#dub con bucky
buckyalpine · 8 months
Dark Dr.Bucky x innocent reader
Look, proceed with caution. Things are not always as they seem. Dirty. Nasty. Filthy. Dark. All the smut. Imagine Dr. James Barnes, highly known and well respected in his profession, devilishly handsome and so young compared to others in the same field of work.
"Dr. Barnes will see now" The red head at the front desk beckoned you to the room, directing you to sit on the large reclining examination chair.
"Y/n?" James strode into the office, offering a warm smile before sitting at his desk to look over your file. He nods before coming over to you again, going through the motions of checking your heart, breathing and blood pressure first. "It says you've been experiencing some lower abdominal pain?"
"Y-yes-um, lower, lower than that" You mumble out as he lightly prods at your stomach to pin point where you're feeling discomfort. You had been too embarrassed to specify where you felt cramping. You really just needed someone to prescribe you something stronger than a Tylenol.
"Are you sexually active?"
"No" You shook your head, feeling your cheeks heat up, holding back a whimper when a wave of pain made you feel like doubling over.
"Alight, I’ll examine your pelvic floor and I’ll take a blood test just to be safe. Put this robe on and then lie back for me and place your legs on the stirrups"
Your eyes grew wide at the flimsy gown he gave you, slipping it on in the bathroom, before making your way back. You’d never felt so exposed, desperately wishing you could close your legs, heat blossoming at your core when you saw him slip on gloves.
"You may feel a little discomfort but it's normal" He reassured you, applying gel to his finger tips before prodding his fingers to your entrance, the sudden coolness making you gasp.
He continued to push his fingers in, pressing against your walls, curling them, hitting a spot that nearly made you scream.
“Does that hurt?” He asked out of concern seeing your eyes glossed over, though you shook your head.
It felt good.
So good.
You struggled to bite back a whimper that nearly escaped, wishing you could stop your arousal pooling out of you the more his fingers stretched you. He shoved them all the way in before drawing them back out, your sticky slick neatly dripping onto his palm.
He hummed, using his other hand to press down on your belly making the feeling of his fingers even more prominent, your cunt starting the flutter and clench around his fingers.
You wanted to die from embarrassment at the sounds that wanted to escape, a different kind of heat starting to spread through your thighs, making your pussy feel tighter and more sensitive.
“Let me just- Without warning, he started thrust his hand, adding a third finger, pumping in and out of you till you nearly ripped the plastic from the chair from your grip alone. You felt so close, so close to something you couldn’t describe, chasing a feeling you wanted over and over again.
“D-dr. Barnes” you stuttered out, nearly squealing when he flicked your clit with his thumb before rubbing tight circles onto your bundle of nerves. “Dr. Barnes!!!”
“It’s okay, almost done” he gave you a soft smile but something in his eyes darkened as they fell to your sopping hole, his fingers moving wildly until blinding pleasure took over and you let out the scream you’d been holding in. Your juices dripped onto the table, sweat covering your body, hardly feeling the same cloth he wiped you down with.
“Your prescription should be at the front to help with the cramping” he helped you onto your shaky feet, chucking when you nearly lost your balance.
“We’ll schedule another check up for next week”
Bucky's POV
So fuckin' tight
Bucky was glad he had his white coat on or you would’ve seen his erection pressed painfully against his slacks. He didn’t need to examine anything to know what was wrong but he couldn’t help it, not with those soft doe eyes you kept batting.
As soon as you spread your legs open, he couldn’t help but get more greedy. He fully intended on just checking on you but every time you bit back a whimper, he needed more. He saw the way your eyes rolled back, the way you were soaking his hand.
Your hope shifted to chase more of them and who was he to deny you.
That button between your legs was too tempting. He told himself not to, he couldn’t go that far but he could feel you craving it and any semblance of control he had went out the window. He couldn’t just leave your cute little button untouched when it was so pretty and swollen.
He nearly came in his pants as soon as he started to play with it, working you up till you were creaming on his fingers. His jaw hardened, breathing through his nose to keep his composure as his cock started to throb, thick ropes of cum soaking his pants.
He was addicted to you.
Maybe next time he’d take care of you using his cock. Convince you only his fat thick length would make his bunny feel better. He’d have you spread out on the table again, pushing the head in to warm you up.
He’d promise his cream would make you feel good. His cum was special, you needed all of his juices and he’d give you every drop. He’d fuck you and stretch you till you were in tears, pumping you with load after load.
He pulled his semi hard, cum soaked cock out of his pants, locking the door before furiously jerking himself off again, needing to calm down before his next appointment.
He couldn’t wait for next week.
I’m so sorry, I wrote this on my break, back to work.
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a-b-riddle · 2 months
A few things to know:
This is my hobby. I don’t get paid for this so please cut me some slack if I’m not as active as other writers. I’m trying 💙
Things I enjoy writing: CNC, smut, kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome 🫶🏻 (a personal fave), groveling. He falls first & harder. Enemies to lovers. Friends to lovers. Dark fics. Happily ever afters. Pregnancy tropes. Betrayal. Redemption. A/B/O.
Things I won’t write: major character deaths (MW3 never happened on this blog). Miscarriage. Cheating tropes (from the MMC). Hurt/no comfort. Unhappy endings.
Just because I won’t write certain things doesn’t mean I won’t read it. I just prefer not to write it.
I don’t do tag lists & please do not ask me when there will be an update.
Master list
Call Of Duty
Fourth Wing
Other Fandoms
Writing Resources
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sarahowritesostucky · 3 months
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Rated: Explicit
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
Tags: a/b/o, medical institutionalization, cognitive disability, made up kinky medical things, diapers, catheters, non-con medical procedures, restraints, forced wetting, hurt/comfort, humiliation, kind!Careworker Steve, bratty!Patient Bucky, alpha Steve, omega bucky, dub con everything due to a/b/o biology, dry humping, forced orgasm, masturbation, implied self harm, orgasm therapy, age difference (19/30), omorashi
Summary: Bucky is a troubled teen coping with the traumatic transformation of late-onset omega puberty.
Steve's been developing too much of an attachment, he knows he has. But he might not have the self control to remain detached anymore.
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Chapter 1: A Weekend in the Pens
Chapter 2: Holding It in
Chapter 3: A Catalyst
Chapter 4: Release Therapy
Chapter 5: Excited Catatonia with Aggression
Chapter 6: Inflation Therapy
Chapter 7: Pheromonal Oil Massage
Chapter 8: Sensory Reset Therapy
Chapter 9: Persistent Genital Arousal
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georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
When I Hear Your Name
Summary:  You should have never left.  Things were perfect.
Pairings:  Steve Rogers X Reader
Rating:  explicit
Warnings:  explicit, dark, explicit language, explicit sexual content, depictions of PTSD, kidnapping, somnophilia, non con/dub con, degradation, bondage, fingering, squirting, creampie, pussy plug, breeding kink, holding people captive, cheating, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  2.7K
Steve Rogers Masterlist
A/N:  My entry for @the-slumberparty Week 1 Challenge.  My random generator theme was ‘Descent into Madness’ and the setting was ‘Military’.  
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Steve Rogers was a lot of things; he was strong, charismatic, a natural leader, righteous, handsome, sweet, and stubborn.  He was different before he went off to war.  He was always about making you giggle.  Holding you tight when you got scared.  His sweet lips nipping at every inch of your skin.  His body had yours memorized.
Things were harder when he came back.  There was this odd quality about him.  He wasn’t mean, he was just…distant.  It was like he was living from afar.  Never completely present with you.  He didn’t talk to you.  Barely looked at you.  He was just there taking up space.
Once upon a time he showered you with gifts.  Even if you didn’t have much, Steve managed to get that diamond bracelet that you had eyed for years.  Surprised you with his own homemade bouquets of flowers.  It became a weekly thing to see these adorable, if not crudely put together, flowers.  He tried, and that’s all you cared about.  Even would hand deliver them.
His romance was gone, as was his will to enjoy life.  There was no passion behind his actions.  He was but a meat suit with little to no emotions.  No excitement, no love, no passion.  It was infuriating.  It was worse seeing Steve like that.  You couldn’t explain it.  Couldn’t make sense out of it.  And you felt yourself losing your joy everyday.  
You tried getting him the help he needed.  Tried to be there for him, but it wasn’t enough.  
“Moonbeam,” Bucky whispered in your ear as the two of you watched a blank Steve staring up at the ceiling, “you don’t deserve this.”
“But…I love him,” you look up at Bucky, and only then does Steve stir.  His eyes glaring straight at his best friend.  “He doesn’t deserve this either.  Bucky, what am I supposed to do?  He barely eats or sleeps.  Won’t go to therapy.  Won’t talk to me.  I want our life back.”
“Have you ever thought it wasn’t coming back?” Steve sits up in the bed, and you flinch, taking a step towards him.
Bringing your hand to his cheek, he sighs, leaning more into it.  This was proof he was still in there.  He always leaned into your touch.  You pet around his face, giving him a tearful smile when he looks up at you.  Opening his mouth, but no words came out.  It was heartbreaking to see this great man become a ghost of his former self.  No smiles were ever present on his beautiful face.  He was lost.
“Moonbeam,” Bucky says again when you turn to leave.  Steve’s feet bounced his legs around, but you couldn’t do it anymore.  It was eating away at your soul.  Your hope was nearly dwindled down to nothing.  
“Moonbeam?” Bucky races out to grab your arm, “Where are you going?”
“Back home, Buck.  I can’t,” you cry up at him, giving him a tight hug.  Blind to your boyfriend’s darkened eyes peering at the two of you.  “I tried.  He’s never coming back is he?”
“I don’t have an answer for that.”
“I hope he does.  I hope he finds himself.  But I can’t do this.  I can’t see him like this anymore,” giving him a kiss to his cheek, you leave everything behind.  You didn’t need a reminder of how happy your life was.  How many dreams you and Steve had made come true, and how many you were still waiting on.  You wiped your hands clean, and it was the hardest thing you had ever done.
“What did you do?” Steve screams as he races towards Bucky.  “She left me, and it’s all your fault!” He knocks Bucky onto the floor, crawling over him to slam his head into the floor over and over again.  “You did this!”
“You did this, Steve!  She wants you, and you won’t fix it!”
“I can’t.”
“You got another package,” the girl at the front desk snips, smacking her gum, feigning annoyance.  “You know the boss is mad about all these personal deliveries.”
“They’re not personal when I don’t know who’s sending them,” opening the box, you gasp at the forever roses that were supposed to keep for over a year, and one in the center was a pure gold rose.  
