#doing coloured sketches again is much more fun than trying to make something finished
sad-leon · 1 month
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TMayNT Day 1: Favorite Turtle
This is a surpise to no one, but I love this silly guy
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snow-143 · 7 months
Water Coloured Tears | Jeon Jungkook
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six- late night inspo (1.7k words)
'You're late.' I say without looking up at him.
'And you're as blunt as usual I can see.'
Finally, looking up at him, I squint my eyes before replying, 'Don't change the topic. Why are you late?'
'I had something to take care of.'
'Look, if you aren't going to take this project seriously just say that from the get go. At least that way I can prepare to pick up your slack, so I don't fail.' My voice is a little more accusatory than it could be.
'I'm only 15 minutes late. Chill.' He's finally sat down, across from me, levelling us out.
Managing to soften my voice, I return to my previous point, 'You are going to take this seriously, right?' 
'Yes, y/n, I'm taking this seriously. I really just had to deal with something.'
'Okay. Then lets get to work. I was thinking we could both brainstorm on our individual pieces today. I have a couple of ideas, and I'm sure you do to.' I can't help but smile thinking about the art we could make together. We used to always come up with the craziest ideas together, they may not have always come out as we imagined, but we always had fun.
'That sounds good. What do you have in mind?' He's smiling now too.
'Get your sketchbook out, and I'll tell you. That is if you remembered to bring it.' It was meant to come off as harsh, but it came out far to soft, as if I was joking with him like old times.
'Jungkook, I swear to god if you tell me you've forgotten it again I will shove this eraser down your throat.'
It's silent for a minute before be bursts out laughing, retreating his beaten up book from his bag. 'Not funny.' And with that I fling the rubber off his head, hitting a perfect bullseye.
This does nothing to sober up his laughing, if anything it made it worse. He's now hunched over the bench making a massive scene out of it all. 'God. You're scary when you're angry, you know that?'
'I've been told once or twice.' I let out a little laugh at this.
When he finally straightens up it's my turn to laugh at the others expense. A massive red mark has formed right in the centre of his forehead. 'Damn I have an extraordinary shot, maybe I should've gone with sport. My talent is obviously being wasted here.'
'Very funny.' He rubs the red splotch on his head cursing, 'How bad is it?'
'What? Worried it'll put off the flock of women always surrounding you?'
'Oh, trust me, It'd take a lot more than this to deter them.' He's smirking now, and It's putting an end to my fit of laughter.
'Right, sorry. Forgot you were like some sort of Greek god here.' I scoff.
'You jealous? Because you sound jealous.' He's still smirking, god do I wish I could slap that smirk off of his face.
'Jungkook, I've seen you playing Barbies with your little sister. Trust me, I do not see in you whatever every other girl on this campus sees in you.'
As soon as I'm finished talking it's like his whole demeanour has changed. He's not smirking any more, so I guess I got my wish.
'So about the individual pieces, how exactly do you think we should go about it?' Is all he replies.
Ignoring the lump in my throat I open my sketchbook and show him what I've planned so far. They aren't very detailed, but they show the overall message I'm trying to put forward.
By the end of my little presentation he's smiling again, and I can't help but feeling a little shy. We've spent hours showing each other our art but after all this time I feel like I'm laying my soul out to him.
Art has always been the way I express myself, and I'm always worried that maybe I'm showing too much.
I've only done sketches for 3 pieces. Technically 4. One that I'm planning on making out of stained-glass, it'll be made up of multiple different parts that hang from the ceiling to make an overall image. The second one is a drawing of a man, that may or may not resemble Jungkook, comforting a little girl, who may or may not resemble me as a child- representing someone healing your inner child. Of course, I'll have to find a way to incorporate the photographs, but I'm sure I'll be able to make up some pretentious explanation.
And lastly there's a sketch of 2 sculptures, both resembling me and Jeon. I must say I enjoyed drawing him far too much, and I'm sure I'll enjoy sculpting his face even more. They count as 2 pieces as we will make them separately, but they also fit together. I've drawn them, so they have cloth covering their eyes that can be removed. I'm also planning on having LED lights in their eyes, so we can change the prospective of them. We can arrange them in many different ways; with them facing away with the fabric covering their eyes, them facing each other with different colour settings on the lights to represent emotions, etc.
I've explained all of this while showing him the drawings. Him adding a little hum here and there, never interrupting me.
The sculpture is the only one of his that I've planned as I wanted it to be a joint project and for the rest I don't want to control his creativity.
'I know I've planned ahead a lot, and we still need to incorporate the pictures, but I'm sure we can think of a way to incorporate them. And for the others we can centre it more around the pictures. It's okay if you don't like the sculpture idea it's your project too, but I just thought-'
'This is amazing, y/n.' He cuts off my rambling. Closing the book I look away from his gaze.
'It's just a rough idea. You can put in any input you like.'
'Actually, I have a couple ideas myself.' Looking over at him, hinting at him to elaborate, I notice he's still smiling. It's gentle, admiring almost.
After a moment he breaks from my gaze, focusing on his sketchbook instead. 'There not as detailed as yours but... I just had a burst of inspiration last night and this morning.'
He's rubbing the back of his neck now, a nervous habit of his. I'm the one smiling now, he always did get inspired at random times. He'd go months without even picking up a pencil sometimes and then seemingly at random times he'd get 'inspiration' and then you'd never see him without his face buried in a sketchbook.
'Is that why you were late?' Glancing at me, he gives me a shy smile.
'Sort of.' He says before opening his book.
While he's flicking through his drawing, trying to find the most recent drawings in the unorganized mess I decide to try and get a look at his other drawings. It may be an intrusion, but I'm curious on how his style has changed over time.
'What was that?' I ask after he rushes to turn the page.
'Nothing. It was nothing.' That was definitely not nothing. There is a high chance I have lost my mind because I can't believe what I just saw.
It was a drawing of me. A drawing of a picture I posted on my Instagram over a month ago at least. Except the background was different.
In the actual photo I'm laying on my bed, but in his drawing I'm in a field of flowers. One that looks suspiciously like one next to his childhood home.
And surely that can't be right. It makes a lot more sense that I've finally lost it.
Deciding that I did infant hallucinate it, I focus on the drawing he's stopped on instead.
It's a beautiful drawing. If he hadn't told me that he only started on it last night I'd easily believe that he spent hours on it.
It's a drawing of a girl. Me. This I can accept as the whole project has to revolve around the other person. Except it's not just a regular drawing of me. I'm sat in a dark room with my legs crossed and my arms up in the air, looking more carefree than I truly have felt in months. My smile is bright, blinding.
But the thing that catches my focus the most are the angel wings I've got. They almost look like they're shining in contrast to the dark background. There's a bright light coming off of me lighting up the surrounding space.
'I um, I already have a photo to represent this one.' Looking up at him, we lock eyes.
I don't even know what to say. It's beautiful. I look beautiful. He truly is an amazing artist if he could show someone he clearly has some sort of disdain for in such a positive light.
Before I can even compose myself to ask any questions he's clearing his throat and looking away. Getting one last look at the drawing, I watch as he turns the page.
The next sketch is one where we are hugging. I'm basically a rainbow incarnate, full of colour. Whereas he looks like the storm clouds that hide the prism of colour away from sight. There's a bright light in both of our chests. But where we're connected in the embrace my colour is leaking into him. At first, I think it's a beautiful concept until I realise that where he's gaining colour I'm losing it. He's draining me of it. Leaving those parts of me a dark void whereas he's being filled with my light.
'I also have a picture for this one.' This time I don't look up at him. I don't think I can.
'These are insanely good Jungkook.' Swallowing the lump in my throat, I ask what we should do this Wednesday.
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a/n: first saturday i haven’t been at work in like a year so i figured i’d write last night instead of sleeping :)
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
Can you please make a hc for Ramuda, Kuko and Jyushi with really short fem! s/o..?
Ramuda, Kuko, Jyushi with short fem! s/o
comfort, cuddling, kissing, petnames
-If you are short you two are probably the same height, and he loves it..! You just so cute, almost so cute as he, hehe~
-Loves to make matching outfits for you two and then going on dates like that.
-"Hey, hey, look at us..! Aren't we look like two precious dolls?" - he ask, while you two standing in front of big mirror in his workshop, he just finish new outfit in bright pink colours, for you and him, and decided to try it on. "Come on, we should go outside like that, let everyone see how pretty we are..!"
-Also-- He's a little bit controlling and teasing in relationships, so it's good that you're the same height, it's just so easy to pin you to the wall
-"Huh? What that blush from?~" - he tease you a little, smirking. When you're so short it's easy to him to get closer, his body push you to the wall and his face so close you can feel as yours noses touch each other, "You look so cute when you embarrassed, hehe~"
-He calls all girls "onesan", but he has a special pet names just for you, such as his little precious doll, angel and his marionette.
-"You know, I always thought about making clothing line in lolita style, what do you think?" - he shows you some of his sketches "I want you to be my model, it would look great at you..!"
-He take your hands, slowly caressing them with playful smirk. "You're perfect for this role, with such tiny hands and dollface.. Just image a huge banner ad with your face in Sibya centre, I'm sure it would be one of the most successful clothing fashion line that I would ever have!"
-Doesn't matter if you're too shy to do something like that, he's already too excited.
-"Ahhh, I already have so many ideas! I need to come up with the most stunning dress to my little doll, am I?"
-Adores you small form much more than show it
-He will tease you a lot, bit honestly, so so so overprotective when it comes to you
-If someone will ever dares to make fun of you he don't mind to get into fight, even if he would be against few people (of course he would win, did you see him in fight? crazy man)
-"Tch, they'd better not laugh at you again.." - he scoff when you get closer to check if he alright.
-He's the only one who can tease you, but even he do it really slightly, just to see you blush.
-It's so easy to carry you around, he's pretty strong and love to take you in his arms sometimes.
-"Mm? What's wrong? It's unusual to see a word from such height?" - he smirks as he notice your surprised expression when he held you closer to him, carrying you to the couch.
-Absolutely love when you sit on his laps, you just so small and adorable. And he can finally hold you tight to himself, while you two kissing slowly.
-He don't really like to admit this but love seeing you small form in his clothes, its just make his heart flutter.
-The first time when he lend you his jacket was when you two get caught in the rain and he immediately put around your shoulders so you don't catch cold.
-"Don't worry about me..!" - he snorted when you look at him with worried eyes. He takes you hand, leading through the streets - "Come on, we should hurry up.."
-After that he will start "accidentally" leave one of his t-shirts just laying around in his bedroom, and everytime you pay a visit he start sigh.
-"Huh? You got caught in rain again? Such a foolish girl, here, takes this T-shirt, I will put yours clothes in dryer" or "Hm, I think you have something on your sweater here, come on, I will put this in washing machine. It will be clean and dry by the time you need to leave, I will lend you my clothes..."
-Even if its a small reason, he will try to take a chance just to see you in his clothes.
-"Ah, of course.. My little ray of moonlight is finally here for my pleasure... " - he chuckle every time you two have a dates.
-He loves take you to date..! Your arms so much smaller in his, holding hands with you is one of his favourite things. and when you hug him?? He'll melt right into your arms.
-You just much smaller then him and when he hugs you it's like he's protecting you from everything cruel in this world.
-Also, forehead kisses. Slowly leans closer, caressing your cheeks with his hand, charming smile on his lips as his half closed eyes look at your blushing face
-"My fallen angel, don't need to be shy now..." - he kisses your forehead with such love and passion, slowly get down to your nose and then your lips.
-He's pretty tall but never will laugh at your height difference, even in teasing form.
-Besides, it's doesn't matter if you're ashamed of your height or not, he will always compliments you, telling just how cute and precious you're, as his princess of dark night.
-Well, when he's in his "childish" crybaby form he can forget a little about just how taller than you he is and start to clinging to you tightly, complaining about something with high pitched voice, almost crying
-"Uwaaaa, s/o, you're always so kind to me..." he whine after you comforts him, his head on your laps as he sniff sadly. He loves to lay on your laps, you legs so small and short but so warm and soft, it's always soothe him, especially if you'll play with his hair "I should be more mature, I'm the one who should comforts you, as a real man...!"
-Vice versa: when you lay on his laps, he can't help it and smiles widely, you like a small kitten, he loves to play with your hair too or just caress you head, cheeks, neck, while quietly humming to himself.
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galactic-pirates · 4 months
Ask Game for writers: 1, 7, 10. 😀
In which I should have read this more carefully 🤣 I saw it was about WIPs and didn’t realise it was so fic focused. I guess I could answer this two ways. I could convert it to art which is fandom, or I could vague talk my original novels. Maybe both? 🤔
1) 🦈Tell us the name of your/ one of your WIP(s)
Hmm well I don’t want to share the name of my original novel 🫣 I know I probably should but I get afraid about it. I sort of put up a division between “personal fan me” and “career me”. Not that I have a career (yet) but I can dream.
As for art well that doesn’t have names exactly, and also I don’t have WIPs in the same way. I have a list of ideas and I tend to take one, and finish it, rather than juggle several projects like I did fanfic.
I am currently signed up to the Librarians Exchange and I will be making something for that. I probably shouldn’t talk about that though because of the whole ‘secret’ gifter thing.
I would like to pick one idea off the list and say “I’ll do that next” and talk about it but truthfully what I am hoping to do is practice basic techniques. I spoke about this earlier with my frustration at being stuck with the ‘tracing’ and wanting to do it properly. I don’t know if I will be able to ‘teach myself’ to any level so that I can use it for the exchange. I mean I have had literal years to do so and not got anywhere with it so far 🤷‍♂️ I got a new sketchbook (because clearly the half dozen I already had weren’t enough) but maybe this time I will commit. I got some erasable coloured pencils and sketching in purple seems very fun so 🤞
7) 🖍Post Any sentence from your wip
As said I can’t really do this. I wish I had some kind of sketch to show, but again as I said art “WIPs” are more just ideas unless I am mid-project and I’m not right now.
To make up for not answering this I have picked another question for you.
11) 🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
For my original novel quite a lot of things 😂 but description is usually the hardest part. I can see it in my head but it’s so clunky when I try and write it down. Way too much frowning or smiling going on lol. I am trying to use more body language and less dialogue tags but I need to find more variety in it.
For the art it’s like I said I have my current process of bashing together a bunch of different references. Sometimes this includes selfies when I am struggling to get limb angles to match what’s in my imagination, but it just doesn’t work. It’s a) botched together so a lot of the angles are just slightly off/mismatched and it is unnatural and b) so stiff with no flow/life. It has zero style.
10) 🤡How many Wips are you actively working on?
Well I am actively drafting one original novel. I have benched the redraft I am 1/4 of the way through, the first draft I need to reboot, the first draft I am only about 70% finished with, and the first draft I only wrote a bit of (I think that covers them 🤔). But really it’s just the one for “actively working on”.
