#disobey the Duke if you dare
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muchalucha91 · 2 years
I’ve gone 31 years on this rock without knowing about webtoons…when I tell you I’ve INHALED a handful so far😅 It’s currently 1:40 am and I’m sobbing over Days of Hana it was so beautiful. If anyone has any recommendations I’ll gladly take them! 🖤 PS I’ll be adding more as I go. Please keep those recs coming!🖤
Here’s what I’ve read so far:
• Midnight Poppy Land (as of 3/24/2023) BACK FROM HIATUS!!! Welcome back Lilydusk!!🖤🖤🖤
• SubZero (also back from hiatus as of 2/19/2023!!!)
• Atnomen
• My Gently Raised Beast (spin-off happening)
• The Witch and the Bull (back from hiatus)
• Days of Hana (complete)
• Brimstone and Roses (on hiatus)
• Down to Earth
• Eaternal Nocturnal (back from hiatus!! Another current favorite🖤)
• Phase (back from hiatus)
• Your Wish (on hiatus til 8/14/2023)
• Reunion (complete)
• Morgana and Oz (back from hiatus)
• Maybe Meant to Be (current favorite 🖤 and on hiatus)
• I Love Yoo (other current favorite 🖤 and also on hiatus)
• Let’s Play (complete, but feels unfinished lol)
• Happily Ever Afterwards (complete? There was a series finale, but it still says “updated every Thursday” so🤷🏻‍♀️)
• The Alpha King’s Claim
• Edith (no hate to the author, but I actually stopped reading. Love the art, I just don’t care about the story there, you know?)
• Lovestuck
• Lovephobia
• Hello Baby
• Now, I am a Demon King’s Wife
• Flatmates with Benefits
• The Dragon King's Bride
• Goth Girl & The Jock
• Annie Green Hates Girls
Stellar Wish (on hiatus)
What Melvin Left Behind
Not Your Typical Reincarnation Story
What the Evil Dragon Lives For
Who Stole the Empress?
My Far Too Tumultuous Marriage
Wished You Were Dead
• Under the Oak Tree
• Lies Become You
• Disobey the Duke if You Dare
• Moonrise by the Cliff
• Your Eternal Lies
• Falling for the Enemy (complete)
• The Golden Forest
• Totem’s Realm
• Bloody Sweet (complete)
• Taming the Emperor’s Hound
• Amina of the Lamp (complete)
• Isnelda
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yanderealm · 2 years
lily & vlad icons !
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like or reblog if you save
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ruthserbel · 1 year
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Look at what came in the mail today.
If you haven’t read this series, I would highly recommend. It’s really good, and on manta so if you’re already using manta for Under the Oak Tree, well then now you can use it for this too!
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nerdiellers · 1 year
As I was finishing The Golden Forest (and crying for 4 chapters) on Manta, a quiz popped up to see what female lead I’d be if I were reincarnated.
Based on what I chose, I got Lily from Disobey the Duke If You Dare!!!
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The link for this quiz is: https://smore.im/quiz/K1O5j5nNRF?tm=45eb5245
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museofmanta · 1 year
disobey the duke if you dare - ep49
can i just share that i absolutely love how vlad empowered lily. lily totally changed from how her character was from the start and i'm so glad she's standing up for herself now like GO SIS GET YOUR SHIT DAD'S ASS (i love it even more that as a treat, her crap older brother is also included)
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inexplicifics · 7 months
Hi Inex! I've so been enjoying all of your stories (yes, I'm rereading everything again), and I was trying to find the snippet you posted ages ago of an AU where Milena's father tells her he'll marry her to the next man who walks in the door, but I've had no success. Do you happen to know where it can be found? I loved it so much.
I don't remember where the snippet got to - Tumblr's search, as you know, is very bad - but I do know what fic you mean.
It went and got Complicated on me, but I do want to finish it. I know roughly what I want to do with it, if it will just cooperate.
And since you asked, here's the first few paragraphs, featuring the Duke de Roggeven being comprehensively terrible:
“You dare to disobey your father’s orders, you useless slut?” someone bellows. Lambert rolls his eyes. Ugh, one of that type. Probably worships the Eternal Fire, too. Jackass. He stomps on down the corridor, noting idly that the shouting is getting closer. “You dare to refuse a marriage to a lord of such stature, you insolent baggage? Very well. Very well! Then by all the gods I swear, be he whoremonger or witcher, you shall marry the next man who steps through that door!” Lambert, who has just swung the door in question open and stepped through, stops dead, staring in blank horror at the lord of the manor and the girl cringing in front of him. The lord whirls to stare at Lambert, and his face twists, going through three or four contortions of rage and vicious satisfaction, before he spits, “I said whoremonger or witcher, did I not? Very well.” He raises his voice. “Get me a priest, you useless dogs! My daughter shall be married this very day and hour!”
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samoankpoper21 · 4 months
Hello! I was wondering if you can do a part 2 of the duke gojo fic if you haven't already
ASDFJKL 😭 THANK YOU SO MUCH 😭 I AM SO HONORED BY THIS REQUEST 😭 I hope this satiates your palate/meets your expectations 😭 Enjoy~!!
Word Count: 1103 ib: @gojonanami
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Weaving in and out of sleep you recalled bits and pieces of the events that transpired: the handsome cerulean eyed stranger carrying you bridal style announcing his intent to marry you, the audible gasps filling the ballroom. You found yourself nuzzling deeper into this man's warmth, his scent lulling you to sleep, calming you.