‘I’ll love you until the last rose dies,’ ugh, so cliche.  If this was for you, he didn’t know you at all.
“You have no idea who’s sending you these,” she smacks her gum right beside you, and you have to silently count to ten.
“Nope.  Not even dating.  Probably someone gave them the wrong place of work.  Throw it away,” you didn’t care about gifts anymore anyways.  You didn’t care about love or happily ever after.  You cared about peace, and yourself.  You vowed to never fall in love again.  And you wouldn’t
“Some man just spent hundreds of dollars and you think he doesn’t know who you are?”
“Nope.  Clearly a mistake.”
“Your name is on the address,” giving you an incredulous look.  She believed you were bullshitting her and everyone in this office.  “No man is going to go out of his way to do this, along with flowers every Friday, if he wasn’t sure it was you.”
“What?” You stop in your tracks, turning back to look at her.  “What did you say?”
“You get flowers sent to you every Friday,” she blows a giant bubble with her gum, and you march back to the box, grabbing it up.  “So you know who sent them?”
“Nope,” you lie.  It wouldn’t be Steve.  This was a cruel joke.  You hadn’t heard from Steve in a few years.  These weren’t hand delivered like Steve did it.  They had it all wrong.  
You go out the back door, and slam the box into the garbage.  Your chest heaves with frustration.  “God, I can’t get away from him.”
“Because you weren’t meant to,” before you can scream, someone’s thick hand has been placed around your mouth as he drags you into a van.  You try kicking and screaming.  Try for anyone to get your attention, but it was useless.  
“Any second now,” your assailant grunts as your vision goes blurry.  “There ya go,” he hums, watching your eyes flutter close.  “Sweet dreams, Moonbeam.”
Your eyes pop open quickly, as you blink your vision back into view.  Tugging at your arms above your head, and your feet, but you were not going anywhere.  Hands tied above your head, while your legs were spread eagle.  Taking a deep breath to keep from crying, you look around.  
“Welcome home, darling,” Steve says sweetly, walking into the bedroom with a glass of water.  “I worried that you weren’t going to wake up.  It had been too long.  Your pulse was still steady.  You must have needed that extra bit of sleep.”
“Steve, what are you doing?” Your voice was hoarse, like you had been screaming.  “Why am I naked?”
“Why are you asking questions?  You’re home, you should be happy.  Look, I’m talking to you again.  I tried sending you flowers, you didn’t thank me.  I had plans to hold you while we walked on the beach and talk for hours, but you didn’t call.  Had this big night planned for a romantic dinner, and then to take you dancing, but…yeah, you didn’t reach out to me.  So, I had to do what I had to do.  We’ve traded diamond bracelets for leather cuffs,” he gives the binds on your wrist a little tap.
“And they look so pretty on you.  Water?” You shake your head no, but he lowers a straw to you anyways.  “I suggest you drink some water.  You’re tired,” with his free hand he slaps at your core, chuckling when you yip.  
“What have you done?”
“You took too long to wake up.  I wanted what you promised was mine,” you cock up your eyebrow, needing him to go on, “You said that your pussy belonged to me.  So I took it.”
“You fucked me while I slept?” You growl up at him.  Disgusted that this was the man you had once loved.
“Yeah,” he answers easily.  “It’s my pussy.  It was just glistening with your juices.  If you weren’t turned on why were you so fucking wet?  Face it, Moonbeam, that cunt was made for me.  So I gave her what she wanted.  You needed a good hard fucking.  You were pitiful.  You still say my name in your sleep, too.  You know that?”
“Who was driving the van?”
“Hmm?” Steve smiles, looking down the expanse of your body.  Cupping your mound, moaning at the feeling of you, “Still wet.  You’re a slut for me, you know?” His hand slides up and down your split, and you try not to react, but damn if it didn’t feel good.  He knew your body.  Steve studied your body like he was being graded, this didn’t change.
“Who was driving the van?  There was someone else.  Was it Bucky?” You croak, letting a desperate mewl rise up out of your chest.  
“Why do you care so much about fucking Bucky?”
“I didn’t say anything about fucking Bucky.  I asked who was driving the fucking van,” Bucky was a sore subject for him.  His hand moves a bit faster.  A bit too hard on your sensitive nub.  “Steve,” you whine, anything had to be better than this.  “Steve, I wanna feel you.”
“No, you don’t.  You’re asking about Bucky.”
“No.  I…uh…I just wanted to know who was with you.  But…all I want right now is you.  I forgot what you felt like, and,” you bite at your lip as the pleasure starts to build up.  Getting a devilish smile from Steve.  He slows down his motions more, and you whimper out his name.  “Steve, I can’t remember.”
“I’ll make sure you remember.  I’ll make sure you feel me for a month.  You’ll take a step and be so sore that you’ll know my cock was buried so deep in your greedy little cunt.”
“Yes!  Yes, that’s…that’s exactly what I want.  Steve,” you breathlessly answer when he takes off his shirt.  Silver scars crisscross over his arm, and you can’t stop staring at the odd pattern of them.  
“Steve,” moaning out his name when he jerks his pants down.  His cock springing free, looking just as godlike as him.  Dripping of precum, and he crawls in between your legs.  Rubbing his tip through your arousal before slapping his cock over your clit.  “Steve!”
He continues playing with you, until strings of sticky arousal connect the two of you, and you jerk at your cuffs, needing to feel him.  “Yeah, you get forced to take whatever I give you,” he laughs as you try to bring your thighs together.  “Pathetic.  Trying to deny yourself an orgasm,” he tsks at you, changing to slapping you with his hand.
The sharpness was sending euphoria that you had never felt through every inch of your body.  Flowing through you like your blood.  Continuing until you were screaming out his name, and he crams two fingers into your tight channel.  Curling his fingers as he stabs into you.  There was no time to rest as he chases another high for you.
Your cunt was making the most vulgar squelching sounds that made his eyes roll into the back of his head.  The noise echoing through the rest of the house, and Steve hoped he heard.  “Just.  Let.  Go,” he demands, letting his calloused fingers hit over a sensitive spot in your core.  
“It’s…it’s….there she fucking is!” Steve screams as you squirt onto his chest.  Your juices being catapulted to your stomach, and still he didn’t stop.  “One more time.  Then I’ll give you what you need.  Go…on,” he pulls his hand out while you soak his thigh.
At lightning speed he had his cock driving into you.  Hips thrusting his fat cock in your warmth.  You were already speaking in tongues.  Head tilted back as you worshiped at the altar of Steven Grant Rogers.  My god, he was hitting every single spot that you had.  This wasn't sweet love making.  This was an urgent need to have you say his name like a prayer screaming off your lips.  A deep desire to destroy you, break you, so that you would never leave him again.
More arousal spews out from around his length as you clench down.  Your walls missed him.  And they were hugging him tightly.  So tight you start to see stars.  “Don’t you give out on me.  I missed your pretty eyes!  Missed the way you looked when you were taking my cock.  Look at you…right where you were made to be, taking my cock.  My little sexdoll.  It’s what you were designed for, huh?”
You give him a head nod, trying to catch your breath.  It was too much.  “I told you to drink your water.  Maybe next time you’ll listen.  Molded to my cock.  Gonna keep you in here so I can play with you whenever I want, Moonbeam.  I do miss the way you scratched down my back though. Just like you’re doing with your hands.”
It was true, you had your hands in a fist so tight, your nails had brought blood to your palms.  “Fuck,” Steve growls, railing into you harder.  “One day, when you don’t try to leave me, I’ll let you ride on top of me.  Okay?  Let that pretty little ass ride on my dick.”
“Yeah, I know.  I know, you missed me just as much as your pussy.  I mean, my pussy.  She was always mine, wasn’t she?”
“Yes!  Yes!  Yes!” You scream out again as he drives into you hard.  Making your body jump up the bed.  You felt him in your throat, and you wanted more.  “Steve!”
“I know!  Right…there!” One more final thrust has you both coming hard.  Your creams mix together as Steve tries to catch his breath.  “Beautiful.  Now,” he groans, pulling out of you.  His hand shoves up against your ruined cunt and he reaches over to the bedside drawer, grabbing a plug that he shoves into your mouth.
“This is extra important,” he drags it down your body before removing his hand, and pushing it into your sex.  “There, that will keep that in there while I take care of something.  When you have my child, you’ll never want to leave.  We’ll become a family again.”
He kisses you hard on the lips before leaving you in a state of partially awake, and halfway asleep.  Walking down to the basement where he sees the chair, and two angry glowing eyes.  “See?  I told you she wanted me.  Now, I’m going to take your muzzle off and feed you.  When she stays freely, I’ll let you go.  Hey!” He shouts when Bucky snaps his teeth at him.
“Is that anyway to treat me?  I know you two had something going on.  This is to make sure you never think about fucking Moonbeam again.”
“It’s an expression.  I didn’t mean I wanted to fuck her.”
“Liar!” Steve shouts, clenching his fists together.  “She even said fucking Bucky.”
“I’ve never touched her!”
“Eh!” Steve holds up a glass of water with a straw, “Comply, soldier.  Quit fighting it.”
“You’ve gone fucking mad, Steve.  Let her help you.”
“I am,” Steve’s mouth turns up into a creepy smile as he puts the straw to Bucky’s mouth, “She’s going to give me babies.  I have my cum waiting in her snatch right now.  She’ll never leave.  And neither will you.  Not until you comply,” there was no use.  Bucky knew that Steve would keep him here until he gave him what he wanted.  It was over.
“Steve!” You scream from upstairs.  “Steve, please, don’t keep me here!  My parents have…they have…Steve!  I have somebody who needs me,” Steve slams the glass on the ground, knocking Bucky’s chair over.
“What was it that you didn’t do again?”
“I didn’t know, Steve!  I didn’t know!” Setting him back up right, Steve stomps up the stairs.  “Steve, let her go!  Steve!” Was the last thing Steve listened to before slamming the door closed, leaving Bucky to wonder, and Steve to brood, while you prayed you could get out of this.  Maybe.  At least this time you had a reason to fight, and a bigger reason to leave.  He could never break you.
