#doh k
kverything-official · 1 month
Poll Alert!
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POV: These 4 psychopaths are evil to the world but angel to you. SO, who are you going to choose?
Cast your votes here!
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byunbaekhyunie · 9 months
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D.O. 'Somebody' Teaser
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peachysooxo · 6 months
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The Kingdom of Us
Chapter 2
pairing: kyungsoo x OFC genre: Royal!AU, nonidol!soo, crownprince!kyungsoo, romance, drama
theme: arranged marriage, modern royalty, enemies to lovers, war, betrayal, eventual smut word count: 3,197 description: Kyungsoo fights his feelings at the engagement dinner being held for himself and Alina. Part of Alina’s past is revealed, Kyungsoo questions his own motives
warnings: mature themes, mentions of sex, mentions of anxiety, minors DNI
Author’s Notes: hi! Thank you so much for your support. We are getting a little deeper into this world, I hope I don’t make you hate Kyungsoo with this story! No significant warnings this time. Photos are not mine. Dividers by @saradika-graphics ! Happy reading (:
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I stand at the end of the foyer with Chanyeol and Baekhyun on either side of me. I glance up the stairs every so often, waiting for Princess Alina to join us for our dinner. This entire night was for her, it was merely advertised as being for us. It was another formality I had to pretend to be excited about. I had merely been a guest at these engagement dinners before, now the entire family was elated that it was my turn, it meant improvements and promotions for everyone. Though our engagement wasn’t official, it felt like it. I listen to the chatter from my aunts, mother and cousins, the anticipation of the Princess coming down the stairs was unbearable.
Ah, Princess Alina.
Alina gave me a headache and I barely knew her for five hours. Her push back earlier today was a big surprise to me, she isn’t exactly known for having an opinion. Valencia was embarrassingly behind in their treatment of women, unfortunately all anyone can focus on is Alina’s beauty. Too bad all of said beauty goes to ruin the second she opens her mouth. All I know is that she better go along about our agreement, or I will make every single day of her life a living hell. She’s just another thing thrown in my face because she’s a “good decision”, the “right girl to grow the dynasty”. It never occurred to anyone that I didn’t want any of this. Though I didn’t have another woman in mind, it didn’t mean that I couldn’t find a wife on my own.
“Hey, pay attention.” Baekhyun nudges me. Unlike the rest of the family, I allowed Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Yixing to speak informally to me. I don’t have any brothers and they were the closest I could get to siblings. They were the three men I trusted the most in the court.
“I am paying attention. See? I’m waiting for my prison sentence to grace us with her presence.” I nudge him back, a slight growl in my voice.
“That was harsh.” Chanyeol mutters.
“Excuse me?” I look up at my cousin, his cheeks are red and his eyes are downcast. “Do you want her? You can have her.”
“I didn’t say that.” Chanyeol snaps. “I just think you should be nicer to her. She’s young and scared, I know you don’t want this but don’t take it out on her.”
My eyebrows raise and an unfamiliar burn tingles in my head. My ears ring and suddenly Chanyeol is a threat to me. Never have I felt this toward him, alarm bells sound in my head. This is more reason to not go through with this. What makes angry is Chanyeol trying to tell me what to do with my fiancé. Whether I like it or not, she’s my headache and none of his damn business.
“Is it not a fact, Chanyeol? I was assigned a wife; hand chosen by my parents. It is a life sentence I have to serve. I’m being as nice as I can be. It’s not my fault my parents didn’t think when they chose her.” I explain with shrugged shoulders, clasping my hand over my wrist. The hustle and bustle of the family gathering and talking to one another is almost deafening, I didn’t enjoy these formal gatherings, never have. They felt so superficial, so showy and obnoxious. Half of this family hated each other anyway. The other half were social climbing leeches that wanted nothing else from me but status and support for whatever they do. Most of them are only here out of curiosity. They want to meet the People’s Princess, or so everyone calls her.
A figure at the top of the stairs catches my eye. I wait to see if it’s my forever headache announcing her presence, and sure enough it is. Princess Alina’s shy smile charmed the entire room to go silent and watch her descend the stairs. She didn’t have to say anything at all, it was her presence that was magnetic. The moment she came into my vision, time stopped. I take in every bit of her, studying her for any flaws. It aggravated me that she was naturally so… Lovely.
She was the only genuine person in this room, her smile was honest. Truthfully, I didn’t know much about the Princess. The only thing I did know is when her smile was fake and when it was real. I wasn’t stupid, I did my research. I watched Princess Alina from afar for some time and learned quickly that she wore her emotions on her sleeve. At the many charity events the Princess attended, she’d have that wide smile that showed off her dimples. If she wasn’t pleased, she wouldn’t show her teeth and would narrow her gaze. Tonight, I saw her full smile, dimples and all.