"Emperor Yaga! If I may?" the stoic man lifted his hand causing all commotion to come to a halt. Your father and stepmother were busy chatting when they looked up and saw the white haired warrior carrying you. His gaze was focused, unwavering, determined. "What is this Duke Gojo?"
"I have come to announce that I have found a bride!" Emperor Yaga peered at your sleeping form jesting, "Surely you didn't knock your bride unconscious." a few sly chuckles escaping from faceless lips. Satoru smirked retorting with, "On the contrary. I am merely following the royal decree that you set out for me." The ballroom began to slowly come to life, murmurings of concern filling the air.
"If I may Emperor Yaga." Yaga turned to his right to see your father's silhouette emerge from the crowd. "Marquess Hamilton." Yaga's voice boomed causing your father to flinch. "Greetings to the star of Novaland." Your father shakily offered. "What is so heavy on your mind that is causing you to step forward?"
"It's just that...she's my daughter and I would not want her to marry a ruthless man as he." Satoru's grip on you tightened, turning to face your father, his blue eyes glowing. "Marquess Hamilton, you have no right to interfere with matters pertaining to me."
"But your grace-"
"Are you bold enough to disobey a royal decree from the emperor himself?"
"No your grace."
"Then it's settled. I will be taking your daughter as my bride and there will be no objections." Satoru bowed to Yaga before storming off, your father collapsing on the floor; pitiful gazes and words of sympathy being tossed his way. "That poor man." "What a pitiful thing." "He's really done it now." "His daughter may as well be pronounced dead." "He's only a marquess and he dared to confront Duke Gojo? Ha! What a joke." Your father was physically shaken out of his reverie when your stepmother Marilyn hissed in his ear, "What are you doing?! Isn't this what you wanted? Stand up! You're making yourself look like a fool ." His head turned to look at her, his expression blank, tears falling from his eyes. "Luciana?" Marilyn froze. He trudged past her. Maybe this is Luciana's karma for the way that I've neglected our daughter. Luciana, I'm so sorry.
Sunlight poured through the curtains causing you to groan. You peeled your eyes open and saw an unfamiliar ceiling, white with gold trimmings. You shot up, your hand instinctively flew to your head, trying to quell the dizziness. Where am I? Was I that drunk that I snuck into a random nobleman's bedroom? Your thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and you saw the handsome man from the previous night holding a glass of water, smiling. "Oh good you're up!"
"Drink this." You cautiously took the glass, eyeing the clear contents. "It's just water. I didn't poison it." You took a sip and my gods the water tasted like heaven. "Thank you." you meekly offered. A beat of silence passed when you broke it saying, "If I may be so forward but what am I doing here?"
"You really are a peculiar one you know that? Has anyone ever told you that?"
"Why would you say that?"
"Most people, upon being kidnapped, asks 'who are you' first." Kidnapped? Satoru watched as the wheels in your head were turning. For the first time he was scared, scared that once you knew of his identity that you would fear and turn away from him. "You are right kind sire but I beg to differ."
"I have not been kidnapped." Satoru smirked asking, "Why are you so confident that you have not been kidnapped?"
"The scenery. I woke up in a bed, the ceiling lined with gold, a stranger greeting me kindly. If you're a bandit you're a horrible one."
"What if I'm a kind, vindictive bandit?"
"That would be highly impossible. A vindictive bandit against a marquess' daughter will gain nothing. I come from a low sovereignty."
"What if," Gojo hesitated. He took a deep breath, his murmuring almost a whisper. "I'm a monster? A monster whose hellbent on war?" He didn't want to lift his head, he already knew the reaction he would receive. Reluctantly he met your eyes and was surprised by the steadiness in your gaze. "Duke Gojo?" He swallowed as a reply. "You're Duke Gojo?"
"Yes." The bone in his jaw clenched, your head tilting to the side. You studied his sharp jawline and nose, long eyelashes, his head turned away from you. Out of compulsion your hand gently took his face turning him to look at you. "Why do you look so sad your grace?"
"I will understand if you would like to leave-"
"Leave? Where to?"
"To get a divorce." Huh?? Divorce? "Your grace, if I may be so forward but what the heavens are you talking about?" Satoru's big shaky hands gently held yours. "Yesterday at the banquet you and I were on the balcony. You confided in me that your father Marquess Hamilton and stepmother were trying to expand their sovereign; their end goal having you marry me. At first I thought you were going to run away, as others so often have done so in the past. But you did something...remarkable. You defended my honor, wanting to hear my side of the story. That's when you collapsed and I professed to the Emperor and the rest of the ballroom my intentions of marrying you." He locked eyes with you again. "No one has ever stood by my side unless it was out of obligation or fear. You are the first, the only one, who was willing...and that is why I believe I have fallen for you Y/N." For the first time, the great Duke Gojo Satoru seemed meek. You wanted to hold this man, comfort him. You grabbed his face pulling him towards you and placed a kiss on his forehead. His eyes grew big, his cheeks, ears, and neck turning crimson. "Y-Y/N! What are you doing?!" You leaned forward causing your foreheads to touch. "I do not regret becoming your wife." You placed another kiss to his forehead cradling him, bringing him closer. "I am here. I see you."