For art… well I can’t lose sight of the gift exchange. I’m wondering if I should pick up ‘Sketch a Day’ again. I definitely want to do the 100 heads challenge. I got a copy of the Loomis Method book (heads and hands) and I think I should go through that. Same with Hamptons book (figure drawing). I was doing some screenshot redraws from “What If?” as I adore that art style. I can’t seem to pick a medium (paint, pencils, markers, ink) and so there’s so many options for rendering practice. It’s a bit overwhelming to be honest all of everything I want to work on.
Thanks for the ask ❤️
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art block: 2/19 (from 2/19)
personal: 19/19
study/figure drawing sessions: 12/129 days(from 32/105) check numbers on these
Same goals as yearly - absolutely not, I've really fallen off on these. Currently re-evaluating whether these are actually doable
Finish DAB Lesson 7 - no, but I did make good progress on it last month!
1 finished piece with 2pt+ perspective plotted background (or two sketched screenshot studies with same) - I assume this was supposed to be 'per month'… I did five things with actual perspective in the entire four month period but two of them were just sketches and most of them were very plain and undetailed. NO WONDER I'm not getting better at this lol
one screenshot study per month - can focus on any area (perspective, expressions, colours, composition, etc.) - I DIDN'T DO THIS AT ALL
In May, I will have even more mileage drawing hands interacting with things and have experimented with different ways of ideating on composition thumbnails - actually true!Definitely not anywhere near good at drawing hands yet but my 3D sense improving is helping me draw interactions. I tried a few ways of doing thumbnails but nothing has really stuck more than my painful 'just draw a bunch of stuff and try to fit it together afterwards' process. At least I tried
Studies done: FIGUARY, DAB stuff, breakdowns for some random objects I needed to draw, Proko ribcage and shoulder bones, lots of tracing (boot opening contours, heads to see how eyes fit in at 3/4 view, stylised hair/outfit trims to see how different artists do them), one fold study, some form intersections
Ups and downs here, with periods of Good Study interspersed with (more) periods of I Am Too Unmotivated To Do Anything. Whenever I am struggling to draw something, I end up just not drawing anything at all, even stuff that's unrelated and should be fun for me. This is something I really wish I could overcome because it ends up making me more stressed out overall when I have The Thing I've Been Putting Off and then all my other fun ideas AND STUDIES in the back of my head that also feel like they have deadlines on them. I'm still having trouble drawing stuff that isn't a character staring blankly off-screen with a solid colour background.
I started drawing a bunch of fake FEH alts during this period, and although I've really enjoyed designing them and getting to do more in-depth inking and rendering for once, I do feel like my time could be better spent drawing full pieces with backgrounds and, like, any thought for composition (since I'm hitting my skill ceiling with perspective and anatomy in particular for the alts - and the full pieces look 5000x more impressive). I still have a bunch of time-sensitive ideas for them, so I'm really not sure what to do here.
Anatomy/gesture: I am CERTAIN that my figure drawing improved because of Figuary but none of my actual finished stuff reflects that… I'm going to say same as last year just because I literally can't tell
Backgrounds/perspective: Much worse than last year lol
Composition/storytelling: Thinking about negative space more and still trying to add supporting elements. Worse than last year though
Colours/values: still having problems with stuff being too dark but also still working on it. Screencap studies could probably help this. Starting to get better at controlling saturation. Actually better than last year! Woo! Not a total failure!
Lighting/rendering: better than last year again, CAN I PLEASE TRADE THIS POWER FOR SOMETHING THAT'S ACTUALLY USEFUL??
Re-evaluate yearly goals
Finish DAB Lesson 7
one screenshot study per month, focussing on values first
two object studies per month
In September, I will have a better understanding of how the parts of the body fit together and be better at manipulating them, as simplified forms, in 3d space.
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thefuchsianeko · 2 years
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never posted these here i guess. well
a while ago something compelled me to do edits with my redesign of Alastor (I WOULD link back to my original post with the redesigns, but it’s old and ugly so...)
got really into it I think
too lazy to write it all out again so I’m just gonna copy-paste what I wrote about them from Instagram... so under the cut will be the original screenshots, as well as some design notes and stuff
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I sketched a couple of other characters but I mostly did Alastor... also those are the only ones I actually finished lol. I'm most interested in his redesign than the others.
tl;dr -- I tried simplifying his design while also making it more period-accurate (he died in the '20s apparently), as well as giving him details and a colour design that I think would help him stand out amongst the other characters (tho I did nothing else to edit these but if I was in charge of design a lot of colours in the environment would be changed to help characters stand out from the bg). I also kept some of his deer-traits (the ear-tufts and antlers specifically) bc idk i like deer whatever. (also if these edits are inconsistent idc if the pilot won't be consistent then neither will i)
I don't think it's a secret that I kinda don't like Hazbin Hotel that much... I mean I'm interested in seeing where it goes but the pilot itself very flawed. ANYWAY hehehh... I fucking hate Alastor's design but at this point I kinda love hating him (for reasons unintended by the creators). His design is ANNOYING AS SHIT and he comes off as try-hard so I can't take him seriously. Some design notes... So he supposedly died in the '20s but like, his outfit looks like it'd be from a lot earlier? Annoys the shit outta me but anyway I just gave him a simple suit (after skimming one of my books about '20s and '30s fashion I saw a lot of that) along with some coattails for a cooler silhouette. Almost gave him a regular tie too but I kinda like the upside-down cross thing he has goin' on (a symbol often mistakenly attributed to satanism but whatever looks neat). Cleaned up his hair, kept the ear-tuft-things for the deer-look but also I kinda like how the ears blend into the hair (here it should be assumed they're ears at least). Made his antlers bigger so you can uh ACTUALLY SEE THEM. Muted his colour scheme to help go with the '20s theme and make him stand out against allllll the fkin red, and gave him flat teeth instead of sharp teeth. I think it’d be cool if everyone else in Hell had sharp teeth except this fuckin’ guy… it’d stand out. Didn’t change his radio-staff much but I’d probably make it look more like a mic from the ‘20s. Also I changed his nose bc I want more variety and I hate his goddamn button-nose like wtf.
Oh also, his story's kinda different; in my rewrite Alastor has become a kind of a recluse for years after finishing his last big radio-show (the one that Vaggie exposition-dumps to Angel Dust in the pilot) because he’s having trouble trying to figure out what his next show will be (basically he has art-block lol). He wants it to top (or at least equal) the quality of his last show. When he hears about Charlie’s project from her news interview, her passion and belief in the hotel ignites new inspiration in him (plus the idea of the hotel is insane to him and whether it succeeds or not it’d make a great show). He goes to the hotel in the hope to make a deal so he can cover the story as it unravels. Also he doesn't show off his power that much, if anything it's all only sprinkled in and/or hinted to. He can be pretty friendly but people feel uneasy around him bc 1) he just has that kind of aura and 2) people try not to make him upset in fear of being ripped apart.
Idk if any of this doesn't make sense you can ask about it and I'll try to explain better.... maybe idk i hate words
btw don't be surprised if I make more stuff for this later on bc I kinda love him and have been thinking about a rewrite of the pilot (this is all for fun, of course. If you like the show that's great and I can see how others would like it, there's just details about it that bug me specifically).
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helloalycia · 3 years
The Wrong Lifetime – Three // Wanda Maximoff
chapter two | story masterlist | main masterlist | wattpad | chapter four
author’s note: i have nothing to say except enjoy!
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Chewing on my bottom lip, I looked over the shelves at the different kinds of stationary the shop had to offer. I needed a new notebook and some ink since I'd ran low at home, so I decided to come into town to have a look.
A brown leather-bound notebook caught my eye and I picked it up, flicking through the pages. Sadly, they were too thin for my liking, so I replaced it and kept looking.
Moments like this were one of the few luxuries I had to myself, where my mother wasn't nattering in my ear about finding a husband and learning to do something useful other than writing, or where my brother wasn't overshadowing me in everything he did, making me feel even worse about myself. No, moments like this, I could just be.
"Y/N? Is that you?"
And there goes my moment.
Plastering a smile on my lips, I spun around and was surprised to see Wanda approaching me with an equally surprised expression on her face. She really was everywhere, wasn't she?
"Wanda, hello," I greeted as she stopped by my side. "It's good to see you."
She looked good, considering I hadn't seen her for a few days. Maybe once when she'd popped in to say hello to everybody before her date with my brother, but that was hardly a meeting. Now, she looked cheery, eyes sparkling with their usual excitement.
"You, too," she said softly, a smile creeping on her lips. Her eyes fell to my hands, where I was holding some ink. "Don't you have servants to do that for you?"
"Don't you have servants to do that for you?" I countered lightheartedly, eyes flickering to the vast amount of paintbrushes and paint in her arms.
She narrowed her eyes in a playful manner. "Touché."
Rolling my eyes in good nature, I asked, "So, what made you decide to go shopping?"
"I needed some new supplies," she quipped with an adorable smile, lifting her arms which were filled with said supplies.
"And you didn't think a basket would help?" I joked, before turning to grab a stray basket beside the shelves and helping her to put everything in it.
She chuckled, accepting my help, and answered, "Truthfully, I only came for the paint, but then I saw some new brushes I wanted to try, and then there were some new colours in stock and, well, before I knew it–"
"This happened," I finished for her with amusement, handing her the filled basket.
She took the basket from my hands and nodded. "Exactly. I would have sent my servant to get the paint, but last time I did, she came back with the wrong one."
"Oh, the scandal," I teased.
Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and it was refreshing to see the shoe on the other foot. I guess I could see the fun in it now – no wonder she teased me often. Plus, she looked cute when she was caught off guard.
"What about you?" she countered, attempting to take the attention off her.
Content smile on my lips, I watched her. "What about me?"
She gave me an isn't it obvious? look. "I told you why I was here. What about you?"
I shrugged, looking back to the shelves. "I just needed some things... and I may or may not get excited when buying stationary."
Her melodious laughter filled the air. "Of course."
"I just don't know which to get," I told her, motioning to the notebooks. "There's so many options!"
She hummed with amusement, stepping by my side closely and reaching out to get a better look. I was acutely aware of her shoulder pressed to mine and tried to stop thinking about it, but obviously, once I told myself to stop thinking about it, it was all I could think about.
"How about this one?" she suggested, picking up a notebook wrapped in a burgundy-coloured sleeve. She was probably biased since it was her favourite colour.
I took it from her grasp as she held it towards me, feeling tingles at the tips of my fingers when they grazed her hand. God, I needed to get a grip.
Before I could look at the notebook properly, I noticed a smudge on her hand, subconsciously grabbing it before she pulled away. Flipping it over so I could see her palm, I saw several smudges of colour and stared with confusion.
"Paint," she explained, mildly embarrassed as she pulled away. "The stuff goes everywhere."
I hid a smile, finding it cute, before looking to the notebook again.
"I like it, but now to see the pages," I said, flipping through them to see if they were thick enough. I hated getting a notebook with flimsy pages that ink seeped through.
"Are they to your liking, your majesty?" she teased, and I looked up to see her tilting her head and watching me through her eyelashes.
"Yes, they are actually," I retorted with a childish glare, before closing it. "Thanks."
She half-suppressed a laugh. "Good. Let's hope it gives you some... vdokhnoveniye."
She paused, scrunching her nose in thought, probably searching for the right word in English. I was too distracted by how enchanting she looked when she did that to care about her struggle to find the word.
"Vdokhnoveniye is like inspiration," she explained, eyes looking back to me after staring up in thought, "but it's something better. It's from the word vdykhat', meaning to breathe."
"So, you want me to get a good breath from this?" I asked, quirking a brow with bemusement.
"No! No." She laughed, running a hand through her curls. "It's like... when you get inspired by something so quickly, as quickly as it takes to take in a breath. Never mind, it's stupid."
"It's not," I reassured her with an appreciative look. "I get it. Thanks. I like that. Russian is definitely a fascinating language."
She seemed glad that I made sense of her ramblings and I smiled, realising there was much more to Wanda than her ability to make me a stumbling mess.
"Have you got everything?" I asked her, glancing to her basket, before quickly adding, "What am I saying? Of course you've got everything. Practically half the store is in there."
She shoved me gently. "Not nice. But yes, I have everything."
I refrained from chuckling at her dismay before leading the way to the till so we could pay. As we took turns, the cashier made conversation with both of us. I knew of him because I'd been here enough times to make a friend, but I was surprised to see Wanda was the same. I was certain I'd never seen her here before. And I'd been here a lot.
When we finished paying, we began to head outside and I decided to speak my thoughts.
"You know, it's strange to think that we've both been coming here for a while and yet we've never crossed paths," I noted. "I mean, unless we have and just didn't know who each other were then."
She shook her head casually. "Oh, no, we haven't crossed paths. I'd definitely remember a pretty face like yours."
I paused, bewildered at her words as they took time to sink in. She seemed to notice as she laughed, holding the door to the shop open for me. I walked outside and she followed after me, eyes glancing at me satisfactorily.
"So, er, what are you doing now?" I changed the subject, recovering from my momentary shock.
She settled with a smile as she answered, "I'm in the middle of adding some finishing touches to a painting I'm working on. I'll probably head back to finish it."
"Ah, the paintings that you talk about but I've never seen," I joked, relaxing under her stare. "I'm starting to believe you're lying to me, love."
She rolled her eyes, though her smile widened, revealing a dimple by the corner of her mouth. "I'm not... You can come with me if you'd like. I don't mind showing you." When her eyes met mine, she quickly added, "If you're not busy, that is."
Humour disappearing, I nodded with surprise. "Sure. I'd love to."
And that wasn't a lie. I was curious to see the Sokovian's work since she seemed to enjoy talking about art so much. Plus, I could appreciate some good art when I needed to and I wondered if hers would fit the bill.
Or at least that's what I told myself when she flashed her dazzling smile my way, making my heart explode with adoration.
Just like me, Wanda didn't have a dedicated place to work from because her parents didn't deem her passion an appropriate hobby for a young woman in today's day and age. So, just like I did, she worked in her room and made the most of the space she had.
As soon as we took a step inside, I was amazed by how much stuff there was. Of course there was the expected – a bed, an ottoman, a wardrobe and a desk – but it was as if that was all secondary furniture to the main focus.
Closest to the giant window on the opposite end of the room were several canvases being supported by easels, some painted and some blank. Papers with sketches of literally anything you can think of were taped to the walls, some scattered along the floor and some scrunched up entirely, missing the bin.
Her desk was filled with jars of paintbrushes, oils, pencils, chalk and any other art supply I'd probably never heard nor seen of before. The place was messy, but not dirty. Her bed was made, the sheets as crisp as could be, her books were lined up neatly, her paintbrushes all had a perfect spot. It was clean, but it was a giant mess, and it was the most beautiful mess I'd ever seen. I refused to believe art was merely a hobby for her when it seemed like her room was dedicated to it.
"This is your room?" I asked with disbelief, eyebrows raised.
Clearly mistaking my amazement for critique, she dumped her newly purchased art supplies on her bed before rushing to pick up some loose papers and canvases from the floor.
"Yes," she squeaked, attempting to kick some papers under her bed as she straightened up sheepishly. "Sorry for the mess. Believe it or not, it does follow a system."