Princess Alina was glowing in a white form fitting dress that flowed just below her calves, a square neckline showing just a small bit of her deeply tan skin. Yellow gold jewelry in the shape of hearts adorned her neck and ear. Every small bit of her was perfectly put together as if she was crafted by hand. Her hair was styled to fall down her back in a braid with small flowers placed strategically intertwined from the crown of her head down into the braid. It was a traditional Valencian hairstyle, she always had her hair in traditional styles for these types of events. I grew annoyed that she was wearing makeup for the simple fact that it accentuated her beauty.
Up until her arrival, I received a photo of the Princess every year and never gave it a second thought or more than a quick glance. Every princess had their photos edited to look much prettier than they really were. It wouldn’t be unfair to imagine that Alina was any different. Now I see her in front of me and she looked exactly like her photos. When we met earlier in the day, I bullshitted that “your photos don’t do you justice” comment. Now, I see that was wrong to do. I should’ve paid more attention. Everyone in the room gathered and lined the walkway to the dining room, watching and whispering compliments as she greets each member of the Doh Royal Family. She certainly didn’t have to waste her time, but she took the time that none of these people deserved. A small part of me disagreed with each sentiment that was spoken because they weren’t enough to describe what I saw in front of me. It’s becoming very difficult to hate someone who’s so…
I couldn’t even find the proper words for her. She took them from my mind and my mouth. Princess Alina was ethereal, there was something about her that made my heart flutter and it angered me. I stop and compose myself, bringing my head back down to earth. I had to focus on the task at hand. I couldn’t let her beauty get to me.
“She is stunning. Your son and the Princess will have beautiful children.” Aunt Micha coos to Mother behind me.
“We’ll see about that.” Mother grumbles under her breath. I roll my eyes and turn to Princess Alina as she stops in front of me, her respectful bow takes me by surprise. She plays her role exceptionally well; I couldn’t ask for more. She offers a soft nod, her lips curving into a smile with emotionless eyes. It’s a relief that she’s devoid of emotions in her eyes. I fear that she would make me retract my stipulations if I saw the true emotions in her gaze. I offer my hand and she gracefully accepts it. I link her arm with mine and escort her to the dining room. Along the way I put my hand over hers and smile down at her.
“My darling, you are so beautiful.” I say lowly. The Princess’ eyes gaze into mine, discomfort at my sweet name for her caused them to well up with tears. Her smile gives her a deceitful glow that can fool anyone into believing she was happy. Were all of her smiles fake? She’s holding back tears. She hates this as much as I do. Everyone in this room believes we instantly fell in love, how wrong they were. We kept our eyes forward and Alina made it a point to greet everyone, it boggled my brain. Why did she have to acknowledge everyone? Princess Alina stops for a moment, stepping in front of me. “What is it?”
She tries to suppress a giggle and adjusts my tie with soft hands. She pats my chest and bows her head. “Your tie, Your Grace. The knot was coming loose.”
“Thank you, Princess.” I lower my head in thanks. A gentle smile comes and goes as fast as I blink my eyes. We bow to Mother and Father, two Royal Guards approach them with customary gifts from Valencia. Princess Alina’s home country offered a gold necklace to the Mother and a gold watch to Father. One of Valencia’s biggest imports was gold, it was customary for a Valencian Royal to gift their future in laws gold jewelry. Of course, Mother and Father delighted in the gifts. King Ignacio and Queen Evelina could’ve just given it to them on their last visit, but I digress. Formalities are everything.
I guide Princess Alina to her place at the table and pull her chair out. She sits, I take the seat next to her and the family all collectively gather around the large dining table. The conversation is light at first, the duchesses ask the Princess what life was like in Valencia. Between the first and second courses of dinner, I thoroughly studied Alina’s every move. I was filled with so much fascination that someone could mistake it for love. Alina does the same whenever I turn away from her, I catch her in my peripheral vision. How curious is it that I want to look at her constantly? Our gazes catch each other’s, and we hold the contact for a few seconds. Alina turns away with red cheeks, her attention focused on anyone else but me.
“So, Princess Alina, how is the alliance your father made with the Azteco Nation? Still strong?” Boram, my cousin by marriage, smirks, leaning forward on the table. Alina’s demeanor never changes, she never shows her cards.
“It is only faring well considering Azteco’s Queen is my sister.” Princess Alina laughs softly. “I fear the only alliance Azteco’s King has with Valencia’s King is that they are in-laws.”
“How wonderful! How is Queen Maria doing? We were made aware that the birth of Princess Daniela was quite traumatic.”
“Boram,” I warn softly. Alina pats my knee under the table and nods to my cousin.
“Queen Maria has recovered well. Thank you for asking,” Alina beams. Murmurs spark down the table at how “well trained” Princess Alina is, how nothing can unnerve her. Mother pays close attention to how Alina reacts, she had been ever so curious if the Princess will crack under pressure. I didn’t understand why Mother was suddenly so displeased with Alina, it was her that chose Alina as my betrothed. Perhaps her own guilt is being projected onto the Princess, but that can just be me overanalyzing this situation we found ourselves in.
