#dgm x reader
alienaiver · 7 months
now that its cold again and i am, once again, too cheap to turn on the heat in my apartment, i am back in my allen era...
"but why won't you turn on the heat?" he asks, confusion laced into his question. it's not out of place, his inability to understand your logic.
mostly because you don't want to tell him your plan.
hanging out at allen's small apartment is always cold and you always sneak in a way to have his arms wrapped around you. but lately, ever since his stove stopped working and the landlord's taking his sweet time to fix it, you've been spending time at your place.
allen's not good at initiating cuddle times - it's awkward and straining for him to ask for the affection you'll freely give and you can be stunted too, in making the moves that are sometimes needed to push you both.
so, after lavi's suggestion, you decided to let the heaters stay turned off, because this will make sure that you're cuddled up for warmth shortly after dinner. it's a secure deal.
except, allen won't stop asking questions.
he does it out of worry. are you short on money? did the heater break and you dont know how to fix it? are you suddenly self-conscious about his choice of letting it stay off for as long as possible? should he take an extra shift at work to help you replace it?
you try to shrug off his question again, wiping down the countertop after dinner and deflecting, "should we continue 90 days fiance tonight?"
(allen's official stance will always be that reality tv like that is staged and shallow - but that won't stop him from being dramatically invested in the bad choices of these people desperate for love.)
he huffs out a breath and lets his shoulders sag. then, he shakes his head and reaches out for your hands.
with both of his. a recent development you've been more than thrilled about - yet you're too afraid it will make him uncomfortable to mention it.
you squeeze his and muster up the most nonchalant expression you can before you lean in close and talk before he can ask another question, "we can bring the duvet and bedcover into the livingroom with us."
if you think it's rude that he rolls his eyes at you, you don't say it out loud. instead, you inhale sharply before you kiss him. he grunts unexpectedly - he loves kissing you, feeling the shape and warmth of your lips, but he's not used to it yet.
he sighs and locks eyes with you, "you promise everything's okay?"
you laugh and swat his shoulder, "yes."
he eyes you for a moment like he sometimes eyes kanda when his definitely-not-friend-but-also-close-friend says something suspiciously kind to him.
you kiss him again, "it's embarassing to say out loud but i promise that my intentions are good and that there literally isn't any issues. can you please be a good boyfriend and come cuddle with me now?"
he thinks it's underhanded, how you use the term boyfriend, fully aware of how flustered it makes him. you smile victoriously before you grab onto his left hand and drags him into the living room, caressing his scarred skin with your thumb all the way. you can't wait to be covered in blankets, duvets and the scent of him for the rest of the evening, listening to him revert to his rude speech pattern as the people on screen makes the worst choices or says the worst things publicly. it's still early, but you think you love him.
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mirandabarma · 3 months
You tell Kanda he has internal bleeding and he's like "but that's where the blood is supposed to be"
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discodreaming · 7 months
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white-shadow25 · 8 months
Getting Back
Tyki Mikk x Fem!Reader
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She squeezed her eyelids tightly, but the intensity of the sunlight that had appeared so suddenly was unavoidable. As her eyes adjusted to the landscape in front of her, discomfort gave way to confusion. She was standing outdoors, in the full light of day.
The warm rays of the sun caressed her face and slid over her shoulders, creating a stark contrast to the wintry cold she had felt before lying down in her bed just moments ago. Because it's winter, she thought.
She looked around cautiously. She was on a path in the middle of a forest. She could see the end of the trail from where she stood, and overcome by confusion, she began to walk towards it. It wasn't until she took a step forward that she realized she was carrying a backpack on her shoulder. With desperation, she checked its contents: two changes of clothes, her glasses case, a toothbrush, medication, a charger, and her phone.
She took the small device, still bewildered, and attempted to locate herself on the map. "No signal," she murmured as she sat on the ground, observing her surroundings. The breeze gently swayed the leaves of the trees, and the sound of the forest was comforting. Could I be dreaming? The idea began to solidify in her mind. I must be! There's no other logical explanation!
She jumped to her feet, Not to mention that my dreams have always been strange. Feeling more relaxed and now filled with a new and insatiable curiosity, she cautiously descended the path.
The only thing that doesn't make sense about this is that I don't usually question my dreams until something truly impossible happens, she thought, remembering the dream where Circus Baby was chasing her, and she was flying away. Now, that was a weird one.
Upon reaching the end of the trail, the trees gave way to a picturesque village that stood, warm and welcoming, taking center stage.
It was indeed a small village, but there were three important things to note. First, the image before her eyes was that of a landscape she had never seen before; it wasn't awe-inspiring or magnificent, just entirely unfamiliar. Second, everyone in the village was dressed in accordance with a bygone era, something resembling the 19th century. And third, despite never having been there, something about this place felt eerily familiar. It was hard to describe. She had never set foot in this village, but there was something about the colors, the buildings, the attire, and the sounds of the people that felt strangely familiar.
It looks like something out of an anime, she thought as she debated whether to enter or not. In my dreams, there's always something chasing me, whether it's a forest animal or a mob of outraged fanatics.
She walked along the outskirts of the village, casually hiding among the trees to avoid prying eyes, exploring the small town that stretched before her.
In the distance, there was someone, a figure that stood out from the crowd. A tall man dressed in period attire, with a top hat and a coat, set him apart from the rest. But whether in a suit or rags, from afar or up close, there was no way she couldn't recognize that silhouette.
"No way...," she whispered, hiding behind a tree as she watched the man calmly walk away from the village entrance. It is a dream after all! She silently slipped closer to him. I never manage to control the dreams where Tyki appears; I have to take this opportunity.
She followed the man closely, calculating her steps and making sure to produce the least noise possible. There are two possibilities, she deduced, observing the man's attire and maintaining a prudent distance. He has just met with the Earl, or he's about to meet with him.
What do I do? Where do I steer this dream? I mean, it would be nice to spend time with him; becoming his friend would be a dream come true, literally, she sighed, her eyes glued to the ground. But how do I get closer? It's not like I can surprise him; the man would kill me befo—
She came to an abrupt halt. Her eyes widened as she realized her mistake. Her breath caught for a moment and then became slow and heavy. Her hands began to tremble as she somehow summoned the courage to lift her gaze. She cautiously scanned the path as it stretched out before her, praying that the lethal man was still in sight. When she finally raised her head fully, she couldn't see him. He wasn't there.
She took a step back, fear trembling in her legs. Her back felt the impact of a solid surface, and, as if knowing what would happen, she opened her mouth reflexively, inhaling as much air as she could until a warm and firm hand cut off her airflow. Instinct led her own hands to try to free her throat from the attacker, who, with his other hand and without the slightest effort, managed to immobilize her completely.
"So," [Name] felt the soft caress of his lips on her ear, "who are we looking for?"
She remained still, cold and static. Relax, she thought. Choose your words carefully and appear harmless. For now, regaining oxygen is a priority.
[Name] gently caressed the back of Tyki's hand with her pinky. He opened his eyes and almost dropped his cigarette, but of course, being behind her, [Name] wasn't able to notice it, though she could sense the slight murmur of confusion, even though he refused to let it escape from his throat.
"I would like to answer," she said with great effort; her throat was beginning to burn. "But you see, it's kinda hard when you can't breathe."
Tyki responded with a small "mhh" and loosened his grip on her neck. "Alright, missy. Now, if you don't mind, I'll take the liberty of asking for your name."
"[Name] [Last Name]," she replied instantly, with an attitude that tried to appear cooperative. "Although everyone calls me [Name]," she added after a few seconds.
"Well, [Name], I'm—"
"Tyki Mikk, the Earl's third disciple," Tyki officially dropped his cigarette. In the split second it took him to realize, he grabbed the young woman by the jaw and forced her to face him. For a moment, she thought he looked younger than she remembered. "What?" she asked innocently. Her big, bright eyes locked onto his, golden and icy.
