#dead by daylight fanfic
koisuko · 3 months
A ruthless killer shows mercy. (For my best friend❣️)
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Tw: blood, pain, chase, gn reader, use of “you”
Could it get any fucking worse?
This was the 4th time in a row that the entity had chosen you as a victim of the trials. The 4th goddamn time. And for the 4th time, you had shocked yourself in the wires of the generator. A quick jolt shot through the bone of your finger, causing you to flinch and gasp, more in surprise than in pain. You sighed, wiping the sweat from your brow. You weren't a mechanic before all this shit started, yet somehow you knew how to get these things running with little thought or recollection of learning prior. As soon as you knelt down by the still and cold hunk of metal, it was like working on autopilot. Several clicks and huffs before the machine began pumping in succession, whirring to life with one last pull of a lever. The light above ignited, illuminating the once dark and eerie area, signaling one step closer to an escape.
You rose to your feet, dusting the dirt from your ruined jeans. Odd, it was unusually quiet, and the peace was becoming unsettling. It couldn’t have been someone like Ghost Face or Myers, you would have felt the hairs on your neck bristle by this point. Yet if it was someone like the Huntress, you’d hear her hums from miles away. So, why was it so..silent?
You didn’t run, instead creeping with featherlight steps towards the next generator. You could see the top of the light peeking over a wooden wall, but you were too scared to bolt for it. Better to play it safe, incase it really was a stealth killer, and the lack of sleep dulling your ability to sense their eyes on you.
After a few careful steps, you made it to the wall, peeking around to reveal the generator. This was the last one, the last barrier between you, and the gate to freedom. You could practically feel the adrenaline coursing through you at the sight of it. You sighed in relief, taking one step towards it before crying out in pain. Your leg had caught in several strands of bloody barbed wire, your foot sinking and squelching in a bulging red substance. You began to panic, struggling against the hold the barbed wire had on your calf. The more you struggled, the tighter it felt, the sharp tips digging deeper into your skin.
You could hear it now, the loud orchestra of a thundering heartbeat, the sound deafening you from every direction. The only sound breaking through, was the heavy breathing approaching rapidly, and the grinding metallic echo of a massive knife. You winced and wreathed, the wire drawing blood. You watched as it trickled down, joining the bubbling red liquid beneath you.
Run, you screamed into your head. Finally, you managed to free yourself from the coils keeping you in place. Thump, your heart was hammering against your ribcage. Thump, the rhythm matching the stomps of your feet against the dirt, your legs carrying you away from the killer. Thump thump, every time you think you’ve gained distance, he’s quick to close it with each stride. You could see him picking up speed, this chase was nothing to him. You were a goner, with no where to hide and no where to run. And you were right to think so. One second you were running as fast as you could, and the next you were face first in the dirt, your body colliding harshly with the cold ground. You had been too busy looking behind you to notice the trail of torment drawn in your path. You pay the price now, tangled in the stinging barbs of your mistake.
He approached, slowly. You could hear his growls and breaths echoing off the walls of his chamber like head. With each step closer, each inch towards death, your heart deafened you with terror. You had no choice, no way to fight back. So you accepted it, closing your eyes to await the burning sensation of a fatal slash. To your surprise, it never came.
It had become silent once again, even his growls had calmed to an extent. Your eyes fluttered open, being met with his towering figure gazing down on you. He didn’t speak, or make a move, just simply watched. It was unsettling, terrifying even, to see him stand so still. If only you could read minds, was he going to kill you? What did he want? A scream had broken you from your thoughts, sounding from somewhere behind you. On instinct, you craned your neck to look in the direction you heard it, hoping to see a teammate coming to your rescue, only to see nothing in particular. With a heavy huff, you turned back to meet empty space where the executioner once stood. You stared off to where you presumed he had gone, a perplexed look in your eyes at the mercy shown from a killer.
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saffronwritings · 8 months
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She’s Better Than That - Trickster
Once again, you found yourself trapped in another nightmarish trial within the ceaseless game orchestrated by the Entity. It pitted a disparate group of survivors against the sadistic killers it had carefully chosen to exploit their darkest terrors. Two of the five generators had been completed with minimal effort as it seemed the killer was having trouble with keeping up with Feng. A chuckle left your lips as you remember her passing through your area singing a song about how bad the killer’s aim was. This was the only key you had to the killer’s identity.
You were no trackstar like Meg or the ever elusive Feng, so you kept to doing what you knew how to do best - fixing the generators in a desperate attempt to survive. Your generator was so close to being done when you felt the terror radius getting stronger. A slew of curses left your mouth. You hadn’t been hooked all match, nor had you tried to run the killer. You had let Feng terrorize the killer all she pleased. The killer must have gotten fed up with her antics and left her to find someone else to target.
Unfortunately, you had no one else on the generator with you so you would have to be the one to take chase away from the almost finished generator. You slipped some of the blast mines Jill had handed you at the beginning of the match onto the generator. She said that it was like an extra layer of protection for the generator. As well as temporarily blinding the killer and giving you enough time to escape. 
You ensured that the mines were on the generator before slowly creeping around the nearby trees and crouching behind a boulder. You listened intently as the footsteps of the killer grew louder and you heard the ragged breathing from someone who was just running around the entire map. You held your breath as the killer slowed down in front of your generator.
A grin slipped across your lips as you heard the blast mines sound; sending a slew of crows in the area to fly away from all the commotion. You stayed absolutely still as you continued your stakeout near the now regressing generator. Although you hadn’t heard the generator get hit again by the killer and that alerted you immediately. The generator wasn’t actively regressing yet. Maybe the killer got upset and left the area as you hadn’t heard any more footsteps in your direction.. 
You had peeked around the boulder and something whizzed by your face.  The iron scent reached your nose before you felt the blood trickling down your cheek. Terror spiked your adrenaline and you bolted from your spot towards your planned exit strategy. You knew there was a pallet lined up a few meters away from the generator and you prayed to whatever god that would listen that one of the others would quickly get the generator. 
You were stopped in your tracks as the killer stepped into your direct line of sight and you had locked eyes with him. How did he get in front of you so fast? You felt your blood chill and all your senses cloud in fear. Using your momentum you had quickly turned sharp right and booked it for the killer shack. A light-hearted chuckle escaped the killer’s lips as if he was getting more excited about the chase. 
Blood-lust. He had been chasing Feng for pretty much three generators. How long had it been between the time he lost Feng and he found your little corner of the map? You vaulted over the window in the killer shack. You quickly glanced around the surroundings. Thankfully Feng had not used the shack pallet like the pro runner that she was. The other blessing was that the basement was not at this killer shack. Just a bunch of lockers and a perfect place to loop. 
Contemplating your next move you heard a faint humming outside the window you had just vaulted over and noticed that it was blocked by the entity. A curse left your lips as you made eye contact with the killer again. His golden eyes squinting at you and a wicked smile curling at his lips. His fluorescent yellow jacket hanging gracefully on his frame with his spiked bat in his hand. Blood was staining his hands and had some splattered on various patches of his body.
“There you are.” The Korean Idol purred as he rounded the exit without the pallet towards you. Within seconds your feet were hitting the pavement with desperate speed as you made your way to the other side of the killer shack. He was too fast though and ended up cracking his back against the middle of your back. A wail left your lips as you stumbled forward, catching yourself before you fell to the ground. 
You sucked in a tight breath, slammed the pallet down and sprinted out of the killer shack. You quickly looked behind you to notice you had indeed landed your stun. When he looked up from the shock of the pallet he met your eyes and you felt your heartbeat thud even harder. He wanted you and he wasn’t going to stop until he got you.
Focusing back to what was in front of you,  your eyes darted everywhere as you looked to find your next path. In front of you was one of the generators you and Jill had finished together earlier in the trial. You weren’t really familiar with the MacMillian Estate maps. You knew a few of them like the back of your hand; however this was one of the particular maps you did not excel in.