“And your relationship with King Daniel? Is there any truth to the rumors?” Boram pries deeper, not satisfied with Alina’s answer. What is she talking about? Princess Alina’s smile fades and her eyes lock with Mother. Mother’s brow furrows and a sly grin appears on her face, her attention turning to Boram.
“Boram, what is this you speak of?” Queen Hyunae questions. “Princess Alina, care to explain?”
I can see the anxiety and stress strangling Alina. She was a deer in the headlights, panic rising on her face. What is it that’s making her so nervous? Disappointing me? A secret being revealed and the possibly consequences? Oh, this is going to get good. The entire room falls silent, not even a pin drop could be heard. She turns her attention to me, begging me with her eyes to stop this from getting out of control. Confusion riddles my mind, obviously it’s something that shouldn’t be revealed at dinner such as this. I shake my head and turn my attention to my troublemaking cousin.
“Alright, enough! Boram, you need to put an end to the gossip that you spread. You’re making Princess Alina uncomfortable. I expect better treatment toward her.” I demand, my acting is so good that everyone believes me.
“My many apologies, Princess.” Father adds, glaring at his niece. “This behavior will not happen again.” The silence brings awkwardness to the dinner table. I decide that enough is enough and I change the subject for now. Regardless, I will find out what it is that Alina is hiding from me.
“Princess. Are you prepared for our rehearsals? Our engagement ball is coming up.” I offer. Alina looks into my eyes and nods.
“It will be delightful, Crown Prince.”
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After the disastrous dinner, I suggest that we take a stroll in the palace garden, a place Alina had not been before. We leave together, changing the tune of the family. The Princess takes in the beauty of the garden, something in her calms and changes into serenity. She looks up to the sky and locates the moon, I look in the direction of her gaze and see the crescent in the sky.
She is the moonlight. She must have hung the moon and stars herself, there is no comparison to this beauty she possesses. Stop while you’re ahead, Kyungsoo.
“So,” I break the silence. “You hooked up with King Daniel?”
She stops walking and shakes her head vehemently. “I could never do that to my sister or to you, Your Highness! How disgusting are you?!”
This whole, “hurt you before you can hurt me” thing is only backfiring. I stand speechless, unsure of what to say. The only thing I can think of doing is to drop to my knees and bow, aware that eyes are on us. Confused, Alina sinks down and touches my face out of concern. “Princess, my deepest apologies for insulting you.”
“Never do this again, Your Grace.” Alina replies, a smile on her face to cover her agitation. “It is clear how you truly feel about me.”
What happened between Alina and Daniel? I never got along with Azteco’s king, every rumor I heard about him wasn’t too far from the truth. The puzzling part was how Alina fit in to this, did I not pay enough attention to what she was doing while waiting to be brought to Seoul? I surmised long ago that anyone is capable of hurting the people around them for selfish reasons; I’ve known it, I’ve felt it.
I also understood my circles were much different than the ones the women in this family were in. I take Alina’s hands and we stand together, my arm resting on her upper back. “Princess, everyone has a past. Everyone pretends to wait for their betrothed, but we all know that is never the case. It’s okay if you had a relationship before me. I had relationships before you.”
Alina’s eyes water, pain written all over her face. Slowly, she starts to back away and I can’t help but feel satisfied that I managed to keep her at a distance. “Crown Prince… I didn’t know you did that. It is becoming abundantly clear that this is not going to work. Here I was, the only one being true to our betrothal. I… I…”
“Stop crying, darling. There are eyes everywhere.” I caress my betrothed’s face, pulling her close to me. Alina stiffens to my surprise.
“Please… You don’t need to do this.”
“I wanted to kiss you, Princess. Are you pretending to be shy with me?” I peer closer, feeling her muscles tense in my hold. Alina holds back a sob and looks away, what am I doing? Am I a monster? I quickly loosen my grip on her and kiss her hand, smiling. “A tease, hm?”
“I thought you were much different than this, Crown Prince.” Alina starts. “Why do you hate me? Am I not what you want? Please don’t torture me and let me go. I will accept my punishment, anything is better than what lies ahead if we keep going.”
I stare at my betrothed, shocked at her plea. She was in agreement when she arrived and suddenly that changes? Obviously, something happened between Daniel and Alina, she just didn’t want to admit it. Not yet at least. I refuse to be made a fool with a wife such as her, keeping secrets and lying to my face. I shrug my shoulders and wipe her tears out of annoyance of seeing them. They’re probably not real anyway, just enough to get her out of this conversation.
“No, you’re staying. I will walk you back to your chambers, Princess.” I give up for now and walk the Princess back to her chambers, continuing the silence between us. She slips in her door and locks it, allowing no room for me to follow her. I walk back to my chambers and slide my phone out of my pocket, sending a message to Princess Alina. I might not want this marriage, but I’m not a heartless man. That look in Alina’s eyes said it all: she really took all of this seriously (as much as I didn’t want to believe it) and I betrayed that by dating despite the laws a betrothal held, or how she might feel about it when she found out.
