moonbaby26 · 1 day
Title: Sweet Nothings
(Chapter 13 of Doflamingo’s Marine Series)
*Crossposted to AO3 Here*
Chapter Pairings: Doflamingo x Reader, Doflamingo x Crocodile (referenced), Aokiji/Kuzan x Reader (referenced)
Chapter Warnings: language, toxic relationship, noncon, dubious consent, drugged reader, toxic masculinity, anal sex, oral sex (female receiving), sex toys, size difference
Chapter Synopsis: On the evening of your arrival in Dressrosa, you are forced to meet with that collection of your former enemies, otherwise known as Doflamingo’s trusted inner circle. As well as spend your very first night in the royal bed chambers of your new king.
Chapters: 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10,  11,  12, 13
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To try and explain this feeling to anyone who had never looked down the barrel of a gun, or across the edge of a sword as it swung for their throat would have been near impossible.
Because that sudden anticipation of danger was more than just adrenaline, more than only an elevated heart rate. It was like an energy through the muscles themselves. It was there in the way everything felt sharper as that door creaked open.
Trebol, Diamante, and Pica, the three remaining Donquixote family executives awaited you. Ruthless men who Tsuru would have had in sea prism chains at very first opportunity back then. 
But who, through the comedy of government immunity were now present as if they’d ascended to the role of dignitaries in their own right. Sitting on their individual thrones with the club, diamond, and spade designs carved onto those respective seat backs behind them.
And they alone would have been more than enough for you.
But this read like a staff meeting from hell as you saw all the other eyes as well. More pirates standing slightly behind those chairs. The executives’ direct subordinates, the Donquixote officers, were in attendance as well.
Some whose faces and skill sets you remembered better than others. But no matter their age or gender, all equally untrustworthy in your mind. Because of their fanatical loyalty solely to the smiling man now stalking across that plush carpet right behind you.
You’d moved purposefully to stay ahead of Doflamingo, getting as close to one of the massive windows as you could.
A window you knew you could still break. An exit and the only thing in this room you would put your back to as you let your body lean into that windowsill. This took some of the pressure off your weaker leg in the meantime. But your feet were flexing within your shoes regardless.
You were still ready to move. 
You saw Diamante’s blue eyes already lingering over your bandaged thigh. And you knew exactly what his thought process must be.
There’d be no easy escape for you today.
Your wings were clipped this time.
They all knew it.
You heard a heavy breathing as well that was becoming closer and closer to a laugh. From Trebol of course in that otherwise near silence as Doflamingo hesitated.
It was as if their king was taking it all in and observing that everyone who mattered to him was actually here before he finally spoke.
“I’ll keep this brief. I know we’re all busy.” He said.
You had your arms crossed from your place at the windowsill. A posture that would have let you block your torso and reach for your weapon all at once.
But when Doflamingo turned, now facing you instead of them, it was humiliating how quickly your full attention went back to him and him alone. 
And he noticed of course. It was all over that smug expression on his handsome face as he approached you.
There was nothing you could do but stare in return, your surprise barely hidden as he’d then turned again to sit on that same windowsill beside you.
Hip to hip actually, intentionally tight together as you had to put even more weight onto your other leg not to be visibly pushed aside by him.
Another show of dominance was what it felt like as you were put right back into that tight aura of his cologne and body heat once more. 
He was showing his claim on you in front of everyone.
“The captain will be staying with us. With me.” Doflamingo still emphasized even on top of that clear body language. Speaking while his fingers briefly tightened on the windowsill. 
“We’ve all had our past grievances of course…but that past is gone. And as I’ve said before, a new era will be coming. We must adapt or fall behind. Pirate…marine, these meanings have always changed with the times. And it’s changing again here. At least for us. This is a taste of our future.”
And as he began to tell them these things, you felt his hand slide back over your thigh.
The additional touch was not unexpected, but the new words which accompanied it were. Because what did their future possibly have to do with you? You were only his bauble, his fixation.
You had expected to be paraded in front of his crew of course. You had expected petty revenge and gloating in reward for all those years of your crew pursuing his. But you were experiencing something else now as Doflamingo’s smile faded in tandem with his grip on your leg growing even harder.
“You are all my family. I should have included you more in this…” And his voice was changing a little too then. There was almost a moment of self-reflection there, the briefest hint of an actual apology. “I know it’s moving so quickly. But I had to make a decision and I had to make it fast when we ran into trouble in Scylla.”
Only you had been hurt in Scylla. Not him. He hadn’t even been attacked. But the way he’d said it suggested otherwise.
“You shouldn’t have had to find out just from the newspapers. But my hand was forced. She needed to come home immediately. Momonga wouldn’t have had a clue how to protect her.”
And a sound came out of you at that, one of indignation surely. But the moment your body had moved to reflexively stand, Doflamingo had pushed you back down without even looking. His hand that had been on your thigh held you down across both of your legs then to the windowsill, strong as any chain.
Whether you were more insulted on Momonga’s behalf or your own was left unclear.
Because the highest pitched, most unnatural voice chirped up as Pica was the first of the Donquixote crew to respond to their leader’s words. “It’s okay, Doffy. We know you’ll always do what’s best for the family!”
Thankfully you had heard Pica’s voice before, so it wasn’t as fully jarring as it could have been. But he still interrupted your anger just for that moment as your brain had had to process the noise.
And once he had spoken, as if trying to comfort Doflamingo, it broke the thick tension in the room enough for more voices to begin joining in.
“So are you engaged after all, young master? May I paint the official announcement then!? I have so many ideas practically flowing from me already!”
Giolla. A nightmare of a woman. 
You remembered waking up screaming with your fellow tent mates one night. Camping deeply inland on a mission, when all of the blankets were suddenly a disgusting yellow and green neon. That fabric wrapped around most of your throats before the tent collapsed. You’d all had to either cut your way out or succumb while she’d cackled in the distance.
“She doesn’t have a ring though!” A younger female voice interrupted there. It’d come from a teenage brunette who was still somewhat concealed behind Pica’s chair.
Baby 5. Not a harmless opponent either in how many times you’d had to backtrack to avoid receiving too much of her suppressive fire. It turned out even kids weren’t nearly as cute once they could transform one of their legs into a gatling gun to shatter walls around you.
But familiar or not, you’d never been on this side of it. You’d never seen Doflamingo’s responses to them without the pressures of being in the midst of battle.
There was a shocking amount of patience in the way his body actually started to relax. Even as they talked over one another, you saw his face turn to look at them. Giving attention to each officer individually, as if this circus was every day and then some for him.
“Thank you, Pica. I am trying to do what’s going to payoff best for us in both present and future.” He said to his executive first. 
And then to Giolla. “I’m not calling it an engagement yet to the public. My priority was getting home first without interference. But it will be soon.”
Finally to Baby 5, “Well, you aren’t wrong. I’ll be needing to correct that, won’t I?” 
His hand moved again suddenly at that, grabbing your left wrist to force you to uncross your arms.
You did pull back with some resistance. You were not his fucking posable doll after all. But he smirked at this, his grip increasing enough to immediately hurt while he still turned your hand as if to show them all your unadorned fingers.
“I was thinking diamond with ruby accents. You know how I like red.” He added.
“Sugar and I could help you pick something out, young master.” A young woman who looked to be nearest your own age spoke then. But her face you didn’t know. At least you didn’t remember ever fighting her. Nor did you recognize the small girl with the blue green hair standing beside her either. The little girl who was now giving you a rather cold stare.
