#disaster room is beast I cant quite tame
dirtytransmasc · 9 months
I love how my mental health is literally kept in check by a cat.
she get mad when my rooms messy and we can't cuddle in bed. she goes out on affection strikes if I start sleeping in another room to avoid the mess. my cat will guilt trip me into keeping my room clean. what is my life?
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yandereskies · 6 years
A fluffy roommate (Wolfiplier X Reader)
These were often the first things you heard once leaving the meeting room of the iplier ego building. Loud growling, the sounds of furniture breaking like twigs, egos shouting and stammering after a certain Wolf beast you had often taken the time to care for when the other egos were too busy. At this point you have grown all too used to it, after all you were the one everyone called once said beast got into these rages. You were almost like his trainer in a way.
With this in mind you didnt even flinch once Bim desperately dragged you into the meeting room, begging you to help as you sighed and pulled out a rather large treat and holding it straight in the air once you entered the room.
It was pure chaos in the meeting room, the meeting table broken completely, Google hanging from the jaws of the Wolfiplier turned full beast as the werewolf dug his razor sharp teeth into his robotic arm, Host pinned under the large monster's paw and wheezing for breath, Dark standing in front of Wolfiplier along with a paniced Wilford as his form broke heavily. It was insane and Dark looked ready to snap just before-
The moment those words left you mouth the beast's gigantic head snaps over to you, ears perked up and tail wagging at light speed as the poor Google swung along with his head. After a second of shaking the treat in the air Wolfiplier eagerly bounds his way over, launching into the open space in front of you and the terrified Bim Trimmer as Wilford and Dark quickly helped up the Host still desperately sucking in breaths. With one disaster avoided the giant wolf sat down obediently in front of you, tail wagging at a speed that would put even the fastest of fans to shame but you knew not to fall for the puppy eyes he was giving you just yet-
"Drop Google big guy." He lets out a few soft whines but all you did in response was get more stern- "Drop him." After a second of more puppy eyes Wolfiplier opens his jaws, allowing Google's arm to unlodge from his fangs and let him fall to the ground with a loud thud. Bim quickly escorted him away as you nodded and held out the treat, humming a soft "good boy" through a smile as he gleefully ate the dog treat out of your hand. Soon enough after the treat was gone the giant wolf creature happily curled his fluffy body around you, settling down on the floor and nuzzling his muzzle under your hand with a murr of happiness while you begin to pet his head.
"Such a good bo-" "I have had it-"
Before you could even register what was happening Dark flashed right in front of you, eye twitching along with his aura as he drops a key into your lap. "... what-" "His room is three doors down the hall from here, Wilford will give you his collar and leash. He is under your care now." You were... taken a back to say the least, not only shocked that not only Dark was this far on his end that he would toss a very dangerous ego onto you but.... the fact that Wolfiplier seems to not have much of a problem with it! "Dark what are you-" "this is the fifth out burst this week and he is only getting more violent. It wont take long before he decides to tear one of us apart and i cant risk that happening. Not when we are so close to- ..." he takes a breath and shakes his head, recomposing himself before turning to you once more "You are the only one who can properly tame him. Not even i have control over such a beast like i do with many others here... it makes sense to put him under your care does it not?" Dark looked so close to snapping you were almost afraid of saying something wrong much less denying his wishes....
And that led to now, you dragging the now normal formed Wolfiplier home while carrying all of his belongings inside your living space. Dog bed, toys, clothes, shoes, walking gear, treats, it was almost so much it felt like you just bought a brand new dog on your own. With your mind now swimming in a wave of thoughts of why he would be so violent, Why the other egos constantly came to you for him, why Dark constantly dumped important work onto you despite you not being an ego yourself, why it was your job not only to balance training this beast along with your own work for the other egos, you barely realized you had made your way into the home before Wolfiplier lets out a sound of awe as he looks around "(Y/N) keeps home very nice! Very clean! Very open-" he rushes in, sniffing every last object he could while you sighed and went to go set up his stuff in the spare room. Soon enough Wolfiplier saw this and quickly followed behind you, tail wagging like crazy until... he noticed this room was quite plain.
"Is this (Y/N)'s room?"
"No Wolfi, this is the spare room. You will be staying here from now on."
"... i not... share room with (Y/N)?" His voice almost sounded like a whimper as his tail hang, ears folding down as you turn to look at him in confusion "No... you will be in your own roo-" "can i sleep with (Y/N)? Promise to behave! On best behavior! Will be good!"
After a second of watching this you cant help but chuckle, waving your hand to stop him from talking before asking in a curious tone
"Wolfi- why do you want to sleep in the same room as me so badly? I do-"
"Because it is how mates bond! Cuddling and sleeping close to eachother is... what mates do ... right?" His voice sounded softer than you ever thought was possible for the ego, making you stare in shock for the longest time as a blush rushed to your cheeks.
"... wh-what are you-"
"I have... liked (Y/N) for a long long time now... when first saw (Y/N) ... wanted you to be mate so badly but... you always talking with others.... i get so mad i- ... i dont want them to become (Y/N)'s mate. Only me." A flash of determination shines in his eyes as he looks up at you, ears twitching up as the ego tries to stand strong.
"Want (Y/N) as mate! Want share things with (Y/N)! .... want share life with (Y/N) ...(Y-Y/N) become my mate?"
It ... takes you a second to full process all of this, as if finally figuring out to solve a difficult puzzle... everything made sense now. How he would naturally only listen to you, how none of his anger was ever directed at you, how he would try and constantly spend his time with you even when other egos werent busy... it... all made sense... after a long moment of thoughtful silence you finally let out a chuckle, letting it turn into a laugh before turning to Wolfiplier with a grin and chuckling
"Of course you fluffy little dummy-"
The moment those words leave your mouth you were suddenly hug tackled to the ground, a wave of a thousand licks attacking your cheeks as the wolf ego showered you in thanks... it seems like you had more than just a furry little best friend now...
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