Huffs of air were desperate to escape your lips as you hammered your feet into the ground in desperate attempts to get away from this killer. Suddenly, you felt a hand wrap around your forearm and swung you to a forced stop against one of the trees surrounding the estate. He had pinned himself over you with daggers that were plunged into the tree in both of his hands that were above your head. You stared wildly at the idol as he caged your injured form into the tree.
He towered over you easily and was able to plant himself in such a way that you were unable to slip from his grasp. His golden eyes bore into yours and a small smirk crossed across his chapped lips as he realized the position the two of you were in. He hummed in amusement at the bewildered look in your eyes and noticed your rapid eye movement and elevated breathing. 
He effortlessly pulled the two blades out from the tree and  pocketed one of the knives into where he sheathed them. He replaced his right arm to be above you and lightly trailed your jaw line with the remaining  blade. A sting of its cut left its wake but your attention was too focused on the killer in front of you. You flinched as he  leaned close to you and you felt his breath hit your neck, still feeling the cold of the blade against your skin, as he whispered into your ear, “How annoying”. 
 Goosebumps had risen on your skin and you felt your cheeks burning as he pulled away from your personal space. It was honestly a miracle that your knees hadn’t given out on you. With the teasing smile that lingered on his lips as he pulled away from your ear you instantly knew you were a flustered mess. 
He retracted his blade from your jawline, lowering his hands and slowly walked away from you. Before he turned around to start walking in the opposite direction he threw a wink your way. You felt your heart hammering in your chest. You weren’t sure if it was from the chase, what had just happened or a combination of the two. Taking a few grounding breaths to try and process what had just happened. 
“How annoying” You could practically almost feel his lips on your neck. You put your hand on your neck and almost felt weak in the knees. You had locked eyes with a killer and he had spared you. He had cornered you. You were helpless against him. 
You liked that you were helpless against him.
You shook your head at the thought. What has gotten into you? Which side were you on? Outside of this hell there were countless murder victims with his hands covered in their blood. Screams recorded on soundtracks. His voice. His sultry voice breathed against your neck. The cold blade keeping your absolutely still and at his mercy- 
You pushed yourself off from the tree and shook your head from the onslaught of thoughts. You were better than that.
Weren’t you?
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The Knife in You Brings Out the Life in Me - Danny Johnson x Reader
Prologue ~
Y/n was never close with her cousin Billy and hadn’t seen him in years, but when he shows up at her roadside home, running from the law and with a Stu on his arm, she figures it’s best to let him stay. He wouldn’t.. gut her? Right? Best not take any chances! The real kicker, however, is when their inspiration - the real and original Ghostface - shows up. She has less faith he’ll let her live if she isn’t careful.
"How could this happen? Am I dreaming again? Her body's not moving I'm assuming she's dead"
- The Greatest Story Ever Told, Ice Nine Kills
"Fuck, Billy! What'd we do now?" Stu stressed, knife in hand, gesturing wildly.
"Well... our face is on every news station, too many people around here know who we are." Like Stu, Billy still wore his shitty dollar store Ghostface costume, albeit their masks were tossed off to the side. Both were covered in blood, Billy slightly more so, and Billy was trying to keep his cool while Stu made every effort to panic.
"Ok, so.. we need to lie low?"
"Exactly. I have a rich cousin who doesn't live far from here, but still pretty out of the way. She's a recluse, we won't be bothered there... assuming she'll take us in."
After pulling off their first couple murders scot free, Billy and Stu decided they couldn't let the thrill go. Of course it was going to bite them in the ass eventually, but how were they supposed to know karma is a cold hearted bitch? Welp! They sure do now...
Their latest victim managed to get away, and while she didn't see their faces, she was damn sure she knew the killers. The two slash happy teens had taken a hit at another one of their classmates who they weren't too fond of, and they got cocky. Gave a hint hint, wink wink, at who they were behind the masks to scare the poor victim into thinking she was going to get her guts spilled by the guys who sit across the classroom to her in chemistry. It's all part of the thrill!
Except this time the bitch got away and ran to the police.
Stu was quiet for a moment before another thought occurred to him. "What about... you know who..? How will he find us if we drop off the map?"
"For all we know Danny's watching us right now! He's probably laughing about us fucking up.. he'll find us or he won't, that's up to him. Right now we need to get out of dodge."
Danny Johnson. The original Ghostface. Billy and Stu thought they were funny copycatting such a famous psycho. He was their role model of sorts.
Things changed when good ol' Jed Olsen started being pally with Billy and Stu, though. He was older. Sort of came out of nowhere. Knew things he shouldn't have known.
At first the pair were worried he knew what they were up to and just needed confirmation before going to the police, but Jed seemed to find it more funny than anything. He had this energy about him that made them cautious.
One night they were getting ready to start stalking another future victim (Miss run-away-and-blab-to-the-police funnily enough) when they got a phone call.
"Do you like scary movies?" The familiar staticky voice had spoken. "Who am I kidding? Of course you do! Why else would you both be starring in one? The question is... are you really the predators? Or are you actually... the prey?" The line had gone dead a moment later.
But when they shared a slightly concerned glance and decided to continue to leave for their midnight hobby, they opened the door to see a matching - though much more pristine mask  - staring back at them.
The Ghostface at the door didn't wear a cheap, scraggly, dollar store Halloween costume like Billy and Stu. He wore thick, black, sturdy material with straps and combat boots. Ohhh fuuuuuck... this guy is serious.
Danny gave them a good scare and let them fear for their lives for a while. Danny's a better killer than them. More experienced. More ruthless, and far more premeditated. But despite planning on killing them at first (they stole his entire thing, they couldn't get away with it, Danny had been planning this for a while) in the moment, he saw potential in them. Also they were a good laugh.
From then on, Danny took them under his wing and turned up when he felt like it to guide them in stalking and nurture their talent for murder.
Danny wasn't typically the kind of guy to help out other killers, especially ones who steal his likeness, but these guys had the same raw psychopathy that Danny sees in himself. And also, what the hell, he gets bored, they buy him free meals, they treat him like a god, what's not love!
And so Billy and Stu met their hero and dedicated their time to someday be as great as him. (Danny knew they'd never live up to him, he can always kill 'em when they get boring).
But now they've fucked up. Their victim got away. Danny's laughing and hiding in a bush somewhere vowing to never let them live it down. And Billy and Stu are hitching a ride to Billy's cousins place, hoping y/n will look past the blood and murder and let them crash for a little while.
A/N: ok this is the prologue for my new fic! Now I know I've written fuck all in a long time, and I apologise to anyone who's been waiting on updates to my other fics if you've read any, but I've got to go where the inspiration takes me!
I hope you enjoyed this little intro and please leave a comment if you have any ideas!
Have a great day/night,
~ trick-or-fucking-treat
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doctordbd · 2 years
Power struggle pt. 2
Since you guys wanted it so much I present to you power struggle. This is just the after math of what happened after part one, i actually don’t recommend reading the first one since it was so bad and that was more of a self indulgence for me. I was questioning my sexuality and gender at the time (lol) but if you want to read it it’s right here (I might delete the first one later and redo it)
: pt. 1
Warnings: belly bulge, sub frank, dom reader, hints of sexual favors, top reader, no pronouns used for reader but they have a ding dong, dumbifaction, Dacryphilia because Frank is a cry baby. Frank having a sexual crisis, public sex sort of, almost getting caught, drool, gapping. Cream pie, no proper after care, a lil bit of Dwight x reader?? 🤨 obvious NSFW below the line
“Guhh!” The feeling of sweat ran down Frank’s neck, his body was hot. The smell of sex clinging onto his body like a deep cologne. His face flushed as he hid it in a pillow that occupied the bare bed in the house that sat at the top of the cold wind farm map. Body shaking as he tried to mimic the feeling of having something fill him. Inexperienced fingers working to find his sweet spot all the while lazily stroking his cock.
