#paige buckets
girlokwhatever ยท 2 days
gf golden retriever!paige with blackcat!reader ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ
i love this cause we all know itโ€™s true!!
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golden retriever!paige bueckers x blackcat!gf hcs
๐Ÿฆฎโ‚Šหšเท†โœฐ- ,,-โ€˜เน‘โ€™-๐Ÿˆโ€โฌ› golden retriever paige with a black cat gf,,
โ€” sheโ€™s attached to your hip AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE
โ€” sheโ€™s very very affectionate verbally and physically
- you accept it with love and appreciation
โ€” sheโ€™s always hyper and you have to be the one to tell her to chill a bit
โ€” will do absolutely anything for you
โ€” you are very protective LOL
- โ€œi donโ€™t like the way sheโ€™s looking at you babe.โ€
โ€” youโ€™re also constantly side-eyeing people and itโ€™s not even a joke atp
โ€” she thinks youโ€™re SO SEXXYYY LIKKEE
- you just have that demeanor about you
โ€” sheโ€™s lowkey intimidated by you a little
- she knows not to make you mad
โ€” sheโ€™ll take you shopping, buy you everything you want, AND carry all your bags
โ€” youโ€™ll be getting dressed up for the club; hair done, nails done, makeup done, outfit sexy and perfect
- she gawks over you the whole time
โ€” sheโ€™s a big fan of holding your hand in public
โ€” she also lowkey loves to be little spoon so that she can feel you holding her
โ€” when you argue she gets really worked up and youโ€™re always so calm about it but defo have a dismissive attitude
- you apologize later ๐Ÿค—
โ€” you highly value alone time or just silence every now and then
- paige is so respectful of your wishes cause she loves you so much so sometimes you two will just read forever and not say anything
โ€” paige buys you guys matching clothes
- expect compliments every few minutes (every few seconds tbh)
โ€” somehow she always ends up wearing lighter-colored clothes and youโ€™re wearing something dark
โ€” sheโ€™s also really attentive towards you
โ€” paige really admires how well you can keep composure in literally any situation
โ€” youโ€™re definitely more introverted, not super talkative with ppl you donโ€™t know
- paige is literally the exact opposite and tries to help bring you out of your shell
โ€” sheโ€™s always saying how โ€œmysteriousโ€ you are
โ€” she can talk for hours and youโ€™ll just listen
- that dynamic works really well for you two though, neither of you ever complain
โ€” you both feel like you complete each other
- like sheโ€™s your other half and youโ€™re hers
โ€” you love giving her hickeys and she loves getting them
โ€” at first it was kind of a struggle just because your personalities are so different
- but you both realized you brought the best out of each other and just need to communicate boundaries and wants
โ€” she wouldnโ€™t trade you for literally anything
โ€” youโ€™re sassy AF
โ€” you actually lost her in the grocery store once cause she wouldnโ€™t leave the tru fru aisleโ€ฆ.
โ€” โ€œyou look so edible right now i swear. please let me take a picture.โ€
- โ€œedible paige, really?โ€
๐Ÿฆฎโ‚Šหšเท†โœฐ- ,,-โ€˜เน‘โ€™-๐Ÿˆโ€โฌ›
this is a cute trope!!
hope i did it justice ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿฉท
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paigelvr ยท 1 day
i said OOOOOOOOooooo babyyy ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ
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patscorner ยท 1 day
date with paige. ๐Ÿ˜›
I gotchu!
End Game
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Summary: Paige takes you on a date for your two year anniversary.
wc: 1,971
Contains: fluff, suggestive if you squint
kinda lost it towards the end, but I hope you like it
โ€œCan I open my eyes now?โ€ You ask for the 100th time, and for the 100th time, Paige responded the same: โ€œNo.โ€
โ€œAw, come on! Youโ€™re killing me!โ€ You sigh comically loud. Paige laughs and shakes her head. โ€œBaby, that ruins the surprise. Tha-โ€
You cut her off with a whine. โ€œI hate surprises.โ€ You and Paige both know you were just being dramatic, and that you were just excited.
Paige was your third relationship and your first girlfriend, and today is your second anniversary, so it was a big day for the both of you. All your other relationships ended with him cheating on you, which led to you having an abundant amount of trust issues. So itโ€™s safe to say learning to trust Paige at the beginning of your relationship was one of the many pebbles you had to shake out of your shoe.
Paige never gave you a reason to not trust her. Never. You knew her passwords to everything, as well as most of her contacts. She was impossibly patient with you, from when youโ€™d yell at her because you were too in your head, to when youโ€™d give her the silent treatment when she pissed you off.
Itโ€™s not like Paige was perfect, she had her fair share of flaws. For example, at the start of your relationship, she was extremely jealous. If you guys were out, if you were even looking in another personโ€™s direction, sheโ€™d shut down. Since she was in the eye of the public at all times, sheโ€™d hold onto that anger until you guys were in a more private setting. This led to screaming matches and honestly, it wasnโ€™t looking the best for you guys.
But after exhausting nights, painfully long conversations, and you two learning how to love each other, you made it work. Paige began to trust that you could stand up for yourself, and you began to trust that she was just head over heels for you as you were for her.
Which is how you got here, to your second year with the love of your life.
โ€œJust a couple more minutes, ma, weโ€™re almost there.โ€ Her hand squeezed your thigh in reassurance. You shake your head and put your hand over hers.
