#nika muhl
asapeveryday · 20 hours
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Pairing: Nika Mühl x Reader
Warnings: smut, cheating (not on reader tho!!)
Summary: having a crush on someone who’s taken is complicated. Doesn’t stop you though! (I’m sorry)
A/n: was gonna be a Paige fic buttttt I’m in a Nika mood. ALSO PLS DONT HATE ME FOR THIS. It’s based off of a request +this song, I thought the concept was entertaining. I love Nika and her bf. This is fiction. Pls chill on me.
HER BREATH, harsh against your neck as she presses herself against you is enough to make your head spin.
She’s leaning half her weight on you, laughing against your skin at how you stiffen up. To Nika, it’s probably because she’s gross and sweaty. She doesn’t know it’s more because her touch prompts you to think thoughts you can’t shouldn’t think of her.
“You’re slow today.” She says cheerfully. “Don’t tell me you’re slacking now, baby.”
You almost shudder at the pet name but recollect yourself. “Since you’re so pumped up you shouldn’t need my support.” You scoff, playfully shoving the Croatian girl off of you. She fakes a stumble but gracefully catches herself.
“Careful! If I get hurt then you’re gonna hear from Geno.” She smiles.
You just shake your head, grinning to yourself. “Your bitching and moaning is ten times worse than the old man.”
The two of you walk around for a while. This was your usual routine, running your favourite trail twice a week, then walking for a bit before grabbing a bite to eat. Routine or not, it also happened to be your favourite part of the week.
Why wouldn’t it be? Seeing Nika like this; tight shorts stopping mid thigh, sports bra exposing her toned body and flashy belly piercing, hair pulled into a tight ponytail, giving you perfect access to the beauty that is her face.
Running with her meant being able to look at her without others around to notice, it meant listening to her breathing quicken and slow, or holding your own breath when she’d slightly pull up the edge of her shorts to examine the accumulating colour on her already tan skin.
To say you had a crush was an understatement.
“So,” you say, breaking the silence. “when’s your next game?”
Did you know when the next game was? Of course. You knew when all her games were.
“Day after tomorrow.” She grins, tilting her head signalling you to prepare for a question. “Am I gonna see you at this one?”
“Nika..” you force out a sigh. “Such bad timing. I have a thing.”
She raises her perfectly shaped eyebrow now, the look in itself is not alien to you yet still incites a drop in your stomach. You hate disappointing her time after time.
“Seriously? How do you manage to have a thing every single time I have a game?”
You shrug. “I’m sorry, Niks.” You frown, not lying. “I wish I could go,” again, not lying “but stuff just keeps coming up.” ok, now you’re lying.
She doesn’t say anything, just eyes you suspiciously.
“I might be free after though.” You sneak in hopefully.
“Fuck yeah!” She squeals, slapping your back. “Cus’ when we win imma need you right next to me partying.”
You smile at her hand on you, at her happiness with your presence.
“Wanna go eat now?” You ask. “I’m starving.”
A car pulls up by the curb the two of you walk through and lets out a slight honk.
Now Nika’s face scrunches up. “Oh (Name), totally my bad, I forgot to tell you I’m going out to eat with my man today.”
Fuck your man. “Thats okay Niks.” You say. “All good.”
“It’s alright anyways. I’ll be seeing you Friday night after we win, and hey, at least try to watch the game online!”
And with that you watch her scurry off towards the passenger seat and happily jump in, kissing her boyfriend on the cheek and buckling her seatbelt. Her boyfriend waves at you slightly, aware of your friendship with Nika but not so aware of your infatuation. You want to scowl, but you force a smile.
You’re there standing, watching as the car pulls away and starts on the road. You don’t miss how Nika turns around to hold your eye until the car fades out of your vision.
You don’t know how much longer you can do this.
How much longer can you go on with this? With overthinking every lingering touch, restraining yourself at the sound of her voice, finding ways to run into her, knowing her schedule, being there for her wins and losses, wishing ill on her perfectly boring friendly boyfriend.