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taebearlover07 · 1 year
Just Mine - 1
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The following slides might contain 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄, do not interact if uncomfortable
Pairing: Duke!Kim Taehyung x Fem!Princess!Reader
Warnings:   JEALOUSY(for now that's it)
“Princess, I think it is a bad idea” Your maid more of a best friend said as she gets scared of your plan to sneak up to the strawberry farm. You, you are the one and only princess of the kingdom of Anotle. You are the most adored and cherished kid of the royal family. You are the only girl among the seven kids of the king and most loved by both the king and her six elder brothers. Everyone in the kingdom loved you and not only the kingdom but also other kingdoms, many princes already had an eye on you but you were bounded to be with him and no one in the seven kingdoms dared to mess with him. Despite being a princess, you still had restrictions but loved to disobey and today was one of those days. You were not allowed to go to the strawberry farm since the last time you did, you suffered a long-time fever but you were blinded by the love of strawberries. Your maid/friend, Arial was scared of your disobedience but you care about anything. You both slowly walked through the hallway, making sure no one knew you were sneaking to the farm but froze on the spot when you heard him “What are you doing here, Yn?” His deep voice sent shivers down your spine. You swiftly turned around as your eyes came in contact with his chocolate brown eyes “T-Taehyung” You shuttered while playing with your fingers “I asked you something, Yn” He said while raising his eyebrow making him look more handsome than he already is. “I-I was going-am, I was going to the library!” You shuttered in confusion before suddenly screaming out(not too loud though) “Library is in the opposite way of where you are going princess” He said in his usual cold voice. You bite your lips before cursing your dumb brain. You were left speechless as you bit your lips, thinking of a solution but Taehyung’s loud sign brought you back “Miss Arial, you can go, I’ll lead princess Yn to the library” Your eyes widened as your head moved immediately to her, eyes signalling her to deny but who are you kidding, except the royal family and the god himself, no one dared to deny Duke Kim’s order. “As you say, Duke Kim” without missing a beat, Arial obeyed his order and said sorry to you through her eyes. “Let’s go, Yn” Taehyung said as he forwarded his hand to you. You let him wrap his hand around yours as he pulls you towards him before letting his hand wrap around your waist. 
You both walked through the hallway until you reached the library. Taehyung pushed the door open and you both walked in to see one of your older brothers with a few books in hand "Namjoon oppa!" You exclaimed. He smiled at you and Taehyung before saying “I was about to call you both” You looked at him as you tilt your head in confusion before you could say anything Taehyung asked, “What is it, hyung?” Namjoon looked at him before saying “Father is organising a royal ball tomorrow and your both’s presence is a must” You gasped as you realised “But I don’t have anything to wear tomorrow” You pouted. Taehyung creased your waist as he says “Don’t worry Yn, I’ll order a dress of your choice for you” He looks deep into your eyes making you blush as you looked away from him. Namjoon chuckles at you both before saying “I shall leave you both alone now” Namjoon walks out before kissing your cheek making you giggle. You looked at Taehyung only to know that he was already staring at you. You turned away from him before walking to a shelf to look for some books because the original plan failed. You tried to pull a book of your choice from a high shelf but another hand was placed over your as your back was pinned against your chest “You don’t need to act princess” Taehyung bends before whispering against your ear. Your body shivers as you hear your name coming from his mouth. Taehyung’s hand moves and grips your waist before pulling you more to him “Don’t go near the strawberry farm, it’s just for your health. Got that?” Your toes curl as he whispers in your ear. You nodded, feeling the loss of words due to closeness “Words princess, I want words” He says as his hand moves upwards and creases your covered skin, just below your breast “Y-yes, Duke” You breathed “Good” He said before moving away from you. He gave you your book and said “I’ll leave you alone for your time princess, I’ll go and prepare all the necessaries for tomorrow” Without waiting for your reply, he walked away. You stood at your place, clenching the book as you breathed while clenching your legs.
——On The Ball Day—————
“Princess, do you want me to braid your hair or keep it open?” Arial asked as she brushed your hair “I’ll like to keep it open” You smiled at her. She brushed your hair as you sat straight while the other maid did your makeup. Your back ached from sitting so long but you had to look prettiest since you were the princess of the strongest kingdom. “All done princess” Arial smiles as she helps you stand up and fixes your dress “Duke Kim would be speechless after seeing you” She said while giggling making you blush. You looked at yourself in the mirror as you eyed yourself. The blueish-white gown with a golden embroidered waist as ends of the gown sat comfortably on the floor. You picked the crown that you were given by your mother when you were born and placed it on your head “I think we should go now” “Sure princess” Arial said as she bows to you before following you. 
