#deadite grimm
novankenn · 9 months
Reluctant Hero?
= Thirty-Three = (Chapter List)
Nora: So, to the bullhead station?
Jaune: And get on one of those death-traps? No way. We're taking the Delta.
Cardin: (From the back seat) Beacon is on the top of a cliff, how is this bucket of... (Nora shot him a glare over her shoulder, cutting him off)
Nora: So how are we getting back without a bullhead?
Jaune: (Guiding the Delta through Vale's traffic.) There's an old access road from Vale to Beacon. We're taking that.
Nora: An OLD road? Can we... even make it?
Jaune: The Classic can make it through anything, oh ye of little faith!
Cardin: How are you so sure?
Jaune: If this old gal could get me and my friends up to the... um... she just will, trust me. Nora, hit play if you please... we need some cruising music.
Nora gave Cardin a questioning look over her shoulder, only to get a shrug of his shoulders as a response. So she reached over and hit play on the old tape deck.
Jaune: Oh yeah, that's the stuff!
Nora and Cardin sat back, giving Jaune a similar look, as he started to tap the wheel with his cybernetic hand, while also singing along... very off-key.
Despite Cardin and Nora's reservations, the Delta 88, or as Jaune called it "the Classic" was easily handling the rutted and rough very unmaintained road that lead from Vale proper to Beacon. Though neither was appreciating Jaune's singing.
After the fifth repetition of the song, as apparently the tape was just the one song, Nora had had enough and reached over and ejected the tape.
Jaune: Hey! (Taking his eyes off the road and giving Nora a look) I was...
Cardin: LOOK OUT!
Jaune/Nora: SHIT!
The beowulf hit the front of the Delta, was flipped over the hood to slam into the windshield, causing it's head to burst in a spray of goo that coated the glass. A second impact caused Jaune to slam on the brakes.
Cardin: What the f...?
Nora: Where the FUCK did that come from?
Jaune: (Attempting to use the wipers to clear the windshield, so he could see) I have no... Crap baskets.
Nora: Jaune? (Looks out the smeared windshield, seeing the approaching forms of at least three more beowulf and two missing Beacon applicants.) Crap baskets.
Jaune: Well, we have a choice, Lady and Gent.
Cardin: And that would be?
Jaune: Do we get out and fight, or?
Nora: Or?
Jaune: Do I run them over?
Cardin: Are you serious?
Jaune: Ah yes, I am serious! What do you think I would joke about running people over? That's cold man, real cold.
Nora: They're getting closer!
Jaune didn't wait for any further conversation, as he put the Delta 88 into reverse and stepped on the gas.
Cardin: What are you doing?
Jaune: I need room to get up to speed!
Nora: (having rolled down her window and peeking past the goo covered windshield) I think they know what you're planning on doing!
Jaune: Too late now! (Jaune hit the brake, put the Delta into drive and stomped on the gas.)
Forty-One hundred pounds of steel met a few hundred pounds of flesh at about fifty-miles and hour. Cardin winced at the sounds of bodies being knocked aside, over and under the car. Jaune didn't even flinch as he kept the accelerator floored and the wipers going.
Cardin: Can you even...
Nora: Let go, you bitch!
Deadite Student: (Half climbing through Nora's open window. It's twisted claw like fingers tangled in Nora's hair.) I will swallow your soul!
Jaune: Cardin do something!
Cardin: You do something!
Jaune: I'm driving!
Nora: Get off me, cunt! Someone, just do something!
Deadite Student: You will all die! There is nothing you ca...
BOOM! The Delta swerved dangerously as everyone now coated in gore shook their heads trying to ease the ringing in their ears, thanks to Cardin firing his shotgun inside the cab of the car.
Jaune: WHAT?
Cardin: AHHH!!! MY EARS!!!!
Jaune: WHAT?
Thirty minutes later, the goo splattered trio exited the gore covered car. Glynda sighed as she looked them over. She knew she was supposed to ask, but she really didn't want to. Really, she did not want to know what those three menaces had gotten involved in. But it was her job to keep tabs on the trio.
Glynda: Would you mind explaining?
Jaune: WHAT?
Glynda: Why are you yelling?
Cardin: (His hands pressed to his ears) I'LL NEVER LOOK AT ROADKILL THE SAME WAY AGAIN!!
Glynda: Roadkill?
Nora stumbled away from her teammates making a bee-line for the fountain, and as shocked students and a dumbfounded Glynda watched she dunked her whole head in to the cool clear water. Jaune stumbled about to the rear of the Delta 88 and popped the trunk. Glynda's shoulder's dropped as she watched as the young man, pulled out a six-pack of beer and proceeded to walk over to a nearby bench.
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thedeaditeslayer · 5 years
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Interview: Scott Duvall on How Ash Meets Bubba Ho-Tep in Dynamite’s New Army of Darkness Crossover.
Worlds collide this February when Ash meets Elvis and a foul-mouthed mummy in Dynamite’s latest crossover Army of Darkness vs. Bubba Ho-Tep. The four-issue mini-series not only brings together two beloved cult classics, it also pits Bruce Campbell’s infamous character against another of his best personas (the actor played Ash in the Evil Dead series as well as Elvis Presley in Bubba Ho-Tep in 2002).
Written by Scott Duvall (They Called Us Enemy, Heavy Metal) and with art by Vincenzo Federici (Grimm Fairy Tales), the story follows Ash on a road trip through Texas in search of Elvis, who is rumored to be alive and taking down evil mummies. With a time-traveling Elvis jumpsuit and a new evil Book of the Dead, Ash must then come face to face with Bubba Ho-Tep, the soul-sucking mummy.
Rounding out the creative team on the adventure is Michele Monte making his American comics debut on colors and Taylor Esposito (Bettie Page, Atomahawk) on letters. Duvall chatted about the upcoming series and what fans can expect.
Deanna Destito: When the idea to crossover these two properties came up was it because mixing two cult classics was appealing or was it more to see Bruce Campbell meet Bruce Campbell?
Scott Duvall: The exciting prospect of bringing these two iconic Bruce Campbell characters together was absolutely the spark that got the crossover off the ground. These two warped worlds inhabited by Ash and Elvis felt like such a natural fit that I could hardly believe it had not been done before. I feel incredibly lucky and thankful for all the trust and support the team and I have been given in order to deliver the best first meeting possible between these two heroes of cult cinema.
Destito: Campy cult classics are loved for a reason. Are you a big fan and how fun is it to write something like this?
Duvall: You’re absolutely right, lifelong friendships and communities are built around these much beloved classics. I’ve been a fan of Army of Darkness from a young age and was introduced to it around the same time as Star Wars, so it ranks high up there with some of my earliest influences as a wanna-be-storyteller. Bubba Ho-Tep came years later but I was an early adopter, immediately drawn to it as a fan of Campbell’s work. It’s been an absolute blast to put words in these characters’ mouths and take them anywhere I want to go from Texas to ‘70s Vegas to Graceland. The last couple years it’s been much more serious projects I’ve been involved in writing, so with this I try to inject as much humor into it as possible while also keeping the stakes high and so it’s been incredibly fun and freeing getting to play in both these sandboxes simultaneously.