Frank didn’t know what was happening to him. After that trial with.. you, he hasn’t been able to do anything normally. The thought of you and the thought of you inside of him was taking over every waking moment. Making out with Julie has even become weird as he had never been on the submissive side before and now with this new found kink he doesn’t know if he wants to stop.
It was one time but ever since then he hasn’t been able to look you in the eye. Frank wasn’t clear if it was out of pride or embarrassment but he couldn’t bear to face you for a long time. Hell, he couldn’t even look at his teams face for a while, the thought of telling them or them seeing him in such a state haunted him.
That was why he was in cold wind, before Frank wasn’t scared to jerk one off in one of the rooms in Ormand. It was their sanctuary after all. Their place of rest. But now it drove Frank mad worrying someone might catch him touching himself in such a way. At least here he would be provided a little more privacy knowing rarely anyone comes up here.
The problem for privacy was solved, the main problem now is why is his orgasm taking so long? His slender fingers were all he thought he needed to get the job done, but it wasn’t working. It wasn’t you. The excessive spit that he used for a makeshift lube leaked out of his hole as he hopelessly tried to find the certain bundle of nerves that would have him seeing stars.
Frank choked out a sob, letting tears fall down his blotched face, growing frustrated at his feeble attempts of getting off. He tried to picture you doing it to him. Your hands on his chest, playing with his sensitive nipples. Your tongue tracing over the bite marks you would litter his body with. Frank shivered at the thought.
He wanted you to ruin him.
After a while of no progress and the constant thrust of his fingers started to hurt he pulled out. His walls clenching around nothing hoping for something to fill it.
Frank weakly sat up from the pillow, a grimace look found it’s way on his face as he saw how much droll and tears he left on it. He truly is pathetic, whining and crying for God knows how long for a person who fucked him just out of hatred and spite.
He wanted to hate you for it, but he couldn’t. He didn’t know what to do.
He flipped the pillow, using the dry side to wipe the spit that slid down his digits.
Pulling his pants up and placing his mask back on his face he walked out of the Thompson residents, stumbling a little after having toyed with his now sore hole for what he could guess was for hours. Hands in his pocket as he planned on what to do next. But one thing was for certain, he needed to see you.
Frank leant on a tree just outside of the survivors camp. There were too many damn cabins to tell which one was yours. Hoping to catch you leave the food hall as it seems all the survivors just finished eating and were making their way back to their individual cabins.
And that’s when he saw you. Did you get a new cosmetic? Because it seems there was something different about you today. You carried yourself with your head held high as you chatted with your fellow survivors. It irked Frank knowing his and your interaction made you that way.
He couldn’t help but also notice your ensemble; a military green shirt that warped tightly around your frame, him taking note of how good of a job it did showing your muscles. The dog tags bouncing up and down everytime you took a confident stride. Along with the army greens tactical pants and black combat boots to match.
You truly were a sight to see as Frank had caught himself staring just a little too long, too hypnotized by your strong arms that were littered with scars. Your hand that held flashlight with great strength.
With a painful punch to his chest he tried to collect himself. He needed to focus. But it was so hard when it came to you, evidence being he was becoming completely undone just by looking at you.
At this point you had seemingly said your goodbyes and was making your way to your cabin. The group you were with one by one slipped away into their own cabins leaving you the only one left. It was quite a ways to go to get to yours. You walked for a bit longer before hearing a singular “hey”. You turned around fully expecting to see one of your friends coming back to tell you something, but you quickly realized that the sound was coming from the thick wood that circled the camp.
It wasn’t the first time Danny or even Trickster would come over and try to scare you guys. So you were quite surprised to see the one and only Frank Morrison whispering to you through some bushes. Him obviously not wanting to be seen as he hid some of his body behind a tree.
It had been a while since you had talked with Frank and you couldn’t really blame him, the shame one would feel being completely plowed by someone that is supposed to be lesser then them would be unimaginable. A smirk had a way onto your face as you remembered the trial, truth be told it has been on your mind a lot too.
“Didn’t think I’d hear from you again, Frank.” you start, eyes musing on his mask that was slightly off his face revealing the visibly hate filled expression.
Frank gritted his teeth, he wanted to say something, anything, but his tongue suddenly felt too big for his throat. You tilted your head in confusion.
“You’re the one who called me over here, and yet you have nothing to say.” You crossed your arms as you waited patiently for an answer.
“If you’re worried I’ve told someone, don’t worry I didn’t. Wouldn’t want to hurt your killer rep, now would I?” You said in a fake concerned tone. A tone the Frank couldn’t stand. He hung his head low trying to figure out what to say.
After a few more moments of uncomfortable silence you decide to start heading back to your cabin, walking away from the flustered killer. Frank panicking knowing this might be his last chance getting to see you alone.
“Wait!” He whisper yelled you stopped in your tracks yet again. Turning your head towards the killer, a bored expression dressed your face as you were in no mood to play games.
Frank looked around one last time before extending his arm out to you. You looked at his hand and back to his face, he must’ve been out of his mind if he thought you’d follow him into the deep, dark wood.
In the camp you were safe, secure. Out there he could do almost anything to you under the entity’s rule. Yet, momma always did say that your curiosity would get the better of you one day. With a huff of disbelief mostly aimed at yourself, you took his hand. The familiar burn of power gracing your senses. Whatever gave you power that trial was definitely back and ready for seconds.
Frank must’ve felt it too, tugging your arm not in a demanding way, but in an almost servile way. Like you were in control and he was merely moving you along, like a child would do to their parent, rushing them along to get to their desired destination.
Reluctantly, you followed the young killer to wherever he wanted to take you, his eyes foward and his mouth shut, you decide to do the same thing as the walk there was dead quiet. The only noise being the twigs that snapped under your feet.
You make note of how far you walked from the camp, whatever he wanted to do he wanted to do privately.
All of a sudden, Frank stops in his tracks, you being unaware of the action knocking into him. Regaining your balance you apologize, only for Frank to grab you by your shirt and shove you against a tree, pulling you into a deep kiss.
The kiss itself was enough to make you throw him off of you but you noticed how his body reacted to the kiss, the hands that he used to shove you into the tree were now clawing at the fabric of the sleeves. His legs buckled and were seemingly about to give out. You gingerly grabbing his waist to help him as he leaned more into you. Exploring your mouth as he let out whorish moans, like you were the most addicting drug, he was craving more of you.
With a paining groan Frank detached his lips from yours, a string of saliva connecting you two.
Heavy breaths filled the air, your head leaning back against the tree eyes closed in bliss, been a while since you’ve last had this.
You opened your eyes and looked down at the quivering male, his once hate filled eyes now completely blown out and filled with lust. Tear collecting at the corners. Was he about to cry?
The sight itself made you groan, using the grip on his hips to bring them closer to yours. Roughly grinding against him as if you were in rut. Frank welcoming it with open arms as wrapped his arms around your neck, hiding his face in your shirt, his drooling problem coming back into light as he was quick to cover your shirt collar in saliva.
Holy shit did that turn you on
You used your strength to turn him over. Now he was pinned against the tree and your chest was to his back, not allowing much room for him, but yet again that was the point. Shoving past his belt of faulty bullets you ran your hand along side his leaking shaft. Frank bucking his hips to try and gain friction from your hand that you kept pulling away. Just enough were he was aching for your touch but enough were he could still feel you touch him.
