#dumb thoughts
crazy-fangirl2524 · 10 months
All of us want to read “books that are different from the books we like but also exactly like it” and that’s why we have fanfictions. That’s why we love fanfictions. It is literally the book we love but in a different font.
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ohheyitsjustbear · 1 year
It's called doggystyle because you have him collared and tug on his leash to control how fast he fucks you
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tidiestpegasus · 9 months
for a good long while (either because i was a very sheltered child or just early asexual ignorance™) i thought that "bedroom eyes" just meant that they were really sleepy and tired so i thought the universal symbol for smexy time meant they looked like this
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bluenightcomedies · 7 months
stray dog: *barks and play-bows* girlfriend who very definitely isn't a werewolf: *abruptly drops to all fours and full-sprints after the now-fleeing dog*
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azherwind-art · 1 month
Water should be called "Wetter" cus it gets things wet
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lotsofpeople48 · 7 months
I’m aroace and sometimes agender does that mean I am a AAA battery.
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cyborg-franky · 3 months
Okay, dumb thought hours. I'm pretty sure Marco had his power *before* he joined the wbp.
But what if he got it after but still as a kid? Imagine a young pineapple climbing up the mast trying to learn to fly like baby birds jumping out the nest.
He jumps, hits the floor like THUD SPLAT and there is nothing for a few moments then he just erupts in blue flames and wings and everyone's just like *you okay buddy?*
Between the goth phase wanted poster and that story Pops always tells/shows every ew love interest Marco has.
Only way to embaress him.
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thesnadger · 1 year
I agree there's some media that has a bigger impact when you go into it without knowing much (stuff that's playing with audience expectations/genre conventions etc) but spoiler culture has really made people lose all perspective.
"Read this novel, play this video game, watch this movie but DON'T LOOK UP ANYTHING ABOUT IT" can I have a genre? A premise? Is it a light, wacky genre subversion or an intense, heavy philosophical tale? You don't need to give me a blow by blow of every plot beat, just tell me what you like about it.
"It's better if you go in knowing NOTHING though" Buddy I've heard that before and 90% of the time either 1. there's a relatively predictable twist or 2. it's just a normal ass story and the only reason I can fathom for fans thinking you need to go in "knowing nothing" is some fear that having any information about a story will lessen the emotional beats somehow.
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Can someone please write a Wenclair fic where Wednesday uses Enids computer, but doesn’t delete her search history because she doesn’t know it saves it.
And Wednesday uses it to look up questions like, “How to get away with murder” and “How to identify various stab wounds” …..
And like 50 searches later she types, “what does love feel like and how to make it stop”, and “Do I have feelings for my roommate?” , and, “Why do I dream about kissing my best friend”.
And because Wednesday doesn’t fully understand internet search history, Enid sees the searches and a confrontation ensues…🤷‍♀️.
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This started a little while ago, when my friends show me a cool drawing of their adult characters and I think its really good and the character is mildly attractive so I say smash
this has developed somehow to me wanting to say smash to good pieces of artwork like in general its a huge problem
like they could show me a highly rendered chair and I would probably accidentally say smash
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sga-owns-my-soul · 11 months
ronon and teyla: john is such a fucking nerd
rodney: no he's so cool and suave and charming and a flirt and gorgeous and talented and good at everything and-
elizabeth and carson: no he really is a giant fucking nerd like we love him but he's kind of a dork
rodney: he's so amazing everyone wants him sooo badly people throw themselves at him-
anyone who has ever made a move on john: we literally are just using him to get something for our people he was convenient at best
rodney: such a kirk i can't believe it he's so hot and so cool and everyone wants him and he's so popular and-
john himself: rodney i'm literally such a dork what are you even talking about
rodney: but no im not in love with john that's stupid we're just friends
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lemmeplaymom · 3 months
Leona: Oh... I know you. You're that herbivore from orientation-
Yuuka: Which type?
Leona: What...?
Yuuka: Which type of herbivore are you talking about? There's obligated herbivores and facultative herbivores. Be specific.
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popironrye · 11 months
*Renfield and Dracula are having a lovers spat*
Renfield: *frustrated and without thinking* "Oh, bite me!"
Dracula: *grins, exposing his fangs and wiggles eyebrows suggestivily*
Renfield: *holding up one finger* "That was a poor choice of words"
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azherwind-art · 4 months
I remember years ago when I used to get anxious about making typos on social media but now I'm like
Meh, they'll get what I mesn
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panicatthecourtx · 5 days
Was I the only one, when watching The End of Obesity, that was like "Mrs. Tweak, why are you doing Ozempic when you have meth in your coffee 😭😭?"
Like that's all I could think of cndhcjdhd. Unless they somehow ditched the meth coffee but as obsessed as Richard was with it, I highly doubt it.
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propertyofwanda · 5 months
owl house thoughts
(autism in hunter & lilith)
lilith and hunter being two examples (for me at least) of high masking autistics, specifically during their peak time at the emperors coven and how important even a small support system of literally a non talking talisman or an owl demon can be to push you to finally stop masking all the time and being comfortable with yourself and i love that for them cause they really did have such big character growths by the end. also the fact they fell into a found family of fellow neurodivergents probably helped too but whatever lmao
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