โ€œThis better be worth it, Bueckers.โ€
โ€œIsnโ€™t it always?โ€ She spoke softly, and you can hear the smile on her face.
After what felt like forever (it was 15 minutes), you feel your girlfriendโ€™s hand leave your thigh, and the car jerk into the parking position. โ€œWeโ€™re here.โ€ She said, taking the key out of the ignition.
โ€œCan I open my eyes now?โ€ you reply excitedly.
โ€œYes, you can open your eyes now.โ€ Paige chuckles at your antics as you open your eyes.
You look around, processing your surroundings momentarily, before recognizing it as the local beach. You turn to your girlfriend whoโ€™s already looking at you, eyes sparkling with what someone can only describe as undying love. โ€œWhatโ€™re we doing here?โ€
She smiles brightly. โ€œNow thatโ€™s another surprise.โ€ You groan loudly as Paige chuckles and makes her way to open the door for you.
You walk hand in hand with Paige down to the shoreline of the beach. It was moments like these that you both cherished, the quiet moments, with just the two of you. The moments the world goes silent, and the only thing you have your attention on is the love of your life.
After walking for about 5 minutes, you two come across a blanket, strategically placed on the sand with all a bunch of treats and delights neatly organized. โ€œHuh, I wonder what thatโ€™s doing there.โ€ Paige spoke with fake surprise, and you caught the hint.
โ€œYouโ€™re so stupid.โ€ You say jokingly, looking at her, as she squeezes your hand. โ€œI know, but you love it.โ€ She smiles like a kid in a candy shop. You laugh and pull her into a passionate kiss.
She sighs as your lips interlock, pulling you in by your waist. You smile into the kiss, before pulling away. โ€œCโ€™mon, letโ€™s eat.โ€
โ€œI just was.โ€ She groaned as you pulled her onto the blanket, sitting criss-crossed as Paige lay on her side, propped up on her elbow.
โ€œYouโ€™re such a teenager.โ€ You say before Paige began opening the food.
By the time you guys had finished eating, the sky had been painted a beautiful mix of pink and orange. Itโ€™s been about 10 minutes since one of you spoke, which was okay. The silence was comfortable as you both were just enjoying each others company, looking at the beautiful movie-like sunset. At this point, you were laying in her lap, her arms over your shoulders.
The darker it got, the colder it got, and you both decided to go back to the car. On the way back, Paige revealed she had another surprise, but this time, she didnโ€™t make you cover your eyes to see it. You shuffled into the car, but not before you heard Paige rant about all the sand you had stuck to your body.
You both piled into the car, and Paige pulled off, leaving the beach and the first part of your date behind. You held Paigeโ€™s hand the entire time, as her playlist played in the background of your conversations.
Itโ€™s dark by the time you get there, but that doesnโ€™t stop you from recognizing where you were. You gasp as the realization comes over you.
โ€œNo fucking way.โ€ You look at Paige, then back outside the window.
โ€œYou said youโ€™d never been to a carnival, I thought Iโ€™d be the first one to take you.โ€ she shrugged as if it was no big deal.
And to some, it might not seem like it, but to you, this meant more than anything. When you were younger, your dad had promised to take you to the carnival for your 14th birthday. But when you turned 13, your dad got really sick, and you never got the chance to go. You held onto the desire to go but never had the time, especially as you got older.
You look at Paige as tears roll down your face. Youโ€™ve never felt luckier to have her. โ€œOh, baby, no, donโ€™t cry.โ€ Her head glances at the road every once in a while, but her attention is on you. Her hands have left yours and have migrated to your thigh.
You laugh and wipe your tears. โ€œI love you so much. Thank you.โ€ You say through your sobs.
Paige swiftly parks the car, gets out, and opens your door. She cups your face, wiping your tears as you unbuckle your seatbelt. You fall into her arms, and she makes sure you donโ€™t hit your head as she lifts you to stand. โ€œShhh, I love you, too, baby.โ€ She finally answers as you're both standing.
She holds you as you cry, her arms around your waist, your wrapped around her neck, pulling her face to the crook of your neck. After a couple of minutes, you pull away, and lean in for a short, sweet, kiss.
โ€œAre you done?โ€ Paige whispered as she pulled away. You giggle as you nod, unwrapping your arms to wipe your face. Paige looks down at her shirt, groaning when she sees the big tear stain youโ€™d left.
โ€œWha- Oh. Sorry, love.โ€ You smile apologetically, before bending down and grabbing your purse. As your half in the car, you feel Paigeโ€™s hands on your waist, followed by her hips on yours. You turn around quickly, smacking her chest as she bursts out in loud laughter.
โ€œYouโ€™re an idiot.โ€ You roll your eyes, before grabbing her hand and dragging her to the carnival grounds.
The night was one of the best youโ€™d had in a while. You walked around for a while before deciding to get on a couple roller coasters, and Paige claimed she didnโ€™t scream once (the jury is still out on that one).
After that, Paige insisted on winning you a stuffed toy at one of the carnival games. Of course, she chose basketball and easily won you a giant stuffed teddy bear. Then she paid for ice cream as you guys decided to go on one last hurrah.
The Ferris Wheel.