"What's a little creature like you doing alone in the forest?" the noah asked after a while, once he had made sure that the figure clinging to him carried no innocence.
"I got lost (and I'm not that small, you barely top me by a head)."
"Oh, is that so?"
"That's right."
"And were you following me because you were lost?"
"Yes," she looked him in the eyes. "I was following you because I wanted to ask for directions, but," she shrugged, "I'm a bit shy, so I was gathering courage. And... trying to find the right words so you wouldn't kill me."
"Although it seems I failed miserably."
Tyki looked at her impatiently. Oh man, please, at this rate, I'll wake up from the scare, she thought before adding, "I'm looking for the Earl." Tyki's fingers tensed.
"Well, that's the thing. You see when I said I was lost, it wasn't just a figure of speech. I think he can grant me asylum."
Tyki looked at her bewildered. If I remember correctly, Katsura said that during the early phases of D. Gray-man, Tyki expressed his thoughts with his face. Seeing him like this, up close, I have to admit he's quite transparent, she reflected. He must think I'm stupid. It's not really a lie, but it still hurts.
"The Earl?" he scoffed. "Why would h—"
"Because," [Name] cut in, elongating the "a" in a childish chant, "I have information." She took note of the smug look he had acquired upon hearing her feeble excuse.
"Listen, you don't have to trust me, just confirm that I'm weak (which is true) and I pose no threat of any kind. I promise I won't waste your time, and I know that Adam will find what I have to say interesting enough to at least warrant an audience with him. You can kill me at any time if you think I'm up to something suspicious," Tyki pierced her with his gaze, there was no other way to put it, he was trying to intimidate her, although, to his surprise, she smiled genuinely at him. "Literally," she added, "I have no innocence, and even if I did, I know full well I stand no chance against you in combat, let alone you and the Earl."
Tyki considered the possibilities and came to the conclusion that she was right. Whether she was a deserter from the Order or whoever, she wasn't dangerous, and if she did have valuable information, he had nothing to lose by bringing her to the Earl. Not to mention that she not only knew he was a Noah, no, she was more specific than that, ‘the Earl's third disciple,’ she had said. He didn't even remember that about himself. At the very least, he could confirm that she did indeed know a thing or two.
"Very well," Tyki released her slowly, took off his hat, and made an incredibly graceful bow. The man moved with feline fluidity. "Tyki Mikk, at your service."
[Name] raised an eyebrow as she rubbed her newly liberated wrists. "How gentlemanly," she recalled.
It wasn't until that moment that he took the time to observe her. A young woman, probably not older than twenty-three, she wasn't ugly, nor would he say she was a beauty. The lady in question was quite average, from her height to her features. She had nothing outstanding about her, although he admitted, to himself, that she had a charming sparkle in her gaze. He didn't have much time to think about that; his attention was completely and utterly stolen from her face to her attire. She was wearing strange clothes, and although he had never seen anything like them before, he noted that they eerily resembled something familiar.
"If I'm not mistaken," [Name] said abruptly, shaking him from his trance, "your memory should have records of this clothing." He looked at her with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. She just shrugged. "You couldn't stop looking, and I'm aware that the local fashion doesn't resemble it. I assumed it would catch your attention sooner or later."
This is the most narratively coherent dream I've ever had, she noted in her mind.
Tyki took another cigarette from the pack in his pocket, still not taking his eyes off her clothes, then nodded. "How do you know?"
"I don't. It's just a theory for now," Tyki raised an eyebrow around her to prompt her to elaborate, but [Name] just looked away, slightly embarrassed. "I'll tell you after I talk to the Earl."
"How mysterious."
"I'd prefer to keep it while I’m around you," Tyki responded with an inquisitive "mh," offering her his arm like the gentleman he had been taught to be. "Well, if you find me interesting, there are fewer chances you'll kill me on the spot. If you get bored of me, on the other hand, well... I don't see a tomorrow in that."
Tyki smiled to himself. "You seem to know me quite well, and yet, you're not as scared as most people."
[Name] chuckled softly. "By most, do you mean exorcists?" she asked. "You know, those who are your enemies? Those you're supposed to exterminate?"
Without looking away from the front and with a charming smile on his lips, he asked, "What makes you think your situation is different?"
"That you have no reason to kill me. Not yet, at least."
"Not yet?"
[Name] shrugged. "The Earl might not like me, then you'll have a reason to want to eliminate me, or to be ordered to do so."
They walked the rest of the way in silence, mainly because [Name] was trying not to reveal information until she deemed it appropriate, meaning once she decided what to tell the Earl. They covered a wide stretch of the forest until they reached what appeared to be an abandoned train station. [Name] could see the chubby, green figure of the Earl knitting on a bench.
Tyki noticed how [Name] tensed her muscles and relaxed them with each breath.
Well, this is it. This is the moment, she thought. I guess based on this, the rest of the dream will be decided.
"Tyki, good—" the Earl stopped himself when he saw her. His ears perked up and then lowered as he tilted his head, like a confused dog. "Who is that?"
Tyki let go of her arm and placed her in front of him, resting his hands on her shoulders to respond, "Good morning, Earl. This young lady next to me is [Name][Last Name]. She said she had 'information' that might interest you."
The Earl lifted his head slowly, examining the young woman from head to toe. "A deserter from the Order, perhaps?"
[Name] took a step forward. "No," she took a deep breath, "I'm going to reveal something to you. Something important," she added, "And all I'm going to ask is that, before you decide whether to believe me or not, you allow me to state my case."
Tyki raised an eyebrow skeptically while the Earl carefully set his needles and yarn next to him on the bench.
Now or never, she encouraged herself.
"I probably shouldn't start like this, but I can't think of any other way to say it... Well, I'm almost certain that I come from the future."
[Name] could hear Tyki trying to stifle a laugh behind her.
The Earl, on the other hand, didn't find it funny. "Miss, you have a very poor sense of humor."
[Name] frowned. "Actually, you're right, I do laugh at very bad jokes, I won't lie, but that’s not related to what I just said."
Adam lowered his head and shook it slightly. "You've brought me an unfunny clown."
Tyki removed his hat and made a very slight bow with an amused smile on his face. "Yes, it seems so. My apologies, let me—"
"Wait!" [Name] approached the Earl and looked into his eyes. "I know it's hard to believe, to be totally honest, I'm more inclined to think this is a dream than reality." She sat down on the bench next to the Earl. "So, I don't really care much about the consequences of my actions, but I prefer to stay asleep a little longer, and I'm sure that if you execute me in the dream, I'll wake up (and I don't feel like studying for my exams or looking for a job right now)."
Tyki was leaning towards believing that the woman he had found in the forest was crazy, and Adam almost agreed with him. However, there was something about her that left him unsettled. He decided that trying wouldn't cost him anything, so he added, "Then, Miss [Last Name]..." She raised her hand and cut him off before he could finish the sentence.
"I’m sure I said, let me finish stating my case before deciding whether to believe me or not." She leaned closer, closing the distance between her and the Earl. "May I?"
The irreverence caused him a nervous tic, but out of sheer curiosity, he gestured with his hand to invite her to continue speaking.
[Name] let out a breath through her nose and relaxed a bit. "Now, here's my evidence, because, of course, I don't expect you to simply believe me (I wouldn't)."
She turned in her seat toward the Earl. "As I've told Tyki, I have information from both the past and the future. If you promise not to get defensive, I will reveal something from your past and something from your future, so you can draw your own conclusions."
The Earl's ears perked up again, and he chuckled softly. "Very well."
[Name] reached out her hand. "Deal?"
"Deal," said the patriarch, shaking the offered hand.
