dropped his gaze and coolly wrenched your wrist from his firm grip before spinning on your heel and heading to the stairs.
He grabbed your shoulders, stopping you in your tracks. “Don’t fuckin’ walk away from me” he barked as his fingers dug hard into your arms. “Answer the question”.
“Let go of me” you told him bluntly, staring at him audaciously. Your body trembled and blood thumped in your ears but your anger was fuelling you.
“You gonna hit me, Lee?” you snapped as you looked into his dark eyes. “Huh? Just get it over with. I don’t care anymore”.
He’d never hit you before, but you’d had many close calls.
He snarled, easing his grip off you and then staring back at you in horror. He had never seen you like this. It had completely caught him off guard.
This wasn’t how he thought this was going to go, he couldn’t understand how you’d managed to turn this around on him.
You took this moment of confusion to run up the stairs. You pulled your suitcase from the closet and began to pack.
“What the fuck are you doin’?” Lee yelled as he stormed in behind you.
“I’m leaving you, Lee” you told him sharply as you chucked random clothes into the case. You didn’t even know what you were packing.
“You’re leaving me?” he scoffed. “You fuck another man and you’re leaving me??”
You silently continued to pack, ignoring him. He suddenly wrestled you onto to the bed, pinning you hard against the mattress as you began to scream.
“You ain’t goin’ nowhere, sweetness” he bellowed as you struggled against him. You tried to kick and hit your way out of his grip but it was no use, he was too strong. His heavy body straddled you and pressed your wrists into the sheets.
“Tell me, now!” he shouted in your face.
Finally, drained from fighting you began to sob, wailing and allowing yourself to go limp. “Please, Lee…I can’t anymore. I can’t”.
His expression changed from anger to confusion as he watched your tears fall. “Wha-”
“I’m not happy, Lee. I can’t do it anymore. Please just let me go, please. I know you’d be happier without me too”.
“What??” he exclaimed. “Honey, I love you”.
You shook your head from side to side. “No…no you don’t. You’re never here” you uttered between sobs. “You would rather prop up the bar than be with me. Or be with whores. Don’t deny it again Lee…I’ve seen the lipstick marks, found the stains on your underwear. I’m not stupid”.
His eyes widened as he stammered to find words but you continued. You couldn’t stop.
“You don’t talk to me. You don’t pay attention to me. You don’t FUCK me. Y-you broke my record player and didn’t even replace it, and you know how much my records mean to me. I’m all alone by myself most of the time and I can’t even dance anymore” you cried. “You took my music from me”.
Lee gasped, unhanding your wrists as he lent back onto his knees. You trembled between his thighs. Everything had just come tumbling out and you couldn’t stop it.
“Jesus...honey” he said softly.
“Just let me go, please” you pleaded.
“So Harry was…” he trailed off.
You nodded as your bottom lip wobbled. “It only happened once. I’m sorry, Lee. I’ve just been so lonely. He was so attentive, he listened to me. He even danced with me. Y-you…haven’t done any of those things in so long” you whispered.
His expression was impossible to read but you flinched, covering your face in case he lashed out. Instead, he just climbed off of you and began pacing the bed. He looked shellshocked.
“Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me?” he spluttered.
You shook your head, cowering on the bed as Lee’s face fell into his hands.
“Oh fuck. Oh Jesus” he mumbled. “Was it here?” he asked calmly.
“No” you whispered. “We went for a drive in his truck, when you had poker night” you said sheepishly.
Lee pressed his head against the wall. “Fuck”.
“C’mon, you don’t get to act all high and mighty - you cheat on me all the goddamn time” you growled at him, finding your anger again.
He turned to you, aghast. “Not like this” he said weakly. “I know I’ve fucked up before sweetness but it never meant anything. It was just sex. This wasn’t just sex” he said venomously.
“You’re a hypocrite” you spat. “You fuck whores in your car all the time. You won’t even fuckin’ TOUCH me. You don’t get the moral high ground here”.
Lee stared at you, he opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. He knew you were right.
You sprang off the bed and continued packing.
“Stop that” he growled, yanking the case from your hands and flinging it to the floor. You shoved him and snatched it back again.
He was panting now, his rage building.
You paused for a moment as a glint of metal from his pocket revealed his car keys, your eyes darted to them for just a second, but he spotted it.
“Don’t even fuckin’ think about it” he warned.
But you were so far gone now you didn’t care. All you felt was anger and contempt, your fear had dissipated. You no longer had anything to lose.
You managed to snatch the keys from his pocket and made it halfway down the stairs before he caught you, tackling you to the ground as your body slumped across the steps beneath him. You howled as he tried to rip the keys from your clenched fist and you pushed your other hand’s outstretched fingers against his face to move him away. He responded by restraining your wrists against the stair and locking your hips between his strong thighs. You squirmed and flopped uselessly beneath him, he grunted as he held you in place – his teeth bared.
Your furious eyes met, your faces so near that your noses were nearly touching. You realised you hadn’t been this physically close to him in a long time and took a second to inhale his familiar scent. His weight on top of you was stifling yet you couldn’t believe it transported you back to happier times when you had been closer, when all was better. You gasped as you realised his erection was digging into you.
His breaths were short and urgent and before you knew it his tongue was in your mouth and you were writhing against his crotch. He freed one of your arms to undo his fly and push your briefs to the side and suddenly he was inside you and you were both crying out. You told him that you hated him and he told you that he loved you and that he would be better now and suddenly your orgasm was approaching. His mouth was on your neck and you were clenching hard around his cock as you came undone. He was deeper than he’d ever been before and he filled you to the brim as he came, spilling out onto the stairs beneath and you loudly cursed knowing you’d have to clean it.
You stayed like that for a while and he held you, he wouldn’t let you get up but just sealed you in his strong arms as your back pulsed from lying awkwardly on the hard stairs. He told you that he couldn’t let you go because then he’d lose you forever and so you sobbed gently on his shoulder until you fell asleep.
He carried you to bed and you slept all night, even late through the morning – waking up at nearly eleven. You crept downstairs and he wasn’t there, but he’d left you a note saying he’d be home by five. He had left several things out on the kitchen table for you.
A brand new record player, pristine in its box.
The Your Heart Belongs To Me vinyl, snapped and broken. A stack of shiny new records next to it.