Destito: What are your thoughts on some of your collaborators on this series? How does Vincenzo Federici match the tone of your scripts?
Duvall: I’ve been incredibly fortunate to be teamed up with such amazing collaborators on this series. Starting with Vincenzo Federici, (the first person to join the team), once I saw his character sheets for Ash and Elvis I knew he’d be perfect. His sense of action and dynamic layouts is phenomenal and he makes all the fights bigger and the jokes funnier so it’s been a real joy to sit back and watch him bring this story to life. Add to that Michele Monte’s eye-grabbing colors, which set a really eerie tone throughout. He makes some really striking choices in his palette, which add new dimension and depth to every scene. Our letterer Taylor Esposito I’ve had the pleasure of working with previously and I personally requested him for this project. Taylor is not only at the top of his game, he always comes up with great ideas and graphic design that he incorporates into his lettering, going one step further than your average letterer.
Destito: Who would you love to cross Ash over with next if given the opportunity?
Duvall: I was so thrilled to get the chance to team Ash up with Elvis for the first time, that if this is the only Army of Darkness crossover I ever have the opportunity to write on, I could walk away pretty satisfied. However, there’s only one other character that springs to mind that I would love to match wits with Ash and that’s Wynonna Earp. Beau Smith’s wise crackin’, demon slaying, badass heroine has become one of my favorite comic book characters in recent years. The idea of Wynonna trading barbs with Ash while they take on something truly evil gets my creative juices flowing!
Destito: In your opinion why has Army of Darkness endured the way it has, over so many decades and through so many incarnations?
Duvall: Great question. Truly the main reason this franchise has remained as enduringly popular as it has is that it delivered to us one of cinema’s best horror icons in Ash. Bruce Campbell’s performance as that character is always wildly entertaining and he has the best one-liners out of anyone. It’s his relatable everyman quality thrown into these horrific situations that reels us in, combined with a smart mouth and that epic chin. Ash is a flawed character, no doubt, and we love watching him overcome insurmountable odds, sending deadites back to the grave, and saving the day time and again. But we also love to see him stumble and fall on his face multiple times so we can root for him along the way. It’s been surreal getting to be in charge of torturing Ash this go-round, landing him and his new partner Elvis in some deadly predicaments, and I hope fans dig the results!
Check out the first issue of Army of Darkness vs. Bubba Ho-Tep on February 13. Also look for variant covers by Carlos Gomez, Tom Mandrake, Robert Hack, Diego Galindo, and Emma Kubert.
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novankenn · 10 months
Reluctant Hero?
= Ten = (Chapter List)
The video feed images from the forest caused those watching to go pale. It was utter chaos in the shadow of those trees. The Professors watched as those strange grimm attacked, but that was not all. Several of the hopefuls themselves just screamed and then changed as well.
Ozpin: Get the rescue bullheads in the air now! I want everyone out of that forest!
/===/ In the Emerald Forest /===/
Beowulf: We will swallow your soul!
Jaune ignored the rantings of the decapitated head as he rushed to Pyrrha's side. She groaned as he helped her sit up with her back to the tree she had been thrown against.
Pyrrha: What? What?
Jaune: Pyr? How are you feeling?
Pyrrha: Confused, everything is ... AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Jaune fell back as Pyrrha lurched forward, grabbing her left leg. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she began to claw at her own flesh, screaming in agony. Jaune, using his one good hand, grabbed her wrists and pulled them back.
Jaune: Tell me Pyr! What is happening?
Pyrrha: It burns! It burns! Something is eating me!
Using the tip of his saw, Jaune pried at the edge of her greave. He took a deep breath as he saw the damage the bite had caused. Damage her aura should have prevented. Damage that before his eyes was festering and putrefying her flesh.
Jaune: Okay, I heed you to hold your hands together tightly. I have to remove your greave to really look at the injury. Can you do that?
Pyrrha just nodded as she clasped her hands together. Taking a deep breath, Jaune reached down and undid the fasteners. The torn piece of armour was peeled away revealing a spreading spiderweb of black lines, twisting about her flesh as the punctures caused by the beast's teeth wept black fluid.
Jaune: Fuck!
Pyrrha: (Sobbing) Jaune, please help me.
Jaune: (Places his hand against Pyrrha's cheek) I'm going to save you, but you have to be strong for me. Can you?
Pyrrha: Y... y... y... yes.
Jaune: I have to grab my hand, but I will be right back. Okay?
Pyrrha just nodded. Jaune rose to his feet and quickly made his way to where he had dropped his hand. As he passed the severed head, he unsheathed his shotgun.
Beowulf: Her soul will be ours! You have failed another, Jauney!
Jaune said nothing as he pointed the weapon and squeezed one of the two triggers. The head was splattered across the ground. Spinning the gun about his finger, he sheathed it, and grabbed his discarded hand. He jogged back to the still crying Pyrrha.
Jaune: (Pushes his cybernetic hand into her hands.) I want you to squeeze that as hard as you can. Crush it if you have to.
Pyrrha: What... what... are you... going to do?
Jaune: To save you, I have to take off your leg. It is going to hurt, like a fuck ton, but it's...
Pyrrha: No, you can't!
Jaune: Do you want me to save your life? Or would you rather become like that thing and force me to destroy you?
Pyrrha: I... I...
Jaune: Listen to me. If I don't do this now, you're going to die, so squeeze that hand. I'll make this quick.
Pyrrha, still sobbing, tears running from her eyes and snot dripping from her nose, just nodded. Jaune grabbed the end of one of his belts and yanked it free of his body. He kept his eyes on the creeping infection as he used his one good hand, and his teeth, to loop the belt just above Pyrrha's knee. She whimpered as he pulled it so tight that it made her aura flare.
Jaune: Now squeeze that hand.
Pyrrha screwed her eyes shut and clasped the cybernetic hand between hers. The revving of the chainsaw made her flinch, and a second later she howled. Jaune ground his teeth together as he forced the blade of the saw through her aura, and into her pale flesh. The corruption was only a couple of inches below her knee. He had to work fast.
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novankenn · 10 months
Reluctant Hero?
= Twenty-Six = (Chapter List)
The trio stood in front of the headmaster, goo and gore dripping off them to splatter on his polished wooden floor. Nora and Cardin stood just behind Jaune, their weapons balance on their shoulders.
Ozpin: Could you have, not, made such a mess?
Jaune: Not really, it's just how it is when dealing with these things. Messy.
Nora: Seriously messy.
Ozpin: (Sighs) Can I know what you accomplished with this... mission?
Jaune: Put down four Deadites that could have infiltrated the school and gotten their hands on the book.
Cardin: I thought we were doing it to keep them from killing more people, and to figure out how many more there were out in the forest?
Nora: So did I. Jaune's holding out on us.
Jaune: (Over his shoulder) I told you guys everything.
Nora: Nah-uh.
Cardin: This like the first time we've heard anything about some book.