“That would be fine, Monet.” Doflamingo answered the young woman, letting your hand slip away from him again then. 
But he stood back away from the windowsill not long after. “We’ll have a bit of time to make all these plans. For now though, the press will be hanging around the island wanting the latest scoop I’m sure. And no one says anything to them without my permission, is that understood?”
“Yes, Doffy,” and “Yes, young master,” came from several of them simultaneously then. No question in them at all.
And he seemed reasonably satisfied in this.
Enough so that you hoped this meeting was nearly adjourned before he turned again, hands in his pockets now as he grinned directly at you. Those bright teeth exposed once more. But his eyes narrowing behind his red lenses all the same from the way his brow had shifted.
“And do you have anything to say to everyone, love? Or have I adopted another mute marine into our home?”
Your own eyebrows raised. The pet name being used in front of his crew not even registering to you while you considered his other odd wording instead.
Another marine?
But you were on autopilot in reaction to all of this regardless. In uniform, surrounded by old enemies. What else did he expect from you as you just answered so mechanically.
“I have nothing. I’m required to report in to either Tsuru or HQ once a day and it’s getting late.”
And you knew you did want them all to remember that you were still an active duty marine. A marine who had been based in HQ with all the direct contacts that entailed. 
Even a vague threat was better than nothing.
Or at least you’d thought so before you saw that inexplicable look of disappointment darken Doflamingo’s features.
He was staring at you. Like he wanted to say something else, but quickly changed his mind. “I meant…no, screw it. Never mind.” And he took a hand back out of his pocket to motion to the others instead. 
“Giolla and Baby 5, I need you to escort the captain to the palace physician. Get them to properly clean and rebind that wound of hers. And have some real pain killers prescribed. I’m tired of seeing her just limp around.”
He’d put his back to you now though as he’d stepped even further away. 
It was like…you had insulted him? With goddamn what? Were you supposed to gush about all of this to his family? Were you meant to be excited like being here was some kind of reward for you?
“Show her to her room after you’re done with the doctor.” Doflamingo also instructed them. “I need to talk with the executives alone for some further updates on business since I’ve been gone. The rest of you are dismissed back to your normal posts.”
And he did not look at you again as Giolla approached you with no fear. 
“Then come on, sailor girl.” She said rather haughtily actually. “You’ll get lost otherwise. This castle is far more building than you’re used to I’m sure.”
And you gave her an annoyed look. What did she think Marineford was? A bungalow?
Baby 5 just followed behind you both quietly though. And you didn’t really like the girl at your back either. But as you glanced behind to check, it bothered you even more how much Doflamingo still would not acknowledge your exit at all.
Such a sudden contrast with as much as he couldn’t go without physical contact with you mere moments ago.
And you were nearly limping by then, just as he’d said. As much as you tried to prevent it, following Giolla out of the room while Baby 5 shadowed behind you.
When all but his three executives had exited, and the door had been safely closed again, Doflamingo finally sighed.
He tilted his head back, looking to the ceiling briefly as if some answer may be written there for him before his smile returned reflexively. 
He laughed abruptly in absence of any other outlet.
“Fuck…it has been a weird week.” He announced, putting his hands behind his head, and stretching his torso slightly as he breathed out, like letting more of that tension dissolve from his muscles before he relaxed again.
His head tilted down to look at the others once more as his hands moved back into his pockets.
“She acts so much like Tsuru, doesn’t she?” Diamante said to him with a smirk then, elbow resting against the diamond seat’s armrest as his fist propped up his cheek. “So guarded.”
“Feh. Well, I blame you two. Could you have eye fucked her any harder than that, Diamante?” Doflamingo complained in immediate response, but still relaxed enough to show that this was more familial annoyance than actual anger. “Pica was the only goddamn gentleman here.”
Trebol snorted, mucus hanging from his face as always. “But I didn’t do anything, Doffy!”
“You were breathing like you were about to suck her face, Trebol. Pay the fucking pool girls more, go get laid. Goddamn.” Doflamingo grumbled to that.
“I was just observing her wounds,” Diamante replied calmly, but smiling back at his master none the less.
They’d all known each other long enough to understand where the real lines were. And this wasn’t yet it.
“Yeah, trying to see the slit under her skirt you mean, not the one on her thigh.” Doflamingo’s lip curled in a bit of further annoyance regardless.
“Well, Doffy, was is it as good as you thought it’d be?” Trebol asked abruptly.
Which brought an immediate noise of disgust from Pica.
“Oh shut up.” Trebol fussed to Pica’s obvious judgement. “Doffy chased this one for years! Why wouldn’t we ask!?”
“I thought we were going to talk about business.” Pica squeaked.
“If it was Sir Crocodile, Pica would be far more interested.” Diamante teased. “Just because it pees sitting down, you don’t want it. But the rest of us are far more equal opportunity.”
Doflamingo groaned. “We don’t pick on Pica for that.”
“Thank you, Doffy.” Pica huffed.
“But yes, it was goddamn good.” Doflamingo still answered Trebol regardless. “And oh, she wanted it. Scylla was a nonstop fuckfest until that little Nefertari cunt got in the way.” 
Pica looked to the side, unimpressed, but Trebol flailed in his own chair a bit. “Behehe! I knew it!”
And of course it was difficult to say how much of this filthy talk was genuine, and how much was just the masculine posturing Doflamingo had learned that they expected from him.
But it was all part of the game, bravado and such. This boys’ club, only made even more extreme in their unique lack of morals and shared need to compensate for so many shortcomings to start with.
“Though you mention the reptile…” Doflamingo did feel that tension in his stomach beginning again in reference to that prick. “He’s a lot of the reason I had to take her and run. I wasn’t planning on bringing her here so soon. But plans changed.”
And all three of the executives were now looking at him seriously.
“It was Crocodile’s agents that attacked at that ball. I even talked to the fucker on a snail. He was so shitty to me as always.” 
“The audacity!” Diamante spat, genuinely looking angry then as he straightened up in his chair so quickly.
“We should just go to Alabasta and kill him, Doffy! Let’s do it for real this time!” Trebol’s voice also immediately sharpened, snot spilling out over each armrest of the club seat in his agitation.
Only Pica seemed contemplative, before responding far more calmly by comparison. “I’m so sorry, Doffy. He doesn’t see your worth. But he never has.” And it wasn’t patronizing at all. Somehow it never was from Pica. 
The room was quiet after that as well. Doflamingo’s hands clenching within his pockets as he bit his bottom lip slightly. Just before another smile spread across his face to erase that fleeting emotion. “It’s fine.” He said. “I told gator boy that he’d already been replaced. But I’m not sure if he’s done. I don’t think that he is. I feel like he’s going to make some kind of move on her just to spite me. Perhaps it’s paranoia on my part…but I’m not sure.”
“She’ll be safe here, Doffy.” Pica assured.
And Doflamingo did take another deep breath. That was something else he needed to get off of his chest as well. “Yeah, about that...” He paused again, but only briefly before he just forced the words out. There was no reason to play around. Not with them. “I’m reinstating the rule of blood effective immediately. That marine is now under its protection. I want you to tell your subordinates. But she’s not to know.”
And to watch the initial surprise wash across his executives’ faces, followed by the gradual dawn of what it could actually mean for you was strange to witness even for the warlord.
But he did not back down in response to their shock. Though Diamante was the first to ask the question aloud. Something Doflamingo never would have thought would one day be discussed here within the Hall of Suits.
