sunkissed-zegras · 3 days
for the next one, my idea was 🍀 for the prompt "until suddenly they whisper like a baby, “where’s my goodnight kissie?” i believe this gives paige and there's a lack of fluffy paige stories
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evangeline's 2.5k celebration !! [open!]
─ warnings | sweet, sweet fluff! drunk!paige (but she's affectionate as shit) and obviously mention of substances, umm nothing else.
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PAIGE'S HANDS WERE hanging off your waist as you walked toward the hotel elevator. she pulled you closer into her chest, you knew how affectionate paige is when she's drunk.
and right now, you're pretty sure drunk is an understatement. her giggles echoed softly in the hallway as she stumbled slightly, her breath warm against your ear. you couldn't help but smile at her carefree demeanor, despite the worry creeping into your mind about how much she'd had to drink.
as you reached the elevator, you pressed the button and waited for the doors to open. paige swayed a bit, leaning her head on your shoulder, you were her only anchor right now ─ you were sure she would simply just flop down on the floor if it weren't for you.
"you're the best," she mumbled, her words slurring slightly.
you chuckled, brushing a strand of hair out of her face. "and you're a handful," you replied softly.
the elevator dinged, and the doors slid open. you guided her inside, her grip on you tightening. once inside, you pressed the button for your floor and leaned against the wall, pulling paige gently with you.
she looked down at you with red, bleary eyes that you knew were due to the drinks she's had (and the exhaustion of the entire trip). "you always take such good care of me," she said, her voice filled with a mix of affection and admiration.
you felt a warm flush spread across your cheeks. "of course i do, p. i love you,"
she smiled, a soft and genuine expression that made your heart flutter. "i love you too," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the hum of the elevator.
as the doors opened to your floor, you led her out, making your way to your room. paige clung to you, her steps unsteady. when you finally reached your door, you fumbled with the key card (you'd also had a couple drinks), managing to unlock it after a couple of tries.
inside the room, you helped her to the bed, where she flopped down with a content sigh. you couldn't help but laugh softly at her, her carefree nature always infectious.
"let's get you some water," you said, heading to the minibar to grab a bottle. you returned and handed it to her, watching as she took a few sips.
she patted the spot next to her on the bed. "come here," she demanded as you laughed.
as you laid down next to her, she immediately wrapped her arms around you, pulling you close. you could feel the steady rise and fall of her chest as she breathed, her heartbeat a comforting rhythm against your back.
"where's my goodnight kiss?" paige mumbled as she looked up from your chest, a grin on her face.
you shook your head in amusement before she quickly pulled you into a sweet kiss. she pulled away with a smile as she laid back down, a yawn escaping her lips.
"i love you," paige murmured, her voice drowsy.
"i love you too, paige." you smiled as you felt yourself getting tired as well.
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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rmytears · 2 days
○ emily engstler x female reader.
↳ warnings: nudity, slight suggestive (just reader making fun of emily), emily in her tiktoker era.
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"are you recording me?" was the first thing you said when you noticed the phone on the kitchen counter.
emily had arrived at the small but cozy apartment you both shared, after being out almost all day. you, on the other hand, had stayed at home enjoying a quiet afternoon watching a 2000s movie marathon.
she chose to ignore you, while you looked at the cellphone she had left on the table while preparing dinner. puzzled by her reaction, you turned your gaze away from the device and found her hoodie on the floor, revealing a seductive gesture that took you by surprise.
"what the heck- are you trying to seduce me or something?" you asked, noting her mischievous smile. "depends, is it working?"
"not entirely," you said. you decided to take the lead and play a little with emily, teasing her ego and getting her a little rattled. "what's next? are you going to switch the lights to intense red and play the weeknd in the background?" her immediate blush confirmed you were on the right track. although emily rarely blushed, it seemed that with you, she was an exception.
"can you just keep quiet, please?" she asked you amidst laughter.
but you decided to continue with the joke. "why are you so nervous all of a sudden? you're not going to propose me, aren't you?"
"if that were the case, you would definitely ruin the moment," emily replied, laughing. "okay, okay, i'll stop. go on."
after that exchange, emily continued with her task. as she slowly stripped off the top part of her clothing, you couldn't help but bite your lip trying to suppress a smile. with her torso already exposed and you were about to make a cheeky comment, she turned around, revealing her muscular back adorned with a freshly made tattoo. you were speechless at the unexpected revelation, and the dim light of the room highlighted the details of the design framing her back.
"you're kidding." a tattoo. emily had gotten a new tattoo that covered most of her back and, by the way, made her look even hotter than she already was.