With every stride of her muscular legs beside yours, matching your pace, synchronized breathing, eyes meeting each other on perfect timing every time, you refuse to miss how she begs for your presence at important events. She refuses to miss how you freeze at the sheer mention of her partner.
She’s moody when you arrive at the bar. It’s different from the usual post-game celebration spot, less frat-like and more artsy. Warm lighting, hip hop blasting, decor littered fittingly with NBA and WBNA players.
You can see her clearly, leaning against the bar with her arms crossed, her drink half full on the counter behind her. She smiles when Paige shoves her playfully, but it fades as soon as the blonde turns her back.
You swallow the thought that she’s like that because she thinks you’re not gonna show. You know if you encourage things like that, it’ll only get ahead of your better judgment.
That being said, you were sure to dress exactly how she likes sexy. Hair done with intricacy that almost warranted a breakdown, makeup natural and with intention, clothing showing off how hard you’ve worked on those long runs. The way her lips slightly part at the sight of you is enough to short circuit your brain.
Ignoring how her friends seem to share looks at your presence, you slide up beside her as smoothly as possible before taking a sip of her drink.
“Good game.” You smile.
“You watched it?”
“I always do.”
“Yet you never come.” She scoffs.
“I can’t.” You say through gritted teeth, and it’s the truth. If you saw her play in real life it’d only make you want her more. “But I’m here now.”
You bump shoulders with her. “I’m here to celebrate my Nika.”
“Your Nika, huh.” She turns to you, lips turning upwards into a dangerous smirk.
Before you can respond, Paige is beside you. Her cheeks are unnaturally pink and she’s laughing up a storm that only screams intoxication. “Last I heard this was a team celebration.” She grins. “We love you and all, but why’re you here?”
You’re embarrassed and unsure what to say, but Nika immediately speaks up.
“Cus’ I want her here.” She quips, not too hostile but still enough to get the message across. With her quick words and beautifully furrowed brows she’s practically written BACK OFF in sharpie on Paige’s forehead.
“Aight, aight.” Paige chuckles, hands raised in surrender. Her teammates just shake their heads, and soon enough everyone disperses.
Getting drunk with Nika was a rare but amazing once in a while occurrence. She was not the type to be irresponsible, but the two of you were approaching a dangerous zone after an hour or so of talking and drinking. She couldn’t get a word out without laughing, and you couldn’t stop bouncing your leg to distract yourself from pouncing on her right then and there in front of all the other college kids.
“Have you ever thought of cheating?” She finally manages to hack out between giggles. You’re in a daze at the question, it’s too much to handle combined with her flushed face and batting eyelashes.
“Cheating…like on my partner.”
“Pfft, yes, who the fuck else?” She throws her head back. “Have you even dated? I never see you with anyone.”
“I’ve dated.” You say curtly, downing your drink and ordering another. “My last girlfriend was five months ago.”
“You had a girlfriend when we met?” She asks, eyes wide.
“I did.” You scoff. “We broke up, hic, like a couple weeks after you and me started running.”
“Huh, weird timing.” She mumbles. Your heart literally skips a beat, and you almost choke on your own spit.
“What’d you say?”
“Nothing, nothing.” She rushes, waving her hand dismissively. A beat of silence passes between you and her.
“I have thought of it.” You sigh. “Of cheating, I mean. It’s kinda why I broke it off with the last girl. I felt bad.”
“You’re better then me.” She grumbles, rubbing her forehead.
“Oh?” You smile teasingly, leaning into her slightly. “Trouble in paradise?”
“He’s great.” She says, the words a frantic mess leaving her mouth. “He treats me good. I just have….” She says, trailing off.
“I just have doubts about him. And interests in someone else.” Nika exhales, lips attaching to the rim of her drink and eyes flitting to yours. She’s saying something to you with her expressions alone, dissecting her words was a whole other job.
“And does this person share your interest?” You mumble, shifting in your seat.
“I dunno.” She shrugs. “I see em’ a lot. She looks at me like she’s interested, but she doesn’t get too close.”
“She doesn’t?”
“Nah, she doesn’t.” Nika shakes her head ever so slightly. “I’ve tried to get her with me more. Y’know, good seats at my games, drinks with my friends. She’s always busy.”