Now, the question is, what do I tell him? I can't tell him anything he doesn't know about himself, like that he split in two about fifty years ago, no, or that he's actually Mana Walker.
Tyki decided to approach to observe the scene. The young woman who had presumably lost her mind was looking at the ground at her feet while playing with her fingers. She seemed truly lost in her thoughts until a spark lit up her face when she met the Earl's gaze.
"You killed Nea D. Campbell around thirty or forty years ago, and you're looking for the musician who can move the Ark."
The Earl stopped breathing for a moment, and both [Name] and Tyki noticed the tension in his body. Tyki, in particular, could detect the slight nervous tremor in the patriarch's hands. As he had suspected, even if this girl was crazy, it was evident that she had information. Not even he knew about that. He didn’t even know who Nea D. Campbell was.
"While that is confidential information—"
"Cross Marian also knows about it, yes. And he could have told me if he knew me. I don't really think he would, but it's a logical conclusion that I could find out about this from someone else. That's why I'll add a detail about your future. To place me in time, tell me, have you happened to meet any cursed exorcist recently?"
The Earl looked expectant, she was managing at least a bit of information; that seemed to be true. "No."
[Name] nodded. Then it's safe to assume I'm somewhere before the original story begins, she thought.
"You'll hear about Nea again. Since I don't know exactly what year it is, I'll take a risk and say it will be in about three or four years... Although, well, since you all reincarnate, I don't know if that's something you wouldn't know..."
The Earl stopped hearing the woman in front of him. Yes, it was true that he had suspected he would see Nea again, but he hadn't dared to guess a date.
With narrowed eyes, he returned his attention to the girl who was still babbling, now lower, definitely more for herself, and asked her one more thing: "How do you know?" he demanded, shaking her out of her monologue and bringing her back to the conversation.
"I read it," she answered immediately, without even thinking about it. "You see," she scratched her neck and looked at the ground, as if trying to find the words in the earth to explain, "where I come from, there's something like a history book."
"In fact, it's more like a biography than a neutral textbook about the war, so I lack details, especially about the noah. It's fair to admit from the start that most of the information I have comes without exact dates and is very centered on this specific exorcist, so everything I know revolves around him. Still, I have vague details about your past and future. The thing is," she explained, gesturing with her hands, "I didn't finish the book, so I have very limited information.
"More specifically, two years of events from when this exorcist joins the Order."
Tyki unconsciously bit the filter of his cigarette. What this woman was telling him sounded unreal, impossible, but somehow, feasible. No wonder she thinks it's a dream, he thought. After all, if what she said was true, he wouldn't believe it either.
The Earl was beginning to open up to the possibility that everything [Name] was telling him was indeed real, but he remained skeptical.
[Name] noticed it instantly and, looking at Tyki, jumped from her seat.
"You!" she pointed with a shout. "I have an idea," she said, still pointing at Tyki. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but Tyki can pass through anything, right? Anything belonging to this world, which is why you can't pass through innocence because it's not from 'this world'."
The Earl chuckled softly. "What are you suggesting?" he asked, having a light idea of where she was going.
"Well, I'm not sure if it will work, because the future still belongs to 'this world.'"
Since I definitely didn't come from the future, if this dream remains as coherent as it has been so far, it should work without any issues, she thought.
"But I understand that it's physically impossible to travel back in time, so what about," [Name] raised both index fingers in parallel and separated them a bit, "instead of coming from the future, I come from a parallel world with a different time?"
Adam arched an eyebrow, hidden under his hat. His eyes fixed on the finger a few inches from his face.
"Come on, don't make that face. You came here somehow, right?" The Earl raised his head suddenly to face her. "Yes, I know about that too. Now, back to the important, if my conclusion is right (which I doubt), Tyki shouldn't be able to pass through me. In fact, I'm inclined to believe that if Tyki can't pass through me, Wisely won't be able to read my mind, Sheril won't control my body, and Road won't be able to take my mind anywhere." She looked at the Earl with determined eyes. "And since I'm betting on all or nothing, I'll also say that you won't be able to absorb me."
Adam pondered it for a moment; in a way, everything she said made sense.
"And what if you're wrong?"
[Name] smiled. "All or nothing, sir. If I'm wrong, Tyki kills me."
Tyki watched her with wide eyes and a mouth that looked somewhat like a nervous smile. She's insane, he thought. He looked over the young woman's shoulder at the Earl, who gestured for him to come closer.
“Tyki, may I entrust you with this task?”
The Noah sighed in resignation and shrugged. If she really didn't care for her life, there was nothing he could do about it.
[Name] and Tyki stood facing each other, less than a meter apart, with the Earl watching from the bench.
"You know? Maybe if you beg a little, you might save yourself from this."
[Name] shook her head, and Tyki noticed the excited smile she was trying hard to hide. “Honestly, I think I'm more curious to know if this will work out than he is.”
Totally out of her mind… but 'I'm more inclined to believe this is a dream than a reality' that's what she had said. She really thinks she's dreaming, he concluded. Well, is better to die like this.
Tyki decided to be merciful and handle things delicately. He brushed the fabric of her shirt with just two fingers and looked her in the eyes. "Any last words?"
She gazed at him with an intensity he couldn’t recall ever seeing. After a cute mouth twitch and a glance around the place, she looked back at him.
“Did you hear about the Italian chef who died?” Tyki frowned, totally bewildered. “He pasta-way.”
Officially, the noah lost his second cigarette of the day. He bit his lip trying to restrain himself from smiling, but failed. The absurdity of the moment overwhelmed him, and he burst into laughter that he could barely control.
When he had finished, he straightened up and caught the young woman looking at him with soft eyes and a gentle smile played at the corners of her lips. A faint pink covered her cheeks, and she let out a small giggle.
"You have a really lovely laugh. It's a pleasure to hear it before I die."
Tyki blinked with a silly smile on his face, unsure of how to react. While he was used to flirting, this was different. And absurd. Absurd above everything else. Although he couldn't deny that it was the nicest compliment he had received in a while.
Tyki sighed. All of a sudden, he no longer felt like killing her, but a job was a job. He placed two fingers above her heart again, with every intention of making it as painless as possible, and swiftly pierced.
He withdrew his hand immediately and shook his wrist as he felt the sudden pain in his fingers. [Name] was on the ground in front of him, gently rubbing the area where he had just hit with a wince curving her lips and furrowed brows.
"Ouch," she whimpered, still softly rubbing the spot where he had poked her just a moment ago. "I didn't think that if it didn't work, the impact would hurt."
The Earl interlaced his fingers and watched the scene without a word.
Tyki glanced at his hand, then at the young woman on the ground. His eyes widened again, and he was thankful he didn't have a cigarette in his mouth, as he would have lost it once more time. He leaned down next to her and grabbed her arms, applying force in an attempt to pass through her.
"Hey!" [Name] called, trying to break free from his grip. "You can do the same without hurting me, you know?"
From the future, Tyki saw the young woman in a new light. Does she really come from the future?
"Very well."
Both [Name] and Tyki turned their heads abruptly toward the Earl, realizing they had forgotten about him.
The Earl kept his gaze fixed on the scene before him as [Name] and Tyki interacted. The situation was incredibly strange, but the young woman had provided evidence that was hard to ignore or completely dismissed.
"As difficult as it may seem, I am inclined to think that everything you say is true," the Earl declared finally, breaking his silence. His voice was calm and thoughtful as he continued to watch [Name] and Tyki.
[Name] jumped up. "Really?" Adam just nodded. "Well, that's good news," she said, placing her hands on her hips. "I can't even fully believe it myself," she added, her laughter fading as she noticed the persistent pain in her chest. It wasn't unbearable, just what you'd expect after someone forcefully jabbed two fingers into you. But there was something unsettling about it.