"do you like it?" emily asked, knowing the answer.
you slowly approached emily's back, feeling the soft touch of her skin under your fingertips as you traced the outline of the tattoo. "it's beautiful," you whispered, sensing how her body slightly tensed at the unexpected contact. "it makes you look hot," you added with a mischievous smile, noticing the change in temperature of her skin as you continued to gently stroke the design.
"so, the seduction attempt worked, don't you think?" emily joked, enjoying your reaction.
"and there you go ruining the moment," you replied, tossing her white shirt for her to get dressed again, as you returned to your tasks in the kitchen, with a smile on your face.
emily chuckled as she watched the video once more, but her laughter abruptly ceased when she heard a movement and a groan coming from the naked and sleepy figure next to the bed in response to the noise. after a moment of hesitation, she decided to go ahead and post the video. she turned off her phone screen and placed it on the bedside table, then snuggled under the sheets and nestled close to the warm body next to her, quickly falling asleep in its embrace.
needless to say, the comments on her tiktok went WILD.
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kirusa2 · 2 days
Paige Bueckers headcanons
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Paige always makes sure that she has your hand when y'all are out so you don't get lost if y'all are in a big crowd.
Paige can't keep her hands off you especially when she is drunk.
After a hard practice all Paige wants to do is lay down and cuddle with her girlfriend "How was practice p" "It was fine I guess I just want to lay down with you baby".
When y'all started dating you always send her a good luck text if you can't make it to her game and she always looks forward to hearing her phone ding before her game.
She was nervous to introduce you to her friends because she was scared that you wouldn't like them but when she saw you warming up to them her heart melted "Soo how do you like them?" "they are nice and kk is really funny".
You and drew have one of the cutest bonds he thinks of you has his sister and some time Paige get jealous that your spending your time with him and not her.
Her nicknames for you are Princess, Baby I feel like she would call you one of those cringy nicknames as a joke .
For dates she takes you to build a bear so y'all can get matching bears or y'all go on a double date with Aubrey and her girlfriend.
An:I didn't know what to do with this one I have a Kate martin headcanons in my drafts that I am going to post later when I finish it but I hope y'all enjoy this!.
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leilanihours · 2 days
kk 😭
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so basically i love them real bad
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patscorner · 14 hours
could u write kate martin x reader where they’re huge basketball rivals who end up falling in love?? maybe it starts out as like a secret relationship and then the media finds out and goes crazy abt it!!
also i love love love ur writing sm
Absolutely! Love you!
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Summary: The Gophers and Iowa have a generational rivalry with each other, tensions dating back years. What happens when one of Iowa's top players injures you?
wc: 3,248
Contains: slightly suggestive, mentions of blood, insta posts at the bottom, not proofread well, hella long
The Minnesota Gophers vs. the Iowa Hawkeyes was one of the oldest rivalries in women’s college basketball history. Whether it’s overly aggressive plays, double technicals every couple minutes, and shoves being exchanged. It’s tradition at this point to have one or two chippy moments at one of these games.
So it’s no surprise when tonight is no different. It’s tied, 83-83 in the third quarter with two minutes and thirty-six seconds left. The air is so filled with tension, it was like a heavy cloud of negativity loomed over both teams. Patience was thin on both benches, and everyone, even the people watching from home could feel it.
You’d been guarding Kate all night, and to say it was a challenge would be an understatement. She was agile and quick on her feet, and in some cases, she just managed to slip through your defensive skills. But, you were able to keep up with her, following and predicting her moves closely. She got a couple shots on you, but you didn’t let that stir your determination.
You were on your A game offensively tonight, too. Whether it was weaving through players with ease, calling good screens, or taking risky threes, you were doing it all.
It was paying off, too. Until the beginning of the fourth quarter. The game had just resumed, you guarding Kate once more. She’d been more physical, which you weren’t expecting, but you adapted, quickly matching her energy.
You had gotten the offensive rebound, running back to the Iowa basket, Kate hot on your tail. You get into position to make a layup, but Kate is right there to block your shot. She smacks the ball, but her momentum sends her body into yours, sending you flying to the ground.
You crash into the base of the basketball hoop, back hitting the floor first, followed by your head smacking into the stanchion. You squeal loudly, but the crowd's deafening cheers drowned out any noises you could’ve made. You’d made the layup, but that was the least of your concerns.
You’re grabbing your head, rolling over on your side, trying to find a position that relieves some of the pounding that has started in your head. Kate immediately goes to check on you, but that doesn’t last long when your teammates push her out of the way to get to you. One of your teammates starts yelling at Kate, who yells back, and the referee's whistle pierces through the air, signaling technicals for both players.