His face was now in his elbow as he let out loud huffs of frustration from your teasing. A part of him just wanted to push you over and ride you in the middle of the forest. So he can finally itch the scratch you’ve left that trial. But he wanted this even more. He wanted your hands on him, the hands that would make his skin feel on fire every time you touched, squeezed and prodded at him. He wanted your face close to his like it is now. Whispering at him. Calling him a whore, a slut, your slut.
He wanted all of you and more, so he complied with your teasing. As much as it pained him to, deep down he really loved it.
Frank let out a strangled cry as you finally wrapped your large hand around his cock. His precum providing a good lube as you wasted no time moving your hand up and down his shaft. His legs buckled under him as you set a brutal pace with your hand. Frank bucking in your hands slightly, but enough for you notice and coo at him.
His face was hot even though his mask was long tossed away and forgotten. Your words making him even more flustered then he already was, if that was possible. 
The tightening feeling in his stomach made him let out an embarrassingly loud and pitiful moan. Something he would be embarrassed about later but not right now. Right now he was savoring the feeling of his rapidly approaching orgasm. 
You felt the thrusts in your hand speed up, slopping and uneven. He was fucking himself with your hand, your dick reacting with an excited twitch that Frank felt on his backside. Groaning at the friction while rolling his eyes to the back of his skull. He gave a final thrust before he released all over your hand and landing some on the tree in front of him. Pumping your hand a few times to help him ride out his orgasm.
After a while, Frank started to jerk away from your hand. You find it cute as his face contorts back and forth from blissed to overstimulated. Finally letting go of his cock, you bring your hand up to his face for him and you to see the glistening hot liquid seep down your fingers. He tried to turn his head but you were quick to grab his jaw and turn his head back to his mess.
“Don’t be embarrassed to look at the mess you’ve made.”
Frank groaned at your words. feeling you release his jaw and used your clean hand to shove his pants down even more along with his boxers, gripping at the firm mounds before stepping back and crouching down. pulling his hips towards you so he was now bent over. Franks hands still clinging onto the tree.
“W-what are you doin -NGH- ah!”
Frank tried to talk but was quickly silenced by you spreading his ass open and using Frank’s -now cold- load to trace around his rim. You had fun running your finger over the bumpy skin while listening to Frank trying to keep himself quiet. All the while trying to stand on his on two feet without your help. It was a real challenge not to just fall down on the moist forest floor and have you take him there. But he pushed through, or so he thought when you abruptly shoved two fingers into his hole. Franks back arched while his fingers dug into the tree bark, hanging on for dear life as his legs were now jelly.
the lewd shlick sounds made Frank whine as you teased around his sweet bundle of nerves, you knew where it was but you purposely ignored it, it made Frank look back at you with a weak scowl. You on the other hand watch with pure fascination at how eager his hole was. swallowing your fingers with such need to be filled, it nearly made you drool.
You knew his orgasm was coming when his long flustered moans turned to high pitched broken ones. Frank trying his best to hide it but failing miserably.
Your goal wasn’t to get another orgasm out of him but to prepare him for you. so you took your fingers out at a painfully slow pace. Watching as his hole clench around nothing. Only god knows how much you want to ruin this man.
You sit up and finally unzip your pants. Haven grown unbearably tight since the moment his lips touched yours. Freeing your cock out of it’s confining prison. Standing proud and tall, with your aching tip producing a hefty amount of precum. with a sigh of relief you began stroking yourself, smearing your pre all over your cock. Running your thumb over the slit a couple of times.
With a few more strokes you let it go and let it fall on Franks backside, Frank moaning at the hot and heavy mass on his back, feeling you move back and forth leaving a gorgeous trail of your semen on his back. After a few pleas and whines from Frank to quit your teasing, you eventually grab ahold of your throbbing member and align it to his hole. Pushing in at a slow speed, making Frank groan.
“S-stop fuckin teasIN. And just put it in already-”
With a huff you pushed the rest in, bottoming out fully. Setting a brutal pace as you forced his hips to yours at every thrust. Frank letting out a shrill cry that would wake any forest animal if the entity’s realm had any. The sheer power you had over him made Frank lightheaded. After ignoring you- ignoring himself for so long he finally had you. He finally felt content with himself. That itch was finally being scratched. 
Franks constant nagging was getting on your last nerve, so you were pleased to see he had his face in his elbow. Letting out a short moan every time you thrusted into him. Tears threaten to spill at the cover of his eyes, Frank was in total bliss. Havin being filled once more by you was a dream come-
“Are you sure you saw them go this way”
Frank froze, supposedly you too, as your thrusts slowed down, but not entirely stopping. There were people in the words.
People looking for you two.
“I’m sure Cheryl, Frank took them somewhere around here.”
Of course.
Dwight and Cheryl.
Frank would be glaring at them and run them off if you weren’t balls deep inside of him. If you two get caught what would happen to him? What would happen if the other killers found out? When they find out that a killer already constantly looked down upon gets caught getting his guts rearranged by a survivor? The one thing in this God forsaken world he’s supposed to hunt, torture, and kill? Everything that he’s worked hard to get will be in shambles. He is putting himself and his team at risk, so why did he do it?
Because it feels so good.
The tears that threaten to fall earlier quickly decide to finally spill past his eyes. He wasn’t in the right state of mind to do anything else so he did the only thing he could do at the moment, and that was to cry. You rip your eyes from the two curious survivors and back at Frank, this is the first time in your life that you wished Dwight wasn’t such a good friend.
So you snaked one of your hands that were previously grabbing his hips and covered his quivering mouth as you started to thrust your hips at a much faster pace. Frank moaning at the returning pleasure. His eyes foggy but not leaving the two people walking dangerously close to were they were. You saw Frank look back at you with pleading eyes. Those eyes, those eyes did nothing but make you want to fuck him even more. You lean down next to his ear and say:
: You -huff- don’t want to get caught right? Then I’m gonna need ya to -huff- stay quiet for me ok? Can’t have all your friends know what -huff- you do in your free time.” 
You watched as his reaction changed from pleading to absolute mess. Tears now streaming down his face and drool seeped through your fingers as your ruthless pace never faltered, your free hand now on his cock. Stroking it with the same speed you were fucking him in.
You had no intent on stopping till you were finished and satisfied. The two of you getting caught would be a minor inconvenience for you but you knew the fear Frank must feel right about now, You could’ve stopped but, at the end of the day it didn’t seem like Frank wanted you to stop all that much. You were in full control of this moment, it was your choice were this was going to go. 
This is the type of power that you’ve heard about that most grow drunken on.
You’ve made up your mind and continued to thrust into him. Your hand doing everything in its power to keep Frank’s noises in. As it seems like he picked this time to babble and moan the loudest.
You listen with open ears as you heard Dwight and Cheryl’s footsteps shuffle away, relief washing over the both of you. Or what was once relief now panic when one of your thrusts hit his special spot. The one leaving him seeing white. The one spot that made Frank let out a high-pitched moan the surpassed your hands and out onto Dwight’s careful ears, turning around momentarily. 
“Did you hear that?”
Frank didn’t know what did it, maybe it was the fact that he was moments away from being caught, and the fear of being caught excited him. Or the way your length stretched him out to the point it felt like you were fucking his brain, his hand on his stomach right over the noticeable bulge that would come to rearrange his insides one thrust at a time. Or maybe it was you, your large body pressed against his, as you work to pleasure him and yourself. Going the extra mile as to cover his mouth for him for his was too shaky to actually do anything. Whatever the reason it was enough to finally tip the scale. Frank shaking under you a -little more harshly this time-  before at last cumming all over your hand. His hips didn’t know either to buck into your hand or onto your cock. So he did a sloppy version of both. Legs shaking as his juices leaked from your hand and onto the ground, riding out his delicious high. 
You couldn’t really focus much on him because you watch with careful eyes as you see Dwight look around one last time before turning around and walking the opposite way.