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Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @sstan-hoe @softsatnin @missusbarnes-rogers @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @donutloverxo @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @bambamwolf87 @harrysthiccthighss​ @navybrat817​ @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​
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alostlovergirl · 1 year
Bucky barnes or sebastian stan X innocent reader, where the reader goes to the doctor because she is constantly wet and feels tingling down there, and she doesn't know what it could be, so she goes to seek medical help, in a super beautiful clinic, with super cute doctor clothes, and still more with the nice and good doctor, bucky will take care of solving your problem in a very professional way (you know ;), 2,3,... X until she can't take it anymore, tying her legs wide open, talking dirty and manipulating her, and after finishing bucky says that every time you feel it you have to look for him, only he can make it stop, and gives the address of the "private clinic" to look for him. if there is any problem, I hope this fic is a little long.sorry if there are any mistakes, everything came from google translator
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Open wide- Bucky Barnes x reader:
Summary: Taking a visit to the doctor concerning a private and embarrassing problem leads to some fun.
Warnings: Virgin reader, rough sex, rough taking of virginity, slight manipulation, crying.
Notes: I am so sorry anonymous for this taking so long. I have been dealing with a lot lately and I had to finish this quick. I hope you like it and I hope it is long enough for you. Thank you for your request!
Dr. Barnes is the best sexual therapist / Doctor around the Brooklyn area. He has dealt with multiple cases of couples with sexual frustration or non-communication with things in the bedroom. He has helped many achieve what they were looking for out of sex. Now, he was dealing with a case of a 21 year old woman, who apparently never dealt with sexual frustration in her life. Or never heard of sex. Or never had a sexual thought in her life ever apparently. It excited the older doctor. His mind wandered to a nervous, innocent woman opening up her tight, wet heat to him. To be seen by him for the first time, other than her parents. Bucky never thought of himself as a bad, uncomfortable doctor, but he has found it increasingly hard to control himself. After seeing pussy and the rare occasional virgin all damn day has had him in his office rubbing one off. So having a patient that has never heard of sex meant that maybe he could manipulate the woman to lose her precious virginity to his fateful techniques.
When he walked into his office with a pair of jeans and forest green sweater, binder full of files and right hand holding a black coffee, he didn't expect to see a shaking, small woman sitting in the cotton chair. She hair a blush on her increasingly not face and seemed mildly uncomfortable, squirming in the chair. ’ This was her?’, he thinks to himself, continuing past her and past the secretary booth, in pursuit of his office. She was gorgeous and her thighs would provide a great handle for him to pull her back on his aching dick.
Bucky sits in his plush seat, yawning before smiling to himself. He sends his nurse to get the young woman sitting there, waiting patiently. For a painful hour, he waits until he is ready to see her. His cock was throbbing in his pants, thinking about the wet mess that would be laying in front of him. He wasn't disappointed when he walked into a dripping wet pussy, facing the door. He had to hide his perverted side away and put on his friendly side.
"Good Morning, Miss." he says as he puts on some hand sanitizer and puts on his latex gloves. " How are we today?"
He hears the young women let out a sigh and breaths, shakily before speaking. " Nervous... ", god her soft voice was perfect. Shaky and quiet. It just made his dick jump in his pants again, but he has to control himself. ‘Don't freak her out more’ he tells himself before sitting himself in between her legs, putting his gloved hands on her warm thighs. He takes a deep breath, sneakily breathing the scent of her drenched, virgin pussy.
"Why ya nervous, dear? I'll help you out. Just tell me what's going on, alright?" he smiles when she nods in agreement. " What’s going on?"
He sits back and listens to the story over a 21 year old woman that never experienced hornieness or hormones. It's almost amusing to listen to the innocent woman laying on his table, rubbing her sticky thighs together. He acts professional, but in his mind, he was thinking of every way to " treat" his poor patient. As soon as she finishes, he scoots forward, putting his hands on her inner thighs and pulling them apart. " You know what you need? Some good old fashion relief.'' He is slowly losing his composure the longer she sits there with her pussy out in the open. " Let me help you."
He pushes her legs wide open, rubbing her inner thighs. He feels her tense, trying to close her legs. " Relax, darling" he presses his gloved thumb against her button. The little gasp she let out was music to his ears. She started to squirm, more arousal coming out of her little hole. He moves his thumb away only for thick strings of arousal wetting the gloved digit. He listens as her breathing quickens as he rubs his thumb against her sensitive nub.
"D-Doctor, what are you doing?” Her body temperature is slowly rising up as he continues rubbing her clit. Bucky smiles to himself, tracing his finger down to her opening, running it around her hole. He grips her thigh with an iron grip as she squirms around, trying to push back into the pleasurable feeling.
" You are so cute. This is all you needed to do, hun... But don't worry. I'll take care of you now." he chuckles, opening his mouth a bit, pushing his digit inside. She lets out a wanton moan. Bucky groans to himself as his cock was begging to let out of the ever growing tight jeans. He had to get a taste of her dripping wet cunt. Holding her thighs open as wide as they will go, he dips his head down, licking a firm stride along her cunt.
“D-doctor!” She lets out a gasp and closes her legs around his head. Bucky didn’t mind being trapped in her legs, close to her cunt, but he couldn’t breathe too well. He grabs her thighs and pulls them apart. He holds them tight enough to leave bruises while he works his magic mouth on her, sucking on her clit, relishing in her sweet taste. Virgin pussy has always tasted the best in Bucky’s opinion. He pulls away from her pussy, spits on it and goes right back down on her, hearing her moan out loudly, grinding on his face. His fingers climbed to the top of her cunt and pulled back the hood, giving him a more sensitive surface. He drools on her pussy, letting it dribble down on the table as he continues going down on her like a thanksgiving feast.
He feels a gushing sensation against his face, almost cutting off his airways. Bucky pried her legs off his neck and pulls away coughing. She was squirting everywhere, on the table, on him. Bucky groans, standing up, dripping wet. He takes off his sweater, and lab coat. He ties her up and smiles. “Look, you may be my favorite patient, but that doesn’t mean you can drown me.” He chuckles, shaking his damp hair. “Let me finish what I started darling.”
He starts taking off his belt, listening to her soft, quick breaths. She sounded scared, but Bucky was too horny to care at the moment. He got a taste of her virgin pussy, now he needed that virgin pussy on his cock. He needed to feel it squeezing around his every vein, every fucking inch as he forces himself into her tight hole. Bucky ties his back up and rubs his tip in her wet folds, smiling at the trembling woman, who was drooling a bit.
He aligns himself at her hole and pushes inside of her, bottoming out in her tight, warm pussy. It felt fucking amazing, the warmth made him feel like he was already about to fill her up. He grabs her thighs, thrusting inside, listening to pained groans and moans from the woman on the table. She squirmed against the confines of the lab coat and sweater tied to her wrists. Bucky moved his hips slowly, relishing in the pleasure of her cunt. “D-doctor..”, she groans out, breathly. The pleasure shot up her body, her eyes rolling back. Bucky pants to himself, eyes slightly crossing, loving the tightness and warmth.
He already felt like he was about to cum. Her pussy felt fucking amazing. The sticky, warm mess was more perfect then he could ever imagine. He looked down at her face, smiling as she was looking away with tears in her eyes and redness all over her face. He groans and wraps a gentle hand around her throat, so as not to scare the hell out of her. He turned her head back towards him, moving a bit faster.
Her hands grab onto his arm, whimpering and drooling. “D-dr. Barnes… Please… Please harder..”, She begged, getting redder with every word she said. He groans and stalls his hips, picking her up and fucking her into a wall. She cried out, scratching at his shoulders. “Bucky!”. She started to push on his chest, the pleasure became too much, but he didn’t stall. He holds her arms against the wall and pounds her little pussy, making it sticky and creamy. Her arousal drips down his cock and her legs, onto the floor.
He groans and pulls out, only to slam back into her. “Ah! F-feeling weird? L-lots of pressure”, tears run down her face. He smiles and decides to move slower. He makes sure that she could feel every inch and every fucking vein in his cock. He pushes her face into the wall as she started to fight back against the overwhelming feeling in her lower parts. She claws at his hand, shaking under him. She feels warm wetness run down her thighs and an overwhelming pleasure. Bucky kept going, chasing his orgasm. She pants, letting out little whines, being completely out of it. He kept going before pulling out of her and cums on his stomach and pussy. He coats his perfect body in his thick, white ropes. She looks at him with wide eyes, still trembling in his hands.
He gently put her down and helps her get cleaned up. She sits on the table, still tearful from being sore and confused. Bucky writes an address down on a piece of paper and gives it to her. “If you ever feel like that again, come to this address anytime… I’ll take care of you”, He pats her thighs, putting the crumbled piece of paper in his hands, smiling. He helps her out of the clinic and goes back to his office, satisfied. He is sure that she will be coming back to her every single fucking day.
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foxgloveprincess · 2 months
Hi! I'm obsessed with your Avengers Pantheon stuff... I thought I'd check on Steve and Bucky today... How are they and their captive lil pet doing?
Thank you so much! Steve and Bucky are doing quite well. Their pet? She’s adapting.
A Little Ficlet for Another Taste of Devouring Rush
Warnings: Dark (Soft Dark Stucky), Medieval(ish) AU, Polytheistic/Pagan Beliefs, Mythology, Yandere Behavior, Obsession, Possessiveness, Endless Hallways, Invisible Servants, Captivity (she calls them her masters), Dubious Consent, Smut (Vaginal Penetration, Nipple Play, suggestion of Somnophilia), Innocence Kink, Pet Names (sweet, blossom). Minors do not interact (18+).
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What is morning when the sun and moon don’t rise upon the horizon? Without time, I cannot know for how long I’ve been kept. From the moment I wake to the moment I sleep, my life stretches endlessly. 
I rise from the cushion of my bed. No ache, no pain. Only memories illuminated in my mind’s eye, finding their brethren in previous passions. My masters, the Righteous Captain and the Freed Soldier, meticulous in their endeavor of pleasure. Three bodies joining over and over in writhing lust and satisfaction. My purity plundered. Drunk on joy, lust, bliss. A divine communion of worship and reverence shared between mouths and tongues and bodies. Until I succumb to exhaustion and the cycle begins again like the seasons. 
My feet weave a path about columns, naked body no shame. My previous life in The Broken Beast dispelled me of such notions long ago. But now, as I wander, phantom hands drape silk over my frame. A luxurious fabric unblemished by the touch of mortal man. 
The servants covering my modesty spirits upon the breeze. Invisible to the eye, yet attentive to my every step, providing anything required by my whims or their judgement. They clothe me in fine garments, a protection of my virtue. They provide a tray of food and drink upon a small table, an offering for my strength. My indulgence their design. 