I laughed wholeheartedly, heading further into the space to where her makeshift studio was. "Wanda, you don't need to apologise. This place is amazing."
She snickered, glancing around at everything. "You think? I'd love something more – a real studio – but of course, women aren't supposed to have hobbies apart from pleasing their husband and hosting dinners every other week."
The last part she said with a hint of bitterness, clearly repeating what she'd been told before, no doubt by her parents. I was surprised by her vulgarity, but I wasn't in disagreement. She was absolutely right and it was such a shame because women were so much more than their husband. Too bad society would never see that.
"My father only allows me this... sanctuary," she finished with a sigh, before her hand rested on her desk. "It's not much, but at least it's mine."
"Well, I love it," I told her honestly, making her smile as she looked my way. "Can I look around?"
She waved her hand. "Of course. Nothing's off limits,  but do be generous. My ego is easily bruised."
I chuckled at her joke and she flashed me another smile before grabbing her neglected art supplies. As I helped myself to looking around at her work, I heard her rustling around behind me and glanced her way, seeing her making herself comfortable on a stool before a particular canvas. I presumed it was the piece she was working on that she mentioned earlier and got back to my browsing.
She was extremely talented, not that I had any doubts to be honest. There were her bigger pieces, the extremely detailed ones, that she'd painted of grassy landscapes. Some were green full trees with falling leaves, some were cherry blossom trees with pink blossoms floating in the air, some were buildings overgrown with mother nature. I recognised none of them, but they transported me elsewhere like a nostalgic reminder of being a kid and playing in the garden with my mum. Even now, I helped her do the gardenening, but I'd never really appreciated my surroundings until I saw Wanda's work.
And those were just the huge pieces. She'd done sketches that were taped to the wall, to her desk, floating out of sketchbooks. Some were plans for bigger pieces, others were daily observations, all of her surroundings. She didn't draw people, I noticed, it was mainly scenery. But it was all stunning and it brought a smile to my lips as I imagined her producing all of this in her own little sanctuary, as she called it.
"You've been quiet for too long," she called out jokingly, after a while of me perusing her sketchbooks.
I looked up from my seat at her desk, seeing her focused on her painting, but an amused smile ghosted her lips. The sunlight from the window was hitting her perfectly at the moment, and even from where I was sat, I could see the flecks of gold shimmering in her eyes, matching the auburn streaks in her hair. The breath got knocked out of me momentarily, and I almost forgot that she'd said something.
Clearing my throat, I returned her smile. "I'm admiring your work, Wanda. You're bloody talented."
She lowered her paintbrush and gave me an incredulous look. "Tell me what you really think, Y/N."
I grinned, laughing slightly. "I am! I genuinely think this is amazing."
She pressed her lips together, still reluctant to believe me, but she nodded gratefully and returned her attention to her painting. I didn't fail to notice the pink spreading across her cheeks at the compliment, and my heart fluttered at the sight.
"Would you ever sell any of these?" I asked her, standing up and approaching her side to see what she was working on.
I noticed the addition of stray paint that had made its way to her hands and forearms and it made me smile. I don't even think she realised it was there.
She scrunched her nose up at the idea. "I've given some away to family friends because my parents made me. But no, I don't think I'd sell them." Something seemed to make her snort with amusement, then she said, "Nobody would buy them anyway."
I frowned as she sighed, her shoulders sagging at the thought. It was horrible to admit, but she was right. Female authors – questionable, but sure, they existed. Female painters? Let's just say that it was easier to be successful if you worked under a pseudonym and pretended to be a man. Which she clearly wouldn't do, or at least her parents wouldn't allow her to do. Sadly, Wanda Maximoff was in the wrong lifetime.
Hoping to cheer her up, I stood by her side and admired the strokes she made with her paintbrush. "If it's any consolation, if we were in another lifetime where I actually made money, I'd buy them."
She glanced at me, partially disbelieving my words, partially intrigued. "Seriously?"
I nodded with certainty, eyes flickering between hers and her painting. "Seriously. All of them. I'd buy every single one."
She looked away, swallowing hard, then a soft, barely noticeable smile appeared on her lips, and I was glad I'd said the right thing.
Focusing my attention on the painting again, I saw it was a stunning view of a stream, and the way she'd painted it made it seem like it was flowing off the canvas. Her last minute touches, adding white flecks of oil paint on the water, managed to bring the piece to life without any effort. I was amazed at how someone could make nothing turn into something so easily.
"Where is this?" I asked curiously, not recognising the scene, and also wondering where she'd gone for the inspiration since we lived in a busy town that didn't have water sources nearby.
She pointed to her head with the end of her paintbrush. "Up here."
"You made this up?" I asked, surprised for the millionth time since arriving.
"Uh-huh." She tilted her head to study the piece, whilst saying, "I usually paint what's in the garden. Sometimes what I see in town is good, too. But I really wanted to paint water, and apart from the constant rain we get, there is none. So, I made it up."
I was impressed at her ability to make up something like this, but also slightly confused. "Why don't you just visit Blackpool? There's a beach – water, sand, pier, everything. And it's not too far from here. You could make it a day trip."
She shrugged, distracting herself with dipping her brush on her palette. "I don't want to go by myself."
I probably should have recommended she visit with my brother. You know, the man she was engaged to? But my eagerness got the better of me, and I ended up saying, "Maybe we could go together. If you want."
She looked up, a slow smile forming on her lips. "I'd like that."
I mirrored her expression, nodding slightly. "Great. I'm sure we can arrange something. Promise."
She held my gaze for a second longer, saying, "I'll hold you to that, milaya," before looking back to her painting.
"What does that mean?" I asked suddenly, my mind clearly not controlling my words today. "You keep calling me it."
She chuckled, leaning forward to get a closer look at her work with her paintbrush. "Darling."
She shook her head, glancing at me with amusement. "No, Y/N. It means darling."
I swallowed awkwardly, certain my cheeks were as red as they felt warm. I wasn't sure what was more embarrassing – that I'd responded to her calling me darling when she hadn't, or that she'd been calling it me this whole time without me knowing. "Oh."
"Pull up a stool," she changed the subject, though my mind was still racing at her revelation. Had she called Y/B/N that? I couldn't recall. "I'll show you how to paint a little if you want."
Dazed, I did as she said whilst chewing on my lip with thought. She watched me, grinning from ear to ear, but said nothing. Was it normal for my heart to flip-flop in my chest like it was? I couldn't tell anymore. And when she grabbed my hand without saying anything, my hand felt like it was on fire with her touch.
The tip of her paintbrush swiped against my inner palm, her soft fingertips holding it up. Every area that her finger touched was burning, sending tingles up my arm and leaving me paralysed. Good thing I was sat down.
"There," she said like it was obvious. "Now you're an artist."
Blue eyes met mine excitedly and I gave her a small smile in return, hoping that these strange thoughts and reactions would disappear soon enough. Because this was definitely not appropriate.
My dreams were never anything worthwhile.
For someone who had a creative mind and could string sentences together to create a story I was proud of, my subconscious was the opposite. It was dry and boring and I rarely remembered my dreams unless they were scary enough to wake me up. But this time, this was a dream I was certain I'd never forget...
As with all dreams, I was unable to control what was happening. I was myself, observing from a first person point of view like it was real, but I had no control over my words or actions. Everything was predetermined, like a script I was forced to follow.
So, in this particular dream, I was sat in the back of a carriage, wearing a dress that was fancier than my usual taste. One hand was clutching my purse and the other was in someone else's hand, the person playing with my fingers soothingly.
"We're stopping now. Are you ready?"
It was Wanda. I had no idea why she was in my dream, or why she was leaning into my side comfortably, or why she was playing with my fingers like she did it all the time. I just knew that it shouldn't have been happening.
"Yeah, c'mon," I said with a smile, following my dream's script.
I intertwined our fingers and raised them to my lips, pressing a kiss to her palm. She smiled with adoration and allowed me to lead her out the carriage quickly. We were at the theatre and the first thing I thought was that my mind was creating a date similar to the one she shared with my brother. Oh, God, this wasn't good.
"Promise you've got the tickets?" she asked as we walked inside, hand in hand.
In my dream, nobody around us seemed to care that we were together, that we were two women showing affection and simply existing in a way more than friends. As wrong as I knew it was to dream of my soon-to-be sister-in-law like this, my mind was at peace, knowing I could be myself in my dream state. I didn't have to hide my identity and it was liberating.
"No, I decided to leave them at home," I answered her sarcastically, smiling.
She squeezed my hand and tugged me close, stopping me from walking any further. Her face scrunched together with a feigned annoyance.
"You don't need to be mean," she mumbled, eyes peering into mine, and my heart raced at the contact of her body pressed to mine.
Grinning, I pressed a kiss to her nose. "I've got them right here, love. Now let's go before we're late."
The dream didn't have a clear transformation. I just knew that one second I was staring at Wanda and the next I was sat beside her in the theatre, waiting for the lights to go down.
"Here," I said, passing her the programme for the show that was in my hand.
When I looked down at it, I was surprised to see a wedding ring on my left hand. Huh.
The lights dimmed when Wanda looked my way, green eyes bright in the dark. She shrugged, grabbing the programme and tossing it over her shoulder to the (thankfully) empty seat next to her.
"Looks like I missed my chance," she said, referring to the lack of light.
I opened my mouth to counter her words, but she didn't give me chance to as she pressed her lips to mine, hand raising to hold the back of my neck and pull me closer. Real me was freaking out, wondering why the hell I was allowing myself to have such thoughts about the girl who was going to marry my brother. And dream me was melting into her touch, shivering at her warmth and the way she began to suck my bottom lip.
"Wanda," I breathed out, pulling away breathlessly, but she continued to hold me close with a stifled grin.
"Isn't that why we got these tickets?" she said jokingly, eyes meeting mine.
My heart raced as she did, the simplest of glances making me weak in the knees. I was beginning to learn that her eyes were irresistibly beautiful.
"Right," I found my words, smiling in agreement as my eyes flickered to her lips.
They were painted red tonight, slightly smudged from the abrupt kiss she gave me, and I could only imagine the state of my own lips.
"We can watch the play now," she whispered, and I just about managed to tear my gaze from her lips to see the entertained look in her eyes.
I hummed in response, not trusting myself to say something comprehensible. Her lips curved into a smile and she linked our arms before settling into her seat, head leaning on my shoulder. I leaned mine on top, kissing the top of her head gently before also getting comfortable.
When I woke up, I didn't remember the rest of the dream, or know if there was a rest of the dream. I opened my eyes and found myself laying in my bed alone, tired and in the dark. It was still nighttime and my mind was foggy with fatigue. It took a moment for me to remember what I'd just dreamed. And then it hit me.
I liked my brother's fiancé.
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violettelueur · 3 years
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↳ featuring : itadori yuji + fushiguro megumi + gojo satoru + nanami kento from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : grammar issues
↳ form : headcanons
↳ published : 27 january
↳ pronouns : non specified in headcanon
↳ request : Goodday Violettelueur.😊 May I order classic black coffee? Okay ummm can I request headcanons Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento, Itadori Yuji and Megumi Fushigiro (spell I his name right?) x S/O that's talent creative like painting, drawing, sewing, kriting, tinkering.
↳ barista’s notes : good day to you too~ i decided to take the painter/sketcher approach to your request, so i hope you don’t mind ʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔ but guys, when i was looking for an imagine for this banner, i cried reading the manga again because if you know, you know...ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ BUT other than that, i hope you enjoy your cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request!) and come again soon ╲ʕ·ᴥ· ╲ʔ
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When Itadori finds out that you are creatively talented, this boy will always ask you if you are planning to draw/paint soon because he wants to watch you do whatever you choose to do.
It is known that Itadori is your number one fan and supporter and will cheer for you in the background quietly because he knows that you need to concentrate when you’re doing your thing.
When you are either painting or drawing, Itadori will always sit next to you with his head on your shoulder because he wants to see the process but mostly the final result.
If you are painting, Itadori will ask if he can help mix paints to make different colours for you since he doesn’t want to ruin the piece you are making.
Imagine him shyly using an extra paintbrush and just cutely mixing colours next to you - guys...I can’t, I’m going to start crying.
Even though he is nervous, when you want him to paint on your canvas, he would always ask you what colour to use and where to paint even when you tell him he can do anything he wants and you’ll go on from there.
During this time, he will apologise profusely when he thinks he has ruined the painting - so please tell him that he is doing a good job as he goes along, it gives him confidence.
Since he is your number one fan, he will take a picture of your sketches/paintings and shows them off to everyone like the proud boyfriend he is.
“Look! Look! Y/N drew this yesterday, isn’t it so cool?!”
Fushiguro and Kugisaki will be amazed but will get annoyed at Itadori constantly shouting at them to look at your art - “We already know Y/N is an amazing artist, you don’t need to keep telling us…”
If you gift him a painting or a sketch of him, this boy will cherish it with all his heart and will compliment on how well you got his features - you can’t tell me otherwise at all.
In conclusion, Itadori will be the proudest boyfriend ever and will show you off - not in a possessive way - it’s more out of happiness and cheeriness.
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When Fushiguro discovers your artistic talents, he will invite you over to his dorm to hang out together as an excuse to see you draw or continue on what art piece you were doing before.
He knows that you don’t ever come to his room without your art supplies because usually, you both are in his room just silently with each other.
He will stay silent and leave you to continue your work - when you are in your dorm room - but expect him to keep coming back once every 5 minutes to admire your work over your shoulder until you tell him that he could say if he wanted.
His favourite sights to see is when you are on his bed laying on your stomach sketching away on your book or you sitting on a stool with your canvas and easel in the sunlight with the touch of his divine dog calmly laying on the floor beside you.
Sometimes, when you are in his room, you would ask him if he wanted to draw with you, to which, of course, he would deny the offer since he doesn’t want to ruin your sketchbook.
Once you convince him it’s fine, it is known on a daily occurrence that you would draw/paint on one page of your sketchbook and he would do the same on the other - if he can, he would hold your other hand.
When you are feeling bored, Fushiguro will allow you to draw on his arm since he knows it’s a coping mechanism for you - I don’t think he would wash it off anytime soon…
Unlike itadori, it is unknown to you that he takes pictures of you drawing/painting as well as your work - he probably has a whole folder dedicated to you and a picture of you painting is probably his wallpaper.
If you draw him, expect him to blush and ask why and if you tell him ‘it’s because you are pretty’ that blush will just go redder.
I don’t think he will show your talent off, not because he’s not proud but maybe because he wants this knowledge to only himself - like yours and his little secret I guess.
Overall, Fushiguro is someone that will admire your work but also want to somehow relate to you by joining in with your sketching sessions - he has some pride inside of him to have such an artistic partner but wants to keep that to himself.
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When Gojo finds out that you can draw and paint, he will always try to find your sketchbook and canvas to see if you have done anything new without his knowledge - because curiously kills that cat right?
If you have drawn something without his knowledge, he will pout and complain to you on why you didn’t tell him about it
“Honey~ why didn’t you tell me you were going to draw this week? I wanted to watch you~”
If you draw/paint him in any way, he will get cocky and confident because, of course, he is an amazing subject to be used. 