“You’re definitely just hearing things, just like how your just seeing things. Besides what would [name] be doing with Frank anyway?” Cheryl said.
“*sigh maybe your right, I just.. I don’t know, I guess I’m just seeing things” Dwight said putting his hand on his head, his face a little flushed. Something Cheryl picked up on quickly.
The two survivors finally walking away finally leaving you and Frank to your own devices. You watched as they finally disappeared behind the tree line. Releasing your hand from Franks mouth, you looked down. Frank was immobile, cheek pressed against the rough tree bark and hands lightly pressed against the tree as well. Weak butchered moans left his mouth every time you thrusted into him.
He was a sight indeed, the very thing you needed to see to get you going again. Putting your hands back on his hips you used his body to get yourself off. Throwing your head back as his walls clamped around you, his walls shaped just for you and you only. He did come to you after all, he wanted you again, he wanted to be filled with you again. The thought threw you over the edge, your hips meeting as you burrowed yourself in him. emptying yourself into his warm hole. Frank letting out a long groan at the feeling of being full of your seed. You can tell it was too much for him to take as some of your semen escaped out of his hole. Droplets hitting the ground.
After a while you pull out, taking a step back to look at the mess you’ve made. The lack of support caught up with Frank as he slid down the tree and onto the forest floor. A firm reminder of the first night you had together. 
His gapping hole was your best work, Frank’s ass covered and dripping in your cum. As well as the red hand marks on his hips, a telltale sign of your former roughness. Marks that -if you weren’t in the entity’s realm- would definitely bruise later. 
And his face, his face was the embodiment of sexual bliss. Being satisfied to the point where one would pass out. It was almost endearing. But you had no plans but to be nothing more then just fuck buddies. Maybe sex for your life? it seemed like a fair deal. If he didn’t agree there was always blackmail, but you had a feeling he would agree. So with your last remaining strength you wrench his pants back over his waist. Picking up his mask and pulling it back over his face, moving the strands of dirty hair off his sweaty forehead. 
After that you pick him up and walk him over to a new area one where there wasn’t any semen on the trees. He reeked of sex and so did you so you took his jacket off and laid it next to him. Maybe that’ll air him out. You thought your plan was flawless till you saw a wet patch around his butt area.
You totally forgot about the total cream pie you gave this guy about 20 minutes prior. You quickly took the jacket and put it over his lap. Maybe he’ll take that as a warning to walk around with caution.
You got up from your knees and dusted them off. Putting your hands on your hips while you look down at Frank. 
‘Funny how time repeats itself huh?’
You let out a snicker, Fixing up the best you can without really being able to see yourself. Buckling your pants to finish, you began to walk away from Frank. Before he called you into the woods you really had no plans, but now you were feeling rather drained, so now you were going to sleep good tonight. 
That’s what you thought before a singular crow landed on your shoulder. Looking right into your eyes with its beady little ones. You let out a little chuckle before letting the fog consume you. 
“I’m sorry for dragging you out into the woods off only a hallucination.” Dwight apologizes. His fingers fiddling with each other, head held low. They were nearly to the camp as the smoke from the fire can be seen close up ahead.
Cheryl looked back at him with a friendly smile.
“It’s no worries, you thought you saw someone you care about going into the forest with some killer. Your a good friend, Dwight.” She reassures.
Putting a hand on his shoulder her friendly smile quickly turned into a teasing smirk.
“But thinkin about Y/n so much to the point that your seeing them everywhere is quite suspicious don’t change think hm? Are we gonna talk about that? Why are they on your mind so much Dwight~?”
Dwight’s face flushed at the assumption. Pushing her away and covering his face.
“No, no! it’s not like that! W-we’re just friends!”
“Sure, sure you can lie to yourself all you want but I know the truth.” Cheryl teased, Dwight letting out an embarrassed groan, opening his fingers slightly. Peering off onto the vast forest. You two were merely just friends..
So I sense some Dwight x reader chemistry?🤔 maybe, maybe not. You will never know. Have a good day/evening/night guys love you 🖤 might get another fic today if not today then definitely tomorrow
Edit: Im still editing this even tho I already published it. Im so bad at this. I need to reread my fics more often and not just when I finish uploading them
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morwap · 1 year
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➸ nothing written for pyramid head yet! but i’m working on it check blurbs there might be something written or send a request!
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soulariarym · 1 year
heya i'm back i hope it's ok 😭 i just had this idea floating in my head for a while but could i have a gn reader who doesn't know how to flirt at all and has to use a book of pickup lines on either danny or jiwoon to even attempt to flirt? one or the other, whoever you feel like doing! i know it sounds kinda ridiculous but it's literally just been... in my head... (it doesn't have to be romantic. like, platonic flirting!) -🦋
Haha this is such a cute concept, hope you don’t mind I kinda did romantic
Jiwoon Hak (The Trickster)
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Whenever you’d try your silly pickup lines he’d laugh and ignore you most of the time, making sure he’ll tease you later for it.
He’ll mock you, making sure to be obnoxious about it too. He knows you’re shy and don’t know what you’re doing. He’ll be sure to use it against you.
Though once in a blue moon if you come up to him with one if your silly lines he’ll grab your chin, and whisper in your ear a very seductive pickup line, leaving you flustered.
“Cmon songbird if you want me that bad you’ve gotta try harder then that~”
Jiwoon is super flirty so he’ll flirt with you back but actually do it good. He’s confident and cocky and knows how to swoon people, including you.
Because of how shy you are he’ll trap you between a wall, saying things like “cmon hun tell me you love me, you can do it, do it for me~” leaving you absolutely speechless.
“Now try again babe, I’m sure you’ve learned a thing or two no?”
Danny Johnson (The Ghostface)
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I’d imagine Danny would be confused, he wouldn’t even know you were trying to flirt with him, id see him thinking you’re trying to just make conversation with him.
“Wait huh, what? What are you even trying to say? You’re confusing me sweetheart”
Once he noticed you were trying to flirt he’d chuckle, not enough to make you upset but just a small, playful chuckle
“Y’know you really need to work on your flirting more, if you weren’t so cute I’d be running away as if you were the killer…pfft as if, a sweet face like yours could ever be a killer”
Danny will always check up on you asking the same annoying question. “So how’s the pickup lines going?”
He’ll for sure talk about how bad you are at it with his close killer friends, but don’t worry he actually thinks it’s cute how you try. He thinks it’s adorable you don’t even know how to flirt in the first place.
“Y’know sweetheart you could just leave the flirting to me, unless you’re feeling bold I’d love to hear what that pretty little head of yours comes up with” with that snarky chuckle at the end
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Rookie || DBD! Leon Kennedy
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A/n: It's been forever since I've seen gameplay or played DBD, so I apologize for the mistakes. This suggestion was made by @wildest-dreams-at-midnight. Thank you.
Warning(s): public sex (sort of), noir Leon, zombies, mentions of death, DBD lore, short one-shot, gn reader.
No Minors Allowed!!
"You can't be serious," you state beneath your breath, staring at Leon in utter disbelief.
He rolls his toothpick to the corner of his mouth and grins sheepishly. 
"I don't see why not."
If he wasn't so cute, dressed in a vest and tie, then you would have immediately shut him down. Sex is the last thing either of you needs on your minds, especially with a 7-foot-tall Bio-weapon - coined by a survivor named Jill - hunting you for the sole purpose of ending your life. 
It's not like there's ever a time for intimacy inside the Entity's realms, a strange and dangerous playing field with no clear escape, so you reckon Leon is right to an extent. The only freedom given is when a campaign is won and the Entity allows you a moment to breathe. Not even dying in the hands of one of its 31 killers grants a moment of rest. 
But this didn't stop you from getting to know Leon Kennedy bit by bit, a survivor of a zombie-ridden realm known as Raccoon City.