You’re still curled up under the basketball hoop, holding the back of your head, when you feel a warm liquid. You pull your hand away, and your eyes widen as you stare at your crimson cover palm.
Everyone who knows you, knows you hate blood. The red liquid sends a wave of nausea to your already banged up head, and you close your eyes to avoid the tears falling, and to relieve some of the tension that the lights were causing. The crowd silences as the camera shows you looking at your hand in horror.
Your breathing picks up as you continue to look at your hand. Tears fall from your eyes as you start to hyperventilate, unaware that eventually the lack of oxygen would cause you to lose consciousness.
You're only out for about 30 seconds, but that was more than enough time for you to be surrounded. You wake up to the athletic training staff, your teammates, and the coaching staff around you. You're running on autopilot, so the first thing you try to do is sit up, which doesn’t end too well for you. You attempt to lift your head off the ground, but a sharp pain shoots down your back, causing you to gasp loudly.
“Shh-stay still, honey.” one staff member assures you. You groan in response, feeling multiple hands on you at once. You don’t say anything as you try to roll over on your stomach and attempt to relieve the pain in your back. You have a pounding headache and have no idea what’s going on or what happened.
“You gotta stop moving. The ambulance is on the way.” You freeze at these words.
You have no idea what happened but all you know is that you have a basketball game to play. "W-we gotta play.” You croak out, looking at your teammates, tears brimming your eyes. You watch through blurry eyes as they shake their heads.
“No, kid, I think you're done for the night."
"No, no, n-no we gotta play- we're so close." You whimper out shakily. A couple of your teammates turn their heads, your statement making an already emotional moment even more heart-wrecking.
You feel someone grab your hand and rub it soothingly, attempting to distract you from the increasing pain in your spine. The Iowa bench was kneeling out of respect, because rivals or not, they weren't fucking monsters.
You sigh, accepting that you were done for the night and probably a while after. “What happened?” You whispered to no one in particular. You felt someone adjust the towels that you didn’t realize were under your head. The once white towels were colored now, and you felt sympathy for whoever had to clean them after.
“You fell kid, but you’re gonna be okay.” one of your teammates says. You hum in response.
All you could do is pray that she was right.
The crowd gave you a standing ovation as you were put on the stretcher and wheeled into the back of the ambulance. Despite their attempts to keep you awake, the loss of blood made it hard for you to keep your eyes open.
On the way to the hospital, they check your memory, which is pretty good, all except the moments leading up to the incident. All you remember is the girl that ran into you. When they get you to the hospital, they run their tests and find out that you had a pretty bad concussion, along with a crack in your spine. It’s safe to say you were done for the season.
Eventually, you were released, immediately starting physical therapy and, put in crutches and given a body wrap. You finally check your phone, and you see thousands of overwhelming messages from friends, family, and teammates. You respond to a couple of them, informing them that you were okay before going to instagram. Normally, you’d stay off of social media, but you needed something to distract yourself.
You’ve got hundreds of notifications on there, too, but one stands out the most.
A message from @katemartin
Just wanted to sincerely apologize for knocking you down the other night, I hope you know it wasn’t intentional. I don’t know if you’ll even read this, but you’re in my thoughts and prayers. Opponents or not, you’re a good player, and it’s devastating to see you injured. Get well soon.
Your heart swells at the message, as tears start to brim your eyes. You don’t know what to say, because this has never happened to you before. Usually, when someone gets injured, they get a pat on the back, and that’s it. But she went out of her way to message you.
You heart her message before typing a message back to her.
Thank you for the prayers, I know it wasn’t intentional, I watched the playback. I appreciate the message.
After you click send, you decide to leave it and begin scrolling through your feed. Nothing interesting comes up until you see Kate doing a post-game press conference. She’s asked her thoughts on the collision between you two.
“It was a basketball play. I had no intention of slamming into her like that. She’s an amazing player, like I seriously look up to her. The way she carries herself and the way she plays, that’s an example I think a lot of people should learn from.” she takes a deep, shaky breath, clearly trying to keep her composure. It breaks your heart to see her this shaken up about you.
“I don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself for being a part of the reason she’s not playing. Everyone deserves to do the things they love, and it’s not fair that I took that from her. Our teams may be hella competitive rivals, but despite that, this is a sisterhood. We aren't friends, but never would I ever wanna hurt her like that. It was an accident.” Kate’s voice cracks at the end, and her teammate rubs her back as she looks down.