Of course, Gojo has to be that one person that takes a picture of something and will ask you if you could draw/paint what is depicted on the phone screen.
He will also allow you to draw on him and expect him to take a few photos while you are doing so because he thinks you look adorable doing so.
He will also ask you if you want him to model for you - because he is confident in his looks - and if you say ‘yes’ make sure to say what you want to draw from him because he thinks you want to draw all of him.
When you are painting, do not expect a peaceful session, because this guy will play with your paints and paint-brushes.
What I mean by this is him dabbing a paintbrush into the paint before brushing it on your face or anywhere that you are showing skin.
His excuse will be because you are a masterpiece and he will continue to swipe white paint on your face and maybe your hair to ‘match with him’.
Gojo will also mix paint to match the colour of his eyes and will use it to paint on you also - he just loves to tease you.
If you paint of him, he will cuddle you to get you both messy with paint since it’s another excuse of his to have a shower together~
In conclusion, Gojo will always mess with you when you are drawing and painting, he wants to be the subject of most of your works but he is grateful that he has a talented significant other like you.
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Namami will give you more privacy than his senior - Mr Gojo Satoru - because he has an idea on how much time and concentration it takes to make one masterpiece.
When you are in the middle of something, Nanami will make you some of your favourite beverage and place it next to you with a bowl of fruit or his favourite sandwich.
His favourite site of you when you draw is when you both go on a coffee date together and you sit next to him with your sketchbook in hand - he would have a soft look on his face as he admires you and the book.
When you are painting, it would be you that will brush some paint on him since why not help him have a little fun?
He will groan at you for being a bit annoying but once he hears you laugh, he will forget about the little incident since this moment is something he wants to appreciate with you.
If you do any artwork that is related to him, he would seem nonchalant about it but you know on the inside he is really proud of you.
He would admire the work for a long time even when you have gone to do something else and if you are sly about it, you could see him sitting on your stool with a small smile being displayed on his face.
When the painting has dried or when a drawing has been completed, he would gently trace the drawing and will ask for a copy of it - even though he already has a picture of it on his phone, he just wants more.
“It’s really incredible Y/N, thank you for doing this”
When you have finished your work for the day or if you are tired, he will help you clean up and place your work somewhere for it to be safe or to dry since he is really proud of your work and doesn’t want anything to happen to it.
He doesn’t really have pet names for you - usually, it’s darling, love or something endearing - but he will add a new one for you and he will call you his “little artist”.
Overall, Nanami is very discreet when it comes to you and your art but is really amazed by all your work since he is a person that takes everything to detail - sometimes he is shocked at how well you get every little detail into your work.
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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krystalites · 3 years
stationary date with nct dream
genre: fluff all the way
word count: 2.4k
a/n: this popped off when I was planning a stationary date with a friend of mine. Jaemin's part got a bit short cause I kinda forgot about his existence and added it after I lost all my imagination.
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⌜ mark ⌟
Between Mark's endless promotions and you studying for your exams, you thought it would be nice to plan a stationary date. You needed new supplies and your boyfriend Mark needed some time to himself.
When you and Mark arrived to the stationary you discovered a few days ago, you noticed that it wasn't as busy as usual. There were only a few people and all that could be heard was soft mumbling of these people along with the soft music playing in the back ground. After making sure Mark was well hidden under his mask, hat and sunglasses combo, the two of you quickly entered the stationary and immediately sprinted towards the rack here the colourful pens were stacked. After minutes of trying out pens and trying to create a nice colour palette, you moved on to the notebooks.
Hours passed by, the sun setting and everybody else leaving. Mark lifted his head from the Oz-Pack's he was checking out and smiled at the sight of you trying to pick out a pencil case. You looked adorable looking from a pencil case to another, examining them carefully so you could choose one of them.
"Come on, I'll buy you both of them." No matter how much you protested, Mark didn't listen and still bought you everything you've put in the little basket the cashier gave you when you first entered the store.
On the way back, you squeezed Mark's hand tightly. "I'm sorry if you didn't have as much as fun as I did." you mumbled quietly. Your boyfriend was quick to shake his head and smile.
"No, I really enjoyed it. It was quite calming actually. We should do it again another time."
⌜ renjun ⌟
The idea was all Renjun. Over the few months, he had grown a habit of keeping a diary. He would sketch stuff, tape random stuff, put stickers and more. When you told him that a bullet journal would look really nice and showed him some pictures, he became really excited. A few days later, he asked you to tag along while going to the stationary to buy the items he needed. Of course, you quickly agreed and took him to a stationary you knew that was pretty popular. By the time you guys got there, it was quite late. Only about an hour left to closing the store, it was almost empty.
You two quickly entered the store and started your little journey of looking for the perfect items. Renjun told you he would go for a more brown-ish look, so you both picked out lots of nude coloured supplies with black ball point pens and stickers. He also got a few sketching pens and markers.
And Renjun being Renjun, he managed to convince you to keep a bullet journal too. So whatever you guys picked for Renjun, you quickly bought them too and left the store minutes before closing. Not wanting to end the night, you quickly went to a convenience store nearby and bought a few drinks. You went to a park, sat on the picnic tables and started to decorate your journals.
You had finished earlier, leaving a bit more place for writing and less for decorations. You wrote something inside the journal, left it open and started napping with your arms under your head. Renjun smiled at the sight of you sleeping and noticed that your journal was open. He took it to close it, yet didn't when he saw what was scribbled inside. Instead, he smiled and leaned forward to plant a kiss on your hair.
Words weren't enough to express his endless and pure love to you.
Dear Diary,
I love Renjun.
⌜ jeno ⌟
Jeno was the perfect boyfriend, quite literally. He was caring, gentle, sweet, handsome, funny and all. But most importantly, he never forgot anything you said. Never. In your whole relationship of 3,5 years he never forgot anything you said. Including you telling him about how you ran out of school supplies over face time a few months ago.
Which is how you ended up in front of a stationary you mentioned to your boyfriend over a week ago. He pulled you in, walking over to the yearly agendas to get you the alpaca one you always wanted. Whatever you mentioned to him on that face time, he found all of them. He also payed for them, after you made him promise to let you pay when he wanted to buy something.
After the two of you exited the store and went back to the dorms, you quickly walked over to his shared room with Jaemin. Thankfully he wasn't at the dorm. You quickly pushed your boyfriend on the bed, climbing on his lap and squeezing the hell out of him. He laughed and kissed your forehead, hugging you back.
"Thanks for remembering everything I say, Jeno. You have no idea how loved that makes me feel." you mumbled quietly. He opened his mouth to say something, but you quickly put your pointer finger on his lips. "Let me continue. Seeing how much you care for me makes me really happy and I think that we could actually have a long and beautiful future ahead of us." you leaned to your bag sitting a few inches away from the two of you. You quickly pulled out a box out of the bag and threw the bag to its old place. You opened the box and pulled out two rings. Jeno's eyes widened as the realisation hit him.
"Which is why I'm giving you this promise ring. One day, when we're sure we can come out to the whole world, I'm going to marry you. Until then, let's keep these rings as a promise."
Jeno talked to his manager later that day, telling him that both him and you were ready to go public.
⌜ haechan ⌟
Donghyuck hadn't left you alone in days, clinging on you like a koala. You had come from your hometown to Seoul for two weeks. Your boyfriend missed you like crazy over the months, being in a long distance relationship could be hard sometimes. There were only a few days left, after flying back to your hometown you were going to start your spring quarter of the school year. A friend of yours who used to lived in Seoul had told you about a certain stationary, mentioning cute pens and school supplies you couldn't find in your hometown.
When you asked Donghyuck if he wanted to tag along, he whined and whined until you managed to convince him. You needed him anyways, you still had difficulties in speaking and understanding Korean.
"Do we really have to do this? You only have a few days left, I want to cuddle with you! And more..." He pouted and crossed his arms on his chest. When you finally arrived at the stationary, he entered it unwillingly but you know the mighty power of Stationaries. As soon as he stepped in, he was amazed by the environment and the beautiful supplies and before you knew it he was more excited than you.
After an hour of wandering in the stationary and picking out stuff, the store started to get busy. Considering you had to keep Donghyuck's existence there as a secret, both of you quickly payed and ran out. Giggling like high school girls, you two exited the store and called a cab. While waiting, you two compared the stuff you bought. You had bought all the stuff you were planning to buy and he bought a notebook and a bunch of pens to write lyrics.
The first song he wrote was a love song for you and only you, waiting to be shared to the whole world with only the two of you knowing the meaning behind it.
⌜ jaemin ⌟
When Jaemin came up to you with an idea of a gaming journal, you couldn't say no. He wanted create a little booklet filled with all the games he's ever played, along with ratings and comments about them. He was very enthusiastic about video games, always finding something new to play. Sometimes he would come over to your place to play games with you, or simply teach you how to play one.
The two of you met up at the stationary close your school, as it was in a less busier area. While there, he also declared that this meet up was actually a date. While he was looking at the stuff he wanted to buy, you tried out different pens. Noticing a little white board and a few colourful white board markers, you quickly bought them so you could use them for studying. You had to start revising for your exams in a few days. When you were done, you fund Jaemin in the huge store, now just following him around. He bought different coloured markers and pens and a black notebook. He also got copies of some game covers to stick on each page.
When the two of you got back to the dorms, you quickly pulled a chair next to his table where his small set up was. Placing your newly-bought items on the desks free space. You quickly began sticking the covers on each page, writing the games name and general information, how it ended, on what platform he played etc. At the very bottom, there were Jaemin's comments and a rating he gave. The first few pages were done, and you two were actually very proud of yourselves. It looked really good! Jaemin thanked you and gave you little kisses all over your face. After finishing showering you with kisses, he told you he'd play games with his friends. You quickly climbed on his lap and snuggled into him, burying your face in the crook of his neck with your legs swinging on his sides.
Jaemin smiled at the way you were cuddling with him and shook his head to the sides. He gave you a little kiss on the temple and started playing.
"Thank you sweetheart. You make me really happy by showing interest in my interests."
⌜ chenle ⌟
Chenle had bought you a few last minute plane tickets , and yes multiple tickets, because he wanted you to fly all around the world with him for Dream's world tour. He made you so happy, proving that he doesn't want to be away from you for that long.
When he came home and told you about the tickets, your first idea was to create a small photo album. Though, you didn't want it to be simple. You wanted small details, which is why you were at the stationary now, trying to decide if you wanted to decorate the album with blue-ish colours or pink-ish colours. The items were laid on a small rack in the store, in a less busier part of it.
The date idea was both yours and Chenle's. You wanted him to come with you, he wanted it to be a date. And the closest place where this date could take place was the stationary a few blocks away from his house.
"I think we should go with pink." Chenle said after a very long silence. "The album cover is cream coloured, and pink would go better with that." Imagining what it would look like, you agreed with him. You bought a bunch of pink ink pens, Stabilo's and Signo's. You bought a few black pens and markers too. Chenle insisted on buying pink post-it's too, so you also bought them. Even though the two of you were done with the shopping, you still looked around and bought some stuff for the next school year.
Hours passed by in the little store. You found your boyfriend in the very back of the store, checking out agendas. You tapped his shoulder with a little smile, and let out a loud laugh when he flinched.
"Calm down, Lele. It's just me." He pouted and flicked your forehead gently. "You scared me! Are we going home?" He asked and rubbed his eyes. He was feeling sleepy. Something he does whenever he feels like he could sleep at the spot. "You look tired. I think we should." With your answer, you exited the store hand in hand.
Later that night, right before falling asleep, Chenle whispered something in your ear.
"I can't wait to travel like this with you, I hope we can do it with our children sometime in the future."
And you did it.
⌜ jisung ⌟
To say Jisung was freaked out would be an understatement. The first day of school was tomorrow, and he hadn't bought any school supplies. He called you last minute, rambling something about going to the stationary with him because you had a lot of "knowledge about pens and everything. You being the amazing significant other you are, quickly agreed and got ready.
After meeting Jisung in front of the stationary and making a list of everything that needs to be bought, you quickly got to work. Files, copy papers, scissors, pens, erasers and whatever else you need for school. You bought a few stuff for his locker too, so he could decorate it. You got copies of all the necessary papers and forms, quickly putting them all in a file you bought from the store.
Almost an hour later, you were finished. You quickly went to the dorms together to organize all of the stuff you had bought. While sticking the name tags on the notebooks, Jisung looked up at you ,who was sitting on his bed, and smiled gently. After watching you carefully write Park Jisung on each tag both in Hangul and Romanisation for a few minutes, he finally spoke up.
"Hey Y/N..?" You turned your head to him and tilted your head to the side. "Yeah, 'Sungie?" He blushed at the simple nickname, despite having heard it for almost a million times. It really affected him that much. "I wanted to thank you for helping me out today. I'm sorry I asked you to come over just like that, but I couldn't have finished all of this so soon without you." You chuckled and finished tagging your last item, quickly jumping on his bed, right next to him. You pulled him on your chest by pushing his head on it. Jisung smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist.
This was his happy place.
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thewitchofbooks · 4 years
Konnichiwa~ How about...family headcanons for ikepri suitors???? You can chose whoever you want~ thank you! 🤝🤝
Hello there~You didn't ask for someone specific, but I didn't want to come to conclusions, so I wrote for everyone, haha. I hope you like it! Also, thank you for the request! 
Game: Ikemen Prince 
Type: Headcanons 
Characters : All the characters
Warnings : Kind of spoilery, I hope it is okay, lol,my English,the characters might be ooc. 
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~Chevalier Michel 
🔹Chevalier becomes a bit more gentle when you two start your own family.
🔹Sometimes, you catch him smiling at your children and playing with their chubby cheeks. They always giggle and hug him. 
🔹He tries to tell them how much he loves them, more with his actions and not so much with words. But they know he absolutely loves them. 
🔹"I love you too." You heard him once say. You peeked inside the library and saw your handsome husband kneeling in front of the youngest, who was crying. The moment your kid heard that, he/she was grinning as he/she threw himself/herself at Chevalier. 
🔹Then Cheva walked out (after a lot of awkward but comfortable cuddles on a small chair. 
"Chevalier?" You said his name. 
"What?" You smiled and asked. 
"What did you say before?" Chevalier frowned. 
"Nothing that concerns you, dummy." You laughed as he walked away. 
🔹Once, you went to wake Chevalier in your shared bedroom, only to see a large lump and a lot of smaller ones, covered with the fluffy blankets. 
🔹Now you have to wake them all up, but you gave up a few hours later and slept with them. 
🔹Chevalier is very clever and very strong so, sometimes, he teaches his children. 
🔹Every night, he reads them to sleep. 
~Clavis Lelouch 
🔹You were in for it when you agreed to start a family with Clavis. 
🔹If your children didn't look like him, they surely took his character. 
🔹Clavis will be coming back after work and instead of being greeted with deep bows from the maids, he gets greeted with buckets full of sparkly confetti and glitter. 
🔹He is very proud of them but he doesn't want you to have a lot of headaches. 