Jaune: Really? I thought I did?
Ozpin: Mr Arc, please. Thank you for stopping a threat we were not aware of... wait... did you say more of them in the forest? How many more?
Jaune: That's the thing. We were going to do a count by checking the headless bodies... to see if they were any of the five we... um... caused.
Ozpin: So what was the result from this investigation?
Jaune: Um... we were interrupted by someone who will remain...
Cardin: (Cough) Goodwitch (Cough)
Jaune: ... nameless.
Glynda: I caught them sitting surrounded by blood, getting high!
Jaune/Nora/Cardin: Relaxing!
Glynda: Getting HIGH!
Jaune: That's beside the point. We have to go down and check those other bodies, then we can figure out...
Ozpin: How many do you think there are?
Jaune: Six, maybe less.
Ozpin: I see. I was going to send out search parties made up of third and fourth year students to try and recover those initiates we were unable to locate yesterday...
Jaune: No, that would be a really, terrible idea.
Ozpin: And why do you say that?
Jaune: Aside from us three... no one else in this school has any idea what they'd be running into, much less how to deal with it.
Ozpin: You are probably correct with that assumption.
Jaune: Oh, on the way here, Professor Goodwitch said something about how we are "representing" Beacon and our behaviour was inappropriate. What is that about?
Ozpin: I made a decision to accept everyone...
Nora: That's barbaric! It's just like Jaune-Jaune said! We survived, so we get to attend?
Cardin: That's cold. Real cold.
Ozpin: Excuse me? What are you going on about? I accepted everyone, it was the only sensible thing to do.
Jaune: Right. Of course.
Ozpin: (Sighs) So we now have a problem. There are students still out in the Emerald Forest, and I have an obligation to do everything in beacon's power to find them. But you are telling me that sending out third and fourth year teams to conduct such searches is inadvisable.
Jaune: Yeah.
Ozpin: So, what do you suggest I do? If there is even the slimmest chance, they could still be saved, then I have to do something.
Jaune: And I suppose you think, that since we have dealt with these demonic cock-huffers that we should volunteer?
Ozpin: No.
Jaune: Good.
Ozpin: Your team is being assigned the task. In lieu of taking part in Combat Class, History or Grimm Studies, you three will scour the Emerald Forest and save or recover everyone you can.
Jaune/Nora/Cardin: Team?
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novankenn · 10 months
Reluctant Hero?
= Eight = (Chapter List)
Pyrrha heard and saw the other applicants flying through the air, some of them heading towards the very individual that she had decided she was going to partner with. So broke into a jog, and then a run, vaulting, and jumping past and around obstacles as she closed on her destination.
She slowed down when she reached the area she was sure he had landed in. Looking up, she had to giggle. He was right where she figured, and she understood why he said he had no choice but to wait.
Her javelin had caught him by the hood and pinned him to a tree, but only after smashing him through a smaller one, in which he caught his foot, meaning he was now stretched between two separate trees.
Pyrrha: Are you sure you're okay?
Jaune: Perfect... just stuck. Little help, please?
Pyrrha reached out with her semblance and yanked her javelin free. Without the javelin holding him up, Jaune's body suddenly dropped, pivoting on his trapped foot. Pyrrha winced as she caught Milo, as Jaune slammed into the smaller tree, which of course freed his trapped foot. However now he wasn't being held up by anything, so he fell, striking several branches on the way down.
Pyrrha: (rushing over to the groaning form of Jaune) I'm sorry.
Jaune: (Getting assisted by Pyrrha to rise to his feet) Ow... ow... ouch. Ah... good thing for aura, huh. Ow. That's going to leave a mark.
Pyrrha: Are you sure you're okay? That was a nasty fall, and you hit quite a few branches on the way down.
Jaune: (Stretching and causing some of his joints to pop) I'll be fine. I'll just walk it off. No big deal.
Jaune bent over at his waist and gulped some air. It was obvious to Pyrrha that he was more banged up than he was willing to admit. That would be a problem, if they ran into any trouble.
Pyrrha: We're partner's now Jaune, so be honest with me. Are you okay?
Jaune: (Leans back rather far, causing his back to crack) There, I'm good now. (Looks around) Have you seen it?
Pyrrha: Seen?
Jaune: My chainsaw. I think I dropped... (Sees it laying at the base of one of the trees he had been stuck in) There it is.
Pyrrha: So the Headmaster said to go North and get...
Jaune: Fuck that. We're getting out of this place, and getting out now.
Pyrrha: But initiation?
Jaune: What about it?
Pyrrha: How are we going to earn our spots to stay at Beacon if we...
Jaune: Listen Pyr (Jaune totally missed the smile Pyrrha developed at hearing him shorten her name) there is something in this forest, and it's not grimm. We need to get back to Beacon before...
????: (a growling wet warped voice) Too late, Jauney.
Pyrrha: Is that... a grimm?
Jaune placed himself before Pyrrha as his eyes narrowed on the Beowulf that stalked out of the shadows. It's slavering jaws wide, it's once red eyes milky white. It stepped forward, and hissed, raising an arm and pointing a single twisted clawed finger in their direction.
Beowulf: Your souls will be ours.... just like all the others that have entered these woods. There is no escape, Jauney.
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novankenn · 10 months
Reluctant Hero?
= Twenty-Five = (Chapter List)
Glynda was fuming, not only was her outfit now stained with the Gods knew what, but she was once again leading a gore coated Jaune Arc and his two... cohorts? Minions? Companions? Through the halls of Beacon after catching them getting high. There were only two differences to currently and the last time. Nora Valkyrie and Cardin Winchester were just a gore covered as Jaune. The second was that she was not using her semblance to corral them.
Glynda: I can not believe the juvenile and inappropriate behaviour you three as exhibiting! You should be ashamed of yourselves. You represent Beacon!
Cardin: Do we? Because I'm kind of under the impression that we didn't finish initiation.
Glynda: I... you...
Nora: Yeah, wasn't there something about getting relics or something? I don't remember finding any relics.
Glynda: It is implied that you...
Jaune: What we passed because we survived? That's cold, and inhuman. I don't think I want anything to do with a school that uses that type of barbarism.
Glynda: (Spins about and points her riding crop in their faces) No... I... ARGH! You three are insufferable!
Nora, Cardin and Jaune looked at each other, then back at Professor Goodwitch.
Cardin: So how are we representing Beacon?
Gynda: You are representatives of Beacon because the Headmaster has decided you are.
Jaune: Why exactly? It's not like we did anything.
Glynda: The Headmaster can explain it to you when you see him, and after you explain why you turned our morgue into a slaughterhouse.
Jaune: Um... dead coming back to life. Need to destroy the head to stop them. It's kind of self-evident.
Glynda's face started turning red as her frustration and anger slowly grew. She froze when she heard the voice of another person in the hall behind her.
????: Jaune?
Jaune: (Leans to the side to peer around Professor Goodwitch) Pyr?
Pyrrha: (Moving up the hallway using a set of crutches.) I was so worried about... (stops and eyes the gore streaked trio) What happened to you? Why are you all so gooey?
