#caitlin clark
foreingersgod · 3 days
End of the Day . CC
pairing: caitlin clark x reader
synopsis: caitlin’s rookie year hasn’t been going as smoothly as she had planned and it’s starting to take a toll on her. at least she has you there for her at the end of every game
WARNING: by no means, because i’m defending caitlin, will i tolerate any sort of racism/sexism on this post or on my page in general. just because we want to support her doesn’t mean we need to say completely unnecessary and racist things about other players. if there is anything of the sort, you will be blocked! this post has nothing to do with ANYONE except caitlin so please remember to be kind and respectful! this fic is meant to be a cute hurt/comfort scenario about struggling as a rookie, please don’t make it into something it’s not :)
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every game was agonizing for you to watch. whether you were sat on the couch in front of the TV or sitting somewhere up in the stands, watching caitlin take hit after hit was too much for you to watch. it broke your heart every single time, knowing that with each passing game, it was harder and harder for her to stay optimistic. your sweet and energetic girlfriend now seemed completely wiped out and drained. you heard her meek responses to the press, claiming that it was all “just how basketball was”, but you knew her better than that. you knew it was starting to take a toll on her, caitlin would never call something like this just part of the game.
you often had to close your eyes while watching these games. you hated the way they pushed her around like she was anything less of a player, how she would fall to the ground and squeeze her eyes shut in pain. it made your blood boil to see how much pain she was in. the urge to march down to the court floors and take on these women head on was constantly sitting in the back of your mind. there had been times you had to step outside of the stadium to take a breathe, trying to reassure yourself that cailtin was alright and had it under control.
and she did, she had gotten quite good at keeping a relaxed demeanor despite the physicality on the court. there were times were she would slip up though, letting her temper get the best of her, but she never took it too far and always reminded you that she could handle it. you knew deep down that caitlin only stayed so calm because of you. the last thing she wanted was to upset or worry you, make a big scene that she knew you’d evidently witness. as much as caitlin wanted to scream and argue and fight back, she couldn’t bare the thought of you watching her lose her cool. so she suffered in silence, something she had a habit of, aware of how mad it made you. you wanted nothing more than to comfort her in these times of need, but she was too stubborn to cave in.
it wasn’t until tonight, though, that she had finally reached her breaking point. this last game being the straw that broke the camels back. you hadn’t known what it was, whether it was the flagrant foul or the snide comments made off the court, but it cut caitlin deeper than the rest. unfortunately, you weren’t able to attend this particular game. work ended up being crazy busy and you had to stay longer, cutting into about 30 minutes of game time. you had warned caitlin before the game started, letting her know that you would be watching her from home and that you’d be cheering her on like always.
you don’t think you could get the image out of your head, the moment replaying in your head well after the game had ended. you had settled down on the couch with your ‘22’ t-shirt on and a loose blanket thrown over your lap, watching the game with your jaw clenched. you wanted so badly to stay hopeful tonight, trying to keep a positive mindset. but as the 3rd quarter rolled around, your hopes were quickly diminished. you watched one of the opponents come up behind caitlin, decking her in the shoulder so hard that she was thrown relentlessly to the ground. you cringed in dismay. you sat through the remnants of the game totally gutted for your girlfriend knowing that she’d be beating herself up when she walked through the doors of your home.
once the game had ended, you moseyed your way to the bedroom. after your nightly routine you crawled into bed and pulled out your book, waiting for caitlin’s arrival. you hated when she wasn’t here, the bed colder and lonelier than you’d have liked. it was hard to focus on the words littered across the novels pages as anticipation spread through your body. about 30 minutes had passed when you finally heard the obnoxious screeching of the front doors hinges. a wave of relief washed over you as you listened to familiar foot steps trail throughout the kitchen, eventually padding their way up the stairs.
then she came into view, pushing your bedroom door open quietly. she had assumed you were asleep by now and didn’t want to wake you by being too loud. your head perked up, the book long forgotten somewhere on the sheets as you took in the sight of your girlfriend. she looked burned out, a sad expression chiseled into her features. her hair was messy, cheeks flushed and pale-you assumed had been from crying. she hadn’t noticed you right away, only looking up when you called out her name.