🔹Clavis always makes time to play with his children. He is being sweet and he helps them however he can. 
🔹He teaches them to not be too open with suspicious people and if they get in trouble, he shows them how to get out of it. 
🔹He let's them keep pets. And if you're allergic to furr, it's okay! None of these pets have furr at all! They can be from small, little snakes to big birds and fishes. 
🔹He is trying his best. 
🔹Your children love him and they show it all the time. 
🔹Clavis is getting attacked with love, which he wasn't used to. He was completely shocked. In the end, he got used to it and he adores it. 
🔹There will be days where you'll wake up with sketches on your face and your husband laughing with your children. 
🔹They are very adorable when they're sleeping together, Clavis arm wrapped protectively around them (and you, of course).
~Leon Dompteur 
🔹Leon is a very loving man. You and the family you both made are his oxygen. You're the most important reason to keep loving and enjoying life at the fullest. 
🔹There are days where Leon has finished with training his army, so he takes you and your children for rides with his horse. 
🔹You ride in the city and go straight to the food section. 
🔹He spoils his children very much, you have to stop him. Do they like sweets? He'll walk through hell to buy cakes, chocolates and everything else. (or ask Yves to bake fresh cakes, lolol). Do they not like sweets? What are those? He never heard of them. (He still eats them.) 
🔹Leon always tries to find new activities, just to make sure his children are having fun in the palace, or outside. 
🔹Everytime they do something troublesome, like breaking glasses and plates with their father, they try to play innocent. 
🔹If they have nightmares, Leon will help them through them. 
🔹He always tells them that they don't have to 'stop seeing nightmares' to be brave. Braveness is when they search for someone they trust, because opening up is harder than keeping it inside.
"But dad, when I'm sad and I don't tell anyone... am I weak?" Leon wiped his kid's tears away. 
"No. You are strong. But if it is something too hard to keep to yourself, you can share it with anyone you trust." 
~Yves Kloss 
🔹Yves is a big tsundere and he is shy. So, when you asked for a family, he blushed and tried to deny it. It wasn't working. 
🔹His eyes light up everytime he looks at his children. They're the most adorable children in the world. And his world is made with you and them. You are all the matters. 
🔹After his royal duties, he bakes cakes, the children are decorating and you have to watch the chaos. 
🔹Before having a family of his own, he found it bothersome and annoying to have things all over the place, but he got used to it. 
🔹He is sneaking kittens in the palace for them to feed and pet. Where did those stray kittens you show on the street when you were shopping? Yves doesn't have any idea what are you talking about, but you now have to sleep in your shared bed with foolur freshly bathed kittens. 
"Are you sure you don't know them? They look comfortable around you." You said, your brow raised. The kittens were sleeping on him. He blushed and glared at you. 
"Hmph, I don't know them! No, lay down Snowflake, we aren't fighting with your mom." He stroked the white furr and the small animal fell asleep again. 
🔹He gives to the children gorgeous clothes and he brushed their hair, putting it in the best hairstyles. 
🔹At night, he praises them for being kind. 
~Luke Randolph 
🔹Luke grew up in a bad environment, so he makes sure that his children won't ever have to grow up like that. He could give his life in a blink of the eye to do that. 
🔹He doesn't spoil his children too much, because he wants them to be down to earth. For him, his role as a prince is not important, but his family is. 
🔹The children are tripping on his long legs while they're playing outside and he sleeps. 
🔹Luke is a Disney Prince. That means all the animals love him. He gently cradles small fragile butterflies, or cute little birds to show them. 
🔹Luke is taking them for walks in the forest. As the time goes on, more and more animals are attached to their gentleness. 
🔹If anyone dares mess with his children, they are in for a big surprise. Luke will take them down and fight them until he is sure that they won't bother them again. He won't kill someone though, only hurt them enough for his family's safety. 
~Sariel Noir 
🔹Sariel is a very busy man and you know that. So when he asked you if you wanted a family, you were super exited. 
🔹By the time your children are born, their bedrooms and everything inside is already ready to use. 
🔹Sariel seems pretty strict, but he has a soft spot for your family. 
🔹He helps them study all their lessons. If they don't understand something, he'll go out of his way to search it up and give them all the information he gathered. 
🔹After babysitting the Princes, he takes a few books filled with fairytales and reads to them in his soothing voice. 
🔹Sariel loves his kids dearly and he protects them from harm, even if it means being in the shadows. 
🔹The children love to hug him and cling on him, while he is giving lectures to the Princes. (translation = scolding Clavis.) 
🔹Sariel was lonely before, so he won't let anyone hurt his family. He'll let his people "clean up the dirt". 
🔹Sariel kind of spoils his children, and you, because he is weak for your eyes and pouts. 
~Licht Klein 
🔹Licht seems distant from afar, but his family gets to see his true colours. 
🔹Whenever his children are playing or doing something else (that isn't harmful), he smiles softly, his red eyes fill with love and adoration. 
🔹He is scared that someday, they'll have the same bad luck his brother and he had. 
🔹That's why he always keeps an eye on them. 
🔹Licht was never troubled if he died, until one of his children told him he/she loved him so much, that he/she will make him the proudest dad in the world. 
🔹Licht's eyes are wide open and he thinks about his choices again. He'll have to live in order to help them grow up. 
🔹He is very supportive with their choices, unless it's something bad for them. 
🔹At nights, he sings to put them to sleep, his smooth voice calming the down completely. 
🔹You can find the m all sleeping together on a chair. 
🔹He won't admit it, but he loves sweet food and his children are no better. 
~Nokto Klein 
🔹Nokto became a whole new person when you had your children. 
🔹He still stayed playful for them. 
🔹Nokto is happy when they are happy, he is sad when they're sad... 
🔹He despises it when they hurt themselves, physically or not. 
🔹He is also scared like Licht. He doesn't want then away from each other. He wants for them to be happy. 
🔹Before they were born, he was scared that he wouldn't turn out to be a good father. He was scared of rejection. 
🔹He lived with the same fear, until his children run up to him and hugged his legs. 
"Dad! Thank you for taking us with you! We love you so much!" They said happily. 
🔹Nokto.exe has stopped working. 
"I love you too." He quickly hugs them to his chest, trying to keep the tears in. 
🔹He is teasing them (in a good way) till there's no tomorrow. (with uncle Clavis). 
🔹The children, with your help are making presents for him. He gets so happy! 
🔹His past self still haunts him, but he doesn't let himself fall. He is strong. 
🔹Nokto doesn't take risky jobs anymore. He takes better care of himself for the sake of his family. 
🔹When stormy nights fall, his strong arms are ready to close you and the kids to his heart. It's his promise of never letting go, even in the scariest times. 
~Rio Ortiz
🔹Rion is as exited as a puppy! 
🔹Right after they are born, they are in his arms, cuddled up to him. 
🔹Rio travels with them in other places (for personal reasons). He shows them all around and does anything they ask. 
🔹Are they hungry? A whole buffet is made for them. 
🔹They have his heart and mind. Sometimes, he is scared they'll think he is annoying, but they always tell him how much they love him. 
🔹He takes time off his work and plays with them in the garden or in their Rooms. 
🔹He always hear their problems. If he can help it, he'll tskr care of them. 
🔹Rio won't let others hurt his children. If someone tries and he is in front of the scene, his hand might slip and he the other guys might get hurt. 
🔹At night, he cuddle with them and they all wait for you to read them to sleep. 
~Jin Grandet 
🔹Jin was feeling bashful. He really wanted a family with the most beautiful person in the world (you). 
🔹Like almost everyone else, his character changed a bit. He spends more time with his family. 
🔹His children like to climb on his back and go fit walks. His back hurts, but are they happy? They it's worth it. End of the conversation. 
🔹There are days where he is too tired so he takes food and drinks (not alcohol) and sets them on the king sized bed with you and the kids. 
🔹He is manipulating Yves to cook (lol), but Yves does it for his nephew(s) /niece(s). 
🔹If the children are terrified from the nightmares or other scary things outside of the windows, they'll run to him, crushing him on your bed. 
🔹When morning comes, they are all over the bed, sleeping soundly. 
AN: I'm writing from my phone now, but I'll fix it when I'll get my laptop! 
Also, fun fact: When I first started the game, I fell asleep while reading/listening the prologue, because Sariel and Chevalier were speaking! I love their voices and I want them to put me to sleep every night, lololol.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Hello! I am now home and can respond to your ramblings about my art properly!
Thank you!! I'm very proud of the tattoos and had to look up several references for Māori tattoos and they're all so lovely and intricate. The tattoos on his thighs are placeholders until I can find some that are just as intricate and lovely. Fun fact! The moon tattoo is supposed to be a matching tattoo set, the second one being a sun. (You should post the drawings with the crescents! I'm sure that they would look lovely) And yes the hands- I was so pleased with the hands, they were so fun to draw and I'm proud of how they turned out! Though I may have cheated a little and traced a genuine playboy magazine that didn't seem too hard and appealed to me. It lended a hand in how good I drew the hands in this, as directly tracing hands never look good. I say traced but I mostly mean for the prices and the word thingys and the but, and then I referenced that sketch and refined it more until it looked about right. The original magazine had the very satisfying back curve! The highlights hoenstly bring the art together, it just looked boring without them and I wanted to make it pop. Thank you so much!
Space man:
Yes that is space! The tentacles were very fun to draw but it took a little bit to make them look right. He is truly chaos incarnate. Jeremy (The little man off to the left and basically his assistant) doesn't even know what he's doing. Jeremy hates this and hates Maui and is going to berate him later for it /lh. And I put so much effort into the background!! And I'm still only revising it!! There's so much more for me to do with this drawing!! I have so much more to do, it is a very mentally taxing drawing so I'm just taking my time with it. It'll look awesome once it's finished! And thank you so much, I'm glad that it's working out so far!!! And no, it will absolutely not work out and he'll nearly accidently get the crew killed and give Jeremy a heart attack (/hj) (/lh)
Yes! Mermaids are very fun! I think this au of him was the reason I got into them in the first place, and then I got into angels and demons because of Laproxie on Instagram, and now I've kind of forgotten about both tbut the mermaid has sticked mostly!! Thank you about the fluidity about the tail! I am also very picky about flowy lines and how they work and fish don't have knees. I actually stole the way the colours work from Castle Swimmer on webtoon! It's honestly so beautiful and the story and art is both great and now I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for season three because the two love birds just met again after a long time of trying to find each other and there was so much lore and three comedic witches and it's just beautifully written. The water was the hardest part, I don't like drawing water. But the light scattering were fun! And the white bit on top is either seafoam or light refractions. Ok so I spent a really long time thinking about it and decided he would be more of a deep sea fish (I only drew him in shallow waters because its so much easier to pose) so I made him blue so he could camoflauge! He also has natural bioluminessence that I didn't draw in the because it's very light out. And yes!!! Those are stitches!! Thank you so much!!
Yes, it is a very different vibe! It's a lot calmer than the other ones (And less sexually inclined like in the first one, but I would describe him as promiscuous so I feel its fitting) He is very smug and carefree but also quite vain, he can often be seen looking at himself in any reflective surface he can, including a small pocket mirror he takes with him wherever he goes. He has traded comfort for a life of being sexy and his brother is so confused and keeps trying to shove him into something comfortable and Maui Hisses and shys away like he's a cat and his brother is trying to get him into a bath of water. His brother is the opposite and also very buff
I put si much effort into the straps!! I'm very happy to have them recognised!! They gave me a bit of issues but I managed to beat them into looking good. Same with the scarf! Though, most of the credit has to go to the fabric brushes on procreate. I don't know what I would do without them
Thank you so much for taking some time out of your day to view them and comment on them <333 I love it when you ramble so it's absolutely no problem! Ahhh, I'm so glad that my art is colourful and pleasing to look at and I hope to continue sending Maui to your inbox!
I'm very glad that you're slowly piecing him together, and that you seem to enjoy what he is. It is a veyy joyous day <33333
Heathen!! Hello! I have finally gotten to the third ask you sent me that fateful night a few weeks ago! I was not expecting a response at all (probably should've since this is you) so i'm very curious what this contains
that being said my response will be under a cut since. long!
The tattoos were so lovely!! I love tattoos so much I'd love to get a few. I used to have a whole host of tattoos planned out, but that was when I was like 13 and now looking back I'm like wow so glad I was not allowed to get tattoos because I'd now like very different tattoos. Still want a dragon tho. Matching tattoos also sound super cool! Sun and moon imagery is also *chef's kiss.* And I'd forgotten about the crescent art I have but mayhaps I shall post it at some time!
Congratulations on the hands tho the blending between tracing and making it look good can be hard but you did great! For me one of the biggest annoyances when tracing hands is that...they do not match my style. I usually take my own reference photos, so my real life hands when traced don't match my less-realistic style. The translation between the two is annoying sometimes but you nailed it! and highlights are always fun--I frequently go a little too over the top with highlights (especially in curly hair) and then am just like whelp can't do anything about it now (for traditional art at least)
Yes!! haha!! I know enough about sci-fi to recognize space! Tentacles are like a hit or miss for me. I'm. very picky about the fluidity of lines and tentacles can be a nightmare! Side note: i frequently type out little rants on tumblr and then just save them to my drafts and one of them is about the squiggle of lines.
but poor Jeremy, having to deal with the chaos that is Maui. I don't think him berating Maui is going to change anything but he sure can try.
As for the background, I hope you have fun with it! Those kinds of big detailed drawings can be really draining so good idea to take your time. It already looks awesome so I have no doubts that it'll be even better once you've finished it. What will not get better are Maui's plans everything is going to descend into chaos i fear for Jeremy
You're so right mermaids are fun. When I think of the ocean I usually think about pirates because my dad is a pirate nerd and he infected me with pirate brainrot, but I also love the idea of sirens and creatures in the water as part of that. And so true fish do not have knees. Maybe we could...do something about that :). your fish has been kneed.
I don't know anything about Castle Swimmer but the colors you stole are very pretty!! Three seasons sounds like a lot tho I don't know how people do it. I say, with a blog heavily focused on an 11 book series. But back to Maui! Camouflage sounds like it could be useful, but also I'm wondering how much light is down in the deep sea and if it'd even be necessary to hide if no one can see you. That's like ingrained hiding in the environment. Just a musing though, the design is still very pretty. Something something all I hear after that is bioluminescence which is hella cool I'd like to also glow in the dark. Maybe that was my thought process when I accidentally cracked a glow stick into my eyes when I was a child, I was trying to become bioluminescent
it is so much calmer than the others but also still has the wicked expression from the space one. Like he may look nice in terms of his appearance, but he also looks malevolent and like trouble. Good for him for the self-confidence tho. Sometimes you just need to stare into your own soul through a mirror. Though if you don't blink long enough then your face will stare to distort and you'll stop recognizing yourself, at least in my experience. it's pretty cool.
that is hilarious that Maui's brother is trying to unsexy him I love that so much. Just confused but supportive "it's cold out you can't wear that" and maui's in booty shorts and fishnets and a crop top, that's the dynamic I'm imagining rn.
yes!! the fabric texture is so impressive! thank you to the fabric brushes for giving heathen the tools they need to make cool art of a sexually chaotic part robot man.
thank you for sharing your art with me! I was very honored when you directly sent it to me even after you'd already posted it, it was like an "oh? you went out of your way to make sure I saw this?" moment /pos. I will enjoy as much as you have to say about Maui, so feel free to continue sending him!! he is a little puzzle I am gleefully putting together in my head one bit at a time and it's lovely.