Kyungsoo Princess, I am sorry for my words. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me.
Darling Wife Okay.
I acknowledge her message and proceed to search forDaniel and Alina rumors on the internet. To say the least, I was bothered by what I saw.
King Daniel weighs options of breaking betrothal of Crown Prince Kyungsoo of Seoul and Princess Alina of Mariposa
Princess Alina of Mariposa Absent from Wedding of now-Queen Maria of Azteco and King Daniel due to Illness
Princess Alina Enlists for Medical Military Service, to get closer to King Daniel or Crown Prince Kyungsoo?
Valencia’s Crown Disputes Rumors of Princess Alina Carrying a Secret Relationship with Brother In Law King Daniel
Fellow Military Nurse discloses the truth: “Princess Alina pines and cries over betrothed Crown Prince Kyungsoo as he gets closer to enemy lines.”
I remember hearing of her presence at my base, but I never wanted to see her. How much truth is in these headlines? Are these rumors? Do gossip websites really need that much attention, why not focus on celebrities? Not one word about Alina had been this controversial, in fact tonight was the first time I heard of any of this.
Kyungsoo Princess, I would like to see you
Darling Wife Why, your Highness…?
Kyungsoo I would like to speak with you
Darling Wife No. Goodnight Crown Prince.
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dailyexo · 10 months
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D.O. - 230719 2nd Blue Dragon Series Awards, red carpet - [1, 2, 3, 4]
Credit: Karon Doh. (제2회 청룡시리즈어워즈)
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theinfinitedivides · 7 months
i see what you have done for others God (homoerotic af TWOE) can you do it for me now pls (Chang Wook/Kyungsoo pairing)
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memepipboy · 1 year
Your art is one of the biggest sources of inspiration I have
Oh my god ok I’ll cry :’) thank you so much that’s so so so kind…❤️❤️❤️
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khuantru · 2 years
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show: Bad Prosecutor
This was fun, gutted it's only 12 episodes. Thought the show was going for 16 episodes like previous K shows which are usually a good 16 episodes or over. 
Doh Kyung-soo (도경수) & Lee Se-hee (이세희)
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Playdoh birthday cakes 🎂
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ceilingfan5 · 7 months
(another @taznovembercelebration delight, for sick)
“I can do it,” Kravitz murmbles hoarsely from under about fifteen blankets. He stares blankly up at the dark ceiling. Taako wants to put him in his pocket and he isn’t even wearing pants yet. 
“Yeah?” Taako shuts off their fourth alarm. And the fifth one, you know, preemptively. “You sure there, bud?”
“I can do it,” he insists, like he’s trying to convince himself, too. “I’m……………………….good.”
“You’re good?” Taako’s trying not to laugh, he promises. Kravitz looks miserable. He looks like a wet sack of marbles left behind in a dead mall. What were those marbles for? Why are they wet? Is someone going to miss the marbles? Who can say. But they’re going in Taako’s pocket. 
“Sooooo good.” Kravitz tries to sit up, fails, and squinches his eyes shut, groaning. “I’m, good. I’m good. I’m good I’m good I’m good. I can do it.” 
“What if,” Taako says, “Hear me out.” 
“I’m not staying h— ome.” Kravitz swallows, once, twice, a third time, none of them looking less unpleasant. “Home,” he corrects. “No way. Got. Too much work to day. Do.”
“Hear me out though,” Taako says. “Perhaps, correct me if I’m wrong, the county coroner should maybe not look like a zombie.”
“I d- doh- hhh. Zombie.” Kravitz tries to sit up properly, and it makes Taako wince just to watch him. He unwraps another single cracker from the Freshstack ™ they were working through at two in the morning, and hands it to him. Kravitz nibbles on it like the world’s most pathetic mouse. Like if a mouse was divorced, and crying a little, and wet, like a sack of marbles. He gets about a third of the way through this monumental obstacle and then lets his hand flop down, and Taako is very normal and makes no crumb comments, because his boy is ailin’. 
Ooooh, is he ailin’. So ailin’ he’s from another planet. 
“Let’s write your boss an email, and then tuck you back in, buster.”
“Noooooo,” Kravitz whines. 
“My guy, my handsome criminal empire cohost, you get that you are making Taako be the voice of reason, yeah?”
Kravitz considers this. 
“Haven’t barfed yet,” he says, petulantly. 
“Sit up and put on your tie,” Taako challenges. 
There’s a long beat. 
“That’s what I thought, asshole.” Taako reaches over and squeezes Kravitz’s hand with affection. He hands him his phone. “Let’s just, be brief. Dear boss, can’t come in today, so sorry. Love you, bye.” 
Kravitz drops his phone on his face. 
“Fuck,” he says, delayed. Taako covers a snort. Poor beast. He takes the phone and can’t cover a second one. “Oh, buddy.”