“It was an honor to play with her, and I wish her the best.” she finishes, before the clip ends.
You’re in tears by the end of it, and you just want to give her a giant hug, tell her that you forgive her, and that you’ll be back on the court in no time. But instead, you stick with responding to her message she had just sent you.
How are you doing?
It’s been 4 months since your injury, and you’ve been talking to Kate non-stop. You and her had been texting back and forth, calling, and falling asleep on facetime. A lot of the time was talking about nothing in particular, with a couple updates as to where you are in your recovery.
You couldn’t help but feel your heart tighten when you talk to her. It’s like a breath of fresh air. Even though you were barely around her, you felt like you were missing something whenever you two weren’t having a conversation. You knew you were falling and falling hard. Little did you know, Kate was falling just the same.
Kate couldn't sleep well to begin with, but now she definitely couldn't sleep without talking to you. She couldn't go a minute without thinking about what you were doing, what you were wearing, what you were thinking. It got so bad that her teammates were practically begging her to ask this mystery girl out. Her daydreams were distracting her from her practices, the way she played in games, and her schoolwork.
Finally, (after Caitlin went on a ten minute rant about how painfully in love she was), Kate found the confidence to ask you out on a phone call. She was nervous and stuttering over her words, her face painted a beautiful pink.
"Maybe we could hang out sometime, like by ourselves. Like we could go to like the movies-or maybe out to eat somewhere. Or-or not, y'know we could hang out with other people, like our teammates, like not together because I don't think they like each other very much, but we could like not tell them, or we could tell them b-"
You cut off her rambling with a laugh, finding her anxiousness adorable. "Kate 'Money' Martin are you asking me out?" You ask, raising your eyebrows teasingly.
You watch as her face reddens even more, her teeth capturing her bottom as she playfully rolls her eyes at your mocking tone. "Y'know what, never mind. I take it back." She smiles at you.
"Oh, no, no, you got me locked in now." You say smiling softly back at her.
"Is that a yes…?" Kate asked in a joking manner, but you could sense a serious undertone to it.
You bite your lip lightly, staring at the blonde on your phone screen.
"Whatcha got in mind?"
Kate made the six hour drive to Minnesota that Saturday after booking a hotel room not far from campus. As much as you would've liked her to stay with you, you knew your dorm mates wouldn't approve of having her in your shared space. They knew you were talking to someone, but you were very cautious about when you talked to Kate, often doing it fairly late into the night when they were asleep or not home. You thought you were doing a good job, as they never brought up anything about it.
Either way, to not draw attention, you both decided it'd be best if you went super late at night, knowing that the second the public finds out Kate was in Minnesota, rumors would fly, and the media would go crazy. So, you came up with a shifty excuse to be out of the house at three a.m. on a random Saturday morning. You had no idea what Kate had set up, you just knew that you were meeting her at a random park near campus.
Turns out Kate had the date very planned out, from how long it would take to get from point A to point B, to where'd you'd be sitting. She took you to the beach, and even though it was dark, the sounds of the water crashing onto shore was enough for you.
Then she paid, against your will, for sushi. You went into the restaurant and you both sat in the car and ate your meal. Conversations flow smoothly all night, without a single moment of uncomfortable silence. The evening was filled with laughter and lighthearted banter, the both of you losing track of time until the sun started to bleed into the night sky.
You both were tired, tangled in the bed of Kate's truck, basking in each other's company. You were so comfortable, and you never wanted this moment to end. Kate was different from anybody else you'd ever met before. Even though this was the first time you'd even hung out with her, you wanted nothing more than to hold her forever. And to make her yours.
"What're you thinkin' about?" She asked, breaking the silence and pulling you from your thoughts. You're laying on her chest, her arms wrapped securely around your waist, holding you close.
You look up at her and find her gaze already in you. "The sun's coming up." You whispered, licking your lips. Her eyes trail down to them before finding their way back to your eyes. The way she looks at you almost makes you fold right then and there.
"Hmm." Kate responded as her eyes made their way back down to your lips and stayed there. After a moment, you brought your hand up to her cheek to direct her eyes back to yours. You smile as her face turns a bright shade of red.
"You're so pretty." She whispers as she seemingly examines your face. Now it's your turn to blush.
It almost makes you angry, the urge to kiss her lips. You want nothing more than to pour all your words into one kiss.
Fuck it.
You push your lips to hers, passionately expressing your feelings for her wordlessly. It takes her a second to process what's going on, but as soon as she does, she's melting under your touch. She's like putty in the palm of your hand at this point.