The noah, who had noticed the nervous and almost hysterical atmosphere surrounding the small figure, stood up and gently placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Missy?" he asked, watching as she rubbed the area where he had tried to penetrate. Just as he started to wonder if he had hurt her too badly, she murmured, "I've never felt pain in a dream before," she turned slowly to see his hand on her shoulder,  “nor… warmth."
She opened her eyes wide as acceptance settled into the depths of her mind. A wave of nausea washed over her, and her vision blurred. Her heart adopted a dangerous rhythm that threatened to burst out of her chest, and her legs turned into jelly, barely able to support her weight. It felt as if the ground had been ripped out from under her feet. She clung to Tyki's arm for support as she struggled to breathe.
Tyki witnessed the scene in slow motion and managed to catch her before she completely lost consciousness. It's not a dream anymore, is it? he thought. He held her in his arms and looked at the Earl.
"What should we do with her?"
Adam looked at the unconscious body in Tyki's arms. "We'll take her with us for now. That's what she wanted, right?"
Tyki nodded. "She mentioned needing a place to stay."
"Very well, then. It's settled," the Earl said, his ears twitching up and down one last time. "Let's go. We're already running late, and on top of that, we'll have to add an extra seat at the table."
The Earl made a mental note to find some proper clothes for their unconscious guest. He watched as Tyki performed a complicated maneuver to lift the young woman's backpack and added, "Be careful. You're carrying a very special guest."
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keulixeutin · 2 years
a/n: this is super old, now revamped.  i was just thinking about it and thought i’d clean it up and send it back out into the world.  i would absolutely not count on me to write any dgm right now; that requires an entire reread since it’s been a while lmaoo.
summary: kanda can’t sleep, so he opts for the back-up plan he swore he’d never use. kanda x gn!reader 
cw: light fluff if you squint lol, some skin touching skin. nightmares, comfort. gn!reader, gender neutral pronouns used.
wc: 955.
Kanda shoots up out of the bed.  Sweat clings to the back of his neck and edges of his forehead.  He sweeps his hair off to one side of his shoulder to try and dry his skin, and then he pulls his knee close and rests his head against it, catching his breath.  His heart is loud—embarrassingly so, considering it was just a nightmare.  His reality as an exorcist is worse than whatever his brain can conjure up in sleep.
Or maybe, his brain didn’t conjure up false images.  Perhaps, it was a memory.  It certainly felt…familiar.  Or maybe it’s just a reoccurring dream.  He doesn’t know.
Kanda sighs, groaning internally.  H knows from past experience that he’s either staying up all night, tossing and turning, or jerking away every time he falls too deep asleep.
A thought strikes him then—a voice.  Your voice.  
Plan B.
—No, fuck that.  He’s not doing that.  His pride is strong and it’s late in the night.  Plan B is simply out of the question, he tells himself.
He lays back down.  He’ll just have to tough it out, he thinks.
However, just as he expected, he spends the next thirty minutes shifting and twisting his body in various positions.  His body sinks into the sheets in exhaustion, but sleep feels so far out of reach.  He has just come back from a three-week long mission; the fatigue has been building, and this is supposed to be his first night where he gets more than four hours of sleep, and yet here he is, eye-bags burning in the dark.
When another minute ticks by without any sign of sleep, he rolls over to face the wall and growls irritably.
 Plan B, he hears you say again.
He doesn’t even know why it’s called Plan B.  It should be Plan Z, because the next step should be banging his head against the walls until unconsciousness. 
With a soft snarl at himself and the universe, Kanda swings his legs over the bed.  He grabs a thin shirt form the chair and slips it over his head.  The cool air hits him quickly when he opens the door and steps out.  The hallway is lit with candles and torches; large and ominous shadows dance along the stone beside him as he steps toward your room.  
When he hears a noise, he pauses, tense, but it’s just the machinery and loud groans from the Science Department.  Nothing else but the flickering flames moves in the halls, just the way he likes it—the last thing Kanda wants to do is explain why it is he’s outside his room in slippers and sleeping clothes.
He picks up speed, taking a left, then a right, and another left.  The memory is strong, even though he’s only been there once.
Soon, before he could talk himself out of it, he’s in front of your door, hand hovering over the wood in hesitation.  He tries the handle—it’s unlocked.  He doesn’t bothering knocking.
You aren’t awake, but the sound of your door opening, however soft it is, pulls you from your sleep.  You shift through sleepy sands, back to reality, and push up on your elbows.  Lit gently by the glow of faint flames, Kanda stands in your entrance, hair undone around him, sweat beads along his temple, and eyes glued to the wall right behind you.
“Plan B?” you ask, yawning.
He grunts.
You pull back the blanket and pat the spot beside you.  “Come on,” you say.
He should go back, he thinks.  He shouldn’t be here.  Over a nightmare?  A stupid dream?  A—
“Hurry up,” you say, interrupting his thoughts.
He swallows his pride and then closes the door behind him.  The first step is hard, but the second is easier.  Before he knows it, he’s at your beside and sipping in beside you.  Your body heat immediately greets him; he pulls his shirt off and throws it on your floor to balance the new warmth.  You turn your back to him and face the wall, eyes closing quickly.
He’s suddenly doubting his decision, feeling uncomfortable and unsure and embarrassed.  Plan B is stupid.  A terrible, awful, idiotic idea.  How is this going to help him get any sleep?  How are you going to keep the nightmares—the memories—away?
Suddenly, you reach behind yourself and grab his wrist.  You pull him closer and lay his arm around you, placing his hand on the peek of your skin below the hem of your shirt.
Kanda’s stiff, but he hears you say, “Relax.  Never know until you try.”
“Shut up,” he mutters.  He doesn’t need you to tell him that, he thinks irritably, but the annoyance is just hiding the frustration and fluster.
“Relax,” you whisper.  He thinks you’ve fallen asleep immediately after, and all he wants to do know is follow you in those peaceful shadows.
Kanda closes his eyes and forces his body to unwind and soften.  He tilts his head toward your smooth neck, breathing in your scent of soap and tea.  The hand at your stomach slips an inch under your shirt, pressing against your beauty marks and battle scars.  He hears you sigh serenely.  You reach back and tug on his hair gently; his dark locks spill around the two of you.
He sighs into your skin and finally—finally—falls asleep.
And he dreams.
He dreams of you; he’s sure of it, but he can’t quite remember.
In the morning, though, when you roll over and grin groggily at him, his hair twirled around your fingers like a question and his hand on your waist like the answer, he thinks maybe it was something like this.
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bookmansjournal · 1 year
D.Gray-man Reader Insert Blog
Welcome to a new (but not quite?) D.Gray-man blog that centers around reader insert content! You might know me from my now archived blog, @exorcistcupid. I’m commonly known as Mod Karma!
For the sake of convenience, I’m decided to remake my writing blog. I’m a one-man team though so I appreciate your patience in advance!
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exorcistcupid · 1 year
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Yo hey hello happy Easter if you celebrate, it’s Mod Karma with a happy little surprise for y’all:
Requests are open again!
Just for headcanons to start us out again, and no limit to request amount beyond no more than 4 characters per individual ask.
