#diplomat series
diaryofemily · 9 months
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INFJ - The Advocate 🪴
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laurelnose · 11 months
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I am currently being oppressed by the Libby holds queue for Translation State >:( have this Breq speedpaint from back when I finished Ancillary Sword
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linderosse · 2 months
Every Zelda’s favorite video game:
Obviously not directly canon to Wisdomverse since the Zeldas don’t have access to video games, but I had fun thinking of what they’d play if they did :)
Sun — Stardew Valley
Dot — Baldur’s Gate 3, Overcooked 2 (Dot introduced it to the Colors and watched the chaos unfold before stepping in to expedite)
Lullaby — Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (she’s surprisingly good at it)
Tetra — Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag
Dawn — Princess Peach Showtime (she doesn’t usually play games, but this one is wholesome and she likes it)
Fable — Ace Attorney: Investigations 2 (her favorite character is Justine)
Dusk — Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (her favorite character is Sanaki)
Artemis — League of Legends (she plays ADC and sometimes loops Wars in as support)
Flora — Kerbal Space Program
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netmors · 8 months
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One day, admiral of the New Republic fleet, commodore of the Chiss Ascendancy fleet, and diplomat of the “no-longer-Empire” came into the bar… and began to think about how to get from the "books" to the "screen".
And make it clear to one Сhiss that they will not tolerate an armada of zombie stormtroopers and witches “on their shift.” Even if he is their friend.
I'm still trying to comprehend how much I ultimately disliked the Ahsoka series… The first season feels unfinished at all.
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dustykneed · 4 months
poll below!! for funsies:
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galedekarios · 6 months
that interview is driving me insane i've been thinking about it for the past hour and i still can't wrap my head around it. i think what really gets under my skin is it just... contradicts with the text of the game. the most positive possible reading of the ending where gale blows himself up is that it was an unavoidable tragedy dictated by fate but even that's a stretch. to say it's a good ending?? or a satisfying conclusion to his arc?? i call bull. it's more infuriating because there is such a clear good ending for gale's character arc and it's the professor ending! his arc was about learning to accept himself as he was, to value who he is as he is flaws and all, and he's done that in the professor ending! and the god of ambition ending is a bad end for him but still ties into his overall arc in a satisfying if sad way (imo). the ending where he dies just... doesn't. which is fine as a tragedy but to imply it isn't exactly that, a tragedy, is wild to me. and it being so blatantly contradictory to the actual events of the game makes me think that whole thing was just catering to people who hate gale which like... why? people who don't like him don't care about his story so why pander to them like this?
uhg. i am sorry for blowing up your inbox like this i just feel like i'm gonna rip my hair out and need to express that to a fellow gale appreciator. i love gale's epilogue SO MUCH it made me feel for a bit like maybe the writers had actually changed how they felt about him but. nope! silly of me to hope for that. wish i could memory wipe that whole interview from my brain dark urge style.
don't be sorry at all! 🖤 i feel the same way in a lot of ways. altho i feel the need to mention that gale's writer, jan van dosselaer, was not involved in this interview.
i started to make a meta post about this yesterday, but reading things like this from gale:
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act ii [after elminster] Player: An old man with a craving for cheese. Hardly the great wizard of legend. Gale: A wizard doesn't reach Elminster's age without enjoying their home comforts. Those who seek danger over cheese don't tend to live as long. Gale: For Mystra to have sent him... The severity of her bidding could not be clearer. Or weigh more heavily on me. devnote: reflecting on mystra sending elminster, of all people - a powerful individual, becoming reflective. Gale: Time seems so infinite when you are young... a month is an age, a year is a lifetime... it is a strange feeling, to realise how little of it one might have left. Player: You're seriously considering doing what Elminster said?   Gale: Of course - he offered the clearest solution to our problem. All I have to do is find the right place and time, close my eyes, and let go... devnote: Trying to sound upbeat, not fully engaging with what he's saying (that he's going to kill himself). Gale: Then the slate will be clean, wrongs will be righted, the Absolute will be gone... devnote: Trying to sound upbeat, not fully engaging with what he's saying (that he's going to kill himself). Gale: ...and I along with it. devnote: Still trying to sound upbeat, though this time the reality that this means he will die weighs a bit heavier
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act ii [act ii romance scene] Gale: I am terrified - I will not claim otherwise. My face could scarcely conceal it even if my words sought to deny it. nodecontext: Hushed, vulnerable Gale: There is no point in running from the inevitable. Better to meet it, on my own terms. nodecontext: Resigned
as well as this:
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act ii [act ii friendship version] Gale: Yes... but there is so much to live for, and so few moments in which to house it all. Gale: Damn you. Damn you for giving me so much to care about. Our friends, our adventures... this would have been so much easier if it was just me. But it isn't. Gale: If there is a way - any way - to save all that's grown dear to me, I want to seize it. I just cannot fathom what that might be, other than to fail Mystra and condemn the world. Gale: Stay with me, will you? I don't want to think of it any more, but I don't want to be alone either.