“Yeah?” Kravitz blinks, and rubs his general face zone. 
“Your beautiful schnozz hit send on this masterpiece?” Taako shows him, but not until after taking a screenshot and sending it to himself, for posterity and also social media crimes. 
Subject: ow
DEAR HELLO Cannot’nt come to death today, I am maybe am not well enough to help bodies thankpologies K
–sent from my iPhone
“What’s wrong with it?” Kravitz says, grimacing. 
“Yeah, you’re not goin’ fuckin’ anywhere, beloved,” Taako decides. He hands him his damaged little sadboy cracker and kisses his forehead and tucks him in, and starts doing the Get Ready Shimmy. “I’ll be checking in on you on my lunch hour, unless you think I need to call in too, and take your sorrowful mouse ass to the hopsicle.” 
“Probaly not,” Kravitz cannot manage a whole lot of conviction. He nibbles the cracker. Wetly. “I’ll…watch the price is right?”
“You’ll sleep.”
“I’ll sleep,” Kravitz confirms, snuggling down, forgetting about the last third of the cracker right then and there. Given permission to burrow back into his pathetical little mousehole, his whole body relaxes, and somehow he manages to look even greyer. “I’ll sleep so many.” 
“So many.” Taako pats something in the vicinity of his shoulder. “Poor bastard. If you get me sick, I am going to kill you.”
“No promises,” Kravitz sighs, almost immediately dozing right back off. 
Shame Taako loves him so much. 
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[id: a space themed game board with 15 spaces and a cat, fish, and "good worker" sticker on 1, 2, and 3 respectively]
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exoluxionlove · 9 months
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230920 kstarsnextdoor Twitter Update
"EXO D.O. does everything he is told to do after being discharged from the military....👑🤴🏻👑 The post I am now spoiling is very vague. If you are curious about the chemistry between Jonathan and Doh Kyungsoo, please check it out on The K-star Next Door this Saturday at 6 PM."
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peridot-tears · 18 days
WIP Wednesday: Di Feisheng is an MMA fighter and Li Lianhua is his chiropractor. They're in the Wild West.
“I’m Li Wenhao,” the man offers. He’s dressed in the style of this neo-city: His hair has been stitched into a long braid, and he’s donned leather boots and gloves. There are even spurs on his boots. But he hasn’t abandoned the curly bangs, long silver earrings, or the comfortable black T-shirt and jeans. All-in-all, he looks like a K-pop idol and cowboy were smashed together like Play-Doh.
“Di Feisheng,” says Di Feisheng.
The K-pop cowboy with the Qing Dynasty queue smiles awkwardly. “That’s a name. Were your parents literati?”
“I have no clue, but they didn’t give me the name,” Di Feisheng responds, taking a sip of his drink. Johnny Walker. Isn’t that from Scotland? That’s not very “Wild West” of this place.
“Well, it’s a nice name,” the man continues, only mildly nonplussed.
Di Feisheng quirks an eyebrow. That’s always a good sign. Mildly nonplussed is good. Perhaps this could lead somewhere after all.
“What brings you to Lao Xi?” he asks, gesturing for him to drink.
The man opens his mouth, starting on a, “I came to…” when the swinging doors to the saloon fly open, revealing the silhouette of someone wearing the most ridiculous Sheriff Woody cosplay in the world. He’s so tall, Di Feisheng could swear it’s Liu Yuning in the flesh.
The sillier the outfit, the stronger the fighter!
He leaps up to be the first to fight this new challenger with a muttered “excuse me” to his now-abandoned date, as Woody Liu roars out the custom invitation to brawl: “This town ain’t big enough for the two of us!”
Di Feisheng plants himself before him, shoving all potential MMA pilgrims to this place out of the way. Mine, mine, mine, his inner voice chants with single minded focus.
“I’m Di Feisheng from Jinyuan Alliance,” he declares.
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stayarmytinyzenmoa-l · 8 months
i just think D.O. (Doh Kyungsoo) is the best vocalist in the history of K-Pop
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byunbaekhyunie · 5 months
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2023 : IN REVIEW !
tagged by @baekhyunnybyun @okaysign @bethereforme @lenteur @suuho @dokyunqsoo @pinktaeyeon thank you all so much for tagging me ! it's an honor being mentioned so many amazingly talented creatives ♡
tagging my beloved @possession1981 like i'm a child showing my older sibling my ugly drawings (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) ♡
rules: link your favorite and/or most popular post from each month this year <3 (it’s totally fine to skip months!) and tag some CCs you love!