I sigh and turn down another corridor. However time passes in the Land Beyond, I spend it wandering the halls of the vast castle of my masters. Every inch of space bedecked in opulence, art and offerings dazzling the eye. To think of my attempt to appeal to them, a simple sachet full of herbs, a shard of glass and a pebble, so paltry in comparison. When true masterpieces line their walls and stretch to the highest heights. Beyond what the eye can see and hidden by clouds. No ceiling to limit the display of grandeur and beauty. 
My fingers pluck a morsel from a tray, a bite of boar dripping with black sauce. Another bite passes my lips before I continue on, weaving through familiar passageways and exploring my grand prison. Kept inside, I do not even know whether anything exists without. The crash of the river upon its shore my only indication of something beyond these walls. 
With a turn down another passage and another, I pick up a new piece of boar to consume. My fingers stick with the sweet, spiced sauce left by my grazing. An echo of my name floats upon a breeze. A kiss of wind brushes against my cheek as I turn to greet my caller. A hand wraps about my wrist and draws me back. 
I fall against a sturdy chest. Plush lips wrap about my sticky fingers. A hum rumbles in their throat. 
“Hello, my sweet,” Steve greets from behind. My head turns to return the address, his shoulder leaning against the wall. A smile tilts his lips, his form relaxed and hands upon his belt. My other master, James, holds me in the cradle of his arms, tongue dancing over my fingertips. 
The Soldier pulls back, releasing my wrist to let my hand fall limp at my side. “We missed you.” 
“Did you miss us?” Steve asks, prompting a reply in their favor. 
“Of course,” I demure. My bones engrained with the graces of my training. I spin to greet James readily, wrapping my arms about his neck and cooing sweetly as he buries his face in the crook of mine. “I was trying to bide my time by searching for the gardens.”
The affection borne of our lingering connection, unable to stifle my true feelings toward the lords behind the curtain, the men before me now. Still my captors, murderers. Swept away by them, forced to abandon my family for their safety. Everything falling to their feet, nothing restrained. A mistake, Melinda once said, not to keep something for myself. I thought myself unable to forgive them their many crimes. Until I did.
Steve stalks forward, pushing away from the wall, and tucks a finger beneath my chin to meet my eye. 
“Or perhaps the riverside?” I continue on smooth, dulcet tones, “with all the beauty surrounding you here, I only thought it might be just as lovely.”
“There’s nothing for you outside our walls,” James grumbles against my skin. His arms pressing tighter, a remonstrance. 
“What he means,” Steve says at the mournful tilt of my brow and the hitch of my breath, “is that outside our home, we cannot protect you. You would be vulnerable to any passing beast.” 
“Oh.” The sound whooshes past my lips on a disappointed sigh. “I understand.” 
Steve’s lips capture mine, an indulgent kiss. I sink into him, knees weak from his attentions. He pulls a breath away to suggest, “Let us take your mind away from such distracting thoughts.” 
His whisper shivers down my spine and ignites fiery passion between my thighs. The lick of temptation leaving me defenseless against them. I meet the Captain’s piercing gaze and nod. Ready, as ever, to yield to their insatiable appetites. 
James entwines his fingers with mine, palms kissing as he leads me down the hallway. Around only one corner, and we stand before my room. The corridors twisting and reforming to hasten our trek. Miraculous and astounding.
The door stands open. Just as I left it. Lace and the thinnest gossamer draped from the ceiling. Cushions line the floor. Colorful lanterns sparkle above. A fanciful world imitating the nights I sat behind my curtain enticing the eye of suitors, my virginity Aida’s prized gem. 
Kisses trail over my neck and shoulders. Two sets of lips forging their own paths across my flesh. I seek their touches in turn. Fingers carding through hair and soft sounds spilling past my lips. The fabric covering my frame puddling on the floor. Whisked away from my feet by phantom hands. 
My masters lead me to my bed, guiding my body to recline upon the plush cushion. Their devotion floods my body until I drown. The pinching pain of my deflowering forgotten in the heady rush that consumes. Their love an endless wave that does not recede. Their touch a scorching fire. 
Sweat dots my skin. Lips parted on hungry breaths. Eyelids fluttering with euphoria. Steve parts me around his glorious cock and fills me to my limit. James’s hands plucking at the tender buds of my breasts. I moan and writhe between their bodies. Flush with their warmth. Defiled and debauched, exhaustion tickles at the border of my consciousness. My nails bite into their flesh, dragging myself away from the tempting precipice of slumber. 
“Rest,” Steve croons into my ear, a kiss trailing my cheekbone to my lips. His hips continuing their exquisite drive. 
My head tips back, another wave of ecstasy rushing through my veins. I choke on a gasping cry. Hips bucking in tandem with those plundering my body. 
“We will tend to you as you sleep, dear blossom,” James promises. 
His sweet words lull me deep into the darkness. My eyes close and I nestle into their embrace. Their hands and lips and pleasure continuing, even as I am lost to them. A new cycle dawning in my eternal existence.
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onsunnyside · 2 years
I’m sorry to do this (not really), but what you need, what we all need, is Step Dad Bucky.
He’s mean, so so mean that you resent your mom for marrying someone who clearly hates you. Except he doesn’t. He’s also the most inappropriate ever, touching you in ways a stepfather shouldn’t, invading your privacy. Your mom doesn’t see what’s the big deal.
You give in slowly, it’s noncon, then dubcon, then you’re always begging for his cock.
I’m thinking it starts one night when he goes to your room while you’re sleeping, takes his time with your body, and you wake up when his sinks his big cock deep in your pussy. “Shhhh, be a nice whore, baby. Let Daddy use you.”
he'll ground you for the dumbest shit, you don't even live with them bc you live in a dorm on campus but that doesn't stop him from talking with his friends who happen to be your profs about your grades. you got lower than a 70% on a test? grounded. you rolled your eyes? grounded. you try to avoid going home as much as possible, but you can't skip the holidays or outrightly ignore your mother's texts about missing you.
Bucky doesn't waste any time, leaning on your doorway while you settle into your bedroom, "I washed your sheets so they're fresh for you." You mutter a quiet thanks and eye the box on your dresser. "What's that?" "A present. You can't open it until after dinner though. And, if you misbehave or that attitude makes an appearance, you can kiss whatever is in there goodbye." As if you'd want anything from him. "Well, you can take it back now. I don't want it anyway." He laughs, rubbing over his beard while licking his lips, "You say that now but I think you'll be on your knees and thanking me later, sweetheart."
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The Perfect Life
Part Seven
Summary- 1.7k Dark Steve Rogers x Reader x Dark Bucky Barnes. You are a Doll, a Sweetheart, a Good Girl. Steve and Bucky finally achieved obtaining their perfect version of You. The woman that gives them days and nights of pleasure, comfort, and a stable home. You strive for giving them your very best, even if it means destroying yourself in the process.
Warnings- Dub Con, Reader struggling mentally, toxic relationship, Oral male receiving, marking reader with cum, spit swallowing breeding kink, etc. 18 + Only Blog. Read at your own risk.
A/N- There is only one more chapter after this one everyone! Please be kind and like, comment, and reblog. I so appreciate it.
Part Six / Masterlist
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You were a Doll. 
You smiled at the mirror in the bathroom to reflect that hallowed nickname. A perfect perfect doll made just for them. They were sure to tell you everyday. 
You were a Sweetheart. 
You strived to be their perfect girl, and the consequences made your stomach clench and panic rise in your chest like a wasp, relentless in torturing you. No no no you were a Doll, a Sweetheart, a Good Girl. 
They told you just last night. 
Your fractured mind craved those words now, that meant the day was going to be okay. Today you woke plastered to Steve’s back where you clung to him, he loved feeling you all over him. When you woke, you were so automatic. Wake him up in a way that will make him happy. 
You dragged the blankets down till his limp cock rested against his thigh. Still intimidating, you rubbed him with kisses down his chest. It didn’t take long for the man’s body to react. Your tongue worked him, your mouth molded around his semi-hard on till he woke enough to grasp your hair, work your mouth up and down till you were taking him in your throat like he liked. You were sure to moan lewdly and glance up at him with all the love and submission you could muster. 
“Good Girl Sweetheart.” He groaned while spitting in your face, making you messier then you already were with bits of drool already smeared on you. He yanked you off, your hands replacing your mouth, and continued to jerk him. 
“Spit in my mouth Steve.” You begged while you leaned towards him, sticking your tongue out for him. 
“My fucking filthy slut.” He smirked as he pushed you off him to your back and kneeled over you, jerking his cock himself. Your mouth was still open, waiting and he spat once more, making you hum as you swallowed it. It was so hot watching you like this, your body arching upwards in a roll like you needed him, offering your body and he jerked his cock faster, feeling his balls tighten suddenly as thick ropes of cum shot over your breasts and up to your face. “Fuck, FUCK.” He shouted before it was over, covering you in his spend. His cock went limp and you pouted a bit while running your fingers through his seed all over you and stuck them in your mouth. “What’s the pout for Sweetheart?” 
“You didn’t come in my mouth.” 
“I would rather come in this pussy.” His hand smacked at the tender spot between your thighs, making you squeal a bit, trying to snap your legs closed, but he fell between them, rubbing himself into you. “Later Sweetheart, you know I’m not finished with you yet.” 
Now you stood in his bathroom, freshly showered, applying your makeup while telling yourself how you were a Good Girl, A Doll, A Sweetheart, your daily prep talk. Steve was just stepping out, his hand wrapped around his raging cock once more, dripping wet as he approached you. 
You resumed the position, hands planted on the bathroom counter and ass out, looking at him in the mirror. His proud smile made you arch to your toes, arching your back all that much more. 
“Fuck you are so perfect, Sweetheart.” A hand smoothed over your ass while he pushed himself into you, jarring you into the countertop. “Said I wasn’t finished with you yet.” 
You were a Doll, perfect in every way. A Sweetheart, everything about you was welcoming. You were a Good Girl, able to make your men happy. You chanted these words over and over while Bucky held you in his lap, reading out loud over your shoulder with the occasional kiss to the side of your neck and whispered praises to your temple. Bucky like this was so affectionate and gentle. You appreciated this side of him. You were sure to try really hard to keep him happy because you didn’t want him to have to teach you a lesson. You tensed at the thought, the nightmare making you relive those moments when he was the enforcer, taking you to the barn, to the basement, to his bed. 
Steve was wild in his rage, quick to dole out his punishment till he was sated. Bucky was cold and calculated. He took his time with you when he felt you needed to be reprimanded. 