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2dboisloyal-devotee · 2 years
Nav rules
❗ = Excluded characters because either i dislike them or don't know how to write for them
➸ 1bitheart/1beatheart
➸ Assassination Classroom/Ansatsu Kyoushitsu❗Takaoka, side assassins, those four minor characters from the Big Five but I can group them to be one not separately in request ❗
➸ Alice in the Country of Hearts/Heart no Kuni no Alice
➸ Arcana Famiglia
➸ Brutal: Satsujin Kansatsukan no Kokuhaku/Confessions of a Homicide Investigator ❗The criminals❗
➸ Balance: Unlimited
➸ Cookie Run: Ovenbreak
➸ Danganronpa, only the big four franchise❗Hifumi Yamada, Haiji Towa, Monaca Towa ❗
➸ D.Gray-man❗Chaozii Han i hate this man 😂, Alma Karma, Cross Marian ❗
➸ Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You
➸ DSP/okegom (The Gray Garden, Wadanohara and The Great Blue Sea, and Ice Scream only) ❗Sal/Syakesan❗
➸ Hustle Cat
➸ ib
➸ Mekakucity Actors/Kagerou Project
➸ Mystic Messenger (except Saeran because I haven't played his route)
➸ Natsume Yuujinchou/Book of Friends
➸ Nightshade/Hyakka Hyakurou Sengoku
➸ Nurarihyon no Mago/Nura: Rise of The Yokai Clan
➸ Obey me!
➸ OMORI ^platonic only^
➸ Persona 3
➸ Princess Tutu ^platonic only^
➸ Trails in The Sky ❗Joshua, Estelle, Schera, Olivier and any other characters who already have their own canon spouse sob but platonics of them are allowed❗
➸ Saiki Kusuo no Psy-nan/The Disastrous Life of Saiki K (only season 1 for now)
➸ Steam Prison
➸ Undertale & Deltarune, ONLY the original, not from AUs or anything similar, I'm not too well versed in them
➸ Witch's Heart
➸ Your Turn to Die
➸ Yuppie Psycho ❗the Sintra family ❗
These are the ones I feel like I can work on it. But I do know many others already, just say the name and I'll think about it.
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彡 Alice in The Country of Hearts/Heart no Kuni no Alice
Yandere Roleholders HCs x GN Reader Part 1 & Part 2
Nightmare Gottschalk
x Overworking GN Reader & side story
彡 Arcana Famiglia
Yandere Tarot Headcanons (Liberta, Pace, Debito, Nova, Jolly)
Shinji Hirako
x GN Reader - Platonic Yandere HCs
Toshiro Hitsugaya
x GN Reader - This Wish I Hold
彡 Natsume Yuujinchou/Book of Friends
Natsume Takashi
x GN Reader - Platonic Headcanons & Scenarios
彡 The Disastrous Life of Saiki K/Saiki Kusuo no Psi-nan
Saiki Kusuo
x GN Reader - Basic Yandere HCs
x GN Reader - Vs Teruhashi
x Disinterested Reader
x Ghost Reader
x Reader - Proposal
Teruhashi Kokomi
x GN Reader - Vs Saiki
彡 Trigun
Vash the Stampede
x GN Reader - Never Could Have Been Worse
彡 Yuppie Psycho
Brian Pasternack x GN Reader - A Solving Decade
彡 Miscellanious
Seto Kaiba as a Dad HCs
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pinkisthenewangst · 2 years
Hey there! May I request #11 of the tragic quotes for Lavi?
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°`🍨: D.Gray-Man x GN! Reader
°`🍨: Observing Lavi 
°`🍨: Prompt 11 - “ There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. “
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Your work as a finder was mainly related to securing the Innocent and gathering information so that the exorcists could successfully carry out their mission. You were lucky enough to accompany Bookman and his apprentice several times, which is why you became friends with Lavi, if you even could call it a friendship. The exorcist was very nice but also a bit childish, but if you looked closely at his face, you could see that his smile never reached his eye. As if the emotions he showed were not real, but only a play while his face was the stage. When you first noticed it, you couldn't take your eyes off him. Everyone was aware that Bookman and his apprentice were only here to document the history of the time, which is why feelings are out of place for them. But you could see it clearly. Lavi longed to show those feelings openly and tell every single story that bothered him.
Ever since you had this discovery, you couldn't help but watch him when you had the chance. It usually started in the canteen. You looked up from your food when you heard a familiar voice. Your gaze usually focused on his face, which is why you usually forget to continue eating. Your eyes followed every movement that took place in his face. Startled, your eyes widened when his gaze turned to you. Caught off guard, you turned your face back to your food as you feel the warmth in your ears. Embarrassed, you put your hand on one ear so no one would see how red it got. You feel his gaze rest on you for a moment before he probably turns back to the others.
The next situation happens during the next mission. The exorcists were sitting in their compartment while you stood next to the door as the finder. Somewhat bored, you rocked back and forth on your heels, in your mind sorting Lavi's various facial expressions into specific feelings. You frowned as your lips pursed slightly. The young man was a great mystery to you, but unfortunately he isn't an open book you could read with a glance. You sighed, but you knew it was a good sign for his future as a bookman that you couldn't see through him. But you knew very well that he was carrying a lot of untold stories that he had to handle on his own.
Your job as a finder now seemed much easier than before, but you still knew that you could be replaced faster than he could. After all, finders aren't there to stand up against Akuma. You shake your head as it slowly began to hurt from the whole thinking you did. Life in the present time was far too complicated for you to be able to find answers. While he is carrying the burden of having to keep everything to himself, you had to be ready to look death in the eye at any moment. A tragic turn of your observation.
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°`🍨: i hope you like it ! ovo9 
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yada9y9 · 4 months
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( ̄- ̄) \ (^_^ )
hsy & lenalee
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alienaiver · 11 months
Ummm I’m gonna go with!! 3 my lucky number and Kanda obvs. Thank u !! 🥰
my beloved bestie! 🧡✨ i could not write it any other way that i did because.... i didnt wanna give u angsty-angst bcos u and kanda deserve all good!!!!! u are so cute together i swear <333333
number three cashed out the sentence "just please open your eyes." ✨
it turned out to be 1.1k words and theres no real warnings except that there's a fight/argument between reader and kanda and he had a ..... special .. way of helping u emotionally. we love a strange little man!!!! ilysm!! i hope you enjoy and I APOLOGIZE AGGRESSIVELY FOR THE WAIT, i hope this is worth it !! 🫡🧡🧡🥰
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”You can’t be serious.”
You’re seething with anger, warmth heating your cheeks and tears lining your lash line from the overwhelmingly growing frustration building up in you.
Kanda doesn’t spare you a glance from the couch where he takes a sip of his tea. You want to rip the cup from his hands and hurl it towards the wall. He knows that’s what you want to do – he wants you to try.
Calmly, he puts down the cup, with the little finger hitting the table first so it makes no sound as he was taught by Edgar.
“I am.” He answers cooly, leveling your stance with a glance in your direction. Your hands are clenched at your sides.
You’ve been holding in your anger for the past week, ever since getting fired from your job. No emotional reaction, no comments; Kanda hates when you hold it all in.
He knows the road paved to your emotions can be walled up though, so telling you directly to react will simply make you stubborn; make a point out of being just fine.
“That doesn’t mean you have the right to go and actively piss me off for a week straight!”
You’re yelling. Good. Kanda knows it’s about to hit. He’ll take most hits if it helps you, doesn’t even consider them hits, really. He prepares for more yelling, for punching a wall or the couch but what you end up doing is tremendously worse.
You turn around and walk to your shared bedroom. You don’t stomp, you don’t slam the door shut.
Kanda sits wide-eyed on the couch, confused. This isn’t like you; this is a reaction out of his scope of experience with you. Shit.
He fucked up.
Logically, Kanda knows this wasn’t the best route to take, that he sounds like what Lavi would call “red flag-ish”, but he prides himself in successfully getting to know you and your needs over the years you’ve been a couple. If he simply forces you, you will go the other way, refuse to mold into what people want – even if it is what you need.
Some emotions come for you, easier than they do for Kanda, but others do not. Kanda has through trial and error taught himself how to navigate what can often be considered a whirlpool of your emotions. But he’s gone left where he should’ve gone right somewhere the past six days. He’s not entirely sure where.