A single cheeseburger, cut perfectly in half.
You sighed heavily, retreating back up the stairs to unpack your suitcase.
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Leader of the Landslide Masterlists
Summary: Life with your alcoholic mother is tough and you problems only mount when the local sheriff takes an interest in you.
Status: In Progress
Part 1
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mavsstar · 1 year
this is a sneak peak for you could be my daddy, um enjoy :D
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“You wanna know what I don’t get?” Lee rhetorically questioned. 
“What’s that?” 
“That you’ve been to a rodeo before I have.” 
“I have, haven’t I?” You stared off and pondered on the thought. “Well if it helps I was practically dragged to them most of the time.” 
“How come?” he asked you. 
“I had a friend named Garrett–” 
“I already don’t like where this is going,” he interrupted. 
“Oh hush,” you lightly slapped his chest with the back of your hand. “Anyways he was a bull rider and he would drag me to every single rodeo there was in town. He said I was his good luck charm and I had to kiss him 3 times on the cheek before he went out.” 
“I remember when he would accidentally move his head and I would kiss his lips instead of his cheek, it happened all the time” you added, giggling at the memory, “what a silly boy.” 
“Yes Lee?”
“Let's talk about something else.” 
The ride to the rodeo was longer than you expected. Lee had forgotten to get gas the night before and had to make a “quick” stop to the gas station. Only it was the opposite of “quick”, cows blocked the road just as you were about to leave. The farmer’s wife was having a lot of trouble doing it on her own. 
“Lee go help her,” you ushered him towards her.
“Why me?” he asked, “why don’t you go help her?” 
“I ain’t going near those damn cows!” you exclaimed as you pushed him forward. “It’s one thing to admire them from up close but it’s another to actually touch them. Besides you’re a man, now go do man things!” 
“Man things?” he chuckled, “what does that even mean?” 
“To follow the orders their partner just gave them,” you said as you crossed your arms across your chest, “and to do them quickly.” 
“You’ve been getting bossy lately, you know that?” 
“Just help the poor woman out Lee!” 
Lee raised his hands up in defense, “alright I’m going!"
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nickfowlerrr · 11 months
for the hope of it all.
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pairing: greedy!lee bodecker x curvy!reader
warnings: angst. bit of fluff. mentions of reader x arvin and lee x wife. little flashback to pregnant reader. uhhh, there’s a baby. if i’m missing something important please feel free to let me know.
also lmk if i should tag this as dark!lee please bc i can’t decide if it needs it or not.
words: 3.2k
notes: my first written fic for my writing event. i spun the wheel and got greed and then spun another wheel and got lee and a few hours later here we are lol. please let me know what you think! comments and feedback are so, so appreciated. thank you in advance to everyone who reads and reblogs. 🖤
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“Please, Lee. Please,” you whispered, voice breaking on the desperate plea as the stray tear you’d been fighting to keep at bay finally slipped down your cheek.
You were quick to wipe it away, shaking your head and looking away from the gaze of the man before you. The smirk that graced his face was the whole reason you had refused to let yourself cry, despite wanting to break down the moment he’d knocked on your door.
You’d just set Teddy in his crib, watching him a moment as the newborn slept peacefully, his tiny breaths and little movements making your heart clench.
You never knew you could love someone so much until you had him. Despite the pain and all the hardships that you’d faced from the day you met his daddy, as you watched Theodore, you were sure you wouldn’t change any of it if it meant never having had him.
You were pulled from your thoughts when you heard a car pull up the drive. You didn’t check the window, sure you knew who it was already as you went to greet him.
Before you were even halfway down the steps, an unnecessarily loud pounding sounded from the front door.
You were startled for a second, brows furrowing as you rushed down the last few steps to open it before whoever it was could pound again and wake the baby.
You were sure now, though, it definitely wasn’t Arvin. He’d never be so careless to knock that loudly, even if he’d left his key and was locked out.
When you pulled the door open in a bit of a huff, your breath froze in your chest.
As you met the hard blue eyes of the man you’d been avoiding for the past 11 months, you weren’t sure what to do. So, you stayed as you were, blocking his view of the house as you pulled the door more closely to your body and watched him. You wouldn’t speak first. You weren’t sure you could.
“Been a while, darlin’.” He greeted, though his words were cold and stiff, as if he was trying to hold in the anger you could see raging in his eyes.
You swallowed hard. “How can I help you, Sheriff?” you asked, ignoring his comment.
He scoffed as he looked down on you. “That’s how you wanna do this, sugar? Fine,” he said before shoving his way into the house.
You were in shock as he pushed past you, your first instinct to yell at him was held back by the knowledge that your baby was asleep just up the stairs.
“What the hell are you doing? You can’t just barge in here because you’re police,” you nearly seethed as you follow him while he walked further in, going toward the kitchen while he looked around the place.
He spun on you at your words and stopped you in your spot. “Honey, I can do whatever the hell I want. Because I’m the sheriff,” he snarled in your face before he backed up just the slightest. He adjusted his belt as he stood to his full height and licked his teeth, trying to compose himself.
“I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news for you, sweetheart,” he started, your heart dropping instantly. “That boyfriend a’yours seems to have gotten himself into some trouble downtown.”
Your mouth went dry as you stared at him dumbly. “No,” you shook your head. “Arvin wouldn’t do anything to get into any kind of trouble. What are you- what are you talking about?” you tried to stay calm, but the stutter was surely telling enough.
“Down at the shop,” he began, taking his time, seemingly enjoying the sight of your anxiousness written all over your face, “he had some words with Levi. Guess the kid made a comment about his girl. Imagine my surprise to find out that girl was you,” he detoured.
“What happened,” you asked pointedly, all while trying to keep your composure and your voice down.
“Well, Mr. Russell didn’t take too kindly to the things Levi said. Lost his temper. I’ll spare you the details, sweetheart. Long story short, Levi’s up at the hospital. Your little boyfriend is up at the jailhouse, waitin’ for his hearin tomorrow mornin’.”
You felt sick. This wasn’t Arvin’s first time in jail but you remember what he told you last time, the judge said one more strike and he’d be taken to county. Arvin wasn’t a bad man. He was one of the best men you’d ever known. But he did have a bit of a short fuse when it came to defending the people he loved. You’d known that since you were in school together. It was one of the things you’d always admired about him..