“Doll, relax Baby.” Bucky soothed in your ear, dragging you out of your thoughts with panic. Did you stop paying attention, no no, you couldn’t have let your mind wander. His arm was heavy around your waist to keep you against him. 
“Bucky, Buck I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-” You panicked, your words rushed. You were sure he was going to be disappointed in you. That first trip to the basement wasn’t your last and the darkness scared you so badly now because you didn’t know where they were going to strike next when you had to be down there. 
“Sssh ssh, Doll.” He crooned in your hair, rubbing at your belly where his hand rested. “You were safe in my arms. Relaxing is normal.” You made yourself relax back into his chest, letting your head tip back. 
Bucky could cause great pain, but great pleasure as well. Which you knew he was heading towards, wanting you to feel good with him. You were his Doll, you knew when to go limp in his hold and let him mold you into what he wanted. “Make me feel good James.” You whispered, knowing he would want to hear that. His breathing hitched in your ear as his lips skimmed the crook of your neck. The book was set aside so he could focus on you. 
“Mmhh what do you want Doll?” 
That was once a loaded question, back then you would have begged for freedom. Now, you wanted to make them happy, feel good, and feel loved by them. “You James.” You arched your hips for his hand that was stroking the inside of your thigh and over the cloth covering your pussy. 
“You got me Doll.” He muttered as he had you arch up again, shifting the two of you till you were perched on his knees for a moment. You could hear the zip of his pants and then he wrapped an arm around your middle to ease you back. “Get on Doll.” 
You reached between your legs to wrap your fingers around him, feeling him throb heavily in your touch. He was hard, always hard for you. 
When you eased his cock against you and slowly let yourself lower on him with a muffled moan, stretching you open for him, he cursed with restraint while you bounced yourself to fit him further. “Fuck Doll, I gotta.” He grasped your hips and pushed you fully onto him, making you cry out while he hugged you, kissing your neck and groaning between his praises. “Feel so fucking good Doll, made for me, you always have been. Easy now, don’t move till you're ready.” 
You tilted your head over your shoulder and gave a slight bounce, breaking out in a proud grin at how his face went slack and his hold tightened. You were more then ready for him, as he said, you were made for them. 
“Ah Doll, just like that.” You started bouncing faster, your pussy flexing and squeezing around him, your arousal starting to make a mess of you both. Now and then you would push on him, grinding yourself into him while digging your nails into the arm of the chair. 
“You feel so good James, I need to feel so full of you, all the way in my-” 
“I know Doll.” He gritted out as he grabbed your hip with one hand and moved you up and down. His other shot between your thighs, toying with your clit till you were clenching on him, dangerously close to making him come. “You just give me what I want and I will fill you so full your cute little pussy can't handle it all.” 
“Please, please.” You begged him, bouncing faster, both of you chasing that ending. You came first, his fingers expertly teasing you till the sensation made you need more and want to push away, you sank into his hold, letting him move you how he wanted, and when he bit your shoulder while filling you, you let yourself find comfort in his arms that he now wrapped around you, holding you against him while you both panted, letting racing hearts start to settle down. 
“I love you Doll.” He muttered and you twisted your face into his neck, hiding against him. 
All alone in your bedroom once again, the evening starting to stretch into nighttime, the dark making your heart race as the shadows deepened in your bathroom. The mirror showed you a woman’s tired face, no longer really yours. It was all for them, that smile that was soft on your mouth, your eyes hopeful looking back at you. You were their Doll, their Sweetheart, their Good Girl. 
But in here it was just you and slowly all those features started to fade away, that smile fell away to show tired lines etched around the corners of your mouth and your hopeful eyes went dead in the mirror, the shadows under them showing more now that you weren’t being their happy perfect woman. 
Here the fear crept, the anger and pain, the rage at what was happening to you. You only allowed yourself to see this in fleeting moments of complete privacy. Here you were, broken and battered but trying to survive in your hell. 
A creek of your bedroom door and heavy footsteps made the mask slip back on, peering happily in the mirror as the bathroom door opened to see Steve poke his head in. “You about ready Sweetheart?” 
“Yes, Steve.” You said softly, still smiling at him. 
“Come to my bedroom when you finish, Bucky is joining us tonight.” He informed you and you gave a curt nod. 
“As soon as I brush my teeth, I will be there.” You assured him, blowing him a kiss into the mirror. You watched as a pleased soft smile came from him, your assurance comforting him that his perfect Sweetheart was joining him. 
As soon as he left, your eyes glanced back at yourself, watching as a quiver raced through you and your expression threatened to break, the walls closing you in to your cage worst than before. 
But then you calmed yourself, going back to being Bucky’s Doll, Steve’s Sweetheart, and the Perfect Good Girl.
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Sweet Omega o' mine
Chapter 15
“What happened?”
“We don’t know,” Fury said. “That’s why we sent Barnes to find out. He was here for two weeks before he disappeared.”
“And no one knows who has him?” Clint asked.
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buckyalpine · 8 months
Winter soldier x reader ft sex pollen
Unhinged winter soldier with sex pollen. This is wildly inappropriate (with some fluff?...) but I thought of it so you must all suffer with me. Imagine Hydra filling the room with sex pollen immediately after Buck is wiped, sending him out at in his most feral state in hopes that the winter soldier will lose control and give into the urges they've forced into him. They need him to breed another super soldier since they were unable to replicate the serum in his veins.
As soon as the dust fills the room, his pupils dilate, his tac suit far too hot, his veins pumping so hard they feel like they're going to burst. The straps holding him down release and his chest is heaving, trying to calm down the primal needs hes feeling, pain prickling his skin the longer he stays in the room. He grunts, striding out of the room and into the night, chasing a craving he has to get out.
He moves without a soul detecting him, until a sweet scent catches his attention. Floral, natural, innocent. Fertile. He's suddenly hyper focused on the thing his body is screaming for, following the unsuspecting woman, his teeth grinding through the pain. She enters a building and he observes each window before seeing a lights turn on, her nude silhouette appearing through the curtains.
It takes no effort for him to climb up the fire escape, easily prying the locked window open only to be met with the sound of the shower running. Her scent permeates all his senses and he nearly strips off all his clothes then and there, the pollen causing lust that makes his bones ache. The water shuts off and hes waiting like a predator waiting for its prey, sitting perfectly still while the door clicks open. She gasps and freezes in place and he sight alone makes him growl.
Pathetic little bunny.
"Who-who are you" she whispers, clutching her towel tightly together though it's not like she didn't know. Tears fill her eyes seeing the deadly soldier people spoke about, unsure if he even existed, the very rumor now sitting on her bed. He doesn't anything, groaning at the feeling of his arousal steadily dripping from his cock, palming his erection.
"Please-don't" She shakes her head, seeing his hardness pressing against his pants, his large presence suffocating because she knows there's no where to run. He slips his mask off, revealing his dangerously handsome face, his eyes wild with lust and need.
"But I have to" He grits out, stalking over to her and grabbing her by the waist, burying his nose in her freshly washed hair, deeply groaning at the scent of her bodywash, "mne eto nuzhno, zayka" [I need this, bunny]
"No-I-I'll do anything-" She trembles, squeezing her eyes shut feeling his warm wet tongue lick up her neck as his mismatched hands rip her towel away, pulling her hips flush against his cock. The rough material of his tactical hear scratches her soft skin, making her whimper when when he bites her shoulder.
"takoy myagkiy krolik" [such a soft bunny] He throws her like a doll, her ass bouncing off the mattress, flat on her back back while he undoes his pants, pulling his cock out. She squeezes her legs shut, shaking her head, his fat bobbing length taunting her as he pumps himself while crawling onto the bed.
"It hurts bunny" He groans, forcing her legs apart, her natural scent nearly causing pain as he stares at her pussy. Her button between her legs involuntarily twitches and he pinches it hard making her squeal, the sound causing a drop of precum to spill out.
His head is so focused on getting his release, he doesn't bother prepping her, shoving his cock into her tight cunt, grunting and forcing his length in when he feels resistance. He stars to fuck her hard, holding both wrists in his metal hand, keeping her pinned under him while he splits her open.
"Hurts-too much-to big-stop-" She gasps out her pained cries melting into muddled moans of pleasure, her own body betraying her, feeling her own warmth wetting his cock making it easier for him to slip in and out. "Oh god-soldat-stop-don't-
"You're wet" He hisses, almost accusatorily, pounding her harder, faster until the bed shakes and scratches the floor, the serum pumping in his veins making his cock sensitive.
"I need this-I need it" Sweat beads at his forehead, his balls feeling heavier than usual, the pollen causing his body to produce more semen than he naturally would.
"YA chuvstvuyu zapakh, kakoy ty mokryy, zayka" [I can smell how wet you are bunny] His balls throb painfully, his cock ready to burst as his thrusts become more erratic. He snarled against her neck as pleasure starts to lick up his spine, the bruising grip on her wrists tightening as he starts to pump her full of his load without warning.
She whimpers feeling shame for the delicious stretch of his cock, her cunt fluttering, swollen from his abusive pace. She finds herself flipped over with her ass in the air, her face pressed against the sheets, his cock rock hard again, prodding at her puffy folds.
"Not done-need more" he growls lowly, stripping his clothes off, his body heat dialed to 100. His crotch is covered in cum, a mix of his and hers, the smell of her driving him insane as he grabs her hips and slams her to meet his thrusts again. He has more power at this angle, fucking her like a mad man, groaning with his head thrown back, eyes rolled to the back of his head, only focused on pleasuring his cock.
"Ty shlyukha Zimnego soldata, ty voz'mesh' to, chto ya tebe dayu" [You're the winter soldier's whore, you'll take what I give you] He's at his most unhinged, grunting and groaning, fucking her like an animal, her muffled screams only causing his cock to swell more. "Make me feel good, make it go away bunny"
"Soldat please stop-too big" she begs and he fucks her harder, making her moan, pulling another orgasm out of her body even if she fought against it. His thighs meet the back of hers, rolling and rocking his hips, hitting her cervix until her sweet juices squirt out of her, obscene sounds of skin on skin filling he room. "SOLDAT"
"I have to breed you bunny" He shakes his head, unwilling to leave until he's sure she's pregnant with his child, forcing every bit of his cum into her. "My fertile little bunny" He nips your skin, running his hands over her tummy, imaging it firm and round with his baby growing inside. He loved the thought of such an unsuspecting, sweet angel carrying the child of he soldier, all of his cum making a mess in her pussy.