You can’t help but shudder at how she licks her lips in between words as her eyes search your face for any sort of reaction.
“Maybe she’s thrown off by that boyfriend of yours.”
“Do you think if she knew the boyfriend wouldn’t stop me, she’d still give it a chance?” Nika says slyly,
“Hm.” You say, legs pressing together. You can feel your pulse in your pussy and it’s getting hard to ignore. You consider your options before settling with “with a grand gesture to prove it, I don’t see why not.”
“Grand gesture, huh.” She leans into you, her lips just grazing your ear. “I might have something in mind.”
And with that, you’re on your feet and being led by hand through what feels like masses of people. You almost stumble at one point, head slightly spinning from the alcohol in your system and the speed she’s pulling you, but she doesn’t stop. There’s a twinkle in her eye that excites you to your core.
You’re embarrassed immediately when you enter the washroom and there are two girls by the sink touching up their makeup. You and Nika stand by the door excruciatingly awkwardly, her hand tight around yours.
The girls notice the shift in the air, or perhaps it’s Nika’s hazel eyes shooting a glare only opposing teams usually see that causes them to exchange a knowing look and leave as swiftly as the two of you came in.
In an instant her lips are on yours. You find yourself wishing you weren’t so drunk, you’ve only been fantasizing about this kiss for the five months you’ve known her and the three months prior you noticed her around campus. Despite the speed you hope to remember every breath in excruciatingly slow detail.
It’s a rush so aggressive you wonder if she’s making up for lost time. Your back hits the wall for a moment before you’re hoisted up onto the sink. When you let out a gasp she finds opportunity to meet your tongue with her own, deepening the kiss.
“Do you actually want me?” You whisper between kisses, feeling her brows furrow at your question. “Or is this just something to get back at your little boyfriend.”
“Don’t even start.” She snaps, pulling away from you ever so slightly. Her calloused hands are firmly planted on your hips, and her lips are hovering just above yours. It’s impossible to for you to hold any eye contact at this proximity, but she doesn’t struggle at all. “Why d’you think I always want you with me to celebrate n’ not him?”
You just shrug, feeling a wave of discomfort wash over you now.
She places a chaste kiss on your lips, different from the ones before. “I’ve never asked him to come with me to a bar with the girls. I’ve never asked anyone who isn’t on the team except for you.”
Now her kisses are trailing down your neck, she’s licking spots softly before sucking on the supple skin so tenderly, unmatched compared to the earlier feverish pace. “I’ve literally been begging you to come to my games, babe, begging.”
Now you scoff. “Are you serious? Do you think that makes it obvious you want me?” You say, attempting to keep a steady voice though it’s so hard when she’s nipping at you and tainting your skin purple and pink with lovebites.
“I’m sorry.” She whispers, her breath now warm between your thighs. “Can I make it up to you?”
You stare at her, pouting. You want to say no so badly, you want to push her away and tell her she’s awful for this, but you know you’re no better. You know your touches linger too long on her back, you know the way you think about her makes you just as guilty, which is why when you see her begging between your legs there’s no possible answer you could give other then yes.
And with the utter of your approval Nika is diving headfirst into the current you’ve both been swimming to avoid, her skilled hands holding your skimpy underwear to the side as her lips plant kisses near and on your pussy. You open your legs wider for her, and to thank you her tongue swirls manipulatively around your clit.
The bathroom is starting to blur through your vision, throwing one hand over your mouth to stifle too-loud-sighs while the other hand grasps Nika’s brown hair.
With every huff, whine and jolt she sends through your body you feel a growing sensation in your core. The brunette girl laps at your folds, sucking on your clit while her fingers tease your entrance. The combination of her fingers and mouth turn your sighs to whines and quiet cries of her name.
“See how sorry I am?” She mumbles between your legs. “So, so sorry baby. I shouldn’t be playing with you like that and assuming you know what I want.” Nika smiles, every word spoken sending shivers down your spine.
“S’okay.” You exhale. “Don’t stop.”
Once her fingers find the perfect pace she rises to meet your lips. Her kisses are passionate and messy, you couldn’t care in the slightest though. With every bite of your lip and curl of her finger you feel closer and closer to the edge.