it was really fun looking back at everything i've made this year ! i definitely learned a lot and improved the quality of my gifs. i've also made one of my most favorite gfx to date ^^;
JANVIER. #1 : EXO ’첫 눈 (First Snow)’ @ SMTOWN LIVE (230101) NEO's pick : L★EY(519)
FÉVRIER. #1 : BAEKHYUN : W Korea Selfie Booth #1 NEO's picks : The Valentine's Special, WELCOME BACK BAEKHYUN, COUNSELOR BAEKHYUN, 백현 ‘편지’ (orig. 김광진)
MARS. #1 : KYUNGSOO : 신(神)인 카이 데뷔 평가회 Pt. 1
AVRIL. #1 : 오늘도 영원히 사랑하자 ♡ #11YEARSWITHEXO NEO's pick : EXO-K ’Sabor A Mi’ @ KBS 뮤직뱅크 in Mexico (141113)
MAI. #1 : KAI : Japan Special Live 2023 NEO's picks : CANDY by BAEKHYUN, BAEKHYUN @ a-nation 2018
JUIN. #1 : Greetings from ZZAR and her 아빠 | CHANYEOL EP.1 NEO's pick : BAEKHYUN @ 2017 KBS 가요대축제
AOÛT. #1 : DOH KYUNGSOO’s sketch film | Marie Claire Korea
SEPTEMBRE. #1 : DOH KYUNG SOO as HWANG SUN WOO NEO's picks : D.O. ’기대’ Countdown Live, BAEKHYUN in TEMPO
OCTOBRE. #1 : ‘그래도 돼 (Good Enough)’ by CHANYEOL NEO's pick : baekhyunie is a 10 but…
NOVEMBRE. #1 : KYUNGSOO & KRYSTAL @ the 44th Blue Dragon Film Awards NEO's picks : BAEKHYUN @ LoL Worlds23 Media Day, CHANYEOL (151212)
DÉCEMBRE. #1 : forever exo’s baby NEO's pick : exo asks series
a big, big thank you to everyone who reblogs and likes and to all my lovely followers ! i could not do it without your support i'm sending my love and wishing you all a plentiful, prosperous 2024 ♡
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peachysooxo · 2 months
Hi there! I really love your work! Thank you for working so hard to create an amazing fanfic for us 🫶🏻. I have a request for you. Since I'm a typical person who finds comfort in angst stories, could you please write an angst story about Kyungsoo based on his song 'The View'? Thank you very much!
Answer: when I got this request I literally SCREAMED. Thank you @sooadorable for the request! I have been writing a series and wondered how I could introduce it, and this is the best way because it lines up with the story perfectly! The series is entitled “Romantic Universe”, which contains 4 standalone intertwined stories featuring Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, Jongin and Baekhyun. I have been writing Kyungsoo’s for over a year and this is the product. I hope you enjoy this, thank you so much for the request and all of your support! Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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The View
genre: angst, drama, Kyungsoo!AU, EXO!AU, romance
word count: 2,011
theme: marriage in trouble, lovers to enemies, separation, impending divorce, broken heart
warnings: use of alcohol, cursing, mentions of self harm, implied smut, sad kyungsoo, depressed kyungsoo
summary: Kyungsoo is separated from his wife and finds comfort in a bottle of Tennessee Whiskey and old home movies as he tries to figure out what to do with the divorce papers he was served. Based off of his song, “The View”.
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I stare out into the vast open sky from my living room floor, the sunset paints beautiful colors that canvas the atmosphere above the rolling waves of the Pacific Ocean. I can get lost in moments like this, the times where my head is completely clear and I take in everything around me.
Slowly, effortlessly, the yellows become the golden flecks in her gorgeous eyes. The wind is her touch, soft and sends chills down my spine. The reds are her lips when she gets ready for date nights, putting on lipstick just for me. Even though she didn’t need it, she looked so spectacular in that shade of red. The waves are the promises we made, consistently rolling back to me to remind me that I failed to keep so many. Being here in this kind of scene just isn’t the same without her.
I watched my wife, Mila, walk out of the door and never turn back due to my own stupidity. I haven’t slept well since she left. I haven’t been able to eat on some days. Nothing in my life feels right anymore.
Our vacation home in Malibu looks out onto the shore, for the times we needed to get away from it all and spend time together. Tonight is my last night here before I have to fly back to New York to finish my album and I wish I could stay here longer. It’s the closest thing that I have to being with her.
Everywhere I turn, there’s pieces of Mila in every single thing. She’s in the clouds, the wind, the moon that grows brighter and brighter by the second. The last six months have been hell without her.
Watching old videos of us together has to be a form of self harm, but this is the only way I can see her smile. My eyes are glued to the screen as memories play out from different points in our relationship. From moving in to our first apartment together after we got married. From traveling to Korea to see my family. Waking up in Spain on our European tour together to staying up late in the studio to our honeymoon. I’ve replayed the honeymoon videos over and over, mesmerized as the events play out on screen. We were so young, Mila was 20 and I was 22. I need to be honest with myself, it wasn’t a honeymoon… It was our elopement at Mila’s grandparent’s ranch in Mexico. We stayed in the guest house on the ranch, and it was the happiest we’d ever been.
"Come here." My voice whines from the TV.
