#delicious in dungeon laios
imnosupaman · 3 days
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soft guy
A/n -caught up on all of Dungeon Meshi and Laios is just that guy!!
Masterlist 10
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Soft!Laios…who braids your hair at times to calm himself down and keeps you at ease
Soft!Laios….who notices how extensively you listen to his random ramblings about monsters and such, a soft smile when he realizes you genuinely like being around him like this
Soft!Laios…who always likes to give you second helpings of food when he notices your hungrier than usual
Soft!Laios….who checks on you after a rough bout with a monster, tending to your injuries
Soft!Laios…who kisses you hesitantly but let’s himself get pulled back to you when you want to reciprocate
Soft!Laios…who talks to you through the nightmares, no matter how intense they get
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d3spairisart · 2 days
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I LOVE HIM SO MUCH <333 he's such a cutie patootie when he gets excited I wish I could express my own happiness like he does when he see's monsterssss
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tgoldwalker · 11 hours
We need a live action dungeon meshi because I know EXACTLY the man to play Laios
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passionate-bites · 1 day
Chilchuck thinking about Laios: What is this burning feeling in my chest?
Chilchuck: It must be annoyance.
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ultimateempath · 2 days
Dungeon Meshi has taken over my life so here's some other "monster" based worlds I think Senshi and Laios would enjoy!
-Senshi would absolutely find a way to make the spiders safe to eat
-all the undeads are off limits but they have yet to decide if wardens are acceptable or not
-Laios would definitely face sleep deprivation for the opportunity to taste a phantom.
-traveling to the end soley to eat the enderdragon, traveling to the nether to see if the wither is edible + to cook with soul fire and see what happens.
-more humanoid pokemon like the machamp line are obviously off limits, no eating what's basically just a very buff man.
-a metric fuckton of variety in both edible creatures and non-meat ingredients such as herbs & berries, Senshi is in cooking heaven
-basically those animations of pokemon getting prepped and cooked.
-they don't eat legendaries either as the locals wouldn't be very pleased with someone cooking and eating literal gods
-honestly I just like the mental image of Laios trying to shove a bunger down his throat.
-Senshi would probably throw a fit over not being able to actually cook anything since they have to be eaten raw
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sum-bu99 · 1 day
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pinup pose Laios 💦
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waltercake · 2 days
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Laios 🍁
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thishazeleyeddemon · 2 days
(note: Kabru's internal narration refers to someone who's 15 as nearly an adult. I don't think this, I'm just following Dunmesh worldbuilding with culture.)
'Kabru met the woman and her daughter at just the right moment.
For Kabru, anyway. She was tired - bone tired, the kind of tired that made her wish fervently for Holm. She had no idea where she was - the goddamn tunnels had shifted, and now she could be anywhere. It was no use trying to find her party in this maze. She had to make it back to the surface. She could meet up with them there.
If she made it that far. She was acutely aware of her track record in the dungeon.
The flickering firelight up ahead made something in her stomach unclench. If she found people, she'd be okay; she wouldn't have any trouble persuading someone to let her tag back to the surface with them. A lone woman could be in danger from a party of strangers, she thought, and tightened her hand on her sword. Hopefully it wouldn't be needed.
To her surprise, when she rounded the corner, she was met with only two people.
The first was a kid. That much was immediately obvious. She had a curly mop of yellow hair and a round face - Kabru marked her at 15, at most. Almost an adult, then, but she had a couple of years left. Her clothes were dirty, but mended and looked of high-quality. She looked nervous. Her hands on her short sword were steady, but something in her grip said she wasn't that experienced in using it - maybe not her first time, but her fifth.
The second was - *beautiful*, was Kabru's first immediate, embarrassing thought. Rin would never let her hear the end of that one (the Eastern woman had adjusted better than Kabru had expected to Kabru's proclivities, but Kabru almost wished she hadn't, sometimes - now she had to hear Rin's opinion of her taste in women).
She was tall, with long dirty blond hair in a bun that was clearly falling out. She was maybe thirty, if Kabru had to guess - young, but old enough to have lost the remainder of her baby fat, to have a line or two around the eyes. She was broad - Kabru would be willing to bet that she had some muscles, underneath her green dress. She had armor, but it wasn't fitted well to her. Probably all she could afford.
And she had golden eyes, flickering in the firelight. Kabru's mouth went a little dry.
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a small collection of doodles (two of which are dunmeshi 😁) i lowkey rlly hate my style which is the reason for the style practice of a manga panel
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imnosupaman · 3 days
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Just some late night chimera!Laios doodles and a little lore explanation.
Basically both He and his sister were chimerized as kids and were taken to an underground arena to fight demihumans, gladiators monsters, and other chimeras. They eventually escaped their captors due to a gladiatorial rebellion. They spent the rest of their lives on the run and living off the wilderness to avoid any mosnterslayers, Elves, or just civilization in general before stumbling into "The Forgotten Dungeon" (the dungeon is like a mix of both Skull island and the Island dungeon from the show) where they meet Senshi and form the guild to other chimeras who wandered or came there.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 2 days
The smell only gets worse as they go through the tunnel they’re walking down. Not even the cold bite of snow can block it out.
And then, the passageway yawns open into a large cavern. The ceiling is vaulted, with visible ledges and natural catwalks up above, possibly leading to different paths. Below, most of the ground is bristled with icy stalagmites that look like fangs. Here, the smell is at its strongest, and they all quickly find out why.
There’s a person impaled on one of the stalagmites.
Cats don't always land on their feet.
(Alternate way Izutsumi meets the Touden party)
Day 4: "Does that hurt?" - Impalement
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when i dont know enough in an area of my special interest
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pablitoajito · 10 days
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Cute and hungry people :))
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irisfluffy · 2 months
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