“cait…” you breathed, unsure of what to say. she was clearly bothered, on the verge of tears. normally she’d come home and brush it off, saying that she just needed you and she’d be ok, but tonight was different. she looked inconsolable, standing there at the end of the bed.
“oh, hey baby,” she faked a smile, now dragging her feet to her side of the bed to get changed “you’re up”
“yea,” you offered a smile in return “you know i can’t sleep without you”
the small comment seemed to entice a genuine smile out of her this time, seeing how her lips turned upwards slightly as she pulled a clean tshirt over her head. she joined you in bed, sliding one leg underneath yours to feel the smallest bit of touch from you.
“hey i-uh,” you shook your head. this was a delicate matter that you didn’t know how to approach “i watched the game, cait”
“mhm,” she hummed, now pulling out her phone to mindlessly scroll through social media. possibly to distract her, but seeing the nasty comments about earlier tonight certainly wasn’t going to help.
you weren’t satisfied with her avoidance, deciding to prod further. you couldn’t watch her suffer like this any longer.
“baby,” you said softly, your tone somewhat stern to grab her attention. a gentle hand made its way to her wrist, pushing the phone from her grasp and into her lap “i think we should talk about the elephant in the room”
“i really don’t…” she muttered, her voice shaking “it’s fine, you know me”
“but caitlin, it’s not” you maneuvered around the bed, turning around and pulling your knees to your chest so you could fully face her. she laid her head back on the headboard, tilting her jaw away from you “you always say that, and i know you’re strong and can handle it. but tonight wasn’t ok and i know you know that”
you noticed the way her muscles tensed, preparing for a conversation she wished she would never have to have. you reached over to her, hand resting on her thigh as you rubbed soothingly. she squeezed her eyes shut and swallowed deeply to hold back tears. but it was no use, she was already hiccuping as sobs racked her body. you felt like your heart was being ripped from your chest. she hardly cried, and when she did, it was never like this.
“it’s whatever,” she couldn’t bring herself to look at you, beating herself up for even being upset in the first place “that’s just how it is, i’m the rookie and-”
“caitlin, stop” you begged, knowing where this was going. she was trying to brush it off once again. you disregarded her thigh, now moving even closer to her to place a hand on her cheek “that’s not just ‘how it is’, you’re allowed to be upset when you get quite literally shoved to the ground. and you’ve got too much on your plate right now, there’s a lot going on”
“i just-i don’t want…” the tears kept coming as she melted into your touch, the weight of her head leaning into your hand “i’m sorry”
“for what, baby?” you ran your thumb across her cheekbone “you have nothing to be sorry about”
“for all of this,” she exhaled, opening her eyes to actually look at you. her eyes slightly red, wet streaks running down her cheeks “for being upset like this, you shouldn’t have to sit here for this, i’m just being dramatic”
“you’re not being dramatic,” you butted in “got it? you shouldn’t have to feel sorry for being upset about something like this and i’ll have you know-i’m more than happy to be a shoulder to cry on, it’s what i’m here for. you can be respectful and reserved on the court and to the press, but you should never apologize for coming home and being vulnerable. especially with me”
a wave of silence washed over the room, caitlin’s exasperated sniffles being the only sound. she took a deep breath before continuing, gaze flickering down to her hands that were now fidgeting in her lap.
“i hate it so much,” she said, tears now only coming down harder “it was fine at first, but…but it’s just too much, i can’t”
“hey hey hey, it’s ok” you closed any distance between the two of you, wrapping your arms around her and bringing her in your chest. she instantly buried her head underneath your chin, allowing you to run your fingers through her hair and rub her back comfortingly “i know, baby it’s gonna be ok”
“i thought i could handle it, you know?” her voice was small, strained even. the collar of your shirt now damp, her lengthy fingers grabbing desperately at your sides for comfort “but it’s hard to process it all…like sure, being the rookie’s hard, but…but for some reason it’s just way more difficult than i imagined. and getting shoved around sucks, but it’s not even that. i don’t know how to explain it…im just so-so frustrated”
you listened attentively, giving your two cents when it was needed, humming in agreement as she ranted. you let her get it all out, hoping that this would help take some of the weight of her chest. her stubbornness to talk about things like this caused her a great deal of pain in the end, and you’d do anything in your power (even if it were sitting here like this all night) to ease her worries. you couldn’t describe how proud of her you were, grateful that she was trusting you enough to tell you how she truly felt.