The one thing you were confused about right now though, was why in the hell Lee was here telling you this.
“Is he okay?” you asked quietly. The narrowing of Lee’s eyes as he looked at you, and the tick of his jaw at your question had your stomach twisting.
“Aw, ain’t that sweet. Look at you, all worried about him.”
“Lee,” you said.
“He’ll be fine,” he gruffed as he went into your fridge and took one of Arvin’s beers. You were in too much of a stupor to do or say anything about it, though.
As you watched him take a swig, your eyes finally fell on his bloodied knuckles.
You took a step back, as if he’d slapped you, somehow knowing exactly how he'd done that.
“What did you do?” you said, accusingly as you reached out and held onto the wall beside you.
“Told ya' I was surprised to hear the girl he was so concerned with, whose honor he needed to protect so badly, was you. I thought you were long gone, sweetheart. But when your name came up, I knew I’d been wrong. Knew you were somewhere out here. Took a bit to finally get him to tell me where you were, but,” he flexed his hand, “they all break in the end.”
You were seeing red at his words. He'd hurt Arvin, and for what? You couldn't let him do this, couldn't let him get to you so easily.
"You need to leave, Lee. Now. If I wanted you to know where I was, you would've. I told you I wasn't gonna wait around for you. You made your choice. So go," you said firmly as you could manage through your tight throat.
You stayed still as he set the bottle down on the counter, stalking over to you. You only blinked when he was right in front of you as you took a shaky breath in and out.
"My choice was you," he said as he pinned you against the wall, his arms trapping you. But you weren't scared. Just solemn. The hurt that never went away radiating in your soul.
"...No, it wasn't," you refuted, voice quiet as you shook your head, looking him in the eye. "It was the job. It was her. You just wanted me to be your good little whore on the side," you continued, disgusted with him and yourself, thinking about the times you let him touch you. The times you gave yourself to him. You should have known from the beginning. Maybe a part of you always did. The only way you'd get your happily ever after was if Lee chose to give it to you.
Lee Bodecker was a selfish, greedy man. He wanted it all, he didn't want to choose. But he had. Whether he acknowledged it or not, he made his choice. As much as it hurt, you had to accept that it wasn't you.
"You know that ain't fuckin' true," he snarled, holding your chin tightly in his hand as you looked up at him. His voice softened as he looked back at you. "I meant all I said to you, darlin'. I love you," he said as he pressed his forehead to yours. "If you'da just been patient," he breathed hotly, "we'd be together right now. I'da got rid of her, just like I told you I would."
The pain slipping into his voice was like daggers in your heart. You wanted so badly to believe him, but you were always told how gullible you were. Especially with Lee, you'd buy into anything he said if he said it prettily enough.
You had known you had to leave town, get away, or else you'd just run right back to him, or he'd find you and convince you to stay. You told everyone you were leaving, making sure word got around, and it did. He was too preoccupied in his campaign to bother doing anything about it, or maybe he just didn't believe you'd actually go. You weren't sure which it was.
You had enlisted the help of Arvin to assist you in packing, he had always been a good friend to you and wanted to do whatever he could. The last day you were packing away, though, you got another bout of morning sickness in front of him.
It was like Arvin knew before you did that you were pregnant. But he never left. He was there for you. Held you when you cried, assured you everything would be okay as you spilled your heart out to him, telling him everything. Instead of moving out of town like you had planned, you moved in with Arvin.
Time seemed to pass you by so quickly from then on. One day Arvin was holding your hair back for you as you emptied your stomach into his toilet, and the next he was holding your hand as you pushed through tears of pain and heartbreak while you delivered your baby in the next town over.
When the nurse had taken Teddy, you were an inconsolable mess of guilt and heartache. Arvin was right there with you, had been from the very start, but he wasn't Lee.
You were crying because Lee should have been there, should have been the one holding your hand and wiping your tears, you should have told him that you were having his baby. The guilt was crushing. Not only for having kept your pregnancy from him, but because the man who stayed beside you the entire time deserved so much better than a broken girl who was still in love with the man who broke her heart. It wasn't fair to any of you.
And then the nurse came back over, holding a blue swaddled bundle in her arms. You timidly took your baby as she handed him over to you and the second you laid your eyes on him, all thoughts just went away. The only thing you could focus on was this precious little life you held in your arms. And though your tears kept flowing, they were of overwhelming joy as you looked down at your sweet Teddy.
You heard him cry and your eyes went wide as Lee kept his hold on you.
Another cry as you swallowed thickly, sure your face was full of desperation as you surveyed Lee.
His brows furrowed as he looked in the direction of the living room, dropping his hand as he moved closer to the noise.
You scurried past him, stopping him from starting up at the stairs.
"Lee," was all you could manage to say.
He looked at you incredulously. "That a baby cryin' up there?" he asked rigidly.
You couldn't breathe. You didn't know what to do. Your guilt was written clear as day on your face as you pouted at him, watering puppy dog eyes pleading with him, for what you weren't sure.
"I'll say this once, then I'm not gonna be nice about it, darlin'. Either answer me or get outta my way."
Still no words could form on your tongue. When he stepped to get up the stairs, you let him pass you before turning around and quickly following him.
Lee followed the sound of the newborn cries up to the nursery. When he got to the door, you watched as he took a steadying breath before he pushed in, like he was readying himself for the sight he knew he'd be met with.
He walked slowly to the crib where Theodore was laying, crying for attention.
Lee's mouth was agape as he looked down at the baby.
Two pairs of brilliantly blue eyes staring back at one another.
You knew Lee knew instantly, there was no denying it. Teddy was his mini me. He looked exactly like his father.
You watched as Lee carefully reached down and took Teddy in his big arms, holding him safely and smiling down at him as Teddy calmed in his hold.
Your nose was tingling and it took everything in you not to burst into tears at the sight.
"What's his name?" Lee asked in a hushed tone.
"Theodore," you answered just as softly.
Theo's baby garbling had Lee laughing as he cooed down at his son. You swore you could see the gleam in Lee's eyes as he watched him.
After a sniff and a clearing of his throat, Lee's gaze shot back to you. Accusatory and angry, his hurt underlining all of it.
"You had my baby, and were just gonna keep 'im from me?"