"No! Why are you recording us? It’s so weird!" Mila giggles. I grab the phone and the focus is Mila sitting with her leg tucked under her with cheeks tinted pink.
"Look at you, Angel." I breathe, calling her by her nickname. “You’re so gorgeous and you just woke up.”
“Soo!” Mila blushes. She tries to cover her face but I won’t let her.
“Don’t hide your gorgeous face from me.”
The engagement ring and wedding band on her left hand glimmers on screen. The rays of morning light filter into the room and it can’t even compare to her smile. She didn’t need to try at all, she just naturally glowed. I love it when she’s this way, no makeup, hair down and only wearing my t shirt.
I pull Mila by her waist into the frame and kiss her, my arm protectively still around her. I tease her by tracing her lips with mine and smile between kisses, placing her into my lap. I lean and prop the phone on the bedside table and we're in full view on the bed. Mila’s hands run through my hair, something she did when we’d be intimate like this. Her smile fades as she wraps her arms around my neck.
“Soo… I’m worried. I’m scared that us running off and getting married is going to make things worse with my father and brother.” Mila expresses. I press my forehead against hers, holding her tight in my arms.
"Listen to me. No matter what happens, my heart is yours. Angel, we’re married. Nothing can separate us. Not Sungho, not Chanyeol, no one. I know that we both took a risk when we didn’t tell Chanyeol that we were just dating. He’s your brother and my best friend. I can’t imagine how hard it was for you to keep that from your brother. You’re everything to me, my best friend, my life. All I care about is that you’re happy with this decision. They’ll come around, we just have to give it time.” I say lowly.
Mila nods her head, her hands glide down my shoulder to my forearms.
“I hope Chanyeol will come around, him and I are close and I never expected he’d react in the way he did. With my father… He may take longer but it’ll be okay. I’m beyond happy. This feels so right, yeobo.” Mila smiles again, and it’s a personal victory that she’s glowing again. “I just… Don’t know how I feel about you filming us in bed. It’s kind of…”
“Jagiya, stop. This is for our memories. This is our honeymoon. I had to document just how gorgeous you are when you wake up in the morning. You make the world around you envious.” I whisper, caressing her face.
"This is like a dream. I don’t want to go back to reality.” Our eye contact is strong, it never deviates from one another. I run my fingers through her hair and cup her face in my hands.
We fall into a deep kiss, molding ourselves to each other. We break slowly and a fire is ablaze in her eyes, full of want. She pushes me down onto the bed, I roll over until I’m on top of her.
“Look at me, Angel.” I straighten her gaze back to me by guiding her jaw back to face me. I lean down and kiss her velvety soft lips, my hand slides down to her throat. Her soft whimpers fill the room as my lips roam her jaw and down her neck. I stop at her shoulder and smirk into the camera.
“Mila, you’ll never forget this.” I say into the camera and nip her collarbone. She shrieks and holds onto me tighter. Before we go further, Mila grabs the phone and laughs.
“Nice try, Mr. Doh.”
We laugh and she cuddles into me, stopping the recording. I turn the TV off. Seeing my wife smile like that is something I haven’t seen in a long time. Tears threaten my eyes as the moon glows brighter. I can’t even remember when I started drinking or how I got halfway done with my bottle of Tennessee Whiskey. Now there’s nothing left but reminders that she’s not mine anymore. I shouldn’t have been working so much, prioritizing everything else over her, or even worse… I shouldn’t have been such a jealous monster. Being young and stupid, I’d bubble over with jealousy if a man just as much as gazed at her.
To be fair, Mila is a beautiful woman inside and out. She’s so selfless, humble and never afraid to be herself. Mila is known around the world for her music, to say she’s talented is an understatement. Watching her onstage is like a dream, she bursts to life when she performs. The entire world gets to see the woman that I am so proud to call her my wife.
Her physical beauty is just a bonus. Her sun kissed skin seems to glow, her plump lips framed her adorable smile perfectly, I could lose myself in her gorgeous eyes if I could. Her body is a gift from God, effortless curves that would hypnotize me the moment she’d walk into a room. She came right out of my dreams, everything about her is perfect.
It was never a secret that men pined over her and how gorgeous she is. I never checked my jealousy, something she never deserved.
I was certain every man she came across fantasized about her and wanted her the way I wanted her. I was so certain that it made me crazy. It was so bad that we started to fight all of the time and she finally had enough.
I open the sliding glass door to listen to the waves. The warmth from the whiskey offsets the cold night air, I wait for Mila’s arms to hug me into her embrace and when it doesn’t come, my heart splinters. I handled winter and spring without her, but summer reminded me how much worse it is that we’re separated. How she takes shape in the view.
“Mila… I miss you…” I whisper into the night air. The stars and moon start to sway and my vision clouds over. I rub my temples and turn my back to the ocean, glancing over at the divorce papers on the counter. I wrecked my brain relentlessly over what made Mila want a divorce. I didn’t cheat on her, I didn’t ever lay a hand on her and I didn’t lie to her or kept anything from her.