You were not excited. Heights were not your things, so it took a little convincing on Paigeโ€™s end. But youโ€™ve never once been able to say no to this girl, so thatโ€™s why you were now holding onto her bicep for dear life.
Your anxiety peaked as you started moving, and Paige held your thigh to stop you from shaking the passenger cars. โ€œBaby, itโ€™s fine. Look how pretty it is.โ€ she says.
You shake your head, and bury your face deeper into her arm. โ€œPlease, itโ€™s so pretty.โ€ You sigh as you reluctantly look around. You feel your stomach drop, but as you take in all the colors, thatโ€™s quickly forgotten.
You canโ€™t believe this is what youโ€™ve been missing out on. The view is astonishing, all the colors from the food stands and rides lighting up the night sky. You smile as you see all the people littered around the carnival grounds, minding their business. You detach yourself from Paigeโ€™s arm, as you sit up to get a better look around.
โ€œItโ€™s peaceful, right?โ€ Paige asks rhetorically. You hum and nod, before turning to her. โ€œIt is.โ€
Paige smiles softly, before reaching into her pocket and pulling out a little velvet box. You watch her curiously as she fumbles with the box nervously.
โ€œWhatโ€™s that, P?โ€ You ask to give her the push she needed. She looked at you before looking back at the box. Youโ€™ve never seen her so nervous, but it was kinda cute, that after all this time, you still have that effect on her.
โ€œIโ€™ve been meaning to give this to you for a while. I-Iโ€™ve never been happier in my entire life. A-and I know weโ€™re far too young to get married, but I never want to live life without you.โ€ She tears up as she opens the box, shifting her body towards you.
โ€œFuck. Iโ€™m so in love with you, and I never want to know what itโ€™s like to not be. I know weโ€™ve been through shit, but I wouldnโ€™t trade it for the world. I promise Iโ€™ll do whatever it takes to keep you here. I promise that one day, Iโ€™ll be able to do this in front of our friends and family. If you let me, I promise to love you forever.โ€ Both of you are in tears now, and you can see her hands shake as she awaits your answer.
You wipe her tears and giggle. โ€œI canโ€™t wait to marry you.โ€ You say through your own tears. Paige lets out a sigh of relief before attaching her lips to yours. You both laugh into the kiss. It looked like a scene out of a movie, as you both reached the peak of the Ferris Wheel, before it stops at the top.
You pull away and giggle as Paigeโ€™s shaky hands put the promise ring on your finger. โ€œFuck, Iโ€™ve never been more scared in my entire fucking life.โ€ she mutters when she finally slides the ring on.
You raise your eyebrows. โ€œNot even when KK put that big, fake spider on your bed?โ€
โ€œNo spider should be that fucking big, ever.โ€
You laugh as you interlock your hand with hers, squeezing it lovingly. The giggles die down, leaving you both in a comforting silence.
โ€œI love you so much, P.โ€
โ€œI love you so much more.โ€
Not once in your relationship did you question whether you two were meant to be. And it seems neither did she.
Little did you know that to her, you had always been her end game.
taglist: @bueckerslover @wintersstan @lilia22hicks @fake-intelligences @girlokwhatever
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paigebueckersmommy ยท 3 days
no thots, just party p ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’๐ŸŒž๐Ÿ™‡โ€โ™€๏ธ๐ŸงŽโ€โ™€๏ธโ€โžก๏ธ
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elainebursts ยท 11 hours
โ‹†.เณƒเฟ” sแด€แด›แดœส€ษด - โ‹† ๐™‹.๐˜ฝ.
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สš sแดœแดแดแด€ส€ส โ‹†. ๐™ฅ๐™–๐™ž๐™œ๐™š ๐™–๐™ฉ๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ฃ๐™™๐™จ ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช๐™ง ๐™ซ๐™ค๐™ก๐™ก๐™š๐™ฎ๐™—๐™–๐™ก๐™ก ๐™œ๐™–๐™ข๐™š!
สš ษขแด‡ษดส€แด‡ โ‹†. ๐™›๐™ก๐™ช๐™›๐™›
สš แด„แดก! โ‹†. ๐™ ๐™ž๐™จ๐™จ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ, ๐™ฅ๐™š๐™ฉ ๐™ฃ๐™–๐™ข๐™š๐™จ, ๐™ช๐™๐™ ๐™ž ๐™ฉ๐™๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™  ๐™ฉ๐™๐™–๐™ฉโ€™๐™จ ๐™–๐™ก๐™ก!