“i think i’m just so overwhelmed with everything…with press, with all these expectations, with games…all of it has just been hammering down on me and it’s really fucked me up” she finished, taking a gasp of air after she poured her entire heart out to you.
“i get it, babe” you concurred “being new is hard and i can’t even imagine how much pressure you’ve been putting on yourself over this past year. and you know i don’t know much about the game and all that, but…but what i can say is, is that you aren’t alone. you have so many people who love you and support and are here for whenever you have days like this. neither me, your friends and teammates, your family, or even your fans expect you to walk out of the season like it was nothing. this is supposed to be hard and you’re supposed to have emotions like this. i love you more than anything and i need you to know that i’m here for you through all of this, alright?”
she sat up from being curled into your embrace for what felt like hours. her tears were now mostly dry, although her nose was still a light shade of pink from the congestion. another exasperated breath tumbled from her lips as she urgently grabbed both sides of your face, leaning into you. her lips met with yours in haste. she kissed you deeply, a small whimper emitting from her throat.
“i genuinely don’t know what i’d do without you,” she said, resting her forehead on yours, your hands cupping hers as they stayed firm to your face “you always know what to say, thank you for listening and being there for me”
you laughed, grinning as you looked into her gorgeous eyes “anytime, anywhere, no matter what. i’m so proud of you babe”
after a few more words were passed between the two of you, it was decided that you both were in dire need of some rest. caitlin was tired enough as it is, coming home and letting all of her emotions go had to have been even more exhausting. getting under the covers, caitlin moved down the bed so that she could rest her head just above your stomach, the sound of your heartbeat easing her stress.
“i love you so much” she yawned, fingers snaking underneath your shirt to run along your soft skin.
“i love you too, cait” you sighed, finally letting sleep take over your body.
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I love all these girls so much but this is the energy right now LMAO
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sunkissed-zegras · 22 hours
ok maybe i lied, because i have 2 more um...... i have a lot of ideas anyways so
hear me out a 🥭 for the prompt [Impede - One person is attempting to get ready to go somewhere while the other kisses/touches/attempts to undress them all the while] and we all know i'm a caitlin girlie so i think we all know who i want....... i hope
- 🪐 (nexts one's gonna be the last i promise)
evangeline's 2.5k celebration !! [closed!]
─ warnings | no nsfw but kinda suggestive, i know u wanted smut but idk this is mostly sweet fluffiness (there's cait smut coming though), allusions to sex though
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"BABY PLEASE," YOU sighed as caitlin's hands began to rub your waist, her hands snaking around it.
she was standing behind you, a smirk evident in her face as she maintained an innocent demeanor. her touch was soft and teasing, making it hard for you to focus on getting ready for the work event. you had been trying to choose the right outfit for the past half hour, and caitlin's playful interruptions were not helping.
"i really need to finish getting dressed," you said, trying to sound firm but unable to keep the amusement out of your voice as you met her gaze through the mirror. "i have to leave in like 30 minutes and you know how my boss feels about being on time,"
caitlin's fingers traced small circles on your stomach, sending shivers down your spine. "but you look so much hot like this," she murmured, her breath warm against your ear. "are you sure we can't be a little late?"
you turned to face her, your resolve weakening as you met her playful gaze. "you know how important this event is, right?"
she pouted, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "more important than spending some quality time with me?" her lips brushed against your neck, making you gasp softly.
"you, cait are a terrible distraction," you said, unable to stop a smile from spreading across your face. you gently pushed her hands away, though you lingered longer than necessary. "promise we'll have all the quality time you want after this, okay?"
caitlin sighed dramatically, but the smile on her face showed she was relenting. "fine, go be all professional and impressive. i'll just be here, waiting for you."
you quickly turned back to the mirror, trying to refocus on your task. as you adjusted your dress (the tight one you know caitlin loves), you couldn't help but glance at caitlin through the reflection. she was lounging on the bed, watching you with a look that made it clear she wasn't done with her teasing.
"okay," you said, straightening your back. "how do i look?"
caitlin sat up, her eyes raking over you appreciatively. "sexy, sexy and sexy. and like someone who's about to knock 'em dead at that event."
you laughed at her compliments, feeling your cheeks flush as you leaned down to give her a quick kiss, unable to resist. "thank you, baby. wish me luck?"