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modern-vellichor · 4 years
In Her Blood; Five
Summary: You take particular interest in a dinner guest, Bucky isn't pleased.
Warnings: Warnings: smoking, angst, drinking, alcohol consumption, uncomfortable family dynamic, age gap relationship, jealous!possesive!Bucky, implied smut.
Pairing: DadsBestFriend!Bucky x Reader
Previous Chapter || Masterlist
You sat across from Steve, both of you sipping coffee. Since you two had gone on the hike, you had both been slowly spending more time with eachother, and less time arguing. Bucky had seen the both of you pass his window while on morning runs. The two of you were going for coffee and stalking the shelves of vintage bookstores together. It was like you were young again.
It was a pleasant change for Sam to come down the stairs to find the two of you enjoying your mornings.
"So", he said as he sat down next to Steve. "Bucky's coming over for dinner tonight, and Strange, and Peter", names that you recognised from news articles and stories.
"Y/N, you remember Peter, you met him last summer, hes a few years older than you"
You smiled and nodded, nursing your coffee to avoid answering.
You met Peter a few summers ago, you had only come home for a week or two. The two of you went for coffee a few times, he took you to lunch, but it never went anywhere because you left to spend the rest of the summer in Orléans.
You spent the rest of the morning doing some slow moving work, you typed a quick first draft for an essay, layed the base colours on a piece for your portfolio. And then you were being called down to begin cooking. You were taught to cook by Sam when you were a kid, and then expanded your skills when you moved away. Michelle, your roommate, had printed you a recipe book of all her own recipes for your birthday, and you treated it as the bible.
You and Steve danced around the kitchen nursing glasses of wine while you sautéed and roasted and whisked. Soon guests started arriving, filing into the house in dress shirts and booties. You scurried up the stairs to change, Steve on your tail. Bucky had arrived when you were upstairs, he had to take a moment to himself when he watched you come down the stairs. You were a sight for sore eyes in that skirt and your blouse, an image of his dreams. He could see it perfectly, you and him, in a house of your own, together, with a cat and maybe a dog too.
You weaved through the kitchen making small talk with the other guests, too distracted to even spare Bucky a glance.
He was picturing his dream life, watching you with awe as you glided around the kitchen.
He saw the white picket fence, a little white cat. A kitchen with a window above the stove and vintage curtains, a wine rack next to the tv. He pictured all your paintings hung up on the walls, sketches of him littered on your desk, bookshelves filled with books on Victorian era art and cubism and modern romanticism, and all sorts of poetry and story books. You would read to him in the evenings, or sketch him, or simply lay with him, talking nonsense into his chest.
He was rudely torn from his daydream when you sat down directly across from him, but your gaze was not on him, but on Peter. He watched in near horror as he refilled your glass and made you laugh and blush. He nearly exploded when he watched you rest your hand on his thigh, and when his hand gripped your arm for a few seconds past friendly.
You were solely focused on him until dinner was served and the conversation was between everyone at the table. You stayed relatively silent, laughing at everyone's jokes and stories, until Steve turned the attention on you.
"Y/N is actually at art school in Paris", he said proudly, Bucky smiled at his newfound love for you.
The table erupted in oohs and ahs and questions about Paris. You laughed and nodded as you told a few anecdotes and showed the table a few pictures on your phone. Bucky kept his eyes trained on you the whole evening, his blood boiled as you slowly focused your attention on Peter. He nursed his beer with a scowl as he watched you hug Peter a little too long for his liking before seeing him out.
And only then did you notice his frown, as you were sitting back down after all the guests had gone separate ways.
"Bucky?", you mumbled, the rest of your family busy cleaning up. Bucky ignored you.
"Baby", you cooed softly, but he only frowned harder.
"Soldier", you said in a sultry tone, instead of responding he grabbed your arm roughly and dragged you to your room. He threw you inside and locked the door. You opened your arms as you approached him, and he pinned you against the door, his hand around your throat, gripping harshly.
"Bucky", you coo. "what's wrong, baby?", you're stuttering as he licks a stripe up your neck.
"How's Peter?", he growls, sinking his teeth into the soft flesh of your chest, sure to leave a mark that only you'll see.
You chuckle, it surprises Bucky, so he lets you go, falling to sit on the edge of your bed.
You approach him, pushing his legs open with your knee so that you can stand between them. You take his face in your hands, stroking his cheeks lovingly.
"Jealous, are we?"
"Darling", he smirks, grabbing your wrists. "I dont get jealous"
"Really?", you question him, but you're still soft, treading on thin ice.
"Really", he states with pride. He snakes his arms around your waist, pulling you onto his lap. "and, we all know who-"
He's cut off by Steve hollering for him downstairs, he hurries out of your room and you're left to wonder what he was going to stay.
His half finished words float around in your head all evening, you spend hours tossing and turning, trying to sleep. You went to bed early to avoid having to speak with your family, who all seemed very interested in Peter, so you were unaware of Bucky's presence in the guest room next to yours. You were only half asleep when he snuck into your room. You snapped awake at the click of your lock, his body towering over you, it took you a moment to realise it was only Bucky and calm down.
He curled into bed next to you, wrapping his around you. You lay like that for a while, enjoying each other's presence.
"Buck?", you whisper. He hums in response. "what were you gonna say earlier?"
"when, baby?", he mumbled.
"When I sat on your lap, you said 'we all know who', and then you never finished"
He pauses for a moment, then he sits up against your headboard and pulls you into his lap once more. His hands knead and paw at the soft flesh of your hips and thighs. He hums contentedly, pressing soft kisses over your chest and neck, taking extra care to soothe the bite mark still visible on the swell of your chest.
"well", he growls, his voice has dropped an octave, his pupils blown out with lust. "before we were rudely interrupted, I was going to say", he presses a sloppy kiss to your lips.
"we all know who you belong to", your face drops. Something about his words makes your blood run cold. You splayed your hand on his chest, putting as much space between the two of you as you could, but his iron grip kept you glued to his lap.
"you think I belong to you?", you scoff.
"Y/N, not literally. It's just that you're mine"
You roll your eyes, "I'm yours? Since when?"
"baby, you gotta be quiet"
You drop your voice to an angry whisper.
"I'm not your fucking toy, Barnes"
"I know that, kitten, okay? You never were my toy"
You just scoff, crossing your arms over your chest defensively. He pulls you closer to him again, pressing soft kisses all over you and cooing gently.
"okay, maybe I did get jealous when you were giving Peter all your attention. I just don't want my girl wasting her time on a stupid kid like him", you soften at his words.
"your girl, huh?"
"Only if she's okay with that?"
"yeah", you mumble, pressing a kiss to his lips. He smirks at you, flipping you over, pressing you into the mattress and shoving a knee between your legs, you whimper. He laughs softly at your pleading eyes, he'd give in soon, but first he's going to have some fun with his girl.
@vicmc624 @adriannajackson @zizzlekwum @chipilerendi @madaroni37 @spameloearie
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hteragram-x · 3 years
Firefighter AU [again]
New story for the AU. This time about Virgil wondering who the hell is Logan. Also, apparently, Virgil’s main personality trait in this universe is thinking that Remus is very pretty and then being like: “hey! who said that?!”.
If it’s the first time you see this AU I think you can still understand what’s going on without reading older posts, but in case you’re interested: [HERE] is the introduction, [HERE] are some general HCs, over [THERE] you can find a story where Remus and Virgil met for the first time, and [HERE] is previous story :>
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Word count: 2240
Relationships: technically Dukexiety, but they’re not there yet; Creativitwins
TW: mentions of fire (what a surprise), small injury, mentions of blood, some animal bones, swearing (because I’m mentally 12 and think that swearwords are fucking hilarious)
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Because Logan Said So
             Over the last four months Virgil has learnt a lot about his new co-workers. Not every information he managed to gather was particularly interesting or even worth remembering, but having that knowledge helped with making the new workplace more familiar. And familiarity brought comfort.
           He learnt, for example, that their janitor – Jeremy – was the most grumpy and easily annoyed person in the entire firehouse despite being the youngest janitor Virgil has ever met. It was relatively easy to avoid him most of the time, but if he wanted everyone to know about his problems with something you would be informed that he’s unhappy regardless of your own involvement, or lack thereof, in the situation.
           Virgil also learnt that Anna was pretty helpful when it came to failing equipment and technology. They weren’t employed to do the repairs, but it didn’t stop them from trying to fix everything anyway. The guy with very short hair, whose name Virgil could never remember, was leaving his helmet in unexpected places and had three kids that he talked about all the time. Alex was often late, but always stayed at work longer than anyone. And that one girl everyone called Apple for some unknown reason was currently building a house and you couldn’t escape hearing about it, no matter how much you didn’t want to at the moment.
           Talking to Virgil about issues he wasn’t that interested in seemed to be the common thing among most of his co-workers.
           Pretty standard stuff. Nothing out of the ordinary.
           What was also not out of ordinary was the bird skull lying on his desk this Tuesday.
           “Remus! Is this a gift or are you just leaving your stuff all over the office again!?”, he half-yelled knowing that the younger twin had to be somewhere in the building at this hour. Not that he memorized his schedule or something. He just knew…
           Suddenly a head with a mass of unkempt hair and spider webs on top of it popped from under his desk. It was not the first time Remus was staying there, but Virgil still winced seeing the man crawling from the tiny space. It cannot be comfortable, he though for probably fifteenth time.
           “There’s no way it’s comfortable in there,” he pointed out, also for fifteenth time.
           “It isn’t”, Remus said, like he always did and smiled, stretching his long arms above his head. Even without his shoes – he always walked around the office in just his socks, because of course he did – he was still much taller than Virgil which somehow managed to fluster him more every time he noticed the difference.
           Virgil decided to ignore the futile argument instead pointing at the skull and a couple of sticks he’s just noticed next to his computer.
           “Can you keep your mess out of my desk?”
           “You didn’t even say ‘hi’ to me today”, Remus pouted.
           “I’ll say ‘hi’ when you take your stuff from my space,” he sighed.
           Remus groaned, his arms hanging loosely at his sides in resignation.
           “God… you sound like Logan.”
           A-ha! There he is. This mysterious “Logan”, whoever he was.
           Over the last four months Virgil has learnt a lot about his new co-workers. But no other person was as interesting and worth knowing as Remus himself. The number of weird quirks Virgil has memorized about the guy was unmatched by any other person working at the firehouse which was in no way a surprising score given the circumstances in which they’ve met.
           He was weird in so many ways that it almost seemed normal again. And according to Roman he used to be even more chaotic and unpredictable when the twins were younger. At first Virgil was pretty nervous around the guy – with all of his jokes about violence or with his creepy staring – but now this… interesting behaviour became just a normal and entirely expected part of his days.
           If Remus run into the room and didn’t stop until he hit the wall… fine. Virgil just checked if the guy was okay and went back to work. If he bit the bar of soap… also fine. You just had to make sure he didn’t swallow it all and forget about it for the rest of your day. When he left some of his most disturbing sketches on the fridge, you just commented on his skills as an artist or flipped them, so the picture was facing the door of the fringe, if the drawing was particularly disgusting.
           A standard day with Remus.
           Apparently talking about some “Logan” that no one ever met was also a standard part of his character. And Virgil was very annoyed at himself knowing how jealous he sometimes felt because of this mysterious guy. The jealousy, however, seemed to weaken a bit when he realized that Roman was also bringing the name up almost every day. It started to sound like an inside joke that Virgil was too nervous to ask about.
           “Okay! Your desk’s just as clean as my legs yesterday when I jumped into the river to find a shiny stone, but it was a broken bottle, so I got glass stuck in my hand!” Remus smiled even wider, showing a little too many teeth and lifting his palm with three fingers covered in bandages.
           Virgil pinched the bridge of his nose.
           “Why do you have zero self-control?”, he asked, very much aware that the question was pointless.
           No one knew. And if someone did know, it definitely wasn’t Remus.
           “Sounds like a question Logan would ask”, said Roman who has just appeared out of nowhere behind Virgil. The shorter man shivered a little, not expecting anyone except for Alex who was finishing his shift to be in the room with them.
           “It does!”, Remus agreed poking the bandages with a finger. Knowing him, Virgil assumed he wanted to check if it’ll make the wound open and colour the fabric with blood. “And like I said, I just cleaned up your desk.” The firefighter moved much closer to Virgil towering over him with some different kind of smile. He really was smiling a lot for a person, who wanted to appear at least a little scary most of the time. “Where’s my ‘hi’?”
           The shorter man glanced up at him, suddenly feeling a little overwhelmed with the whole situation and all of his conflicting feelings. It definitely wasn’t the first time he found himself in a position like that. He should have got used to Remus being annoying and invading his personal space long ago. Or maybe he did get used to that and he was just confused by the fact that he really… didn’t mind?
           “Hi,” he said finally, the corners of his lips lifting slightly.
           “Hello,” Remus answered with something twinkling in his green eyes.
           There was a minute of silence. None of them seemed to want to move.
           “You’re both gross,” said Roman decisively and ruined the moment by rolling his eyes and walking right between them to the adjacent kitchen.
           Virgil felt blush creeping up his neck. He completely forgot about the second twin being in the room with them. Wouldn’t be the first time he got distracted like that.
           And he couldn’t even get mad at Roman… that was a little bit gross. …In a good way.
           “You can keep the bird skull if you want to. I planned to paint it and add to my new sculpture, but I have plenty more to use instead.”
           Virgil was more than grateful for the change of the topic.
           “No, thanks. But show me the sculpture once it’s done.”
           That was apparently a right thing to say, because Remus looked very satisfied with himself which was always nice. Virgil really liked to see him so cheerful, even when it meant complimenting some naturalistic painting or listening to his unsettling ideas. He was even more handsome when he seemed genuinely happy… wait, what?
           Virgil coughed nervously and quickly moved to the desk, putting his bag down and turning the computer on. When he was adjusting the headset and checking his microphone he looked back at Remus and gave him a little shy wave.
           “Don’t set yourself on fire today,” he said using their usual equivalent of ‘good bye’.
           “No promises!”, was a standard reply.
             Roman grabbed a bag of gummy worms from Remus’ hand preventing him from showing them all into his mouth at once.
           “Stop eating so much sweets. You’ll already too energetic today.”
           Remus shrugged and took a long sip of some energy drink he’d been hiding behind his back.
           “Don’t tell me what to do.”
           “It cannot be healthy for you!” Roman tried to grab the can as well, but Remus was sitting on the kitchen counter, so he easily lifted it out of his brother’s reach.
           “Why?!” he asked in a whiny tone.
           “Because Logan said so!”
           “No, he didn’t.”
           “But he would if he was standing here right now.”
