lucespeaks · 3 minutes
-> child’s play | part two | diana t.
diana t. x fem!manager!reader | smut 18+ minors dni
requested: part two of “child’s play” prompt request
author’s note: i feel like i did too much and nothing at all. this is messy boots but i love it
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it was easier to bury yourself into your work than bring up the encounter with diana to your friends. throwing yourself headfirst into a job was put in front of you was how you processed all of your woes. that was the first downfall of your marriage. the second, but most important downfall, was that you had a late blossoming into your sexuality which led to you realizing you weren’t attracted to your husband, at all. not because he wasn’t attractive. it was because he wasn’t a woman. luckily the work you threw yourself into to avoid the newly discovered attraction would be an event that you be in forced proximity with diana. you were sinfully attracted to her but being in a controlled environment, nothing bad could happen.
old habits die hard and you realized you couldn’t teach an old dog new tricks - you didn’t have the audacity to step to her genuinely so you weren’t going to attempt it that night. you wanted to see her having a good time, from afar, away from you. you told yourself it was for the best, for her best. but for you? your best would have been diana’s mouth on you. the past two weeks were agonizing crush, a reeling overnight rush, dreaming of one touch.
you dreamed of her touch.
you wanted her.
you needed her.
diana was in a nice dark shirt and dress pants with her hair slicked back as usual, much to the one of the public relations girls’ dissatisfaction - the only validation she was seeking was from you and you had yet to grace the gala with your presence. if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, she thought to herself as she smiled at the pretty but underwhelming blonde in front of her. diana wasn’t tuned into the conversation at all but she was pulled away in the middle of it by an old acquaintance and another man, who she assumed to be his kid.
“hey, diana. this is my nephew trent. he’s a big fan.” theo, an old industry friend, came to greet her. she shook the young boy’s hand was but was thrown off by how young he was. a fan? that always caught her off guard.
“how old are you even?” diana chuckled and trent laughed. he showed his whiskey neat and scratched his brow, he looked like he was the president of his fraternity at a big state college. with each word that left his mouth, it become ironically evident.
“i’m 25. but i am a huge fan. all the interns at the firm have debates about you all the time. wnba top ten will have us debating for hours.”
“oh really and what’s my spot?” she teased and his face turned a faint shade of red. theo chuckled her at question and chimed in before trent got a chance to answer.
“you need to be at the bottom and retire already, sheesh.” theo commented nudging of diana’s elbow, even though they both knew that retirement was far away. she couldn’t be stopped, she never slowed down. it was her downfall and it was eerily similar to his own ex-wife. people with that much drive thrived in their own controlled chaos.
“don’t be a dick, unc. she’s gotta mop the floor with the rookies for at least another two seasons.” trent exclaimed and everyone in turn laughed and agreed. the trio stayed where they were chatting as they waited for the dinner to be formally called.
“so you’re an intern? where in the firm?” diana asked.
trent went on to explain all of the roles he played as an intern, but he was more than that. he was an interim executive media assistant and under the supervision of someone by the name of “miss carrington”. the compliments couldn’t stop flowing from trent or theo’s mouths once that name was brought up and diana was taken aback but the influx of two men gushing, not lusting, over a woman.
“but basically,” trent said with the end of his tangent near, “i work internally more than anything so that’s why i’m never at the team facility with miss carrington when she comes to do business.”
you walked up with a huge grin and theo perked up.
“i heard my name and that means trouble if it’s got to do with any one of you.” you joked.
“the woman of the hour, miss carrington in the flesh.” theo said in a deep hearty voice while wrapping his arms around your petite frame. the dress made you look delicate,m- the color was perfect for your skin tone and you hair, save for a few meticulously pulled strands, was slicked back into a bun. the hairstyle accented the open back concept of the dress, leaving your figure and your tattoos on full display. diana could smell your perfume despite you being far away from her. it lingered in the air like a reminder, almost a signal to your body. it was screaming “touch me, tease me, love me.”
diana looked between the you and theo and it all made sense. this was infamous “miss carrington” - theo’s old ex wife that was rarely seen. it was you.
theo carrington.
miss carrington.
“or as i call her, the worlds best ex-wife.” theo grinned as he placed his hands on your shoulders. diana’s eyes met yours and the usual glitter of mischief wasn’t gone but it wasn’t shining very bright either.
she could tell something clouded your mind - it was something that was probably deemed “fixable” but no one had done so yet. if you weren’t able to get to a problem solved instantly, you worried until it was corrected. you turned your attention to trent and hugged him for a while, praising him on all his work and achievements this past summer. trent was heading off to law school, theo said, and you were nearly in tears at the comment. he returned the praise back and told you earnestly that he had the best summer ever, wishing to come right back to the firm as a sports agent in due time.