"No, no I- I was gonna. Gonna tell you. I wanted to, I just didn't know.." you trailed off, wringing your hands.
"Didn't know what?"
"How," you answered. "Didn't know how to. Didn't know how you'd react. Wasn't entirely sure you'd want to know."
"You think I wouldn't want to know that I have a kid?" he asked harshly. You took a step to him, holding your hand out instinctively to remind him that he had the baby in his arms.
"You're married, Lee. You're holding public office. I know you well enough to know that you don't want anything to mess with that. I don't think having a child with someone other than your wife would be looked on too favorably."
"I told you I'd get rid of her," he said again, lowly. "I will."
"Lee, please," you said, exasperated. "I'm sorry. I am. I should have told you, you had a right to know, but I can't do this with you. That's why I left. I do love you," you said brokenly, "I've never stopped. But I can't live my life just waiting for you to call when you want me. And I won't let you do that to Theo, either. He deserves a father who's around, who puts him as a priority,"
"Oh, and you think he'll have that with Arvin?" he challenged. "I wouldn't be too sure, sweetheart. Those charges really have a way of addin' up. Who knows how long of a sentence he'll be gettin' tomorrow."
You couldn't help but stress at his words. You knew some of what Lee had done before, and you know what he'd be willing to do now, to get his way. If he wanted Arvin put away, there wouldn't be anything you could do to stop it from happening.
You may not have been in love with Arvin, but you did love him. He was your best friend; you don't know what you'd be doing or even where you'd be right now if it weren't for his help and care. He didn't deserve to be punished for your mistakes; you couldn't let that happen.
"Why would you do that?" you asked, hurt lacing your voice. "What do you want from me, Lee?"
"You ain't dumb, honey. You know what I want," he said easily as he rocked Theo lightly while he gripped onto his daddy's finger, his big blue eyes falling closed as he drifted back to his peaceful sleep. Lee's blazing blue orbs met yours once more. "I want you. I want this, all a this with you, and him,” he said, sparing another glance to his baby boy.
“Please, Lee. Please,” you whispered, voice breaking on the desperate plea. "You can’t - He needs something stable. Real."
Lee assessed you for a moment before shaking his head with a slight scoff and a smirk. "This is real, darlin'. I'll give you both what you deserve. I just need a little time, that's all," he said as he set Theo back down in the basinet before turning back to you. "Can't make you my wife while I'm still married, but I'll get that taken care of quick. Then you and the baby can get settled in at home, we can finally be together. Just like we always talked about," he continued, taking your hands in his and pulling you in. "Havin' a family," he brought his hand up to tilt your face up to his, brushing his lips against yours. And you let him.
"And it'll be good for reelection next year, too. People like a family man."
You cringed and pulled away at that. At least you tried to, Lee's hold not let you get far at all.
"Don't be like that, darlin'. Come on, you know it'll be good for all of us. We can be happy," he said as his knuckles brushed your cheek.
The touch reminded you, "What about Arvin?"
"What about 'im?" he asked uninterested.
"You'll let him go," you state, grabbing his hand.
"I will," he agrees, "soon as you two are all moved in with me, I'll make sure he's released. Can't have you trying to run off on me again. I won't let you go so easy this time."
You swallowed back the cry that wanted to be let free as you looked at him. You hated that Arvin would have to suffer while you wait on Lee to keep his word. But what else can you do.
"How long?" you ask brokenly, eyes drifting over to the crib. "I can't do this alone."
"Won't be long, sweetheart. She's already been on her way out. A week, two tops. And you won't be alone. If you think for a minute I'd ever not be around for my child, you're outta your mind. If I’d a known sooner, I,” he cut himself off with a shake of his head. “I'll come over every night, check on ya both. You need somethin', you tell me. I'll show you I can take care'a you two better than that boy ever could."
Sweet words. Always so sweet coming from his lips. Your heart aches, for a million different reasons, as you let Lee come closer, pressing his lips to yours before his arms find their way around your frame.
And just like that, after nearly a year of not giving in to the temptation to see him, he has you once more, so easily. He gets what he wants. Just like he always does. Like he always will. You wonder briefly if it will ever be enough. You're not sure you want to know the answer.
"You've got no idea how much I've missed you, darlin'," he whispers against your lips. "Thought about you every damn day."
You feel the tears as they slip down your cheeks, a wave of relief falling over you under his touch, but the guilt still remains... It's just not enough to make you stop him. Not enough to want him to stop.
And the hope for your promised happily ever after renews in your heart. Because maybe you’ll finally get it, just how you pictured, with Lee by your side, starting your own little family.. It’s all you’ve ever wanted.
Lee Bodecker may be a selfish and greedy man.
But maybe you're no better.
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shadeysprings · 8 months
No Way Out
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—Serial Killer!Lee Bodecker x F!Reader
Summary — With the serial killer targeting boys, you thought you were safe. Until you weren’t.
Warnings — entrapment, use of hunting equipment, serial killer vibes, and just overall hopelessness.
A/N — Written for The Basement Spouses 100-word writing challenge with the prompt “Be good for me, Baby. We wouldn’t want to see those tears again.”
This may simply be a drabble but your feedback and reblogs will be highly appreciated ❤️ love love love
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Chest heaving, you cry as your foot burns from the pain of the bear trap that has caught you.
You thought you were going to make it. But you were wrong, and stupid to believe that help will ever come your way.
Heavy footsteps echo throughout the cabin, and your eyes grow wide in fear, heart pounding against your chest when you see Lee enter with blood stains on his hands and darkness swirling in his blue eyes.
Crouching down, he wipes away your tears and says, “Be good for me, Baby. We wouldn’t want to see those tears again.”
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Second Best 1
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Lee Bodecker
Summary: The newly-single sheriff sets his eye on an unexpected match.
Part of the Backwoods AU
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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"You're so boring. Vanilla," Greta teases as you push through the grocery store door to the sidewalk.
"Simple but tasty," you roll your eyes, "as if Rocky Road is so exciting."
"Whatever," she follows you to the picnic table just outside the store. 
You sit as she swipes her tongue around the heaping scoops and you take tiny licks of your own. You pull the napkin closer to the top to catch the melting drip. She presses her lips to the ice cream before popping them off and licking them clean. You frown at her but she's looking past you.