You adjust your body, lifting yourself so that the both of you are facing each other. You wrap your arm around her waist, pulling her closer and deepening the kiss. Your moment catches Kate off guard, causing her to moan lightly. You smile before pulling away.
Pants fill the air as you both attempt to catch your breath, letting the tension linger in the air. "Holy shit." Kate lets out a breathy laugh.
You chuckle with her, rubbing her waist absent-mindedly.
She rolls over back on her back, staring at the sky, you mimic her actions, sighing deeply. You can sense that the end of your date is near as the sun rises.
"I have to go." Kate whispers. You nod, reaching down and intertwining your fingers. You were right.
Over the next five months, you and Kate took turns seeing each other in the same way, at night, mostly ending up with you two touching each other (in more than one way). It was starting to get exhausting to hide it from your teammates, so eventually, Kate let it slip, and they weren't surprised. They already had their suspicions since the injury.
You weren't too pleased when she told you she'd revealed your secrets, but you were relieved that they didn't hate you. It gave you enough confidence to comfortably tell your team, who, like the Iowa team, wasn't surprised or upset at the idea of you and Kate being together.
It lifted a huge weight off your guys' chest, feeling better about leaving at two or three in the morning. The longer your relationship went on, the more comfortable you both got.
This was both good and bad, as you fell more in love with each other every day. But it also came with the desire to see each other more, which led to you both growing impatient and making sloppy mistakes. It started with you accidentally posting a picture of you holding Kate's hand on your public story instead of your close friends, like you had intended. Even though you couldn't see her face, you knew some people would be able to figure who it was, plus, at that point, it was an early relationship, and neither of you were ready for that kind of attention. Luckily, you deleted it before anyone could see it, but it was too close of a call for your liking.
Another slip-up happened a month later, where you posted a picture in Kate's hoodie, but you were able to pretend that you both happened to have the same hoodie.
The last straw, though, was Kate being recognized by a fan while pumping gas. You ducked down in the trunk as you watched the fan approach her and ask for an autograph and picture, which she agreed to.
The fan had a short conversation with her, which you later found out they had asked about why Kate was in Minnesota. The best Kate could come up with was that she was 'visiting a friend', which you teased her about her lack of an answer.
The fan posted about Kate being in Minnesota and why, and it shocked the internet. Some fans had done a deep dive and found dots that connected you to Kate, such as the hoodie picture. At this point, you both were tired of hiding, tired of not being able to go out during the daylight or support each other during games.
So you both decided it was time to let the people know.
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liked by katemartin and 294,210 others
yourusername: Find your person. They make life worth living
user| oh??
user| mystery woman?
user| I knew it
-> user| I feel like we all know who this is at this point
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liked by yourusername and 968,148 others
katemartin: You're my end and my beginning, even when I lose, I'm winning
user| no wait a minute
user| pov: the dots are connecting
user| my fav enemies to lovers story
caitlinclark22| took you long enough 🙄
-> yourusername| something you'd like to share with the class Martin??
-> katemartin| @caitlinclark22 I hate you.
->katemartin| @yourusername … no…
-> caitlinclark22| @katemartin you should be thanking me 🤗(pay up)
-> user| Caitlin in the comments has me cackling
user| Caitlin instigated is something I didn't know I needed
-> caitlinclark22| I did not instigate… just gave a gentle shove
-> katemartin| @caitlinclark22 I will gently shove you off a cliff 😍😄
->caitlinclark22| awww ur so cute😗
taglist: @wintersstan @bueckerslover @lilia22hicks @fake-intelligences @girlokwhatever
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foreingersgod · 3 days
End of the Day . CC
pairing: caitlin clark x reader
synopsis: caitlin’s rookie year hasn’t been going as smoothly as she had planned and it’s starting to take a toll on her. at least she has you there for her at the end of every game
WARNING: by no means, because i’m defending caitlin, will i tolerate any sort of racism/sexism on this post or on my page in general. just because we want to support her doesn’t mean we need to say completely unnecessary and racist things about other players. if there is anything of the sort, you will be blocked! this post has nothing to do with ANYONE except caitlin so please remember to be kind and respectful! this fic is meant to be a cute hurt/comfort scenario about struggling as a rookie, please don’t make it into something it’s not :)
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every game was agonizing for you to watch. whether you were sat on the couch in front of the TV or sitting somewhere up in the stands, watching caitlin take hit after hit was too much for you to watch. it broke your heart every single time, knowing that with each passing game, it was harder and harder for her to stay optimistic. your sweet and energetic girlfriend now seemed completely wiped out and drained. you heard her meek responses to the press, claiming that it was all “just how basketball was”, but you knew her better than that. you knew it was starting to take a toll on her, caitlin would never call something like this just part of the game.