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As you reached the hall, everyone’s attention was turned to you. You smiled at everyone as you walked down the stairs. As you walked a few steps down, a very known hand was pushed in front of you. You looked at Taehyung and blushed before placing your hand in his’s as he wraps his fingers around it as he helps you walk downstairs. You reached the last step as taehyung wraps his free hand around your waist before walking you to your parents. You hugged both your parents before taking your place beside Taehyung. “You look so pretty, my daughter” Your mother said making you smile “She grew up so quickly” Your father said as he eyed you emotionally making you look at him with softness “Appa” You whispered as you hugged him “Aww, look at the father-daughter duo, they don’t care for us” You brother Hoseok said with a pout while the other five brothers nodded “She doesn’t love us anymore” Your another brother, Jungkook said as he sulked “Oppa, you know it’s not true” You denied with a smile making your oldest brother huff “I still don’t get my hug” He pouted making you look at him “Oppa, you are too old to act childish” “Yah!” He screamed making all of you laugh “Come here all of you” You spread your arms as all six of them came to you and you all did a tight group hug. “Ok, now take your seats, I have an announcement before we start” Your father said as you all obeyed. You sat on your seat which was in front of Taehyung. Either side of you sat your brothers making you feel comfortable but in front of you, Taehyung sat surrounded by unknown women making you jealous but you remained silent. “Thank you, everyone, for your presence here” Your father started “Today, I have organised this ball as a celebration of an upcoming announcement” Your father looked at you while smiling before saying “Today, I, the king of Anotle announce my daughter’s marriage with one and only Duke Kim” Everyone clapped at the fruitful announcement making you blush “One week from today, the marriage will be held and I invite you all, please show your blessings to the to-be-husband-wife” You didn’t dare to lift your head cause you knew everyone must be looking at you
Throughout the dinner, you didn’t look up from the table as you felt too shy. You could feel Taehyung’s stare at you making you feel giggly. “Princess” You looked at the voice as you see the prince of Xylem, Kiven. “Prince Kiven” You smiled at him. He took your hand in his before placing a kiss on its back. You were not fond of someone kissing your hand except your family or Taehyung but you ignored it “Princess if you don’t mind, may I have a dance with you?” You wanted to deny but the image of Taehyung sitting with women made you agree. You walked down to the centre of the hall as Kevin placed his hand on your waist, you wrapped your hand around his shoulder while his free hand held yours. “How do you feel princess? You are going to get married” He said as he grips your waist tighter “W-what do you m-mean, prince?” You shuttered, taken back at his words “I mean, you are getting married to the well-known Duke” He smirked “I mean, every woman here wants to be in your place and can do anything for him. I think you know that already” He said as he smiled viciously. You gulped visibly “You don’t deserve a man like him, princess” He whispered in your ear as he pulled you near him “You need a man who will take care of you, hold you and……pleasure you” He said as he placed his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent “Just like me” He whispered as he licked your neck. Your eyes suddenly came in contact with Taehyung’s.
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thefisherqueen · 5 months
Notes while watching Granada's Sherlock Holmes: The elegible bachelor. They made a full movie out of this short story, I'm curious to see how the material has been expended upon
The beginning of this story was tough to watch. Good of Granada to touch upon the subject of the treatment of mentally unwell people, though. May we one day react to people in obvious grief and distress with compassion and offering them what they need to recover, not by subduing/restraining them or locking them up, as today still happens too often
"You wild and beautiful thing" "Not half as wild and beautiful as you" oooh smooth dude. She really is very beautiful and looks stunning in that smart riding costume! New discovery about myself: I have much more of a weakness for women in smart victorian clothing than in the prettiest of dresses. New sexuality unlocked: victorian women while they're on the move + Jeremy Brett, but only for staring at (for an uncomfortable amount of time)
To expand upon my previous point: especially staring at Jeremy Brett sprawled on the sofa in just his nightdress, which is all open at the neck and chest. Sir what are you doing to me
Not too sure about Holmes' dream. Did they choose to depict this case as a post-Reichenbach one and is that why it's all about the waterfall? I'm always in favour when media shows trauma symptoms, and think it very realistic that Holmes would have reoccuring nightmares about waterfalls after that experience, but it's a bit overdone I think. Could have made more impact if it had been a little more subtle. Loved his charcoal drawings of the dream, though, and also the 'hyperventilating via pipe". Seems like a thing Holmes would do
The old gossiping aunts are hilarious
So much screaming and fighting, was that really necessary Grananda? Holmes walking around through dark alleys in a bad mental health state is very valid, but this feels a little like I'm watching Sweeny Todd... not the greatest of association for Sherlock Holmes
"Come and use your whore, my lord. You'll never have anyone who'll do what you want like me" ehm, madam? *uncomfortably close-up of her mouth* oooh, this bachelor's former sweetheart is actually trying to murder him for daring to marry another? Exciting
Mrs. Hudson waiting in the corridor for Holmes is adorable. "I don't really sleep these days" oh no I want to hug him so badly. Watson where are you? Your intimate friend needs you
This seems like a really draining episode for Jeremy Brett to play! I want to look up if he ever commented on it
Love that Mrs. Hudson contacts Watson to say that Holmes is not doing well. "You should have called me earlier" "I didn't dare disobey him" lots of hugs for mrs. Hudson too
The emotion in Jeremy Brett's voice and face as he explains the nightmare *cries with him* Also love that they added the anger and irritation and unhinged stuff about missing Moriarty from the book. Mental health problems are not all pretty tears
The scene out on the street in the rain is unhinged, I love it
Ok, halfway through the movie and the real investigations have began. I'm quite faceblind and having trouble keeping the different ladies involved apart, and the men as well, so this will be fun to try to keep up with
*deep, silky voice* "That any man should be worthy of such love..." are you trying in seduce her, Holmes? I don't think it's working. She just wants her bottle and her lord
I knew you could walk dramatically down a stairs, never have seen one walking dramatically up it before
"It could not happen today, we have the lunacy act, you can't just put people away" "It can if you are a handsome duke" This is an interesting piece of dialog. Not quite saying all that's wrong in mental health care, but this episode is already digging deeper than most media does, especially because it also depicts Holmes - the protaganist - as having mental health problems. That already paints a much more even and sympathetic picture. It's easy to imagine Holmes, if he lived in less privileged circumstances and showed less acceptable symptoms and wouldn't have people who cared about him close, ending up in an asylum. And Watson is a doctor - not necessarily safe for someone like Holmes. Where the critique falls down is the 'innocent woman locked up, is not mad', which doesn't adress the abuse of those who are locked up and are 'mad'
"I live only half a life. Nothing seems to break the gray circle I live in" I bet that Holmes can relate to that statement. And Jeremy Brett choose to show that by standing very close to her, even at one time shortly touching her hand, which Holmes never does with strangers. That was a beautiful acting choice
"I walk the streets at night. I'm looking for danger. Sometimes I'm asking the world to hurt me, so I can feel alive" It's a shame Holmes is immediately back in investigation mode after those moving lines. It's like Holmes' bad mental health episode is treated like a mere plot device, the nightmare containing actual clues. I generally like when dreams are used as foreshadowing, but I think it works better when it's more obscure, something like 'dream gives idea for solution' or 'dream sets mood for something happening later'. This is a bit too straightforward and, like the 'creeping man' episode, the occurance of straight up predictive/telepathic dreaming feels out of place. Wrong genre
*Holmes is distracted by laundry mid-conversation* hehe very ADHD of him
"I cannot expect you to understand how much I envy you. The delight it must be to face an opponent of some worth" Very appropriate thing to say to a depressed woman who lost her sister and got disfigured herself, Holmes
"Trust me" "Not an inch, my lord" Haha, probably sensable
Oh no, he killed another wife. Mistress. Whatever. Loved that Granada made him full evil
VERY brave of the american girl to confront her 'husband', but oh, so scared for her now *few minutes later* don't agonise him further silly girl! You're being very brave, but also very stupid! Come on, Holmes and Watson, hurry!