Kanda doesn’t like being reminded or becoming aware of his shortcomings so the anger he wanted you to feel just a few short moments ago, is suddenly bubbling up inside him for being too emotionally stunted to figure this out on his own. He refuses to call for help. Lavi and Allen would be of absolutely zero help – Lenalee and Alma on the other hand would kindly navigate the situation with him, however, the chance that either of the two are hanging with the two aforementioned idiots is way too high for him to risk it.
All there is left is to simply bite the bullet.
He gets up from the couch and stretches his back, feeling several joints pop into place. He doesn’t remember being this tense before he relaxed the muscles actively.
He won’t admit it to anyone, but he’s tiptoeing down the hallway, dreading the moment he reaches the door. He likes you the best when you’re at your brightest and bubbliest but he likes it the worst when you’re closed up – especially if it’s his fault.
With three concise raps, he announces his presence by the door. There’s no sound from the other side, so with furrowed brows he knocks again.
He’s rewarded with complete fuck all.
With a scowl he opens the door – the least you could do was answer him. He finds you wrapped up on your side of the bed, with your back turned towards him. He knows you’re not asleep; your routine is different than this plus it’s only been a few minutes.
He clicks his tongue as he rounds the bed to get to your side. Further proof that you’re not actually asleep is the way your face is scrunched up almost dramatically, to signal that you’re both angry and pretending. He shakes his head and pushes at your hips unceremoniously to make room for himself to sit on the edge. You let him without any complaints.
He sits there for a moment, silence falling heavy over the both of you. You’re clearly trying to control your breathing as best as you’re able, making it visible how performative it is. Kanda holds back from rolling his eyes.
“Stop acting like a child.”
You huff out a sound before pulling your duvet over your face – or you try to, but Kanda’s weight is stopping it by your chin. Maybe not the best way to start his apology, he notes.
“Get it together.”
You let out an imitation growl before you trash around to turn your back to him. He grabs your shoulder to stop you and sigh out, almost as dramatically as you’re being, “I’m sorry.”
It stops you from trying to turn away from him. Other than that, it doesn’t seem to do much else in Kanda’s favor. His hand that is still resting on your shoulder starts drawing mindless circles into it. He hopes it’s soothing; he wants to be soothing for you. He lets a few more beats pass before he talks again, “just please… open your eyes.”
You seem to listen to his plea, as you peek open one eye to scowl at him, “I won’t forgive you, dumbass.”
He can’t hold back the smirk. You have forgiven him by now if your reply is that. He leans down to kiss you but you pull back, “I don’t accept kisses from assholes.”
His face stays as close to you as you let him as he raises an eyebrow, “hm? That’s odd, given that you gave me a welcome home kiss a few hours ago.”
Your palm hits his face in a matter of seconds. He laughs and kisses your palm instead. You make a grossed-out sound and pull it back, “you’re infecting me with your dumbassery! Go away!”
He rolls his eyes but holds your hand, “if you’re already infected, I feel like you can give me a kiss anyways…”
You pout and huff out before you look at him, “be mindful next time you try to help me, okay?”
He nods, “I promise.”
You lean up the rest of the way and connect your lips. He’s happy he learned something new about you today; you’re his favorite thing to keep learning about, no matter how many years it’ll take. He’s looking forward to each and every one of them.
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mirandabarma · 3 months
A Kanda fic based on Hoshino's most recent drawing of him. And YES it's incredibly self indulgent so don't ask
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I love him a normal amount your honor I promise
It's pouring.
You can't remember the last time you saw anything like England's biting winter rain. Or if you ever had, really. Growing up in the desert, you had become accustomed to weather so hot and dry it could suck the life from you, leaving your body to boil in your own sweat. As a child, you'd believed no other weather could possibly be worse.
You sarcastically note that you were wrong as you trudge behind your companions, your shoter legs failing you in the cold and the thick mud. You wonder briefly why you had agreed to tag along to see Mana's grave. Then, through chattering teeth, you recall that you did not agree. No, you rather fiercely insisted on going, claiming you had just as much right to know the truth as Allen and Kanda and everyone else, having been just as affected by the Holy War.
Kanda had called you an idiot then. The poorly masked fear in his voice had only made you more adamant. You had snapped at him that you were going, and how dare he call you an idiot.
He shut up then, blinking at you and taken aback as always. He always seemed surprised by you, pleasantly so if you were reading his eyes correctly. He respected you, strangely, even as you were so small and frail and pitifully weak compared to him. At least was what you thought.
Shivering as you slip on the muddy ground beneath you, you think he was probably right. You are an idiot.
The bit about your "right" to know was a lie, after all. You just wanted to be by his side, to support him. Somewhere along the line, you had decided that you were going to get stronger. You were going to protect him for once. The rain bites at your bones and you think of how stupid that sounds.
Kanda stops. "You're lagging," his words are clipped and snappish, like a barking dog, but he's still approaching you, backtracking for your sake. You sigh, and you can see your breath flare up in front of you like smoke. He always does this, he always stops what he's doing and rounds on you when you think something weird or morbid or self-depreciating, like he knows. You hunch over in pain, from the cold or maybe from how upset you are with yourself for holding him back again.
"What are you doing?" He's in front of you now, trying to see your face as you appear to try to crawl deeper into your own skin for warmth. "We have a job to do--"
"I'm so cold it hurts," you mumble. You manage to straighten your back at least a little bit and find yourself face to face with Kanda, his eyes making direct contact with yours. You pull away slightly, a tiny gasp escaping your lips when he rather brazenly places his hand on your forehead. You're embarrassed when you find yourself leaning into his touch, sighing at the very welcome heat of human contact.
You open your eyes, not realizing you had closed them. "Huh," he muses, his voice barely audible above the rain. "You don't feel cold." There's a teasing lilt in his voice and a look in his eyes that makes you feel like he's toying with you. He probably is.
"Come on," he takes your hand and pulls you forward roughly, his fingers threading themselves between yours easily. "We're almost there." He doesn't look at you, keeping you securely next to him as you lean into him slightly, still shivering. You can swear his ears are red, but it could be the cold.
Several steps ahead, General Tiedoll smiles knowingly at the two of you and suddenly you feel warm on the inside, a sense of relief flooding your chilled veins.
Even if you didn't believe in yourself sometimes, perhaps Kanda believed in you enough for the both of you. After all, he always came back for you, sought you out, protected you, no questions asked. You tell yourself that you aren't sure why, but really, you know. Everybody knows. You're just afraid you're wrong and he doesn't love you.
You shouldn't be.
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discodreaming · 7 months
HELLO! i've now opened my inbox for my followers/mutuals to talk to their favorite character!
you can send in random sentences, inbox prompts that you see on my blog or even confess your love!
please be sure to be respectful and kind to not only me but the muses.
this will be very much like roleplaying. to continue communication you can send in more inboxes or you can even link the inbox to a conversation to communicate with your beau/family/friend!
please do not request any minors/anthropomorphic in romantic or sexual ways, I'm begging you. i will only reply to the platonic/familial ones.
you may talk to at least 2 muses at once in one message, all to prevent being overwhelmed. this may change once i get comfortable enough to handle more.
all romantic and nsft inboxes or starters towards muses will require slow burn
all ships are multishipped but can be single shipped if you guys can build up their romance meter!
this will only be reader x character, oc x character i will put on either another blog or a different post.