you often had to close your eyes while watching these games. you hated the way they pushed her around like she was anything less of a player, how she would fall to the ground and squeeze her eyes shut in pain. it made your blood boil to see how much pain she was in. the urge to march down to the court floors and take on these women head on was constantly sitting in the back of your mind. there had been times you had to step outside of the stadium to take a breathe, trying to reassure yourself that cailtin was alright and had it under control.
and she did, she had gotten quite good at keeping a relaxed demeanor despite the physicality on the court. there were times were she would slip up though, letting her temper get the best of her, but she never took it too far and always reminded you that she could handle it. you knew deep down that caitlin only stayed so calm because of you. the last thing she wanted was to upset or worry you, make a big scene that she knew you’d evidently witness. as much as caitlin wanted to scream and argue and fight back, she couldn’t bare the thought of you watching her lose her cool. so she suffered in silence, something she had a habit of, aware of how mad it made you. you wanted nothing more than to comfort her in these times of need, but she was too stubborn to cave in.
it wasn’t until tonight, though, that she had finally reached her breaking point. this last game being the straw that broke the camels back. you hadn’t known what it was, whether it was the flagrant foul or the snide comments made off the court, but it cut caitlin deeper than the rest. unfortunately, you weren’t able to attend this particular game. work ended up being crazy busy and you had to stay longer, cutting into about 30 minutes of game time. you had warned caitlin before the game started, letting her know that you would be watching her from home and that you’d be cheering her on like always.
you don’t think you could get the image out of your head, the moment replaying in your head well after the game had ended. you had settled down on the couch with your ‘22’ t-shirt on and a loose blanket thrown over your lap, watching the game with your jaw clenched. you wanted so badly to stay hopeful tonight, trying to keep a positive mindset. but as the 3rd quarter rolled around, your hopes were quickly diminished. you watched one of the opponents come up behind caitlin, decking her in the shoulder so hard that she was thrown relentlessly to the ground. you cringed in dismay. you sat through the remnants of the game totally gutted for your girlfriend knowing that she’d be beating herself up when she walked through the doors of your home.
once the game had ended, you moseyed your way to the bedroom. after your nightly routine you crawled into bed and pulled out your book, waiting for caitlin’s arrival. you hated when she wasn’t here, the bed colder and lonelier than you’d have liked. it was hard to focus on the words littered across the novels pages as anticipation spread through your body. about 30 minutes had passed when you finally heard the obnoxious screeching of the front doors hinges. a wave of relief washed over you as you listened to familiar foot steps trail throughout the kitchen, eventually padding their way up the stairs.
then she came into view, pushing your bedroom door open quietly. she had assumed you were asleep by now and didn’t want to wake you by being too loud. your head perked up, the book long forgotten somewhere on the sheets as you took in the sight of your girlfriend. she looked burned out, a sad expression chiseled into her features. her hair was messy, cheeks flushed and pale-you assumed had been from crying. she hadn’t noticed you right away, only looking up when you called out her name.
“cait…” you breathed, unsure of what to say. she was clearly bothered, on the verge of tears. normally she’d come home and brush it off, saying that she just needed you and she’d be ok, but tonight was different. she looked inconsolable, standing there at the end of the bed.
“oh, hey baby,” she faked a smile, now dragging her feet to her side of the bed to get changed “you’re up”
“yea,” you offered a smile in return “you know i can’t sleep without you”
the small comment seemed to entice a genuine smile out of her this time, seeing how her lips turned upwards slightly as she pulled a clean tshirt over her head. she joined you in bed, sliding one leg underneath yours to feel the smallest bit of touch from you.
“hey i-uh,” you shook your head. this was a delicate matter that you didn’t know how to approach “i watched the game, cait”
“mhm,” she hummed, now pulling out her phone to mindlessly scroll through social media. possibly to distract her, but seeing the nasty comments about earlier tonight certainly wasn’t going to help.
you weren’t satisfied with her avoidance, deciding to prod further. you couldn’t watch her suffer like this any longer.