You had met him at Midwich Elementary School and even though you didn't see him much after, an eventual romance had ensued; strong and sexual, spurred by a need to maintain some sort of normalcy.
So when the desire to fuck arose, albeit nervous about being caught, you were always inclined to accept. 
"Are we safe here?" You ask. 
Leon peeks around the corner of the abandoned police station on the west wing and sinks back into the shadows in the break room. 
"It looks like it."
You grin and reach for the button on your pants. 
"Best be quick then, rookie."
Leon snorts. 
"Can't say I'm much of a rookie anymore."
He has a point. However, the death count is high you assume. Some of the killers are hard to survive; the Spirit for example. You've been slain by her katana more times than you can count but every time you wake back up in the shadows. 
Once your pants and underclothes are down, Leon saunters over and eases you around, pressing you against the wall. You aren't too keen on this position considering you can't keep your eye on the door, but it's fine. 
The worst that can happen is that I die a terrible death again. 
You shiver in protest, trying to ignore the pending doom in the air, focusing solely on the man stretching you open. His thick cock prods at your entrance before he slides into you. A relieved sigh leaves your mouth and quickly Leon sets up a steady and relentless pace. 
It doesn't take long for the pleasure to wash over you, starting from your core and shooting down into your toes. You arch your hips, silently begging for more; an action that earns you a laugh from the blond.
An inhuman gargle fills the air and the sound of shuffled footsteps follows. Your body tenses in fear. It's not the Nemesis you hear, but something equally as frightening. One of the two spawning zombies is nearby. 
One single noise and it's game over. 
What spurs you on more is the fact Leon's pace doesn't falter. He is brave to continue wrecking you while danger is literally outside the room, or he trusts the fact you won't make a noise despite the delicious sensations rolling through you. A thin sweat gathers across your brow as you fight not to make a noise. 
You aren't sure how the creature doesn't hear the lewd noises coming from you as Leon shoves his cock deep into your eager hole, but it stays oblivious, wandering the hall almost robotically.
The sensation continues to grow, nearly consuming you. In your head you plead to come undone, rocking your hips to meet his thrusts until at last an intense pleasure washes over you in waves. You tighten your jaw, turning up your eyes in bliss. A low whimper escapes your mouth, but luckily the noise is drowned out by the sudden scream of a survivor. One of the generators must have been damaged.
It means you don't have much time. The Nemesis is coming. 
As the zombie shuffles down the hall toward the noise, Leon groans and pulls from your exhausted body, spraying cum on your ass and thighs. 
Sadly, there's no moment to rest. 
"We need to move," Leon states. He spits the broken toothpick from his mouth and pulls up his pants. "It probably sensed us."
"The Entity needs to put functioning bathrooms in these realms," you mention. 
A look of unease crosses your face as you pull up your clothes, feeling the cum sink into the fabric. 
Leon snorts. 
"I guess I could have aimed for the ground."
"Such a rookie move," you joke. 
He grins and grabs your hand, dragging you from the break room as the guttural voice of the Nemesis breaks the silence and fills your body with dread. 
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bitchyglitterfox · 1 year
Bitchyglitterfox Rec List
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Something Sweet @little-spicy (Tarzan!Stucky)
2. A SWEET TREAT- STUCKY @lanadelreyscokewhor3 (Domestic Stucky)
3. Late night @talaok (Spencer Reid)
4. Homecoming - @astroboots (Santiago Garcia x Reader x Frankie Morales)
5. Sunrise, Sunset - @little-spicy Orc!Stucky)
6. I think I met you in a dream once - @frostironfudge (Au!Ex Military!Bucky)
7. Like a virgin - @xpao-bearx (Steven Grant)
8. To let you win - @delaber (Bucky Barnes)
9. First Time - @luvpedropascal (Steven Grant)
10.Letting Go - @luvpedropascal (Steven Grant)
11. Cherry Pie - @welcometostayingawake and @melodygatesauthor (Steven Grant)
12. Following the herd - @uglypastels (Dark!Cult!Eddie Munson)
13. Work Break Fun - @queendeeshorrorimagines (Jed Olsen)
14. Untitled - @buckyalpine (Bucky Barnes)
15. I could teach you things - @hope-you-brought-kneepads-bitch (Wanda Maximoff)
17. Headlines - @pascallftv (Pedro Pascal)
18. Keep me alive - @freyjhasdesiredreality (Bucky Barnes)
19. Limitless - @missdictatorme (Jake Lockley)
20. Take care of me tonight - @missdictatorme (Jake Lockley)
21. Awakening - @romanarose (Triple Frontier Men)
22. Just to be your man - @romanarose (Benny Miller)
23. The thing about Marc - @juneknight (Marc Spector)
24. Make room for me - @juneknight (Jake Lockley)
25. Stairwell sex with Matt Murdoc - @howaboutcastiel (Matt Murdoc)
26. National Targaryen Family Vacation - @valeskafics (Targaryen/Velaryon) (Series: complete)
27. Anything for you - @luc-k-y (Moon Knight System)
28. Headcannons - @valeskafics (Modern!Helaena Targaryen)
29. Milf!Rhaenicent x Nanny!Reader - @ruby-dragon
Ill add more when the time comes! Please check out my wonderful friends masterlists as well down below
@missdictatorme @romanarose @juneknight @luvpedropascal @valeskafics
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robinsarm · 23 days
I've returned for three seconds to give you guys this, enjoy!
(Now, back to my cave >:33)
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fandom-imagines · 2 years
Fandom: Halloween/Dead by Daylight
Pairing: Michael Myers x Reader
Words: 2k
Request by: @sweetpotato-97 <3
Part 2 anyone?
Visiting her grandfather at work had always been one of Y/N’s favourite pastimes. He always had something funny to show them or something nice (and tasty) to give them. Dr. Loomis, or ‘G’andad’ as she preferred to call him, had always been there for her through the entire seven years that she had been alive. Despite being overloaded with work from his latest case – a child who murdered his sister in cold blood – he always made sure he took breaks when Y/N came to visit, she was, after all, his only grandchild.
“G’andad!” Y/N yelled with a joyous laugh as she spotted Loomis in the distance of the reception, talking to another nurse, despite her not knowing what they were doing or talking about.
Sam turned around upon hearing her voice, a big smile on his face as he kneeled, arms open ready for her to jump into which she gladly did with a smile that mirrored his, if not wider. The nurse, who was yet to say anything, stood there with a soft smile, admiring them before bidding the Doctor a goodbye and leaving to attend to her duties around the psychiatric unit.
“Hello, Y/N,” Dr. Loomis said, picking the young girl up as he lifted himself to his feet. She snuggled into his chest, using the brown coat as a blanket of sorts. “What should we do today?” He asked her, signalling to the receptionist to let her know that he was taking his break to which they simply nodded, watching as he headed to his office, an unexpected big smile plastered on his lips.
The office, whilst boring, was Y/N’s favourite place in the entire building – one which she believed to be a typical hospital, not a psychiatric one and Sam didn’t have the heart to tell her the truth, even if he wanted to. She cheered as the door closed behind them and she realised where she was. As he set her down on the ground, Y/N rushed towards the brown leather chair situated behind the wooden desk, hopping into the comfort of the seat with a satisfied sigh.
“Don’t you be falling asleep on me!” Loomis jokingly warned her, smiling to himself as she giggled.
The doctor himself reached towards the top drawer in his shelf, opening it to grab a small pack of her favourite sweets, one that he didn’t even know the name on, just the look of the packaging. The noise of the wrapper caught Y/N’s attention immediately and she held her hands out in anticipation before saying a desperate ‘pleeeeease’ to which he simply chuckled and passed her the candy. She didn’t open it immediately, however, telling Sam about how she needed to save them, or something of the sort, he couldn’t exactly remember what she had said.