สš แด€ษด โ‹†. ๐™ช๐™ข ๐™ƒ๐™€๐™‡๐™‡๐™Š?! ๐™ฉ๐™๐™–๐™ฃ๐™  ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช ๐™–๐™ก๐™ก ๐™จ๐™ค ๐™จ๐™ค ๐™ข๐™ช๐™˜๐™๐™๐™ ๐™›๐™ค๐™ง ๐™–๐™ก๐™ก ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™ก๐™ค๐™ซ๐™š ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™จ๐™ช๐™ฅ๐™ฅ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ฉ ๐™ค๐™ฃ ๐™ข๐™ฎ ๐™ก๐™–๐™จ๐™ฉ ๐™›๐™ž๐™˜! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’“ ๐™๐™ค๐™ฅ๐™š ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช ๐™š๐™ฃ๐™Ÿ๐™ค๐™ฎ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™ž๐™จ ๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™š ๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ค!! ๐™–๐™ก๐™จ๐™ค ๐™ž ๐™ ๐™ฃ๐™ค๐™ฌ ๐™ฃ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™–๐™—๐™ฉ ๐™ซ๐™ค๐™ก๐™ก๐™š๐™ฎ๐™—๐™–๐™ก๐™ก ๐™จ๐™ค ๐™ž ๐™ฉ๐™ง๐™ž๐™š๐™™ ๐™ข๐™ฎ ๐™—๐™š๐™จ๐™ฉ ๐™ฌ๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™ ๐™จ๐™ค๐™ข๐™š ๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™ช๐™›๐™› ๐™žโ€™๐™ซ๐™š ๐™š๐™™๐™ช๐™˜๐™–๐™ฉ๐™š๐™™ ๐™ค๐™ฃ ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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you stand in the gym idle, bouncing the volleyball against the gym floor. your teammates all stand gathered around you, chatting and laughing. you let out a huff, holding the volleyball between your hip and forearm.
โ€œy/n. did you hear anything i just said?โ€ one of your teammates laughs, shaking your shoulder. โ€œhuh? no.. no sorry.โ€ you shake your head, looking into the audience for any sight of your girlfriend, paige. she told you sheโ€™d be coming to your game today, where is she? you ponder.
suddenly, you feel a hand on your hip, โ€œwhatcha looking for, ma?โ€ a voice rasps in your ear. you turn your head around, smiling widely as you see paige. โ€œpaige!โ€ you squeal, hugging into her. โ€œwaitโ€”why are you back here.. you should be sitting downโ€”โ€œ paige cuts you off with a kiss to your lips. โ€œjust wanted to see you, baby.โ€ she whispers, kissing your temple.
you smile softly, your cheeks flushing a soft, rosy pink. you hear your coach call you and your team out, the crowd roaring. โ€œiโ€™ll see you after the game?โ€ paige smiles, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. you nod, โ€œbye baby,โ€ you whisper, smiling widely as you run out onto the court.
you and a few other teammates set into your positions. you watch as your teammate serves the ball, a bounce from her hands hitting the ball pings through your ear. the crowd watches as the ball flies over the net, quick to make its way back and fly towards you. you make a quick attack, digging the ball as your teammate spikes it to the other side of the net, the ball hitting the floor.
an applause erupts, along with a few screams and cheers. suddenly, you hear a shout of your name, snapping your head towards the direction of the oh so familiar voice. โ€œyeah y/n!!โ€ paigeโ€™s voice echos through your ears as you smile widely, quickly being drowned out by your surrounding teammates on the court โ€œahhhhh ace,โ€ they all grunt in unison, you join in, clapping twice as your teams chant echos throughout the gym.
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the halftime buzzer erupts throughout the gym, you glance at the scoreboard 13-10, your team up by 3 points. you slump in your chair, downing half of your water, groaning as you throw your head back. you wipe the sweat off your forehead, not listening to anything your coach is telling you, โ€œy/l/n! are you listening to me?โ€ your coach shouts, you roll your eyes getting up and making your way back to the court, waiting for the rest of your team.
once youโ€™re all back on the court, the games quick to start up again. the other team serves, youโ€™re quick to jump up, smacking the ball as someone on the other team hits it back.
the crowd falls silent on the last few seconds of the game, everyone pondering who would win. you clench your jaw, spiking the ball to the other side, the crowd erupting in cheers as your teammates all huddle together, congratulating one another. you stand off to the side, grabbing your belongings and quickly making your way through everyone, looking for your girlfriend. โ€œy/n! baby, over here!!โ€ you hear her voice call out. you turn your head, making your way towards her. you wrap your arms around her middle, hugging her tightly. โ€œyou did so well, baby.โ€ she whispers to you, kissing your forehead. โ€œuh huh..โ€ you nod, smiling softly.
โ€œhey y/n! you and paige wanna go grab a bite from Rickyโ€™s?โ€ one of your teammates calls over to you, you glance at paige, watching as she nods. โ€œyeah weโ€™re coming.โ€ you smile.