           Remus jumped off the counter sending his twin annoyed look, but he put the drink away, only now noticing his slightly shaky hands. He hasn’t said anything to not give Roman the satisfaction and moved to the changing room to dress for their upcoming training.
           Virgil followed him with his eyes, not even trying to hide the confusion. Remus almost never did anything, because it was healthy or responsible. What was happening?
           Who the hell is Logan?
           “Roman! …Roman! ROMAN!!!”, Remus looked up seeing his brother sitting atop the fire engine with a book. It was his favourite place to escape the noise, people… and work. “Get down here, you lazy motherfucker! We’re moving the old hoses to the new room.”
           “Have fun then!”
           “They’re heavy! Come back here and help me!”
           “I’m busy…” Roman looked at Remus from behind the book, hoping he’d just get bored and walk away. “And you can lift them yourself, come on.”
           “No, I can’t! They’re packed in those bigger boxes. If I do this myself I’ll drop them on my feet or hurt my back and Logan said it’s dangerous!” Remus smirked, already knowing he won the argument. “And do you really want to leave me unsupervised?”
           “Okay, okay. I’ll help… It’s not your fault you’re a weak baby!”
           The rest of the conversation was too quiet for Virgil to hear through the open window from the garages below. The twins probably moved to the other room to finish the task. And Roman, who truly didn’t like this kind of repetitive labour, helped without much complaining… Strange.
           Who the fuck was Logan?
           “Roman, you forgot the scarf. It’s freezing. Logan said you’ll catch a cold!”
           “Logan would already give you a lecture for sleeping on a chair like that… At least move to the floor… I’ll bring you some blankets… Yes, I know it’s 4am. You think I’m happy about it?”
           “If Logan saw the mess you’ve made he be so disappointed with you…”
           “Okay, stop staring at cute boys and get back to work! Just imagine if Logan saw you right now. It’s pathetic. Oh… is my little brother blushing?”
           “What do you mean ‘why’? Just stay safe. Because Logan said so!”
           “Because Logan said so!”
             “Okay… who the hell is Logan?”
           Remus looked at Virgil from the axe he’s been sharpening on the office floor. He was clearly confused, not expecting anyone to talk to him after Roman left the room a few seconds ago.
           Virgil gripped the fabric of his trousers nervously.
           “I’ve asked who’s Logan.” There was a moment of silence. “You… you two keep bringing him up and I… I know that no one with that name works here and no one else is ever talking about this guy. If it’s a guy.” He stopped himself before he started rambling. “So… Who is Logan?”
           Remus was looking at him with a very weird set of emotions in his eyes. It was impossible to decipher what he was thinking or feeling at the moment which was pretty unusual for a person who was normally so open with what he thought or felt.
           Finally he went back to cleaning the axe lying on his knees.
           “Wouldn’t you like to know operator boy…” he said with a smirk.
           Virgil blinked, even more perplexed.
           “Y-yes! That’s why… Of course I want to know! That’s why I asked in the first place!”
           This time Remus openly laughed as if Virgil just told him a joke. It was one of his loudest and wildest laughs that most people learnt to ignore after working with Remus for a while, but it was still pretty creepy for anyone unfamiliar with the firefighter’s personality. Virgil would find it pretty pleasant to listen to if it wasn’t meant to mock him at the moment.
           “I don’t know what’s so funny…” he said defensively. He already regretted ever asking the question. Maybe it was a wrong moment? Maybe he should have asked Roman instead?
           “Of course you don’t! Oh, the irony…”
           He was very close to asking “what’s the irony”, but decided against it. Apparently he wasn’t getting any actual answers right now. Okay. He could wait and be patient when he wanted to. He’s already been waiting for months before the curiosity finally pushed him to say anything. There were other ways to get that information. It might be a difficult task, but he’ll learn the truth… eventually.
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General writing taglist: @imma-potatoo
Taglist for this AU: @isabelle-stars @wintersandsunshine
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist or removed from it :>
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Read into Me Chapter 5: Romeo and Juliet
Steve Harrington x Reader
Tumblr media
Words: 2,955
Warnings: Swearing, slut shaming, bullying mention
Tag List: @divinity-deos @thecaptainsgingersnap​ @wolfish-willow​ @scoopsohboi​ @herre-gud-nej​ @clockworkballerina​ @maddie1504​ @i-am-trash-so-much-its-scary​ @banjino-in-the-hole @buckysarge​ @wildcvltre​ @stanleyyelnatsiii​ @unusuallchildd @n3wtscaseofniffler5​ @peterparxour @alwaysstressedout @linkispink1995​ @asharpkniffe​ @a-big-ball-of-idk​ @used-avocado​ @mochminnie​ @sledgy14​ @the-creative-lie​ @yall-wildin-like-siriusly​ @ggclarissa​
After that afternoon, you spent practically every day after school with Steve, either in his bedroom or the library. It was weirdly nice. You didn’t always talk; mostly you worked in silence, Steve answering English questions or doing work for other classes and you doodling. You’d finished the sketch of Steve you’d started in his bedroom the same night you’d started it. You were actually quite proud of it; you’d managed to get the shadows on his face to make his face look hollow and strange, not beautiful like it usually appeared. And yes, you were comfortable with calling him beautiful. You found a lot of your subjects beautiful, they all fit into an easy collection of strong, attractive faces that could be found in Hawkins. Hawkins Most Beautiful: the collections of portraits labelled themselves.
Steve called you fairly often as well; usually on the days when you didn’t meet up he’d call so he’d have someone to keep him company as he worked. He seemed lonely to you. From your conversations, you learned little of his supposed friends, but you learned a fair bit about his family. Both his parents were rarely home. His father worked in the city and kept an apartment there, keeping him as far away from home as possible most of the time. His mother was home more often, but kept her hours in certain places, leaving him home alone most of the time. So it seemed, he was ignored past the age of twelve. You sympathized with that, your own parents weren’t exactly present, albeit for different reasons. He asked you a lot about Samantha, which didn’t bother you; you could talk about her far more than you could yourself.
“I can’t honestly say that I even really know her…” Steve laughed. You were sat in his bedroom one evening, the sun setting in creamy red swirls, ominous strawberry pieces in homemade ice cream. Sweet and yet worrying for reasons beyond you for the time being. You were sat at his desk, leaning back in his desk chair, turning left and right. Steve was sprawled out on his mattress, feet kicking beyond him casually, his papers spread out in front of him.
“Yeah, she doesn’t really associate with some of your friends. Tina isn’t really our biggest fan…” you replied, smiling softly. The memory of Samantha dumping a miniature carton of chocolate milk on her head in the seventh grade flashed through your mind, her shrill screech making you chuckle.
“Oh yeah? What’s up her ass?” Steve asked, turning onto his side to look at you fully. He looked incredibly posed and uncomfortable, his head placed in his palm and his ankles stacked neatly one on top of the other.
“They used to be best friends, before I showed up. Once I was on the scene, Tina decided that I was someone to bully and Samantha decided that she wanted to be my friend. They fell out because of it and Tina started bothering both of us. She stopped once we were in middle school.” You explained, pulling one of your knees to your chest.
“Tina’s a bitch…” Steve muttered, shaking his head solemnly.
“She’s got such a thing for you.” You chuckled, watching as his face coloured. You continued “Vicki too…they want you so bad.”
“How’d you know?” Steve scoffed, rolling his eyes dramatically. His face was still pink, it was almost adorable.
“Oh my god, they spend every class with their heads so far up your ass!” you linked your fingers together and pulled them under your chin. You batted your lashes at him with wide eyes, starting into an imitation of Tina “Oh…Stevie, tell me more about your basketball game…oh Stevie you’re soooo strong!”
Steve pulled the pillow from the head of his bed, throwing it at your head. “Oh shut up!” he groaned. You caught the pillow, chucking it back at him, smacking him square in the face.
Steve was great to hang out with. But that sort of friendship didn’t seem to transition outside the privacy of his bedroom. In school, the rules of social interaction began again. Steve returned to the arms of Tommy H and Carol, whose attentions flip between him and Billy Hargrove, and Samantha kept you busy with her questions, her arm wrapped tightly around your shoulders, squeezing you tightly into your side. And every time you passed Steve, she cracked a joke in your ear that turned you beet red.
In truth, it was clear that Samantha did not believe you when you told her that nothing was going on between the two of you. She had already decided that the pair of you were in some sort of torrid affair of Shakespearian depths. She seemed to earnestly believe that it was some secret, clandestine romance was happening behind closed doors. You didn’t really understand what she was imagining; it didn’t make sense to you. Steve was far too obviously interested in other people to be doing anything with you. You tried to point out all the girls who hung off his arm whenever she tried to embarrass you about it, but she didn’t see it.
“What you’re missing,” she said through a massive bite of cafeteria shepherd’s pie “Is that all those girls pay attention to him, but he doesn’t pay attention to them.”
“If we were having an affair, don’t you think that I would tell you about it? I tell you everything anyway.” You retorted, rolling your eyes at her.
“You didn’t tell me about Byers until I weaseled it out of you. That’s what I’m doing right now.” Samantha replied with a shrug, mushing her meal together with her plastic fork until it was a disgusting shade of brown, golden corn accenting the pile.
Talking about Jonathan Byers wasn’t fair and she knew it. In short, there was nothing to talk about. You’d had a small, teeny tiny practically nonexistent crush on the boy a year prior, but it was very clear that he didn’t like you back. Samantha had gone to Tina’s party in October, right as your crush was subsiding, and she’d told you that he was all over Nancy Wheeler. You’d had your suspicions about it, but hearing that he’d gone after someone else’s girlfriend and rejected you along the way hurt. Even though you weren’t interested, it still hurt. Samantha was still annoyed that you hadn’t told her about it until it was over, and since it was the only source of knowledge she had on your comatose love life, she brought it up all the time, much to your chagrin.
“All I do with him is sit in his room and help him study. And when I say help him study, I mean literally help him study, we do the chapter studies together and discuss the stupid book.” You said. That wasn’t the whole story; you talked a lot about life and listened to music. You were confident in saying that you were friends by now. You’d almost met his mother twice, both times in passing, and that seemed pretty important to friendships, when their family knew who you were. Still, it didn’t break into school. Steve stayed with his clique and while you tried to stray from yours, Carol or Tina would always scare you off before you spent too much time with Steve. It didn’t take much to scare you, a mere gaze could send you packing, and those two had been mastering the annoyed sneer since the fifth grade.
“Yeah, well you don’t see what I see…” Samantha muttered, turning her attention away from you and onto the loud clique at the centre of the room. Billy Hargrove was show boating, as usual, with Tina and Macy practically drooling onto their lunch trays. Vicki was trying to get Steve’s attention, her thin, spidery fingers gripping onto his wrists, speaking animatedly into his ear. Steve wasn’t facing her though; his whole body was turned away from her, and directly towards your table. Samantha noticed how he watched where you went, it’s why she thoroughly believed that something was going on beyond the surface, something even you might not realize. She knew what a person looked like when they were love struck. Often times, from the outside, it was easier to see when someone was in love with someone else before she could catch onto who actually liked her. She’d watched the women she yearned for fall in love with boring, lame men enough times to have mastered the signs of how men fall for girls. And Steve showed all the non-verbal signs. She couldn’t get a full read on you yet though.
Tommy had caught onto to Steve’s strange behaviour just as fast as Samantha had, although he wasn’t nearly as impressed. You were simply not worth the effort. Not by a long shot. You were fucking lame-never at the parties, never at dances, never at the lake on the weekends. And he knew you had money, you could afford to do all those things, you were just too much of a pussy to show your face. That was fucking pathetic! He knew his friend better than anyone else and a chick who couldn’t hang was not the girl for him. Steve liked fun girls, girls who could turn up for a last minute thing and not be weird about it. Nancy Wheeler was the farthest Steve needed to go on the preppy nerd scale, and that bitch ended up being a massive slut! Like nobody expected that shit. But Tommy knew that you didn’t have any surprises up your sleeves. Despite the fact that you never talked, he knew that you were plain about who you were. Everything was on the surface, and what he saw was not worth his friend’s time.
“Steve, buddy, I’m gonna go get another milk, walk with me.” Tommy motioned him over. Steve followed blindly, if only to get Vicki’s cold, clammy hand off him. Tommy had seen The Godfather one too many times and seemed to believe that he was some sort of small town mob boss, but Steve didn’t really mind following along with him flights of fancy. Usually they were pretty funny.
Tommy wrapped an arm around his taller friend’s shoulders, lowering his voice from the onlooker’s ears. “Listen, buddy, you gotta tell me what’s going up with that Y/N chick I mean you just keep staring at her it’s freaking weird, dude.”
“Y/N? She’s my writing partner for Lawrence’s class, she’s cool…” Steve replied, turning to catch your eye as they passed. He smiled at you, giving a short wave, which you returned with a small smile.
“She’s cool? That all?” Tommy pressed, stepping into the line and grabbing a carton of strawberry milk and the largest chocolate chip cookie in the basket. He unwrapped his arm from his shoulders, letting him go free for the first time in the conversation.
“Yeah, I mean she’s nice, what else do you want me to say?” Steve knew that was being a little defensive, but he didn’t like being questioned for his choices in friends or girls, he never questioned Tommy’s choices and he made the worst decisions most of the time. Carol was no prize and he didn’t say a word about her.
“You fucking her?” if Steve had had anything in his mouth, he would’ve spit it on the floor. Tommy didn’t even turn to look at him, paying the lunch lady in change.
“Jesus, dude, no.” Steve cried, recoiling from his friend. Tommy needed to get hit and while he didn’t have cause to do so yet, he firmly believed someone was going to do it soon.
“Hey, no need to freak out, it’s just a question.” Tommy pulled his friend back in, slapping his friend on the back. Instead of simply heading back to their lunch table, he pulled him to the side, standing next to the hot grab and go table, next to the cartons of fries.
“Now, the way I see it, you have something great going for you.” Tommy began, cracking open his milk and taking a long swig, leaving a milk film on his upper lip. “Vicki Clarke is a fucking babe and she’s begging for it! She’s all over your ass and she’s hot as hell! But you’re blowing it by spending all your time staring at some freak of nature instead. You could have a smoking hot babe at your beck and call, but you’re wasting your chances here, you see what I mean?”
“Not at all, dude.” Steve crossed his arms over his chest, looking over his friend doubtfully.
“Look man, I’m just trying to set you up for success here. Because that girl,” Tommy pointed at you slyly “Is not interested. If she was, she’d be over here, acting like Vicki is. But she’s keeping herself planted at that table with that goth freakazoid.”
Steve had no idea what to say. He opened his mouth to speak, to deny having any feelings for you, but that wouldn’t mean shit if he kept watching you. And Tommy was right, there was a girl there who wanted to listen to whatever he said, who chased him down. Vicki was there and you weren’t. So he swallowed his words and went back to his table.
“Hey, Steve…” Vicki drawled. There was red lipstick on her teeth. Steve didn’t say anything about it. It didn’t make her ugly. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, letting her rest in the crook of his neck. Vicki seemed over the moon by it and it gave him something to focus on other than catching your attention.