You crane to look over your shoulder. Sheriff Bodecker stands by his cruiser, sunglasses on as he stares in your direction. He wears a crooked grin as he leans his weight on one heel, emphasizing the pudge around his middle.
You turn back to hide your disgust.
"He's a bit old for you," you chide.
"Old and rich. Single now, too," she continues to fellate the cone as you try not to hurl up vanilla.
"Charming," you muse.
"Loosen up," she hisses, "not all of us are pure little virgins.
"Shut up," you exclaim, "am not."
She arches a brow in challenge and you try to shrug her off. Your cheeks burn and you try to cool off with another lick of the cone. She's your best friend but she can sure be cruel.
A shadow approaches and blocks out the sun. You glance over from the corner of your eye and see the silhouette of the Sheriff's broad hat brim. Greta tugs on a strand of her  hair and leans forward so her tank top slumps down her chest.
"How are you doing, sheriff?" She purrs.
"Fine day out," he drawls, "I'm doing just good. You girls enjoying the sunshine. Stayin' outta trouble."
"Trouble? I wouldn't know anything about that now," she flirts with a wink. You smother your sarcasm with the dessert.
"Oh, you don't?" He puts a hand on the table and leans, "I didn't see you down at The Horn last Saturday?"
"Did you? You didn't say hi," she intones.
"Suppose I was feelin' shy," he chuckles.
"Gret, come on," you shift the cone as you try to sop up the melting ice cream, "let's find some shade."
"You can go," she dismisses with a flick of her fingers.
You huff and look between her and the sheriff. He glances down at you and grins.
"Sorry, sweetie, I'm not meaning to shoulder ya out," he turns and stands straight, crossing his arms over his stomach, "you know, I'm not a selfish man. I can handle both of ya."
The airs knocked out of you at his suggestion. You're not a prude by any means. Maybe not experienced but you're open-minded. He just isn't your type and you shouldn't be his.
"Um," you swallow and stand, "I... I'm going to grab more napkins."
He scoffs as you step over the bench and you quickly skirt away. If he didn't have a badge, you would tell him where to go. You're so tired of Greta doing this. It's exactly why you don't go to the bar with her.
You go inside and stride back up to the ice cream bar. You grab napkins and send Oskar a smile over the top. He chuckles at the mess trickling down your hand.
You decide to wander the aisles and give Greta a chance to sow her endless wild oats. Ugh. The sheriff? Really? Word is he left the new librarian for a waitress his deputy was dating. Then they didn't last more than a week. 
It's gross how the old women gossip and say the librarian didn't do enough for him, that she never gave him a child. The man needs a legacy and you can't blame him for finding someone who can deliver it. Ew. This place is so backwards.
You finish the cone and go into the bathroom to rinse off the stickiness on your fingers. You head back out, hoping it's enough time for the sheriff to get a call. As you emerge, you see Greta walking with him to his cruiser.
"Really? You're just going to ditch me?" You snip as you approach.
"Now, darlin', you're welcome to join us," The sheriff turns with a wink.
"Um, no thanks," you say curtly and the corner of his lips twitches, "I'm good. Greta--"
"I don't feel like sitting around doing nothing," she snorts, "if you don't wanna have fun, go home."
You scowl and look away. It's not the first time, it won't be the last.
"Fine," you jut out your chin at her, "have fun."
"Don't be jealous?" 
"Trust me, I'm not," you snarl, "next time you call, I won't answer."
"You will," she snickers, "I'm your only fucking friend."
You wave her off and twist on your heel. As you do, you notice the sheriff watching you. You quickly avert your eyes and stomp away.
You can't help but quake with anger. As shitty as Greta can be, she's right. She is your only friend. You hate this town.
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buckrecs · 1 year
𝙡𝙚𝙚 𝙗𝙤𝙙𝙚𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙧
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masterlist | s.s characters masterlist
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Sweet On You by @ladyfallonavenger
A childhood friend stirs something in Lee that he didn't think was possible.
Want To Bet On It? by @ladyfallonavenger
“What’s the most you ever lost in a coin toss?”
something sweet by @laineywilsons
your first halloween as the sheriff’s wife doesn’t quite go as planned.
a different kind of angel by @laineywilsons
a chance meeting on a knockemstiff back road changes lee’s life forever. 
babydoll by @bellasburdens
go ahead, baby by @sweetdreamsbuck
You’ve been taking cooking classes to surprise Lee for your anniversary. You try to keep it a secret from him and he finds out that you’ve been lying about where you’ve been going.
Sweetheart by @likeahorribledream
Lee takes you out to celebrate, but he quickly notices that something is bothering you.
Drabble by @sweeterthanthis
A thorn in your side is all he ever was, but using his desire to your advantage wasn’t as selfless as you’d lead him to believe
Pearl Necklace by @mypoisonedvine
your husband has a special present to give you this christmas.
In Through The Window by @disturbedbydesign
You and Lee had always dreamed of starting a family, and when you finally gave birth to your first child, you thought your dream had become a reality. But then something changed—your baby changed—and your dream turned into a nightmare that only you could see.
Meant Something by @mickeyhenrys
“of course it meant something!” 
coping mechanism by @lokiskitten
you’ve been seeing Lee for a while now, keeping your relationship secret for the sake of both of your reputations and mainly in order to avoid drama. One night, after you cooked him a fancy dinner, you notice an unusual sentiment of frustration radiating from his body. After begging him, the man eventually reveals the reason to his sorrow and you decide to show him how much of a handsome man you believe he is.
Goodbye, Earl by @disturbedbydesign
You thought you'd left Knockemstiff behind you, but when your best friend needs saving and has no one else to turn to, you return to town to take care of business. But can you get out of town before Sheriff Bodecker catches up with you? Because he's got some unfinished business of his own.
You can be my daddy tonight by @bucknastysbabe
If you’re seeking heaven then you’ll want to come and get it.
Mix Every (Baking) Failure with Chocolate by @acatwriteshere
Reader is trying her very best to make her first Valentine's Day as a married woman the very best any husband could wish for. How sad that she fails at preparing the main surprise.
dinner and a treat by @nickfowlerrr
girls like you don’t need heaven by @noceurous
the night works for the troubled ones, it was better to make it home before the sunset
just between you and me, did the love affair maim you too? by @extremelyblackandwhite
sheriff and his princess by @sweetdreamsbuck
Anything by @littlelioncub43
It’s Day I of your birthday week, and you decide to kick things off with a little celebration dance. Lee, of course, isn’t complaining about it. After all, whatever you want, you get. 