Nice shot Watson :)
Ah, there's the second wife, still alive! And she - oh. Interesting. Did not have 'became feral witch and took revenge on her husband in the prison he locked her up in by a trap she made herself' on my bingo card
The ending when she crawled out of her prison... that was very wholesome, actually. Love that she was allowed to become 'ugly' and still be a hero, that's rare for female characters. Hope she and her sister will live on happily together. They can at least share their trauma
And it ends with a performance... wait, so miss Miller did survive? Good! And Watson and Holmes are watching it with the sisters, I presume? Gosh I'm so bad at faces. Guess it must be
A wild and dark episode for sure, overall a very interesting watch. Just a shame about the prophetic dreaming, that was a bit out of place and unnecessary
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dogstarblues · 5 months
romance fantasy webcomics are so fun bc the mcs are unreliable narrators from the titlecard onward and you KNOW they are and the AUTHOR knows they are and half the time the mcs know they are but we're all pretending what's on the front page is the premise. "Disobey the Duke if you Dare" <- her disobeying him was solved after like one chapter and then he yielded to her every whim after that "I didn't mean to seduce the male lead!" <- she has him on a leash "the villainous princess won't tolerate a bad ending" <- she's just this side of a saint "not your typical reincarnation story" <- yes it is
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1016anon · 2 years
Title: Kate Is a Governess AU Author: 1016anon Fandom: Bridgerton Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton/Kate Sharma Summary: Lady Danbury's ball, part 2.
A/N -- Comes after Ch. 5. Not proofread or edited at all.
"Anthony, is that not--"
"Basset," he dragged Kate over with him.  "Basset!"
"Come here, old friend!  This is my wife, Kate, whom you've met," Anthony said, inordinately proud to introduce her as his wife.
"We heard news of your father, your Grace."
"Deuce take it, you are no longer Basset."
"I shall always be--"
"Hastings!  The Duke of Hastings, now known forevermore."
Simon grimaced but quickly recovered, choosing to ignore Anthony's remark. Kate was quick to note it; Simon felt a wave of fondness come over him to see her take her rightful place in society.
"I heard news of your nuptials," he smiled warmly at them both, genuinely glad to see his best friend happy.  "Congratulations to you, Viscount and Viscountess Bridgerton."
"Thank you, your Grace."
"Kate, it has been years since you addressed me so formally."
"I'm only teasing, Simon."
"Hastings, we shall need to get together properly. I expect to see you at our club, then."
"His Grace will not go to the club, my Lord, he will join us for dinner at Bridgerton House, tomorrow."
"It will be the first event I host as Lady Bridgerton and you would not deny me the honor of your company, would you, Simon?"
Anthony was torn between giving his wife everything she wanted in the world and speaking to Simon alone, if only to subject Hastings to his rhapsodies on how much he was enjoying married life.
"Kate, I would be honored to accept your invitation."
Behind her back Anthony tried to communicate to Simon through a series of blinks.
"Excellent. Now, if you'll pardon me, your Grace, I must rescue Daphne from the lemonade."
"What?" Anthony craned his head, trying to discern what was happening among the refreshments.
This was why he hated balls. Danger lurked at every corner.
"Simon, would you please take my husband to the smoking room? I'm sure you both have much news to share."
He suppressed a smile.
"Come, Bridgerton. I dare not disobey Kate's orders."
Simon instead directed them to the card room, which was noisier and did not invite others to join their conversation.
Once they had drinks in hand, standing in a corner under the pretense of watching the gentlemen gathered play dice, Simon quietly offered,
"Truly, congratulations," he raised his glass. "She finally made an honest man out of you."
Anthony could not quite hide his wince.
There was a story behind that-- probably the reason why Anthony wanted to speak privately at the club.
"Lady Danbury told me Kate made a spectacular entrance into society. I admit I was somewhat disappointed not to have gotten an invitation to your wedding."
"We were married the day before Daphne's debut."
"The day before?"
"Benedict concocted an elaborate scheme and secured the special license. I felt as though I was about to commit treason, for all the cloak and dagger secrecy involved."