“gosh, trent. don’t make the girl cry, she’s got her face all done up.” theo teased as you dabbed at your tear ducts. “she’s gotta go on stage in a few.”
“it’s fine, it’s fine.” you laughed, “i wanted to say hi before i start getting pulled around again. theo thanks for coming, trent thank you for it at all, and diana,” you pointed a finger at her, “thank you, for now…”
diana threw her hands up to show she had don’t nothing at all. she hadn’t even had a drink yet.
“you’ll get no problems out of me, miss carrington.” diana dragged that last bit intentionally, holding your gaze. she saw the light flicker in your eyes but it quickly disappeared as she turned to pat theo’s chest. the view of your hand on his chest so intimately left a sour taste in her mouth. it was innocent, but he still had been with you and she hadn’t.
“don’t let her embarrass me please.” you said with a wave before you sauntered off, disappearing into the massive crowd.
“you on her clientele lists?”
“yup.” diana said semi-proudly.
“unc, can i be honest?” trent began and didn’t leave much room for an answer as he went on to say, “i know you said you didn’t do anything wrong but how in the hell did you let that woman get away from you.” trent loosed a heavy breathe as if it had been plaguing him the entire conversation and diana had to stifle her laugh.
“you’ve got a lot to learn, kid.” diana chimed in to ease the tensions. theo cheers to that statement before declaring another round of drinks on deck before finding a table in the back to get acclimated to.
theo held your hand as you came down off the stage and you thanked him for his support - for an ex husband, he was truly nice. you hated that you couldn’t be what he needed but you’d rather see him happy than force yourself to fit into his life. theo escorted you back to bar and ordered another drink for the both of you.
“so,” theo began, turning towards you, “seeing anyone?”
you couldn’t hide the smirk on your face but you shook your head no. theo didn’t believe it one bit. he could see through you like a window. despite all that transpired, he was still one of your best friends.
“there’s someone.” you said shortly.
“career complications.” you shrugged. it wasn’t a lie but it wasn’t entirely true.
“why do i have a feeling you’re the one complicating it?” theo tilted his head and raised his eyebrow at you. “you can’t run away from love forever.” he said seriously.
“i know. things have been….hectic lately but i told myself i’ll try, no harm no foul if it doesn’t work and believe it or not, she’s busier than i am.”
you phone chimed from your wristlet and you were pleasantly surprised to see a text from diana and not your boss. the last you saw of the director of the firm, he was tipsy and telling the same story to each new group of people he saw. besides speaking to her at the beginning of the night, the two of you had not crossed paths.
[diana]: need to see you later
you locked your phone without a reply and promised theo you would come back to see him before the night ended. you managed to weave throughout the crowd without being stopped even as you ascended up the stairs case, passing people who knew you well but everyone was too wrapped up in their own drunkenness to notice you. you enjoyed that - it had been a long time since you’d flown under the radar and you were already planning for a phone free vacation, where no one could reach you.
you took your time in the ladies room which could be categorized as more of a lounge and powder room attached to the bathroom. the carpeted floor told the mansion’s age alongside the gaudy gold hardware in each and every corner of the house. the way the room was set up, there was the entryway into a small area that was carpeted and decorated with lounge chairs that used to be a private lounge for women to smoke in with a huge vanity mirror that took up the entire wall. the next door led to the bathroom stalls were you were standing.
you set your bag down and the counter to wash your hands and reapply your lip stick. as you traced the fine line of your cupids bow you heard the door to the first close then the second entrance opened.
“carrington, huh?” diana’s voice was comedic and light but you could still feel the undertone of seriousness. you felt there was an air of jealousy radiating from the woman but you chopped it to being full of alcohol, stressed, and probably just delusional. as much as you wanted her to make you her own, you knew it wasn’t smart. you married someone who you worked with before and it didn’t end well. yes, the divorce was amicable and as much as you liked diana, you weren’t going to make the same mistake twice.
“the one and only, for now.” you kept your eyes on your reflection and finished re-applying your lipstick. “i’m sure theo will get remarried soon and then i’ll actually change my name.” you giggled to yourself. it was a running joke that the reason you kept his last name was out of laziness - somewhat true. your name was solidified as carrington across the industry, too. hard to let that go and start fresh.
“you never said you were married.” she drew closer to you and her frame towered over yours.