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สš แด€ษด โ‹†. ๐™ž ๐™–๐™ฅ๐™ค๐™ก๐™ค๐™œ๐™ž๐™ฏ๐™š ๐™›๐™ค๐™ง ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™๐™ค๐™ก๐™™ ๐™ช๐™ฅ ๐™ค๐™ฃ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™ž๐™จ ๐™›๐™ž๐™˜. ๐™ž ๐™ ๐™ฃ๐™ค๐™ฌ ๐™จ๐™ค๐™ข๐™š ๐™ค๐™› ๐™ฎ๐™–๐™ก๐™ก ๐™๐™–๐™ซ๐™š ๐™—๐™š๐™š๐™ฃ ๐™ฌ๐™–๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™– ๐™’๐™ƒ๐™„๐™‡๐™€ ๐™—๐™ช๐™ฉ ๐™žโ€™๐™ซ๐™š ๐™—๐™š๐™š๐™ฃ ๐™˜๐™–๐™ช๐™œ๐™๐™ฉ ๐™ช๐™ฅ ๐™ž๐™ฃ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ๐™จ ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™๐™–๐™ซ๐™š๐™ฃโ€™๐™ฉ ๐™—๐™š๐™š๐™ฃ ๐™–๐™—๐™ก๐™š ๐™ฉ๐™ค ๐™ฅ๐™ค๐™จ๐™ฉ ๐™ข๐™ช๐™˜๐™ ๐Ÿ˜ญ ๐™–๐™œ๐™–๐™ž๐™ฃ ๐™ž๐™ข ๐™ซ๐™š๐™ง๐™ฎ ๐™จ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ง๐™ฎ ๐™›๐™ค๐™ง ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™ฌ๐™–๐™ž๐™ฉ, ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™ž๐™ข ๐™จ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ง๐™ฎ ๐™›๐™ค๐™ง ๐™๐™ค๐™ฌ ๐™จ๐™๐™ค๐™ง๐™ฉ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™ž๐™จ ๐™ž๐™จ. ๐™žโ€™๐™ข ๐™ฌ๐™ง๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™๐™š๐™ง ๐™›๐™ž๐™˜ ๐™–๐™จ ๐™–๐™ฃ ๐™–๐™ฅ๐™ค๐™ก๐™ค๐™œ๐™ฎ ๐Ÿ™
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lillchris ยท 1 day
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I say spot the difference ๐Ÿ‘€
She got that same type of smirk/smile in both pics
All Iโ€™m saying is that I feel like Paigeโ€™s vibe is different now like in a good way. Sheโ€™s got like this unexplainable glow about her ever since after the cruise I donโ€™t wanna assume but I think itโ€™s cuz of Azzi.
All I can explain about Paigeโ€™s vibe is that she is giddy and I think thatโ€™s great! Iโ€™m glad Azzi makes her happy and vice versa
Side note: Sorry for not updating the story in awhile I have writersblock and I also needed to take a mental break from social media
Anyway love you all stay safe <3
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gabbytalksalot ยท 2 days
"Normalize naming you kid after things you love"
Goodnight women's basketball, wnba, women's college basketball, Paige bueckers, caitlin clark, Kate martin, nika muhl, kk arnold, angel reese, emily englster, uconn wcbb, las vegas aces, basketball in general, nba, Taylor swift.
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cosmopretty ยท 2 days
UConnโ€™s WBB team x Fem Manger
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You work your ass off to make sure the girls have everything they need on game day and every other day
Geno is always helping you plan media events for the team
The girls got you a jersey that says #1 Manger on the back
Most of the girls are sitting in the living room of the dorms watching some basketball game on TV. You walk in pouting and fall onto the couch next to KK. Ice looks over at you and furrows her brows โ€œ Whatโ€™s wrong tiny? โ€œ she asks you. You lift your head โ€œ This stupid boy โ€œ you turn over and groan into KKโ€™s shoulder while she pets your head, running her fingers through your hair massaging your scalp.
Paigeโ€™s head snaps towards you โ€œ What boy? When? What did he do? โ€œ she asks you. Aubrey walks in and sits on the floor between your legs โ€œ That boy from her English class the curly haired one I saw them leave together โ€œ she tells Paige. Lifting your head from KK you kick Aubrey โ€œ Iโ€™m right here dummy โ€œ you roll your eyes getting up and walking away.
Ice grabs your foot pulling you down on to the floor between her and Paige โ€œ What happened? โ€œ she asks you. You groan again and start playing with your hands โ€œ He said I talk to much and Iโ€™m annoying so I left our date โ€œ you admit dropping your head.
Paige nods and gets up her and Aubrey leave the dorm without a word. You sigh and lean into Ice โ€œ Heโ€™s so mean โ€œ you pout. Ice plays with your hair โ€œ Screw him youโ€™re gonna find a better person anyways โ€œ Ice comforts you.
You end up making chocolate chip cookies to try and distract your self from what happened earlier. Around an hour later Paige and Aubrey walk in with smiles on their faces. You turn to them and squint your eyes at them โ€œ What did you both do? โ€œ you ask putting your hands on your hips. Aubrey laughs and pats your head a few times, before grabbing a cookie and going to her dorm. You raise your brows at Paige and she rolls her eyes โ€œ Told that dumb boy how much of great person you are and that if he ever talks to you again we will crush him donโ€™t worry Y/N โ€œ Paige says smiling before hugging you rocking back and forth.
Some of the girls have no sense of style so your always dressing them for events and just normal outings
Your babysitting KK when the team goes out for drinks since sheโ€™s too young
They claim that your a good luck charm and they need you watching all their games
Your always cuddling with the girls and being touchy but they donโ€™t mind they love it
Your always in the background of livestreams trying to help one of the girls with something
Helping Azzi with her knee injury and sitting on the sidelines with her so she didnโ€™t feel alone
Cooking for the girls so they eat healthy instead of fast food all the time
itโ€™s not your fault your short itโ€™s just that you work with 6 foot tall woman
Forcing you in their TikToks against your will
Randomly carrying your around and throwing you because they think itโ€™s funny
Sitting in your dorm room scrolling through venues for UConnโ€™s next event. You have been cooped up in your room for the past three hours trying to plan everything out and make sure itโ€™s all perfect. To say you were stressed was an understatement all the work has piled up for school and the team. You groan dropping your head on the table pulling your hair. You take a deep breath and go back on your computer again.