* note: i will accept 5 oc x character in this post for the time being: 1/5
however for certain events i can bend these rules for you to get a romantic scene with your crushes!
or even just hanging out with your friends!
characters i will write for right now:
note: this list will change every now and then as i advance further into the shows or a character is requested more!
if you don't see a character you like here and would like to see me try my hand at playing them, don't be shy to tell me!
bold = characters I've played before
one piece! ( pre timeskip )
romantic options: nico robin, nami, sanji, zoro, usopp, buggy, sir crocodile, dracule mihawk, shanks, portgas d. ace
platonic options: chopper, franky ( may change ), luffy ( im currently on the pretimeskip )
up to debate: please ask !
rwby ! ( all season 9 ages )
romantic options: weiss schnee, blake belladonna, yang xiao long, jaune arc, taiyang xiao long, raven branwen, qrow branwen, emerald sustari, sun wukong, neptune vasillias, james ironwood, winter schnee, mercury black
platonic options: ruby rose, nora valkyrie, lie ren, pyrrha nikos, penny polendina, professor ozpin, oscar pine, neopolitan
up to debate: salem, cinder fall
fruits basket !
romantic options: shigure sohma, hatori soma, ayame soma
platonic options: tohru honda, yuki sohma, kyo sohma
castlevania animated !
romantic options: trevor belmont, adrian 'alucard' tepes, sypha belnades
edens zero !
romantic options: rebecca bluegarden, weisz steiner, homura kogetsu, kris rutherford, shiki granbell, labilla christy
platonic: happy, witch regret, sister ivry, hermit mio, valkyrie yuna, elise crimson, justice
d.gray man !
romantic options: yu kanda, lavi, tyki mikk, howard link, cross marian
platonic: allen walker, lenalee lee, nea d. campbell, wisely kamelot
psycho pass !
romantic options: akane tsuneori, shinya kogami, nobuchika ginoza, shuusei kagari, yayoi kunizuka, shion karanomori, shogo makishima
platonic: tomomoi masaoka
owari no seraph
romantic options: guren ichinose, ferid bathory, kureto hiiragi, shinya hiragi, seishiro hiiragi, crowley eusford
platonic: yuichiro hyakuya, mikaela hyakuya, shinoa hiiragi, yoichi saotome, shiho kimizuki, mitsuba sangu, krul tepes
yuukou no moriarty
romantic options: william james moriarty, albert james moriarty, louis james moiarty, sherlock holmes, fred porlock, sebastian moran, mycroft holmes, james bond
fate/ ( /zero & /stay night)
romantic options: saber, kirei kotomine, gilgamesh, cu chulainn
platonic: shirou emiya, rin tohsaka, waver velvet
up to debate: kiritsugu emiya, irisviel von einzbern, archer emiya, tokiomi tohsaka, diamuid ua duibhne
please don't: shinji matou, ryuunosuke uryu
fairy tail
romantic options: lucy heartfilia, gray fullbuster, erza scarlet, mirajane strauss, laxus dreyar, gildarts clive, loke, elfman strauss, juvia lockser, fried justine, evergreen, bickslow, rogue cheney, sting eucliffe, kagura mikazuchi, aguria yukino, natsu dragneel, mystogan, cana alberona, gajeel redfox, erik, jellal fernandes
platonic: wendy marvell
record of ragnarok
romantic options: adam, jack the ripper, kojiro sasaki, qin shi huang, hades, beelzebub, hermes
platonic: souji okita
up to debate: the valkyries, nikolas tepes, thor, poseidon, apollo,
obey me
romantic options: lucifer, mammon, levianthan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor,diavolo, barbatos, simeon, raphael, solomon,
platonic: luke
up to debate: thirteen, mephistopheles
kingdom hearts ( kingdom hearts iii )
romantic options: terra, aqua, xemnas, zexion, saix, axel, demyx,
platonic: sora, kairi, riku, roxas, namine, xion, ventus, vanitas, ephemer, skuld, brain
genshin impact
romantic options: wriothesley, albedo, alhaitham, ayaka, ayato, baizhu, ajax, cyno, dehya, diluc, eula, ganyu, itto, jean, kazuha, kokomi, xiao, heizou, shenhe, kaeya, rosaria, yae miko, beidou, lisa, kaveh, zhongli, nigguang, neuvillette, yela, candace, thoma, yanfei
platonic: hu tao, venti, faruzan, sucrose, chongyun, freminet, layla, mika, fischl, collei, noelle, yun jin, barbara, xingqiu, amber, bennette, xinyan
up to debate: keqing, lyney, aether, lumine, wanderer, lynette, kuki shinobu, sara, kiara, gorou, mona, nilou, yoimiya, charlotte
please don't: klee, sayu, qiqi, diona, dori, nahida, yaoyao
final fantasy
romantic options: cloud strife, tifa lockhart, aerith gainsborough, zack fair, reno, rude, genesis rhapsodos, reeve tuesti, angel hewley, sephiroth, vincent valentine.
platonic: barret wallace, yuffie kisaragi
detroit become human
romantic options: connor, markus, gavin
platonic: kara, hank
devil may cry
romantic options: dante, nero, vergil
platonic: trish, nico, lady, v
jojo's bizarre adventure
romantic options: dio brando, joseph joestar ( part 2 & 3 ), caesar anthonio zeppeli, jotaro kujo ( 4-6 only ), rohan kishibe, bruno bucciarati, leone abbachio, narciso anasui, johnny joestar, gyro zeppeli, diego brando
debating: jonathan joestar, jolyne cujoh, weather report
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white-shadow25 · 10 months
I have a question for y'all
I really really really reeeeeeally want to write a Tyki fanfiction and I have two ideas. So, what would you be more willing to read? An isekai => Dgm reader finds themselves in this world and tries to survive by manipulating data to the earl as necessary and slowly building a relationship with Tyki.
Ooor the other one (the one I have first honestly), I think I never really get to say this but the "Moments" saga was supposed to be a part of a fic. A young woman is found by Tyki's human friends and starts living with them. Lots of found family, also a slow-burn romance, a timeline when being a girl that wants to go to college is not so easy, and a bit of inaccuracy of historical events.
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bittencandy · 1 year
Tyki Mikk relationship headcannons
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♠️ He has a tendency to wander when he's drunk. He had taken you to Portugal for vacation during a festival when you first learned of this little quirk.
The two of you had spent the day gorging yourself on local street food, walking the streets while drinking and admiring the festivities and your activities had carried on well into the night.
Both of you were drunk. And while Tyki's tolerance is admittedly higher than yours, he had been drinking a lot more than you had.
You were busy admiring a string of floats being carted down the street. A prism of colors and flower blossoms, making the street look like a rainbow. And when you had turned to gauge Tyki's reaction you were struck with the startling revelation that he was gone. He had just been next to you. Where was he?
After about fifteen minutes of weaving through the crowd of people and hopelessly calling out to him over the rancorous laughter and chatter, you found the man digging around in some dumpster for a reason that only God knows. His face has lit up like you were the stars incarnate at the sight of you and it was almost enough to dampen the panic and fury in your chest. Almost.
" Hey, babe! I've been looking all over for ya!" He had slurred while dangling from the lip of the dumpster.
That had earned him a smack on the back of the head.
♠️ Rubs his feet together when he's getting ready to go to sleep. It's almost like a ritual for him. If he's completely honest, he doesn't even realize he's doing it half the time. He didn't know how frequently he did it until you had pointed it out to him one night. Once his body makes contact with the mattress he's out like a light.
♠️ He's not much of a morning person but he's used to waking up before dawn to go work the mines when he's with Eaze, Momo, and Clark. But he's also out well past midnight when hunting Exorcist for the Earl, so all in all his sleep schedule is non-existent.
So, when he finally has time to see you he's either falling asleep and crashing for hours on end or he's waking up before the sun can peak over the horizon out of habit. One time he passed out for nearly 15 hours straight and you had to press your ear up to his chest to listen for his heart beat to make sure he was still alive.
He is a bed hog though. Often splaying his arms and legs out like a star fish until you have no choice but to sleep on top of him. You're pretty sure it's intentional.
