female-buckets · 2 months
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petewentzisblack1312 · 9 months
i think judas iscariot and jesus christ were lesbians.
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pharawee · 8 months
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—You'll know what it's like to taste the sweetest torture.
MY GOLDEN BLOOD · เลือดนายลมหายใจฉัน · Coming Soon
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liyazaki · 1 year
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thank you for coming to see me.
CUTIE PIE 2 YOU | EP. 1 [2023]
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awkward-sultana · 8 months
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"According to the criterion of stipend, the haseki, or favorite concubine, enjoyed the greatest status in the imperial harem after the valide sultan. The haseki, a slave concubine and no blood relation to the reigning sultan, ranked higher than the sultan's own sisters and aunts, the princesses of the dynasty." - The Imperial Harem: Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire by Leslie P. Peirce
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faraige · 6 months
Those Yan soldiers really saw Xie Wei, the accomplished and cunning young politician who helped them, be revealed to be the famed child everyone thought died brutally in place of the Emperor 20 years ago, him unmasking the past crimes of his father, then cut all ties with that father in the most formal and dramatic way by cutting his hand and splashing said father's face with his blood, then that same father stabbing him with and arrow before dying AND him prettending to be dead just a little bit longer so the girl who is always around for some reason when intense shit happens would propose to him. Then they kiss.
Those soldiers went through the whole range of human emotion in the span of 20min or something.
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jyuubin · 1 year
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BED FRIEND (2023) // King & Uea ↳ making plans through fake phone calls pt. 2
{ID is in the ALT}
— ©jyuubin
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
Three hands of blackjack in, and Doc’s honestly not sure he’s picked up on Ren’s intentions yet. It should be obvious; he’s a secessionist, and any crown looking for further power knows what it must do with secessionists. He’s even cracking down on it. Doc’s seen the sign outside the portal in the shopping district. Bold. Fast way to make the other Hermits dislike him - Doc would know. Instead, though, Ren invites him over, and Doc arrives with all of his excuses, and instead of deploying any of them, Ren has them playing cards.
He’s oddly silent. It’s making Doc fidgety a little bit. Ren isn’t a quiet guy. Months on a van, real or unreal, with the guy, are enough for Doc to be pretty confident in saying that one, and when Octagon is thrown into the mix, well, all Doc’s saying is that it’s strange that Doc’s the one fidgeting in his chair while Ren sits, still and confident and silent, and wins another game of blackjack.
It’s getting to Doc’s head. It’s also blackjack. This should be half luck. Maybe the illustrious king is cheating. Bankrupt as much morally as his vaults are in diamonds. That would be fitting.
(Maybe Doc’s bitter.)
It takes four more hands, each of them lost, too, for Doc to throw the cards down on the table and look up at Ren. “Look, man. I agreed to come play your games, though, uh, I didn’t know it would mean so literally. You’ve gotta tell me what you’re doing here, man.”
“Can’t two bros have a game night?” Ren says. It’s the first words he’s said all night that aren’t just him indicating what he’s doing with his cards.
“Not like this! And, uh, not sure we’re bros at the moment, Ren. Sorry.”
“I’ll deal another hand,” Ren says.
“No, you won’t,” Doc says.
“Yes, I will. You threw your cards face-up man. I’m not playing with all your hand shown.” Before Doc can explain that’s not the problem, Ren’s scooped up the cards and started shuffling the deck again. The sound of the cards shuffling against each other grates against Doc’s ears. Lowly, he starts to hiss. He doesn’t do that often, so the level of frustration should be clear.
Ren deals out another hand. He raises an eyebrow at Doc. Doc’s hiss turns into a growl back into a hiss into silence. He looks at his cards.
He puts his cards down again. Fine. If he plays into it a little. “Just tell me why I’m here,” Doc says.
“Maybe I’ve missed you,” Ren says. “I didn’t ask for you to leave, man. You just did. Maybe I’ve missed you.”
“You’re the one who asked us to throw our diamonds into a hole,” Doc says.
“Is that what my friendship’s worth?” Ren says.
“I don’t know, man! Maybe it’s more than that. You haven’t reached out before now,” Doc says. “Besides, you aren’t great with the whole power thing. You’re like me like that. Tend to get a little loopy with it.”