Azzi walks by your room and opens the door looking at you for a moment, she watches you and sighs knowing how stressed you were. You look up and smile at Azzi โ€œ Hey honey whatโ€™s up? โ€œ you ask her. She smiles at you before walking towards you and grabbing you by the waist throwing you over her shoulder. You squeal and grab onto her shirt โ€œ PUT ME DOWN AZZI โ€œ you scream as she runs into the living room before throwing you down onto the couch on top of Ines. You move your hair from your face and slap her leg โ€œ Not funny โ€œ you whisper.
Ines laughs and pushes you down onto the floor, you scoff and look at her shocked putting your hand on your heart โ€œ Wow and here I thought we were friends โ€œ Ines shrugs at you laughing. You roll your eyes and make grabby hands at Azzi so she can help you up. Paige comes over and grabs your hands pulling you up laughing at you โ€œ Look at the video I got of Azzi running around with you on her shoulder โ€œ she says laughing shoving her phone in your face. Grabbing the phone from her, you run away trying to delete the video before Paigeโ€™s comes from behind wrapping her arms around you waist while Azzi grabs the phone.
You struggle and thrash around in her arms before tickling her stomach and she drops you. You flip them both off and go back to your room to finish your work. Azzi follows you and gives you some water โ€œ Can you please pace yourself, you work too hard and I donโ€™t want you to be so stressed โ€œ she asks. You nod smiling at her before kissing her cheek in thank you and turning your focus back on your work.
Caroline and you both have little shopping sprees together where you buy clothes for everyone
The girls use you to prove to Geno how strong they are by doing pushups with you on their back or benching you
Planning little movie nights for the team to help everyone relax
Fans love you so much and are always making cute little edits of you
You and Nika doing skincare nights
Geno and you having long conversations about life when the girls are working out
Helping everyone decorate their dorms
Laying down with your head inside there hoodie when your tired and donโ€™t want people bothering you
Going to Azzi when you need help with school work
Getting protective of them durning games and arguing with refs
111 notes ยท View notes
endelineinwonderland ยท 6 hours
Let The Light In: Part 8
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Words: 2.5K
Pairing: Paige Bueckers/Media Manager! Reader
Warnings: Angst, Friends to enemies to lovers (but the reader doesnโ€™t know why theyโ€™re enemies), reader is actually so incredibly in the wrong, slow burn
A/N: One step forward, ten steps back! :)
Even though youโ€™d been stuck in a shoot today you had heard that it had been a beautiful day for February in Connecticut, a time when the skies are usually grey, and the streets are usually blanketed in a heavy layer of snow. The unexpected warmth, you decide, likely explained why the local ice cream parlor was bustling with people, their laughter and chatter spilling out onto the streets.
People were out in droves, couples, families, and groups of friends taking advantage of the unseasonable warmth.ย You sit in the car next to Paige, the both of you watching the scene unfold with matching expressions of confusion.ย 
โ€œNow probably isnโ€™t the best time for Paige Bueckers to show up, huh?โ€
Paige shrugs, a small smile playing at her lips. "I mean, itโ€™ll probably be fine. Itโ€™s not like Iโ€™m with the whole team or anything. I might get stopped once, but I doubt it." She sounds confident, but you notice the slight tension in her shoulders, the way her fingers tap restlessly on the steering wheel.
You glance nervously forward, watching as a group of girls enter the store, shedding off their coats to reveal that at least 3 of them had t-shirts emblazoned with the 'UConn WBB' logo just as Paige finished speaking. Almost as if theyโ€™d been summoned by the sound of her voice, and you let out a dry chuckle and tried to suppress immediate feelings of dรฉjร  vu from the conversation you had at the cafรฉ a few months ago. When everything hadย trulyย fallen apart.
"Well, there goes that plan," your eyes flicking between the group and Paige. You silently prayed that none of them would glance over and discover the star player sitting right outside.
With a resigned sigh, the blonde leans back against the driver's seat. Her shoulder brushing against yours in the cramped space, she reaches into the pocket of her jeans and pulls out her wallet, fishing out her credit card and handing it to you, disappointment written all over her face. โ€œWe can still get ice cream if you want to run in for us. We might just be stuck eating it in the car.โ€ย 
You accepted the card (despite having no intention of using it), taking it from Paige's extended hand with a small nod. "The usual for you?" Paige rolls her eyes in response, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Duh.โ€
The moment you return to the car, clutching two plastic cups filled with two generous scoops of ice cream, Paige quickly springs out to open the passenger door for you. Taking her order and the unused credit card from your outstretched hand, settling back into the car with a smile.
Without even thinking about it, she automatically digs her spoon into your cup before taking a bite of her own. As the spoon left her mouth, her brow furrows in confusion.ย 
"Wait, I think they gave you two strawberryโ€™s by mistake," she said, reaching for your cup. "It's okay, though. I can go back in and ask them to fix it."
Your hand gently grabbed at hers to stop it, taking the ice-cream bowl back. "No, it's fine. I requested that they put a scoop of cherry and a scoop of strawberry in each cup," you explain, starting to mix the two flavors together and taking a mouthful.ย 
"Oh. Why did you do that?" Paige asked with a slight strain to her voice, brow furrowing further as she fixated on the spoon stuck between your lips.ย 
Noticing her sudden change in behavior you tried to explain what you thought had been remarkably clever, panicking slightly as you spoke. "I thought it was a good idea," you began, your voice filled with slight confusion. "You know, this way we each have our own, and we donโ€™t have to keep reaching for each other's ice cream all the time and we wonโ€™t make a mess of your car. And donโ€™t worry, you can still have my extra if thatโ€™s what youโ€™re worried about. Plus," you forced out a nervous chuckle, "there will be even more now since we each have a full-sized scoop."