It was a sweet sight for him to see his granddaughter so happy whilst sat in his chair with a bag of sweets in hand, but nothing lasts forever, and a sigh left his lips as he was paged to go see one of his patients who had no doubt hurt themselves or somebody else.
“Stay there, I won’t be long,” were his final words before he rushed off to find out what his patient had done.
It wasn’t long until Y/N grew bored of waiting for her grandfather and decided to go explore the hospital; the worst she could see was someone sick, at least in her mind, and so she climbed off of the comfortable chair and headed outside of the unlocked office, venturing out into the first room she could find which just so happened to be the canteen.
Much to her dismay, there was nobody her age, in fact, the only person close to her age was a few years older than her, probably around nine or ten, not that it mattered to her, of course, she was just happy that the room wasn’t filled with adults.
The boy, whose name Y/N didn’t know, was seated alone at a table in the corner of the room, a plate of some gross-looking food in front of him which he didn’t seem too very fond of eating. Pity grew on her and she found herself rushing over to the table and taking a seat opposite him.
“Hi!” She grinned at the boy who simply spared her a threatening look, one which did not deter her. “I’m Y/N, what’s your name?”
The boy seemed to think for a moment before spotting the sweets in her hand and decided to speak for the first time in forever. “Michael.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Michael” Would you like a sweet?” Without hesitation, Y/N ripped open the bag of sweets and offered him one from the pack, something he gladly took; food there wasn’t exactly the best, to say the least.
Her smile towards him never faded, it only grew, even if she was the only one speaking. She didn’t mind being the only one talking, Sam had taught her that not everyone is a chatterbox like her, something which she had giggled at.
A bell rang, signalling that the patients must return to their rooms and with one final ‘goodbye’, Michael left Y/N behind who was quick to return to Sam’s office, acting as though she had never left. She wasn’t stupid, she knew that she would get in trouble for leaving, especially if she had been talking to strangers, but something about him felt different; not only was he around her age, but there was something different about him to other kids she knew and all she knew was that she was desperate to see him again.
The next time Y/N saw Michael was a week after their first encounter. She had brought two bags of sweets: one for her and one for Michael if she was to see him. A giddy smile was on her face as she entered to hospital, only this time it was for a different reason; she was excited to see Michael again.
It didn’t take long for her to pass Michael, in fact, it was on the way in and she smiled at him, discreetly handing him a bag of sweets as he walked past her, one which he took and hid without making it obvious to the others around them. Their interaction had her smiling for the rest of the day.
Y/N began visiting her grandfather more and more often throughout the weeks, eventually leading to her seeing him at work every day, even while he was working. However, little did he know that her visits weren’t for him, but for Michael. Loomis had never noticed how she would disappear from his office whilst he was working or how she would bring an extra bag of sweets or a little gift for his killer patient.  Each visit and interaction with Michael had her becoming happier and more attached to the boy and she would constantly be planning her next visit and what she would bring for him. Whilst he didn’t talk to her, not often anyway, she didn’t mind speaking for them both, something Michael himself was oddly grateful for considering most peoples got frustrated that he didn’t speak and it was annoying, yet Y/N was never bothered.
“Hi, Michael!” She greeted the boy with her usual smile, earning an almost unnoticeable nod from him. “I brought you a gift.” Y/N reached out to hand him the usual bag of sweets, but there was something else in her hand: a friendship bracelet. It wasn’t that she expected him to take it, she had learned that he wasn’t the biggest fan of people and friendships, but she decided to make him one anyway, just in case he would take it and, to her surprise, he did. He slipped the threaded bracelet over his wrist, tightening it and giving her a small smile before digging into his sweets.
The pair sat in a comfortable silence for a while, before Y/N heard the name of her grandfather being called and caught a glimpse of his coat through the window. In a moment of panic, she ducked beneath the table, landing on the floor beside Michael’s feet. Despite the pain, she knew it had to be done; Loomis could never find out about their friendship, he would go berserk and forbid her from seeing her new friend. 
Michael didn’t even spare her a glance, presumably knowing what was going on, which made it even less obvious what had just happened and it wasn’t exactly like any of the other patients were going to snitch on her; they were too sick to notice, Y/N assumed, still unaware of why Michael and the others were in the hospital and she had never asked, not that she would get a response, of course. It was Michael, after all. She had no idea and both Loomis and Michael prayed that she never would; she was too innocent to be involved with all of this, it was the one thing that they both agreed on.
It wasn’t difficult for Michael to guess her involvement with his doctor. She was young and he was old, so clearly a grandparent. Surprisingly enough, he didn’t care, she was the first person in a long time to show him genuine kindness and not treat him like the monster that most believe him to be. She was the first genuinely kind soul in his life, and he didn’t want to lose that, despite not admitting that to himself just yet.
“Is he gone?” The whisper from her caught Michael’s attention who simply nodded once he was certain that Loomis had left. He almost laughed at the mess of her hair when she popped back up, but he didn’t. “Phew! That was close. I should go, but I’ll see you again soon! Bye, Michael.”
Little did they both know, they would never see each other again in this world.
Y/N had no idea how long she had been in the entity’s realm, but each day felt like torture. Despite this, she had still made some good friends along the way, befriending each new survivor around the campfire with ease; her kindness never left. Laurie, the latest survivor, was detailing her past encounters with a man name Michael yet Y/N wasn’t entirely listening, too caught up in her memories of her past friend. She wishes she could have just said goodbye to him, given him a hug, anything that meant he wouldn’t believe that she had just abandoned him.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Meg whispered to the woman beside her, noticing her lost in her thoughts.
“Yeah,” came her simple response.
Meg, who decided to leave her to her thoughts, turned her attention back to Laurie who was still telling the group stories from her past.
Being summoned to a trial was the last thing Y/N wanted whilst she was attempting to rest and clear her mind from her previous thoughts about her past friend. Of course, there was nothing she could do about this besides sigh to herself as she began rushing around Haddonfield, unaware of the gaze following her every move.
With three survivors sacrificed, Y/N was the only one left whilst also being unharmed which was a shock to her considering how brutal and talented the new killer, who she hadn’t seen at all throughout the trial, was.
As she ventured around the new map in search for hatch, Y/N almost screamed as she ran into the killer. Cursing herself, the girl took a step back, looking up to see the killer whose name she didn’t even know.
Rather than try to run, Y/N simply offered the masked man a smile. “Hi, I’m Y/N.”
The killer froze for a moment, before turning around and signalling for her to follow him for some unknown reason, yet she did so anyway.
Their walk was silent, the only noise being her panting and the masked mans breaths. Y/N still had no idea what was going on until she stumbled into the mans stopped body right in front of the hatch. The eyes behind his mask held some familiarity to Y/N, yet she couldn’t quite place it until she heard the man say his name as she jumped into the hatch.
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blot-squisher · 6 days
I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it ;)
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kuro-geco · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dead by Daylight (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Michael Myers/Jake Park, Michael Myers & Jake Park Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Canon Compliant, mentioned other killers, Crows love Jake, Soft Jake Park, Concussions, Michael Myers is His Own Warning, Michael doing funky shit for his crush to notice him, Not David King Friendly, Mean David King, David King is a bastard in this one, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, No beta we die like survivors, mentioning Jake Park's family, implied Michael Myers/Jake Park, Eavesdropping, Beating the shit out of someone, could be romantic or platonic, Michael Myers being whipped, Trauma, but only sprinkled in nothing major, Happy Ending
Jake had enough of David's bitching. He had enough of his constant boasting and being an asshole all around. He was tired of this bastard and how he could make Jake's blood boil - so he went to complain to the Crows.
Crows could listen, but couldn't do anything, so it was safe. Nothing would happen... right?
Or: Jake's complains to the Crows about David being a dick and for some reason Michael goes berserk on every Trial since then.