“Young master…are you implying that that girl is…with child?” 
Only Donquixote blood had ever met this standard within his group. To be protected and guarded, punished under penalty of death to those that would dare spill even a drop of it.
“She will be.” Doflamingo answered so firmly, no hesitation that time. “Because this is what I want. And the heart seat has sat empty long enough.”
He was staring at that empty chair now as he tried to keep the resulting stress from his voice. The pain which came every time he considered who that chair really should have been meant for. 
“Can’t you imagine it, gentlemen? We haven’t had a proper new recruit in so long. They always disappoint us in the end…or betray. Because of that innate weakness within them. But how could anyone that came from my own body ever fail to that degree? Someone that I’ll be able to shape straight from its mother’s womb this time. Don’t you want to find out?”
“A royal heir.” Pica said in sudden awe.
“A new demon to be your right hand in this world.” Trebol added, cruel eyes looking over the top of his own sunglasses then.
“All that and more.” Doflamingo sneered. “A new generation of Donquixote blood. My blood.”
The doctor hadn’t been terrible. You could tell he was obviously a civilian. The Donquixote family didn’t actually have a physician within their crew. Which, yes, what self respecting doctor could have tolerated them and their violence for long after taking any oath to heal?
But this whole thing with going back to the room after your leg had been fully redressed was its own new weirdness.
You’d reasonably assumed that you’d get no privacy of your own in this place. So the fact that they were saying that this was your room was wholly contradictory to all the possessive claims Doflamingo had made from the very beginning. All that talk of having you beside him in his bed alone at first opportunity and all.
And walking around in your so called room with Giolla and Baby 5 now, it was hard to imagine even the king’s chambers being much bigger than this. The layout was beautiful and spotless, clearly recently cleaned. Large windows had their heavy red curtains pulled open for so much natural light as you’d walked to one of them.
Giolla was still rattling on about all the color changes she’d make if allowed, calling the room a blank canvas in an almost angry way. But the real view in the distance had soon caught your eye as you’d stared out of the window, fully ignoring her.
“That’s Flower Hill.” Came the other voice then.
You gave Baby 5 a sharp look as you didn’t like being snuck up on that way. But she wasn’t even looking at you, her entire focus was beyond the palace as well.
“I wish my bedroom faced it.” She sighed, but then smiled. “You should ask the young master to take you there if you like flowers. I bet he would. He doesn’t get out much. He’s always working. It’d be good for him.”
“You don’t have to pretend, Baby 5. And you don’t have to talk to me just because he told you to.” You replied simply. Not cold, just honest before you turned back away from that window to keep exploring. 
You could understand why he’d sent Giolla. Maybe not trusting you alone with his male crew just yet. And that woman was still capable enough with her devil fruit to give you a hard time if you’d tried anything.
But with Baby 5, Doflamingo already knew your weakness for kids. Though she appeared to be a teen now. 
That really young looking girl with the blue green hair probably would have made more sense to use if he was going to scheme that way. But that girl had almost been staring daggers through you during the entire meeting, so perhaps not.
“Huh?” You heard Baby 5 ask anyway though, still following you as you’d walked to what at first you’d thought was a door to the bathroom. Just to find it was actually a whole walk in closet. Actually you could have probably jogged a small lap in it. 
“Goddamn.” You cursed, seeing the dresses already hanging in there.
“Whattttt!?” Baby 5 gasped, immediately running in as she realized it was fully stocked as well. She looked from the dresses to the shoes, to the jewelry. She was almost trembling as she touched some of the fabric in surprise. “This wasn’t even here yesterday! Giolla! Giolla, look!” She whined.
“Oh, calm down. They were delivered this morning.” Giolla scoffed, still eyeballing the blank walls.
Baby 5 seemed to have forgotten about you entirely then. She was now sorting through the necklaces, eyes looking rather wet as she held up one after another.
You sighed, again remembering exactly where you were. Pirates and their damn treasure…and this all bought with blood money you were sure. Nothing you wanted to be a part of. “Take as much as you want if your boss doesn’t care. I don’t wear that stuff anyway.” You told the girl.
Her head whipped around immediately. “I…can I? Can I!?”
She was excited enough that you backed up slightly, almost concerned that she might hug you. You barely knew one another. “If Doflamingo doesn’t care…” You reaffirmed. Even with her only being a pirate, you wouldn’t intentionally get a teenager in trouble with him.
“If I don’t care about what?” Came that unmistakable voice from the still open doorway though.
And all three of you looked immediately in his direction. Which again, it should have been humiliating how quickly you stilled just with the return of his presence. You did feel his eyes on you now.
But Baby 5 had already dashed past you, her hands full of several necklaces as she bowed at the waist to him. “Young master! The marine said I could have these! May I!? Please!? She said I could!”
Giolla rolled her eyes behind her pointed cat eye glasses. “Quit bothering him! You’re so whiny sometimes, girl.”
But Doflamingo only smiled, hands in his pockets as he strolled right past Baby 5. “I guess if this marine said you could…”
“Thank you, young master!” And Baby 5 was back out that door with the jewelry in a flash. As if she didn’t want anyone to have a chance to change their mind.
“Young master…” Giolla sighed. “She’ll just pawn them or someone else will steal them from her.”
“I know.” Yet he had walked over to you even as he answered her. “But it made her happy for a moment didn’t it?”
And you were staring at him, uncertain if that exchange was all in show for you or not.
“Thanks for babysitting, Giolla. I can take it from here.” He was grinning in response to your stare. “I’m done working for tonight.”
“Very well. But I still think this wall would be far better served with a mural. Cubism with fiery reds, pinks, and hmm…blues? Like a volcano meeting the summer sky!” 
“Good night, Giolla.” Doflamingo said rather gently.
“Good night, young master!” She responded, yet still somewhat distracted as she had walked out still mumbling something about compatible color palettes.
When the door had shut again, you found yourself alone with the warlord once more as you’d looked up into those shining sunglasses.
“She was babysitting me, huh?” You asked him, though still considering his posture carefully. Was he back in a better mood now?
“Somebody has to,” He smirked, and then he did reach up, moving his sunglasses back up into his hair in order to really look at you.
You blinked, still not used to that reveal each time. Especially not when you got to watch those expressive eyes actually relax at you. 
“You were being a bitch earlier you know.” He said calmly. “Why wouldn’t you talk to my family?”
So you’d been right. He’d given you the cold shoulder at the end of that meeting all because he’d thought you didn’t handle that forced socialization like he wanted you to?
“Yeah, let me just sit you down with Garp or Akainu some day and see how that goes.” You only half joked, easily admitting that that wasn’t a scenario that’d likely go very well for you either. Not with the admiral at least. “Akainu hates me too though. And he’s the only one that answered the damn phone earlier. Lucky me.”
And you saw Doflamingo’s expression change. Like he was trying to digest one thing at a time. “You called Akainu?” His thin eyebrows raised.
“No. I called Tsuru, but it never would connect. They must be out of range again. So then I called HQ and they said Sengoku and Garp were out of the office. So I asked for an admiral. And lo and behold, only one wasn’t already on the phone.”
“And why does he hate you?” Doflamingo asked next.
There was something sadly funny in it too. You knew you shouldn’t have mentioned it at all. Not to a pirate. But somehow you just didn’t care in this moment either.
“I think he knows how stupid I really am.” Was what you finally said. Rarely were you this self deprecating out loud. But it was obviously true this time.
It must be, because Doflamingo was standing so close to you again. And you didn’t stop yourself. 