"And Kate went along with it?"
"Surprisingly, yes," Anthony finished the rest of his drink. "I confess, I am as shocked as you that I am married."
Most definitely a story, and one entirely inappropriate to have at a ball.
"We can take lunch at White's, before Kate's dinner."
"Eleven suit?"
"If I must," Simon sighed.
It seemed Anthony's habit of rising with the sun had not changed; Simon had hoped for a more reasonable hour. Perhaps around two. But there were matters Simon wanted to discuss also, having to do with the duchy.
Years ago-- around the same time Anthony took Kate as his Governess-- Simon had gone directly to Bridgerton House after a tremendous row with his father. Anthony was so disgustingly happy to have made Kate his... whatever she was... His friend had the air of a man well sated in all his appetites.
They had dinner-- excellent as always-- and Simon was in fairly good spirits by the end. Anthony and Kate had a way of cheering him up in a way that few could. But the topic somehow turned to marriage; he noted that his friends had practiced smiles and evasive answers for everything the children asked of them.
The three eldest Bridgertons were not present, otherwise Anthony and Kate would never have gotten away with such vague responses and transparent changes in subject. Benedict was at the club; Colin at Oxford; Daphne was in Bath with her aunt, engaged in advanced studies of the pianoforte. It was only the youngest four; as a result, dinner was a boisterous, chaotic, yet happy affair.
The scene was so domestic. It suddenly occurred to him, watching Anthony and Kate together, wrangling the children and working in perfect concert, that this was what his childhood might have been like, if his father wasn't a bastard, his mother wasn't dead, and he'd had siblings. He pushed the thought away.
Once dinner was over, Kate excused herself to help ready the children for bed. Anthony gave her a pleading look and she said she would rejoin them in an hour, only for thirty minutes. She had to wake early the next day.
Somewhere in that hour, Simon's mood took a sharp downturn and he began recounting the argument with the Duke. Kate joined them in the middle of his story, taking a seat next to Anthony without a thought. Anthony automatically had her lean into him and the meanness Simon inherited from his father reared its ugly head; they were so clearly in love, while Simon had just come back from the reminder of how isolated, lonely, and unloved he had been as a child.
In a fit of bitterness, Simon had announced that the Hastings line would end with him. Anthony was sympathetic, but Kate was decidedly not.
"You take issue with my decision?" Simon challenged her.
"I would not dare dictate how you should manage your inheritance--"
"Kate--" Anthony warned.
"--but I would ask you to reconsider."
Simon laughed.
"Just because Bridgerton allows you to run roughshod over him does not mean I will allow the same, Miss Sharma," he said, intentionally cruel.
"You go too far, Basset," Anthony said angrily.
"No, my Lord, he is right," she said calmly, eyes glittering dangerously. "After all, I am but a governess who knows nothing of running an estate, who has no knowledge of how a lord's actions affect the hundreds of tenants whose livelihoods depend on the fair administration of an estate.
"Truly, as a woman with no noble birth, I am completely ignorant of the power a member of the peerage holds over those in his employ. I would never dream of speaking to an earl of animal husbandry, or crop yields, or copper mines. His Lordship surely has seen how a disease which kills the chickens can sweep through the pigs, then suddenly jump to the children and the elderly."
"Kate," Simon tried to interrupt, self-pity gone and an uneasy feeling coming over him.
"No, my Lord, it is Miss Sharma to you, for indeed, I have never dealt with the ledgers which show how many pensions the estate provides to widows--"
"You've made your point--"
"-- and the men returned from Napoleon's wars without their hands and legs, having served King and Country and abandoned for their service"
"Kate, my darling, you can stop"
"I know nothing of the responsibility to make timely repairs, lest the rot of a thatched roof causes it to collapse in the middle of a hard winter"
"I have never penned a letter of condolence or sent flowers to the parents who lost their children in the collapse."
The brief pause seemed to last an age, but Kate's focus was entirely on Simon. There was no mercy in her gaze.
"Surely Lord Basset has more experience with the adjudication of conflicts," she said softly, relentlessly. "He is certain to understand how many people rely on his judgment to resolve disputes.
"I would not dream of telling such a man of wealth and power that more things lie in the balance than his pride. I would never contemplate speaking for all the people who will rely upon the future Duke of Hastings for their livelihoods."
She stood to leave, stepping towards the door.
But had one more thing to say.
"Your father is a cruel man and should not have treated you thus. But you are a selfish one, to punish hundreds of innocents for his sins."
Both men were left speechless in her wake.
"Basset," Anthony broke the silence. "You need not--"
"She's right," Simon interrupted. "Kate is right."
"If you truly do not wish to inherit the responsibility, there are ways around it. We can discuss it later, with my solicitor if you'd like."
"No. I may despise the current Duke, but to stoop below his level-- Kate is right."
"For what it's worth, there is much pride which can be had in a well managed estate. You should join us this summer at Aubrey Hall. The last time Kate and I made our rounds among the tenants, she was absolutely overwhelmed with bouquets of wildflowers."
"Nothing for you?" Simon smirked, leaning forward.
Anthony kicked him in protest. Simon only sat back and grinned like the devil.
He did receive a number of offers from ladies who wanted to demonstrate their gratitude. Kate didn't even blink; she only grinned mischievously and winked-- she actually winked!-- because many of these ladies were her friends. Or at the very least, they had all corresponded with her about one issue or another; she somehow managed to keep up with all the latest country gossip.
Sometimes Anthony truly did not know what was going on in her mind.