Jaune: Long story, so I'll give you the short, short version. Okay?
Pyrrha: Okay.
Jaune: Deadites.
Pyrrha: Huh?
Nora: Yeah, that sums it up.
Cardin: Couldn't have said it better myself.
Jaune: How are you doing, since I... you know...
Pyrrha: Cut off my leg below the knee?
Jaune: (Rubs the back of his neck with a blood coated hand) Yeah... that.
Pyrrha: I'm okay.
Jaune: That's... that's good.
Pyrrha: Can I talk to you... alone?
Jaune: We're on our way to see the Headmaster, maybe after that?
Pyrrha: That would be lovely.
Jaune: Okay, it's a date.
Pyrrha: (Blushing) A... a... a date?
Nora: It's a figure of speech, you thirsty wench.
Glynda: (Clearing her throat) Ms Nikos, you shouldn't be wandering the halls, without clearance from the Doctor.
Pyrrha: It's fine. I feel fine.
Glynda: It is not fine. You should be resting. So, please return to your room, while I escort these... three to the headmaster.
Pyrrha: Yes professor.
Jaune: Chin up Pyr, I'll be back to see you as soon as the Headmaster finishes with us.
Pyrrha: Hope to see you soon.
Pyrrha hobbled out of the way, as Glynda once again started her stalking walk through the halls, with three gore coated students following close behind her.
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novankenn · 10 months
Reluctant Hero?
= Twenty-Nine = (Chapter List)
Ruby had finally after a long night drifted to sleep, though it was admittedly with the help of some mild sedatives she had been prescribed. But it wasn't a peaceful sleep. Very quickly, images of the horrific death her sister had suffered invaded her dreams.
She watched unable to move as the black haired girl, that Yang introduced as her partner Blake, suddenly started screaming and changed. Ruby's sleeping form shivered as in her mind she stared into those dead milky white eyes of Blake.
Her body flinched and curled in upon itself as Yang's screams started. Slowly, her pillow became damp with tears as the scene replayed over and over, yet she could do nothing. She did nothing.
????: Dry those tears, my little Rose.
Ruby looked about herself, she was standing alone in the woods, deep shadows filling the spaces between the trees, and a white mist floated about her ankles.
Ruby: What? Where? How?
????: Be calm, my little Rose. You are safe here. Those memories can not invade this place, a gift I'm giving to you.
Ruby: Gift? I don't understand? Who are you? Where are you? Where am I? What is going on?
Ruby took a hesitant step backwards as a figure emerged from the shadows. Her long white hair in a side ponytail, her petite and pale form draped in a formfitting ankle length dress of the deepest blue.
Ruby: Weiss?
????: Sorry, no I am not the snotty brat, I am someone else. Someone better, someone who can help you.
Ruby: Help me? (Takes another step, backwards) Who are you?
Eiseth: I am Eiseth, (takes a step closer) I only look like Weiss, and yes I've come to help you my little Rose. I want to ease your pain.
Ruby: I... (takes a very hesitant step forward, but reels back upon seeing Eiseth's pure black eyes) What are you?
Eiseth: I am something that has the power to give you what you desire most.
Ruby: Desire most?
Eiseth: Yes. I can ease all your pain, make you whole again.
Ruby: What do you want?
Eiseth: Your assistance in retrieving something that was taken from me.
Ruby: I... I don't...
Eiseth: It's fine, and perfectly acceptable that you don't trust me... yet. I mean, how could you trust me. We're speaking in your dreams, after all.
Ruby: So this is just a dream?
Eiseth: It is. Tell me, my little Rose, what do you want? What is it your heart desires?
Ruby: I...
Eiseth: I know what lies in your heart.
Behind Eiseth two shapes stepped out into the misty clearing. As soon as their faces came into view, Ruby felt like she would break.
Ruby: Yang? Mom? How? How?
Eiseth: This is but a dream, my little Rose, but it is a dream I can make a reality. Would you like to make this possible? Do you care for your mother and sister to hold you once again?
Ruby: I... I...
Eiseth: Take your time, my little Rose. Your pain drew my attention, and I want to ease it, but you need to accept me to gain my... help.
Ruby: Accept?
Eiseth: We will address that in due time, for now...
The forest faded away around them, replaced with the dining room of Ruby's family home. Seated around the table, her whole family, smiling and laughing.
Yang: Rubes! Come sit down, supper is going to get cold.
Summer: Come my Rosebud. Sit with us.
Tai: Come on, sweetie. Join us.
Ruby wanted to run forward, but she knew this couldn't be real. Her mother was dead, and so now was her sister. She felt a pair of soft hands gently caress her shoulders. Warm wet breath passed over her left ear.
Eiseth: Enjoy this taste. Forget about all that pain, and enjoy my little Rose. Savour what you could have once again.
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novankenn · 10 months
Reluctant Hero?
= Nineteen = (Chapter List)
Jaune: So is there anything else the Doctor has discovered?
Ozpin: Not currently. He has advised me that he is only possibly a quarter of the way into the contents, and much of what he is finding is details regarding summoning various demonic entities.
Jaune: So it's going to be awhile, unless he stumbles upon it?
Ozpin: Most likely.
Jaune: Okay, well, if that is it, I need some food.
Ozpin: There are a couple of other items, you need to know of. Ms Nikos has been asking to see her "partner" ever since she woke up after her surgery... and Ms Schnee would also like to speak with you... though I have a suspicion it is not for a friendly chat.
Jaune: Alright. So food, then I go get my ass kicked. Sounds like a normal, average day for me. So... time to eat.
/==/ 20 minutes later - Cafeteria /==/
Jaune still being followed by Nora and Cardin took a seat at a vacant table and dug into the pancakes and bacon he had requested. His two "shadows" sat across from him, with their own meals, before them.
Cardin: So?
Jaune: (Between mouthfuls) So?
Nora: You never did tell us what the fuck is going on. So spill.
Jaune: Nah. I think it's better that you guys just forget about it. You don't need to get neck deep in this shit. Go have normal lives.
Nora: No. I want to know. I need to know. Whatever that was out in the Emerald Forest took my Rennie...
Cardin: I want to know as well. I had to bash in my best friend's head yesterday... I want to know why.
Jaune: Listen, and I'm telling you this for your own good. You knowing about this crap is bad enough... getting involved in any way more than you already have... is a bad idea. I've been living this nightmare for three years... you guys don't deserve that.
Cardin: No, that's not going to fly. I want to know, and you said you would "read us in", so let's hear it.
Jaune: Listen, I'm telling you! You do not... (Jaune stopped and squinted one of his eyes as if he just realized something.) Did... (points and Nora with his fork) Did you say they TOOK Rennie? Not killed?
Nora: Yeah, I did. I found him fight a King Taijitu... he caused one of the heads to burst, and it just went still... then when he turned after I shouted his name... it came back to life, grabbed him and pulled him into the forest... I tried to chase after, but then some Ursa found me.
Jaune: Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!
Cardin: What's wrong?
