#dark comedy
seriesluticons · 3 months
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claysworstenemy · 5 months
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february 20,2006
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of-fear-and-love · 2 months
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Keanu Reeves in Feeling Minnesota (1996)
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splittersplack · 9 months
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Natasia Demetriou as Nadja of Antipaxos in What We Do in the Shadows (2019- ) 🦇
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fresacake · 21 days
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I finished reading American Psycho a couple weeks ago and watched the movie afterwards! I honestly loved it and I personally think the movie was a pretty neat adaptation!!(The violence was 500x less, holy moly was the book gorey-) Anyways, here’s a Patrick doodle because he is my baby girl and I’m totally normal about him! :D
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🤭 <3
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moviesmoodboards · 2 months
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Poor Things 2023 dir. Yorgos Lanthimos
Requested by @tarttism
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wishluc · 1 year
˗ˏ Playing Stupid Games
Silly little piece ft yandere alhaitham because I'm exhausted after farming for him. I hate you alhaitham!!! (I do not). I just want to shake him by the collar ♡. Not to be taken Seriously
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Alhaitham's nonchalance irritates you to no end.
His casual disregard for the rage that boils beneath your skin and the frustration that's beginning to pile up on your shoulders, his apathetic glances at the splotches of color that decorate your arms after yet another attempt at climbing out a window, his offhanded comments and the way the slightest hint of something simultaneously amused and arrogant laced his words after the fact.
"I hope this will help you learn that you are here now,," he told you the first time, "and these pathetic attempts won't get you very far."
You hiss under your breath, "I don't want to be here."
He smiles at you. a cruel turn of his mouth, faux concern and mockery in his gaze, "Is that so? Well, that's too bad."
Nothing phases him, not the spite-filled words you spit at his feet or the frigid iciness of your stubborn silence. Any attempt is met with that same, cruel smile and retribution tenfold. Except his angry words come in the form of lost privileges—little things you'd hardly thought you'd miss until he had ripped it away from you. Even if it was just him taking away the warm drink you cradle every morning or the mattress you slept on, the slightest shift from the strict schedule he had you adapt to set your whole mood off. You're left feeling odd and uneasy for the rest of the day, and just when you get used to this routine, he switches back to your old one.
Your next attempt at revenge was hiding his things. It sounds useless, but when you're stuck indoors with nothing to do and with burning resentment, there's very little you can do to get back at Alhaitham. So, when he's out for work, you take his favorite mug and place it into a drawer filled with old gifts he doesn't look twice at, and you snatch up his pens and shove them somewhere under his mattress. You debate targeting his headphones, but he doesn't ever leave them lying around. Alhaitham finds everything every single time, but even then, he only gives you his usual unimpressed look and stalks off to do his work somewhere.
Some other petty tries involved using up all the hot water in the morning so he has to take a shower in the freezing cold water ("For your information, I always take cold showers," Alhaitham tells you over breakfast, much to your chagrin), placing the bookmarks in his current reads at different pages (He glances over at you, still unruffled, and shakes his head before flipping the page. The fury that fills your head almost makes you explode on him), and you even manage, on a day where you had to follow him out, sneak some sand into his shoes ("Good try," he clicked his tongue, "I'll have to reward you at home." Still, he trudges back with you by his side all the same, even if he was walking a little slower than usual, he didn't seem very affected. You hoped to save some sand to pour into his socks instead, but he stopped you. Yet another fail).
But now, you've got a wonderful idea, one you were sure won't fail to irritate him—after all, it's the very same trick he uses on you regularly. Every morning, Alhaitham has a warm cup of coffee to wake himself up and get ready to work. After observing his morning habits for as long as you have, you know how he brews his coffee by heart.
You can't throw out all the coffee in the house, but you have a better alternative. One that should frustrate him even more.
After he makes his cup, Alhaitham turns around for a few moments to reach for whatever book he was reading at the moment, before settling down. He used to try and spend this time talking to you, but you had hardly been cooperative during this time, and he had decided to leave you be—you suspect his morning listlessness had something to do with that.
He shoots you a suspicious glance when he notices you up and ready for him by the counter, but trudges past you without any accusations directed at you. He doesn't say a word as he brews his coffee, and you don't either, closely watching his every move, lying in wait as you wait for your prey to get distracted. Your heart pounds as he finishes stirring his drink, and just as he turns away to put everything away, you pounce, snatching up the mug and gulping down the hot liquid. A familiar, bitter taste fills your mouth, and there's a slight numbness in your throat, not quite used to swallowing something hot that quickly. By the time you've managed to place his empty mug back on the counter, Alhaitham had turned back around.
He exhales sharply, looking at you with that unreadable expression, and as he finally utters your name, you notice something. There's a slight strain in his voice, one you might not have normally noticed; but after all the time you've been stuck here with only his voice, apart from the the whistle of the kettle and the soft ticking of the clock, you could recognize the tiniest fluctuation. And you heard it, just then as he spoke, an unusual quaver—a slight emphasis that clearly wasn't intentional and an almost-choke—which was all you needed. The realization dawns upon you like a glorious revelation; you had finally been able to shake that apathetic exterior, even if only by a little.
Some part of you is disturbed by how intensely you've been studying him, if you're able to pick apart all the details in his voice. A larger part of you is excited at the small victory. With your eyes greedily observing him again, you pick up on more things—his eyebrows are slightly raised, and not in that sarcastic manner, his eyes widened just a fraction, but you revel in the joy of seeing anything other than smugness or indifference on him. You saunter away back to the safe corner of your bed, pleased with the little sign of weakness you've discovered. He'd get back at you soon enough, but the bitter taste of hard-earned victory would linger in your mouth for a while to come.
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all works © wishluc. do not copy, steal or repost my works on other platforms. (including translations)
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loverhorror · 2 months
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definecil · 1 year
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What We Do In The Shadows (2014), directed by Jemaine Clement and Taika Waititi 
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cillianwilder · 16 days
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seriesluticons · 3 months
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annoyingthemesong · 1 year
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Demented and still totally underrated. The movie was kind of adapted and watered down by ‘the Joker’, which Scorsese ultimately decided not to be a part of - but this film’s character study is much deeper, much funnier, much sadder. 
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bluboi-365 · 4 months
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Lisa Frankenstein (2024) dir. Zelda Williams
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theersatzcowboy · 4 months
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The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971)
Director: Robert Fuest
Cinematographer: Norman Warwick
Costume Designer: Elsa Fennell
Starring: Vincent Price and Virginia North
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ordosmarkzero · 8 months
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The Happiness of the Katakuris
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outsiderace88 · 24 days
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“Lisa Frankenstein” is such a fun movie.
It’s like this generations “Edward Scissorhands”, but a fun dark rom-com. Cast is great, story is cute and hilarious.
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