Domestic!Lee by @tumblin-theworldaway
Got Any Candy? by @qyllenhaal
Y/n wants to get out of town and move to the city, but the pay she's making at her job isn't cutting it. She answers a weird ad in the classified ads that doesn't turn out to be what it seemed.
+ Down By The River
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aegons-queen · 8 months
Soft Dark!Lee Bodecker × Wife!Reader
wc — 125
warnings: dark content elements, reader being locked up, implied dub-con, mention of abortion.
a/n — hello everyone! this is my first writing post here in tumblr, I have write before but I left it like 5-6 years ago, so I want to thank @vellicore and @shadeysprings for this amazing idea that allows me to enjoy this hobby one more time.
The challenge was to write a prompt in 100 words (which I fail, but again this is my first time writing again for a long time) with the phrase "Be good for me baby, we wouldn't want to see those tears again."
So, here there is, enjoy!
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When she opened her eyes, Lee wasn't there. It was common, he usually left early to the station to give an early patrolling searching for things out of place.
On the other hand, she remained at home doing wifely chores and greeted him with dinner at the end of the day. Today wasn't different.
But it was different, the door of their marital room didn't open and deep down she knew what was happening.
Her screaming was heard, her husband opened the door, showing the proof of her betrayal in his eyes: the abortion order.
He looked at her with a sinister smile, holding her head and cleaning her tears. "Now, be good for me baby. We wouldn't want to see those tears again, right?"
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branded-witha-j · 2 years
Special Delivery
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Pairing: dark!Lee Bodecker x reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: dub-con, manipulation, oral (f receiving), loss of virginity, breeding, Lee being mouthy as hell.
Summary: What happens when you hand deliver a lost letter to the Sheriff?
18+ only! Please heed the warnings. You are responsible for your own media consumption.
If I could blame this on anyone, it's gonna be @sweeterthanthis. You know what you did and I hope you're happy. 😉🖤
Not beta read, so all mistakes are mine. Header made by me and done very poorly. 😆 Thank you for reading! As always, likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated. Support your content creators.
The letter slipped between the chute and the bin, enjoying its hiding spot for almost two weeks before you found it. The addressee had already been by the post office twice to ask for it, but each time he left empty-handed. Of course, the blame fell on you; you were the one that was supposed to sort the letters, you were the one that missed it. So, after its discovery, you were the one forced to deliver it to the Sheriff's Office. 
The post office was now closed, the attempt to contact Sheriff Bodecker by phone met with a bored receptionist that took a message. With the envelope in hand, you walked it down Main Street, most of the shops closing up for the day, and made it to the office just as the sun was beginning to set.
Pushing open the door, the lady behind the desk stopped pulling on her jacket and gave you a sour look.
"We don't want nothin' you're sellin'." She had lipstick on her teeth and a coffee stain on her blouse. It was the end of the day for her and your arrival was getting in the way of her plans to go home. 
"I have a letter for Sheriff Bodecker." You held up the envelope. 
"I'll make sure he gets it." Reaching across the desk, she tried to take it from you. 
"No, I was told to hand deliver it."
The woman narrowed her eyes at you and huffed out in annoyance. "Give me the godda– "
"I thought you'd be gone by now." A deep drawl interrupted the woman and you both looked in its direction. 
The Sheriff stood at the doorway of an office, his name painted across frosted glass behind his head.  
"I was, but this girl has a letter. I told her to give it to me." The flush on her face deepened as the Sheriff ignored her and motioned for you. 
"Whatcha got for me?"
You stepped forward and thrust the letter in his direction. 
"I found this." It was all you could muster under his gaze, the deep blue of his eyes sweeping over you. 
"Oh, ya did, did ya?" His tone dripped with amusement that may or may not have been at your expense. Before you could speak, he turned his gaze to the woman furiously mouth breathing behind you. "That'll be all, Mildred."
You could hear her mumbling under her breath, but the door you entered opened and closed with her departure. It left you alone with the Sheriff, the office dim and quiet. 
"Come on in." He didn't wait for your agreement, turning and walking back into his office. With one final look around, you followed him inside. He stood by the door waiting on you to enter and you stopped awkwardly in the middle of the room as he shut the door and walked back over to his desk. Leaning against it, he motioned for you to come forward. 
"Am I in trouble?" Each tentative step brought you closer, the smell of his cologne growing as you stopped before him. 
"Trouble? Nah. Not unless you did somethin' wrong, sweetheart. Then I'd have to punish ya." His smirk made you hiccup out a laugh, your hand thrusting the letter in his direction. 
"I'm sorry for the hassle, Sheriff Bodecker. It won't happen again." He looked down at the letter, eyes coming back up to yours as he reached for it, only for his hand to pause. 
"Better not." There's that tone again where you're almost certain he's making fun of you. 
"Well, I better be gettin' home, Sheriff– "
"Call me Lee." His drawl was all honey, sticky and sickly sweet. 
"I can't do that, Sheriff." You scoffed, shaking your head. 
"Come now. Have a seat. I'm workin' the late shift and I could use a little company." He motioned at the chair before his desk, not moving his body or gaze until you gave in and sat down. Again, you offered the envelope. 
"What's a sweet girl like you workin' in the mailroom at the post office? Don't you have a husband that can provide for ya?" What he insinuated irked you and the annoyance refused to slip from your face. 
"I live alone. And I pay my own bills." You sounded defensive, shaking the offered envelope again. Still he ignored it. For something that he caused a stink over, he sure wasn't interested in it. 
"Don't get all huffy. I ain't mean nothin' by it." The Sheriff smiled in a way that didn't reach his eyes and took the wrinkled letter from your grasp. Tossing it onto his desk, he ignored it completely. "Aren't you Danny's girl? Real shame what happened to 'im, that accident and all."
All you could do was mumble your name before the mention of your father made your throat tighten. 
"You still livin' up in the Holler?"
You used to live up there when your Daddy was still alive, but moved down the road into a small trailer. It wasn't much, but it was home. And the bus to take you there was about to be missed. 