“you never asked.” you retorted.
“you never replied to me, so tell me how i would have.” she said with an irritated but entertained look at you. her hands slid to either slide of the counter, her body seeming to speak for her and yours did too as you pushed back into her and felt the heat of her body against your bare skin. it had been so long since you had been touched, in an intimate way,by a woman. you let your head fall back against her chest for a moment then dropped your gaze down to your feet.
“sorry i didn’t answer your texts.” you said quietly, refusing to tear your gaze away from the floor.
“i know you are,” diana said cockily. she wrapped her arm you and placed her hand on your lower abdomen and your breath hitched at the touch. you could feel the heat of her hand through your dress and it was so devilishly close to where you actually wanted her to touch you. so close to where you wanted to feel her.
“i can forgive you though,” she joked, dragging her fingers around your waist up to your throat. she wrapped her large hand around your throat gently before releasing it to her hand slide it all the way down your spine and into the back of your dress. you were frozen by her touch, but your heart was thumping viciously. the thought of someone walking through the door terrified you. before you could express that concern diana’s fingers reached between your legs and grazed the folds of your pussy. it sent a visceral knee jerk reaction through you and you couldn’t fight back the anxiousness of being caught.
“someone could walk in,” you warned as she continued to work her hands up and down your pussy. it was exhilarating and terrifying, all at once.
“i know.” she said calmly with no hesitation in her voice.
“lock to the door, d.” you said firmly. you looked at her in the mirror as she asked if you were sure and you nodded in confirmation. you watched her long strides to door and waited for the satisfying click of the lock before you threw yourself at her.
diana would have stumbled if it wasn’t for the sheer size of her body and trained core after decades of playing defense. your mouth was hot and needy against hers - you were moving so rapidly that she couldn’t think straight. the only time diana rushed was on the court because there was a precise and upbeat rhythm to the game of basketball. but slow and steady was her way of having sex - she loved to hold out on a woman, take her to edge and have her beg before letting her fully experience diana. she wanted to devour you but she needed you to hold relax.
diana walked you backwards until your back hit the door with a small ‘thud’ and a small gasp of laughter came out of your stained lips. she smiled into the kiss and held on to your bottom lip with her teeth. you moaned at pain so she bit down harder and was joyfully surprised by the whimpering moan you let it. it was the perfect mixture of pleasure in pain. a perfect melody rolling off your tongue. diana never let go of you as she moved your hands away from your sides to above your head - pinning your wrists together with her one hand. she used her knee to open space between your thighs and she began to kiss at your heaving, voluptuous chest.
you were in awe of her ability to hold your hands up and still manage to have her mouth all over you but you guess that came with years of experience being a lesbian. you had small experiences after your divorce, but nothing could compare to the seething hot temperature of her mouth on your skin. she was only kissing you, yet you wanted to fall to pieces.
“diana,” you moaned as she used her free hand to free your breast from the dress and take it into her mouth, using her tongue to caressing the outer part of your nipple. “diana, we can’t…” you said sheepishly, trying to find a reason to not let this forty two year old woman get you right in the middle of a work event even though you so desperately want her to do it.
“why, baby?” she whispered in a lust induced lower register of her voice.
“what if someone knocks on the door.” you tossed out weakly - because the sudden the absence of her mouth on your body felt wrong. it was like her kiss and her mouth were made for someone - specifically you.
“let them knock.” she said back as if it was the obvious answer.
“i’m here for work.” you said, hoping that this sentiment would click in own your mind and sober you up but all it did was turn you on.
“i’m here for you.” diana admitted. her eyes went from one eye to the next, down to your lips, and back up to your eyes again. you were still breathing as though you ran up a slight of stairs. she was astounded by how turned on you were by a few simple kisses and she could see you were fighting your own desires and failing horribly at it. you were trying to talk yourself out of a bad decision while she was trying to talk you into it.
“i work for you.” you said and diana let your pinned arms go, much to your disappointment.
“it would be wrong.” you said and shook your head.
“it would be wrong if i touched you.” she said easily, folding her wrists behind her back, “but there would be nothing wrong with you touching me.” she grinned.
“you want me to touch you?” you purred with a sudden influx of confidence, and closing the gap of space between you two. even in your heels you had to tilt your head back to look her and her head was downwards to look at you.