By the last round, the pollen has started to dissipate and the cloud is lifting. He pants, still rutting into her pussy, something tugging at his conscious, shaking his head when the lusty animalistic haze weavers.
"T-tell me your name" He rasps, his heart beating wildly, loosening his grip on her. She whimpers from pain and to her surprise, he slowly down, still grinding himself in, burying her face into her neck. "zayka, pozhaluysta" [bunny, please]
"Y/n" she whispers, unsure of why she told him, her voice catching in her throat when his lips press against her skin. She's limp in his hold, the smell of sex permeating the room, the sheets soaked with his cum, but nothing more full than her cunt.
"Y/n" He moans, his body trembling as he nears the end of his final release, stilling till he's milked himself dry, her soft body worn under him. Something is wrong, he can feel it, the emotionless control he had before, slipping from his grasp. He yearns to hold the woman in his arms but he can't .Something stops him.
His movements are robotic as he pulls away and slips his clothes back on, memories unfamiliar to him flashing through his mind.
He wasn't the soldier.
He was-
Her soft snores pull her from his spiral, looking up to seeing her sleeping form, fucked out from the way he'd ruined her. He frowns at the unfamiliar feeling of concern he's experiencing, pulling the covers over her body.
"Thank you bunny" He whispers, making her whine in her sleep, calling for the soldier.
He shakes his head, his previously wild replaced with those of a young man from Brooklyn.
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a-b-riddle · 2 months
Taken Chapter Ten: A New Reality
Warnings: Religious Trauma, Cult, Forced Marriage, Kidnapping, Stalking, Stockholm Syndrome, Non-Con, Dub-Con. Violence against women. Threats and intimidation. Childhood Trauma.
By the time Elizabeth finally pushed through the fog that had consumed her entire being it was well into the afternoon. Even if the storm clouds no longer loomed menacingly in the sky, the sun would be setting soon enough. She had been awake for nearly half an hour, but whatever Bucky had given her had kept her cognitive, but immobile.
Her body was heavy. Her limbs weighing her down into the soft, feathery duvet. The only sensation she could detect was the pain in her feet. A sharp, stinging pain.
'Those god damn pine needles.' She thought bitterly.
Although they stung, the small cuts in her feet would heal soon. A day or two of having to walk with caution. It wouldn't be nearly as bad as stone bruises.
She remembered running from the compound the first time. The padding of her bare feet had stepped on a rock in just the right (or more so wrong) spot. Pain scaled up from her heel to the back of her knees. It didn't make her fall, but slowed her down enough to be caught.
In all, she was never really good at running. Today's little attempt made that very clear. Hiding was her forte. Maybe if had she concealed herself somewhere in the woods she would have had a better shot of escaping the super soldiers.
But should've, would've, could've.
And before she could even think about making another attempt at getting away, she needed to be able to move.
Moving was the first step. She could figure out the rest later.
Elizabeth started wiggling her toes, gaining what control she could get over her body little by little. The remnants of the quaaludes still swam in her system. Any type of sedative always seemed to hit her harder than it would most people. She always blamed her size.
Yet, one would think after so many years she should have built some sort of tolerance by now. Granted, this was better than the K-comas of her teenage years but she had put on a considerable amount of weight since then. Quaaludes and ketamine were two different things, but her circumstances not so much.
Either way, she was rendered helpless.
Slowly, but surely she got enough stability and strength to pull the duvet off of her body. The covers feeling like they were filled with stones rather than of goose feathers. Although her skin had become slick with a thin sheen of sweat, she had no desire to get out from underneath the comfort and protection of the thick blanket.
But she needed to get up. She needed to move.
After a few feeble (and quite pathetic) attempts to push herself up, she accepted that she would just have to wait; wait for him.
Everything, all of it just seemed so surreal. If someone had told her what he would have done, she wouldn't have believed it. She knew Bucky.
Or at least she thought she did.
Bucky was kind and thoughtful. He was funny and made her feel like nothing bad could happen even as the world around them was falling apart. Bucky was good. Bucky loved her.
He fucking said he loved her.
The weight those words carried meant nothing now. Someone who loves you wouldn't do this. And maybe he never really did love her. That was probably the most painful part of it all. Elizabeth had prided herself for keeping up that wall, holding her barrier strong.
But with Bucky... everything was just so easy. It was easy to let those walls crumble. She had let herself trust him with very little reservations and look what it had cost her. She had let herself dream too far from reality and it had cost her everything.
The reality was that Bucky was and is still capable of hurting her. The reality was she had essentially isolated herself from anyone who could potentially help her. The reality was she had let herself get into this situation. As much as she currently hated and wanted to blame Bucky for lying to her all this time, Elizabeth found the only person she could truly blame was herself.
The sound of the doorknob pulled her out of her self-induced guilt trip. In that time she never moved from her position on the bed. Laying on her back, staring blankly at the wall.
She tried to cast her eyes toward the door, lifting her head up almost hopeful. But the remembrance that it could only be one person made her feel foolish; her hope quickly dying.
It has him.
Of course it was him.
Nothing had physically changed about him; his still sporting the same shaggy hair cut. His eyes the same piercing blue. Yet, he looked entirely different. The sparkle gone from his smile. His face no longer one she could trust, seek comfort in.
"Hope you're feeling better." It was astonishing how casual he sounded. As if she wasn't his prisoner and this was still just their romantic couples getaway. He leaned against the door way. Hands buried in the pockets of his faded blue jeans. His Henley perfectly covering his toned arms.
Fucking. Asshole.
"I was hoping you wouldn't be out long, but I'm afraid you missed lunch." HA! As if she had any sort of appetite. It was a tie between his presence and the drugs still in her system that were causing her current wave nausea. She let her head fall back against the pillows, remaining silent. Staring at the ceiling as if it were the most intriguing thing in that moment.
It was easier to blink back the tears that were beginning to form. It was easier to not look at him. It was easier to hear Bucky's familiar voice when a complete stranger stood in his place.
Bucky let out a sigh. He had honestly prepared himself for an all out tantrum. Screaming, crying, things flying toward his head-- if she could have mustered up the strength maybe she would have. He had expected to be called a monster, a pervert and every other foul thing she no doubt thought of him now.
Her silence was worse.
Her silence meant that she was going to take a bit longer to break. She wasn't fighting him -- yet. It was the yet he hated waiting for. Would it be tomorrow? Next week? When would she finally make the attempt to escape?
It was all a waiting game and he had waited long enough for his little bird.
"Just wanted to check in. Wanted to see if I could get you anything." He was once more met with silence. Even the sound of her breathing was so soft even his enhanced hearing barely picked up on it. "Anyway, I'll be back to bring you down for dinner."
Elizabeth lifted her head up ever so slightly. Staring back at him so intently her gaze felt like it was going through him. He had expected her to hate him, prepared for it. He had gotten used to how she looked at him in both her bashful glances and smitten stares.
But he would be lying if he said it didn't slightly rattle him. He expected her to show some sort of emotion. Anger, sadness, fear, utter disbelief, but instead he got nothing. She had always been so easy to read. When she was nervous at their first encounter like a scared doe, eyes wide and mouth slightly open. How when she was happy she practically warmed up the room she was in. Elizabeth Snow had been an open book.
But as Bucky looked back at her, just as intently as she did him, he saw nothing. It didn't mean the anger or the fury wasn't there.
She just did well at hiding it.
Bucky said nothing more before he gave a curt nod and shut the door behind him. When the door clicked shut, she didn't move a hair. She stared at the door waiting until she could hear his footsteps slowly fading before she laid her heavy head back down.
What Bucky didn't know was this wasn't her first time being caged.
By him? Yes. But she knew what he would expect. She knew he would expect her to cry and beg and plead. He would have his guard up no doubt; something she obviously should have done with him.
He would be waiting for her to attempt to escape. The windows were no doubt sealed shut. The doors locked and any possible exits secured.
All this was was a waiting game. She knew Bucky could only be on his toes for so long before he slipped. And if she needed to wait, so be it. Elizabeth had made the grim discovery that once you make your first attempt, they come down a million times harder to ensure you don't try it again.
She had gotten off easy in her opinion. Some drugs to knock her out and waking up in a most likely locked room. She wasn't 100% sure as she hadn't checked but it was a good guess. Bucky didn't know her past, but he wasn't stupid. He knew to lock the door behind him.
She needed to be able to keep track of time. Bucky said it had only been a few hours. Something about a missed lunch? Today just meant it was Day 1.
This was her starting point.
Bucky came back several hours later. Her window revealed a pitch-black scene where she could barely make out the outline of the trees; the moon hiding behind the clouds. She had finally managed to still upright, but still too disorientated to stand upright.
He was still wearing that stupid fucking shirt she had loved him in. "I made dinner." He said, almost like a parent speaking to a child they had scolded too harshly mere hours ago. His tone was soft, coaxing. It made her sick. "Why don't we go downstairs and eat?"
That part was ironically shocking given this whole situation. In their entire time together, Bucky had never once cooked dinner. Either she did or one of them got takeout. She knew it was a ploy.
That's what men did.
They would do something out of 'kindness' yet expect something in return. Bucky was no different than the rest of them.
Eventually after so many good deeds she 'owed' them. It didn't matter. A paid dinner, help moving, even walking her home just to make sure she got back to her place okay. It didn't matter. Nothing was really ever free. And all the help Bucky had given her in their time together had cost Elizabeth her freedom.
She nodded but made no attempt to move. She knew what she had to do but gave herself a minute to gather the strength to do it. Elizabeth took a deep breath in her nose before letting it out her mouth. 'I can do this.' She told herself.
"I need help." She said softly, careful to conceal her anger. Bucky approached her, prepared for her to do something that would only get her into trouble. Elizabeth remained as stiff as a board as he placed his arms underneath her; picking her up bridal style.
"If not given the circumstances, this would be pretty romantic." He tried to joke. She didn't react. Not a scornful glare, not so much as a side eye of disapproval. She kept her eyes down, staring at nothing in particular.
She remained just as stoic as he carried her out of the room and toward the kitchen. Given the fact that Bucky had never cooked a dinner, whatever he made didn't smell half bad. A cooked roast and vegetables was laid out on a silver platter that probably cost the equivalent of one month of rent for Elizabeth's long forgotten apartment. 
The kitchen island also had a plastic tub of what looked like microwaved mashed potatoes still in the black plastic container it came with along with. Hot rolls rested on the baking tray that Bucky had pulled out from the oven right before he went up to grab her. "It's nothing special." He sat her down on a hightop chair before picking up a fine china plate. He knew that although his spread wasn't exactly as put together as hers usually was, surely she would appreciate the gesture. "Eventually I'll start letting you cook again when I can trust you around sharp objects."