“baby,” you said softly, your tone somewhat stern to grab her attention. a gentle hand made its way to her wrist, pushing the phone from her grasp and into her lap “i think we should talk about the elephant in the room”
“i really don’t…” she muttered, her voice shaking “it’s fine, you know me”
“but caitlin, it’s not” you maneuvered around the bed, turning around and pulling your knees to your chest so you could fully face her. she laid her head back on the headboard, tilting her jaw away from you “you always say that, and i know you’re strong and can handle it. but tonight wasn’t ok and i know you know that”
you noticed the way her muscles tensed, preparing for a conversation she wished she would never have to have. you reached over to her, hand resting on her thigh as you rubbed soothingly. she squeezed her eyes shut and swallowed deeply to hold back tears. but it was no use, she was already hiccuping as sobs racked her body. you felt like your heart was being ripped from your chest. she hardly cried, and when she did, it was never like this.
“it’s whatever,” she couldn’t bring herself to look at you, beating herself up for even being upset in the first place “that’s just how it is, i’m the rookie and-”
“caitlin, stop” you begged, knowing where this was going. she was trying to brush it off once again. you disregarded her thigh, now moving even closer to her to place a hand on her cheek “that’s not just ‘how it is’, you’re allowed to be upset when you get quite literally shoved to the ground. and you’ve got too much on your plate right now, there’s a lot going on”
“i just-i don’t want…” the tears kept coming as she melted into your touch, the weight of her head leaning into your hand “i’m sorry”
“for what, baby?” you ran your thumb across her cheekbone “you have nothing to be sorry about”
“for all of this,” she exhaled, opening her eyes to actually look at you. her eyes slightly red, wet streaks running down her cheeks “for being upset like this, you shouldn’t have to sit here for this, i’m just being dramatic”
“you’re not being dramatic,” you butted in “got it? you shouldn’t have to feel sorry for being upset about something like this and i’ll have you know-i’m more than happy to be a shoulder to cry on, it’s what i’m here for. you can be respectful and reserved on the court and to the press, but you should never apologize for coming home and being vulnerable. especially with me”
a wave of silence washed over the room, caitlin’s exasperated sniffles being the only sound. she took a deep breath before continuing, gaze flickering down to her hands that were now fidgeting in her lap.
“i hate it so much,” she said, tears now only coming down harder “it was fine at first, but…but it’s just too much, i can’t”
“hey hey hey, it’s ok” you closed any distance between the two of you, wrapping your arms around her and bringing her in your chest. she instantly buried her head underneath your chin, allowing you to run your fingers through her hair and rub her back comfortingly “i know, baby it’s gonna be ok”
“i thought i could handle it, you know?” her voice was small, strained even. the collar of your shirt now damp, her lengthy fingers grabbing desperately at your sides for comfort “but it’s hard to process it all…like sure, being the rookie’s hard, but…but for some reason it’s just way more difficult than i imagined. and getting shoved around sucks, but it’s not even that. i don’t know how to explain it…im just so-so frustrated”
you listened attentively, giving your two cents when it was needed, humming in agreement as she ranted. you let her get it all out, hoping that this would help take some of the weight of her chest. her stubbornness to talk about things like this caused her a great deal of pain in the end, and you’d do anything in your power (even if it were sitting here like this all night) to ease her worries. you couldn’t describe how proud of her you were, grateful that she was trusting you enough to tell you how she truly felt.
“i think i’m just so overwhelmed with everything…with press, with all these expectations, with games…all of it has just been hammering down on me and it’s really fucked me up” she finished, taking a gasp of air after she poured her entire heart out to you.
“i get it, babe” you concurred “being new is hard and i can’t even imagine how much pressure you’ve been putting on yourself over this past year. and you know i don’t know much about the game and all that, but…but what i can say is, is that you aren’t alone. you have so many people who love you and support and are here for whenever you have days like this. neither me, your friends and teammates, your family, or even your fans expect you to walk out of the season like it was nothing. this is supposed to be hard and you’re supposed to have emotions like this. i love you more than anything and i need you to know that i’m here for you through all of this, alright?”
she sat up from being curled into your embrace for what felt like hours. her tears were now mostly dry, although her nose was still a light shade of pink from the congestion. another exasperated breath tumbled from her lips as she urgently grabbed both sides of your face, leaning into you. her lips met with yours in haste. she kissed you deeply, a small whimper emitting from her throat.
“i genuinely don’t know what i’d do without you,” she said, resting her forehead on yours, your hands cupping hers as they stayed firm to your face “you always know what to say, thank you for listening and being there for me”
you laughed, grinning as you looked into her gorgeous eyes “anytime, anywhere, no matter what. i’m so proud of you babe”
after a few more words were passed between the two of you, it was decided that you both were in dire need of some rest. caitlin was tired enough as it is, coming home and letting all of her emotions go had to have been even more exhausting. getting under the covers, caitlin moved down the bed so that she could rest her head just above your stomach, the sound of your heartbeat easing her stress.