Jaune: We need to speak with the Headmaster again. If there were more "taken" we have a big problem... shit!
Forgetting the remains of his meal, Jaune stood up and made his way to the exit. Cardin and Nora looked at each other, and then rose up to follow.
/==/ 20 Minutes - headmaster's Office /==/
Ozpin: (Shocked at Jaune and Co just bursting into his office) Mr Arc?
Jaune: The bodies! How many were recovered, and where are they?
Ozpin: I...
Jaune: Just answer the question! How many bodies did you recover?
Ozpin: Six intact... three headless.
Jaune: Shit! Where are they?
Ozpin: They are in the morgue, until such time as we can return them to...
Jaune: Shit! Fuck! Shit!
Ozpin: I don't understand?
Cardin/Nora: (Cluing in) Oh Shit!
Jaune: Right. Let's go!
Ozpin: Mr Arc?
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novankenn · 10 months
Reluctant Hero?
= Fifteen = (Chapter List)
Much like Pyrrha, Weiss had passed out due to pain partway through Jaune's desperate amputation of her lower arm. He had Cardin toss it as far away as he could, while Nora pulled the ribbon even tighter.
Dropping to his ass, Jaune sat amidst the gore, his chest heaving. He had a far away look in his eyes, as he unconsciously rubbed the pendant that hung about his neck with his thumb. A minute or so later, a bullhead began to lower itself towards them. Leaning out the side door was once again Glynda Goodwitch.
Glynda: You're the last! Hurry!
Jaune: Cardin grab her (points to Ruby) Nora take Weiss.
The pair of powerhouses nodded and without hesitation set to their assigned tasks. Unlike when the bullhead picked up Pyrrha, this time it actually touched down. Jaune drew his shotgun. This was the perfect time that this power would launch an attack.
/==/ Five Minutes Later - Beacon landing Pads /==/
A host of medical staff met them, and quickly loaded but Ruby and Weiss onto gurneys. Jaune, Nora and Cardin watched as they were wheeled away. The trio coated in gore.
Glynda: Mr Arc...
Jaune: How many?
Glynda: Mr Arc?
Jaune: How many were saved?
The click of a metal tipped cane striking stone cause Jaune to turn his head. His azure eyes narrowed as Headmaster Ozpin approached.
Ozpin: Mr. Arc, I want to...
Ozpin hit the ground like a sack of potatoes, after Jaune's fist connected with his jaw. A fraction later, Jaune's saw was started. Ozpin lifted his hands in surrender as the teeth of Jaune's weapon closed upon his face.
Glynda: Mr Arc!
Cardin/Nora: Jaune!
Jaune: (Through clenched teeth) How many?
Ozpin: Mr Arc...
Jaune: How many, you fucking bastard? How many didn't make it?
Ozpin: Seventeen... out of forty-four.
Jaune: I warned you... I FUCKING WARNED YOU!
Jaune then pulled his saw away from Ozpin and walked off. Cardin and Nora looked between the two adults and Jaune's retreating back.
/==/ Five Minutes Later - Locker Room /==/
Anyone in the locker room gave Jaune's gore soaked form a wide berth, but he didn't care. He was focused on a single destination, and couldn't and wouldn't give a fuck about anything else. Reaching his locker, he yanked it open, pulled off his chainsaw hand and tossed it into the bottom with a clatter. A second later, his shotgun and harness followed.
Reaching into the bag he had set upon the top shelf, he withdrew a cybernetic hand. With a twist, followed by a click, he attached it to his right stub. Still ignoring everything about him, he once again reached into the bag, and pulled out a warm can of beer. Without any hesitation, he punched open the tab with his cybernetic thumb.
Nora and Cardin arrived a minute or so later to see Jaune guzzling down the can. Once finished he looked at them, crushed the can and tossed it towards a nearby garbage can. Missing it entirely. With a belch, he reached back into the bag, and pulled out the remains of the six-pack he had just opened.
Kicking his locker closed, he looked at the similarly gore coated pair.
Jaune: Go have a shower. You guys need one, desperately.
Nora: What about...
Jaune: What about me?
Cardin: You could use one as well.
Jaune: No, right now, I need to get a buzz on.
Jaune then shouldered past the pair, and walked away.
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novankenn · 10 months
Reluctant Hero?
= Twenty-One = (Chapter List)
Students and the survivors from the disastrous initiation the day before all bailed from the hallway as Jaune wearing his chainsaw hand, and carrying his shotgun walked down the hall, with Cardin and Nora following behind him, their weapons perched on their shoulders.
Cardin: So we're going to the morgue to what? Decapitate dead bodies?
Jaune: Yes.
Nora: Okay, I sort of get why, but what I don't understand was why you asked the Headmaster how many were recovered.
Jaune: To get a count.
Nora: A count?
Jaune: Yes. Yesterday, after I decked him...
Cardin: And shoved a running chainsaw in his face...
Jaune: That's beside the point. He said 17 didn't make it.
Nora: Okay.
Jaune: Now Cardin and I, and you helped put down 5 of those Deadite bastards, that means there are possible 12 more. Follow?
Cardin: Surprisingly yes.
Jaune: So they recovered 6 intact, and 3 headless. So if those three are NOT any of the ones that we iced, that means there are only 3 unaccounted for.
Nora: One of which would be Rennie?
Jaune: Exactly.
Cardin: Let's say those three are ones we put down, that would mean there are 6 still in the forest, right?
Jaune: You got it.
Nora: Okay, so what happens when we figure out, if there are 3 or 6 students unaccounted for?
Jaune: I...
Nora: We...
Jaune: I...
Cardin: We...
Jaune: Fine! WE go back out in those fucking creepy woods and account for them.
Cardin: And when we account for them?
Jaune: We make sure they're not a Deadite, and if they are...
Nora: We put them down?
Jaune: Bada-boom bada-bing.
Jaune suddenly stops in the middle of the hall, nearly causing Nora and Cardin to trip over him. He looks about himself with a slightly confused expression. Nora and Cardin look at each other and then back to Jaune.
Jaune: Do either of you know where the morgue is?
Cardin: You mean, we've been following you this whole time, and you had no clue where you were going?
Jaune: Duh. It's only like my second day here, so how the hell should I know where everything is?
Cardin: How would we know? It's only our second day as well!
Nora: (Looking at her scroll) We go straight and then tack the next left to the Infirmary. We then go past the infirmary, find a set of stairs and go down two floors. (Show Cardin and Jaune the Beacon Map App she was using) That'll put us in subbasement one, which houses the morgue and some miscellaneous storage.
Jaune: Okay. Let's do this!
/==/ 30 Minutes Later /==/
Orderly: Hey! You guys can't...
Jaune: Yes, we can.
Orderly: No, you can't! This is a restricted area, no students allowed!
Jaune: Good thing we're not students, then.
Orderly: Even then you are not... wait a second, why are you guys... armed?
Jaune: Good question. Cardin, you're up.
Cardin: I'm what?
Jaune: Explain to this nice gentleman why we are here.
Cardin: Why me?
Jaune: Because... um... Nora?