On the nights where he can't sleep and insomnia kicks in, he'll train smoke through a pack of cigarettes until he gets tired enough to go back to bed and pass out.
You've caught him like this on several occasions. Waking up well past midnight to see his side of the bed empty and cold.
It presses you to leave the comfort of your bed. And you'll find him in the kitchen, sitting at the small table in your pitifully sized dining room.
The window cracked open letting the smoke from his cigarette coil outside into the delicate night air. Tyki will be gazing outside, a set of heavy bags under his eyes. No doubt tired from the long " business trip" he took for the Earl or his little reunions with Eaze, Momo, and Clark.
You'll sneak up behind him (or so you like to think. He'll know you're up as soon as he hears the bed creak from down the hall) and wrap your arms around his shoulders, kissing the crown of his head.
It doesn't take much to coax him back in bed. He's quick to snuff out his cigarette on the ashtray and follow you out of the kitchen as soon as he feels your warm arms around him.
♠️ I see gift giving as one of Tyki's love languages. Much like how he gifts Eaze the silver buttons from the uniforms of slain Exorcists, he likes to pick up random trinkets from the countries that he passes through.
You now have an entire shelf in your house that's devoted to these little nick nacks.
It sits above your writing desk and you often find yourself staring at them when there's a lull in your inspiration.
There's a shell that he had found off the coast of Italy, cream and strawberry pink,
a gorgeous pale lavender lace fan from France, a kaleidoscope from Berlin. Not to mention the time he came back with the Kamasutra, the bastard. You may or may not have tried out a few of those positions. One especially adventurous position resulted in a pulled muscle and the two of you laid out on the floor in a heap of tangled limps, bodies shaking with laughter.
♠️ This man falls in love all over again whenever you cook for him.
You know that saying, "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach"?
Well that's Tyki 100%
Just the thought of you making a meal FOR him is enough to make him feel loved.
It doesn't even have to be perfect.
Is it a little burnt? Doesn't matter.
Slightly undercooked. He'll still eat it.
( He might give you some shit for it, but it's all in good fun)
You have to remember, unless he's attending a family meeting with his fellow Noah, or is at Sheryl's, he's most likely with the boys at the mines. Most of the time he's eating a slice of tough, musty bread or some salted pork while he's on lunch break down in the dark, gritty shafts. He's also used to visiting soup kitchens in whatever area he's currently visiting. Drinking down greasy soup that's usually seasoned with enough pepper to make someone choke as a way to mask the weak watery flavor.
Whatever you make doesn't have to be perfect. He's just appreciative that you had taken time out of your day to make something for him.
If there's ever any left over food that you can't finish, he'll eat it for you. He's literally a bottomless pit.
♠️ Physical touch is definitely one of his love languages. This man is very handsy.
He needs to be touching you in some sort of way.
A hand on your waist, an arm slung across your shoulders, having you sit in his lap. You get the picture.
When he's been gone for weeks, if not months on end his next priority is you. No matter where you are or what you're doing he's finding you and pulling you into his arms and smothering you in kisses.
And the kissing and the desperation after being apart for so long is usually a combination that leads to more physical activities.
He's been gone for a while and he needs to feel you. To familiarize himself with your body again. Your scent, your taste, your voice and the sweet sounds that you make.
He wants to hear how you've been and what you've been up to since he's been gone.
For the remainder of the day he's going to be your shadow.
On this note, please bathe or shower with this man. It doesn't even have to turn sexual (not that he's complaining if it does).
There's just something so intimate about the whole experience.
Help him wash his hair. He'll die and go to heaven at the feel of your fingers combing through his hair and massaging his scalp.
♠️ Loves to speak to you in his native tongue. Even if you don't understand him.
He caught on pretty quickly on how you to the sound of his voice rolling and pronouncing Portuguese words.
He practically purrs when he does it.
Watching you get all flustered over it strokes his already massive ego.
And now that he's discovered this little Achilles heel of yours he makes sure to exploit it whenever he can.
Loves doing it to you in public so that he can watch you try and hide how flustered you really are.
He gets a huge kick out of it.
♠️ Definitely jealous and possessive.
Not because he doesn't trust you. It's everyone else he has an issue with. They should know that you're his. Not theirs.
He will absolutely litter your neck in purple and red blemishes unless you tell him he can't. He'll comply, but he's not above pouting about it. Grumbling under his breath with a pinched brow while running his hands through his hair in an irritated tick.
If you do let him, he's over the moon.
Pinning you down underneath him and sucking on every available inch of skin until you're squirming.
He knows how you're conflicted about how you feel when he gets visibly possessive in public. But there are times when he can't help it.
Because someone is flirting with you despite how obviously disinterested you are. Either because they're dense or simply because they choose to ignore your rejection.
He tries to be on his best behavior, he really does. But once someone TOUCHES you, all bets are off.
He's pulling you out from under their grip and behind his body like he's a shield and looming into their space. All of the Noah Clan have a threatening aura to normal humans in general. But when Tyki's pissed, it's jacked up to 100. You would imagine that it feels similar to how looking at a black hole would be. Massive, alien, oppressive. Like being pulled in by a magnetized web.
There's something old and primal in your bones that tells you that you're in the sight of something that's beyond your understanding. That looks like a human, and talks like a human, but isn't.
That maybe you're out of your depth.
And you can't help but be happy that you're on the opposite end of that aura. Those eyes aren't flashing gold like a warning because of you, but for you.
As soon as you see that amber glint you know it's your que to get Tyki away from whoever's responsible. Unless you want to see someone get an organ removed.
Which has happened once before and you'd rather not see something like that again.
Your memory of it is a vague mess. One minute the man was giving some sleazy one liner and was about to rope his arm around your shoulders and the next minute he was collapsing on the ground, gurgling on crimson. Tyki was grinning down at him with maniacal glee and a human heart still pumping grotesquely in the palm of his hand.
" Oh my God!" You had exclaimed once your mind had finally caught up with reality Though it still wasn't functioning at its best. " Put it back!"
Tyki had blinked at you, a little confused. " Eh . . . I'm not sure that's how that works."
♠️ He taught you how to play poker. And by play I mean cheat.
It makes it interesting when you both play against each other, considering that he taught you his tricks. Well, not all of them.
Fortunately for you, Clark and Momo were both generous enough to extend their own little sleights of hand to you.
Tyki was appalled when he first learned of this. He's never fully recovered from the betrayal.
♠️ He takes you on all kinds of dates whenever he's free to.
As both the aristocrat and the vagabond. Reservations to expensive restaurants and trips to high class retreats in some of the worlds most popular cities and counties.
He'll buy you whatever you want, nothing is too expensive when you're dating a relative to the Millennium Earl.
Clothes from the finest fabrics, jewelery made from rare diamonds.
If you want it, you got it.
But his favorite dates are the ones without all the glamor and money.
You both often frequent pubs, getting drunk well into the night and waking up late into the evening the next day with a story to tell (if either of you can remember).
He'll take you on picnic dates out by a pond, so he can fish while you snack on little sandwiches and cheeses and fruits, just basking in each other's presence.
The ocean has a lot of sentimental value to him and he wants to share it with you. So, beach dates are frequent thing.
You'll make a day of it. Sunning yourself atop the warm sand and chasing waves.
He's horrible about splashing you with water or vanishing underneath the blue and snatching you up from bellow to hear you shriek out in surprised joy.
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urlranpo · 1 year
Reqs Open!
give me ideas please. my mind is blank thx
Who I write for:
Bungo Stray Dogs / Chainsaw Man / D. Gray-man / Fire Force / Hell's Paradise (Jigokuraku) / Jujutsu Kaisen
here are my rules on what I will write and what I won't write xxx
inbox is open, thank you!
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