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luciferhollow · 1 year
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Mikey:14hours of work at the mine, all for sister's college.
 Laurie: bartender, Vodka!
Funny fanart for a great fanfiction by @alexrainbow , which you can read on Ao3 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/25970020?view_adult=true)  or Ficbook(https://ficbook.net/readfic/9416315)
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morwap · 9 months
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➸ nothing written for anna yet! but i’m working on it check blurbs there might be something written or send a request!
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soulariarym · 2 years
Gf x dom anon again, that’s kinda long I’m just gonna call myself Fero anon cause I’ll definitely request more in the future. Anyways Hey! It’s time to share my fantasies to the world lol
I was thinking of something like this: you come home after a long day of work to your wife dead on the kitchen floor. Danny is there of course—he was waiting for you to come home. Originally he closes in to kill you too thinking he had the upper hand, but the way he talks so desperately about wanting this turns you on. He sees your arousal, and puts his knife away temporarily so that you can plow him on that kitchen counter. Whether he kills the reader in the end can be up to you, Idm. Also please include breeding in this (No mpreg) that shit is godsent. Also also, Danny wearing lace panties would also be appreciated. I hope this was enough detail!
A/N: Hello again Fero! Sorry I’ve taken so long to write this you must’ve been impatient and I do apologize. I did get Covid and still have it but for some reason I have motivation to write. Hope the wait was worth it :) I won’t necessarily add “breeding kink”in this as it makes me uncomfortable but I hope cumin in Danny will work
Danny Johnson // Dom Male Reader
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Keys jingling could be heard in your ears, unlocking the door to your apartment.
You honestly just wanted to go to bed and get some rest from your long hours of work.
You were about to just head to your bedroom and collapse on the bed, assuming your wife would be waiting for you. You sigh as you walk in the bedroom realizing she was nowhere to be seen.
“Honey?” You called out, no answer. “Honey I’m home” still no response. You instinctively got worried, she’s always home when you arrive. Late night walk? No no she wouldn’t go out this late.
You put a hand on your chin as your thoughts clouded your mind, maybe she’s just taking a bath or grabbing some late night snacks? You should check either way.
You walked to the bathroom as you opened the door, noticing the light was off. Turning it on you didn’t see your wife, you figured so as the light was off.
Turning the light back off you walked back to the hallway, heading for the kitchen.
“Honey? Are you ok?-“
Your breath hitched in your chest as a feeling of pure adrenaline and fear filled your body.
There she was, your wife bleeding out on the floor unconscious and probably dead.
You froze not knowing what to do, your mind going blank
“Hi hun glad you could make it back… safely~”
You heard a voice as you looked to your side you noticed a man in a mask with a robe-like outfit. His voice wasn’t his real voice and you could tell by the voice changer he had in his tone.
“W-what do you want from me?! Get away from me you bastard!”
Danny sighed as he walked closer “isn’t it obvious? I want to kill you, I’ve been watching you, following you, stalking you, I need you so bad~ you’re absolutely perfect~ please please let me kill you, your blood would look so pretty on my knife. I can’t take it anymore, I need you”
The way this man talked to you had pure hot lust flooding your mind. What was wrong with you? Why was this turning you on?
Those thoughts quickly faded away as you slightly bit your lip, uniting your tie as you looked at him.
Danny giggled a little noticing your actions, he placed his knife behind him on the counter as he walked up to you.
You immediately felt yourself getting hard and the man began unbuckling your belt, looking up at you.
“I think we can have some…other types of fun for now… what do you say? Handsome?”
All Danny heard was a low groan come from you before you spoke, your lust moving your mouth for you.
“Bend over the counter right now”
Ghostface immediately listened, bending over as he rested his head in his arms.
“How naughty, came here to kill me now you wanna be fucked? That’s very naughty Ghostface”
Danny chuckled as he pressed his ass against your buldge and he wiggled around on it a bit.
“Cmon don’t act like you don’t wanna fuck me, my ass is so prepared for you, please please fuck me”
You chuckled as you undid your belt, one hand pulling your pants and boxers to your ankles while the other on Danny’s hip.
Once you pulled up his outfit you noticed what he was wearing.
“Well look at you, it’s almost like you were waiting for me” you said in a stern voice.
“Maybe…I was..like I said tonight would be the night you take me…and I take you~”
The way he said that last line had your heart pounding. From fear? Lust? Desire? You weren’t sure but the position you were in quickly fogged your thoughts of any hesitation.
You softly traced the designs and skin revealed through his lingerie, in almost a teasing manner.
All that could be heard was Danny cute sighs and breaths.
You gently uncovered his sensitive spot, wanting so bad to just rip his lace off but you didn’t wanna make him change his mind and kill you on the spot so you kept it soft.
You gently pushed a finger in him as you heard Danny’s moan almost immediately, not only that but the feeling of him being a little loose already.
He’s been touching himself.
“I ah~ sorry if I-I’m a little lose I c-can’t help but touch myself around you mm~”
All you could do is smile at him as you knew, you didn’t need to prep him at all. He’s been so needy for you he’s already ready.
With that you harshly held his head against the countertop as you shoved yourself inside him with no warning.
The moan that followed sent chills down your stomach… so High in pitch…Godamn he sounded like a bitch in heat.
“I ah, mm sorry I can’t help it shit~”
You grabbed his throat, squeezing it a bit but not too tight to suffocate him.
“Shut the hell up”
Danny listens immediately, legs already trembling as you manage to hit all his sensitive spots with no issue.
“I uh~ hah~ you feel so good please don’t stop, don’t ever stop~”
Never in your sex life have you ever heard someone so needy and desperate to be fucked. Not even your wife was this submissive to you.
However the sweets cries and moans he released only fueled you to keep going, tightening your grip on his waist as you fucked him faster and relentless.
Danny’s masked slipped of a little during the movement of getting fucked out, his mouth was revealed to you.
Danny didn’t seem to mind. But you? You felt the butterflies swarm in your stomach from the view.
His mouth was open, drooling and smiling, his sharp canines biting his bottom lip a few times.
You felt that feeling of wanting to cum swarm your groin and you lifted up his legs with your arms, releasing his neck.
“I~ gah~ I’m gonna cum so hard against your country mm~ you want me to hmm?~ I’m gonna coat this counter in my cum~”
Danny said, nails scratching at the marble counter, not doing any damage but he still tried anyway
You continued fucking him, as your dick shot out cum into him. Danny took in a deep breath as he felt you cum into him, the feeling making him cum as well.
You both were trying to catch your breaths as you let go of his legs, sitting on your couch as you continued to take deep breaths.
Danny chuckled, pulling his mask and robe back to how they originally were.
“Yknow~ I wouldn’t mind doing this again~” he said, walking over to you.
You grinned at him, smiling before looking at the kitchen again.
Danny sat on your lap, mask fixed as he stared at you.
You felt panic rush through your ribs and chest when you noticed the knife he had set on the counter was gone.
Your eyes widened as you looked at him in panic, sure enough there he was, holding the knife in hand.
You couldn’t scream, not even a yelp came out before he waved goodbye, plunging the knife in your heart.
“I’ll make sure you’ll be in the newspaper for weeks~”
Your vision went black as a click of a camera could be heard.
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Ghostface (Danny Johnson) Masterlist
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Blog Info
• The Knife in You Brings Out the Life in Me - Danny Johnson x Reader
- Prologue | Chapter 1
Y/n was never close with her cousin Billy and hadn’t seen him in years, but when he shows up at her roadside home, running from the law and with a Stu on his arm, she figures it’s best to let him stay. He wouldn’t.. gut her? Right? Best not take any chances! The real kicker, however, is when their inspiration - the real and original Ghostface - shows up. She has less faith he’ll let her live if she isn’t careful.
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