Nora: (sighs) We're here to um... get rid of the rats.
Orderly: Rats? There are no rats down here.
Nora: Hey, then that makes our initiation so much easier, I mean, we go to look around, and we're done.
Orderly: Initiation?
Jaune: Duh. You heard what happened yesterday, right?
Orderly: Of course.
Jaune: Well... (looks at Nora)
Nora: So they're giving everyone a second chance. It's all random menial stuff, we drew "Rats in the Morgue".
Cardin: (Catching on) yeah, I heard one group got something about toilets and the third year dorm. I think we lucked out, really.
Nora: Oh definitely. Rats versus toilets. We definitely lucked out.
Jaune: So you see...
Orderly: Alright, just stop! This obviously all bul...
Nora: Did you just kill him, Cardin?
Jaune: That was not cool, Cardin.
Cardin: What? I just gave him a tiny love tap.
Nora: With a mace that has a head the size of my head on it!
Jaune: Okay. Let's put him in his chair, go in there, dismember some corpses and leave. Sound like a plan?
Nora: Well, we did walk all the way down here. Be a shame if all we did was commit assault and battery.
Cardin: I'll apologize to him later.
Jaune moved to the door as Cardin and Nora put the now unconscious orderly into his chair, and gently arranged him, so he was resting his head on his arms. Looking through the window, he didn't see any white sheeted bodies on gurneys. So he opened the door and walked inside. Cardin and Nora rushed to follow him.
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novankenn · 10 months
Reluctant Hero?
= Nine = (Chapter List)
Pyrrha was on the move as soon as the whatever it was, took another step forward. Pushing Jaune to the side, he drew Milo and Akuno, while moving forward. She ducked under and redirected a rather clumsy swipe before spinning about and disembowelling the beast. It shrieked in pain and fell backwards.
Pyrrha rose to her feet and turned to face Jaune, but stopped as she noticed the black sludge like ichor coating her blade. Her mind couldn't make sense of it. All the grimm she had ever fought never stained her weapon like that. They just dissolved when a fatal blow was struck.
Jaune: Pyr, look out!
Pyrrha screamed as something clamped down about her left calf and foot. First it was out of shock, and a second later it was out of pain as multiple burning points of agony erupted throughout her lower leg. Looking down, she saw the milky white eyes of the Beowulf starting back at her as it clenched its massive jaws and drove dagger like teeth into her flesh.
Pyrrha: Jaune help me!
Jaune: Pyr!
The beast slowly stood, it's split open belly, splashing black sludge over its feet. Pyrrha continued to scream and writhe as she hung from the beast's jaws. With a flick of its powerful neck, it flung her to the side and into a tree. She crumpled to the ground and groaned.
Beowulf: She will be ours, just like the rest of them. You can not stop us, Jaune... you never could. No one can.
Jaune: You bastard! You fucking bastard! What do you want? Why?
Beowulf: We want the book. We want to be free, and once we have feasted upon all the souls that fool offered us... no one will be able to keep us from the NecroNomicon. Time to die, Bonnie Jauney.
Jaune circled, keeping the beast in front of him, as he closed on his chainsaw. In the distance, he could hear screams. It had started. People were dying, because he couldn't get people to believe him. Because he wasn't strong enough to do more than drive it off, those three years ago.
Jaune: All right, you want me? Come and get me.
The Beowulf snarled and stumbled forward, its maw wide open, and clawed hands reaching. Jaune dived underneath its swatting grab, and rolled to his knees next to his chainsaw. With a twist and a pull, he removed his cybernetic hand, and then stuffed the exposed stump into the custom harness on the saw.
Jaune: Alright fuck-nuts. You want to dance... let's dance.
Jaune stood as he spoke, while raising the chainsaw to his chest. With a well practised move, he grabbed the pull starter and yanked it out. The saw roared to life.
Beowulf: Your pathetic weapons can not stop us. You are already dead! Accept it!
Jaune: Momma always said I was a little dense. Guess you just have to convince me a little harder.
With a snarl, the foul beast lurched at him. Jaune snarled and charged forward, his chainsaw hand chambered. Twisting his body, he avoided the wicked claws, and brought his chosen weapon into play. With an upward swing, he caused It to howl in agony as the saw's teeth ripped and tore through its flesh, severing both its arms at the elbow.
Jaune: Ha!
Jaune twisted and reversed the motion of the saw, bringing it downward in an arc to connected with the Beowulf's exposed neck. Black flesh and tar like ichor splattered the ground and Jaune as he opened the throttle, causing the saw's chain to speed up.
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novankenn · 10 months
Reluctant Hero?
= Seventeen = (Chapter List)
Jaune had the worst case of cottonmouth he had ever experienced as he forced himself to open his eyes. An incessant knocking roused him, and when he turned his stiff neck, he noticed he wasn't the only one just now waking up.
Jaune: How the...?
Nora: Please stop!
Cardin: Five more minutes, mom!
Jaune sat up in the bed he was sprawled on, and took a look about through half opened eyes. This was definitely not the roof. Turning his head further to the right, he saw Nora, if he remembered correctly, burrowing under her pillow. Looking to the left, he saw, Cardin, maybe, he couldn't really remember, but the big boy was curled up, his thumb pressed against his lips.
But the knocking continued. Grunting as he forced his body to obey his commands, Jaune twisted about and set his sneaker covered feet on the polished wood floor. With a groan, he stood up.
Jaune: Alright! Alright! Keep your panties on!
When he opened the door, he was greeted by the very unamused face of Professor Goodwitch.
Jaune: Professor?
Gylnda: Mr Arc. If you are not... too compromised from your activities last night, please rouse Mr Winchester and Ms Valkyrie. Headmaster Ozpin would like to have a word with you.
Jaune: Huh? Can we do it like after lunch?
Glynda: No.
Jaune: Are you sure?
Glynda: Yes. Now wake up your... roommates. I will be back in ten minutes to escort you to the Headmaster's office.
Jaune: Are you certain we can reschedule for like after lunch?
Glynda: Mr Arc, you will be attending this meeting, even if I have to drag the three of you there like I dragged you from the roof last night.
Jaune: (Raising his hands in surrender) Got it. Got it. Thirty minutes.
Glynda: Ten.
Jaune: Twenty.
Glynda: Fifteen.
Jaune: Sold.
Glynda just shook her head, and sighed.
Glynda: Please wear something... clean.
Jaune looked at professor Goodwitch for a second and then down at his clothes, and nodded in agreement once he saw that everything his was wearing was caked with grime. Closing the door, Jaune looked about, noticing the ensuite bathroom, which he investigated, confirming that there was indeed a shower inside it.
Jaune: Okay. (Yawns) Need to wake these guys up, and get cleaned up.
Jaune walked over to the side of Cardin's bed. He looked down and the rather beefy young man and considered his options. Putting his left index finger in his mouth, he coated it with saliva, and then stuck it in Cardin's exposed ear.
Cardin: (Flailing about) What the fuck!
Jaune: Time to get up.