Her expression dropped suddenly, and she quickly abandoned her barely touched ice cream on the center console.ย 
You called out her name, your voice laced with concern, and carefully placed your ice cream next to hers before placing a tentative hand on her shoulder. "Paige, what's wrong? Did I do something?โ€ย 
Paige shook her head, hands going to briefly cover her face. "It's okay, you didn't do anything," she muttered, her voice muffled, "I just... fuck, I'm sorry, itโ€™s nothing Iโ€™m just being stupid." She dropped her hands from her face as she turned to look at you, her expression briefly meeting yours before turning away to focus on the console. "Which one's mine, again?" she asked, her tone still tense.ย 
You withdrew the hand that had been resting on her shoulder as you leaned down to examine the two cups on the center console. "Uh, this one I think," you nodded, pushing one of them to towards her. The temperature of the ice cream sent a chill through you, its coolness in sharp contrast to the warmth that had coursed through you when you touched her.
She reaches for it wordlessly, hastily grabbing another bite, refusing to meet your gaze.
Youโ€™ve never seen someone eat ice cream angrily you think.ย 
"Paige?" you asked again, softer this time, your concern growing as you watched her ignore you. "Hey, talk to me. What's going on?"
She let out a shaky breath, her spoon stilling in the cup of ice cream. "It's just... it's been a lot, you know?" she said, finally looking up at you, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.ย 
"I mean โ€“ I thought I'd lost you for good. And I know now we're trying to fix things, but every little thing makes me worry that it's all going to fall apart again. Like, every time weโ€™ve been near each other Iโ€™m so afraid of messing it up and then whenever weโ€™re apart I feel like thatโ€™s part of the problem too, but I scare myself to bad and I never reach out or anything and itโ€™s all just so stupid." her voice strained. "It's just... I donโ€™t know. This was supposed to be simple. "
Feeling like your heart is going to give out on you every time you hear her speak is beginning to become all too familiar.ย 
โ€œHey, weโ€™re gonna be okay. Itโ€™s just gonna take some time clearly,โ€ you say, your attempts to be reassuring as much for you as they are for her.ย 
She bit her lip, trying to hold back tears. "I just... I wanted today to be good. And when you changed the order, it felt like maybe things werenโ€™t okay between us after all.โ€ She takes a deep breath, turning to you. โ€œI know itโ€™s so stupid, but I feel like I have to constantly over analyze everything between us now."
โ€œOh P, no, thatโ€™s not what I meant to do at all.โ€ You murmur, your eyes filing up with tears of your own. Reaching over to grab her bowl from her now shaking hands, you place it on the dashboard, grabbing yours next so you can reach over to her without the obstruction.ย  Her hands grip your forearm as you wrap yourself around her shoulders, leaning your head back to kiss the side of her head. โ€œThis has been hard, and Iโ€™ve been so scared to mess up too and Iโ€™m sorry that I just did.โ€ you choke out.ย 
โ€œYou didnโ€™t mess up Iโ€™m just being dramatic, itโ€™s just I feel like it isnโ€™t supposed to be this hard thoughโ€ Paige letโ€™s out a sob, โ€œI donโ€™t know why I thought that, but I really thought everything would be back to normal, I just, I donโ€™t get whatโ€™s happening with us at all and I donโ€™t get why I donโ€™t get it.โ€ย 
The tears that had flooded your eyes are now making their way down your cheeks. โ€œI hurt you, I hurt you in ways that arenโ€™t forgivable, and I wonโ€™t be mad at you if it takes you a while to get there, or if you never do.โ€ย 
This was supposed to be light, this was supposed to be easy, a step in the right direction, but all you can feel is yourself being dragged down, deeper and deeper when you thought you were already on the ground.
She vehemently shakes her head, โ€œno, no, just stop. Stop being so shitty to yourself, Iโ€™ve already forgiven you.โ€ Her fingers tighten around your arms to the point that itโ€™s painful but you stay still, โ€œI'm the one who's been awful. Iโ€™ve been avoiding you like the damn plague, youโ€™ve been trying so hard and I didnโ€™t mean to.ย ย Iโ€™ve been making your life so much harder for so long and I didnโ€™t realize until I kicked you out of my room that night, I still donโ€™t know why I did that but Iโ€™m so sorry. Iโ€™m so sorry. Iโ€™m so sorry.โ€ She repeats the apology, praying you understand it as she becomes almost completely incoherent, the words and sobs falling out of her mouth simultaneously.ย 
You pull her closer, holding her as tightly as you can, sitting awkwardly on your side in the passenger seat. โ€œWeโ€™re gonna figure this out,โ€ you whisper, your voice thick with emotion. โ€œThis is on both of us, and we are both going to fix it, alright love?โ€
Paige nodded against your shoulder, her sobs slowly subsiding. โ€œI want that,โ€ she whispered back. โ€œI really want that.โ€ย 
The two of you stay intertwined, listening to the quiet hum of the radio, both too afraid to speak up and say something else potentially ruinous when youโ€™ve just started making progress again. Eventually, however, you have to move. The ice cream has melted, leaving a sticky mess all over Paigeโ€™s dashboard and the lights shut off in the ice cream parlor, the employee giving the two of you a strange glance as she locks up.ย 
You must be feeling unusually brave, or maybe just desperate to keep her near you, probably the latter you decide as the words seem to tumble out of your mouth before you can think twice. โ€œDo you want to come back to mine?โ€ย You can't help but thank god when she nods. ย 
The silence continues as you drive back to your place. The streetlights flash by, casting fleeting shadows inside the car, the light occasionally falling on your hand, intertwined tightly with Paigeโ€™s. You both let yourself cling to the other until she has to park the car, reluctantly letting you go.