You were the one that reached for him first. Worn down and so isolated here among old enemies. The need for his warmth was abruptly overwhelming to you. 
And with the way Doflamingo tensed, you’d surprised him as well as your arms went around his bare waist, under his open shirt and that pink feather coat as you laid the side of your face against his torso. Skin to skin.
He silenced, still looking down at you as you actually hugged him. You hugged the goddamn warlord who had brought you here like only a conquered object on parade.
But within seconds a large hand was on your back, keeping you close as he stroked you from your shoulder blades down to just above the top of your skirt.
“So this is how it’s going to be, hmm?” He murmured and you felt the muscles in his abdomen relaxing again. “You’re going to be a bitch marine in front of my crew, but then come cuddling up to me when you’re tired and we’re finally alone?”
“I don’t know.” You said honestly. There was no precedent for this. “You still feel good.”
“So do you.” He did agree. But then you felt yourself being lifted easily again. “But this is your room. Come on, woman.”
“What?” You asked, confused as he carried you right past your bed.
Those pain killers the doctor had prescribed were on the nightstand in a bottle there as he saw and pocketed them however. 
You just watched as he walked over to a stone book shelf in the corner next. Holding you up with one arm, his other hand pulled his strings to make that shelf move open on a hidden hinge.
Your eyes widened as you felt the air movement that emerged. You heard him chuckle as your grip had tightened on him and he slipped into that narrow passage with you. Him being careful actually to not let you scrape the wall before he’d continued out into the darkness and with another sound of moving stone, new light poured through.
Dimmer, and with more hues of red however as the sun was now setting through the windows of this new room. Yes, you’d thought your room had been large. And you’d been entirely wrong. As this was practically a residence in its own right, now sprawled before you as you tried to take in the true size of it.
“This castle predates Mariejois.” He said carefully. “And these connecting spaces were the original royal chambers before Riku’s bloodline tried to change everything. They thought this was too ostentatious, too big for any one family. They used these as storage and public meeting areas instead and moved their own bed chambers to lower floors. But when I took over…I put it back to how it should be. This was the original king’s chambers. Connecting to the other rooms of his spouse and children through those passage ways. So that they could all come and go while never having to fully interact with the lesser court and staff in the rest of the castle.”
You couldn’t imagine anyone ever being this rich. Even with it laid out here right in front of you. With a main locked door that still shut this off from the more public palace corridor. Just in what you could see right now, there was an open living area, a large sitting room with paintings and statues, and a separate hallway that must lead to the actual king bed chamber and bath.
“You live here…alone?” You asked with your arms still loosely around his neck as he held you in his arms. 
“I did.” He answered. 
And there was a new nervousness in you in the way you felt him carrying you down that hallway to his bedroom. Right past a fully stocked bar of wine, rum, beer, vodka, and gods knew what else. 
He’d brought you over a threshold once before on his ship. But this was even more personal, even more private as that massive bed came into view. 
With all of this before you…for the very first time you did really believe that this was what it meant to be in the intimate company of the King of Dressrosa. And you did not know how to feel about that.
“Doffy…” You tried. You knew he had talked about wanting this. But if he got too absorbed in his fantasies again, he could lose self control like before. He would really hurt you again.
“Take the pain killer.” He insisted, and then he was sitting on that dark bed with you in his lap as he pulled the bottle back out of his coat pocket. “Or am I going to have to force feed you this?”
“Why are you so adamant?” You asked, with your voice beginning to sound even more worried.
“Because I don’t feel like getting my ribs broken when you arbitrarily decide the lovemaking hurts too much.”
And you took a breath. Part of you immediately angry that he would even insinuate that you had somehow overreacted when punching him that hard the last time he’d hurt you during sex.
And yet, another part of your brain was also hitching on the sudden shift in semantics which led him to call that activity lovemaking for the very first time.
The two feelings somewhat cancelled each other out honestly as you just looked at him without finding something to really say in response.
“And there you go not talking again. Don’t do that shit. It’s annoying.” He huffed, opening the pill bottle now.
“I’m not taking those dry.” You finally said then. 
And he did smirk there. “Oh you weak thing. You want it to be wet to wash these down…you want it to be wet when I put it in you. Can’t you ever just take things as they are?”
“Can’t you ever be gentle?” You retorted right back at him there at least.
He grinned, but sliding you out of his lap as he stood from the bed. Leaving you alone on its edge as he walked to the nearest snail on an end table.
“Feh. You’d get bored of that real fast. But in the name of variety…yes. I sometimes can.” And he clicked that snail, still with the pill bottle in his other hand.
“Yes, your highness?” A hurried voice immediately came from the other end.
“Bring up dinner to my chambers. With plates, utensils, and water for two.”
“Yes, right away, sir. And would you like dessert for two as well?”
He hesitated. “What is the dessert tonight?”
“Flores de hojaldre, sir.” They quickly replied.
He glanced at you, and the look you gave was entirely unhelpful as you had no idea what that even was.
But his resulting smile told you that he obviously did. “Yeah, that for two as well.”
“Your order is placed with the chef, sir. We will have it up momentarily.”
And they weren’t kidding. You’d basically only had time to take off your boots and coat. Which he put away for you somewhere. 
Then before you knew it he’d unlocked the door out in the living area and servants had rolled a cart in and up to a dining table in yet another section out there. They served the food and set everything before discreetly disappearing just as quickly as they’d come.
The table was the expected rectangular shape. It looked about as old as the castle itself, heavy and wooden as you approached, noting his obvious seat at the head of it. But your place had been set just on his left.
On his blind side. Yet, he seemed comfortable with that as you’d joined him. He had put his sunglasses back on in the lantern light. But then raised them into his hair again once the servants had left.
And finally you did take just two of those pain pills with a goblet of ice water as you watched that lantern light moving on his cheek bones.
“Happy now?” You asked him.
“Very,” he smiled. But he was already eating. This time the entree was a roasted pork dish with a pepper sauce.
And you were eating too, but slower than him as you were still taking in all the details. They’d already uncovered the dessert tray before leaving. And you hated to admit, but it was that old cliche of almost looking too good to eat. 
They were little pastries that looked like roses. But even prettier than the real thing actually. Flowers made from the pastry sheet being layered over and over like petals and dusted with powdered sugar and a drizzle of honey.
“You like flowers?” Doflamingo asked after he’d taken another deep drink of the water himself, noticing you still examining one of those desserts.
At least he’d be sober tonight you thought. No open alcohol to be seen yet.
“I guess?” You answered.
“What do you mean you guess?” He mocked rather quickly though.
You shrugged. “Flowers aren’t really something we get to have at sea. There’s nowhere to plant them.”
“You’re far too sheltered.” He scoffed anyway. “I think I’ll need to complain to Tsuru.”
And you rolled your eyes, taking another drink too.
But it did all feel strangely casual. Enough that you were able to ask something else.
“So are you really going to waste money on some fancy ring? You know I can’t wear that when I fight. It’ll catch on everything and get in my way.”
And his attention did refocus there as he turned his head to see you fully. His eyes were more cautious again. “I didn’t say you had to wear it every day. An engagement ring is for show. But you are getting a wedding band. I don’t care if you break someone’s nose with it. They’re going to know you aren’t available any longer as you crush them.”
“And will the king be wearing one as well?” You asked a little more bratty there, not fully on board with being tagged this way yourself honestly.
“Of course.” He smiled almost darkly however. “But I’m not saying that would solve all of our problems. A piece of metal is nothing to most. You’ll still need to protect your territory.”