What had infuriated him was the attention Kate received from all the country lads and village bucks. He barely restrained himself from putting a proprietary arm around her waist. Anthony was half convinced that many of the offers he received from various ladies were not serious but meant as a joke for Kate. He had a feeling they saw right through him and were teasing her for being obtuse.
In the end, it did not signify. He had her now, in all but name.
His life was so much brighter and richer for it.
"I don't think I-- or even my father-- ever received quite so warm a welcome among my tenants before Kate began taking care of everything."
Simon looked at him sideways.
Anthony looked at him interrogatively.
"You are my best friend, and I mean no offense by this question. You need not answer it and we'll never speak of it again."
"With that kind of introduction, now you have to ask-- my curiosity is piqued."
Simon leaned forward.
"Why don't you marry her."
Anthony smiled-- it was a deeply unhappy thing: loss, longing-- hurt.
"You need not--"
"She won't have me."
Simon frowned, certain he'd misheard.
"She won't have you?"
The pain in his friend's eyes was startling to see.
"Whyever not?"
"I can't betray her confidence-- she has her own reasons. And I understand them, but... none of my arguments have persuaded her. She remains unconvinced."
"How many times have you asked?"
"In truth, I've lost count."
"You asked her to marry you--"
"I asked her to marry me before I took her to bed, if that's what you're wondering."
"She's-- you're mistress?" Simon ventured carefully.
"She's my wife, in all but name."
He had no idea what to say to that. Nothing except:
"I'm sorry."
Anthony laughed.
"So am I."
"Where did you disappear to?" Anthony asked.
"I was rescuing Daphne from Berbrooke."
"What was he doing?" his demeanor suddenly changed, as though he was readying himself for a boxing match.
"Anthony, calm down. I told you, I rescued her. Berbrooke was following her when she had already excused herself from his company."
"Is that all?"
"What do you mean, 'is that all'?"
"Strictly speaking, there is nothing wrong with him."
"Indeed, Anthony. Strictly speaking, there is nothing wrong with Simon either."
"What does Hastings have to do with any of this?"
"You were a perfectly reasonable person until your younger sister came of age."
"Berbrooke's barony is over 200 years old. His lineage is legitimate. He has had an excellent education, possesses no debts, never hurt an animal or a woman and is even a decent shot."
"He thinks too highly of himself and smells of fish. Besides, how are you so certain he has never hurt a woman?"
"Men gossip also, darling."
"And a man who does not leave a woman alone once she has made it obvious that his company is unwanted is no gentleman."
"Then it appears I am no gentleman with regards to you."
"Are you truly arguing about this with me?"
"There is nothing wrong with him."
"Even if there is nothing wrong with him, Daphne does not like him and that is the only thing which matters."
"We will speak of this later," she slipped her arm in his. "Right now, we are dancing. I like this one."
"This is a quadrille."
"It is one of my favorites."
"I was rather hoping for something more intimate, as our first dance," he said quietly in her ear.
"But there are another five dances before your favorite."
"Please, my darling? For me?"
"You will not argue with me about Berbrooke."
"Or any other suitor Daphne dislikes."
"Agreed," he said, then lowered his voice. "Though you may have to keep me preoccupied in other ways."
Her breath hitched slightly.
"I can accommodate that request, my Lord."
"You need to stop saying that."
"What must I stop saying, my Lord?"
"You know very well what I speak of, else I shall have to retaliate, Viscountess."
"Anthony, we are in public."
"Don't start what you cannot finish, my darling."
"The next dance is quite long, surely there is a discreet location--"
"Do you see that door there?"
"By Lady Posey?"
"Meet me there, once you've found Daphne a suitable dance partner."
"I will."
"When I said suitable dance partner, I did not mean Hastings."
They were whispering furtively like two children strategizing the best way to steal the jam tarts cooling on the kitchen table.
"He rescued her from Berbrooke."
"So you offered her up in thanks?"
"Pardon me, what did we agree upon, Husband? And I did not offer her up, as you so crudely put it. They were having a rousing argument due to a misunderstanding."
"That does not explain the dancing."
"Upon my arrival, introductions were made, misunderstandings set to rights, and Simon offered Daphne a dance as an apology for his rude behavior, and," Kate glared at her husband, "she accepted. Enthusiastically."
"I shall have to practice more if you're still this coherent after I made you peak. Twice."
"Perhaps you are losing your touch," she smirked.
"You're going to pay for that remark."
"Anthony, you're holding me too close."
"We are husband and wife, there is no such thing."
"You're sensitive," he realized. "Pressed up against me."
"We're going to cause a scandal!"
"You can feel how much I want you."
"Stop, someone is going to hear you!"
"I can feel your thighs clenching."
"If you make me--" she inhaled sharply.
"If I make you? Your dress--" he knew she did not wear her full stays with this particular dress, cut so low.
"Anthony, please," she whispered.
"Hold out a little longer, darling, and we'll retire after this dance."
"I can't sit in the carriage with Daphne like this!"
"I think you can. I think you'll have to get used to it, because this is the first of many nights this season, Viscountess."
"You're making me look indecent."
"Only a little flushed. It's quite warm in the ballroom. No one can tell you're dripping for me. Just follow my lead."
Her pupils were blown wide.
There were some unexpected advantages to having gotten married before the season. He may not have gotten a courtship, but this was a fair consolation prize.
Anthony did admire how steadily she curtsied at the end of the waltz; by the rigidity of her back, he could tell that if they were in bed, she would be trembling under him.