“i love you so much” she yawned, fingers snaking underneath your shirt to run along your soft skin.
“i love you too, cait” you sighed, finally letting sleep take over your body.
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lucespeaks · 3 days
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pack it up madison
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gabbytalksalot · 2 days
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fruitbasketball · 2 days
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girl… put it down…
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sunkissed-zegras · 22 hours
Can you do sum like this wit Paige?🍀
36. "i'm tired...is it okay if i rest my head in your lap for a bit? don't let me fall asleep."
evangeline's 2.5k celebration !! [closed!]
─ warnings | nothing but fluff and allusions to pining!!
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THE BUS WAS quiet as the all the girls had slowly started doing their own things or had just simply falling, the only two voices on the bus were yours and paige's.
the game had went well, uconn had won with a decisive 85-62 victory. the energy from the court was still buzzing between you and paige as you rehashed every play, every pass, every moment of triumph. however, you could see the exhaustion begin to build in paige's eyes.
"you really nailed that three-pointer in the second quarter," you said, your eyes bright with excitement.
"thanks," paige replied, a grin spreading across her face. "but your defense was on point. i don't think they got past you once."
you chuckled. "we make a pretty good team, huh?"
the two of you fell into a comfortable silence for a moment, save for the hum of the bus and the occasional snore from a teammate the only sounds filling the space.
you noticed paige's eyes drooping, her head beginning to nod forward slightly. you felt a mix of concern and affection for her, knowing how hard she had played and how tired she must be.
"you look like you could use some rest," you said softly, trying to keep the worry out of your voice.
paige gave a small, tired smile. "yeah i guess, it just hit me right now,"
you hesitated for a moment, feeling a flutter of nerves in your stomach. "if you want, you can lean on my shoulder. only if you want to sleep, though, i don't wanna-"
"no i get it, sure," paige's smile widened slightly, and a blush crept up her cheeks. "you're sure?"
"of course," you replied, your heart pounding. "i don't mind, i'm not tired i've had two redbulls,"
paige laughed as she shook her head. "you and your damn redbulls,"
she hesitated only a moment longer before she scooted closer, resting her head gently on your shoulder. you could feel the warmth of her body against yours, and your heart raced even faster. this close, you could smell the faint scent of her shampoo, and you had to resist the urge to lean your head against hers.
"thank you," paige murmured, her voice already heavy with sleep.
"anytime," you whispered back, a smile tugging at your lips.
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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swiftiesusa · 2 days
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another episode of “there’s no thoughts behind my eyes, my hairline is receding and there’s some little 5’9 girl in the back getting bullied by a 6’3 basketball player”
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leilanihours · 2 days
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how my family found me after i found out azzi wasnt at the game OR in the live 😀🫠
azzi fudd i miss u!
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latenighttalkinqwp · 21 hours
finest trio !!!!!
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calicoheartz · 21 days
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꣑୧ — summary | just thinking about sitting on paige’s lap , as she teases you during a press conference ››
— warnings | nsfw ahead
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thinking about sitting on paige’s lap during a press conference is consuming my thoughts. whole heartedly.
i can imagine her taking you to one of her press conferences after one of UConn’s games , and to your luck , there weren’t any seats left.
paige insisted on having you sit on her lap , and you can’t tell if you’d rather die or if this is what you’ve been dreaming of. she pats her thigh gently , signaling you to sit down.
you don’t want to hold up the conference any longer, so you oblige. you sit nice and snug on her right thigh. god, it’s so firm and thick, she’s just pure fucking muscle.
you had that underlying fear of being too heavy or uncomfortable for her, but she gently reassures you by drawing small , sweet shapes on your leg , to let you know you were okay.
as the conference progressed , you can feel her hand move closer and closer to your inner thigh, still rubbing the same sweet circles as before.
you gave her a disapproving look as her fingers brushed against the hem of your panties , as her long fingers began to rub against your clit.
her eyes locked on your face , watching for every reaction and glance you make.
you slowly began to grind on her leg , getting yourself off slowly , but surely.
she rests her hands on your hips, giving you just enough pressure to make you feel good , as she proceeds to kiss your cheek every now and then.
to everyone besides you two , it seemed as if you were both simply engaging in sweet kisses every now and then, and loads of physical admiration and affection.
but little did they know that just below the table , your slick was leaking onto her fingers as she continued to rub you so agonizingly slow, as you squirmed and giggled nervously.
you knew it would be a long night when you got home.
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