Cardin: (shivering as he wiped his ear with part of his blanket) What is wrong with you?
Jaune: Lots of things. Do you want a list?
Cardin: No, no. I'm up.
Jaune: Good. Hit the head, while I wake sleeping beauty. We have like ten minutes before Goodwitch comes to take us to see the Headmaster.
Cardin yawned, and nodded. Standing, he scratched his chest, before shuffling off to the bathroom and slamming the door. Jaune studied his next task, considering his options, and the rewards versus risks of both.
Jaune: Wet Willy worked once... it can work again.
He stopped mid-step as he noticed Nora glaring at him from under her pillow. Her aqua eyes promising pain if he came any closer.
Nora: If you EVEN think of putting a spit coated finger in my ear... I will break both your legs.
Jaune: Thank you for the warning. Are you getting up?
Nora: Yes.
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novankenn · 10 months
Reluctant Hero?
= Thirty-One = (Chapter List)
Team JNC moved to an isolated table with their breakfast trays. Nora and Cardin took the seats across from Jaune, and the trio settled in for breakfast.
Jaune: (Between mouthfuls) So firstly we are going into Vale.
Nora: (Swallowing a rather large bite of pancakes) Why?
Jaune: I need some stuff from the Classic, and you two need a new wardrobe. Preferable stain resistant.
Cardin: (Taking a sip of coffee) We're going clothes shopping?
Jaune: Yes.
Cardin: Why? I mean, we already have combat outfits.
Jaune: The skirt.
Nora: What's wrong with my skirt?
Jaune: Besides that, it's impractical?
Nora: (Eyes narrow)Yes.
Jaune: The wrong move and you'll be flashing everyone your panties...
Nora: I wear boy shorts.
Jaune: And it offers no protection... to your nether region.
Nora: I don't understand that statement. It's huntress quality.
Jaune: You don't understand. If you get knocked down, it won't prevent (makes a whistling sound and a hand gesture with his index finger going up into the air.)
Nora: Huh?
Cardin: Seriously? They would do that?
Jaune: They would. It has happened before, up at the Cabin. It happened to... Kelly.
Cardin: That's brutal and disturbing.
Nora: I still...
Cardin: You definitely need to lose the skirt.
Nora: Why?
Jaune: You need to protect your cooch. (Nora's face goes pale) Because they will try. Believe me, they will. (Swallows the last bite of his breakfast.) And both of you need backups.
Nora: I don't...
Jaune: Listen. Who here has fought these things before?
Nora/Cardin: You.
Jaune: Damn right. So if I tell you, you need backups, you need backups. Deadites can be tricky, and they have disarmed me before, so you both need something extra just in case that happens to you.
Cardin: Okay, so what do you suggest?
Jaune: Both of you should at least carry like a machete or something similar. Something you can lop heads or limbs off with. You (points at Cardin with his fork) could use a ranged option, as well.
Cardin: Really? I get the knife, but a gun as well?
Jaune: If we get rushed by a pack or horde, the more we can take down without having to start swinging weapons around, the better chances we have to survive. It doesn't have to be fancy, just effective. You (Points to Nora) all ready have a good ranged option, but you need to adjust. Less smoke, more boom.
Nora: I think I can manage that.
Jaune: Good finish up, and then we hit Vale.
/==/ 45 Minutes Later - Vale /==/
Cardin: What the hell is this?
Jaune: (Petting the top of his yellow car) This is the Classic, the Delta 88. This baby and I go a long way back, and she's gotten me out of more than one scrape.
Cardin: It looks like a pile of... Omph
Nora: (Withdrawing her elbow from Cardin's gut) Don't.
Cardin: Why... oh... okay.
They both watch as Jaune gently runs his hands over the roof and hood of his car, while whispering so low they couldn't hear what he was saying.
Cardin: So what's first?
Jaune: Huh? What?
Nora: Clothes or weapons first?
Jaune: Clothes.
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novankenn · 10 months
Reluctant Hero?
= Thirty = (Chapter List)
Nora and Cardin were a little impressed with the room, well more like the apartment the headmaster has assigned to them. The pair stood in the entryway, each holding a single bag, as they surveyed the layout.
Before them was a rather spacious living-dining room. To the right was a decent sized kitchenette. Just past the kitchenette was the open door to the bathroom, that from their view point looked to be fairly large, or at least a good size bigger than the ensuites in the dorms.
Glynda: (From behind the pair) We tried to accommodate Mr Arc's request, however we have no three bedroom units available. So this two bedroom is the best we can provide.
Nora: So why three doors?
Glynda: Two are bedrooms, one is a rather large storage closet.
Cardin and Nora share a look and nod.
Cardin/Nora: First come, first served.
Glynda: Obviously, we will deliver a third bed, as one of you will need to share a room...
Nora: Girl, so I'm automatically getting a solo room.
Cardin: You know we would have had to share a single room if we stayed in the student dorms, right?
Nora: That was then. This is now. I'm a girl... I get a solo room.
Cardin: Well, I'm not sharing with Jaune.
Nora: Why not? You're both guys, it shouldn't be an issue.
Cardin: It's not that.
Nora: Then what is it?
Cardin: The guy kind of creeps me out. Like, I'm not sure if he's on the verge of giving me a hug, or gutting me with his chainsaw.
Nora: Good point, though I bet you he's a real good hugger.
Cardin: I wouldn't take that bet.
Nora: How come?
Cardin: I agree with you. He definitely comes across as a guy good at hugging.
Nora: So you should share a room with him.
Cardin: No.
Nora: Why?
Cardin: I already gave you my reason!
Nora: Really? What was it then?
Cardin: He creeps me out.
Nora: Why would you say that about our Fearless Leader?
Cardin: Because he does. Granted, he seems like a good guy, but what, besides the fact he's good at kicking Deadite ass, do we know about him?
Nora: True. True.
Cardin: So I'm not sharing.
Nora: Well, I'm not either. Guess he gets the couch.
Cardin shakes his head and walks over and starts opening doors, revealing the two bedrooms and the rather large storage closet. Nora walks up beside him as looks inside.
Nora: What are you thinking?
Cardin: I'm pretty sure a bed will fit in here, easily.
Nora: I can see it.
Cardin: So this can be Jaune's room.
Nora: Jaune's room.
Cardin: (Looks at Professor Goodwitch who was just standing there this whole time rolling her eyes) Is there a chance we can get a bed delivered? One of the ones from the student dorms would probably work great.
Nora: Oh definitely.
/==/ One Hour Later /==/
Jaune had found his way to the new accommodations that he was able to wrangle out of the headmaster. He entered and was for the most part was impressed with the size and layout. It was then he noticed the handmade signs on the bedroom doors.
Jaune: Cute. Wonder when they found the time, or the supplies, to do that?
It was then that Jaune noticed each of the bedrooms only had a single name on them. His eyes narrowed, as he was definitely not in the mood for these types of juvenile antics. He was tired, and a little mentally exhausted from his long talk with Pyrrha. So he decided he'd deal with the issue in the morning.
Jaune: Guess it's the couch tonight. Wait? What the...?