"I'm real sorry, Sheriff...Lee. But I'm gonna miss my bus."
Before he could stop you, you got to your feet, and rushed from the office. The Sheriff followed you as far as the entrance to the building and watched as you ran down the sidewalk. 
You reached the bus stop just in time to see its bright tail lights disappearing down the road. 
"Shit!" The sun was long gone and a chill came with the night, making you pull your cardigan around you tighter. 
"Need a ride?" You recognized the drawl and turned to see the Sheriff leaning over to peer at you through the passenger window of his cruiser. 
"Um." The walk would be long and it would be late when you finally got home. "Yeah, okay."
Opening the door with the inside handle, he shoved it open for you, pulling back as you sank into the passenger seat. The leather creaked as you settled and you tugged on the seat belt as the cruiser pulled away. 
"Thanks for the ride, Lee." You watched as he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. 
"Least I could do for ya, makin' you late an' all." The smile he gave you before turning back to the road made your own lips spread into one. 
There was no reason for you to worry, no reason for you to be scared. You were with the Sheriff and he would see to it that you got home safely. The nerves began to ease at the thought and the AM radio crackled to life as Lee fiddled with a knob on the dash. Eventually he found something that crooned about love lost and you both rode in silence. 
"You'll need to tell me when I'm gettin' close."
"It's just up thatta way."
The cruiser slowed, tires crunching on gravel as he turned onto your road. Only one other house could be considered your neighbor and you passed it on the way to your place. Another half a mile and you pointed at the trailer. 
"That's me." The engine roared as the car climbed the drive, brakes squeaking slightly as it stopped. "I really appreciate it, Sheriff."
There was a long moment of silence and the keys jingled as Lee turned them to kill the engine. The tick as it cooled seemed extremely loud and you moved to open the door. 
"You got any coffee? Gonna be a long one with the nightshift and all."
You hesitated, ready to tell him no, but the right thing to do would be to invite him in, offer something to eat, and then send him on his way. So, with every single one of your old grannies scolding you for your rudeness, you nodded. 
Your heels made very little sound compared to his boots, the steps creaking under your combined weight. 
"Step is loose." Lee observed. "I could fix it for ya." 
"That's awfully kind of you, Lee." You smiled, fumbling with the key. His strong, warm hand closed over yours, taking them from you. He had to wedge in beside you to get to the lock and a heady cloud of his cologne made you dizzy. 
A hand at the small of your back coaxed you into stepping inside, the door now open. Moving around, you turned on lights, picking up a few things as you did. The place was rather small and comfortable, but Lee's wide frame left very little room, his campaign hat almost touching the ceiling. 
"Have a seat." You motioned at the small couch and the Sheriff nodded, pulling his hat off for safekeeping on the nearby chair. It left only the spot on the couch open. 
With the percolator started, you returned to your guest, placing a plate of cookies down on the little coffee table. 
"I'm sorry I don't have much. I need to make a trip to the grocer." 
Lee waved it off and took one of the cookies, moaning in delight at the first bite. 
"Delicious as hell." His exclamation made you laugh, a real one, and the loud bubbling of the coffee maker pulled away your attention. 
Returning with a cup, you offered it to him, refusing one for yourself. "I'll never sleep if I drink coffee this late."
Lee hummed around the first sip, dunking his cookie before taking a generous bite. Despite your rocky start, conversation began, not stopping until you yawned. Clapping a hand over your mouth, you apologized from behind your palm. 
"Don't you be sorry. I've kept ya up too late." He placed the cup down on the table. "I need to get back to the station anyway."
There was mild disappointment and you tried your best to keep it to yourself as you walked with him over to the door. 
"Thanks again for the ride."
"Thank ya for the coffee. Real sweet'a you."
The ticking of a nearby clock counted the silence. The leather of Lee's jacket creaked as he leaned towards you, his lips on yours before you could say another word. 
The contact startled you, but not nearly as much as the warmth of his tongue. It pressed at the seam of your lips, trying to gain entrance. Your weak protest granted it and he swallowed up the sound with a deep kiss. The plate of cookies you wrapped for him to take hit the floor, making you jump. 
"I gotcha." Arms wrapped around you tightly, lifting you up easily. A gasp fell from your lips as your stomach dropped out, Lee's boots almost booming as he carried you deeper into the trailer. 
"Lee. Wait a min—" Your back made contact with the patch quilt of your bed, the Sheriff not far behind. His weight was almost suffocating and he took advantage of your panting mouth to kiss you again. He was hard everywhere, the zipper of his jacket snagging at your cardigan, the gun strapped to his hip digging into yours. "It hurts."
Lee froze, pulling back up onto his feet, and you felt a rush of relief that he was going to stop, that he knew this wasn't right. Instead, he removed his jacket, draping it over a nearby chair, his utility belt coming next. That he placed on the top of your dresser, right next to the jewelry box that played Amazing Grace when opened. 
He was no longer responding to you, your protest to slow down interrupted as he fell to his knees beside your bed. Curiosity made your brows knit, but then his hands curled behind your knees, and a hard tug brought you closer. Thighs clapped together in an attempt to keep him at bay, but a strong hand pried them apart, the other rucking up your skirt. The nylons and garter belt made the Sheriff groan in appreciation and your cheeks heated at his praise. 
"Prettiest thing I ever seen." His nails raked up the side of your thighs, sending runs through the nylon, and his mouth against your covered mound made you bolt upright. 
"Lee! Wait!" Your heart was pounding so hard you thought it might fly right out of your throat. 
"Shhh, baby. Just wanna make you feel good." 
The desperation in his tone was intoxicating and you paused long enough that he continued, pressing a hand between your breasts to push you back down. Fear crept over you, eyes darting across the ceiling. There was a water stain that you hadn't notice until now and a nip of teeth at your inner thigh had your gaze jerking down. 
"Where you floatin' off to, sweetheart?" You honestly didn't have an answer, but he wasn't really interested in it anyway, continuing on. "I want you to feel every single thing I'm about to do to you."
"Lee!" His fingers curled under the gusset of your modest panties and pulled it to the side. You could feel the cool air, but then Lee's warm breath washed over your most intimate parts, your hand coming down to push at his forehead. The other joined in when he pinned the first to the side of your hip, holding you down as he tasted you for the first time. 
