#did you also know that the max character limit for a tag is 139 characters
classic-entp · 1 year
Classic-ENTP #40
INTJ: I don't like you
ENTP: lol that's funny
INTJ: ...
ENTP: wait... actually?
INTJ: yeah, actually
ENTP: you genuinely don't like me?
INTJ: yep
ENTP: how???
INTJ: what do you mean, "how"? You are very easy to dislike. You're loud, annoying, have the memory of a goldfish, and never take anything seriously
ENTP: ...
ENTP: but those are my best qualities
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truth-bound · 1 year
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I posted 7,642 times in 2022
That's 595 more posts than 2021!
58 posts created (1%)
7,584 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 868 of my posts in 2022
#saiki k - 14 posts
#tdlosk - 12 posts
#saiki - 11 posts
#splatoon - 7 posts
#saiki kusuo no sai nan - 5 posts
#idk - 5 posts
#splatoon 3 - 5 posts
#<- prev tag - 4 posts
#homestuck - 4 posts
#but - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#kaido being trans ftm is good too but transmen get bad representation in general and kaido just hits that wimpy pathetic soft boy a bit too
My Top Posts in 2022:
if i was kusuke which thank god im not but if i was i would make a far better limiter than he did. like god its so impractical. easily removed by accident? easily broken. not reinforced. no DIALS. no BACK UPS OR FAIL-SAFES
kusuo is like a nuclear bomb, you gotta make sure you know exactly how to keep it (saiki) from accidentally disarming itself (broken limiters)
kusuke just seems like he would fuck around just to find out.
but if i were to make it the biggest thing i would add is a dial. specifically one that can control the intensity of the limiters. usually kusuo has an all or nothing when it comes to his powers. if he could control the output of it it might actually give him a way to learn how to control himself better with less and less intensity set on the limiters.
he could baby step his way from learning to throw a ball when his limiter is to the max, then again and again at every level the limiter has.
also i agree w some people saying it should be near his ears. maybe a patch just behind his ear or a weird earring or a device that looks kind of like a hearing aid or a weird tech thing that covers one of his ears
172 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
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My thoughts on kaidou as a pokemon trainer
202 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
Id like to imagine that through Saiki's habit of playing cheap and uncommon games hes actually got a small collection of hidden gems and I want to imagine if he wanted to use the internet for once he could actually run a blog that he can type out his thoughts on games that nobody knows. He is a pretty fair but strict reviewer and comments on everything from the fluidity of the gameplay to the menu layouts and even the stylization of the graphics.
It backfires when someone actually finds his blog, even if its anonymous, and the word spreads about this guy who knows the best of the unheard games and has a knack to be extremely detailed in reviews.
He becomes a little bit of a niche internet celebrity and people spam his blog or email with suggestions of their own favorite hidden gems to review and some even ask for his opinion on more popular games. His blog becomes a reputable review source where indie developers want his attention to get their game out there.
Suddenly developers reach out to him offering to give him a free early copy to review their games and eventually he starts recording no or little commentary gameplay footage and he gets more and more requests.
He gets sponsored after a while. He makes a modest bit just from his blog and his videos and he wants to be annoyed at the attention but he enjoys the anonymity and people genuinely listening to his opinion.
Anyway i just want to think that kaidou or someone someday brings up saikis blog like oh yeah ive been reading this guy he does great reviews on indie games and saiki just smiles.
700 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
re-watching danny phantom and i got the weirdest urge to make memes
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See the full post
981 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
To the new players on Splatoon 3!
For any battle type:
Always remember to booyah back! this means at the start of the round when a player on your team presses booyah, say booyah too! it lets old players know youre communicative and pay attention to your teammates. Its friendly. Its polite. Its honestly gonna make the whole game more enjoyable if you can use the little bit of communication there is.
theres no in game chat function so booyah and this way are the best way to let your team know what's up! booyah when your teammate did something cool! its a morale booster
plan your specials around your teammates. is your special better for support or slaying? check to see if there is already a cooler up if u have it, cus the effects do not stack. and in salmon run specials can be what saves the whole team!!
check your map! not only does it show the current ink coverage, it also shows enemy players if they have taken damage even without being marked. you can jump back to spawn if things seem dangerous and you can jump to teammates. keep in mind that teammates might not be in a safe position for you to land in. anyone can see where you will land and can try to jump kill you. knowing the map itself for good jump points and seeing if the teammate is in a well inked area helps.
Ink spawn. Always. Dont think it applies to X mode? It does. Even in anarchy battles (which splat 2 players might still call ranked out of habit) you should ink spawn. Why? multiple reasons! It keeps your base safer than not. helps maneuverability in getting back in. It helps build your special, which can be incredibly useful for a push. generally speaking, an inked base is a happy base. EDIT: I dont mean ink spawn immediately for anarchy battle, the first push is critical! Use the spawn for free specials to push when you're behind! And dont be thorough in anarchy battle either, prioritize the objective over turf inked unless you have a very good reason otherwise. the movement is also more for a path back to spawn than anything. having escape routes is important.
For turf war:
Inking ground takes priority over killing. Yes if they are dead they cant ink but the respawn time is pretty fast, about 5 to 7 seconds. Also, inking builds special. it is the only way you build special. kills do not build your special. Inked ground both gives a tiny amount of damage to the enemy when they step on it, AND gives you more coverage, AND gives you quicker escape options, AND is the deciding factor of winning the game.
Walls do not count towards points. Only ground. Inking walls isnt useless though, but don't think that inking them all will help you win, its more for maneuverability.
Last second bombs can decide a match. If you have a sub to throw and there is roughly one or two seconds left on the clock, throw it no hesitation. after the match time is over, it will still pause for a second to allow all subs and specials that were out at the last second to explode.
Hide in ink. This should be self explanatory. You aren't as visible if you are submerged in ink and you are faster in ink than walking. if you hide while an enemy player is nearby, and they dont think to check whatever puddle youre in, you could get a sneak attack. another point to focus on inking!
For salmon run:
Learn to squid party! its just jumping and changing in and out of squid to inkling (or octopus to octoling) form very fast so u kinda look like a blob. it might be frowned upon to squid party in other modes but this is totally fine and encouraged!
Pay attention to your teammates positions. Dead teammates cannot help more than sit there and hold a single egg. throw a bomb or shoot at them to revive them. they take priority over eggs in most cases.
Use this way liberally. This way points towards where youre looking. Use it to say hey theres a boss here.
LISTEN TO TEAMMATES. if someone says help or this way go to them. its worth it. they know what theyre doing. usually.
Losing on wave 3 doesnt lower pay grade. It sucks to lose but wave 3 sucks slightly less to lose on.
thats all for now! have fun and i hope you enjoy my favorite game series of all time ever. woomy!
1,255 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
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