We could work on our problems easily, if she’d just allow it. Our last fight was the worst one, I can’t even remember what words were exchanged but that didn’t matter. What haunted me was that I made her cry. Something I swore I’d never do. I wanted to fix it and Mila wanted nothing to do with me.
Divorce papers.
This is not how I expected our relationship to end. I didn’t want it to end at all. I have to prove it to her that I’m going to change… Once the room stops spinning…
I stumble back and collapse onto the couch, closing my eyes to continue the memory the week we spent together on the ranch when we got married. Mila and I were in bed, cuddled up during one of our late nights. Mila’s fingers dance across my chest, her eyes heavy with fatigue.
“Promise me something, Soo.” She whispers.
“Yes, Angel?”
“Promise me that no matter what happens, we’ll never give up. We’ll never separate. Even if times get difficult, I don’t want to give up.” Mila pleads with her eyes.
“I promise you, Mila. I’ll never give up on you or us. If we somehow get lost or strained… We’ll fix it. I’ll fight for you until the very end, that’s my promise to you.” I reply, kissing her forehead.
“I’ll fight for you too. I’ll fight for us. This is different… Marriage is so different from just dating. You and I are in this together for life. I know I’m stubborn. I know I’m difficult to deal with, I’ll do better.” Mila smirks. I laugh and pin her under me, my forearms are on either side of her head.
“Your attitude is very easy to deal with. You’re a brat sometimes but it’s nothing I can’t handle.” I laugh, kissing her slowly. “But you’re mine, whether you like it or not.”
“I love it. I love you.” Mila smiles. “Our promise is sealed with a kiss, isn’t it?”
I kiss her mouth and cheeks, nodding. “Of course it is, Angel.”
The memory fades from my head. Everything she said that night resounds in my head. I can’t sit her and feel sorry for myself and drink myself to death anymore. She made me promise her that I’d fight for her, and that we’d never separate. It’s my fault she pushed away, it’s my fault she doesn’t want to be near me. I have to fight for her, I have to keep my promise.
The first thing I decided to do is not sign the papers. If Mila wants a fight, that’s what she’s going to get. I can’t take her just being a memory that I can see in the world around me. She has to see that she is my world. She’s my view.
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dailyexo · 10 months
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D.O. - 230719 2nd Blue Dragon Series Awards, red carpet
Credit: Karon Doh. (제2회 청룡시리즈어워즈)
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thevikingwoman · 1 month
Meryta Khatin
tagged by @redwayfarers @gatheredfates @ubejamjar thank you!
it has been awhile so I have no idea who has done this or not yet, sorry! tagging forward to @syrcus @greyyourwarden @roguelioness @lilbittymonster @lilas (for Eko maybe if you did this)
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Name: Meryta Khatin
Nicknames: Her family calls her Mer
Age: 26-27? (end ShB)
Nameday: 3rd Sun of the 6th Umbral moon
Race: Au Ra Xaela
Gender: Woman
Orientation: straight, demi-romantic
Profession: Carpenter, Leatherworker, Goldsmith, Fisher, Botanist. Miner, other DoH too. Warrior of Light, I guess.
P H Y S I C A L   A S P E C T S
Hair: green with yellow highlights, slightly wavy
Eyes: purple, light purple & glowy limbal rings
Skin: green, deep green/black scales, like the darkest jade
Tattoos/scars: various smaller one, not note worthy and fading fast. A bigger scar on her shoulder/chest. No tattooes
Parents: Meryta has two dads, happily together in their tribe. They are currently unnamed 😅She did run away from home, but reunited with her family during Stormblood
Siblings: 2 older siblings (not yet named). One of her sisters is married with a kid or two.
Grandparents: I have not thought about them before, but given her young age, they're probably still around and living with her tribe? Maybe one pair of them is with another tribe - I think that fit.
In-laws and Other: Brother in law (middle sister's husband). Nothing else. She considers Alisaie and Alphinaud the closets to younger siblings
Pets: coeurl kitten, pet hedgehog, probably some weird rock larvae...
Abilities: archer, paladin, samurai, healing (ast), summoner (reluctantly). Rarely uses a gun, but knows how. Very skilled craftswoman and botanist
Hobbies: ... killing gods? Triple triad, fishing!
Most Positive Trait: protective, optimist, self-sufficient
Most Negative Trait: naive (about politics specifically), self-sufficient (maybe not great at asking for help). While a general optimist and not self-destructive any anyway, she does think she'll die before she grows old.
Colors: purple, blue, lilac, brown
Smells: sawdust, cooking fires, roasted meat, lilacs, the sea
Textures: skin, silk, smooth wood, sand
Drinks: tea, cold water, salty tea
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: nope
Drinks: only socially / rarely
Drugs: no
Mount Issuance: Company Chocobo, Black chocobo, Yol. Also likes using the manacutter
Been Arrested: nope
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