“i want you to do whatever you want.” she encouraged, “i won’t stop you.”
your eyes lit up as if you had just won the jackpot. the empty, but still looming, threat of work fraternization being looked down upon seemed to snap in half at her approval. people had done worse, you told yourself. this isn’t bad. you were given the green light for a fantasy that became a reality - you weren’t going to waste it.
you reached for her tucked shirt and immediately unbuckled her belt, sliding your hands across her toned body before fully unbuttoning the shirt. you bent your knees slowly as you dragged your tongue down her stomach before you slowly and sloppily kissed on the v cut muscle of her abdomen you stood and pulled diana’s mouth to yours and the her tongue slipped into your mouth with ease. you used your hands under her shirt to steady yourself because your heels still weren’t high enough for you to reach her - she had to bend down and you had to stand on your tippy toes. you ignored the burning of your calves and focused on diana’s soft grunts, her soft praises and taste of her. it was heaven to taste her but you still wanted her to touch you, too. so you took the chance and grabbed her hand in yours, leading her to where you had touched yourself, just days ago, while thinking of her. you led her hand up the slit of your dress and let her cup your vagina. you sighed at the lack of movement, thinking she would catch the drift, but she didn’t.
“do what you want.” she reminded you, never moving her hands, “show me how you want me to touch you.” she encouraged and you grabbed her wrist with more intent this time. her hands on your wet pussy felt so heavenly that you audibly gasped as if ice cold water was thrown on you. when you thought she was going to keep going, she paused. “you won’t get the chance again,” she said and your heart sank but you didn’t drop her stare.
“enjoy it while you can because i won’t take any orders from you. ever. especially when i’m fucking you.”
you wasted no time inserting her fingers inside you. she cursed at the wetness glistening her fingers and the fact it was nearly dripping onto her hands. you used her wrist like a controller, making her fingers move in and out of you. her fingers were thicker than you imagined them to be but in all honesty, every bit of her body was different from what you imagined - it exceeded all expectations. you closed your eyes to savor the moment and diana took control of her hand, moving at her own pace.
“talk to me,” she whispered into the nape of your neck. “what do you want?”
“har…harder.” you gasped and she followed instructions, asking you for more details about how you wanted her to fuck you. “deeper d, deeper, uhhh!”
you squirmed at the intensity of her fingers hitting your g-spot repeatedly, losing your balance in the process. diana was quick to grab you and push you up against the wall to keep your feet on the ground though she knew your head was in the clouds.
the rattle of the door know made your eyes snap open in fear and diana shushed you. she retracted her hands for a moment and told you to take off your heels and you did as you were told.
“you said this was the bathroom?” a random voice said.
“can’t you read, it is the ladies bathroom.” another slurred.
“it’s fucking locked, so it can’t be the ladies bathroom.” they both groaned.
“well how was I supposed to know it would be locked.” the voice reiterated.
“maybe someone is in there, just bang again.” they continued to bang on the door and talk but it didn’t stop you or diana. the conversation continued to overlap and you covered your mouth to keep from moaning and laughing. diana sank to her knees and grabbed underneath your thigh, to push your bent leg up by your side. she held you steady as she took you into her mouth , lapping at you as if you were water and she was severely dehydrated. the banging on the door didn’t stop for a long while but it didn’t deter diana from the task at hand. you were muttering “fuck fuck fuck” on repeat quietly as diana licked and sucked at every crevice between your thighs. the sounds of the women outside disappeared down the hall and with it, they took your shame. you dropped your hand onto her head and forced her deeper inside your pussy and she groaned in approval.
“diana,” you begged, “i can’t take it,” the adrenaline pumping through your veins was moving up into your lungs and your brain. you were on the brink of an orgasm. you hadn’t had an orgasm because of someone else in years. the last time you orgasmed was when you were masturbating to the idea of diana touching you. the reality of it was so sickeningly sweet and unbearable that remembering how much you wanted this sped up her peak. you needed to run from from her and never return but after this moment she ruined you. there was no way you could let her back out into the world, fucking and touching another woman like this.
“you can take it, baby.” she coached with a few pecks to your thighs. “take it for me.” she ordered and stood to look at you. you whispered an ‘okay’ before kissing her. it was painfully slow compared to the rhythm she resumed to us to pump her fingers in and out of you again.
“ ‘m taking it for you.” you spoke against her lips. you nodded as she praised you, telling you that she loved how tight and warm you felt. her eyes locked on yours as she talked you through your orgasm.
“you’re going to take whatever i give you aren’t you?” she said and you nodded feeling the seriousness of her voice. “you’re going to love every second of it, aren’t you?”
“mhm.” you nodded as you felt your vision blur, your eyelids droopy and heavy but before they closed, you felt her snatch your jaw in her hand, the roughest she had been all night and you widened them in shock.