Ren looks at his cards and looks at Doc. “Do you want a deal?”
Doc looks at his hand. Eight of diamonds, six of spades.
“Hit me,” he says.
Nine of clubs. Bust. Ren flips over his own hand. Seven of hearts, nine of diamonds. He doesn’t bother getting any cards. He sweeps them into the pile again and starts silently dealing once more.
“I’m going to throw you in jail,” Ren says.
“Eh, I mean, that’s what I thought when I got here, man. You aren’t going to succeed,” Doc says.
“I just want to play blackjack,” Ren says.
“Stop this king business then,” mutters Doc.
“You aren’t getting it,” Ren says.
“Then explain it to me! Explain what’s wrong with you, and just stop all of this!”
“No. I’m dealing another hand.”
“Just throw me in jail!”
“Is that what you want?”
“Just -”
“I’m dealing another hand,” Ren says, and he deals another hand in the strange and dark castle Doc has found himself sitting in. Doc shouldn’t have come, and Doc should leave now, while Ren is still staring at him and intensely dealing cards instead of imprisoning him or stopping all this king nonsense. He doesn’t. He slumps in his chair and looks at his cards again.
“I don’t know man. I just want to play cards too,” Doc says.
“Yeah,” Ren says.
“How much longer?”
“Not much.”
“Fine,” Doc says, and he feels to make sure he still has his sword. He does.
They play the next hand.
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dramatic-dolphin · 3 months
not feeling super well & words are swimming before my eyes but i just misread this woman on aita as saying her relationship with her ex ended after he "revealed himself as the messiah" and now i'm inordinately sad that that's not what happened. it would be so much more interesting.
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ermesskiss · 4 months
my americanized dad suguru headcanons
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· · ───────────── 𖥸 ────────────── · ·
➮ drives a Ford f-150
➮ blasts divorce dad music, and the twins sing along with him
➮ makes dad jokes
➮ makes conversations with other parents during the school pickup line (where he meets satoru, tehe)
➮ helps the twins into the truck when he picks them up from school
➮ says white people phases like "news flash, buddy,", "that's rich coming from you," and "livin' the dream,"
➮ watches videos on his phone at full volume
➮ shakes snacks in his hand before he eats them
➮ trys to rap along to a rap song
➮ backs into all parking spots + puts his hand behind the passenger headrest
in the summer. . .
➮ when it's nice out he rolls the windows down with the twins in the back seat; their hair flies everywhere
➮ has drivers tan
➮ he and the girls go to drive-ins and watch from the bed of the truck with blankets and pillows
➮ when he barbecues, he wears an american flag bandana to keep his hair out of the way with sunglasses and plays dad music as the girls play in the sprinkler
➮ wears an lgbtq x american flag shirt to the pride parades
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dilf-in-peril · 6 months
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this is like the equivalent of the drunk guy at the party explaining his favorite movies to you like he thinks you're 12 and his favorite movie is Aquaman too
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hancyan · 1 year
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A variety of Sims live happily in Praaven.
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@mspoodle1さんの 4to3 Get Famous Pirate Set
Diner rugs are laid out on board for Pirate Careers.
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Medieval Shop Signs⇒ @declaration-of-dramasさんのココ
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Adam Birch and lovely companions.yay!XD Emma Hatch, Teodor Medina, Reuben Littler. Their lives were not always calm.
Adam⇒He has a unborn baby with a woman he doesn't know.
Emma⇒Roommates become couples and all alone.
Teodor⇒He was abandoned after his wife cheated on him.
Reuben⇒He’s a sloopy womanizer.
※Other than Emma, the default settings are the same.
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serene skies and a bright blue sea. well, let's go for a voyage.
☆I can't write it all down, but I'm grateful to the many CC creators.☆
Thank you for always reading my posts!
Bye for now!
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heatherra · 1 year
So. Bowraj? Rajie? Rajbow? I'm leaning towards either Rajie or Rajbow tbh
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heretherebedork · 6 months
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Hot damn, next week is definitely the midpoint of the show. I can tell by that line alone.
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awkward-sultana · 4 months
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Magnificent Century + Faceless: Nurbanu Sultan
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