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act iii [before the netherbrain] Player: Gale... I think we should consider using the orb as Mystra intended. To blow up the Netherbrain. Gale: I'm getting rather tired of how often those I care about seem to reach the same conclusion.
when you have this:
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and i just... couldn't finish the meta.
it's absolutely beyond comprehension for me how anyone could try to frame this as an ending that is the right one in "many ways", as the "guy who starts off annoying everyone", eating your "most priced possessions", having to "give back to the world".
for the founder of the company to say he wasn't "ready" the "first time", but he's finally "ready" now.
gale's death isn't only unnecessary, an instruction given to him by his former mentor on the behalf of a goddess, who would've sacrificed not only him but thousands of others to achieve her own goals, he doesn't want to die. he's terrified. he wants to live. he is offering this because he believes that his time has run out. because he wants his death to have purpose if it must happen. because he feels he made a mistake far bigger than he can ever make up for. because he doesn't want others to waste their chance at life like he feels he has. the will he leaves behind in the epilogue if he sacrifices himself isn't finished because he thought there would be more time. i could go on and on.
and again, the question is too... for what exactly does he need to "give back to the world"?
being perceived as annoying after coming out of what is presented as isolation and depression? asking for help with a now chronic impairment that feeds on his very soul and wreaks havoc on his body? for making a mistake? by that logic every companion deserves the same fate.
which brings me to the contrast to how most of the other companions are framed in this interview: k*rlach, "the labrador of the party". l*e'zel, "she's so young". ast*rion, "much of what he does it out of fear". sh*dowheart, "the jason bourne" and "victim of religous trauma". w*ll, "the true baldur's gate hero".
the difference is staggering. there's empathy here. there's at least a surface level understanding and/or appreciation of the characters there.
...and then you have gale.
it's alienating and disappointing to see devs have so little respect and care for their own character, as well as for the parts of their fandom who have grown attached to the character exactly for the strengths and flaws he has, for the struggles he faces and for the healing journey he can have if he is helped and lives.
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not-poignant · 3 months
it's wild to me that The Nascent Diplomat is so close to finishing
and while i know there'll be a new installment in a few months, it's just really really...weird because this story has been with me since May 2020 (i didn't realise it was a pandemic story but there you go)
i'm gonna miss Aethelwaters almost as much as Gwyn will
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emmynominees · 5 months
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keri russell as kate wyler in season one of the diplomat
primetime emmy award nominee for outstanding lead actress in a drama series
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gueswho · 1 year
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Hopping on the trend
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lllsaslll · 2 years
"One time Elvis got complaints from the neighbors about noisy fans at the gates of his Bell Air home, he jumps in his Mercedes Limo saying to the fans; "Follow Me"! He drives down to Sunset Boulevard, pulls to the side and starts to sign autographs through the sunroof of the car!"
via Nancy Z. on pintrest
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Elvis signing autographs from his Mercedes Benz 600 limo sunroof. Sunset Boulevard, Nov. 12, 1970
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diaryofemily · 9 months
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INFP - The Mediator 🫧
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maybe-arts · 8 months
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so a penguin king, a fairy queen, and a yarn prince walk into the castle...
tried to give this piece a vibe of a fancy portrait that you'd see like. in a throne room or something. the hardest part wasn't the hatching on the amount of hair/fluff/yarn texture, as you'd think. the hardest part was to try and make this frame actually SYMMETRICAL.
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not-so-rosyyy · 1 year
has anyone here watched The Diplomat? because i pressed play on it randomly and now i'm halfway through episode 3 and it's...really. fucking. good. sharp dialogues, good momentum, charming cast. but most importantly, it's the kind of show that really makes you realize why paying screenwriters fair compensation is the only way to go. you just can't make excellent television like this without them (and no i won't be taking any argument about that).
also, keri russell/kate wyler is fantastic. i just love when women!
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tv-moments · 10 months
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The Diplomat
Season 1, “Keep Your Enemies Closer”
Director: Alex Graves
DoP: Julian Court
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notmoreflippingelves · 7 months
Unpopular opinion: Elena of Avalor fandom edition! Mateo isn't the sweet dorky magician the wiki (and some fans) tends to present, he is just as competitive as (of not more than) Gabe and can be really selfish and arrogant. And he never really gets called out on his flaws or misdeeds as much as the other characters.
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
Yes, I'm not sure if it's my contrarian hipster brain seeing he's popular within the fandom and just doing it's natural "hype backlash" as result, or what. But my overall reaction to him is "meh" at best and low-key annoyance at worst. Maybe it's just me, but I definitely feel that whenever Elena, Naomi, Gabe, Isa, or especially Esteban are in the wrong, the narrative will have an explicit, impossible to ignore "what the hell hero" moment where they learn their lesson. But when Mateo is the one at fault, he's more likely to be met with nothing more than a brief slap on the wrist--and that's assuming he's called out for his selfishness/impulsiveness/shortsightedness at all. Which he often is not.
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narniansmagic · 1 year
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Georgie Henley as Pensy in Netflix’s:The Diplomat 
S1EP3 “Lambs in the Dark”
Directed by Jill Robertson and Jenny Paddon
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