"you don't need luck. you've got this in the bag," caitlin smiled, her expression softening. "and i'll be waiting here for you, with the stra-"
"caitlin!" you laughed as she shrugged, plopping back on the bed with a smirk.
"what! you're gonna need a good celebration after, right?" caitlin teased as you gave her a mock pointed look, walking over to the dresser and grabbing your clutch (yes, the designer one she bought for you).
you smiled and blew her a kiss, "yeah, yeah."
caitlin laughed as she pretended to grab the air kiss and put it in her pocket. "bye, baby. i love you,"
"i love you too!"
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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ilypaigebuckets · 2 days
Can you write something about having been teammates and best friends with Caitlin for so long and you’re also dating, everyone (including the media) thinks you guys are soulmates and it’s just like the media going insane over you two
guys should i try to post everyday/every other day for pride month? ik i haven’t been posting and im sorry i just haven’t really had any good ideas! feel free to send requests and i hope you like this <3 happy pride to everyone you are all amazing no matter who you are and im always rooting for u!!
plot: during jada’s live the fans get to see a glimpse of you and cait’s relations
Hopelessly Devoted - C.C. x Reader
on the weekends, you always made it a point to hang out with caitlin. it didn’t matter if it was just you two, or your whole friend group; you were always around her. making sure you spent time with her and being in her presence was important to you and your relationship, as one of your love languages was quality time. with you, caitlin, and the rest of the girls being so busy with the basketball season in full swing, you and her hadn’t really had your weekend hangouts or date nights.
that was why when gabbie suggested the group come over to her apartment for a chill night everyone agreed. at first, cait was a little reluctant and wanting to spend the night off together alone, but you assured her there would be plent of time for that later.
so there the five of you, kate, jada, gabbie, caitlin, and yourself, sat in gabbie’s living room spending some quality time together. you all enjoyed the time spent together until jada had an idea.
“guys, wanna go live?” she asked, to which you all agreed. jada pulled out her phone and clicked on the instagram icon and started the live. comments quickly flooded in, fans having a field day they got to see all of you together. you all took turns answering questions from fans.
y/nfan1 | are y/n and caitlin a hallway couple 😕
“oh my god this question is hilarious! are y/n and caitlin a hallway couple?” jada read the comment out loud and started cackling. gabbie and kate joined in on the laughter. jada turned the camera back to her face and nodded silently then flipped it to you and caitlin’s rolling your eyes.
“bro we are not a hallway couple.” caitlin said, as she pulled you back into her. you looked up at your girlfriend and kissed her cheek to shush her. “babe,” you started, “you’re proving their point shhh.”
you were sitting on the couch with caitlin behind her legs, your back up against her front. she lightly rubbed and massaged your shoulders in an attempt to break up some tension you’d been having from the long practices. you leaned back into her and were greeted with caitlin peppering a few kisses on your head. kate gagged.
“you guys are like, disgustingly cute. can’t believe it took so long for you to get together.” she said and the other two girls laughed along.
ccfan123 | GUYS LOOK AT THEM
iowafan48 | they’re so cute gn
fanof22 | editing this rn.
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doingsfine · 3 days
I wasn't gonna say anything but well lol first of all, fyi, I’m a BLACK person and some things are really bothering me rn. I'll just say smth: It’s good that WNBA has so many new fans rn. But I also know that many white ppl are watching now bc of some players and that’s fine. I’m not judging cause that’s normal.
I hope you guys know that WNBA is mostly made up of black women too. The WNBA has a history, politics and a lot of activism. That won’t change. I was thinking abt some stuff I’ve been reading lately on twitter, tumblr and ESPECIALLY on tiktok.
I saw a video on tiktok about Nika and her teammate? Saying “save/free her”. And bro. That’s not a joke. It’s always a black player and a white girl who you guys love (and this is NOT a post against Nika since I love her too). Thank god I’m not seeing nothing about aces and kate, but once some ppl think that something weird is happening, then we will see the same thing. White ppl always want to demonize black players. And that’s racism.