“My what?” 
And he gave you a skeptical look. But then acted like you were just that simple and needed this more clearly laid out for you. “You don’t want anyone else fucking me, correct? So you have to claim me.”
Well you had been enjoying your food. Did things have to go here? Did he need his ego stroked again this soon?
“I don’t want a STD secondhand from a pool girl, no. If that’s what you’re asking. Do you at least make them get tested regularly?” The better brothels usually did, as well as providing effective contraceptive at all times of course.
Only the shitholes like where you’d grown up in didn’t. Which is how you’d been born at all. You and so many other of those brothel kids that you’d helped take care of right up until the time you finally escaped with Tsuru.
And Doflamingo did scowl then. He wanted to be flattered, to feel that you wanted him all to yourself you were sure. He did not want to be suddenly lectured on best healthcare practices with his pool whores.
“I told you I always use protection with everyone else.” He muttered.
“They don’t suck it with a condom over you I’m sure. And condoms can break.” Especially as well endowed and rough as he always was actually.
He was clearly getting irritated though. “So what are you supposing we do? Are you going to stay here with your legs open for me day and night so that I don’t need backup options? I thought you wanted to keep sailing.”
And finally you did look a little more hurt yourself there. Though you shouldn’t have. It was a ridiculous and gross conversation to even be having when you already knew the answer. “Just being available isn’t enough to make a man love me or be faithful. You’re going to fuck who you want to and there’s nothing I can do about it. So don’t even pretend otherwise.”
And you’d heard the resulting growl just before he’d moved. Even with his usual temper, it didn’t make sense to you that this particular truth would goad him like this.
A long arm had shot across that corner of the table to catch you by the jaw. “You stupid woman.” He forced you to look up at him further in your surprise.
“I don’t want fodder any longer. But if you think love is something just freely given and not fought and killed for, then that’s exactly why you’ve never had it!”
And it wasn’t his grip alone that had your heart feeling so suddenly off pace with that outburst. It was the strange look in his eyes. And it was whatever was abruptly in your own voice as you’d retorted just as fiercely before you could stop yourself.
He’d hit that nerve in you.
“What are you talking about!? I did fight for it! Every time I could and they still didn’t care!” You heard those words from your own mouth. But it felt like someone else was saying them for you.
And his eyes narrowed. His hand did not let go of your jaw. “Then who? Who did you waste that energy on?” You saw the way even his left eye seemed to be focusing on you from beyond the scar tissue now. It put a chill through you as he asked something so much worse as you froze. “Who did you ever love?”
There was no possible response that would’t make this immediately worse for you. He’d know if you lied. He’d know if you told the truth.
Why in hell was he doing this?
“Answer me!” He hissed.
And he was going to fucking dislocate your jaw if he squeezed much harder.
You had no choice as that twisting sensation went through your chest. You didn’t think, you didn’t plan. That name came straight from those old feelings alone as you let it go.
“Kuzan….it was just Kuzan.”
It didn’t matter how brief your time with that fellow marine had really been. Because you’d chased the same feeling in every man after him hadn’t you? That safety and level of affection that had never been repeated.
And you saw the immediate change in Doflamingo’s eyes at that revelation. Like a mirror to your own when he now saw something he couldn’t take back. Something he could never undo in you, no matter how hard you knew he was going to try.
“Just because he fucked you first!?” Came the initial petulant response. “I told you I would have! I wanted you before he even knew who you were!”
And it was beginning to hurt inside of you again. More pain than even his vice like grip as the desperation grew.
“It wasn’t about timing!” You cried back at him. “He didn’t want anything from me! I chose him, I went after him! I let him be the first because I already had those feelings…”
And Doflamingo’s chest heaved. You saw his lips draw tight, pulling away from his teeth. And for all that was holy, you could swear you heard that man’s voice start to break. “You were too fucking young to know the difference! You don’t know what love is! I know that you don’t!”
He was fully yelling at you then. His arm that still held your face was trembling.
Tears were starting in your eyes. And then he said it, like a gunshot.
“Because I love you! Only me! Do you understand!? Why the fuck do you think I would put myself through all of this!? I could have any bitch! Any man! Because you’re all goddamn trash! But I get to choose who I want! I get to choose who to take and who to spare to be at my side!”
And he’d shoved you in full disgust then, your head hitting the seat back of your chair as he’d let you go.
You saw the way the muscles in his face moved. A terrifying combination of rage and grief as you shuddered in return, waiting for him to come out of his seat after you.
But he didn’t. He was breathing too hard, his bare chest still rising and falling as he stared at you unblinking.
And you were left shaking in response. This new habit that only he seemed capable of bringing out in you. Your body had no idea how to otherwise dispel these intense emotions.
And he exhaled loudly. His fist was clenched against the table top. “I want you to be my wife. That’s why you’re here! I don’t care about your past. Just do what I’m telling you to do. It’s as simple as signing a goddamn piece of paper. Do it before anyone else fucks this up for us. Then when you’re ready, we can go back to Scylla. Together. We’ll have the kind of ceremony that we deserve.”
He was bargaining so suddenly there. From full rage back to bargaining. There was a true desperation in it all as his anger visibly weakened. The mounting stress was eating that power back away from him.
“Say yes goddamn it.” He growled anyway when you still didn’t respond quickly enough.
But you couldn’t find any words. Your throat felt too tight as you finally just nodded at him. Tears were stained all down your face by now.
And the blood vessels in his forehead were pulsing as you heard his teeth grit when the top and bottom briefly slid against one another. 
You knew that neither of you were going to eat anymore tonight as he did stand then and pushed his chair back.
His grip was on your arm shortly after as he pulled you out of your own chair.
You didn’t resist, but you didn’t look at him either as he picked you up in his arms again.
And he said nothing this time as he carried you back to that royal bed chamber.
No words at all as he’d let you down on the bed shortly after, and then started taking off his clothes. The sunglasses he set down on another small table nearby. His coat he’d already hung up before eating. Now just leaving his shoes, shirt, and pants as he took those off one by one before casting them to the floor.
He was fully nude as he then kneeled onto the bed and starting undressing you as well.
And you just let him. Your own mind still so confused, so overwhelmed as you felt his glare across you.
It was all done in terrible silence as your shirt was unbuttoned, and he reached behind your back to unhook your bra with one hand. He slid them both off of you, tossed into that same pile with his own clothes before your skirt and then underwear joined them.
He did pause there, like observing your naked body in full regardless. Before taking another stressed breath and backing back off of the bed to return his feet to the floor. 
You could see his erection already starting to rise before he grabbed you by the ankles and dragged you until your slit was exposed to him at the very edge of the mattress.
He was on his knees again then, in some sick way resembling someone about to pray before he spread your legs just enough to bend down and put his face abruptly between them.
Nothing with him should have surprised you by now. 
But your thighs immediately tried to close at the sensation, and you felt the small metal hoops of Doflamingo’s earrings rubbing against that skin as his tongue pushed out as hard as possible against your entrance.
That pink muscle so long and so very wet as it probed just inside of you, before he undulated it roughly across the outside again. Along the entire length of your slit, all the way from your rectum to up against your clit. He gave attention to it all without ever uttering another word. Deep, long licks as your breathing deepened and your thighs still tensed around him.