Samantha frowned, turning her attention back to you. “What’s Steve’s opinion on Vicki Clarke?” she asked.
“He didn’t like when I told him that she had a thing for him, why?” you retorted, flipping through the college magazine in front of you. You still hadn’t chosen anywhere to apply and applications for the major schools were due in the winter and community colleges needed their applications in for the fall semester in by the end of June at the earliest.
“Well, he doesn’t seem embarrassed now.” Samantha hooked a thumb towards the couple. You looked once, narrowing your eye to scrutinize the pair.
“Eh, that seems about right…” you murmured. You wouldn’t deny that something about it hurt. But you ignored the pain until returning home from school. As always, you called before making any moves. It was the polite thing to do, even though Steve had made the plans to meet up with you after school the night before.
The phone was picked up after three rings. Steve’s car was in the driveway, not his mother’s, so you knew who would answer. “Hello?” his voice sounded anxious and breathy, maybe even annoyed.
“Steve-o, we still studying? You wanna go grab food at Hula Burger?” Steve had introduced you to the burger place in Carmel, a little mom and pop shop with the best Cajun fries in the county, at least in your opinion.
“Oh shit…” Steve muttered “Y/N I’m sorry I-I kind of made plans, can I take a rain check on the burgers?”
“Oh…yeah, sure I guess…some other time…” you said softly. You wouldn’t try to hide the disappointment in your voice. The pain you felt in the pit of your stomach returned with abundance, not exactly sore and angry pain, but more of a black hole opening up there.
“I gotta go, I’ll see you tomorrow, ‘kay?” Steve asked. He was already running late. He was supposed to pick up Vicki in twenty minutes and he still needed to shower. He had genuinely forgotten about his plans with you and he felt like an ass for doing so. He did want to hang out with you, but a date was a good step after being decimated by Nancy. He wasn’t super into Vicki, but it was still exciting to go out with someone new.
“Sure…” you hung up after that. You stood from your bed, dropping your book bag at your feet. You were used to spending afternoons alone, that wasn’t strange to you. Just because you’d spent a few days with a boy didn’t mean that he was yours to hold back from his life. You could’ve pulled a fit and tried to make him hold true to his word, the way your mother used to act towards your father. But those memories made you sick, you didn’t like that behaviour. But you also didn’t like being cancelled on. It wasn’t a feeling you were used to, not from friends at least. Samantha never really cancelled on you, she always made sure to tell you when she was busy and not agree to plans. She’d never cancelled on you for a date, even when she was dating Keith the creep she always put your friendship on a different level than him. Of course, she wasn’t really into Keith, she came out like a week after they started dating and broke up with him after kissing Jessica Klein at a house party, but that wasn’t the point. The point was that Steve had ditched you and it made your heart hurt.
You couldn’t help but watch him run out of his front door and into his car. You watched it pull out of his driveway and out onto the road. It was clear to you now, Steve was more interested in passing English than he was in being your friend. Vicki Clarke was the girl to pay attention, no matter how he acted around you.
So why pretend like he was your friend at all?
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songofwizardry · 3 years
paint stains
part 2 of a motley crew, a series of nine (nein!) ficlets to celebrate the end of critical role campaign 2
(set between episodes 21 and 26) Molly borrows Jester's paints, and Jester gets a preview of Molly's newest cards.
Molly and Jester having tiefling art club together was so much fun to write! you can find the fic on ao3, or under the cut.
It was not a nice day outside. One of the best things about Nicodranas, in Jester’s opinion, was that it didn’t get weather like this. And sure, Jester didn’t really feel the cold, but these sorts of days – wind making horrible sounds and knocking over carts, cold rain hitting the windows at odd angles – were still miserable, on principle. She liked spending them indoors. Anyway—the point, Jester thought, turning away from the window (closed tight) and back to her sketchbook, was that Nicodranas was way better than the Empire in lots of ways. Weather was only one of them.
She turned the sketchbook around on her lap, twisting so she could get a better angle, and she was working on a particularly tricky fold on a robe, when she heard a knock on the door. She paused – couldn’t be Beau, they were sharing and she never knocked – maybe Fjord?
“Come in!” she called.
The door creaked open, and a purple head poked in.
“Molly, hi! I thought you’d gone shopping with the others.”
Mollymauk pulled a face. “Not in this weather, darling. I let Caleb and Fjord go on their own. I’m not made for these elements.”
Jester couldn’t help laughing. “Me neither.”
“Anyway, can I come in? I need your help.”
“Sure!” Jester swung her legs off the bed, and patted the space next to her. Molly shut the door behind him and dropped onto the bed, coat fanning out behind him, a bright splash of colour. “What do you need?”
Molly pulled a deck of cards out of his pocket with a flourish. “Your artistic input!” he declared, grinning. “Also, your paints? If you can spare them, please.”
“Ma-aybe,” Jester said, just to watch the way Molly’s brows knitted together. It was kind of adorable. She leaned over to poke him in the side. “No-o, I’m kidding, of course! Can I see what you’re painting?”
Molly’s face brightened, and he fanned the cards out on the bed, flipping them over, one by one. “Definitely.”
Jester wasn’t too impressed with her current paint levels. Another thing Nicodranas did really well – or at least, that her Mama always made sure she had – was art supplies, but it turned out that finding paints while adventuring and going between middle-of-nowhere Empire towns was really hard. She was running low on blue and yellow, and she’d lost her last nice paintbrush somewhere in the Labenda swamp, and she’d never had to ration her supplies so carefully, but she had no intention of telling Molly that.
Anyway, it was totally worth it for the smile on his face as she placed the little pots in a neat row before him.
She watched as he picked up one of his cards – it had a sketch of two dragons, locked in battle with each other, all teeth and wings – and started painting one of the dragons red. “You’re really good at this, Molly,” she said, after a few moments, seeing the dragon come to life under his purple fingers.
Molly glanced up, briefly, grinned, then looked back at his cards. “I haven’t been doing it for very long,” he admitted. Jester was pretty sure he hadn’t been doing anything for very long, what with the whole amnesia thing, but she wasn’t gonna bring that up. “But I like the cards,” Molly was saying, “And I like, you know, being able to tell stories with them? So…” He looked up at her, shrugged. “Making more of them felt natural. And it’s fun.”
“I get it,” Jester said, and she did. It was sort of what she did with her sketchbook, too. Part of it was talking to the Traveller, but part of it was talking to herself too. Telling herself the story. “What’s that card gonna mean then, Molly?”
Molly finished off the tail of the red dragon with a flourish. “It’s called The Tyrant.”
They passed a good hour like that, together. Jester turned back to her sketchbook, finishing off the tricky cloak, adding features to the face, shading in the scales. Mollymauk hummed as he worked, snatches of tunes she vaguely recognised from their one night at the circus, finishing one card and starting on another. Outside, the wind grew wilder, the sky got darker.
When her hand started aching from making dozens of little scales, Jester stopped to shake it out, and looked up to find Molly watching her.
“What?” she asked.
Molly smiled, and there was something smaller, and softer, about this smile. “Did you know you stick your tongue out while you draw?”
Jester was definitely not somebody who blushed, so she definitely did not blush. “Yes, actually. My Mama always told me that.”
“It’s very cute,” Molly said, without a trace of embarrassment. “Anyway, what are you working on?”
Jester turned her sketchbook round so it was facing him. “Can you tell who it is?”
Molly pulled the sketchbook closer, eyebrows shooting up. “Fuck, that’s really good, Jester. Calianna, yeah?”
In spite of herself, Jester felt a swell of pride in her chest. “Yes! I’m glad you like it. What about you?” She leaned over, trying to get a look at the card on his lap, but he immediately flipped it over.
“Nope, nuh uh. Some of these are a surprise.“
“What, for me?”
Molly laughed. “Not just for you, darling. For all of you. You’re not going to see them till they’re done.”
Jester attempted her best pout. “I’m excellent at keeping secrets, Molly! I wouldn’t even tell the others.”
“Nice try, but no.” Molly glared at her, but the effect was slightly ruined by the blue paint-stains that had somehow ended up across his cheek and chin. “You’ll have to be patient. You’ll see them eventually.”
“Ugh, fine. You better finish them soon.”
Molly rolled his eyes. “I’m a busy tiefling, but I’ll do my best.” He pushed the sketchbook back towards her. “Now come on, if you’re that desperate for me to finish, let me continue.”
He flipped the card back over, pulled out the charcoal stick that was stuck behind one ear, and continued sketching on the card. Jester picked up her own sketchbook and stretched her fingers once more (still aching, she was never drawing scales again). Molly started humming again, and this time she recognised the tune as a sea-shanty Fjord had sung when he’d had too much to drink. He seemed engrossed in his drawing.
Slowly – holding the sketchbook up as an excuse in case she needed it – Jester edged closer to him, leaning over, little by little, until she could see the card Molly was (poorly) trying to hide.
It was a man, with long hair and a scruffy beard, holding a book open. There were spheres – lights, Jester realised, noticing the rays stretching out from them – orbiting him, and Molly was currently drawing a cat, winding between the man’s feet. It was just a sketch, but Jester could already tell it was going to be beautiful.
She couldn’t help the smile, thinking of what Caleb’s face would look like when he saw it. He’d probably go completely red. As sneakily as possible, she scooted back to her end of the bed, took one last look at Molly (he hadn’t noticed her snooping, excellent) and went back to drawing the scales, still smiling.
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elliestormfound · 4 years
If you’re still looking for fic ideas: jaskier poses nude for paintings as a side gig, and Gerald has absolutely no clue until he saw one of the paintings for sale on the street or in some alderman or mayor’s house when he’s trying to negotiate a contract
Thank you so much for this wonderful idea, I had to giggle as I read it, I had to giggle as I thought about what I could write and I giggled the whole way through writing it. I hope I don’t disappoint.
If you, lovely anon, or anybody else have any more ideas/prompts for me, just send me an ask, please! This makes so much fun!
read on ao3
“I saw a statue of you today in the mayor's manor,” Geralt told Jaskier upon returning with a wicked grin on his face. With a small surprised intake of breath Jaskier turned away, “I know I am beloved by the masses, but it would be new to me that they are building statues for me now,” he replied.
Geralt chuckled amused, “it was not really of you, but of the mayor.”
With an indignant huff Jaskier replied, “the mayor is at least 80 years old, Geralt, are you insulting me? Do you want to tell me that I look old?”
Geralt, still grinning, “no, calm down. The mayor has a marble statue standing in the middle of his hall of, as he says, himself in his prime. Butt-naked and with way much muscles than that prick ever had.”
Jaskier turned to the witcher, brows furrowed, “and what made you say it is a statue of me?”
The witcher told him how he had waited in the hall of the mayor’s manor for his payment for ridding the local forest of a fiend. The hall had been decorated with paintings of old men, probably some forefathers of the mayor and there had been a white marble statue in the middle of the room, bathed in sunlight. 
“And there was something about the statue that reminded me of you,” he said.
Jaskier just looked at him, one hand on his hip, head slightly tilted, lifting his eyebrows as to beckon him to continue. And Geralt burst out in laughter, pointing at him.
“The statue had that exact posture!” 
This was the poise Jaskier normally did when he was flirting with someone, or when he was scolding Geralt for something stupid like using plain soap for washing his hair instead of the scented one Jaskier had given him. 
What Geralt did not tell Jaskier was, that not only the posture reminded him of his bard, but the broadness of the marble shoulders, the long beautiful fingers on the hip and the curve of the ass, even how the hair was depicted, the delicate locks at the base of the skull tickling the neck were eerily like Jaskier’s. Geralt had by now seen Jaskier naked often enough. The bard was in no way shy and sharing campsites and small inn-rooms made it hard not to get the occasional glimpse of the other. But of course Geralt had never looked that closely at the naked bard. 
“The only thing remotely looking like the mayor was the face,” the witcher said, “he had probably some young handsome lad pose for the sculptor and made him put his ugly face on the statue.”
Geralt did not notice Jaskier blushing as he turned away.
A few weeks later Geralt had begrudgingly accepted to accompany Jaskier to a feast at some small court. He had instantly forgotten what was celebrated and was regretting his promise to come as he was fumbling with the uncomfortably stiff and tight new doublet Jaskier made him wear. As usual he was to protect the bard in case any cuckolded spouse was to run into them. 
“Oh, there you are,” Geralt heard a sweet voice call after them. With a barely audible sigh Jaskier turned around, his showman smile plastered on his face, “Countess de Stael, as always does your beautiful smile shine brighter than the sun.” He made a low bow and accepted the hand of the woman for a delicate kiss. 
“Julian, the painting is finally done,” she said, beaming widely, “do you wish to see it?” 
Jaskier stole a glance at Geralt and with a gasp the Countess turned to the witcher and said, “oh, forgive me, I was so overcome with joy to see my Julian again, that I forgot all my manners.” She curtsied in Geralt's direction and offered him her hand as well, “Anne-Louise de Stael, Countess and biggest admirer of our Julian here.” She winked at the bard. 
Geralt hadn’t said anything yet, just shot a look over to Jaskier as the countess curtsied and had mouthed “my Julian?” with a raised eyebrow and the hint of a smirk. 
“Ah, yes,” Jaskier said with a side glance at the witcher, “if you don’t mind, I can come by tomorrow and we will have a look at the painting?”
The countess turned to Geralt again, “master witcher, I am sure you are an admirer of the fine arts as well and wish to have a look? Julian must have told you how tedious it was to pose for six days straight. But he did such a good job,” she finished dreamily. 
Geralt looked at Jaskier and registered a slight blush creeping up his neck and with a wicked grin said, “I do indeed enjoy the finer arts. Let’s have a look at this painting of our Julian.” 
The countess linked her arm with Geralt and steered him toward a stairwell with Jaskier in tow. They entered a light filled room and Geralt had to stifle a laugh as he saw the huge painting, higher than he was tall and wider than two times his length. Depicted in the enormous painting was Jaskier. Completely naked. Sprawled on a thick red carpet, propped up on one elbow, being fed grapes by a naked lady, probably the Countess herself. Geralt turned to Jaskier with a huge grin, seeing countless emotions battle on the handsome face, ranging from embarrassment, to appreciation and even pride. 
“That is,” the bard began, but had to cough to steady his voice, “larger than I expected.” 
And after a moment to Geralt he said, “the painter just did sketches when I was here.” 
Geralt still grinned like a lunatic and turned to the Countess, “will you show the painting to the other guests?” 
Jaskier seemed to have overcome the first wave of embarrassment and took a closer look at the artwork, starting to discuss details with the Countess and Geralt found himself also staring at the canvass. The larger than life painted bard looked relaxed and the colour of his skin almost seemed to have a golden glow. The muscled biceps were as accurately depicted as the brown hair dusting his chest. And even though it was a painting, created to be looked at, he was not sure if he should be studying the lower part of the bard’s body that closely. As he felt a blush creeping up his ears, he turned around and fled the room back to the party in search of a glass of wine. Or better a whole bottle. 
Read my (slightly) longer fics on ao3
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