As Jaune had turned to head for the couch, he saw a third homemade name plate. This one with his name on it. He was concerned, because Goodwitch had informed him that they had gotten assigned a two room unit. So he made his way over and opened the door.
Jaune: Oh, come on! This is a closet! You guys expect me to sleep in a closet?
Nora: (slightly muffled) It's a storage room!
Cardin: (also slightly muffled) First come, first served, Fearless Leader!
Jaune: (Tossing his basically empty bag on the bed.) This is bullshit.
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novankenn · 10 months
Reluctant Hero?
= Sixteen = (Chapter List)
Jaune was well into his third beer of the night when he heard the door of the rooftop access squeak open. In response, Jaune just finished his beer, crushed the can and tossed it off the side of the roof. Snapping his fourth from the six-pack, he punched in the tab with his cybernetic thumb.
Jaune: Cheers to being pushed off the roof!
Jaune tipped his head back and started to down the can. It was only when he paused to take a breath that he noticed that on one side of him, Cardin had sat down, while on the other Nora had.
Jaune: (Slightly slurring his words) What the hell are the two of you doing here?
Nora: Checking on you.
Cardin: Nothing else to do.
Jaune: (Still slurring his words) Well do it somewhere else, and thanks for the offer of company, but I'd rather be alone.
Nora: Can I?
Jaune: Are you nineteen?
Nora: Seventeen.
Jaune: You?
Cardin: Be eighteen next month.
Jaune: Well, that's a hard no then, mes amis!
Nora: Then how...
Jaune: I'm nineteen... be twenty in a couple of weeks.
Cardin: You're nineteen?
Jaune: Are you trying to card me?
Cardin: No, just you don't look it.
Jaune: Whatever. Now if you'll excuse me, I have one more after this, and then I'm going to see if I can stand up without going off the edge.
Nora: What was all that out there?
Jaune: Oh, now we get to the real...
Cardin: Do you blame us? I had to cave in the head of a childhood friend today. What happened?
Jaune: The NecroNomicon happened, and before you ask... I'm nowhere near drunk enough to tell you about it.
Cardin looked at Jaune who was still coated in viscera and almost dry black goo, before casting a glance to Nora. Biting his lip, he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a ziplock baggie.
Cardin: Would this help?
Nora: Why do you...
Cardin: It's Sky's, or was his. No sense of it going to waste, and I think we all need it after that... whatever it was.
Jaune: It was a clusterfuck shit show, that's what it was. (Belches and tosses another crushed can off the roof.) Pass them out, let's get baked.
Nora: How is this okay, but you wouldn't share your beer?
Jaune: Firstly, I'm not getting charged with providing alcohol to minors. Secondly, this is Cardin's shit, so if we get in trouble he's the dealer.
Cardin: Hey!
Jaune: It's just the facts, big guy.
/==/ 30 Minutes Later /==/
It didn't take much for Glynda Goodwitch to find the three wayward young adults. The laughter pinpointed their location after she deduced, from the beer cans littering the ground, that they were on the roof.
She wrinkled her nose at the smell, knowing distinctly what the three were partaking in. The door squeaked as she pushed it open, not that the three individuals noticed. She watched as the orange haired girl plucked the joint from the lips of the one she was positive was Jaune.
Nora: Gods, I am SO hungry right now!
Cardin: I know. I could really go for something to eat.
Jaune: I could go for some pancakes.
Nora: Oh, that sounds perfect.
Cardin: I'm game, but where do we get them? I think the cafeteria is closed by now.
Jaune: Vale. We get some in Vale.
Nora: Where though?
Jaune: There has to be...
Cardin: Who cares, where. The question is how?
Nora: How? How what?
Cardin: How do we get to Vale? I mean, the bullheads have to have stopped.
Glynda: Indeed they have.
Glynda reached out with her semblance, keeping the all three of the very high adults from falling off the roof as they scrambled to get to their feet. The last thing beacon needed after the disaster that initiation had become, was an alleged triple suicide, because three idiots fell off the roof after smoking up.
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novankenn · 10 months
Reluctant Hero?
= Thirteen = (Chapter List)
It took Cardin only a minute or so to catch up to Jaune, who he found pulling his chainsaw-hand out of the ground the white eyed top half of a Beowulf head laying at his feet. The body just off to the side, with black ichor spurting from the gruesome wound.
Jaune: Are you good? You ready to do this?
Cardin just nodded.
Jaune: Remember, if they look like how your friends did... they're already dead. You're not killing them, you're ending their pain.
Cardin just nodded again. Jaune nodded to him and moved off, heading north, or what Cardin thought was north. He hesitated only for a second before falling into step behind him.
/==/ Ten Minutes Later - the Ruins /==/
Ruby lay in the fetal position, as a black haired woman with cat ears tore the guts out of her sister. Yang had rushed to her aide, only to be overwhelmed. Her screams of pain had only just ended. With blood dripping from her hands, the thing hissed at her, and started to move forward.
Between them, Weiss stood. Her eyes wide with panic, and her hands shaking as she tried to hold her rapier steady. The whatever it was closed, a wickedly twisted and malicious grin on her face.
????: I am so going to enjoy ripping your heart from your chest... Schnee.
Weiss: (Her voice wavering with fear) Stay back! I'm... I'm warning you!
????: (Laughing darkly as she closed even more) You can't stop us. You are nothing, all of you are nothing but flesh and souls to consume!
The blast of a pink smoked grenade, tossed the twisted form of a faunus backwards tumbling through the air. It landed in a heap and remained still.
????: That's for Rennie!
The orange haired, gore streaked woman closed on Weiss, her weapon never straying off the crumpled form. Weiss' breath still came in ragged gasps, as the other woman, finally, took a place right next to her.
????: Are you okay? I'm Nora, by the way.
Weiss: Weiss Schnee, and I... I don't know.
Nora: (Pointing towards the whimpering form of Ruby, with a movement of her head) What about her?
Weiss: I don't know.
Nora: We need to get out of here, like now.
Weiss: I need to check on her (pointing with her shaking rapier towards the sprawled out form of Yang.)
Nora: Ah, her intestines are all over the surrounding ground... I don't...
Weiss: I think she was her sister. I have to check.
Nora: Okay. Be careful.
Weiss nodded and with hesitant steps approached the form of the blond haired woman. Weiss was pretty sure there was nothing she could do for her, but still she had to make sure. Once she was close enough, Weiss reached down and gently pressed her slim fingers against the woman's neck.
Suddenly the woman's eyes snapped open, and with a lightening fast twist of her head, she sunk her teeth into Weiss' wrist. Weiss screamed in pain and terror as she dropped her weapon and tried in vain to yank her hand free.
Nora: Weiss, get out of the way!
Weiss: I'm TRYING!
Weiss threw all of her pitiful body weight backwards. She didn't succeed in freeing herself, in fact, she did nothing but cause herself to fall to the ground. With a sickening fleshy tearing sound, the woman that was grinding her teeth into Weiss's wrist, pulled her top half free of her bottom half.
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