"I shall go collect Daphne, my love. Wait in the carriage."
"We must make our excuses to Lady Danbury."
"I'll make them on our behalf. Carriage, darling."
He frowned because despite her clear arousal, she also looked like she was about to fall asleep. The day had been long and taxing: there was the presentation to the Queen and Kate's own debut to society; the way their every moment was interrupted by members of the ton offering felicitations for their nuptials; chaperoning Daphne; Anthony undoubtedly did not make it easier by arguing with her at every turn.
It was past two in the morning.
He went to collect Daphne, who also looked like she was trying to keep herself from yawning. She was certainly quite happy when he told her they were going to leave.
Lady Danbury was not the least bit surprised, Anthony gave a quick nod to Hastings and watched in slight trepidation when Daphne perked up enough to give Hastings a look Anthony was all too familiar with-- it was the same expression that Kate wore when she was issuing a challenge, certain she would emerge triumphant.
Anthony quickly escorted his sister out the door and felt a strangely profound sense of contentment when he found Kate struggling to keep her eyes open.
He couldn't resist a smile when Daphne yawned and Kate immediately followed.
The ride home was quiet, interspersed with a few murmured comments. Kate and Daphne would debrief tomorrow. Daphne's maid was waiting at the door and quickly escorted her up the stairs; he and Kate followed shortly after.
As soon as Kate had taken off her jewelry, removed her stays, and pulled all the pins from her hair, she immediately collapsed into bed and slept.
Anthony couldn't help but smile fondly.
She was his wife.
In spirit and in name.
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yanderealm · 2 years
vlad icons !
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Tbh I have never seen a villainess manga/manhwa where the FL is like Oh youre cheating on me??? Well let me have a good time and get a lover as well, because if you get to have one I do too. Like all those humiliating situations FLs go through with their husband and mistress would be a lot more even if they had their own lover. Like oh you wanna flaunt your mistress to everyone and dance with her at social events? Well here is my lover/mistress right by my side and Imma dance with them and not mind you. The husband is saying the FL is cold and arrogant and cannot show love? Well here is once again her own lover/mistress to prove you wrong because guess what someone was fucking your wife last night and it wasnt you
Honestly there are probably some that exist! From what I've seen, the manhwa community is similar to the manga community in that it follows trends and many things can be published or produced at once, so maybe it's a matter of trying to shift through all the bulk?
I think the thing that's infuriating is most of these dudes are such fucking chumps that they would get jealous, but their reaction would probably be to tell their FL "oh, you're clearly doing this just for my attention, how childish of you" and it's like fine call me bozo the clown because I'm about to get a wacky creampie from your brother/rival
Honestly I wish the story existed where it's like "you know what crown prince? Not only am I leaving you, im leaving you for your father the emperor. I'm your mom now boy, go to your room"
I have been reading so many Villainess/Revenge manhwa and I honestly can't recall any like you're saying. The closest thing I can think of is a scene from "I Want To Become The Emperor So I Need A Divorce" where the husband's lover's uncle who runs a theater company is hosting a play meant to mock the FL, and when her shit husband asks what she thought of the play, and she lied and said it was nice and then he goads her further to start reciting her favorite line, she calls his fucking bluff and walks up to the actor that had played her husband and starts reciting exact lines, but in such a way it seems like she is genuinely flirting with the actor, and she even puts a royal gemstone on his finger to symbolically say "you're as good as the duke" and he gets so fucking mad he basically had the entire theater company ruined
I just want to watch garbage men be ruined, like I am actively seeking out stories where women leave their shit partners and enjoy watching them mald and seethe while living a better life with their new partner. I can't wait for the final season of Remarried Empress, and Father I Dont Want This Marriage, and kt isn't a romance but I think I will DIE if I never see the ending of Actually I Was The Real One because that fucking bitch tried to steal her family! And I also found an extremely similar manywa that's brand new called The Saintess Returns as a Villain and maybe that will be good but it is still too early to tell.
And you know what, I know a good revenge manhwa but it's more revenge in the form of "you neglected me and made me feel like shit so im running away and cutting you out of my life and even when I need support you aren't good enough" and that would be The Time Of The Terminally Ill Extra. It hasn't updated it forever so im afraid it might be dropped but it's about a girl who has been shoved to the side for the sake of her sickly younger sister who she has had to compromise everything for, even entering school late to take care of her, giving her her toys, being trained to never disobey or show she's unhappy because even when she cries she's told "how dare you cry when your sister is in pain?". Well, it turns out the FL is terminally ill, even sicker than her sister, amd she decides to run away and never even tell her family, who initially don't even care she's missing and then proceed to not believe it when they are told their daughter is fatally sick. I might actually start reading the novel because the story has me so invested. The FL has an uncurable illness called Artist's Disease where she can bring to life anything she draws but at the cost of her own life, but her family neglected her so fucking much they never even knew she liked to draw or noticed how extremely gifted she was, which, the extreme talent is a symptom of Artist's Disease because their abilities are "blessings", and if her family had noticed and gotten her diagnosed earlier she wouldn't be dying. But even as it's killing her, she refuses to stop drawing because it's her passion and joy. She grew up so lonely that as a child she would draw fairies and other people to talk to her and be her friends and her art is extremely personal to her that she would literally die than give it up. I really hope this manhwa finishes like I have heard spoilers about because it sounds like everything turns out alright in the end, but not before massive heartbreak 🥺
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ruthserbel · 9 months
Disobey the Duke if you dare season 3! Let’s go!
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