“You close?” She whispers, and you nod timidly in response. Nika gives you the sweetest smile as she pumps in and out of you, your breathing is frantic and somehow in sync with hers. You think about how many times you’ve been so synchronized, but never like this. She bares a triumphant look, maintaining eye contact when you climax all over her fingers. Nika presses sweet kisses to your lips and you bask in the realization of what has just happened.
For a moment, just a moment, you forget she belongs to somebody else, because in this moment she is yours.
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sunkissed-zegras · 20 hours
🥭 nika overstimulating reader but like shes nice about it LMFAO
evangeline's 2.5k celebration !! [open!]
─ warnings | nsfw under the cut, read at your own discretion! praise, overstimulation, fingering
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"oh fuck," you cried out as nika's fingers delved into your soaking pussy, once more. you can't even remember how many times you'd came around her fingers, four, five times? maybe even six, you'd lost count at this point.
your head fell back onto her shoulder as she spread your legs even furthur, making sure you felt everything. she kissed all over your neck as you whined, trying to push her hand away.
you were overwhelmed, all your senses were heightened ─ you didn't even know if you could even cum again but you knew nika wouldn't stop til she was satisfied.
"too much," you whined as you tried to push her hand away once more.
she frowned as she shook her head. "you can take it, sweet girl. i know you can,"
"please," your legs began to shake as her fingers began to move even faster into your cunt, the sloppy sound echoing throughout the bedroom along with your cries of pleasure.
"you can take it, baby. know you can do it for me," she kissed your neck as you moaned, gripped the sheets beneath you two.
the familiar sensation began to grow in your lower stomach as nika's fingers kept thrusting into your wet cunt, drawing out more loud moans from your throat. a few more pumps and you were coming undone again, a borderline pornographic moan coming from your lips.
you were shaking, gripping the sheets and squirming to get away from nika's overwhelming touch. but she pulled you in closer, her hand moving to grip your thighs as she continued to finger-fuck you.
"one more, you can give one more, sweetheart," her voice was warm and smooth as you cried out. all you could do was nod as your head fell back further into her shoulder.
"it's okay, honey, just one more,"
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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lv4ces · 13 hours
Anything with Nika where she is soft, sweet and obsessed with her girlfriend!! I feel like she’s SUCH a lover girl and reader would initially ask her to stop doing things in public but eventually fell in love with how touchy and attached Nika is and if Nika isn’t like that, reader is like “???? Uh hello? Hand on my thigh/arm around my waist/hugging me from behind/constant kisses??? What’s wrong with you, why aren’t you glued to me like usual??”
I’m here to enforce the soft Nika agenda, that girl is only mean on the court 😭
the right side of my neck still smells like you
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— warnings : angst if you squint. nika is sad for like .3 seconds
— summary : lover girl nika <33
a/n : im actually so here for this agenda because lover girl nika is REAL!! shes so soft<33 this is kinda short, im sorry nonnie <3
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From the day you began dating Nika, she was glued to you. No matter what you guys were doing or where you were, she was touching you in some way. You were truly surprised when you first saw Nika be aggressive on the court, you didn't think the girl had a mean bone in her body. At first, you were uncomfortable with all the attention, you'd never had it like this. But, as the relationship progressed, you got use to it and even began to love it, now it was weird if she wasn't giving you some sort of physical touch.
So when you and Nika were sitting on the couch one day and she wasn't on top of you with her head buried in your neck, you were concerned.
"You okay, baby?" You asked, as you turned to her you saw a pout on her face, which made this all the more concerning.
"Is me being touchy an issue?" She asked in a soft voice, one that made your heart break.
"No of course not baby, I love it." You reassured her. With a smile plastered onto her face, she moved on the couch to lay on top of you, your hands found their way to her hair as you gently played with it.
"I would never have an issue with this." You mumbled in her ear, and you felt her smile on your neck which only made you even happier.
As you played with her hair you could slowly feel her breathing even out and her melt even more into your touch as she fell asleep in your arms.