It was foreign, wet and very warm, Lee's tongue licking a stripe up your slit. You started to protest, but the swirl around your clit had you keening with a sound you'd never made before. The Sheriff growled in satisfaction, releasing your hands and hooking his arms around your thighs to drag you closer. Teeth grazed and nipped over swollen flesh and Lee sent a look up at you, his eyes glinting in the dim light. 
"All that bellyachin' just to end up on my mouth anyway." When you tried to move, he locked his arms tightly and yanked you down even further. "Why you wet?"
Your head jerked back and forth in weak denial and Lee sneered.
"I think you wanted me to have'a taste of this pretty cunt'a yours." No matter how hard you shook your head, the truth glistened between your legs. "I gotta sweet tooth and those cookies a'yours ain't nothin' compared to you."
His words left you dizzy, all manners and decency gone in the way he looked, touched, and spoke to you. 
"Anybody ever do this to ya?" This time he didn't accept a head shake, nipping at your clit until you sobbed out a loud NO. "Ripe for the pickin'."
It was all wet and nasty sounds, the Sheriff licking and kissing every part of you that no man had ever done before. You could no longer fight him, his mouth latching onto your nub and sucking until you felt a pleasant cramp in your lower stomach. 
"You touch yourself when no one's lookin'?" 
"No, Lee."
"Liar. Show me how you do it." He challenged you, his gaze unwavering until you brought your hand down to give him what he wanted. The pad of your middle finger dipped through your folds and the arousal startled you. Coating your fingers, you swirled it around your clit, teeth worrying your bottom lip. Lee cooed words of praise, telling you what a good girl you were for him, each compliment making you more confident. 
Panting, you felt the pressure in your belly again, pulling back from it with uneasiness. 
"I gotta do everything, huh?" His voice was gruff, fingers wrapping around your wrist to tear it away. Before you could even utter his name in protest, his hot mouth was back on your cunt. Without warning, an intense wave of throbbing pleasure made you squeal out his name, hands slapping on the patch quilt.
Eyes rolled back, sweat dotting along your hairline. You felt limp, the place between your legs pulsing as you struggled to understand what happened. 
"I told ya, didn't I? Said I'd make you feel good. And look atcha, all dumb and ready for my cock."
The words took a moment to enter your hazy brain, the clicking of Lee's zipper lost in the whooshing in your ears. It wasn't until his dripping tip made contact that you snapped back to attention. Palms pushed at the pressed shirt of his uniform, your protest cut short by the nudging at your clit.
"Lee–" You couldn't catch your breath, eyes pinching shut as his weight and scent swallowed you up. 
"This is mine. No one else's. Do you understand?" His voice was hot and heavy at your ear, your hands coming up to clutch at his shoulders. He repeated the words like a mantra, the emerging stubble on his jaw rubbing against your cheek. 
Fingertips pressed into your skin, his mouth seeking out yours once again. You could taste yourself on his lips, whining as his tip pressed at your opening. 
"Take it." A hard thrust of his hips made you cry out, the sharp pain met with warmth and pressure. Tears burned in your eyes, the Sheriff stilling above you. Either waiting for you to adjust or to catch his breath, you weren't sure. Ducking his head down, Lee lifted slightly, looking down to where you were joined. "Look 'atcha. Makin' a mess on my cock."
Hands returned to his chest, pushing harder than before, and he grabbed them easily, pinning them above your head. 
"Lee–" The whimper fell from your lips and he responded by pulling his hips back. The relief was brief, your skin stinging as he thrust back in. He felt like waves on a beach you remember visiting once when you were a kid. The way they ebbed and flowed was hypnotizing, Lee's cock similar in many ways. 
He was a man that caused pain, more than you even realized, but your own was confusing. You knew it was wrong, knew God would be angry, but the warmth of Lee's body, and the pressure of him surrounding and consuming you made you forget anything else. 
"Knew you'd be fuckin' perfect." His words were punctuated with hard thrusts, the bed squeaking wildly beneath you. "Knew it from the moment I laid eyes on you. All doe-eyed and innocent, just begging for a cock to ruin you."
His words left you dizzy, the cramping in your stomach starting again until you could no longer control it. Your release was met with blasphemous swears from the Sheriff, the pounding he gave you wet and loud in the small, stifling room. 
"Gonna fill you up, sweetheart." His words made you panic and you fought with him, a chuckle falling from his lips. 
Pulling back onto his haunches, Lee tore at the front of your blouse, ripping through the fabric easily. A hard yank had your breasts spilling out and the Sheriff groaned in appreciation, plucking at a swollen nipple. You winced, reaching up to wrap a hand around his wrist, but they soon returned to the quilt as Lee began to fuck you hard. Both of his hands circled your waist, mouth agape as he watched his cock slide in and out of your ruined cunt. 
"I did that. Me." He was talking to himself, but the words still made you keen with a confusing rush of arousal. 
Hard, precise thrusts became erratic, sweat dripping down Lee's forehead as he grunted from the effort. Pushing forward, his hot body collapsed onto yours again, your arms and legs forced to wrap around him. 
"One more. Give me one more." The Sheriff was winded, panting hotly at your ear. "One. More." 
The hand pushing between your bodies sought out the apex of your thighs, a finger circling your swollen nub furiously. Your scream was guttural, the pleasure dancing precariously with pain, Lee savoring it until he could no longer hold back. 
With a final clap of his hips into yours, he let go, spilling inside you. The heat of his cum spread outward, drowsiness making you go limp beneath him. 
"You did so good for me, baby." His words soothed an ache that was beginning to build and you both hissed as he pulled back. As your thighs moved to close, Lee clicked his tongue, dropping his feet to the floor to stand next to the bed. "Don't fuckin' move."
You did as he said, spread out beneath him as he tucked himself away and placed his utility belt back around his waist. His eyes never left the mess he created, satisfaction burning in his gut as he pulled on the leather jacket. 
When his eyes broke contact, you slowly relaxed, letting your legs come together. The Sheriff was no longer interested in you, instead pulling open your closet to root around.
"What are you doin'?"
The beige suitcase thumped heavily on the foot of your bed and Lee released the clasps before throwing it open. 
"Pack up your shit. You're comin' home with me."
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