"Wanna head in?" you say, breaking the silence once the cars settled to a stop. She nods, reaching for the handle the second you say it, like sheโ€™d been waiting for your permission.
The two of you step out of the car, and the crisp night air hits your skin. You walk side by side to the front door, and for a moment, everything feels like it used toโ€”easy, natural. Once inside, you flick on the lights, casting a warm glow over the familiar surroundings. "Make yourself at home," you say, gesturing towards the living room.
She sits, looking around your place as if seeing it for the first time. "It's been a while since I've been here," she says softly. "Yeah," you agree, the words are left hanging in the air as she fails to come up with a response that wouldnโ€™t bring up any of the laundry list of things youโ€™re both still avoiding. Paige's fingers fidget with the pillow she had moved to rest on her lap, her eyes focused on the floor.
"How about we watch a movie?" you suggest, unsure what to do in this uncharted territory.
She gives you a slight nod, reaching for the remote, opening Netflix and pressing play on some action movie that could not interest you less but for her, youโ€™ll tolerate it.ย 
The movie flickers on the screen, but your attention is fixed on Paige. Her head rests gently on your shoulder, her breathing slow and steady as she drifts into sleep. The soft glow from the TV casts a gentle light across her face, highlighting her delicate features. You marvel at the way her eyelashes create shadows on her cheeks, the slight part of her lips as she breathes. She looks so peaceful, and youโ€™re absolutely positive that no one could ever be more beautiful than she is in this moment, the thought both captivates and torments you.
You swallow hard, feeling a lump forming in your throat. โ€˜Why does she think I deserve her?โ€™ย The question echoes in your mind, each repetition tightening the knot in your stomach. Sheโ€™s perfect, and here she is, trusting you enough to fall asleep in your arms. But the gentle sound of her breathing is drowned out by the echos of your cameras shutter and her cries pounding in your ears, each one a piercing through you, a guilt filled arrow. You shift slightly, trying to ease the discomfort, but it only intensifies.
You glance at the TV, trying to distract yourself, but the images blur together, meaningless against the backdrop of your spiraling thoughts. Your hand moves to stroke her hair, a gentle, almost involuntary motion. Her hair is soft, slipping through your fingers like silk. You want to focus on that sensation, to ground yourself, but the flood of insecurities keeps rising. โ€˜What if I hurt her again? What if I canโ€™t be the person she needs?โ€™ Each question is a weight pressing down on your chest, making it hard to breathe.
When the credits finally roll, Paige stirs slightly, her eyes fluttering open. She looks up at you with a sleepy, tender smile. "I'm too tired to drive home. Can I stay here tonight?" Her voice is a soft whisper.
"Of course," you say, but the words feel thick, stuck in your throat. A part of you longs to hold her close, to find comfort in her presence. But another part of you recoils, terrified of the thoughts that come with her nearness.ย 
โ€˜I canโ€™t do this.โ€™
She shifts again, laying her head on your chest and curling up against you. Her warmth practically seeps into you, a soothing balm against the cold dread that has filled you to the brim. "I love you," she mutters, half-asleep, and her words are like a knife twisting in your heart.ย 
โ€˜She shouldn't love me.'
You lie there, your heart pounding in your chest. The panic is a living thing, clawing at your insides, making it impossible to relax. You replay every mistake, every hurtful word, each one a confirmation of your unworthiness. Sheโ€™s so peaceful, so trusting, and it only heightens your anxiety.ย 
Youโ€™ve changed a lot over the course of the past year, hell, the past months. Maybe, just maybe, the reason itโ€™s been so hard to go back to how you were is because now youโ€™re too different, youโ€™re not the same as you were, itโ€™s not the same as it was.ย 
โ€˜Maybe sheโ€™s in love with a version of you that doesnโ€™t exist anymore.โ€™
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abbysbraids ยท 2 days
All my wifey in one edit ๐Ÿคญ
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sikecure ยท 3 days
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ยท . ๐“‚ƒ pretty girl . ู’ ๐Ÿค
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28 notes ยท View notes
paigelvr ยท 1 day
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154 notes ยท View notes
leilanihours ยท 1 day
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paigebueckersmommy ยท 6 hours
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118 notes ยท View notes
ohmanareyoucereal69 ยท 3 hours
Oh boy oh boy where do I even begin?!!? My dearest Paige, with every dribble, you enchant the court, weaving tales of glory and triumph, your prowess on the hardwood resonates with the beating of my heart!!!๐Ÿค๐Ÿค๐Ÿค
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delulu4pazzi ยท 1 day
New paige pictures!! Look at her and her cheeky smile !
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