She knew it was meant to be a joke, but couldn't find the strength to give a half-ass sharp exhale through her nostrils in amusement. 'Nothing about this is funny.' She wanted to spit out, but held her tongue and kept her poker face.
Bucky took note of her silence to continue speaking even though all she wanted him to do was just shut the hell up.  "I'm not expecting you to be okay with this all at once." He said as he piled on a huge piece of meat on her plate along with some of the roasted mushrooms and carrots he didn't bother peeling before throwing them into the crockpot. "But you'll realize soon enough I only want the best for you. For us."
She sat quiet as he spooned on the mashed potatoes and a roll. Even is she were actually hungry--hell, even if she was down right ravenous- she still couldn't finish all of the food he had just scooped onto the plate he just put in front of her. 
Bucky gave himself the same heaping portions and sat himself opposite of her on the other side of the counter. "I would offer wine, but I don't think it would be a good idea with you still coming off of the sedative." How thoughtful. Now he was concerned over her well-being. 
"No wine, but could I have a knife. I need to cut the meat." She spoke evenly although she felt like Bucky could see the outline of her heart trying to pound its way out of her chest. 
"It's been cooking for hours. Use your fork." He poked the tender meat with his own fork to prove a point before putting it in his mouth. 
"I couldn't even get out of the bed. Do you really think I could hurt you with a butter knife?" She said it with a soft hint of humor in her voice, pretending that their entire situation wasn't fucked up. But she knew that was what was going to get her out of her. It's what saved her before. Pretending that she was docile. Pretending that she was obedient. 
Bucky gave a soft chuckle in response. He could see her light was still there. Not completely extinguished from the day's events. "I never know what toexpect from you, Birdie. Can't be too careful." Although the meal appearedappetizing enough, the false narrative of it all made her stomach churn indisgust.
She dug the side of her fork through the chuck roast. He was right. Fork tender.
They sat there in unbridled silence. Several minutes passing before Bucky was almost halfway through his meal and Elizabeth had barely touched her own. Bucky took a moment from stuffing his face to notice that she hadn't touched anything. "Do you want salt?" He asked, oblivious as to why she wasn't eating.
"Why did you do it?" She asked, preparing herself for his mask to drop again, visibly cringing away from him as if he were going to combust. Bucky would be lying if he said he didn't hate it. He didn't want her afraid, but if it took her fear to make her obedient then so be it. 
"I wanted you and you needed me." He said it so matter-so-factly she had to stop her jaw from dropping. "You and you barely survived working that shitty job or even living on your own. You needed someone to take care of you." Is that what he really thought? That she needed him to kidnap her and hold her prisoner in the middle of nowhere?
"You were always such a doll and not bad on the eyes." He continued, finishing up the last few bites of his meal. "You were a sweet girl. It all worked out for the best."
"Me being nice doesn't explain why you brought me here. Why you kidnapped me, Bucky." She said it with no anger or malice. She spoke softly as if she were talking to a child who didn't fully understand the gravity of the situation. Now that did irritate him. Bucky was no longer the hollow shell that he was before. He was a person--a man. "I can take care of myself. I was."
"Well," he gave a tight lipped smile. "You being nice," the word was said with such venom she recoiled, shrinking back further. "sure made it a whole lot easier to get close to you."  His words felt like a slap to the face. He pointed his chin toward her plate, signaling her to eat. 
Elizabeth remained still, her hands placed in her lap as Bucky continued to speak. Bucky could feel himself becoming agitated. "Plus you couldn't exactly take care of yourself when quarantine started. You were jobless. You had nowhere to go. No one to rely. Not a single friend." He stood up from his seat, rounding the counter to stand next to her.
His vibranium arm rest on the counter top, a stark reminder that Bucky was more than just a man. He was unlike any man she had ever encountered. Bucky seemed to tower over her as he spoke, she stared down at her plate, shoulders hunched as if she thought making herself smaller would save her from any of the blows he could deliver with possible fatal consequences.
"You didn't have anyone. No one who would even bother checking in on you if you were to go missing." She could feel a fresh batch of tears forming. He was right. As much as she wanted to call him a complete fucking psycho he was actually right. She would have been homeless. She would have starved or been exposed to the virus if he didn't let her stay cooped up in the tower with him all those months during the quarantine.
Bucky knew he had won when he saw a tear fall onto her hand. He didn't need to see her face to know he had broken through to her. There wasn't a need to continue on being a hard-ass. He could ease up. Good Cop, Bad Cop as Steve suggested. Show her that he could be kind and gentle and that he can also be stern and have a firm hand.
"Face it, Doll." He said, his right arm coming up behind her to rub her back soothingly. "You needed me and that's okay." Part of him wanted her to keep riling him up just enough for him to feel justified in putting her over his lap. He had been itching to punish her for nearly the past year of playing so hard to get those first few months. He gave her a kiss on the top of her head. "Eat before it gets too cold." He ordered before stepping away and retrieving his plate.
He had his back turned toward her as he rinsed off his dishes. She made no move to take a single bite; her stomach still reeling at his proximity, his intimidation only moments early. She swallowed down the lump in her throat, a cry threatening to work its way up and tear her to shreds.
"I still feel nauseous." She said as soon as he turned off the faucet. "I think it's the sedative."
"Then just the bread." He relented, wiping his hands dry on a rag. "You need to eat. I'm not letting you go on some bullshit hunger strike." She nodded before picking up the roll and breaking off a small piece before putting it in her mouth.
"I won't." She promised and, even if he didn't believe her, she meant it. She didn't need to go on a hunger strike. Bucky could easily make her eat, even if he had to shove it down her throat and she needed the strength if she was ever going to get out of here.
Chapter Eleven: Rules
2 notes · View notes
sarahowritesostucky · 4 months
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📖"Blood Moon Rising"
Series Masterlist
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Rated: Explicit
Pairing: Bucky x Steve
Tags: shrinkyclinks, werewolf au, omega Steve, Alpha Bucky, a/b/o, prison au, dub-con, non-con, werewolf sex, knotting, oral (m!rec), hand jobs, held hostage, age gap (40/26), mating, violence, bonding, Dom/sub elements
Summary: Steve gets a lot more than he bargained for when a prison riot breaks out and he becomes the captive of an Alpha werewolf.
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Captured by the Alpha
Claimed by the Alpha
Alpha's Hostage
Wolf's Den
Blood Moon Horizon
In Shades of Purple
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29 notes · View notes
megggyeggy · 6 months
6 notes · View notes
juicyfruit22-library · 3 months
0 notes
blackwood4stucky · 3 months
plot bunnies, a dark snippet?
There is no reason for him to stay, for him to endure such pain, to tolerate the burning stretch that continues to wreak havoc on his insides. There is no reason for him to stay under the brute that forces his way in there, to lie beneath the bulk of a man that is supposedly his lover. So why does he? Why brave the sensation of stinging needles that gives way to sharp knives as his tender flesh is ripped in places he still forgets he has? Blood has a way of easing a passage like no other, it’s for this very reason that he keeps coming back.
0 notes
The Perfect Life
Deleted Ending
Summary- 2.9k Dark Steve Rogers x Reader x Dark Bucky Barnes. This was the ending I wrote two years ago. But it felt wrong. I had to change it but didn't have the heart to delete it.
Warnings- Dub Con and breeding kink.
A/N- Enjoy this deleted scene of what could have been.
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You stood at the kitchen counter, four slices of bread out on the counter, and you hummed softly as you spread smooth peanut butter on one, and crunchy peanut butter on the other. Next, a jar of blackberry preserves was spread on the sandwiches. Pressing the bread together, one was cut without the crust. The other is a precise diagonal. 
Two glasses of milk were poured and set on the pristine table. You turned off the radio playing softly to keep yourself company and called out the screen door with a cupped hand. “Kids! Lunchtime!” Giving a few moments, you pushed open the door while your dark-haired son and blonde-haired daughter raced up the steps, followed closely by their dog. You had to grin as they both collapsed in the chairs.
Hard to believe they were no longer babies that needed your every minute, your kids were growing quicker than you liked as you worked on picking up the kitchen. They would be home soon and that meant you had to have all the chores finished for tonight. You hated disappointing them, the lessons were usually harsh and tonight had to be perfect. Your gaze lifted to the barn just outside, it seemed to loom as a warning of what would happen if you didn’t do as you were expected to do. 
You were lost in your thoughts when Nattys voice said a little louder. “Mommy, when are our daddies coming home?” Your little sweet blonde haired daughter looked so much like her father, it made your heart clench as you looked at her. You could see Steve’s expression in waiting for an answer all over her face.
Sammy also nodded between crunchy bites of his sandwich, and you took a look at the clock above the stove. “Oh, they told me they would be back by tonight, before your bedtime. So... another five hours. Time enough for chores and baths before they get home.” You said on the sterner side, and they both wailed in protest. 
“Alright you two! enough of that. Come on.” You went over to the table and sat in the other seat, grinning at them. “You know you always get to stay up an hour later when they get home.” Sam looked over at Nat and shrugged. “Moms got a point.” Your cooler headed son, it made a soft smile grace your lips. He also took after his father. Calmer than his sister most days, he was the voice of reason for your two children.  
“True...” The little girl said as she finished off her milk and last bite of the sandwich. 
Crisis averted. After they were finished, both the kids went to do the few chores assigned to them and play, later that evening you three were outside, you sitting on the porch steps with Mutt the dog while Nat and Sam ran around with some homemade bubble solution, trying to see who could make the biggest bubble when an all to familiar rumble came from above your heads and went around the back of the house, making the ground vibrate with the arrival.  
The wands were abandoned and both kids raced around out back, while you waited, listening to the excited squeals and cries of 'Daddy' emitting. Soon enough both men came around the side of the house, Bucky carrying Nat and Steve listening to a very animated talking Sam. Bucky came up first, whispering to Natty who grinned before he let the girl go who Immediately hoped over to Steve, wrapping around his neck and nuzzling her father. 
“Miss us Doll?” Bucky drew you up off the porch steps and you wrapped your arm around his neck, smirking up at your super soldier.
 “No, nice to not get squished between you to in bed.” Bucky arched a brow and you grinned, going to tiptoes and giving him a kiss, like you know he was wanting, whispering against them. “Course I did. It's always good when you two are home.” 