And with your legs over his shoulders, he even began kissing you there as well. You felt his lips, softer than they had any right to be while they moved over your clit. His nose pressing you, but his body language still frustrated even as he began to suck that bundle of your nerves so carefully
Never had he been as purposeful and slow as this. Just moving from one part to another. Not even trying specifically to make you cum as he so easily could have if he’d forced the stimulation any faster already.
He alternated attention to your thighs as well. Kissing and licking them too as you still kept them relatively close around his head.
His large hands were still holding your legs apart though, stroking them as well. And surely able to feel whenever they finally started to have that involuntary tremor. He even paused when you did. Letting you ride those little orgasms to their completion instead of over stimulating you to interrupt them.
But even then you were mostly quiet. Little sighs and mewls all that he could force out of you as your mind still churned. Why was he doing this?
He wanted something. You just didn’t know what.
And as time did pass, you realized that even though you were still awake, things started to feel more dulled. You knew what he was doing with his mouth, and you knew how good it felt. But it still seemed so distant after a while.
Further confusing to you as he did eventually stand so much later and you finally heard him say something again. His voice sounded far more even now. “How do you feel? You’re so wet…and I can’t wait much longer. But we’ll still start off with something smaller. Only for you…this is for you.”
And you didn’t understand at all what he was doing as he left you briefly to dig in the drawer of one of his end tables. Though you did at last make the realization of why everything seemed so muted and numbed.
It was the pain killers. They were whatever strength Doflamingo had wanted to be given to you weren’t they? And he’d been so pushy about you taking them. This was the result. This is what he’d been stalling for, wasn’t it? He’d wanted to make sure they had time to work.
To leave you sluggish and unable to fully feel as he repositioned you now. He’d moved you up the bed. You still lying on your back, and him now opening your legs again as you realized he had something in his hand. 
“It’s just a toy. Relax.” He said. Almost softly really as you watched that lube slicked dildo get lowered towards your wet core.
But he passed it. He went lower as you felt that tip press your exit instead.
Of course he immediately saw that look of fear on your face.
And he was trying so hard to hold back a smile. “Finally making more sense now? Why do you think I haven’t done this to you before? You’re just small, lover…compared to me at least. I knew I’d need enough time…enough toys to begin this process. Even some extra meds to keep you from beating me black and blue when it really starts. Isn’t that right?”
And you still gasped as he slid that toy gradually inside of you. Your rectum stretching slowly in a sensation you’d never experienced before.
And he was so very hard between his own legs as he watched your every change in expression while that dildo forged further and further upward.
“Doffy…” You found you could still speak then, and he heard that bit of panic already in your tone as his other hand reached out to stroke your hair.
“No, it’s pointless to do that.” He was chiding your anxiety. “It always seems like it won’t fit until it does. I’ll fill you so well, woman…”
He really had waited then. He’d planned this. And should you have ever been surprised? Of course he would see every part of your body as belonging to him. 
But could you even tell him?
You had to. Even with the amount of prep he seemed to already be taking, you were still so afraid. And with good reason.
“But I…” You tried again, your thigh actually quivering a little again as he started to thrust that dildo gently in test.
It did feel similar, but not. It was still so different than anything that you’d had done to you before.
He just thought you were intimidated by his size. And of course you were. He’d already torn you in the front more than once through his own carelessness. 
But this was more than that though. Even as you made another gasping sound as he began pumping that dildo in and out your hole even harder.
It was still so uncomfortable. But you were determined to speak as you finally got those words out. “I’ve…never done this.” You breathed, feeling the mess of that lube already slipping back out of you with the wet sound the toy was now making.
But of course that sound paused as soon as he actually processed your words and his hand stopped moving the toy.
And you saw that bit of disbelief enter Doflamingo’s eyes. But soon enough, so embarrassingly soon enough, also the excitement which replaced it.
“You’ve never let anyone…no. Oh. Oh, fuck, woman.” And his grin was back. Ear to ear in fact as you watched the full realization spread through his twisted mind. And yet he still looked to you as if he had to assure himself more than once that this was possibly real. “You’re telling the truth…aren’t you? Oh, goddamn.”
This was evidently amazing news for him once he did finally accept it.
“So Kuzan beat me to the front…and yet no one has ever claimed the back?” He reiterated. “How careless…cruel even. Lover, it’s the whole body or nothing. Why would anyone only want part of you?”
You just hadn’t been ready for that back then of course. And it never came back up. Neither Kuzan or Smoker had had any interest in pushing you out of your comfort zone. They took whatever you were willing to give and that was the end of it.
While Doflamingo took everything that you had. Not just what you would give him.
And he’d clearly been eager before, but now this was his absolute mission. He was ecstatic. “Alright. Time for the next size up then…” He somewhat purred, discarding the used toy before briefly leaving the bed to grab and lube another one.
Again you did feel that anxiety of course, seeing the new dildo’s even larger girth as he returned and lowered it to your hole just like the previous one.
“No, don’t tense. You were doing so good before. Let it in.” He instructed, even as he started to push the toy past the muscles of that lower entrance regardless.
And you did make a sound of fresh discomfort, eliciting a chuckle from him. “Well you’re doing it to yourself. Fucking relax. Save all that squeezing for me, woman.”
“I…can’t.” You gasped as soon as he began thrusting this toy as well. The hole stretching around it even further, and that ever increasing inward pressure feeling so wholly bizarre.
“You can.” He said so decisively though, but his thumb found your clit for that additional assurance as he began rubbing it in tandem with the thrusts of the toy.
And the quiet moan that escaped you then only had him looking that more self-assured. “You see? It’s all connected. Your body knows what it wants. You want to be filled to the brim in every way, don’t you? And nobody does it better than me.”
His arrogance was endless. And yet, even as helpless as you felt beneath him, you knew it could be so much worse. But the more he talked, the more you feared it soon would be. 
His restraint was fading as his anticipation grew.
This was evident in the way his tongue was curling upward as it slid from his mouth then. That darker glint forming in his eyes as he watched you further stretching around the toy. 
He watched as he began to fuck you harder and harder with it.
He was going to take you soon regardless. But if he fully lost his composure, you knew he would drop all this pretense in an instant. He would savage you whenever his lust overcame him.
For this reason, you tried to suppress more of those moans that did actually want to come from you. Especially as he still worked your swollen clit alongside all that foreign pressure.
But he saw the arousal in your face. He knew.
“I think you’re as ready as you’re going to be…aren’t you, my queen?” And his voice was so low then. He let go of your clit to begin stroking himself now. He was smiling, tongue almost nervous in the way he licked his own lips.
And the fear was still rising within you. Even with the drugs numbing effect as you felt the briefest relief from that toy being removed. Your stupid body thinking it had survived. As if there would be any real time to recover as he had the lube bottle already in his hand again. 
He anointed that clear liquid over his flushed cock, from tip to base. He’d been hard for so long by now. His massive erection that was still so much larger than any toy he’d had, now throbbing only for you.
“Remember what I confessed to you, my queen.” And he was starting to growl as he angled himself against your little hole. “This is my love for you…this is what love is.” 
And strings had jerked your hands up above your head just before that penetration. They were was so tight against your skin, your wrists stinging as even more followed. The glimmering wires around your legs as well to hold them permanently open. 
He would take no chances of you fighting back this time. Even with the foreplay, even with the painkillers, and even with the toys to help prime you…he must still know how very much this was going to hurt you.
But his needs would always stand above your own.
So he did it. He did it even as his hand covered your mouth and your resulting scream from penetration became muffled against his skin as he forced himself all the way inside.