Ofc you can disagree with some behaviors, that’s what life is about! But there have been a LOT of speeches in the past few days where Chicago Sky players are as predators and violents. And they’re black people. Like??? You can’t just go around saying that black ppl are violent when this sport is about THAT lol this discourse is extremely racist. You guys see a black woman fighting with a white woman and the first you do is portray the white girl as a poor girl? tf is that man. It’s a fucking sport. They don’t hate each other???? lol its RIVALRY on the court Lmfao pls be frrrrrr. It’s just trash talk. It’s just sport. They DONT hate each other off the court. Leave them alone.
DISCLAIMER: This IS NOT a post against Caitlin, I really like her. But also I’m a BLACK person and that’s my opinion.
Please, educate yourself and stop being a little shit. Thanks!
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gabbytalksalot · 2 days
Poor kate 😭🙏🏽
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pookierookie · 3 days
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this photo means a lot to me
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kirusa2 · 1 day
Caitlin Clark headcanos
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She takes you to mini golf for a date or y’all go to go karting “Caitlin I don’t know to play golf” “ok I’ll teach you to play it’s easy” “of course it’s easy for you you been playing for a while”.
Caitlin loves when you kiss her head before a game she call it her good luck charm “bye baby have a good game!” “Umm aren’t you forgetting something?” “Ohh! My bad”.
You and Kate are like sisters when you stared to date Caitlin Kate has been nothing but nice to you and the created a bond over Time.
You try to keep Caitlin off the media because of what people have me saying About her and all the hate she been getting
Y’all match outfits for the tunnel(am not sure what it’s called)
Your always court side for her games as you cheer her on “good job baby!” Or “your doing good Caitlin!”
After Caitlin get home from practice you make her a warm bath and make her her favorite chocolate chip cookies “Caitlin your cookies are on the counter for you” “Thank you baby” “Your welcome and there food on the table too” as you kiss her cheek going to take a shower.
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cannibalclass · 3 days
like girl shes not going anywhere???
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fruitbasketball · 2 days
imma speak on the chennedy carter incident once and that’s gonna be it
please go watch chiney talk about this because she explains it much better, but she made a really good point that i wanna bring to light for y’all
one player’s behavior is not indicative of an entire league
look in the nba when draymond green is beating on mfkers, our first thought is not “damn! the nba is such a violent and jealous league!” y’all give the rest of the men in the league the benefit of the doubt
the clip of chennedy carter body checking caitlin clark has been decontextualized and blown out of proportion. caitlin had elbowed her and had talked her shit - but that was all in the context of basketball. BODY CHECKING another player is not basketball - and that’s where carter fucked up. not to mention, carter has a history of this sort of behavior - it’s gotten her waived from teams and even suspended if i remember right.
but the league has always, ALWAYS been physical, especially with rookies. the nba used to be like that too!! but you hear kelsey plum talking about how her first wnba game, diana taurasi ran through her chest. AT got ejected for clotheslining angel reese. these women are not JEALOUS of these rookies, they are letting them know the kind of competition that comes with playing professional basketball.
on top of that, commentators and analysts need to be so fucking careful with the kind of language they use to describe women of color. words like “violent” seem AWFULLY racially charged, when really, they’re just being physical in playing a physical game.
i get that some of y’all are new here - i understand that. but little white girls getting thrown around a grown ass league is not new. if y’all wanna go watch little bitch boy basketball the nba is right fuckin there.
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captainmartin20 · 2 days
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*whispers* caitlyssa
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ccfever · 1 day
she’s so hot i can’t do this anymore
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leilanihours · 24 hours
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"this is lunas auntie caitlin toy" thats so cute stop
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pnutbutta35 · 3 days
caitlin always looking for people she knows in the crowd is never going to get old to me 🥹
creds to @dailysudeikis
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stormseattle · 3 days
yall don't really think that caitlin clark gets hate because of RACISM right.
did you guys know that breanna stewart (white) won mvp last year.
did you guys know that sabrina ionescu (white) and breanna stewart (white) are two of the only wnba players to have signature shoes.
did you guys know that theresa plaisance (white) isnt even IN the wnba anymore and still has more commercial deals than most players in the league. (i could make that point about sue bird as well but she's like an icon of the league. no offense theresa plaisance i respect your game but you are not an icon of the league)
do you guys know what racism MEANS. do you know the difference between the words "racism" and "prejudice" and "bias." i teach this stuff to 5th graders as a job i can pull out the slideshow if yall need me to
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gabbytalksalot · 1 day
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Kate and megan 💛🖤
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