“focus on me, look at me.” she said holding onto your face. she gave you no room to move at all between being pinned against the wall with her hand in you pussy and other hand grabbing your jaw with a demanding grip.
god, she’s so hot, you thought.
your vision continued to blur but you fought to keep your eyes open and on diana. she kept a firm grip on your face as she tilted your head back against the wall. her large hand wrapped around you neck with tighter grasp than before and you felt her breath on your ear. you couldn’t tell if you were gasping for them nearing peak of your orgasm or from her grip on your throat.
“i don’t care what they call you, but when you’re with me, i don’t want to hear his last name attached to yours.”
“sorry?” diana corrected.
“yes, god, yes. okay.” you sputtered like an idiot.
“good girl, you’re taking it like a champ.”
she sucked on your neck as the orgasm began to unravel through your sense. you flooded her hand with cum and it would have been embarrassing in some other circumstance but as of the current one, you never felt sexier in your life. diana still didn’t let up as you came the first time. she forced you to ride it out and give her one more. you nearly collapsed as she let you go. your dress was bunched up around your waist. you let yourself sit on the carpeted floor for a moment to steady your breathing and diana watched you as she fixed her own outfit and washed her hands.
“your lip stick is smudged.” she said nonchalantly and handed you a wet paper towel. you wiped at your mouth knowing that your makeup was either ruined or entirely gone.
“thanks, d.” you rolled your eyes. “i don’t think i can walk down there.”
“embarrassed?” she asked and helped you to your feet. you sat down on one of the plush chairs and strapped your foot back into one heel.
“my legs are gone. they feel like jello.” you said, eliciting a chuckle from the woman standing in front of you. you huffed dramatically and she took your ankle in her hand, sliding on the other impractically tall heels.
“you took it like a champ, though.” she shrugged with a satisfying smile.
“you didn’t really give me a chance there, did ya.” you countered standing to your feet and brushing past her to examine yourself in the mirror. it was one part horrifying and on part hilarious. it made you giggle.
“you’ll get used to it. you boss me around.”
“that’s my job diana.”
“that’s just me and how i deal with my girl. i said, you’ll get used to.” she stuffed her hands in her pockets.
“i’ll see you’ll downstairs.” she said with one final glance before opening the door, the sounds of the party lingering in the air before the door closed.
your smile was broad in the mirror as you took the time to put yourself back together piece by piece. after washing your hands and freshening up what was left of your makeup, you phished in your bag for your phone to see what you missed. you scrolled past the texts that were thanking you for the party invitation or the texts that were compliments to your hosting skills and landed on one from diana.
[diana]: this is my address. let me know when you leave so i can text you the gate code.
[you]: what if i had plans tonight?
[diana]: remember when i said get used to it? that starts now.
19 notes · View notes
lucespeaks · 35 minutes
is there any other wattpad fics you like to read??
not rllyyy im open to suggestions tho
the next paige by the same author as project muhl is pretty good tho
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lucespeaks · 60 minutes
triple dog dare is possibly the stupidest phrase ever but it works everytime
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lucespeaks · 1 hour
im such a bad influence LOLLLLLL
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lucespeaks · 1 hour
i need new friends
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lucespeaks · 1 hour
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lucespeaks · 1 hour
lesbians give me a headache.
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lucespeaks · 1 hour
lesbians are odd
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lucespeaks · 1 hour
lesbians are odd
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lucespeaks · 2 hours
nika probably wearing sunglasses inside that arena knowing her
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lucespeaks · 2 hours
went through like her whole teammates insta and neither her or any of them posted at the game😒
so i wonder if she actually is there bc if she was gonna be with people id assume her teammates but who knows
i feel like she would have posted if she was no😭
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lucespeaks · 2 hours
until anon send a zoomed in 2 pixel pic
i’m not believing
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lucespeaks · 2 hours
any chance that family member can provide photo evidence?
my same question but i don’t wanna seem pushy😭
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lucespeaks · 2 hours
she’s at the what in the where?!?
anon said their family member saw her at the mavs game
idk how reliable that is tho😭
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lucespeaks · 2 hours
anon said that and left everyone to spiral
like come backkk
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lucespeaks · 2 hours
Family member works as a photographer for mavs. Apparently shes in a suite with people
good morning americaaa
i need to knowww
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lucespeaks · 2 hours
ain’t no way she’s at the game seattle got a game tmrw
they’re in texas to play the wings so its a possibility
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