Your hips were flush together this time. Farther than your cunt could have ever taken him. No cervix in his way, nothing in his way at all as his own immediate moan bled into what was left of your scream.
“Goddamn…oh, woman. Do you understand…this is…it’s heaven.” He shuddered as you tightened further around him, uneven breaths heaving through his chest as his then half lidded eyes met yours. 
There were tears in your eyes again, his hand still so tight over your mouth. His fingertips pressing sharply into the sides of your face.
“Don’t do that…” His words were still coming in moans as he began to thrust right through that stinging you recognized as your body already tearing. “Don’t cry…” He was panting. 
“I love you…I do.” He breathed. His hips were just moving harder and harder. “I know it…because only love hurts us this way. Doesn’t it?”
And you tried to close your eyes, trying to catch your breath when you couldn’t get enough air through your nose alone.
But as soon as you’d done that his voice changed so quickly again.
“Look at me!” He snapped
And as he kept thrusting over and over, those first beads of sweat were starting on his tan skin while you did as he commanded.
When your frightened eyes met his stare though, he only bared his teeth as well, soaking in your attention. It was a smile and yet it wasn’t. You didn’t even know what that expression was. “Will you…” He stammered as his hips pounded you relentlessly. “Will you ever…” He tried again and the words were lost between his own desperate gasps. 
And he bit his own bottom lip suddenly before those unfinished words could come again. As if in pure frustration for not being able to articulate what he wanted. As if punishing his own mouth to your further shock. Blood began to run down from that self inflicted wound. It dripped from his chin as he began to laugh uncontrollably.
The sound of Doflamingo’s laughter echoed in the large bed chamber, alongside those wet, vulgar sounds of violent sex.
And when the laugh did finally fade again, you felt those drops of blood now falling from his broken lip onto you as he leaned down further.
He was looming over you then. His broad chest fully sheened with sweat. And his cock still splitting you inside as he licked the fresh blood from his lips.
He tried again to speak. And this time he succeeded.
“Tell me, woman…tell me you’ll love me back someday. It doesn’t matter if it’s true…I haven’t heard it since I was a child. I just want to remember what it sounds like…I want to hear it.”
And his hand slipped off of your mouth then, loosely grasping your throat instead. His bloody smile waiting, leering.
“Doffy…” You gasped, trying to reclaim some of your breath. The pressure still unbelievable within you, even with the drug’s strong effects.
He was so incredibly broken. And he was breaking you too. Like nothing you had ever seen before. You didn’t know how to escape this cycle, even as you still cried.
“Let me hold you first…” You begged, your arms fully numb above your head in those strings by now. “Please…”
And you saw his hesitation. Even in the throws of lust and need. “…you’ll strike me.” He said so immediately.
“I won’t.” You whimpered. You couldn’t take this any longer. 
And even in his current wildness, he looked stressed at the idea. His eyes never left you, his thrusting did begin to slow. 
Yet, something tilted the scale eventually. Likely only his own desire to be touched by you in turn as he abruptly moved his fingers. Your arms and legs hit limp against the bed as the strings finally released.
“Thank you…” You could even breathe better then, without your arms strung so tightly above your head.
And your word was something you did always do your best to keep. Even as you saw the concern still in his eyes as you moved your arms again.
He had tensed. His haki at the ready this time no doubt. 
But of course you didn’t trick him. The only habitual manipulator here was the man above you as your palms cupped either side of his lean face instead.
He was still beautiful, even when he was hurting you. With that new fear in his eyes, that blood still seeping from his mouth. He didn’t know at all what you were going to say to him.
And it didn’t matter. Even if heaven and hell would have come together to laugh at you now. You still wanted him to hear the truth. Because didn’t everyone deserve to, if even once?
And you knew it was true. It must be. The only reason you weren’t doing everything in your power to fight back. The reason you kept letting him use you this way.
“I’m…I am already falling in love with you, Doflamingo.”
You saw him swallow. There was no smile, no laugh then. Just an utterly lost look on his face. 
But he turned his head further against one of your hands, confusion the next emotion on his face. While his blind eye closed and he kissed your hand so softly. “…will you tell me then…will you tell me when I’ve earned it all the way…”
“I will.” You heard yourself say. Those tear stains still on your face. The blood on his.
He shivered. And his hips began moving again. 
He did close both of his eyes now. Fully trusting you then. No longer afraid as he gave in to the feeling of your body alone. That pressure of being buried into you all the way to the hilt as he began rubbing your clit all over again to take you over that final edge with him.
It wasn’t much longer until you both had been moaning for that pleasure within the pain, and Doflamingo came so hard inside of you with a last shuddering gasp, almost a cry from him as his eyes remained tightly shut. His face still held within your protective hands.
He was panting, sweating and still shaking as his eyes gradually opened to meet your own tired ones below him again.
“You’re…you’re the one.” He told you so surely as he swallowed again. “The one I’ve been waiting for.”
    T⨂  BE 
Thanks for reading!
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racfoam · 2 days
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OH MY GOD EVERYBODY MOVE, oh my god. Oda, I fckn -
I love you, Oda.
Okay, okay, so Doflamingo is all bird-themed, we all know that.
And this little detail escaped me (I feel so ashamed) in Ep 727.
He called Luffy a fledgling. (Idk if he said it in Japanese but I'm pretty sure the sub team wouldn't put fledgling out of nowhere)
This is absolutely awesome.
Now, in my defense, English isn't my first language but I still like know this means baby bird.
It's such a little detail in dialogue but so awesome and cute that he calls Luffy a fledgling.
Omg it's adorable. 🥹
Okay, an explanation.
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fledgling (noun) - a young bird that has just fledged
Now let's see what fledged means and this is where the details are awesome and made me go "awwww" and "I love Oda."
fledged - (of a young bird) having wing feathers that are large enough for flight; able to fly
fledge - (of a young bird) develop wing feathers that are large enough for flight.
Fledglings do not have full wings yet. They have only developed wing feathers. Yes, they can fly, but they still stay with their parents in their nest.
Anyway, a fitting word Doflamingo uses for Luffy. He is sorta underestimating him here even though he sees Luffy can fly bcs Luffy is still not as good at flying as Doflamingo. Luffy can fly, just not very well in Doflamingo's mind.
Therefore he calls Luffy a FLEDGLING.
Oh, and Luffy not having awakened his DF, but that's not important rn. If we then go following this... This is how Doflamingo might have (absolutely 100000%) called the younger kids of the Donquixote Family:
HATCHLING: babies & toddlers (Baby Dellinger 🥺)
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NESTLING: kids aged like 10-13 year-old Law & Baby 5. He probably starts calling them nestlings after 5 years old.
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FLEDGLING: teenagers + straw-hat wearing kid who thinks he can fly but can't fly as well as an adult bird and doesn't know about DF Awakenings pfff what an idiot
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Thanks for coming to my TED talk. I hope to see this utilized in Donquixote Pirates fics now.
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brawnie · 7 months
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High fashion One Piece - part 1 of a series by Wisdm on Instagram
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shalpilot · 7 months
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put that thing back where it came from or so help me
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vongulli · 10 months
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Can't get them all outta my head!!!!!!
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throwing these into ur enclosure. as a treat. pt1. pt2. pt3. pt4. pt5. pt6.
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halacska-fins · 9 months
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I dont ljke him
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summershouto · 10 months
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gear 5 soon. big weekend for annoying people (me)
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fndmfrenzy · 1 year
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made this.