“That's the answer I was looking for, fucking minx.” Dragging out the kiss, he let his hands roam your back and squeeze your ass a bit, making you arch into him and you bit your lip. 
“Now who is the tease.” Dancing out of his hold, he watched you a second and then mentioned loud enough for the kids to hear him. 
“It's getting late you know? How about some bedtime stories kids? Bet I can beat you two up those stairs.” 
Steve let Nat go and the two of them kissed you goodnight before they followed Bucky inside, quick to race up the stairs. “I will be up in a moment,” Steve answered before turning to you, his eyes shining when he finally got to pay attention to you. “Beautiful as always.” Steve grasped the back of your neck to bring you in close and you move up to your tiptoes to reach his mouth. He placed a possessive kiss on you, deepening it with a groan before letting you ease back to your feet. “I missed you Sweetheart,” he admitted as you caught your breath, smiling up at him. 
“Hard Mission Soldier?” 
“A long one, Buck and I told Tony that we were going to need a bit before he sign us up for another.” His hands roamed down your sides to grasp your hips, his fingers digging in slightly and you rubbed his chest to ease him, feeling the tension riddle him. 
“We all would really like having you and Bucky home more. Go upstairs and spend some time with Sam and Nat. I will see you and Buck afterward and we can talk more about this.” 
“Okay.” He pressed one last kiss to your lips, this one gentler in his embrace. “You better be upstairs and ready when we are done putting the kids to bed.” Steve was sure to warn you before he pulled away and went upstairs. 
Watching him descend up the stairs, you look down at Mutt, parting his head. “Come on boy, gonna be a long night for me I think.” 
You made your way into that yellow room, that had long since turned into a shared bedroom for the three of you. As you donned a simple sleep tee for now, you listened to Bucky read the last of a children's book and Steve in the hallway, easing one of the kid's doors closed. “G’night Buddy, Love you.” Silence started to settle over the house as the bedroom door opened, both of them came in and saw you sitting on the edge of the massive bed. Steve veered off, starting to get undressed while Bucky immediately went over, pulling you up to a stand once more and dipping his fingers under the shirt. 
“Couldn't wait to get back to you.” He was drawing you into his lap when he sat in a chair by the window, his fingers bunching in the shirt you had put on, and dragged it over your head, once gone you carded your fingers through his hair, brushing it back while you smiled. 
“I felt the same way Soldier. I missed you two.” He leaned back enough to take a admiring look at you and cupped your breasts, his fingers teasing you to tight peeks, licking his lips. Behind you, Steve rubbed your shoulders, and tilted your face back, to look down at you while your expression turn hazy with lust. 
“Good thing you're going to show us then, Bucky were going to fill her all up, fuck so good that she will be a dripping hot mess. What do you think about that Sweetheart?” Steve smirked as Bucky dipped a hand between your spread thighs, making you whimper as he rubbed your gathering slick over your folds. 
“Oh she's so fucking wet and needy already. Just wanting to be pounded on our cocks. Fuck her so good, maybe put another baby in her?” Bucky looked at Steve, and he nodded. 
“It's a good time, we've been talking about staying home more. What do you think? Fuck another baby into you tonight?” Steve pushed a finger into your mouth and you sucked on it with a needy expression, nodding with enthusiasm. You made him chuckle at your needy whine, Bucky filling you with two fingers, making you arch and roll your hips to fuck yourself on his fingers.
“Yes! please," You asked so nicely around Steve’s fingers and Bucky opened his pants, Steve releasing you to sit on the bed and watch the two of you. “Put a baby in me, fill me back up. I need it.” 
You reached for Bucky’s cock, pulling it out and stroking it with just a slight squeeze you knew he liked. “Good Girl, but you need to turn around, let Steve see how good you look getting fucked.” 
Easing you to a stand, he twisted you to face Steve, who was now palming himself from where he sat at the edge of the bed and Bucky knocked your thighs apart while sitting you back down. His cock nudged against your entrance and slowly you lowered on him, stretching around the almost impossible size, making you inhale sharply and moan as you dug your nails into your thighs. “Fuck...” 
“Doll, I know you can handle it.” He grasped your wrists and brought your hands to hold onto the back of his neck, causing you to arch your back and give Steve a view of your body tightening. Bucky’s hands moved to your hips as he kissed your shoulder, starting to move you with a firm grasp on your hips. At this angle Bucky always felt bigger, his cock dragging back and forth, hitting you deeper and harder the faster he started to move you. “Gonna leave you dripping and you're going to thank me.” Your nod at his words he’s pressing into your skin, sucking marks onto your neck, showing that you belong to him.
Steve is watching the way your breasts bounce and you start rolling your hips, looking to take more of Bucky as he tilts himself up to fill you. Your slick is coating your thighs while those lewd moans of yours started spilling sweetly, head tipping back to get lost in the sensation. Steve’s cock started throbbing to bury into your cunt, pounding into you till you were a sobbing mess. Your face contorted before his eyes, Bucky angling just right and twisting your nipples, you arched as you started to roll back your eyes. “Don't stop Buuuu...” and you drifted off into a wail, Bucky biting down on your shoulder and moving you faster, harder, more demanding as he filled your pussy, just dripping all over the chair. Steve smirked seeing you get fucked but he didn't wait for you to recover, to worked up to wait for you. 
Bucky pushed you off his cock into Steve's hold, smirking as your head tilted a bit, trying to focus. His hand wrapped around his angry cock, stroking and squeezing while Steve pushed you onto the bed. Your hips were lifted and knees pushed under you to keep you on all fours, your face pushed down with a firm press of his hand against the back of your head. You moaned out in some form of surprise while trying to clench your thighs. Steve gave a firm slap against your ass that made you jolt and fist your hands into the sheets beneath you. “You still with us Baby?” 
“Yes Steve, I'm still here.” You panted and he gave another slap on your ass just to see his hand print on you, spreading the cheeks and spitting on your tight hole. 
“One day we’re going to have to fuck this perfect ass.” the tip of his finger circling around and pressing against the rim. You bury your face into the mattress with a hiss and when he pushed in past the tight rim, you tensed up. 
“Relax baby, it's not that much. This time.” He lowered over your back and kissed your shoulder before pulling back and taking his thumb away to admire the way you clenched, working his pants down in the process. You were relieved to feel his cocks head, press against your clit instead of your ass hole this time. His cock pushed between your folds and you can feel him slide it back and forth teasing. “Steve!” you hiss out and look over your shoulder at the blonde super soldier just teasing you, pressing and circling against your clit before dragging back to your leaking entrance, still full of Bucky’s cum. 
“Needy thing, ain't she Steve?” Bucky chuckled from the chair, having the perfect view of you and Steve on the bed. You gave a wiggle of your ass to entice Steve to finally fuck you while whining. 
“She sure is... guess those extra few days were just too hard for her.” Steve replied and you hissed in slight frustration. Just pressing himself into your entrance and stopping.
“If you don't continue I'm gonna...” 
A snap of his hips made you scream into the mattress at the suddenness and his rhythm was a fast-paced claim, making you cry and hiss, biting at the bedsheets. “Your gonna what, Sweetheart? Make demands?” Steve's hand curled around her shoulder so he can shove you back to meet him, digging his fingers in harshly” “Come on baby, I can't hear you.” 
Bucky came over and moved onto the bed, pushing your shoulders up so your hands were planted onto the mattress and you had to lift your chest off the bed. Steve never slowed down pounding into you from behind with bruising fingers marking your hips to keep you still, your head lifted to see Bucky's cock in front of you. “Your in no place to make demands Doll, but I am. Open up.” His cock slapped your mouth till you parted your lips and looked up at him with wide eyes and eagerness as his hand fisted in your hair, When he started to rut into your mouth, taking him faster than usual with the way Steve was fucking you from behind. The motion kept you being pushed and pulled between them, gagging you on Bucky’s cock.
You really went mindless now, you didn't have to think beyond the fact you were being fucked between two super soldiers and this might be the time you finally break being pummeled with all that serum filled power. 
Soon you were being filled with Steves's seed, painting your pussy with him while Bucky was sure to have you swallowing him down, each one easing from you with gentle strokes of their hands, praising you for being a good girl while you sink into the mattress. You savor the gentleness of getting tears brushed away and praising kisses flowing up your back and along your neck. Steve moved off the bed with a stretch, looking down at you as you nuzzled against Bucky's hand cupping your face and giving gentle caresses to your cheeks. “Beautiful Doll, but you don't think we're done yet do you?” 
“No, of course not.” You said softly and Steve leaned over to kiss your temple. 
“We will clean you up though.” Steve scooped you up while Bucky went for a warm cloth. Steve cradled you in his lap in the chair by the window, your face burying in his neck with a content sigh. It was always like this with them, their claim on you was unrelenting and you welcomed it now with open arms. 
They continued going all night till you couldn't handle it anymore. Finally let you fall asleep between them. 
It was later in the morning when you finally woke up. Your eyes blinked and you stretched slightly to moan out. Your whole body ached and you lifted the blanket to look at yourself. Riddled with bruises from Steve and Bucky’s enthusiasm, you were already prepared for the way their love would show up on your skin. They always had the desire to see you covered in their marks. This time it was bruises instead of knife marks. Your move to sit up against the pillows when Bucky came in the room, carrying a tray with steaming food, a cup of coffee, and a smaller sunflower laid on the side. “Morning Doll.” Bucky greeted while setting the tray down. “Wondered when you would be joining us again.” 
“That late?” You ask while picking up the coffee and taking a sip, knowing it would be made just the way you liked it. 
He gave a nod and settled down while you set your cup aside and picked up the sunflower, tracing the petals before setting that aside for something that looked more appetizing. The buttered toast was soon partially inhaled. “Yes, just about ten thirty. Kids were up early, so Steve took them out for a hike out back.” Bucky shifted over and put his arm around your shoulder, kissing your temple. “How are you feeling?” 
“I'm okay.” You say as you pick up your fork, and dig into the eggs, scooping them onto a bite of toast. “Sore, but nothing to be worried about.” You bite into it with enthusiasm, and Bucky can't help the grin on his face, seeing you so excited about the food he brought. 
“That's good, 'cause Steve did want to discuss what we talked about last night,” Bucky mentioned before relaxing back and, watching as you continued your breakfast. 
You didn't say anything, there was nothing to say. You knew your place with these two men, and just like it was promised before to you all those years ago, they would treat you well. As long as you didn't break the rules. You belonged to them, they could do with you as they wanted. Your life was here, in this house, in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by sunflowers.  
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