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latenighttalkinqwp · 3 days
uconn 23-24 season you will always be famous
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cosmopretty · 2 days
new FIC coming soon btw
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stqrliqht · 3 days
iowa players lowkey obsessed with uconn players lmao
they be laughing at kk’s shit all the time and talking bout her
jada also always talking about paige and implying that she’s attractive
money martin was giving nika hella heart eyes in some of those dawg camp pictures and now be liking shit bout nika all the time on insta
uconn girlies turning everyone out is mad funny to me
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leilanihours · 1 day
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this pic is so hard how have i not seen it
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ninimuhllover · 3 days
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I'm just gonna leave this here
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captainmartin20 · 3 days
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lucespeaks · 2 days
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for the anon who wants the pic of nika holding kate’s hand!
here u go anonnnn
thankk uuu
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paigelvr · 23 hours
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my queen nika, oh the things you do to me 🙈
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sunkissed-zegras · 20 hours
ok this is officially the last one, had to go out on a fluffy note for my pookie nika muhl........
anyways could i request 🍀 for the prompt 45. "oh, you look so pretty when you've just woken up!" this screams nika and i love it
- 🪐
evangeline's 2.5k celebration !! [open!]
i am a SHLUT for domestic bliss and nika, they go so well together
─ warnings | nothing but fluff, like seriously absolutely nothing
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YOU FELT NIKA'S arms pull you closer into her chest as she let out a content hum.
the sunlight was seeping through the windows of your now, shared bedroom and cast a warm glow over the room. the soft rays highlighted the dust particles floating lazily in the air, adding a magical quality to the morning.
nika's breath was steady and calm against your hair, her heartbeat a soothing rhythm that lulled you into a sense of tranquility. you nestled closer, savoring the comfort and security of her embrace.
“did you sleep well?” she asked, her voice still husky with sleep.
“mhm, i did,” you replied, your fingers tracing lazy patterns on her arm. “especially with you here.”
nika chuckled softly, her laughter vibrating through your body. “good, cause i plan on keeping you right here all day,” she teased, tightening her arms around you slightly.
this was the first whole day where you two were moved in together, in the same place and she wanted to savor it with you. it was a milestone in the relationship, it was finally getting to the serious tier.
you sighed in contentment, feeling a wave of gratitude for the woman who held you so tenderly. “i wouldn’t have it any other way.”
nika kissed the top of your head, her lips lingering against your hair. “good,” she murmured. “cause you’re not getting rid of me anytime soon.”
the two of you lay there in comfortable silence, simply enjoying each other's presence. the outside world could wait; in this moment, all that mattered was the love you shared and the peace it brought you.
you turned over to face nika as her hands cupped your face, a small smile on her face. "god, how do you just wake up so effortlessly beautiful?"
you felt a rush of warmth to your cheeks as you let out a nervous giggle. you and nika had been dating for almost two years and her compliments still made you blush like a little girl, it was almost embarrassing if it wasn't endearing for nika.
“alright,” nika said eventually with a smile. “how about we make a deal? you let me pamper you today, and i promise to let you help with breakfast tomorrow.”
this was domestic bliss, you thought to yourself as you nodded. you were so content ─ life couldn't get much better than this. you had a beautiful girlfriend who loved and cherished you and now, you had a home with her.
you laughed softly, nodding in agreement. “deal,” you said, feeling a surge of affection for nika.
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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lav3nd3erhaz3 · 18 hours
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both of these duos are litterally the definition of birds of a feather i cant🙈
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crazy4wbb · 1 day
just saw nika's ig storyy...
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euphternal · 22 hours
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here’s 10 pics i found on tiktok 😭 i feel like you would like these a lot
he was forced to eat cement when he was 6😭😭 that will always have me cackling LMFAOOOO
the ines one would FOR SUREEEE happen to her irl😭😭😭
i love theses sm😭😭😭
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azzibuckets · 23 hours
people are overreacting so bad w that nika clip 😭 she just didn’t wanna be touched and that’s her own boundary. during games im always locked in like i don’t want anyone touching me at all. the team loves her, nika doesn’t need yall worrying about her and making stupid edits that make her teammates look bad
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