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themetalhiro · 1 year
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Based on this tweet:
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moonbaby26 · 3 months
Their Favorite Parts
*crossposted to AO3 here*
Prompt: One Piece men and the parts of your body that they fixate on most. 
Reader Type: GN!Reader
Characters: Doflamingo, Kuzan/Aokiji, Crocodile, Smoker, Buggy, Mihawk, Shanks, Law
Warnings: language, references to sex, penetration, oral, and foreplay
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He actually can be gentle with you. But you’ve found that level of care is always only a precursor to something else that he wants. And in the end, he can’t ever let you back to sleep until he’s been inside at least one of your holes and fully spent himself within it. 
Whether this wretched man is pounding between your thighs, or probing you with those long fingers, or dampening you with that equally obscene tongue…he wants to be as deep inside of you as he can possibly be. 
He loves you most when you’re trembling, thighs spread beneath him. Or on your knees looking up as your eyes water with your mouth full of his length. He’ll tell you what a good pet you are even as you plead or choke. 
But it’s as if you were made perfectly for him. He’ll never feel this with another lover. You’re his favorite until he destroys it all. And even then, he may just pull you from the ash to start with you again. Because he would sincerely miss you in his next empire.
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He loves to sleep with his head on your chest. He can hear your heartbeat then and know that you’re still really there. That this isn’t all some terrible illusion, as much as he still feels he doesn’t deserve you and can’t keep you. 
His life has been too complicated. All the way from a respected, yet conflicted marine to whatever the hell people are calling him these days. But you never seem to judge him. You still believe in him, even now. He doesn’t understand your loyalty, but he loves you for it. 
And when the two of you are awake and intimate, he’ll be behind you, hands holding your warm chest as his fingers massage it. The way you lean back into him as your chill bumps form is so trusting. You know that he could freeze your heart in an instant if he chose to. But of course he never would. He wants this to last forever. He needs you at his side.
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Sir Crocodile/Hips
He is certain you do it on purpose by now. The way your ever tight clothing forms around your body. It feels like a specific challenge you’ve made against him. As if you are daring his eyes not to follow you across the room as your hips sway while you walk. 
You’re his favorite assassin already. Though perhaps he can take some blame for letting this favoritism start to go to your head. And yet, even when he plans to punish you, he finds himself enjoying it too much. It’s hard to keep you humble when he’s still moaning your name as he fucks you over the top of his desk. 
With his one hand he grabs into that fleshy hip, riding you to his release as his hook stays warningly against the side of your face. But while you smirk against that curved metal as he finally cums, he knows you haven’t learned your lesson at all. Yet he also realizes that there are still years of this game to come. You’re too efficient to get rid of you anytime soon.
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It was the first thing he ever noticed about you. Just how pouty your lips could look, even as you argued and bitched at him on the battlefield. You cursed him through those lips, always lamenting that he made your shared marine ship smell like an ashtray. 
And by the time he’d found his way into your bunk one night, those same lips were about the only thing he would put his cigars down for. He’d wanted to kiss you for so long. By the time you finally let him, he never wanted to lose that high again. 
It could be soft, it could be rough. Just like you and your ever changing moods. You acted like you hated him until your mouth was over his. Then you were thrusting against him soon enough and whimpering even as you both knew you couldn’t wake the rest of the ship. 
He always started and ended sex with you with those damned lips. And every time he knew curses would be flying from them again tomorrow, even if his name would also be moaning out through them just as passionately each night.
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His life was a circus. And not just in the literal way he would have preferred. Somehow every move he made garnered new success, but equal terror. He never knew what tomorrow would bring. As Cross Guild’s infamy grew, so did his reputation along with it. 
But his nerves were shot, and you could tell. When the others bullied him, you never added to it. He hadn’t a clue why you’d chosen him. But he wouldn’t take it for granted either as you’d come to sit in his lap, late at night in his room. You’d call him your captain, your emperor even, grinding that perfect ass into him as you tried to cheer him up. 
And it always worked. As he’d a bit too desperately slide your pants from you, you always humored him. Letting his hands massage and hold that enticing rear. If he wanted to spank you, you let him do that too. It was just so soft and…comforting? He might not admit it, but you were his only remaining stability in this place. If he lost you, that would have been his breaking point. But he trusted you too when you promised that you were in it for the long haul. He was already your pirate king.
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It was the way you’d looked at him that first time the two of you had ever crossed paths. You weren’t afraid of his history, even as you’d seen him kill a lesser swordsman right in front of you. 
By the time he got to know you better, he’d realized just how much he liked to gaze into those eyes. It was as if he could feel what you were thinking. And as your confidence grew, that ‘come hither’ look of yours became far more prominent as well. 
Just with a glance, he knew exactly when you were craving to have those physical needs sated. And he certainly respected that need, finding it rather quickly a mutual one as he’d often carry you to his bed. 
And even then as his hips would be pumping skillfully against your own, you’d be looking up at him in a haze of pleasure with those same beautiful eyes. A view for him alone, one he would cherish and protect forever more.
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It might have been a bit too crass on his part, that afternoon in the bar when he’d first noticed you from across the room. But his ship wouldn’t be in port for long. There wasn’t time to play this subtle. No, not at all as he’d whistled loudly, catcalling you while his crew had laughed. 
He’d gotten the full view as well when those same lovely legs had carried you right back up to the bar to tell him to go fuck himself. And the way he’d smiled at you just pissed you off even further of course. 
Your anger made you stay. And it was definitely a talent of his to inspire that, but he was persistent too. Soon enough you’d let him buy you a drink, and then a few more. By the time the two of you had been stumbling out of the bar, you were letting him know your room number at the nearby inn. You wanted to know if he was just all talk. He assured you that he was not.
And that night as he did get the privilege of those legs being wrapped around him as your bed creaked and shook in a marathon of lovemaking, he realized his crew probably could find more room on the ship. You had no ties to this town either. 
By morning he was more than pleased when you agreed to board. Beck had protested a little, just at the sudden impracticality of yet another mouth to feed. But Shanks knew you would fit in fine, all of you and those legs laying in his bunk warm beside him for years to come on your way through the New World.
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With an epithet like the Surgeon of Death, he of course knew better than most on the importance of dexterity and skill with the hands. Without his own, he felt that he would have been useless. 
But this appreciation for such talent had quickly extended to you once he’d finally given in. He’d ignored you for as long as he could, too logical in his understanding of how reckless it’d be to pursue a member of his own crew. But so many days and nights alone under the ocean’s surface had finally worn him down. 
The night on the Polar Tang when those skillful fingers of yours had finally been in his hair, and finally unbuttoning his pants soon after was one that had been so long coming. You’d gotten to see that other side of him then as he unraveled almost shamefully beneath your stroking and assurances. 
He’d taken care of everyone else for so long you told him, playing the part of their stoic leader. But you knew he was far from only that as your hands drew out all his pent up need. 
You promised him that he was safe with you. That you were with him until the end. And it was all true. The captain of the Heart Pirates would remain within your capable hands for as long as he desired to. And that desire would prove to be unbreakable.
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extrashortshorts · 11 months
No clowns!!! Getting rid of hehehaha source
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Crocodile is like a dog that wants to attack any type of clown in his sight
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officialmiintee · 5 months
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i never got to post this here apparently but im going thru a donquibros dad au to heal and cope
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shalpilot · 7 months
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Inside of you there are two large birds
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vongulli · 10 months
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Doodles over the past few days!!! Yippee!!
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sweetsnakeart · 1 year
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I don't know if anybody did this before, but I had to lol
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